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Sunning Rock Edition

>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>THE PRIMALS Live in Japan

Previous: No, let it burn. There are mi'qittens at the end.
catboy supremacy
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Moonies! :3
Is it finally moonie time?
I love femezen so much it's unreal
Post Femra
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My female midlander (on the left) likes being intimate with female au ras (on the right) like this
doesnt monk counter PLD anyways bc they just meteo the pld when they cover?
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>this is Pixie dialogue
Fucking based.
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i am
a fiddie
doing my wondrous tails before they expire in 2 days
Need a femlala hug for my malera...
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You are invited to breakfast with Fat Cat. Will you be coming?
what emote is this

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just like last thread, xivg

what are you doing rn bcos im playing P3Reload
I have a critical weakness to chocolate thighlanders
I can't find where to unlock the Ananta quests. None of the prereqs are appearing in the Fringes.
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Green Tea and Doman Rice Crackers, naturally.
Got a zone and a half into a hunt train before finally remembering I already capped Heliometry there this week.
the way feo ul is so tsundere for the warrior of light makes me wish we could talk to her more
use her like a big onahole
Anyone interested in a FF unlimited watch party meetup?
Need to help a friend reclear m4s in 30-45mins. Relaxing till then.
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Do all existing blue quests in the Fringes first.
Dang, I’ll miss you fren. Sorry you couldn’t make it
Need to help a friend reclear m4s in 30-45mins. Relaxing till then.
only takes 2 minutes and there's no queue
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My femra is at this specific sunning rock as she's cold and it's warm here
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I am really very happy with how this shot turned out. It's probably not perfect, but it is perfect for me.
Is there anything to do in the game yet
If a PLD covers, doesn't the match become a 3 v 5 in your favor?

The PLD's going to guard, and you just disengage whoever the PLD covered. They won't be able to follow and continue attacking if you disengage since the PLD's mobility is now shit (because of guard). So it's a 5 v 3 for you against their remaining team.
>RP with someone
>midway they take the helmet off
>RP is ruined, so I end it in character as soon as possible
Watching echo do heroic splits for the *checks screen* 5th day in a row
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Take that off it's too early for christmas
id go for the summons, shame the anime was panned

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I don't remember posting this twice.
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It's weird, this is all I have left in the zone, with the two normal quests left not being part of the chain.
why does the helmet need to stay on?
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What was the RP about
me as the roe in the back after this maloonster drained me dry
Because you have to complete two different quest chains first, starting with
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This moonie is doing roulettes
If you've done all the prereqs then the actual quest that unlocks the Beast Tribe content starts in Rhalgr's Reach IIRC.
Playing FGO
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Looking forward to it frens. I even got us a bonus snacc for later
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you know your catgirl character? the one that you have idling at the hangout spot?? you're not getting any use of having that character just sit around afk you know~!
instead of idling on her... you could use her to... cuddle a femra!! wouldn't that be a nice idea???
>trying out the new face wear
>wide rim glasses are kind of cute
>would be cuter with cum on them
>find a guy to suck off
>mid way sucking him off
>"lets take those glasses off you and see that pretty little face, wouldn't want to get cum on them when I finish"
It must have been a woman roleplaying a guy, no guy thinks like that
It's probably like a dude putting a brown bag on a woman's head so he can fuck her.
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Make fun of modded hamplanets in lavender bed 14
Sorry, not into single fat femras who didn't even have enough rizz to get a miera
where do you buy gemstone vouchers
I don't really feel like playing P3R for some reason
Even though I adore the original P3 and even liked P3P format.

I think it's the whole "turning it into P5" that put me off, because even though it was aesthetically pleasing, I really didn't like P5 in general.
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Lvling alt
same but just highlanders.
You are wrong.
I don't remember making this post
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god I wish
Good morning /xivg/
Tarkov until more raid doko
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watching ti just like last thread
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cat better than lizard
Meteo on a 60k hp target with the damage loss from the guard break is not very effective. Meteo also has twice the CD
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Going the fuck to sleep.
I will simply focus the PLD and try to kill them (I will fail because I can never commit to a kill)
hi thats me
Well, you know
Thank you
Just adventuring and exploring. He could’ve /visor’d but he decided to take the helmet off. it could’ve been more if the helmet stayed on
Pixie dialogue is insanely horny.
>is not very effective
you disable the guard, killing the paladin which lets you then turn again on the guy he was covering, and now you're up players and can attempt to stagger them
>pov: i am dragonfire diving on you using my dick as a lance
no please i just stayed up all night trying to get ONE win
let me go to bed
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My catgirl looks and acts exactly like this
Why are you cosplaying as Elk
>don't like video games
>don't like esports/sports
>don't like anime
>don't like cartoons
>don't like live action shows
how do I make friends here
Fat Cat is Fat Cat not a femra
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prove it by giving me 50 million gil
I am Elk you fool
One of them is in rhalgyr's reach iirc.
My moonie just woke up and about to go on her morning walk
can i see ur moonie
>start focusing PLD or a target
>PLD covers themselves or the target and guards
>now you have wasted your burst and the target is invincible

next you're gonna say ubercharge is a waste of resource
stop trying to use this game and general as a chatroom
No Khai.
How hard would this be to implement in a future expansion?

