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Creampie Still STRONKEdition

Previous Thread: >>8194294


Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
Maintained fork (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge



NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Features: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Features
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet | https://civitai.com/models/136070/controlnetxl-cnxl | https://huggingface.co/2vXpSwA7/iroiro-lora/tree/main/test_controlnet2
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/iopaint-lama | https://www.iopaint.com/install
Upscaler models: https://openmodeldb.info/models/4x-Nomos8k-atd-jpg
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
List of useful A1111 extensions: https://rentry.org/8csaevw5

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgtemplate/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

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Previous Thread Highlights
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same one fucking image
god pony is so ugly
>got a few threads without the thread schizo
>now we get this yet fucking again
Here https://files.catbox.moe/v5jzuh.png
So it's confirmed that this tianliang ciloranko faggot and highlight background faggot sucking each other off are shitting up the thread
I only hope it's not the same guy because it would be ultra cringe
Kill yourselves, both of you
I took the 4th tail 0.5 pill
Tips to get a neutral anime style? I'm not really into copying artists styles. Autism seemed really neutral in that matter and it grew on me.
>Try to get a loincloth being lifted
>It just gives me a loincloth that's 1/2 the length bunched up a bit
Try loincloth aside
local deserves pony, it's the perfect model for them
doodle over it and then inpaint at 0.5 of denoise
now that's just evil
Yeah, attempted that and for the most part it gives me the loincloth being shifted to the side to show penetration. I was trying to get it so that the female was lifting it herself to give off the impression of showing the penetration site to the dude but maybe it's just too complex/not enough of a reference pool to get it
saar please gen more oekaki for ants saar
>cunny on highlights
best highlights of all aigen threads tbqh
kill yourself
kill yourself
did you get any way of making asymmetric features or clothing more consistently ?
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Top (trained with Mirham slops) or bottom (trained with Gintoai slops)?

So I've been trying to make a style lora for the very first time, and what shocked me was how my initial image resources just around 30 images and maybe 40MBish, ballooned to a whopping 1 GB when finished wtf! Did I messed up some steps or is this normal?
I propose the simplest solution to highlights: https://strawpoll.com/poy9kwPkJgJ

Copy your favorite image's post number from the previous thread and write in the poll (only digits)

The post with the highest votes wins. No need for subjective highlights
not really. i've been at this for two years now and i haven't found an issue, i don't think that there's a good way of doing it. removing any examples where the asymmetrical feature appears in the "wrong" place, but that's deeply limiting in terms of composition and would suck about as much
I'll not vote in your poll.
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Requesting Chariot buttjob.
top has nice looking skin and pussy
bottom is a lot more colorful and makes her look older, like a milf
mmmmm both are nice in their own ways
hyper goes to /d/
omg, box pls!!
requesting you never post on this thread again
Top. Bottom looks bad.
funny how hyper gets spotted real quick here and just that, but as long as people outside of hdg or any other aigen thread, they look at hyper and think its at the same degen level than brony gay porn or sum shit like that
Nice I got one in
>Don't shitpost
>Post my gens
>Get featured
As shrimple as that.

Now back to learning blender and krita so I can get better results.
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I love that we're getting to the point normies are no-selling the anti-ai art bandwagoning

I some some twitter thread analysis where some guy was calling out a popular "artist" for using ai and a good chuck of the comments were along the lines of "so? it looks good I don't care" kek
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with a wolf
wolf sex

also highlight fags should fuck off
Really nostalgic stuff. I really fondly remember those low res pixelated art pieces.
chuddies should fuck off to /b/ =^)
very based
hoooly based
holy fucking based this entire post
Is 4th really that good? The default style seems awful and it seems to fuck up hands all the time. I did notice it seems to handle some lora better than pony but I'm not sure the hand tradeoff is worth it.
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I like using AI to edit massive breasts into anime screenshots.
4th ver .5? In my experience while the hands fuck up a lot it's got a better base for scaling up than in ver .45. Depends what you're after. After a certain point editing hands has become routine for me so they're not really an issue anymore with inpainting and drawing lines to guide the sampler.
>Is 4th really that good?
i don't think anybody here believes it is
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I like it only if used as add difference/extracted lyco, the model itself is kinda hard to use or I didn't know how
didn't you made it into the Highlights?
getting bunched in with slop is an insult to an artist
NTA but he usually put in there fucking garbage like repeated/way too similar gens or 1.5 slop for no reason at all which is not cool at all
kys faggot
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Nice BWC
how good does a base gen have to be before you start inpainting it?

Did you use Prefect Pony XL model for this pic?
about three fiddy
please fuck off to /e/
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Oh unipc align your steps kinda slaps
It depends. I can't draw hands, I don't want to double and triple time fixing hands with CN. And I don't want rerolling them for ages. So gen with somewhat serviceable hands to be fixed later is a must. Mangled mess is a no go.
Then stuff like good composition, good representation of clothing from tags, good representation of tags in general. Interesting pose.
4-30 rerolls before good base, I would guess?
Nope, matrix
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Kill yourself worthless parasite. Ruining /e/ wasn't enough for you?
uh oh! someone didn't make it in the highlighterinos...
I propose the simplest solution to highlights: stop doing them
this but for real
> Anon spends at least an hour reading thread and collecting pics into collage
why would he do that?
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what does that have to do with anything?
highlights are dumb. trying to force them even more dumb.
unfathomably based
>spend 16 hours a day shitposting in hdg
rookie numbers
literally me
Did doodle anon ever make an appearance again? I miss that guy.
>he doesnt shitpost /hdg/ 30 hours a day
Save me BBC-chan...
I miss BBC sensei
we all do
Seriously tho, why did BBC god stop?
Does /hdg/ have a discord?
yeah we in the 'cord ;)
yeah we in the 'cord ;)
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Why is it
its tofu
that is for esl sir
for us it's november
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The rare decision to post cunny got my gen into highlights, I see...
its almost here, things are ramping up for the 3 power months. im predicting a tidal wave of releases guaranteed to knock our socks off.
>cascade 3.6b
>furry flux
the pieces are moving together, do you feel it? synchronicity
bros how do i unmelt my images
Putting my 3 cents on ponyv7 and that's it.
use a better checkpoint
I already used pony slop, tailslop, autismslop
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and wider!
Great pose
You need to master your settings/prompt. It took me months to perfect mine.
Pick your best slop poison and work on it.
plan on refining it, can't do it better at the moment cuz my inpainting workflow isn't ready
Are there any fellow hags enthusiasts here...
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let's enjoy the thread while it lasts
it's already over
Bad day to have eyes
you lost me.
Two free (You)'s, nice!
She doesn't really look old as much as she just looks like she might have a blood clot issue.
I look like this.
what's the best prompts to avoid extra fingers?
unless it's an lora or extension, any solution is mostly placebo.
all me
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hyocorou and onono imoko https://files.catbox.moe/eg31yr.png
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fellas, which trap should I gen? haku, mare, or ferris
>not on the list
4th tail is kind of shit isn't it
why isn't my pic there you double nig
that's nice, can i have box?
idk any of those
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Wdym it's beating nai fair and square fr ngl.
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>my post became the op
>and got in the 2 highlights
Congratulations anon, this is the highest possible approval! It won't get better than this.
>retard that posts hyper on /h/ is a faget
who could have guessed
>not .safetensors
nice try
anon, your bait?
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based patriarchy enjoyer
anon what the fuck are you talking about
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files that aren't .safetensors aren't safe
you know you can make a malicious safetensor file right?
jordach would never.
>always hated mlp content because its cringe furry shit
>try pony v6 as its the best local model rn
>decided to try genning appejack since it's a pony model after all
>now feeling like I'm getting deeper and deeper into this, wanna actually watch the shows
fuck fuck fuck
>always hated everything surrounding the mlp fandom because its cringe shit
>browse kemono
>find hoovesart
>jerk off furiously
>still hate the fandom
it's that easy anon, you just have a terminal skill issue
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Why are all AI threads so fucking bad? It wasn't always like this...
stagnation and burnout
yeah definitely not the incessant shit-groidposting since pony's release day
yes, it definitely influenced quality of pony outputs
we love bbc around here
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Are you saying the lora size is too big? That's controlled entirely by dim size, regardless of how many images you have.

Or do you mean the images folder is larger after training? If you have "cache latents to disk" set then those cache files are left behind. So the next time you train on the same data they do not have to be recreated.

Also post loras
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hyper goes to /d/
These would get laughed out of /d/ for being too normal. Barely larger than some freaks irl.
What style is this?
artist https://x.com/NeoRu18436
catbox https://files.catbox.moe/0ox7ch.png
lora https://www.mediafire.com/file/48ld9wp83dlfbun
then enlarge the dicks even further to fit in. I don't give a fuck.
hyper is hyper regardless of if it's at the "low end" or not. And that shit's hyper.
>Barely larger than some freaks irl.
You are actually delusional.
That isn't even coomer brainrot tier. That's just plainly being divorced from reality.
shrimp dick anon sure is angry today huh
which reweik version do you like the most?
I use 1.1
i dont tag hyper so its not hyper. simple as
you gonna post a gen
You know you've been genning too much when you start having dreams involving sex with your gens
nice, made it twice! nogens stay mad
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youre weird. i just have dreams about my exes taking me back and i wake up sweating because i know its not real and i cant deal with how grounded in realism my dreams are in these entirely fabricated scenarios
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Very nice background, how did you achieve that? Usually I have to inpaint separately to get nice backgrounds, but even with 256 padding it doesn't look good. Inpaint upload fucks up even with a 1:1 mask.
she has extra nipple on her rib cage
I actually did have a dream about an ex a few days ago
It was NTR
And? Kill yourself nogen troll
ah, the irony...
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>it's too big, you're under arrest
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Thanks for pointing it out, I missed it.
based, only fkey has nostrils pass
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what a qt pie
She's also very helpful, as you can see from the image.
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Thanks, I love how this looks.
>temperature dropped by 10c
maybe... maybe one last beachpost to officially end this summer...
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im sorry to hear that. not the dream part but the NTR part. get some less shitty fetishes perhaps? i may have a broken soul and mind but at least im not a cuck
Sorry, it was me, just undervolted my gpu.
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it's still 85-89f~ here with 80% humidity for the next 10 days, minimum.
it's hell.
Something's very wrong with the top of her ribcage and left shoulder...
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You gotta start somewhere, even if your first job is cum rag.
catbox please...
Fucking hell, more of this please!
once again, to confirm, pony text encorer is just fucking fucked?
when i prompt for yuuki haru on 4th tail it doesn't work at all.
when i do it on tofu (which has same dataset) it gens her just fine.
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Of course anon, here's one more
Yes. It's fucked and unfixable.
Same, with some recent characters with not too much data I get way more consistent feature replication with tofu.
Tofu is probably the way forward, with dataset getting bigger there's not that big of a need to start from pony anymore.
pony is a dead end. It's unfortunate we've built so much stuff for it, but the encoder was always gonna be trouble. It's not like NAI v1 where it was compatible with everything. In the long run, pony might have hurt the community more than it did good.
File deleted.
fahrenheit is the only unit of temperature that matters when talking about the weather.
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>noticed random small things to fix right after posting
sasuga, me.
Nah, we made some nice stuff with it. And it pulled a lot of money out of NAI and into local, things would've been pretty grim without it these past few months.

Every model is a dead end, just a matter of how long until a better way is found. I still think that's gonna be flux, or a different arch entirely. Anything you train on XL will be just a compromise between pony's sex poses and the new thing's style control.
I don't even like NTR, that's the worst part
I'd trade places from my 55f for wherever you guys are even if it's 100f there, in a heartbeat
Why don't you guys just buy air conditioning? Never understood people complaining about hot weather.
>And it pulled a lot of money out of NAI and into local
Pony baker needs a monument, he's a hero.
>doesn't even know His name
Very disrespectful.
Window units are banned in EU afaik, and for a split system you need the building owner's permission to drill holes. Basically leaves the shitty "mobile" ones with a hose, and those are louder than a vacuum cleaner.
I will never use pony, but yeah this is true, and people always said I'm baiting when I mention that astratard saved local.
Without pony local4lyfe people would be stuck on 1.5 (likely eff) for like half a year if they wanted to prompt hentai. Local weebs just can't bake hentai models.
or just cope with animagine + loras
anon I have a window unit dedicated for a 11'x14' room.
the room is still somewhere in the 70's when it's mid-80's outside because the room is on the northeast side of the building(read: it's in the sun the entire fucking day) and I'm directly above a garage(read: lots of concrete, which retains a lot of heat). When it's in the mid-90's it's somewhere in the 80's. I've also got a 500~w heater stuffed under my desk known as a computer.
Also the AC is loud as fuck and hot weather is fucking miserable. Though it also probably doesn't help that I'm a fag that leaves a window open through winter unless it's 15f or below.
generating good images is hard
why is it all so complicated
git gud at prompting
what was the nai dino fiz rot artist combo?
post some prompts to test, I might have mitigated the fry at the cost of minor degradation of styles
ushiyama ame
kase daiki
nta, care to explain how?
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>try to gen cunny
>it gives me the cunny but scaled up to the adult males size making it some weird giant cunny
I'll explain if I can confirm that it solves the issue
tried the combo you mentioned, I don't see much fry in the 1st place?
Can you share any known combos that fry?
try loli, size difference, large man
Thanks so much for the lora, this style is adorable.
Don't use pony.
nobody ever helps or posts guides
People usually learn from catboxes.
A NAI image doesn't have to be good, but a good image has to be NAI.
this but unironically (when it comes to /h/)
hate that faggot and all those responsible for nai, but he's right
also when is that illyasviel guy going to fix refiner for forge?!
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Rate this underwear. I find it ultra cute.
any artists suggestion for sharp eyes like ratatatat74 or kemuri haku?
misaka12003, terasu_mc , hagakure_kurage, jack_dempa?
But I'm gay
akitsuki karasu
tsuki tokage
also add tsurime to your prompt
Anyone know any good nodes for painting masks? The one that comes with comfy is kind of shit and too destructive
>comfy not being comfy
many such cases
thanks, completely forgot about that one
import file as mask
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Yeah but I can't be bothered with having another program open just to pain masks
wtf happened to her hand
t/h/anos snap
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Lmao - wrong file. Went to remove a speck in the corner and forgot about the previous inpaint selection.
i only see this one https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=komagata
look on a hentai site
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Yeah, it's officially over.
yeah, nice artstyle but all doujin sadly
for me went from over 30 to around 10 in three days kek, i really can't go outside to touch grass
you can train on doujins, they have a lot more diverse poses than your typical 1girl patreon artist

