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Iono Therapy Edition

Previous Thread: >>8202872


Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
Maintained fork (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge



NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Features: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Features
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet | https://civitai.com/models/136070/controlnetxl-cnxl | https://huggingface.co/2vXpSwA7/iroiro-lora/tree/main/test_controlnet2
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/iopaint-lama | https://www.iopaint.com/install
Upscaler models: https://openmodeldb.info/models/4x-Nomos8k-atd-jpg
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
List of useful A1111 extensions: https://rentry.org/8csaevw5

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgtemplate/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

Post da highlight
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Thread ended too soon. Still making them.
kill yourself
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Based based based
rope asap
hello groidspammer-kun, you should rope yourself as well
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give me the 5ch thread so I can dekinai
kill yourself deadnoodles faggot
Love yourself
What site is this?
the deadnoddles guy and the IAfag are different people, it's just that the IAfag loves using gens from that guy in his OPs
you can tell that they're different people because the IAfag doesn't even own a GPU
uh oh daily naipedo meltie
it's gonna be so fucking hilarious when naiv4 drops and then 90% of the highlights will be literally v4 pics
I haven't use that style for a while the fuck is wrong with you
fuck off and die
two more weeks
but i hate the IA faggot even more than you do
kill yourself faggot
Best pokegirl ever.
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Love textgen hours
what model/catbox? I like 2.5d from time to time
inb4 it's sd1.5
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please take your slop back to /d/ pretty please
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all or /d/ and /b/ gens belong here
could you make the male darker?
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here's this shitty lora. i don't think that the end result is great but it's really starting to cut into schizo waifu training time
i wound up hijacking watercolor, it seems to have fewer side effects
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can you please redeem indian male sir thank you
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oooooooohhhh... I'm totally groiding out!!!
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we love bbc around here
but why is the male not dark enough?
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sir, redeem skuld and urd too
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It's not real blacked unless the male skin tone is #000000
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this is the real reason we need a vpred model
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what's the bbc mix again
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"oh what's that?? the thread is usable again?? time to start the groidbot!!"
I think we have 2 loras for them but the NAI mix is something like
>Nsfw, nude, 1boy,1girl, saori (blue archive), artist:j.k., artist:blushyspicy, {{{artist: yd orange maru}}}, artist:Cutesexyrobutts, artist:redrop,realistic,2023,
remove the saori part kek
the sad part is that this guy is doing it manually, unlike our previous bbc-spammer-sama
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What is the best SD model at the moment? I'm kinda considering going back to it for a few gens.
Is Based64 still the best for lora compatibility or has it been surpassed?
this is what happens when the highlights aren't immediately posted
That's a lot of lube effortchad
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for me it's void ntr
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Groidsisters.. is this our return to prominence?
Holy fucking based
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idk why i made this. uno reverse hentai
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Anyone? looking for recomendations. Knda wanna get back to AOM but based 64 looks to be better compliant with loras.
but why is the male not dark?
do not click, massive big black cock inside

(god Flux kind of sucks to use)
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based effortchad

NTR in its purest form
Everyone's moved on to either NAIv3 or some kind of Ponyv6 mix. AOM, Based64, etc, are SD1.5 based and thus outdated.
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We use SDXL based models now
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What's the reason for spam
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is there a pony mix that has better lora compat or must what's the more popular mix out there? Got a few pony-based loras but it's either forge or something on the model that doesn't want to cooperate.
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artists for this style?
why 2 thread?
Spammer made another one
This is a troll thread
false flag thread not being used to provide motive to groid
What the melty is even about? Localfag who got angry about all the ironic nai shilling?
I think he just REALLY can't help himself from thinking about black cocks, almost like Tourette's syndrome but it's posting black cocks instead of laughing and yelling
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Just get one of the autism mixes, either DPO, AutismPony, or Confetti. Either works fine and most every LORA should be compatible with either.
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it's me, I'm the groider
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uhh friendly fire
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Previous Thread Highlights
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Kill yourself faggot.
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kill yourself
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Any Lora maker interested in a 74-image dataset?
For both XL and maybe SD, if possible. Am going to do some fine tuning on the sorting before posting it here.
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requesting paizuri
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nice thanks
Use real thread
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Are you spamming because of the IAschizo?
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kill yourself
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Anatomy is a bit fried, but the style picks up okay-ishly I think
can we get more pool action please?
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nagatoro if she hdg
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Why's this thread full of scat wtf I had to check I was still in hdg. Is Debo back to nigger spam our general since /g/ generals are dead? Kinda thought we were done with the turd posting
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this is fake thread
There is this guy called UNFINISH on YouTube. He makes music and puts AI generated images like this one in thumbnails of his videos. I swear to god I saw this style before but I can't tell what model it was. Any ideas?
Oh thank fuck I was worried. Carry on scat sirs apologies for the mistaken intrusion
>since /g/ generals are dead
Are they? ldg was doing great last time I checked (like 2 weeks ago)
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nijijourney probably but hard to tell with lowres and post
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>since /g/ generals are dead?
Would you call these dead?

>Kinda thought we were done with the turd posting
They are having another meltdown.
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Does not look that hard to replicate. Quite a few anons do that type of anatomy.
they do look pretty dead, actually. weird how fast ldg slowed down.
oh no they are much, much slower now but it was for the better after the mess the original general was in. i do, however, really think they are in better health.
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>someone finally figured out to scrape kemono AI zips and flood thread with its contents
i kneel
creampie pls
Ok here it is, The artist is Yuu Yumezakura
I hope a LorAnon can makke a lora with this. Just like shuz, this guy likes to draw oppai lolis, but not as much.
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Trolling outside of /b/:
>NAI has obscure western cartoons like My life as a teenage robot
Huh, I wasn't expecting that.
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Why did jannies stop banning spammers? Like there's no way around it, this is spam, and he's not even trying to cover it up like previous groidspammer did. And jannies still give warnings for fake reports. On /e/ I got a 3day for reporting Satellite the other day.
Why is this shit happening?
>like previous groidspammer did
This is the same one, anon. This keeps happening because no one gives a damn fuck about AI threads.
Kill yourself and you won't have to worry about that
This. Is even more strange given how many post used to be deleted in the past threads or threads getting nuked outright. Either the last few threads begin decent enough lowered their guard here or thay simply can't tell apart posts/no longer care about the AI threads.
Could be same guy, could be a different guy, doesn't matter, the way he operates is different. This one doesn't dodge filters and uses kemono gens, not his own offensively bad slop.
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Too much ponyslop made the janny give up on AI hentai.
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Have mass-reporting ever working against groidspammer? Have we actually tried?
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Trannitors hate ai. they signed up to moderate these dead hentai boards and are now stuck trying to police slop. they let these threads stay up as a containment zone. this site is garbage and moving to treech or double is the only viable solution. every board has gone to shit, they clearly don't care about it anymore and only keep it up for ads and feds.
worked* but whatever
These posts are the most anime the thread has had in a while, and they are not terrible quality.
Honestly, an ideal /hdg/ should be 90% image "spam".
>this site is garbage and moving to treech or double is the only viable solution
both are dead as fuck, it's a vicious cycle with this boards, nobody's posting because nobody else is posting
Link the thread pls
Very poor choice of words
dude trust me the 4chan splitter site will work this time, dude I promise we are not just going to get shut down for illegal posting this time
Too obvious, dear groidspammer-kun.
What rule is he breaking? Posting too many images? You brought this upon yourselves with AI shit. You give india the ability to generate infinite images, what did you expect would happen? What should the rule be, 10 images per-person? Sounds like a great idea for an alt but you refuse to move on. You only brought this upon yourselves by sticking to your stubborn ways. You want this place to be what it once was, but it never will be, because you enabled this.
AI doesn't belong on 4chan, nobody wants to deal with or moderate or see your garbage outside of these threads. It belongs on its own separate site run by those who enjoy wrangling pigs in the pen.
local meltie
>wants you to hate yourself
>wants you to hate the jannies
>wants you to hate
fake and gay
this! 4chan is for wholesome chungus artsisters!
if you don't keep containments in check, ai will flood the whole website even harder, retard.
This is why we need cunny posters...
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This is in check. He's posting his images here instead of on other boards and in other threads. If he spammed it outside of here, he'd be banned. This thread is the pig pen, the slop den. This is why containment threads are allowed but no AI board exists. It's better to leave them be and only police things that threaten advertisers than it is to try and set up an entire team to handle something nobody cares about.

