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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>THE PRIMALS Live in Japan

>Upcoming Meetups
Saturday, September 14, 6:00 PM EDT | Balmung, Mist. W13 in front of plot 22 at x13.6, y12.6 | 0083 Stardust Memory >>494235114

Previous: >>494545616
My character has gray skin
Sex with catgirls
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open for business :3
>Ruins your thread with a middie post.
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what's your wol's favorite music genre?

for me, it's roots reggae
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fuck you for making me download this
Is the foray out yet?
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Come join us on Primal.
Asking yet again for how long it takes for a deleted character to show up as deleted ingame, like in the FC or friendlist
I don't care about lodestone etc
implying I’d ever kiss a phys ranged nigger
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Which League of Legends champion do you think each of the Scions would main?
I own Effy's heart.
What top is that?
Go melt some more about other people getting more attention than you.
Tataru plays ranged top lane.
would be better if you weren't an unironic snowbunny and instead liked big balkan cock
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i dont know anything about that
well implying i would ever kiss back a bacon grease cock dipped skid mark no test autist sperg
I own Essi's ass
Alisaie plays Riven
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Leviathan, Primal.
Thancred plays Katarina
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yo yo niggaz
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So push it?

Your team should be playing around the crystal. It's the missing objective. The rest of the map is irrelevant. Unless you can confirm a kill, your priority target is whoever is on the crystal, or attacking your teammates who are trying to push the crystal.
Did I say that??? No. I'm not with him and I don't know where he is.
>Tataru plays ranged top lane.
Oh god she's totally a Teemo main.
my moonie just threw 5 unmends in m2s and still got a 95
okay i'm gooning out for the night
>mission objective*
sis, i need a male middie that looks like that guy in the back, how do i obtain
did you really stole Remus Data or he allowed you to gpose with him?
Yeah sis I'm sure your pussy isn't leaking and he's back at ignoring you already
my wol listens to exclusively post-krautrock berlin school ambient
Famfritos, Primal
tfw you will never fuck akemi irl
can I circumvent being blacklisted by making a party and then giving someone else lead so it'll show up on the pf of ppl that blacklisted me?
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Krile plays jungle Yuumi.
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we were indeed pushing the crystal, but i don't really think spamming the button on cd instead of pressing your damage buttons is the best move yknow?
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what if plot twist urianger plays draven
Y'shtola plays Veigar or lee sin
they have to make the pf listing but yes
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alphinaud plays ezreal because he's a faggot
the mch was a retard anyway
>spam push crystal
>has the second least amount of time on the crystal on the team

crystal cc @ 10 et
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Oh god
I was actually about to type that she plays Syndra, or Morgana
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Leviathan, Primal
I hate it when niggers jump on the crysal and automatically guard instead of trying to do some damage and trying to reclaim it.
no fuck off
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>Make a male miqote and a male hroth character because indecisive
>Mess around with both for the past couple days
>Have gotten at least 7 FC invites on the miqote (the last one was from a Gooner FC, wtf)
>Zero on the hroth
Damn, people really do hate this race.
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Cricket is a fucking retard, just voidlist him.
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my moonie dresses like this specifically to invite noncon
I'm not sure but when you find out LET ME KNOW
I laughed
Yes, be sure of that. I haven't heard from him and I'm freaking out and doing something stupid. Happy?
Good feel
All me
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Behemeowth, Primal (Pronounced pree mal)
>Something stupid
Share with the class, can't be worse than the taco bell incident
why aren't you home you rRETARD
Do you like my cat anon??
>cricket is in queue
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me as sch
I only noncon if it's canon
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My sunnie+ is listening to https://youtu.be/OK1ZrwR5NWQ during CC.
yeah i think i actually just fell in love with a player made character in an online role playing game
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Leviathan, Primal
wtf is this voice chat shit
prog metal because she's a FUCKING NERD
>$30 for a concert stream of a videogame group
>Archive is only up for a couple of weeks
are you for real
i'm still curious who it was that i vc'd with like a week ago
i am a meena
in heat :3
Meteor plays Jax
we know we saw your cock last thread
>Leviathan, Primal
>actually <Traveler> on Balmung, Crystal
We don't claim you.
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Just the fuga haori with the top part removed.

