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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>THE PRIMALS Live in Japan

>Upcoming Meetups
Saturday, September 14, 6:00 PM EDT | Balmung, Mist. W13 in front of plot 22 at x13.6, y12.6 | 0083 Stardust Memory >>494235114

Previous: >>494575217
catboy supremacy
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Raping effy
>can't get queue'd for ShB raids
>but will always get CT for alliance raid
No fucking way a majority of players are on current content or still in ARR.
You are not snuffing my Garlean fiddie. She could kill you bare-handed.
Sex with catgirls
where can I find the splatoon scripts
people probably cracked the code on how to force CT again
i won't post my catboy itt
nothing of value is lost
it only takes one person queuing as a level 50
flat femra are for bondage
catbox is down
post litterboxes
>can’t name my goobue sprouting goobussy
Shit game unsubbed
>Player Jaden Mode exceeded your configured triangle auto pause threshold (339218/250000 triangles) and has been automatically paused.
Odds I level my alt
Evens I start DT
me as the roe in the back after this maloonster drained me dry
"it's ma'am" coded
how do i fix it
I don’t have one anymore. I want to be the one crushed on for a change…
eb me right now
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Huh mine gained a lot of votes. It was in a distant last to start with.
go to bed
my sunnie agrees with this statement
me as one of those votes
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i don't have one cause i'm convinced noone here is wholesome
all the moonies
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>"I assure you, we had no idea of Powerman 5000 when we were making this song :^)"
stop going crazy with your mods and test the triangle and vram usage
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my fiddie is like this
>femlalas ingame
>quiet, shy, wallflowers, selective
>femlalas ITT
>Love meeeeeeeeeee! Look at my assssss!
crystal pls queue for copied factory............
I'm over my thread crush so got nothing to say
The crushes never actually message... they just post it in the thread...
best tongue piercing mod?
what roles do u need
>tfw legit got lost in the middle of the match
I hate clocktower so much.
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My fiddie is exactly like this.
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im listening
Always has been TM
Always will be TM
i am
a bored
>Macska on damage control for weeks
>Tzera hasn't posted in weeks
>suddenly a shitposter is claiming Macska is his scapegoat
>making sure everyone sees his post about how it totally isn't him
>forcing this for 2 days now
Bro, this is how guilty people act LMAO
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All f2 femra except akemi
i am
a gay hrothgar
Only recently I got into the Sephirot duty and until now I was 100% certain that they used a song by powerman or another 2000s alternative rockband and thought, wow that's cool.
who the fuck is powerman 5000
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My Highlander is like this.
Who's DN? Swear I've seen them before.
Just what boss are they talking about? Never heard anything that sounds remotely like that song in game
Perrine Charlemend.
I have a critical weakness to chocolate thighlanders
i q'd as tenk
all face 1 male middies
i think this is the one
ummmm thats my thread crush?
*raises paw*
Remember the Ramuh Egis? And then nothing fucking happened?
Remember when Yoshi P teased Iceheart as an egi back in ARR in an interview? And then nothing fucking happened?
Remember the Sephirot egis in his boss fight? And then nothing fucking happened?
Remember when SE added Egi glamours? And then nothing fucking happened?
Yes, I am guilty of schizoposting numerous people and of using Macska as my scapegoat.
the gay bunboy from last thread
my catboy is
"I am over my threadcrush"
proceeds to continue to check every archive, every discord and their lodestone every single day
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queue CC 8:30
wanna what
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Say it with me, chud.
i see you, thanks pal
my catboy also is
god i wish that happened
Compare the two
smn has way bigger issues than its animations
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My moonie is like this
Unironically SMN in a nutshell
>Quest to Summon Ramuh
>Nothing happened
>Gives up all pretense of getting new summons via story
No love for face 6?
Yes, only a guilty person like Macska would be trying really hard to force this narrative
A real shitposter would just keep doing it, not going
>Hey Tzera that really isn't me see this guy is posting and saying it isnt
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are you two dating???? that's so cute
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This malera is going to bed (it's 3 AM)
have bed breaking amazon sex with me
Nah, that's textbook fiddie behavior.
which is 6 again? is that one of the ardberts?
do you like catgirls?
Are they still a thread crush if you EB'd them?
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Nah I think Macska is an annoying pedophile too so it just works out no matter what.
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I think raiding culture is inherently toxic because people feel entitled to earn fake number rewards because *they* are able to do the mechanics in a perfect environment, if that. God forbid an entire genre based around cooperation and COMMUNICATION depend on you to use your words to succeed.
that lala is getting cucked by every meena and catboy in the thread
Holy shit, I hadn't made the connection before but that does sound almost identical to Worlds Collide
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i gotchu
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gn bwos, cant wait to PARSE tomorrow!!!
Lizzy Lostheart
Fibblit Tandywine
Mona Slater
Charlotte Bellveil
Inquistor Valtrois
Talienne Arliss
Mira Nicotera
probably not?
You're a monster
Not while I have my sex protection mask on
gn piercingra, rest well /wow /wow /dote /wow
yeah they sound a lot alike. but I like the sephirot one better and the lyrics.
IT POP! you did it bro
Yeah this just sounds like Macska
This post too

