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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>THE PRIMALS Live in Japan

>Upcoming Meetups
Saturday, September 14, 6:00 PM EDT | Balmung, Mist. W13 in front of plot 22 at x13.6, y12.6 | 0083 Stardust Memory >>494235114

Previous: >>494566219
catboy supremacy
>[1:17]Une CoulleLeviathan: gg.
>[1:17]Une CoulleLeviathan: niggerlisted.
can this be reported to the xivjannies?
Sex with catgirls
im using this post as an excuse to anchor cool screenshots
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We had a clean clear, it was within our grasp. Under 2% with a full minute to go until enrage. And then ONE PLAYER misses ONE TOWER and everyone dies and everyone leaves.
Post our maleras please, not third party ones
Would anyone happen to have Spud Farmer's facelift 4?
Yes, do it lol
post things that make anons reply 'RAPE'
Stop posting this bun unless you're going to be my wife.
thread is too early

no one will see that i'm a boy who kisses other boys sloppy style
Who is asking.
Anything and everything can be reported if you want to report it. The question is whether they'll take action on it, and for that it's something they probably would.
sex with my femlala...
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My fiddie is like this but screaming about Nidhogg.
Get a loyal husband and do that with him
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>dps with 50k hp
>they are level 99 wearing level 80 gear
how is this allowed?
WHY are femra like this????
WoL is like spiderman. he holds back whenever he fights normal people.
Men don't want to marry femlalas. Especially not men from here...
omggg........ itss jus like.... suberheo.... mahvel..........
plap a femras mouth
does anyone have that character rip that veron did of most people back from like 2021/2022? i had a design that I really want to replicate but i forgot what I did lol
WoL is like Peni Parker. She cute.
Giornna Giornnavanana has always loved femlalas.
can you please be nice to each other
if you say mean things people are going to think it's me
Maybe they would if people stopped advertising sex with them, be the change you seek
I genuinely do.
No one will think it's you, you're too bad at CC to be shit talking.
missed when all the lalaboys were together taking cool pictures together....
You're probably racist or something... You aren't real.
I wish Zolzayaa would have their way with me before putting a NILE'D tattoo on my character's ass so I could walk around in nothing but short shorts and panties showing it off.
Nobody's going to think it's you, nigga, you're an albatross on every team.
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Can i say something that ive been thinking about
I think Wuk Lamat is a better written character than both Thancred and Ys'htola.
Does no one remember that period of time where thancred learned to become a world class ninja through nothing but looking at domans fight for a while? Or how easily he gets around the entire world despite having no ability to manipulate his aether? Or that he chose to be a gunbreaker, a job that suits him the least, in a world where gunbreakers arent really that big of a faction?
And dont even get me started on Ys'htola she doesnt even get a story half the time. No character growth, no internal conflicts. Her fucking debilitating blindness doesnt give her any lasting punishment either, contrary to what pre-shadowbringers localization tells us.
Hell im pretty sure Matoya had a bigger impact on the overall plot of the whole game and she wasnt even on screen for most of it
sex with catgirls II
moonie? rape
sunnie? rape
aura? thats a rape
rava? also rape
meena? super rape
fiddie? raping
lala? yeah, im thinking rape
was it a shitpost or is val actually dating that fiddie?
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Queue up then so I can kick your ass.
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You make up lots of excuses for your inability to commit.
Shut the fuck up Ne Ya
I've got some bad news for you, buddy.
i'm a male moonie though
the creepy miera?
ew no.
but maliddies will try saying femra belong to them
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I AM dating your favorite femlala. I've been plapping her, too. Whenever that schizo posts that image of us in the same zone, I look back on it as another one of our many fond memories together. I love her so much it's unreal you guys.
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>get called ugly nigger retard rabbit itt all the time 24/7
>say niggerlist in game one time (my character is black so it's ok)
>erm reported!
make it make sense.
But I'm from here and I'm marrying a femlala in 2 weeks...
So you can run around like a chicken with it's head cut off around spawn as PCT?
My money is on he spends another two years chasing them and stonewalling everyone like he did his last obsession and then have another megamelt when they get together with someone else.
start coping
you got a throat? im filling it
qrd on which femlala has the plumpest, wettest, warmest cunny?
Its the most recent expansion so people will only remember the shit stuff of the current stuff.
Wait until next expansion where people will go "You know what Dawntrail was actually kino"
My catboy is posting, now.
uh oh! meltie!!!!!!!!!!!
If you knew how ne ya typed there is no way that would of turned out the way it did.
My lalaboy was never invited to these photo sessions...
nobody should say the n word
>make it make sense
Oh it's simple I fucking hate you.
this happens to my femra sometimes
so all I need to do is get better at cc?
Thanks for ruining another CC night for me you jungle fuckers. Always forget that these watermelon lisp having monkeys are jobless
you wouldn't...
i am
a gay hrothgar
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Post your job and I'll counter.
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N-No...! That's not... I'm just... I want to commit to the right man...
Speed dating meetup when?
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Grow the fuck up, Une. You're a pornsick retard and it's not too late to become a decent human being.
That's Tiktoksi, he's been hanging out with Macchi.
Why would you believe anything that's posted here without evidence?
please post your female au'ra
i think they're so cute
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I will be resuming CC calls for a while
queue CC 11:30
My catboy needs someone to kiss and suckle on his balls and also woober.
I don't know how either of you type, Zolzayaa. I have you both niggerlisted.
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If they were jobless they wouldn't be able to queue CC you fucking ape.
I have my issues with Dawntrail but 99% of them stem from The early filler and especially Sphenes dumb ass.
And even the things i like couldve been done better, for example Zoraal Ja's inner conflicts couldve been a little bit less subtle so the dumb shit with his Son actually made sense to most people
>Schizos hate you
>Schizos make sure you know they hate you
>You know they hate you
>You give them ammo you are breaking TOS and send a report to the gms
>"What the heckies! Why can't I say the N word in say chat!!
Make it make sense, retard
It has nothing to do with jobs, you just manage to do the most retarded shit almost every game I see you in.
Confusing. Tiktok is a creep anyway.
femra have devolved
that’s lewd sis. hot though
gimme an image to use for an e-giftcard
final fantasy 14
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Is this a racism thing? What a weirdo
god damnit
lining up for my smooch
you know there are rats here, just keep expletives like that to tells/pchat in good company
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>get shit on in CC
haha wow
1 why are you at spawn? why do you ALWAYS take the bait and keep chasing some random dps shitter instead of pushing the cart?
2 why do you keep deflecting? you keep listing different issues in every thread
may i post my catboy in this thread
yeah that will result in an immediate multi day in game ban
I'm friends with the gm he told me it's ok to say it
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>Americans are so obsessed with niggers they think term blacklist refers to race or skin color
lalaboys don't want to be mouthraped confirmed, huh
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will we clear
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Then post initials so I know who to hard focus.
Unloved Negro! Hi! Any of your friends get back in touch with you yet? Having a good and fulfilling day today?
im going to ram the head of my cock against the back of your throat until you gag on it so i can feel your throat contractions on my dick
especially you
Then by all means, go say it in say chat
Une kill yourself please
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Why are you so mean
can you be normal please
Isn't he pretty high up on the tier list though? He's not like Kong, who we all hate. If we like the 'bin we're not going to mass-report him. Sorry pal, but you're out of luck. Oh, and slap that ol' 'rip back on, Kong.
i want a catboy/miera husband who smokes weed and wants a clingy femlala GF who will want to spend every waking moment with you... of course, i understand you need some time to yourself, but i need a lot of attention...
Why don't you go ask him? He's standing right there
my catboy might like it
just a heads up
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When will this "scandal" end? I'm sick of seeing this shit when I just want to see naked catgirls.
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>namesearch myself on the vg archive
>0 results
its so fucking over
don't tell anyone from here but that greentext was secretly edited and I didn't actually say it
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i don't remember why i took this picture
but you can have it anon
Appalcord melty
qrd on Une Coulle?
Who the fuck are you talking to? MA? Wrong reply if so.
