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Previous: >>494739542

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/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
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bpd, doesnt count
>first ranked game today
>autofill j*ngle
>2 afks in my team
i'm so lucky!!!
where does the spammer get so many proxies
xerath is the worst champ in the game
that nigga can't even oneshot casters until ludens
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scripter champ and nobody's allowed to script anymore
two people
wtf is dojas problem
fucking bitch
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long hair neego!
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>Choose Ezreal
>Enemy support is Seraphine
>My support is a Nami
>All Nami supports I have gotten are always dogshit so that's a red flag
>Top laner is Evelynn against Ornn
> I dodge
>Lose 26 LP for dodging and now have a 30 minute timer
How much LP do you lose for dodging once? Why did I lose as much as LP as losing a game?
Can someone explain why for every promotion match, the game purposely gives you griefers, trolls, etc? And it's only ever for promotion matches.
this never happened
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>this never happened
It just did. I had 84 LP Iron 2 and would have entered Iron 1. I dodge because I got counter picked, I don't trust Nami supports, and my top laner is trolling and I now have 69 LP.
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you only lose 5 lp for first dodge and it gradually increases with each dodge

stop dodging lobbies
lolg be like sisters why are my iron teammates so bad
>Lightning on an icon
Nice to see them use that effect though the best one is the pentakill Yorick one I usually use because it looks awesome and powerful.
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you have told your duo you love them today, right?
I only ever dodge if a team mate is doing a troll pick. Gotta play 2 more matches again before I'm Iron 1.
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Stay positive /lolg/!
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Briar won
need me a duo like this unironically got jealous
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no because she doesn't love me back.
Why is when my Jungler is Nunu, they're fucking awful but when the enemy Jungker is Nunu, they are the most tankiest fucker ever?
I want this a lot
but you know itll never develop past duoing with vc
how do you know if you didn't confess<<?
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U got redact rolls because u are akshanreal?
your jungler nunus are full ap retards
I started reporting for any little aggression and I'm getting lots of the report player penalized things
at least you guys have duos
and you vc
But Nunu is an AP champ
I just report people randomly and get those, I don't even have chat or pings on
Imagine putting her into an extra-secure pillory and fucking her from behind while you open a window just so that only her front half gets hit by the sun. The death-convulsions of her pussy would probably feel like heaven, every muscle group and nerve in her body going bonkers as her brain begins to fry under direct daylight.

It's what murderous vampire bitches deserve.
nunu is shitpacked with fuckloads of cc and just because he has ap ratios doesn't fucking mean he's a suicide bomber allahu kekbar full ap champ, his winrates are much MUCH highe when he actually builds tank but no one ever does because funny big ball smack damage xD
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How many AP champions on one team is too many? Like, assuming you have last pick and you wanted to play an AP champ, how many would your prior teammates have to lock in before you changed your mind?
What I do?
didn't give me a goodnight kiss
i think 2 ap champions is the most i'll want on a team
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nvm i found a thread where some people are reporting dodge timers aren’t resetting properly (-5 lp but 12 hr wait)

declining queues also count towards dodge timers but they should reset after 24 hours (which are bugged and dont right now allegedly)
You sniped me 12 times in that last game!!
I asked her out and she said no.
3 ad 2 ap or 3 ap 2 ad depending on enemy team comp

though if I'm going into a favorable matchup but my pick would result in 4 or more AP champions on the team I do NOT give a fuck and still lock that shit in because you just know your teammates are gonna suck horse cock anyway
3 can be fine IMO if the enemy team isn't too tanky
Which lolgs will leak like crazy?
any of these niggas will leak like crazy if you share just about any amounts of personal info with them
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Goodnight anon!
Shouldn't stand still so much
Idk why but I'm getting this sinking feeling that T1 will make it to finals again
It seems like that team exists purely to make Worlds boring while shitting the bed as hard as possible otherwise
Bring back assassin mid
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i guess but i'm not a fan of it, especially with the increased MR options this season, even an offtank can make your day not fun
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thanks mommy goodnight to u too
>Mundo pre-rework
>"Mundo goes where he pleases"
>Mundo during rework
>"We wanted to retain his key identity of going where he pleases"
>Mundo after rework
>No longer goes where he pleases because he has to go chase his gas can instead
>No Irelia skin for Worlds
I sleep.
good, worlds skins look like shit most of the time anyway
You can choose not to get that, you know.
tank nunu and ap nunu are both bad builds
you are supposed to go ap bruiser now because full ap obviously sucks for obvious reasons and tank nunu is bad because it clears the jg way too slow. Need fated ashes/liandries
Now post the real one.
Liandry is a shitter item btw I instantly lose all respect when I see it built
What the fuck is up with nunu builds, these are the most popular
>What the fuck is up with nunu builds
He's one of the few "idk build whatever mix of bullshit and stats you want" champs left in nu-LoL, so you get a lot of variety.
I just need one day of winnersq inshallah
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Alright, as a followup, do you consider a champion like say Ornn or Rammus, who are heavy magic damage but not really an 'AP champ,' towards the "our team has too much AP"?
yah, too much ad/ap really just means too much physical/magic damage
>"idk build whatever mix of bullshit and stats you want" champs
Which one of these even exist? Nunu + Gragas, thats it right?
morde maybe?
depends on the situation, if they're the thid AP champion on the team then it's fine but fourth or more just means our team is gonna get fucked by magic resist in general

