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Previous: >>494655402

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/lolg/ OP pastebin

Racebait spam filters
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Stay positive /lolg/!
THIS is the kind of quality content I come here for
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I fucking hate this game
Because I can't dodge due to not being able to see the names of players, what should I dodge then?
>ADC in top lane
>Teemo/ADC Jungle
>Melee champ in ADC role
Managed emerald just in time for end of split.
Cost me a night of sleep, but was worth
>euw rank 1 is jg
>euw rank 2 is jg
>euw rank 4 is jg
>euw rank 5 is jg
weak role
bro please shut the fuck up and play the game nigga, no one fucking climbs out of bronze 4 by dodging 2/3 lobbies god damn

stop playing fucking shitlean, stop playing shitport and learn to 1v9 like everyone else does

>b-buh issa team gamee! y must I haves to carries?? is no fairzz
yeah if you play a team game then you lose a team game NIGGA LEARN TO CARRY BITCH
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kr rank 1 is jg too btw hehe xd
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I'm a big fan btw..... keep up the positive work it's really appreciated with how mean lolg can be...
Post your OP.GG so I can see that you can 1v9 by yourself in ranked.
I want to fap to annie or zoe
This thread needs a hero
please write a 500 word essay on how my personal performance correlates to the systemic concept of "you have to 1v9" and if I feel like there's any levels of intelligence expressed in your essay I will respond to you, otherwise I will be giving you no more attention neither in this specific conversation nor in your future schizophrenic posts complaining about your teammates
Are you sure Penguloader isn't bannable due to Vanguard? Being able to see if my team mates are griefers before the match starts would be very useful to climb in ranked.
Why is Bwipo's name on EUW "Varian Wrynn?" Also, all of TL are lossless in soloqueue so far (between 12 and 22 wins)
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Champions for this feel?
the iphone champion
>Why is Bwipo's name on EUW "Varian Wrynn?"
Probably because he likes the character?
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nigga stop the asocial posting
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Bros, I just started playings hots and their character designs are so much cooler than league's It's not even close...
Only games worth dodging are games where you're counterpicked hard or games where your team is bickering in pregame
literally nothing else is worth dodging
>Can't provide OP.GG
You've no right to shit on anyone claiming you're better if you can't show proof that you are good at the game.
Did you mean parasocial?
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It's an hour past noon and I have already spilled my load to Poppy twice today. What was Riot thinking when they made these little succubi?
>Enemy team has Yuumi
>My team has Yuumi
>Instant dodge
Seeing Yuumi tells you if you're gonna get a free win or loss.
So you liked it?? lmao
what are some heroes of the storm character designs?
arent they all stolen from other games
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see perhaps your main issue in failing to climb is your learning disability combined with your tunnel vision and how delusional you are, considering the fact that at no point in our conversation did I say "I'm so much better than you at this game haha loser!"

I just suggested that you stop bitching and moaning and learn to 1v9 like everyone else does, which doesn't necessitate my being better or worse at the game to be considered a valid point, as with basic levels of intelligence one can come to the conclusion of "my teammates will most often be not reliable throughout soloQ and it's not very logical for me to count on them in order to win, therefore I should probably focus on the things I can do as best in order to secure wins without relying on the rest of my team"
Okay, but then why would I want to get to know you better? I'm anonymous for a reason.
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>guys please stop talking about relevant pros and content creators and talk about my pisslow B4 match results instead
TLDR, post OP.GG.
meds nigga
>lock in w max zac top?
What are you going to do about it chud?
take ignite + exec's calling + step on your stupid piss puddles
touch grass
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Is Caedrel gay? Like an actual homosexual who has sex with men?
That is the vibe I'm getting
>locks in w max vladimir top
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soloqueing rn
upvote for more posts like this
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nah he's just a lowtsoibetacuckfaggot who's too busy streaming all day to maintain a healthy life

test levels probably stooped so low already I don't think he could get it hard even given a freely available coochie
>low diamond stuck smurf says
>"fuck this elo man" in all chat after getting macro gaped and spending all game kill chasing
Name a better feeling
They are nerfing kraken slayer next split more than static shiv
Do NOT let Azakana see this.
I'm going to make a second account so I can play ranked on it when I get a loss streak on my main account
What should I name it? I'm very unsure
your dad
adc + support duo for this feel?
What day does the split actually end?
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Smolder and Swain
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>relevant pros
this your team lil bro?
janitor of TL responsible for cleaning up actual shit in their bathrooms is more of a relevant pro than your B4 pisslow games bro stop posting
I mean how they play, their kit. Hots somehow made both tanks and healers fun to play and there's also just a bunch of all wall designs that are sure to make certain peoople fall in love with them. Like a character that can turn into a structure, one that has like a 6 second respawns timer but is very weak, one that turns the game for you in to an rts game etc. etc. etc. Compared to league where the most stand out design would be what Yuumi, Viego?
Pro players look like gay nerds and have no personality. Wish it was more like fighting games where people are allowed to talk crazy shit. Then maybe I would pay attention.
I tried doing this and got bored way before reaching whatever level requirement there was to actually play ranked.
I have a concept of a plan to get out of bronze before Worlds
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What's the best way to play an ADC without being cucked by my team?
>Become a r*nged toplaner
>Play a ADC that can 1v5, peel etc etc alone
>Take the junglerpill

Not many jungler ADCs these days, even Graves isn't being picked
draven yuumi
ok then name 2 more fitting champs
One lcs player called his mid laner "vegan" and ended up getting 100 hate threads on xitter and reddit
Literally me and the people I chose to associate myself with
rank 1 kalista toplaner (korean challenger OTP)'s guide to playing kalista toplane;

RUNES; phase rush nimbus celerity gathering storm > legend alacrity + cut down + 10% AS + 2% MS + scaling hp
SUMS; flash ghost

skills order; E > Q > R > W (don't unlock W or R until level 10, situationally unlock your R if shit's spicy with the jungler)

use your oathsworn bdsm on the jungler

ITEMS: Berserker Greaves > phage > stridebreaker/BoRK > guWINsoo > Kraken > whatever you want

playstyle is very straightforward and simple, early on you'll have just enough additional move speed to kite your opponents back and forth but the beautiful part is how much they'll underestimate the damage of your E. By skipping out on R and W until later on you'll gain a considerable bullying advantage in the lane, and the overall high MS focus of the build combined with E and stridebreaker's slow can and will save you out of extremely sticky 2v1 situations, your R later on will be very helpful in either saving the life of your 3 iq jungler and or forcing beautiful engages into teamfights, you'll also have the winning edge during early jungle invasions/skirmishes thanks to your oathsworn bdsm's damage boost
Samira and Lux
>Play a ADC that can 1v5, peel etc etc alone
Just spam Zeri
Her winrate is negative but she is literally the top 5 adcs every patch
Play Ziggs
Play Ashe and use your ult on enemy mid on cd
a bunch of fat screaming niggers
No thanks.
But I'd have to cast my auto attacks....
Which female league champ do I goon to later?
when you're making a casual shitfest game, you can do more wacky things
>morde loses to fed and competant adcs
WHAAAAAT? My melee statchecker no hands skilless champ who is allowed to win every 1v1 because they suck in teamfights is bad at teamfights? I am a suprised
mommy syndra
good luck smurfing with vanguard hardware id
It easier if you are too stupid to auto attack move click. You have to move your hands less. Just move your character and aim the direction of your q next to yourself
I like clicking things, hate abilities. That's why I enjoy ADCs because there's now AH everywhere
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yeah for 8 more days lmao, lube up for split 3 bud
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Idk I'm yet to see an artwork that I like of her enough for me to stroke to her. No offence but I find her a bit boring.
League started off as a completely casual game made purely for fun and isn't even the most complex in It's genre so I don't know how you can make that statement.
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Regnar, stop it. NO sex with pictures.
With the kpop music and buck broken pro players they sure have done a good job of appealing to women and transsexuals. Wouldn't want to shake that up with even a light amount of banter.
Goddamn I think I like yordles now
If you've played both League or DoTA(2) and HoTS you'd understand EXACTLY what my point is
The difference is so dramatic I refuse to believe anyone could play even like just two or three games of each and not see the massive gap between them
as long as the darkies stay out
>mommy hips
>medium badonka donkas appealing to every kind of man
>bpd abusive bad bitch type personality
>ass that could easily suffocate you to death
what more do you need/???
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>he's trying to have sex with pictures again
Did you really try to sneak that in there? lmao
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What are some skill based ADCs? Only ones I can think of are Ezreal, Draven, and Aphelios.
Keep the darkies out anon. It's simple. Also stay mad i'm asian, the best kind of asian too.
I miss battlerite sometimes, no csing no baron drake bullshit no retarded teammates holding you down because you could 3v1 even as a support character if you were good with your shit
rengar tongue doko taking up all the room in the thread
It's funny because you're white larping as a monkey.
I'll drink you under the table scrub
And then the Yasuo gets a penta?
because it's a programmed ai.
They're great!
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bros is happening, I'm getting bored of league again.
>eu posting hours
ezreal why the fuck you have these animal pictures on your ssd??
Worlds soon :)
it's quite literally NA morning hours
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>bros is happening, I'm getting bored of league again.
You should enjoy it while it lasts, remember: LoL will change forever in 3 months
I have full faith in new split completely ruining bruisers and throwing more adcs towards toplane which I will gladfully take as a korean kalista toplane otp
hell yeah cant wait to watch asians humiliate whitebois again

iq diff
I unironically can't wait to watch EU and NA teams get smashed again.
Renekton will be pickban
Rekekton will be nerfed