What a retard lol
About to start refining my cock size boys
tell me now anon
i finally got my gaming pc working again
we are SO back
now i can handle ALL the triangles
/pet /pet /hug /hug /pet /pet /cheer /cheer /pet
>I'll call myself a pedophile
>now nobody will think it's me
This is how shitposters think
how did you get it working?
post sunnie...
Post your PC specs. Can you handle some measly triangles?
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i got skipped LMFAOOOO oh well

good luck anon
>not the eorzean font
I shall not be soliciting her services
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thank you but i probably won't. i don't plan on fanta-ing anytime soon.
No ardbert is 5 and 7
6 is the oschon face
No one ever posts my initials
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My maleroe is exactly like this. Eat up guys.
my fiddie is so dumb
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Fat retards be like "oh this tier is so easy" and then simultaenously go " uhmm 727 only bro"
No, you'll see how poor I am.
>she doesnt know everyone posts their own initials
unfortunately it required me to buy the lowest priced mac from the apple store to burn a linux install drive so that i could have oogabuntu running
and now i will return the macintrash tomorrow :D
i have an outrageous amount of memory for my specs so yes, easily
16gb vram, 48gb dram
Sometimes I wish I was single to participate in crushposting...
i am
a meena
whos cock is TOO BIG
yeah we barsin nigga
"My WoL is exactly like this"
Then just post your WoL instead of random images???????????
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my PC is also the size of a shoebox

i love tiny computers!!!!!
7800x3d and 4080 super
Can handle all your triangles
(Still drops fps in places like uldah though)
i am
a tired fiera
who is going to sleep (its 9 am)
and get caught avatarfagging? nice try janny
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i don't recall making this post
Ofc my pc can handle it but I'm not giving those retarded attention seeking niggers a single second on my screen
15 more minutes of lemming foward run start and watch as enemy walking into our base because they don't want to fight
HOLY SHIT when I did that trial I was thinking of tony hawk pro skater which had this song
>the list grew again
do you like catboys
the yes i like your face too
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W-wait... nooooo...... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
hey.. you still need any roulettes today?
buy a 32gb ram kit man
got an fx 8350 and a gtx 970. cant handle shit
I am a lalaboy going to sleep
builtet for my rava+
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yeah :3
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i'm not an avatarfag but my WoL does act a lot like this
we don't both need woobers
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i only have 8gb of vram
My femroe is like this
There's only so far communication can take you. Besides I want arguments back in my games instead of pussies avoiding each other because the TOS is basically: "If you get reported, you get punished/banned."
Oh the thing thats fake and not real and requires you to get hit a billion times to get your perfect uptime?
Thats so cool bro. Squenix should really finish replacing Vulns with damage downs to drown out fuckers like you
it's 3 AM, anon...
I don't like GAMs, sorry
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My computer is still alive in dawntrail
sorry im not into cuntboys, anon.
nigger there isnt any vulns in this savage tier
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queue CC 12:30

is there something like a 4chan guild/clan I could join? Making a character on Balmung
I don't even know who you are..........
My femra has arrived in japan undetected and will now skidoodle through the alleyways unseen.
But are you?
pathetic. we should kill you
. . . i meant yours
Ask Theo or Rob to get in Core
please put me out of my misery
not until i upgrade to a ddr5 platform >:3
Joker, Core is full
thank you anon, good night
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I dunno i cant even open the own image i posted
not him but *pulls ur large whisker and it makes a funny sound*
How is your >3.5 even still alive? Mine died two years after I got it.
Yooo it's the cuck rabbit!
weird, my catboy suffers from this too

do nyot touch
lots of stuff uses over 16 now if you let it, and never worrying about pagefile is very nice
could solve stutters if you get any(which you probably don't with that vcache)
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But I don’t want to.
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Yooo it's the cuck bunny!
any last words
>Core is full
>invites any new coomer who posts shitty nude gposes and idles on 'mung for a week
I don't even play on balmung or associate with anyone but still check to see if my initials are there
do you like meena
cute fiddie
ovari da..
blush??? nigga wheres the bush
i cant load this image and it's freaking me out
cute dress!
why are you stealing sphene's gimmick?
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Why are you the way that you are anon?
stranger who gave me 500k gil for my birthday if you're here, big thaaanks...
i am
a moonie
who just loaded up gu to be a proweler
on your face after I kiss yo ass, NIGGA
you like blush on yo gurls face? OR NOT NIGGA??? ANSWER THE POAL
Lost my shirt
What way? Straight? I had both parents at home and was never molested.
idk pcs almost 10 years old at this point and ive never had any serious problems with anything and i barely even take care of
>half-assed attempt at a lust provoking image
>time wasting question
your characters face is so fucking ugly

droopy caveman brow good god please just go face 1
hi DB did you beat signalis yet
My own parents were gooners and I was neglected from childhood. I hate modbeast coomers so much its unreal. They ruined everything. My own static, my own friends.
Based manga
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>crying over spilt milk
may i sexpest?
total malezen rape
Right? It has me wanting to role play a similar slow burn romance with an older male character after reading it a bit last night.
Ride that thing til the wheels fall off, bro. You got some solid value out of it.
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damn, destroyed.
Gm to chaos c:
Fuck off.
would the fulala
I was born based into this world.
i'm a happy bisexual man who loves my friends because i had a healthy upbringing