Why do you think /a/ deletes every thread they notice about AI, despite a large portion of AI being focused towards anime? Why do you think after all the boards got wiped a few weeks ago, the moderators apologized on /a/? It's not a coincidence that their last bastion board is also strongly anti-ai. ai is against chan culture, OC, drawfagging, and originality in general. You might disagree, but two years later you still don't have an ai board. The reason needs no more explanation.
So you're saying we should organize some raids?
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goodnight everyone
>AI doesn't belong on 4chan, nobody wants to deal with or moderate or see your garbage outside of these threads. It belongs on its own separate site run by those who enjoy wrangling pigs in the pen.
The mask slipped a bit too much there, anon.
>but two years later you still don't have an ai board. The reason needs no more explanation.
The actual reason is that 4chan admins give no fucking shit about this website. It's been more than 4 years since last board was created, they give no updates, they keep this shithole on life support for ad revenue and feds.
I know you miss the times when you got the clout and attention for drawing some ugly OC on /a/, but those times are gone. Stop spamming the thread and just fuck off to /a/.
It's the janny that has been spamming this thread finally speaking up
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old blacked spam was better
There are alternatives. You admit they don't care, so why wallow in a shitpit ran by those who actively hate you?
I'm not switching to treechan, even if it's your dying wish
So true sis, I forgot how /soc/ is so chan culture
>posts shit
>look guys shit is being posted
you're such a fucking retard
Based janny
I'm not even sure if this retard is baiting or genuinely believes this shit
apparently for him 4chan culture was about licking some local celebrity arttroon's asshole for their doodle handouts and being a literal twitter mob defending someone's feefees. not having fun, nah, who cares about that
Then enjoy groidchan, as it's clear from the inaction against spambots in both /h/ and /e/ that this is now considered 'thread culture'. It only gets worse from here
if you stopped sperging out about interracial then people would stop posting it to get a rise out of you.
I don't care either way
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I love Roxy.
Bait? 100 images of the same boring sloppa can be of any fucking topic and it would get a rise out of anons.
imagine shitposting for literal years only for people to say "I don't care"
holy shit
>Why do you think /a/ deletes every thread they notice about AI
they wat?
I don;t go to /a/ mainly because I already browse /v/ and that's enough shitposting for me, but how bad is the reception towards AI over there? do they have a melty if you have an AI image in your OP?
>do they have a melty if you have an AI image in your OP?
They used to back in 1.5 times when it was obvious as fuck it's AI.
Nowadays they tend to get several AI ops and no one says a word: most likely because they don't know it's AI and still think all aishit is just aomslop.
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/jp/ (or rather some very vocal anons) also has trouble with ai if they do notice it's ai
not bad. i'm personally more of a milf bod sylphy man
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this thread is awesome
jp literally has occasional ai threads anon.
some troons will seethe no matter where you post it though.
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finally! more anal
>some troons will seethe no matter where you post it though
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nice angle
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Can you do that again with no socks?
>AI doesn't belong on 4chan, nobody wants to deal with or moderate or see your garbage outside of these threads. It belongs on its own separate site run by those who enjoy wrangling pigs in the pen.
Anons prompting images for fun, fap and waifufagging doesn't belong to 4chan, but /soc/ does? Do you hear yourself, fucking faggot?
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I unironically start thinking that organizing massive raids against other threads on /h/ and maybe /a/ is the only thing that can attract attention to this seething faggot and lack of moderation. The best place to communicate would probably be treech which is ironic.
holy shit that one was good, have a (You)
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what do you mean? i love my OC waifu
>What rule is he breaking? Posting too many images?
Actually, yes. That is a rule. You stupid containment posting faggot.
what happened to your pic anon?
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How new?
It's disallowed on /hdg/ but doesn't mean people do it somewhere else or just for themselves.
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/vt/, despite having /vtai/ and many anons posting/reposting ai pics, has a lot of anons that complain at any aiposts no matter what.
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Should I be putting 1boy1girl in my prompts? since it's a booru tag

"1boy1girl, 1boy, 1girl"
work backwards from what is logical
the guy rants and raves about how other posts are not appropriate or should be removed, citing /d/, /b/, /e/, etc. evidently, he wants to be a mod and larps as one.
having such an obsession over telling other people how to post, they literally cannot abide not being able to do anything and so exert control in other ways like spamming, complaining, telling people to move offsite, the last of which is probably the most interesting
why would anyone benefit from repeating the notion that you should move offsite to a conveniently ready alternative unless they had more power there
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I doubt it'll do any harm, but what's the point? Do you struggle getting both a boy and a girl in a single scene?

Usually when it comes down to individual tags the best thing to do is experiment. Prompt it on its own, put it in negs, replace the standard 1girl 1boy in an older gen with this, etc.
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I blame IA and deadnoodles faggots
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you think anyone wants to move to shitty alts? but when you literally get banned for reporting spam there isn't much choice. i could make the same point to you: why insist on staying on a site where moderation is actively sabotaging your threads?
I don't care either, if you've seen the gore or cp spam this is nothing. All this effort to post garbage is easily countered if not by filters then by clicking the hide button.
When we get a new model there will be a flood of people posting here. In the end, all his actions will amount to nothing.

That post is a falseflag, you don't see him spamming other generals on the website, do you? Aside from /e/ in which he gradually got less and less attention and seemingly decided to throw a tantrum here.
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A troll could shit up the thread as much as he wants and shill his altboards, but he would have no power if the moderation wasn't extremely malicious and did remove the blatant spam. Mods fucking hate AI and they do everything to make the threads shit. Leave the 200
image shitspammers untouched but remove anime girls and """racism"""? Here's your moderation bro.
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This. Threads often get raided by spam but it usually gets cleaned up and people move on. It's only in AI threads where it keeps happening and nothing is done about it.
>I don't care either, if you've seen the gore or cp spam this is nothing
This thread was never fapable but let's not let it get to the point where it's indistinguishable from the new pony lora section on civit either.
>When we get a new model there will be a flood of people posting here. In the end, all his actions will amount to nothing.
I don't get the hate for treechan where you could literally create any thread you want including /d/ /b/ and /e/ and be surrounded with people wanting to see your shit, but let's entertain your schizophrenia that it's all a shilling operation. What do you personally think should be done? I imagine your position is just do nothing, everything is absolutely fine, just sit and take the spam where 2/3 of thread's posts is the same guy that posts the most broken sloppa imaginable. How many people do you think will be posting in such a thread? Mods are obviously not going to do anything about it as their position was obvious from a long time ago. In your ideal world (where everything is fine and everyone can post any sloppa they want) /hdg/ will be dead because it's redundant, you can just do all that in /b/ already.
Might have been inspired by the spammer on /e/ but I don't think it's the same person. At least he's using randomized resolutions, which makes it harder to filter without collateral damage. But not using A11/Comfy filenames like the previous /h/ spammer.
treechan will die with it's namesake
Gooknai leak when?
>Might have been inspired by the spammer on /e/
ok, tell me what happened there, its peaceful in there so im shocked anyone would even start spamming there
It's true that /e/ desperately needs some higher quality posts.
woke up and the thread seems to be moving super fast, did a new model drop or something???
black(ed) spam weather, go back to bed
I think it's one of those
1. swolibro namefag got mad that people called out his slop and namefaggotry, changed name and started spamming the thread
2. satellite namefag got mad when someone said he's "spamming" after posting 5 images and started spamming for real
3. someone hates highlighter fag with passion and will spam the threads till he fucks off

if someone has any other theory I'd be interested
there is nothing really wrong with it, but nobody should HAVE to use it. in any other thread if someone was spamming 30+ edits of the same game_cg with different faces scribbled on them, they'd be banned. it's how these slow boards always used to be and it was accepted thread culture not to shitspam hundreds of image variations.
/hdg/ is known far and wide, if a new model drops people will come back here to ask, they wont seek out some dead altchan to post in. it's a fragmenting that wouldn't be necessary if the faggots just cleaned this place up properly, it's a single button press.

Notice how one third of the thread's images are 768x1152 res jpegs of the same low quality prompt. It's been going on for what, two weeks? He just dropped the name since. I already got banned for reporting the spam.

