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Mikussy Edition

Previous Thread: >>8194294


Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
Maintained fork (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge



NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Features: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Features
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet | https://civitai.com/models/136070/controlnetxl-cnxl | https://huggingface.co/2vXpSwA7/iroiro-lora/tree/main/test_controlnet2
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/iopaint-lama | https://www.iopaint.com/install
Upscaler models: https://openmodeldb.info/models/4x-Nomos8k-atd-jpg
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
List of useful A1111 extensions: https://rentry.org/8csaevw5

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgtemplate/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

>wrong previous thread
actual previous thread tripped my filter somehow
o well
highlights doko
remember to train a lora
apparently we have to do full finetunes and extract the lora from that now
rip dudes neck, rip miku tiny hands
nah surely just training a lora will will fix everything
just pay the 25 bucks
if 25 seems like a lot of money to you then you're the one who needs a job my friend
NAI is too slow compared to genning locally with my 4090, and it doesn't know the styles I like.
if $2100 paid once is too high a price just kill yourself already
Woow nasty, very rude. But how do you even gen without eyes though?..
based and true
based effort poster
i already have a good gpu for gaming but why would it to gen on an objectively inferior model?
all nai outputs looks like donkey shit like the person who prompted them. be better and fix shit yourself or you are forever a useless cuck. local 4 lyfe nigger
destitute third worlders btfo'd to disney world
miqo emperor is online, so we will soon get more sexy local hentai
>objectively inferior model
that means you suck as a human being. it's your fault you can't into ml you stupid nigger no excuse
good morning saar!
Chill guys
Just train a lora
holy shit this is the most based local chad spitting the truth
its a 1660ti btw
uh oh, localcuckie meltie!
So angery... Try /d/, maybe they will be more accepting of your ugly pony gens!
kneel you fucking dark skinned cuck. imagine sucking cockroach dick for anime porn (couldn't be me)
Highlight-kun please deliver us from evil...
>anime porn
It's ART though.
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>new thread
>50% of the posts are already filtered
it's good to get it out of your system early
kurumuz, sir, the local population is getting uppity. requesting use of the 2girl loli prompts
Nah, I already paid 100 for a used 1030 and not going to pay a penny more. I like to OWN things.
based text thread
just search Google for your low effort smut it will look better than your turk nigger garbage
>posting an image in a text thread
very cringe to be quite honest
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based, post more
Hell yeah. Sexy.
kurumuz is a low effort brain damaged nigger and anyone giving him money instead of spending it on computer to cuck the fucking insect is someone who deserves the rope
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This has been an amazing thread so far but I'm sure we can all agree that it would be even better with more trooncord screenshots
This is something I always wondered myself with nai users. if you don't care about the model following your prompt or looking like the artist you requested, might as well just type the tags into gelbooru and enjoy actual art.
nigger I post /d/ instead of a hag getting stuffed. cry about it
>if you don't care about the model following your prompt or looking like the artist you requested
you mean if you're using pony?
>no jordach, neggles, astra, tree, euge, kohaku
why would i care about this?
how about you all pool together an effort to make a fucking porn model already instead of fellating gay furry retards. just fucking do it already
...damn he has a point
My GPU was more expensive than yours.
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So? That's what I said above. Pony is for /d/, you like /d/ -> you love pony, it's only natural. Now go to the correct board instead of sperging out here.
NAI could never be this sexy
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Requesting Chariot buttjob.
That's a child, you sick fuck
>the retard horsecock lover shitting up the thread is a /d/ poster
it all makes sense now
I like this cat
I only fap to miqo and cathag posts
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>omg my saas fee fees are hurt
kill yourself then you broke ass nigger
anon is right, if you don't have at least a 3090 or 4090, you are a cuck
good morning mr. torvalds sir
When will we get good nvidia drivers for linux?
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Happened last month when Nvidia realized Linux is GOAT for anything ml. suck my dick
3090 is the im poor tier card. anything below is laughably pathetic
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at last, a chad that understands
No! With pony, you get exactly what you prompted (same fucking dogshit sepia with same dogshit poses and same trash composition). Truly a local sota!
no need to be so mad bro, just gen some seasonal waifus
>I don't understand samplers the post
this is why local chads laugh at you niggardry
very sexy