I love current renek
>as a korean kalista toplane otp
What makes you "korean" ?
I play like faker if faker was good at the game
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>spammer having a meltdown because of image ban
I'm excited for Worlds because all the larpers, avatarfags and trannies stop posting when everyone is talking about the games. They usually start seething with "muh esports bad" posts for like an hour before and after Worlds go live and then they disappear because no one reads their posts xd
anyone wanna play a couple norms or arams?
It's a bot, it isnt going to answer you
NA and EUW
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why would someone do this
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I love Lissandra!
I'm going to be posting post game yordles and there is nothing you can do to stop me!
remember to subscribe to NordVPN premium service so you can get as many static IPs as you want and spam 4chan with cuck porn only €59.99 per month of your welfare check xD
i am not a bot
ok post euw ign then cunt
Hes so strong right now, people just need to stop buy eklipse on him.
Just get ravenous -> cdr boots -> shoujin
I wanna be Nasus' little footrest.. I need Nasus to be my bf...
Not him..
i don't know any other nasusfags in lolg
He is, he really really is. He doesn't even fall off anymore outside of low mobility.
I'm not a nasusfag, I don't even play top, I just want him to be my bf...
how long you spend editing these to get past the image filter yesterday xDDD
all day probably get a life xDDD
no way this nigga watches lec while spamming for 150 hours per week god damn
bro trying his hardest not to get a tan in his mother's basement xd
You have good taste at least
>Lansky was born on December 12, 1982, in Paris, France. He has Algerian-Jewish heritage. In 2014, Lansky founded Vixen Media Group and established its suite of award-winning studios: Vixen, Blacked, and Tushy.
mazel tov faggot xD
is having this much porn saved normal human behavior?
deepstate secret only citizens know
Pseudo-egyptian jackal men..
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>BBC anon is awake
Literally just rangeban the fucker, no one cares for Finland or Spurdo Sparde.
What do I do in laning phase as ADC if my support is god awful? Do I just sit under turret and never push?
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>useless dogshart (in pub play) Zeri is getting a prestige skin
>I wasn't able to leave the ADC role before due to idiots but now I am chained to this lane and role twice as hard cause otherwise I'm gonna get retards who bought her Prestige skin playing Zeri in bot, shitting the bed and then flaming everyone else for their dogshit gutted-ass esport troon pick
important facts
1. ur parents never loved u
2. ur brown
honestly I don't mind nsfw posting but it has to be banned or people go overboard with it
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You stop solo queueing bot lane. Rando supports are retarded droolers that the team actively refuses to blame for pulling zero weight in lane and will flame you for not just winning the 1v2 against a hyper kill lane enemy bot. If your support isn't on, you just suffer or just not play the game/bot lane.
what rank are you?
This is Irelia after solo laning against Nasus. MADE FOR BDC (BIG DOG COCK). black bois can't compete
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sesbian lex
Iron 2, trying to climb my way back to Bronze 4 after getting so many griefers.
Play Nilah
Have fun because nobody at that ranks knows how to punish her
You'll always be useful as a CC healslut if you're behind
What's a good clean tag for igns.
he was at one point using an IP that's associated with a McDonalds in Finland (confirmed)

however I think he was just spoofing the IP and was probably thousands of miles away
at that level you shouldn't even be thinking about how your teammates play, of course they're bad
you can solo carry games at your rank just by spacing and auto attacking properly
#LTG #JEE #BUM #00000
Yes but when the enemy gets way too fed I can't do much
imagine projecting this hard jamarcus
I haven't played in a decade. Is Malphite still the hardest champion?
rent free.
>you can solo carry games at your rank just by spacing and auto attacking properly
No you can't, not as an ACDchud. Enemy Irelia or Fizz gets fed while you demolish your lane, whatchu gonna do? Trundle gets fed while you get fed, whatchugonna do?
I don't know what those words mean but I'll use the 0's since I can't think of anything special anyways. Sad I got rid of my og EUW tag.
Why is /fgo/ the only moderated general?
people don't know how to use their leads effectively at that rank, there's a lot you can do

an iron/bronze irelia or fizz does not understand positioning well enough to dive you effectively
how have the jannies/mods not noticed a pattern
Meh, the lategame issue is till the same. You cant reach anyone in teamfights especially not against a janna or alistar.
Otherwise one of the only toplaners i can still 1v2 doublekill top+jungle
>because nobody at that ranks knows how to punish her
bruh even in emerald i have to explain my bottlane what her shroud does since they keep falling for the low hp bait
>an iron/bronze irelia or fizz does not understand positioning well enough to dive you effectively
Your team is gonna feed one by one, split, afk and they're gonna flash and oneshot your ass. You have no peel, you have no teammates you can rely on. Your top will be a teemo, your jungler is a bot, mid and support might be only real people on your team. You'll have no vision either
the pattern of them receiving money for his pass regularly?
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idk what to tell you man I can win games at that elo picking cait without even using abilities
Yeah you can, you can also get cucked by Lux or Teemo support... If you wanna climb just play top and go 20/something every game, take demolish and split for nexus
The pass is only 20 bucks for a year, poor profit from my perspective.
passes get banned regardless of IP if you spam you fucking retard, why would a spammer buy a pass?
>why would a spammer buy a pass?
Because you can use a VPN/proxy with a pass
you can't though you fucking retard that's what I'm saying. Once your pass gets banned on any IP then the pass remains banned for the duration regardless of the IP you stupid broke bitch
new lolg culture:
annual holiday where we dress you up as irelia and we coom in ur rancid asshole
and then you buy a new one? wowza!
Is it "actually learn what is needed to win the game, how to achieve that around idiot team-mates, and jungling to achieve that goal" by chance?
bbcuck is probably schizophrenic enough to spend five dollars to get unbanned
why is viego trying to fuck images again?
Late-game Zeri is actually pretty difficult. Kalista.
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woah chill out with all those mean words pal, it's not that serious
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Whats WBBS...? And BBFS?
And how do you know about VWD...
If I see Varus or Vayne top on my team, do I dodge?
>play vayne
>tank killing champ
>build terminus botrk and guinsoos
>need 20 autos kill a tank
>die to 1 misstep
we know nigga xd
150 hours per week for 7 years (5 years so far + the 2 remaining years of your incel life xd)
clearly that is Varus and Zoe
10 inches? you meant pixels right? ai "dick"
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euw d2, game is easy
I like smolder but I hate his ingame model. at first I found his VO grating but i've come around to the overall corny-ness of it. I wish his kit wasnt all over the place though and him getting perma-gutted because he's the one champ that can stall forever.
please donate to the stream viego
Ezreal was overbuffed and is currently in "SLOP CHAMP" status
>Followers only chat
Champs that are actually capable of outplaying 3 fed 'ggers with pure genius?
fixed bro, try now
>Zoe support
>go to queue up ADC
>it's my first game of the day
>useless e-whore support locks in Yuumi
>basically forced to dodge cause Yuumi players are fucking burdens
Kill all enchanter sissy faggots and egirl whores who play Yuumi, Soraka, Nami, Janna, Sona, Seraphine or Lux. Fucking retarded lane-griefing drooler gorillas.
we gaming
yeah it's not all that serious until some braindead tranny schizo is accusing you of being the spammer 24/7
play around E I guess? idk
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this game is legit too easy
wow that kalista surely must've splitpushed into victory
Scaling supports are freelo and are easy to pilot. They're an ADC iq check in lane though, after that you basically have a 7th item
Alright alright I'll watch.
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kalista took like 3 or 4 towers from splitting and unironically had more impact than gwen (who just went into teamfights and got oneshot)
>Karthus bot
>lock in twitch
>supp locks yuumi
>completely abandons me despite winning lane very hard, sits on hecarim
>hecarim gets fed
>they just run around the map farming jungle and then 1v5ing at random times for no reason
>get told that I suck at my champ and that I should get coaching
>they're in my next lobby flaming me and banning my champ
>lose again