So you can creep on me? Don't think I haven't forgotten how fucking weird you were to me 4 years ago. Thanks but no thanks.
Scat fetish
Why are you such an annoying faggot retard that spends every waking minute in these threads spamming off topic music and images?
Why are you so lonely?
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Do you guys really like ass more than pussy?
may i see your catboy
i'm eating a pomegranate
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my femlala's dinner tonight is nacho cheese doritos and a feastables bar because she can't make any food without waking her roommate up and even if it was daytime she doesn't have the energy to make herself anything...
no you'll kill the dark knight
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no hook i'm diamond 1
anyways seriously why are you so rude
There is no enthusiasm for me to win when these jobless monkeys are playing 24/7. Its the same niggas using the same jobs to win.
its just boring
we ain't ever gonna make it
please refer back to
Mid CCer
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hiiii everyone its my birthday :D
I like a small cute ass on a flat chested adult woman nearing menopause and well into her baby fever stage.
can i get a QRD on (me)?
why do you need enthusiasm to win? just win retard.
Happy cake day, gamer!
Happy birthday anon :D
>0 malera
no wonder all the malera fans moved to maliddies and malezen you guys don't even respond to the people who like you
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sorry, it's just me
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Happy birthday to my Plainsfolk wife <3
fuck you mean "you guys"? i can see your votes, asshole. it's WE. WE really like ass more than pussy,
then leave faggot, nobody wants you here if you're gonna cry about it.
why is your hair mint chocolate
this pretty accurately describes my current crush... how can i get her to like me guys...
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drank too much after queuing down bros... help
>*puts your femlala crush through a paper shredder, reducing her to a neat pile of ribbons*
You can't, she's mine.
My catgirl will now sexpest male characters
when i'm lazy i turn on rotation solver reborn and queue for the duties where i barely have to do anything and talk on discord while tabbing in to the game once every 30 seconds to move out of whatever shit normal mechanic it is
Has there been a new declaration from the Discord? Do we hate Une and Tycho now?
Happy b-day *rape*
>anon fucked around and found out
you love to see it
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You'll just have to sift through the shit to see the catgirls, I'm afraid.
Shut the fuck up dude you're such an annoying little bitch
please don't eat it...
why are you still covered in vaseline
idk what tycho did but he's obnoxious, so I'm down
You're cool in my book bro.
>tfw i fit this criteria
>tfw i have zero feelings
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moonies here
gock posted
alert, gock posted
The scandal is that everyone in appalcord / frencord is a gooner and posts their shitty goon garbage here instead of keeping it amongst themselves
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>mfw playing the same jobs every game just to lose
my character has gray skin
anyone wanna share music with me.....
We have always hated that faggot tycho
i like une
I like the way it feels~?
Also, I'm not sure what setting is causing this.
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queue CC 3:15
>Has there been a new declaration from the Discord? Do we hate Une and Tycho now?
yeah man it's totally the discord that makes people hate une, not the fact he's a gross sexpest and a racist
My handsome and cunning catboi is rutting with a femlala breeding sow…Femlala oinkholes belong to their bigger wooberstud masters!! Get plap pregnant femlala slampiggies!! Nyahahahaha!!
post your character
Does anyone have a grand ranking of all the ebins so I know who to avoid? Is there a general blacklist or something?
shut your worthless asses up, these niggas follow the same flowchart everygame and brag like they are somebody, boring dogshit player
if it's not from video games or vtuber/anime shit then sure
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My meena is fake nice
No, Tycho is a mainstay in frencord.
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I lost my own name?
Yooo it's the cuck rabbit!
i'm pretty sure it's because you haven't updated your body mod
i also used to be covered in vaseline/cum
Any soft faggy mean ITT?
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I'm not so vapid as to fall for this.
He's racist? Maybe I misjudged.
Also wheres the poll I didn't get to vote
Depends on what kind of music you like
what mood are you in
hey :3
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>so angry you quoted me twice
hahaha holy fuck man
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I love Final Fantasy 14 a game so full of content and activities such as
>Playing other games
but he's REAL stinky
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My femlala acts like this
I forgot to answer your post the other thread.
$200 is fine
Avoid everyone on this list.
how do you lose if people do the same thing every time?
The best part of all this is that it's probably a bunch of people who pretend to be friends with eachother that are shitposting eachother.
I think it's funny that every game tikaasi tryhards his ass off while i'm sitting here with my legs on the desk watching family guy on the other monitor while barely paying attention and beating him
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Put me at the bottom so people avoid me 24/7 so I become a non-entity and can disappear into nothingness yet everything.
Glue Nigger
i am a femlala oinkhole for my bigger
wooberstud masters...
ok *sits on ur hand*
>he's still seething about P1S
Maybe if you stopped complaining, people would actually want to be around you.
happy birthday!
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calls the cc syncs so i don't have to
god bless
but hes BLACKING mira nicotera while your incel ass is squeezing your little white weenie
Don't worry, you'll get in back on your gravestone.
I try not to be racist #truthsplosion
Okay, but he can get headlocked with my catboy's arms and held down with his nose in his recently sweaty a
cute rabbit
nigga you are weird shut the fuck up
holy moly
do you also have a inferno cape??
Yeah pussy is fucking nasty. Straight male btw
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Every time my AFK camera bounces around I eventually see this poor soul
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Yes, there was rape in that game. Glad you are catching on.
You're not escaping that easily, retard.
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>try to kill time while queueing the final Nier raid
>end up a part of hunt train despite never using the currency
And the raid never popped after 20 minutes.
>not on the list
+ tip
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>i'm not on there
heyy nice
I love flat chests or big tits and nothing in between
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Imagine being scared to lose in CC
In the end my malera is just the hollow space shrunk down inside of all of us
You are trapped here responding to me. You cannot escape your fate. You will continue sitting in your chair wasting away, spamming this tranny general all day.
I-I'll try that, bwo
I'm lazy with mods
OMG it's Akemi!
How's the whole "being completely a completely unlovable, barren hag" thing going? Get replaced by yet another prettier, more worthwhile woman lately?
my femra just ate some break up ice cream feeling good
oh good. i like your silly posts and your rabbit
would be a shame to see you get zapped
have a good night
>not on there
>312 names
Idk man
Did dude wants to see the contrast of flat adult women with bulging belly that dwarves both her assets.
i never called you ugly nigger retard rabbit itt
i just wifepost you
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hello sir
>not on the list
>i'm the schizo
tycho had a meltie when i didnt want to EB him, that clingycringenigger deserves whatever shit he gets
>misspelled the name
Weird meme you're doing. Why are you so adamant about defending someone like him? He's just going to melt down the moment something upsets him and start shitposting you.
>teams bring posted
I shan't be queuing for CC
i'm a literal who that shows up like a cryptid every few years so i'll take it
ok now come back to the game and make more lewds
my catboy loves ugly niggers
Look I'll hope you don't get reported but remember there are rats here that will use anything to get you banned because these people aren't good people.
I appreciate your dedication
I unironically like you more now
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I want either this or this or nothing
i thought it was opposummachines art for a second
>FF is on the list
Kill yourself pronto, dipshit. I have never met a nicer individual from this thread.
My character does too.
I actually had a song hit me really hard earlier and I kind of want to share it with the thread. But I don't think anyone will click it, because my character is unsightly and bland. And there's no garuda to post it at. Not that I even have a recent screenshot to attach, if there was an anchor.
My femlala does and her golems always pass out after getting used by her.
I told you to be nice
can you please just let me be a normal person, stop saying mean things, I don't want to be blamed for it
>I'm not on the list
>my fake thread name is
Holy based
don't forget to send me your data once you do
You will like malera
What's even your point here? Because there's no way you think playing a charcoal rava makes it okay for you to say the n word
such cute hair
can you explain what I'm looking at here?
Don't you have other people to creep on, Jhazda?

