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Previous: >>494806498

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/lolg/ OP pastebin
Racebait spam filters
why do people type the number of games you played like it's an own
I have 150 for the whole season, I don't even think that's a lot
2nd for beating Seraphine to death with a lead club
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I can't fucking believe this
season two, a month away!
because it's totally an epic get when the nameless faceless anon calls you a nolife loser despite probably having as many if not more matches registered (but no one can tell because his name is anonymous here and we don't presume anyone else to be NEET losers or anything)
meowrick transition pipeline is real....
I can. I knew as soon as I heard his voice maybe half a year ago. Every single guy I've encountered online who talks like that end up speaking softer and softer and eventually trooning out.
what the heck, a transgender toplaner? I didn't see that one coming!
good thing I practice mf doom vocals in my free time
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cock sucking lips
what's mf doom
Toplaners trying not to troon out, difficulty impossible
How do you fight Sett as a Briar with your flash on cool down? He just deletes me with 5k+ true damage
the fat black dude who sings as the fat black emperor here
that's a cat mr finlandian
oh so basically a deep voice
>not on archive
what did he even say
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Soraka! My Cute Wife!
shorter games, no vanguard
Zoe tease...
your ult I think should cancel his W cast but I'm not sure test it
Low Impact Platonic Peace with /lol/gies
it's platonic even at high impact the way you niggas be simpin
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The crazy thing is there's 0 chance a guy who looks like this ever passes no matter how much estrogen he mainlines into his bloodstream
>tfw no Nasus boyfriend
It's over...
white men fuck dogs in response to pictures of yuumi
>ching chong with tits
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he seems cute
Do you like full tank players?
I have recently been refusing to purchase damage items.
Hi im maLphite
what do we think of kennen players?
duuude dude I'm gonna play malphite in normals
Kinda looks like Steel
Idk I havent thought of Kennen players in a long time, I dont see him picked very often
I just watched his latest video and his attempt to fake a feminine voice was pure cringe
Wish these people could just embrace having a deep voice instead of trying this uncanny crap
today I'm gonna go out of my way to observe someone doing something I don't like and then I'm gonna go out of my way to complain about what someone else is doing with their life

like who cares dude if being a yorick sissy is what makes him happy good for him
I play kennen i like his astronaut skin
>The power of makeup and feminine clothes
Holy fuck
unironically would duo if I wasn't a toplaner myself
for me its about the fact that he will eventually end up killing himself after going hacksaw ridge on his dick after the hrt treatment and it hurts seeing other bluds do this
like why the fuck are you doing this to yourself when you look normal and cant bang a chick if you put your back into it you gigantic retard, youll never pass anyway
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As soon as split 3 starts im playing 50 games a day getting challenger then screenshotting it and telling everyone im s14 challenger u have been warned dont queue up next week
hi slogdog, good to see you browsing here!
sorry for triggering you, i just enjoyed your tutorials but your fake tranny voice has completely ruined them
Unironically though why is it always toplaners who get caught up in tranny and pedogrooming shit? Junglers are supposed to be the most browbeaten abused housewife role but you don't hear about them losing their minds.
average senna "main"
Why would a challenger player duo with you
junglers are toughened by more than a decade of abuse at this point. they've been through it all.
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undead filipino gf
>always toplaners
https://x.com/slogdogs/status/1836070337982959703/video/1 Seriously though stuff like this is just sad
Junglers simply kill themselves silently
On the channy scale

thats the only adc player that did it, T1 is normal, most other adc players are either normal or depressed af
what happened to /lorg/?
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nigga what the fuck does my post have to do with senna!!!!!!
Did you?
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a pixel on your computer is not a good girl
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>league of dead outside of asia actually paid the unfunny jewtuber person to try and shill their dead ass game

we're all having fun in deadlock btw
Muscular anthropomorphic jackal men..
because it is, you are wasting your life away on a game you cant play. level x hundred plat and below people are actually not human, the amount of times ive told these people "you are shit and its ruining the game" for them to be like "its just a game bro go outside" when they literally have 8k hours in a game they routinely ruin by existing is fucking nuts
i agree
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Did riot really have to give morgana undearwear when we only see her panties in model viewer? its pretty lewd, imagine the model creators got a collection of lol characters in their underwear...
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Stay positive /lolg/!
>you can’t play
He is literally playing 150 games though
God I wish he was my boyfriend.. Imagine holding hands with Nasus League of Legends...
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Briar won
reminds me of the glory of chinese femboys until they were so unjustly taken away from me
having the game on and mashing on the keyboard with a fingerless nub hand while you stare at the wall and go 0/6 under 10 minutes =/= even doing bare minimum "literally playing". the fact that you dont think there is a difference or are just being coy makes you a stupid nigger
>Video is about shitting on League

This nigger didn't even watch it.
seth pls go
What if I go 0/6 and I was really trying my best and having not just a little, but a whole lot of fun
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with mute all on it is impossible to tell you apart from a nigger screeching in all chat that they are trolling so what does it matter?
u VILL carry me and u VILL like it
Then everyone on the losing team in your game is “ruining it”
champs for this feel?
He's /literally/ perfect..
Full crit Fiora is so fucking fun what the hell
a cat is fine too
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Wooo check it out
ive been listening to the same 200 songs on repeat every single day for the last year
give me a good playlist to play league to bros
Not until you share yours first
not everyone in my games is 0/6 at 10 minutes, there are a lot of these things though. but yes every single 0/6 player is ruining the game, regardless of intent
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hey, I just got this, actually
ahri hole! ahri hole! ahri has a hole!
because no amount of being a challenger will change the fact that 80% of all men actually find him repulsive and I don't
Speaking of Ahri, wtf is her lore right now? I remember back in 2015 it used to be "hyperslut succubus demon is tired of hyperslutting and wants to do more with her life" but there's been a ton of lore changes since then.
>38 lp per win
holy fuck chat my diamond genes are getting unlocked wtf
dodge his E, then go in with WQ and E his W
she's a single mom now looking to "settle down with a man that can take care of her and her child"
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bros... is Briar top actually good?
>nth briarpost of the day
can you guys please shut the fuck up with this forced foot fetish champ already holy shit
Do I just fucking lose if my Jungler is dogshit?
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y-you may continue briarposting my bad sorry
Should I just play jungle in ranked then at this point?
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Do I just fucking lose if my Laners are dogshit?
no you should kill yourself and get permabanned off of 4chan because I'm sick of reading your "guys what I do if team bad??? someone plis responds??" type shit every single fucking day nigga
>Complaining about bad team mates is bad
>Seeing black dick spam and ERP sessions 24/7 is good
Kill yourself now.
uhhh yeah this is actually my smurf account where I try out off meta picks. get it twisted.
No, the jungler isn't really that much more powerful than the other lanes.

