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Male midlanders, you know the deal.

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>THE PRIMALS Live in Japan

Previous: >>494582372
catboy supremacy
sex with older lalaboys (with facial hair)!

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hmm no. make them dogs instead
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why is obesity so popular with modbeasts now?
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posting it at the start of the thread
good night
wrong image?
*gets plapped by you*
cute retard
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you should EB my fiera
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Have you ever been smitten really badly with someone else's character? I've been thinking about this lala and her adorable smile since I saw it posted this morning. She's too CUTE AAAAAAA
hey pal, that's my butt wife you're talking about. SHUT the fuck up.
I don't know, there's a certain charm to tired grouchy bear men who probably wiggle their little round tails when they're happy.
C'mon, let's see it.
nah bro. that's either a bot, or someone who should have theit right to access the internet revoked
I see jaden's cute cat overstayed its welcome and he's honmaxxing now
i hate catboys so much its unreal
you sure post about this a lot, ryan
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what is honmaxxing
My femlala is horny and a friend is up… but she can’t really remeber the nature of their friendship.
>no results for image hash on the archive
We get it, you're a pedophile.
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was gonna stay up all night for birthday but slumber is winning the fight, i hope you all have a great day n stuff
bear men are gay, dog boys at least have a chance at being straight
my meena will be frotting with this rava
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Well, okey... here goes...
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shant be posting the male fundoshi pic i took earlier tonight
*kisses tummy*
They don't have to be for sexo, they can be for adventures and hugs.
Do blank alpine partitions not exist?
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yeah there's some real cuties in these threads sometimes
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Malera, aka male au ra, cannot be good no matter who or what is playing it. The entire FFXIV community needs to band together and bar them from game interactions. They are a blight, a scourge, a complete and utter disease upon this game and must be cleansed.
To malera, fantasia to another race and change your ways. Do not comply and you shall be obliterated.
To all who associate with malera, question everything about them. You may be working alongside true scum.
To those who are not either of the previous, patrol and ensure all players, old and new, sprout, mentor, or otherwise, are not speaking to malera or are not malera themselves.
We can do this. We can better this community.
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my meena is like this
Marry (marital rape)
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they're just called alpine partitions
goodnight my love and happy birthday
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t-that's so big.. doesn't it hurt?
my moonie is now queuing for nier raids while watching ti
where is ryona cat i have things for them
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my maliddlie is like this
I consider myself straight (although I really shouldn’t) and I dislike futa.
what races does he fug
So true
I have worse interactions with mierda desu
my moonie is having lunch while watching TI
Only when I sleep on it. It's a real problem.
malezen, miera and maliddies, mostly
I'd reccomend mixing some ground up eggshells in your food for a better sheen but that's a good tail.
I don't know what that means.
Sure malera
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CC doko?
why do people keep touching my belly..
goodnight anon!! i hope you have a good day yourself
rape rape rape tbqh
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At least malera aren’t all sexpests

Had to blacklist one from here today because he kept asking me if I liked bbc and if I’d let him watch.
wish there was less shit like dk pos 1 that hero is boring
Chubby tail! Chubby tail!
I wouldn't mind having a mod for one of those big fat round tails that gilas and certain other lizards have
I'm not creeping
I'm observing
I will interact when I understand how to
They are all sexpests, without fault. I haven't met a single one who isn't.
A miera, that is
malera are the least likely to put out
She really loves showing off her ass to Garlemald studs
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I will never be caught intermingling with xivg
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Nah. Malera tend to be dorks, but harmless.
If you get a warning in game with no instructions, do they email you right away? I think I got a warning but I dont see any way to confirm it.
cute art, I think if I fanta again it will be a hrothgal
I wasn't sure if you made a mistake or not because that sounded like average malera behavior
I have a critical weakness to chocolate thighlanders
Sounds French. Let's smoochmaxx instead, my queen!
Play the game.
DK is my favorite hero, love breathing fire on nerds
but i understand
Saw this femlala servicing catboy woobers
Yeah I left out the part where the sex pest I was talking about was a miera

I rarely ever see any of the malera here ingame other than that annoying malera alt who posts about RuneScape and thinks queueing cc is a personality
What did you do
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Not you again.
my moonie is not having a good time against silverwind and she's still only on the earlier quests....
i mean hes funner to play than to watch
my favorite hero is aa and hes not being picked.....
what should I pose my fiera doing?
I tried out auto-duty for trusts and It had a pop up that said rotation warnings in place. It seemed to comw from the plugin and there was no other indicator anywhere else.
i got a warning too i really wish they told you what for because i raidlogged that week and i think i got reported for saying “fuck” when i messed up a mech in pf lol
but now that warning haunts me forever…
Faking the funk on a nasty dunk.
Got that last week and I am fine, its part of the plugin, not the game
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cleaning her ears
id prefer chuck
/dote /dote /kiss whoa..
plap my glubs mouth
Biological female here who has never played final fantasy and I have a quick question.
Do the male characters look like this in-game?
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Bless you anon. I am a paranoia machine and hearing that just saved my mind.
Witnessing all the hate malera are getting again, makes me feel nice and comfortable. Being hated feels great
if you mod maybe
if you get fucked in game, do you get fucked irl?
Here, that's what you people like, right?
Horsecock or something, I'm not a gooner.
we use mods here typically sis, they COULD but i don't think many of them do
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Heh, mine looks even better babe. Name's Gabe btw. I would be happy to show you the game, I can even make some cute screenshots of our characters together.
np, it happens when you are doing a dungeon but you havent unlocked an ability the plugin uses for you, thats when you get that error
Is there an addon or way to cut down all the sfx happening in raids? I can't even see the boss
i’m not eu or logged in sorry, just hornyposting
no but if you get pregnant in game that becomes real. don't question how
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I feel like this game is very Ala Mhigan biased. Subscribe to Ground News to sift through breaking news headlines and media bias.
Ah so these are the fabled horsebirds of the west...
my catgirl needs a catboy to abuse (you'll be nursed back to health and doted on afterwards)
Average malera behavior is being a clumsy and enthusiastic dom. Average miera behavior is being a being an inconsiderate and thoughtless sneaker.
A lot of miera are failed malera who fanta'd to try and use the new male race to pick up women easily swayed by the bunboys.
turn off party battle effects
this man is long gone, why do this?
It's in the settings, you can turn all of them off fully or partially
What's wrong with the last statement btw
and they unfortunately weren't wrong
Oh! That makes sense. I wish it was more clear lol
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you dont need an addon, devs here actually give players options
He hangs out at lb14 all the time
Anon, you can't hide the bulge in your pants from my femlala, you know... if you stay close like that, it's almost rubbing against her face, you know...
Not saying they weren't but you and other people made this bed now lie in it.
I finally feel welcome in this community and it's by being hated by everyone and I want to make it worse I want to be alone I want to feel the stares on my character through my screen
Which one is the setting in ktisis that makes axis body relative instead of camera relative? I can't find it for the life of me.
Femlalas like this are why I have a squirt bottle and a rolled up newspaper.
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Hey Widargelt, uh, I wanna fact check these claims your making. It feels heavily propagandized.
W-whoa, it actually worked! I love smoochmaxxing! Although maybe we should give that French thing a try?
femlalas will say this but run when you ask to actually do stuff
sure, let me shove all these snails in your mouth
More like this.
Give me your most 'We like this' xiv image
content slave eb where
Ala Mhigans are generally very stupid
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I wish proxy noir would post some catboxes
i know you're talking
i know you're not really afk
you just don't want to talk to me
you're all so mean
i just want to be friends
My moonie is no longer ovulating and was not plapped
she is safe for another month
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T-thanks? I don't love escargot, but I don't mind it either!
not exactly, you can try out the dawntrail benchmark and use the character creator to see if you like any of them or if the general art style appeals to you.
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Escar-what? Nah, I just found these.
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no you dont bitch
you just vaguepost
>you speak pretty words. but would you speak them to our people, to every soul who has suffered?
>would you fact-check all the wives made widows, the children left hungry?
I knew I liked Erik for a reason.
It's a nation that collectively decided that Lyse is the best person to lead their revolution and later on to represent the country.
Anal? Anal!
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no i think we prefer DS9
Effy would not be a red shirt
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As if that stopped my sunnie from knocking a moonie up.
Grrrr, another uppity femlala needing woober correction!!
I don't know who Effy is.
holy moly
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wups* pic rel
>I would
Left cat
My fiddie woke up and is going to eat an entire package of apple pie spring rolls before organizing her inventory and retainers.
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I'm wild
I... guess it's the thought that counts. *reluctantly swallows*
is this modded?
I'm curious to see your thoughts on the next part of the monk storyline
I want people to hate me
I'm thinking about leaving my FC of now 3 years and going completely solo forever
I deserve it
Lyse only represents Conrad's resistance faction and he's been pushing for her to replace him from the start given her family's reputation making her a strong symbol to rally behind and her younger positive outlook for Ala Mhigo can make sure it doesn't fall back into its old ways that led to its downfall in the first place.
i do not have a single hrothgal mod so no, you can just make one of these
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anal is yuck, she would only accept vagoonial with handholding
Anyone else still has their playlists from 10+ years ago?
my FC members still hate me even when I'm in a solo one
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I really love this quest so far. The conflicting themes, the subversion of the cold researcher archetype being the enlightened one while the monk, too traumatized by his PTSD, only sees the way paved in bloodshed.
I knew I liked Erik for a reason. Not just for the lore dumps.
His thought process allows him to keep a measured head on the entire situation while being Ala Mhigan himself. Allowing him to think rationally on the grander scheme of things.