having a rig of at least four 3090s should be a requirement for posting in this thread
uhh inpaint or latent diffusion
>local chads
buy a 10k rig to bake garbage underbaked loras for the ugliest model in existence, truly a chad move
I can't, I use NAI so anything new won't be in until 2 years and even then will fall behind the latest Waifu bait
i love how good pony is at attractive female anatomy, NAI is only good for kiddie diddlers
>buy a 10k rig to bake garbage
nigger you buy a 10k rig to make something better. if you don't you may as well be a faggot
ironic shitposting is still shitposting
>100 for a used 1030
god this is so fucking funny and likely that i can't tell whether it's bait or not
nah, pony supplied the pedos as well. NAI truly offers nothing special
if only /ddg/ wasn't boring, gay and completely dominated by namefags
troonix users are the worst kind of freeturd
just fucking suck ani's dick and love it you bitch. he will save us
true of most ai generals on this website unfortunately. fucking namefags acting like the thread is their discord chat
it never did. even on 1.5 you could bake a lora and inpaint a bit and the pictures would turn out better than nai. that's how fucking strong the loras are
that catgirl trap was kind of cute... I'm going to study his catbox a little bit
we import the discord chat, screenshot by screenshot
naiggers? our response?
>sucks kurumuz's cockroach cum and swallows it like a good goy
the fucking newfag zoomers posting trooncord screenshots here are cancer and should kill themselves but somehow they still aren't as cancer as the namefags infesting every other imagegen general
based localbro, you might even get some outdated training tech from him if you suck hard enough
complainers like you are worse. off yourself you cunt
are you from some balkan country or what's with the oddly intense hatred for turks? just curious
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>wipes cockroach cum from face
they slighted local. nobody fucking slights local.
liberty or death! we will own everything and we will be happy
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based local chad right here! imagine believing a brown skinned cockroach nigger is training a foundational model
why do all your pics look the same
local gets more pathetic every day, and it makes me so happy. so happy seeing them eternally in last place
complainers like him (but it's mostly just him) are why 90% of the shitposting happens here
Why is facesitting so bad, this shit doesnt work properly at all
This. It's only one schizo, always just one.
Everybody else loves sucking namefag futacocks!
Ah my favorite cat is in the thread. Amazing.
are you just shitposting or do you seriously not see the problem other generals have with namefags
ahhh ahhh mistress im gooning
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just have fucking fun and fap. who the fuck cares
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I mean there's multiple shitposters flocking to get their bait devoured him so kinda yes but also no
I fucking love you (no homo)
oh yeah. time to crank out another one
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Previous Thread Highlights
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kill yourself
Kill yourself
I'm not trying to place everybody but...
D-elfs are for BWC only
10/10 I will burry my face into them
live, king
kill yourself fr
You guys would get on the highlights if you just posted images you know
do collages as op from now on, people feel great getting recognition especially in the OP
Kill yourself.
Ah, I made it once again.
>posted inpainted image last thread
>still didn't make it
owari da
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I'm not the finetune schizo. I'm just rolling through another lora revision.
kill yourself.
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he must have unlocked an achievement named 'stockholm syndrome'
I made it on so I'm happy, thanks for the hard work.
> keep rerolling hands
> adjusting padding and denoise
> hands still look shit
> was using same seed the whole time
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>I'm not the finetune schizo
i know
>xhe didn't make it
post box, I dont get how people are still having trouble with hands nowadays
I'm on it twice tho
>not on the list
you are so fucking autistic
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Why do you even bother, you were told from the beginning that you won't achieve the results that are better than this using a lora.
>D-elfs are for BWC only
in that case, make her darker
Same happened to me
Why are you doing this? Literally the only anons who encourage this garbage are trolls. Just fucking stop.
i actually took your lora mix and gen her with proper elf body
>my text post didnt make it
its over
why are so many people even seething about the highlights, i dont get it. whats the big deal anyway?
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why repost?
didn't make it, plus the one autist that seethes about literally anything
Liked what he did
it should be just the ten best, not half thread
I guess d-elfs aren't that popular
I see~
Do you know the lora mix? here's a catbox just in case
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Problem was same seed during reroll. I was rerolling same hands, just with different denoise and padding. It is fine now.
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posting this again during normal hours so people might actually see it.

