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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>THE PRIMALS Live in Japan

>Upcoming Meetups
Saturday, September 14, 6:00 PM EDT | Balmung, Mist. W13 in front of plot 22 at x13.6, y12.6 | 0083 Stardust Memory >>494235114

Previous: >>494555117
I am
A gay maleroe
Second for Hrothgal EB
i am posting my moonie and encouraging others to do so as well.
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I am
A Pure femlala
I am
A straight miera
hyur midlander /pet /pet /pet /hug
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Confessions are stupid, post your mare cache size you degenerates. If you legitimately don't use mare, post your favorite minion instead.
I want to see him
Show them to me. Show me your viera, both rava and veena.
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My penis is really sensitive rn

my goopnose has a fragile soul that wavers between existence and nonexistence
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that clump felt good
casual cc crystal @ 9:20 et
>she doesnt have a raiding group that considers her one of the bros
never gonna make it
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Post Femra!!!!
Do not
I like futa bottoms
need a rava+ to do this to me
My femlala is schlickflicking her clitdick to mieraXcatboy fanfics again.
I would milk those sloshers dry!! Bitch!!
This is shit has to be fake right?
you're all fucking gay and so am I, so what are we gonna do about it, huh?
>If you legitimately don't use mare, post your favorite minion instead.
Sponge Silkie
EB me
Dump all of your malera stocks right now because I'm about to go nuclear. Dump your femra stocks too because I'm exposing this lying cheating manipulative bitch.
Thank goodness we got away from that disguting ugly femlala modbeast…
I failed again ahaha 2 minute cooldown weeeee
and my legs are gone
whatever, no one will respond anyway
moonie moonie moonie
NN post
it's not like i wanted to play the game anyway...
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hope you kill yourself subhuman freak
go off khagan
these are just gay men innit
this is lilterally gay
futa (+) = gay
My sunnie does this in public in Ul'dah
For some reason Saturday night reclears are feeling a lot smoother with more DPS margin of error than Tuesday night reclears.
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>If you legitimately don't use mare, post your favorite minion instead.
He's my friend. :)
lol cuck
>job diversity
>interesting raid mechanics
What do these actually mean?
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My fiddie is like this
about time we've had an actual melty here so don't keep me waiting
need more info to help but basically check mod page for whatever pants youre using and see 1) what body is says and 2) if it's an edit of another mod for another body, check if you need the original.
I regret reading this absolutely unholy sentence
Things are dumbed down for noggs.
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My fiddie is like this
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can i post my maloonie?
do girls actually like that
we usually make less bro jokes when a girl is in vc
>job diversity
jobs actually have differences in how they fit into their role
>interesting raid mechanics
anything that isnt theusual spread / stack / proteans
You just know
Oh fuck my splatoon, bossmods, avarice, slothcombo setups are going to make me cum i dont even need to play the game unf
If you play the following
Then your frontlines victory was not earned.
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I am
A sleepy sunnie who just took her sleep aids
Holy fuck he can't even mod right.
Macchi are you good at anything?
i am
gay hrothgar
Literally no one cares about Frontline.
May I plap?
Submitting for inspection
Love this maloonie
Think through what you just said anon. If you're doing a 2 chest it doesn't fucking matter how long you wait everyone will be at the same level of loot regardless.
That could be my malera on the right but you be buggin'
you are hrothgar (summer)
>Macchi are you good at anything?
daily reminder Macchi died to the literal first mob of Thaleia
Sorry, I'm middie-owned.
Post elezens.
can our cats kiss?
you won't say shit, pussy.
Nice armpit!
I like it desu
I'm also insane and weird and lul so randomcore
They say 'brb gotta pee' and 'i'm so thirsty' to each other all the time
and I'll say don't you guys have piss bottles?
It's fun to play in PF and laugh at the randoms we get in our party together
pick someone nearby and offer to suck their cock
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finally got it up to 3 fps sustained without crashing

I cant, I’ve tried so much and it just gets worse, also I died at the first boss of thelaia
>Dump your femra stocks too because I'm exposing this lying cheating manipulative bitch
Wait a fucking second here, I've seen this episode before. In fact, I believe I directed it.
See, just like he said
No I mean between Tuesday reclears and Saturday reclears in the same week.
It's really obvious when you shitpost yourself in the hopes that someone is going to come to your rescue after you spent literal years shitposting people in the thread and the game itself.
>anything that isnt theusual spread / stack / proteans
Does anyone actually want this?
what is this sister..
/pet /pet
of course, king. all moonies are welcome.
we like this moonie /pet
you're looking at the wrong thing here pal
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Blacklisting AV for being on your friend list.
It's a shame the apple silicon has no support for external gpus cause they seem like a genuine compelling purchase
love you bros...
We Like This
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luv u 2 bro!
sick throw
Do you accept race swaps?
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erm... does this satisfy your weird request you weirdo? is this good for you?
>everyone will be at the same level of loot regardless.
In Party Finder, aside from the minimum IL enforced by the lead, you're going to get a random grab bag of all sorts of itemlevels. Some players win multiple gear per fight. Some haven't won any rolls in weeks.
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Does anybody on aether want to afk
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Sure, why not
C'mon anonymous nonny
Have a melty about your CC matches tonight
Imagine how good you'll feel afterwards
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We like this
why did Joker let this known pedophile into their ranks?
Post lalafell
Please and thank you!
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casual creestal cc @ 1:20 et
my head is starting to spin.
This bun is so cute bros, unless it's Ranru then go fuck yourself.
i'm pretty sure she just shat out milk
he just like me...