It is peaceful though, and easy to filter like I said.
>someone hates highlighter fag
Wouldn't be surprised considering the amount of hate he has here and he keeps doing it out of spite
I'll be honest I kinda hate him too, nobody fucking appreciates that he's doing this but he still posts this fucking garbage
Literally the only people that hate the highlights are the massive amount of posters here that never post images. Coincidentally there seems to be a lot of pro-NAI posters here as well without there ever being NAI images.
Just some things I've started to notice.
I still blame pedos
based noooticer
it's just one samefag telling him to kill himself every thread, nobody actually cares
Yes it is a click of a button away but it's also obvious nobody in moderation will click that button. If you want to keep using 4chan THE only option is to get a janitor position yourself.
samefag IA retard
Yeah sis, every single poster that I disagree with is a samefag schizo! Even the lora autist is actually an undercover samefag schizo!
neck yourself
>inspired by the spammer on /e/
You have it backwards, the spam originated here then stopped and then resumed on /e/ in an /e/ appropriate manner.
>I don't think it's the same person
It doesn't even really matter, it's the same kind of schizophrenia. There's no reasoning with the mentally ill, you can't guess what a schizo is thinking. Today he's having a meltdown because of highlights, yesterday he had a meltdown because of loli, tomorrow he will have a meltdown because his tulpa told him to kill himself. It's all the same shit.
>swolibro namefag got mad that people called out his slop and namefaggotry, changed name and started spamming the thread
allegedly that one returned to /b/ after he was called out on /e/ and denied begin the spammer when questioned about it
>satellite namefag got mad when someone said he's "spamming" after posting 5 images and started spamming for real
this is probably it
>someone hates highlighter fag with passion and will spam the threads till he fucks off
the /e/ spammer (satellite but leter went back to begin anon for some reason) has, to my knowledge, never made any comments on his slop posts. the schizo has indeed made adjacent posts that it was things like the highlights and other random stuff the reason for the spamming but that's about it
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catbox plz
schizo investigation is always my favorite part of the thread
I was worried it would shift gens towards his preferences the way it did on /e/, but anons here don't seem to care much about getting in. On /e/ I even found myself genning more JK looking girls with smaller tits subconsciously, because of the highlights.
It's useless gossip. Nobody should give a fuck who is spamming and for what reason, anons should give a fuck that nothing is done about it and flooding the moderation feedback or other channels.
Chances are as long as you simply post an image you will get on the highlights anyway as half the images in most of these threads are either shitposts or discord screenshots.
The silent majority here aren't pedophiles
Waiting for another kemono pack to unzip, nigger?
there are no pedophiles here, they are all on /b/ =-)
i agree with you, im just explaining why people are hesitant to migrate. and a lot of people already did, just not to altchans but to discords and twitter circles. alts will never be as active, and namefag groups will never be as fun. but a lot of people gave up and just use this place as a shitposting ground rather than posting gens because of how bad a state it has been the past year.
>It's useless gossip.
It's still fun to read
>anons should give a fuck that nothing is done about it and flooding the moderation feedback or other channels
This. As reporting will only get us warnings/3days for our troubles.
I checked the /b/ thread and recognized some pedos that used to post here. Remember that your efforts aren't in vain and some of the pedos actually did go to /b/
it is always interesting though that the /b/ thread always slows down around the same time the /h/ thread gets spammed
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what's with this spam today? probably some angry lolifag again
so fucking based miqoposter. absolute truthbombs
why not call it "my personal highlights" or something and limit it to 5 images, instead of making it seem like its the consensus of the general, surely then other posters wont sperg out about it nearly as much
>surely then other posters wont sperg out about it nearly as much
thats way too optimistic even from you anon
Samefag check! (a rhetorical one, don't bother attaching your 4chanx screenshots)
people that put effort into their gens and still don't make the cut will always seethe. probably even harder if there are less images
What's the go-to nowadays?
Do I needa grab anything new if I haven't touched my local setup since Feb?
>instead of making it seem like its the consensus of the general
why would anyone assume this anyway as its just him posting them. its not like theres a poll at the end of every thread to vote on them anyway so who cares
or, instead of being a colossal faggot, just reply 'nice gen' to the images you like as they come
>he doesn't know about the discord poll
>just reply 'nice gen' to the images you like as they come
But it is way more enjoyable to ironically reply with "based" and "catbox?!" to the images that I hate instead
>IA retard still seething
what is IA i thought this was AI thread
Use normal thread
tfw i come here every day and have no clue who deadnoodles, IA, satellite or that fourth guy are
rather have a new thread be made and called 605 than use that troll thread
i dont even know what the blacked spammers problem is, the autist mind works in mysterious ways and there are a gorillion ways to trigger a spergout
>IA retard still seething ;)
I dont either and ive been here since NAI 1.5 leak in November, help
Today I will remind them
Just malebrained, unironically. Following personas, gossip and drama is fucking chick thing to do and I hate that I get into this shit myself sometimes.
dear /h/ mods/janitors
please do your fucking job and moderate /h/hdg appropriately. constant malicious spam and trolling, rangebans for reporting this shit for the last half year, careful preservation of posts clearly belonging to /aco/sdg, all this is beyond any human patience. currently there are two #604 /hdg/ threads one of which is a troll one in which the shitposter reposts older posts (along with the text to create the illusion of anons posting something) and a regular one which is being filled with spam and text trolling.
Bro there's moderation feedback link at the bottom of this page. Use it.
who do you think i posted this for
nah, seethe more IA retard
Nah I sent my own version with way more details. And I think everyone should type their own. The copypasting does not send the message.
Does not work. Other than getting you banned instead.
It's whatever, I don't care about getting banned.
Keep making your highlights out of spite retard
man it's actually finally starting to click
all those nogen shitposting was from anti ai faggots all along
all this pedo vs hag, nai vs local, comfy vs auto, the spamm, all this unending garbage was them all along
some flamewars happen everywhere but it's never as bad as it is here since february
it was all an artfag effort to ruin this place
i feel dumb for not seriously considering it before
deadnoodles is an artist
so presumably a guy spamming his style
/ic/ was here :3
I spam aco because its funny and doesn't get deleted. at first I did it out of spite to force a vacation, but ive never been banned for it yet. ill never groidspam tho. i haven't posted seriously since the ip counter removal
You should have posted something more cute and funny. This way you'd 100% be vacationed and posting this is just as funny.
Thanks for the feedback idea.
>deadnoodles is an artist
It still sounds weird when used in this context.
>This way you'd 100% be vacationed and posting this is just as funny.
Not even true anymore, I've been posting plenty of the cute and plenty of the funny and I rarely even get a warning nowadays. Probably speaks to exactly how much jannies don't care about these threads any longer.
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I can't tell which is the troll thread
anything with /hdg/ in the subject
>puts in "effort" to try promote a new imageboard (a shit one, mind you)
>nobody uses it
>puts in "effort" to curate and make a new thread (a shit one, mind you)
>nobody uses it
the one skill this guy has is endlessly posting and he isn't afraid to use it
a while ago i told you all that too many shitposts come off as if the poster themselves has barely any understanding of this technology
>since the ip counter removal
that was a mistake
realistically what did the removal even do though. all it did is cutdown on people spamming
>hurr durr new IP
on every reply. it's not like it increased or decreased samefagging and anyone shitposting ban evaded then and still ban evades now
Kinda get what's happening but the neck inflation still looks too much/weird.
Probably not all the shitposting but it's not unfeasible that they contribute a lot
Yeah it caught me so off guard I decided to share it, that's just meant to be a bulge not a cum balloon throat lmao
>Yeah it caught me so off guard I decided to share it
That makes sense.
look at all this amazing moe hentai, this was the real quality unlike current aco and hag garbage
at least there were NAI posts desu
Comfy thread, though I think we can do better Chloes nowadays even if the models didn't really progress since that time. Threads sure went to shit though.
where did all the NAI posters go anyway? it feels like we get 1 image for every 30 pony
I miss Saya anon and his hallucinogen induced backgrounds
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you will not like the answer to that question
there were only very few NAI posters to begin with
it was exactly the same local off-topic dumpster i remembered
threads were comfy when there wasn't any local vs NAI meltdown and they were constantly, the only difference is that there wasn't any image spammer dumping tens of blacked gens
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Prompt similar to >>8204908, same seed, finetune on top of base pony.
reading through these threads you would think 90% of the posters were NAI posters
I just drop 1-2 gens occasionally and go do something else, there are better places to post at.
And most naifags probably subbed for 3 months at most anyway back when it was something new. I just do it occasionally when I really feel like prompting myself
grass has always been greener
half of that thread would be banned now
awful times
so glad pedos went to /b/ and hdg has healed
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186 mb lora extract, 1.5 strength https://files.catbox.moe/7szwjs.safetensors
I figured sd-scripts' lora extraction tool doesn't extract all layers, this is why it's a bit muddy and requires higher strength. I think I have to try the tool from lycoris to extract a locon.
Oh man, I miss the guy posting whatsherface knight from Shadowverse
and flatty fixer
and asura
and flailing around trying to fix the Maryjane lora
i wonder how many hundreds of exactly the same asanagi missionary shit he dumped here
#7848443 was the beginning of the end
>yeah I fucking killed this general but hey, at least some loli bestiality retard is no longer posting!
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>shuten and nagatoro posts not removed
>flatties not removed
They didn't even know what's coming. thread was already shit by that moment though
>thread was already shit by that moment though
maybe in terms of gens, but not in terms of shitposting. that bestiality gen and the resulting meltdown were the first time many of the now common shitpost tactics where employed
it was almost harmonious
all the trolling in the world would not be effective if it wasn't for jannies' help. blackspammers would be helpless if they weren't covered by jannies, anti"loli" schizos would be powerless if jannies didn't remove anything smaller than miqo tits for several months.
moderation is fully to blame for hdg's downfall.
kinda makes me want to counterspam it with bwc and loli
nai is not only available for you, kekie
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SanaeXL 1.3 IS OUT
>V1.3: Version 1.3 builds upon v1.2 with an additional 2.4 million images used for training. This update focuses on enhancing the artistic styles listed in starry128.txt, a carefully curated list of artists (see details below). Through targeted training, the artistic styles in starry128 have been significantly improved and refined. We strongly recommend users download the starry128.txt document (download link provided) and use it as a wildcard to fully leverage the artistic style improvements brought by this update. Image annotations use flo2 and WD (natural language + tags), so prompts support a combination of natural language and tags.
By the way, you are allowed to post images now. The spammer marked the beginning of this thread just like previous one (just like cats mark their territory with piss), and now he's generously handing this thread to you so you can post in it like the little cuckies you are!
4th tail extract is goated. Finally can ditch all my character loras
looks like garbage, train on pony instead
How would you prompt for this https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/110220880
I'm guessing it must be a 1.5 lora, or one for the creature and one for the mecha aesthetic.
>we did amazing improvements blablabla
>hand with 6 fingers on basically a close-up
its gonna be a great shitshow
yeah, local won
really? in my experience it fucking sucks at like 99% of characters, even ones with high tag counts
This is an img2img or inpaint of Ultima Weapon from FFXIV
i wonder why so many finetuners train from scratch instead of going from pony