the monochrome is an issue
It was still like 30+ not even 5 days ago
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Just Nai really, certain artist combos, ai-generated or just vibes will give you backgrounds. Still a bit lacking in coherency though imo.
you also have to crop or mask the important panels only because you'll get shit results if you train on full doujin pages
what do you use for vibe transfer?
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Tofu backgrounds are giving me an erection. After autism and pony it's such a breath of fresh air.
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Finally Euge is saving local!
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I vary it up almost every time, but I find that simple line-art has good results as negative vibes. This one has been doing work at low negaive strength: https://files.catbox.moe/etpau8.jpg
tldr: pony,cascade,wdv are memes
>use ai-generated tag on NAI
>still get less ai-generated looking outputs than pony
will he scrape something other than danbooru, like kemono?
There are some leftover tags from previous gen in negs that can be deleted.
Image was upscaled afterwards in img2img with plain latent upscale at 1.25x with 0.61 denoise, downscaled and then upscaled again and then downscaled again. Contrast and colors were altered a bit in post in Krita.
have you tried putting actual shit doodles like
for negative vibe?
>scrap kemono
>get the 2k daily pictures slop set the ai grifter are making since 2023
sounds great
i fucking hate it...
Is there a difference in how adetailer and facedetail nodes detect a face? Do they also detail the same, like if I use the same seed for either, will I get the same results?
I didn't notice at first since she was upside down but now that you point it out, yeah that looks fucked up.
you know that you can just choose artists? dataset for them will be couple times bigger and better quality for nsfw than "free samples" from boorus
but it will be missing tags.
danbooru tags are useless anyways and reliance on them has been a disaster for anime finetunes
still better than auto tagger
wtf is this retardation over and over, obviously you would want to use an autotagger even if you scraped from danbooru
I wouldn't say they're useless. In fact, it's the single best source of hand captioned images out there. For the newer models, it's bad because T5 expects coherent english, but it works like a charm for the XL model.
I now know why I see so much shit in these threads.
>For the newer models, it's bad because T5 expects coherent english, but it works like a charm for the XL model.
I remember people were saying things like that when SDXL came out.
yeah they work so well that every model trained with them alone (animagine, kohaku, arti, resonance, neta) is fucking worthless
The biggest disaster for anime finetunes is that they are all underbaked as fuck. We've seen it with pony, nai and funnily enough even with cascade, you need 15+ epochs for the model to get a grasp on its dataset.
no anon the issue isn't that they're underbaked it's that they aren't using natural language captions
you could bake animagine and arti for triple the time and they would still be shit because of the dataset
for cascade you literally can't expect anything better from the shitty 1b model
See >>8199587
Yeah, but then people were retarded. This time it's actually true. It doesn't mean it won't work if you just keep training, but it's much harder to make it work now.
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Yeah that would work pretty well for a negative vibe, it would also cut some green out of the picture.
[citation needed]
if something this obvious isn't clear to you then i have no reason to waste my time explaining further
t. anon who has never attempted finetuning a model before
Missing tags when scraping danbooru are not a big problem, you use dropout when training anyway. Now erroneous tags from autotagger ARE a problem, and even though both these sources will have errors, it is much more common for autotagger to give erroneous tags than danbooru.
>Missing tags when scraping danbooru are not a big problem, you use dropout when training anyway
You have no idea what you are talking about yet you are always very self assured in your bullshit in this thread. It's a good think bakers don't listen to every single autist with head in their ass.
No offense, but previous images look way better. In this one her body looks like poorly upscaled colored smudge.
every single autotagger is garbage for anything beyond basic simple tag
What the fuck do we do then? Hire indians to tag images by hand?
1 rupee per tag, saar
how are they not a big problem, how about all the signatures seeping through for resonance?
Corporations solve it by having huge datasets and good auto taggers.
How is that an issue? After the image has been generated, the second part of art creation begins. Manually remove the signature during this part.
>This time it's actually true.
No this just isn't true. T5 will not learn tags only if you have a skill issue.
NAI3: who?
Funnily enough, you can even see the effect of adding high quality NLP captions to the pony. It helps the model to actually separate the subjects and learn relationships between them I.e. if you prompt "handstand on a table", a good model will give you just that, without any loras or shit like that. What's even funnier is that it may sometimes completely ignore shading and other stuff, giving the gen a feel like it's just two images slapped on top of each other. A bad model will just learn to reproduce the images from the dataset and will fuck up miserably when it's given a task like that.
god, do you seriously believe that nai3 was trained on danbooru tags only?
I've been using "signature, watermark, artist name, text, japanese text, speech bubble," in negatives and I haven't gotten a single signature in literally thousands of generated images. And 1b is a fucking retard of a model.
they certainly didn't dump raw danbooru tags and did retagging, but what else apart from quality tags and couple of aliases like peace sign did they add to danbooru tagging?
at minimum, they trained their own SOTA autotagger and combined it with danbooru captions
see >>8199605 >>8199606
Yeah, you are too retarded to discuss with.

anyway, friends, don't throw away the gold mine that is exhaustively hand tagged images from danbooru because you'd prefer to use an autotagger trained on those same tags, but worse.
DE3 came out only a few months before NAI2 which was their test playground for NAI3. The only thing they could have used during that time is some kind of tagger or even BLIP, but that thing is just stupid.
They applied feature maps for characters, that's basically 100% known.
>exhaustively hand tagged images from danbooru
serious question, have you ever looked closely at danbooru captions before? i've gone through a few thousands of them and "exhaustively hand tagged images" is the last description i'd use
curious that i dont have to use any of those for pony which not only(!!!!!) used an autotagger but also an autocaptioner
This but unironically
Euge is receptive to feedback and doesn't have his head shoved up his own ass, nor does he set unrealistic expectations for attention
So you prefer to use a model that was trained on those and fails at reaching the levels that even they have?
an extensive list of tags would be the gold standard, but we don't have that, so we have to cope with nlp
cant we just start our own community captioning project so we can get ready a bunch of millions of images we can give to our local bakers like euge, minthy or jordach? someone should open a discord server even, only just for this purpose
i will generate the logo
no, i would like the same as this anon
i will bitch and scream when it turns out to be shit
that kind of project sounds great in theory but how many people will join just to fuck it up on purpose?
some anon wanted to create a booru for that purpose a while ago but hasn't given any updates yet
models can't be shit if your dataset is good
garbage in garbage out
who is gonna do the quality control?
jordach obviously
shit as in the captioning project itself being shit
and now i can bitch about your post being shit
why would anyone fuck it up on purpose? i think everyone here wants a better model to use for ai porn generation
Why don't you just go to danbooru and tag a shit ton of images, then? You can fix the bad captions yourself if you're willing to do the work, and you get to reuse something that already exists.
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I like the euge 'cord bros, it's cozy.
some people just want to watch the world burn
danboorus tags are shit. you would need to convince the admins to implement a completely new tag system that is counter the course they've been running for years.
euge is moe
/hdg/ has always been filled with useless incompetent retards, nothing will change that
don't even bother doing something
>why would anyone fuck it up on purpose?
even if we ignore the massive amount of ai hating mentally ill faggots, you think no one is going to do it out of spite? add potential drama or something someone doesn't like and there you go
remember the spam itt? look at the /e/ spam, i can absolutely imagine some faggot using some sort of bot or automated process to fuck up the tagging
how is e17 going, jordach?
alright. Good luck with your project, then.
>too retarded
Not an argument. For now you look the most retarded.
>curious that i dont have to use any of those for pony which not only(!!!!!) used an autotagger but also an autocaptioner
Simply not true, first batch of "1girl, cutesexyrobutts" without any negs: https://files.catbox.moe/vlxqum.png
If you don't gen any signatures, it's because positive tags like score_9 might have been trained on images that don't have them. You literally cannot make a model NOT output signatures that are in training data if you don't somehow tell it not to do it.
ip logging and edit history are things
you can meme all you want
doesn't change the fact
yes SIR pick the one artist that puts a signature in EVERY SINGLE ONE of his images that will prove me wrong
there are still retards around who thinks they're so funny when they grief things
there has to be some kind of control, like someone doing changes and then sending a request for approval, then a small group of selected and trusted people are in charge of making sure the changes aren't just someone trying to do griefing but actual changes, also they should make sure the images are correctly tagged as planned or that it's at least coherent related to the image (not only making sure it's a troll request)
you have poor imagination bro.
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There will idiots who will fuck it all up thinking they are helping. Just read the thread and you will see a lot of those. Quality control is absolutely mandatory and the project will over time wilt to just a few people.
>look at the /e/ spam
what's up with that? did the namefag really get butthurt over being called out?
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considering he's been complaining to everyone who posts two images in a row, I think yes. He got angry that people told him to fuck off when he posted 4 seed of a shitty prompt in a row with no corrections.
don't forget NAI employees
paid or otherwise
Sigurd alone will make sure to ruin the entire dataset
If I remember my pokemon games, a can of coke costs 600.
>he's been complaining
how do you know it's him
catbox is broken
also, you are doin those by img2img 3d renders? or that's also a trade secret?
gap moe
still better than jeets tagging pictures like:
"nice anime lady being taken by sexy indian man, nice weewee, big weewee, big boob, tasty vagoo"
it's actually on the same level. Both are the same.
Private sign up where you ask a guy in charge for a login, you fuck things up - you get terminated and your changes get undone. It's not hard.
thats what the catbox is and its not broken
ok nothingburger
i hope you enjoy getting raped by saas then
what model is that and why does it look good
kek, you have never tried organizing anything in your life if you think that.
watch people uploading opossumachine and tagging it as loli
nta but it was broken for me too but now its loading
you wont get better than jeet quality tag without incentive, people are already adding and correcting tag for free right this instant on danbooru and other porn website, what make you think a bunch of retard from here can do better?
with no immediate benefit for bothering, you are likely not going to get a lot of people
I always knew Euge would pull through
even worse
watch people uploading cirolanko and tagging it as opposumachine
it's confetti, an sdxl finetune by the only anon here who actually does finetunes
yeah wtf why is euge so cute
so is it good at seggs?
I actually want OS to succeed, which means I'd like you to not waste your time on a doomed idea.
Actually the loli tagging is a great example. Most people feel averse to saying the stuff they like is kiddy porn, and others feel icky associating with loli enjoyers. This can lead to either not tagging loli when it should be tagged (and angry untagging when they disagree), and to outright removal of "CSAM" (lol) by white knights.

Then it becomes a huge drama, and the project goes nowhere.
>people are already adding and correcting tag for free right this instant on danbooru and other porn website
and it's the biggest piece of dogshit for us because they're tagging it just so you can search images via tags on a website, danbooru tags aren't specifically designed to be fed to an AI, not at all
thats why local cannot bake competent models, they use the same unpruned shit all the time
garbage in garbage out
Well, these two are contradicting opinions. It can't be too hard to manage if there's barely any people. And if it IS going to be plenty of people that are willing to help, it's also worth the effort to manage it because you'll actually get results.
anybody got any of those litterboxes saved?

Holy terminal case of FOMO. It was probably sloppa bro... Go lurk some pixiv, you'll probably find something better.
how are you going to retag tens of thousands or more likely hundreds of thousands of images with barely any people?
sent ;)
>haha, local is for far behind, they just can't organize. buy a nai sub
>Nooo, don't do anything to improve local, your project is doomed from the start, don't even try
Don't fucking point this out
it's the jews
puffy_volvo is a danbooru tag btw
You can train an autotagger as you expand the dataset. that'll take care of easy high confidence tags at least
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>probably sloppa
>lurk some pixiv
By being patient hard working little slave for the glory of open source.
with shit quality, that's how. I'd like you all to stop and consider that danbooru has people trained and willing to tag this, way more people than you can count on with processes that are way more tested than what we can come up with and the results are still shit.

Before you start, you need to know how you're going to do better than that.
Oh no kurumuz sisters they found out quick deploy the 2huloli slide
Why the fuck no one would put an effort to build a relatively small dataset for each important tag such as "loli" with all the age nuances or composition tags such as "straight on" to train a classifier later on?
>danbooru has people trained and willing to tag this, [...] with processes that are way more tested than what we can come up with
not a single word of this is true
Damn you kurumuz I would hate to see it...
Well why don't you do it?
Well you lurk through thousands of images of sloppa on pixiv - you'll find something good eventually. You take 9 litterboxes of sloppa, it's probably gonna be 9 sloppas.
t. never had contact with danbooru moderation
you could and it wouldnt be hard and it would be an actual realistic goal

Alright friend. Then how do you propose to do this?
these 3d/AI are your best ones so far imo, great expressions too
building up a new auto tagger out of good tagged images its actually a great idea
even better if you decide to make a new, further expanded tag system to take care of a lot of new concepts
and you don't even need to get millions of images to train an autotagger to do 90% of the work, just around 500k is enough if the data is good
Well I'd like to do just that but the problem is that I just don't have enough time to finish my every project.
i thought about this before, but i simply dont care anymore. im not wasting my time only for local shitbakers to fail to capitalize on it just like they continue to fuck up the colors despite it being a documented sdxl issue. both euge and animagine have written their own dataset management and captioning tools. same with kohaku. both arti and tofu have also implemented NLP, to no noticeable improvement. the fact that every single one of their bakes comes out looking the exact same dull mess can no longer be attributed to the dataset

it's not longer about the dataset. it was back when pony launched but we can see from the endless XL failbaking that there is way more to it than simply properly tagging your images. there is a reason only NAI is able to escape the disgusting overexposed SDXL look. and it's because their actual researchers are picking apart the model layer-by-layer. meanwhile local bakers are throwing their dataset into generic training software which is why they all come out looking the SAME. it doesnt fucking matter what ingredients you pick; if you all use the same shitty oven turned up to 3000 degrees it will come out fried regardless.
local cannot figure out XL, they 'tried' and fucking failed time and time again. it's clear that they are incapable of actual research and need to rely on handouts waiting for kohya or someone else to write them a shitty training app. the only improvement to local training to emerge in the past 12 months was neggles finding some old NAI code and slapping it into his trainer. that just shows how far behind local is at actual research when over a year later they're STILL relying on discoveries made in the nai leak. and there are at least 50 more local has yet to even guess at
sdxl is fixable, just not by local. it's better they move on, even SD3 would be a better base at this point given how absolutely pathetic xl tuning has been going
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what are these white blobs and faded look caused by? I swear I've seen this issue before and may have even solved it before...
>arti and tofu have also implemented NLP,
Euge didn't though.
Yep. There's no competing with corporate resources. A team of experts (even if it's just two) doing this full time with available H100s will beat the work of a hobbyist dude every time.
it's still 80% a dataset issue. if wdV ever releases (lol) we'll see a model which actually implements most of the important fixes to sdxl training which nai3 did, and it will still be a garbage model? why? because it's trained exclusively on danbooru captions
astraliteheart is full time
He's not trained and has no experience. It's a research project being led by a dude reading scientific american.
look at cascade. it looks like shit, but definitely not samey. simply an issue of training time being to short for tags to fully crystallize out
you could train the 1b model for 200 epochs and it will never stop looking like shit
the trained dudes are at oai, nai doesn't have them either
>two sets of ears
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it looks like shit because it's 1b and because of the compression and vae shit in the cascade architecture.
good morning, r3s sir
Oh they do. They might not have the ivy league phds, but they have people who have done this professionaly in an environment that fosters improvement. Even SAI has them.

But the real benefit there is the H100 time. NAI folks can train at proper learning rates with huge batch sizes and try a bunch of things. Pony dude had to push this ungodly learning rate that fried the text encoder because otherwise he'd run out of GPU time.
so why does it look different? oh, surprise, because its an entirely different architecture with an entirely different training setup despite being trained on the most slopped unfiltered dataset out there just like half the XL bakes. it looks different because the oven is different. and local still fails to understand that it's an issue with the architecture tweaks and training code.

the reality is that there are secret techniques beyond your comprehension that you havent dug deep enough to discover. this is what places some models above and others below. cascade is a great example, as we all know dataset will not overcome cascade's shitty compression. it's an architectural limit, just like the issues we are seeing with SDXL failing to adopt proper colors. SDXL has architectural issues, some of which are addressed in cosXL. local has failed to address those issues which is why their models are turning out shit. cope about datasets all you want, but i am only speaking the harsh truth.
dataset is first but also last. if you tweak the dataset 5 times and nothing changes, then it's an issue outside the dataset.
>my lora is producing nothing but blobs of flesh why is that???
>have you tried looking at the dataset?
failing to notice LR set to 1e-1...
dataset will not carry you if your cooking parameters are wrong. heat of the oven, time in the oven...
and this is just the bare minimum and local cant fix it. then there is the whole matter of training augmentation like nai's frequency loss and various other undocumented tricks that they use to actually elevate their datasets and give focus to the parts that matter.
>otherwise he'd run out of GPU time
doesn't he own the a100s?
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when wdV releases with a proper color range and frequency loss and it's still dogshit i hope you'll come here and admit that dataset really is the biggest problem
Maybe he does now, he didn't back then.

Also, there's a world of difference between having 2 gpus and having 100.
>when wdV releases
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wdV will never release. Euge is likely doing vpred+ztsnr and loss scaling in the next bake though.
But also here's how conversation with Euge started. Do you still think it's _just_ the dataset?
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I can't decide if it works because I'm not getting the fry in the 1st place
Here's what I tried anyway:
add 0.05 or so of another stable pony model to the last OUT layers
picrel is OUT8 and OUT
you claim dataset dataset dataset but fail every time to specify what nai did to their dataset and what local fails to. first you babble about NLP. local implements NLP, nothing changes. then you babble about artist tags. tofu keeps artist tags, nothing changes.
dataset is not why every xl bake looks the same disgusting garbage. what you attribute to dataset is a result of poor dataset augmentation. character with 200 tags doesnt work in local models but does in nai and gooknai? why? is it because they have more data on the character? no because kohaku zeta has more data than all. its because they augmented their training to give focus to artists and characters instead of weighing everything fucking equally.
you cry dataset because that's your whole world. all you've ever done is bake shitty loras, you think that tweaking some tags will massively fix fundamental architectural flaws. it wont. if dataset is all that matters go rebake on SD 1.3 and watch where that takes you. absolute self-sabotaging idiots
>the better the model the lower the suggested cfg
curious, it's almost as if tags aren't the end all be all and the model has learning abilities beyond them
I don't think it is correct to frame it this way.
you're conflating several different anons here, i was not the person talking about NL captions or artist tags. i'm also not sure why you're bringing up character accuracy when nobody here is even talking about that
So he's frying lesser known artists?
Out of curiosity. How does one forget VAE? Are you using comfy and forgot to put vae node or something?
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I don't think it's the VAE issue. Wrong VAE presents itself differently with XL models as far as I know
Unless his actual implementation is more sophisticated than the formula he gave, yes, this is a huge overkill (even if the idea itself isn't bad) and model probably spends too much time learning junk images. Hopefully tag frequency loss scaling will get figured out and he dials down on repeats.
>and it's because their actual researchers are picking apart the model layer-by-layer
>there are secret techniques beyond your comprehension
This, so much this.
There's always a VAE, even if you set it to "none" it's just using the one pre-packaged with the model. Using comfy is how you learn these things.