So you're saying play somebody in the Byzantine Empire in CK3?
was it me? :3
idk post voice
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female elezen are for.....
yeah this fiddie is made for ntr/bbc
post meena so i know to stay away with my meena
We're in a x.0 patch cycle, so obviously not.
No you should start in iceland and take over from there.
Very cute. Can I pet your pussy?
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I like art.
>cross world DC visit happens
>yoship knows JP isn't going to like being bothered by weeb losers
>yoship impliments a <traveler> filter

please god let it happen. Allow me to filter all the aethertroons and primalspics that infest crystal with just one button
uhm guess you didn't see they got a new gf(male)
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too big
sis your back.....
did u like
Need to sex this cat again
My all-star ranking on fflogs is a high enough ranking that the number of my rank is low enough that I can monitor my exact position in the rankings by noticing if anyone passes me. AMA
meow that I have beaten Dawntrail, does anynyan wannya play the game
Good boobas
Need to sex this bun again
>Try to change portraits
>Dalamud Crash
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use different ears. I tried those making this and they look like playstation 1 ears.
i love my team for saving my ass there

crystal cc @ 1:30 et
something about the texture of her skin is revolting
no, we need to go bigger
I like your Rava.
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sex with this cat in specific
wanna do maps on Materia?
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nice tiddies oomf

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I like this.
he looks like this -> ૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა
watch out
wanna do maps on Aether?
I purrfurr nyot to have shit ping but I could yeh
the fuck does this mean
I do
i have at least one in every tier
made for meena BWC
Final Fantasy you stupid nigger.
When a girl, after being creampied, walks around with cum leaking out of them, leaving a trail of cum behind them.
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Join VC faggots
What about frot?
Remember Cercei's walk in GoT? Like that, but covered in cum
Sounds revolting
Rape with H'ana
it's a new dance move
>6 of those fetishes, 1 in philosopher and 2 in failed normie at the lowest
>normie tier
Nice armpit!
Built for thigh sex
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man of taste tier
literally the most normie kink
Horrendous. Never post again, please.
>*bonks your femlala crush with a big cartoon mallet and flattens her into a pancake which then blows away in the wind like a piece of paper*
It's hot as fuck depending on the context.
I'm gonna give it 1 more shot and see if it fucking crashes me again
goodbye hodrick...
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Show them nips bitch.
I guess it's nice in theory but in reality who the fuck wants to clean up a trail of cum off the floor
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>all sexpests
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lol yeah nah im good
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What a cast of characters
Agreed, you would make 5
why would i want to hear any of these voices
Ehh! I think ill keep playing my meme turbo charged knight run out of Aachen instead of that. After that i want to play that special character out of Mazandaran and go Zoroastrian. I hate that the wanderer DLC has my hyped to play the game when i know its going to be the same mid tier shit.
This Unnamed Neko clone arc is pretty fucking gay dude.
Please categorize my fetishes:
>anal-only chastity
>brat correction
what does grape cat sound like?
you'll have to join the nyext nyaked maps party to see them
Pet play is patrician when you make them piss like an animal too
Mix it up a little.
absolutely nightmarish blunt rotation
Fights with catgirls!
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I am the one who posts it.
wanna see my woober
Do you have an album?
Does grape cat sound soft and faggy?
Can someone throw something at Riallant Fiedair for me? I know he's at the beds.
post a clip of their voices
my computer is barely holding on
please reduce your triangles, I beg of you
I want to pop the fanta, but I don't know if I can commit. I like both my rava and veena.

thx u bb but also please become the rava girl again

Thanks, she got 'em from her mom.
nigga broke his fingers
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Femlalas have to stay in shape
Your fingers...
facesitting if she's dom? normie. if she's a bratty sub? based
for a female? based. for a trap? based
high tier
absolute king
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why do melee dps get 2 million?
don't doko me yet friends i think half of us are still in another match
C'mon, it'd be nice to catch up, it's just maps who cares about ping
the time of meleechads are valuable
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Leviathan, Primal
cc doko!!!!!!
Leave him be and let him CC
My moonie exclusively drinks ice cold water with all of her meals and snacks
Because we're the most skillful players in the game.
>pause syncshell (or so i think)
>i keep joining this
if you saw me join and leave 5 times that's why. What the fuck do I do to get out of this groups voicechat do just do it with individuals?
To get people to play the role
Post pretty femlalas
my moonie exclusively drinks soda :3
Yeah, hard when you have to choose, that's why i like Glamourer. I'm sure she will be pretty either way.
cc ga koko desu
crystal cc @ 5:30 et
By physically walking away lmao. It's proximity chat not a discord channel.
for me to cum on
wait im not ready
In what way.
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Week 9
I am still too lazy to start progging M4S
I used my Stormblood Skip. Now its time to grind ALLLLLL these crafter jobs and my DoW/M jobs.
Should I jump straight into diadem stuff as soon as I can, or is it better to just spam leves? I didn't mess with crafters much on my main, but I want to decorate my apartment with handcrafted stuff.
>if she's a bratty sub? based
Well I meant if she's dom but now you've got me intrigued, I'm not even sure how this scenario would work.
what plogon is this
i can't believe mare would support it
I just downloaded body mods for the first time and now everyone other than me has no head...
trips of truth that's utterly horrifying
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>post sfw image to twitter
>lose 10 followers
I'm not even on the same data center right now, how does this work?
That is NYOT good for your moonie!
Will you be able to survive her horrid temper?
That's hot
a sub can facesit by you ordering to climb on top
a brat can facesit by you letting her take control now and then, only to punish her after
it doesn't work for me, i'm sad
just says im in a room by myself
i am
a moonie