If 3/5 of your team are shit then you should probably lose the game unless you have some black magic performance, yeah.
Toplane should be buffed. Bring back the days of cocky 4/0/7 ADC brats getting put in their place by 0/1/1 juggernauts and bruisers.
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>tfw a non-footfag briar one trick
nope just play 2000 games!
Briar doesn't smoke, anon.
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Me too, feet kinda gross ngl
I think Briar is cool but man I wish they hadn't been so unhinged with the footfag shit when they made her, it makes her so unappealing.
The deep lore is Briar isn't a footfag champion at all, but a blood play/haemophilia champ
remember when briar was a blind loli vampire
I know you should lose if 3/5 of your team sucks.

Jungle is much more team dependent than a lot of people realize. Only role were you lose gold when your team is behind. Jungle looks like it performs much worse when losing and its easy to blame them.
I wanna bury my face into Nasus' fluffy chest and hold his hand while he reads me a book...
There this one guy here that's been going around claiming people posting their games to be blogposts and should not be allowed, some people genuinely confuse me though I think hostility is also some people's attempt at trolling or so.
as a midlaner am i just supposed to follow my jungler around and only roam to the side he's at?
Safest bet, yeah
why does fiddlesticks have a 30 second ult late game?
Briar is ugly and cringe.
YOU'RE ugly and cringe.
>watch this game
>nocturne double kills your bot lane the literal instant he hits 3
>you are doing wolves
>they do dragon 30 seconds after it spawns
>you are trying to gank top while leblanc is already doing your job for you
>take pity grubs because "well im already here *shrug*" cause if krugs were closer you would pick them
>noct runs straight over cause 0 respect for you
>after watching noct go into top blue side jungle you back instead of helping garen with the obvious 2v1 thats gonna happen
>noct goes top and makes it a 1 for 1, garen would have easily won or just walked out if you just showed yourself in the background
i didnt need to watch anymore, massive jungle issue and you are delusional for thinking it was "muh team" when you and nocturne sowed the seeds of the game and his were just better
Worlds is one(1) week away /lolg/girlies and broskis. Have we decided which team is /ourdudes/ yet or should we make another poll and vote on it like last time?
every toplaner is literally hitler already
This much delusion over a joke comment, lmao seek help
yeah why didn't he predict the level 3 gank what a fucking noob
Whichever team entertains me the most regardless if they win or lose.
lord forbid not every single female champion is directly aimed to please your tastes anon, poor you you don't get to have the 250th ass and tits/anorexic pedowife female champ :((((((((
>200 lvl acc
>still bronze
tfw subhuman
why didnt he just level 3 gank himself if it was going to be so fucking game losing
yea read the entire comment chain you autistic sperg
don't worry i'm 457 and bronze
true, level 200 is like 1k games, bare minimum basics of the game gets you gold. you dont have the bare minimum basics after 1k times of doing something lil buddy?
>why didnt he just level 3 gank himself
oh yeah because you can just decide to make a lane gankable. do you even hear yourself talk?
>lvl 41
>master 200 lp
l2p nerdies
>Bring back the days of cocky 4/0/7 ADC brats getting put in their place by 0/1/1 juggernauts and bruisers
already happens?
>nocturne when faced with the exact same situation went "the lane is gankable because i am ganking it"
>he easily won
fucking limp dicked players man
did shen get a buff or is it becuase theres so much nasus players rn
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shen attracts pseuds who happen to be 2 iq above avg league player
I love Irelia.
>jungle is shit
>no, laners are shit *smirks*
>no, YOU are shit
what else is missing?
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I really hate the new mastery screen, and actually all of these retarded mastery changes they've made in general.
Was it really just an excuse to gigajew people when it comes to earnable chests?
I love Nasus.
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>Was it really just an excuse to gigajew people when it comes to earnable chests?
The part were you pulled up some random 4chan gamers vod to review it, and your review wasnt even good just trying to GOTCHA on some random shit
Toplaners are fine, they just have to change the way you can lose at lvl 3 just because some rando seju jungle and lissandra mid decided to do a 3 man dive on top
If you recall you lose 3 waves, if you stay you die and lose 3 waves.
Same conclusion either way. The enemy statchecker is ahead and you can farm scrabs till the end of game
nta but it seems like a clear case of some shithead getting exposed for being a shithead then going all "uhmmm you're so creepy dude what the frick"
>gigajew people when it comes to earnable chests?
you guys remember how it used to be impossible to earn a chest as a one trick right..... right guys? remember when mastery 7 was the end all be all no more chests gg gaming times???
>If I was Zoe I would prank people by ulting to suddenly sit in their laps and wriggle my bottom around quickly before I got pulled away again. I would do this from behind irl "terrain" like walls and stuff so they can't catch me and I can keep irritating them by popping up to grind against their crotch and maybe get in a few mocking words before disappearing back through the portal. The issue with this of course is if I do get caught I might be forced to face the consequences of teasing strangers like this and bad things could happen to me.
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yeah that was in "no, YOU are shit" it was a literal video of the game, watched from the client, depicting EXACTLY what happened. you yourself can also watch it and see the exact same shit i saw. when i called you delusional it wasnt a buzzword, it was a factual and accurate adjective.
Who cares about one tricks? That's literally like .5% of players???
I don't like melee stat checkers who are just built to be all in all the time "can't cs without being in kissing range of my laner" types of champions they give me mad anxiety because that guy over there might just fucking poke me at any moment and I want control over that
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She has a hole in her butt! Her butt!
do you feel like my post was about the poor poor one tricks being unable to earn mastery chests or was it about the initial subject of """jewing people out of mastery chests""" even though clearly this new system doesn't appear to be doing so??
for me it's the inbetween champs
i can play unga bunga like darius morde, i can play ranged stuff, but i can't play champs like jax at all
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guess subtle humor doesnt work with 4chan autists
nigger jungle player
imagine being this much of a loser you pull a "it was just a joke dude" on the hecking 4chins after being called out on your shit
I really want to find that one dude making shitty custom minecraft skins for league and kill him in fortnite because that shit looks fucking wack and retarded
minecraft skins in lol > lol skins in mc
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Any tips for having a bit better survivability as Braum? Always feel a light breeze will tip me over which hurts when you're supposed to be a wall for your team.
just time your shield with the strongest individual damage instance so it fully blocks that
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they just look so fucking trash dude it just fills me with primal rage seeing this shit on runeforge because I know for 100% this shit was made for some 14 years old no hands having shitter to use after he's done with his algebra test on a thursday or whatever the fuck, quite a landmark of this game's playerbase avg age
did it work spambro
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I love Qiqi
as you can see it did, I don't spam btw
>Always feel a light breeze will tip me over
mental issue, your brain is built to be an enchantersissy and you can't handle the great powers (and the great responsibilites) of being an engagechad
the locket vow build is ok for keeping your carries up but you will have low health most of the game, you can skip them and just go full tank but then you have to start playing fights more attrition based rather than trying to keep specific people alive
let's have some sip of krokodil xd
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bros, did i get too cocky?
what does lolg think of statcheckers?
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adcs are based. other statcheckers are irrelevant
how are ads statcheck if can kite?? mean skill input mean no statcheck?
I'd check some of the lolgs' stats if you catch my drift
>auto attack
>skill input
but am walk back and four??
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Depends on whos included.
Are we talking about darius camille trundle, or more advanced statcheckers like renekton and riven
Doesnt matters since i like both aslong theres counterplay
Hmm, alright, I'll think twice before going into Locket every game, thanks.