Ah, right, I forgot you can shitpost, creep on people and "play the game" at the same time. A multitasking master.
let me eat my pomegranate in peace
FF is fake nice and acts like a weirdo with her alts
They're e-dating so jizzda will be protecting him from nasty trolls for the foreseeable future.
If you're dating Kong why are there no gposes of you fucking?
We know himimi
I need to save another 9700 gold bullion to afford the armor I want
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Fixed it
Queue up so I can beat you're ass.
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i want more like this
It seems like some people in this thread like being annoying on purpose
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queue CC 6:45
>namesearch myself on the vg archive
>a million results because multiple characters in other games have the same name
its so fucking over
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You would be the sole reason I install mare
would u date a modbeast lol
>actually on a list for once
besties i'm cooked
>Jhazda e-dating the gullible, groomable mouthbreathing retard
Tale as old as time.
We call them ebins.
Twitter has functions to mute users and filter posts like those so that they appear less often or not anymore in your TL. Just learn how to curate your TL.
yeah if they had a good personality
aren't I e-dating other people here too
can you just make a list of who I am because you know more about me than I do
>still can't assign hairstyles to plates
Total Yoshit Death
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Uhhhh... I killed the M1S training dummy as a tank with 20 seconds to spare... Is that good????
I did once thinking that they couldn't get any worse (they did)
Yeah that's Macchi's personality now. He's disillusioned from being here 10+ years and has now decided he wants to be the shadow the hedgehog of xivg
see >>494576520

no lol
>nameseach self in archive
>it's 95% just people wanting to fuck my catgirl
Always give her a tip, that's a given
I'm really not in the mood
Good idea, ice cream for bed it is
shut up Magness
Just used NoClippy for the first time, and why the fuck can't Square make the game function just like that, holy shit
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You could do more damage
>10+ years
please stop calling me that
>I'm really not in the mood
Not my problem. I'm just enjoying my evening now that my kids are in bed and my wife is asleep.