>Scholar gets a trait that automatically "upgrades" Physick into Adlo at level 30
>Summoner gets a trait that automatically changes Physick into a DoT damaging spell or something

This isn't even me being like "SUMMONER NEEDS NEW SPELLS " or whatever, I just think it'd be handy to stop new players from relying on Physick and freaking out when someone tells them to stop using it in Brayflox Longstop or something.
What the fuck do you like?
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Shit, you're right actually. Sorry, it's been a long while.
All I can say is to doublecheck that you have all of these prereqs completed, if you've done all of them then I have no clue why the unlock quest isn't showing up.
Do you... LIKE anything?
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Malera, aka male au ra, cannot be good no matter who or what is playing it. The entire FFXIV community needs to band together and bar them from game interactions. They are a blight, a scourge, a complete and utter disease upon this game and must be cleansed.
To malera, fantasia to another race and change your ways. Do not comply and you shall be obliterated.
To all who associate with malera, question everything about them. You may be working alongside true scum.
To those who are not either of the previous, patrol and ensure all players, old and new, sprout, mentor, or otherwise, are not speaking to malera or are not malera themselves.
We can do this. We can better this community.
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>modbeasts truly believe those horn accessories look good
>I don't like anything.
That's the thing, you don't make friends because nobody likes people like you.
god damn i love thighlanders
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the double posting ghost is back, altho we love supporting friends in content
fairs, i don't like FGO but u go king
P3 is deffo my fave persona by far, and I totally get ur side of it being turned into P5
i'm just glad the best persona is accessible for everyone - bar P3P's port on PC.
fair play on u levelling an alt, i got bored of that heehee
i'm so sorry but cute lizard
what's ti, im interested
gn robert eepenheimer
what do u like tho anon
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You like maliddies?
you people need to stop being so autistic and let people figure out the game. if it doesn't prevent you from finishing the dungeon its literally not your problem
Oh you don't like any of this stuff, you might have dEpReSsIoN. Fix this and then you'll be able to gain interests you can share with people
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playing NIKKE
i got kicked out of 3% again, this shit sucks
A SCH used physick on me in Thaleia yesterday so I'm all for this idea.
>Killing the Paladin
This assumes your team is ready to suddenly focus 50k damage on a target when they likely just used their burst on the person the pld went to cover in the first place.
>let people figure out the game
Nah I'm tired of nobrain niggers using Cure in level 100 content. They literally do not deserve the breathe.
>with the damage loss from the guard break
There's no damage loss
Guard or not, Meteo will always do 24k (4k x3 + 12k finisher.

The damage spike comes from Rising Phoenix buffed Enlightenment (12k) > Meteodrive (24k) > Pressure Point trigger (8k) for 44k total damage
That's why you usually want to have Phantom Rush rolling to finish people off when they can't move after Meteo uncleasable stun.
Nta but TI stands for "The International" it's a yearly dota tournament.
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I feel like a lot of people ignore mouths, i have a thing for them. picrel, it's my lil chompers. maybe post your chompers, anon?
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>PLD covers themselves
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What do you think, the Xaela or Raen? That or back to the drawing board.
This is me and my femra wifey every time we're together
Sis got early onset dementia
>remove Physick for later levels
>doesn't understand the use case for physick
It's the cheap single target, because burning 1k per cast for Emergency Tactics isn't a smart plan when you're out of Aetherflow.
This thread needs more bloonies, we only have like 2 or 3
Tangentially related idea, Cure 1 should upgrade to Afflatus Solace when you have lilies available.
>50k damage
this is just everyone on your team pressing their 1 button twice, not to mention any aoes, ogcd's, jobs like drg doing 16k on one button, another lb burned, summoner dots, etc
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its true
what makes a maybe a yes...
Was he fuck ugly
i spam physick as smn during downtime to pad my apm
the raen looks slightly better
but a malera is still a malera
As much as I love her, I don't want to be even more of a miau miau clone than I already am
If they look like this, sure. It’s middies* btw
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>if it doesn't prevent you from finishing the dungeon its literally not your problem
It quite literally does stop me from finishing the dungeon, though, if i'm playing a tank in early roulette content where I don't have enough MITs/self-heals to solo the game I *NEED* them to use fucking adlo. This screenshot we died like 4 times because he just kept using physick.

I understand the use-case for physick but it still doesn't justify having it on SMN since it scales with literally nothing.
The Paladin is your target fucko.
Based chompers enjoyer
The femra that feeds it has her own gravity well
I like some comics. I like cooking. I like astrology. I like hearing other people talk about their interests but a lot of people seem to get uncomfortable when I don't reciprocate.

I'm already on medication and in therapy for that. I've never really had any interests or hobbies.
gee i wonder which pld they're whining about
Just because a moonie is blue doesnt make her an MM clone
A little. The helmets always more attractive than the flesh of face, anyways.
Jesus fucking Christ can we not have Kyoppi repeat the same SCH gameplay bullet points for the 1000th time PLEASE
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yeah totally was focusing on the chompers when I made these goonposes
your soul
>I understand the use-case for physick but it still doesn't justify having it on SMN since it scales with literally nothing.
You could just make physick scale with intelligence, like how every other healing spell on a nonhealer (like Clemency and Vercure) scales with their main stat and not mind
Kyoppi doesn't play Scholar.
>healers shouldn't be DPSing
I'm so glad I don't raid
You may need to read your tooltips, anon.
Meteo only does 12k on a guarded target.
post full, need to see you getting raped
Want me to .. warm you up more?
i already offer my soul to moonies, youll have to do better than that.
The fact that smn's physick doesn't scale like vercure is actually retarded, I'll consneed.
Also that sch is turboretarded, goddamn
About to do a daily reset roulette with a few friends after finishing a several-hour ERP.
What in tarnation happened to your legs
Challenging the gods.
Also crazy xp. That was like 6 million in one run.
Please Yoshi, let the XI AR Scouting armor lean more into NIN than VPR.
Fuck VPR.
>but a lot of people seem to get uncomfortable when I don't reciprocate.
Then start yapping about your interests then? Start talking about what comics you like, what your favorite dishes to cook are, whatever bullshit astrology has and just talk about it man. This socialization shit isn’t hard and 9 times out of 10 the other person would be THRILLED to hear you talk about your interests.

There are YouTube videos that can help with your communication skills i recommend seeking them out
It wasn't raped and I was the one doing the plapping.
That’s fine, that means they know where to find the best snaccs
Don't speak, retard.
It has been tested and proved several time, it's just a mistranlation that has never been fixed.