though in my pisslow games no one ever builds any resistances other than tanks so it don't mattah out here
NTA but Morde still has consistent core itemization he goes for no matter the matchup. Champions that can truly flex any item depending on circumstances are rare, and for good reason.
Shaco is pretty infamous for ultimate bravery builds working on him.
would udyr and varus count having multiple viable builds
You can kinda go clownshoes on Singed and still be functional as long as you get Rylai
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is it even worth trying to argue with emtards?
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spooky pinoy gf
>"idk build whatever mix of bullshit and stats you want"
Udyr fits, anything goes as long as you have fun
Varus doesnt cuz it's crit/lethality/AP that's variety but ends up falling into existing build archetypes
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*steals her panties*
BotRK + RoA + some tank items on Voli.
You heard it here first.
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Bard can also fucking build whatever honestly.
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>idk build whatever mix of bullshit and stats you want
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Can you commit 10 hours of unpaid work a week to remove "my team is bad :(((" posts?
>Nunu, Gragas, Udyr
Now I'm tempted to make a new account where I solely play around adaptability and see how far I can climb...
you fags arent gonna like this but fizz is a great shitshow itemization champ mostly because no matter what the fuck you buy your end goal of pissing people off still gets carried out
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im being filtered out of diamond. ignore the 13 death game i was geeked throughout it i think
That's just support champs in general though, right? Their utility exists without being that reliant on items.
ok meriipu
years ago maybe. kat doing 1/3 physical damage 1/3 magic damage and 1/3 true damage was absolutely terrifying
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Bard, Rengar, Shaco, Udyr, Katarina, Nasus, Warwick, Volibear, Kennen, and Shyvana are characters off the top of my head that each have like at least 3 different viable build types.
There are also a ton that can be played a few different ways like Karma but I don't know if I'd say she has multiple build types since she can't really go auto-focused.
wtf is a meriipu
>ITT anons cant tell apart having multiple viable builds vs being able to build literally anything
Iceborn gauntlet against riven
Rylais against garen
Riftmaker against sion
Liandris against mundo
Not really
AP is the only viable katarina build
there is nothing wrong with ap nunu
the idea that it sucks is old information before it got multiple buffs + itemization changed (old Sunfire/iceborne gauntlet/ the purple thing that made you go fast were by far the best items on nunu but now Sunfire/ibg are barely even good on him and the purple thing doesn't exist anymore)
in older seasons it was a Sion case where his winrate was high with tank items and low with damage items. now nunu winrate is high with either
Best nunu build is liandries tank but ap and full tank are both good
nunu and gragas aren't really adaptable the only difference between building squishy or tanky is how snowbally (lol) you are. The playstyle is basically unchanged
Do Jax instead, ap and ad Jax actually feel like completely different characters. Maybe kayn as well
This discussion suddenly dredged up ancient memories of when I used to grind Bard top in soloq back when Zz'rot and Banner of Command were still in the game. I would rush BoC and Zz'rot then fill the rest of my inventory with whatever garbage would let me annoy the enemy team hardest. Sometimes full tank, sometimes AP, sometimes random support items and play as a 2nd support, occasionally even BorK and old Frozen Mallet just to fuck with people. It was fun while it lasted and I managed to get to Gold 1 with it somehow, though I couldn't get through promos.
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i miss ultimate bravery.....
>inb4 you can still play it!!
no i cant because my friends have moved on :'(
My group has stopped logging on after we all graduated from college -> jobs, married, had kids, etc. We still get in a call together once a year for Worlds though and it feels really comfy even if we don't play anymore.
haha funny rng tell me to build full ap vayne with grasp lol xD

unironically get your brain checked for possible rot if you enjoy stupid shit like this
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it's much more fun and brain cell involving to craft your own subpar off meta build and hone it into perfection through trial and error instead of letting a html5 website's rng spit shit at you
I wish that was me, my issue is the opposite in that my friends all play still but they're in ARAM retirement home and I'm the only one who still follows pro leagues so I have nobody to discuss any of that stuff with e.g. LCS being shut down to be merged into some aftermarket Americas league like Valorant
just got flamed as rengar for not level 3 ganking midlane and then my leona got so mad at me for not saving her pre 6 in botlane that she ran it down
the fun is not getting to plan, it's pure brainlessness
>Playing Rengar
You deserve death by firing squad
Do Vastayans have a set of human ears in addition to their animal ears? Or are they disgusting FREAKS with SMOOTH NOTHINGNESS on the sides of their heads??
it got so bad that even the enemy team was backing me up
are rengar players the johan lieberts of /lolg/
>the fun is the brainlessness
that's just dumb I think you might be retarded in that case I'm sorry to break it to you
nta but you sound low iq
no, theres no reason why theyd ever need 2 sets of ears
>guys am I akshually the anime guy but in real life but in the video game?
wow what a manchild you are truly a disgrace on the league of lolg community
they don't have 4 ears, just don't overthink the cute animal girls
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i have fun with it, i dunno. queue for blind as 5 with the boys, ive spent a lot of friday nights like that
you just know her pussy was WEEPING after reading this
the thing with social activities is that your ape brain is designed to make literally anything feel fun as long as you're doing it with a pack of other apes because of our social nature, try sucking dick with the boys on the next friday night see how that goes
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Soraka! My Cute Wife!
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Rabbits and birds are prey animals. Double the ears, double the auditory situational awareness.
kys chenna
is kys how lolgs say hi
you seem pretty angry people enjoy dumb activities with friends, did you lose a ranked game in the past because of ultimate bravery and it traumatized you forever? hahaha
isn't that the friends collector guy who keeps complaining about "tfw no duo" but have the entire NA region added??
*builds navori and attack speed on any champion no matter what in aram*
is a real person deleting all the posts in this thread or is it all a LLM or filters
no I just can't possibly fathom how someone can derive enjoyment from an activity where the entire objective is to make a decision without actually involving any logical thinking whatsoever

sounds more like you have a learning disability combined with the laziness of an obese housewife and genuinely enjoy not using your brain because it's too much effort or something
he's been doing it since before LLMs became popular
How often do people actually get punished for feeding?
It's 50/50. The cool surly transgirls here will greet you with a "kys" while stamping out a cigarette under their feet and looking away perpendicular from you as the wind ruffles their hair. The failed male twinks who exclusively play Star Guardian skins will greet you with "kys" too but with love heart emotes
I mean the removal being done, all his posts get deleted
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You wouldn't last a day in the void
I couldn't prove it if I wanted to but I'm extremely confident they're using some sorts of AI to detect his bullshit at this point, and also I'm pretty sure he himself is using some sorts of AI to spam his shit as well
Never ever so long as you don't type anything. You can hard int a 30 game lose streak and some Rioter will fling himself at Reddit to defend you as a victim of circumstance.
It has to be extremely egregious or repeated behavior.
you actually can't though because they have algorithms that can detect bare hard feeding running it down, which is why people invented soft inting where you just pretend to be a bad tilted lagging player
if this was true derank accs would get smited
I bought 6 daggers and ran it down once because my jungler fed my lane two kills then flamed me for it and after going 1/15 I instantly received a 2 week ban so idk what levels of pisslow copium you're on please go back to theorycrafting losersq and other stupid shit
>bwaaaaaahh i havent watched the show so this makes me MAD
npc response, i was talkin about bringing out the worst in people, which is that guy's role as the antagonist in the show
you'd probably even have understood it if you read the wiki
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the system is dogshit and I have been banned multiples times while unironically trying to win, support also takes like 5 days to unban you
Can you say which ones are cool surly transgirls and which ones are failed male twinks
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use proper pronouns, bigot
>cool surly transgirls
>failed male twinks
m e . . .
I was gonna bully you further but I think you're cute chenna so you get a pass this once
im not a "friend collector" and i dont have a duo partner, i play in a 5 stack once and suddenly theyre my best friends even though they barely play league and are acquaintances at best who only even asked me to play because their other friend didnt show up
thanks i guess..
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I don't like it when the entire thread is this spammer, please leave :/
I kind of enjoy how lolg goes through cycles of
>anons playing with each other
>some drama builds up
>implosion, blocking, arguements spilling into the thread
>it all melts down and everyone agrees anons playing with each other is a horrible idea
>cooldown period
>some anon offers to play with another anon...
Yone is the most mega onions champ in the game.
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What was, will be.
What will be, was.
>>some drama builds up
won't happen with me because I unfriend you in your sleep without an explanation (bpd kicked in sorry)
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something something cyclical nature of human society and history idk
lyra will never leave lolg
there are still strong friendships here. it's the vgs that are dramatic
>complain about no duo
>admit to unfriending people overnight
Every time it happens Im tempted to join in but my fear of being called a shitter or have my profile stalked(my LoL username is the same as what I use on other sites) scares me off and I watch from the sidelines as another cycle passes me by.....
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victorious skin locked in boys
Did they announce what champ it'll be this season yet?
The inevitable drama is the biggest thing stopping me from playing with anons...
Unironically the reason why I've changed my name before posting here !
We already know its Sona.
>The inevitable drama
who started it again
Statistically the average /lolg/ anon is Platinum II and mains Janna
There are 2 types of lolg girls.
Im silver 2 and main Janna..
and wears thighhighs
some of us just aren't meant for friendship
Just got tempbanned for trying to play crittlesticks in current year, AMA
fun fact i did so much damage there the way that you dont care and i am just listening to myself and whether or not you are listening is just extra and it is enough that you are here now how are you gonna get out of this one you're not haha
>play crittlesticks
how many times were you dropped on your head as an aadult??
I don't have any questions but you reminded me of my first ever encounter with smurfs back in season 4, they played ap corki support and crit fiddle and destroyed my silver game :(
winner winner volibear dinner.
warwick too
and only then
you can call out the basedshitters
>wake up
>spam 600 porn images on lolg
what a life
sleep well
I miss when Teemo was the Satan of toplane, now there's so much bullshit I'd rather lane against him half the time
Top is just a cucked lane.
>You don't pick a lane rapist for once
>Enemy picks a lane rapist
>Your jg doesn't spend the entire match rammed up the enemy top's ass
Enjoy AFKing under tower scraping cs and exp together only for the game to end 15 minutes later because your botlane duo shit the bed.
>You don't pick a lane rapist for once
theres your problem
the weak should fear the strong
theres this little shit thats kind of an oversized minion like a minion momma put out some retard minion. He just kinda walks up like a minion, and spits on you because hes a retard. Then he runs away though sometimes he will run after you and just spit spit spit then run away.