enchanter players are such little faggots it baffles me.
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yeah you're welcome for the carry buddy nothing special for me just another day of being the rank korea 1 kalista toplaner
>sion can suicide in the lane over and over and just by the sheer mobility of ghost + tp + sion ult still get ahead simply because he comes back to the lane faster than you can recall and walk
I would have been more ahead and at full build earlier if Thresh didn't take 6 kills from me in the laning phase.
You should ALWAYS dodge if Yuumi is on your team.
funny thing is you don't want them on anything else anyway because they have alrady shot themselves in the foot by maining champions that don't require you to make any desicions of your own and will suck on anything else
hard as stones
but once you've gone through the painful and long process of mastering Malph, you'll be rock solid
complaining about enchanter supps is just pure skill issue ngl
So why is he D tier?
i usually like it when people pick yuumi because i can stop them from running in and getting caught. i dont trust these people even in diamond to not completely grief
And dont forget. Even though he has more gold than you because everytime you kill him you lose cs and hes only 100g worth you will have a 1k shutdown on you while hes barely worth a cannon
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PR champ played by arcane fans etc avg ez player has a subtotal of 2 iq can't cs + has no hands + using an oral joystick
Tank supp > Mage supp > Enchanter supp
Simple as.
>captcha: NGGR2
enchanters are a crutch for mediocre players
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How did Udyr deal the most damage in the game here with 1 damage item?
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Did they nerf Briar's W for what walls she can jump over? I see so many videos where she jumps over shit I can't do in game
Ezreal will always be the same.
Broken champ that gets the baby treatment because most people dont main him and pick him to carry, but as a blindpick.
Is that why good Ezreal players a dime a dozen?
Liandry + RR every teamfight kek
there isnt a single skilled supp in the game brother
because that's how the design of this game has gone. you can play a full tank, build full tank, and still do absurd fucking damage
>t. tryndamere player who is still shocked every time i have to 1v1 a tahm kench with ZERO dps items
yeah that's a known ____skill issue with Briar
unironically yes, most adc champions have great potential but isn't generally actualized due to their playerbase being so used to being babysat by a leona they can't think or act when mommy isn't around so low risk no reward playstyle is very common

like just the ability of being able to kite an opponent is actually so valuable but it takes hands to do it properly
>t.senna player
Bard. Play it properly or fuck your ADC. Actually takes practice.
i hate bard and every other support that forces me to interact with their gimmicky bullshit
i just refuse to go out of my way to touch your badly placed stupid healing things
the average adc player is used to playing 1v4 lanes legit take your fucking medications if you think that the vast majority of supports have positive impact on the adc's performance
new strat - typing in all chat that our midlaner is saying that hes gapping enemy mid in the team chat
Why is Malphite support the most cancerous thing to deal with?
reeks of silver post also Ezreal isn't a proper example of mechanics through "good kiting" when his playstyle is centered around his poke damage on Q which was buffed to hell
>worst to best
I'd say ranked from Easiest to Hardest

99% of the difficulty is just figuring out the item system. the other 1% is praying your team has a brain.
positioning can be hard. knowing where to be to not isnta-die is hard because after a few won teamfights people will begin to become cognizant of your existence and try to revoke it
mostly you can always pick something that AFK waveclears and plays safe. you dont HAVE to pick shit like LeBlanc/Ahri. people just do that when theyre bored. play "control mages" and let the wins just fall into your lap with retarded CC and 1rst/2nd best scaling in the game
sure you dumpster ppl 1v1 obviously and might be able to handily win lane if you skilldiff your opponent but teamfighting is hard on a lot of assassins and if your opponents dont build greedy/disrespectful you wont get your 1shot off which means your team loses
unironically the hardest role to play, your positioning has to be perfect, your CS and item timings have to be perfect, you cant fall behind or you wont matter until 6 item late, everyone is gunning for you, you NEED a enchanter living inside of your ass overpumping your HP bar with shields at all time,crit fucking sucks ass, you get no survivability outside of runes and some really shitty items that are inerted by %pen. this role was gods greatest mistake and should honestly just be scoured from League. Nobody likes this drama-queen role and the misbegotten cretins who force themselves to play it.
the true forbidden strat is typing /all end = gay as they push your base on an ace this has been banned in pro play
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wildrift bros what the fuck is this lmao
dayum did protoss niggas really start enslaving terrans?
kek is this AI
further proof nobody on the skin nor balance team deserves paychecks and could be replaced with A.I. engines anyday now
>you NEED a enchanter living inside of your ass overpumping your HP bar with shields at all time
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>Tahm solo tower diving Amumu and Jihn
>Zac afking under tower both times I come to gank
>MF not helping with dragon
>Ahri just feeding
Forced 50 is coming home to roost, I can smell it.
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>unironically the hardest role to play, your positioning has to be perfect, your CS and item timings have to be perfect, you cant fall behind or you wont matter until 6 item late, everyone is gunning for you, you NEED a enchanter living inside of your ass overpumping your HP bar with shields at all time,crit fucking sucks ass, you get no survivability outside of runes and some really shitty items that are inerted by %pen.
why would protoss need to enslave terrans? they have small robots that already do everything they ask. also Protoss are on good terms with terrans by end of starcraft thanks to FRIEND RAYNOR
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lads im thinking of getting dualbooting linux so i can ditch the yankee spyware so i can still play league
Dirty, pathetic solo laner hands typed this post.
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I miss HotS so much bros...
I want Whitemane, and Anduin as supports in League... They're the only two who I can't actually pin a single champion on in League.
I'm kind of glad they're moving Senna to be more like Ana in HotS/OW too.
>unironically the hardest role to play, your positioning has to be perfect, your CS and item timings have to be perfect, you cant fall behind or you wont matter until 6 item late, everyone is gunning for you, you NEED a enchanter living inside of your ass overpumping your HP bar with shields at all time,crit fucking sucks ass, you get no survivability outside of runes and some really shitty items that are inerted by %pen. this role was gods greatest mistake and should honestly just be scoured from League. Nobody likes this drama-queen role and the misbegotten cretins who force themselves to play it.
and this is why trynd top is the apex role. you're just another adc, but you have your own tools to fix most of these problems instead of having to depend on your retarded team to do most of it for you
you ever notice how a ranged champ can bully a melee champ down to like 20% hp and then that melee champ closes the gap at some point and instantly puts them down to 2% and they have to flash away? how Riot has to balance Melee vs Ranged because no turn speeds by making so if melee ever gets to you then they autowin? (Yone/Irelia/Gragas) yeah.

ADC is a terminal role.
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The women look so fucking ugly in this game
Riot needs to alienate sissies, troons and egirls then.
>wtf melee champs are allowed to actually exist and play, not just get easily kited by marksmemes?
>wtf my glass canon class with highest dps in the game gets blown up if I let people jump on me???
>wtf mages are so easy you can just afk waveclear, no no no I can't just play safe afk waveclear adcs because... I just can't!!
>wtf I literally have an entire role dedicated to peeling and protecting me to prevent meleechuds from jumping me and I STILL cry about it
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I'm so fucking tired of having to be the one dealing with the outright CIRCUS that occurs bot lane every single fucking game over Dragon. Pros literally started sending their duos to top lane and make the solo laners fight over Drag with mid and jg now. When the fuck will this carry over into pubs so I can stop having 3-5 people permanently living on my lane while my jungler and mid refuse to come anywhere near bot to help?
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Sona love!
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>"in this game"
>Posts screenshot of WoW
>Discussing League and HotS too
What means "this game ?"
If League ? Our next support will be an obese black woman ! Just so we can virtue signal to the gaymers !
I honestly like it... It looks C O O L !!!
Literally Pyke has been the hardest support to get value on since day one. You either feast or famine as Pyke, there's no in between.
you need to carry bot on your own dude
>What means "this game ?"
HOTS version of WoW characters I mean
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going well so far
how many did you lose before this?
yeah. you have less room for mistakes hence the role is hard. you can play perfectly but at any point lee sin can W hop to a ward and flash R you and thats lights out
you play with a leona duo
Took LSD and deranked myself from d4 to e4 in almost in a single lose streak
based the last time i took lsd i played a shitload of league too
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going solo now

