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>Is the DLC worth it?
It depends on your tastes some like it and some don't. You should probably pirate it first to try it out
>Is the Book worth it?
No. Its a meme.
>Is Dwarf Fortress welcome here?
>what mods for performance?
Performance Fish, Rocketman - Download them and never look back.

► Links:
>Where does buy Tynan's amazing book?
>New patch notes
>(I'm new, what mods should I get?)
>How do I know which mods eat the Game's performance?

>Use Rimpy for managing your mods

>Make sure to follow this guide to minimize problems with your mod load orders

(new /rwg/ mods)
(old /rwg/ OP)

CDDA modlist:

Yayo modlist:
►Other /rwg/++ games:

Previous: >>494264994
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First for anime
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Tynan did an interview recently: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWAcVBBsIlQ
>Worked on the DLC for Bioshock, which was his first professional work
>Talks a lot about the book he wrote on game design after leaving Irrational Games
>Talked about how other games influenced Rimworld's development, mainly around the number of characters and that it should be a human story generator
>Goes through ways to play Rimworld, difficulty, and storytellers. Prefers commitment mode
>Elaborates on elastic failure, and how to recover from a loss. Compared to hard game ending failure
>Along with difficulty, briefly mentions save-scumming
>Tynan expects updates to Rimworld around every 14 months.
>Updates would be more frequent, but due to the amount of mods that would break, the decision was made to do larger updates over long periods
>Discussed a mistake that was made with the Royalty DLC with characters becoming assholes
>Don't expect competitive multiplayer in the future
They talked about more, largely about Rimworld's development, but I didn't take additional notes. Pretty good interview.
>Prefers commitment mode
>vampire hunters arrive
>the vampires immediately go out to fight them and get shat on
>quest failed
I reloaded the game
bro, tynan just talked about you!
I will not buy the book
I will cure my solo colonist with dev mode when he gets malaria 5 seconds after landing
>Performance Fish, Rocketman
Should Performance Optimizer and Performance Analyzer be added too?
Performance Analyzer hurts your performance
>accidentally create some quasi goblin-malachai monstrosity that can mass-breed itself
yep, were gaming
What did you do to surpass the metabolism limit? I thought the game will refuse to make anything beyond -5 and +5.
>Discussed a mistake that was made with the Royalty DLC with characters becoming assholes
Huh? What is it about?
I have no idea. Like I said, this was mostly an accident. I wanted to create a gnoblin warren to get cheap labor force. Then wanted to see if you could force xenogermenation into a gnoblin to create a hybrid. For some strange reason. The gnoblin-malachai converts all his genes from xenos to germline when he breeds someone. I'm suspecting its the dominant gene.
Haven't watched the interview but I'd assume it's about the old nobility system in which high rank nobles would be unproductive fucks that demanded to be pampered every waking second. Now only NPCs and some traits cause that behavior.
God he is so sexy
>Inject short-pregnancy gene
What does this mean? You give someone else a gene for short-pregnancies? You shorten someone's pregnancy?
Yes, its from the rim-gnoblins mod, that basically adds goblin slayer gnoblins that are a rape pest and abducts your pawns.
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I'm tired of seeing red bros...
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This is sureal. They not even lovers, yet they decided to fuck before attacking.
there isn't a single person in the world who played commitment mode without turning on dev mode at least once
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it's up
uh based?
i play commitment mode and I don't even know how to turn on dev mode
I don't even play the game.
if you don't use mods or only texture mods there won't be any problems
Hyped but prepared for disappointment
Could be fun. Also, is that Yuriko Omega?
>health expanded
mite b cool?
>I don't even play the game.
Based and /v/-pilled
The only Oscar's mod I use is a Werewolf mod.
I think I should stop hoarding mods and theory craft thematic runs so I could start actually playing this game.
Vampire only-Hospitality-Gastronomy playthrough with Dinosaurs, here I come!
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Only happy impids in my colony.
>want to turn my highmate wife into sanguophage
>afraid she will dump me without psychic bond
she's not your wife
the pawn is not you
you are an observer watching as the pawn fucks your wife
w-what do you do to prevent the presence of sad ones
How do you actually set up and play a harem colony?
claim 1 and claim 3 do not exist in the same universe
>anomaly expanded
>exploration expanded
looking forward to these, oskar better not disappoint.
she is my wife
the pawn is me
I fuck my wife
>not shit
choose one
he has a few good ones like VPE.
vanilla porn expanded?
a. ideology that allows multiple wives
b. a pawn you can self insert to; if you find it hard you can use cheat mode to give the pawn abilities, traits, appearance etc that make it more 'you'. pawn doesn't even have to be baseliner- maybe you can self insert more naturally as a raging hussar or sadistic-sense-of-humor waster.
c. said pawn must have good social, with at least a single passion in social.
d. after colony stabilize from initial setup, try aiming for 3 hours recreation per colonist, and make sure all facilities for recreation are in a single room. yes including horseshoe.
sounds cool, i never played around with genetics in biotech-- do you have any other genetics mods like alpha genes or pawnmorph? post your genetics-related mods plz
A top notch healthcare program
vanilla pigs expended

I have a feeling that Oscar just wants to make Rimworld's GrregTech with all those mods, submods and headcanon.
Hoping they seperate wine from VFE ME, health seems like it could be interesting and if food variety functions better than variety matters might swap over to that; asuming it even is a veriety need. Hope the childhood one is a resurection of the old children mod from pre-biotech and if Oscar manages to make a 4x esque mod that doesn't tank TPS (doubt lol) I'll cream.
I found a decent mod-combo to counter the massive endgame raids without needing killboxes, i think that strategy would work even better with CE. Quasimorph mods+the quasimorph defense mercenaries mod and using the vanilla trading expanded orders mechanic to always have decent amounts of silver for quick hiring the mercenaries.
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need a mod that allows me to recreate demi
*clank clank clank*
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>17 days of rainy thunderstorm (this one was my fault)
>cold snap
>toxic fallout + flu + gut worms
>all with frequent raids and infestations from deep drilling
Can I have 1 peaceful season?
I don't know how I've managed to keep everyone alive so far
Get pregnant get pregnant get pregnant
All kino. What did we even do to deserve Oskar?
I hate that vanilla childhood expanded is supposed to be innocent children's colors but now looks like a tranny flag
I will rape Corin
why are they called "vanilla"?