Then he'll vanish in the same 3 spots over and over and over. He'll shit his pants when you smack him while invisible and lead you into his retard poop pile where ultimately the retard is you if you die in it.

Then he goes back to being a giant retard minion.
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They gave Sona the W O R S T skin I've ever seen in my life man

>Victorious skin is slop
Many such cases sadly
I just lost my promos to a fucking Lucian 1 trick who was able to dodge every fucking ability. Awesome. Whenever I play Ezreal, should I always be perma banning Seraphine? Seraphine was 100% the reason that fucker got extremely fed.
Hi /lolg/ I'm back from my extended vacation over on /erg/. Are we still mad about Vanguard?
yes it'll still brick your 2007 DELL laptop please go back
fiddledick should've been a tank

like the guy's a fucking scarecrow and they decided to make him big boom splash sploosh assassinshitte instead of, you know, actually protecting an area from, idk, crows or something, like a scarecrow does
Someone answer me?
>he dodged all of my spells but we lost because ummm his support picked a "broken" champ
Why is ur ego so big when you are unironically iron
Seraphine is A tier, not broken.
Seraphine should be kidnapped and publicly executed by Zaunites. Seraphine players should be forced to watch and be the very next on the chopping block.
you don't have an ummmposting permit please refrain from doing it again
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it's not the seraphine. the seraphine just happened to play well with a lucian who, apparently, also played well. I permaban ezreal though but play seraphine.
im home
should i play league of legends today
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heres your garen bro
has anyone cared to discuss how entire Arcane scenes were leaked? Who did it and perhaps why?
fiora looks fun
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>queue into a random in arena
>act gay with him as a meme
>eventually vc
>he's actually gay
>get disgusted and stop playing with him
champs for this feel?
>Garen abusers getting rekt
Love to see it
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Double down, don't leave him hanging. Hwei.
she is unless the enemy picks urgot, then you just suffer
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Champ for this feel?
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State of thread perfectly represents games state
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I genuinely just don't think I can play Morde. Got ganked twice by Lilia, one early and the other near mid-game and despite my best efforts in going even the lane was over by then. Just couldn't keep up with Fiora in damage anymore and late-game I might as well have been a big minion for how easy I got blown the fuck up/CC'd before I could pop my shield.
Just play him in a different matchup.
Fedora and lilia are 2 of the worst enemy pick you could face as morde
the fiora matchup is awful unless you learn how to always reset the vitals and never rely on E to work
Sona with short hair.
No vgs...?
That makes sense. She honestly played the lane itself pretty poorly and almost went Darius first pick, so I suppose she might've intentionally went for the counter pick. Still though, my success with Morde no matter the match is pretty poor, regardless of if I win lane or not. I almost always end up just feeling like a big moron lumbering towards people hoping their not fed enough so I can duel them.
You might be playing the lanes wrong.
What's your trading pattern like, and what's an opening you look for?
vg vs vg
Uhh, I guess usually try to go for Auto-Q-Auto trick in wave if it's a raw trade, otherwise I aim to hit minions and my opponent with Q at the same time if they're playing it a bit back. For openings I I usually go after a dash and they come back for CS or if they've used their main clear ability.
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Not an actual vampire, find a new vibrator you degenerate.

Absolute no-mom behavior here, Junior.
remember mordes early game is not that good

even landing isolated q's isn't much and you'll lose out on most trades unless you hard counter them
After 20 losses today, I finally won one !
Why don't girls play toplane
Yeah, I watched a guide a couple days ago saying a stable lane is the best thing for Morde early on, but my main thing is the middle and late where it feels like I'm at the mercy of my enemies regardless of performance.
they did when double support item and wardstone abuse was meta.
You should not be getting in range to auto vs most toplaners. Just go for Q poke at best, and never all in unless you have a stacked W to win trades.
Alright, if I play him again I'll try to take it more passively.
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I haven't been doodling cause I want diamond before the split ends. After the trist nerfs it's not going well....
i played 1 game this year and it was a quickplay
lolgs like this?
Garens are so retarded they don't know when to take phase rush and when to take conq.
But it IS a Fiora so even Garen gets a pass since she's the easiest champ to play in the top lane roster
>Have to lane into an impossible matchup top
>Don't die even once
>Hovering around 1 to 2 waves cs behind
>Enemy jungle is 13/1
>Enemy Jinx is 8/1
"gg report top he threw"
Idiots don't even know what the word "throw" means
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Just like ezreal players or nasus. People see champ is meta then run the website build when they have no clue what they are doing.
Had one running phaserush into my renekton.