day 42 of proving you this game is easy, you just play it wrong
wow garen is free lp rn no way sheesh
>day 42
nigger who are you
reporting this guy for advertising desu
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you're just mad you lack the skills
>Have a good bot lane
>have a bad bot lane

hmmm kinda lame the entire game hinges on one lane
>try to help noob improve
>ignores advice
a tale as old as time
>Play like a nigger
>"WOAH other lanes decided the game for me!!!"
>Have a good top lane
>have a bad top lane

hmmm kinda lame the entire game hinges on one lane
>dr*ven, le champ of doing double damage of literally every ADC in the game from minute 0 all the way till 40 minute late game, abuser
It’s fun and I win games
bot lane matters a lot in the sense that it contains 40% of the games players, so winning or losing that lane is definitely disproportionate to other lanes, but on the other hand it's not the be-all-end-all. if you have a REALLY good or REALLY bad bot lane it's gonna decide the game, but that's generally true of the other lanes too
Was Sylas based on Chrollo Lucilfer?
do you also include the fact that youre duoing with a masters player in carbon elo in your "tips" nigger?
maybe expand your horizons with concepts such as as checking games older than 2 days, thanks *racial slur*
>carbon elo
yeah i tuned into that stream and watched the opp adc tank two karthus q's literally without moving or reacting in any way
immediately tuned out
>team that plays for the side of the map that consists of the most influential in teamfights objective is more likely to win
it's possible, good thing riot added the voidgrubs to tempt junglers and supports away from it
>all the way till 40 minute late game
not unless he snowballs, otherwise he's just a sitting duck with 0 utility to fend for himself if he doesn't statcheck fights
you do realize that this account will get to challenger, right? something you guys probably have not done, yet this will be my 3rd
maybe stop being a dishonest low masters shitter and stop ragebaiting?
also your "horizon" is my int ground loser
>wins literally every trade/2v2 unless the enemy lane has actual STUNS to hold you down for 20 years with
>roots don't count, he can still chunk you with autos through it and only like 3 supports have actual stuns and rando support-tards matchmaking hands you won't play them
>you just auto lose every fight cause he literally does twice your damage on each auto and it feels like fighting a 2v3 rather than 2v2
>duo bot
>games playing solo gets destroyed
>teaching how to climb
Why are her tits so big?
>starts raging at his Thresh random when he's not holding him by the dick like his duo
I love going on a winstreak and then losing because Kat decided to feed Fizz, abandoned her lane to feed the other laners, flamed ALL of us, AFKed, etc. Please tell me this fucker is gonna get banned. Within 15 mins, our Nexus was open all because of Katarina.
no one cares keep playing this game for 15 hours every day and when it gets shut hang because thats all ur life ever amounted to
aribo just turned off his stream midgame after he went on a mini hashinshin rant and how hes bored with the game
Happens at all levels of ranked.
That didn't answer my question, is this fucker gonna get banned or not? I even denied her surrenders on purpose just to make Katarina suffer after what she pulled.
>I love going on a winstreak and then losing
video game board rooms agree with you, that's why every game is rigged to produce this exact sequence
>is this fucker gonna get banned
>deal lowest damage on the team as adc
>complain about your mid laner who dealt the most
remarkably low dmg outputs that game
has to be iron
>Check her profile
>27 kills on Diana
>17 deaths
the streamer guy is getting fucked without his master duo lmao
>Enemy jungler keeps invading me
>He keeps invading me WITH allies
>my team REFUSES to leave lane, follow, help, do anything leaving me to constant 1v2s/1v3s
>I literally have no way to counter play or do anything about this
I hate this role so fucking much, I hate this glorified slot machine where matchmaking teams influences games far more than my skill, it's so fucking dumb
top or adc?
ALL the lanes man
Every single role was with him at one point or another in my fucking jungle

Did my teammates at least take towers? I mean there's no one defending their lane so cl-
oh no of course not
they are literally just afk farming in lane
I can't watch atm gotta eat lunch. The stream did feel a bit unengaging due to no voice and such.
>game starts
>mid just sits mid
>bot just sits bot
>top just sits top
>jungle start becomes a horror game where any bush could have five people
>if I try to check my buff & die, I'm an idiot and playing wrong
hate this shit
you should not start the game by afking in your lane for two minutes
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>ADC locks in smolder
yep, time to lose
lots of EUNE hillbillies today
I kneel
notice how every draven player on lolg is eune and the rank 1 draven world is bulgarian
coincidence ?
How do you even get low dmg like that?
6k Is 1 single cho gath hp bar
meanwhile EUW and NA has Seraphine apc and Smolder players when will their balls drop?
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>Bushfire panic
>He's mastered the art of suppression
>Every day the world gets closer to hanging from the gallows
>Can't do anything else

>It's for Yellow Version
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>NA has Seraphine apc and Smolder players when will their balls drop
Does Ezreal count ?
okay but you're on thin ice you zestball
titty fetish
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gotta raise those numbers up adc bro
yeah invade meta is one of the lowest iq and worst parts of league, by far
it's literally some old dusty shit rooted in the way wc3 custom games worked and were designed. people just arbitrarily decided that it's part of what a moba is - le epic 90 second FrEnZy window before minions spawn
it's just like... why? and more specifically, why the fuck does EVERYONE want to do it? it's just annoying. initially i hated the fountain gate that keeps you locked in when the game loads, but now i'm wishing they would just keep everyone gated until 1:30. invading should just simply not be part of the meta. if people invade it should be a high level, above-the-rim type of decision where you're making some kind of sacrifice to pull it off. it being the default is retarded
no honor?
wow fuck you too then
>if im not left alone to scale into lategame for my freelo well then the game is not being played properly
me and who?
Male yordles are better than femoid yordles. Only porn addicted yordlefuckers will disagree.
who said that
i agree with the exception of tristana
nasus or smth idk nigga
>"bro haha nordVPN haha he actually thinks I use that!!"
>*pays another €59.99*
yordles are N O T cute, the same way babies are N O T cute and the same way baby animals are N O T cute

if you disagree you're just a primal simpleton without a refined understanding of the concept of cuteness and you find said things cute because they have le funny bibbyboobboo squishy face haha it look like babby and I have parental instinct
finding things cute is inherently primal
but yeah, yordles are faggots
I'm just a support main trying to learn adchud on a new account...
>finding things cute is inherently primal
it doesn't have to be primal people only exhibit these primal tastes/behaviors because they're uneducated and have been allowed to go on their entire lives being primal baseline subhuman beings
curious what you think justifiably qualifies as cute to a higher being like yourself
*fails to register the dwarfing of enemies dmg & gold*
How is Kayne allowed to remain in the state he is? A completely risk-free counter jungler? Wtf were they thinking?
>Everyones either named syrian or chinese cartoon letters
Already thought my acc is cursed, but looks like dia really is just these people.
I barely see any eu guy
because you're black and cannot spell his name
>my duo being unable to comprehend why we're not snowballing botlane as nauti+kai'sa when we're up against draven and pyke/pantheon etc
cute because she's a silly goofball who doesn't understand the difference of the raw damage

>yordle has a retarded squished pug face
not cute because corporate dogs with 3 iq were tasked with designing something cute and they came up with the cute equivalent of a jumpscare (superficial and forced)

>teammate gets bullied on the suspicion of being underaged after going 1/8 and gives in to actually apologize for his poor performance and says he's doing his best to win the game
cute because he's actually helpless and about to get his ass carried by my superior splitting skills

>some egirl retard plays pta nami jungle in vgs
not cute because she's obviously being retarded on purpose so she can "teehee I'm so silly guys sorries uwu aren't I cute I don't know the game"

etc. etc. you now owe me 1350 rp for the cuteness coaching services
Nice autism nigger
>complaining about kayn past s13
A perfect image to have showcased her beautiful bush, wasted...
nice tard list gap faggot
When fighting a long range match up in bot lane, do I just let them push towards me?
>risk-free counter jungler
yeah risk free when I'm redside top and run up to his blue in the 5th minute and run him down like the worthless dog he is while he begs his toplaner to help LOL!
It's impossible to hold any kind of discussion about the game with all these low IQ ESLs filling the thread
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Remember when they tried to make Hwei and Jhin ex-boyfriends? Thank fuck that went nowhere after the mass layoffs.
yes the avg caitlyn player is braindead and will perma shove the lane then get surprised how the laning phase ended with 0 kills and equal cs
32 teeth diff goyslop faggot
They probably will still do it since no one really became gay this year.
>more dark star slop
ummm I did
I love observing the mental illness of image board denizens
>He thinks the layoffs will stop the pozzing
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present your counterargument or perish
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>Kayn gets a lvl 1 kill because we 4v5'd in the jungle (our ADC refused to leave alone)
>He then counter jungled and took my entire red side and starting attacking me constantly
>I have literally no way to counter play this because he can surf through walls and a built in dash, allowing him to easily kite and avoid my abilities
>Team spergs out on me and reports me for something out of my control
>Ask them what I could have done differently
>None have an answer
>>>my duo being unable to comprehend why we're not snowballing botlane as nauti+kai'sa when we're up against draven and pyke/pantheon etc
you're the cute retard in this situation from the skill issue
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Who the fuck triggered it this time?
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laners will never understand the junglers plight

As the jungler youre supposed to farm, win their lane, AND get every objective
it runs 24/7 bro fym
i laugh every time i see kayn's stupid ass "im comin thru da wallz" indicator pop up on my screen
oh no, i'm getting ganked by the one of the weakest pussy characters in the game!! LOL
he's only a problem when your team feeds him, but that's not a kayn specific thing
I swear it wasn't posting this much a few days ago. But now it's basically flooding the thread.