You know, the kids she gave birth to. In her 20s. Like normal women.
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>my threadcrush is on the list twice
>im not even on it
i will never have a chance will i
damn sanchez, ice cream for bed, nachos for lunch, probably having candy for breakfast
i'm going to poke your pudgy tummy like you're the pillsbury doughboy
My EB is a grown ass man, ma'am
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I have managed to dodge yet another one of these.
images i can hear
catbox is down...
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>mfw this whole thread
So what set it off this time? Did someone join the voice thingie or did someone get stomped in CC?
if you can't handle me at my ugly nigger retard rabbit you can't handle me at my wife <- true
Yes macchi, 10+ years. Over a third of your life wasted here.
>not on the list
A shadow I remain
Mare is fun, you should install it
it's saturday and they're bored
Alexander is better
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i want this
>10+ years
i genuinely hate the way most gay and straight men view sex
The SEAmonkies are off their medication
Hey Akemi, hope you're having a good night.
use litterbox
How do they view sex?
i respect your opinion but i dont
Sounds like you're just a bitch
That list has been around longer than you have
Oh ok that's good then.
>5 second stun
>10 second sleep
does anyone on balmung have a free company with crafting/gathering exp buffs on perhaps
you have not been here for long and you overestimate your impact
it is barely acceptable after
a)7 weeks into the tier
b)squeenix being so stupid and/or lazy that they made this tier's dps-checks the equivalent of EX fights because they had to adjust all the classes to meet PCT's op dps

m1s's last mechanic was skippable on release, right now it is laughable if a party can't skip raining cats too
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I want to do this with the middie I(fiddie) like.
yeah but its full, sorry
>people too new SOME HOW to not know this was the valentines femlala list.
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This is disgusting Hydra
>they made this tier's dps-checks the equivalent of EX fights because they had to adjust all the classes to meet PCT's op dps
i will never understand why they didn't just nerf picto
*hugs the face 2 femra who used to be moonie owned* I hope you're feeling better
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I don't take part in tranny shit so I wouldn't have any way of knowing.
cherry has a nice ass
i see.
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Looking for this tee-bee-aytch
i have no shame in my game
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god damn right
>search my name
>most of the results are people calling anon posts me
>my real anon posts go under the radar still
My catgirl has sex with male characters
Male shaped body
>people posting nudity in the thread
erm janny? hello?
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me and her
my catboy is built like this
Post more AW
Is it? Huh, gonna try it out

Still, why tf can't they do it, it'd make everyone's experience a lot better
No tail?
You should go to bed, otherwise you'll miss church next morning, 4chan prudie.
janny doesn't come here anymore for the most part
Shit, you caught me... you're too smart
eyes so far apart i can fit my cock between
what mod is the viper outfit?
I was curious and looked
I have 2000 results and I think it's mostly from these generals
my femra needs this
My tail is tucked
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nobody has sex with male characters
May my catboy suck your cock
ive been on 4chan for 20 years but xivg for only four
you need to make sure your shit isn’t easily debunked, take note from what everyone else does
This is pathetic bro. Stop browsing xitter and man up.
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queue CC 10:45
this post devolved into babble are you having a stroke
My catboy has sex with male characters
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worlo time

Could be squished together and still be enough room
My lalaboy has sex with female characters
>spends all day every day ERPing in LB14
>continues to shit up the thread anyways
max height femlala should become shorter
Is my wife S. T. queuing?
my character is somewhat reminiscent of this shape
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Be original please
No one has sex with lalaboys
No he doesn't lole
So does mine. Keep it up, brother.
unless its another lalaboy.... but mine is straight
I didn't even say anything
My male character stands in silence overlooking the edge of cliffs and ledges
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no because i dont have one
wow that's crazy, my catboy does this too
My catboy also plaps males
My wife ST is playing spess mareen with me. You'd know that if you were actually married to my wife like I am.
And yet you still posted.
I don't think so sis...
Why doesn’t Square Enix care about any of us? This lack of content has everyone hating each other. If we keep having this drought, ebins will start leaving due to being shitposted.
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its these two mixed together
my malezen looks at female characters and imagines having sex with them
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The why post at all your stupid attention whoring fuck? How do you rationalize spending so much time BEGGING other men to pay attention to you by spamming your modded out troon on 4chan? Are you incapable of introspection?
english ser
can you please get a trip cvato
This nigga logged onto 4chan just to tell a lie
my catboy needs to pee
Hey... wanna spitroast my catboy until he loses his mind...
You too brother, gotta keep breeding.
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do you guys have any fucking idea how nice rough manly hands are to hold? i've only ever done it once but i think about it so often that it actually makes me think i'm straight sometimes... i think it would fix me if i could just cuddle with a strong yet gentle man... i wanna make him feel safe and warm and take care of his needs... while he provides for us and keeps me safe... we would lift each other up and make each other more than the sum of our parts, our fingers laced together in bed as we drift to sleep watching some random TV show... i would finally feel safe...