My condolences to base PS4 suck.. err players, FSR garbage is so bad
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How hard is AloAlo Criterion Savage compared to say the current savage fights? I want the weapon glams from it
only with a femlala
How do I inform this man that I am using evil devil-tech to make my in-game appearance different from what he sees posted in the thread?
love this artist
I want to go make another drink but there's no time between queues..
Maybe I'll just have a gummi instead..
fuck im fucking BRICKED UP rn
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You could do better. Those little middie boys keep you on a tight leash telling you what to do and who to like because they know they can't compete with a real khagan.
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Mystery lizza
sounds cute but i doubt the girls in my fc are like this
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i hit a PLD who was only halfway into his elixir and it showed him take damage but the meter kept going and his pot went off anyway. kinda made me want to quit playing CC for good
qrd on Tozer Beau?
It's like an ultimate
this is cute...
very plastic looking
It's harder based entirely on the fact that you can't make a single mistake/death
PC post
Don't post this shit
>play a face 4 moon nigger
>call it a boy
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Pure r@ poster, doesn't even know what a lewd is.
Get a grip.
it depends on what ability you use which I think is kind of retarded
what most likely happened is that you used a slow attack that has damage come out really late and his elixir reached the point of being uncancelable by the time he got hit
qrd on brown femlalas?
may I pet
i just got 14 SAM kills in frontline
i feel amazing
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>When you die to a heal check because the other healer is new and the summoner is a mongoloid that ressed 2 dps players before me.
i heckin love getting no comms!
how do i test out party chat macros without being in a party with someone else?
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tell me what your wol acts like right NOW

mine is like this
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go make one after this i'll call it for 3 et hours past whatever the time is when we get out
yes this game does still have cast bars that are completely inaccurate
you rike?
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How's my RDM glam bros
CC connoisseur and playboy
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he posts rats
who are you quoting
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Is there a guide I can watch that will explain how to turn vanilla gear into bibo small?
I just want a cashmere skirt of healing but every modder in the world seems to not care about it.
then tell me what to do, you all just keep poking around and complaining without giving any instructions
I can't address what I haven't done unless you give me clear instructions

Intel Macs used to have support for eGPUs but they got rid of that
an ARM SoC is superior to eGPU but there's the issue of shared RAM and VRAM, and if Mare calls for using all your VRAM, an SoC is going to allow it to hog your system RAM as well

so if someone tried running Mare on the Steam Deck they will run into a very similar issue
Post sunnie
Cool dude, nice to talk to, no complaints
he and grape have been eye fucking for the past 2 weeks and he is annoying as shit in cc
I fucking hate when that happens. Bitch, I hit you with a basic attack, that's supposed to interrupt you, not let you finish your elixir cast and then delete me because your three buttbuddies realized what I was up to and decided to gang up on me.
can i have the jane doe clothes???
Some faggot with no self-control.
He probably figured the alive healer would prioritize getting you up first.
If you post party chat macros i'll kill you
im not sure i understand your question. what are you trying to do?
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I only have a golem, hope that's okay..
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mine acts like this
i've seen his dick
Friendly r@poster. Very soft and snuggly. Also breaks into houses (in a nice way)
Posting my Male Moonie
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stop being a moonies
outfit name on left if you remember?
you should take your meds
You look worse every time you post. I look forward to seeing how hideous you can get before even coomers don't want to look at you.
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It's late tonight
But I wanna make another gpose thing

So you should post some ideas for me to steal!
Such succulent male moonie hands
+cool cultist theme
-mismatched colors
-fits BLM more
-fruity shoes
it's an ultimate with a different name
Can this be my guardian angel
sadly worse than that, two healers were dead without res, this summoner managed to res a black mage and samurai before they eventually wiped haha. im just salty because shit like that sours people's view of your performance. and i love getting comms more than i like breathing...
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We DO NOT like this....
he's a r@ poster but also a rape poster DO NOT BELEIVEHIS LIES
My femlala doesn't have her anxiety medication and is going to have a panic attack soon. I'm sorry... I hope that's okay...
You need to get your brains plap'd out by my Highlander
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Microbikini pose onegai
Liked him before he and grape started being attached at the hip in lb14
what would you like me to do about that exactly
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my middie is like this
/pet /hug
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I am disappoint in people not knowing what the [Duty Completion] tag is meant for, while a perfectly good [Practice] objective is sitting right next door.
I dont do that...
Saving black cat minion from a tree with robot friend help
sucking off alphinaud
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smoochcat services are open
Overdose on your "meds" addict faggot.
i would berry my dick so far inside the middle glubras ass that whoever could pull me out would be crowned king arthur
>mismatched colors
dude what is with this matchmaking
i pull that gun off the hip
pockets on 22k
It's okay sis. I'm here for you, be safe and remember you're cared for.
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Tozer doesn't even know what sex is.
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crystal casual cc @ 6:30 et
I saw a picture with his cock out.
>*flops my cock on the counter*
...well? aren't you gonna kiss it?
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how much for a quick rapesession
raping the lb14 femlalas
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shut up bitch steps on you
uh oh melty
Any particular reason?
I'll never forgive the localization for translating the golden tag as [Loot] when the Japanese is something more like "farming"
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*smooch smooch smooch*
*leans down*
*smooch smooch smooch*
>6:30 et
That's in like four hours
eorzean time anon...
Little too horny
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sorry i'll login in a minute and check
i have all the proof...
throws marbles in your path
fuck u mean? post more
Some times I want to go to lb14 but then I hear about the tranny femra sex pest that has no social boundaries harassing people and then I never want to go.
sorry for plapping
He's my buddy and my bro. Helped me out through something extremely stupid.
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Good night /xivg/
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I wanna see logs of it
Can you really blame me?!
Can someone tell Ozara Tenuem that she has a nice armpit
woah woah woah calm down now
The pen you smoke crack out of melted? Don't worry, the plastic will sterilize you and ensure you don't pass on your genes.
This sounds like a me post but it's not
good night bro hope your cfb team won today
hey, i think you left some lipstick on it. you gonna clean that off...?
alter is a cancer
it's like 5-6 minutes cause anon wanted to get a drink
I've already done something like that actually: https://files.catbox.moe/aounsl.png