I play commitment mode and I don't even know how to use devmode (yet).
Because he supposedly always picks a vanilla thing to expand. I bet he would say there are vehicle wrecks in vanilla, so all he is doing is expanding on that
when I play a new game, and pick a sanguophage, I have seen some come with a base of another xeno (like a dirtmole sanguophage), and they usually come with their germline genes and the sanguophage implanted genes. how can I do that with my "create a xeno" thing?
I want to have my personalized xeno with his germline genes also affected by another xeno with implanted genes to have a starting character like that.
>read mod description
>it's just to put your mechs on display and does not include the sexbot
my disappointment is immeasurable
How would someone build such a sexbo...ahem, android in game? Which mod(s) would someone have to download?
I don't think you can do that in vanilla. With CE, you can apply both an endogene and a xenogene. Open CE tab, click on the little face icon (not the name of the xenotype), then click on the DNA helix to switch between endo and xeno.
Otherwise, you could make one pawn with whatever germline you want and a second with the xenotype, give it xenogerm implantation and convert your first pawn.
>see the "vanilla vehicles" one
>description says: Improve your vehicles with the Vanilla Vehicles Expanded - Upgrades, a mod which offers a revolutionary enhancement to your vehicle management in-game. This mod introduces a comprehensive upgrade system that allows players to customize and enhance their vehicles using valuable resources.
Are there vehicles in vanilla?
I have just been using horses and elephants.
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I got back into this game after a year and the modlist I spent 2 hours creating is breaking worldgen and not allowing factions to spawn, I fucking hate debugging LET ME PLAY THE GAME
Try just creating the sanguophage quest with devmode
thanks, I was expecting to be a way to do it in vanilla.
I don't have CE, I guess I'll try to create my own xeno in my personalized mod.
I am barely learning how to do stuff, I usually open a mod, see stuff I like and add it to my own personalized mod.
I'm trying to learn how to add skills to my genes, for now I just added the vanilla removed resurrection skill, but I'd like to add one with healing effects like the mechanite serum, but I' don't know how to do that yet.
So the story thing was a viral marketing ploy.
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Have you tried talking to her and winning her romantically instead?
no, but Oskar's vehicle mod didn't have upgrades previously
I want to add a "healing touch" skill to my personalized gene, kind of like the sanguophage one. I'm not sure how to do that, I think I could copy the vampire one:


>and for the description

<description>Carriers of this gene have special glands on their hands and wrists, as well as a unique salivary compound that they can use to rapidly tend wounds.</description>

but I'm not completelly sure what to modify to make my own.
wheres the fun in that?
but I want it to act as a "healing mech serum" instead of just coagulating wounds. Does anyone know how can I do that?
Doesn't anomaly have that?
I don't have anomaly...
I don't plan on getting anomaly (for what I have seen, it wouldn't be something I'd like to add to my gameplay, I'm not into this SCP stuff), and I am also looking for a way to create my own version of "perfect memory" (the only decent thing I saw from that dlc, but which doesn't outweighs evverything else).
but after searching in the data, the only thing about Great Memory is the skill description, so I guess it's hardcoded somewhere else in the "skill losing" part (I also saw that when I tried to make my own darkvision gene, to find out the darkness mood is in another file, and telling to don't affect the people with darkvision).
I don't think there's a lower limit, you just stop getting any benefit after 50% metaboilism. Personally I believe you don't even want metabolism lower than this for similar reasons as to why no sleep is a shit gene while low sleep is a god gene, Lavish + Fine Dining is a shitload of mood, which makes the Non-Senescent/Ageless/Major Cell Instability supercocktail even better considering controlling for MCI also controls for nuclear stomach and essentially gives you 9 or 10 meta.
Are neanderthal crossbreeds any good? My colony leader got knocked up by one. I like the melee and damage resistance buff but poor learning ability is bound to make the kid's adulthood insufferable
I started playing with a neanderthal on ice sheet, it was pretty good for survival.
I had to manually switch to combat instead of hunting and it was way better to go with a knife instead of a bow.
>See pastels
>Think of pride shit
The problem is you.
>gayz politicised rainbow
>trannies politicised cotton candy
what colour scheme is next on the chopping block?
troons are virus that infect everything so its understandable.
You appear to have a weak immune system.
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me on her back
Anyone know what does that mean and why it's eating alot of TPS?
>why does the "T" in TPS account for most the time spent doing the ticking per second
So, it's just show all ticks total?
>not posting the proper version
You appear to be a troon.
build a box around your drill
does the deathrest casket count as bed or can I put it in the throneroom?
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You gain a fulfilling relationship AND you don't risk your life over dick feel good moment, Anon-sama
Just remember, rape is very bad and you should never ever do it!
>Go to toy store
>Start crying that there are blue and pink isles.
>see your own reflection
>kill yourself
Just Troon things.
for a moment I though the mech thing was a breast milker.
>discord tranny meme
You have to go back.
Every object on active maps, but basically yes.
btw you can right click to go down into
>profile internal methods
then one more level down
>profile overriding methods
and usually it will be PawnTick doing most of the work, which you can break down even further
if it's some shitty mod bottlenecking the game it will usually stand out
What kind of toasters do you guys play ribaorld on?
Any experiences with the amd x3d cpus?
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>that one nsfw mod
>Drew gayfuta version
>didn't draw straight man's heavily pregnant impid mommy in THE child expansion
Fix that issue.
Have you kissed your female pawn today?
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theyre called pawns because theyre shaped like pawns
Where did you get the picture of my wife?
Already would have if I was an artist, mum hinted at getting me tablet for christmas so maybe I will be able too in five years or more likely ai will just be able to do it.
Why wait? Start today, just buy Fun with a pencil by Andrew Loomis and start drawing!
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It is good to have a pawn with mining passion, with Aubirge we have a passion in every skill, even if Dan is our Art Passion with literally zero skill.
I created a blind spot with the watermills, oh well I have no idea why raiders love to target my sewage outlet.
I already do draw, just not digital.
>tfw always meant to start drawing
>never got around to it
Its a shame, i used to have a real talent for that.
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Do you have a single fact to back this up?
Alright, thanks, i think i get it now.
I tried copying the "effect" (the one in comps) of the mech serum