um... t. femlala...
My female character is chilling. She does not have sex but instead just stands there, ominously and autistically.
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i have some to share but i can listen to most anything...
i dont really care about characters i just like music of all kinds
far from what im listening to but cozy mix...
I used to want to until lalaboys crashed their own stocks. I still would Rinko.
Have you considered that you might get too angry over nothing
i was with you until femlala
you're not real you're not real you're not real you're not real you're not real
la la la la al la la la la la la l ala la l al a la
>I used to want to until lalaboys crashed their own stocks.
What does this even mean
Have both of these niggers voidlisted
Ich muss diesen Wert in jeder Hinsicht verlieren
Doggy style with this sunnie (right) as a moan escapes her lips, tugging her tail to encourage her to thrust back until she gives into pleasure and starts doing it on her own
how did lalaboys crash their own stocks
It's quite literally just "guys, we're together btw" like anyone cares.
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my meena puts pieces of baked chicken in his spicy picante ramen along with an egg

also if you reply to this post with cuck rabbit or cuck bunny your mother will die in her sleep tonight
Have you considered you serve no purpose and have no value to anybody outside of your avatar?
>do you guys have any fucking idea how nice rough manly hands are to hold?
i don't but i've been told they feel very nice in a rough way
t. worked in landscaping for 7 years
i am very real, anon... i promise, we could be together, if you'd only give me a chance...
>keep teasing lalaboys
>they never attempt a move on my femlala
I secretly think about and hope this happens.
There's a troon character option in ff14? It thought it was just male and female.
Hope those poor kids don't turn into pieces of shit like their daddy
I've been unable to eat since 11pm. I'll be fine.
My apologies. Return the gift card and just buy him a burger or something dumb that'll make him say "hell yeah"
I'm not and will be going to buy more sleeping pills tomorrow to abuse
Wait you're the rat poster?
Please EB me...
The good ones took the Fanta off the race or stopped posting. The ones that remained did cringe drama in the thread, SK turned into a lolcow and posted weird gpose porn.
No but I'd recommend you think about your resting blood pressure level. You're gonna have a heart attack
>t. worked in landscaping for 7 years
Mexican detected
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queue CC 1:30
I'll fight you for them
same bro
she mostly just sits there for me but kind of same
most transbian post I've ever read
its a bit late but i want some ramen too. might put a soft boiled egg in mine. btw thats very not nice to potentially hex someone with something like that
What's the point
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Good morning xivg.
I ran D&D tonight and threw child soldiers at my party. It was a fun session but it lasted until midnight which I was not expecting. I got a good amount of space marine 2 in and I'm happy. Next it is time to actually run Ruby Weapon, but it's 2am and I am exhausted.
what's the point of anything..... without him...
>be 6'2
>have skinny fingers
I don't know what to do. I hate it so much. My complex is like Charlie's Uncle Jack from always sunny, but not as painfully autistic
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hery hey hey hye hey hey hi hey hi hi i love that t hat's so cool do you wanna tell me about what you do and maybe post a picture of your rough calloused hands and maybe we could grab a bite to eat and we can get to know each other haha do you like weird girls? just kidding... i'm normal by the way...
malera post
some of us are still here and even post our characters sometimes


not into thread drama
they simply have to not do it
i forgot to eat today except when i started leveling cul on my alt so im having some noodles
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we fucking love summon phoenix
this is a tranny
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I'm not the one who needs to worry about an early grave, maybe check your people's statistics. The depression when you realize none of these people care about you at all is going to destroy you.
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Don't do that
the move is to poach the egg in the broth just enough so that the whites cook but the yolk is still runny so it mixes in with the broth
damn thats a lot
can i show you my cock?
My catboy just went to take a piss and noticed white hairs in his facial hair while he was washing his hands.
Hi Eli
Suck rabbit
slslsloororp gglulg glug sloorrp
should I log in and afk for a bit or should I just go to bed?
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i am not a transbian, don't be a weirdo...
i don't know who that is...
someones son posted this fagslop
>do you like weird girls?
not really crazy about femlalas sorry
>Makes a move on a femlala
>Is promptly ignored

Still... Gotta persevere...
t. lalaboy
hey wanna see my dicl
noone showing up for ingame music sharing....
The move is to make ajitsuke tamago... they aren't hard to make. And you can make a bunch of them at once to add to ramen over the week.
effy spent the day erping at lb14? lmao
this is what 13 year old girls would write like
That's every day.
this is my femra but roles reversed and change mistress to daddy
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Hi g.l. I like your eyeball covering.
Yeah post it in the thread
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how did i survive in here
i dont like onions sauce very much
You ever read a whole ass questline and not even understand what happened?
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That's a naughty word
You're always waiting in the shadows, eager to pounce. It's commendable honestly
Yeah it's a secret drop inside EO coffers. Ancient Allagan bullshit, you have to luck out
Don't blow a gasket, Osborne
no this is what a 30 year old balding fat man thinks 13 year old girls would write
do you people really just think women can't appreciate men or something? that's honestly a little sad... and i mean that i feel bad that you feel like women can't actually compliment you and that it must be "fagslop"...
i'm afraid i'm 20 years older than that anon
that sounds like something people would actually show up to if you made a real meetup and added it to the OP
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post THAT image
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I’m a lot of people
I’m also apparently e-dating two people, I have numerous alts, and I’m also awake 24/7. I’m both very good and very bad at cc and I say basically every bad thing there is to say. so in essence, I’m everyone and no one

I am the Brahman
i'm a moonie
i dont read
sorry i meant back in the 2000's
shant be doing that
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no look at the ears. this is not the original rat. this is a mouse
what music do u like
i've tried 3 times they never get added
Jhazda post
Anyone got the latest QRD on Val?
no one ever taught my moonie how to read so she just hits esc whenever a cutscene happens
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I see you guys mention it... what does "queueing down" mean?
Qrd on this guy?
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>that roe
Summoning Phoenix is probably really helpful but I have pressed that button three times in my hundreds of matches as Summoner.
its the same fag making every op
if he does not see it it work get added
bee the change you want to see anon
I regret to inform you all that I have become a femezen once again
opposite of queue up
>You're always waiting in the shadows, eager to pounce
I know what I want
FYI the catch is that she has BPD
Is Ariuna Himaa related to Ooki Himaa?
i fucked this hag cat
tell me where and i'll go there right now
this mentally ill femra needs to get plapped by my male toon asap
It's a Burn After Reading reference. It's a good movie, check it out https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lz3Vfme-2qg
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it just means you've stopped queuing basically