If you're on balmung we can go try right now in the den if you want.
ok still post full faggot, thats hot. catbox it
Yeah because we don't already have ten years worth of Ninja related armor.
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i couldn't get into nikkee, but i respect jiggling ass
thank u anon!
cooking is based anon, what're some of ur fave meals to make?
goodness anon, did u wear protection tho?
fuck them gods up anon
please dont be Artemis, please dont be Artemis dear God..
There is no dungeon content where theoretically a SCH couldn't keep a tank alive by spamming Physick. Keep in mind you are disrespecting the content by pulling multiple packs.
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Why even subscribe to the game if you just sit there and alt tab and afk.
Why even subscribe if you're just here for twitter clout.
Please remove yourselves from LB14 and go back to uldah where you non game players belong
The current FFXIV jobs are
Are the blue bird people still upset about that one guy cheating with 2 girls? I decided it's just funny and don't care anymore.
nta but yeah let's go I want to know for sure
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Wonderous Tails and trying a new hair for the first time in a few years.
Not many hair styles hide overly large cheeks/wide faces. I used great lengths before this, largely for that reason. It's gripe I've had for a long time with the face I chose, along with a couple other small things. I like and don't like this hair, but a lot of it is probably discomfort from it being so much shorter of a hairstyle.
Thank you for reading my blog.
VPR's AF has no identity to it. It's bland trench coat man like GNB that you could put on nearly any other job. Go fuck yourself if you want that shit for the XI raids.
If you have interests, talk about them. It's that easy. When you don't, people think that you just hate everything- and based on your initial list, you already don't like a massive chunk of what most online groups do like.
Genuinely just yap about that, people will be thrilled.
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absolutely correct take, the helmet stays on during sex
>There is no dungeon content where theoretically a SCH couldn't keep a tank alive by spamming Physick.
but i literally just provided an example--
>Keep in mind you are disrespecting the content by
ah right, youre tricking me, you sneaky boy
sis?? your blm (blue mage)????
It wasn't with all of them, just one! And, no.
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sure, sounds comfy
No idea. maybe it's the shaders being fucky with shadows
I am
a lalafell
That has never done the Algaia raids
Sure, I'm in the arena right now, look for AM.
Thats one hot looking sunnie~
lalafells by exisiting are giving explicit consent
their soft squishy bodies
Take a shower, you're sweaty.
Anyone up for running Eden Furor savage for some glam? Going to host in on OCE so everyone can join i guess
This is the most retarded thing I've seen, please post more
So they're not keeping you from completing the dungeon, they're just not letting you do it your preferred method.
Ninjas didn't wear the fucking movie magic bullshit you think they did, they wore regular ass every day clothing because they were ninjas and blending into a crowd was their fucking job. Kill yourself.
thanks, now i can cum
it does 12k
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I love this update
The focus has shifted to men who ask for proof whenever these accusations come out as being assholes for asking for something nearly impossible to bring forth. (They are assholes)
t. Watching it unfold via my for you feed
I would but my EB will probably be awake soon and I want to be here to gm her.
I am a femlala who REDACTED a REDACTED until DATA EXPUNGED
lumy moonlight lookin ass otr
sir blue and huge ears are the only things I don't have covered
probably not what you wanted but ok
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If you're using the MNK LB on a dummy it will do 12k yes

But if you use it on a guarded or not person, it will de 4k x3 damage (they shown as flying text and aren't in the battle log) and then do the 12k finisher.
>There's mention of sweaty smallclothes too
This isn't thinly veiled at this point
why is miau miau white?
>tfw only 50MiB
what the fuck is wrong with you people
Post your opened tabs
Go back to coomercord
I was a bit self-conscious about being a modbeast because I had 20 MiB of mods and then it turns out everyone's walking around with a gigabyte of mods just chilling in Limsa?
>muh realism though
Yeah you're a full blown retarded nigger.
Quit shitting in the shower.
kys nigga
character name so i can blacklist
head is empty or full of cotton fluff /pet
bedbreaking impregnation
post results, pussy
Tikaasi Mutei
Please keep your racism contained to /b/.
>women friendly group
Miau Miau is moon
Full of tax evasion
Someone's getting gruuuumpyyyyy~
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very cute anon, i like it!
good lord anon
You wasted more time having this argument over 90 potency of mit than just pulling one pack less. You're just an annoying smartass melvin that can't resist getting into arguments over stupid shit. Protip: Nobody is impressed by your game knowledge. Keep your mouth shut and keep pulling next time.
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No shower, but I suppose a quick swim in the pool wouldn't hurt
Backseat modding?
Yeah, you lost.
this thread and the lodestones of 12 people i'm stalking
oh hell yeah
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I was dying in bosses, guys.
has anyone ever done a documentary style meme with that old guy narrating malera being creepy in town
Crystal queue The Howling Eye
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You forgot the @ Balmung. They can't blacklist me without my server.
May I plap your femra?
Are they all femras?
when? right now of course, or i wouldnt have said it.
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Anybody know why you randomly lose the ability to manipulate certain bones in Ktisisi? Is it a bug?
Brevity is the soul of bait.
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Cute drawing
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ORCUS is up on Zalera, X25.8, Y31,9.
Gyr Abania, The Fringers
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i brought a soul across the rift
NTA, but he's right that you're a full blow retarded nigger, and your parents feel bad at the turbocuck they've raised that whines about muh rassis
Kill yourself at your earliest convenience
depends I will need to meet the person who wants to plap my femra first and decide at that point
Don't listen to that guy, stinky xaela are the best kind!
SEETHING healer thats been playing since 2019 with 8 different characters over 5 data servers
But my game crashed
Im not sure what that has to do with Adlo vs Physick then. The fairy can practically keep a tank up by itself during bosses at low levels.
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Is this really what you think of us? Who else feels this way so i can definitely avoid you? Also be sure to be explicit about your ingame name and home world.
What DC? Also when I meant plap, I meant taking lewd pics.
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man I love my retainers
Solo him bro.
unsync farmers are so stupid man
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What helmet is that?
Why is it so expensive
Very cute drawing fren!
Im at the hangout spot most times I'm on
Thanks anon! I'll keep that in mind
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Anyone for expert rolo on Chaos?
In lower levels adlo does feel like ass to be fair and I tended in heavy healing situations in the low levels to go back and forth with adlo-physick. It's also only 40% of the mana costs.
I don't think it really matters what you press at lvl40. The guy should play the WHM jobquests though. The story is literally about how you are not a healbot.
smooching this moonie, petting this moonie holding this moonies hands
i am
a lala
that doesnt post much
oh. later then.
Ok. I’m not on right now but I will be on the lookout.
Yeah su
honhonhon u no trick me
no only one of them is
You know where to find me
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I will if nobody joins since this is a chance to get cheevo progress for people.
Steel :b:arbut
Its RNG drops from the max level DoL field explorations.
I wish you posted even less
rare drop from 18 hour exploration
>everyone showing off their bush
I'm gonna
I'll be sure to post more
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rare venture drop
Cool, what's your race so I know who to look out for? Also if you're not sync'd with me I have short hair with wild rose gear
That mini cactpot solver plugin is truly retarded. I use it to decide what slots to uncover but like 80% of the time it wants you to pick the stupidest row/column. It wanted me to select x1x over the 97x and x5x options earlier kek.
ah monsiuer can ouie ahhh queue ze roulettez
actual bush or some wispy pubes?
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What happened to malezen they used to be eboy lite now they're all dark and mysterious
What is happening on steam?
imagine being this mad
Why are you invoking the word of power, fren?
Best body mod for a normal female viera body?
i dont speak fr*nch sorry
Nude fiddie has no bush
Doman fiddie has full unshaved hairy bush
Tzera fiddie has trimmed bush
Whats the name of this fishra
Bibo small/medium
YAB small/medium if you want muscles
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FYI, this is correct.
This is not.