its alright, but its fried (the colors) but it helps with anatomy and composition surprisingly well lmao

lowres,bad anatomy,blurry,(worst quality:1.8),low quality,hands bad,face bad,(normal quality:1.3),bad hands,mutated hands and fingers,extra legs,extra arms,duplicate,cropped,jpeg,artifacts,blurry,multiple view,reference sheet,long body,multiple breasts,mutated,bad anatomy,disfigured,bad proportions,bad feet,ugly,text font ui,missing limb,monochrome,bad anatomy,blurry,(worst quality:1.8),low quality,hands bad,face bad,(normal quality:1.3),bad hands,mutated hands and fingers,extra legs,extra arms,duplicate,cropped,jpeg,artifacts,blurry,multiple view,long body,multiple breasts,mutated,disfigured,bad proportions,duplicate,ugly,missing limb,bad feet,
All the fate chars i've tried so far work well, but i never prompt canonical outfits so i don't know about those.
because pony is fucked at its core
Couldn't care less, won't even be downloading it. Make ALL styles work, just like nai does. Even some noname gooknai with 3.5 employees pulled it off.
128 artists, 3 of which at most will be relevant to what I like is not going to make it worth using garbage model with 0 flexibility in posing/angles/sex.
if you don't care at all about their outfits then pony can also do fate characters lol
just throw more images at sdxl, that'll surely fix it lol
you are saying that as if sdxl base isnt fucked
>pony can also do fate characters
no, it can do some of them but not even close to all
>back the the regularly scheduled AI model console warring
Now this is the /hdg/ I know and love
>civit randomly marked one of my loras as nsfw, i can't see it anymore
>looking at anything with a content rating higher than PG switches me to a broken version of civit green that requires a nonfunctional login
i miss saya anon...
i don't, he tried to sell patreon early access to his loras on /h/ lol
>people discuss the (shit) state of new finetunes
>it's console warring
Go ahead and post your pp in vagoo yourself if you want it so much. Personally I think we got just enough of that in the first several hours of this thread though.
>see description
>chinese moonrunes
Im kinda hesitant to try chinese models at this point ive been burned by them too often in AI and out
base SDXL is nowhere as fucked as pony is lol
Thank God rule-breaking behavior is finally over.
>all saya posters were the same person
I'm tired, someone else try it and post a nice gen with it
What do you want me to gen?
Which of the 2 chinese cookie-cutter samey bullshit artists that this model recognizes would you prefer?
>post a nice gen with it
not possible
take your meds, schizo
Let's end it quickly, try to do a split on the ground, any style
creative at least
That's not a split nor it is on the ground but it's not that terrible I guess
you're right mabye i was wrong and actually that relatively obscure VN from 20 years ago is insanely popular and dozens, if not hundreds of anons have been posting the exact same 1girl, standing, room made of gore gens and it wasn't just one dude the entire time.
saya is pretty much entry-level vn
there was saya baker
schizo backgrounds poster
they both are frequently referred as "saya-anons"
but there were also me and some other anons who posted saya back in the 1.5 days
nta but calling saya an obscure vn is insane lol
it's literally the vn with the most ratings on vndb
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can't get it
>can't get it
Yeah I knew it probably wouldn't do it, thanks for trying anyway bro
its total lifetime ratings are less than 1/10th of genshin impact's average concurrent player count
>..., greatly enhancing the representation of human limbs and body structure. Now it's easier to generate accurate human anatomy, such as better fingers, feet, and toes. It also facilitates the creation of precise multi-person images,...
Are there any updates on Euge? What's his current plan?
bro if you're comparing it to what's popular with normies then i guess evangelion is obscure because the average normie you meet in the street wouldn't know it (unless you live in tokyo or something)
who is IA schizo and what does IA stand for
but evangelion has 1,000,000 ratings on mal, which is why you see multiple anons actually posting gens from it
IA is a vocaloid. the IA schizo is some retard who saved a bunch of IA gens from past /h/ and /e/ threads (but who can't gen xerself) and who has currently decided to take it as xer duty to bake /hdg/ and /edg/ OPs and to post highlights on both boards
dude even robin williams watches evangelion what are you talking about
anon, you might want to sit down for this...
yeah re-reading those threads and almost certain now that the "anti-pedo" shit was a deliberate move to destroy this place
before that shitposting was all about loval vs nai. it was bad but never got as heated as it got later
are you illiterate? i never said that saya is as popular as evangelion, my point is only that nobody gives a fuck about what's popular with normies. we're just talking about 4chan, and in that case you'd have to be a massive newfag to think saya is obscure here
what the hell...
sorry anon but the facts don't lie. there's a 1:1 correlation between franchise popularity and the number of anons itt posting gens of them. like there's only one schizo kemono friends poster, one schizo xenoblade poster, one schizo saya poster, but at least three or four evangelion posters and like 10 blue archive and genshin posters. this is the statistical reality of the situation
I'm not a schizo
that's because influx of redditors that came with pony, but shitposting is a thing because how inflammatory this is due to moderation
anatomy is pretty impressive compared to kohaku /arti/animagine but the prompt comprehension is awful, even at the suggested 8 cfg. It does a pretty nice yd tho
i am
>everyposter is a schizo for whatever reason now
i mean to be fair if you still regularly frequent these threads that kind of makes you a schizo by default for putting up with all of this
>due to moderation
yeah pretty much all issues come down to this
>there's a 1:1 correlation between franchise popularity and the number of anons itt posting gens of them
thanks for saying what literally everybody knows. i just wanted to give you shit for calling one of the most popular vns of all time "relatively obscure", but i'm well aware that you could make the case these days that the whole medium of vns is obscure to modern zoomers
Join the 'cord and find out
its because the shitstirrers know that those are the only posts that ever get removed so it's a free feedback loop to mass report loli gens
it's like a solar powered shitposting farm by getting loli removed, loli posters get angry, they start shitposting for you, and you can kick back and watch the chaos unfold
There's nothing on the cord though. It's not like he posts updates on what he's actually doing 7 times a day like jordach.
>'m well aware that you could make the case these days that the whole medium of vns is obscure to modern zoomers
you could almost say it's relatively obscure
What sd-scripts parameters were used for this? I'd be interested in trying this method.
if you're comparing it to the average otaku media consuming zoomer trooncord user then sure, i'll give you that
but we're posting not posting on a trooncord but on 4chan (even though the distinction seems less clear every passing day) so i'll still give you shit about it
Zoomer here, played through <10 pure vns and while the stories are usually pretty good, the format is insufferable.
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you're not wrong
it's just too fucking slow
t. adhd boomer
this isn't even about reporting lolis
when NAI posters where dumping loli shit they got their bans and anons were "based, see you in 3 days"
it's about how what it's bannable changed and seeing all this repulsive hyper aco hag garbage flooding this shithole
like some other anon noted, moe is dead here, it's just civitai tier fetish pit
what is preventing people from posting moe though as long as it isnt loli
mr r3c stop color correcting your images to be blue
but i'm not... the lora trained that way...
could you try full finetuning and extracting with that dataset?
all your lora images have a blue shift so i dont know what youre doing lmao
Boomer here, I read some choose your own adventure books, does that count?

