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Previous: >>494560769

>Current & Upcoming Content
[Fright Night] Veigar, Zeri (+Prestige), Pyke, Shaco and Nunu & Willump

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/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
Just posted for the first time since Vanguard dropped, what's the verdict?
>vanguard had no affect on scripting
no way niggas believe this
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no need, we'll visit Ahri - she likes short skirts and stuff
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pompom niggas be like
>päjsa masja hastaja pukkora lästeve itteime pajta bilku molkosta prölölölö
There were no bots when I leveled up about 2-3 accounts when Vanguard rolled out, there has also been no bot as of yet in normals or ranked compared to the previous years disaster. As for scripters, I see less Cassio, Xerath, Zeri, etc thesedays and never really see a single individual blatantly go crazy so perhaps but I wouldn't know, I don't even get smurfs in my games. And despite matching up against emeralds to diamond players time to time they play the same as silver players in my normals. However that one guy was correct in that the game still hasn't changed for the better since smurfs, multiple accounts and such are still allowed in this game.
i agree with the before vanguard id get like bots in my iron games way more and after vanguard they kind of just broke
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>Just lost 2 games worth of LP from a single match
What do I do as a support when no one is split pushing? Nunu and Neeko were playing LoL on school wifi, Heimerdinger just abandoned top lane to go stay mid, and Kai'Sa just existed.
And how do I make it so I gain the same amount of LP I lose? Do I need to be Iron 4 at 0 LP for the system to reset?
>what do I do when my team is worse
you lose
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Stay positive /lolg/!
Rip my winstreak.
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Soraka! My Cute Wife!

Yeah, Ahri would be good at /Fa/! Mini skirts and short dresses for everyone!
someone explain weather do I build horizon focus, shadowflame, or stormsurge with lux? they all seem to do the same thing at the end of the day
I read through the blog post and their results are undeniable.

Going from 1/20 games having a cheater to 1/200 is insane, The amount of botting hours daily went from 1 MILLION to 5 THOUSAND. The time it took to ban someone (time to action) went from 45+ games to less than 10.

The blog post is full of insane results from the Vanguard rollout and at this point any arguments about "is it worth it" is totally invalid, If you care about smurfs, cheaters, boosting or bots, you will extremely happy with Vanguard.

Also calling it "spyware" despite how transparent they've been about the software from the start to now is just silly at this point.
i lose my cool so quickly today
>make a mistake on the lane - it's over
>jungler didn't come to take free herald and went to the dragon pit only to see how enemies last hit it meanwhile i couldn't kill herald in time and died to an enemy toplaner - autopilot mode on
should have given up on that herald and maintain my mental health instead
Forgot to mention, there is also a very big issue with soft inting and such in this game, people who blatantly afk farm or just other anti social behaviour like going 0/10/4 not going punished because they never typed and can be more difficult to algorithmically detect althrough I've heard they've considered looking into it I'm unsure if their work around for it will be effective or will ever be done so properly. People who get mad because they're 12/4/6 and type to the 0/10/4 guy also get punished for essentially typing just about anything which leads to poor communication overall and the person trying to win can get punished or banned still much like Dunkys original video from like 10+ years ago which is yet another issue.
Also once that guy gets punished or banned they can just hop on a different account, multiple account ownerships are kind of a disease because people are also dodging even casual and fun game modes because players only care about competition and maximizing a winning output, this leaves players further waiting timers for their games as if that hasn't been getting longer thesedays. There is also the case of Vanguard being rumoured to be able to apply mac address ban or something which could help this games issues however they will probably not do it because it'd mean losing a customer and the only ones who're willing to pay the most money in this game are the ones who are neck deep in this game especially so if they reset on a new account and have to buy the same skin over and over again. Etc.
ah I think my roomates got me sick
its joever I dont get to enjoy my long weekend
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do we need a crowbar or we just ask her?
I don't think it's a spyware per se, I think it just needs kernel level access because the game is installed in the main hard drive and requires admin privileges to access and clear out any bad processes messing with the game files upon running or loading this game or it's client to remove any bad actors. When running this game and leaving the thing in the background it takes like 0% memory with a 1% spike here and there which doesn't mean it's doing anything intense and constant like data transfers or even random spooky shit like screen shotting your games window or checking your key logs. So far it seems fine and to be honest you can always just close that stuff after the league stuff is over, rebooting takes like 2 secs anyways.
The decline in Botting is pretty significant. This makes new player experience better and indirectly reduces smurfing and getting around bans by making it harder to get a new level 30 account.
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you are only allowed to post itt if you like nunu
Did Ahri make this post?

I guess we will now.
Yeah that's why I ended up making like 3 new level 30 accounts lol, that shit was not that bad desu. Apart from starving on that BE time and time again and the mastery chest rewards being absolute dogshit. The only bad thing I can think of is genuine new players getting absolutely nuked by veteran players and getting yelled at for not knowing x, y, z game things (probably getting reported too) because the level 1 tutorials legit just only teach players how to right click and press q, w ,e, r to project a spell.
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Now that the dust has settled, why did the Swain rework flop so hard?
Your mom flop on my dick long time.
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Now that the dust has settled, why did the Volibear rework flop so hard?
it didn't
it didn't
>Bear but... NOT recolored! Bazinga!
Udyr is just a stronger and easier volibear
it didn't.... even though it did
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yeah, everyone is cooperating when you're holding a crowbar
>flame jungler for focusing tanks while me and adc fight a fed master yi
>"I attacked master yi idiot" says the adc
I really want to find these people and slice their throats in minecraft for being so retardedly aggressive when I wasn't even talking to them
more like BEARzinga heh
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Briar won
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you think so?
>a*gust shitmon
she lost
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catholic edition
niggar lost
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>Go on 6 game winstreak after losing 12 games in a row and going from Bronze 4 to Iron 3
>Lose 2 games due to people inting, not split pushing, and not buying items we need
>Iron 3 again
I'm losing more LP than I gain, how do I reset this?
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Qiqi won
please stop saving my gifs if you're gonna attach them to your low quality low iq shitter posts
that sona looks male
my consciousness has been feeling weird for a few minutes now
am I going to die?
low blood sugar eat something pookie
don't get up or move around too fash because low blood sugar means low blood pressure so you might knock yourself out
Have you been drinking enough water, did you sleep enough, have you been eating well, etc.
Also the other guy might be right, low iron can cause you to feel a bit dizzy and such, it is the time of the month.
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Project Briar top featuring Stridebreaker. Was decent but kind of a whatever item.
genuinely what is going on in your mind when you shitpost in this manner? like what if it IS for real and that anon actually fucking dies? do you guys ever spend a second thinking before you type some shit up because "haha I'm so funny I told someone to kill themselves for the 78th time today"??
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Yes but it makes the process very slow. How can we make her go willingly?
no, I mean I feel like I'm just a brain and my whole body feels like a suit
it's like I'm watching a film or something
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talking, watching or thinking about playing league is more fun than playing league
>dissociation larp because mommy didn't give me enough attention growing up so now I act like I have mental issues for people to care about me
sorry I take my sympathy and care back please kys
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There has been a continuous effort from various parties to memory hole this game.
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you guys keep stealing my meme formats and images and gifs and jokes and my vocab and jargon and slang and never credit me and are always mean to me anyways
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just ask her at gunpoint
Yeah it could be epilepsy dumbass.
cool blogpost mate
When TES picked Draven, got bodied, then next game Hans picked Draven and bodied them again? Pure kino.
I'm stealing your identity next.
epilepsy is most often diagnosed at an early age and they don't "dissociate" before having an episode, they just lose physical control before their body locks out into a seizure and they pass out, there is no window of prep time to let someone yap about it on 4chan