<ThingDef ParentName="MechSerumBase">
<label>healer mech serum</label>
<description>A one-use super-dose of mechanites tuned to heal health conditions. The mechanites will target and heal the single worst health condition affecting someone at any given time. Works even on health conditions that would otherwise be incurable. The mechanites can even transmute themselves into organic matter, forming new limbs or organs as needed.</description>
<li Class="CompProperties_Usable">
<useLabel>Use {0_label}</useLabel>
<li Class="CompProperties_UseEffect">
<li Class="CompProperties_UseEffectPlaySound">
<li Class="CompProperties_UseEffectDestroySelf" />

into coagulate, but it gave an xml error when starting the game.
Pyw Anon
Same Anon
Maybe no talent but i keep coming back to it only to drop it after a month or two. I seem unable to do things i want to do. Sad!
this is my try

<AbilityDef ParentName="AbilityTouchBase">
<description>Heal someone.</description>
<cooldownTicksRange>60000</cooldownTicksRange> <!-- 1 day -->
<li Class="CompProperties_UseEffect">

It seems to work if I just change the "comps" part for anything else from another ability, so I'm guessing there's may be some code somewhere else which separates "item effects" from "ability effects".
Anyone knows what can I do to be able to do something like that?
Is there a way to build a wall over water at all in vanilla (no dlc?) I have a huge mountain base carved out but there's a shallow pond right in the way of my expansion plans. I know you can build bridges but I need real structure
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you can only use wooden walls over bridges.
Then if you get the moisture pumps, you can put them over a bridge and wait till their area of effect expands (around 4-5 days for each expansion). and then remove the bridges and change them for some solid wall (like granite or something else).
there's some mountain looking icon on the right corner, where you can see if you can build or not there (the red areas are the ones where you can't put stuff and need bridges, and the yellow ones are the ones where you can't put heavy stuff).
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This is a bug, right? Blue had a room until his daughter was born. Now it isn't his any more. Sure I could fix it by moving the crib out, but it feels like I shouldn't have to. Can I make it Blue and Bonkers' bedroom again?
might be able to fix by just reassigning stuff
nice on bud. the moisture pump thing is clever. I wish there were more ways to interact with water in the base game, seems like a largely pointless feauture in a game that's all about survival and using the world around you
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10 year old child got launched at me, I don't want it, but I will save it.
the only thing I use water for is to put a stockpile to let bodies or unwanted/tainted stuff rot without burning them in a campfire.
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That pig is stealing my fucking watermill.
Does anyone here know how can I mod my own abilites?
I don't know if there's any mod which does something like that, which I could download to check how they did it.
You mean the book? It sounds like he needed to write things down after his time at IG, and he really didn't want to go back to that work environment.
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Cold snap in spring again, I lost most of my corn. Three seasons of no growing it is. Fuck you Randy.
I also hate when that happens...
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This steel is far enough away for me to build a small shack. For it.
>he didn't take the cave pill
Oh, it's you.
>I'd like to add one with healing effects like the mechanite serum, but I' don't know how to do that yet.
Unless you can into coding, you can't. It's not a simple xml edit. You are quite lucky, however. One of the creepjoiner abilities is effectively a reusable mech serum, though it cannot be used on self.
Don't touch that.
That's the one you want. It should be as simple as copying it and editing the AbilityDef field with the healing hands ability. Go dig into Anomaly's ability xml and find its def.
Not at my PC so I can't check right now, but most abilities do have a <cantargetself> (or whatever) parameter. If it does, set it to true and you'll be able to heal yourself as well. If not, try adding it yourself. Take a look at other abilities and see how they work, it's pretty easy to figure out.
Thanks, I guess there's no other way than installing anomaly.
I really don't like anything from there, it feels way too "unnatural" to the game settings.
they're shaped like quad amputees because that's tynan's fetish
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>165 degree heatwave
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based Tynan
I'm checking the xenotypeDefs file from the data folder, and here are the examples of dirtmole:

<description>With gray skin adapted to artificial light, they thrive in cramped and dark spaces where combat and travel happen over short distances. They are extremely capable at digging or mining tasks. In the open, however, they suffer from a sensitivity to light, slow speed and poor eyesight at distance.\n\nAfter the first tunnel colonies failed due to the stress of confinement, colonization agencies began genetically altering colonists to live without open space or sunlight. This xenotype is known colloquially as the dirtmoles. Today, dirtmoles have expanded out of their original tunnel homes and rule many confined spaces in the anthrosphere. They can be found in deep mines, cramped low-tech spacecraft, and teeming by the billions in the dark underlayers of countless urbworlds.</description>
<descriptionShort>With gray skin adapted to artificial light, dirtmoles thrive in cramped and dark spaces where combat and travel happen over short distances. They are naturals at digging and navigating complex tunnel structures. In the open, they suffer from a sensitivity to light, slow speed and poor eyesight at distance.</descriptionShort>
and these are from the genie:

<description>Designed to be engineers, genies' delicate bones and natural aptitude with machines allow them to manipulate devices with remarkable precision. They are emotionally cold and can follow orders where others might panic. However, they are fragile, and their amplified nerve impulses make them easy to debilitate with relatively little pain. With so much of their brains dedicated to analyzing machines, they lack the neural hardware to analyze emotions, so they sometimes come off as socially inept. Their dead calm makes it even harder for them to relate to what they see as madly-hotheaded baseliner humans.\n\nGenies were engineered thousands of years ago by a long-disbanded space navy to hold engineering positions on large starships. Today, genies still serve as engineers in great cities and fleets, but many can also be found working as lawyers, pilots, and musicians.</description>
<descriptionShort>Designed to be engineers, genies have natural aptitude with machines, and are emotionally cold and calm. They are also fragile and vulnerable to pain. Focused on machines, they often come off as socially inept.</descriptionShort>

but I don't see any way where it tells which are the endo and which are the exogenes. Seeing the sanguophage which has "double genes chance" makes me think I can do it, but dunno how.
nevermind, it must be that line, and I guess I have to copy the sanguophage and define chances if I want to get both genes.
what happens if you put 50 autodoors
If eating without a table is so devastating to a colonist's mood, why doesn't he walk farther than 31 squares before giving up on tables.
>have skin colour discrimination mod
>have several pawns with different melanin
>get the positive mood for being 'free from evil people'
I should prob uninstall this cheat.
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All the naturally spawned in line-of sight blockers have been removed from with-in my camera's range, so long as I am paying adequate attention there should be not more surprise attacks. All of the effort to put this box up, and something broke, despite being on natural marble the game has it pulling up limestone.
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ah yeah, it's time to game.
The block you're mining on has no correlation with the chunk underneath, aside from the fact that you can only mine native chunks.
You mean to tell me it has coincidently lined up every other time?
I should be able to buy slaves for honor with the Empire
Anyone here has actually enjoyed anomaly?
can you share your positive experiences?
I'm not the masochist kind, but maybe my impresion of the dlc may be wrong.
Everything is fun but feels like a chore the second or third time. They are supposed to be anomalies, not regular threats. I think adding a ton of them would fix it
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I did my first full play through of anomaly in august and thought there was no way I was doing this shit again. Yet, here I am doing it again.
is there an option to disable the anomaly content but keep some features?
I don't want flesh shit invasions but I want perfect memory and access to some new traits/abilities.
I enjoyed my first time. Everything was new, felt like a real threat and always kept me on the edge of my seat. The ending threats were intense and not just mere survival waiting game like the other endings, you need to go out and destroy the source of the problems and it was intense.
The problem is that because the threats are genuinely problematic, once you're done with them you don't want to see them again. I for sure do not want to go on a revenant hunt or get a near game over experience because of a dumb metalhorror again. I'd say try a single playthrough and make sure to utilize every anomaly features because they're pretty much required, like ghouls and disruptor flares. With them around you won't have a torturous time dealing with everything, and normal raids are even trivial with ghouls.
Since walls apply beauty through corners, do sculptures too?
No luck, unfortunately.
Ambient horror mode and the scenario editor
I was just thinking a second Anomaly DLC might improve both for that reason. I also dial back the rarity to make them special, but sometimes it's just anticlimactic.
Skip abduction and chronophagy is OP as fuck. It's fun overall, but only twice or thrice for the more interesting happenings. Otherwise, I don't mind shamblers and what have you. The flesh walls are tedious at this point, though.
it's because he has a title from the empire, apparently
On an unrelated note but I hate how serums, flares and bioferrite crafting in its entirety are all tied to anomaly research
I recently had a game wth anomaly content disabled and traders still carry bioferrite and it can be offered as a reqard from quests but it's completely useless since you can't do anything with it, really flares, some serums and some bioferrite crafting should be in the main research tree instead, it's not like all of it is occult themed
>I recently had a game wth anomaly content disabled
how do you do that?
Just disable it on the storyteller settings when you start the game, there's a tab specifically for anomaly settings
I hate how flares aren't useful if you're not playing anomaly but is near required if you do
They have some niche use in lighting up an area to negate the darkness debuff for your ranged pawns, which gives you an advantage if you are against xenotypes without night vision
I think they're all very anomaly themed since they're all made of bioferrite in some way. It makes sense that you would need to study how anomalies work to be able to make anything out of bioferrite.
I think one solution would be to have an anomaly almost disabled option. If I could get a revenant from a quest and meet the other anomalies just once to unlock the research I could make everything I wanted. Would probably be the most fun playthrough in my opinion too.
CE has a flare gun for that reason, I think it's cool
Yeah but then why keep bioferrite in the game at all if it's completely useless? Harbinger seeds can also be bought from traders so you even have a way to farm it, it's just bloat that sometimes takes a spot on a quest reward.
I could ask the removal of bioferrite from the mode but I'd rather give it some use, some of the non-completely-occult tools could be made available, and lobotomies too, I forgot to mention them but it should be on the main research tree too since it's just a regular ass lobotomy despite the bioferrite cost, maybe replace it on the anomaly tech tree with a version of it that's more occult related too
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Any ideas for a base that isn’t just a mountain base? I keep making those and I’m sick of it. Too repetitive
Why not just make a regular flatland base
That's not a regular lobotomy either, it's a bliss lobotomy that uses bioferrite to make them happy. Somehow. You can see their moodlet (Happy... Warm...) it's pretty disturbing and funny. I think they should just keep things as they are and give you a few entities to keep while the threats are disabled. Buying bioferrite from traders is lame though, they should disable that.
Bioferrites are dirt cheap too for some reason
Raise The Roof
I think a dlc for a dlc is not a reasonable thing to do as a developer specially when they are yearly updates, I wouldn't like for the next dlc to be Anomaly 2: Electric Boogaloo, but tynan should consider adding 3-4 new anomalies every big update without telling it, I think that would keep the anomaly experience fresh for as long as the game keeps getting updated and hopefully it would eventually reach a number of abnormalities where the monolith scenario is worth replaying
I mean mechanically, as far as gameplay is concerned the bliss lobotomy is no different from how a regular lobotomy would work beyond the bioferrite cost
How do you set up defenses?
put spikes on every tile possible on the entire map
I’m so proud of the child two of my starting colonists made together.
Perimeter wall or just embrace urban combat
Impid Neanderthal hybrid
Luckily Oskar is here to save us
I make a perimeter wall once I have enough stones and leave one side open, then make a choke point there when necessary
i playon vivobook 15.
battery is drained fast when i play.
I would die for her.
I would die for any dictator as long as they're beautiful female pawns.
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are all miho males like this
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at least use a better bump, no one cares about russia
some HAR waifu mods, like maru, have specific male mod; mihos do not so even their males are sex.
>male of HAR waifu race
>world weary
yeah, checks out
Remember when royalty was announced and everyone was flipping their shit over biocoded weapons? God, gamers are such faggots.
For some reason they didn't make Miho a female only race but also didn't bother making a male body. Miho only has two bodies, thin and female. Male mihos have the thin body type while females are random. Thin bodies are flat and female bodies have huge tits. They differentiate underwear based on body type so they actually wear visibly different underwear even with the same piece of clothing, but unfortunately they didn't consider the fact that males are also in the thin body type so the males also wear bras. Guess which one of these foxes are boys. There are two, and one of them is the father to the other five.
It's funny how by splitting it into thin and female, it's like flatties are not considered female by the mod devs, even though they're pure sex.
why does the one on the left have 2 fences sticking out of their body
mech bandwidth pack
>areum is black
so not the father at least
>seron is my daughter
so not a boy