I have no way to host this, but I made collage of expression prompts to figure out which ones did what, if anything. I did this in Comfy and the workflow should be in every single image, but you won't be able to run it because I rewrote the XY Input: S/R Prompt node to handle an arbitrary number of inputs (it was limited to like 40 because the author couldn't figure out how to parse a fucking string instead of providing explicit inputs)

>not half thread
>26 images is half of 300
>I see~
Still waiting for someone to show Jordach the NAI grid.
>Do you know the lora mix?
yes, i took it from the earlier hyper catbox, thanks anyway
do it, faggot
>> Twitter.com
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Is this a gay coded pose
NAI3 is quarter and a half year old at this point, right?
>clearly a male dominant pose
>clearly a vaginal penetration
>clearly an adult woman ready for bearing children
Oh yeah this is 100% gay
you can see a man's anus, just turn him into a futa and problem solved bro
could you make the man black?
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this but with black cock would be fire
why are you like this
You need to kill yourself, pajeet
hyper goes to /d/
now this is gay coded
it is infinitely more aesthetic. sneed.
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Wtf is up with localjeets this thread
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I was about to tell you that you have shit taste, but then I saw that one of my gens made it into the second one.
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it's kurumuz psyop
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>not .safetensors
nice try
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I'm not on the 'cord.
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Please never stop posting these, the nonsensical seething is way too entertaining
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Stop calling yourself a chad and go back to posting on your diaper board.
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have some vanilla, then
More pls
unironically, the trust people have in *.safetensors astounds me. It fixes exactly *one* issue with *.pt and people swear by it. I'm sorry but fixing the most obvious opsec issue with a thing and then passing it off as a "safe" format is disgusting. It's "safer", not immune from attack vectors. Nothing is "safe". Treat everything you get from other people as suspect.
Wow, that looks good! Thank you!
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Does anyone know what to prompt for a non-sexual "tongue out", like ":P"? I tried ":P" but it honestly just gives me the same shit.
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what tf is going on here...
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Could I request some nuns on this day of our lord this fine week?
closed mouth, tongue out
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as long as they're blacked
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I would be fine if the nun outfits were black or white, I'm fine with that
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this is why I don't need to give kurumuz money
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whoops clicked the wrong one.
low effort anyway but such is the current state of this thread.
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based moe corruptor
What's up with every image being an ad for NAI this thread?
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>nai images actually look good
>ponyslop looks so hideous it makes you want to buy nai sub
yeah, checks out
Pure coincidence
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yeah, pony just can't do BBCs this mouthwatering
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Just train a lora, idiot
this general is such a fucking shithole
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Apparently this much memory you need if you want to full-finetune SDXL's unet with adafactor, TE offloaded to cpu, with full_bf16 and sdpa.
Anyone got some nice discord groups?
just don't slight cunnyseurs or naigods you stupid haglocalturd
Any new, must-have model since confetti?

you could improve it by leaving.
but im a naigod cunnyseur
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why does someone doing highlights make you so mad, it's nice
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If you feel fancy on your rtx 3060, you can also use PagedAdamW8bit instead of adafactor, but you still can't use either mixed precision or kahan sum training.
they don't include enough nai gens and small children which makes me hella mad
no one is mad doe
keep samefagging deadnoodles faggot
hdg had enough autists and attentionwhores already
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nah the highlights schizo doesn't even have a gpu so xe can't gen by xerself
you're only mad because you're not the one getting said attention. hmmmmmm...
V4 in October, December at the latest.
off yourself deadnoodle faggot
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You can also crank the batch size up with adafactor without any offloading, this is batch size 4.
uh oh yaoi meltie
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post some big yellow cock
more from behind please!!!!
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>5 of mine got in this time
AMD will slowly win over this thread. shame jannies will delete anything flat chested or id have more to post
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>pony can't do bandana on mouth
>can't gen bandit waifus
es ist vorbei
Outstanding. Hope you are very proud of yourself.
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im in fact disappointed because im doing virtually nothing special, im not even fixing anything
we can tell
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So from what I can tell, you aren't really willing to try this >>8203304 out, amirite?
why would he, his looks more like the artist than yours
Why would he? He's literally autistic and his special interest is loras. It's not hard to understand
i know and it makes me sad that anyone would see it as a highlight
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yo i actually managed to improve this merge lfg
Euge made a post
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So I'm just starting with this thing,

Tried to train a lora off some instagram chick, then use it with reweik_PonyXL. Didn't turn out exactly how I wanted it but I still like it.