i'm still no more sober than I was when I made that post
god that's so fucking hot i'm chubbing over here thinking about it
big penis dick
>I'm not and will be going to buy more sleeping pills tomorrow to abuse
You were fucking your ex like 4 hours ago
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I regret to inform everyone that I am still a fiddie larping as a garlean after the fall of the garlean empire.
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it really feels like this is the gayest thread on the website...
what music do u like....
idc about that as long as one person likes it
if you see ANY of these names on light LOG OFF IMMEDIATELY
Matilla Hatsuyari, Vex Ziu, Izumi Satou, Jupyter Kin, Ariuna Himaa, Umeko Kishimoto, Seiker Rukhan, Ranru Shiraishi, Iriene Josseloux, Narengawa Mochizuki, Ace Lefay, Rori Chan, Dezka Mierqid, Mikotsu Stingray, Anzu Miyumi, Ai Lu, Lunier Asteliare, Thread Schizo, Akito Hatsuyari, Alaire Vien, Iron Meido, Eili Furukane, Kohr Kohn, Theo Voloux, Heiko Harlock, Hek'a Ton, Otis Jenkins , Carmine Leone, Tyrone Johnson, Pygo Banthers, Marin Ara, Macchi Ato, Astrid Draetha, Gally Fujimi, Giselle Aureillien, Hideyoshi Chousokabe, Appalonise Savallos, Mithia Vyvne, Sophie Yumitori
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"Himaa" is one of the default Aura last names
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tfw a straight man will never love me because i have a penis
i dont even resent them for it. it's perfectly reasonable
even though i am a woman in every other way
i just want to make a man happy but i don't like gay men
i want a traditional normal husband with a physical labor job who i can ease the burden of at home
but it will never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever happen for me
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*slaps you upside the head*
Those are all NA names
i'm the anon that posted about not liking video game/anime stuff
I take it you are unaware of the existence of the gay board
>tfw pygo banthers parked his character directly in front of me and went AFK for 7 weeks straight so I get stuck in an IMMEDIATELY LOG OFF loop and can't play the game
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queue CC 6:00
yeah my cock is exposed in a discord live stream right now as i type men are watching it throb and twitch
No, I didn't even see him today.
i insist.
I just imagined some lonely EU retard making a bunch of alts named after ebins and running around on them
that's legitimately not true though

wanna talk about it and vent? i'm kinda bored and drunk so
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this you nigga?
What kind of music do you like?
>draw girl
>call it boy
sick of this shit
i'd fuck this
not gay though
No, move the head lower.
>tfw a straight man will never love me because i have a penis
I'm a chaser so actually I will love you even more for having a penis
fuck off bitch, she's mine
you sure you like everything other than that...
all me, all true. I am very lonely
Why do people keep making these lists other than just flexing they're schizos
>select female
>call it male in search comment
sick of this shit
from the shoulders up at least, that's outright how link looks.
where are the anchors
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Thank you for sharing with the class.
I don't remember this
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In three or four expansions, perhaps the technology shall exist to let hair interact with clothing, instead of pretending it's something to flow right through.
too late for that
That's now how it works, if you have penis, you're not a woman at all. You're not a woman in every other way. You're a man trying to be a woman. Rope yourself.
i think i might have a hand fetish or something... c-can you post your grip strength... i wanna know just how hard you could squeeze and be reminded of just how gentle you treat me every time you brush your hand against my cheek...
how is it not true...? even lesbian women are significantly more likely to be interested in trans women than straight men are... the vast majority of "straight" men who are into trans women are actually just closeted trans women or gay men (source: experience and listening to horror stories from other people)
i don't really want a chaser, though... i want a man who will love me for who i am, and not for my genitals... i don't want to be some kind of weird gay boyslut in your mind while you insist that you totally see as a woman...
did u like
Trans rights.
GT and DB are both anchor babies
most anything except basic vocaloid and country
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If one needs an anchor, one need simply make one
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this is a foot
Oh so you were fucking someone else
>namesearch myself on the vg archive
>too many results
>my name is a ingame mechanic
I won?
Honestly at this point in my life if you mega-passed and it still got hard I'd give it an honest shot.
theyre saving that for FFXVII Online
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There are a lot of sisters in the Himaa clan.
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I am a picky eater manchild and the only vegetables I will eat are green beans and potatoes
cum tribute trans girls
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Unironically same.
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i take it back you seem like a vapid annoying whore
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I have no complaints but I'm also probably not the person to ask for opinions.
green beans suck wtf is wrong with u
>c-can you post your grip strength...
I don't have a grip strength tester, but I've worked as a tradesman for the last half decade.
Chariot Dynamo my king
If you were my femlala's husband I would cook you a big plate of green beans every day...
i'd rather cum tribute grown ass men
astarion what are you doing here
i pass as a pretty average-looking cis girl without makeup and with makeup i think i look okay... i never get called male in public if that makes a difference
and yes it still gets hard and works, but it's similar to a cis girl's libido... you need to get me worked up first for it to like, do anything...
holy moly
hey :3
You are the dumbest gorilla nigger I have ever had the displeasure of knowing exists. You should fucking shoot your dick off and then choke on it for thinking green beans are bad.
Imagine getting snuffed because you were just pretending to be Garlean.
same.. i probably only had one or two back in the old archive as well since i'm not cute..
lesbian cis women are 100% not more likely to be interested in trans women. it's the opposite. they fucking hate you all
not true but you do you bro I am giving my gam friend love 24/7
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I really want to hate mods and be against them. But this morning I set up auto-duty to level trusts while I do chores just to see what it's like. Seeing how many runs it is taking, I have no regrets. I can't believe I ever defended this level of grind. SE can not possibly respect it's customers while this system is like this. Botting is the only moral option.
I love catgirls so much...
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i used to be the same way but desu being able to move while casting and the heal more than makes up for the slightly lower damage
also holy fuck this lil nigga is BRIGHT
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you people are fucking retarded. you are outing yourself as a weird chaser. these people want people to pretend to be straight and generally be disgusted by trannies but have a soft spot for them. you have to begin by negging over a period of weeks and months, then you start establishing rapport building by creating an in group with the person and but also acting compeletely aloof. in this time you also tone down your insults towards them, but keep them up for the out group. in this way you build emotional dependence without looking like a chaser. If you do this with multiple trannies at the same time you can have them all thinking the same thing, that you're making a huge exception for them and that they actually have a chance with you at a real relationship and not just sucking your dick.
>half decade
Bro is trying to make 5 years sound long when most tradies start helping their tradie dads at 10 years old.
That actually wasn't me, lol, I haven't even posted in a few hours
t. me
they're icky, idk what else to tell you. peas suck too.
hey.. *cums*
QRD on the Chidori clan?
My man you should cut your tongue out.
There was 0 fucking going on tonight, at least with me that's for sure.
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my Lalaboy is like this
Haha, that would be sooo funny lol. Imagine if that happened to me.
Sun Rosa post.
Welcome, brother https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/text/designed%20to%20be%20botted/
wtf you didnt even give me time to post a picture
they didn't give job gear before everkeep, blame the garbage pacing.
I have a few dozen mentions and all but a couple are from schizos
Nta but making split pea soup because you said that
what a shitfest of a match, that was
What's another site I should use for an album? I'm afraid catbox is going to die forever.
Giving a stranger a blowie behind the club still counts
Does not line up with my actual lived experience, sorry chuddy
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>and yes it still gets hard and works, but it's similar to a cis girl's libido... you need to get me worked up first for it to like, do anything...
is it true that it's a turn off for you guys for men to pay attention to your gock during sex or do you not care?
please enjoy
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queue CC 9:00
not reading this
die tranny
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I started helping my tradie dad when I was 5 (I would sit in the garage with him and use a pair of pliers to break random parts off of broken boards he would give me to play with while he was repairing TVs)
Now you get to mop all of that up.
Good job retard. Why not do it in the tub?
for the love of god someone repost this gif but instead of lalaboy say it's your femra or fiddie or catgirl or fiera i can't fucking jack it to a gif associated with a fucking lalaboy
Haha... yeah... wanna?
like all other people it's personal preference anon
to speak for myself, it mostly depends on the way you're treating it...
that "almost hot but flawed enough to be ugly instead" aesthetic is their whole gimmick.
I see something in the backjground
No, get real savage.
Somebody put a webm on
damn I hate lalafell now you guys spill milk...
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Grind builds character.
everyone complains about garuda but never pull up to share...
snuff is honestly so hot
Overload from trying to get as much attention as possible
Sex with thread femlalas is only good when they say no.
*looks at image with a magnifying glass*
your loss
hey do you guys mind if i *unzips pants, sending up a cloud of steam from the now loosened waistband of my jeans* uuuuuugh much better haha you have no idea how stuffy it was in there
kong ruined her
I can see how your childhood might have turned you into the person you are today.
I'm sorry bro, I'd take a pic of my catgirl's legs in a cowkini but I am far too lazy to do it today
>you are outing yourself as a weird chaser.
No I'm just terminally alone and willing to try anything feminine enough at this point. Didn't read the rest of your post btw mucho texto
tis but a golem, ser.
I hate actual Garleans too much to snuff them. But snuffing a fake one sounds fun.
Okay, new anchor idea:

If your EB or ex-EB were called and informed by a hospital that you had suddenly passed away, possibly from your own doing, do you think they'd cry? Would they care? Would he even come to see you lay in the hospital bed motionless? Would he take his own life like he promised when he said "if you die, I die" or was it just more lies told by men?
crystal pls queue for copied factory i need glam
no one would even notice if you died
gonna save my post for the next thread
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>they didn't give job gear before everkeep,
I legitimately do not understand why they waited until after you beat Zelda to give you your AF gear. By that point you're probably already damn near 100 and well on your way to having gotten Neo Kingdom through Hunts, and now that Archaeo Kingdom exists there's literally no point to even bothering with it at all because it's replaced less than an hour after it becomes unlockable.
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Oh I get it now, I'm dumb lol
no one would even notice if you died
I'd be disappointed because it's not cheating anymore if she's dead
I feel like akemi would drive me crazy with her bullshit but the sex would be good
Every time someone has asked where you just reply with "what kind of music do you like?"
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My catboy? He'd delicately kiss G'raha and do unspeakable things to others.
i would notice if you died, sis. dont talk like that
let me guess it's responding to my viera character asking to rape him
I'll never have a lalawife will i bros..
>Warning: Player exceeds both VRAM warning threshold (1.13 GiB/375 MiB) and triangle warning threshold (335179/165000 triangles).
literally how, what the fuck are these people doing
you are a clown who mistakes laughter for a wage
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making cat girls drink lava
I would notice if you died. And in case you're being serious and not just gimmick posting, if you need to vent about stuff I'm happy to sit down and shut up while you go off.
do nyot do this...
_o_k :3
hey xivg
look at your thighs
now use C+ to increase the depth and width of your thighs by 5%
post results
this is definitely not thinly veiled thighpost bait
that's messed up....
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My catboy? Plapping his pale balls against this cat's face.
my moonie has fire resistance
Amelie didn’t you used to be on Mateus I saw you in LB and you weren’t a wanderer
Yep looks like shit
My maliddie plaps femlalas professionally.
i was gonna sexpest this femra but not anymore after seeing her getting NILED
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I'm so fucked up.
balmung shirogane ward 23 subdivision apartments
It's obviously a lie by him. People say things in the moment and you should realize by now that his actions and his words do not even come close to aligning. You've been lied to, sorry sis.
>savage pfs on crystal
wow people actually do this? how long do these take to fill?
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>me getting the gluck gluck 500000 from efffy right now looking at this post
>Warning: Player exceeds your configured triangle warning threshold (190603/165000 triangles).

get your shit together jaden
please snuff my femlala...
can you post the one where he's doing the gay dance
i need to know who's posting this first
yeah its called a gock because thats the sound i make on it
My lalaboy?