But Seraphine is the only enchanter I play...
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former and I'd like to know what you feel like about playing them
Ezreal the pictures can't fuck you
I only play morde and garen and i feel nothing much different than playing other champs?
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>favourite lol streamer, Sebastian Fors (picrel) quit the game
what now?
those are on the stronger side though doesn't count
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I actually only play ARAM so I was mostly bemoaning how difficult/impossible it is to earn chests there now unless I really specifically go for characters repeatedly for this purpose which is kind of against the point of playing ARAM.
back to baus (messi of league)
play the real game then you sissy
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I can't, they removed it many years ago.
just accept your old age and die already gramps
when are they returning duskblade?
this game mode was spastic as fuck, twisted treeline you could maybe get half of a game before it became kayn every game garbage but dominion was pure run around dogshit
When they bring back Everfrost and Frozen Mallet.
when they bring back gunblade
duskblade belongs in the game more than lethal tempo
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>VG (0/60)
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steel get on for arams
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>VEEGEE (0/106)
do none of you have any riot mobilefags added? i'm always on at least 7/72
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You are now aware that Lulu is EXTREMELY CUTE!
whatever happened to swimming in lulu?
I have "group mobile" enabled so they don't display there unless they have the app directly open at the moment.
i miss duskblade ezreal
You can't swim in Lulu, she isn't a liquid, dummy
I'd roundhouse kick lulu in the face
yes but they are in their gay little folder
Braum has a big shield so it’s natural to think “yeah I want to block this attack” but dodging it is better a majority of the time unless you are actually able to keep fighting because you put your shield up. If your adc is human he will dodge too. The shield is for unavoidable stuff
>wanted to climb to d4 today
>website where I store my smurf accs credentials is inaccessible
I am really sorry euw niggalowbros, I might need to decimate some of you for the next 5 hours on a chinese ebay acc
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Lulu is adorable! ADORABLE!

I outlived the fake Luluposter
It's been 5 years since I last played LoL. Should I come back? Has it become less toxic?
Lulu should be tased until she dies because the voltage was meant for full-sized humans and not midget pipsqueaks.
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Cough cough
new skin
Yordles can’t die, silly
no, absolutely nothing about it has improved, from 2017 and onwards it has been completely downhill
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Was there nothing I could do this game?
>Play Swain
>Fighting Ekko mid and his bullshit burst damage
>Warwick gets fed by constantly going bot
>Can actually take Warwick on despite being a 1v1 IF the Ekko wasn't there as that Ekko was doing so much more fucking damage and slows to me than the Warwick
>Lux keeps dying
>Enemy team has a Lulu and Cait existed
>Have ghost and flash for team fighting to make sure my ult never ends
>Enemy team sees what I'm doing and PURPOSELY locks me down so I can't slowly drain everyone from Warwick ult, Ekko stuns, Cait traps, Lulu polymorphs, Garen ulting and Qing me
Was there nothing I could do this game? I tried team fighting as hard as I could but it was stupidly hard. Sett was usually off in Narnia, Rammus kept getting his ass kicked, Jinx was in front of us instead of behind us, Lux was never with us. I feel terrible that I couldn't do anything and it makes matters worse as the enemy saw me as priority threat number 1 so whenever a team fight happened, they all went for me exclusively first.
Rape after roofie
anyone up for arams?
I fixed your shit champion, now maybe you can make him numbers exist and people below masters can play him.
To be clear the E is just a dash + shield + aa reset + brawm w.
>/twg/ reaction image
yeah it's better now don't listen to the bitter guy all he does is whine 24/7
yeah i can play on EUW
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>"can" play on euw
huge redflag go back to your own server
The Ekko mid matchup is favoured for Swain if you space him properly. Run Aery and Scorch with Bone Plating. Hitting E on him is hard, so mostly focus on using Q on him repeatedly whenever he walks up. Against Caitlyn, you need to be at every objective first. Force the enemy team to run into yours. You want to be standing between Jinx/Lux and the enemy team, with Rammus/Sett engaging on to the enemies and locking someone in place so you can hit your E. Of course it won't always play out that way, but you have to put some trust in your team as Swain.

t. Emerald Swain mid OTP
i am literally from europe
>Going against mobility/having to use ghost/flash all the time
>Playing mid but botlane feed
W. Roam.
>Enemy has attack speed/aa based champs
Frozen Heart. Zhonyas.
>no crocodile champion
Oh yeah perhaps cosmic dive too, rare one but seems relevant due to situationship.
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im at mcdonalds
You heart the man. NO. CROC. CHAMP.
>I am literally from europe (istanbul, turkey)
I dropped LoL in S7, came back and it's fun
Turkiye is a part of Europe though
>No armored bear champion
Turkey literally saved perhaps $200-$300 for some guys for that Ahri skin.
i am from dublin thoughbeit
What runes should I be running as Swain? I don't think Conquerer is working much for me.
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wish i looked like this tbdesu
Would you do >>494905635 to anons (me)
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wish i looked like this tbdesu
damn, so many turkish fellows in this general haha
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Here he is
zoe can open portals for as long as she wants she just nerfs herself for league (yes)
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so why did you call me a weird transbian that one time..
>ask to play arams
>devolves into drama between two people i don't know
>14.19 item reduce
t*nk meta???
For mid lane, my thought process looks like this:

Conqueror: Generically good and can be taken every game. I like it when the enemy team is heavily melee and particularly into enemy mid lane champions with so much sustain I will never be able to poke them out (Yasuo/Yone) or when I just want to scale.