Oooh this one could be cute actually I'll write it down

I think vampires are supposed to be super pale so I don't know if that would really work
He's a cool dude. Also a coomer but mostly a cool dude.
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i (fiddie) need this with a middie
im posting rn
downscale a piece of gear to the body they use
so i dont think i can help you but. i recommend going to one of the modding discords.

Modding 101 is my favorite to get help, and they're very patient with dummies. There's also Students of Baldesion. I haven't participated there, but it's said to be active.

There's other communities based around modders you can go to their individuals discords. Most of the popular modders have their own dedicated discord channels or hang out in one.
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Holy shit it's me!
Reporting Tall Oreo's portrait.
what no ew
shes cool
does anyone actually like grey moonies or does everyone hate us
>tikaasi BLACKING mira nicotera as we speak
No. Well, her life isn't very good overall, so I suppose you could say it's stress-related, but she has an unspecified anxiety disorder as well... So sometimes, if she's not sufficiently distracted or medicated, she will just randomly have panic attacks. From overthinking, I guess...
lil bro working himself into a temper tantrum over people he makes up in his head, lmao
uh what colors the nips
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Where are working Alisae/Alphinaud heads?
she has been removed from my crush list
they look like this
Junkie talking like the thugs he idolizes ain't no way bruh
Without further ado, let's celebrate and suck some dick
I assume this is about you anyway. Do you wanna talk about it sis?
shartshorn really rubbed off on you huh?
Love your posts and poses. Keep doing your best! Ganbare!
qrd on Otis Jenkins?
>liked him before
raping E.K.
is every hour gossip hour now?
coomer that lost
I've run into an insurmountable thought processes with no end. All I started thinking about was how English doesn't have a descending equivalent to "vertical". Then I realized, vertical just refers to the axis, not a direction. But I feel like the word itself is so associated with "up", like, abnormally. When we want to take a nap or go to sleep, some people talk about getting "horizontal", and in the morning when we are extremely tired but finally out of bed, we say things like "yeah I'm finally vertical".
It then started occurring to me that its just our biased perspective from where we fit in in Earth's gravitational field. A lot of things are more dense than us, and simply will always be under us, and getting "down" always requires moving shit out of the way. Its also pretty obvious that our low density allows us to defy becoming one with the Earth (until we stop moving altogether), and on top of that, we've gone further up than we have down. Where would our real mass/gravity equilibrium be in a goldilocks zone? Would we be happier that way?? I'm sure its in the clouds, so we can live in Nimbus Land!

So I propose a new word, "Descendical".
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everyone havin a good caturday?
he hard focuses me in cc so he sucks
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is this the biggest chad we have?
nta but good info, thank you. my favorite top in the game is a less known one and I'd love to convert it to tre body. I've thought about commissioning it to be done but if I learn the skill I figured I could go through a lot of vanilla gear and help others out too
First time here?
>Rome enjoyer
you will be raped, Goo Huffer
I just got back from making my drink and wut.
qrd on Remus Anima?
>*shoots your femlala crush with some sort of raygun, turning her into an ashen statue of herself which quickly disintegrates into dust and blows away in the wind*
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why is the thread so dogshit right now
qrd on Molly Bloom?
too asian looking
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Like the other guy said Discord is your best bet to find tools, this might help but it may be out of date.
Check the user resources or any of the assistance channels on textools and you can find some stuff.
these aren't really "working" heads, glamourer just has them in the npc list. I'd love to find them too to fully pose
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you're just not french enough to understand my avant-garde and high modernist tastes
It's Earth Hours. Humans just woke up somewhere.
who invented the moonieposting dialect
It's just a meme macro that i'll be using with friends. i just want to make sure it works
QRD on Tikaasi Mutei
I don't really know how my WoL would act, but I really hope they'd be nice.
yeah i just got into modding and i'm excited. I made a few tattoos already and experimenting with substance painter and blender. it's fun as heck.