hi grape c@
no i started playing trails of cold steel again....
Idk maybe answer the question first and I'll tell you why.
I don't like face 1 horns
Insufficient thighlander tits and ass in my face
i hate cut dicks so much its unreal
how do i message them?
strap up for palaistra
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mento illness
the fulala looks boring and ugly, vanilla proportions are best
Lalaboy > Fulala
An insufficient amount of fishra love in my life
more for me
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queue CC 4:30
You go to Lavender Beds Ward 14 on Balmung
>Putting Effy twice
We get it Menhera
I checked the Codex Malerates and you're actually not supposed to say that
"sorry for being poor"
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Apparently there's a new "misogyny" fad being spread around about how some incel gave a femhole the ick by telling her to play white mage and now they're all convinced that they're super skilled...........
I just want to point out that women are never skilled in any games or anything, women never contribute to anything in statics except b*tching and whining whenever given the opportunity, notice how there's never been a competitive all femwhore team in sports and gaming that wasn't a joke.....?
Women absolutely do belong in whatever subservient role that men appoint them to and society is in such a dire state because we stopped creating a toxic and unwelcoming environment for these pests........
hey i read all this and it didnt chub me up in the slightest
tell me to cum
same I'm tired of seeing them from this thread
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That's the malera
I could not give a single fuck about anything you just typed.
I need help cumming too
you need to get better taste in catgirls anon
Sandris my FUARKING queen I have missed you SO much. Did you end up clearing the tier?
where can someone find a fulala like that
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neglecting and cheating on my EB again...
Good, you're finally here again. I've been needing a spunkhole to empty my fat malera balls into. Open wide, fagsleeve. Daddy's gotta blast some gunk
fuck you too cunt
message King pin
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My WoL is exactly like this
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>fat woman and ottermode man pairing
ill fix it next game
CC OGs showed up before anyone else...
i'll remember this everytime i see a gadura anchor from now on....
What a cutie
its 2017 all over again
>*slaps cock on the counter*
well? go ahead. give it a kiss.
How do we fix the malera problem?
I'm not gay but I would jerk off my malezen, like a friendjob.
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By our braincell combined!
what is ottermode
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my wol is exactly like this
It never stopped anon. It's current year and will always be current year.
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should i start hrt.......
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My WoL is this exactly
I gotta stop doing my GC dailies. They eat up too much time as a trial player and I haven't progressed MSQ or other quests in a few days.
everyone i know that's started HRT has been happier for it
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queue CC 8:00
Too much work getting that stuff.
if you are asking then yes, also fuck off
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ty. she is also exactly like this
only if i can hit
I forgot to add JM and VM
the prime twink faggot body
That's most likely because they're a friend of a member, they don't just invite any random
Only joker does that
I'll accept this random image since you posted an image of your WoL already
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wtf she's melting
No but you should stop posting
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Kill yourself simp......
Nope I unsubbed and started working on making a video game from scratch.......
Just thought I'd chime in to share some misogyny because I hate women and don't want them to be happy..........
My statement still stands.
the fate of face 1 femra
only if you also get bottom surgery BEFORE trying to conceive
no that's lip
>f1 femra
well you're already trans, so why not
My WoL is wondering if any NA hunt trains occur during the overnight hours.
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my wol is exactly like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=piQ-TfcAHoQ
>friend of a member
That's what I said.
>coomer who posts shitty nude gposes and idles on 'mung
That's all it takes to be collected.
need a tranny who i can send pics of my cock to and who sends me pics of herself for me to trib
Incoming Effy and Menhera post.
not usually
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I just want to stay a bit hidden sometimes, that's all.
The pipeline is real.
You'll still be the ugly mentally ill mfer you were before you started. You'll just be more emotional over it.
bros i have blue balls cause i havent been jerking off but i cant jerk off because my penis head is chaffed from too much jerking off
what do i do
How many bloonies are there that post here they are my favourite flavour of moonie
don't based me he's mine...
do it sis
invest in lube
>incel hate posting
>then asks if they should transition
prostate orgasm
Centurio - Never
ShB/EW combo - Sometimes
DT - Slightly more common that previous
like 3
Been awhile since I took a booba focused picture.
trannies are jealous of real women
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oh my goodness gracious
how many moonie subraces are there?
bloonies and troonies? goonies too...
>face 1s are trannies
Its actually face 3, a large swath of xivg trannies unironically play face 3 femra.
it started from when a confirmed biowomen played one in HW as a one off fanta and a large swath of the AGPers (proto trannies) swapped over to emulate that woman that made the face 3 but added in GAM assents to themselves.
they have been deathculting about it for the past 8 years, this is also why the simping for face 3s is so high, its trannies circlejerking eachother.
my 2 modbeast enemies and mira nikocado
I wish to see them and smooch them
>Zolzayaa of all people has "No ERP" in their search info
el oh el
What's the deal with Prophecy Star? Is he supposed to be good at CC or something?
Thread's dead, no one will see me post naked F2 Femra...

I am convinced this person is an AI chatbot. I have never seen it speak or act in any way resembling a coherent human, it's just randomized output.
leviah looks dumb
what the fuck
kill youareself now
They dont ERP though
Isn't it just animations?
these people don't want to erp they want to jerk off to animations and do dirty talk ooc