Aery: Gives you the most early game pressure. Excellent against low sustain enemy champions that you can bully (e.g. Talon) or need to be able to take favourable trades with (e.g. Ahri).

Phase Rush: A niche option in some very difficult matchups like Hwei or Anivia. If I think I can fight the rest of their team, then Conqueror is fine, but Phase rush can save you in some really hard games.

Dark Harvest is also a strong keystone on Swain APC.

For secondary runes, I am usually taking resolve. You can go Conditioning/Overgrowth every game, but Second Wind and Bone Plating will give you stronger laning. Demolish is also a niche option against roaming champions like Twisted Fate. The higher elo you get, the more important early laning strength becomes, as does taking Teleport. Husum takes Flash/TP every game in mid.
hey guys btw mantheon is turkish if you didn't know! I know this because I firestorm am had the opportunity to chat with him back when we played together and I decided to leak this information because one day he unfriended me and my euw friends and weally bwoke ouw heawts and now I hate him :(
I like league of legends
i'm not even turkish though
whatever i guess i will play other videogames for today
Need more Sona pictures please, my whole league folder is 90% syndra but I've been a sona otp for 2 seasons now
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What is the drama ttoday?
Ideally none.
manteon? nigga who?
we the euw clique have collectively decided that we officially hate mantheon because he unfriended us and won't play together anymore

please make fun of his haircut and stuff guys, our heartbreak litcherally won't go away otherwise
omg hii firestorm
im not a transbian or anythin and you were being weird at me..
haiii I'm firestorm and I play vayne with subpar shit builds while I listen to sissy phonk tiktok music
and chug beers all day UwU how's it going??
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Chad Mantheon made all white bois seethe
>someone called me turkish (I'm turkish btw)
>this must be the work of the euw cabal!
Just downloaded this game looks easy as fuck who should I play if I want to jungle 1v9 every sissy on the map
what the fuck is phonk
yeah well I know he specifically told me that he wouldn't be telling anyone else his ethnicity but I'm sure he must've told someone else too so I can leak it and pretend it's not me leaking because I'm an insecure husk of a man who can't even own up to his own drama queen actions UwU I play vayne btw
maybe people started calling you turkish due to your turk skin color and greasy ass hair after you posted a pic, not because some polish nerd is trying to ruin your (e)life?XD
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vaguely some kind of music that goes bomp bomp bomp
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808 sigma phonk crashout (those who know:)
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What do you like about League?
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Forfeit your life
Not hime but cute support girls and cute midlane girls and esports and cool toplane dudes
I like to come up with new builds for champions in roles they aren’t traditionally played in
turktheon aka. King Grey aka. LowTierGod aka. Dalauan Sparrow aka. Dale Wilson aka. Ucle Ruckus aka. deadbeat 100k in debt woman beater child molester 40 year old video gamer manchild
I like Aram.
all this drama because I didn't wanna play with 4 autistic dudes that don't say a single word for 20 matches while I get my shit kicked in by players 800x my elo btw
The porn.
how do I stop thinking about ripping lulus spats and having a good and intense whiff at her genitalia
nigga you posted a pic of your turkish skin while playing on euw
this is nothing new, this happened to countless others you are not special
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All great answers.
so you're just ugly and jealous then
Go to an elementary school, have those same thoughts, let the neurons connect in your unused brain, vomit violently, rethink your tastes.
someone has unfriended me today :(
any guys fuck their pillows here? come on, i know im not alone in this
no, we just don't like your kind around here
that's it. no more, no less
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is that why we kept playing until I unfriended you instead of the other way around xDDD

oh yeah this turkish guy I hate him so bad let me keep playing another 20 matches together until he decides to unfriend me god I'm so racist
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Master Yi
tip: even if you don't intend to lane you should learn about wave states to have less coinflip ganks
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reminder that Nami is soft
I'll add olaf and shyvana to that list, shyvana especially can just shred her jg and take dragons then win at 2 items in pisslow
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Good afternoon /lolg/!

nigga I'm not whoever you think I am
I don't hate you personally, I just don't want turks in my general or server
Stop caring about the incels my guy
I look exactly like Viego irl so I'll try him first, thanks.
sorry I stop posting now
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Like a pillow?
>viego irl
hello mantheon
hi lux *smooch*
It's evening you lazy whore.
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like a warm pillow in the evening
Europoor spotted, go suck off an african immigrant
I don't know about your gay thread lore sorry
Afternoon and evening are literally the same thing
humanity girl's throbbing 8incher just turned me into a real girl
does caitlyn animation cancel anymore? besides the obvious e q. her headshots auto cancel now, so is there anything else that I should know before picking her again?
only when im envisioning it as zoe
Those sorts are the best. Soraka is getting ready for that too.
What's the average rank for /lolg/ I feel like after I get the hang of the controls I'll be challenger in 2-3 weeks.
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is she turning into a pillow?
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This acc is ACTUALLY cooked. its impossible to get it unstuck at this point with players THIS FUCKING BRAINLESS AND RETARDED. Where do i buy accs at? Id rather get shat on mechanically but actually learn the real game than deal with these mother fuckers, i dont GIVE A FUCK anymore.

for the STUPID fucks that are actually ITT and dont know what they are looking at, yas and trynd cant possibly end the game in a base race here, its PHYSICALLY AND VIRTUALLY IM FUCKING POSSIBLE. so, all we do is run in a straight fucking line and click their Nexus. ITS THAT SIMPLE. if you cant understand this concept please go FUCK YOURSELF
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Oh yeah? Post your progress in the next upcoming days (split 3).
Sure babe. What's split 3
Yikes, I bet you all of them had pings muted too, so they cant even react to ping calls, which is needed since monkey brains cant think for themselves.
split 3 day 1 experience will be waiting for any youtuber to upload the most broken champ and abusing it until I'm boosted way above my actual rank and then I just afk decay matches a few times a month
Even if you switch accounts you're still getting the same games.
*grabs irl akali's ass in front of you*
are you that one guy from r9gay that wanted to play together
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>Tits, the champion
So theres a ranked season that lasts up to a year around, and there's 3 slices of ranked that get split up throughout the year, the 3rd one is starting next week I think still the end of this year.
No. I don't want to play with you either.
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didn't ask + I didn't add the r9gay dude either sit down kid
i hate living in australia so much
Soft, squishy, pliable...
hi ocebabe
her eyes look really weird
You said you can move to EU or NA or something, just move, unless you were relying on some creep from here to house you.
You're cute
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Does Nami have a clutch of roe in her womb? Since Nami is human sized = wayyy bigger than most fish, her roe are probably giant. Like almost the size of quail eggs.
all the cait mechanics have been removed with the ASU, she's very straightforward and has no animation cancel
at most you can W during E and inbetween auto attacks but it doesn't count imo
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Zoe feet
Mango milk tea with nami roa popping boba?
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She's gonna have to! Luckily she's getting ready for it. Winter is going to be comfy and warm.
Time to uninstall, id rather play a baby game like poke unite. They are toddlers, but atleast the game is tied to a 20 min timer where the only thing that matters is the last objective fight, so any BS that happens before that dont matter. They also have higher IQ than average league player
Add a bush, please
Don't be horrid. If you somehow forced her to expel her roe without popping them and then used them for food it would definitely make her cry.
Uh give Aram a try or something but yeah if you're not having fun in this game you can definitely do anything else that will upset you less.
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honestly the thought of eating nami's roe on sushi in front of her while she holds back tears is kinda hot