i haven't done clothes yet, but the only thing i saw was something about "weights" i believe that is supposed to be important to doing clothing related mods.
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I don't have a crush...?
I appreciate it, but I've talked about it plenty with many of my friends... I just don't really know what to do. I can't "just fix it" at this point... I am very mentally ill. I can't "just" get a job, or "just" go outside, or "just" get medication... I truly, sincerely wish it were that simple. I can't even work on projects with zero pressure to perform or complete tasks, and the last couple of times I tried to work for money I had the worst mental breakdowns of my life.
I desperately need help, but other than just handing me enough money to invest and self-sustain myself I genuinely don't know what people can do to even help me anymore... Well, the other option is continuous, dedicated support, which I am very happy to be able to say that many of my dear friends provide for me.
I'm sorry to talk so much... maybe that's enough out of me. This post is already going to get me made fun of as it is... I'm sorry for being weird in the thread.
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please let me go to fucking aether yoship I promise I will stop insulting your handpicked tranny for a month just let me get a fucking party that isn't filled with idiots
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my bad
How does one go about turning their character into a Goobbue sproutling
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when did this femra get so fat
im a
eating a big ass bowl of cap'n crunch
Jasmine Ambrose the whatever the Omega title is, my friend. Hello I hope you're having a good day.
>right now
Do you like malera
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im going in bros
She's trying to bait me into server transferring and buying the platinum eb
Every time her thighs jiggle my willpower erodes
is the weekend bro, it’s gonna be bad
thanks for getting rid of that hoe.
It’s been dogshit all day people just hunting for the tiniest drama and posting catboxes
Use it in a sentence
He posted this
what're you trying to do?
poopnose moonies are iconic
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I don't have the minion on my new character yet, but my favorite minions are Hunting Hawk, Baby Opo-Opo, and the little PVP lantern from the wolves' den.
I only ever like using minions that can rest on my shoulder (or head if I'm playing Lalafell). Lantern is the exception.
Why is it literally always raining in Thanalan? Every time I'm here now it's either foggy or raining. What the hell.
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how xivgers do rapeplay
my moonie
is a bloonie
her nips are the color of the thread
>Two ragequits/afks in a row after first fight for DRG Zvahlia Valdeaunia@Coeurl
Might be time for you two queue down anon.
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botters be like
literally how? I cleared it in my first try even though I was lost for like 5 minutes.
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Do I have you on Limbus?
We all like this
Do you know where you are
QRD on Glue Licker posting QRDs?
I shan't be giving your post a second reply
these two are some of the subbiest fags around, they can't be the ones doing any raping
no we do NOT!!
snip saved to clipboard
actually it's me
why do you go to lb14 just to have conversations in the thread
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Remember, you're gay to wanting to sexually humble this twink race.
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if I join yet another "clear" party that can't get past fusefield in 3 pulls, I am going to do a killing spree in minecraft
attention seeking faggot
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because I'm not queueing up right now
i am the twink
humble me :3
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it's happening again
Builded for yuri rape
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Thanks for the CC matches earlier, I had to hop off to craft some leveling gear for a friend... was fun though! apologies for bad playing I literally have not played CC since Season 1...

i lost on purpose because it puts the fuel right next to the magitek on very easy which turns it in to like a 2 minute duty
how do i express how beautiful i find femlalas with dark skin without coming across like a fetishist
So there is an alisae one that changes a midlander face.
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This is kinda obscenely gay for an EX fight
I want atma buster to rub her barefoot across my face…
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crystal casual cc @ 10:20 et
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does this mean one of the scales has a cock?
Who's that Ronald McDonald ass looking father sucker at LB14?
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all me
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time to post ZOOMED IN, that always cheers people up
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My meena actually is straight and looks straight unlike that fag you posted
>how do i express how beautiful i find femlalas with dark skin without coming across like a fetishist
"I find femlalas with dark skin beautiful"
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Which one does your Final Fantasy 14 Warrior of Light prefer?
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which color
I usually don't post this one because it's kind of gay but today I will.
cumming in my froth EBs fur and being like 'damn sorry that must be a pain to clean up' and she goes 'no its actually my favorite part' and starts licking herself clean like a cat
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Wanna fix that? K611561608
left ofc
Left for the SOVL
He looks hot when he's using his war glam and the new hair
does he fuck women or get his pelvis destroyed by them
right environment sprites with left character sprites
In the matches where we were mirrored, you did well all things considered. Keep it up and don't feel discouraged if you have a few bad games.
>I will stop the thread from being shit by making shittier posts
shitters do that all the time. In my experience they are just fuckers waiting to be carried.
You sound fine to talk to at least
can my catboy suck ur cock :3
The catbox was posted again wasn’t it…
failed ebin
I'm working on preventing moonies.
You're not fooling anyone, Uchiki.
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you're so busted
fat retard
He avoids women because he's already devoted to one (me)
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I'm 30 today
It's so over it's over
stupid post
cute post
have you gotten tested for moonitis? i hear its getting bad....
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no i'm just jobbing in cc again
EB like this?
JO before you despair
I'm 36, you're fine, anon.
I cant pick between edgy dark skin xaelabull or calm cool yumejoshi style Raen
happy birthday
i'm vaccinated against moonies
Who's that UGLY moonie at lb14?
you made it to 30, most of humanity was not that fortunate
be thankful for the time you've had, regardless of how you've spent it
happy birthday
wrong general :)
goodnight rapewife
Purrhaps, it depends
Here she is
What in the world . . .
molests male middies
qrd on Rob Chidori @ Balmung
pixel remasters are a horrible cashgrab that should be avoided at all costs
It's only over if you're 30 and one of the LB idlers.
>no instapop
i queue down after this
I think my issue with ffxiv right now is that, despite all the years of effort in modding, making the perfect setup, doing all the usual stuff, etc. it hasn't provided any noticeable benefit
the social scene is still very dry, it's way too overpopulated to get noticed, and there isn't any group content to do. a lot of people say I died at the first boss of thelaia etc. but that's not where the focus of ffxiv is right now, so how is that relevant in 2024? the simple issue is that there's not much you can get out of ffxiv unless you get lucky
id still hold your hand..
does life get better or worse in your 30s?
>t. 20 something yr old
It's mechanically easier than Savage, but more punishing than Ultimate because you need a deathless run and it takes more than 23 minutes to clear it.nm8hs
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old ass nigga
I'm 44 in few days and I don't care
it's throwbots not bionicle you BITCH
left is objectively superior
Nobody cares Macchi.
The gimmick got stale years ago.
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happy birthday anon
that cc queue sure took a while
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>I'll never clear a raid tier week 1
>I'll never clear a raid at all
>Will probably never clear an ex
>sitting in a solo FC on that i had to beg people from here to make alts for because i dont have any friends in game
>log in to afk in a yard
>Decorate despite no one visiting
>Friends list 10/200 (all of them have quit the game)
Why do I even play
i have said this before and been accused of being a blacked fetishist even though i just find the skin color appealing... contrasting skin colors especially are very nice
Darker skin plays better now since the graphics update, but you're still going to have a far easier time glamming up a Raen.
But I'm also biased because I really don't like heavy contrast, and avoiding that is harder with Xaela.
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>a lot of people say I died at the first boss of thelaia
Pulling the ears of a Viera, and blowing their back out.
ty for the link!!
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To make friends
canonically built to rape shotas
I love femezen so much it's unreal
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Thankee my kind rival!