>t. cousin has epilepsy
Shut the fuck up
Just be careful out there.
oh yeah steal my memes jokes identity but never my heart okay ofc np ty lolg :)
I dont know who you are thougheverbeitly
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They are all good buys on her for your 2nd item and only 2nd item.
Horizon Focus is the safest buy, its cheapest and gives you haste but the lowest burst. Makes it good on support or if you're behind. Its also best vs tankier team comps that you can't burst.
Shadowflame is a solid buy and the biggest burst, however its also is most expensive. Its pretty much your default as mid and only worth buying on support if you're vs a squishy team and are ahead.
Stormsurge is kind of a "greed" item. You buy it if you are snowballing to snowball harder. Never worth buying if you are behind.
But honestly the differences are relatively minor so even if you go a suboptimal item its not a big deal.
that one guy who comes up with 80% of the funny original content posted here

basically like all the funnies of lolg except it's actually me myself and I as a person :)
Epilepsy is has like a hundred different forms... bruh
Oh it's that 4 year English course guy too.
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I would be for that, but we'll have to be more diplomatic about it.
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no it isn't you bitch nigga, epilepsy isn't some tiktok tier fake disease where you can just shart out some negligible symptoms and milk sympathy with it
no I'm not?? see you're crediting someone else in my stead again very nice ty lolg :)
No convincing.
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some tweet this to the rat king and post response
ummmmmm I could literally stop posting here for a week and you guys would just end up repeating the last few jokes I've CREATED

watch your mouth buddy, if lolg is like comedy then I'm the adam sandler of it
There's a difference between different lobe seizure types. dumbass.
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alright, so you do the talking
oh yeah sorry I'm sure the person who said some dumb shit like "um I feew wike my wife is a fiwm and I'm just watching gais" was really just having a seizure and not being an attention depraved moron my bad sis
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Yeah sure whatever.
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I came up with Qiqi legendary doko okay put some respect on my name
bbcuck did
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>Qiqi legendary doko
world's unfunniest stupidest catchphrase used by literally just you and the spammer btw

>um haha guys qiqi lol! funny babby speech because it only two sillyballs and its that one thing the rapper people say when they say "QIQI! do you love mee?"
nice one bro please move over to D2G I heard they need more comedic geniuses like urself
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I miss her
You can go read more on your own time. Sudden emotional and cognitive changes can be the signs before that stuff starts flying off the wall. It's not a joke.
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i carried my first game lolig.. are you proud of me..
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You wouldn't get it,,.
>Sudden emotional and cognitive changes
can also be the signs of;
you skipped a meal
you had too much coffee
you had too little sleep
you have some sorts of a mental disorder
sudden changes in the weather

etcetera, etcetera. YOU get the POINT I've been trying to make here that anon was MOST PROBABLY just an attention whore than an epilepsy patient because someone with epilepsy is MOST OFTEN DIAGNOSED at a YOUNG AGE and thereafter have AWARENESS of their disease in which case they WOULD NOT post about it all cluelessly on 4chan and MILK ATTENTION FOR IT
>assassin build
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Oh that was easy.
i just use the recommended runes and items
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you lying whore
well you should use your brain instead
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no idea what she's talking about, but I believe you
now hand over the dress
rengarsissy EXPOSED
I take back the congratulations. You people are impossible.
we need a new lillia poster
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another instance of MY gif being used btw
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It's mine now i'm stealing your wallet too
anyway i had the most damage in the game AND got 3 honors so if you dont look at the red color thing i pretty much won!
ok enjoy the 0 dollar bills and the credit cards that are already in debt LOL
People have experience with those changes. You don't understand epilepsy. Stop pretending you do.
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Don't worry about the sourpusses anon good job
All that matters is you performed yourself
easy on the ahri skins........
more like multiple months long drug binges haha...
buff camille jg
Once her BA skin derma rollers roll out.
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easy on the drugs and take care man
thank you anon.. even if people will never play with me ill try my best to get better..
riven would get my attention if she was a toned brown girl with white hair
Ah you're that guy who's been asking for norms in na for the past week or so, how're you even struggling to get a duo i thought na was thriving atm
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Ok but that's gonna take some time.
talon should relieve his stress in a yordussy
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he's not struggling at all this whore's got more people to play with than any of us combined
which lolg is next?
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crap, I thought you had it with you
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Hit the point of Loser's Queue (Gold II to Silver IV) where teammates are playing horrible simply to spite one another. I have folks going double-support bot lane (both with support items), Ryze teammates using their ultimate to purposefully remove our carries from team fights, and at least two teammates ending with a 0 vision score.