Likely whatever shitmix he's using comes with a custom VAE, one that's worse than the base SDXL one pretty much everyone else uses. I've only seen one example of that on SDXL with Reproginex, which was a very early merge of Pony+Animagine. But it was pretty common on 1.5, some checkpoints didn't even come with a VAE packaged in and you were forced to supply one yourself. Cascase and Flux also have them separate.
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Really hot pose, good job!
some tags on arti are completely broken, trying one breast out and almost all are looking like this:
don't know what went wrong here
no, i am saying in general every time local bakers try to improve their dataset nothing changes. you wouldn't even be able to notice the NLP implemented in recent bakes because it makes no difference. dataset is an issue, but its not THE issue. the flaws of XL remain unaddressed and the specific training code remains unwritten. you cannot use generic trainers to address hentai-specific pain-points: characters, artist tags, lack of sexual position knowledge. all will fail if you have not enough data, but also will fail if you have too much data and drown them out.
want characters with 100 images, but character also appears in zero sex positions
repeat for 1000 characters
you now have 100000 non-sex images, and very few sex ones. so there is imbalance. what do you do, add more sex? now you have 12 million images and the characters are lost.
all the tweaks to the dataset in the world will not address this issue. this has to be addressed with specific training code that prioritizes certain aspects of the dataset. weighing characters with less tags higher, ways to understand where 'style' is stored and how to correlate artist tags with that section. different image models prioritize different things which is why generic training approach is doomed to make generic models.
its back!
go to free-prompt to try it
only two models now, still no idea what they are. one seems like generic AOMslop, others are likely different gooknai epochs.
Please stop hacking them sir
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Thanks. Took a lot more rolls than I thought because it loved to make the girl kind of arched back resulting in breasts that looked like they were sagging for miles.
>one seems like generic AOMslop
they both are producing similar results and artists tags are working equally
but compared to the earlier version it looks shit
looks pretty based in my imagination
>small breasts, perky breasts
I think this is the issue.
>Out of curiosity. How does one forget VAE? Are you using comfy and forgot to put vae node or something?
yes, basically some custom checkpoints don't actually include their own built-in VAE. And so connecting the VAE from the "Load Checkpoint" node is a bad idea if I want all models to work all the time. Instead I need to use the "Load VAE" node and just load an external VAE from there.
I would love to see just how much Pony is capable of behind all the hashes, and compare that to the more recent bakes. With many of them it's hard to tell if the effect is from a real hashed artist/character that's far too weak, or just CLIP bleed from something else. Because there's stuff that clearly works very well.
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End up with a lot similar to this, long saggers.
one nipple at the time, sir
yeah it looks like the problem with tags intersection https://litter.catbox.moe/kvgrpq.png
boorus are using both tags simultaneously
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I tried this myself just now, very cool very cool very cool.
different girls sizes are very based
Reminder that Euge listens to all suggestions for all the "geniuses" in this thread who know exactly what local is missing kek
lmao long tits
combining two different versions of the character lora trained on different base weights seems to actually work fairly well
I just wish this thread won't ruin him...
good morning taesd sir
Is there really nothing in-between SDXL and Flux that isn't complete shit?
>SD3, Cascade
Just need a decent 4-6b parameter model that improves upon the disastrous state of SDXL but doesn't go full synthslop untrainable nonsense like Flux.
what are you trying to gen to makes you desired that?
auraflow ;)
thanks for noticing me anon
gelbooru image from 2012:
>arguing about the situation and whether it's believable in the setting
>debating over best girl from the series
>overall commenting on the content and context of the image
gelbooru image from 2024:
>zero comments, complete wasteland
>omg i wish i was her right now
>i look just like her
>message me if you need someone to do this to you~
what the fuck went wrong?
AI slop hentai general? hello?
estrogen in the water
Prolonged porn consumption, bad zeitgeist
zoomers and smartphones
the only good poster ITT
What about me?
How do people train lora in the style of hentai/doujins manga artists? Like what images am I even supposed to use? Should I just feed it entire page panels? Won't the results be black and white, cluttered with texts just like the originals? There's an artist I want to try but I don't think the dude even make full color/ any fanarts at all
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danbooru moderation in 2024:
looks as based as I was imagining it
>Brings to mind a question for Euge when available is if they would be open to curated datasets which might have more reliable tags and if so is there a preferred/set of tags?
It begins
Discordtrannies will poison Euge with ethical datasets
why do they do it?
>Should I just feed it entire page panels?
either crop or mask the important panels only, under no circumstances use entire pages (unless it's a single panel page of course)
>Won't the results be black and white
tag everything with greyscale, monochrome and neg those when genning. if you don't have a single color page in the dataset then obviously what you'll end up with is an AI interpolation of what it'd look like if that artist drew with color rather than what it would actually look like but it is what it is
>cluttered with texts just like the originals?
mask the text or clean it up with lama. in the worst case scenario you'd have to redraw parts of the image yourself in the same way as people who clean up manga for scanlation. most models understand what speech bubbles look like so it's fine if you leave a few of them there as long as you always tag them
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idk, got disapproved another 2 times then it got deleted
i appealed it but it already has 2 disapprovals lol
"lgbt pride" is a tag that has 600+ images btw, most uploaded by contributors (thus bypassing the moderation entirely)
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16ch vae please... please...........
Anon, my heart aches for you...
is there a lora for Shinozuka Yuuji's style?
Cascade seems okay when it's not Jordach messing with it and we haven't seen any real booru finetunes since Neggles only did 2 epochs with no artist tags.
I have said this before but even Jordach's 1.5 bakes had some similar issues, also his idea of just throwing things at the model and letting it settle is I think the exact opposite of what you are supposed to do to train cascade.
I think it would be worth poking around with more by people who don't have ego issues.
just inpaint the details and it's like you have 16ch vae bro
How about 54 million?
"Public Tag Repository (PTR), a now community managed repository of tags. Locally it acts as a tag service, just like my tags. At the time of writing 54 million files have tags on it"
cascade gets worse and worse, i don't know if you've seen the recent stuff he's posted but it's absolutely hideous. all the colors are completely gone and he turned it sepia. no idea what the fuck he's thinking
I have and it's definitely a him issue since even stotev2 doesn't look that fried and the lora made for it looks like the artist it's trying for. There are also other cascade finetunes that aren't anime and look less schizo and fried.
Euge is the opposite of Jordach, the hero we need...
Isn't this because he's trying to cope with rescale? Too lazy to check trooncord myself
Why even do anything on cascade right now? It's just a waste of compute.
didn't cascade 1B develop consciousness after 15 epoch? I might be mistaken
Cascade literally reached AGI on the last partial and anons still doubt it HAHAHAHAHHA
He has been slapping high levels of cfg/cfg rescale on things because of "details" meanwhile ignoring the fact that half the artists have a pixel of white around any black edge that comes from over sharpening images and if you point it out he starts saying pixel sniffing is bad.
yes, here you can see a brilliant before and after:
it's really helping bring out those details!
what the fuck is that
He cranked the lr for epoch 16, so it wouldn't be surprising if it starts to degrade now (degrade? even more? is that even possible? YES!). Also what anons say about him using cfg rescale now. Also all of them in that discord switched to local smea which is a cope and probably detrimental to outputs on cascade.
Seems like they just jump from one snake oil to another, it's a clown show.
It's the same shit as all the reddit jeets who use 50 different comfy nodes to produce images that are no better than raw outputs from forge kek
He's literally Yanderedev-tier now, right?
At this rate he'll have a kiwi thread in six months
Well he is a gamedev
after looking at it more myself, what the FUCK was he thinking? the skies are all completely brown. the hands on the bottom are all fucking destroyed, while at least some of the ones up top look decent. it's like he learned nothing from the complaints about rescale people had from EasyFluff (which, of course, he wouldn't know about since he hasn't tried any model post-2022)
it's beyond a technical failure. this is what happens when furshitters bake your models. they simply don't have the eye for aesthetic, he 100% honestly thinks the rescale looks better. i'd be willing to accept if he just admitted 1b was a disastrous waste of time but he's quadrupling down on it at this point. complete inability to self-reflect
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this is 1b right?
eyes are so fucking bad
everything is bad
but muh details
Someone should do this grid on EF and Pony, or do it on NAI with the artists it knows, it should know Isabelle for sure.
this is why people say Cascade's 16ch vae is really just 4ch larping. the compression architecture absolutely rapes fine details, that's the entire point of the architecture. there are no shortcuts. you can't have this amazingly compressed super-fast cheap training architecture that also is incredibly detailed and amazing quality.
Eyes seem to be a huge and consistent issue with cascade that literally everybody notices.
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It's more stable when it's not the 1b model or finetuned by jordach but the eyes do always feel a bit less settled than the rest of the picture when it has highlights.
im not doing them all but here are two NAI (non-furry model) asanagis, I just tried guessing some of his prompt.
Leaks involving training methods are FAR more valuable than any checkpoints, everybody knows how to scrape and bake, but almost nobody knows HOW to do it properly, if they do, they're bought out and keep it hidden. It's esoteric business, senpai. It doesn't matter if v3 leaks if nobody knows how it was made, because no one could improve. v4 and v5 would have went through hundreds of alchemical distillations and innovations that would mog v3.
his prompts if anyone wants it.
"by chunie, shaded, anthro, isabelle \\\\(animal crossing\\\\), brown eyes, pupils, bikini top, pink bikini, shorts, beach, solo, half-length portrait, 5 fingers, 1girl, pinup, thong straps, navel, medium breasts, open shirt, standing,"

"what, no pupils, handpaw, dutch angle, nipples, holding object, undressing, topless, simple background,"

"width": 1056" "height": 1568"
I might sound like a retarded caveman, but I'd literally be good with v3 being the only viable anime model for years if it became local. v1, based64, pony and whatever was before didn't feel like it, but v3 does. Yeah it lacks the prompt comprehension and intricate details of the SOTA models but it's not needed for animeslop and you can work around that with inpainting/loras/controlnet if it becames local. I just don't have any faith in local bakers even if they get all the shit spoonfed to them anymore. It will take years at this point.
Just leak it. Please. With the inpainting model too.
>5 fingers
uhhh are those real trained tags? why
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i havent coomed in a week
never get a job
that's all his negs? weird
this model has more tag knowledge than pony, the te is also bigger
schizo negs should definitely work here, but still it won't unfuck 1b
Yeah those are real e621 tags.
e621 tags since non humanoids might have more or less fingers. The other two are just extra e621 tags for composition and style.
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looking for some help to replicate this style. Not sure of the model or anything, but I love it.
He has recommended other tags and even said schizo negs kinda work here but I think he is sticking with the same grid prompt since e1 to stay consistent. Not interested in double checking.
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same desu. if a genie gave me a tradeoff where i can have local nai3 now but not a single new anime finetune for the next 5 years i'd accept in a hearbeat
Not really familiar with those but as long as they work is fine by me although "pinup" and "1girl, standing" are effectively the same isn't?
Any consensus on which is better between original and no norm emphasis modes?
No Norm of course. Otherwise image gets fried
If you don't mind seeing a tiger in a thong the e621 wiki is actually pretty thorough about implicated tags and themes.
It looks like more than standing it's a meta tag for the vague "solo focus, bedroom eyes, mostly nude" cheesecake poster stuff.
I have not had this happen during testing with it with pony models
I actually wish we had this tag for anime as this is the shit I prompt the most, probably. I guess cowboy shot+whatever pose+expression want to prompt gives a bit more control but still
jordach choosing a character without a canonical number of fingers for all of his test images is a genius move
mc escher tier table
Fuck. Didn't notice that
5 years is a long time, considering the whole imagegen business has been alive for barely 2
e621 is just pretty good about having tags for each sex position, pose, body types, and pretty helpful meta style tags compared to danbooru. Also in general you're less likely to pull data with censoring from there.
It's why I don't mind some e621 stuff being in a finetune but considering just how much stuff is on there I don't think it would hurt to be picky instead of scrapping the whole thing.
Can someone link me to this tofu thing everyone's talking about? Is it a local model or not? I'm confused
I like this
Yeah they have very solid tagging. But man do I need an eyebleach after looking at all this shit while researching tags. It feels like at least half of furry shit is bara dick and ass focus.
Thanks anon
"e926" is apparently a version of e621 that automatically filters all nsfw if that helps
The nsfw tag descriptions seem to be there, but I can't find a way to see how many arts does this tag have there which is kinda important. Still thanks anon, might be useful.
What sampler do you guys use.
5 years is a long time, but at some point you encounter diminishing returns and stagnation. There is a room for improvement of course, but considering current state of affairs we might not get anything great for weebslop for years.
been using euler A since forever
we spent the first of those years with nai shitmixes and the second coping with a horsefucker model so forgive me for not being optimistic about the future of local
euler a and when I forget to switch DPM++ 2M Karras
You realize how much of a leap the horsefucker model was though right
no you don't understand cascade wasn't shitcanned because it was fundamentally just a trash arch it was secretly the master race model
you ever make an assertion so wrong that you commit to it because backtracking on such a fundamental blunder would compromise your entire foundation of knowledge, completely discrediting you?
Euler SMEA Dy only these days
Just Euler A, and the weird local SMEA-DYN on occasion. It seems more rigid in compositions, but it's nice being able to get at higher base res, for styles that do not upscale well.
Cat box please
DPM++ 2M Karras is the right answer, compare it with euler a and you'll see
True there's no paradigm shift in sight, we're just brute force adding params and channels and raising the hardware requirement. Still, even the very first Flux finetune will be big, and that's likely to happen before Q2 25.
happens with too many tags. still tho, no norm is better in my opinion. If you dont have it, you kinda average the weight of all your tags, meaning too many tags and your style tag gets dilluted more and more
>and that's likely to happen before Q2 25
was this revealed to you in a dream?
it's just my faith in local bakers
but feel free to screenshot it
>faith in local bakers
which one? astralite, euge, linaqruf, minty, kohaku and jordach all confirmed that they won't be touching flux for now. the only person who promised to finetune it is neggles (lol)
realistically local is never going to figure any of this stuff out. those who are capable just move to saas anyway. why spend tens of thousands on renting hardware and banging your head against the wall when you can get paid hundreds of thousands to do the same working on saas?
local will ALWAYS be behind, sd 1.5 being in the lead was lightning in a bottle, released at a time before anyone else really saw the potential. even new models like flux are self-sabotaging with synthetic data. there isn't a single local model that's a direct upgrade from 1.5. they're all misshapen bastards in their own way that require a special kind of wrangling that local is simply incapable of.
neggles didnt promise flux at all. he barely even talks about finetuning anymore after he got dropped from the flux team and lost access to the supercluster he bragged endlessly about. wdv is still going to be cosxl, not even the guy closest to the flux developers themselves wants to train on flux kekkymao
synthetic data > laionslop
>but muh styles
much easier to train in with finetunes
None of the named ones. Nobody knew about the EasyFluff team until they delivered a great model. Nobody knew about Astra before Ponyv6, maybe some horsefags but that's it. Euge with Arti? In fact most of the community namefags are failures with nothing to show.