proximity voice chat
well, let's see the picture
i got put into loser's queue...
It took me like 3 days to learn and another 6-7 to clear, it's not that bad bwo
>insta dps queues at 4am
I just played soundboards in this last night and listened to grape feminize some poor guy
How does it work? You have to be in discord chat or something?
a cute moonie desu
I don't go there, 'tis a silly place
i love you
you fostered your audience lil niece
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I have 9 followers.
I would need way more alcohol than I have available to join this.
>post nsfw image with a white guy fucking my pale catgirl after posting some "contrasting skin color" goonpics
>lose 40 followers
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this doesnt help me :c
It's super early testing so it just connects you to a voice channel and changes the volume scaling based on your map position. Problems: It doesn't account for what server you're on, only where on the map. So people from EU were ending up here earlier. But also if you hit join channel while a ways away from people it'll probably dump you in your own channel
If I actually joined this there would be riots and melties galore.
moonie identified, /pet dispensed
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>12 NPC quests
I wouldve preferred if the boss mechanics were things i could forcefully turn on multiple of instead of being locked to entries
>I used my Stormblood Skip
No, I only recently started getting into posing.
I want fights not sex!
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see >>494558937
no discord needed. Just a mic. And the patience to probably crash on the first 3-4 times you try to connect.
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>post whatever the fuck
>gain followers
I want to do lewd pics with your cat
When will roast beef say hi to my meena
No, I want them. Half of the hot femra are all from Primal and I wish they came by more.
>I want fights not sex!
Ok punching this sunnie in the face
Does proximity chat work in CC?
Cry into your pillow hideous crocodile futa
>A fag, a pedophile, a grape, and a croissant walk into a bar
i'm literally never there
Does the Apple earphones work as a mic?
Hmm... the sub option just doesn't sound that exciting to me. The brat option, I'm not sure I like the idea of "letting her take control" but maybe it'd be hot in the context of her trying to surprise/trick/coerce you into it only to end up corrected, like maybe waking you up with it or doing it while you're drunk would be a sufficiently bratty move.
me screaming fuck you and mic spam during the match to unsettle the opponents like an aztec warrior whistle
THis is now extremely report worthy
Do they connect to your computer?
Then I shan't be using it. I don't need to hear someone on the enemy team screaming YOU'RE SUCH A NIGGER when I kill them. Also that seems very game-breaking and easily-abused.
My skip. The stormblood skip. The skip that skips to the start of Shadowbalmungs.
Picking your own nickname is the most cringe thing imaginable.
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>Decided to do a Darker skintone on lighter skintone(cat and a midlander)
>Instantly get dms about "le blacked"
>Stop using dark skin tone and just go pale/tannish
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get em sis
fuck malera
If your computer recognizes them as an input device, then yeah
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holy fucking sex moonie
if my gray character has sex with a white character are people going to bring up blacked shit
i would
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So tonite was my first time trying CC in a very, very long time and first time being on the desert map since it didnt exist last time I played. How to deal with the sunstroke debuff? Is it just going to the oasis for the regen to counteract it? Also does guard prevent being oneshot by the stuff that pops out of the sandpit? I think I blocked the antlion but I was too slow for the cactuar needles...
light gray or dark gray?
bro that's a rat
I am watching dexter while queueing cc
Yes and yes
This is grade school critical thinking, nigga.
Seeking a FEMLALA wife. Your wifely duties will include afking in limsa with me. In return you'll receive daily headpats and occasional dotes and hugs.
I'm not convinced one of you don't actually know me and I don't want to go to jail, so I'll refrain. It's already weird someone is asking why I'm not home.
>yoshiiiiii the mean 4channers called me a nigger in an illegal ToS-breaking mod that I had to download from an independent launcher!
crystal cc @ 9:30 et
whats the plugin that tracks casual cc wins and losses
you got this lil bro
please stop saying gray
its grey
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Pastbros, we are winning
heat stroke does 7500 each tick
oasis buff heals for 7500 each tick
you can also stand in the water droplet puddles and it nullifies it while you're standing in there and you get healed for 15000(?) when it lands
guard stops the pull in
cactuar needle and cactuar shield (regular or rainbow respectively) gets shared between everyone in it's aoe
>heat wave
go oasis or stand in the puddles that appear by the geysers in the checkpoint areas
guard to avoid pull in, although some jobs can use abilities (war and vpr I think) to avoid it too
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I am
A sunnie going for a run
not at all, its just cheating
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Good night!
I require sex with this hrothgar in any form
can i shower with you after
I want to edate you so bad
light to medium gray
Please sit on my face pink cat
Found the leaf
according to Merriam-webster
>hear biohole on the enemy team crying
>focus her down because i hate women and want them out of my game
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bet your armpits are gonna be pretty sweaty after that...
dont forget to do the job quests theres a trait and skill locked behind them after 60 for every one
why are autismos ok with proximity chat but chimp out about discord. makes no sense
>femlala for my femlala
I’m a grown ass man who just plays a catgirl dudes
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i'm the coolest person itt this thread rn
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Thank you anons. Also, there's a cactuar shield? So far I've only seen antlion or needles.