The parts are too associated with Bionicle for me, forgive me
Convincing a moonie to let me smell her toes
Um... thank you, I think... I try to be...
u can do all of that raid stuff if you just play the game
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Which one shall you align with?
...your other screenshots aren't?
I want Caelynn Lynwood’s feet on my face so fucking bad.
miera cum muckbang
Thank you. Ill give these a try
SEApags are waking up.
why does /xivg/ love bionicle so much
i posted proof
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>>sitting in a solo FC on that i had to beg people from here to make alts for because i dont have any friends in game
I did this too don't worry
although I think the people who did make alts for me were friends
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Happy birthday, anon. You have just become this game's target audience.
Anyone calling it harder than an Ultimate in any capacity is trying to gas themselves up, hardest part about the content is finding 3 other good-button-pushers bored enough to run it with you. Raiding is already largely networking to some degree but when you only need 4 players it's even more so.
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(my crafter isnt pentamelded so im buying shit off the market board to craft HQ material and selling the failed attempts for money)
Where the FUCK is your yard?
Genuinely how do people do this?

I do play the game. I log in and do roulettes, every single one, and then depending on if its a workday or a weekend I log out or afk for the rest of my time watching YT, drawing, reading etc.
based murderfwife enjoyer
Have you tried just asking nicely?
dont know why you're being disingenuous here for no reason
I guess it can't be, because you just modify with "ascending" or "descending" vertically. We would have to scrap that entirely and have vertically reference only going up on that axis, and "descendical" referencing moving down, which is kind of unnecessary.
I guess the only REAL takeaway is that it only makes sense the way we say it becauseour bias towards vertical "feeling" like up is inherent in being human.
Scared that I'm gonna die alone bros
how old r u
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Aether is real quiet recently
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crystal casual cc @ 2 et
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>not shoot load after load into your hrothgar wife so you can begin the bozja repopulation initiative
What's your appearance behind the evil devil-tech?
Is it someone gorging on miera cum, or just a miera gorging on cum?
sauce please
No she would probably say no to a request like that
>Will probably never clear an ex
Have you even tried?
Where can i find her?
Why do you retards believe everything you read on here
>I'll never clear a raid at all
Oh that's easy. You just study and practice and then go do it.
Oh sweetie, you're fine. You're going to waste six months to a year of so many women's lives.
is it me?
Wanna get married if you don't find someone by 30....?
normies in uldah are melting down about the ability people have to limit the download sizes through mare now
Does that make you a millennial or a zoomie
I am a 34 year old femlala who is going to die alone.
you're not even blonde anymore..
can you provide some instructions then? because if I'm not allowed to point out something obvious, then that means no one else can either. do you sincerely want to restrict what other people, your friends, can post? not me, but your people?
It gets betterworse. At some point into your 30s you'll actually start to internalize that a lot of the bullshit you were fed as a child is actually, real bullshit. And you'll probably start to see your parents begin to get dementia and turn into genuine "OLD PEOPLE" if they're still alive. You'll also have to either come to terms with having kids, or not having kids, and what that means for your future. But either way, life doesn't magically 'end'. You just move past the whole stage of partying and pretending you're still a teenager.
Thats just the darkening of her soul.
I'm sorry you're a femlala.
too many mch in the q, rip
I'm not so sure.