especially if you taunt her like "whoops there goes another twenty of your potential babies" and she starts bawling her eyes out
a lot of people here are bad at the game and think its their mates / riot big conspiracy holding them back in platinium.
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you should buy her that funny pajama
what if i admit i'm bad at the game and don't cope about it
Why would she cry about unfertilized eggs? Do you cry when you spray your gunk into your moldy sock?
i wish i was zoe here tbzoe
then you'll improve 120 times faster than delusional pigs
Women have a limited supply
Name one woman that gives a fuck
Speaking of Nami what's her lore right now? Is she Vastayan? Or are mermaid people something else in Riot's lore canon
Fuck, you got me there
she's an aquatic vastayan iirc
I think last time I read about her was that she was in a bisexual poly relationship with some male and female fish people. No update about her actual story about her journey to protect her species or something that she originally had I think.
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Sona is flat
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unironically better
Wrong colour... and also needs to be bigger. But thanks!
Is anyone else disgusted by nu Riot lore
>There's a bunch of sexy anime animalgirls in not!China who come into existence because the mystical land of Cathay is simply more magical
The pandering is so blatant it makes me cringe whenever I read about whatever new wank they write, I cant believe I thought they might be heading in a better direction when they did the big lore overhaul years and years ago getting rid of the Ministry of War stuff
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The amount of comfy warmth is getting intense.
I look like this and I say this. Meow...
Think about it this way. if there was a chicken-girl that laid inert, normal eggs daily for months at a time, do you really think she'd be mad if you ate them? If they're 100% internal eggs like a lot of fish have, obviously not, but if she's an egg expelling species then surely she wouldn't mind?
Imagine pouncing on her
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yeah, now we must wait for the winter
sto preplying to my posts
Make me, loser.
why are supports so braindead? everytime i get an autofilled support he's 10 times better than a support main that climbed playing that shiteasy role.
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A chickengirl Vastayan probably won't mind because their species would routinely lay eggs fertilized or unfertilized. They might think it's kind of creepy the same way people see sex during periods as on the border of icky. Nami isn't a chickengirl Vastayan though and each clutch of roe would represent a major reproductive opportunity. Nami's personality seems like a pretty generic wholesome tradwife girl though so if you taunted her about it it would probably distress her a lot, especially if you forced the eggs out of her somehow. Some stranger dragging her out of the water, pinning her down, and pressing down on her uterus and forcing her to expel a clutch of roe would be traumatic at minimum.
because you are plastic 4
Nothing in life is improving, it's either on maintenance or deteoriating.
can only be disgusted by league lore if you have any investment in it in the first place
support is kept very strong and easy to play, so support mains never got forced to improve a lot compared to other roles
both supports are the 2 worst players of the game almost every single game btw
She would actually really enjoy it and think it’s hot because she is a giga slut
The problem is they got a bunch of hacks with creative writing degrees to rewrite the lore; they did shit like get rid of Summoners so they could tell "deep" stories about the champs dealing with real-world issues. The other problem is that Riot realized that those people were hacks and shit canned all their work. Now, there's no lore other than Arcane. So it's best not to care anymore.

She IS about to do the pouncing!

Winter IS coming, John Snow. It's best to get my Raka ready now.
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>taunt her like "whoops there goes another twenty of your potential babies" and she starts bawling her eyes out

good thing I froze mine!
Imagine Nami retiring from whatever the fuck she's doing in lore to settle down with a man she loves and start a family together.

Imagine kidnapping her right after they have lovey-dovey handholding mating sex and locking her up and then punching her on the tummy repeatedly until all her just-fertilized future babies have been turned into a slimy mess of broken roe

Imagine bullying her womb until her cervix surrenders and the sludge comes glopping out of her while she cries as you taunt her the entire time!
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I was thinking - why wait for winter when our pillows are already here?
do you think she offered to suck off random sailors in bilgewater for free and justified it to herself as a form of cultural exchange?
sorry hope it's decent, it's harder to accurately do over someone else's work than mine because idk their style and settings and stuff
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I can tell you for sure that she did not do this. Fish would lose her head if she crowded my Bilgewater game.
why is getting out of iron so hard? im getting two shit lanes sometimes even all 3 as a jg how can i carry that? it's constant team gaps
Nami masturbates to the thought of letting herself be caught in a fishing net and carved up alive for fresh mermaid sashimi, she knows it's bad and absolutely Not Good of a fetish to have but she can't help but fantasize about it and have dreams-nightmares about it and worry that one day she might just indulge in it
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might stop playing now
>why is getting out of iron so hard?
because you're trash at the fucking game
No you're not.
>Iron player
>It's my team
nice. these are the kinds of details that bring things to a strong conclusion
a strong cumclusion if you will
some lolg just called me a loser
it literally is how can you carry two laners that are massively gapped in skill? im alternating between ww and nocturne
MF is a virgin btw
You can just ignore.
Funky Brothers
Rock to the Rhythmn
When I rock to the Rhythmn
Which is your work? It's impossible to tell who's who on an anonymous image board....
you can get ahead pretty easily if you focus on your fundamentals in iron, just keep a good farm and only make goods plays, dont perma fight for the sake of fighting
MF is a bbc slut
I only added the bush
yeah but it'd be nice to earn his approval instead
Yeah, but you said you had your own work, post it!
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i wan't to kill myself
i finally spend money on league for the first time in my thousands of hours since late 2020
i peaked diamond 4
i brought great shame to my family
bro i farm very well but if you have two lanes just pushing , fighting, then dying and refusing to farm you cannot carry. nocturne is piss easy, can carry well and it's not enough
They probably wont, people are stubborn, though you can take advantage of their loneliness to get their guard down to get whatever result you wanted.
Why are lolg trans girls mean to each other?
let me assure you you don't farm very well
you can carry if you focus on your gameplay.
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I escaped. For almost a full month. But now...
>Worlds coming
>Bunch of friends pinging @lolgang on our Discord every afternoon
>Summer ended, uni classes started, no more touching grass
I... I'm back... /lolg/...
oh yeah is that why every single one of you has 800 duos and I feel like a drop in the ocean every time I play with you
It' not that bad as long as it's like the price of a lunch or whatever.
forgot to mention ignore the sylas chroma i got it for BE i just think it looks bad ass
i bought the 3 red chromas for rp beucase i own every other one and i jsut wanted full collection for my mains
and the nunu esport emote for full collection
i am a fucking failure
i spend 22 euro which is 43 leva in bulgaria for league cosmetics holy shit i want to kill myself
i spend so much so i can buy also the pass next week for the nunu cosmetics there
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if you hate iron so much and have nothing really invested into your account except for time, just make a new account and do ranked on that one. See what happens.