Never know when there's weird secret stuff... like I didnt realize there were puddles until anon mentioned it
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>Femlala lala join prox chat
>male voice
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you would die
that's not a no
>Queue late
>Miss queue
>Queue early
>9 Randoms
bro i was a second late to my own call do you not see me in sloppy seconds queue myself rn.... cryinge
Then put on a jerk it.
>Balmung is closed
>People using proximity chat
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she has no idea what she's doing
but that won't stop her
from joining and ruining cc matches
there's a glowing lunatender that appears sometimes and gives a shield split amongst everyone
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>femlala joins prox chat
>the deepest trucker voice ever
something something proximity chat doesn't identify whos talking something something it's actually not the same people. Everyone that got into the proxy chat, I've heard on discord before
erm only americans say gray
im not a leaf
does anyone here make mods and release them to the community? i made some mods but im kind of nervous to put them out.
Neato. I'll have to keep my eyes peeled
Need to make a more villainous RDM glam, I'm terrorizing PVP right now
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>ERP with a catgirl
>She tells me she's a GAM
>Dick gets even harder
throwing cheese on this dude
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Hey bros
I'm unironically going to irl marry my EB in less than a year
I'm literally engaged to her
Her family seems to like me which makes me really happy
I met her here

We're all gonna make it
Whats a GAM?
gams pretending to be cute lesbians on xiv is the purest form of love anon
how do you know the people using the prox chat are the same people who talk shit about discord?
happy for you bwo
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I've been seeing /v/ threads instadeleted instead of the usual deleted in a few posts bias. What's the story there?
girl around me
cute transgirl couple
too big
>lopporit owned
its over
>carrot tattoo
In a year's time she will be blacked
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Today while afk at the wolves den pier I was kidnapped and brought to this FC's house and I played CC for the very first time. It was a lot of fun and I won a prize of a million gil. :)
I know, you've told me
I'm a dude if that's fine with you.
>"contrasting skin color"
what is this new meme and why are people spamming it
Who knows, I don't go to /v/
ok report me for using discord while you're at it
nice armpit!
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>Viera is loppritt owned by Fuckingway
a different mod/janny removed the usual lala avatarfagging so xiv threads aren't allowed on /v/ anymore.
I’m interested in you
I think the best part about proximity chat is there's no input volume adjustment so there's a 50% chance I unmute my mic and blow out everyone's speakers
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/v/ jannies are wowbucks and terminally angry at XIV as a result. That's about it
A notorious sexpest and BBCreep got banned from his discord and has been having a melty.
It says Canada, UK, and AUS say Grey
Still can't visit Balmung...
Did we pick a new /xivg/ server world?
I thought it's just a fiddie with bad hair clipping
he got banned months ago, he probably got rejected by someone recently and that's why he's melting
no Fuckingway is not their owner.
alright then
ok but what does it mean
I'm wondering if this is the same couple I'm thinking of
Either way congrats
TWW being a dumpster fire right as they were gloating about Dawntrail was the straw that broke the camel's back.
They don't want my femlala...
It's cope BBCfags use to pretend they aren't racist. They're not into queen of spades they just like the contrasting skin tone between a black dick and their white character
it's what people say when they post blacked images. They say they don't like black people fucking white women but the contrasting skin colors is why its good
who just clicked me
last call from me! thank you so much for the matches!