My first guess would be miya father, areum son because lol melanin, buit since there are 5 kids and only one of the mihos is black, maybe that meme has been fixed in miho biology

in that case nuri is male and is father
miya is male as well
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Sex with Impids!
Would smooch her horns
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You're half right. Nuri is male.
One thing about Miho is that skin color is decided by their xenotype. Konis Miho like Areum are exotic desert foxes with dark skin, he doesn't actually have any dark skin genes on him. In fact, he actually has a light skin gene, so his human kids are all white. Miho xenotypes are primarily determined by their ears. Konis Mihos have big Konis ears, Ordinary Mihos have no ear genes and is two tone in color, Arkitos Mihos have fluffy Arkitos ears, etc.
Another thing about Miho is that if you replace their ear genes with another miho ear, it actually changes the appearance as well. Their ears look identical there because I replaced them all with Prodromos ears, other than Areum because I didn't replace his Konis ears. I wonder if he'll magically turn light skinned if I changed his ears.
dammit i made a mistake because i forgot that if the father is dark skinned, all the kids would be light skinned
im such a fool
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I'd say thank Tynan for that but Mihos work differently from the usual RNG melanin gamble. It's mostly because of the mothers. They're white. HAR races apparently always follow the mom's race and xenotype in appearance.
Is there a mod that let you save your own difficulty preset?
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>raiders start fighting each other
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I made this gene, wich gives me the bloodthirsty forced trait and other bonuses, and if I use it as a germline gene, or a xeno gene, it seems to work.
but if I use it on someone who already has it as a germline gene, then the forced trait disappears. Does anyone know what might be happening?

this is the gene code
<description>Carriers of this gene have "Demonic" trait.</description>

And my xeno:

<defName>Demon Lord</defName>
<label>demon lord</label>
<description>The enhanced form of a demon.</description>
<descriptionShort>A being more powerful than a simple demon.</descriptionShort>
it's funny when they just straight up die from social fighting because of the death on downed
A way to make it work was to add a genedef
<GeneDef Name="Demonic_Body" Abstract="True">
then use it at the start
<GeneDef ParentName="Demonic_Body">
and make an exact copy of that gene, then change the defName of the copy and call that for my injected xeno, It seemed to work but I'm not completelly sure if that was the best way.
I mean, the other genes also say "replaced by duplicated gene" but still seem to work.
I'm not sure if it's some trait thing.
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No matter how many times it happens I will always laugh at the peculiar bucks that want to be broken
>8 shooting waster sprays my bunker with a good quality smg
>Shoots through embrasure, hits my colonist in the head (lol), single .45 bullet destroys their ear
anon you shouldn't complain while using embrasures, you'll get bad things said to you
What else are you supposed to use with CE? I'm new to rimworld so I don't know many mods.
Post sexy female pawns please
>I'm new to rimworld
then why are you using shit mods
What do you want an 8 shooting pawn to have perfect accuracy?
Do not talk to the vanilla combat cabal.
Don't use CE
was your colonist wearing a helmet? if not, be thankful you dont have a dead or brain damaged pawn
reminded me of that "starship troopers" movie scene.
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dont die
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I forgot to screen shot the second years Christmas. It has been 1500 hours and I just installed another fix mod.
>pawn has a miscarriage after getting the shit kicked out of her by a mechanoid
>before she's even fully recovered her pigskin boyfriend has her pregnant again
he's not letting anything stop him from getting his dick wet
Spiral Chad
>chess table next to the toilet
what the h*ck anon
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I almost blew Dan's head off, I was zoomed in a little to close, I didn't see Dan just down range.
Second look at this fucking quest. Is there strings attached, or is this a free psylink.
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Game sent a raid of one boy into a trade caravan. Sacrifice is right.
Christmas tree is where the chess table normally goes, chess table just got shuffled into the "spare" room with-out thinking.
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It took me far to long to realize I don't need lights in my colony, all of my pawns are blind.
I might just be retarded
dying after giving birth is always sad
With the way it looks it's a mercy
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With this expansion we will be the size of old Lovelock it really doesn't feel like it, probably in no small part thanks to the fact that old Lovelock had external power production. Meanwhile a fifth of our current base is solar panels, and more to come.
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mechs did a good deed