Kinda awkward if you consider that these champs exist since 14 years and people are still clueless.
I'd like to see you try
I want to spam Karthus, but in mid.
the meta is so bad, lately I have only been playing arams and arena waiting for the split.
weaklings like karthus get sent to botlane/jungle prison sorry only strongest champs can survive mid
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>Our Yasuo feeds his ass off and makes us lose
>My duo decides to go mid instead of support to prevent a retard from playing the role
>We get a retard playing jungle who AFK farmed and was NEVER in any team fight and cost us the game
>What was supposedly to be 1 match away from Iron 1 is now 4 matches away
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We will make Karthus Great for mid Again.
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yay seraqueen!
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non locked screen players play like this?
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tweet at dyrus about emiru bros
ugliest champ
feet are strange :3
vg vs vg results - highest kda :3
quit flopping around >:(
post your hideous tranny hairline
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vg vs vg up


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bets vg
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wooo go seraphine!!
>tranny felt like this was worth clipping
i can't believe boodrum and sunshine were banned but not you.
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i want a gf like pic related to duo with
blue side
I miss my mom.
i forgot saying fgt in a custom game means getting system muted
thats a man
I miss her so much but I know she doesn't feel the same...
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vg vs vg result

another up
having someone apologize, but not fix their mistakes... like why bother...
Sorry bro
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vg vs vg bet
>13k damage
you didnt see that
i tell the player exactly what he needs to do that game. keeps on dying. won every fight 5v5 but wants to ego on red buff, elder, every jungle camp despite only 150~ cs.

actually crazy how hard i get griefed and they're sitting in their discord laughing and soft inting, everyone on the enemy has a vendetta against me so its not even close
very obviously top when steel mental unironically clears, big jungle gap
Give her kisses after playing with her asshole.
you're starting to sound like a zaunite ..
yeah have her leaning on me while I stuff fingers in her and keep kissing her
No one cares you boosted ape tranny
Garen, sion, fiora, cho are still somewhat fine to just blindpick
They can just gwen your sion, but its actually playable in early
Briar loses they're all retarded
how can you abuse garen? to me it looks more like you should be 14 day banned for inting if you pick garen while fiora is open
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vg vs vg result

anotheru p
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i don't know whether to be flattered or horrified
big kisses for ya babe
You can be both. Love ya. Love your hole. Love you lots <3
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Just lost to a Yone with Demon Kings Crown by literally like 200 HP
If that fag lost one single more round and lost 4% of his stats we would've won
Seething currently
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oh no we can fix this
bill is showing more and more psychopathic traits lately... i hope he's okay.
cool soraka
Try to be less racist maybe.
hahahahhahaa no bets? or you cant even fill a lobby now? pathetic
i'm betting that your parents were related by blood
that is the power of vava
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Very cool goat.
Woh! cool goat shoes.
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vg vs vg
i forgot
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Oh.... I need that banana staff. I traded it to JInx for her Nami squirt gun. I kinda promised the Nami poster i'd mail it to him as a trade.
You just know who's going to ruin the lobby
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vg result

another up
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missing something
dabs tried her best
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a tiny penis
Did Majin not bother balancing this or what?
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Sorry, not going to happen. You'll have to trade something else. Or pay for some fish water.
bottom has more tryhards
>b3llamy not playing vayne
it's jover, bottom half lost.
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It's too expensive!! you can't do that to me, I already traded. Surely you know the repercussions i'm going to face if I don't follow through with my end of the trade? You've seen the ominous dark water pic of Nami.
>let me just walk right into sion surely nothing bad will happen
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vg vs vg result

another up
We have seen it, but the staff is non-tradable. YOu might want to stay away from the coasts and rivers for a while.
Based Zed spotted
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vg vs vg bets
i accidentally posted smth meant for lolg in drg
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because LoL item system is so linear you sometimes dont have a choice but to buy it in the pursuit of a max-dmg build.

>one item amps your damage by 10%
>one item deals 5% of enemies hp as bonus damage
>one item deals (number)(+AP) as bonus damage as on spell cast
>on item increases your AP by 30%

this isnt like Dota where you can choose between pure utility like Blink/Sheep Stick/GPM increaser or pure damage like Dagon. the LoL item system is very very linear and you are a idiot if you arent playing for your characters very obvious kit-item synergies. (like Malz or Morgana+Liandries and Shadowflame)

I dont like it either buddy but tell Riot to stop being such huge stagnant pussies when it comes to item design and maybe you could see something more interesting than Liandries in literally every single fucking game because its king generic amongst a sea of generic? anyways thats probably not going to happen anytime soon when the explicitly stated goal as of most recent is to reduce item power and make the game more about champ power......
what was it?
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FINALLY done. My top 10 champs all at max mastery finally. I went from just having Ahri, MF and Morgana at max to now having all of these in the last few weeks. Some of them were a pain to get S ranks with but it was just slow grinding the mastery points but now I can relax.
Please say something nice.
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ew a girl
I wanna marry you
grats queen <3 knew you could do it
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hello ladies, once again mr streamer here showing you how to reach challenger in no time ;d
Which of these champs do you most look like babe?
>no mic
>no cam
whats the fucking POINT?
at the moment just stomping low elo diamonds, cam & mic will be soon
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FUCK you Riot
We, turned out i can still reach atleast low dia when i actually focuse and try, starting to lose more and more matchups mainly due to retarded shit like seju jungle and lissandra 3 man diving me out of the game and i have no clue how to respond to this.
Toplane is just so much harder than adc unironically.
d4 on toplane is just unplayable, gotta go back heartsteeling it in gold elo
new katarina rune
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You're lying
There's no fucking way
What the fuck are mana reliant champions supposed to do in lane?
They took corrupting and now biscuits?
Can't have shit man
agreed. fuck you riot.
riot wants to make manaless champ even more op than they already are
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> to craft your own subpar off meta build and hone it into perfection through trial and error

I did this with Font of Life when it was still in the game in its ungimped state. not sure if I was the only guy doing it but Font healing procc'd items like Staff of Flowing Water/ ardents/ almost perpetually while giving a functional amount of HP so I would regularly do things like Nasus(rylais)/Trundle/Shaco with things like mandate.
>We've thought a lot about mana availability in the rune system. You can get a ton of mana from runes now, which in turn makes mana items matter less. And while we’re okay with items being weaker, we don’t want them to be wholly unnecessary.
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>>no cam
not anymore, challenger gameplay with cam now, enjoy nerds
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Let me just build
>frozen heart lost rock solid passive
lemme build
>Commit suicide by starting tear
I'll just pick up
>Fimbulwinter will never be a good item
Fuck being a tank, I'll just
>Essence Reaver is no longer a sheen item
Killing myself brb
based desu
still not watching it
>wake up
>feel like killing myself
yup time to play some league
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Catalyst rune soon in resolve tree
>feel like killing myself
hey friend, dont do it, life is valuable
come on stream if u feel like that
I will come on your whore of a bulgarian mother's face instead you "I run an illegal gambling website" looking ass motherfucker, get out of my thread

also buff malphite
I need to go back to sleeping 12 hours.
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hello sirs we dont choose our mothers but we choose our personality, it sucks for you that this morning you chose to be a faggot
have a good day *racial slur*
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14.19 changes are actually kind of goated for Trist Bot, not gonna like. Trist with BotRK-first is gonna melt through all the durability in the next couple of months.

Think it might be time to jump back into the game. o7 to the Support Arc we back behind the gun baybeeeee
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vg result

another up

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Always top damage ex challenger euw, come get coached for free
What about it?
Yeah nah I'm not watching sorry.
>akshan appears on screen
>im dead
i don't like this champ saars
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vg vs vg
This chink only plays Garen innit
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garen's sister
all good buddy, enjoy your day/night
>adcs were buffed even more in 14.19
what even dude
they were already broken as in and now assasins can kill them LESS easily???
we dont even know each other..
a person like me cant really edate people
care for a spot of rape madam
did I ask your opinion on the subject matter?
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would you call her names?
Kinda indifferent/slightly positive on this one.
The mana being removed from biscuits sucks for poke heavy enchanters like Lulu.
The cheaper price of fearie charm somewhat makes up for this. But only after your first back.