crystal cc @ 1:30 et
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I tried to post this like 30 minutes ago and only just saw I mistyped the captcha
Good job I'm proud of you.
Thanks, yours isn't so bad either
Yeah, I know, you've told me
Whats wrong with black dick
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Wrong because I'm here.
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Arbitrarily calling CC queue on Crystal at 2:00
what language is this even
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>tfw my buttsex femlala erp partner is offline for the night already
Get your ass back online if you see this kitten, daddy's getting angry
i am still
a male moonie
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I want to say hi but i would have nothing to talk about after so i dont bother since it would just be awkward.
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gm let the schizoposting commence
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primal cc
https://files.catbox.moe/bfplf7.jpg my moonie is like this
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femra with feet
Let’s make it a real relationship
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the real poster
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sorry i could post carrot and you could ID me that way
may i lick?
It's literally impossible to focus on playing the game while wearing this outfit...
That's how all my conversations go so I don't mind
Post a picture of yourself
May i breed with my futanari female character? Her cock is large but not ridiculous.
>wearing modded clothes while playing the game
I think I will confess to you ingame
I have no idea why they expected anything different
everyone competent left Blizzard long ago
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>Blacked fags aren't racist
>We like le color contrast
>Most of the time its just beasitility
>while wearing this outfit...
take it off idiot
I cleared M4S.
How much $ should I put on a gift card for my EB's birthday
It's not a dumpster fire but it's more of the same, which really isn't helping
the race for world first has been a dumpster fire though, major chunks of raider rosters got 4day bans for using a renown exploit
if you like color contrast why is it never making the girl black
Why are americans so obsessed with black penis
How many frontline roulettes will it take to go from rank 20 to 30 if I lose each one?
its the bongs
because because because because it HAS to be black dick okay chud!
white f+ on brown f is mega hot doe?
Okay, maybe I like Miqo'te now
>Filipinos wake up
>BBC posting begins
Just a mere coincidence I'm sure
The color contrast cope is funny as fuck
That femlala who wanted no-strings affection RP isn't still around is she...? Cause I was genuinely interested...
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>eu screams about getting horsed daily
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This is the content patrol! Post what you're doing now or I will arrest you!
Do you have a twitter? I've been meaning to ask
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So true!!
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my moonie is out here in amish smoking big doinks in amish but just found out that his new job is going to do a urine test as part of the screening process
most aren't
it's just the racists
source: I'm American and have no strong feelings about black penis one way or the other
bbc posting has been happening all day
I want to do lewd pics with your femra
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I'm just going to start leaving any match with this fucking mch that thinks we have a rivalry.
I told you I'm not home. Do it right here and now and maybe we'll go out on a date together
No not really
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>black lives matter poster
don't believe you
Virtu Duelist set all black.
Then you're blind or you've avoided the thread for the last 6 hours
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I'm not even logged in.
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It's me, your fat cat. I've loved you this entire time. I can make you the happiest girl in the world if you just give me a chance.
TY, i dont know why i was so nervous to try it before, i've only ever done frontlines and its kinda nice to be able to actually kill the enemy without a whole alliance helping you.
It's okay bro. We're all dudes here.
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hanging around the spot - a spot void of charisma - wondering if I'll ever find a needy/clingy EB that'll make me happy
dark skinned girls are peak
the color really makes the cum pop when you blow it on their body
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I am
a tipsy suncat
that finally lost blm win streak
but it was a fun game
the ideal raid environment is a bi4bi couple, a t4t couple, 2 asexuals a lesbian and a rotating selection of diversity hire DPS each season (currently: token cishet guy)
Starring at this femra while waiting for PF to fill. Helping a friend and her friends learn m1s.
nice, I am a tipsy -redacted-
(do you like bread)
im raping
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Being a menace in Red Sands and idling on my roof between CC calls and fiddling with mods.
wanna grind on my bwc now that you're done
blowjob mask
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typical elezen player
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I fucking hate you don’t you ever come back
Eh I’m not really comfortable saying it in the thread.
bbc only
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thats lewd..
Which race inspires friendship, confidence and happiness in others? I wanna be that
I'm gonna go back to being a femezen
should she be black or white
There is more CC to play... Now on Sameowrai...
i love these
i got something you can fiddle with if you catch my drift
itll be okay, anon
>join rava'd discord
>no xivg in there
you all lied to me
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>Racist care too much about dick "Degrading"
>We like "the contrast"
>Ok why not make the girl black-
>"Uh.. umm.. UHHH!!"
I hate BWC faggots and BBC tards equally.
oh boy do i
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Crystal queue for CC at 6:30
You sleep in my bed every night, what more do you want???
Then I guess you don't want me.
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I screwed up my macros so I'm forced to craft this sub part component by component...
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How intriguing that you sound soft and faggy
Why is the spacing for Sunrise Sabbath so tight? I’m gonna say the “correct” way to solve it is something other than the normal or uptime strats.
It's expected even anon
what jacket hoe
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I feel like I missed something about elements during ShB, so can someone explain it to me?
It seems like light and dark are subjective, or is it that astral and umbral are subjective? Maybe whether light or dark equal astral or umbral is subjective?
Also, are humanoid races able to wield light or dark aether at all? I'm not aware of any abilities or spells that use them.
Also, are the sets of 3 elements tied to light and dark or astral and umbral?
I wore this in expert yesterday and it was easy to focus since RDM is fun! (Dont laugh at that)
I do but I rather talk to you ingame. I can wait when you get home.
god i wish i was that cat
>what more do you want???
I want to see a smile on that beautiful face of yours.
Reminder that even Kongs biggest hater Effy has nothing on him
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I am