whoever killed her also did a good deed
My crafter got the +2 quality level inspiration. Should I just have her make a charge gun (already have one but could use more) or is there something better to use the quality on?
kid is an orphan btw; father was a refugee that left when quest was over. mother got a bf later but im not expenting him to be the father.
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going from the notifs it seems like the baby killed her
as expected of piggers
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Smug cunt trying to crawl away after shooting my impid.
truer experiences have never been shown. many such cases.
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If you use any storyteller mods, which ones do you anons use? Side note, but I fucking really am getting tired of diseases. I already lowered it to 100% from the start
I like horror and sci-fi is the best fit for horror. Plus it added a lot of interesting threats. I like the variety even if some are still basically just raids, but monstars. I also like pretty much everything else it adds. Craftable 'artifacts' (shard items), more psychic shit that isn't only psycasts (rituals), ghouls are... interesting (honestly more 'roleplay-ish' like slaves. I never use slaves unless it fits the theme/story. I do think they are cool as an option nonetheless), some more non-standard weapons, and serums are a real nice tool to have in your back pocket. Creep joiners do entertaining shit and any issues I had with the structure was addressed in like two weeks of launch. Hopefully that was coherent enough anon. Mucho texto and all that
When sonic underground body mod?
If I ever pursue my idea for genes I personally want, I'll remember to ask for assistance getting started here
I haven't bought it yet, but when I get spare change (things are rough) I am definitely buying it before buying anything else just to show I like it a lot
You're not blind though
you have caused me pain a thousand fold via this image alone. crank that up or perish.
why the FUCK are militors so cute
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combat extende armory for more guns and more powerful guns

also ve security for cool turrets like double military
and also shields because fuck balans

or you know just build autocannons instead of bloating your game. they're not ass.
maybe combat extended guns instead of armory too, or both idk
>wolf puppies are just adult wolves but smaller
I don't know what I expected
i only played one run after the anomaly dlc (my current playthrough) and i'm playing with the ambient horror option, and it's honestly interesting and adds a new type of threats that is different than the usual, I haven't encountered all of them but metal horror for example (which is a little too difficult) really feels like a threat, same with the revenant.
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got raided by a group of mihos, thinking of enslaving one of them
1. hanui
+quick sleeper
-only good in plants and melee
2. balganui
+body modder
+mountain lover
=carefull shooter
-only good for cooking and int
+mountain lover
=good at plants, mining and both combat

4. Haneul
+good at medic, mining and both combat forms

any reason not to choose Hanui over the rest?
Are they all ordinary mihos? If stoner is chemical fascination and the likes that's extremely easy to manage because mihos are already helianto addicts, if you want a combat demon Haneul sounds like a deal.
>even considering the troons
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Randy just fucking BEANED this turkey with a limestone meteorite
Why would it?
i can change their gender with cheats. doing something like that leaves a bitter taste but its an option.

would it matter if some ware arctic mihos?
i think stoner is only for smokeleaf, so now they will need 2 kinds of drugs to be happy
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Why the FUCK does the auto mortar get to start shooting and fucking my shit up even though neither the countdown nor proximity sensor have gone off and everything else is asleep?
Tynan hates you in particular
>stoner is only for smokeleaf
That fucking sucks then.
Miho xenotypes other than ordinary mihos have ear genes that affect some stuff. Arctic ones have slower move speed, less social impact, less damage taken and higher cold temperature tolerance. Desert ones have lower global workspeed but higher learning factor (makes them the same as humans because by default mihos only have 75% learning factor even with their helianto addiction fully satisfied because they're animals). Prodromos ones have higher move speed, less damage taken and lower social impact, and Porne ones have the seduce skill so the xenotype do matter a little.
thanks now i know
i thought the differance was just cosmetical
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I just spent 4 hours in the planner. I can't wait to died before I get to bring any of it into fruition.
It's crazy how bad smokeleaf is.
but dude, weed
Tynan giving you life lessons
Yeah it's realistic that stoners don't work but from a game standpoint it makes it makes it worthless to take smokeleaf compared to other recreational drugs since at that point you would rather your colonist just get a minor mental break than suffer the weed side effects.
>weed bad
>but cocaine really fucking good
That is how it works in real life, yeah. People on cocaine are super productive.
What face is this?
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Toxic fall-out, all the animals died, nothing to do but wait and pray it lets up in time for animals to return so we don't starve.
Is it worth farming animals for fine meals or is it better to just make vegetarian fine meals.
You can just hunt animals in the wild instead of raising your own just to butcher
Both fine meals are practically the same unless you have ideology precepts
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How do I make a base that doesn't look like shit? Usually I make one large house and make separate houses for guests, a storage area, a prison inside the mountains, and a workshop. But it's all fucked up where I put it.
in the game there is a planing feature. use it instead of adding rooms as the need arise.
Hunting is a huge time waster and mood killer. Plus it risks people being far from base when a predator, raid, or manhunter happens. If I'm going to make the fine meals it's going to be from farm animals. I'm thinking it might be worth getting a breeding pair of chickens and letting them graze outside the base (I have a wall around the edge). I'll put an egg box near the base and haulers can step outside to pick up the eggs once in a while. Very low work setup, and I can even control the rate of reproduction by choosing whether or not to eat the fertilized eggs.
I guess the only thing is if there's toxic fallout I'll need to save a breeding under a roof and slaughter the rest. So that's a bit of work, but toxic fallout is pretty rare anyways so it's fine.
I like making a corpse freezer for my pigs.
i make fine meals from menhunters and raids
Chickens are not a very low work setup. You have to constantly butcher them and haul eggs
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I want a smac mod
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Food delivery showed up we are gonna be fine.
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Why would I need to butcher them. Also the hauling only happens once 20 eggs are in the eggbox. It's way less work than hunting.
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I am over running out of food. Three times the farmland required to feed us.
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admit you are evil anon
How fuck I knew this guy
Is she single? I'm looking for a wife
When I get a threatened joiner quest I accept and then if it's bad I have them turn around and hold off the raid party until my colonists are more ready.
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once there was a pigger named stomper
she tried to raid me but i stopped her
deep inside the mountain cage
to my ideology she made a pledge
so 'goodbye' i said. 'take care'.