Any tips for taking real life photos and making an anime lora from it?
I didn't believe when people said that IAschizo is deliberately trolling threads with this shit, but now I do, people almost unanimously don't want his shit and he keeps doing it with the most boring crap imaginable
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Why? It would be easier to just make an actual lora of it then use anime model for anime style.
Don't forget deadnoodles tianliang ciloranko schizo
Pink color accents and glow are really nice.
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What do you mean by 'actual lora'? I think that's what I did. I made a lora from real images, and with reweik_PonyXL as the model, then I generated these images with the reweik aswell.

Would it be better to use a real life model when training the lora, and then using an anime model to generate the pictures?
I also have called his shit taste many times here and even on /e/
cute gen but it doesn't really look like the artist besides the shading
did you use pic related as controlnet?
yeah, that's what I said.
Im not sure how is he related to any of this. IAschizo is the highlighter and occasional thread baker
i should have. the guy who draws all of the kazusa versions of cat memes is one of the only true artists left
Are you using CNet for your poses?
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Ok, maybe I'll try that next. Thanks

I thought reweik would be a good mix since from my understanding it's kindof a hybrid.
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500years old elf
Prolapse warning.
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Used up elf...
Though I'd rather it was only dirty skin and not bruises but... I'll still save this.
at least she has all her limbs and is not prego
I don't care if it's nai or local, just really wish gens were more moe
Isn't that /b/ stuff?
hags can be moe or gao moe
/hdg/ doesn't even like hentai
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go on /b/, there are like dozens of genners, when there are only 3-4 here
I'd purchase her.
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This general has become the complaints and circlejerking central, you can visit /b/, /d/, or even /trash/ and you will find a bunch people genning moe stuff.
BRO, it's part of the fun of opening catboxes. Don't spoil.
thanks, i hate it
The complaints are precisely because /b/ /d/ and /trash/ post here. People who complain don't want to go there in the first place.
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Nah. I go to /b/ and /trash/ and post mostly h there. I'd rather look at furry smegma than contribute to this thread most of the time.
Guys can some1 reverse engineer this ai image into prompt and model pls. This is so fucking hot to me i need more of this. I got this from rule 34.
looks like pony with a shitty dora lora
unironically, this is strangest thing about this general
the most common things in anime related media like "moe jks" are almost absent, most of the shit here looks like straight from d but without futa cock
it's pony
why not a dora dora?
You can get a 3-day for posting actual hentai with actual anime characters.
Guess fucking why, genius. JKs were consistently banned for months till this place became this hag and discord screenshot shithole.
These people can't even recognize hentai, how will they understand moe?
Sasuga. Much obliged.
/b/ sure, there's almost everything there, but good gens are 0.2%, I don't save much from there, I save three times as much from slow /h/ and /e/ though.
But there's nothing in /d/ and /trash/ unless you are a deranged freak.
It's probably because people pushed back against people posting 1girls in non-sexual fashion here.
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because you can and will get banned for posting anything below a D cup and/or especially if the artstyle is cute
last few threads it wasn't that bad I think
the damage is already done anyway though
thats true
i know, but even before retarded bans like for nagatoro, this shithole was still filled with afrobull princess peach, incase "anime" and rancid hags mostly, check archives from february to see how much moe shit there was
feels more like some niche fetishists cirklejerk problem than just retarded moderation
uh oh! its daily pedo melty time...
Catbox please!!!
no :3
why would they be here? they are all on /b/ ^_^
ikr :DD
They don't even get (You)s a lot of times though...

