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File deleted.
Yaoi Edition

>MWIII Season 6 Blogpost

>BO6 Trello Board



>Warzone Meta (updated automatically from TrueGameData)

Previous: >>494333427
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>he wanted reskinned mw19
Bro you're trying to get the entire thread deleted?
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Is that girl from Azumanga Daioh?
Stop asking questions get à life
That's classified
Why is man on man action so hot
Imagine the heat/smell
Bring it back
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Which one? or should i wait till season 6?
>See people wanting to bring mw2 back
>hear about H2M
>99% of it's just wanting to quick scope and any videos on it are snipers crying about reg gunners
is this really mw2s legacy LMAO
bro this shit is gay wtf
>Imanazi gets retconned as Izzy
Fuck everything and every one
Is Hell Let Loose like CoD but just with hardcore mode on?
I dunno
A Halobro created this thread
Some one make a new thread
guys i think i posted like 200+ out of 750 in the last thread.
im sorry
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are cod points tied to your steam/bnet account or your activision account? i have like 200k on coldwar through bnet but i bought bo6 for steam
the fuck you mean you have 200k cod points
you can just install warzone through bnet and spend your cod points there. and then play bo6/warzone on steam. cod points are tied to platform first and then activision account.
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big brain move here

It wasn't a Limited Time Mode in MWIII, it's been available in Quick Play ever since its dedicated playlist ended.
>CTF is in the game
>you can only play CTF on the season maps
>you can't play CTF on any of the MW2 maps even though MW2 had CTF because uhhhhh
sledgecucks strike again
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i overestimated
holy shit this is actually a 4d chess tier play. thank you bro
nigga what the fuck? why would you even have this many cod points
Bro the fuck is that thread somebody create a new 1
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Based anime bro holy fucking shit
klem is going to kill himself when he sees this lmfao
COD is a gay franchise, get over it
Highrise, Terminal, Scrapyard, and Invasion are all included but yeah it's fucking retarded how restricted they made the map list for the mode.
The worst part is it's not even OG Maps vs Seasonal Maps, it's like they picked what maps to include by throwing darts. Tanked & Grow House weren't included even though they launched in the same Season as the mode, Grime was added when Reloaded dropped but Checkpoint was skipped over, then Season 4 they skipped Paris & Tokyo yet added Incline to the list when 4 Reloaded dropped.
They did the same dumb shit with Demolition & Cyber Attack too, just with a few of the maps swapped around each time.
he probably bought third world CP (lmao) at a massive discount. even if you bought every pro pack in a year that'd only be like 26000 CP
The Endless has arrived
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This. So much this!
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An Ancient Evil has Awoken...
Yo, where my homies at? Gobless for this safe space. S'days are reserved for chicken wings and Modern Warfare 3.
bo6 is for absolute uber sweats
on adderall and coke

Uninstalling this PIECE OF SHIT game

Holy fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
nobody cares just leave
Why does warzone rebirth run at 80 fps when the warzone 1 rebirth ran at 200 fps and also looked way better
I'm still preying on MW19 discount. I'm going to make a new account and start from scratch. I still don't trust Actishit that if I unlink my current one they still associate the old data (i.e. telemetry) with my steam acc. but maybe I'm overvaluing their competence.
Suck a fat dick
MW19 was fun every single cod after it was a fucking sweatfest
It's the shader pipeline which is the plaque.
Renderman had good looking shading since 1995 but at some point in 2015 'physically based rendering' came up. And for film/offline rendering this is great I guess.
Now for gpus not so much.
It's also a marketing ploy of course.
Sorry maybe this isn't too coherent post.
Cared enough to reply
But why does warzone 1 run at 200 fps on the same machine. It looks way better. They switched pipelines after 19?
I hate the whole quick play playlist system. What was wrong with the classic style. And it showed you how many players were playing each mode.
upgrade your cpu already
Pretty much and the new generation is worse. I don't know the exact details but you can clearly see it as a customer, no need to be a PhD. And it's a case of bad development - CodHQ is just a offensive piece of software. I don't even want to know what kind of office politics are behind its fruition.
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>finished S5 bp by afking during 2x XP events
>only play once a week to collect welfare tokens from weekly challenges and events
>now have 30bp tokens from emoji event this week
lol, lmao even
still gonna afk S6
Ill upgrade when a game looks better than 19/wz1. still waiting
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What went wrong?
How did it become that shotguns are the "easy no skill weapon" but snipers aren't? All of the snipers in this series are the biggest and gayest cancerous shit I've ever played again. 1 taps to the upperbody from most ranges including full map kills in MP. Shotguns need good positioning, good awareness, skills to land headshots (because they nearly ALWAYS cuck shotguns into being 2-shot kill no matter how close you are), must be a cunt hairs worth of distance away which is a huge trade off since they can just stab you or shoot you more easily. Etc.