now very drunk already and

queuing for cc again after a lose streak
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I'm going to lure both of you into the clockwork eye so you can feel small and useless and then watch as my teammates bop you on the head.
The spacing is actually very generous on non-uptime strat, but people explain it wrong.
It's not 'stand on the dot', it's 'Get literally as close to the cannon and as close to the wall as possible.'
nice shot, kumo
stop talking about yourself kong
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my cc crush
I am now
the only person in proximity chat in lav beds
My malera is entering another character development arc
My eb is a feena GAM that's older and has a deep ass voice. You get used to it after a while
iim already small and useless if you catch my drift
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join the club
Hello Kong
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PLEASE tell me where this is from
I don't care about the big tits I just want to know what that texture is
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my queen how may I serve
It's a private texture that person made and has not shared
you're better off asking this question on rebbit or /vrpg/
My meena...
Hello back you niggers
Hello haters of Kong.
Private texture for that body
kong is my favorite moonie
that sucks so much man, why
Crystal queue for CC at 8:15 ET
I do but I'm too scared to link it here. I think one of the images in the album has the name in it though.
Those are some big nipples
It's a 5 minute match bro not a coffee date.
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I don't want to talk to you until I know what you look like
You wouldn't survive
This face is no longer capable of producing a real smile, so take an old one
Is it true what they say about the femlala skin color index? There's a cute brown femlala on my server but i'm scared to talk to them.
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Me too minus the loss streak
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Malelala x Femlala sex
I notice thickbeasts in particular tend to have their shit private a lot, not sure why
Look if my death is learning the crush force of your thighs, that's worth the paperwork to get you the life insurance payouts afterwards.
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Ayo? Sake enjoyer?
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>until I know what you look like
>4min in prog prae
wtf, they couldn't have even kicked the other healer yet and they're in the cutscene before the first boss
>Warning: Player Zolzayaa Noykin exceeds your configured triangle warning threshold (334313/165000 triangles).
How much Nvidia money did they take to kneecap the AMD graphics options and only allow FSR 1.0? It looks like dogshit and doesn't improve performance at all. I thought about installing a mod that allows for newer FSR versions, but I doubt it would improve my low frame rates anyway because the CPU seems to be the bottleneck when there are 100+ people on screen.
Miera bros what do you do when a femlala BVLL powerstances in front of your woober?
Oh, it's only a 5 minute match? So you won't care if I throw then right, because it's only 5 minutes of your life and that doesn't matter. Hell, with me throwing it'll be even shorter than that, so you don't give a shit right? That's great news, because I'm throwing now. You think you're too cool to say HI when it's literally ONE FUCKING BUTTON CLICK AND YOU'RE STUCK BEHIND A WALL AND CAN'T DO SHIT ANYWAYS? THEN I'M TOO COOL TO TRY AND TO WIN. ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS SAY HI BUT NO. ENJOY LOSING FAGGOT!!!!!!!
those custom shit scales and cock veins make up a lot of triangles
One of these days, I will talk to you and get to know you in a meet up.
I also buy this brand when I drink Sake, but I don't have a picture...
meow :3
isn't it using a shitty old version of nvidias shit too? i think it's more the devs being fucking morons
good luck sis
i was doing frontlines and now it's alliance raid
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Yep! The shit's great!
you make your team lose anyway what's the difference