What's that old saying, "miss the forest for the trees"? He didn't miss the forest at all.
My femlala says Hey? what's going on? oh and also goodnight!
what ear mod
Okay, let's do vagoonial instead but then I 'accidentally' put it in the 'wrong' hole and 'handhold' your hands behind your back.
Fat Cat Fact #289

There is an old wives’ tale that suggests that counting Fat Cats aids your digestion
shoving my fingers in your ears
my moonie pats her and gives her a goodnight kiss
Ok yeah this malera's having a meltdown my chest is doing that aching hurting thing
goomiho super fluff
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He doesn't crop up much in the 2nd questline, it's largely about morality and tradition. I think it's pretty good, probably one of my favourites. Try out Sam and DRK some time, they're both very good, SMN is also really cool & almost feels like the "most canon" class storyline
Hey be gentle
Yes, I love moonies so much
whats going on sis
You are sick and full of sin for suggesting such a thing, my moonie knows now to stay away from you
Anal rape it is then
nobody even watches these so i could post anything i want and it'd go unnoticed
Being hated and deserving it
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woah that's crazy.. my moonie loves your femlala
channeling my power and encoding my neural paths to make my brainwaves expand outward and transmit the killswitch code for all femra in the immediate area
that's great! sadly I have to sleep and then work.
Rugged males are bit limited but not impossible.
Shut the fuck up
goodnight and good luck!
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my femlala was deeply offended by this and is not going to reopen this at all constantly.
Can people post Picto glams? I'm having a hard time.
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Jokes on you, there's not a single braincell behind these eyes for you to affect.
chi albarea
Nobody cared who he was until he put on the mask.
Thanks! *smooch* I'll try my best
Kinoooooo kill em all champ
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My ol' reliable, the AF 100 top is just way too good
please don't point out my diaper bulge, I'm self conscious about it
Missing Emily Tiel. Haven't seen that ball of fluff in a while.
Life may be hard right now but at least I'm not a cat in ohio
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I know this cat. She is a very nice cat.
Yeah you can say that I suppose.
went for a more techwear graffiti street artist style
Cute arthoe miqo, would fuck her ass in her messy apartment littered with beer bottles and smelling of weed.
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one last spam. Thought this prose was pretty evocative to me as it speaks on the plight of fathers and sons. That inheritance of revenge throughout the generations. He remarks on how his people, from his view, fought to the bitter end to defend not only their homeland but all of Eorzea. Yet when they were scattered, they were treated poorly as exemplified by the refugee crisis, which led to them being more emboldened towards their desire for revenge against the Garleans.

Death of the author, but my interpretation was this: the man Widargelt describes seems to be a figurative representation of the people or pride of Ala Mhigo. They curse their forefathers for not putting a stop to the Garlean menace earlier, when Ala Mhigo was still at relative peace prior to the war. For their cowardess, their people would almost be wiped out from history itself. Yet here Widargelt understands now and only regrets that he could not impart the wisdom given to him by Erik and WoL.
There, sorry for littering the thread. I liked this job quest a lot ngl.
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miss when this game had decent writing bros
Scared away from all the feet fanart?
Your funeral
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i have yet to actually level it but parts of the starting picto set are very nice
>They want cross class skills back
Someone kill this nigga.
Our autistic femxaela blogging her sprout journey. Warms the heart.
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I'm considering fantaing back to a cat. The shoulders are really hard to work around for glams.
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not mine but this one is fucking kino
damn that's cute
the higi upgrade should've been attached to kunai's bane instead of dokumori
the purpose of these kind of temporary upgraded skills should be to add more potency to specific abilities, like how gluttony becomes attached to upgraded GCDs. But dokumori is already huge on its own because it's the 2 minute burst and you line everything up with it anyways. It would've made more sense to have Kunai's Bane give the higi buff and then dokumori unlocks ten chi jin (to avoid drifting). They should also make the Raiton combo both ranged.
>no nyas incorporated
Pretty damn good
transphobe bigot
This is a cute glam but doesn't really feel like it fits picto
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WHY is meteor's tie so short
Sup, degenerate coomers.
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Respectfully disagree, when I see Pictomancer I think "performer", and reminds me a lot of Zatanna's fit from DC.
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Two fiddies
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Can't wait!
I did the DRK questline and had a blast.
its why I'm playing very, very, very, slowly so I can make travelogues from screenshots.
I always feel like if I don't write something down I'll lose it from my memory.
It's stylish and he has nothing to compensate for.
cool it with the transphobic remarks
>no meow speak
didnt read
It looks like a blu glam specifically because it looks like a performer. Not at all evocative of an artist
>It's stylish
No, it's gauche and uncultured, he should iron his shirt and tuck it in
grrr talk about my nyanja anyalsis
Damn, I'd do some things to Gaia.
Jesus christ I jerked off to this woman multiple times a day in my teens.
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post it again but properly and maybe i will
Based and dogpilled
This guy hasn't heard of the sprezzatura.
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my miera uses these for his woober
I don't play NIN, but are the jobquests cool?
The latex middie!
Isnt that extra large for miera?
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My analysis: yes.
My verdict: I wish I knew more about ninja to know what your talking about.
I just jobbed hard in a m3s reclear. How can I ever come back from this? Everything was going well until I messed up chain deathmatch 2
And i still dont know how to dodge fuse or foe so i dont get a damage down if it happens to start at my spot
/ear scritches
bed time for moonies
Im going to flay you. Show yourself! Please dont make that a thing that sticks to me. Cant you say "knightly" or " gallant" middie instead?
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woah uoh
tf is going on in this thread
also sauce?
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come to my bed so we can start making babies
brio is a piece of shit to work with when I click and drag a joint UP I want it to go UP I don't want it to go up and to the left I don't want it to go down and I don't want it to go up and then I turn my camera and its fucked off on that side into the skybox, why is it so hard to get that right? the joint is clearly just drifting off in a different direction than the movement gizmo I wish this piece of shit never stole ktisis' unfinished code and pushed it as a ""finished"" product
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lol, lmao even
hewwo gwub
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My moonie will now ignore everyone ingame, as f1 is about to start
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Life has many doors.
ill give you 50 000 gil if you suck me off
its much too late for things like that! moonies must hibernate or they will die
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Come to LB14 I'll give you some Gil no strings attached
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It's a shame she dies so fast in the duty that you only get to the intro of the song.
Queue CC 1;00
anyone on na wanna run manalis
The stat squish was wasted effort.
ff14 suck, and anyone who still pays for this game suck. Ubisoft goes Steamworks bye bye, always on DRMUbisoft goes Steamworks bye bye, always on DRMUbisoft goes Steamworks bye bye, always on DRMUbisoft goes Steamworks bye bye, always on DRMUbisoft goes Steamworks bye bye, always on DRMUbisoft goes Steamworks bye bye, always on DRMUbisoft goes Steamworks bye bye, always on DRMUbisoft goes Steamworks bye bye, always on DRMUbisoft goes Steamworks bye bye, always on DRM
my malera always wears a cup
he is always ready for action
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I'm here for operation EBIN
Anal middie
do you even play the game tho
The thread was objectively better before because people I like still posted
Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to kill yourself.
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i thought the thread would drastically improve in quality when the tranny chaser appalonise savallos seraph "left" xivg but it slightly improved at most
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my catgirl looks and acts like this
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Queue CC 3:30
you are in the presence of bluetongueskink
FOUNDER of rumblecord
who makes 2 posts there per month
and queues up for cc once per year
grease goblin
crazy how his cat is actually kind of good when it doesn't have a dick
Wow this ra has beautiful eyelashes.
hello meme lizard
did you bathe in a pool of crisco before taking this one? turn down your skin highlights goddam
Your catgirl has 4 ears?
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It got worse because every shitposted is like a hydra. They were the only ones keeping others away because no one dared to "steal the gimmick"
>tranny chaser leaves
>3 more rise in his place
I fear the day you or any other current oldfag nigger leaves this thread
I can see your pusy
I love femezen so much it's unreal
Why do pauldrons on femhroth get ridiculously stretched? It just doesn't make sense. They become way broader than they actually are.
the thread was better when chen existed and contained the worst posters and also before 5.3 when all the gen z twitch stream watchers flooded the game