I'd like to get to know who I'm talking to first

Millennial but there's really no difference between late 90's zoomers and mid 90's millennials
Post rob chidori
qrd on Akam Mizuna?
gee i wonder why
Femlala in suits make me act up
I hate this shit map and you're a nigger if you play MNK on it.
ACTUALLY my wol canonically dyes her hair.
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me irl
people who modbeast enough to get autopaused aren't normies by any means
what color are your F pubes then
no clicky
All of my screenshots are gay, but some are more gay than others.
>still a friendless virgin at 30
I'm going to die alone haha
oh i know who this is now ehe
undocumented WoW players are coming to FFXIV and eating the moonies
no idea i just got here to play a couple games before bed
all the mentally ill fags from aether and primal just hang in balmung
>kong wakes up
>gossip posts ramp back up again
>I'd like to get to know who I'm talking to first
I'm a 24 year old GAM catboy
j-jesus thats big.....
do you like meena :3
Hey that's me! :D
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How do you pronounce GAM?
no you dont
we have never talked
No thank you then, sorry
yeah we knew that
Gay Asian Man
Wtf is a GAM?
you don't have to die alone..
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Here's the other version for you bro
A lot of people like my femlala and her player, too. I have a lot of friends. I've even been in a relationship that was so serious we moved in together. And yet I'm still 100% positive that I'm going to die alone.
I love gossip but this is really shitty and low effort gossip
step it up, anons
Smooch raping this lalaboy
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dinner in a nice restaurant, a movie(your choice), some ice cream(two scoops if you), i walk you home making sure you get there safe and sound, then i sex your male middie with my femra
gee ayy emm
Do you even play the fucking game, whore? Or did all the attention Chad gave you dry up so you came to get it here?
hmmm.. are you sure..
Wanting to fuck femlalas doesn't make me a pedo right? I mean technically they're like dwarves right?
GAM as in Game
post logs or you're a lying faggot
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Just pay an escort at this point anon. They're not hard to find online.
damn, this moonie has the moves
...You know what?
Yeah, sure.
Nevermind. Please leave me alone.
can i eat your moonie
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Dogfucker hands.
Thinly-veiled humblebrag post, fuck you
Yes, I'm jealous...
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this here town ain't big nuf for the both of us *chews skoal*
This. Or do you want to see my bun with everything off?
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crystal casual cc @ 5:20 et
pick you up at 8
She doesn't even reply to my messages anymore :(
If I fanta from malera to middie will femra talk to me?
The only world first I'm interested in is world first level 100 au ra groomer
>tryharding in the rival wings event
Yeah I'm done for tonight
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i dont like how my moonie looked after the graphics update but yeah i come here for attention when im bored of course
still in game scooby doo
Typical biohole
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There's a rival wings event?
I have some bad news anon.....
The only people playing Rival wings are either long time obsessed RW'ers, or people trying to grind out the achievement.. No one really plays that mode casually since it's awful.
Post Mi'qittens please
probably not
Whenever I see female characters wearing glamours that I like, I always think hell yeah brother
What's wrong with me
need a femra to smear my pre on her lips like lipgloss
Does my moonie look more like a reapoonie or a dragoonie
maliddies will say no but the answer is yes
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i got out of a stompfest just now that had quite a bit of xivgers so
do you miss me... is that why you're mad......
do you like catboys
What's with the shitposting about LB14 being dead? There's 63 people here. Just more people who don't play the game?
need a fulala to smear her pre on my lips like lipgloss
i think i would consider femlalas if they looked like this
and had a jungle you could get lost in down there
ngl some of your guys characters have the proportions of a plucked chickens
I'm truly, genuinely not. My last relationship was not good or loving, at least it didn't feel that way. I was severely abused and taken advantage of by someone who wouldn't put in even half the effort I did into the relationship. I don't have any IRL friends except for one and it's the person I live with currently (we are not dating and I don't want to date them). I will never ever be truly loved.
PVP Revival, just a Discord of a bunch of people queueing the mode at the same time at night
I don't know what LB14 is.
lavender beds ward 14 balmung
/pet /pet
yeah but you shouldn't because those femra are shit. aim higher khagan.
It's just Kong/Macchi/Kanchelle/Glue Licker/Macksa as usual. Blacklist and add to your filter lists.
typical wallflower sexpest
ignore at all cost
limit break 14
i wonder..
what goes on in LB14...?
yeah femra are trash i hate femra
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ngl i see it
can you please link this outfit, it's so based.
No, it's all falseflagging and when it's real it's just one femra who is really loud but either won't talk to you or already has a middie plapping her
Most male middies get ignored, even the popular ones spend most of their time alone
That's why a lot of them cope by joining together and made that council
He never bothered me for ERP again after I turned him down once. Just like everyone else that you accuse
not that anon but i miss you
is she taking a shit?
I don't want to boost their ego
when are we playing bns rebirth
>wallflower sexpest
Is that really a /xivg/ger archetype? How does that even work lol
its where people will only talk to you if they think you will e-fuck them
severe lack of moonies in LB14
why is it always maliddies when my catboy is right here
>queue for cc at called time
>doesn't pop for a whole minute
>game filled entirely of randoms
Glue Nigger
slapping my cock against the monitor
leaving lil smears of pre on your lips, lil strings connecting them to my tip
why so smug
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god I hope so
Doggy style with this sunnie as a moan escapes her lips, tugging her tail to encourage her to thrust back until she gives into pleasure and starts doing it on her own
>[12:44]Maho Rin: laught at this nigga
Is this reportable to the XIV jannies?
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ermm this better not be 494563615
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good night beef cakes
give me that shirt next time i see you so i can add it to the list
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old gen moonie
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EB like the cat on the right?
Reaper maleroe. Pretty cool looking.
Kek where's DB when you need him?
>find the perfect scar for my character
>is binded to a ugly sculp
>don't know how to extract the scar from it...
can someone please help me...