please beat me miss
dc/eb status?
>It seems like light and dark are subjective, or is it that astral and umbral are subjective? Maybe whether light or dark equal astral or umbral is subjective?
Aetherial studies on the source conflated light with activity (astral) and dark with stasis (umbral) but ShB revealed this to be the other way around.
>Also, are humanoid races able to wield light or dark aether at all? I'm not aware of any abilities or spells that use them.
There used to be dark/light aspected spells in 1.0 but ARR removed them. Just assume that any "unaspected" spell is either light or dark aspected.
>Also, are the sets of 3 elements tied to light and dark or astral and umbral?
The three sets of elements aren't necessarily tied to but some are more aligned with either umbral or astral - i.e. you can have either umbral or astral ice spells, but ice spells are generally are more receptive to stasis - or Umbral.
your bedroom/your wife
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catgirl here
congrats to you
i unironically int people who don't say hi to me in spawn
are the cc queues still full of anons or are people done for the night
waiting for cc calls that I can actually catch
You have no idea who I am buddy. Trust me, I'm among the best CCer's in this general. The last thing you want is to see me on the opposite team, charging at you with a full head of steam. Now watch your fucking mouth before I plug it.
*sucks your toes*
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I say hello every match
it is
casual cc @ 10:30 et
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My Meowqo'te looks and acts like this and wants you to notice her!
the glam you posted is hotter than the one you catboxed in my honest opinion
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ffxiv is my last chance at being someone
please lower your triangles, I can barely use my computer when mare is running
Patrolling Uldah, moving to my next location soon commanding officer!
Things are always most elusive when you're looking for them. Really like your screenshots at any rate, great stuff
>My x looks like this
are the most boring posts. Just post your x
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I tanked castrum without a healer it was very funny having to cycle cooldowns with a level 50 kit
Its surprisingly easy to do the one double pull in the dungeon with some good cooldown management
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Need you oiled up, bouncing on it, moaning on it, drooling on it, panties pulled to the side while your massive cock bounces on my thigh as our balls touch when I have you ride cowgirl on it.
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me otr
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>one of my only friends in this game has done nothing but make me unhappy today

I really need to make better friends
>Red Sands hours have ended
you also int people who do apparently
Being shit at PvP.
I know posts like this are nothing new but really that's part of the problem. I shouldn't have to read/scroll through shit like this here.
Booping this hroth's nose.
I don't wanna post my X you'll have to take my word for it, she literally is like that
wow brute bomber's voice is way worse in japanese
HOLY do you like non +>?
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Is it true that tanks do more damage than summoner and machinist this patch?
Thats amazing
Nice armpit!
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I'd like to add. Umbral is the state of activity and Astral is the state of stasis. The Light from the First seeping into the Source is described as "disrupting and halting the natural flows of aether", thus showing the effects of stasis. When describing the voidsent's inability to die in the 13rd reflection, it is explained as a consequence of the state of activity related to the Umbral alignment of the Dark element.
It’s FFXIV. What the fuck did you expect? Do I need to spell it out for you? It’s FINAL FANTASY FOURTEEN.
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How the fuck do u japanophiles drink this swill?
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I'm being speed progged in pf by friends
Ooohoho, now we're talking!
I like the way you think sir
A fat rabbit? With a HAT??
Wow, continue to unplease me. Very attractive
what happened
i dont know how to talk in cc with the preset phrases
You forgot to include a pic with all the thread celebs at the grammy's.
sorry i only say hello to cute characters
hung futas bottoming is so hot
post your character
God i wish fiddles where real.
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You click the button.
i have a ton of your lewds saved and goon to them all the time
Under your PVP tab should be an option for quickchat. Hello and Good match! are located there for use at the beginning and end of every match respectively and can be moved to your hotbar.
うるせぇ! 邪魔すんじゃねぇ!!
i got home and hit the vape and queued for frontline
i'm innocent, trust me
This uptight bitch ignored my catboy's advances
my poonie had someone call her a moonger to her face
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I found some chinese mod and they detailed the feet very alot.
You know it. See you around.
That post did not require a picture of your toon.
I will emote at the start. I will not use the chat.

ooh! thank u
I will slaughter both of you
https://files.catbox.moe/mid72m.png do we like this?
This is /xivg/ you're supposed to like the nude modded stuff more!
I get death by beautiful woman, you get lots of money and a free house, everyone wins
That post required a picture of your toon.
i don't like it when they're that big
Gay map.
i agree with him
happy femra friday!!!! goodnight i love you
>Warning: Player Tycho Belle exceeds both VRAM warning threshold (1.34 GiB/375 MiB) and triangle warning threshold (172903/165000 triangles).
Why is it so... Red?
crystal casual cc 1:50 et
I don't say hi or exchange any pleasantries in pvp, but only because for me pvp is just a playground for me to shitpost and RP as an edgy anime antagonist. Outside of the matches I do feel bad and hope no one took my transgressions to heart.
anon it's saturday/sunday..
can you spitroast my bunny cuntboy?
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what the fuck do you mean red?
False alarm, I found it. God bless
no I hate queers and fags
it's a femra weekend :)
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>We do not condone nsfw lalafells in this discord.
>Look inside the nsfw art chat
>Shota X milf
Its a long story, doubt they think they did anything wrong
just for the size contrast bwo.
that's a hate crime, you can report that and have them arrested
Kissing seishun complex on her lower lips
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My male midlander is like this
youre on the queers and fags general tho
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yeah idk what some of these options mean though.
yet you spend time with them very strange
If they're not even aware they did anything wrong then how are they a bad friend? Maybe you should explain things from your perspective and why you feel so upset.
Women can't be pedophiles and males can't be victims of sex crimes.
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I suddenly feel giant sized..
why dont male characters ever post their woobs...
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Does Rylai even still play this game? I thought that guy died
My male miqo'te is watching the UFC
and developed yet another man crush
can you kick my femra
Open and shut case Anon, arrest that Anon for being a bigot for even noticing.
The sick fuck.
>game crashed causing me to miss cc call
for whom do I fight for
because no one likes us male characters... :(
I have before but people dont like hroths
There's no way Tycho's woober is that big
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I hate the new pajeet janny so much
why did you delete your post?
I can’t believe the Canes are the best football team in Florida
i do (not lala though)
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Stop noticing things
>makes my "femboy" character short as possible with a big dick
looks retarded
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Excuse you....?
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the woob mods for men are usually regular sized compared to f+ woob mods and this general is very big inclined
what race are u
i am so sad grape seems to be a hrothfucker
she is literally built to be blacked
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gn sirs
disgustingly large f+ woober makes me mad.
maybe you should put in a little effort to make them realize the error of their ways
damn i don't know either bro
i'm not a common whore
I only like vanilla and femdom rape
Size Queens.
/xivg/ are Size Queens
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I did it, I beat the game
I’m getting 0 FPS sustained
do you enjoy woobs irl, m'himcess?
i like normal penis so thats ok
ummm, female not a lala
congrats on the fiddie wife
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>Make the dick disgustingly large
>Make them bottom only.
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no fucking way.....
what race?
holy fucking shit is this real?
we talked about this.
need a NORMAL size f+ husbandwife for my femra wifehusband
No you dont, You like this instead. Now go to bed the race is at 6am tomorrow morning.