Anyway, here's the thing. Kinetic novels are straight up worse than regular novels. Visual novels have to use their interactivity to their advantage, and for more than just a few throwaway what-if endings. For every SteinsGate there's easily a thousand shitty ones. Not to mention JP videogames using the format to cut costs on what should've been cutscenes.
because for several months anything that isn't miqote hag inflation garbage was a big chance for a 3day, not only actual loli
now the jannies seem to have calmed down with this, but it's too fucking late, the damage is already done
i dont think that ever happened. all i remember is people trying to based post with loli and then acting surprised when it got deleted. continuously taunting jannies with hebes was equally as retarded
people were always fine to eat a 3day for actual loli here before it became fucking ridiculous (around march)
Nah I like them because they have voice acting, I can actually tell what characters look like, and because of the music and CGs.
>people were always fine to eat a 3day
if that was the case then why did they always ban evade and were back posting the next hour or day
You might need better eyes there is nothing particularly blue about that image
because they could and nobody respects 4chan moderation
but nobody expected to get a 3 day for nagatoro and small breasted girls like it started happening
people literally checked, reposting gens that was on old hdg OP resulted in a warning and post removal
so don't feed me that bullshit
I'll post it when I'm home but tl;dr you won't be able to run it 1:1 on a 24gb gpu because I offload the text encoders to a second GPU for inference.

I've tried running full finetune under 8gb though, but I'm not sure about quality (at all)
you can still post nagatoro without it getting removed though, you just have to prompt her not as a child
Kill yourself thread schizo
one thing is what other anon already said
other is that moefags are most likely really tired of aesthetically blind aco sloppers company for which huge tits, huge ass and 5 dicks= sexy hentai
so where can i post moe ai images on this site anyway if here is no longer viable?
we're all posting them on the 'cord
I remember posting this or something with the same prompt and getting a 3day for it
True, here's hdg-approved Nagatoro:
/c/ it's it's really just moe
I wonder why their thread isn't linked in the OP
i enjoy reading, because i enjoy reading visual novels are enjoyable
it's that simple

whether it's kinetic or not is completely irrelevant and at best is a personal preference, if it's good it's good, if it's shit it's shit
send 'cord invite plox
i want ero moe thread
I'd appreciate that.
>you won't be able to run it 1:1 on a 24gb gpu because I offload the text encoders to a second GPU for inference.
For what it's worth I have two Ampere A6000s available to me
>I offload the text encoders to a second GPU for inference.
This doesn't appear to be a native feature of sd-scripts unless I'm just overlooking it, are you running something else or have you just hacked that into kohya?
I'm looking at alternatives and simpletuner seems to have the ability to unload the TE entirely but unsure if that is equivalent for whatever you're doing (are you even training the TE at all? or just unet)
it's on doublechin
isn't that just /e/
Their moderation might be slightly more forgiving too if it's not a sex board.

I mean this shit is still up >>2899638 unless it's some mod's joke
text general huh
kill yourself and dilate tranny
/e/'s moderation is even more erratic than here
most of the time they don't give a shit about anything, but 3 day global bans oht of nowhere happened too
I too enjoy reading, but having to click the continue button every 2 sentences is pretty annoying. I prefer a format where 90% of my screen is for text and not for a couple of sprites and some copy paste classroom background.
I was also never a fan of this convoluted japanese writing style, where every plot point has to be spelled out and regurgitated several times by the whole cast. It's silly when readers can skip half of your writing and still perfectly grasp the plot.
I just had breakfast, was planning on doing some idols later
4+4 /hdg/ is a shit thread full of toddlers. I'm not on either of the extremes to fit either here nor there.
it's dead
i mean both e and h, and by moe i don't even mean some super "candy" aesthetic (which i like) but just fucking normal anime style not this >>8205138 rancid misery
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Like this?
they don't only have toddlershit though, even hags get posted from what im seeing
the only issue is that it is dead as fuck
ding dong wing dong draws the best faces
yes, it's slightly better just by obscurity
the issue is that they have toddlers
same reason nobody posts on the /d/ thread, every other pic is a boner killer
I've been saying it all along, it's the 3d nose genners we should be angry at
i don't post in the d thread because i have literally no interest in any of the /d/ fetishes
I still find it dumb that you can't post tentacles on a hentai board, I'm more pissed at the jannies than anything else.
It's dead as fuck because they have shit taste and it makes anybody visiting there not wanting to contribute.
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Just post on /e/ then, I know the current /e/ is kind of bad but those go there
it's pretty average i think, certainly better than b and most of the shit this place has to offer though
Because it was entertaining, because I could and most importantly because I hate (((advertisers)))
this isn't even about the evil nostrils, but lack of aesthetic sense, enmafag posted lots of gens with noses on treechan and they are really good
but i'm not adverse to moe girls getting dick
aw cmon what do you mean you dont like hyper hairy shitting dick nipple futas?
>pots calling the kettles niggers
maybe i should be glad about the current state of /hdg/
penises are inherently /aco/
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>but i'm not adverse to moe girls getting dick
based, then just post here
cute girls collated with inherently grotesque penis is peak moe gap
No need to get mad about it, it's not like I make it my mission to go there and scream at everyone how much I dislike them.
I just gave you the reason it's dead, that's all. You may not like it, but it's the truth.
sorry, futa is where I draw the line
>but lack of aesthetic sense
simply too vague, you need to ban certain features or artists or mixes. Something vague like "only moe allowed" will just result in overweight miqos in lolita dresses getting blacked
>Something vague like "only moe allowed" will just result in overweight miqos in lolita dresses getting blacked
>based, then just post here
In the second half of the image limit the shitposter together with jannies generously left for you, right? Can't wait to post here!
moe for ants
cuck mentality
Sure, and then when we reach the image limit let's make another thread just do to same, and the same, and the same, maybe with that jannies will do their job
i know that, therefore everything is always doomed to failure
is this https://litter.catbox.moe/vw4wtk.png or https://litter.catbox.moe/9tpe5b.png is aco?
for me, it certainly cannot be compared to the >>8205626 or >>8205627
it used to be good when it was active imo
dying off after initial burst is just a fate of all altchans in 2024
So true. But maybe if you wanted to be defiant you could try to take a real action.
>will do their job
No they won't, and they'll make that point convincingly when there are too many threads by archiving your current one.
>too many threads by archiving
Honestly think we could force them to take action by baking 10 different threads all the time.
more like those who sit here to cry and whine all day could take a real action instead of being little bitches
i don't care, i post what i want when i want and nothing here influences my decision aside from giving me an idea or two
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Why are the ears white? Well
it's moe
>face look like shit with new weird shape after upscaling
>hands actually lost detail
>skirt now looks like... weird shorts? so the cum flowing out of there doesn't even make sense anymore
Anon, you didn't even try, did you?
so its not canon
we use this now
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ddim my beloved
Yeah, I know all about your loras. Not the anon that complained about ants anyway, but I'm not a fan of low detail either.
If I see something cute, I want to fully enjoy it in all it's intricacies, not just quickly glance at it, but it's the only thing you can do with art that only offers the big picture.
anon, what was your artist mix again?
I remember rrr and kincora, but forgot the 3rd artist
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Post some old EF gens. This is the only one I have without hyper bulge.
Which one, I have 5 mixes at this point, for that particular gen is
><lora:chenkin_nai3_style:0.8> <lora:tianlingjuly18:0.5>
is this ai? if so then not really, her promo art and such all have a unique artstyle
why is this random naislop lora so good?
ahh I knew I was mixing them up
I remembered the 3rd one: kyokucho
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it's unipc
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is it uploaded anywhere? seems like it was deleted from civitai
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kincora was more a less a pillar on many mixes but I never mixed rrr with kyokucho (or so I remember), if you have the gen I can give you the exact mix I used (if I made that gen of course)

I can upload it to somewhere else if you want it
too based for the current state of /s(lop)dg/
Give me a normal Nagatoro with thighs that wouldn't be able to crush a bodybuilder, you fucking freak!!
>I can upload it to somewhere else if you want it
that would be nice
yes, it's Enma Ai by NAI
and it's one of those styles that have hint of nose or lips but are still very clearly anime
but we can't have nice things in the ai sars world
Then don't, you monster, you pile of garbage, fucking neanderthal.
I guess I still am mixing up the different combos you use kek
Looks surprisingly anime
nice gen actually
it's hdg
EF+HLL is more anime than pony, sadly
refining with EF+HLL is the only way
You can't refine XL with another arch, their latent representation is different. Only img2img a finished pic.
that's basically what refining feels like anyway
>I can upload it to somewhere else if you want it
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Here you go

Based, even more if you plan to use them to shitpost
Weird, is that any different than this one or am I retarded?
its the same
If I'm being honest I have no idea, I don't remember where I downloaded the lora but I swear it was from here, they both have that blurry eyes thing tho
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sd-scripts config: https://files.catbox.moe/iowsrs.toml
Some options (such as max_grad_norm or scale_weight_norms) may not work and are ignored since the config was adapted from a lora config but generally the special sauce is:
1. Optimizers from this lib https://github.com/warner-benjamin/optimi
whish implement this https://optimi.benjaminwarner.dev/kahan_summation/ to save just enough memory to enable gradient accumulation with Lion.
2. Batch size = 4 * 6 = 24
3. Unet-only training. From my tests, training the TE either fucked everything that is not in the dataset or pretty much did nothing.
4. The text encoders can be offloaded to a different device (either cpu or another cuda device) which also saves some memory "for free"
5. I'm not using lora training specifically because it fries large layers and does nothing to smaller ones.