mare ruined this game
that's not a f2 you asshole
This but Unnamed Neko and completely unironically.
When the baddies tells me to put the phone down
This only creates more questions though
Only a woman could have drawn this right? Men would think sticking stuff in their dick as painful and gross
i assumed you were talking about unnamed neko before i checked the post you replied to
what is this cats name
i want to pose with you
<Core> is CLOSED and full
Go join <Joker> the true xivg FC
hey its me ur eb
I am a femra
being comfy
Shut the fuck up, Unnamed Neko @Jenova
Ya know I had something good to say when I was trying to post this, then I had to edit it to make it less than 4mb and forgor my new computer was missing all this nice stuff. (needless to say I also forgor what I was gonna say originally)
I've talked to them a couple of times. Can confirm they are human
Mare ruined the ERP scene in this game.
>"just go to f-list"
oh yes let me *checks notes* roll dice and go to nightclub lobbies and do generic modernsloppa that has been infesting xiv for the past 4 years but in here its the standard. great fucking idea, Sheldon.
Sugoi...are you gone for good or just on break?
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Well my daddy taught a few things too like uh how not to rip the skin by using someone else's mouth instead of your own hands.
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Surely there's a bloonie reading this, I NEED to pet one
/hug /hug
my meena is edging
Shut the fuck up and stop posting
I am a sunnie
who is cozy now that the ibuprofen has kicked in
That's why they pay me the big bucks
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Welcome to the gang, sis.
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My malera is making chicken tendies with cauliflower sauce
you don't get paid anything you're unemployable
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queue CC 11:30
i hope you all have a nice evening
being comfy is a nice respite from everything else going on, it's needed
Ill move on when they do, I shall remain vigilant as long as they keep running tranny tricks in my beloved home.
fuck off my face palaniggers
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who this...
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just put me down
take me out back like old yeller
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yo yo yo anon's a bitch
alt f4 the page
don't call janny, you snitch
I bet it's good. Post pic when you're done.
you both get thanked equally cause I'm drunk.
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i would swap to my main at that point
most of those are my main
Nuh uh, I'm a witch!
Im just around, I don't know if this is the same TP tho
Shut the fuck up, Unnamed Tranny @Troonova
hell yeah /pet /dote
I don't need to call a janny for a mentally handicapped retard like you, menhera
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>make your entire personality PvP
>get surprised when people tolerate you at best and they actually start to genuinely hate you when you lock in during "friendlies"
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Good morning /xivg/! (Especially Domans and Gridanians)
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idk if there's another...

i'll be keeping my eyes out for you, just around
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just lock in dude
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Why is a top eb so hard to get
what is this fictional scenario you have come up with
Because this game is like 80-90% submissives, so you have a lot of competition and need to stand out and better pursue the top you want.
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>Missed Stardust meetup

because the top will lose all of the free holes in the market. and locking down with a bottom, unless its a woman irl is a bad idea because gay men are vindictive and self immolating.
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>that last match
That was my call. gn
I always see you just chilling and doing your own thing, it's kind of a stoicism that I like I guess...
>NIN in casual
actually kys
sensible chuckle
you are just boring to be around
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i don't hate anyone else in friendlies
only myself for playing like shit
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love this c@
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seriously considering getting this dress next time it's on sale but getting cash shop items feels a lot rougher with another account...
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jokercat jumpscare
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>switch to SAM
heh... nothing personnel.
oh yep that's me

say hi sometime, i don't bite
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is it me
You just have to find someone willing to learn to be your top. That's what happened to me.
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Why is this thread obsessed with Kong
I don't like the softboy retard cat face and I feel I'm in the minority somehow.
akira kurosawa
These pvp nubins miss a crucial point as to why Judas was cool.
nie moonie pet pet
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you can't even handle all this fancy
He's my favorite moonie
Taking a nap, anybody want anything?
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I won
only time kong has been attached to a good post
catch some zzz's for me bro
you know that also picks up filesize notes right
>why Judas was cool
do you mean insufferable?
>training a bottom to be a top
pffffthahahahahahaha bro theyd only be a service top at best. you have to find the person that wants to actually take initiative and be domineering on their own.
problem is, you also have to have to be a really good bottom to stand above all of the trash bottoms in this game.
yeah a friend to play mh with
That IS pretty fancy.
I can really see the graphics update here. Looks nice.
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what are the /xivg/-approved jobs for casual, so far I've seen pretty much every single job called out as dishonest for casual
genuinely what is wrong with NIN in CC?
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queue CC 3:30

vpr pct
fool that you are, you have fallen for my bait of taking the bait
I realized it right after pressing submit
*stops by the vendor to buy those pants after you sell them for something better*
Service tops are so fucking hot, though.
my femra will destroy
everyone in cc
slapping /ponder on my face probably didn't help here
i don't think face 4 or 3 really work for me though, others may disagree

do you think yojimbo is a better movie than seven samurai, anon
i prefer kagemusha over all of them i think

Learn how that post format works first. If you can't get that right I doubt you even have recup bound.
i have only seen seven samurai
cc doko?
I need to stop falling in love with people in this game just because they make me cum a lot, when I don't see us really fitting well in any other way.
They just got in a match
Cum often enough and that won't really matter, now will it?
just dont be touch starved bro
Why is that I can put some items on the marketboard and some I get from my retainer's expeditions not?
I beat the story mode for gb4 and now I feel empty
final fantasy 14
people in this game don't understand how highlights work and color their hair like a token Asian chick in some b-movie.
Wanna try that again in English?
belongs on my fieras lap
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>dont be touch starved bro
>havent felt the touch of a woman in over 30 years
>havent even touched pussy, i was born via c-section
holy fuck. dawntrail fucking sucks. someone send help. just finished the msq. I feel bad and sick. Like this is the first time I feel utterly sick after completing a expansion. I remember feeling happy after being done with ARR,HW,ST,SHB and EW. But this is pure suffering. I don't want to level my jobs anymore. I fucking hate wuk lamat. I hated the fucking cast. I hated this fake "culture" shit when 99% of the cast looks the same and act the same. I hated I knew sphene would fucking be the main villain and that she would die because she was a cute girl. I read theory about dawntrail they sounded more exciting. i hate how the golden city is such a shit zone after finishing the game.