So I'm guessing there are a bunch more people who prefer to deliver a good model before becoming a public figure.
>wdv is still going to be cosxl
It's never going to be released
And if it is released is going to be fucking awful and undercooked
easyflux was a finetune from the most popular furry model, and astralite was very well known to furries and horsefuckers. even for euge arti was actually hyped here a couple of weeks before release because euge's previous model was pretty neat for sfw stuff. sounds like you're just new my friend.
guess I don't spend enough time on discord
no, giving you weren't here for arti's release i'm actually accusing you of being a summerfag
the only remotely decent new bake is gooknai/anima. the realistic hopium is that the entire thing crashes and burns thanks to korean law and the model weights get leaked/released.
i like euge but his models were never any good, even 4th tail is more usable.
what is the difference between AYS gits,11 and 32
December, but I did get a 3-month ban in March, stopped lurking too
I mean whether you like it or not, everything that matters in tech spaces/aishit and whatever stuff like this happens and is discussed inside trooncords. Not 4chan, not even reddit or irc but trooncords. Maybe shit like matrix if it's freetards.
It's a sad reality and you can meme all you want but that's just how it is in 2024.
>3-month ban
wtf? what for?
Whatever the fuck that means, I just get them randomly like once a year. Try an appeal, get no response, then either buy the pass or take the vacation.
Euler A is the only good one
Normal Euler is okay, but it's not as detailed. Everything else is either too noisy or too smeary
hello dummy here, when you guys refer to euler A, do you refer to euler_ancestral? Does that mean the scheduler is just normal as well for it? I ask since I see with DPM++ 2M, there is also the mention of the karras
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Yes. You can mix and match samplers+schedulers any way you want, for the most part. Occasionally yuu find a combo that doesn't work well. Like when I tried DPM++ 2M/Normal it would always leave some noise behind, usually around faces.
AYS works better for me, YMMV
yeah but I mean what even is the difference between them
wow, it's like I'm back in 2022
ays is snake oil with stevia instead of sugar
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Which model are we using?
any tips on prompting two characters? like, keep their features off the other such as breast size and stuff
If they are named characters, only prompt their names and no other features, plus set your CFG lower. If they are OCs or the model doesn't fully know them, ignore all the former and you have to use regional prompter/forge couple.
Regional prompting or Conditioning (Set Area) in ComfyUI.
don't forget attention couple node if you're gonna use comfy
>only prompt their names and no other features
only possible if you're using nai
Fixing the guy's chin and this image would be great.
Nah, you just have fewer (anime) characters to work with. Don't have my GPU right now but take this >>8192970
Actually I haven't tried it on 4th tail yet or the lora extract, so the character thing might be solved too.
Now that is a face of boredom and disappointment.
Just names works on 4th tail, pretty much the neatest part about it.
Catbox please
what's that supposed to prove? seems like the only thing it can consistently separate is the hair color and the cat ears
4th tail can't even do reimu and marisa without mixing them lol
based. is this nai?
And eye color and clothing. They each have multiple outfits though, so it was not an ideal example.

I meant whether 4th Tail kills the model's ability to gen separate characters.
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Gotta use descriptions with the names for actual good results.

It can but you gotta describe them along with the name, at least it worked consistently for me when I did other characters with far less art.
i don't know the characters but there's no way it's not mixing their outfits. what's this revisionism anyways, everybody knows that pony fucking sucks at character separation
it literally can't, what are you even talking about?
Well once you start listing features they will end up on both characters. So better off using regional prompt.
you can tell its local from the skin gloss
Pssst, let me tell you a secret. There is no secret sauce. Nai doesn't have any researchers capable of breakthroughs beyond snake-oil. All they do is implement papers such as this https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.08891 and https://arxiv.org/abs/2209.09844 and the hundreds of other papers that these cite and get cited by.
>Why can't local do it then?
Skill issue. It's as simple as that. We don't have a single skilled baker in the weeb community. kohaku, euge, linaqruf are a bunch of students, while jordach is a minecraft modder with enough aspergers to be annoying but not enough to be a prodigy. Even Neggles only does network infrastructure for the guys doing the actual baking and him catching the occasional glimpse of a competent baker is the closest local got so far.
100% true, sadly
Why does inpaint when setting masked content to "fill" always start out with a black cloud? I like the results on principle but it's always just a black cloud at step 1 which ends up in making the resulting area always grayish black: grayish black clothes, grayish black skin, etc
>saas is just local techniques!!
this is the most severely damaging copium you could possibly inhale, actually crippling to local research. stuff birch found out a over a year ago is being cited in papers today.
maybe a year from now the stuff NAI is doing will be discovered by some researchers and publicized, but if you think all they can amount to is reading and implementing papers than you're just coping, no praying. you WANT this to be true because the alternative is too scary to image: NAI has secret techniques that their team discovered that aren't yet public knowledge anywhere. and THAT is why this mindset is so crippling. it's quite literally built on the back of copium and denialism. like pretending the atomic bomb isn't real because there's no way such a thing would be possible.
>go from 8 batch count to 16
>quality lowers
>go to 4 batch count
>quality increases
i dont understand. wouldnt this only apply to the batch size not count?
euge is such a dumbcutie
The low cfg row gets some of their clothes wrong but is spot on with all other features. Cat ears, ahoge, colors, hairstyles, even blondie being the more assertive one. It doesn't seem to be mixing their clothes either but just making up random shit. Which, yeah pony has issues with clothing accuracy in general, whether it's innate or a lora character.

I thought rwby was huge enough everyone saw it already. Well, two or three seasons, before it goes downhill fast. They got an anime adaptation, a manga, a full priced fighting game crossover with BlazBlue and whatnot.
Thank you. I also love NAI and I am not affiliated with NAI in any way and I believe this is the case.
kurumuz is on record saying that zsnr and vpred were the biggest changes they did thoughbeit
>almost year-old tech
surely there's existing papers out there RIGHT NOW that could create a model BETTER than naiv3, right?
yea probs
ok thats cool and all but do any of you actually know what you're talking about?
you dont though
sure, train an anime model from scratch on the basis of the sd3 paper and you're golden
I mean isn't pony pretty fucking incredible?
If I did I'd be baking a finetune right now
It's incredible we still don't have anything better. But yes.
yes, to unfuck base xl (which local is, 10+ bakes later, still incapable of doing despite sai even screaming it out with cosxl). that's not the same as actual improvements to training/attention/loss for the finetune. they're not going to tell you their secret techniques. they have no problem sharing znsr and vpred because they're public knowledge. and what a surprise, NAI fixes them in v3 months before SAI releases cosxl. showing once again that NAI is miles ahead of everyone else at actually noticing what the fuck is wrong and how to actually fix and improve it.
the fact that local cant even SEE their colors are wrong tells you all you need to know. it's fucking doomed
Or it's a fluke just like Astra and they have no idea what they did right. Worst part is we'll never know for sure.
surely you're not comparing the company with access to an h100 cluster and a team of researchers with a single retard
I never paid for NAI and dont know how it works, can someone tell me the following two points
>does it natively understand concepts like perpendicular paizuri or clothed paizuri or bruised face
>if not, does it have an equivalent of loras to achieve it
somewhat and no
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>saas is just local techniques
Nah, it's more that NovelAI is a local-tier company. Isn't it obvious when all they do is just anime fine-tunes of SD models?
Exactly what the original post said. NAI has a subscription to springer and elsevier and just implements or slightly adapts whatever is new in the ml journals. Unsurprisingly this is enough to stay ahead of a bunch of undergrad students and their 2 year old lecture material
>perpendicular paizuri or clothed paizuri, clothed paizuris are pretty good/messy actually
in my experience, yes
>bruised face
don't really know as I don't like ryona and stuff like this but I think it does

>does it have an equivalent of loras to achieve it
it doesn't have loras to introduce concepts/characters it doesn't know but there are cope workarounds
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euge, arti, kohaku, astra, all of them thought this shit was normal and fine. local lacking the eyesight to even notice this is the biggest red flag of them all, bigger than any papers or techniques or training code or knob-turning. it's actually harrowing that not a SINGLE person stopped to think "hey, maybe this looks like complete ass?? maybe sdxl has a dynamic range issue?? what's going wrong here??"
the same issues with jordach's inability to notice the frying plagues the rest of local in different ways.

i pointed this out half a year ago >>7809727 and still practically nobody notices how trash SDXL is at coloring.
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Cannot be said enough how much of a disease Civit is
if you gave me unlimited access to a gpu cluster then i would easily train the best local model
please detail your history in ML for us
Most people just don't really care. sdxl has so many problems that bad colors are just not that important among them.
i'm sure you would, neggles
It's really not that strange that the AI art field is full of aesthetically blind tech bros to me
I don't know man, the atrocious colors of pony-based models is probably one of the most unbearable parts to me. The colors aren't AS bad with other models like arti though.
it doesn't matter, i'd just ask other people how to do it. there's only one other local beaker with that level of competency and afaik they don't have unlimited access to a gpu cluster
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>ask other people how to do it
so you would fall flat on your face like the other bakers who have done that.
local is just a grooming-ground for saas. everyone who worked on the original WD got poached. anyone left behind simply wasn't quality meat. this is how it was, and how it always will be.
yea because if there's one problem that people like astralite, neggles and jordach have it's that they're very good at listening to feedback and using existing, functioning code
that seems to only be the case for weebs
furries just keep baking for local
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holy based
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>cutting edge
Sorry, I do not speak Italian.


hot and hot
what a cutie, how did you get eyes like that?
will posting full grids on his discord be a wake up call or will it send him deeper into his madness?
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i dont think a single local baker ever actually communicated and asked for help from another. astralite not knowing what dropout is, jordach refusing to improve the dataset for 3.6b, the rest of them in their own world failbaking endlessly. it's not like local is some cooperative scene where everyone works together to improve. it's a bunch of isolated island that maybe raise a smoke flare every half a year of so.
no, what he will do is just double down on it and say something like
>well if you don't put in the effort then what do you expect. NAI is a slop generator designed for short attention span. it falls apart once you try to actually extrapolate beyond the dataset. cascade is a tool for artists capable of much more
kek, now i want a series of pics about a sect were girls workship anal
jordach is very smart, he did the first stage c trainer for cascade and unfucked a lot of sai's garbage code, he just waste his time on idiotic garbage that, even though it's very fast to train cascade, it has no ability to do small details let alone eyes, meaning mental illness, waste of potential
the rest are pretty much what you've said
i would say neggles is the worst one of them all since xer had a whole fucking cluster on xer hands and did nothing but stick dildos up xer ass until oops xer got fired from BFL goodbye cluster
Thanks, my prompts are usually quite schizophrenic especially regarding eyes, I have "big beautiful anime eyes," "pov eye-contact," "cute young face," "perfect anime eyes," stuff like that scattered through the prompt for that one.

blackpill me on Kohaku_LoNyu_Yog
jordach might be a good coder, but i severely doubt his fundamental understanding of ml
What do I get out of it?
Very good for upscale and inpaint
i unironically thought that something will come out from neggles/jordach's endeavors but yeah last ~2 months were really blackpilling
I really don't want to live in future where a saas roach boot is stamping on a human face till the end of times, but i just can't enjoy current local, and there's literally nothing to cling to
>fills the content of the mask with colors of the image

>it falls apart once you try to actually extrapolate beyond the dataset
this reminds me that nai somehow recognizes "normal" western artists unlike pony or even some of the other sdxl finetunes. i don't get how and why
jordach is smart, he's one of the few actually writing training code. the problem is that he's fucking blind. he will very quickly go down the wrong rabbit hole (rescale) chasing pseudoscience bullshit thinking it's a magic pill to improve the model. which is why all his gens now have a brown shart-filter over them but he thinks it's better.
he's incredibly stubborn and will frequently try to spout some midwit 'realization' to lodestone who promptly dismisses it as complete nonsense. he also rushes shit in the worst way possible. he'll spend 6+ months wasting time on 1b but do absolutely nothing to improve the dataset for the 3.6b. he's quite literally setting himself up for preventable failure but he's too stubborn to actually admit the wrong and too code-minded to do the 'lazy' work like dataset digging
Alright knee-grows I gtg. I usually post in the /b/ degen thread but it seems much more knowledgeable here
Elsa reminded me of rapunzel, now I'm gone
maybe its the artist that make those eyes
Aaahhhh, semeeeeeen
What? What do you mean? I'm an AI artist
that's what i meant for mental illness
very smart, but sadly, very mentally ill, no vision, aesthetically blind and adresses things the wrong way
again, waste of potential
makes me wonder how far local would've been right now if he was on a team along local bakers that aren't aesthetically blind or at least anime bakers
doing shit alone is detrimental, cuz you're lacking of different points of view and hence it will end up reflecting problems on the model due to not being able to adress things at different angles
one of the reasons why saas is so good it's that there is a whole team resposible for the model
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Love brown/short hair Raps
kys shitposter
What are some of your favorite sexy prompts?
Looking to increase my collection of stuff with my being sexy, being fucked or other.
el meow
Goood morning sir! My favorite sexy prompt is 1girl,tifa,paizuri
Thank you and dont steal it for your patreon
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Old SD15 AOM gen. Fuck. Give me this background with SDXL mix. Look how juicy it is.
kys right now
yeah now imagine if SEAtards didnt ruin it with that ugly sloppa face and we still had nice 1.4-era victorian catgirls instead.
>this is the worst ai will ever be!!! hold onto your papers saaaars!!!!
how about you fuck off to the board you belong to, retard.
How about you jump off a bridge? Should have done so long ago
Any way to get this flat style?
cheesy looking, lots of visual noise and does not fit the style
Can't you just say
> Please come to my thread, Anon. I really want to see you post there.
which thread, faggot? fuck off to /d/
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oh uh melty
would pov, missionary, vaginal, torso grab
So whats the best way to format your prompts with Pony models?
Future finetunes will fix it, for sure.

That image does have many flaws of course. But overall consistency, level of detail, utterly succulent background makes me so happy when I look at it.
>futa AND blacked
go back to /d/ please
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imagine the smell
Rope faggot
arti can do some "wallpaper" gens with backgrounds that actually fit the style, ofc it's very random and has noisy artifacts
catboxo please... nice gen
What artists do you guys like using? I want to slap them into my mix to see what comes out
fellatrix, incase, asura (asurauser), afrobull
asura (asurauser)
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ikuchan kaoru,uno makoto,takeda hiromitsu
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you're pretty good
how did he hit her eye from there?
multiple rounds
thanks, real nice
why must you do this to me
anons, which a1111 extension should I use for SMEA sampler (there are several)?
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huh weird, I guess inpainting fucked the metadata somehow
all good, thanks! i thought i got trolled
idk if this its almost /d/ but i like this combo fetish.

what do you thinks anons?
asakuraf/hado pony lora, prodigy, 1k steps
pussy looks fucked
Also works on forge

also, what is "Schedule type" in a1111? I have been using 1.6.0 for a very long time and just have updated to 1.10.0
next epoch for sure, we'll get 'em this time...
The way the sampler "beheaves", not every sampler work with every scheduler tho, you'll be better off running a x/y comparison or give this page a read
your wife is so cute on all of them styles
the king is back...
If he's willing to test it out then I'm willing to provide my datasets to him
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is this flux? or
made the job easy on the highlighterinos for next thread he can just use this entire collection, absolutely based each image better than the last
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very based
hey buddy i think you got the wrong door, /aco/ is 2 boards down
Also meant to add:
if you have any requests for wife or additional artists ill take them
probably wont get to them tonight but i'll drop them eventually
her cunny in cowboy shot but make her smaller/even more aged down
super cute
can someone tell me what is this snake oil hes talking about
or it isnt actually snake oil?
how could you possibly expect anybody here to know about jordach's plans for training a new cascade architecture beyond what he himself has said
He has been working on making a "foundational model" and has really only posted terminal screenshots about it. He isn't very clear about anything he does. Just keep it out of mind and if something happens it happens.
I think it would be for the best if people just stopped talking about Jordach. I don't think he's ever going to produce anything of worth.
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nah it's not flux, i don't think flux would fuck up emojis with a resolution like that
genned in reweik11 and inpainted faces with artiv2
i'm still giving it a solid 2% chance that the full 3.6b bake will end up being better than pony but it's ridiculous that it hasn't started yet
>scrolling down
>scrolling down
i laughed
im sorry i cant help it
i am in search for any sparks of hope for local to finally break its chains
yes i am that desperate
pfff, as always, pathetic local meltie
meanwhile oai just dropped gpt-o1 and its already raping all benchmarks in history
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i a bit new generating images, if have good promps for better pussys can you shared with me.
>mfw auraflow has fundamental issues with color/dynamic range/etc
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it hasn't even started yet and it's already over
i cannot fucking believe this shit man
it gets even worse because it's current dataset is largely trained on ideogram slop
it cannot get even worse, right?

it's current checkpoint* contains ideogram, and very likely more ai-generated images, early versions of sd are the only models that are 100% exempt of ai content in their dataset
why is she indoors on the first panel, does she randomly teleport onto his dick or something?
ashes to ashes, sloppa to sloppa
Not sure how to go even further than what I already do but, here's a mini album
included a couple of older accidental gens
that's where she think she is, into her pajama
excellent, very based

my apologies, I'll make sure to not leave quality gens in the AOMslop, loli porn, and race fetish porn thread next time.
>quality gens
good joke
He meant quality Gwens
>posting no gen in the reply
>claiming no gens at all

if you do know quality, be sure to point me in the right direction.
here you go: >>>/aco/
you snipped the best part, where he came up with this idea after asking Claude to explain the inner workings of Cascade.
ain't no way
kek please be real
Nah, he ran local llama 7b on his 1060 and asked kek
He has mentioned several times asking chatgpt and claude to handle code for him and explain shit
tbf that's literally every programmer right now
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Can I get a box for the pose? I have a hard time with anything from above and the girl on the floor, dont know what im doing wrong
more like this
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Nice. Catbox, please?
many such cases! (the retarded)
amazing, he's wrong about literally everything
>reddit is turning on flux
jordach was right
How do you use this? Tags? Post catbox, please.
Why does anyone listen to this retard again? He hasnt produced anything of value and has clearly no idea what the fuck he is doing or talking about, even astralite has more credibility than this guy
Even the new self reasoning models that just dropped don't beat humans at certain tasks and when it comes to image gen I just don't think I would trust it. Unless he is just having it look over parts and double checking it himself it's not a great idea.
don't show him o1 that was dropped yesterday or else he will go on a real huge meltie
if i yell will that echo
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>self-reasoning models

boy they're coming up with really fancy names for a hidden CoT aren't they

"wow look at us we stuck tree of three niggas into our LLM and no you can't remove them that will be thirty million dollars" suck my cock
Did you use controlnet? This is pretty good.
Well of course, could you imagine them trying to explain that to the old fucks funding it? If any of these "ai" people were honest they wouldn't be calling it "openai" to begin with.
Flux has a baked in synthetic look that's worse than pony
everything in tech is a grift for retard that dont know anything and have too much money to spend on things that sound cool
Isn't he correct tho? When I feed basic math to chat gpt it tends to get it wrong unless it's written as a formula that wolfram alpha could already solve. I was under the impression it would be as retarded for code. Is it not?
And don't get me started on
these things are fucking retarded. "No I would not kill a toddler to save the entire world. You should not make me pick!" shut the fuck up you retarded robot
>he doesnt know
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he called LLMs a fundamentally useless technology yet a month later is asking it to explain his image model to him. whether he's right or wrong, it's just another example of him making a stubborn declaration about something only to self-own shortly after
Catbox? Been trying to get clean anime style.
>Instructions for merging Pony and non-Pony models using the EveryLoRA compatibility TE, using SuperMerger:
>For example we will merge AutismConfetti with AnimagineXL. I've tested this, it works fine, the results are a bit boring though, so you may want to try other models.