I think between the layoffs and LoR bombing it's definitely going to pump the breaks on the queer shit hard.
the guy spamming his stream
I don't play Kayn, but when do you go for Red or Blue? All I know is Red Kayn is a Bruiser and Blue Kayn is an Assassin.
BBCspammer doesn't like people actually playing the game? Even if said stream spammer is a colossal cock inhaling faggeroni.
there is not a single skin line in this game that's actually good

the original patient zero skins of each skin line is good (project yasuo, star guardian lux etc) but none of the lines are
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Briar won
Oh thank God it's for champs I do not give a shit about, my wallet is safu.
Do I just lose if Support steals all the kills as an ADC?
naked snake akshan goes hard
depends how many kills, if you get just 2 kills in the laning phase and that's it and the support just happens to get those then it's a bit neeky but if the lane snowballed with the support taking all the kills it don't mattah
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Star Guardian Jinx, next take please waiter!
>Sylas legendary skin is Dark Star
Veigar won
I would like Briar a lot more if they didn't make her some weird foot fetish vehicle, which doesn't even really make sense with her kit.
reminder that this gen is run by eune chads, know your place na and euw piggies
>actually good player that doesnt rely on metaslop or forces a gay personality in the thread
why is lolg repulsed by the streamer I don't get it
I had a Thresh steal 6 kills as Ezreal in the laning phase. I managed to make up for it by getting 12 or 14 kills by the end of the match but I would have been full build WAY earlier if Thresh never kept taking the kills.
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I-I'm not you waiter..
>no mic
>no expression of a personality
>no jokes no funnies
>just bare autistic gameplay in whatever elo
dude literally just fucking go on twitch, click the league of legends section, search "emerald" and click on any of the channels there. at least one of them will be using his mic and making jokes here and there
eh i'd say the fact that her kit doesn't involve any foot shit implies that she wasn't meant to specifically peddle the fetish
if anything they probably dialed it back from her kit just to avoid that connection
>dr*ven abuser
He's a faggot who literally shits the bed without his dick-holding duo.
Someone answer me in case I wanna learn Kayn?
when do you pick a bruiser instead of an assassin??????????????
perhap mabbe assassin beat squisher shampoos and bruiser better at beating higher hp opponant????? hermm very complicated issue
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Dark Star Jhin, this take is getting cold waiter I need service here!
skin kinda sucks doe
Thresh can influence the rest of the map early on and actually hurts with his E and R while you blink out of harms way and safely farm with Qs in lane. Not the worst support the kills could have went to
>4 or 5 squishy champs on enemy team means blue
>Your team has no engage champs so red
>Enemy has 2 engage champs so red
>You have 2 engage champs so blue
Did I get that right?
yes yes very good muchos smartados
His items are 2k gold and yours are 3k gold, kills mean more on him early. Especially enchanters, if you can give a scaling enchanter an early double kill you genuinely have a 80% win rate for that game. Go hit creeps in an empty lane and get plates stinky adcbab
Ye, guy had 9 kills by the end and was super fucking tanky with Heartsteel and Warmogs that he was just in a lane being 2v1'd for an entire minute against red Kayn and Viego
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*sigh* can I take your order please...
why is he chimping out like this
and WHY is he replying to my post and nothing else
lil bro is spamming with 2 phones now
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I'd like uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... an esports take maybe. I had game balance hot takes this morning. If the chef doesn't have that, maybe a 'Riot as a company' one.
That's a worse scenario thoughever, the whole point of a scaling enchanter is being rewarded for doing nothing until you can reliably spam shields/heals on your carry. You having extra shieldpower early on means jack and just delays your adc snowballing
Don't try to understand the minds of the mentally deranged. They are not rational people.
lolgs hate anyone thats better than them
An early Echoes of Helia is absolutely and inarguably the strongest item in the game for gold spent, and redemption is close as well depending on champ/user skill. You probably play with healmaxing moonstone rushers, categorically the worst players and an absolutely SHIT first item.
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Should I just go Briar top? I'm getting counter jungled a lot more now and she doesn't really seem have anyway to handle it if the other champ has mobility
Does your champ survive a statcheck?
If yes - toplaner
If no - No toplaner
briar top gets farmed by anyone who knows what their buttons do
If you are not having fun because the opponent is constantly harassing and pressuring you away form your farm, do NOT play toplane.
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hnnngggg fuck... god damn sexy brat
Imagine being her pussy eating slave...
whats your rank? might be a skill issue

Briar is a great invader herself
listen i know we are all silly and ironic and never mean anything ever but i just want you to imagine telling your dad why you're calling a nine year old girl a sexy slutty brat and fantasizing about raping her with strangers on an anonymous online site
yeah.. lets not joke about that.
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At least in lane you can tower hug and have constant minions spawning. I just wish Briar got some buffs, I really like/want to play her but she feels so unfairly nerfed.

Bronze, I'm open to advice but lets say Graves or Kayn station in my jungle, literally what can I do? If I W them they just hop over a wall, let it burn out then jump on me, if I don't W them and try to save it to wall jump myself...well then they just kill me because Briar does no damage outside of frenzy
"actually shes an adult in the lore dad"
you can't rape pictures
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>Riot as a company
I believe has grown far too big for it's own good, especially from an analytics and marketing perspective. Similar to how disney has spent the last few years ruining their IPs yet were oblivious to the damage being done simply because the numbers weren't there yet to prove it. There is a similar effect with league's playerbase where a majority of the players will probably tolerate horrible choices to a certain degree simply because they're hooked to the game but it obviously doesn't mean there isn't damage being done, it's just that it'll take longer for the damage to actually start hitting the sales but in the same way it'll be harder to reverse the results of that because their product thrives on customer retention rather than one off sales like a physical product. I think this is also the reason behind their poor balancing and otherwise neglect of the game (poor balancing, cheap skin lines produced by contractor artists to save money, the state of the client etc etc) because the numbers aren't instantly there for their """analytic researchers""" to evaluate, which makes them think everything is going okay.

enjoy your meal xoxo chef's kiss *smooooch*
>Normals as Ezreal:
>24% WR - 5W 16L on main account
>61% WR - 11 W 7L on alt
What means this... I just want to play with cool skins but I'm inting so much...
My dad died 4 years ago
>He thinks he gets to farm minions as a briar top
hit gromp
>At least in lane you can tower hug and have constant minions spawning
yes in iron 2 you can, even bronze niggas know how to freeze lanes now
Is this an american thing?
if you're getting invaded a lot and can't deal with it, just run to the other side of your jungle and/or take camps on the opposite side in their jungle
they literally can't chase you all over the map, all they can do is predict where you are and try to disrupt you. you can counter that by having good map vision/awareness and just literally avoiding them
there might be skill/matchup things you can do too though, idk i'm not a briar player. but it's very common for low elo players to think they need to fight and engage in pvp way more than they really do
Bait dashes with e if you can win the all in

If you are actually bronze I would suggest practicing your clear. Briar has a very fast clear and you only need to learn it once to do it every clear. They cant invade if your camps are down and you will get a big lead in bronze.