It's been known for a long while and I think SE's content to let it ride. A lot of players instinctively Guard when they think a MNK LB is coming, which is why it's a good idea (on MNK) to save your stun + Phantom Rush until after the LB because otherwise you might get Phantom Rush guarded.
having a house has absolutely bankrupt me
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Just to show I had a kind Anon help me showing it off.

Check the flying text especially.
https://streamable.com/je8icx link version for you
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yab was literally designed for viera
having a femra has absolutely bankrupt me
they say if you're locked in a room with a moonie for hours on end you WILL end up with a illness called moonie madness
where did you get one of those
being a femra has absolutely made me rich
at the femra store
I miss old raid design.
YAB all the way
But what if I am a moonie
It's okay to use a himcess as a starter EB while you are searching for a biofem right?
i liked the meme floors of coils and alex
>Oh you're looking for Sphene? Sorry bro idk where she could be
where is the femra store???
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as a big card game nerd probably the way it was intended to be translated is closer along the lines of "Stuns the target and removes their guard, dealing 12k damage. In addition, if the target did not have a guard effect, or the guard was successfully removed by this skill, deal an additional 12k damage"
idk why people are saying yab, that shit has brainrotted porn proportions
can i see ur moonies
>this cat was freeuse
damn why did i never notice it..
hehehe chorb
im sorry
I love watching people from here go at it plapping in corners around LB14 thinking they're private
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okay................ i have decided....... im starting my journey to become a woman......
cute trans girl
>tricking men
Gonna grab a popcorn for this one
Always have been...
hello, do you like malera?
I thought you were furiously transphobic
>Into blacked
water is wet
we all were at first sis
y-you too
Those are the ones most likely to be trans
It is the true endgame after all.
thats called denial.....
This moonie does not want to be posted in the thread, however you can find her in the wild light
Good luck! I hope it brings you happiness!
what is it about femra players
Just like Elk
Just like Tranchal
transphobic incel to transgirl pipeline
>aether is fully booked
Wishing you good luck on your journey, sis. *hug*
>porn proportions
average cup size in places where women aren't routinely malnourished is C
moonie moment, was meant for >>494625071
nothing about that post indicated that
take your meds euroid
>join multiple ffxiv porn discords
>its just futard shit
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>he doesn't know
why is everyone replying to this shit bait
I love T2 for uniqueness and T4 for the bounce castle.
and c cups are about equal to bibo medium on a 0-50 slider
but i'm not only talking about cup sizes
the hip to waist ratio, thigh and butt sizes
it's all way out of wack for anything that could be considered normal or average
and don't bother replying with
>b-but in this one porno i saw similar proportions
you pornsick freak
Femra to trans pipeline is real.

Cant wait to see your transition tittie pics (in game, ofc)
T&F like god intended
Do not listen to b*botards
>if the target did not have a guard effect, or the guard was successfully removed by this skill
There's no other option here, it's totally redundant
because for a few weeks there (s)he was the thread queen and everyone's been waiting for this moment
Because I can
Post something better to reply to.
for me it was getting lost in the hallways in t8
>dilated pupils
because its very believable
moonies confirmed drug addicts
>(s)he was the thread queen
I didn't laugh but I would if you were being serious.
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why is it always femra
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Don't lump Fat Cat with the lesser two races please.
both cats are still cats their eyes are exactly the same they are just supposed to be reacting differently to light which makes NO fucking sense at all when moonies have dilated pupils in fucking ul'dah in the middle of the day
i was
no its a brain thing
Has sena gone on any more twitter meltys? I'd look myself but I can't fucking stand them
Because even if it is bait, we want to make other trans people feel welcome here.
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I lied then, because I still didn't laugh.
Check out this weird mod I just saw when I clicked on the link >>494626390 posted.
please don't, you're going to get a bunch of people encouraging you thinking they're helping you but you'll be destroying yourself.
its cathartic when niggas who vehemently deny being trans and that they are just roleplaying as a woman finally admit that they want to be women irl
>There's no other option here
i assume it's a design space thing where what if they decide one day "you can't remove paladin's guard" or some retarded shit
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Just finished gposing, and now I will go play Hollowbody(other game) like Yoshi P would have wanted.
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This is what the end of your "journey to become a woman" looks like.
lol FUCKING "women" (troons) want to be in stupid FIRST IN THE WORLD SPEED RUN TO CLEAR SHARTCADION 5 THROUGH 8 but can't cope cause muh safety muh feelings in online games. imagine group full of bros vs group full of "females"