The other changes to support items are kinda welcome.

But it's gonna be tankmeta all over again
does mommy count
doesn't tank meta by proxy also mean adchud or "whatever's good at melting tanks" meta??
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>adcs were buffed even more in 14.19
no? at least not the only adc that matters
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I don't like being melee vs melee
just play a "melee" champ that's actually ranged like gp or jayce
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reminder that Nami is cute
well its up to me in the end..
Adchud and sustain Enchanters will be bonkers !
I'm predicting Karma Malignance E shenanigans will be super good - it's already ridiculous in ARAMs, so why not SR ?
you should kill yourselves Jim Jones style
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can't stop winning, euw noobs ;p
follow for more, after twitch partner will stream for 15h+
you wouldn't break a poor lolg's heat...
shut the fuck up meriipu you DON'T EVEN PLAY THE GAME nigga get OUTTA HERE
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The problem with that is there's a lack of percentile scaling and True damage on ADC items these days, but the ADCs with anti-tank built into their kits are hobbled in other ways so they aren't just the go-to answer (such as Vayne.) I think it comes down to hyperscalers with 550+ range in general, but specifically those who can utilize BotRK well. I expect we'll be seeing champs like Jinx/Kog/Trist (she's getting 550 base range) and...Ugh, Twitch.

Why you think I'm picking the cannon up? SO LONG, LULU. It was a fun mini-arc with her. Insane WR for a sprint to Silver then I got bored lol lamaoh.
>Tanks deal less damage but they also survive for longer
I really dont see anything other than easier heartsteel stacks demolish rush
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I love luggs
Who... ?
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why do they keep shitting on it?
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>It was a fun mini-arc with her. Insane WR for a sprint to Silver

Play her more and hit gold. Still very doable in 8-ish days
they're also not touching hullbreaker's structure damage but combined with the overall decreased AD it's just gonna be so fucking weird

like ummm yeah combat pace this that ok now it takes 45 minutes on average to end a match have fun having to play 2000 hours per split while the LP gains remain the same hehe xd
oop I forgor reply silly me
Your hole is nice. I think it is cute.
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Thoughts on my Ahri MC skin? I'm all league-d out for today so thinking of relaxing on here instead.
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Oh no doubt it's doable but Support is boring as fuck, and that's even remembering through the experience how fun it can be to run people down on her. Support just suuuuuucks (for me I respect your preference desu) GIMME THE CLICKY CLICKY TURBO-FOOTSIES IN TEAM FIGHTS.

Actually champs like Karma are pretty fun for footsies so hopefully that earlier note about Karma being good will turn-out true, but I haven't really looked at the Support-oriented changes for obvious reasons lol

It'd be fun to keep up with Support as a bi-role, maybe I'll become the resident Karmaposter with Lulu on the side with Poppy (sorry Shen.) Too many Lulu posters and I've been cussed-out multiple times now being mistaken for others lol
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do you guys think garen has lusted for his sister
God Nasus is so hot I wish Nasus was my boyfriend haha..
No, Garen is dutysexual.
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Ez gameplay, if you girls only played the game, instead of discussing Garen and Nasus gay shit, your lives would be much better :*
So true sister aren't you breaking rules by advertising though
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half of this is garen's genes
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I wish merii streamed
thats not how siblings work
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vg result

another up
Are you trying to make me nut?
only in bulgaria and brazil
does ANYBODY ever buy Yun Tal Wildarrows?
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vg vs vg bets
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is this really what lolg people talk about? hentai?
Well I'm sorry I already came not long ago and I'm on cooldown. Hot pics though.. so thanks anyway.
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challenge: play a male champion
i would have so many baby snakes with her it's not even funny
shes an egirl so chances are she wont
tippity top!
teemo cute
please let teemo win
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stay positive!
staying positive with the thoughts of lux's thighs wrapped around me
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what would you do with lux's thighs?
sorry anon.. but i have no heart to love you with
theyre essentially blowing up every change they've been doing since preseason, adc items had 8% movespeed on them and now they're already down to 4%
they're both cumming

janna mordekaiser
I usually cum too

League of Legends by the way
spread them out in missionary while I fuck her unconscious into the bed
jerk off with it
my paenits
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incredibly based
tanks aren't ever allowed to be bad because....
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top dmg every game all day, can't lose
i want to see rumia blacked
>sweatlords picking trist mid with ziggs tp who roams/tps to my lane every second in norms
Holy fuck I hate esports
all me btw
steel mental is a fat ass diskek nigger on ebt
i've already hit that you have got to lay off nigga
You sound big mad
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diskeks lurking, janitors sweep it up
Are we talking F1 or Nascar?
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I need Nasus to be my boyfriend actually..
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not a fan of blacks
kek garen players crack me up
shen groomed that
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vg vs vg result

another up :)
I don't understand your pic... it's well known that a lot of imbeciles get extremely racist towards chinese people for no good reason very easily, we saw it during the covid epidemic, and we see it again when tencent gets blamed for every stupid decision riot games makes.
Are we really going to pretend with big eyed furry pics that this guy's message is complete lunacy and that he should take his meds? The usual 4chanreddittwitter low level gaslighting technique normies are so keen to employ to create the orwellian world they so desperately want and hypocritically condemn, with their constant culture warring, twitter mob cancel shit and the general display of their irrepressible disgusting disingenuous ways... tiring, really...
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this is what I was saying the other day. I cannot help but lmao sometimes when I watch that champion do this thing
i wish he'd bounce her on his dick
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>Loss streak so bad fallen from G2 to B2
This game is the only game that actually makes me consider self harm.
is there a particular skin you like or just default?
That sounds like a lie.
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video "vidya" game
erm you're just making up things, losing streaks are not a thing in this game :)
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didn't ass
he looks goofiest in default and it matches his derpiest portrait imho
Looks like you don't even need the spammer to turn this general into a complete shit-flinging contest
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>try out zoe
>50 different voicelines for how horny she is for cute boys constantly playing
are 12 year old girls really like this
all of them are about girls except for one and he is arguably the faggiest one of them all and that includes hwei
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vg vs vg bets haha sorry
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"ok but how do the diskeks affect you PERSONALLY?"
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are they?
literally all me btw
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I need your shittiest posts
league twt mentionned
maybe there's a common factor in all your games
I knew a girl who mained Morde top(back when his Q was still three increasingly strong bonks)
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t. rials
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lookin good, babe.
imagine a world without discord
where would I spam my pictures?
*posts sasuke uchiha meme from google* CFAMPS FOR THIS FEELE
I duo'd with an anon one time super long ago and got destroyed and flamed the very first game so now I play by myself :(
now talk about League of Legends.
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Its not a lie. On Friday night I had a 12 game loss streak alone. Came close to matching it again tonight.
I wish that were true. I'd love to believe Riot's lies.
Yeah, people who rage quit and leave you 4v5, or who feed the Akali 9 kills by the 12 minute mark.
That is a pretty common factor.
crack that sky
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Lab electrics.
Lab electrics.
Lab electrics.
buy me tekken
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I prefer Shin Shoryuken
i can only play 1.5-2 games before my trusty old lappy catches on fire basically
niggas playing on a ti-86
Does anyone else here share their name with a champion? I'm not talking about simply sounding similar, but actual 1:1.
if she loved me back I'd play any game, watch any show/movie, read any manga she wanted, listen to all her headcanon ramblings, and say I love you every day
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shut up
niggers playing on a ti-86
my vanguard is having a seizure trying to get back into the game sry team
why are adc items so expensive if they aren't the ones carrying the game anymore?
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vg vs vg result