fuck you writer. kill yourself.
now it's time to farm out MG parts and do newtype difficulty for alternate fire modes on guns
that's fair. i would definitely check out the rest of kurosawa's movies when you get the chance regardless
i haven't seen most of them in years myself
You can always change that anon
I'm not touch starved. I'm touched a lot by a lot of people. But something about someone being regular really does it for me. The familiarity and ease of it is extra comforting.
God I just want to teleport to Val's house
Enter the doorway
He's sitting there on his couch, waiting for me, and excitedly welcomes me, I saunter over and flop down and give him a soft kiss on the lips before we lay back, cuddle up and continue watching the tv show we left the night before.
No, I have given up
fuck dragons
How are trannies so horny constantly? Doesn't estrogen kill your sex drive?
how, im 5 foot 2 im balding, im missing my two front teeth, and i make around 22k annually sleeping on the couch of my aunts place.
they probably get more sex than you, so they're used to it.
they're usually not and hrt makes them eepy
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ye ye
do do do
>this image appears on the left side of the screen and slowly goes to the right
do do do
do do do
>this image reaches the right side of the screen
do do do
They can't get hard but they'll gladly suck dick and jerk it and get fucked by it like it gives them life
This was the 4th time you did the the MSQ. You didn't need to also rant about it for the 4th time.
what are some good games for a steam deck
for some, other people get hyperboosted by it
ew lobster cat lmao
>take a few days off
>travel to legal prostitution location
>hire and fuck prostitute
>do other travel activities
Do you not understand that you can use money and the internet in a myriad of ways to benefit you?
If you're really that desperate you can always pay for it
Nobody calls brd dishonest but there are people who still seethe over good brd players. So basically
>honest jobs: jobs I play
>dishonest jobs: jobs that kill me/cuck me out most consistently
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queue CC 7:00
world of horror
16k player after just 2 month of dawntrail lmao. how much damage did it do
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Boy golly gee am I love pressing ouroboros and watching people recover everything before the damage decides it maybe wants to come out.
Yoshida is a hack.
>Doesn't estrogen kill your sex drive?
yeah, but attention feeds their narcissism
So go message him?
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same but southern cross
Looks like tranchelle
I'm kinda losing interest because I don't feel like navigating all the pieces to find passives I want to inherit
They're not. It's just gender affirming since making men cum is what women exist for.
My femlala is a size queen...sorry lalaboys
I'd have a mental breakdown when he rejects me
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Dear Diary,
Hingans fucking suck.
That's kinda hot desu
Did we break endwalker luckybranco number? I heard yoshi-p say we had more player than ever, but clearly that was a lie.
Looking for some gender affirming care, sis?
yeah let me spend the money i barely have, you dont understand how down bad I am. i spend around 6k annually on uber trips to get to my job alone.
CC is not going well tonight
maybe i should just go to bed
Hear that weebs? This bitch is a proud Garlean breeding sow! Garlemald wins again!
mine is too but she can bare smaller guys at times...
My moonie has woken up and will now watch f2 and f1 while afking in game
>check out the aco thread for the first time in months
>its this one futard elezen erping with himself
endwalker had 1,7m characters vs dawntrail having 1,4m. so no
sweating in friendlies
you niggas would bring steve and then get mad when people force you out of the game room.
good night sister
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Back off, Imperial Dog! I'm Doman and proud! You can brand me a traitor when I'm dead and cold, for I would've failed in my duties to my homeland and my people!
I thought that butter face lobster hrothgal was going to stop posting
That isn't down bad. That is downright retarded if you aren't in some bumfuck rural town.
don't go to the futa one then
I queued down the second a whm on my team killed themselves mid while both teams circled around the map on the speed bands. There's just no fun on playing with cooked people.
Looking to give a transgirl some gender-affirming attention.
I've dome to the realization that fapping and sex drive don't need to always correlate. Being a depressive neet hikki for years I could masturbate 3-4 sometimes even 5 times a day, every day, but that wasn't out of sex drive it was out of boredom. When I finally somewhat fixed myself and got a girlfriend, I realize I had absolutely 0 drive to actually have sex with her. Sex was work and it didn't even feel better than my hand because I can grip my dick and jerk it off effortlessly and quick with the right amount of grip. On the other hand sex was thrusting my entire body, it took energy, it was slower than jerking off, it didn't feel as tight, there wasn't enough friction to stimulate unless I tried real hard, and it was almost impossible to cum unless I felt truly horny (but because I had almost 0 sex drive from being a sedentary neet for so long, that rarely happened). I could only cum if I got myself really in the mood and it killed my relationship.
Yeah it's all just Korbo posting his shitty sex pested poses, I can't believe he's not embarrassed to post that low quality shit
yeah come to bed with me~
Grrr they're mine back off
So true my Garlean brother! Let's hear three cheers for Garlemald! Hear! Hear!
maam this is a wendys
Same experience. Even was with a tranny. Real sex is just masturbation with another person and not worth the effort.
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As a Korean 콩나물 국밥 and 콩나물 불고기 are really tasty and I don't like being made hungry every thread.
>sex pested poses
SEAmen really don't care about what words mean, do they?
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O-oh.. it.. it is?
Lmao this was me with my ex
I jerked off out of depression and boredom
I'd fuck my ex and be unable to cum and she thought it was cause I thought she was ugly so she left me
What's the current CC map and what's the next?
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queue CC 11:00
Well is it because you live far away from any jobs or because you don't want to find something better? 22k a year doesnt really sound like a job work keeping if you dont have even have proper transportation. I mean there are ways to go about feeling better about yourself if you really wanted to.. you could get dentures and in time if you think the confidence boost was worth it get teeth implants and that can open up a whole new outlook. Not much you can do about your height but just own it without sounding like a bitter manlet.
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yes *ahem* what would you like to order?
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Shut up and bare us more children, whore.
Its ok we can share, they still have two holes :)
it's just korbo posting some trash
we really scared off all the good hetero posers didn't we
I wish that was my + on the right
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I fucking hate it here. Fine, but I'm not gonna be happy about it.
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Oh no... not again......

oh wait wrong npc.
Story ruined with time travel and memory alteration.
femra with the gunnarshadezzzz
I thought Gpose was a mod thing, like Mare.
bro your smithing gloves so you can do like 60 before having to click again
Oh shit, didn't know about those. I'll look them up, thanks.
It's worth it once you get high test levels and with someone you really love. Women have it so easy being able to just lie there and have a dominant force plow their endless amount of nerve endings until they go braindead from cumming 5 times in a row while also having fun toys to use.