At this point I simply need to let Jesus take the wheel because I have zero control over what sort of nightmare players I am paired with. Going to be a horrible slog out of this.
thanks cutie
a duo partner is different than playin with other people..
maybe no one wants to be your duo partner because you're playing around with 25 different people every day like a whore??
maybe i wouldnt have to play with random people if i had an actual friend who'd duo with me lots..
Just hand out inv's and play with people you like the most.
i only really play with others when asked i never invite people..
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If noones making a move you make a move, this is not difficult.
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>These item nerfs
They are really fucking Briar over, literally everything they do is just to personally fuck over Briar players, I'm tired of it
i never invite people..
Then it's your own fault.
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Not yet. I am just gathering Ideas for later. A dress will be done for Nami later.
the irl equivalent of playing a meelee champ is having your limbs cut off and trying to run a marathon
I'm just gonna go all in on the new lethal tempo and build attack speed.
just play a melee champ with a gapcloser
there is not a single immobile melee champ in the game btw
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no problem, she doesn't need dress for now
having a gapcloser doesn't mean that you are not meelee
>not meele
>not meele
>not meele
meele champs are just aids to play
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you fags have been talking about dresses for over two hours
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If you want to duo I'd be down sometime
Just shoot me a msg when im online
I love smurfing low elo lobbies
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Really, is that like a skin-tight body coat? Can she take that thing off? Is it a second skin? How does that work?
Will riot ever get tilted and start putting out toxic updates and news? I'm kind of sick of this sugarcoated presentation in their patches and stuff. They should at least put out a jaded patch notes for the older players who are basically here as part of their punishment for being born.
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that's a mermaid, mermaids look like this
darius too
darius R is a lunge
both have movespeed buffs
ok. chogath
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please point to the movespeed buffs on their kits
touche, cho is the only other immobile melee champ afaik
Rakan has an untargetted dash, his W.
>Lillia W counts as a dash
this list is worse than the black book of communism lmao whoever made this was SEETHING
I wouldn't call Ziggs W a dash. It's displacement that can apply to targets. Like anivias wall displacement too.
yea i think rabadon was the move there
i had to buy zhonya first cause garen, he can literally ignore all slows and run me down at any given time
armor from zhonya meant i didn't die from E and i could go into stasis before execute
no I counted it as a dash because thats how its classified as an ability. eg if you lilia w into poppy field you get stunned
Lilia's W actually is a dash and it does count. It matters quite a bit because you can use it to buffer movement while CC'd, effectively negating/downplaying the CC.
rakan doesn't have a dash to enemies
also aatrox doesn't have a multi dash
Aatrox E cooldown is pretty low, it's basically a multi dash.
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riot chuds pairing me with emeralds when I'm plat.......................................
that's like saying lucian has multi dash because of the cooldown reduction from lightslinger
i thought multi dash meant 2+ casts of the dash ability before it goes on cd, or 2 different dash abilities
>rakan doesn't have a dash to enemies
Correct, he can dash wherever he wants without need for a target, including over walls.
t. smurf
runaan's double procs hydra's cleave twice on 6th AA (stacking runaan's from 0 to 4 then 2 extra AA) and then 9th and then 12th and 15th +3 +3 etc

damn bro that's never happened before
NOT runaan's I meant rageblade MY BAD SORRY
lillia W is a dash in the sense that it triggers abilities such as taliyah E which lunges (the only other thing it could be) do not
it's a dash in the technical meaning of the word
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but what if microsoft made vanguard not work anymore and riot had to remove it
didnt qmm clear you on zoe
What do I do when my support sucks as an ADC? Do I just sit under turret the whole time and just let the wave push to me?
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Was this specific match of league of legends supposed to be fun for me?
does riot match make games knowingly in such a way that specific people are not going to have fun.

yes or no questions both of those. so give me a simple yes or no answer

at given times in the game i had 3 people playing on my team. is this experience supposed to be enjoyable for normies?

for hardcore fans?
asking all of this uniroincally

"its just quickplay" what the fuck is the health of your game is what im getting at here
if you booted up a video game and your computer just shut the fuck down would you go "oh thats the termination game mode"?

asking non riot shills only please
Are there any leaks on Ambessa's kit?
nobody knows who I really am...
>I'm a nolife loser playing my main in quickplay and I'm mad at people trying out champs in quickplay
suck a dick you goofy ass
Faker will shart his pants during this year's worlds, I know it.
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duo for this feel?
that is not going to work dummy
jinx nautilus
yeah cuz you're broke nigga get the fuck out of here you don't even play the fucking game bitch
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I got lucky this time ^_^
I think I know who you are.
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I could gift you my spare.
this post cracked me up kek ty lad
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lolgs for this feel?
every na poster
Why do people say Renekton falls off?
>140% AD AoE attack on 4s cd
>2x 90% AD dashes
>150% AD point n click stun

That's A LOT of AoE damage
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perfect little void slut for big void cock
disgusting bimbo fox that only niggers love
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Should I take the furrypill? It has the most kino voice acting by far, like it's so so better than everything else. I orgasm when they gank me, I'm not even mad.

God tier writing
God tier execution
what's your rank?
le lamb but wearing a le wolfe mask....
with a le wolf wearing a le lamb maske... is like wolf in cheap's clothing.......... and,,,,,,, they work in harmony,............ like all thing s in life.............

holy hecking reddit wholesomerinos take my updoot please, so potteric and deep!!
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3 iq knuckledragger retards when they read surface level juxtaposition and pseudophilosophy
>play adc
>go 1/3 in lane
>start playing on opposite side of the map from my support perma
>end the game 13/6/0
none of your friends enjoy your presence
ya cuz they're low iq ignorant consumers like yourself and get easily impressed by anything and everything cuz they never spent any time into any of these allegedly intellectual subjects they get impressed by
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they did not need to make her that hot.
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human yordle
you're not good enough to play her, sorry
How hard can it be
famous last words before losing 80 LP
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Rock solid.
I don't care about lp, I'm literally flipping between iron 4 and silver because I go for chests
>dodge disco nunu,cleanse smite yuumi x2
>have ultimate bravery dudes in team
>have afks almost every game
>people have more than 20 deaths
>my fucking support averaged 18 deaths across 10 games
>afk supports
>more afk yuumis

i have played exactly 0 games that were playable for 11 games in a row now
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just found meriipu apprentice in euw boblow
on weekend
okay then have fun I guess, every once in a while things will just go your way with the mark invades etc and you will get gigafed and gigasnowball so you can look forward to that
been playing all day for the past 3 days and im like 20lp higher than when I started
basically this but I play one ranked match a day for guaranteed lp gains + avoid forced 50 + avoid losersq
So kindred has infinite scaling but falls off late?
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nasus has infinite scaling too but also fucking falls off late because it doesn't matter if your Q hits 9999 damage once the enemy team can lock you the fuck down and anally rape you in the anus cheeks

next question?
I'm starting to think some of you don't enjoy the game.
she only falls off if you don't get any gold, she scales about like a normal adc with items. with her marks she goes through the roof.
But kindred isn't Nasus, you're ranged and have dog that deals percentage hp damage based on stacks

Final thing, which junglers can I 1v1 pre 6? Won't I fall off the face of the earth when both sides have ults up?
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>be kaisa+rakan
>enemy kogmaw morgana
>we are just standing kilometers away from the wave because rakan is too scared
okay then
do you think kindred gaining range is gonna give her global AAs in 40 minutes or just a slight tiny bit of kiting advantage?