you see TPS and go "damn beasts in session"
you see troons and go "eww yeast infection"
please do, you're going to get a bunch of people encouraging you thinking they're helping you but you'll be destroying yourself.
Nah. And stop posting as other people.
Then they should add that text when it becomes relevant.
Ay dios mio...!
me as the malezen sinking into the bench, bottom-right
>unironic transphobes in xivg
Yikes I didn’t expect there to be so many low IQ apes here
gger ska
this but unironically
>this ugly ass pasty skeleton motherfucker is the one larping as a BBC bull
me as the nice blank poster in the thread
I'm an unironic chaser
this but unironically
go do your dailies you no test skinny fat nbaw cunt
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>haven't touched Monk(ey) since a month or so before DT
>level 87
Alright, how fucked am I?
Can we have one thread that doesn't devolve into tranny bashing
>find trans women attractive
>can't be open about it or I get called a chaser
it's not fair they're keeping the limp dick girlfailures to themselves
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Some gathering while I drink my morning coffee and wait for friends to wake up
cool monk glamm
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Notice they can only do it while anonymous, they're locked in a cage while us normal people can talk freely
You can't "become" a woman, all you can do at best if your genetics and health is good and you take care of your body is look like one, and lets be honest half of you can't take care of your bodies right now. You will always be a xy chromosome male until genetic tampering or magic starts existing in the next couple years. Your next good bet would be to change what "woman" means though, maybe shoot for that.
Yeah when the disease of LGBT is purged from the earth with fire.
this but ironically
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thanks you're too
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I'm tired. I kind of want to go back to sleep. Also I'm fairly bored in this video game at the moment.
my fave blankposter
extremely generic but ok i guess
I promise nobody cares in case you were wondering.
wanna do leveling roulette
>soooo many people cockwatching
you guys are really hopeless, let a grown ass man have fun in fino fanta.
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They'd be cool if coil and alexander alliance raid style raids instead of a truncated trial series. But as they stand they're just bad gimmicks.
Wrong, I love transwoman.

right? its all so tiresome .. I cant openly chase them or I'll get called a chaser (heh) or a sexpest
To be fair theres a reason like 80% of people use the same face on every single race especially males. The other ones just look terrible.
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Yeah take a seat wherever.
Does yours look like this too?
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You're nobody, does that mean you care?
I've come to realize that I don't really like PvE in this video game.
What job at the moment has the most mobility?
The only difference between a femboy and a tranny is that the tranny doesn't lie about being on HRT.
real moonies real interest
literally any class that doesnt cast?
>I've come to realize that I don't really like PvE in this video game.
ok nvm then
I wonder if it's worse to be nobody or someone only known for being annoying and spamming gore/niggers/cp.
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blackpill: straight men don't need to be vocal about their gender or orientation, thus we'll seem like a minority here.

Final Fantasy XIV
petting and smooching and and more petting
No positionals
Can move freely
3 dashes
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close enough
Nah the other faces are decent desu. Even stuff like skin tone can alter the vibe
Face 2 raen>face 1 raen
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Couldn't tell you, I'm neither.
>made a gpose after some time last night
>look at the screenshot today
>looks fucking awful
Another one that'll never see the light of day
least mobile class right now?
Hey you finally told a funny joke.
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doing a couple onsal games on crystal lets get a win, pw 3475
Are youframing it correctly, Anon? That makes or breaks certain poses.
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this but a big slightly chubby fujo
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I'm sure you take full advantage of those 6 free slots.
Post it so you can learn from your mistake rather than shoving it under the rug
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anal devastation
Don’t post it because these maniacs here will shit on you if it’s not a perfect gpose or one they can jack off to
Post it so we can give you advice, anon
>No positionals
This is every job though
>learn from your mistake
learn from what? people here just ignore any screenshot that doesn't have tits front and center
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Did you seriously just make an ingame version of Appal in real life
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Lalaboys I can do this to?
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The funniest joke is how you're still trying to get people to think I spam child pornography and black men penises and animal torture videos nearly seven years after the death of a thread that was 80% shitposting and a board full of dregs.
not if you're asking for advice, bub
Except for the ones that have positionals which is every melee dps
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>make a gpose
>think is nice
>anon immediately points out something that is off anatomically that i missed
>have to delet now
keep posting this webm
I don't know what Appal looks like IRL. also fake interest because
Do you miss out on any cool mechanics for not hitting positionals?
Then the positional dont exist.
Yoshi want us to plap though
Let’s also not pretend xivg posts well made gposes ever. The shit posted here daily is dumpster fire tier so I wouldn’t want advice from anyone here. Better off asking gposers on twitter
>a board full of dregs
You love talking about yourself so much. Have you been diagnosed with NPD?
The shit posted here daily is from twitter.
i will never stop schizoposting you, jizzda. did you take your meds today?
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>the gpose I spent 4+ hours on went unnoticed
>the shitpost gpose I threw together in 3 seconds gets all the (You)s
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At least you aren't this anon
I want to curiously grab a lalafell boys fleshy bits.
what an adorable little fella
>valens implied to be fucking gaius' orphan girls against their will
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What you're doing is called being a good friend.
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I gain sexual satisfaction from parsing orange.
If I don't hit positionals I won't parse orange.
I blame Leviah. I don't even know if he's in the game but it's his fault.
>doesnt know about Danielle "i wanna raaaaaapeeeeeeee Dan" Leclair
Good. This is the first step towards disregarding (You)s. Did you look at the screenshot after 4+ hours and thought 'yeah, I did a pretty good job'? If yet, then it was worthwhile.
Just wish that some of the thread moonies would convert to bloonies, we need more of them
probably pet me'please
player of 1 crystalline conflict game per year
I do, nothing Dan posts has ever been special or noteworthy
Be the change you wish to see, anon!
It's the life of any form of creation since the internet. A drawing that took days might get attentionwise outperformed by a simple sketch because it's funny.
What we learn from this is, do it for yourself only or never puy any effort into anything.
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by my count there are only 3 gposers worth a damn and everyone else could delete their accounts and anamnesis installs tomorrow and nothing would change
>3 gposers worth a damn
List them?
But I like being a pale moonie
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It was me, but I'm going to go take a nap.
I cannot bring myself to change from middie, I just wish to see bloonies posted here
post your moonie but blue..
I will never taint my moonie with nigger skin.
Excuse me miss, but would you care for a spot of rape?
pale blue moonies are not niggas :(
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>the point of one of the Ananatanananata quests is the concept of a BED
>instead of saying and showing what one is from the barracks (since the soldiers have to sleep on something) they go to a fucking inn
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Update your drivers.
Hello everybody!
Someone could paint the roof of the Sistine Chapel here and some faggot would come out of the woodworks to call out that a finger was slightly off, never mind that its people making pics in their free time for fun
good morning
despite being only 13% of the population blue moonies are responsible for 53% of crimes that are sexual in nature
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i find mfs like u really interesting bro. i ain't gon lie this poser list is kinda like a personal thing to me you get what i'm saying. it's just like a personal vibe u feel me. what's really crazy is you wouldn't even wanted this if u ain't see me post it u get what i'm saying. i don't even think u really horny like that desu bro. so go ahead find yourself something to goon bro go open your twitter bro this not the library this the internet u get what i'm saying. this shit so good though shit wild good lighting, good anatomy, character design uk what i'm saying this shit market price u feel me shit i wish i could put u on but its really a personal vibe u know. i bring my loved ones here so u know what i'm saying u be easy bro
Not white = not right.
Rubicante (lewd): You are the first to behold this woober
EF thirsting on sprouts while playing an alt, cringe af
bitter grapes are truly joyless beings
Why are you in a syncshell, you retard?
*hides fingers outside of frame*
Perfect gpose
Xenosys Vex when he sees a teen girl
heh. your poses? shit. lighting's off, composition's off, colors don't match, you failed basic anatomy. probably took you 11 hours using cdata you stole because no one would give it willingly. shame, innit? that i'm in this thread 23 hours a day and it takes me 5 seconds to paste my vague insults about your posing skills after you slaved away for 11 hours?