they're soulful
Qrd on Vallarena?
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fake catgirl
Thank you, Anon. She takes good care of them!
I literally never see zoomers in ffxiv. I'm fucking 32 and am the youngest in my fc.
is there an easy way to see the substats of every weapon
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me when i see a lalaboy
You are a literal diaper porn enthusiast tranny chaser and abuser. But worst of all you're a Scholar main.
What you have to say is irrelevant.
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Why are you climbing up this bookcase?
you're welcome!
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choose one
it is the cutest and most erotic part of a lalafell a real sicko might even tuck you in while gently kissing your forehead and telling you they love you
Pretty sure I'm in the zoomer category
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whats that thing on the right
but futard sexpests like him are dime a dozen already
whatever the thing on the right is
i'm so sick of seeing that cake item
your bf
you don't have to know their age to know they're a zoomer, you can see it quite often in mannerisms, constantly on twitter, virtue signaling calling everything pedo, racist, or some other form of problematic, cares about what content creators do or say, you see this shit from people they're probably under the age of 25 or they are a mentally stunted manchild

I'm not a diaper porn enthusiast, I'm not a tranny chaser and I think transbians are cringe and most of them are just agp fetishists calling themselves trans, I'm not an abuser, I am a scholar main though you're right and I'm deeply sorry for that one
If the coomers and avatarfags get banned, then the quality of these threads will improve drastically. But /vg/ is a containment board so these threads are shit by design.
my wife on the left
I've seen the femra get fucked in the ass with a horsecock
need insecure glubber tranny-wife who's into men
ive never met a malera that was bad at the game
femra on the other hand
god i fucking hate them
theyre the kind of dps that instantly die to obviously telegraphed mechanics like that catboy further up, theyre the tanks that dont know what bulwark or other mits do, theyre the healers that think theyre the gods of the game using rescue to move you through the dungeon faster while also being a mongoloid still using cure 1
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This is not a new situation.
a thermal can

>You sit on the thermal can it's all the way inside you now. You can now enjoy the cake.
All the zoomers left after ecelebs realized that xiv requires time investment for content.
no because his ex boytoy double cuckquean effy kibou still avatarfags here
damn did you quit being an agp fetishist or is this some kind of internal warfare
Look I watch Zep because i'm lonely and pretend she's my gf, not all twitch streamers are bad.
The one in the middle
The girls are fightinggg
some of the early game quests do try to hard to ram the "blacks can do no wrong accept all refugess" narrative
i think Raubahn is cool though
i thought you found a gf man
what outfit?
I just had a malera earlier today that tried to pull ahead of the tank and got out dmg'd by a blm as a viper.
Malera suck.
So my EB can make a quote tweet gpose about getting my pussy ate.
he cant anon
he just told you this
You don't know who I am.
>realized halfway through a gpose set I turned off my freckles so I had to draw them on after
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Queue CC 9:00
Bro nahhhh not the AGP 40 year old futa whining about trannies get real unc you are the problem :skull:
Are you stupid? Just save your pose
breeding tomboy lalas
keeping them safe in a solid well monied household
having 17 tiny children
that will be strong cause the tomboy lala will teach them woodwork and sports
I was in M1-M4 but out now
I'll queue if you're still doing calls
why did they make DRG like this? why do I have to mash 40 buttons in 5 seconds or I lose half my damage?
My gemlala is a diamond dozen
i had already taken the picture and then my game crashed after..
I never was an agp fetishist

no sorry you're part of the problem, you should not be forming parasocial relationships of any form, it makes no difference if you pretend they're your friend or gf

there's still plenty of them here, look at every pornsick coomer with the libido of a teenager, they're that way because they're still so young and have nothing better to do but than to masturbate all day

I'm not a tomboy and that's 17 children too many
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>You sat on the cat, your weight was enough to flatten the cat into a pancake... You monster...
we should force more modders to port outfits from The First Descendant, that would be cool and epic i think
You are so stupid
>no sorry you're part of the problem, you should not be forming parasocial relationships of any form, it makes no difference if you pretend they're your friend or gf
Don't you think that's kinda mean?
Wholesome and a qt
frfr unc straight fucked ngl naah dude thinks his own people are his opps :skull: :100: :100:
skimming this pancake cat across the nearest lake
Anyone for expert rolo on Chaos?
I'm sorry the truth hurts, it's an unhealthy way of coping and you're stunting yourself mentally for it
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>I never was an agp fetishist
i think we have known each other too long for your "i am not agp" "i am not a pedo" games
Thought you were a nice person Kyopp. ;(
You'll be shocked to learn that the horniest people are oldfags.
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People can't change? You sound like a schizo
i do so
We should force people who play Nexon slop to kill themselves desu.
It's kyopoopie, dude. Of course that dumbass knows.
well at least the pictures came out well so in the end im happy AND smart
I've never posted my character here. I am what is referred to as a thread nobody.
I thought you were dating him back in the day?
True, I'm only interested in what they can provide for me tbqhwy, the game sucks but of course they're making sloppa outfits for people to spend money on
I denied it then because it wasn't true then and it's not true now