>Step 1
>Model A: AnimagineXL
>Model B: EveryLoRA
>Use Weight sum + MBW: 1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
>This transfers the EveryLoRA TE to Animagine.

>Step 2
>Model B: AutismMixConfetti
>Use Weight sum + MBW: 0,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5
>This merges animagine and autism as 0.5 weight while keeping the EveryLoRA TE.
>= Pony + Non-Pony merge

>If you get muted/grey results you need to bake in the SDXL VAE in the options.

...or so advokat says, but they didn't show non lora styles or any complex poses.
Bet she sounds like a jug in the wind.
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every week people are discovering new quirks with training. it's simply not feasible to perform a large-scale finetune on it. by the time anyone finishes training there will be more 'lessons learned' than with SDXL.
at least SAI had a few people to answer questions about the model. flux was just dropped with little explanation and no follow-up. it would be incredibly risky to burn money renting hardware for a flux finetune. the only people capable would be those existing access to clusters
what is everylora
The model they just dropped but they have it pay-walled and even though I never spend my "buzz" I still think it's not worth it until they prove it's not just the worst of both worlds.
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i make no guarantees that you can get that result with what im doing
>Merge of CashMoney v4 (Pony) and NAI3LikeDiffusion (SDXL anime).
DAMN this one looks like a real winner!!! local absolutely cooked with this one!
>previews are all fried 1girl standing
If they actually figured out how to get pony knowledge along with other sdxl knowledge it's good but they have claimed that several times now and the previews aren't helping.
no, they havent figure out shit. none of either is worth preserving. this is just pure slop really, there isnt a single other XL model worth 'merging knowledge' in with pony. it's just grim at this point...
Just want to find out the model. Thanks.
I would merge 4th tail with tofu to create singularity
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i wish you luck, i have no idea what im doing
my GOD. this is UNFAIR. local gets L after L after L. FUCKING HELL
i feel you...
Just go play AA2 for a year and come check back later.
guaranteed you dont even post gens and just whine
another common paypig false flag
local continues to advance beyond the wildest dreams of the average saas customer. it is untouchable and will remain so
Why in the fuck do we have 8 different half baked projects instead of just one that potentially could be good?
local can't cooperate
Most bakers have big disagreements. Only Euge has been receptive to input so far.
The first step to saving local is civit going under
v3 could be huege
Euge literally just pinned suggestions people have been making to his discord, and he really is receptive to all feedback. He's the only baker who doesn't have their head up their ass.
The best thing to do is honestly just forget about it all. Nobody documenting every step of their process has ever dropped a successful model.
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Extract of 4th
do his 5.0 extracts work with reforge? his previous extracts didn't. i've got no idea what's he using to extract loras, because when i tried it with kohya - they worked just fine in reforge
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nekobox please
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tell him about eye shape tag style bleed
actually someone do this on nai, i'm not subbed atm, surely it looks the way it should? metadata is in the catbox
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Nah, that doesn't make you a furry at all.
I watched mlp early in my teen years and I was never and still not a furry. Guess I was bored but meh, I enjoyed the show (gen4 only) and never looked back.
That being said. I fulfilled my dream of genning porn of my ponyfu.
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here ya go bwo
Have you heard of Open Model Initiative? It's a collaboration between every possible local developer. You have AUTOMATIC, vladmandic, comfy, and invoke all on this same project. You have the heads of CivitAI, former SAI, LAION, astralite, the auraflow team members, and even Emad himself in this group. Practically everyone who was ever part of local development was invited to participate in this project. So how did it go?

It's a shitshow. Nothing gets done, it's an endless ethical race-to-the-bottom just like SAI. Nobody wants to be 'that guy' so they all cave in to pressure. No children at all in the dataset due to fears of csam, some are pushing for using purely synthetic data and removing all copyright content to remain as ethical as possible. The more you scale up team size with these 'open and free :)))' projects, the more of a drama-fueled mess they become. When you have no boss to fire you and you have no salary keeping you in line, what can you expect to happen? If things don't go your way you can just stomp your feet and throw a shitfit until the team schisms like what happens with every other open source project in existence.
And now you add compute costs on top of that and even more trouble emerges. It's not like they can fuse compute together here, Jordach can't interlink his 3050s with Kohaku's 3090. Would any of these people really even have anything to contribute collectively even?
While it sounds like a good idea on the surface, all you really described was the formation of NAI. As long as compute costs remain insanely high, there is no reason NOT to turn your local team into a saas.
>loli in prompt
>says she's adult
are pedofags really this retarded?
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God please just tell him somebody that the noise artifacts and fucked anatomy his models have are caused by SD3's lognorm timestep schedule, he needs to get rid of it asap in favor of either MinSNR or debiased estimation loss
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Just make a throwaway on browser and tell him. That way you wont need discord screenshots to confirm he listened
I've been using Pony model for 3 months and I love it so fucking much, making very complex workflows in comfyui that piece together hundreds of prompts. It's personalized porn for exactly what I want, it's the god damn Holodeck.

I've had Hydrus Network set up to automatically download all ai_generated images from boorus (filtering out the nasty shit) and I have to say my generations are better than all of theirs. It's probably just because of personal taste. But still, I will probably never fap to someone else's hentai ever again.

It's a deadly serious statement considering the important subject matter here.
>I've had Hydrus Network set up to automatically download all ai_generated images from boorus
prove it, show us your dozens of TBs of slop, immediately
or else
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ah I misspoke, it's not that impressive, Hydrus Network is only downloading using a list of 181 waifus, so there's only 65,000 images (115GB).

I bet I'm considered a strange one though, as someone who has been specifically downloading only ai images. No traditional images at all, haha.
>I bet I'm considered a strange one though, as someone who has been specifically downloading only ai images. No traditional images at all, haha.
you are not but only because there is a use case to be had here
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If anyone wanted to try this

I'm not really seeing much pony specific knowledge from what I tried but I was testing hyper niche tags like "multi nipple" also for some reason this merge adds a bunch of random shit so I just did their TE transfer on a different set of models and now it's fine.
God 4th tail is so shit. I'm giving up on this model and going back to pony. You can't even prompt a simple side sex scene without running into dumb shit.
Run, faggot, run. Nothing beats the smegma sepia <3
i'm testing reweik v1.1 with >>8200825 xl, not xl-alt
4th tail is all about artist schizo prompting and upscaling like you never upscaled before to fix the fried mess that shits out at first.
Too much trouble for a simple gen.
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the shit she does for a single grimoire
>>Merge of CashMoney v4 (Pony) and NAI3LikeDiffusion (SDXL anime).
Yeah wtf is the point of merging EveryLora with Animagine and then EveryLora+Animagine with Autism? That's just a boat load of Pony inbreeding
If the TE of EveryLora was so good that it's somehow compatible with Animagine, then surely you would just merge Animagine and Autism straight up the same way that EveryLora was merged?
What is this retarded shit?
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closed source simply means AI is easier to make safe. it's why there's no good open source video models yet - and the only one in development will be censored at the dataset level.
When you put it like that, it's actualy pretty embarassing how much he's managed to achieve in comparison. Keep in mind the missing character and style knowledge is him intentionally cripling the model.
fixed in Reweik
Can someone share your negative prompts on NAI? I need the schizo ones.
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is there a lora for this outfit? how would you guys prompt this?
It has innate knowledge of anime much better than SD1.5 and SDXL, so it would be interesting to see how it responds to training beyond a simple lora. Pony also looks nothing like SDXL base, so the "synthetic look" might not necessarily stay in there.
leopard print, micro bikini, miniskirt, open shirt
Why do these not have english names that could translate into half-/h/ styles on e621 and r34
How do I stop my s/it from dumping when I'm running something else with hardware acceleration? I can't keep Krita open while genning
I'll just grab the lora extract for characters
Adding gyaru helps a lot since it's their default look. I don't think there's a poper tag for shirt sleeves tied under bra, that one might be an issue.
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today the doc told me im schizophrenic hows your day
omg it migu
Did you use a PC98 based lora?
I wish I knew what the hell is wrong with me but getting a psych diagnosis in my country is career suicide. I'm probably a sperg
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the difference between you and me is that i hallucinate and have known for my whole life. im very self-aware about it. i know theyre not real but its nice to have company in my head, and it doesnt really have any downsides other than theyre hallucinations so i can arguably just not take my meds
make a luka gen for me
Big things happening in the euge 'cord
No one asked
Is b-chama there?
so tru sis ::::(((
Euge is going to save local
No, it's actually really good discussion regarding the V3 training. Straight and to the point, not like other trooncords kek
this is what I live for. more please
I don't care then.
b-chama literally dropped off the face of the earth...
Rest in piss, sweet princess...
How so? Is your medical information not private? You don't have to be like a vegan and start telling everyone.
my hallucinations told me to tell you
From what?
From sepia.
Those fucking faggots they said they wouldn't tell you. Can't trust anyone!
Is sepia in the room with us right now?
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Poor aesthetics
No, I used low res images that are so compressed it almost looks like PC98.
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shitposting aside youd be surprised how weird life can get when youre alone. its not like its a bad thing but its definitely abnormal
you disappoint me deeply but ok
Is this tofu
Pour the creampie into her mouth!
Is this flux
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those aren't massive though (for anime)
Medium is premium
What are some platforms where I can post my aislop apart from pixiv? I know twitter is popular for this but I really don't want to deal with this.
Apart from censoring, pixiv is pretty fitting for me, but I wanted to know if I'm missing something.
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goodnight lads, and remember, AMD is your friend
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Pixiv and twitter really,anything else is either too small or obscure ,hell for the most part here is where I mostly post,only time I post on Pixiv now is when I make a lora
rule34, I guess you can link your pixiv as the source instead of a twitter account
r34 gets you a bunch of tranny roleplay comments
pixiv gets you nosebleed elephant emojis
reddit I guess, some AI board?
make a sadpanda gallery, if you don't mind getting 1-stars just for being AI

Still, this is the only place to get proper feedback.
Wtf bro it's not nai... Tell them hacker 4chan is disappointed.
It got worse but here's one funny one I saved: https://files.catbox.moe/bb0zhd.png
How many steps for euler_ancestral?

No option for 15 and 50? It also depends on your checkpoint. Arti is very demanding.
I use 40
I see. Knew about all those anyway.
Maybe I should just dump my shit to rule34/aibooru, pixiv only for thematic stuff. I hate rule34 trannies much less than twitter so I don't mind
What samplers do you guys use for img2img upscaling?
>Still, this is the only place to get proper feedback.
I laughed
Based Homu prompter.
>this is the only place to get proper feedback.
Why is it so blurry?
I read standard as retard
At the sad reality of it, or because you disagree? I'm open to suggestions. It feels like in other places either it's a hugbox and people don't criticize, or the people wjo would have something critical to say won't see your gen in the first place.
Are you just posting for fun or are you trying to get followers to start some kind of patreon grift? If it's the latter you really should be posting everywhere, especially twitter. Just post your shit and link your twitter as the source on rule34 and have it linked on your pixiv account too
r34 is the best place to post for patreon grift, there is so much website scrapping r34 that your stuff will automatically get uploaded in different place, twitter is actually not that relevant
You'll either get no reaction, some meme reply or some dude asking for more, but never specifying what they actually like or disliked about the gen. The mass replier in the last thread was the only somewhat constructive criticism I've seen in ages and he didn't exactly get a positive reception.
I called him based
but damn I forgot to say unironically

You could still ask for feedback though when posting the gen. Meme responses are easy to filter out mentally.
Most people aren't actually asking for feedback, hence why it's so rarely given.
Mainly just want to share pics and for people to see them/react and enjoy the characters/fetishes I prompt.
Posting on pixiv only makes sense for 1-2 topics/styles, going full adhd won't make sense to get any reasonable amount of views. I'm posting on one account currently which is currently 1 topic/style, but I prompt so many different stuff that I'm not sure what to do with it. Rule34 might be the way.
I really don't care about patreonbux/making my imaginary name known, just would be cool for pics I put effort in to circulate somewhere.
I post everything that I deem good (then I find it trash 1 week later) to pixiv and never had issue or complain, people dont care about consistency if its good but yeah your best bet seems to be r34 then
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I haven't posted anything since March
Twitter is the only place where your growth potential is exponential though
Then rule34 as anon said, yeah
nobody ever complains on pixiv, no matter what you do
not to you directly anyway, until your account gets deleted

I think his point was you need to be consistent to keep followers. Artists have their style and a few concepts usually, or a character/franchise. AI accounts either try to stick to one semi-unique style mix or stay true to one/two concepts. If you keep changing things then you're just a generic AI guy and there's no reason to follow you.
I was asleep.