think carefully as there is a hit squad around the corner which may or may not move to your immediate location depending on the answer
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peep this sick edit I just did for my malfart play guys
My eyes hurt
from the sick ult right?
i don't think it has much to do with weekend
just checked profiles from last game and there was not a single person in the enemy team below 65% winrate
our average winrate was 37% btw with 2 people being at the absolute bottom of the tier lower than us
like i didn't play much ranked and i always laughed the losersqueue off but it's so blatantly obvious that it makes me vomit
15-17 minute losses, multiple of them in a row
people are just alt tabbing and afking everywhere, i didn't even have a single midlaner who didn't start in 0-6
I couldnt tell what was actually happening in the clip
>but it's so blatantly obvious that it makes me vomit
bro I feel like if a game made me vomit I'd probably take a break and go get my shit checked out but you do you
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I fucking love these kek ty for posting
you can 1v1 most champs if you space well, use q to dodge key abilities and don't let them dash onto you. their ult won't matter if they can't reach you. also I think you really underestimate how good kindred ult is. just remember that you're a squishy adc and play accordingly.
Pretty sure Kindred has some insane AA range at max stacks, not that you'll ever get there but it's not small.
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got a hearty chuckle out of me
>Pretty sure Kindred has some insane AA range at max stacks
right that's how that theoretically goes with infinite scaling but the reality is that you won't get ANYWHERE near those insane AA ranges in 90% of your matches and in the other 10% you'll already be stomping out the enemy team so bad it won't really make a difference
d-do you look like this...
Thanks anon
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I'm getting scared bros, forced 50 is gonna run a train my ass any minute
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I need to reunite the Kinkou.
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Why yes I do main Gragas
i just had the biggest revelation in my life or i just was pretty lucky. yas windwall can block yone's charged
how come zed gives the cutest response
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Kindred base range: 500 (same as Kog'Maw)
4 marks: 575 (same as Varus)
7 marks: 600 (same as Ashe)
<< most games end somewhere around here >>
10 marks: 625 (same as Annie)
13 marks: 650 (same as Caitlyn)
16 marks: 675
19 marks: 700
Kog'Maw rank 5 W: 710
22 marks: 725
25 marks: 750
Senna with 200 stacks: 800
Twitch R: 850
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He's all grown now and lets Kayn be the edgy one now.
>kogmaw can't end the game before 710 range
>twitch can't end the game before 850 range
>senna can't end the game before 700 range
>kindred just gets to end every game before even reaching 650 range
nerf kindred
>Lose winnable game because Nasus and Yorick kept split pushing and failing at it
>Morgana and Fiddlesticks lock down everyone
>No one bought a Serpent Fang for Riven
meanwhile in reality:
my warwick invades your ass at scuttle for first blood
my warwick pings every single marked jungle camp on our side of the map for me or my teammates to take
you mark me the toplaner thinking it's easier to get a kill off of a toplaner and then I smack your ass all the way back to the fucking lumby castle
Kindreds va makes me cum
Zed is the cutest
me when I definitely didn't just get my ass handed to me by Kindred
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try again, chud.
Won't item changes make Kindred way better? Less gold, marks become more valuable
now post the one with Warwick. I'll wait.
I'm a huge fan of
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black penis
tazmir phd
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any lolg romance today? yesterdays canon ship was so cute!
I have never played a MOBA
redacted x anon
just tried a few games of kayle after some anons recommended it to me and she's so fun to play!! ty anons :D
You the dude who was trying to find a scaler like Nasus? You're welcome but never post homosuck in my thread again or I will have to destroy you.
ye it was me
also i have to post with neps or else ill die :(
she will never know love
I just read the PBE changes (around halfway through)
this shit will make 100 times more people quit the game than vanguard lol
thank god this shit game gets killed
don't listen to the haydorzz
The biggest issue with it is that it's going to require a massive rebalancing of the entire roster and in the meantime it's going to be fucking unplayable for like the 2 months it takes to iron out.
How come?
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I really need to just dodge lobbies when people think saying random, brainless shit is funny or charming. Motherfuckers always play like shit or start getting tilted when shit doesn't go their way.
fucking idiot should just take her government mandated bf and use him as a simp shield
>Enemy jungler Lee Sin is 4-0-1
>on his 4th kill he speaks "GET SMURFED ON LOL"
>After that he starts doing terribly, dies 5 times within the next couple of minutes
>Ends up losing the match at 10-10-11

lol karma in action
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How do we help jelly out of silver?

buy her stuff
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so many champs in this game make me want to jerk off uuughhh how can i make it stop
i'll take one na simp and one from euw and maybe the russian server please
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Is building this item on ranged champions trolling ? Any reason to go for it over bork ?
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If its cancer enough I might end up being a full time Skarner main
It looks pretty cancer
>be supp
>enemy supp is perma roaming
>my adc gets raped by enemy adc and dies under tower off cd if i leave him alone
>but if i stay in lane we get nothing except maybe like 1 plate
so whats the correct play here?
stay in lane to save your adcs mental. only leave at super safe times to ward
>VBL be like
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>Somehow won this despite Yorick feeding and Yi being a KDA player and never listening to anyone all due to Yorick saying all mid to end when Camille, Trundle, and Senna were dead
I shouldn't have won this, how do I just make the simple callout to just say all mid to end?
stay in lane and get something for it in the 2v1 lane? what?
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you have to show them each love and attention you sure you can manage 3?
she purged her page lol
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shes such a cutie wanting to be a modern girl but hanging on 4chan
These threads are slower, queue times higher... Is league dying...?
its so fucking joever
>NA hours
Remember LBW and what happened to his reddit?
Lyra was fucked up for doing that. Doxxing LBW that is.
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its so funny how every lolg eceleb eventually gets exposed for being either a tranny or gragas irl
we have seen a lot of faces from here none of which have been fat
If you aren't repulsive irl why would you need to go on 4chan of all places to get attention?
Attractive people can just stream with facecam
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I love Lissandra!
>new patch
>jg supp gets stronger
>repeat for 14 years
get me out
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the attention whores who dont post their face are always ugly gragas irl like lyra qikami
why are all lolg streamers so insecure about their looks?
privacy nigga, every heard about it?
LBW's dox was much worse than just being fat and bald, he was a commie furry erper from Canada
you care so much about privacy but you installed vanguard?
kg and bloomsbury have facecam
go back nigger
Only if you aren't attentionwhoring then faceless streams make sense, but if you're like LBW, Lyra or Jelly who keeps avatarfagging and simp collecting but refuse to stream with cam on, you're either tranny, fat or both
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Aw, a sad Zed.
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so close.... I can almost feel it
bruhhhh I didn't know blooms was black I kept saying nigga and shit when were playing together
wve had plenty of guy streamers with face cams, but none of the alleged girls will
I thought he was a tradcath larper
I can volunteer from euw where do I sign up??
nobody loves me
love yourself
Because they will lose all their simps if they do that, how will they attentionwhore when people find out they're some fat tranny
For a gamemode called All Random All Mid you do tend to see repeat champions very very very often
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I'd genuinely simp for LL/HG/zed main no matter WHAT he/she looks like
riot doesn't care enough to make it truly random and unluck all champs so sweats make aram only accounts and unlock just the best aram champs
he's a normie sex haver guy words don't offend him
you'd be surprised how many fat girls on tinder get messages
i thought they fixed that a while ago
what really happens is that people spam rerolls and dodge if they dont get the most optimal rolls possible
>but anon that would mean a long time to wait to actually play the game
people still do it, people are unironically more sweaty in aram than any other mode for some reason
by ugly guys that get rejected by the fat woman
they "fixed" it by making about 60 champs auto unlocked in aram but you can still game it pretty hard since that's only like 1/3 of the roster
it's not just fat
its the they/them shemale buzzcut dyed blue hair "thing" that calls itself a woman
god thats so cute, if REDACTED
was a tarot card reading crystal girl id love even more
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>throne is a payment website used mostly by twitter findom accounts
Whats the deal with all the mages going bottom now instead of ADC?
cucked adcs out of their supports
Are you from the past
mage outdamage adchud > go bot to beat adchud > adchud gets sick and tire, go mid for faster xp and gold > ad infinitum hyperloop nerfs and buffs
The Deep.jpg
>If you aren't repulsive irl why would you need to go on 4chan of all places to get attention?
because discord servers also full of ugly faggots like the majority of you except in discord servers the janitors will actually straight up ban me to protect their egirls from my charisma
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you know what they say, Karma always catches up to you
there are non-attention whore lolg streamers such as firestorm etc.
vg vs vg
>guy with no mic no text chat no nothing listening to lofi phonk on his 480p stream
you might as well just add a rando and spectate his match instead kek
vg vs vg +4
nah firestorm is based
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where's my mmo riot?
I'll have one cleric with extra thighs please
>ADC/Support role
>Perma ban Morgana
Fuck that champion:
>3 second root
>Ult for more root
>Shield prevents all CC
genuinely what joy do you get from a no mic zero interaction "lolg" stream????? like isn't the entire point of le hecking lolg streams that it's ONE OF US!! he makes the kinda jokes appealing to 4channers etcetc???
vg +2
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ngl I would make a full female party, but a league mmo will never happen
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I'll take a cleric and a knight
yeah already the funnymen are hovering with their bad social skills and sweaty elo
>Tryn feeds Illiaoi 6 kills in 15 minutes
>she then just 1v5s the entire team
This game's balance is so bad.
>tazmir and king grey are into findom...
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well yeah why else would they be into feet
gross no way