Well yeah, locon extraction looks better (pic at 1.5) but the script itself is godawful, it doesn't detect duplicate TEs and stores everything on the cpu which certainly doesn't speed anything up.
That's fair. Searching through civitai is a metric pain in the ass so I was mostly just curious.
>This doesn't appear to be a native feature of sd-scripts unless I'm just overlooking it, are you running something else or have you just hacked that into kohya?
Forgot to mention about that, yeah, I kinda did but then I also reimplemented that to be less fucked. It's just a matter of putting the data from device to device, nothing especially complicated if you look into the code and can read python errors.
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when did nai get a speed boost?
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yesterday I think, that's where I noticed it at least

probably will gen some images with the nai extension to train some loras, now gens are a lot quicker to gather more imgs
when will nai let us train loras on their model?
seems to be less than half the usual time too, at last it's fucking usable again
mmmm what about never ever
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v4 when
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Yeah IMO pretty nice change, finally more speed, it was more like 3090 speeds before.
i'm seeing 7 secs ±1, think it's in the same league as 4090s now
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I need more single breast grab reference images
catbox? i like the skin textures
regional prompter
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things are going harder than i thought
but don't worry we'll find our way through
can't give any dates though
in 2 weeks
The actual speed is probably even faster, because there's also transfer of prompt and the file transfer involved. I sometimes get under 5 second results, so I imagine it's faster than 4090. Or there's that onediff thing involved.
rrrring ring ring ring ring ring ring

banana phoneeee
Is dynamic thresholding actually based and not just snakeoil?
Maybe. Depends on whether you could achieve the same result by just lowering cfg. If you can't then it's not snake oil.
around the 15th is when most people resub, and a large part of their user base didn't
You tell me, first one is cfg 30 with dt set to 5 and second is actual cfg 5
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why is it so blurry?
it's blender
Oh I didn't check, thought you were referring to the second as "the better one", but in this case I think the first is just too noisy honestly.
it's anytest
why is it so based?
>It's just a matter of putting the data from device to device, nothing especially complicated if you look into the code and can read python errors.
I'm pretty useless when it comes to grokking most of the actual math/ML algorithms involved but for just calling pytorch functions to shuffle data around I can certainly figure that out.

thanks anon, this is helpful
somebody ever promted for very girly interiors like bedrooms?
i mean some plushies, cushions, frilly curtains and overall pinkish palette
threw some tags from danbooru on pony, but it's still the same garbage as usual, so idk if i'm doing something wrong or it's just impossible
>open up civit
>nochelkaiser dropped a million Loras more a few hours ago
kill yourselves deadnoodles faggot and IA faggot
>probably will gen some images with the nai extension to train some loras
does this actually work? isn't this like inbreeding that creates (more) retarded loras?
I tried prompting with the "girly" tag and was wondering why it always gave me femboys instead of teddy bears.
Try pink theme and plushies for starters
source: my ass
I feel like loras work better at higher cfg, but maybe 30 is too much
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the buneary's WTF kek


model issue probably, works on my model, picrel
Works for some artists mixes, not all. Also have to fix the hands/fingers etc with inpainting first to have a decent dataset, not just out of the box gen images.
>prompting muscular female at strength 1 and 0.1 is the same
Muscular female is equally disgusting.
based effortgod
>want to get (You)s and called effortgod too
>don't mind putting in effort
>realize I am completely disinterested in anything but basic bitch sex and pinups
>get back to inpainting 1girl standing gens
that's the power of r34 tagging
pink theme makes clothes pink, also this retarded model always makes plushies the same way, two on both sides https://litter.catbox.moe/r3c9h7.png
nai i guess, even there is no metadata
based 1girlgod, share some catboxes
>no very big tits because muh /d/
>>no very big butt because muh /d/
>no very big penis because muh /d/
>no muscular female because muh /d/
>no smaller female because muh /b/
>no very small breasts / flat chest because muh /b/
may aswell want to apply for janitor huh? FUCKING IDIOTS
Holy heavens, look at the time, it's schizo o'clock
shit taste+thats why I want to make it weaker with just slight abs
yeah kinda work better, more control playing with the weight, thanks
still I dont get why the muscular female tag is all or nothing
blame the jannies for deleting those, they are the problem
you can post all of those besides obvious loli you fucking retard
some guy saying >>>/d/ isnt like it cant be posted
this, lack of grotesque shit is the problem of this general!
post gens
Do you have bad eyesight? Why do you want everything bigger to the point it makes no fucking sense physically?
based based
It's local lol
thanks, well some mix again but i hope it will help at least with this
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>yeah re-reading those threads and almost certain now that the "anti-pedo"

>i feel dumb for not seriously considering it before
Their rethoric and "demands" for more inclusivity posting (bbc, muscular, granny, etc) is what gives them away

>i miss saya anon...
Same. Missing Saya posting in general as well.
kill yourself samefaggot
all that effort to get instantly flagged
reminds me of that scp monster looking op pic with the giant schlong
It's almost like the only objective of shitposters is to sow dissent amongst the general and ruin it in any way that they can so instead of focusing on a single issue they target numerous issues all the time.
scp has been such a fall from grace...
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have it somewhere saved, but i can't find it now kek
This is more long torso than skinny, she looks weird.
elongated torso is an anti-loli measure, it's a necessary evil
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It fell to the activists hands who promtly burned it to the ground.

Good Stuff.
same genner
it's typical pony spaghetti rib cage
That's probably more anti-human at this point.
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Was testing a Bible Black style lora doesn't seem very good
lolis aren't human
i rejected humanity, anon
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here's your cunny, sir
why the waffle texture on her nipples?
probably the sampler I was trying out in that gen +4thtail/pony fuckery
sorry, I'm not effortposter enough to inpaint these days
has anyone made any nidalee?
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no one uses that, or /e/, get real
based prompt, but looks kinda fried
Shill me on ComfyUI
it's 4th tail
It's not comfy at all
No one uses /hdg/ either, might as well use a proper dead thread.
Yea fkey might be too fried on tofu
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i posted in the wrong thread
why is there a troll blacked hdg again
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Same prompt different artist
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>kantoku-like sothis
Kantoku anon...
containment for /aco/ posters. about 50% effective
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please kill yourself
Have you seen the first 100 or so images in this thread?
wait, it's all blacked?
someone's always having a meltie in hdg
This is actually pretty smart. We should always use a horrible op and spam horrendous shit for the first 100 images so schizos think they aren't needed, newfags stay away and /aco/ posters would rather post on their own board
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Have anoyher one.
We should just spam horrendous shit 24/7 since this is the end game of this thread with current moderation anyway, so why delay the inevitable?
but anon, garbage is the magnet for acofags
at least have the decency to post your own gens, IA schizo
why don't you post a dataset for me to bake?
The thread always becomes a little better after long meltdowns. Maybe the wall of blacked and the troll bake do provide some protection against schizos.
what are your credentials as a baker?
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very nice
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I made a few before, Pony seems to know her alright. Not super sure on the clothes, but they're just leather scraps anyway.