thats probably the last one

check back in like 10 minutes maybe theres another

(probably not go to bed )
all lolg girlies are queens
ign: trials
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Giant Gwen
yeah tune in next time
Why did Steel rage quit? Did Hibiki shit on him too hard?
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dont dress like my personal raka sissy unless youre gonna open your mouth for me like her
vanguard error
its fine steel is one of the better vg players he can have some minor issues and ill take his word
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No but I do for other weeb game characters and atleast one TV show (Castlevania) which I couldn't watch because it feels weird.
i did not ragequit i was having fun just had a problem with vanguard and had to uninstall and reinstall the entire game. rly sorry to my team tho I feel we could've won othewise
>vanguard error
A anon yesterday posted about losing a game because of that shit so I wouldnt be surprised
steel is a dogshit retard what do you mean he's one of the better players
check ur messages :)
I sometimes imagine holding hands with Nasus while we sit at an oasis in Shurima, just stargazing and telling each other stories of our travels..
He then asks me if I'm cold and I say "Yeah, a little.." and he pulls me close and I don't even notice how I fall asleep in his arms..
what is sarcasm
This is a Meriipu post
Calm down Bolo you fat fuck
>Briar will never get buffs she deserves because the average player is so retarded they think her self taunt is an advantage and not a determent to overcome
Jesus Christ man
hes good for a lobby so hes a good vg vs vg player
this shit happened to someone i know last night. He couldnt log back in and just uninstalled and reinstalled. Was back to normal today
No it's not, I don't even know them
wrong person
Do you love Sona?
Bad vg players are those who play cancer champions no one wants to play against
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Ten years from now there will be a 10 hour video essay about how honest and skillful Briar was
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how about the ones that play the same ones over
and over
and over?
Like who?
>noobstomper champion built to bully people who don't know anything about the game has a low winrate in high elo
that's how it should be. that's how it was for 99% of leagues existence. garen and nasus randomly being broken in high elo and pro play are an exception not the rule.
And they'll be correct.
>Character is designed assuming the other player is INSANELY bad
Wow that's not awful game design at all, we should definitely defend it
yeah they need to rework briar. and garen. and nasus. and master yi.
thank you
I only play sovlful and kino champions :3
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Why the fuck did I get a warning for this?
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deserved for being agp
Every enchanter
im cap
>agp is when you want to have sex with a female
this term has lost all meaning
I occasionally play enchanters in vgs but when I do it's usually nami lately I feel like nami gets a pass her healing is not very high she's almost like a mage that gives her damage to her teammates
>I'm a girly girl with a girl secret
>you are responsible for my fun
They were lenient with you, this is permaban worthy
nigga trying to make it out of the hood by promoting his 2 viewer stream on 4chan
This but unironically
newjeans fan got me curious and now I like this music
I hate it but one of them is such a mega cutie

such a fucking loser
incel post
Next step, watching T1 games on lolesports then going to irl Kpop concerts.
Eventually watching Kdramas and movies, horror and romance (where the girl or guy dies from an incurable disease, or about poverty or war).
Slowly learning Korean due to subtitles and eating Korean BBQ drinking soju.
Then finally going to Korea to buy 500 packs of Korean face masks and beauty products.
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ok I bought essence reaver, time to buy
>navori blades are gone, replaced by useless attack speed stats
ok then maybe
>rapid fire canon has useless attack speed stas
then how about
>bloodthirst isn't crit anymore
>collector passive is pointless on smolder
>yuntal arrows doesn't work with smolder q
billy is the next psz
It's a song, dumbass
nah I hate league and if I was gonna go full western autistic itd be over japanese shit cause they have better food
True, Korean food is just Japanese and Chinese that is spiced with hot pepper anyways. Anyways, league of legends.
Hey Qikami do you prefer male or female pronouns? I figure the answer is pretty obviously female pronouns but I wanted to ask anyways before referring to you as a woman.
I love you.
did they do something to dodging penalties? last time i played my account was sunday and i just dodged my first game today and got a 12 hour ban
wtf is this?
>Building Smolder through crit
japanese food is dogshit
Anon you're out of the loop...

Which sissies got raped in the vgs today?
Vouvire and her knight
steelcord got demolished completely to the point of him raging and leaving
not true
any other truth deniers or just you?
Real loud in the Steelhouse tonight
leave him alone chuddies he's my gf
what's tha
>you will play the adc bruiserino and you will like it
sisters what if I pick lulu jungle in the vgs tomorrow
What are you talking about, noobstompers were always in proplay.
See mordekaiser or veigar (the ultimate noobstomper)
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you guys are testing his mental
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No idea about steel, but he's mental for sure.
The Steelhouse is where the steelgang go to hang out
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how hard would it be to get honor lvl 4 before the split ends?
Split ends in like 7 days, so I would say it's not possible with 2/3.
You're gonna have to suck a lot of dick.
Is there a single person on EUW who deserves any respect?
>Just had someone throw a match intentionally to teach a teammate a "lesson" for kill stealing one time
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>Gotten over 100 honor
>Hasn't moved a tick
Great system
for playing a certain videogame or posting in this garbage general?
what kind of honors do u get? tilt proof increases ur honor faster from my experience
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you gotta get 5 gg's in a row for it to count but you can get great shotcalling off and on and get lots of honors too. The best way is yeah tilt-proof but thats much harder to farm than great shotcalling because it's right in the middle and the other two requires more mouse movement
u lost to a 32 year old slavic hon
Nice to know I'm not alone. I ask because a champion that's 1:1 my name is popular in pro play right now and it weirds me the fuck out every time.
Average soloq behavior. You can go the entire match not doing anything that usually risks triggering someone (e.g. pinging at all, typing anything at all, using any emote) and someone will still psych themselves up into running it down. Last week I was Leona support, dodged Blitz Q at lv2, and my adc walked back to tower and asked me why I didnt let the Q hit me so I could engage. I wanted to argue that it's a bad idea to do that when the enemy has a fat wave but I held myself back and just kept playing without any response but this fucking guy decided to sit under tower (again without ANY input from me or anyone else on the team butting in) to type an essay about how losers queue is fucking him up