Iron is a black hole and the rank itself is just the event horizon that not everyone can escape. No one really has seen the depths of the abyss and told us everything about it. We just get glimpses like a 0 vision support or a Jungler that thinks he's a second laner.
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>Racebait spam filters
Why is there a phishing link in the OP?
AND the games are getting ready for the winter.

I think you spelled Arena wrong buddy
Because they yearn for someone.
You can still be lonely in a crowd.
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why are there so many bulgarians in lolg these days
5/6 lunches
25 lunches if i eat two packets of noodles not counting the water
can you stop leaking my info baka
Anons with hundreds of """"duos"""" they only queue with twice or thrice before dropping them and then complain about loneliness... are the /lolg/ equivalent of pickme club sluts who get dick from a different stranger every night to try and fill the hole in their hearts.

In the end it's the anons with one or two genuine duos that are having fun.
That's less than a week of lunch. You're fine. Don't worry about it.
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Stop, I havent fapped in 5 days... Zoes feet may push me over the edge
yes its nothing money because i have that much added to my account by the end of the month by doing art comms on fiverr
i genuinely think you should die
I play alone and am completely happy with an empty list.
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crap, Nami has no games
idk if I want to post my ign here :/
in that case
Trvthvs Nvkvs
>die once
wtf is wrong with league these days, are comebacks even possible
would you give a lolg a wedgie
>are comebacks even possible
Yes and it's called queueing as 5-man with friends you know aren't brainfried Twitch chimps
just ignore AWs in chat and focus on your game, most of the time they cry but still play the game and try to win
only if he begs for it
getting out of iron isn't very hard
>as a jg how can i carry that?
practice ur jungle clear so that you can fullclear in at least 3:30 without a leash
full clear a lot and gank when your camps are down
it isn't the ideal way to play jungle but it works well enough to get you to bronze
more than one is already slut tier sorry
Which champ is the biggest rapemeat in all of LoL? Has to be one of the bratty bitches like Katarina or Irelia, right?
How do we fix this problem?
why would someone beg for a wedgie
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whenever i jungle i take ignite and buy boots of speed, how based is this works very well
because there is a faggot who's into being wedgied around here and I'm not gonna give it to him until he begs like a dog
sona she can't scream
cuddling with qkm...
Sona is plapmeat there's a difference
what the fuck is wrong with you
league girls are to be hugged and kissed
they are loyal (except nami she is a dirty poly whore slut)
they will love you (except nami as she will cheat on you likea whore)
and take care of you (except nami as she is a selfish whore)
anon ... you can't just hurt and rape women (except nami fuck her) its fucked up and wrong .... if you said women to LOVE and PROTECT i would say taliyah as she is really cute
wow hot
Nah, just get that blue jungle trinket since it gives you ms, you don't need to buy boots of speed.
As for the smite ignite, that's only ever reserved for Shacos, those guys are very coinflippy.
Nami is for tummy punching until her ovaries burst and she fucking DIES
dogshit taste kys
lux is high up there and xayah as she will want to kill herselfbecause how much of a racist she is
rough sex with qkm where I choke him out

no stop enabling his faggotry, you people will give attention to anyone. have some standards and give attention to the lolgs who deserve it, not crass whores like q*m
uh oh kitten fight
We were robbed
which lolgs deserve attention in ur opinion?
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we need to wait for new fun games to be released
not qkm. and not you either Steel.
who then
h-how did you know who I am..
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Plapmeat makes for the best rapemeat.
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Anger Foot and I Am Your Beast are Fun
No, Sona's so submissive that she'll easily Stockholm herself into locking her legs around her rapist and start making mewling noises. Rapemeat qualifier requires the League girl have a strong enough force of personality
can lulu jungle
that wasn't even me you're mean
you aren't me!
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i use arrow keys for Q,W,E,R and DEL/END for flash/smite.
I think he knew it wasn't you but knew it was me and knew I would understand that he knew that it wasn't you but me if he called me by your name in order to not compromise my identity
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well, might as well try them, my wishlist is kinda empty right now
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lol this is crazy, game thinks i'm too bad even for bronze
>game thinks
>can lulu jungle
yes but she sucks
i will probably hit iron 4 0 lp like this lol
Areolas showing....
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im gonna be honest. i know who you are but i don't know your name
More like pumpmeat
stupid nigger containment role for sperg autistic retardlets. either you're a turboslave lapping at your support and midlaner's farts as you ruin the fun for everyone else in the game, or you're turbouseless in your jungle, fighting AI camps because you can't be bothered to learn lane fundamentals like a real moba player as enemy jungle turboslaves with their support and mid better than you.

junglers and supports need to be gassed.
Good, the next idea gonna be a comfy Raka and Nami playing games.
why did you lie
im a liar
VG vs VG up on NA
Pass: vidya
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just don't invite Sona - she's too good in this stuff
fat discucks think this is funny
yeah ok
do you really want to know?
Spoken like a true top laner
Who's getting raped today
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extreme wisdom.
had to take a moment and appreciate that one.
I saw this adorable example the other day actually.
Does samira count as a black person?
my friends list won't appear what's going on
we all unfriended you
>3 minute queue for jg in norms
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soraka why are you so nice?
duo for this feel?
no point in having a friend list when you never want to play with me.
watch this the next time you think about reinstalling
fight the good fight brothers
Yeah someone has pointed out some of my posts are wise time to time, it's just explaining an observation from a matter of perspective to be honest.
Not gonna be 12 hours but anything more is good. Must keep my own words.
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this can work - drunk Sona will be no threat to us
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why the fuck are they recommending inspiration and time warp tonic of all fucking runes for rengar when he builds profane
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I love Lissandra!
noob bait for dumbasses like you
sorry ive decided i wont say. because im not going to list you and i don't want to hurt your feelings
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Why does the lamb feel kinda weak? I have hard time ganking people because I have no hard CC or mobility
>Q has range of an Rivens wall jump
>W has slow but it doesn't feel like it works
>E has slow but it doesn't feel like it works

I don't know. W/E require you to autoattack someone and getting into range is haaaard, like so hard. There's no real gapcloser to be found.