If youre NA I could show you blue, red, 3 camp gank clears.
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This was my 3rd result, please stop.
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>errrrrrrrrrrm but what would your daddy think of you saying that
how do you not get bored being forced to carry every game?
I do I just take breaks

alternatively play normals at subpar performance, simply win my lane and communicate to my team that I don't queue up to normals to babysit and carry people
getting carried is actually the boring part of league
>wow I went 1/0 and got carried by the 21/8 jungle chad, so fvcking fun!
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I love carrying thread celebs like Steel
If you have to "force carry" every game you are bad and are playing bad. Instead of playing harder, try and adapt your playstyle to a better one and stop making so many mistakes. League of legends is a passive, slow paced game at a higher level.
Modern companies get termite damage, you don't know it's there until the floor goes out. However, new players are like pouring resin into the termite holes. it'll fill em back up, sometimes stronger than before. Won't be long until you have no real wood left.
Delicious sir, ty.
>getting carried
>fuck around about and just don't int

>win your lane
>roam and force other lanes
>solo drake if necessary
>split push because the rest of the team can't even 1v1 the enemy support
>every teamfight relies on you to perform 10/10 otherwise it's big big fucked
>can't ever get caught or lose a teamfight because highly likely chance they just open mid if you do
>have to ping this and that and this and that and communicate a game plan to your team because otherwise they'll just headbump their keyboard endlessly trying to get kills
>have to be nice and kind and gentle to your back pain friends otherwise any one of them can run it down/afk and secure the loss
>have to work around shitty situations like "oh shit the 4 apes on my team just died while I was split pushing and now I have to shove this lane as fast as I can and force a couple recalls and then immediately get a recall off and defend the base 2v1 before the apes can respawn"

ummm yeah no thanks pall
>ugh I le hate actually playing the game
just queue support
why so I can just get a guaranteed loss? I'd just much rather have at least one other competent person on the team so I don't have to sweat my ass for a win every time

let me guess I'm asking for too much? it's my fault I'm carrying too??
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I don't know what's it like not to carry :)
>League of legends is a passive, slow paced game at a higher level
that doesn't mean it's correct to always play that way
it's incorrect to try to play chess like magnus carlsen unless you're on the same level as him. it's incorrect to try to play no limit poker exactly like a computer solver. and so on
generally in all games, not just lol, if your opponent has leaks in their game, the correct thing to do is to aggressively exploit them. being passive is only something that becomes correct once your opponents are expected to play perfectly
This is true, but I would argue that a 60% wr playstyle is 5x easier and less demanding on you as a player than a 65% wr playstyle
my exact face leaving the laning phase and realizing the enemy support has more items than me because he's 9 kills and 10 deaths while I stayed safe and just took cs
Deserved. Sylas is boring slop.
>Just some shirtless faggot with chains
Lame and boring
Have fun
Soft int if you don't like someone
how would you rizz up your lolg love if they were open to it?
>Mid chooses Brand vs Naafiri
>Jungler gets pissed off and purposely chooses Sivir to force a dodge
>Said either dodge or I run down mid
I dodged but should I have stayed and got his account banned?
why didnt you honor me back you suck
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Forfeit your life
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yes what is it
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just take your meds bro
the games not good enough to make up for how dog shit your team mates are every game
mkay stop playing and head on to /d2g/ please thank youuuuuuu ^w^
"zoomer slang" is fundamenally cringe as a concept shut up
>omg I don't command and control nine out of the ten individual people in my lo game I want to die
Probably because you've made yourself known during the weekend.
who is I and what did I make known???? take ur meds pls
even tho they play like bots
spammer nigga fell off harder than zlatorz' left arm xd
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emerald elo the elo of faggots
sefa into winnersq
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*clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* *clap*
>please stop
Stop what ?
It do be kind of disheartening to even keep attempting to learn adchud if I keep losing so much even while knowing games are coin flips...
>be you
>be an elo boosted support ape
>umm guys just focus on yourself guys, if you're losing it's your fault and STOP blaming your teams!

>try becoming an adchad
>zomg guys this game is coin flip forced 50% my teammates are so bad it's impossible to carry wtf riot's sending me sleeper agents to throw my games
just like pottery
Stop being output focused in an input focused game. You are one out of ten people in a league of legends game, if you are a good player you will climb to your desired rank if you play enough. Stop checking your winrate all the time, multi season multi role challenger players go on 25 loss streaks and they are still the best.
Joked too much.
I'm going to be a fucking newfag and ask you how you got this map (I mean which tool do you use for """""""modding"""""")
bro you've been posting here for 3 days I've been posting here for 2 months you're literally a nobody a no one a nothing a nothingburger literally no one knows you and no one gives a sliding fuck about the tiny little shitbit of drama you stirred up please choke on smoke and hang yourself
Calm down on the drugs.
I've been clean for months
this game would actually be so easy if adcuck players were a bit more resilient
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so do u wanna play together maybe...
this general is so dogshit on Mondays
the game is dog shit every single hour of every single day
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I refuse to believe that someone who is THAT mindbroken by porn could be approved in a job interview to work in anything, even as a wage in a Mcdonalds. Can you imagine him normally answering simple questions in a job interview if his brain works 24/7 on this obsessive schizophrenic mode?

but whatever, league of legends my comrads
they don't run interviews for mcSloppa employees you fucking neet retard, as long as you're not unfit to the point of being physically disabled and your appearance doesn't look like that of a freak they'll just hire you right away
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if anyone remembers
>Just had a Jhin get pissed off over me playing Draven
Is Draven broken? I feel like he's only broken IF he's able to snowball himself in laning phase. Meanwhile Smolder just farms and then 1 shots everyone after 20 minutes.
>Is Draven broken?
not really he's just a lane bully and is actually in a weak spot right now on top of being considerably easy to deal with

headsmash duelist botlaners will seethe at you for playing draven because you will outtrade them meaning they should've resorted to using their brains instead but didn't
>the mcdonalds in my country hires any freak who doesn't look like a freak as an employee so the mcdonalds in all other countries must be like that
>the mcdonalds in his country runs complete background checks and psychoanalysis and social credit evaluation (browser history and pornography preferences included ofc) before hiring someone to flip patties for $11 an hour
even the president of the USA doesn't need to be able to talk
I'm pretty sure It's a bot. He just feeds it files to post
I think the spammer has a crush on me
all the kids in school right? so everyone in my game is just a downie fuck faglord righnt?
>headsmash duelist botlaners will seethe at you for playing draven
And those being...?
>social credit
>no interview
>0 profiling for service jobs
>hard carry every game
>never ping or chat harass
>good teammate
>0 honors
>every time
what exactly is the psychology of these people? are they upset that they aren't the one who carried?
nice country
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no irelia this week
just about any caitlyn, ashe, miss fortune, jhin, ezreal, smolder, etc

unless it's a scaredy cat who completely avoids trading at all costs in which case you should win the lane due to the cs difference anyways
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Kids can play LoL at the school btw, you will never escape. Speaking of kids, what 12 year old thinks what champion is the coolest thing ever? $10 says it's Kayn or Mordekaiser.
everyone in my game at this time is just a downie fuck retard right?
if volcanic wukong didn't unironically have a wonky eye even in his in game model it would've been kino
omg a honor slut, just bend over for you allies and swallow they cum sis and they will honor you
all of the anime protags. yasuo, yone, akali, etc
>what exactly is the psychology of these people?
you didn't say or do anything cute and they're literally oblivious to your existence

jungler carried the entire match? I type "thanks yuumi you're my hero you just saved my life! <3" once, use a cutesy emote and steal his honor ez
>Exclusively play aram
>between 5 to 12 loss in a row is common
>almost every time get a free week champ at (((random)))
>Finally got a champ I enjoy playing? After 20 games? 50% chance of someone dodging or DC into remake
I hate playing jungle but nobody else can do it right so I have to
Yeah jungle decides the game, everyone knows this. Being a good player in other roles depends largely on how you play around your AND enemy jg.
yeah i guess that's fair. if they weren't all mentally afk i wouldn't have to hard carry every game
looks like trash + champion mastery is actually a retarded fucking concept

why would I want my enemies to be able to lookup the fact that I'm a fucking one trick???
The lvl up on ez tilted samira for the rest of the game.
Bwipo is streaming champions queue with other pros if somebody wants to watch...
this game has no good characters
bwipo is ugly and his face looks like that of an obese bulgarian truck driver