once there was a pigger named stomper
with her friends she thought this raid will go better
but before the break of dawn
she was made a comfort pawn
and some refugee knocked her

once there was a pigger named stomper
once a proud pawn now just a pigger
between an oink and a moan
she was finally allowed to join
but the cp def doesn't waver

once there was a pigger named stomper
her water broke in the middle of nowhere
her bf picked her with a gruff
but he wasn't fast enough
once a pigger now a gonner

sky burial done, i just left her
didnt know i need to burry after
now an empty grave
is all that is left
of the pigger named stomper

original poet: asdfag
Pigs are ugly. I have replaced them with rats.
She is gay
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Wasters make better rats
I just hope the next DLC will give us a fridge furniture which is missing from the game for 10 fucking years
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The new outer wall is with us. God I miss old Lovelock. I miss my abusive wife and Lucas, what a great guy.
any tips for solo mechanitor? are militors even worth the trouble or should I just get a gun and use other basic mechs to engage enemies in melee and have my guy shoot them?
what do you think of vanilla expended wasters?
look beyond its creator into the mod itself
do you think such a waster could fit your mechanitor playtrough?
>Year 2 of my tribal chief not getting pregnant from her 3 husbands
Fine, to the nearest neanderthal village she goes
I already started as baseliner
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>having your ally bleed out in your arms while you desperately attempt to rescue them isn't any worse than the hecking prisonerino dying in a fire
>innocent prisoner
any mod that removes that 24 hour guilty limit or increases it?
>no 'my friend died'
it was just a nobody to him.
Have you never had your neighbor die?
I can fix her
So am I
I have two pawns who are married and still like each other as far as I can tell who won't stay assigned to their shared double bed. I'll assign him to their bed, and immediately he reassigns himself elsewhere.
>bad apple
a. are those pawns gay?
b. os the other bed always the same bed or is it just whaever bed that is abailble?
c. have you tried assiging them to a different double bad (as in different materials, different style) in a different room?
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3/4 of the large rooms done for now, just Storage, to go. Then onto the small rooms.
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do they actually lie sometimes and funny haha prank me?
you deserve to be lied to
most of my colonists are recruited prisoners who tried to raid me but since humans are never the ones fucking with me I'm got hardly any of them
I don't know if you've played a Game like Among-us or TTT, or Town of Salem, but it is generally poor etiquette to out your fellow imposters/CTs/whatever.
Ok so apparently my rec room is considered too large to be a room.
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I don't believe you, show it
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says that every single time
She would feel right at home in my colony
Guy's got a bruise on his ear, he's fucking DISFIGURED
>cannibal killer
If she killer who kill cannibals, she would be more than welcome, if she is cannibal who is also a killer, she would be shot dead at spot.
Character Editor or Prepare Carefully?
prepare carefully if you have weak willpower.
character editor for when the game doing stuff like >>494731025
so is your ass fatty
I'll post it once I finish the game. Wiki says that if your room is larger than 36 regions the room doesn't count. I fixed it just by adding a bunch of held open doors in the hallways.
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Excuse me no drop podding onto my least combat capable pawn.
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We finally managed a corn harvest!
He said he didn't want a base that looked like shit though.
Build a main road and place the buildings along that, try to give colonists their own homes near where they would work. Seperate structure for each purpose, smithy, tailor, butcher etc. Make walls rounded with a main gate.
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>open steam
>cloud overwrites autosaves
>lose an entire day of playtime
If I force a sanguophage to inject its genes while they are regrowing...
would that make it back to a dead baseliner when he dies?
asking for a friend who has this resurrection serum...