It was img2img

this also was img2img
Is there even a point in posting on pixiv if I'm not going to make images of gacha sluts or loli?
Do you get a lot of engagement at all though?
Making that sort of pixiv might work out as an archive, but I feel like views/reactions might be pretty low. People usually expect one type of content from a poster. I might be posting wholesome loli yuri one day and hag flashbang gangbang the other day. Pretty different audience, usually.
>Then rule34 as anon said, yeah
Eager to see what ERP scenarios they will make up for my gens.
where the hell is your prompt at
I mean, what do you make?
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This one is good, love that angle.
Oh fuck yeah, even the protruding nipples is a plus
>I love that we're getting to the point normies are no-selling the anti-ai art bandwagoning
Ay its the Shiggy Diggy
And yeah I agree, I think people being exposed to the wonders of AI and the accessibility of it in schools is making the normies warm up to it, since real art takes too fucking long to make
Is it sexy?
>Twitter is the only place where your growth potential is exponential though
Yes thats true but its also the only place where it can go down since people on pixiv dont unfollow
When I mean issue what I mean is issue with pixiv deleting my stuff, and yeah you are right about the second part but thats what the guy wanted to do
or bbc

Jokes aside, yes. You still need a niche though or a unique style. Seems like it can be whatever, as long as you're consistent it will slowly accumulate followers. There's this one guy who draws ahagao with eyes stratching out of their sockets Looney Tunes style. He's been at it for years, still gaining followers and patrons.
I like to think so. My issue is I change up between around 10 different style mixes and I'm assuming you need to stick to a single one if you want to build a following.
Nice! I still haven't posted too much spicy stuff yet, just my ecchi, so I dont have to censor anything
It's i2i flux of a pony image at .3 denoise. i just left the prompt empty
thanks bwo
I imagine an erection that large would cut off blood flow to the brain and kill you
Or you're used to it due to priapism and always have enough blood, but can never get fully soft or hard. Or it's magic.
is there a tile cn for flux already?
Is there any CN at all for flux? I would expect tile to be one of the last to be added. Since it's both hard to train and not that useful in comparison.
box pls
>that text on shirt
what did ai mean by this?
almost no one ever unfollows on twitter, even when someone does a heckin chud post
>half hard cum shots
Truly an awful fate.
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based also nice tummy
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what have you learned? I noticed that people are way more degenerate than I thought, the more hardcore the more views. I also noticed some IP like naruto and pokemon get a lot of views, I also noticed that original content get ignored.
probably "chuddy"
>what have you learned?
Effort means nothing,they will eat any slop you put out as long as it fits their fetish or series, I still see 1.5 with no adetailer get views and likes.
>Effort means nothing
I noticed that too, the sets I put the most efforts into underperformed while some I even forgot to upscale were successful. What fetish got you the most trafic? for me it was pokemon on human.
it's probably the most notorious r34 tier shit, i cannot fathom why people have stuck to this so hard
I know of union, canny and depth
>What fetish got you the most trafic?
I don't even do fetish stuff,just make a lora and show some previews,link to it on civi and that's it.
i haven't make a slop for some months and now my computer restart everytime i tried to make one with script files.
i notice that it use all my RAM but not GPU. any idea what's happening?
i use forge btw
>it's probably the most notorious r34 tier shit
I think the random gacha girls flew past naruto it in popularity

can you link to your civitai page?
the girls are not even hot
Watching any sort of animated female character during their formative years, seems to have a damaging impact on large parts of society
>can you link to your civitai page?


haven't really done any loras in a while since no character really got me in the mood for a while
>gacha girls
i did not mean popularity as such, but notoriety
sites like r34 are flooded by low quality sudo screepcap drawings of Hinata or Sakura getting gangbanged by bunch of Narutos or bbcs, cannot recal any anime ip this bad, it feels close to sonic level
I mean I watched Naruto too when I was younger but I dont think I gave a fuck about any girl from anime back then
>what have you learned?
the only thing to learn is to do whatever the fuck you want and not bother trying to chase numbers.

also I'm pretty convinced that 99% of traffic on pixiv's AI ranking is just paid bot traffic, which reinforces really not giving a shit or trying to chase numbers. And if you're really desperate to do so anyway the only feasible approach is to drop all standards, forgo any form of enjoyment and treat it like the most unbearable job imaginable, put together a text file of a bunch of banked prompts for poses/actions and just churn through shit character by character and hope you somehow get engagement.
>also I'm pretty convinced that 99% of traffic on pixiv's AI ranking is just paid bot traffic
I need to release a set made with novelai to see if there is some engagement fuckery
the goat
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>also I'm pretty convinced that 99% of traffic on pixiv's AI ranking is just paid bot traffic, which reinforces really not giving a shit or trying to chase numbers. And if you're really desperate to do so anyway the only feasible approach is to drop all standards, forgo any form of enjoyment and treat it like the most unbearable job imaginable, put together a text file of a bunch of banked prompts for poses/actions and just churn through shit character by character and hope you somehow get engagement.
I didn't proofread this sentence at all after I went back to finish writing it 3 times, damn

I didn't give a shit about Hinata as a kid until I saw her become a milf, but then the torrential rain of Raikage fucking her killed my interest in looking up porn of her. At this point I'd rather see shadow clones of Naruto gangbanging her sister Hanabi
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I always liked her kid version more ,think it's the hair ,as for the raikage shit,some schizo a few years back tracked where most of it came from ,and it was some telegram group of like 50 Indians that kept group funding most of them.
Dark Magician Girl, Ran Mouri, Haibara Ai, and Winry did it for me
if you check the rankings it's basically a closed list of 20 something accounts posting identical looking garbage and all trying to whore out a booth/patreon. You'll also almost never find a an account making a debut on top 50 lists(whereas this is actually a pretty common occurrence on non-AI rankings).
pretty sure they're also largely operated by pinoys/malays so just about any money they can get out of this is probably more than they'd make doing almost anything else.
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had some random luka stuff laying around
If tits that big were to actually appear next to Earth, would we be able to tell it's a pair of tits, or would it be too big to make out what exactly it is?
well you can see the moon and recognize it right? depends on how close they are i'd guess
t. has no idea what he's talking about
Recent studies show people they prescribed rittelin and other ADHD medication too have a 50% higher chance of developing schizophrenia and other mental shit later in life.

TLDR take nothing and just deal with it unless it's straight from the ground.
+50% of a 0.5% chance is only 0.75%
it's not causation it's just correlation due to comorbidities. Since, surprise, ADHD shows up fucking everywhere. And a lot of stuff like BPD looks a whole lot like ADHD until the more severe symptoms show up later on in life after the brain is further developed.
The only medication to be wary of are antidepressants and sleep aid shit. Anti-psychotics, too, but if you're in need of that all hope is lost and you may as well let the drugs completely fuck your head for any scrap of normalcy you can acquire.
It's an XL shitmix.
Flux anime finetune any day now....
2 more weeks
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I think I finally escaped /aco/ hell
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My pp didn't budge so it's /aco/. Better luck next time!
t. main character of /hdg/
Why is it so hard to just gen someone drinking out of a bottle?
my gpu is too shit to spend time on baking loras
i've had decent luck inpainting girls eating
dunno why most gens have the food just hovering there but when i masked their faces and inpainted with the same prompt it started looking the way it should, maybe it's the same with drinking
bake me a baking a lora lora
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AnyTest chads, what sampler/scheduler are you using? How many steps, and what's your CFG too?

I'm aiming for straight up 1:1 character swaps in pictures. What would be best for this?

(One more thing, i've never inpainted before but let's say I want to change the hair color of the one being sat on here, how would I go about it?

Thank you in advance.
good afternoon slop diffusion general
If you want to replace charaters but keep composition and posing you need to play with the CNet strength
For changing hair color you just paint on the hair color you want and then run img2img
>then run img2img
What settings? I've literally never had to use it.
And paint as in, like photoshop, right? Not inpaint?
yes paint over your image with the color that you want your hair
there was a good img2img guide posted here on /h/ but I don't have it saved, maybe someone else has it
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I think I get the gist of it now, what's the correct settings for this method?
Nothing in the prompt either, right?
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This is really helpful, thank you.
im working on a character lora, the character is sometimes drawn with slit pupils and sometimes not, and I think it is fucking up my dataset. I'm having an issue with the eyes frying on many of my epochs.If I use adetailer it fixes it and looks good but I would prefer to not be forced to use adetailer on every image to fix them but currently, I do.

Would the best course of action be to use adetailer to gen a lot of good images with perfect eyes to replace the bad eye images in the dataset to clean it up? I have around 75-80 images currently but I need to go through and see which ones are the trouble makers.
you don't need 75 images for a character lora anyways. just remove all of the images with slit pupils and see if that was the problem after all
bros, i think i'm giving up on tardwrangling 4th tail and tofu...
back to pony shitmixes and lora coping once again
it's actually pretty easy to fix this. just retrain the model you're using with a 32 channel VAE and then retrain the character lora. the eyes will be fixed after that.
That's generally the cycle
Your vram, sir?
just buy an h100. you're not a poorfag, right?
What is the recommended amount of images then?

I was always under the impression more images are better, and I thought having the different types of eyes would be fine and allow for easier use of slit and non-slit pupils if I wanted them.
Do they even sell those to consumers?
you don't need more than 30 images unless your character is extremely complicated or you want to replicate several different outfits accurately
>I was always under the impression more images are better
only if you're doing a full finetune, and even then there are exceptions. for lora training quality is infinitely more important than quantity
>having the different types of eyes would be fine and allow for easier use of slit and non-slit pupils if I wanted them
maybe, but eyes are pretty delicate when training because of the shitty 4ch vae so it's usually a better idea to have the eyes be somewhat consistent in the dataset. personally i've also had loras get fucked eyes because of slit pupils before (despite tagging them accurately)
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>no SEXY hentai inside
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>no matter what i try i get down syndrome lora
>try finetuning
>30 minutes
>it just werks
Who would have thought??????
flux won
You did tag all of those with slit pupils, right?
shes pretty normal besides her tail, which is very large and bushy and a tail ornament, which I tagged. I could go into photoshop and change the slit pupils to normal black pupils with simple editing, and remove the slit pupil tag.

Most of them should be tagged right I used the autotagger and did a quick verification. I hate manually tagging shit so I might have missed some.
How does the geometry of the head hole work? It looks non-euclidean.
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this image is making me feel things
>try prompting for character interacting with another in a specific way
>it always makes the one I don't want doing it
>rewrite prompt to tag that character in a way they seemingly can't
>it gens them still doing it but in a way that still technically satisfies the prompt
Swear to God this shit is a genie wish tier troll sometimes
>try prompting for character interacting with another in a specific way
you can't do this with pony, and even for nai you can't specify which character is doing which action most of the time. controlnet and regional prompter would help a little but ultimately this requires a lot of inpainting
Yeah I virtually always do inpaint for specific stuff but I try as hard as I can to at least get an easy to work with starting gen. I was just impressed at how deftly it managed to do it this time.
Here's a NAI grid. I filled in the free spaces with other artists. Settings are NAI defaults. I forgot I had "fang" in the negative from another gen. The prompt was made by looking at Jordach's grid because I missed that somebody posted his prompt.
>1girl, isabelle (animal crossing), animal crossing, artist:asanagi, furry, dog paws, beach, blue sky, standing, blue denim shorts, panty straps, pink bikini top, open shirt. white shirt, collared shirt, peace sign
Seed: 1196170066

Also defaults, no fang left in the negs.
>{{{{tsurime}}}}, 1girl, portrait, green eyes, brown hair, blunt bangs, medium hair, arms behind back, looking at viewer, white background, close-up, expressionless, sweat, sweating, straight-on
Seeds: 1196170066, 1196170067
don't show this to jordach, he'll cry
he's blind anyway
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i guess that the method which i've been using to improve character silhouettes also doubles as an anti-sepia filter. i'm not sure how or why since it's very stupid this to happen
i don't think that the slit pupils are necessarily your problem
Somebody show him so we find out how blind
eh, ill show some examples, the eyes are my main issue. The last one uses my first version of the lora I made, and I've since edited out the human ears.

yeah i've also noticed that your autism gens look noticeably less sepia than normal. weird how that's the reason
It's cascade.
Can you generate fat ugly white/asian guys fucking touhou girls?
Ultra based.
ultra cringe
fuck off bbctard
why are you like this?
Why not?
Better ntrshit than bbc. Also, nice one.
as far as i can tell that's just the cost of doing business with a 4ch VAE and a pony derived model
it makes sense to a degree because what i'm doing is duplicating each image in the dataset 6 to 9 times and giving each copy its own background color and appropriately captioning them. but i also feel like that shouldn't make a difference since the base model obviously would have had correctly captioned backgrounds
how pathetic do you have to be that the only men you can imagine in your hentai are ntr ugly bastards and bbc? kill yourself
we love bbc here
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Bullying idols

How many do you plan to do? effortgod
>the only men
You are imagining things, sis. Most of the time it's just pov, but fat bastards and chads are also fun. Not a fan of bbc though.
I just know this dude seems to enjoy prompting bbc.
Her ass needs bullying too
Anons, what are you qualifications for an image here to meet "S tier" requirements?

For example, mine would be:
>> No apparent pony v6 based shading (e.g shiny skin in specific spots, lighting seems to come from many directions)
>> No missing/deformed/extra limbs/digits/body parts (unless character specific)
>> Eyes and faces are clearly defined and not blurry.
>> Composition and poses should be interesting and divert from hard-baked in stiff ones you usually see on pony-based models (gen enough images and you'll know what I mean)
>> The subject(s) NOT being dead center of an image, which SDXL tends to lean towards to.
>> Background is detailed and perspective isn't wonky in terms of how far/how close things are in the background/foreground.
>> Not western e.g noses with nostrils, huge pupils, thick lines (exceptions may occur), in general "cartoony" vibes.
>> Clothing (if any) shouldn't clip through the subject's features/overlap in a way that looks like it was plastered on said subject.
>> Visible seams from upscaling/adetailer/inpainting.

Do you agree or disagree? If anything, would you have anymore to add?
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> Background is detailed and perspective isn't wonky in terms of how far/how close things are in the background/foreground
No background is the best background, more or less agree with the rest
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>I don't mind whether you generate nsfws or not, however please do some ratings, which I can see and seek for future usages
And maybe please don't automate stuff, it might crash the connection
I have clicked "select image" but it doesn't seem like anything happens lol
faggot engagement post
fuck off
I don't really care all that much. If I see an image I like, I'll drop a "nice" or ask for a catbox but otherwise I don't put all that much thought into it. Nothing I look at here I stare at for more than 20-30 seconds anyway and my memory is so shit that I immediately forget it a day later.
I guess background/no background is personal taste ofc. It shows effort to include a detailed background I think, but it's not necessarily a bad gen either if it's absent.

Also good gen. If I may add a little constructive criticism:
>> It's in general very bright the image. if it's intentional that's fine, but if you could lower the brightness, and increase contrast a bit, it would help I think! Maybe increase saturation a bit as well, because it leans a little to the grey side of color range.
>> Her lips seems a little incomplete on the upper right side of her mouth, but it's very hard to notice at a distance (also i know she is biting her lip). Very low denoise inpaint would fix this in a jiffy.
>> Front emblem on hat has these two dots that seem out of place/are not connected to anything.
>> The tape pasties on her nipples have a few inconsistencies, where it seems the right ones kinda merge between each other instead of overlapping. The left horizontal tape has some funky lighting.

I've uploaded a catbox as well, with said inconsistencies marked with red semi-transparent circles:
That's fair, we all enjoy what's posted here in different ways. I like to lean more to the artistic side of things sometimes when I'm aroused.
Oh you are the anon from some days ago who can draw but can't use SD?
i'm pretty sure it's the guy who was mass replying rating people's gens
No (I wish I could draw as him though) I think I was referred to as the "score faggot" last thread, where I gave posts a A, B, C like a school teacher based on how well images were made based on some of the points I mentioned earlier.
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Would you say that the colors in this one are better than in a typical sdxl gen?
Colors are better, but now you got a problem with eyebleed-inducing reds. Random red splotches, outline is too red, and red is probably clipping too.
brb going to go select image on the most furry outputs for pony v7 quality guidance
I am back, however now I will only give a rating/grade if people ask me. And I also with a red marker mark the places in the image that are erroneous.

The subject is adorable, outfit as well is alluring indeed. Expression is great on the girl. However there are some errors that are quite apparent:
>> 6 fingers on the hand of the male to the right.
>> Males head is deformed and abnormally wide, which affects the face too (even though he is faceless). Face is in the wrong place. I think SD here focused more on the rabbit ears and forgot about the cohesion of the head behind them.
>> There is a blob of loose skin under the left breast of the girl. It sticks out too much for my comfort.
>> Left calve/foot is missing on the female, when she is on her knees.