Overall the damage is okay, clear speed/health are meh
>I have hard time ganking people because I have no hard CC or mobility
maybe circle behind the laner before initiating combat instead of straight beelining towards him you fucking retard?
She’s not at her usual strength right now
>why doesn't this carry champ also have hard cc
Uhh walk behind them and auto attack them... Q and W are for chasing them down when they run away not for reaching them
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Flops like Vex deserve nothing. Waste of time and resources.
you must be a Riot executive because this is definitely still the case
artist name?
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But she'll backseat game really hard, AND her words would go right into their minds!

Soraka isn't nice. She likes to get them when they're down.
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Without hard CC people will just dash past you, go invisible or CC you..
gank lanes that are shoved then you fucking egghead, my god how dumb are you
>no lanes are shoved
ok play a tank then tranny
perm banned
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fuck, forgot abouot that. I'll spike her drink with lsd to keep her mind busy
take your camps troon
>no camps are up
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youre retarded and cant even read a one sentence post, neck yourself toptroon
Gank a lane where enemy is under their tower? Are you retarded?
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Choose a rune from each page
change, rework, or replace it.
we need our TOP scientists to pursue the secrets of veigar undies
Ok, now I need to find a way to make Sona look drunk-looking.
>Try out Briar
>Can't gank bot cause it's Cait and Morg
>can't gank mid cause its akali
>cant gank top cause its wukong
Why do people play this piece of shit champ
unironically skill issue
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Replace unflinching with catalyst type item
It acts sort of like bone plating absorbing a flat amount of damage and giving a flat amount of permanent mana and going on cooldown
After activating it X times it changes to be identical to catalyst converting damage taken to mana.
Absorb life, turn it into presence of mind for lifesteal. slow gradual regen when attacking an enemy champion. Halved for range.
Ghost poro, make the rune proc if the ward is destroyed with <40% of its lifespan remaining as well as just timing out.
Revert watercrawling
Remove heal and shield power from revitalize, make it a 15% bonus when below 40%.
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>Enemy jungler is Zac
>2 leavers on enemy team past 6 games

riot looking out for me
unironically not an argument
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that's gonna be pretty difficult
>I can't gank lane because enemy is playing one of the 130 champions that can possibly shield/disengage/etc themselves out
legit unironiquement issue de la skill monsieur no argument no advice for you watch the most basicest tutorials on youtube and watch some silver streamers play the game
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Can Elise 1v9 in the current game anymore if ahead or does she just fall the fuck off?
Stop shitting yourself
Outfarm and play in enemy jg

One of the reasons I really hate picking Briar first in champ select
I wish this built into more items, I really like the effect
That and she'll be hanging off their shoulders. Or she's using Nami's tail as a Pillow So many ideas to try.
this shit gave me an aneurysm first time I read it
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I hate trannies, n*ggers, f*ggots, troons, normies and fat people.........
But what do you like, anon?
Found it, it's howlsfm.
I built abyssal on poppy even though she didn't really benefit from it at all aside from the mana
Would grab this poster by the hips during a duo and just start plapping
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no vomiting or drooling while sleeping please
you peaked in season 5
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I wish I was this good
Sona would be drunk and Nami tail is nice. Anything could happen...
Anyone wanna play some ARAMs on NA?
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please don't
did you beat m4s bro
not really no
why are lolg girls all level 1000+ monsters that play a million games
No mentally sound girl would come here
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watch the latest sseth video to find out
why does this guy keep shilling his video here
I really need the 5 views I can get from /lolg/ when I already have half a million
>uses chan memes and slang on a commercialized monetized #AD #SPONSORED youtube video
yeah umm thats a yike and a disyike from me
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Just teasing.
>play with brand support
>he is afk in base so we get invaded
>he says he'll carry
>steals all his adcs kills
>says "we win these dont ff!" (all lanes are hard losing)
>we dont win these
>turns out supports cant snowball games if they get 3 kills early
why do i get players like this in my games
niggas is dumb
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I hope, that would be extremely uncomfortable
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erm well sweetie i would rather play with brand support with a good attitude than a player like yourself with a bad attitude
I'm drowning in attention with all these replies sheesh
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Any Seraphine APC anon wants to duo with a Sona?
That video was ass, it was like checking off a league related joke/buzzword list for normies
>have an amazing game where I carry hard
>get a friend request from someone who wants to duo
>play a game and just perform averagely
>all of a sudden they don't want to play anymore
why are league players like this...
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stop screaming ezreal the ladies are trying to sleep
the joke is the fact that people keep playing it and spending money for it
normies are what you call people that aren't as pathetic as a level 1000+ league player
>toplaner dies two times
>goes afk
why are league players like this
Why is it pathetic to enjoy doing something you like
I wonder why bro
keep that delusion up and have fun when it catches up with you
just imagine the smell of a lolg girl's room
This means nothing
because the thing you like is pathetic
are you retarded?
pennies dipped in milk, light stuffiness from mold making your lungs hesitant to take a deep breath, her unwashed body is the best smelling thing in the room.
Leave then? Quit league. No one is forcing you to come here or keep playing and no one cares what you find pathetic because you are here too
won't read. meds
More like can’t read
I've demonstrated that I can read. now it's time for your meds nigger
Damn, anon said the nigger word. I’m done for.
>actually you made a post on 4chan league of legends general which means spending 20k hours playing a videogame is not pathetic
this nigga can't be serious
No, no, he has a point
>how dare anon call me (<- nigger) a nigger, it's so child(<-locked up in his basement)ish
20k hours, 2 million hours who actually gives a fuck?
It's wild to me so many people think Briar is OP
She is op vs noobs and thats the majority of people who post here
explain why you're opting to be jordan peterson on 4chan without grifting money for doing it
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It's keep going down...
time to buy the dip
Won’t come back up for at least two patches
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Why haven't we gotten a jungler marksman in what? 10 years?
can you elaborate what the fuck you meant by this post?
I'm being paid by bill gates
they're flops that no one plays
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Because you didn't take responsibility, anon.
cuz they tried it twice and both times it was retarded cancer
good on riot for realizing that a square peg doesnt belong in the round hole
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ai nidalee
>can you elaborate
Why haven't we gotten a tank adc in what? 12 years?
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the next game my yasuo lost lane and started only doing camps and my team started flaming me because "he just wanted to lane swap bro"
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Buff the yuumers!
See I don't mind ai art when it can be this on model, I just wished the people behind it had more creativity. Why is she not eating an 8 inch meatball sub at jersey mikes while wearing a seahawks jersey?
you're underage, esl or both
Retarded cancer? How? S6 Graves was peak league and kindred has never been oppressive
you will never be tarzaned
idk who this sseth nigga is who you've been shilling for the entire day but I couldn't watch more than 129 seconds of that league video he made
Thanks for the (You)
Do I just lose when I have two team mates who besides feeding, ALSO doesn't listen to us? Only Jax and Fiddle were useful. Briar kept running in and dying, and Renekton kept running it down and dying.
ai is mostly so bad, just look at all this stuff
>Krakenslayer Briar
dangerously based
nigga lost to exotrash xd
>click -ai generated
>all gone in 1 second of effort
I don't care?
yeah but I mean ai can be good it is just so frequently garbage
do you have autism
can someone duo with me in bronze im getting tired of having at least 1 blatant inter running it down every game
Do I just lose if I'm a dogshit irontard low iq shitter baboon fuck?
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erm if you were challenger you could carry every game 1v9 sweaty
Yeah. I helped some dudes with the ai-generated daggerfall mod, generated a few of the characters in it. You just need to be good at generating more unique content than "naked girl smiling at camera" or "galaxy computer background"
no sister there's a secret button combo on your keyboard that activates the "my teammates are losing me the game again" system and you instawin
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Actually it can be done in 0 seconds if you take the initial time to add it to your blacklisted tags on the site.
I did back when AI started becoming obnoxious (as in immediately) and it's stayed properly ever since. When you search stuff, it completely culls the blacklisted stuff too, so you don't even have to swim through blocked posts or anything.
no one ever wants to play with me and then you all complain about me having "200" "duo" "partners" somehow, youre all so retarded
then you miss out on that post (actually good)
you removed me for no reason so
you dont like playing with me anyway so
nice projection
oh fuck off
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>(actually good)
I mean, it's not offensively broken or anything, but it's not making me rock hard on site or anything.
It's just Nid sucking a dick in a pretty neutral pose. Seen that plenty with non AI stuff, so I'm fine missing it if it also means I don't see the mountains of absolute garbage ones alongside it.
>client bugs AGAIN and can't reconnect to game, client won't even open