Like... literally every complaint about shotguns is actually just the same complaint about snipers but snipers are "ok" for some reason.
You would think making it harder for people without supercomputers to play the game would be a bad thing. well look at that the game is dead even with rebirth island back. they clearly have no foresight or any thought at all and everyone should be fired. Ugly ass game that runs worse than GTAIV PC port
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>S'days are reserved for chicken wings and Modern Warfare 3.
Nice, I had pizza with red bull. Shitting on zoomers right now!
Holy shit mwiii looks so bad
if you could run wz1 at 200 fps but struggle with wz2 even at toaster settings then you are cpu bottlenecked
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Holy shit MW3 is so good
Dude i dont care. Obviously im bottle ecked. but there is nothing in this game to warrant more cpu power or gpu power required.
If you're into scat then yeah it's good
whatever poorfag
The new mwiii maps like vista and six star look way better than any map from mwii and launch. it’s mwii that looks like complete shit. mwiii is just a dlc
speaking of cpu's what is a good one from intel? 12th gen? im looking to upgrade for poe2 its cpu heavy
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So did we get more tourists, or is it the regular faggots being gayer than usual
You don't need to upgrade.
When did Clementine show his tiny sticks? I am retired but I could still out squat and out deadlift his ass. He is weak as a baby, by the looks of it he's doing some gay fitness...
You are thin and your body has low water retention but. So what? I would be embarrassed to show those quads.
thing is i have not upgraded my pc in years since all games still run on my gtx 1080ti and i7-7700 you think it will be fine for poe2? even mw3 is smooth on it
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>new mwiii maps look way better than any map from mwii
You do if you get 90 fps on fucking warzone lmao
this shit fire fr fr
im a different anon who asked that which is who the anon replied to, also i play mp/zombies exclusively
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if you just AFK the battlepass and don't bother playing, why even turn the game on at all at this point? I did the same thing up until MW2023 season 1 then I realized how pointless it was and stopped playing CoD. Just spend that time playing a game you actually enjoy instead of idling for digitial goodies you'll never actually use. You are buckbroken by Activision and the CoD devs anon.
I afked and got enough points to get the gundam bundle

>shitment S tier
Opinion discarded.
Ahh, no, you would need a minimum of 6 core, i8 can still do it but most goyslop is made for multicores.
Old i7 can still push it but the system bandwidth is a problem.
Also: you don't ever need more than 60 with any online multiplayer especially CoD. Just because Dr. Disrespect runs it at 300 fps doesn't justify it in practice (i.e
tickrate etc). It is a fallacy because streamers and "e sports" have created a market for less intelligent people.
Please see >>494593395
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I'm banking the CP CoD Points for Wraith in Black Ops 6.
you are so retarded. every time you double your frames you halve the input lag on your end. you're so dumb
See what? Your poorfag cope? It's 120 fps minimum even on consoles with CoD nowadays
To add, if you actually use Netlimiter or any tool to analyse how CoD matchmaking works (outside FaZe house in LA and their whitelisted connections,) you would understand pushing 300 frames will just make your electricity bill go up and your game look bad.
Most console niggers who are now pc gamers are pretty much clueless when it comes to technology.
>to double down on my mental retardation, ...
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>You don't need to upgrade.
We're still buying Ps5 Pro and playing BO6 at 240fps on it
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i changed dome and hotel to A thinking about it now they are good maps too
kys klem
>cel shaded shit better than mwii maps
Yeah you can go kill yourself. Don't even bother live streaming it, I won't watch
Why do cdlskins have such fragile egos? As soon as you kill them, they make it a mission to track you down. Also rangeban Fr*nce please
I’m waiting for BLOPS6 but I want to play some cod in the meanwhile.
Anon, which cod should I buy?
I want to play online mostly, and I don’t know which modern warfare remake should I get. Help me
Xbox Pro runs at 500 fps, bro.
i should have put las almas and raceway in S but at the same time im enjoying how much you seethe at it
Just play warzone
I once used CuteAnimeGirl name and behold - most people who were annoyed were arabs. This is why your reference to France is relevant.
Get a vpn and play in US lobbies, much better experience. And funny too when you hear niggas talking shit irl. Because it's not that serious.
You should put a noose around your neck
>get a VPN
Yikes, no thank you. I think it would be much cheaper to nuke Fr*nce instead
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>Why do cdlskins have such fragile egos? As soon as you kill them, they make it a mission to track you down
They care about the game. That's why I don't reverse boost and fuck them up :^)
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CDL zoomers are built for BWC
sliding faggotry with a riot shield shouldn't be a thing. this is retarded
im right in saying those 9mm tracers work on other guns right?
I hate battle royales and free to plays full of third worlders
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Ranked cheeks fear the penetrator
im right in saying you are a tourist right?
>im right in saying those 9mm tracers work on other guns right?
Yes, these tracers work on other guns
primary weapons with a riot shield should not be allowed
>primary weapons with a riot shield should not be allowed
Wait till Treyarch confirms the shield for BO6 ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
You are hiding, that's not the definition of "fucking them up"
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Oh no no no...
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Yes yes yes
>You are hiding, that's not the definition of "fucking them up"
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i dont say this often because i think most jannies are faggots but whoever deleted OPs image you are one of the few alright ones
they should delete your pic too
he still did this kind of stuff in bo6 beta, he always drops to prone
get fucked literal tranny
how is it possible bros? 3arch took iw engine and fixed the play of the game when the morons in iw couldnt. how did they do it guys? maybe iw should be fired
Treyarch asked Sledgehammer to fix everything and for spare maps
they deserve it since they had to add a 3rd mode to their last 2 games and make the cdl playlist plus save cold war from their filthy hands. ps fuck sledge and big fuck iw
Reminder that there's no source other than "Trust me bro!"
As they should, Treyarch wasted precious resources on Slophammer joke of a zombies
Every thread until they’re in
Good choices. Treyarch should've recycled all of CW who cares if they aren't new everyone is running with Stone anyways
mason and hudson are dead lmao
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Not even gonna try the campaign. Gibs me this, put it in a battle pass or whatever, I want my armor
Cold War Original donut steel operators are infinitely times better than Vanguard snowflake operators and Modern Warfare 2&3 gun catalog models + celeb shilling
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They are cringe-kino while Vanguard MW2/3 is just cringe
yeah and
Graves & Soap are drop shotting in MW3 multiplayer right now

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