The trad way was the right way all along. Sex with someone you are really into and never want to be apart from, with a healthy lifestyle, really does feel nice. But finding that person and having that right amount of sex drive is hard, especially when you have outside factors like stressing about the wage cage and whatever else.
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>wiping on first pull of brayflox waybackmachine
>see scholar doesnt have the fairy out
>check glamour plate

U > leave duty > drink fanta off meena
>endwalker had 1,7m characters vs dawntrail having 1,4m.
OOF. Explain why yoshi-p is desperate traveling around the world so he can avoid the shareholders lmao
we gotta stop meeting like this
*low smooch*
they're one of the gloves from Family Crest quest. makes smithing a super chill side monitor thing if you're just doing bars
bro look at those horns, you can't impregnate a boy
who's that UGLY nigga at the LB14 lamppost
the random npc miqotes are cuter than all ur miqotes
Can I have aaaaah...uhhhh...
These hips are for bearing Doman children only, ~Ser~. Control your mongrel compulsions!
Im a dishwasher, this was the only job that would take me because i am very bad at oral interviews and stupid questions. as for teeth implants they want to remove my wisdom teeth before wanting to fix anything and im uninsured, they want around 2k for the wisdom teeth removal on its own and that was back then when the cavities were still small and manageable and I could have gotten crowns btu no they wanted to nickel and dime or well fist full of gold me for wisdom teeth removal so now i dont have my two front teeth.
What do I buy with company seals? I maxed it out.
Wait do you have a gock?
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taking eb applications for my moonie+
you must
>be a fiddie
>vote for trump in this years election
>be a firm believer of TND
>snitch on foids who get illegal abortions
>vote for any proposition on the docket that takes away foid rights
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>nipple lamp collection
Sorry I love impregnating women and giving them morning after pills
ROLFCOPTER noob rs3 account. I got a max comp rs3 account + max osrs, unlike you noob. I also know everything about the lore.
WOMAN! I don't have all day and there are people behind you, please either place your order or there will be consequences
Bro, look at her horns.
who the heck is this
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>not tea made with herbs that induce an abortion.
I don't vote does that count
Holy shit how do I get a brown xiv gf? I'm so fucking lonely...
why do people here always complain about how hard it is to make friends

just go meet someone in game after they post here and talk to them

take the initiative...
Viera are all bad at the game
That's really cool, man, I'm happy for you. Good job. I think fishing is really nice. I just got the ability to get tuna and it's very cozy to fish for a couple hours without a care in the world.
what if they don't like me
Solo duties have to be a real thing on the level of trials, raids, and dungeons. I know they didn't get it out of their system with XVI.
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then they don't like you and you're back where you were when you started!

you have nothing to lose! you can do it!
I don't care I'm kneeling anyways
I do that and im met with one sentence responses. turns out none of you niggers want friends you just want someone to nanny you emotionally.
That, I can't deny.
what if they make fun of me or post in the thread about me and stuff.....
>talk to someone
>they ignore me because I'm not a futa or ERP
Many such cases.
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>bearing children
>do you have a gock??
I think I'll go with aaah....uhhhhhhh....
yoooo, mw2?
looking for a relationship
must play a femra
must have agp and play as your feminine self insert
must like agp femra who play as their feminine self insert
must put at least medium effort into presenting yourself. I will sync to see your mods but my character is modbeasted (I'm not ugly don't worry)
must like wearing matching, cute and girly glams together :3 (must use same scale mods as me)
must enjoy erp sessions where we go full cringe agp degeneracy etc.
must like going on walks together through cities where we people-watch
if you were good at pvp that would be nice but not a dealbreaker
if you need to be with someone well-known then that's a dealbreaker (I'm a random)
if you are on EU there'a a chance you're one of the agps here that mutually hates me, don't need to explain why this would be awkward
only i am allowed to erp strangers, you will be a cuckqueen and you will like it. (preferably, send me the key to your cage in the mail, too)
sounds like a you problem if it keeps happening desu