Not owned by anyone, available to plap femlalas
My original character is still on Mateus. I decided to just make one of my alts on Balmung my main and namechanged. Then, 3 weeks later they opened Balmung again.
Anyone have their "fixed" face mods no longer match the color of your modded body?
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i dont know hwo to untriangle
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Do you think I will experience genuine love and happiness tomorrow?
Good night.
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queue cc 1:00
we've come full circle
your lalaboy is a free agent
goodnight TM!
'mung just opened up so I'll visit for a while but I intend to join the cc queues
Don't give up anon
No but you'll keep battling anyways. gn buddy *homie kisses you*
Freedom is great anon, you lose it when you date someone, it's not worth it
What, BLACKING Mira "Myrah" Nicotera isn't enough for you? Save some pussy for the rest of us brother!
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I genuinely hope you do. Rest well.
can you guys not be gay for 1 minute
you'll get there anon
The only happiness that exists is the longing for it to be over.
god keep you in his holy spirit i love CC but i'm a bit too tipsy to queue...
genuinely unironically impossible for this thread
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i walked up to LB14 and everyone said who are you and laughed at me so i tp'd away
i hate women so no
>my cc enemy is going to sleep
nice time to queue up
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>clowntown still up for almost another hour
Who are you?
please snuff my femlala!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I could make the manliest post ever and you would still criticize me, because I'm wearing a skirt typing it.
Now I'm gonna be twice as gay
they didn't pull that when i showed up and i doubt a single person there knew who i was so i highly doubt that bro
posting my cock after the migration for nyo reason at all
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ok now what
I just want to RP sweet, affectionate intimacy and relatively normal but passionate sex scenes but everyone I see is mega degenerate, futa, gay, or some combination of the three. I open up their f-lists and see shit like ageplay and watersports at the top of their lists and feel like maybe I'm just not meant for this ERP business. Guess my race?
cover that up whore
Impossible, yuri is inherently gay and my sunnie will never relent
middie or femlala
male middie?

I get that feeling though, I'm just really tired of whores at this point
Looks real bad.
can i cum on it
My male middie HATES onions, their flavor is nice but I hate the texture
Same with celery
on what
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>didnt get in the queue
i guess i'll keep watching gaki
may i rape
So just eat them in things instead of on things.
is that who's plapping effy? MC?
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i like your golem anon
bun tum
Why is it so perfectly shaped? Is this minecraft or what
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All wrong, it's lalaboy
My male middie is feeling the depression again and just sleeping a lot
Don't even have the energy to play the game..
FWIW it’s not always a creepy thing. I like the idea of my adult Miqo with a man 10+ years her senior.
Genuinely, it's because RPing this stuff really just isn't very interesting or exciting unless you actually want to be intimate with the person. Moreover, this kind of thing is enjoyable IRL because of the associated physical sensations in addition to the mental ones. In RP, you can only get the latter, which isn't nothing.

The reason you see so many "degenerate" people is because it becomes less and less interesting to write generic vanilla sex, especially with random hookups. Obviously you can be judgemental about this sort of thing if you want, but the explanation is pretty simple.
i said femlala that counts
That was actually my first thought, fuck
quote this next time someone complains about noone liking their music
thank you, kind ser. /pet
no more moonies jumping on the bed
Ohhhh you're the one posting this shit that makes a lot of sense. Hope you kill yourself one day.
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God I love that hairstyle and color
It can be fun in a fantasy setting.
Shoot that grape nigger while you're in range.
it literally looks like an aion online character or some kshit
Why are so many of them unappealing, not even fucking mods make them look good
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end of thread no one will notice my lore post:
I find it funny how catgirls are always depicted as retarded especially in ARR content. Too retarded to survive.
I am a femlala who wasnt paying attention and now it's 3 am and I haven't eaten...
They're femlalas though so it's probably creepy.

Nah I'm not judging anyone, just a bit bummed out. I get that RP is a place for people to live out unrealistic fantasies, mine is just very mundane in comparison. I am genuinely mystified how people can get off to some of this crazy stuff though.
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i hit some nice milestones today
what apartment am i looking for btw
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forgot pic...
*breeds you*
Other way around

Get a fucking job
>random schizo fits peppered throughout the thread
>"Macska" posting in the last thread
>Lorilee appears at the end of this one
Oh that makes sense.
i havent eaten either. wanna go to a 24 hour diner?
>Wasted some good milk
>Probably damaged jug/top so the remainder is going to sour too
>Have to clean the walls and floor (maybe even ceiling) or it's going to soon reek of spoiled milk.
>Same with clothes.
Why not do this outside?
If Eorzea had a social network where everyone, including the antagonists, could post. What would your WoL be like? Would you be an ingame ebin or use your influence for corporate incentives? Use it to communicate with foreign nations and create chaos of peace?
what happens if i put it on
I am actually a femlala who is into ageplay, yes that kind, but I actually prefer to play my femlala as the adult. For some reason, I feel like this makes me a weirdo even to other ageplay freaks, which kinda just makes me laugh sometimes. Like really? That's where you draw the line?
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queue CC 5:15

I'm still here don't worry
my job is RDM
you should get (awkwardly) courted by my catboy btw
are you still there?
I don't have parts for that... but there's no limits to electrope's potential, I guess, lmao
You experience happiness. Some conditions apply.
i'm sitting outside near the retainer bell....
>yes that kind
kys instantly

I'm not interested in gay stuff...
>You experience happiness. Some conditions apply.
im desperate for some happiness so i'll put it on
I started doing the same for my alts. Fuck waiting 20+ minutes to do boring ass low level dungeons.
Suncats are subhuman retards made to be sleeved, yes.
Trust me, I've tried, anon. It's like God doesn't want me to fucking die for some reason.
Hey Macska. Go fuck yourself for schizoing my friends.
I'm not Macska and I don't know who you are.
she'd follow all the cute ladies who post questionable selfies
Your golem is really fucking hot and I hope you fanta to her

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