I'll pass
I like skarner
>>umm guys just focus on yourself guys, if you're losing it's your fault and STOP blaming your teams!
Except I'm still keeping that outlook. The only person you can blame is yourself ! Focusing and blaming your chudmates isn't worth it because it distracts you from trying to play better.
>>zomg guys this game is coin flip forced 50% my teammates are so bad it's impossible to carry wtf riot's sending me sleeper agents to throw my games
Never said that but alright ! I mean at the beginning of learning adchud sure, but right now, nah.
Like this guys vidya - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZT98uz_3HI
He still made plays while everyone would say that his support got diff'd.
You're good dude !
I honestly don't see how losing almost every game is teaching me to be a good player, when often I'm seeing: If bot lane is losing -> Nobody comes to bail us out of: 4 man dives, constantly being pushed to our turret, etc...
Idk, my brain is being funny atm ig: Trying to play against these adchuds who have years of experience in the role vs expecting myself to match their shenanigans while only having ~40 games under my belt.
Nah I accidentally donated a kill to Samira afterwards, and then she just got fed !
wtf is champion's queue
As adc you got one of the roles to prevent coinflips though.
Just learn either ezreal, aphelios or vayne
People in lower elos struggle against draven since either
>1 of 2 players is affraid and doesnt go in so he has free autohits
>1 player (usually the support) thinks its its worth to trade 1 for 1 with the enemy supp and enables his passive
>The adc is just bad and doesnt know what ninja tabis are and draven plays some lethality nonsense
I recently watched a video that says in pro play junglers are basically secondary supports who have to play around their teammates. Is this only the case in pro play and not soloq?
I am uglier so I don't care about that. It's still fun to watch. Only thing bothering me is that he is the only one streaming and has to always say something and it's kind of obnoxious.
thanks for the map links man really appreciate it
good luck on learning adc
How do I get an S on janna?
No, I don't care about your screenshot showing me you got an S+.
I'm asking you HOW do I get it.
Do I have to not die ever? Do just press E on allies and wait for the game to end?
They arent a 2nd support, but its their job enable and disable win cons.
Junglers are as much of a support as controlemages on mid and tanks on top
Special queue only for ex pros, high elo players who can play multiple champs and pros.
Have over 60% kill participation with less than 3 deaths and have a very large amount of vision score. Something like that. Outperforming the enemy support in gold is also a factor i think
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You have to steal kills, have good vision score, while only dying 1-3 times really. That's it.
Maybe support was the wrong term but they're still the kind of roll that should focus on making their laners fed rather than getting fed themselves, right?
Atleast it's more rowdy than the weekend we had.
I'll stay on the blue one if it doesn't upgrade or do anything on it without my consent. If it goes above 7 then I'll have to grind to 10 which will be painful I think.
why am I being passively bullied
Depends on the champ and teamcomp.
A sejuani obviously wants to make the adc and toplaner fed.
A shyvanna wants to powerfarm
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ur not human
Not even bullying you, whoever you are.
the weekend stuff was my fault but I'd appreciate it not being held over my head for I am only human and everynyan can make mistakes and poor decisions at times......
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do not bully him
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thanks pookie...
I'm a biological female
Doesn't powerfarming as Shyv put your team at a disadvantage, especially if the enemy jungler is some like Lee Sin or J4?
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reminder that Nami is cute
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this game might literally only be played by retards
wow the syndraposter and pom really sure do own this thread guys!
Probably "theres no way someone is degenerate enough to jack off to a blue midget"
time to play league of legends i guess
I would too if my riot client hadn't been hyperlooping refusing to launch the league client for the past 2 hours now
Your game might be unironically fucked or you need to restart your computer.
to play as who?
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Bring back Gunblade!
my fav champs. i think it's best to not reveal yourself and continue to stay decentralized so it's best not even naming my list of champs i enjoy.
wanna duo..?
no i think youre too high elo if i can recall and i dont add anyone from this place which has been a good stance knowing this general for years
No, because in any ideal situation your teammates understand that you are a lategame jungler and pick something that allows them to play the game safe, or something extremly obnoxious like renekton that can keep the game going till late
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>toplaner gets frustrated
>starts stealing the camps from our jg
>jg two lvls behind, spam ping him and quit the game
>two insta 'no' on surrender
but I'm bronze 1
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>the only champ ever to get a prestige on release
Yeah im thinking _'____ won
Guys I have a confession to make. I have no clue what do items do, I just use mobalytics and they pick my runes and items and I just follow that. Also I only know how to play Sion and at best I was bronze 1.
Shyvanna needs to level 6, it's as important as an Eve doing so. If your team fail to understand this then you're gonna have to try really hard to not let their poor decisions sway you.
yeah but this is soloq we're talking about, playing a champ who needs to rely on your teammates not being retards seems like a big mistake.
be my duo and I teach you the game
If thats the case you might just remove the adc role
Well that is exactly the reason why I quit playing ADC despite me finding ADC champs the most fun to play. You're basically rolling the dice on whether or not your teammates will do the bare minimum to keep the ADC alive and if you lose that dice roll you're in for a horrible time.
just say one of them
I'm logging in.........
>play ranked
>i am giving 90-95% effort
>teammates range from 20%-30%
>enemy team ranges from 50% to 80%
>when 20 minutes hits its no longer cute that i am basically the only person on the team actively playing against 3-5 people constantly
>if i bring this up im told "well why didnt you give that last 5-10%?" like im expected to play like an absolute perfect god to win a pisslow game because 4 niggers on my team cant be assed to chip in 5% effort extra each
this is honestly why the game is so shit
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tfw irelia otp streamers dont play irelia because shes useless half of the time
You're retarded for expecting even the bare minimum from random strangers.
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>I can't carry on ADC because my team is not keeping me alive
it's an ability matter, stick to something easier
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People are SO BAD at reading thesedays.
Nah thank you I am too old to duo with you young people.
to play as?
tahm kench
we're literally one year apart stop being mean
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why are we always doing the back and forth..........
right. his name is susan anyway
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Why can't I manage to quit this game? Why is it so difficult? Every day I hate playing it, why is it almost impossible for most people
it's called an addiction
I've been addicted to other multiplayer games before, for many years, but I was always able to quit those, but not this one I just don't know why
if you really hated playing it you'd stop without a problem
but you just don't want to admit you have fun
junglers are holocausting my lp
riot owest me 6k lp, 500€, free therapy and 5k hours of my life
switch to linus
How is rangeban not the solution to the spammer?
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lil 'relia
because he's using a fucking paid vpn you spastic retard, where are you gonna rangeban the entire world??
>I'm le addicted to league
do you have
>friends you spend time with and enjoy the company of
>a fulfilling job
>a hobby outside of video games and scrolling the internet
if not u aren't "addicted" u just have nothing better to do
when are we closing lolg
>le fulfilling job meme
I've had friends (IRL) a full time job (IRL) hobbies outside of video games and scrolling the internet (IRL) regularly went on dates and had le hecking sex and it was all just fucking trash

everyone in their early 20s is either spending all their money on booze and bitches or drugs and booze and bitches, workplaces are always full of workplace drama and bitches are always a headache

league is free, no headache, no drama, league is love
>enemy adc gets out after trade
>auto his support thats still close to us as he's walking away
>my support complains that im not focusing their adc
I swear 1/3 of supportniggers say this dumb line in lane at some point. They'll pick some passive sissy shit and expect some kind of all-in
lad I am 38 years old you are prolly 20.
>1000 games this split
our wife...
Just lost my promotion match to Iron 1 because of this Darius feeding his ass off to Sett so we were trying to kill Sett the whole match and because of this, Caitlyn later became broken and 1 shot us all. I checked his OP.GG and IT'S ALL LOSSES! ALL OF THEM!
It's very easy to not get addicted to this game, you just uninstall and stop coming to this general or any other people that post about league and just pick up a different game or hobby.
This is the one game where your inner conscious or recollection of the game is accurate, things like how the game is bad because it's a timesink/moneysink/bad community/etc.
You probably have other things in your backlog you've always wanted to try out and stuff. You can always come for series 3 or next season.
I wish I could play this many games
cute autist
same desu I just play like one or two ranked matches a day
i experience the same, they get really upset because they don't know what the fuck they are doing
another great example with tank/all-in supports
>support engages on enemy support
>i know enemy support will just use this to bait me in and tagteam me with adc
>don't go in
>my support spam pings me and announces he is permanently leaving the lane
>fastforward 4 minutes we don't have tower
>fastforward 15 minutes we don't have inhibs
>"x9 adc fucking dog"

supports often create a hostage situation where they make bad decisions, and if you don't follow them then they will just grief the game
you either take 2 deaths right then and there and get flamed for the rest of the game, or you risk a mental breakdown from your support that will eventually cost you the game