I am being nice, I want you to be better and to see you improve and I'm not gonna lie to you and tell you your manner of coping is okay

those fall in the mentally stunted manchild category like elk but most of them are just young, most of the horny brain porn obsessed posters from back then grew out of it

please don't call my gf a schizo
May I see it?
Bro don't care what Kyoppi thinks. He's a pdf thst was arrested for eating the shit from diapers of babies he was babysitting.
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CC 12:30
Had me at red eyes. Lost me at purple hair. Black is the way with red peepers.
Mabinogi is based and I'm surprised Nexon treats it so well
everything else they handle sucks though
I want to breathe your every breath...
>people can stop bring agp pedos
its true i am a schizo however

but i know

no lol im pretty sure hes younger than me
>most of the horny brain porn obsessed posters from back then grew out of it
Yeah that's a lie
>I am being nice, I want you to be better and to see you improve and I'm not gonna lie to you and tell you your manner of coping is okay
I think you should apologize to me.
Okay, say my initials.
nta but i used to be a major coomer and one day i just stopped being interested in it
i dont remember what your characters name was desu. L? something
Isnt appal the tranny that gets chased?
>Grew out of it
More like they rotted their fucking libido, so they barely get horny now
I guess not :(
yeah, we love this
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good evening anons
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>elk saying tranny
niggas cockwatching
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woah wtf, is this true?
Unfortunately this is happening to one of my friends. I don't know how to even broach the subject. I don't want them to screw their brain chemistry up but... how do I even...
>using emote chat in a public place
they're wilding out here
its on my twitter
Go do quests
That bar should be empty.
More like knight of gloryholes lmao
watching this moonie from the shadows while he is cockwatching I will pet him soon
what is your twitter?
Halicarnassus, Dynamis
ey man, 5k gil is 5k gil
dont want to
>plays mch
So this is kong right?
Travelling over there to get them banned
If you're close enough, I'd just tell them too relax with the cooming a bit. Burn out is very real.
Damn that looks like shit
Not guaranteed to happen, though. I've been one consistently for over 20 years.
It's morning here, but hi femra I recognize!
Hi anon!
we're hags now, it sucks.
That latest ass eating pic is wild. Got your nose up in the hole and everything.
Did you put any effort into any of those images? Holy fuck every single one is bad
crazy seeing what wannabe ebins do in the early days of chasing twitter clout
nah I can only think of like two people over the age of 30 that still engage in xiv porn constantly

call me cute first and I'll apologize
If most of you idiots knew how to talk to others like adults most of the problems here wouldn’t exist in the first place. If most of you could communicate your problems instead of Vagueposting in thread the “drama” here would be lessened.
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CC doko?
>call me cute first and I'll apologize
You're SOMEWHAT cute.
but that's the funniest part about this thread
every gooner here is over 30
Is Balmung just made up of Travelers and Wanderers?
define "engage in xiv porn" because there are a lot of old grown ass men erping
Kyoppi should be banned bit because he deserves it but because it would make the quality of the thread slightly more bearable
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Remember its Sunday guys, don't sin!
Halone's watching.
Yes. This is the future you wanted.
does everyone use mods in this game now?
I am a traveler
That is playing cc
okay I'm sorry

mmmmmm no

their entire xiv personality is erp, porn, and modding, and just don't play the game otherwise (elk), it's way easier to name shb ebins as examples than it is people from heavensward era
... I'm not sure you can be biased in your answer, anon.
I'll think about it.Thank you, Anon.
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CC 18:40

Last one for a bit, I need to do stuff.
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gm xivg
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CCC @ 7:00 ET?
nice jammies dork
>military time
You aren't quirky you are an insufferable retard
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I posted before refreshing to see this (oops!)
If you don't have a job that uses Military Time, it's not a real job.
He didn't do much besides string along a few grown men and also melt when he'd catch feelings for someone who wasn't into him. For better or worse it's just one of many lolcows gone.
thanks they're very comfy
yeah, this game is annoying to play without automation and simplification
>Whining about the 24 hour format
Are you retarded perchance
i want to eat elezen pussy
Military time is what everyone uses in Europe so shut up retard
Post your funniest /xivg/ moment
I meant visual mods
it seems like 90% of the playerbase uses them now, even the normiest of normies talk about using them
Military time doesn't use a colon
Nvm makes sense why you guys are like this
The more, the merrier.
I'd show you mine since fellow fidd, but eh too tired
Like what? Not retarded?
>noooo you have to press the same 3 buttons in sequence 800 times!!!!!
sounds like you should take a snooze if you're tired fellow fidd
No need to get so defensive
Mentally challenged-kun
Couldn't hear you through your rattling teeth
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Something mellow because it's too early for anything else. Fun fact, this song was written about Nicole Scherzinger.
Hope you're having a good day!
I was just pointing out a counterexample. I'm sure burnout happens.
>their entire xiv personality is erp, porn, and modding, and just don't play the game otherwise
Whew, I'm safe.
>he can’t press 1-2-3
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My catgirl looks and acts like this
Not taking advantage of existing automation is submental behavior. We invented computers for a reason.
but also EXPLODE
>Hope you're having a good day!
It has indeed been a day, hope you're having a good day tho!
in life, yes
in a game where people often impose challenges or play by a set of rules, no
this is not complicated logic
And cheating the system is subhuman brown behavior, what's your point
The "challenge" of pressing your buttons in order.
>cheating the system
Should have designed a better system then
Americans be like
>I can only count to 12 actually
I understand. However you admitted to have been doing this for 20 years. You understand why I can't take what you said at face value, because you admitted to being in a position that could have comrpomised your perception. I'm not saying it did. I'm saying the possibility existed.
Threads filled with dramafags, time for something different.
Post a hastily described xiv scene in
Convert it with https://cloudconvert.com/mp4-to-webm
Have other anons guess what it's from in the game.

This one should be easy.
theres literally nothing wrong with being a malera
why is she making the NTR face
>Should have designed a better system then
As I suspected, you're brown
maybe if you're on crystal, here it seems like maybe 20-30%, i personally don't bother and uninstalled mare after i saw my friends constantly running around with their catgirl dicks out, it gets a bit annoying as femlala always having dicks dangling at head height
yes, that's correct, the challenge of pressing your buttons in order
again, this is not complicated logic
if you don't like that self-imposed challenge then by all means automate it
but if you are sharing a game where others play by those rules, you should at least try to understand why they do it
does your catgirl like other catgirls
>eu wake-up hours
>eu cat is posted
>instantly ntr is brought up
like pottery
Most people at least use shaders it seems like. Those were explicitly okayed by YoshiP.
Yes there is, just like there is for being black (like me) and/or male (like me) and/or autistic (like me)
t. malera
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CCC @ 12:00 ET
Will I get arrested if I wear an "It's okay to be a malera" shirt in public?
Could be any of the times you describe a trial to the Wandering Minstrel
is your cat girl a business woman
theres literally nothing wrong with being a malera from zalera (it rhymes)
would anyone like to farm fates? i need heritage found, yak tel, and koza fates
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Have you had your morning coffee yet?
I dunno, I'm of the opinion that it's people's relationship with gooning that warps their worldview, not the gooning itself. Admittedly honest, healthy perspectives are in short supply among goonfolk, but...
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not sure what you mean by this, if you followed the post chain I was specifically talking about visual mods for bodys and emotes
I'm not aware of any other mods outside of visual mods
>Military time
Doesn't use a colon to denote minutes from hours you stupid fuck.
Go on and say it was just (you) bait now, it's your only option.
VPR feels fun to play, but I'm dropping the ball hard in PvP and am worried about later levels in PvE. Should I just keep at it?

based retard, I can only imagine the smirk he had writing this fading as the (You)s pile up and he starts to hyperventilate
military time is based

dont @at me
You should let me turn you into a mom instead of worrying about PvP.
Uh, the flight to Cuba, was that 0600, in the morning, sir?
I'm amazed you did not delete this
Bet you won't.