My middie is like this. 34-115
>this general is very big inclined
The futa posters themselves are big inclined. As a lurker I prefer normal sized. Same with me preferring small chests but grown men making their characters tit monsters
It's not that I said they were a bad friend, I just don't think they're a good friend for me
i don't want to be called a sexpest so i only share them with people who i know enjoy those kind of pictures (same with the thirst traps i make)
*rape* please post it or you will be raped again
College football I mean. Good luck against the Lions tomorrow.
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i accidentally hit "Thank you"
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Chat what did they mean by this?
I posted a drawing of it once, that's enough.
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Gonna rape you then.
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Can someone tell me good night?
Me unironically
good night love
sexpest me slut
>ummm, female not a lala
oh okay, bye. i'm a catboy exclusively into femlalas
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my middie acts like this
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i'm not drunk enough for today's misery someone hug me please.................
casual cc @ 6 et
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Reached Midnight Sabbath.
We also trained Sunrise with this https://cupnoodle.moe/sunrise.htm

We may clear next week.
goodnight chuuu~
*tucks u in*
>double caster with no rdm
>no phys ranged
yeah im thinking based.
do we like this?
If only it was that easy...
People must think I'm plapping constantly then because I'll go afk looking at people I was talking to all the time.
quit bitching and drink more then
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>tank and healer couple
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my middie acts like this
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my meena acts like this
my moonie just got 4 commendations in cc
Don't blame me you blew it
You won't
Then perish!
No pets
Any late night lala smoochpigs around?
Don't tell me you're on Balmung?
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don't open this if you don't want to get raped
I will.
I need a faggy white boy to do this to me
if you showed this general to someone in the year 1500 they would die
I want to be an Au Ra girlboything

gender ambiguous, just weird little lizard that hangs around in the background, local cryptid everyone's seen but no one really knows, sometimes shows up sleeping on your porch to sunbathe and steals your lunch, drinks all your peach iced tea
unbelievably based brother
No, I'm too busy levelling jobs...

and it's not really rape if you ask for it...
biofem post
foul and grotesque
this is not a good post
it's a lala+ with horse bits
wouldn't recommend
You peeped. That means (You) and (I) are ERPing. You like fucking charcoal ravas, you pervert.
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don't open this one
whys it gotta have the gross horsecock
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This is clearly the only reason to ever look at someone in my favorite game ever Final Fantasy 14: Dawntrail.
It's working out sisters we are so back
I fucking hate femlalas
>fuze mine on a solid stone object
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My hrothgar is kind of like this
i'm not even logged in
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Good luck on your leveling. If I ever find out which midlander you are I'll rape you.
I dont remember making this post
fuck no
An actual mod east uglier than donny?!
please give me instructions
instructions for anything, I'm tired of guessing what to do
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That's because I am you...
huh I thought you cleared already. good luck bro
uh... kupo?
How the fuck is RF in the shot but not SM?
lmao that gave me a good laugh
kiss that catgirl from joker for me pls
get plapped by someone
should i make my catboy a hrothgar (straight)
Femlala frsaturdays!!!
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You'll mostly see me in a CC queue sync
how would I go about making my character the goobbue sproutling

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