I think I'm only one or two lose streaks away from tipping over the edge and becoming an ARAM retiree
Ok Sejuani.
whats up Orianna?
is swift polish?
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Post favorite ships
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>skill shot
>skill shot
>skill shot
>skill shot
>skill shot
>20% life
>go abck to base
how do I deal with mage supports as an adc? They all make my blood boil, I can't poke , I can't play safe, I can't even farm. Holy shit make it stop
I give up and roll over and die. Cull + Vampiric. Either the jg has a brain and camps the shit out of the permapushed squishy botlane or I surrender lane prio and just scrape together what farm I can for the first 10 minutes.
dodge noob
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Fillchads ww@?
Highest winrate so far on jungle ( easy role) and top ( least amount of junglers there)
>Every single LoL lobby is guaranteed one completely maladjusted retard who will start inting at the slightest provocation
>As long as YOU are not the retard, there's a 5/9 chance he's on the enemy team and a 4/9 chance he's on your team
My theory is that complete normies can "float" their way up to low Plat by simply running this RNG machine long enough. As long as they aren't literally playing at Iron-level skill. You just need to not be the reason your team loses often enough.
I mean 55.5% chance the inter is an enemy vs 44.5% he's on your team isnt that big of a difference
The point is it's a big enough statistical difference to build up to LP gains overall if you roll it enough times. At least until you've "floated" to a rank that's high enough compared to your skill level that you drag your team down often enough that it makes for a bigger difference.
its easier to just git gud unironically if you raise your winrate to 60% or something that will let you climb easier than playing chimp teammate lottery
It's a mage meta, nothing you can do.
Yes, but what >>494873616 means is if a no skill bronzie cant climb normally its technically possible for them to play chimp teammate lottery enough times that some other human factors boosts their rank
brings some action into the game i guess
i actually like to lane vs garen since its pretty free
dont want to ever despite playing him myself
hes fine
only anoying if you're bruiser
>Every enchanter
sona and seraphim are cool
The urge to hold hands with Nasus is unreal..
>lost the last 5 games because of afk'ers and people intentionally going LITERALLY 0-12/0-15/0-9
>people will actually look me in the eyes and say I deserve to be in this rank
the thing is tho if i was in ur elo i would drop 50 kills and just win
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I love Lissandra!
Prioritize buying and upgrading boots.
It's so much easier to hit an ADC without boots than one with boots.
But basically vs Mage supp your mission is just to survive because if you don't feed them then they are starved of gold for their expensive builds and hit like a wet noodle later on.
fat retards
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(and she's the cutest!)
skill issue
Naafiri is 7ft tall canonically
naafiri is big enough for certain champs to be able to ride. imagine naafiri jinx cavalry
He would never say it but i think Phreak just hates smolder or doesn’t want this champion to exist. that’s why he purposefully took away all of his good items and nerfed him to shit tier again
>no cavalry paladin/death knight human male warrior champ
Oh my god I cry.
Hecarim is almost that
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here's ur cavalry champ bro
I don't mind playing her but she does absolutely no damage and absolutely ruined the potential for a future champ that I want to have. Kled isn't it either. Gamecompanytrash.mp3
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bronze is becoming smarter bros, it's over, they kill my vision, they rotate, they roam harder, i feel like a total moron who should fuck off play quickplays
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>Have double the kill contributions as the enemy jungler
>have every dragon so far
>have more cs than the enemy jungler
>My top and bot lane are still actually foaming at the mouth RAGING at me for not doing enough and spamming "junglerdiff" in all chat

What the actual fuck is wrong with people man
Yeah quickplays are kidna good desu, played arams for years and it's gotten sweaty, same with ranked. Don't need more stress in my life lol.
I like how my support is always the toxic one
it's got to the point where twitch recommends me <20 viewer EUNE alien language draven streams over english league streams
How the fuck is there 0 mention of Sion on this list?

If I had the choice I would ban every top laner that ints a vg. Not fun dealing with a raid boss because of main character syndrome on an irrelevant role where the only way to fuck up is if you go 0 10... which is exactly what you do
Lulu is for being pulverized in a steel mill because her whimsical nature led her onto the conveyor belt
Dunno, for its just these:
Urgot - unbareable

Rest is fine
if we could behead a certain female homosexual for playing yuumi in vgs that would be great
Sion is the only champion that can maybe 1v5, especially if Seraphine APC is picked. Should be banned because it abuses a specific strategy of knowing what one person plays
Looking for a xayah gf (need to have claws)
>sseth is making a video on league
It's over, our small quaint playarbase is rui- wait....
if any support or jg main sends me a video of them tying their shoes by themselves with timestamp i will send them 10k euros immediately
i still struggle to do a double knot on my shoes
>t. midlane main
i wear flipflops in the summer and boots in the winter so i don't need to tie anything
do you not tie your boots?
bonus bet i will also give 5k to any melee toplane player that can prove to me he can read 1 page of any book of his choice
no bets for midlaners or ADCs?
highest iq most skill expressive roles (besides assassinoids)
i forgot how to do it, actually.
Rework vex passive
most adc and midlane players are fine with a few exceptions like for example if syndra players can prove that they are heterosexual and jhin mains that they dont have a reddit account those are decent bets ig
i disagree not much thinking is involved
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Lulu is a cute! A CUTE!
yes league of legends is a braindead game, relative to other roles those require the highest iq
im sorry but if u play na you've never actually played league of legends ur like that nigga in plato's cave
The guy who's free from the matrix? Yeah.
it's joever for us...
such disgusting little niglet monkeys i get in my games that my head actually hurts from it
I wish I was Zoe's slave.
I wish I was Zoe's employee who got paid a fair wage (i am currently out of work)
I wish I was Zoe's manager.
human-made posts btw
annie > zoe
I wish Zoe sold used cars at a reasonable price with low interest loans.
I wish I was Zoe's HR so I could tell her to stop being annoying and she'd have to listen
phreak be like
>the game is unbalanced, so we are nerfing everything except support
and adc*
He nerfed my adc pretty bad
deleting my post won't make me want to have sex with the cartoon any less
kek sure
he massively buffed tanks in comparison
what counters tanks? adcs
Wanna read super cool caitlyn story
you're gonna link the guro fetish one, aren't you?

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Why isn’t zeke’s convergence an active item
Well do you wanna write me a super cool caitlyn story instead?
Riot dont like active items because 90% of the idiot playerbase don't even use them
And instead the item will rot with the 4 champions that build it
It use to be iirc. It worked like knights vow where you linked with someone and could use the active to change partners
What the fuck do I do when jungler is autofilled and I can't afford another dodge?
I remember that. I remember it being kinda trash then too. The new effect is more fun, but it just doesn’t work on very many champions. It would be so much nicer to use if I could engage and then activate the damage instead of having to already be on top of someone before I use my R. For someone like Braum whose R effect scales with distance it’s just bad
>Yone feeds Sion and he doesn't build BOTRK
>Kindred fucking sucks because she autofilled and got her ass kicked by Briar
>My Nautilus is God fucking awful so I can't play Draven well
The day they remove penalties from dodging games and being able to see your team's names again in champ select would genuinely make ranked matchmaking better.
I want to be trundle but I want to be trundle in like an rpg like skyrim or fallout and then I wanna have 3 or 4 or maybe 5 other trolls and I wanna go around with my pack of retarded trolls and be like "urh? HURG??" and then we hunt and eat people and all the traveling merchants and every single faction hates and attacks us on sight but it's ok because we eat them anyway