Bet you CAN'T.
Do people actually still buy gil?
sierra karn could
nta but. do you like fiera
good morning xivg
My miera bets otherwise....
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CCC @ 4:30 ET
Umm sweetie, I have a solo FC, I'm not stupid or 3rd world enough to "buy gil"
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I wouldn't even hit this with my car
nta but I use Yes Already to skip all the irritating "Do you want to use the key on the lock?" text in dungeons (there's never any other option), Easy Eyes to remove annoying VFX, Gather Buddy and Hunt Buddy so I don't have to alt tab to find where things are, Saucy for farming TT cards, Simple Tweaks for a number of things, Something Need Doing for executing crafting macros, and Orchestrion to turn off the music in Solution 9.
Probably could, yes.

I wouldn't play one if I didn't like them. I think they're the cutest race in any FF game.

Daily. One guy even told me that gil-buying happens once every few hours.
>I'm amazed you did not delete this
Why would I do that? Gotta spice up the morning somehow
>I think they're the cutest race in any FF game.
are you on aether by any chance
>Probably could, yes.
so when are you getting back together?
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All elements be advised that Echo Zero isn't responding.
Male viera are too busy getting fucked by their bulls to even look at women.

you did it anon you sassed a literal who on the internet

I'm on Marilith. It's very cold and lonely...
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yeah I thought about it while making my character in Palworld and I came to mentally kneel to you for not deleting it
[14:12]Total Play Time: 78 days, 2 hours, 25 minutes
my alt who turned into my main
Is this Emet showing us the Final Days in Amaurot?
We were never together like that.
I thankfully do not let my self worth be dictated by the posts of randoms on the internet
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>wukker is a warrior and i'm a paladin so i shouldn't have to worry about her joining in dungeons
>she just turns into a DPS and alisaie doesn't join the first dungeon
i guess i'll just take the roulette then
>the black wolf

'this was not my intention'?
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>It's very cold and lonely...
poor bun...
doing this to you..
>doesn't default to playing the MMO with other people
which borderline retarded sprout hurt you
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hello any fc on Seraph, Dynamis..?
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Yeah mine but it's just for my subs mostly
suggs debastation :D
dis was NOT my imtention :DDDD
rrrrreeeeeeEEEEEEE post more
there's nothing to do. there's not a single thing to do.
not a single thing at all.
currently scrubbing worlds and instances for boss fates because i like doing my single target rotation
thx u anon bb
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CCC @ 8:00 ET
Me, I'm doing a femra. Got to make your own fun!
I think the first dungeon you can tell her to fuck off is Vanguard if you're a tank
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xhe got bigger hands than night elf males from world of warcraft
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Any himcesses in the chat?
those sound amazing honestly, going to search for them now.
thanks anon
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>ai slop being posted
yea its SEAbrownoid hours
Slitherburrow and the blue hrothgar guy
Well shit, turns out it's a lot of fuckin' fun collecting triple triad cards. Bad news is I have to engage in golden saucer content. At least I like Mahjong.
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Gave this a good 5 seconds of thought but it just churned out an Asian woman sitting in a WoW-like environment so I shan't be posting it.
Sad when this produced more soul than the actual scene in game
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hope you like slop
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It's been a long week, anons. Treat yourselves.
Nope, think older.
Post XI character
where did you get this video of me eating taco bell?
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CCC @ 11:30 ET
Can't. I have to go do electrical work for my family.

If you guys ever get expensive and in-demand skills, don't tell family about them. They get uppity if they aren't allowed to underpay you.
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is anyone playing
May I sleeve?
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Woke up feeling extra straight today.
Gridanians making peace with the beast tribes?
I KNOW SO MUCH ABOUT YOU *makes a taco*
Still gay catboy
bismark of the first going into the tempest
The best
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what do i level
The thread's definitely loosened up, I remember when I started, I was so excited to post that I would gpose reaction images on the spot for my posts, I got a lot of shit for attaching me character to my posts and I eventually stopped since clearly that wasn't in the spirit of the thread
now that same behavior is accepted and the norm, I rarely see the casual "avatarfag" thrown around anymore, and people attach their images for even nothingburger replies >>494605705 because I guess getting credit is that important, since we've totally forgotten the point of the website and claiming your every last post is okay now, I guess should start posing again
your personal hygiene
It's Raubahn beheading Teledji
you can't do that i need breakfast......
im a zoomer but we like to play the game so there is a naturally forming barrier between us
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malezen look so cool when it's just their head but then you zoom out and they look like this
you know i actually was planning to take a shower
you didn't play the game while you posted that
the characters have minor dialogue, that already puts them above o/
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t-this is me..
i want to start playing another job outside of my raiding mans gear type but it's such a pain in the ass to get anything to an acceptable level
Who are you quoting?
This is why I don't own a car. (I do. They have no idea. It's parked a mile from the house always.)
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I bet you guys don't know this guy
well duh i wasnt on a caster so i couldnt shitpost between gcds
thats my nigga Nidstinny
Nobody worth listening to would get angry if you put in actual effort like that.
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CCC @ 3:00 ET
Oh shit
It's like I'm watching videos of the what they would do to xiv if they pulled a halo series on us
I just learned from their tribal quests that these lil guys only get to 20 years and then die. They are fully grown at 3.
>guy whos posted in the same thread for almost 9 years talking about people not having anything better to do with their lives
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how very glib
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I figure it was a different time, but I guess I just listened to everyone's opinions, not just the ones "worth listening to"

also the part where I attached >>494605705 .. I guess I didn't set it up right but it was meant to be more teasing, reading it back it just reads as accusatory and mean, my bro if you read it you can find me in game and beat me up later
My moonie is now finished watching the vrooms, she is very happy with the outcome and will now be running roulettes
I stand with you
spoiler unrelated
anyone on na want to do a run of lapis manalis
i find u moonie, i pet u moonie. i continue with my day.
How many fights have three different songs? Nidhogg has Heavensward > Freefall > Revenge of the Horde, Tsukuyomi has Nightbloom > Lunacy > Wayward Daughter, Suzaku has Answer on High > Sunset > Sunrise
There is something
I see in you
It might kill me
I want it to be true
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Throwing an easy one.
you say this, but my moonie remains un-pet
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Yes, and we like this. If you don’t, you’re a pedophile and a schizophrenic.
you may pet me but only because the race was good I may still bite
>900 acres of rainforest was burned to make this garbage
I look like this
femlala here... had a bpd meltdown about how I'll never be loved by a miera eb, but I'm back! eating a bbq chicken sandwich (double fried) with japanese mayo...
We're not talking about crypto bro.
G'damn that's omega fighting dragonz
>Billions of indians shit on the streets and pollute this earth every day and we don't get anything out of it.
Me eating a taco with my wife on her alt AFKing and watching movies.
where must i go to make true on my word, nay i will make it a promise.

that is a risk i am always ready, and willing to take.
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I am
A Male Roe
Waking up