me? i know the best 4 and a half gposers not just in NA, but in the entire world. the only ffxiv content i consume is from them. the only ffxiv content WORTH consuming is from them. their identities? nah, you wouldn't know 'em, they go to another school.
everyone worked really hard to make my femlala as bitter and joyless as she is
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Gathering for my Island Sanctuary workshop.
incorrect, blue superior
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It will have to wait... I just crashed in Birmingham, and I don't think I can make it back any time soon.
Erotic image......
>Let’s also not pretend xivg posts well made gposes ever
Those "well made gposes" you have in your head as a standard are heavily shopbeasted
Your father is a dog's leg.
>me? i know the best 4 and a half gposers not just in NA, but in the entire world. the only ffxiv content i consume is from them. the only ffxiv content WORTH consuming is from them. their identities? nah, you wouldn't know 'em, they go to another school.
You’ve never known pleasure til you stuck it in a really angry femra
You admitted to it several times. Just own it already and shut up like every other annoying old fag
>heavily shopbeasted
>Can't join a single public Balmung syncshell
I'm wrist-deep in an electrical box, trying not to explode from touching electrical infrastructure from 1926.
Fave male middies?
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love that dumb flasher
I like this.
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me 3 times
can i put my dick in your ear
how do you scale a model up in brio
Good luck making it out and returning to Eorzea
Bro he's napping he won't reply until he wakes up (it will be 15 minutes or so from now when he gets bored of posting as anon)
I want to be wrist-deep in ya cooch...
Catboy btw
I am still going back and forth on a couple new characters while slowly progressing ARR.
I don't remember the first three dungeons LITERALLY being quest-chained immediately one after the other like they are. Unless there was a change since the last time I played during the Shadowbabby days.
>I'm in 5 of them
Skill issue, join on one of the dates that inactives are cleared.
>world’s best and most popular MMO
>everyone’s just playing other games
But I thought that FFXIV had the most content? What about Eureka and Bozja? POTD? Diadem? If you haven’t cleared everything, you don’t really play the game, you pedophile transgender schizophrenic. Right? Or did we change our mind?
hana vermaak again? kinda boring zolzayaa
do you like catboys
I have 15 followers on twitter for my screenshots
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Left or Right helmet, bros?
You died to the first boss in Thaleia.
That looks really bad
No she's a miera simp, unfortunately
Alright, so I checked the encyclopedia.
...and bloody hell, people are stupid, even in FFXIV.
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woah...a real celebrity...
Left one does seem to be closer to it.

I like bunboys more...
are you the one taking hrt or the near 30 year old man playing pretend on a sunday evening, you all look the same
My femlala when she dies in CC
/sea forename hana jp
/sea forename zolz
I am air frying chicken nuggets rn
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Sorry I wasn't able to reply to you since my queue popped but basically Primal casual CC isn't that different from Crystal and Aether, it's still full of people withhout guard or recuperate on their hotbars lol
Though depending of the time of the day you could see some of the usual top 100 fucking around in and terrorizing the queue.

I like coming to Crystal for the cc calls since it's the closet thing I have from "serious games" when everyone get sweaty.
Every sunnie is on HRT
It's been awhile
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And you died 43 times in P1S, Macchi. The gimmick is stale, give it up.
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Not that anon, but I tried this and it didn't look good so now you'll have to see her too!
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Sunnies are played by biofems and muscular men who like hot women. Moonies are played by mentally-ill biofems and trannies.
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They more or less were, but there were a couple more NPCs you had to check-in with before unlocking them. For example, for Tam-Tara you originally had to check in with that guy in the "Seat of the First Bow" room inside the Archer's guild. They cut out stuff like that since I guess it confused some people + to speed it up.
I wanna see your lewd pics
cute morning lander
did they actually upgrade the textures on older armor or is that also work in progress like so many other things?
Dreaming of what?
am I weird for finding that one hroth doing a training montage off to the side in lb14 oddly fascinating?
does this mean im required to fanta back to sunnie
Jizzda please stop adopting the personae of the people you orbit. It was cringe enough with Judas, now you've moved on to the most mentally ill retard in the thread (yourself excepted).
You will never be a woman. Why are you insulting a huge portion of /xivg/? This is why everyone has you blacklisted, pedo.
>Effy if she was 23% uglier
Hi Effy
Naturally a WIP, they aren't going to actually put in meaningful work
They upgrade them in batches.