This is my trade secret. You want a catbox - cough up 750$
>good gens
Please shut the fuck up.
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if only :/
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want a specific pose or feature?
face not smug enough?
wanna fligu ur migu?
just inpaint

ignore all shitposters
the only good poster itt, i kneel
ntr smile, black male
I need an edit of this with Mr Blue Sky as bgm.
based inpainter
uh oh!
>GPU degradation
huh? lol, no? do jeets really think like that?
You know they just want your fucking style, not the prompt, right?
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join the fun todayyyyyy
this one looked too weird
NO! It's

That's why I will never share anything! :)
Okay? No one else here ever inpainted in their life, so shut the fuck up incel
based inpaint chad
/h/bros what upscaler and at what denoise you recommend for hires .fix in t2i?
all this inpaint and it still looks janky as fuck...
>They don't even get (You)s a lot of times though...
i'm always reluctant to just leave bunch of updoots as it seems out of place but yeah, it feels bad that anons posting on-topic are usually posting in the vacuum or have some dedicated shitposter stuck to them
fuck hires
this but I also use photoshop and do 80% less rolls.to get what I want.
i will never understand zoomers who imagine (You)s are upvotes and for whom that's their entire motivation for posting. why even post here instead of literally every single other website (twitter, pixiv, civitai, rule34, exhentai, even discord to an extent) that will give you the precious upvotes that you crave so much
I do agree that this one looks kinda off. Her arms look like they don't have bones, and his thumb is coming through her hand, I think?
>from groids to grannies for the 48th time
i see no reason to post images here until the shitposter logs off
same, I actually hate inpainting 100 times to get close to what I want when I could just be doing a crude drawing and get it almost instantly
but also I have no creativity when it come to this and im happy with basic ass stuff so respect to the guy
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just einzbern loli chinglish. always wonder how you can be a phd student at some ivy league uni, yet can't speak proper anglais
Me neither. Last time I expressed surprise at someones desire to get replies whenever they post an image I was called a newfag. Seems like that's the majority of posters here nowadays, zoomers and mentally ill, mindbroken millennials.
I enjoyed getting (You)s and interaction here much more than pixiv (fuck twitter), just very used to 4chan in general and I get more enjoyment interacting here
What's the purpose of posting pictures if you don't expect anything, like dumping it into the void
Not saying that every fucking mediocre pic should get a pity (You), but why post here at all if you don't want interaciton with your gens? Tech support? Shitposting?
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What's with the bipoc folx spam today?
Might just be a really badly worded way of saying it's going to switch to using System Memory
Sovl. Is this 1.5? Not seeing many errors but it has too much sovl to be sdxl..
>treexir is actually on xir deathbed
rip 3.6b bake
And there's me, I do have creativity but I'm lazy as fuck lmao.
Tree said they would get the wife up to speed on handling that stuff but I feel bad about their kids.
>tfw not lazy to inpaint but have no creativity, so I just inpaint 1girls
you post gens you like and that you put effort into with the expectation that other anons will post gens they like and they put effort into. that's the way anonymous imageboards have always worked and how 5ch's ai thread still works today. what's the point of getting a random (You) which says nothing but "based" anyways?
>tree would rather die than work with jordach
i dont blame xem
give me a good idea then
You don't want that, I do /d/-/b/ hardcode stuff.
The trolls are having a meltdown again.
>kurumuz successfully assassinated the only person with the potential to become a thorn on his side
>it's true
Damn, that's kinda sad. Did he say what he has? Cancer?
So who killed Mean? It can't be a coincidence that he gets offed right before he was about to rent the hardware for 3.6b. But who was behind it?
>Kurumuz, seeing the potential of Cascade could not afford to have Jordach eclipse NAI, so he took matters into his own hands
>Astralite, realizing auraflow is a failure, saw that Cascade as a potential threat to the iron-grip he holds over local
or, perhaps most sinister of all
>Jordach, realizing that Tree actually wanted to spend donors' money on Cascade, had no choice but to pull the plug to secure his fursuit funds
Inpaint one of these
Tree talking about dying soon and Jordach autistically just saying he can't help out with the non-profit shit for the bake he is making when tree is gone is depressing
NTA but girl in full military gear taking (you) pov as hostage.
Probably not, considering he's disabled it's likely his long term thing, whatever it is, finally ready to finish him off.
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I didn't even know. Thinking back on what he has done, and looking at things now, all I can say is I have huge respect for meanoldtree and this is actually really fucking sad. I hope he can spend the rest of his remaining days surrounded by his loved ones ;_;
Do you think you are the only one browsing other board?