Good morning
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I use combo squisher addons because why should I bother respecting the job design when the devs themselves don't respect it?
Is there a decent guide to follow for leveling combat classes that vary from 50-90?
It's where the modbeasts are
Am i running something on RPR or am i playing something else.
It's the taco bell cat!
>a risk i am always ready, and willing to take.
Then you cannot complain if it happens It probably will
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Anastasiya Medvedeva my bottom heavy analwife
Hydrangea Magnolia my other bottom heavy analwife
Good morning everyone else, I guess
I don't care, tranny.
it's ok bro I didn't even see it until you mentioned it in this post
busy playing cc and making tendies
nigga the hips are not that low on the body
No because jobs are losing shit or getting reworked at earlier levels so even the videos that do exist are outdated.
WeskAlber is slowly making new ones, but you're better off just asking directly what you want to someone.
I'm going to be honest these look terrible.
i would never complain, i embrace the scars that moonies give me. it is a badge of honor, a symbol of my devotion.

to moonies...

post tattoos
ugly ass niggers
the balance has leveling rotations for a couple jobs, not sure on all of them though
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>he unironically makes fun of people who are just enjoying themselves with mods
This is why no one likes you and why we all have you blacklisted. We like this, and that’s not a joke, that’s just a fact. Good luck making friends with that attitude of yours, champ.
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This year has been disastrous for my bank account. 5 days and I get another thing to bury my head into.
thanks bro I appreciate it bro, I'll see you at the next bro meet
>Shield someone
>they run away
I should let you die next time.
I mean, RPR isn't that complicated that you can ruin anything with it tho, isn't it?
both of these characters aare made for black dick
Second from the left owes me sex (her topping)
I play a female character anon....
I feel like you must not have been on this website very long, but there will ALWAYS be a dumbass who poopoos you no matter how cool and high-effort your posts are. That's been the case on every board since I started posting here in 2009. You could be the reincarnation of Christ and give everyone in the thread a free hamburger and a handjob and some random anon would still find a way to be mad at or pretend to be mad at you for attention.

Maybe you were being annoying, I don't know, I don't remember you. But I'm inclined to believe it was just some random dude who got angry at you for an entirely arbitrary reason.
Gambare Broe
Hopefully things get better for you aswell
very organic reply
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CCC @ 8:30 ET
did they need it or did you waste it
Knights of the round in heavensward?
eb that i force to queue everything i want to do and basically we dont do anything other than that
It's the same reply I give every time someone posts that image
I do that sometimes if the situation is simply unfavorable for the PLD covering me.
What's the point of guarding me when I soon as you drop you guard you'll implode from everyone focusing you and me...

If anything you can help the escape with it, which make it better for both of us.
To be fair, that was my first thought, too. Getting plapped by that cat, that is.
>euro pajeets wake up
>these posts
>they can keep fighting and dpsing assuring more time on the crystal
>they still leave
Middie council?
does anyone know the name of that dnc mod with the guns
>I feel like you must not have been on this website very long
sorta right! I haven't been posting very long, but I've been lurking since 2011, and those are two very different experiences, I think I'll always be a softie though
probably not their skill issue
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This happens to me sometimes and I just assume they don't need to heal or don't know they can
Godspeed moonie loving anon
I unironically play without mods now because im lazy
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drink your mountain dew first before you split bro
i dont know how people can be bothered to scan the mod website for new mods
r u a moonie
I mean that's fair. Just don't get upset when someone goes "I hate this" to your posts. Schizophrenics will eventually drive off every high-quality poster unless that person has thick skin. It happens in literally every thread where someone shows up and produces something of value unless the thread is incredibly niche, and even then it's still liable to happen.
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CCC @ 11:00 ET
im the only one left who does not masturbate to xiv
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I don't believe you. I'll have to do a thorough hands on inspection to make sure you're not modding. Your place or mine?
Why does only one tank have a goddamn shield, do Square just not get the concept
Yes I am a moonies
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All of these modbeast gooner bimbo catgirls with fox ears look the same.
RIP OG wildfire. You would have loved the 2 minute meta.
i love this cat
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I get where you're coming from, but my reaction to these replies were never upset, more like learning to keep my head down
Why would we need more than one?
I stopped using mods after DT dropped even after they got fixed, character models look fine now. Also too lazy to fix all of the stuff I had through tex tools (and it might still not work after that), and frankly just seeing the modbeasts makes me not want to associate with those people on any level.
Mostly vanilla catgirls with small mods that don't stand out are best.
that's just the bench
There are 6 sword jobs in the game but more than one shield job would be too much?
I need soul destroying sex with this fiddie
I need someone to impregnate my moonies
which mods do I use to look like THAT?
holy moly!!!!
XMA and the other places are just full of trash nowadays anyway, the vast majority of mods all fit into the same ugly aesthetic, probably because they're all premade assets bought from the same places.
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I mean I guess? I'd classify not doing and sharing something you found fun because some random anon said "I don't like that" as upsetting you, though. Posting about yourself actually playing the game is more interesting than most posts people in these threads make.
They can't even make the one shield job we have interesting (as far as shield-usage is concerned)
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after some extreme modding my femlala now looks like this. do you love her now?
What do you mean? Sometimes the game says that you blocked a hit!
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Worked like this but in PvE
If you crit hard during it, it would be the hardest hitting skill in the game
can i see ur moonies
go back
I just don't think shields are as easy to set apart as swords (sword+shield, greatsword, iaido, etc). I wouldn't mind a mace + tower shield combo though
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CCC @ 2:00 ET
I mean i cant decide between running something on RPR or playing more CK3.

Report to the Shinigami barracks.
But anon... she's flat
I see what you mean, you're right
Mine is the best
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Yes, I absolutely love this artist women, they are so fucking sexy.
"A bunch of retards standing around a garden in Final Fantasy XIV"
a moonies cup size does not matter, only if they are willing.

to be pet.
my goopnose has awoken
Honestly accurate
I need to impregnate some moonies
me otr
I'm actually a massive dumb dumb and read "ruining" instead of "running".
Sorry Bimbo fiddie
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No Otis
I wanna lick those abs
painted on..
Are you the same one that said this yesterday
I like bodypaint and the clan mark stripes looked nice
god i love formidable
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I bet being in this spot would be so comfortable
I was talking about your abs are what's painted on
man fuck femra
Not as directly, I did said that I liked the abs too.
But yeah would definitively lick the sweat out of those.
>Noooooo stoppppp post about stripper mods stop having fun!!!!!
>Noooooo hurry up and post about impregnating my bloonie boonie bin tin at the beds so we can mung afk
The abs almost protrude more than her tiny tits do
why fuck femra?
t. femra
who are you quoting
>Pop DNC LB precisely at the same time the SGE pops theirs
>lol ur lb nullified :p
I'm not mad
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CCC @ 6:00 ET
she loves you too anon
because she's a whore
I would, but she's out for the day.
i will find this moonie, and pet this moonie...

im pretty sure ive seen this moonie...
I love that femra that's modeled after her
Because she's also a whore
Gonna have to be yours, my place doesn't have furniture...