not into that either
no interaction is better than those streams you previously mentioned
you literally asked for Jelly's feet pics.
that was tazmir not me
This triggered my AGP...
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It's in dev hell. Also, who is the wizard supposed to be?
king grey on the far left.
I might actually start using one of those find a duo websites because playing league alone every day is getting kinda depressing
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vg vs vg bets
it's artist's oc
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it's better to add random people from your matches and invite them to play, these sites only have weirdo trannies and schizos
I've divine intellect, zyra will be cancerbroken next split
I want zyra to inject me with her plants
ill play with u if we r compatible

im a creep im a weirdo
but im not tranny or schizo
i dont belong here
holy crap the boobs talked
Use the site kg is on. edaters gg
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im on there but get no matches wtf
last split i was emerald4 so i am playing for rewards + though i might just get back to it
suddenly got placed into gold 4 after first game(???) so i went up to plat 4 and i got hardstuck
like legit 40% winrate hardstuck
i cannot fucking believe my eyes but supports are legit so out of place and lost on the map it's fucking UNREAL
they don't even get to lane when the minions spawn

so i ended up talking to a couple supports to find out what's going on and to nobody's surprise, they were either on hard drugs or were completely new to the game/role and had no idea what wards actually do
a lot of them also believed they carried games when in reality 4 of us were begging them every game to do things and even when we ping spammed they still didn't do what we asked them to do

and these players are on the same rank as every other role on that rank... except the only requirement for them to be here is the ability to press 4 buttons and have 2 eyes

that's fucking wild isn't it? although the other big problem here is junglers averaging 17 deaths across the last 10 games, that's a little bit extreme for my taste since we can't actually get objectives because of them but w/e
i think this is some mental fucking torture here that i am witnessing, idk why i even bother playing ADC anymore when i can go 6-0 + 150cs+ and i still get 1shot by 1 item 80cs garen

i guess i just happened to have supports on hard drugs and with mental disabilities for 11 games in a row going 0-12 and building thornmail into QUADRUPLE AP
that's life
I didn't mention any streams take ur meds please schizo chan ^u^
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vg vs vg result

another up
I want ?yra to inject me with her ?????
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bloodthirsty nami wanted to fight but i just had to calm the lil pup down. teach em how these veterans do it. real easy real nice. yeah thats right my man just follow my lead ill keep us safe.

hope you learned a thing or two from this laning session young buck
holy shit how cancer is lulu
>bloodthirsty nami wanted to fight but i just had to calm the lil pup down.
this would've been hot to read if it wasn't coming from the guy who has a daily mental breakdown over his teammates in QUICKPLAY
u can find it on pixiv
I forgot I made one of those
those shits suck ngl, you can find some chicks to vc with but theyre all gigaautistic and not fun to play with or talk to
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you just follow my lead young buck. we're gonna take it real easy in this lane no risky plays. thats how its done. mhm
stupid idiot wear your plated kneecaps
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ummmmmm no thanks buddy I'll pass
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pray for majins alzheimers ridden body he cant even make 4chan posts no more
this sounds like satire
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vg vs vg bets
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Help the Fox!
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oh yeah like she "helped" vayne that one time by literally just standing there doing nothing?
>3/4 of Illaoi's abilities self cc her
>But she has one short lunge so she goes there
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Fuck Vayne. She had it coming.
Is she self immobilizing?
3 out of 4
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>this big of a difference in average winrates
but forced 50 isn't real btw
do you think steely would drool if I sent her a dickpic?
how come ryze nearly at top of "mobility" list when it's just a slow channeled AoE tp which can also be taken by enemies and it takes so long to recharge

like how is that more mobile than wukong???
When will Riot learn that tanks shouldn't deal a lot of damage?
only if you are black
no one in lolg would send any other lolg any pictures of their private parts because everyone knows everyone else here are drama queen snakes looking for anything and everything they can leak for thread clout
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is that league of graphs?
carry me and i'll show you my hairy mulatto penis all you want
You're reading this as an actual tier list for some reason and not a definite collection of what the fuck character's mobility is. Though even if it was a proper tier list a team-wide map teleport is definitely way stronger than a targetted dash.
why would I want to see your hairy mulatto penis when I have a shaved (better) one myself
i posted my dick in the thread twice
game has so many bad champs to play vs like eve
We demand Briar buffs
We demand Briar buffs
We demand Briar buffs
nigga chall elo people use ryze's ult to force crash a wave so they can recall, shut your dumbass up bitch
For me it's Gwen, can't lane vs her without thinking about how bad I want to fuck her
And that's pretty fucking useful, anon, like you just agreed with me. Wukong can engage on something with his dash and that's fucking it.
ive never lost a single game on teemo supp in my life
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But then they would nerf her 10 more times
this game is just actually straight up trash tho
he can effectively engage or disengage with the e and his clone is also effective for sneaking in or out, not to forget that they're basic abilities which can and will be used for possibly multiple rotations every fight
so true sister *queues up for another 3000 ranked games*
game has to be balanced around niggers
Im currently at that level of league induced brain dmg where i can only play support because im too brain fogged and perma tilted to play anything else
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consequence of champ bloat from game being out for 14 years
lol2 should have happened already to have an excuse to delete toxic champs
but riot is chinese owned and chinese dont care about making good games necessarily, they care about money
is the game worth playing to carrying a bunch of useless gay niggers?
be my gf?