amazing work Riot, keep using Vangaurd it has no bugs at all
garen shares genes with this
i dont think u even invited me to a game once it was always me inviting u
glad I don't have a sister can't imagine how it'd feel to know she's getting railed
too much excitement for an agp anon?
you can't just assume everyone on lolg is agp
we always played in big premades anyway, you never played with me alone
>go mid
>go botlane and just rightclick ppl
how do i learn mid???
the mid laners job above all is to shove the wave and help out the jungler
How come irelia had to get a job at mcdonalds?
the fat virgin is spamming the same images again
weird i dont see akali or ekko anywhere
>Lobby goes through
>Game doesn't launch
>Client says I'm in-game and keeps telling me to reconnect
>Relaunch client, try everything to no avail
>Client eventually gives up on trying to get me in game
>Queue back up with no punishment

What happened?
had this happen once probably the servers shitting themselves up
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just happned to me too
>another client bug
I honestly don't understand why they don't just go enslave some Indians for 5 cents an hour to rebuild the entire client from the ground up
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hey! mee tooooooo
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they literally won't fix anything that's not instantly causing financial damage
I'm gonna spend a few hours making a bunch of remodels so I can be a one trick without wanting to blow my brains out
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dang didnt get to int tobias
desu looks like an asian version of me
1 more and he can still a tank
steel mental
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thx blocked
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>adc locks garen
>mid locks smolder
>we have smartest garen player
3 games in a row ive had blatant inters so i decided to just queue ranged top and my sup immediately started running it down and then my internet went down
i guess thats a sign to just not play league
garen adc is not even bad at all but youll probably lose because ur teammate is low iq
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Me with Sona when she backtalks me (she is completely mute and I am schizophrenic)
it is pretty bad tho
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>just got two pentakills in one ranked game
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so did riot make her """thousands of years old""" because they knew people want to fuck her
you are a pedophile
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I got 2 quadras in one game, both time the adc stole the penta
buggy piece of shit client keeps skipping the post-match result screen so I cant honor anyone
water is wet
another game, another afk toplaner
wtf is wrong with topsissies
that jinx pic.jpg
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>Skips the result screen of my last match
>Doesn't let me ban a champ
>Now this
holy shit I better not get a loss for this, fuck riot, fuck riot, fuck riot
it was a jhin
Thank you Vanguard
are they afk, or do they just ignore your shitty grubs call
it was me who made up the accusation that chenna has 200 duos and I actually feel bad about saying that now sorry chenna
I miss my good friend Lucid..
the servers are so fuck today
make a new thread or i'll make a sexy zoe thread
do it
its fine, no one plays with me anyways, so its not like your schizoposts changed anything
>55 minute match, great team, tough enemy, fighting tooth and nail to get a victory
>next match lose in 17 minutes because top and bot feed a combine total of 20 kills already
What the fuck do I do here do I keep spamming reconnect or is that blowing up their servers I'm new
I got it in ranked too, red form Kayn. Which the very next match I got another ranked penta on blue form Kayn.
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use this as the op
I second this
What champ
I swear to god top laners are like a tier above every other position. When I get filled support I see the most unbelievable noob shit ever. Players that don't know how to engage, control a freeze, crash, dive turret. It's actually insane.
Is this Azakana or are you just trying to be him?
toplaners either learn to manage waves or lose
mid just shoves and roams, sup does nothing, bot just hits the wave and trades
nah I'd win
Seriously do it already
I don't know what that means. I barely come here. I wouldn't be surprised if other top laners felt this way though.
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Hey, I like Zoe too as a petite breasts womanlet.
it said i had to wait 300 seconds before making a new thread

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