That's very sad.
Mean just charging forward with trying to get things set up while jordach has a 0 empathy moment. So unfair.
Then we could talk about it in other board.
You are right, I take bad my sass
dude imagine the darkness closing in and your breathing becoming gradually more shallow and laboured and this dumbass keeps talking about how this epoch, finally, is locking in while posting the same deep fried isabelle strip that is visually indistinguishable from kfc
b- is gone, tree will be gone, even that homo tiger poster will eventually leave. Jordach will be all alone in his discord channel, endlessly mumbling "cleared up, cleared up" to himself while decayed 4090s in some forgotten datacenter churn out epoch 136
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with ai you can be confident no women was involved or profited in any way from your porn
There's no future for their project with tree gone. He had the only non-retarded idea I've heard from their discord in months, to expand number of channels sent from stage C to stage B from 16 to 32 (or 64) for their new arch. The only thing that had any potential to add any reasonable detail to cascade, and Jordach immediately shut it down with NO BRO IT'S PERFECT LOOK AT THE SUB-PIXEL DETAIL 1B OUTPUTS.
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Reply with gens of your waifu being jizzed on
jordach can't fucking code a vae. it's as dead as tree. RIP
very sexy hentai
anime lovers, we are back!
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It was clear Tree was trying to keep the project in line. He would bring up the 3.6b and try to secure multiple avenues of compute for the project regardless of how doomed it was.
Cascade really was such a tease. Despite the glaring shitty issues with it, I really liked the rendering. If the awful hand/eye/detail issues could've been solved, I'd say it'd be a great 1girl-stander model. People are right about 1b being a dead-end and never actually amounting to anything usable, but I do think 16 epochs later that the artists at least are 'locking in' to the point where I can't really look at XL loras and act like they're remotely in the same league. Such a shame that there really is no moving past SDXL/4ch vae any time soon.
Whether 3.6b would've fixed the issues I don't think will ever wind up being answered. It was a joke-worthy run, but ultimately I wished the project would've succeeded. The non-profit system would've allowed them to tackle non-commercial models like Flux that astralite trembles at. The "it all goes in" approach was nice in theory when every other baker was spouting about how ethical their datasets were. Sad that it's ending this way.
(glaring, closed mouth:1.2), full-face blush, embarrassed, flustered,
with every single passing day jordach's failure becomes more and more impressive win
Either your gens became more /h/ or this place became garbage dumpster, but congrats on becoming one of the very few actually posting something nice from time to time.
Damn, in the end, cascade really was a tragedy
>captcha SAD2X
It's both. I still don't like his posts though.
Euge will bake sdxl with vpred and 16ch vae and pixart will give him all the money he needs for it because he is cute
What's the idea? Just Chloe fucking an old guy with her id card visible on nightstand?
wanted it to be a student id that has her at exactly 18 on the day of the post to troll the jannies
I'm sure there's still going to be 3.6b and it will be usable. But you could see for months now that tree haven't been overseeing the project. It could be way better but we will never know now.
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What's the tag for this stupid normal looking cap???
Danbooru sends to a wiki with a thousand of different kind of caps
Why not?
baseball cap?
baseball cap
>16ch vae
IIRC Ostris mentioned that 16ch vae on SDXL really drags out the time needed for unet to learn details since 4ch kind of just makes them up to compensate. I wonder what the bake time jump would be.
I'm probably biased
thanks, I should have checked the other boorus too.
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Incase is cool
It looks like shit
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3.6b will never be usable. assuming the money even gets spent on renting (which jordach absolutely HATES yet tree was pushing for to at least honor the donations) it will be burned through so quickly. only now is jordach realizing that maybe prodigy is shit compared to adamw. he had months to fix/update the dataset as well and took a hard stance on using the exact same dataset for 1b and 3.6b, saving dataset improvements for "Reso R2". even months ago he was already talking about future pie-in-the-sky projects like R2 and his foundational model spectra-1 despite having a pint-sized budget and very little to show.
he will continue to bake 1b forever, as that's what's accessible to him. he doesn't like handling the stuff Tree was doing. he will never be writing corposlopped emails to try and secure amazon deals. he will never be negotiating with hardware vendors. if it's not enough to buy a100s on amazon, the money simply won't be spent.
I'm banking on the fact that tree is still alive though.
what did he know?
He knew inpainting those loli gens would get him in trouble.
real cunny hours doko
true and real
>reddit complaining about flux
>tree is in his last days
>neggles trying to fit the 9th elephant dildo up xer ass