this isn't bannable btw, this is considered completely normal
supports holding 4 players as hostages is nothing out of ordinary and i hope riotniggers are very happy with the state of the game
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How does someone play 3k games a year and not improve even a little bit?
send your opggs i wanna know what kind of people are in this thread
sure man want my nudes address and ssn too you cock sucking faggot?
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love the crocodile
hit akali -> gone
flash kaisa -> gone
pointclick yi -> gone
why does lolg have so many bottoms
gator is the most based champ to exist
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lf duo add me on discord maqe
But I'm shit at league
How do you guys come up with good igns anyways. Like the type that sticks.
no im the real shitter
its ok
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Briar top... ain't nothing like it!
Do you agree?
it's been one year since I played
Did anything big changed? I only know items are getting nerfed now
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Big changes are coming next week. bassicaly old LOL will be back.
Does anyone have that reaction image of sona looking askew with a concerned/judgemental polite smile? Seems like a manga/doujin panel, just linework. I really need to hit someone with it specifically.
this? >>494782434
Oh, huh, scrolled past because I didn't remember it being colored. I think this is a boobier redraw based on a similar one but I'll take it.
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>Milio got in before Qiyana
unsurprising but i am still seething
the dm leaking nude leaking dude mmm yes lets be besties fo like lololo hehe uwu o.o
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When it been 5 minute without mentioning her :D *bulging vein*
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wish me luck guys I really really reeallyy need it
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Good lucks!
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did somebody say nasus
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I thought he stopped playing/making league related things.
How does one play Renekton during late game?
Create space for your carries
Didn't mantheon say he was done with lolg? Or was it just another crocodile tears lyra-esque fake goodbye post?
it was most likely some random anon creating drama
He never left. Also people tend to get pent up over this game in general but calm down once left alone to their thoughts and realise it was dumb and go back to the game.
What made Tristana broken in mid lane? Like what was it that just made her stupidly OP?
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junglers getting braindamage whenever they see the croc
Depends on the situation. If its a game where the enemies have a lot of hard peel like alistar or janna you want to run a more offtank build and play frontline.
If the adc is reachable jsut flash oneshot the adc
If no flash try to find an engage from behind the enemy or by dashing over a wall
Its also okay to help your team burst down tanks and kite back
get push for free with no counterplay
ranged, safe escape, pushes hard, hits like an assassin
>Had to ask why we're letting Zyra zone me off the wave for free
>"I'm zoning Cait"
We could've gotten first blood from Zyras massive misposition, but instead we're... Fighting against the adc that has 4000 range at level 1...
Maybe I'm wrong though, and I was playing too scared ?
garen thinking he's safe in that minion wave makes my brain tickle
legit a mentally ill neet female. autopiloting and queuing for hours because addiction.
It was one of these nu-garen players that only know how to play phaserush and build crit.
He literally went phaserush ignite into renekton
Adc's can just right click from a distance, Tristana amplifies it further because she can max her E first which is also point and click and provides her bonus damage. Not only that but she can W away when ever she pleases and can even R once she reaches level 6 which adds a 3rd layer of safety.
Mages are ranged but they actually need to land their spells to do anything, ad's are typically assassins who can easily be abused early and will need to rely on gap closers to engage or do anything against her which will remain ineffective most of the time due to her W and Flash being at hand alongside R.
Not only that but she can absolutely destroy tower for bonus gold and snowball.
how the fuck are you getting zoned by a lvl2 zyra?
crazy that your iron support is actually right in this case, if sera zones cait which she did you should just win vs zyra lvl 2
Who's ready for some "refreshments"?~
starting a new phrase
this person has needs
my poppy has needs
he is special
yeah ur fault zyra is a non hero lvl 2 uses her q and you can just e flash on Cait when she walks up on sera at half hp you're supposed to have your passive nearly full and just win instead you wait for their cds and do it on the full hp support instead and die lol
lolg has needs
It's more creamy. It's what I drink to fuel my aram sessions.
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Btw if you guys are tired of filtering it because it's making new md5's you can install 4chan X and click on the Werk Tyme (work theme) and it will make this website text only. Also you can easily filter texts or notice it's that guy so you can ignore their posts lol.
>sup main who makes multiple posts per thread about how you should le focus on yourself and you'll improve and stop focusing on individual games and what your teammates do because you're the only constant
>starts playing ADC and immediately starts whining about how bad his support is every game
>another episode of me forgetting to press zhonya's
Yeah I've been doing this for months now but I think now's the time to tell people to try it too because of the AI generated stuff and pulling the vidya butts on this general by putting 1 pixel different to dodge crap lol, they can keep slaving away on jpgs not like it'll ever see the light of day on my end anyways.
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>>starts playing ADC and immediately starts whining about how bad his support is every game
I'm not whining, I'm literally asking questions. Sorry for trying to improve !
I'm even questioning if I had the wrong line of think, so I don't see how I'm pointing fingers at anyone but myself.
be my gf?
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Lil yuum attached to me and i cant make it stop...
Uhm.... lolg? are you okay?...
>zilean vs braum support
damn I wonder which one of them is more autistic
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Donky kong? Didn't you quit
imho you should be required to pass an iq test in the client before u can lock in a support that isnt yuumi or nautilus
Not sure about autism but out of the two Zilean has got to be more obnoxious.
idk man at this point just delete the general entirely
had to get my silver
I will now actually move on with my life and bulk for three months until I look like a sumoman, no more league of lol or league of lolg dramas for me
then what is the spammer going to do all day?
Uhm.... lolg? are you okay?...
take his place underneath my desk and become my boywife
>Fight voli top for 15 mins
>Finally got ahead of him and got first turret
>Enemy caitlyn 18 kills
One of these games heh
What a fall of a once great general
From having pros like DL, HSGG and Pob to having community tournaments and events to this
just cuck porn spam
I guess the general reflects the game
Hey you did bring some of that here too. But yeah good luck out there kraken slaying that bench press.
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how do I find a duo support in silver/gold? I just want to play with the same person around my skill level. anyone NA wanna duo ranked from time to time
i just went through so many emotions last game
play ranked and add both supports every game?
Be glad NA is thriving atm. Also I think Steel is gold or something and can probably play Leona with you or so there must be other people etc.
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Quitting lolly is good yes but you can still browse 4channel if you are multitask god
add Humanity Girl
unironically declined my friend request earlier today
or Leona
the meds are really not working today
>play/draw all day
>zero improvement in anything
genecapped so hard
Don't worry, mcdonalds is closing soon
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Keep drawing.
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bpd nudes dont count
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post smug champs
all my nudes are bpd nudes
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>10th pick ezreal ends the game with 0 kp
ye mane just a bad game ig
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I love smug
no please, don't post more gwen porn... pleasee...
>play jg
>enemy mid picked hwei
>my mid picked literally any champion in the game except hwei
>my mid is stuck under turret because hwei gets to rumble ult the wave every 8 seconds
>I get invaded and my mid can not help or his game is over
>that means my game is over instead
>be my boyfriend
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What do I do when I get an absolutely awful support as an ADC AND Jungler and Mid lane keeps roaming bot? I genuinely could not do a god damn thing as Aphelios that I just fell off hard.
>Can't farm without getting poked by Janna and Zeri
>Constantly getting jumped by Viego and Talon
I couldn't do a damn thing. And of course it was my promo game too. I'm so close to Iron 1 and back to Bronze 4 but everytime I'm about to promote, I get shit on.
noooo all this gwen porn is making me so angry! stop!
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i hate lulus jannas renatas so much
every fucking time you try to do your bruiser thing they just turn you into sheep
i dont want to be sheep, i want to be crocodile
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a double rainbow? what does it mean?
outside of a pro play environment where the enemy team is going to funnel a ton of resources into their ADC so the point and click 100% guaranteed lockdown has high value what is the point of playing vi when xin zhao and jarvan exist
she has more cc??
Vi is better than both combined as a lockdown champ.
Vis ult can singlehandedly carry an entire game
I could fix him..
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>some pussy inting and making a fool of himself
>say "ky" (no s)
>this happens
this game is beyond fucked now
You said you'd stop playing once you reached masters, didn't you?
just Kled Yasuo Syndra
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Stay positive /lolg/!

a double rainbow? what does it mean?
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Manchild cant contain himself? xD
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well then add me on discord
>you're supposed to have your passive nearly full and just win
See, that's the funny step I was missing before I guess... Except this time I think I used too much mana spamming Q too early...
Ain't nobody said that in all the vidyas I've watched - which have been like 10 at this point.
so you can leak them?
>making a new thread when this one is full of spam that's going to be deleted
even deleted posts count as posts, the number doesnt go down
Janny has purged new threads after deleting all the spam from the prior one before
Leaks? Which lolgs leak like crazy?

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