It means you should stop posting, Elk.
Case in point.
work in progress
they only did af sets and starter gear iirc
Hey not effy, how's your eye healing up?
I love her would spend hours petting
Elk will never stop posting, just accept it. He's trapped here like it's purgatory.
You will never be white, Kong.
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Fucking love this cat
the starter racial gear was the only thing ive noticed so far
smooching this cat
you shouldve said 41% it wouldve been funnier
deleting this character
limsa lost 3-0 last night so my moony husband gave me another blackeye
>Entire expac is work in progress
Why even launch this shit?
How long has it been this way
Isn't that a plus for you, niggerspammer?
bro the last 3 xpacs have been works in progress where have you been
Try not to explode, cute cat.
>actually thought this was effy
>it's just people shitposting
Or are they shitposting and thats part of the joke?
God dan it
that's lame
lazy-ass devs
>facewear wip
>dye system wip
>new house deco system wip
>new job design wip
>more "rewards" wip
the most transbian post ever. Touhou autism, femra, yuri
healers striked and you only laughed
now look at the game
all those healers left and everything is just worse off
are you happy with yourself?
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turns out lobotomising an entire role didn't work out too well.
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The moon in Thavnir looks somewhat..off.
love her with some new bruises
I'm not actually Effy, I use the same hairstyle (and am also moonie) so it comes from that
why are transwomen so attracted to femra
Am I the only one that thinks the face wear system is a complete joke?

I'm not even a dev and I feel like I could have designed something infinitely better and scaleable instead of adding another consumable currency sink that's barely a sink.
Made for cuddles and getting princess carried.
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>all those healers left and everything is just worse off
But...WAR is right here?
My femlala will make a sickly wholesome and cute pose today and she will not feel embarrassed during the process this time...!
good riddance
I spy shadow artifacts.
I am a femra
who is very warm
it's a good thing
weird schizo
the real challenge is integrating it in this mess of a codebase more than anything
We've known of their lazy habits for a long time now, hoping they'll shift to get their ass into gea is only going to leave you disappointed.
Gross pedo.
Still raping kids?
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how about some new scars?
>you only laughed
still laughing, I'm in a static with two healers and everything is leveled so I don't give a shit
healers kneel to WARbvlls
*sprays you with luke-cool water for your sunning*
I am a femra
who's feeling a bit cold
daintiest female race with special snowflake sprinkles
I made a 16 image long fight scene poses but I think people cared less about that than the single regular picture I made.
why are gay men in their 20s attracted to playing as and textfucking with catgirls
Kill yourself retarded projecting nigger
All of them? They are completely starved for attention, even worse than femlala.
>Tank healing themselves
>Dance the time away.
Three, two, one, go! poppy, poppy, poppy, love, love
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my moonie acts like this
it's hot desu
Um hello anon, what can I do for you?
I forgot its an old mod....
femlalas aren't dainty lmao, they're chibi gremlins
lots of trans femlalas in this general too though
Post it, I didn't see it and it sounds cool!
*picks you up and transports you to the sunning rock*
lucky dog
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consider the following
Wanna...hold hands?
miki can i make some lewd poses with you some time?
Valens is written as LGBTP
You should try it sometime, honey
it's on my twitter
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Posture check and remember to do a kind act
slice one of her ears off
Don't post it if you play a female toon.
if it was 16 full images thats too much and thats why people didnt care, you should chop it up into a comic or something
Nice moves, sis.
y-yeah... but I've already got someone's data to pose with sorry...
shut up, bitch
macchi mindbroke jhazda?
i am
hydealins nappiest soldier
i have seen literally no issue in any queue are they only strining on crystal or something
I am a femra
who hasn't had any
in over two weeks
help i am my own sunning rock
yes YES
Oh. That's a shame, I don't have a twitter account.
why do so many male mods involve having big moobies?
My kind act is to tell you to stop being a weird faggot and go get prescribed some meds so you can stop shitting up threads every. single. day.
>approaching full moon
>schizoposting ramps up significantly
What did they change about Fates in DT?
because only fujos play male characters. anon
who hasn't?
fanta back to sunnie and impregnate my moonie
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he traps a girl in his room and says they will learn to love each other
wanna...be /pet
i don't like girls though
no thanks i like men
Rin Yamaneko post.
Because male nipples deserve to be sucked too....
Rin Yamanerdo post
Probably not if you're asking here, also you'd get shitposted!!
>bahamut dick mods are back
I think so too. I was getting really into it and wanted as much detail as possible in each image but focusing on a single thing and chopping it up would've been better.