no one does this unless you're just sexpesting them
my meena needs an EB who will nanny me emotionally. . .
It's been forever since Endwalker dropped and Viera are still garbage at the game.
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queue CC 3:30
>"Yeah, my favorite fantasy race are elves!"
>Me when theres playable humans
>you have a problem
yes the problem is xivggers are a blight.
i'm bored of fiddies and catgirls but i will make an exception for this holiest of moliest cuties
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Okay great, back to the Garlemald rape pens with you then, bitch.
Those are male horns
this nigger just hit me 26 31 dds through prayer
why are you black
>external site with no description of whats there
I shant be clicking this, especially when half of you are barrag niggers.
If you don't make a decision now then the consequences are that doma will fall, unfortunately that's just the way it is
>DMV plate
oh this one's the sproutiest of sprouts
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Its this with music
I wanna be House and have you be my Cuddy baby girl
>progressing through dawntrail msq
>lizard king asks if his daughter is ready in my opinion
>I answer she's not ready to rule
>I'm still stuck with her
My highness, I was literally serious. She's not ready, let me off the ship. Fuck I'll be the fifth promise or whatever. I'll be the king. LET ME OUT I HATE HER I WILL SLIT BOTH OF YOUR THROATS LIZARD
this but unironically
i did and no one wants anything to do with me because im not a coomer modder
What the fuck is AGP
Haven't seen this one in a while
It's insane how many people from here are so sex/lewd focused unironically in game. Better off just trying to find friends elsewhere.
I will terrorize queues
Not because I DC
But because I am just really really bad even though I'm doing my best
Auto-Gaping Peripherals
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I give up, I can't wait for October...
How far from work do you live though is the question? If you're spending 6k a year on ubers just to work and you live within like 10-15miles from work why not consider something like an E-Bike you can get 750w that have a 60 mile battery for less than 1k these days. Consider looking for a job while you have a job at somewhere that does offer insurance like walmart my niece started there on their cap team and all they do is stock shelves and its 38hours a week with insurance. The interview part I assume you're talking about behavioural based interviewing and those are bullshit I agree but just lie man LARP the fuck out of em how are they gonna know you got nothing to lose if you already think you're not gonna get the job.
im a top
what's the name of the song bros I've been trying to find it...
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That's enough of you.
They are genetic!!
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The lady is in the protection of the Twin Adders, sirs. I recommend you stop it with your games.
miera post
Allagan Gender Problems
I don't listen to trash music so I don't know
one day someone will post my name/initials in response to one of these posts..
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i am a sunnie
going to bed after a long day of farming rathalos EX and not seeing the mount drop a single time
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queue CC 7:00
1 more after this
uh oh... incoming melty.....
I will have a small coke.
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Catbox isn't working so I'm rawdogging it
yeah i didn't see it drop a single time while getting my shards either, i even did extra to get the armor dyable. at least it's pretty easy and fast if you can get some friends to tag along
i got mine on my 8th try
you say apply at a Walmart but i got rejected due to the interview, (they asked me where do I see myself in 5 years and I told them hopefully not dead in the dich because I didnt get the job, and when they asked me about if i were to walk in a room and hear employees A and B having an argument what would I do and i told him id mind my business and continue working because they are adults and i have a job to do.) the job is about 30 minutes away.
I await it patiently
I just finished making some poses. And they came out nice
Ooh that looks tasty. Nice job, bro.
looks pretty good anon
post them
Thank you very much anon
Much better, I knew you could do it, your order will be out shortly
i'm making some male lewd shots right now, too bad i can't post them here
do I drg or rpr
this is impawtent because I gotta knyow which one to glam for
Hope you didnt DF it and ruin 3 mentors day, anon you fat fuck.
Call centers or data entry are always hiring.
Perrine Charlemend
>protection by instaloss femra
I have seen this doujin setup
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we were getting 2 minute kill times but it felt like it was much longer than that. probably because you cant just mindlessly mash your rotation and the tail needs to die to get the + scales to drop
i hope the evil ass rape dwarf gets you
unsynced with friends and NOT fat
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just how many play that game still?
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HS you were terrifying in that one long game
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i meant the poster…
a WFH job would be ideal honestly, but then that defeats the purpose of finding a lady to swoon over....
we fucking like this
catbox isnt working or else I would
my malera in the background when he senses gock
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What do I do?
wuk lamat is not the problem. the writing is, you stupid retard.
I also just finished making a pose, quite enjoyed the process even if I'm not the best at it.
My femra acts like this before pulling you into your watery grave
Just wait, you can do the quest after.
This is megarian id the malezen right
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be nice to Val, nigger
you could just yknow, remind him and easily clear
I can breathe underwater though
it's some EU clown
i dont like vtubers
>ca-ca-ca-ca-catbox down I cant post my images in the thread
you are weak
just post it on the respective lewd board and cross post it here.
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QUEUE CC 10:30
How? You can't ilvl cheese anymore. Short of exploits/hax I can't think of literally any way you could possibly force CT except if it was all you had unlocked (and even this could be solved by forcing you to unlock all alliance raids thatbare available to you)
Shut the fuck up, Unnamed Neko @Jenova
I mean I wont crossthread post, but ill post it over there sure
Whenever someone approaches me on Discord, I ask if they can send ne a picture of how their modded character looks like.
If they say "I don't use mods sorry", I befriend them.
If their modded character still looks like a XIV character, I befriend them.
If they look like this >>494590312 I ghost them.
or just post and eat the ban, cowards
I dont know any of you newniggers by name.
the only thing I know is that spuki still owes me 300k and moni is a faggot.
use litterbox
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you got the wrong person schizo-bot
Go to sleep
*grabs the popcorn*
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I fucking love this song - my meena is like this
And Sally’s song
Shut the fuck up Unnamed Neko @Jenova
id actually kill myself inside of squenix hq if shadows of mhach was required brother
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>I dont know any of you newniggers by name.
>the only thing I know is that spuki still owes me 300k and moni is a faggot.
*grabs your dick*
Allagan Gold Points
Fuck you, you are going to do Void Ark and you are going to LIKE it.
Man apply again when I was young I had to interview at walmart 3 times before I got hired and I ended up being a manager within 6 months. It has nothing to do with ability trust me and ffs man they don't want some school shooter type working there they want drone worker bees, yes its humiliating but lie if they ask some shit like that say I see myself as a valued walmart employee of 5 years and you always tell manager/hr types you would report aggressive work behaviour even if you wouldn't. You just want an in once you get in though you'll find its very hard to get fired from a place like that if you're not an absolutely psychopath openly saying crazy shit and that goes for any job and I've had a lot since that. But man you know your life better than me but don't settle.
genuinely the worst players bring it out the most, god forbid "main" it
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i was almost asleep but then insomnia said no so im waiting for melatonin to knock me out
wasting this bot’s bandwidth by baiting another (you)
I am
A gay maleroe
cute malera
It's Allagan Gold Pieces you dunce
>captcha: KH4GN
Oops I meant to post the reprise