that'd be so much more fun than league of legolas in my opinion
I wish I was Zoe......
so much this, I'd main zoe if her model didn't have a wonky eye and an annoying personality
if you were zoe would you be less annoying than the actual zoe
Zoe isn’t annoying
Yes she is wtf
>I wanna have 3 or 4 or maybe 5 other trolls and I wanna go around with my pack of retarded trolls and be like "urh? HURG??"
wait for the One for All gamemode to come back.
If I was Zoe I would prank people by ulting to suddenly sit in their laps and wriggle my bottom around quickly before I got pulled away again. I would do this from behind irl "terrain" like walls and stuff so they can't catch me and I can keep irritating them by popping up to grind against their crotch and maybe get in a few mocking words before disappearing back through the portal. The issue with this of course is if I do get caught I might be forced to face the consequences of teasing strangers like this and bad things could happen to me.
>match starts
>tell team I'll get first blood and we'll win an easy match
>midlaner calls me subhuman filth and says I'll hard feed and then blame the jungler
>ignore him and proceed to win my lane
>ask if he's proud of me
>zero positive reinforcement
>starts calling our jungler "subhuman filth trash disgusting garbage that shouldn't exist on this earth" as well
>respond "please calm down my baby my sweetheart pumpkin it's ok I promise we'll win just trust"
>starts running it down
man what is wrong with these people
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oh my wettest dreams aw my good lawdie lawdd
what's wrong with you nigger
umm I tried to defuse the situation by being nice and calming and soothing???
You just have an underdeveloped amygdala
kill yourself you pedophile freaks, you should be tortured and skinned alive
>respond "please calm down my baby my sweetheart pumpkin it's ok I promise we'll win just trust"
Are you a cute older girl with plump thighs IRL
go back to posting your tranny lulu cosplays on facebook groups please ^w^
all anti-pedos are troons? What kind of cope is this? You are an evil fucker who should be suffocated. How do you live with yourself attracted to children? Freak of nature faggot
you weren't nice calming or soothing, you might have gigafaggotaidstism, might need to check it out with a professional. I suggest going to a radiographer and getting rid of that gigantic tumor in your cranium before queueing up another league of legends (sr) game
annie is very mature for her age actually if you've read her lore you'd see how her unfortunate childhood circumstances forced her to grow up quicker than her peers
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>those 2 poor little goblins stuck between HUGE pillars
pedo post
I'll duo with (you) if you'd like. I'm between high Silver and low Gold on NA.
>thinks babytalking is defusing the situation instead of pouring oil on the fire
you a retard.
ok what would YOU do in that situation then??????????????
"chill we win"
just keep playing? what?
Not be a fucking retard helps, for one
>"stay focused"
oh yeah I'm sure that would've worked wonders you retard no wonder you're hardstuck unranked level 29

I did AND won the match
"delay your meltdown by like ten minutes so we can win"
don't be so rude my baby my sweetheart pumpkin
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Zoe being an annoying tease is exactly what makes her so attractive.
yo mantheon
kill yo self
I've been here for every single cycle since before COVID. /lolg/ anons unironically fall mainly into four categories.
>Bulldyke transgirls who barely talk but type flirty in allchat
>Aggressive Anglosphere meme-spouters(after the first few matches their sperg filter really comes off)
>Giggly twink boys with generic fag accents but very soft voices
>Jean-Henri from rural Britanny/Farfour from Moabit, Berlin
Every single time there's been a meltdown it begins from the bulldykes but oddly gets signalboosted the hardest by Euros. My theory is if we could quarantine just the Anglosphere zoomer e-boys and the twinks /lolg/ies playing together might end up surprisingly harmonious and less meltdown-able.
i wish riot would make a loli assasin like a rengar but a loli who pounces on you
>list anons
Anonymous and Anonymous? Are you retarded
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>Farfour from Moabit, Berlin
this is weirdly specific anon
just keep playing as in don't type your mentally ill retarded shit and play
>Aggressive Anglosphere meme-spouters(after the first few matches their sperg filter really comes off)
Kek this is so accurate it hurts, Ive played with three(3) people from here, the first couple times they all pretend not to be brainrotted by synapse and montages but after they get comfortable they start dropping the streamer buzzwords and catchphrases
You know it's true.
I say "guys winnable we outscale" etc I think its funny especially if we're guaranteed losing
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>Bulldyke transgirls who barely talk but type flirty in allchat
...dont call me out like this..
hey, you gotta pick one. a dyke is a woman who likes other women, a tranny is a male with mental illness
The worst I've had was a young-sounding guy with a Midwestern accent who started speaking entirely in Baus phrases like "solo bolo" and "we shilling" a week in.
Sorry sweetheart but there's at least five or six of you and you're all the same.
>Sits in voice chat muted most of the time or on push-to-talk
>Sometimes says "oh, oh, uhh- h-help" when being chased or ganked
>Allchat is a barrage of "Oh nyooo Nasus don't pound me like that >///<" after every death
Sorry that was me
*singed R*
ok now what
i only post when i've taken too many
you haven't taken enough if you have a pulse
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please fuck off back to lebbit
Is it really possible for a lolgee toplane chud and a Tiktok support girlie to duo to diamond
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nah normal girls hate incels (read lolg)
wow that's so hilarious anon haha you're really funny
This but unironically
oh yeah the normal girls of league of lol that play 20 matches a day and verbally abuse poor steelie the 19 years old little kiddie guy
I've heard one of you say yikes in vc, I'll never queue with anyone from here ever again
I miss Ratatas content
ok bye now!
its about getting the vibe of the individual across
a bulldyke and a tranny are different things, but combine them and you get a lolgier
I'd much rather watch a bronze 3 dude playing a champ poorly than some turbo challenger one trick because I want to actually observe how the matchup goes in pisslow levels not some 900 matches sweatbag who has memorized every micro situation
Why doesn’t league have a real femboy champion
>your IP range has been banned due to abuse
holy macaroni
>Bulldyke transgirls who barely talk but type flirty in allchat
Exclusively play female mages mid/supp
>Aggressive Anglosphere meme-spouters(after the first few matches their sperg filter really comes off)
Whatever is popular right now, any role
>Giggly twink boys with generic fag accents but very soft voices
Adc and support, meta picks
>Jean-Henri from rural Britanny/Farfour from Moabit, Berlin
Mordekaiser Darius Volibear Renekton Riven satanic pentagram of death. Top or dodge
posting from finland i hope
you forgot sett in the last category
Ice queen. You mean ice queen. Unfortunately this is how a lot of trans girls act.
what about the other champions such as assassinoids and male mages
our various range of /lolg/ archetypes to choose from
>people that have meltdowns over your performance in norms
>autistic hyperfocus wannabe fakers that don't say anything at all ever
>flirting bulldyke trannies
anything I'm forgetting?
close but not quite
it's over
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>Exclusively play female mages mid/supp
Damn they just like me fr
where's my main??
Some /lolg/ies do play them but not enough to constitute a major anon archetype
>Try kindred
>Comment on her voluptuous looks
>Whole enemy team calls me sick
Is Ahri a mage
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who do (you) main, anon?
They are just jealous you aren’t a coward like them
Ahri is a toplane bruiser

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