y-yeah... X_X
Rin Yummy-neko post
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Femlala aren’t dainty. We’re powerful.
shut up nigga, go pay the 23k you owe
Is that lore friendly? Do XIV dragons have genitals?
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My friend spent nearly 800k gil on crystals for diadem and i dont know what they couldve done different
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ive asked before in person but you said only do lewd stuff with friends ;-;
also i dont care about being shitposted
ty show me yours sometime. /heart
he just tortures them via correction, he's too racist to spend his seed on them, nor does he think they deserve such a blessing
Shut up
How do you mindbreak someone who wasn't all there in the first place? Blame his parents if you need to point fingers.
>no thanks i like men
do you like catboys
Okay, where?
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They have the greatest power of all on their side.
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have you practiced being homosexual in preparation for FRU?
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femezen post
yes because i'm actually gay and not just some twink larping for attention, i don't like female characters
I am
a femra
that peed on the sunning rock
no, they reproduce asexually
>why are gay men... textfucking with catgirls
Gay men have a fetish for straight men for some reason and they hope to lure and ensnare straight men in-game with their ill-gotten feminine charm
But FRU is going to be about slaying homosexuals in combat.
no i just said i like men and not girls
open the posing overlay
find "abdomen"
scale with that
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Sorry Anon, a pet in the thread will have to do. Besides, I'd just disappoint you. I'm extremely high maintenance.
My femlala can now pose her cock however she wants!
my sunnie is already a raging lesbian, she is well prepared
palmraping my goonstick (gripping my lance tightly)
Oh, yeah is the same still. Not like im running a lemonade stand!
I'm slowly fading into obscurity though here.
I've fallen deeper into himcess territory recently so I think I'll be good by the time FRU is out.
Going clockwise:
>absolutely would
>I've fallen deeper into himcess territory recently
Race? DC?
Any ffxiv mods where pubes are sticking out from underwear or clothes?
i just wanna make cute (lewd) stuff and i like your lizard!
Good morning, I hate malera!
You're male so you can't be a lesbian
Morning kitten
Shiva fucked a dragon, so probably.
Sunnies make the best sunning rocks
t. femra
look for clothes that are made with BPF/better pube framework. If you use one of the big pube options, the clothing will show the pubes sticking out
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I like straight sex, so I erp with male characters
>why not just be a male character then?
It feels gay to ERP with a man pretending to be a woman
>that doesn’t make sense
It is what it is
Please clean up after yourself if you peed on the sunning rock accidentally.
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i am
a fiera who has done her duty
and is now going to bed
Is this an alternate english VA? I'm not downloading and replaying the MSQ just to find out.
Theres copperheads there
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Losing my fucking mind dude WHY would this need to be a thing its a FUCKING EX2 FARM
>Rin Yamaneko is behind the shitposting
I knew it
I thought she just got vored
I need this dance ported to FFXIV pronto!
FINALLY someone else gets it.
I'm not my sunnie, retard. Learn to read
Just complaining that the world is transphobic because no one will hire him.
Thank you for your hard work
Oh, I don't do anything in game though sorry...
people pay money for this?
I assume it's the one player per job bothering you?
>refuses to make his own parties
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This is a nice spot all to myself. even if its foggy weather right now.
i heard a lot of femras like to be bitten by sunnie snakes
my moonie doesnt have money, only mooney
People pay for XIV mods.
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Paying this moonie moony so I can see her moonies
belly belly belly
Lies and slander, it wasn't an accident. I did it on purpose!
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people pay money for ffxiv
Anon surely you can play more than one class in 3 month old ex content?
That's a nice duck.
hey you
what is your proudest achievement
I wouldn't take random namedrops at face value, anon
t. the one who just got called Rin for making a silly post
I'm surprised it hasn't been taken down for "harassment" or whatever the fuck they come up with.
t. Rin Yappyneko
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Sure. If you can make it onto Aether that is.
He's a good boy.
i want to fuck a femra so bad bros
I actually like high maintenance...
they are putting something in the waters of uldah making the lalaboys gay
Grace Welkin is usually at LB14, so if it gets taken down, you know who to talk to.
I don’t want to be a woman irl. Playing a female avatar unchained to biology and truly equal in all respects to men is not remotely like being a woman irl, much less a medical abomination like a castrated man on estrogen.
are you implying lalaboys are pondscum
getting all the DRS gear
or do you mean like actual achievement that you unlock
>Search for mggaow
Was every Voiceline of Wuk been replaced by this?
No preview of the mod?
>desynth item that sells for 1-2k on the mb
>get mats worth 14k
You think you do, but they're even more nuts than they seem in the thread.
your cat was better
Same bro
Is this appal
bro wtf dont tell them, delete that shit
Would you do it purposefully when using someone else for warmth? Asking for a friend
lalaboys were born for bigger dick
if anything theres water outside it making them straight
Do not trust anyone here for advice on character design or fashion forge your own path and ignore these clowns
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I am a sunnie
who cannot sleep
so it's time for roulettes
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you good?
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People always says it is. But I don't care. I like my lala more.
Where did you find this
We can't allow this. I spent good money pouring gemdraught of strength into Ul'dah's waters to make the sunnies+ stronger and more sexually aggressive and now they do THIS?
>it's only replacing the english voice
Yeah no shit? It's almost like only the english voice is so godawful it needs replacing.
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This is way worse
So my gear is at 713. Still trying to clear ex1.
Is it even worth me spending time on this, or should I just go straight to savage? This is my first raid tier.
hmm catboy post
Glue Nigger
Finally I can switch off JP
morning sleepy head
Unloved Negro
am a male midlander
watching football
Of course, but I have to warn you, my pee is very warm.
no reason to gearing wise (apart from substat autism)
just go straight to savage
I would've guessed catgirl
Most people started this tier at much lower ilvl, you're fine
Nobody cares about healer parses, scholar most of all since they have the fewest dps mechanics.
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Is this where I'm supposed to say "no i'm nice" so you can feel good about your shitposting?
I highly doubt that, but alright then. I'm not doing anything. Come find me on Ravana at the Gold Saucer.
at this point you don't need any more than 710
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I'd say only if the substat spreading on the Skyruin weapon is something you really desire over crafted (assuming you dont have a tome weapon). But otherwise no you're fine to start seeking a group if you're interested.
all of his ingame associates are some kind of lgbtqia+, do you really think he's going to put it back up if it gets taken down
Don't get me wrong play what you'd rather, I just think that your moonie was a cutie
just go straight to savage, I can’t imagine there is shit going on for ex1 prog.
It’s too maniac for catgirl. Perverse, funny, high - energy = catboy
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thanks anon, hope you have a good day.
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But the male character should be played by a grown woman for full crossover.
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after this fl i'll be right there
my crush
she loooks very similar to mine so I love her
Alright thanks. Yeah the weapon would be nice, using the crafted right now. There are only a couple groups looking and 90% of them are duty completed.
>I 5006'd
These things happen.
I'm gonna just assume you're doing the GATE, right?
Don't tell me...

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