I think I’ll listen to this soundtrack while I play final fantasy 14 online
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I got massively sidetracked last thread but I just found out that I am apparently a randomized chatbot according to exactly 1 guy. The more ya know!
petting this moonie in the hopes he pets my moonie back
>Spams threads with shit
>Calls other people bots
Shut the fuck up, Unnamed Neko @Jenova
>join syncshell
>framerate instantly tanks
>see modbeast rapidly cycling through outfits
>600 MB of files
>using 600 MB of VRAM
>leave syncshell
jorkin my shizz rn bros
absolutely strue
>t. shitter-tier NIN main
Gotta be honest with your broski you need to get your life together before you start worrying about getting a woman to fuck it up even more. Work for yourself first and in time some bitch will show up.
I <3 femroes
MGP mean gold points though
You should instead become a randomized plapbot.
nice bro hope you're gooning to high quality pussy pussy
Post high quality pussy
Would Allagan money still be considered legal tender, since it has an apparently stable conversion rate to gil, or is that just the aftermakret value of the coin to collectors?
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The option has crossed my mind in all honesty.
why are pussies so less visually appealing than uncut cocks
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honk honk
because you are a genuine faggot
very lovely
They're not, you're just gay
Uncut cocks > pussy > cut cock
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You should be taking melatonin 30 minutes before you intend to sleep
Thanks but I heard some of the malera talking about throwing me off the Dawn Throne so I'm laying low right now
because you're a homosexual? idk man
u misspelled reaper
Ill try. I just dont care about workplace drama and silly questions. I might also go and try a job in a call center as well.
all of the self-improvement in the world isnt going to help my teeth, height, balding dome and neuropathy,
Idk but pussies are pretty gross dude. Just like a big gash where blood and piss comes out and it's right next to the butthole.
I don't really notice the difference between cut and uncut. I prefer uncut but the best sex in my life was with an american tranny that had a cut one.
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Thanks you for the games I'm going back to bed and you should too. *mwah*
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good game for the last one of the night
ggs all

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youre looking at skinny roasties when you should be looking at fat women.
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i thought i was sleepy enough to not need it, plus im worried about it losing its efficacy if i use it every day
it is true, I was being genuine
afk next to me and i will
No no I’m straight and he has a point, some cocks are super juicy
Someone please tell Lucy Bonne and Lore Amaranth that they have very nice armpits.
>3 femra on the enemy team
the game just handed the red team the win.
Femlala is easy mode for eb, hardmode for e-sex
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Sorry I am Eu so pretend I am next to you
>roleplaying in the thread
>talking about cocks
it's EU hours huh
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>xeno getting blasted on twitter
Malera are fucking done for.
i love this judgmental dog so much
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>No no I’m straight
we fucking hate you
post link or fuck off eternally.
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all i’m saying is that even small uncut cocks look better than the best cunts
no bully pls

>dokkhag and pyhag
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>tfw i never get smoochposted
cute bloomers
Best post in the thread no notes.
I can definitely understand. There's something appealing about them in form and function. It's simple and elegant in design.
Low doses of melatonin don't desensitize you to it iirc, if you have a melatonin deficiency (happens with aging in a lot of people) then it usually just puts you within normal range
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wouldn't recognise the place if we weren't talking about juicy dick all day
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my rava x (you)r fiera
Reaper feels harder to me than Sam (I’m a clueless healer main). Reaper has a really dense burst.
i also have a EU frontline character so i can come pet you
Get out of there that's stinky.
Frotting is a sacred, intimate act between two men. Special exception can be made for trannies, but futa should NEVER frot. It's equivalent to blackface.
Take the fucking mustache off your hroth or better yet fanta to an actual female race and not some faggot furry future bait
i only smooch people i've had good interactions with
this but for intercrural, if you want to be a woman fine but then you don't get to have sex with thighs
Dokkan is cute I’m going to enact a fifteen step plan that takes 2 years of real time make her my wife
My futa frotted last night and will do it again
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I.. uhhh.. I think I will handle this one myself, Captain. T-thank you for the, words of support.
i see, that’s helpful to know then, thank you… i hate how much im getting hit with “x happens with age” things lately, i really am a hag lol
I don't wanna type e-sex, I just wanna e-sex pose
The femra on the bottom are free use right?
my meena would frot with the rava+ that keeps sexpesting me but futa in general scares me
whats the point if youre not even going to make it look good faggot
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>good interaction with me
At least you guys are honest about being guys wanting to fuck man ass. Proud of you.
>tfw i never interact with anybody on a personal level
it's over for me
total shortie death
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Witness and despair, malera. Your race is over, your stocks burned to ash. The end is coming.
How much to fill you up?
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my femlala is having impure thoughts about f/f+
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Thoughts on this?
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I love hroth men grabbing me with their big ass paws….
Catboy post
I usually do an e-pose after e-sex, but i have a lot of scenarios bouncing around my noggin. I don’t think my femlala is particularly sexy, but being so small makes some situations and poses more compelling, albeit impossible to get the animations not looking like shit
Do one with the black haired golem
I'm not a lala, have at 'em
i know who this poster is and you should go to bed
I won't lie but it's true youre just gonna have to babystep and hope for a bit of luck but hey you're better than the majority of failed men here atleast you're not pretending to be a woman.
Try being a lalaboy, you get hard mode for both.
Cool / Cool / Cool / Cool/ Who?
Nigger / Who? / Cool / Who? / Who?

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