no senor game not worth please quit right now and never post here again is better for ur health :))))))))))))
cute little smooth clittys belong with big hairy man meat
>meet actual human good player midlaner
>we just hard carry the entire game 2v5
>add him and talk the game over
>he sends me his opgg(lowmasta)
>check his match history
>negative winrate emerald 4
>every game he has 20+kills and he just keeps losing
>check my match history
>same shit but with 15+kills for the last 8 games

funny to see people struggling this hard in emerald and it doesn't even matter if they are top 1-3% players
they just lose when they get griefed by mongoloid supports anyways
after every loss i always report my 4 nigger team mates for inting
they all fucking gay anyways
league has been a makeshift psych ward since at least 2015
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>smolder top (ranged top)
>complains that i pick panth (based by me)
>take the rookies to school

game wont let me webm but i kill smolder then yi comes up top and i clutch it and kill him very epic
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ayyoo nice blogpost niggaa didn't realize we were on twitter bitchh
im a guy
>win lane, lose
>lose lane, lose

Explain this
>win lane
>invade enemy jungle, hyperroam and be as much of a nuisance and pain in the ass for the enemy team as possible
you now owe me $20 vat not included for the coaching service
It's true, biggest issue is how there are champs that can build pure tank (or a single damage item then 5 tank items) and still shit out damage with CC.
this game is the only thing on the planet that makes me mad enough to beat someone irl
Should I fap to Briar or Riven ?

briar is ugly and would kill you
fap to me raping ur sister maybe
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envision the fucking aroma....................
it'd be posted here immediately after it's sent through dms
Unless she suddenly lost a ton of weigth in less than a year, I don't think you would survive the raping. As the rapist.
Riot says this is okay because
1. Blue side of the map wins 51.5% of the time so this CLEARLY makes up for the winrate difference
and 2. If blue side DOES win here they'll be rewarded for winning when not likely to by being given two more LP

Thank you Riot
Hmmm maybe more soon
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>Didn't play since Vanguard update
>play first ranked game for the split for two days
>win 11 games in a row as yi
>get to silver 2
>have plat elo
>lose 2 games in a row
>both games my bot laners are 40% win rate with 200+ games played
>they go 4-25 combined
I didn't realize you reach the point where it's not worth it to climb after just 10-15 games. Welp, back to dota with friends.
support sucks when ur team blows
fear enders get the rope
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>"muh fear end"
When you are pure glass cannon vs. tons of cc tanks and get a miraculous fight, you burst down the turrets and go home with it.
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"sucks" "blows"????
The man clearly doesn't give a shit about cooldowns, just ignore it it's awful.
Ryze can int his whole team into the fountain once every three minutes while other champs can go through walls every few seconds.
It was a stupid list to make in the first place.
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i will sit here for 7 hours and wait because i have nothing else to do with my life
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yes maam
ranked is never worth unless you are gm+
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vgs results
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skarner carry
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lil sera!
Who's under pretty girls and woman?
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holy cringelords using league like it's snapchat
>need 1500 30-45min games to get to your rank in LoL
>need 400 2min matches to get to master in SF6

This game...
ccp agent, pretty sure its doja
Yeah I figured that out when I first climbed back in 2015. I got to plat 2 playing Tahm jungle when I realized the skill expression didn't get any better, but there were more inters. It's still fun to just shit on people as yi, and then see them type out a paragraph of cope in post game lobby.
theoretically speaking what is the highest amount of games someone can play in 1 week if they play league for every single hour of that week like no sleep no food no shower just league
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>glacial augment renekton
>electrocute garen
>hail of blades gragas
>chempunk chainsword gangplank
>fleet footwork illaoi

shit that unlocks the hidden potential of the game that you'll never invent because youre not half as based as I am.
chenna please come play vgs with the sisters
about 500 if every game is 20 minutes max including queue time and lobby
you will not survive a week with no sleep no food
on the assumption that mommy cooks for you and you eat at your desk avg match being 30-40 minutes long take 35 add 10 for queue + champ select + load screen and assume no remakes 45 minutes per match 16 hours divided by 45 minutes is about 21 matches a day times 7 147 matches a week

>b-but I won't sleep!
you're either planning on dying of a coke heart attack or you WILL sleep no choice in between
ask jelly
jelly's throne
aka my face haha
my lap is her throne
twitch players are always either chill and fun to play with and good at the game or completely brain damaged 30 iq npc fuckwads no in between


haahahahahahahahahahah i didnt even know there was a 30 day ban lmaoooo thats what u get for flaming in quickplay u fucking coon ahahahahhaahahahhahahhaahah
>zed main duo
would lock you up, endlessly tease you and MAYBE let you release once a month if you're a good boy and earn it
>velkoz main duo
would drain your balls and wouldn't stop afterwards, probably has a higher sex drive than you
>gwen main duo
would sit on your lap and cum on your tummy while squirming and cuddling
All I'm reading is you're bronze 4
and enchanter mains? lux mains?
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Why does Riot hate Smolder so much?
what champ duo would shit on my chest ?
Why did they give him a twerking emote?
>stuck for 1h on a bug because I used String instead of UUID

Send me Lulu pics pls
>enchanter main duo
won't cook, clean or do anything otherwise useful, will play league with or without you all day and the only method of actualizing sex is through rape

>lux main duo
takes ranked very serious and will make you cry for your misplays but otherwise very sweet and affectionate cuddly kissy handholding eye contact making passionate sex
where can i find a girl who is a velkoz main?
please refer to them as their preferred pronouns of them/they
first strike camille
Akshan, Ekko, K'Sante.
which champs are bussin
which champs are cap
>now $800
king grey bros...
whats up bro?
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reminds me that i need to finish jjk but i got bored on 2nd season ep11
cringe mma anime where magic guys also kung fu but they fly and stuff

very cool if you're 15 or younger
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name a stupider breed of player than full tank nunu

nunus are already the worst players in the game. tank just seals it
I just think Heian Sukuna is hot af. Series overall is pretty meh.
>Just had a "support" that went shaco with smite and just got a jungle item and took jungle camps all game
>Look at his account
>He does this every game but changes champions
>530 games
Yeah Riot get rid of those damn naughty language users this guy is legit he's just trying to be the next bauss and troll his way to challenger I'm sure he'll get it eventually one day right
i am all for that but suffers from the same shit as every other shounen,especially MHA
>what is enemy design
cool heroes but surprisingly dogshit villains
So it's just DBZ
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why am i getting +60 e4 on an account that ended last split in plat mmr?
unironic motivation bait for fatherless skinnyfatcels who think they'll look like a roidmonkey if they follow this 4 week calisthenics routine