be careful with blight, I always leave a 5 space between crops to try to prevent bligth to ruining everything.
Man you're a genius, why didn't I think of that
If I ever feel like giving Tynan money I'm prob just going to keep playing my pirated copy desu.
>Build a main road and place the buildings along that, try to give colonists their own homes near where they would work. Seperate structure for each purpose, smithy, tailor, butcher etc. Make walls rounded with a main gate.
He said he didn't want a base that looked like shit though.
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Deep drill box, very far corner of the map. I'm going to need some help.
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I've opened my seed collection.
You'd probably save time by just scanning a closer one
the blight or resurrecting a dead implanter?
Animals are not great at holding points, just good. Their AI isn't smart enough to stand in the right spot, and they'll either leak an enemy or they'll rush too far forward.
Ressurecting, I waited more than a year to get another vampire
the body will still be a vampire?
It's too late for me to try it, but it logically will, dying doesn't make you lose your genes
[laughs in canadian]
no i already have enough books
Have you kissed your female pawn today?
Fuck. I tried it anyway because you said that and it really doesn't work. I then read Designing Games in full and decided that maybe it's because the vampire has to wait to duplicate the archite vampire genes, and giving them their genes before that means losing them and dying
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Why are my trees tiny?
Storage is almost done, we will soon be able to finally begin deconstruction of the second phase buildings.
That's probabilistic, I have better things for my intellectual pawns to be doing, like research for the soon to come up arming, and construction.
>be careful with blight, I always leave a 5 space between crops to try to prevent bligth to ruining everything.
What if I instead of being massively space inefficient all the time cut the blighted plants? Has worked for me the last 1400 hours.
I have kissed my female thrumbo today, on the cheeks.
on they buttcheeks
Did she like it?
Alpha biomes, yay or gay?
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Final Christmas around this table. Coming up on my fourth year. If I make it two more this will be my second longest lasting run.
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The first born of the tree.
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>modded race endgame weapon
>needs crafting 16 and a lot of materials
>it's just a dagger with alright damage and penetration
>it's not even fast
>only effect is melee hit chance +3
Why was this so difficult to make when it's just a plasteel longsword?
>it only aims for the head
>What if I instead of being massively space inefficient all the time cut the blighted plants? Has worked for me the last 1400 hours.
whenever a plot "gets blight" for me, it goes for all the plants of the same type which are near each other, I'm not sure if I have been unlucky or how it works, but that's how has happened to me (I used to make plots of 10x10).
blight hits the same type of plant on event trigger, yeah
Was that a recent change, or did a mod I have change blight as a secondary effect an I've never noticed.
it's the same on 1.4, if you have a huge corn farm without any other crop in between and blight hits it'll all get obliterated
When will irl rats wake me from my cryptosleep casket
This is going to be annoying to deal with. At least it's on the opposite side of the map from my base.
when you get into the casket
Infestations replace a raid I think, so it's probably a good thing.
It's not an infestation
>have isolated field with granite wall and granite doors
>suddenly a boomrat, rats and rabbits are inside
how the hell do they enter my farm fields?
I wonder what mod changed blight and then stopped working or stopped changing blight.
colonist dropped rice in the doorway, leaving it propped open.
You get that message if:
1) The patient doesn't have a metalhorror, or any other detectable "feature". This is a true negative.
2) The patient is infected, but you don't have enough grey flesh chunks. The doctor isn't lying, they're just ignorant, collect more flesh chunks.
3) Both of them are infected. The doctor is lying.
4) The patient wasn't infected but the doctor is. The doctor is lying and also infected the patient at the same time.
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You will never be as happy as this kid.
Lazy RAT doesn't want to fight fleshbeasts
So what would be the best combination for a 'god pawn'? a royal psycasting mechantaor but what xenotype would be best? a vampire wouldn't do well with a mechanator. Maybe a genetically modified baseliner/dirtmole/waster?
What happens if the toilet is in the same room as the bed.
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My trees are still small. Lewis will be bonded with 3 small trees.
>a vampire wouldn't do well with a mechanator.
Why not? Just have a singular bloodbag pawn as a prisoner.
I remember hearing about how if a vampire is in death rest all the robots would treat it as if the mechanator is dead so they would go rouge if that's not the case vampire would 100% be the best
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I am desperate for a second doctor, but not so desperate as to take a man who shoots a man in power armor with a pistol for no reason.
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He knew what he was doing
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He died instantly, I want to be beat and bled, not die.
masochist and iron willed is a super good combo though
Replace bloodbag prisoner with slave/wife/slave-wife.
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This game is just beating me while i'm down
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retards have awoken ze bugs, they won't do much but it'll help
God I fucking hate bone reapers, overpowered pieces of shit. Horror really needs some bionic legs, that corpse is so damn slow.
Are there any good mods to manage the "abandoned settlements"?
I don't know why you can't just go and claim back that plot of land.
consult the book
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i hate this image because i will never have this
thanks for nothing, smartass
any time
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Evil Racist Beautiful Imperial Female Pawn
too much armor
Hey guys, trying to get back into the game after a year break or so. I remember I was aiming for a "Vanilla+tweaks and minor extra content" sort of experience. Now that I've had a look at my RimPy, several mods are outdtated and ReGrowth:Core is incompatible with World Map Beautification.
Should I just start over from scratch again or is there a collection you'd recommend to get closer to the idea I had in mind? List is just autosorted by RimPy because I barely know what I'm doing already.
Fuck, I forgot to add, the mods with "---" before them are outdated. I've found some alternates to Owlchemists, but not entirely.
Get fucked, never come back
would be terrible if those cute girls suddenly lost their weapons and clothes there haha
I made two custom hemogenic xenotypes and am working on both art and removing Oskarslop requirements, I'm just concerned about gene bloat because the ears for one are bat ears and there's already two mods that add them.
Just make a patch to remove and replace the gene if you have those mods
what about a bunch of migrating rats?
Good idea, do you know of any mods that have a patch like that so I can deconstruct it? All patches are open source due to both the nature of XML and Tynan's modding guidelines iirc.
It's like how I learned how to patch factions by peering into Bogleg's patches
is that pink thing from anomaly or a mod?
File: spite.png (1.82 MB, 1920x1080)
1.82 MB
1.82 MB PNG
fuck you game
It's anomaly

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