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My malera is entering the hyperbolic time chamber and there will be hell pay for the rest of you when he reemerges.
i don’t think miqote and au ra can canonically procreate
there's like a dozen of them that's enough
qrd on MR
me otr
no lol

what lead to such an extensive collection then


aw hell naw
Based moonie desu
Plays SGE in CC, is a catgirl, automatically forces my brain to say "MAHOOO" when I see her name because of an anime character
wanna see my cock?
my wife
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Wait I get it its LB14 specifically because this is the Final Fantasy Fourteen (14) general....
we might be able to arrange something
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wife material
Lizzy Lostheart
Fibblit Tandywine
Mona Slater
Charlotte Bellveil
Inquistor Valtrois
Talienne Arliss
Who the fuck is Tycho Belle and why are they so butthurt that people like Macska?
QRD on me?
not really no but something tells me that rejection will excite you more
the like 5 months of messages this year with 1 reply
how much gil do i need to pay so no one finds out
Hi Macska
My deep dungeon wife
>actually removed from the list
what face do you want it on
i'll go through the effort for you but i can't promise it'll look great
hot and intelligent whoa...
Atma post panties or else
>what lead to such an extensive collection then
your refusal to make an album
i just had to do it myself
Nice way of saying you're going to bed bro
i wouldnt say anything dw im not a nigger like that
put it down
face 2 miqote
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>people like Macska
failed wannabe ebin who tries to do the whole "im so wacky and such a slut XD" thing. more than likely upset people genuinely hate them
can u pls for the love of god use different pants they clash with that top so bad that every time you post i literally have a quiet autism melty
I don't like ntring!!
Don't we hate Macska? Tzera said that Macksa was shitposting they/them in the thread, right? Why don't you believe the allegations? Surely you're not in league with the Kong/Macchi/Kanchelle bloc, are you? You need to be aligned with the establishmentarian bloc if you want to maintain your status.
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>n word
blacklisting you
im an exhibitionist not a masochist
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What car should I drive xivg
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>people like Macska
i don't understand
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crystal casual cc @ 10:15 et

last call for me for now i think, gonna take a lil break and drink more
dont you mean niggerlist?
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>i dont like how my moonie looked after the graphics update
i know that feel ;-;
luckily i was able to get files of the old face and its mostly ok now
animations still fucking suck though
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thanks for the calls!
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I've spent all day with my wife.. We are going to make it bros..
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This is going to be a great time capsule
its only okay to say the N word if its for raceplay or describing niggerly traits, i give you the okay for this one
i've been spending a lot of time with a girl i'd love to be my wife... but i know it'll never work out... if we were ever to be together, it would end tragically... I cherish the time we do get to spend together, though. I'm happy for you, anon...
Macska is cute so I like her it's just that shrimple
i dont really talk to anyone on discord anymore, i rarely open it. i thought of starting a fresh one but its nearly 10 years of history...

kinda based actually i can see the storyline you got going on

oh well ok

they ruined my signature pout!!
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>Player Menhera Chan exceeds your configured VRAM warning threashold (990.00 MiB/375 MiB).
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That's NOT what that meant. I'm NOT going to bed yet. It's Saturday and it's not even 1am I'M STAYING UP.
I want to take lewd pics of your cat
Reminder: we do NOT like antiestablishment ebins. If you don't enforce the standard opinion set, you need to be blacklisted, voidlisted, and banned from the game. Got it, pal? Get with the fucking program. We don't have room for non-compliance here.
Where can i meet you for the foot stuff? I’ll pay good gil…
>Tzera said that Macksa was shitposting they/them in the thread, right?
Poothier is so retarded he'll lash out at anybody who has ever wronged him letting me continue to schizo him free and clear.
fucking how
hope it works out
im at lb14 rn
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this cat no longer exists and cannot exist anymore just make your own face 4.... altho they even got rid of my hair colour
There's no way some of you have voidlist macros.
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she no longer looks like a schizo when she smiles and it makes me very sad
lmao as if
/voidtarget isn't exactly complicated
My malera looks exactly like this
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being exorted for gil is MY KINK FUCK