free link in the description!
>important plot point
>they bring out a frogposter with his dog as evil dudes
lucky viego
placements and ur performance idkk
I tried watching an AMV of it, but it's dogshit. Not anything like DBZ. The animation style is also cringe nu-anime. It's trash
what the FUCK you can get more than +30 per match?
if you guys want good anime watch Monster its peak
Black Clover is better
should've known you losers watched anime
JJK is mid but that is just ridiculous
me personally as an adult male I don't need to watch drawn japanese slant eyed cartoons to motivate me to do already menial acts of repetition let alone for going to the gym

you guys do you though nothing wrong with being manchildren who look up to fictional drawings :)
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my jungler linked his twitch in champ select and he looks like just about what i expect junglemonkeys to look like irl
BC is legit shonentrash peak
it has all the best tropes pushed to their extremes, cute waifus and a pretty dope and consistent power system
I don't watch a lot of shonen but BC gripped me unlike JJK did
I read the manga after the anime cause some of the animation was wack

nobody cares
who watches anime for gym motivation? go shoot the future president again tranny
>the world revolves around amerimutt politics
take your meds please johny no one cares about your first world shithole
Project LeBlanc is not going well bros... I already dropped one rank....
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vg vs vg result

another up
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remember this guy is a groomer. do not add especially if you're a woman
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he looks like this greek faggot who shows up every time I try to search any gameplay of a build I thought of, fucking faggot always buys the off meta item 3 minutes before the match is over, has some weird greek accent and just looks like a fucking irl troll. idk what gives these people the confidence to broadcast their ugly nasty faces for the entire world to see like I'd probably kill myself if I looked like that
who is in woman
>kled syndra irelia
I know who this chinkman is now
WTF are you supposed to counterpick into Nami? Broken ass fish champion has not a single bad matchup
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league client broken as shit
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Thought of you today when I seen this.
>"This isn't a shared account this is my comfort pick"
>"Oh you've played your "comfort pick" three times in almost 400 games and shockingly haven't had even an EVEN match on them? And your flash weirdly swaps keys any time you're playing adc?"
I dunno why people lie about it when they make it THAT obvious it's not like Riot actually bans people for it
Naut into Nami is still favored 49 - 51 in Nami's favor
Conditioning is such a broken rune on garen, no clue why nobody runs it anymore.
It literally gives you 12 armor and mr by minute 12 thanks to his W.
You also want to buy items like deadmans plate, jakshoh etc. which furtherly increases the value.
Its literally 20 armor and mr for free in lategame
Why would they not just switch the hotkeys? I will never understand people getting caught over switching their summs
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Ever get those government mandated losses thats sent your way, even when you try to dodge one the lobby before?
Why do I play better on my alt account than my main...
>30 day ban
Since when is this a thing? Usually its 14 days, 14 days, perma.
And for toxicity its just chat restriction and normals
Same reason some people can play themselve to high MMR in low lvl blindpick even though the games are harder than they are on their main.
You care less about winning or losing so your mental becomes better
vg vs vg bets
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I'm playing normals on both, and don't care to win... Since I'm just here to learn...
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Go, if you come up against a hurdle
Fight, fight for the things you believe in
Passion, joy, sorrow, pain and tears
All they will be pabulum of your life
Go, if you come under the wet yourself
Fight, fight for the person you believe in
Destiny is calling you
Obey me, or defy me
This little time that you live here, may be treasure when you are old
Go, if you come away from your way
Find, find your own way that you believe in
Destiny is challenging you
Obey me, or defy me
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red team surrendered
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feels good
vg vs vg is up
you his new sissy?
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they hate success . This one is on the community too though, people are just morons and there is no real justification for the high banrate, just hivemind stupidity and nothing else
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i'm a tranny, i'm already a groomer
fox's wife
is this true?
woo, go babe (jelly)!
Why'd they take the kill...
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are the servers down?
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how can i find these mod maps?
If you randomly switch your summs you end up misspressing them
You ran it down after this right?
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noooooooooooo I was too late!!!
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What do you mean, just switch the hotkey around, make whatever summoner you had on the F key the G key, and the G key into the F key, then you won't mess up.
Since the current patch there seems to be a bug on jungler buffs having a funny square after they upgrade.
I didn't do so great that game anyway... But it just suck sometimes...
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ahri IS awesome, mr. aislop, and no, the servers aren't down
If you didn't blow flash and right click the enemy nexus you're basically saying you're an emasculated failmale and are fine with people taking from you.
Here https://litter.catbox.moe/fq9o6u
good job, honey (jelly).
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If I have received everything, what is it that I have that is mine ?
vg vs vg
thanks jelly,, hmu sometime
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still 404
can i be banned for using those map mods?
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champs for feeling comfy in bed?
no, no one has ever been banned for runeforge
corki, vex, anyone with super fast waveclear
max comfy
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>champs for this feeling
>post champs for that same feeling
why are ritual posters so retarded?
There's people streaming with map and champion mods every day on twitch, and they haven't been banned yet.
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>Be a Zed one trick
>Play one of the most braindead champs to ever grace the game
>Make a comment after every single interaction
>End up losing and getting reported by your own team
>Try to cope in the post-game chat

Different breed
ok but could they have done his without dropping linux support
>nigger briar player typed this all out
>nigger briar player calling anyone else braindead
he raped you psychologically
weird, here's catbox instead:
I just lost a game because the client kept kicking me out of the game claiming I don't have vanguard running when I literally see it open on my taskbar
Happened to me once aswell, sad thing is there is absolutely nothing you can do about it since restarting vanguard requires a reboot
>This anon can't handle someone running towards them in a straight line
Briar is literally one of the most honest champs in the game
>No wonder you're (rank)
I never understood why people say this when in the same match as you, it's such a self own
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This. Straightforward, counterplay is ultra simple, if she is in she is IN and no bullshit. Not even strong, low winrate in high elo. Yet she just destroys people's mental.
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it work!
it's so easy to make a pixiv acc and post all your arts there, but I don't know why you refuse, anons always have to keep asking for catbox links or if anyone has these arts saved to post
Im not the drawfag
>You just press w and kill people
It's hero time!
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Every game where I play an "actual" support is infinitely harder than games where I just lock Hwei
pixiv is gay, you need to make an account there, I like this way better, it feels more rewarding every time yordlebro posts or someone else post his art.
Bros my whole team are adchuds and scary clowwn man...
maybe because your build is shit retard
>useless boots
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this page needs a hero
>graves top
based af, you're gonna lose
>doesn't want to make a pixiv account because (too much work bro)
>prefers to put in 5x more effort asking for links, editing arts in one file and uploading it
retard, and almost everyone who like those lewd arts has a pixiv account nowadays
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>Want to enjoy some scrumptious quickplay
>See this as my ADC
why did you post yourself
nta but i think thats the joke
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Thank you.
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>the rest of this image is flag and cannot be posted
fuck you hiromoot
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Jax actually beats darius in a lvl 1 melee
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>sett gets a free autoattack every time he autoattacks
nah, he'd win.
Just play Trundle and steal his AD.
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I mean. He's not too bad.
Especially since anyone who plays him gets bored if you dont fight them for like 90 seconds and they'll do the dumbest shit and int
Level 1 yeah he's one of the best but it doesnt take long to get levels
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>Atomic crater top
jungle bot lane issue, matchmaking made the game based off you and jinx, everyone else is just filler, she got the slightly better filler
You got gapped by Mast3r3agle TTV
>Atomic Crater top
>Their bot Tsar Bomba's yours
spending sick days in bead reading romance manga chaps for this feel?
Messed up my sleep, but I managed to get emerald. Just in time for split end
it was basically a 1v1 vs you and jinx everyone else was just a minion.
Good morning, lolg...
League is proof that Asians make vidya soulless
>Pre 2017 league
>PURE SOVL with Kindred, Kled, Jhin etc etc
>2017 hits
>Ornn is nice but there's now dogshit like Zoe or Xayah
>2018 arrives
>Full blown faggotry with Kai'sa and Neeko
>Just gets worse after that