I think the cultures definitely different now but new players now just get schizo'd for being someone's alt more often than not so I don't think there's any less hostility towards people avatarfagging, it's just expressed differently

yes and?
I've you been in lavender beds in the past few days, probably
just not right now it seems, moonie....
*smooches again*
>'oon'n 'ith 'e 'oonies at 'e 'eds til 'e 'oots 'is 'oad o'er my 'oonie 'loonie 'oonies 'oonies 'n 'e 'ave ' 'ig 'eak'p on 'e 'ead an' 's 'e 'ig 'ama 'er 'e 'ext 'ght 'onths 'n 'ev'un 'ets 'as't i'oo 'ving 'fy 'ust 's 'anned
ayup, thees ees da laif
yeah I logged out to get breakfast but was afk all night while I slept
A tranny.
This place has to be one of the worst places on the internet for perpetuating depression and low self worth. Non stop desperate attacks against anyone who doesn't conform to each person's personal standard, in order to try to prop themselves up, instead of people just making their own healthy friend groups and letting others do the same.
So everyone is just constantly exposed to a faceless mass screaming at them that they're worthless and doing everything wrong, but also simultaneously desperate for that one crumb of positivity in the whole mess.
Dawon has seen better times.
Good mornyan
>check NA PF
>check EU PF
>"OQ5 Q-Go"
Ah, fun with partial raidplan codes.
>4 hour thread
game is officially dead.
man I just don't think this is accurate
Cry about it pussy you’re on 4chan. If you want a safe space hugbox go to Reddit or make your own discord server
I've been told multiple times that people like what you described (me) should just leave. The problem is that those people stick to places like this because it's just as easy to get someone complimenting you as it is to get someone shitting on you, and it's weirdly more believable when someone compliments you here after calling you a faggot or a nigger.

Something about the fact that people don't censor themselves makes it more valid.
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I think only a femlala post can improve the thread now.
Glad you got the reference lol
can we make it moonie time next thread
pretty much a ghost town. story is bad, gameplay is meh, raid is okay. but since story is all that matter people care more about that
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CCC @ 9:30 ET
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oh i should probably do that too... what did you get for breakfast?
The problem are the cord cliques that bring their highschool fights into the thread. It's like a mini gamergate every 2 days and everyone not directly involved looks at them like visiting the zoo.
Some cereal and a cup of coffee. I think I'm gonna get more coffee, log back in, and then play something else while afk again
>you're on 4chan
nice cope
keep telling yourself that, you make /pol/fags look like well adjusted individuals.
wretched, I hope you trip and fall on your face and suffocate on your own foul tits
It's fucking over, man.
If you come here and don’t expect people to be absolutely awful because of the nature of this site and the anonymity idk what to tell you man. When you close the thread none of the shit here matters (not that it does in the first place) and the posters here cease to exist.
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It's crazy to me that people get hard to shit like this.
I was going to catbox the femlala double blowjob pic but catbox is down. And the hihimi dance filesize was too big and I'm too lazy to compress it right now.
this is xivg we clown in this motherfucker take your sensitive ass back to myspace
Finally, finally something that fills the void!
/pet /pet /pet /pet
>literally turning into /wowg/ at this point
>useless avatarposter samefagging
>thread takes around 4-8 hours to finish
>normal people who discuss story and gameplay quit after dawntrail being bad
is this the end? after 1 expansion we just die out? reminder that no expansion patches have reached the same amount of players has launch did. only path forward is down
Stop being black.
That was my point I was making to that guy earlier. Who cares about some random anon going "noooo stop talking about playing the game!" It's a higher quality post than most of the thread was.
Fine, but only if you say you like my white form better.
I was going to type out a ffxiv related dream I had but then midway through it I thought no one actually gives a fuck and made this post instead
The black bun makes me too horny to talk to you like a normal person.
Not yet, still waiting for all the wowfugees to leave. We need to get down to SB levels of subscribers to be comfy.
that's it
petting this lala
>has launch did

saar. you forgot the grammar. SAAR.
What type of girls do you like?
Then why would you want me to stop using the charcoal skin?
To be fair though if all you do is post your female character and flirt with other men you ARE worthless and you SHOULD kill yourself. You're already at rock bottom as a human.
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CCC @ 12:30 ET
you aren't one of us
>only path forward is down
hopefully they suffer with their stock price falling and their entire "ideology" about western shit falls apart. too much wokeism in the game
you kinda look like the cyclops from hercules
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I've never been much of a coffee person myself. Though the white girl coffees like pumpkin spice are actually kind of good.

kys macchi
is this real? t-there's no fucking way, right? how did they train this cat to do that? wearing armor too?? what the fuck. I can't believe this. no way this is real.
no way this is real???
My doman whore wife
I think it is always moonie time, therefore yes
it's real, look at the pixels
stop samefagging.
It feels like some lala players have been driven into a corner to mod their lalas into these abominations, just to escape the pedo allegations. Sad.
No, those people really are just that pornsick
Hrothgar at the Bozjan Southern Front
An intrusive anti-cheat would fix everything
For me it's caramel irish cream coffee
I'm a non-lewd lala that walks among them and I do get the vibe sometimes that some of them are going to extremes to not be labeled pedos. Especially the males that use weird muscular body mods.
where the FUCK did you get this video of me?!
>Oh yeah, scan my PC harder, big daddy
The one that was posted is actually just like that. No matter what race she fantas to it's roughly those proportions
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CCC @ 4:00 ET
>unlock botanist
>approach tree
>tell tree exactly what i want from it like it's some kind of vending machine
I'm not too familliar with that, but I believe I had bailey's once and that was amazing...

that's not really a question I know how to answer, the only two qualities I really care about is a cute personality and kind/good intentioned
Yeah ladies, try not to be too aggressive, he tends to beat his girlfriends.
The one muscular lala that keeps posting here I consider a roblox character.
i miss when this manga was good
Bailey's is overpriced as hell, if you can ever find it get some Carolans
>mmo doesn't turn in to a hardcore lumberjack simulator including a meth vendor to get fucked up before work leading to an accident that traumatizes everyone involved for the rest of their equally short lives
Uhm wtf???? Scammed???
all female races owe me one hour paizuri sessions
I can do naizuri and anal but that's about it
>walk up to apple tree irl
>pick apple
>get ice crystals
See how retarded you are?
so when you do coffee with an irish cream like that, do you do a basic/neutral coffee and just let the cream be the star of the show? im not a huge coffee drinker
chastity cage
chastity belt
I do about half coffee, 1/4 irish cream 1/4 caramel creamer or flavoring. The irish cream still overpowers the others but it kind of blends together.
No but she's my favorite moonie

I weigh 120 pounds and have been on hrt for 5 years I'm not abusing anyone bro

turning moonies into anal only sluts is my passion
Sometimes you reach for apples and find out they're rotten inside. That's life. You don't always get what you want.
My wife looks and acts like this.
Why did your girlfriend accuse you of beating her then?
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soft flat chested girls!
my catboy still needs 700 dawntrail s ranks for his cheevo
You don't need a chastity belt for that, I'm already like that. I'll just pretend I'm not to make you keep doing it
My moonie finds you deplorable
flat chests are a red flag
Yeah that's analogous to getting nothing when your gathering chance is <100%.
Rotten produce, botched strikes for logging, etc.
Baker-sama, I beg of you... release us...
huh, didn't think i'd wake up to the same thread being active
>he thinks either of those things means he can't abuse someone
all the hrt does is make you balder and more retarded
Why are you fucking retards lewding moonies
You have sunnies for that fucking idiot
That's okay you have your whole lifetime to complete it
yeah I'm trying to guide you in for the smooth landing
>minor spelling mistake
My moonie needs 975 and probably won't bother until late in the expac because the mount is dogshit.
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Shit thread
>Picto LB3s you
Your moonie hasn't figured out how to truely live
Good to hear you have accepted the best way to be
Sunnies are for cock worship
Moonies are for taking anal
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the moonies at lb14 are free
you can just pick them up
i now have 4 moonies
Nooo! I don't wannt get killed by aero frutiger!
my femroe has been slacking on hunt achievements this expansion
I miss when this elf didn't use modernslop clothes
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CCC @ 8:30 ET
Last one for me
who is this moonie, I would like to meet them
I see. I've never really disliked coffee and I may have needed some caffeine lately and while I CAN drink black coffee, this sounds rather pleasant.
my past relationships aren't anyone's business, I've always denied ever being abusive or beating anyone and that's all I need to say on the subject