Again, I have uploaded a catbox here with marked errors:
The coloring looks like when I put (((pixel art))) for my current shitmix
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she has insanely good balance on the left there
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I can't stop laughing, the lora training meme is just so hilariously bad, I can't believe local is still holding onto this piece of crap like it's a magical cure. This isn't even a crutch because it barely works. Everyone should just train full finetunes, even if it's like 30 pic dataset, trying to fit it on whatever garbage gpu you've got. You literally just run your dataset through a different script and you get x100 better results. Yeah this is pony by the way, with score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up.
i could tell
is there a guide on how to start a finetune?
you've piqued my interest
loras aren't a meme anon-kun, u need to know what settings to use.
these are my "just works" settings for style loras with pony, doesn't overtrain and fry the gens. haven't tried characters yet, same settings will probably work
looks like shit senpai
Same, I'm looking for some settings for finetuning, or are they the same as they are for lora training?
Do "all fours, from behind, looking back".
>Yeah this is pony by the way
>>looks like shit
>>1girl, standing
do something impressive if you're going to boast
Do you get to buy us 4090 to train finetunes? And new SSD to store all of those amazing 6GB 'finetunes'?
>didnt that guy have a super huge patreon
>I wonder how many supporters he has
>This page has been removed.

he's not the only one too i've been noticing some other ai creators getting the kick from patreon, anyone know why?
this can't be nai right?
why do the blacked people always use this style or something similar? its so disgusting, and I don't even care for the black dick, just the artstyle is fucking grosssssssssssssssssssss
>blacked people
they're called Americans
it produces the most luscious BBCs
It might be local, there are too many artifacts.
pony isn't capable of producing such delicious BBCs
>can't be
It can be, but I'm pretty sure it's local with some nai style lora. I can't explain why exactly, it's just a gut feeling at this point, and I'm too drunk to bother explaining
Not really the same style here. And the style that most bbcfags use isn't actually that bad. Tried prompting with it unironically and imo it's pretty hot, just overused.
Most BBC grifters don't give a shit about being original or making their pics appealing. They see the easy bbcbucks and join in
Is /u/ stuff allowed here, since the diffusion general over there is basically dead?
A lora and a finetune in the way you're doing it are literally the same thing you retard. They do the same thing to the model.
eww no. this is /hdg/ we only do cock and cum here
No. Make it lively over there by posting more you faggot. We don't want to see your homo pics.
Oh yeah, I'll just start posting /y/ gens too since they don't even have a thread!
Fuck off.
only if for every single /u/ image you also post a /y/ image
Just post it. Unless it's blatant cunny it won't get deleted.
Schizos post discord screenshots here all the time and apparently it's better than /e/ and /u/. They can go fuck themselves.
>princess carry bleeds princess peach
how fucked is pony's TE?
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You can't make a proper finetune via easyscripts. I use sd-scripts.
Try training your shit on this dataset, you know, just to compare.
I used the same config as the one I used for vpred switching except with crutches for epspred models and some tricks of my own. https://files.catbox.moe/660txb.toml but you probably can get away with 16gb at batch size 1 or even 12gb if bnb adds kahan_sum support to their 8bit lion implementation and kohya adds te cpu/cuda:1 offloading for sdxl.
>score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up,
>1girl, all fours, from behind, looking back, black choker, black gloves, black jacket, blue eyes, blue hair, bracelet, choker, clothes writing, eyewear on head, fingerless gloves, fishnet pantyhose, fishnets, gem, gloves, green gemstone, hair ornament, heart, jacket, jewelry, looking at viewer, oni, pantyhose, shirt, short hair, single glove, solo, white background, white shirt, pussy
It's obviously not as stable for nsfw as your regular ponyslurpsepiaslurpacoslopslurp because of the dataset reasons, took some time to roll this out.
kys 8gb vramlet.
>They do the same thing to the model.
No they DO NOT, clueless imbecile. https://github.com/kohya-ss/sd-scripts/discussions/294#discussioncomment-10081465
I hate homosexuals, lesbians included. It's not sexy, it's just gross.
why is it so blurry
Anime girls kissing is cute. It's not IRL dykes giving a fuck you to the patriarchy.
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>took some time to roll this out.
tbqh it mostly ruins the fishnets but otherwise it seems like it's pretty capable.
>No they DO NOT, clueless imbecile.
Yes they do. You're the literal retard who can't even figure out how to train a normal lora. The post you linked does not in any way prove what you're claiming, I'm led to believe you didn't even read it.
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I think the perspective is weird but I tried
>Anime girls kissing is cute
only when it's cum swap
you clearly have no taste for aesthetics as is obvious from your thinking that these gens and your previous vpred gens look acceptable, so why should i trust you about anything?
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season 2 is going to suck isnt it
Why are those pictures so blurry, smeared and full of jpeg artifacts?
>You can't make a proper finetune via easyscripts. I use sd-scripts.
....what does your retarded ass think easy scripts backend is, exactly?
let me guess, you have sdscripts and easy scripts downloaded in two seperate folders because you don't even understand the most basic of things and are flailing around in the dark trying to train loras? even reading a shitty Civit guide would put you in a better spot than you are now. this is like the new refiner troll.
NTA but as a female(female) you disgust me. it's just as disgusting as two anime men kissing
What horrible things have you seen to make you put shrek into your negative prompt? kek
nice try but the only female (female) who ever posted here was b-chama
Yuri is cute and hot
>The post you linked does not in any way prove what you're claiming
I thoroughly advice you to start delving into this shit if you don't want to embarrass yourself like that.
>doesn't know there's a difference between sdxl_train_network.py and sdxl_train.py
keked there, and lmaoed with whatever's left
the irony
can't stop thinking about cum??
Any prompt tricks I can do to make my gens less bright with my mix?
You really can't resist, can you? Ignore this faggot, everyone, false alarm, it's the refiner schizo again
Total mindbreak, how did I even manage to trigger this reaction?
it has that typical Pony hair, so yeah

how many total steps (images * repeats * epochs) did you need for the vpred conversion BTW

based but please post it in /udg/ as well, easier to have yuri gens in 1 place

no idea about prompts, but you can use 2DN Pony's clip to reduce brightness
stop arguing about all this boring nerd shit and please post more naked anime women having sex
yep, had a feeling it was. rip to the anons who waste their time listening to that faggot, some lessons are learned the hard way ig.
redeem the cum tax
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Eh, you'd think they'd refrain from his shitty images alone.
Just train a lora.
yes, the sexy hentai is back
>2DN Pony's clip
Can you explain how I'd go about that?
hentai! sexy.
kys faggot
so fucking this lorasissy
>Hey guys can I post /u/ here?
>No fuck off faggot
>Lol okay! *Starts posting it*
You have deranged troon mentality.
local lost
on 2nd thought, it probably will backfire because it'll push the style towards realism
Super easy in comfy, in Auto you'd have to create a merge with BASE from 2DN and the rest from whatever model
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Calm down chud, I don't intend to throw all my /u/ gens here, just wanted to post a little of it
Indeed, Jordach also has that exact deranged troon mentality.
Just cover the girls in cum as well, then it's /h/.
is a nude bottle of cum /h/?
kys troon
>how many total steps (images * repeats * epochs) did you need for the vpred conversion BTW
It's a tricky question, it just learns everything really really quick but you never get 1:1 looking gens. I guess it's pretty okay at 5k images, 1 repeat and 20 epochs, but it starts producing something that is not pure noise mid first epoch.
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Only discord screenshots are /h/.
The hands are so tiny.
It's... wait
I thought the same, perspective is really fucking me over, sadly I don't the have the artistic skills to figure it out on my own until someone points it out
Just add some cum... uh... Tits? Somewhere in the background?
It's inside his ass.
let's be honest, it's nai
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Uh oh melty
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that fast huh, interesting
been doing some experiments of my own and it's VERY slow at switching to vpred
did you tweak the optimizer params?
why is it so blurry?
Based AF. Yuri poster should rope.
it's tofu
I didn't even post an image, just asked, and you schizos lost your mind, kek
those are tofu?
artist mix onegai
It's some new thing that nais researchers invented. You'll see it cited in cutting edge ml papers in a year or so
>mind broken by a little of /u/
berry interesting, maybe the femcel is real after all
Do you think lodestone is forever greatful Jordach for segregated to his own containment server and he doesn't have to have Jordach's retardation forced upon him constantly?
why they are so frail, are you gay? posts some real males like bara
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Based! This thread is discord screencaps only. Fuck yuri incels.
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The guy messing with the girl's face always gets me
I feel so much embarrassment for ever believing in this faggot. Jesus Christ. Someone put it out of its misery already
Neggles is going to uninstall himself long before 2032 though.
>did you tweak the optimizer params?
What config do you use in the first place? I've used lion and the model learns sufficiently fast at a constant 1e-6 lr.
Xe is working hard on increasing the 42% rate!
>mind broken by a little of /y/
berry interesting, maybe the troon is real after all
femcel schizo I need you...
why is pony so trained on drawing midget hand prints
I don't mind this at all actually at least you have better taste than /y/ dall-e shit
just be an heterosexual man and post some cute traps/femboys, why can't you guys be normal
Do femcels actually get butthurt from yuri though?
This reaction does seem like some butthurt femcel getting mad.
I just post hetero, hags, loli, turi, traps, netorare and vanilla and whatever else to trash. I really don't know why would you ever post anything but discord screencaps to this shithole.
Do troons actually get butthurt from yaoi though?
This reaction does seem like some butthurt trooncel getting mad.
i like trap doujins but only when it's not tranny coded
great thread so far, we are only missing some BBCs
I use Schedule free AdamW at 1e-5
I should look up its params I guess
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Cascade is improving!
If we don't like homoshit why would they? We only think it's ok because girls = hot. It's probably the same for them with dudes.
I've watched many animes over the years, but often I struggle to come up with a character to gen. Then I try to go through lists of shows to come up with something. It's such a bother.
schizo femcels joins the race for queen of /hdg/. The other contenders are euge and b-chama
>Do femcels actually get butthurt from yuri though?
all 4chan women are bisexual
It's really sad everything this retard says makes me rage. I need better control over my emotions so these inconsequential fags can't affect me...
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here bro, a top tier nagi ichi trap
He's using fucking tensorboard? No wonder he has brain damage.
have you been on any chink gacha general on /vg/?
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cascade is going... somewhere
you are just too stupid to comprehend.
please do embarrassed euge in mini skirt and camisole
is he caring more about what the graph says instead of the images it produces? is this real?
show him the NAI isabelle grid
I'm going to ship b-sama with Euge-chan. What should we gen Euge-chan as? Someone ask him to make a Euge anime-sona of himself for reference.
I have a confession now that the thread has gone this direction. I crashed the anima server by generating 400 pictures of chilchuck getting railed by laios and mithrun fucking kabru.
This. if you have any balls, do it and post results. Make a throwaway account if you have to
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Is this how you do foreshortening?
This is a girl btw.
I've used pretty much the default optimizer args, you can look them up in the config I posted.
>This is a girl btw
I confess that I think cooking in anime and manga is retarded, especially in a fantasy or historical setting. meshi or kamuy would be way better without cooking scenes
I think it would be kinda funny to post a nai gen and say "Cascade is really cooking" and when he responds and brags to go "whoops sorry that was a nai gen"
>Someone ask him to make a Euge anime-sona of himself for reference.
I didn't know I needed this... please discordcucks, do the needful
>This is a girl btw.
bulge foreshortening now
>I think cooking in anime and manga is retarded, especially in a fantasy or historical setting.
Indeed, in all the best fantasy and historical plots no one needs to eat. It's frivolous fluff that brings nothing to the plot. the only time it should be permitted is if it's studio Ghibli tier delicious looking food porn
give her a big futa cock and don't forget the big testicles please!
Post grids. Post responses from gook cord.
the model seems to have gotten worse since a few days ago.
kamuy would be but meshi has eating as such a central theme that the only way I can see that working is to not cut it completely but cut the faux recipe parts since those aren't really present in later chapters anyway.
He's blind so how could he possibly judge the images it produces?
I wish someone would do this (not me). discord posters could really deliver for once
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I'm sorry, it's NAI, but this is my mental image.
Meshi is so fucking boring, holy shit. I thought I'd get to watch a comfy dungeon exploration monster lore anime at the least, but it's just them being smug fat fucks with xDs thrown in. How do people like this shit
honestly hardly any of those gens were all that good. the chilchuck and laios ones had poor scaling or mangled limbs.
It's perfect. Euge-chan so kawaii.
now gen him getting BONEd
Reverse mating press of B-chama and Euge-chan NOW
Meshi was a cooking SOL until halfway in, and that's where it started going downhill.
What do we gen b-chan as? ghislaine?
her photos were leaked so its not like we don't know what she looks like
i would pat his head head and call him a smart boy
while mating press
ok here's the real schiz neg
There are pictures of her in the archives somewhere. Toned gyaru maybe.
is that the same as the nagi ichi lora on civitai? that one seemed fried as fuck to me
unironically this character is now more of a trap to me than a girl, all because of a stupid doujin
is this the power of memes
I'll try it once I'm off work. Don't know if I can get as good of a Euge as NAI poster but I'll do my best...
fuck off finally with this std ridden roastie
euge's chinese right
score_8_up in negative if pony
b is a virgin
>Schizo-chan is jealous
Don't worry schizo-chan, I'll gen you watching in the background.
I'm happy lolcows like Jordach exist, it keeps things entertaining.
yes, the one made by that pajeet spammer, it's the only one that knows akira from this doujin, https://exhentai.org/g/626198/e5e89227f7/ It is fried as fuck, you need to use it at low weights
b is a goddess
shes talked about her ex boyfriend trying to set up a threesome with an asian girl
Hot... This means Euge-chan is definitely going to make the cut.
still a virgin
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also, I hate pixiv censoring so much its unreal
based taste. unfortunate that there aren't better loras for that artist though
try legoman in negs
It's okay to be jealous man, just think of her like another anime character. She's the perfect waifu in my doujin, I can save her.
I can't stop genning cunny bwoz...
what do you gen
Newfag here, what kind of rigs are you guys using for this? And what do I need to get an output like this >>8201352
8-24gb VRAM Nvidia GPU 32+ram
12-24 VRAM Nvidia GPU if you want to train your own Loras comfortably
yep, this is the sound of BASED
You need $25 and an internet connection. But also stop pretending to be a newfag...
>And what do I need to get an output like this >>8201352
$25 https://novelai.net/image
>And what do I need to get an output like this >>8201352
You need to pay 25 dollars a month. Computer is not needed =)
holy fuck
thanks, I'll take a look
I think SF AdamW is being too conservative, I'll have to try other optimizers
>12-24 VRAM Nvidia GPU if you want to train your own Loras comfortably
24gb gpu is the only realistic option here, anon.
nice thread retards
16gb amd gpu works fine for local. Or just 25$ for NAI. Don't pay for the overpriced NVDIA gpus atm. Unless they come out with a 32gb model, it's not worth it
You all need to train a heckin lora
Is that so? Damn.. I'll probably have to wait until the rtx 50 series comes out
Wow... The last time checked up on this stuff it looked like utter ass, Is local just as good or better?
Coming from /aicg/ everything mogs local models
local is trash, just like for LLMs. freetards will tell you otherwise, but the results speak for themselves
I did, and used it solely for shitposting purposes
Holy shit the hatred for AMD is so real you're willing to make a malicious advice
Incidentally, what's the xformers situation on AMD?
local is usually the better choice, but there are some niche things nai is currently better at
Requesting sling bikini be changed into panties.
I'll try to find the middle ground and say that local is good enough if you don't care about imagegen that much. 25 dollars a month is only worthy if you gen A LOT and very passionate about imagegen and/or expecting return of investment. Otherwise it's an absurd amount of money for a monthly sub.
solid bait
is the lora in the room with us right now?
holy shit that's hot
how'd you get this pose?
niggas be like "local is superior" and then post sloppa tier local gens instead of good local gens
>it's an absurd amount of money for a monthly sub
if you live in india maybe
not speaking in absolute terms, it's not a lot of money by itself
but compared to literally any monthly subscription service it really is a lot.
if you are a neet who can gen and goon to nai all day long it's a good deal. if you can only spare a few hours every other day it's not that great.
NAI vs local is an easy choice because
>paying for porn
Did her breasts grow since the previous pictures?
thank god nai doesn't offer porn
It's art though.
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>yuri and yaoi deleted
>traps still there
we keep winning heterosexualmen bros...
I use local for my commission work, just more flexible overall. Always kinda suck when clients ask for something and you have to tell them "Nah, the ai can't do that"
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Nice! Thank you!
But Shimakaze is a girl.
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Both local and nai can produce great looking images nowadays, especially depending on your taste and what you like to make. The beauty is in the eye of the beholder anyway, and you're going to be genning images for yourself 99% of the time. I got tired of using nai and am a lot happier with local myself running on my 4080/16gb (some fetishes are literally impossible to gen on nai), but I still break out nai and do some stuff from time to time. If you have money/hardware to do it then I say try either one and see what resonates with you more.
i can confirm, traps are heterosexual because they make me hard
that's one squeezable ass
Why did the shota slap her?
Just a prank.
Shotas love ass
im honestly surprised that this general even gets 200 images a day
really feels like limiting an ai general to a small penis in hag vagina is just fucking boring and this place turns into "rule-breaking" and catbox general
I wonder where that anon went off to.
>Try training your shit on this dataset, you know, just to compare.
Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/iknlrr.png
Do you think /h/ is the only board?
That said, AI board would be kinda neat but I dunno
its not but it used to be the "biggest" one
nowadays i'd rather post at trash
please stay there
nyo :3
It's still relatively fast for the board it's on, even with those limitations.
I blame pedos
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pedochuddies just can't fucking go to beeeeeeeeeeeeee ;_;
I blame these 2 (1) faggots >>8198892
I blame nobody. We are all friends and harmony.
i blame tkmiz schizo
based friend
based samefag
why is it so blurry
it's tofu
it's 4thtail
its me
why are you blurry?
this reads like a reddit comment chain by now.
He's reweik
to hide my face from ai facial recognition software
it's saturday evening
You're all wrong, it's chilloutmix
you have myopia
I don't want that! I don't want to train on a sensible arch! I want to train cascade 1B for another 10 epochs, at least!
1B is more than enough for Cascade.
its too big we need to go smaller
Sorry 1girl, I only have this one and you'll have to take it.
i get the reference, but unironically what other models are there? he already cried about cosxl and flux. treeman was conveniently killed off mere moments before the 3.6b was totally going to start baking.
I still don't know what 1B means I just know /hdg/ hates it and I should too
I don't know what the B means but big numbers are better andthe preview was clearly better than whatever he's baking now.
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it'd be cool if he stopped being blind and stubborn and put work into a better model instead
it's the 1 billion parameter version of cascade, which according to the devs sucks ass and was untrainable and only released for the sake of transparency or whatever.
naturally jordach has focused 100% of his efforts on training this version of cascade instead of the one that got 99% of the dev focus
He needs to update his dataset. He wasted so much time on the shitty 1b that his dataset is almost a year out of date. His gelbooru cutoff was nov 2023
that's a small pp
just two more partials, trust the knot
It's controlnet... :(
not compared to ur micro pencil
I'm surprised nobody has mentioned this, a huge list of every single character that pony seems to know. Really cool.
You telling me this autistic furry nigga wasting everybody's time, money and energy training on only 1 billion parameters trying to salvage it when he could be doing more? what the fuck.
This is missing a bunch of characters still, but yeah nice resource
What? I'm using a rx 6800 xt. I'm being completely serious, 16gb is more than enough, especially for sdxl
At this point all I wish for is the dude who dropped ten grand on this retard tells him off and gets his money's worth in comedic autistic meltie
>Chloe Von Einzbern
no, it doesn't
>wow, that's a cute thumbnail, I'm surprised pony can do this
>Sample Pony Images
I think it's more about speed. Almost all of the ML shit is optimized for CUDA. AMD really needs to start spending a bit of money to have all the python libraries converted to OpenCL or whatever they are using on their cards.
>see my waifu listed
>click examples
>it completely fucked her up and just made her into a clone of one of the more popular girls
I mean, sure it's a bit slower, but do you really care if you get 2it/s or 1/it per second? Flux is basically the only thing where it really matters, and even then, it's not THAT slow. And you're saving a lot by going AMD over NVDIA. Sure, if you got 1000$+ to blow on a gpu, go for it, but I just wanted to say it's not necessary atm, so why not go with enough now and just buy the 5090 when it comes out instead?
the catbox .txt pair posted afew threads back was more complete, and included helper tags for those that need it.