>the rest of the bakers still getting mediocre finetunes no matter what they do
oof... things arent looking good for local... not at all... quite the opposite, actually.... seems to keep getting... worse.
this is very depressing tbqh
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Put your faith in the one true autist, the eternal sepiagod, Astraliteheart.
>better anatomy
>second picture is the most awfull anatomy possible
Bro please. Those outputs look like shit. Number of images is small. Synthetic data is 1/3rd of the dataset.
>give me buzz though
Just... Don't even post shit like this, it's doesn't deserve a mention.
>I fine-tuned IRIS XL on 50,000 pony images versus 50,000 NovelAI images, both using the exact same prompts. The goal was to teach the model the right way to infer and create art by showing it what NOT to do (pony) versus what it SHOULD do (NovelAI style).
he knows
He has to have about 90iq if he thinks this is a good approach.
incredible shitpost, i appreciate the dedication to the bit
also, better anatomy and all characters have chicken legs
Jesus this is fucking depressing.
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seeing neggles and his troonygoons now groveling on their feet BEGGING for a local nai release after their display of hubris regarding the h100 cluster stands alongside the greatest of greek dramas.
now THATS pathetic
Stop posting
he is literally admiting he doesnt see himself doing better during those 3 years, thats kinda crazy after all this shit talking
what a fucking loser lmao
The only local bakers worth a damn are Astralite and Euge, the latter because he isn't an insufferable troon.
Anon, your reading comprehension?
Xe is getting to that point. once you start baking a finefune you are basically transitioning
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/g5jcu7.png
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so THIS is the power of the NovelAI dataset...
really grasping at straws huh
i was looking for v4 info and thought it was funny. content well is dry, it's over all around
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amazing shitpost. girl in this image is nice
We're stuck here for a while huh
I need this with Hilda!
I would like to see an example of tags for a complicated picture getting auto tagged because I really dont expect good tag from that
Why only 1/3 of the dataset btw?
Every style mix I do sucks, what do???
>girl in this image is nice
those are literally the pony proportions, those fucking hips and legs, i can't rid of that shit and this is supposed to be an improvement at anatomy
git gud
post gens
That's it?? Is this outdated? A month ago he posted
>Small-scale fine-tuning will begin in a few days to ensure the training pipeline is ready. While aesthetic classifier tweaks, captioning, and VAE caching are still in progress, I am close to starting full-scale training.
But that's only 1/10 of the way there with captioning.
thick thighs and wide hips in neg?
borderline placebo for me
her somewhat saggy tits and thick thighs are the exact things i like in that image
>those are literally the pony proportions
yeah that's on your end, never have issue with that kind of stuff
Not outdated, and he's obviously lying his ass off.
yes they dont work in neg if you dont put them at 1.3
personally i love pony diffusion v6 and i look forward to continue using it in the future, for 10 more months at least!
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>1 hour expire
keep your secrets then...
It was pretty bad, everything was melting and body wasn't erotic. Never fear you missed something good, fomo bro!
i'm cranking it even higher, but obviously it doesn't fix overall "chicken drumstick" shape of legs
it's just too fried on "thick" western shit, arti despite being bad makes normal legs shape
I feel like all my inpaints are subpar, how do you go about your inpainting process if you don't mind me asking.
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just base resolution slop chloe gens without adetailer and with fried eyes. in other words, the average /b/ post
I fucking hate local and how blind these retards are
I mean its also dependent of the artist used, you can also try thin legs, never really had this issue honestly
Any advice on how to control the appearance of both girls in a FFM threesome? So far all its done is either merge their features together or only pick one or the other. For example, trying to have one guy POV shot with two separate blonde girls with particular prompted features each, or a brunette and a blonde, etc.
>deadnoodles tianliang ciloranko schizo
why are you linking reddit here you fucking retard
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This has been a discord and reddit screenshot thread for the past 3 months, are you new here?
looks fantastic
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yep, i'm thinking this one goes straight into the highlights
I remember you, local "kinda resembling dino" bro!
you're responding to the every recognizable poster is a schizo schizo, just hide and ignore
All this, just to bake using one of the biggest jokes of models there are: auraflow
Local is so fucking doomed it's not even funny now
you faggot
this guy is such a retard holy shit
gonna [fedpost] the danbooru approvers i swear to God
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I posted like once before, so I think you might be mistaking me for someone. Unless you aren't, in which case: Why?