it's more meant to apply I'm a fucking twig and I'm not the least bit physically capable or threatening
My moonie thinks anal is gross but she loves every other form of loving
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i still normally dont
just gotta match the glam to the other person
at least a little
i want to go to bed
but i refuse to end on a loss
but i keep losing
They key to good coffee for people that don't like the taste of black coffee, is to flavor it just enough that you can vaguely taste the coffee but also the flavoring is strong.
Okay this moonie doesn't have to be anal only
next moonie posted will be turned into an anal only slut this month
hey im wearing nothing
wanna match glams
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pretty proud of that last match
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okay! taking a screenshot of my catboy nyow~!
You guys finished with the thread? Can I eat it?
My moonie thanks you although she rarely puts out
open your ears miss...
>biohole femra confirmed i repeat biohole femra confirmed
>biohole femra confirmed i repeat biohole femra confirmed
>biohole femra confirmed i repeat biohole femra confirmed
That one's a sunnie
posing naked is boring desu
better with something on even if its nearly nothing
go for it
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There's literally hundreds of these, the only place female characters (sans gock) aren't played mostly by females IRL is here
all this talk of wuk lamat and tacos has ruined me
i fought ruby weapon for the first time and all i can hear in her theme is BIG FAT TACOS OH BIG FAT TACOS OH BIG FAT TACOS
Going to creep on her now and beat off to any morsel of irl info she posts tbqh
if middies get Ryan Gosling who do fiddies get
Thanks fren
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Someone else have her
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It's a more even split overall.
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Thanks for the CCC anon!
You always make it worth
This Moonie is clearly a coffee (and muscle) aficionado. Which means I have to trust her. It's not that I dislike it, it's more so... my palette is kind of just used to really explosive flavors versus things that are neutral.
Meanwhile I, who looked up the actual lyrics well before running into any tacos memery online, can only hear Beat, The Heart of Sabik in that song.
I'm proud of you anon!
Thanks for the carries
beef soft tacos supreme beef soft tacos supreme beefy soft tacos
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You do remember him right?
hags HAGS!
Thanks for calling *hug*
Baker-san passed away, anon..
Sorry we made your daughter/prisoner lesbian
Yeah I'm thinking I'm done queuing CC until they nerf PLD cover
Lmao look at this dude
>that leg anatomy
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tonight I have truly been the undefeated great sage equal to heaven
I'm amazed my bumfuck luck didnt run out for the last game now I can gloat in peace
I am now also logged in and deciding what I want to do today
Next time if it bothers you anon just say so in thread and I'll switch off PLD
Its gay as fuck bro, sorry
*covers your next comment*
Its not a specific player problem and I'm not gonna demand other people stop playing PLD, I'm just gonna stop queuing because I don't find it fun playing against cover
This place is mild, actually.
Ranjeet did nothing wrong.
I finally won one, I can finally go to bed...
I can't wait to lose several games later today...
I'll still have fun doing it...
I really hate modern clothing glams. I actively think less of people who wear them in a game about being people up with magical swords.
Modern clothing is canon
Then I must find you before your day's activities commence...
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Wake up I'm here to kick your ass
I'm a S9 techwear moonie and there's nothing you can do about it
based. they ruined this game, and FFXI for a fact, when they started overdoing the silly shit. Blame capitalism.
Why do faggot ass subhumans feel the need to play PLD in friendlies in the first place? When I see your cover tether I immediately lose respect for you as a person. You're a cuck who can't do shit on your own so you have to take hits for the good players. It's fucking pathetic.
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khloe alipoe can alihpoke on my cock
I'm just sitting on the bench next to hydra
It's gay as fuck and no one in the MSQ outside of weirdo areas wears it.

*uses third-party programs to put you in level 50 to 60 caster gear*

You'll wear the silly hat and you'll like it.
hug lalafell
I finally got PCT to 100 it was a struggle, I really dislike that job for some reason
I only have BRD, DNC, BLM and RDM left.
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>Covers your target
And ill keep doing it.
*Aggressively (you)s 494618409*
cute highlander but i have to give you a -1 for playing pld in casual cc calls
do u take non-lalafell commissions
>statiscially 1 in 5 JP players is a 30+ hag
Explains all the femras and femlalas there
Could I ask for a femlala to hug my male roe instead?
So is spamming Aglaia the best way for 90-100?
I saw people mentioning that it's good, because the bosses are so simple and quick.
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thanks for cc queues bwo's
>Jewjitsu shit
thats the norm but i dont take any commissions anymore mostly
would be hard to wrap arms around imo
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SGE can literally barrier their whole team. WHM and AST can heal and cast shielding buffs.
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Do you have these earrings?
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xiv what are you doing rn
>don't take any commissions anymore mostly
its over...
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Listen... I have a good excuse this time, i literally have no other job unlocked or at 30 :^)
made a burger and also some smashed cucumber salad and now debating playing ptcg or cc
Sadly not.
made a burger and also some smashed cucumber salad and now debating playing ptcg or cc
>no bake
are we finally free?
hug his leg
False equivalence. As expected of a dishonest PLD cuck.
weird leap to call me stupid for it
it just warps the balance of the match and counterplay in the form of knockback isn't reliable because of ping+inherent delay
camping tiamat
skill issue
Watching anime and wishing Monday would never arrive
I don't know if Aglaia is the best for exp without these earrings. Mby some other anon can answer that.
And most stop doing Aglaia after getting to 97 and just spam normal dngs for 100.
It is done. Let us banish this vile place to the depths of hell.




>guy who's been playing monk in cc complaining about "dishonest"
El Oh El
NTA, but the actual counter is focus the pld, from the start of the match on. Force them to guard for their own hp/safety and cover becomes mostly useless b/c AoE will now double dmg and wreck their shit if they don't have guard.
The Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail General is now over.
Thank you for your support.
PLD was so fun before casuals melted and got Cover broken in Seal Rock and Onsal...
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gl anon
burger so good you posted twice, gl on ur pvp tho
i see
what anime? also mood
why'd you write all that instead of just saying "i'm trolling you"
fair but you should level a couple more jobs to 30, it doesn't take that long
any strategy that requires other people to not be mouthbreathers doesn't work most of the time
would be great if it did though
PLDs are too stupid to play real jobs, quit trying to turn this around. Half of you 60 iq faggots don't even use the one button you exist for.
FaLsE eQuiVaLeNcE
Seethe more
Skill issue
watching ti
>no argument
Concession accepted, redditbab.
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what the fuck it doesn't even give me a (you) for the other one, insane bug
Says the dude responding with "false equivalence" unironically
You're done, stop sperging. Better luck next time.
Waiting for reset to log in
I could be this cat up.
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What's there to discuss? You guys are the ones who insisted that the EW story was fine, that the gameplay changes were fine, that nu-SMN was fine, that the healer changes in ShB were good because it made them 'more accessible', that dungeons being straight lines was fine because "nobody ever checked out alternate paths anyways", that 6.x was fine, and that the new lore was good. Now you have a group of people who agree with you.
Enjoy your game!
bake new bread before i rape your head
wassup homie
We're all waiting for you in the new thread man what are you doing here?
oh shit bro, thanks for looking out

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