Read the rule again. It's about the origin and style of images, not their content. Sometimes it's hard to make things look /h/ though so I'd be careful about that. Like if you wanna do Elsa you have to run the tag at 0.6 maybe, her 3d face is very strong with the nose, full lips and Pixar eyes.
Here's some uo_denim. Already got baked a while back, but maybe some new lora baking tech emerged since then. It's mainly 1girl, standing, don't know if that is still considered a good dataset. Also have a 2gb uncleaned nanohana folder if you would rather have that
meant for >>8207100 >>8207093
What is this expression supposed to convey?
uhoh nai down again...
fake local propaganda
when artists do it, it's called artistic choice, but when Ai bros do it, it's because their model sucks and can't draw hands
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It's too big and somewhat inconsistent, but whatever.
Why is she so red?
it's the 6gb lora schizo
just prune whatever you don't like. isn't the newest pic minimum like 50
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god dammit it was "smile" not "smiling" this whole time
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gave it a go, i'll do an actual nsfw one in a bit
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fucking hate this faggot for training on r34 tags over e621 or even danbooru
>you vil become another /ddg/ and you vil like it
huh? what faggot trained on r34?
bro, your danbooru tag knowledge?
it already happened since pony release, most of the thread is d but without futacock
pony itself
At that size wouldn't the advantage of Dora's fine grained-ness make more sense than a standard Lora? (though at that size, I'd imagine train time and dataset size is a bigger issue)
He's doing full finetune, not lora.
it is a lyco extract, not a lora extract iirc
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my version
the selection and cleaning is actually the biggest timewaster the training itself is easy no cap
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She's supposed to be brown, actually. But I accidentally fucked the the lr scheduler up and it looks underfit now..
Too much work
It's the threadshitter, anon.
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Looks too cute. You should have gotten disgusting old hags.
does nai have the same object permanence issues as sdxl when not using smea?
nai doesnt have any object permanence issues
Pretty sure smea doesn't help and doesn't make it worse either.
smea doesn't affect it, it's object permanence is usually fine in most cases, can fuck up but rarely
i've done some comparisons and smea is worse than euler_a.
nice aco reinterpretation
anon smea is an independent switch
euler a can be smea
at lowres it can make things go more schizo actually , mostly depending on the artists used. at highres it does improve coherency.
wonder if there's some hidden step where they gen at half or less of sdxl base res for some steps and then upscale the latent. Cause that fixes the issue on pony for the most part.
was aom2 aco?
calling something here aco is meaningless and can be removed from any sentence so thanks
it was 2.5 slop but that's a different problem
t. blind person
That's not hidden step, that's how they describe the algorithm. It's supposed to be generating small and big latent at the same time. You need the small one to help with coherency at big resolutions.
hentai is drawn porn, aco isn't a definition it's a schizophrenia
this sis, why those uppity weeb neckbeards don't like our superior sexy hentais
yes, but they might do something similar for all gens, even when not using smea. lowering latent size or expanding the attention size are pretty much the only ways to fix the issue without DiT
I mean at base res there's enough attention anyway so I don't see how it should help. It's really not that, it's just a better trained model. Pony isn't exactly state-of-the-art with it's 100x base lr.
i'm going to do it, i'm going to filter the words "aco", "/e/", "/b/", "/d/" and "nai"

nothing containing those strings adds anything to the thread
omg so much this, aco doesn't even exist
everything is hentai if it's sexy enough
photorealism can be drawn
If everything is hentai, nothing is hentai
no need to give us your blog updates, redditspacer
While you are at it add a name too. It's only fair that we both can filter each other.
>no mention of filtering pony
very telling
you guys say this but pretty sure he said he used cosine with restarts so its not like it was that high lr the whole time
>base res there's enough attention
I don't think so. I lowered my resolution to 512*512 on pony and could suddenly gen all the coherent benches and railings I wanted.
/hdg/ - On the Ontology of Hentai edition
this tranny is namefagging with the file name anyway
i am NOT trans.
even worse, that's xer twitter account
I mean what can you even see at 512x512. If a shoreline is slightly higher after it's broken by 1girl will you even see it? It will be like 3 pixel difference.
tranny talking style not even hiding its colors
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why no one posting gens =(((((((( did they all go to /b/ ? :::((((((
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Finally, let's finish this thread like it started with 100 more sexy gens.
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isnt a dude licking cum kind of yaoi?
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where are her legs?
The pony offsets are pretty glaring. They should still be visible at half res if it's really just a training issue.
it's nai
Safe haven
No need, images don't interrupt my chatting experience in any way.
Then again, maybe I just got lucky with my tests. If someone wants to confirm, try something like "against railing" at 512*512, high res fixed to 1024*1024 @ .4 denoise vs native 1024*1024. Obviously genning at small res introduces other issues, but this is just a proof of concept
hey don't do that, I already got my popcorn out
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nice, really love the style and the OC, may i ask for box, really want to improve my gens for anons
so hdg is like British people with their food where they recreationally find ways to create the most off putting eating experience possible except it's for "hentai"
Isn't hating on British cuisine a 3rd worlder meme?
good British food establishments are all French and middle eastern, so it comes full circle
If /ddg/ is so much better why are you here?
It's mostly people that can't fathom aromatics existing outside of Lawry's seasoning salt, making these claims.
i never thought id be persecuted for enjoying large breasts on a hentai board of all places
/d/ ;)))))))
someone doesn't want to go to /b/ =)))
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cunny love is cunny life
beautiful hentai image, you can feel the inspiration from the legendary mangaka group of Shōwa year 24
box or style/loras for that style? I like kinda the defined outline
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4th tail has a bold line style tag baked in
unfortunately it's pretty moody and will fry the shit out of images with that tag a lot, so I mix it with the 2.5d/smooth shading style tags to pull it back towards 3d side of spectrum
at least it looks good with mamerakkkkko, since the artist also does noticeable outlines
seconding box request
the sarcasm in this thread is dripping more than the bodily fluids
yeah here you go, excuse the absolute spaghettifest
oooh, the mighty Queen of the Farts
i ask you to treat me unworthy with one wet fart, and in return I will offer you my entire supply of cabbage and beans
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>still recommending this shit when you could use reweik, lsequosxl, midkemia, or 4th tail
cmon grampa
Terrible + it's obvious you are a different anon to the one before
very sexy hentais very fuck penis
It's over.
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more shupogaki
>Safe haven
wait till someone starts reposting the bbc over there like the op of that thread is doing with the post of this thread
>oekaki got mass deleted
>sexy hentai still itt
Go ahead, I know you wanna do it
RIP oekaki anon
oekaki anon did nothing wrong
makes sense though, if he wants to post that there are other boards
you acosloppers really hate him, don't you
even cunnies are still up
acomafia is here ;)
yes yes and every big boob is a miqohag or whatever, bravo
yes, he's reporting himself from 10 different ips!
A lot of deleted posts for a hired thread
oekaki anon was one of the few good posters we had left in this thread, RIP
Spot the meaningful difference?
you are blind
I imagine they hate anyone who bakes Loras considering I never see an acoslopper posting a self baked Lora
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Basuke's style if anyone wants it
it is specifically a pony mix, hence my remark of possible model issue

also possible that it is model dependent, this is a pony mix at 1152x896
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forgot image kek
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Is there a way to turn off the lights
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try this

not sure what you mean anon

just a dumb joke
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ohh took me a while lol
jumping breaks pony in weird ways lol

didnt expect you to gen it
me in bottom left
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Alucard WILL fuck your girl
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>bottom left
Peak AI Performance right there and there.
Very based, thanks
U taking Lora requests? You seem to bake good
you can drop suggestions, i bake em if i like the style
/hdg/ is filled with aco since all the "mainstream" eastern styles are constantly dogpiled and made fun of, with tianling being the perfect example.
people here make fun of tiananmen zedong's name but not his style, i don't think
and i wouldn't call that a mainstream style anyways
I think I just want a mizumizuni one
The current existing ones are some of the biggest melted garbage I've ever seen
If not, then check this out https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=ukokkei&z=1
Also check iwano kenta and youngsavage
not that anon, but I've been really wanting a spicy_moo or kumasteam lora
I miss shuten anon, that's the kind of poster that actually leaves because of the meltys
nta but
blue borscht
yes there is one on the rentry, and no, the one on the rentry is fucking terrible
he and most other posters left because moderators actively, deliberately sabotage this general
>b65 chud got nuked
did fusho get nuked on civit? their loras were half decent compared to shit like zombo
yeah he got banned a few weeks ago. also that's not saying much, literally every lora maker is half decent compared to zombo lol
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i'll take a look, might give em a try
fair point lmfao
damn really should've downloaded those loras, guess I would've been too lazy to use them
oops i gave a (you) to the wrong fella
very cute and funny, might try
bros how is amd for ai stuffs these days?
You will write your own GPU drivers and you will be happy
okayish if you are on the latest gen and can use Linux / WSL2
it's bad on windows? cause the drivers?
still better to run nvidia for ai?
go for rx 7000 series its good, otherwise commit suicide or buy jewidia
for windows you need to run on linux inside WSL2 with the latest drivers provided you have 7000 series card
using linux directly is the most straightforward
thanks for answering my questions bros
do yall forsee amd getting a better foothold in ai?
no, closest is Google's TPU but Google's execution sucks historically
Unless you're talking inference only, then it's mac bois all the way
how many times a day do you coom
do you just edge all day?
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the slop is really coming together on this semi 3d prompt
it means i coom every other day
i euge
ah kek
AMD is starting to invest properly in ML, but it'll take a couple of years for it to reach consumer products with proper software support
They already have MI 300X n all
They also decided to switch to a single unified arch, so once that is ready, ML support should get better