Well I don’t have the mods that you have in your cat. Pls make her real again.
a cute hairstyle and big bazongas thats literally it i never modded much
You better hurry. She won't be around much longer...
On my way
uooohhh panties!
What hair and boob mods do you use?
Stupid stinky racist himcess
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ty for calls
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ty for calls
QRD on Ooki Himaa
odds my moonie jorks it
evens she honk shoos
any hair from shining nikki probably and i wasnt loyal to a body type either i just picked whatever i thought looked hot and/or cute
>preferring a malformed body covered in lumps and with weird proportions
I really don't get why lala modbeast enablers have such a bad taste. It's okay to want them to have a curvier body and with actual breasts, but those body mods are simply awful looking.
what did she mean by this
Makes Kong seethe because she can play phys ranged without botting.
>kinda based actually
can you post what you have so i can fill any holes in my collection?
Post what your moonie is jorkin too
VW jetta tdi.
Drive like the asshole you want to be. Every shitbird I see in those shoves a turbo in them like an actually dangerous civic.
> a jungle you could get lost in down there
That mod has a jungle option.
>dont you mean niggerlist?
the thought of a femlala saying the hard r is just gross to me, idk why
Can you share your nsfw pics of your cat again? They are very good and made me hard.
i mean there is a lot more than that..... you are missing my favourites too
comes off as "lol so edgy" even harder than usual
Niggers are gross to me and I know why.
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That's not a femlala, that's a mentally ill fat man. It's basically boogie2.0
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Hunt trains genuinely piss me off it feels like the most inaccessible content in the game
No one talks and when you get there your PC fucking explodes
These people arent fucking nice theyre terrible
I don't have a jetta or a diesel vw i just have a golf and a sirocco
well that was just one part
but like i said if you have more i want them
i NEED to kill myself
I wish I had a veena wife.
someone just posted his collection last thread

wheres the rest
i dunno where my copies even are or if i still have them
My moonie will after her parents die
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Kong and Ooki are friends
Depends on what you fantasize about while doing it.
Thank you so much!!
Thank you...
my femlala is extremely depressed, so she's watching road rage compilations on youtube by herself... she doesn't even have any alcohol or weed...
are you not taken?!
Can you link it? I’m too lazy to look for it.
guys Im hyperventilating, what do I do?
im so fucking bored man throw me into a GAME
>wheres the rest
hold on i guess ill actually upload them to a catbox thing
just beeeee urself
>your PC fucking explodes.
I don't have a panic attack when the GPU actually has to do something.
I'm just glad it hasn't randomly caught fire because it's nvidia.
a fantasize about putting twins in the femlalas womb
You've been seething about P1S for YEARS. Haven't you gotten over it?
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my femra right now
go type your favorite animal into youtube for me right now and just click on whatever seems nice, or the first one if that's too much
qrd on CA
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I'm real nice.
I'm also real mean.
it's going to be ok anon
It's not but I find it funny when people make flashy /voidtarget macros to showcase themselves removing someone from their screen lol
absolute madlad
the maliddie or the femala
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POV: you're about to be groomed
free use
anyone wanna erp in the dead thread
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*makes it worse*
*erps you and you like it*
sure do you like catboys
*pulls ur nipples*
QRD on me
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POV: you're watching an existential crisis
JO before you have a panic attack
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OtonaJP just sent me an email about buttplugs.
lmao even
Glue nigger at it again being a nigger, have fun



Nice armpit!
Uh oh, guys... I feel my femlala turning racist... Ghh... s-someone... d...do something...!!!
wtf thats my gimmick
It's ok to be racist
You're actually one of the worst posters this thread has

It's kind of funny that all the garbage posters are in Appalcord
i got bad news for you brother, I can't for the life of me find what the fuck they put the scar itself on
it is on literally none of the textures in this modpack
only if i can rp as alphinaud
well then why dont you come take it from me
it is literally not okay to be racist
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it's been a minute since I played MCH but thanks I'm sure I will
dancer main who is into hypnosis play
take what from you exactly...
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at the end of the thread
no one will know
i really want a femlala wife
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when i tested the sculp was in tha cheek scar from face 2
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please god join the uwu pf im in i want to play the game
so brave
catbox is giving me errors
please continue to hold
I thought you were only interested in femroes
If you aren't racist you are immoral and likely mentally challenged.
What crawled up your ass and died?
at the end of the thread
no one will know
i have a femlala wife
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my rat girl is like this
oh you know... my _:3_...
How can she be one of the worst posters when her character is hot as fuck? I'd say all the hrothgal spammer faggots are far worse
My femlala hates Nanamo and her family for letting those mhiggers become regular citizens of Ul'dah.
My femlala really hates mhiggers, they look like thugs and have a bad smell. They should all live in the slums outside the walls.
if you really wanted a femlala wife you would message me on discord right now...
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Hey I upgraded when an upgrade was suggested and my PC runs through trains fine.
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it may be a little over
I’m not friends with you on discord
>How can she be one of the worst posters
By never once posting anything but coomshit for attention. Not even a single time. Ever.
bring your hard woobers
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posting it at the end of the thread
>*dms u a pic of my six incher*
my catboy slaps you upside the head and says to cut it out
It was always both.

you really can just say whatever you want even if it's blatantly false, huh? that's so crazy, anon!
Yeah that's what the first amendment is for. It's not false though.
bro? i literally play lalaboy?
by femlalas... right?
damn i just meant a screenshot of ur folder
wtf did i do at least kiss me gently first bro
Have you been facefucked?
I think not.
i can't do anything without a texture for it though and I can't see one in the files at all for some reason or another

even checked the mat files and there's nothing for it... confusing
yeah that works too
o shit yea u got the bangers
yeah now give me the rest....
i dont think there is much else properly explicit that you don't have
i am more of a tease
a tease, huh?
enjoy knowing that you get me hard?
This is a Macska post, only Macska calls Tzera "poothier"
And only Macska cares about proving that it's not been him this whole time
Thanks for scapegoating for me so I don't have to.
Macska, nobody is falling for this, you've been on damage control for 2 weeks now.
You don't have to keep going in the dead thread, but I do appreciate it.
He's such a fucking retard lol

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