Video games
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Zoe is a classic disney westoid champ though
I remember an official post by riot where the claimed that darius is supposed to win all 1v1 fights since he has no mobility and lacks in other aspects.
The way to play against darius is to gank him early
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she must be treasured and protected
femboy smolder
Hey, it works.
stop samefagging
I wish I had a slut gf, preferably with mild bpd
>only noobds struggle against morde
why do i see so much mordekaiser in lck?
i want to drain a lolg boy between games
>Losing because Darius goes 1-12 in lane then proceeds to think he's the shot caller and refuses to do objectives or team fights with us
Ranker soloque is primarily luck based and does not represent individual skill
lolg anons that are built for mating press?
post ign
femboy smolder
I honestly don't think noobchamps exist anymore, not in a traditional sense
every female
Anon wtfff
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What's a "popcorn champ"?
There are none unless you count trannies
a little late now slut
Rell because of her hair

Less gold = more value from marks
I'm not
>no one said me
figures i guess..
ofc not, the game revolves so much around counterpicks that even the biggest noobstomper can start to beat good players just by champkitdiff
He did
Swain. And other bird champs.
I jerked off to Poppy again...
What means this
>I already dropped one rank....
i love league so much I want to play league all day every day forever
Darius is the main reason i stoped playing shen.
I am getting back in to lol after 9 months, wish me luck.
what, were you pregnant?
No matter how often i try it, but it feels like crit garen just absolutely sucks.
Theres some matchup where crit allows you to win where regular builds dont, but overall its just so bad
you're still in the honeymoon phase
you'll grow to hate this game eventually
Didn't like playing anymore.
how come they never made a battlepass for the main game and only tft?
>Video games
Sure sure NA kek, sure..
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Ahri is spacious
>Be toplane vs darius if he counters your champ
>Darius perma acts smug in allchat, pretending to be the coolest shit out there when he just counterpicked you
>Be toplane vs darius if your champ counters him
>Crys for 15 minutes about cho gath
Delete all darius players
Epic team, thanks Biden.
Ahri is airtight
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good night, Azakazana
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.......d-don't you think this fish is kind of strange?
haha imagine if I kept someone friend requests every single day and they kept declining every single day and then one day decided to post a screenshot of it and humiliate me in front of the entire thread lol haha I'd probably like have to kms haha
It's the sacabambaspis fish meme.
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op.gg means nothing
you probably griefed and AFK farmed jg so udyr gapped you by actually influencing lanes
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baiting for a wife in champ select pt 1
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>thirty minutes into league game
>crawled back from being behind & now slightly ahead
>power outage
>lose in 5 minutes
>get punished as well
I fucking hate this game
would having an ups have saved your game?
>suck up all resources
>team is extremely weak, but you keep them in the game
>die EIGHT (8) times
>each time you die, your team loses the fight & loses resources
it's on you
It's not like you even stomped your opponent, udyr is 8/4/12. He participated in about as many kills as you and died half as much
>losing inhib turret and about to lose the game
>full ap alistar afks for 25 seconds so he can buy an extra 20 AP
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Why does losers queue exist? I'm trying to figure out why I lost 12 games in a row previously and had an inter or two in EACH game. And after all those losses, game gives me a 6 game winstreak only to enter 50/50 because I was getting retards who couldn't split push or team up for an objective.
>Why does losers queue exist?
>only to enter 50/50
you answered your own question
Looks pretty normal desu.
I only play ADC and sometimes support but what do I do when no one is split pushing? Should I play top or go back to mid with Ziggs?
losers queue is an imaginary concept chucked up by morons who spam queue loss after loss thinking they're tilt proof
this post glows
>someone else isn't doing their job
wow you're actually retarded, do you just flip roles depending on whichever teammate was the most braindead last match??
>I should be able to 1v9 as Zilean support
Can I get banned for downloading that app or mod that reveals the names of my team mates in champ select so I can check their OP.GG to see their win and loss ratio so I can dodge to cheat the forced engaged matchmaking system?
yeah glows and radiates high iq behavior because I take breaks in between matches to chill out instead of being a retard
you won't get banned for using Penguloader with the name reveal script
t. used the mod
I usually have to pick up the slack that my team mates won't do. If they don't do it after typing in chat, I'll do the job for them.
doesn't mean you should start playing toplane and split push because some guy on your team was being retarded last match does it??

please go back to watching pyrolive youtuber drama content
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>losers queue is an imaginary concept
>riot game llc hq indie games dev co hires paid actors so they can perform poorly in my matches because riot wants me to play the game for a much longer amount of time than I actually need to in order to reach my actual rank because I buy a single 10 bucks skin every year
meds rnrn sis say aaah
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I fucking love pale skinny girls champions for this feel?
>um well akshually if you look at league gameplay from season 3 you'd notice that THING was different back then
where does this retarded idea come from? what point does it prove to say "well things were different when things were different" as if that somehow implies it must've been better back then?
>I only play ADC and sometimes support but what do I do when no one is split pushing?
you play with your team for objectives? are you fucking retarded, what do you mean. If the enemy team is splitpushing, you wait for your team to force a 5v4 fight & try to win it, if they're not, you wait for your team to get a pick to start the fight in an advantageous manner
>*types dumb blogpost no one reads or cares about*
>"goyslop for this feeel???"
it's not a blogpost, it's a coomerpost
these are blogposts >>494738465
lux/ faerie court ezreal/kalista/janna/kai'sa

hope you enjoy :)

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