ok can see it now. just got caught off guard by that nonsensical description
Do people really still stick NAI checkpoints over autismmix? What's the point when SD1.5 is stuck with limitations on tagging, resolution and more prone to bad prompting. Is it indians not able to run it?
nai is poorcel cope
nice samefaggot
Oh, so its third worlder seethe.
NAI 2 year anniversary is in 18 days... surely they will tease v4!~
The "fixed" art of that game is hilarious not only for how easily it all is almost always better but also for the silly takes they go for sometimes.
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incredibly based
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anyone else /spaghettimaxxing/?
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All of that just for a controlnet gen? jesus
thank God for moe
my bbckun bait post didn't make it, owari da...
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I started using Comfy around 6 months ago. Almost can do all of A1111 functions... almost.
what are you struggling with?
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i am glad that she is the main character of her manga again
>tree is dying
>furfag shows no concern whatsoever
but on the other hand if you're terminal why are you wasting the rest your life on porn and a fucking coom model of all things
Tree is a man of the people, he just bet on the wrong autist.
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Am I doing right if I'm putting all my hope into pony v7?
no, retard
yes, smart
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Random things, like dataset batch editor. Maybe image to video. Haven't even begun to touch animediff yet. Some animated stuff posted on CivitAI are pretty neat, I got to admit.
what manga? want to read something
You are a fool for having any hopes in the first place.
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Why is it so... good?!
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The amount of duplicate waifu and low quality LORAs on civitai is getting out of hand. How do they even pay for storage.
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does ryona count as /h/ material?
Hey can you link this Gerph LORA anywhere? I remember you posted a catbox with it in an earlier thread, but I couldn't find any LORA on Civitai with the same hash, and there isn't any in the OP's LORA repository.
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it's not in OP's lora repo because I made it......
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We can treat them slightly better :^)
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Based. I appreciate the link, it's a lot better than any other version I've seen.
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more like this
Saved, very nice gen
>ywn penetrate the Iono zone
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can you make the male darker?
could you make the male darker?
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split screen blowjobs are fun
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Dang I was trying to get something like this with Forge Couple earlier, but this was about the best I got. Do you have some kind of Comfy setup that stitches together two distinct generations to get that composition? Or is there some other trick to it?
Flux status?
I literally just throw a gen from the last time I did it into the any controlnet with the prompts
split screen, 2koma, black border
surprisingly, this has worked since the 1.5 days
Also, if you're using a model that insists on the penis out, try wrapping penis with [[[]]] or even throwing the penis tags into the negative
Your ass, sir
It might sound crazy but its easier to get a "working" SD3 than a fine-tune for FLUX.
They even posted a guide lol:
Huh, well that seems simple enough, I'll try it

>Also, if you're using a model that insists on the penis out, try wrapping penis with [[[]]] or even throwing the penis tags into the negative
Oh that, no I wanted the penis to be resting on the face in the first image, that part's fine. It's just that half the time the split image composition is all off.
Tell me, why does anon obsess over dark_skinned_male?
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no idea what happened but ill take it
present day, present time
Lot of loyalty for an anonymous poster.
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oh 4th tail has mamerakkko, nice
is this mutsuki?
yeah, I had a dress ver lora in my wildcards I think

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