TPU is usable if you use JAX, but you'll have to port stuff to JAX yourself
The furries did it for EF, gotta respect the grind
1.5 backgrounds....
come back home white man
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gob box?

yea looks good, but putting two anime figures fucking in front of that screams ai slop.
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>come back home white man
Never left.
thank you<3
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>banned for this for "loli"
And here I thought you guys were being dramatic, absolutely amazing.
there were much more retarded bans than this during last few months, by nu-hdg standards this is loli, yeah. pretty much why people bailed the fuck out of here and use this thread for shitposting nowadays
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I thought the jannies were relaxing their iron grip for a bit here, that's unfortunate
Oekaki anon getting nuked is even more egregious
150 images of nigger spam are still intact, it's fine :-)
but where did they go?
Yeah. That's the worst part.
Spam something better in response? Oh what's that? You have nothing?
They only have 1.5 backgrounds :)
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=D haha true you got me I am the iatard ;;;->
I know :3
>They only have 1.5 backgrounds
That's all you need.
thanks bro, i want to live life like that gob
I'm sure the lovely people of the interwebs can't wait to prompt corean webtoon styled loli eroguro bestiality using onomaai's tootoon.ai opensourced anima model.
what's even the appeal of eroguro
you know I try not to judge others fetishes but anything involving actual violence and blood to get off is fucking weird
what about biting
biting drawing blood - weird, cute biting sure
my last gf liked being bitten it was kinda weird and I didn't really like doing it
We're on the 'cord laughing at you leftovers
>a woman having sex with a man
>goblin girl
What did the prompt mean by this?
hey this one's a nice style
okay but no promises
where can i get a bundle deal on a nai subscription and 4chan pass?
on https://meatspin.com/
easiest way is img2img from a pure black/gradient image with 1 denoise, you can also use this extension if you wantsome more control https://github.com/Seshelle/diffusion-noise-alternatives-webui
i warned you about less than large breasts + cute artstyle bro
sign here
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Look how they massacred fkey...
I'm just saying, https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/6366678 and Vanitas awoke something in me
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finally more anal
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I'm pretty happy with how she is turning out as there isn't much of a data set for her
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I have a bunch of character archetypes I run any given prompt through. Usually it's not a problem, although with prompts like this you sometimes get a goblin man instead of a goblin woman, or skin color is mixed up.
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>there isn't much of a data set for her
Only a thousand images? Anyway I'm sure 4th Tail knows her better than earlier pony mixes, but it's a pain to work with.
So mindbroken by shoebillfag posting beach cunny for a few days that you'd rather sink the whole thread than get over it 5 months later. Incredible.
Check any thread before #469 and you'll maybe see 1 or 2 mentions of the word pedo. This whole thing started with those bestiality gens and the rule debate they started.

catbox onegai
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so some fucking autist got triggered by a retard posting loli bestiality and started mass-reporting any pic that doesn't look like inflated miqohag?
its more likely a loli poster got their image removed and have gone on a multi month meltdown to mass report any other loli posts under the mentality of "if i cant play with the toy then no one can".
That's the "more likely" scenario? Not that a new stricter mod came on?
mods dont give a shit about AI threads in general so all it takes is X number of reports otherwise they would rather all these be deleted from the site
You won't believe how petty and vindictive the average autistic pedo gooner is.
yet civitai acoshit and groidspam remain pristine, untouched
Sure, pedos.
*smashes report on oekaki fag's posts*
*ignores hundreds of groidspam pics*
Those fucking pedophiles...
i know it frustrates you but there is nothing rulebreaking about those posts so they arent going to get removed no matter how much you shitpost
the loli dude was standoffish when told to take his bestiality to /d/ and started arguing that most of the thread is against the rules and off-topic and that he shouldn't be singled out, which resulted in /e/ posters mocking him by including minuscule amounts of cum in their gens
did you link the wrong thread? There's barely any /d/ mentioned at all and only post of his is about feet
its a psyop from a certain individual who was outed as the spammer to try to feebly attempt to shift the blame to some other random anon from some random thread. he's been doing it all thread
>round trip #123 through same old bait and replies
Come up with something new. Whoever you hate more is always the one doing it anyway.
But nobody besides moderation is to blame. And no matter how much false flagging you are trying to push here, mods are the ones that hate this thread and the ones crushing it with no survivals. Nobody else has the power to do it.
the /d/ stuff was one thread before those 2
>So mindbroken by shoebillfag posting beach cunny for a few days
Sorry, I do tend to live inside people's heads rent-free.
Spamming/flooding? No?
show my any truly awful thread before #469. The /d/ dude wasn't even wrong in pointing out the double standards with the rules, but it was ultimately the post that broke the fragile topic harmony that the thread had before
that rule only applies to threads the jannies don't consider to be spam in the first place though
I'm not disagreeing with you but that one just doesnt apply to ai threads here
That, unfortunately, will only lend (You) a 3day for "abusing" the report system.
hdg ops a year ago
>a year ago "____-poster I don't like" coincidentally wasn't posting
some things never change https://archiveofsins.com/data/h/image/1687/80/1687801151621383.png
but i don't see blacked shota
people posted fat tits, semi-"aco" and hebes without any issues and were happy doing that
fucking imagine that?!
no one is complaining about aco in those threads either so im not sure what to make of this
is it just one shitposter cycling through shitposting topics or multiple people doing whatever they can to shit up the thread? it still doesnt explain what caused it
Are you dense? Mods caused it.
remember when the glowniggers tried to get us to download an actual cp fine-tune? good times
you could always just post on /b/ chuddies =^)
>no absurd bans
>no spam
>everybody's happy
>thread is thriving
so you're admitting that the people getting banned are the ones shitposting the thread? so all we have to do is look at which images are getting removed to find the culprits
>janny started banning naiposters because xe can't afford a sub with xis $0.00/hour salary
There are like 40 good ones of her default skin in canon outfit, if you are looking on rule34 it's tons of AI generated garbage.

If you try generate a full body standing image of the character like above with her clothes it will look nothing like her I bet.

Also if 4th tail uses rule34 instead of booru it is quickly going to be corrupted by mentioned garbage
Indeed we should look at the ones mods are pointing at and not at the mods themselves!! So true falseflagging sister!
>falseflaggers calling others falseflaggers calling others falseflaggers
>wah wah wah i'm a pathetic jannie and i hate ai threads but i can't make them fight each other instead of the root cause, they are always onto me
>can't make them fight each other instead of the root cause
Uh, about that...
No worries mate I'll keep educating the retards who STILL haven't figured it out.
Small humanoid cat on large humanoid cat.
>see 2.5d /aco/ luckytroon slop
day ruined
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it really is huh
there's not a single lucky pic in those two threads
no point in trying to figure out what exactly was the reason some schizo decided to crash the general with no survivors. if you've seen generals which get ruined by schizos before you'd know that the reason can be completely arbitrary, from a mod deleting their posts to getting slighted by a thread regular or even because of pure boredom
and in any case the biggest culprits of the current state of the thread are the unpaid ones
literally this shit https://archiveofsins.com/h/thread/7849995/#q7850126
oh yeah my bad, missed that one cause it barely looks like her
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Ponysisters not like this...
usually it's narcissism instead of schizophrenia but yeah thinking about it is dumb
What are you talking about, shitters? Where are my trooncord screencaps, huh?
xe got butthurt over xis /b/ posts removed from /hdg/, resulting in whole months of thread being unusable via groid spam, seems like xe came back with new proxies though
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How do I prompt background like forest without completely fucking the picture angle, like prompting background completely remove the possibility to have from above pov
How can you tell it's a forest in a "from above" pic? Prompt tree trunk and mud instead, maybe a mushroom.
from above at start of prompt and background at end. weight up camera angle and/or the girl so the ai knows what the focal point is. img2img/CN from a photo, flux gen, koikatsu
don't even bother if you're using pony
this also, "forest" implies you can actually see the forest itself which you usually can't in a from above pov, sounds like you are not being literal enough

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