Pony sucks at clothes, but character features themselves should be fine if you prompt name+hair color+eye color. Adding franchise tag often does more harm than good, like giving her a generic BA halo or putting junketsu on her.
>do you really care if you get 2it/s or 1/it per second
Personally, yes.
If you are just using pure text2img and you are happy with what the thing spits out, it probably doesn't matter too much to you. But if you inpaint and iterate a lot it adds up quickly.
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I gotta poop
Stop spamming /e/ faggot
Can you really call it spamming with this few images total itt
I feel like it's the other way around. If you're just prompting, I could understand, but if you're working a lot on each image, just editing in photoshop and such takes so much longer than the inpainting ever could.
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nta but I edit in order to make the inpaint easier. Which then takes a few rolls at different denoise levels, to see if the edit was sufficient or needs more work.
nah, it's bad
with and without the series, as the site is suggesting with
some key features are present but it's too bad without lora
I mean sure, in that case I guess I could understand. I tend to spend more time cleaning up my edit and rarely need more than one or two shots of inpainting to get what I want.
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i thought this this fucked up style was going to melt the lora if i tried training it at my normal LR but it seemed to work ok, i guess i'll give it another shot with my normal settings after making some adjustments to the dataset
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Can someone ask minthy for a lora extract from an earlier epoch of the model? it fried my gens even worse than the merges
is this suppose to be kiato? i swear I've been seeing this battle for the half a year
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sounds like projection
I can't take the 1girls with eye gap this style produces seriously...
i have no idea
how did you know??? what gives??????
please post your masterpieces here too!
thanks for the eye grid, style kinda changes but at least it's not a heavy style bleed like in arti and tofu
is sanpaku supposed to look like that? seems off. also nice isabelle grid

just tell him it's a benchmark of what to strive towards (lol)

nai was the secret sauce all along
>character features themselves should be fine if you prompt name+hair color+eye color
have you never used pony before
Why are my faceless males not showing up? It's doing everything in its power to hide the head, so he's just a headless male.
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Need some good ol' BBC
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i don't think you'll be happy
just in case here's a prompt i used to upscale it in arti
if you just want the pose werks on reweik kinda if you refinethe prompt (this one isn't)

either way feet behind head like that are a lot of gacha
how much time did you spend inpainting that pussy lmao
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damn. thanks anyway!
3-4 minutes and thats only cuz my gpu is slow, took 3 rolls in batches of 2
I love how Dawn converts every girl she meets to the anal only lifestyle.
God damn that's a nice one.
>is sanpaku supposed to look like that?
I think sanpaku covers a lot of different eye styles, the main thing differentiating it from others being that there is a larger white space beneath the iris than with regular eyes.
I need lora suggestions that don't alter style too much, but add a lot more detail and accuracy to the pussy and nipples
can you make the cock black?
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I have discovered the streaked_hair tag.
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if you insist
based, ty
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more like thisssssssssss
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Anyone know if putting NO in caps in front of a tag will work as a negative?
based sexy hentai
I dont think it will, but theres a negpip add-on that can do what you're looking for
>one set of ears
On NAI, "no" works in front of some words, like "panties". Making it upper case won't change anything, because CLIP sees only lower case.
If it's an actual tag, it may or may not work
thanks, ill give it a try
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>is sanpaku supposed to look like that?
danbooru only has a sanpaku tag even though sanpaku has three variants so it probably just winds up normalizing in a strange way since you could pretty much tag any anime picture as "sanpaku".
Might have to use a fork if it's broken for you
thanks for the tip, yeah I had to that for the new forge client but it loaded up fine on A1111.
i see, that's really good to know, thanks!
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Thank you anon
Based coomers we cooming
>back to the hyper
not based
hyper is based as long as its hetero
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Too much work.
I have an idea
kek, normies can be based sometimes

Semi-unrelated, but I keep trying to jeet mix my own merge with 4th Tail and autism and another finetune and the shit either has no change or looks fried to hell or has very little change whatsoever. Fuck this gay earth.
Oyoyoy, sexy picture. Can a man get a catbox anon? Please?
I have only seen the opposite where people cried about it but its only a matter of time before most people dont give a fuck anyways
nta but i will make her a loli as all elfs should be
the idea
i can see why, this really is the perfect artist for AI since everything is actually supposed to look jank as fuck.
it's not fair. why does comfy and any get pampered in Japan and live their best life. IT SHOULD BE ME!!!! FUUUUCK!!!!
another one for good measure
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hyperfags really don't know what an attractive female should look like, i will put wide hips in negs
but seriously, it's a really cute style
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i keep on accidentally training with huber loss enabled...
can you make the man black?
What upscalers are you ladies using?
I was just thinking to myself "man am I glad the guy didn't turn out black" lmfao
futa is hetero. fight me
get her some hyper bbc for her hyper pussy
futa is gay
trap is hetero
if comfy and ani are making bank and have no laws to hold them back from training anything, why aren't they baking?
they are busy signing babies and giving speeches and being named as heirs to the japanese imperial family for their contributions to the anime industry, which are all very much real
Puffy vulvas are goated
don't care about this particular artist, but using exclusively sfw one for making porn, really hits different
comfy only bakes the sd3 4b which he says is great and to "trust me bro". literally jordach tier. ani actually made some stuff and shared it, he is actually pretty good but he is working at SAI so he's probably baking something for them
if the subject that owns the penis in the image isn't a dude with very simple design/features and faceless then it's gay
simple as
yeah, i agree
human pussy could never be like this, only the goats has them
futa is gay
traps are mega gay
is that why jeets fuck goats?
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some day i pray that i'll be able to produce a decent nonco lora
can you make the male black?
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pls resbond
>the groidspam is back
told you we should've ended at #600
uh oh, melty!
that isn't a flat style. there is clearly 3d bleed but there is a guy on /d/ posting grey haired catgirls that has perfect flat styles >>>/d/11119176 just follow the reply chain
isn't this guy a faggot who took it up the ass from cumrag?
and damn, /ddg/ seems pretty active nowadays, used to be completely dead
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bros.. look at my swimming class student
could you make the male darker?
oh shit that is ani! I don't get why you are so mad at people who are more talented than you but whatever. /d/ is more active because they don't give a shit about loli/shota so long at it falls under /d/. they are much more talented than 99% of the posters here I've seen some crazy shit over there. I suppose/h/ rules are too strict to do anything actually impressive save for blender anon making doujinshi hentai
>they are much more talented than 99% of the posters here
lol, lmao
>t. talentless BBC lover
kill yourself back to your containment board please
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no bbc, you get tanned charao male
maybe you should just end your misery by offing yourself you cunt
could you make the male darker?
no, charao cannot become more tanned than this
unbased :::((((((((
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bros.. look at my part-time maid student.
could you make the male darker?
img2img it and share it with us, anon.
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>have a specific composition in mind
>don't get it in 10 mins
>don't feel like sketching or inpainting
>get a decent image, not what i had in mind but it's at least 50% there
>spend 20+ minutes inpainting anyway because i have my cfg set too low on purpose

Anyway, summer is officially over here. Kinda glad but the temperature drop is way too abrupt and way too sharp, we went from ~36c to practically around half in just a week.
could you make the male darker?
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if there's one thing i've learned from this it's that i should be using ddim and restart more
why does her face look like she is mentally slow in all of them, is this some kind of retard fetish lora
Why are you still using 1.5?
it's anime
That's the latest Jordach 1B update grid, I'll have you know!
checks out..
buddy you don't even know
afaik this one isn't in the dataset that the schizo posted earlier but this artist is definitely at least uguu adjacent
christ, that's some sid the sloth level eye space
low effort rabbut
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oh apparently catbox is fucking dead and it wasn't uploading.
that makes sense.
could you make the male
I have no way to host this, but I made collage of expression prompts to figure out which ones did what, if anything. I did this in Comfy and the workflow should be in every single image, but you won't be able to run it because I rewrote the XY Input: S/R Prompt node to handle an arbitrary number of inputs (it was limited to like 40 because the author couldn't figure out how to parse a fucking string instead of providing explicit inputs)

please let this be a yottabyte zip bomb it would be so funny
why does the local black man want BBC in every photo
im surprised there isnt more art of this creature despite how well known it is
also if anyone wants to submit this to Efficiency Nodes, all I want is you to ask the maintainer why everything has to be an input: https://pastebin.com/YLVN7QRX
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seconding also it wasnt yottabytes it was 4943 geopbytes which i know sounds like bullshit but thats actually what it is
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freetards are spiritual Ns, they both survive exclusively on gibs
Bros I think the novelty of prompting porn is starting to wear off. What do I do now?
do BBC
Spend all your time convincing this >>8202321 guy to kill himself
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*produces a tensor with all NaNs in ur VAE*
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could you catbox those for artist mixes?
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bros.. look at my virgin student.
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It feels good to be one of the few generation ai creators that rises in exhentai and has a score above 4.30, not even chocopizza, to be honest I don't even believe it
uh bros, is r*ddit fixing pony?
>*jeetmixing intensifies*
pony is unfixable, stop wasting time
Bros, I can't stop thinking about BBC... onegai, just a crumb of dark-skinned_male...
>dark-skinned male, large penis, interracial
just prompt some ces, it's effectively the same thing
local is doomed, bros...
Hey, we might get some smegma-covered knot again, if we're lucky! Lodestone is finetuning flux so local weebs might get some scraps too!
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>suppose/h/ rules are too strict
Not really about the rules, it's about their enforcement.
And I guarantee you, 1-2 schizos would be enough to spoil the fun for everyone there, so never go advertise "good" threads like this.
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tried using the anytest controlnet for tofu but the results were horrendous, thought it was trained on xl in general but now i realise it's trained for pony and its derivatives
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I'd never go to /ddg/ though, it's completely irrelevant to what I like. Without a single exception, 100% of the posts there do nothing for me as a vanilla bro.
im not even vanilla lover but yeah I have absolutely no interest in ddg's fetishes
all I'm saying is that "hey look at that great board, they have no schizos and malicious jannies there!" is kinda asking for trouble from shitposters
catbox please?
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I wonder how many years will pass until we finally realize that loras were fucked.
Fuck, I believe that a fix for a lora frying large layers will arrive to kohya earlier than this thread realizes there's a problem.
Just base model or a lora?
loras are good. models are shit
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Normal catbox kept giving me an error so here's a 3 day litterbox
Sure they aren't perfect but they are much better than what we had before. Of course I expect things will keep improving but am I the only one that's just happy we got this far?
good model would make loras obsolete
they wouldn't be fully obsolete simply due to things like new characters, but yeah, making loras as irrelevant as possible would be amazing
there's never going to be an all-knowing model
bbc is a myth
If loras frying things is a problem why are loras so effective? Whats the downside?
2hucord invite please....
>thirdies getting access to the free nai bot
kurumuz gonna FREAK
>switched to hags
It's over...
leak free nai
leak-free nai
imagine believing free NAI exist and not naishill falseflag
Just buy a sub if you like the model that much, retards. I can respect die-hard local users and I can respect die-hard nai users, but not you slimy, greedy, civitmonkey freetards.
uhhhh retard???
i've seen at least 4 discord servers that offer free nai bots.
but desu I wouldn't feel comfortable prompting cunny on any of them and they'd probably ban it. that dude is just on some based server
I heard cunny posting on discord can get the whole server, along with all users on it deleted. Bad idea.
if there are no snitches it should be fine, discord only has automatic detection for actual cp afaik. but yeah, still a risk.
Could setup a bot that litterboxes images instead of using discord cdn if you want a based server.
The fingerprinting tech discord uses sucks. You have no idea.
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while you're very technically not wrong, it's probably more apt to say that foss training scripts are fucked.
and you're not really correct to the extent you seem to think you are. The layer training rate mismatch a few certain types of artists and a part of the issue could even be pony as a model since it's absolutely fried in weird and unknown ways.
either way, works on my machine
Your bake is too simplified and maybe too jagged compared to the dataset. I believe the finetune anon's looks better.
miqo anon, do you have a drive of all your stuff? I love your miqo, I need more.
i think most of them are pretty much the same
and the smaller ones
regular catbox is fucked atm
yeah but I would like you to post a vid of you gooning to miqo in exchange
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>fixed and cleaned the dataset
>trained the te
>all layers
>the results are still worse
That said, I'm still surprised you didn't use per-block weighting. You just have to try finetuning yourself I guess.
>since it's absolutely fried in weird and unknown ways
I figured that pony definitely suffers from this layer bullshit, but with loras you just can't really control the rates while full finetune more or less manages to balance that automatically.
Actually from this I've gathered that both of our runs are severely underbaked
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because I'm using a different dataset that won't spam text randomly for no reason at all.
it also only took a whole 1 hour 7 minutes to train on a 12gb 3060.
have you considered that score_8 is poison and that a lot of your prompting is extremely schizophrenic in a detrimental way?
and if I'm reading your cobbled together x/y correctly lora on with base pony still looks better than lora off on finetune(and lora on on your finetune improves it immensely).
Really? I offered to breed you a couple hundred threads ago but you turned me down, gooning vid is the least I can do.
>using scores at all
you do realize how scoring works on danbooru right? Astracunt certainly didn't
score tags have nothing to do with danbooru scoring.
it's an arbitrary light style classifier that is basically an "expanded" "best quality, masterpiece" classification bullshit.
score_9 is basically high aesthetic score. score_8 is 2.5d/realistic shading. score_7/6 are related to animu shit.
>have you considered that score_8 is poison
I just took this dataset from the last time I tried to bake kiato lora, then ran through the finetune without any changes to the dataset itself, and it just happened that this particular set had scores in it.
>lora on with base pony still looks better than lora off on finetune
Nope not really, it's equal at best despite your dataset cleaning efforts. It looks more fried, the "blurry" part is almost gone and it's more ponypilled in general.
>and lora on on your finetune improves it immensely
This much is true though.
wtf does score_8 even do that its so bad, fucking autistic brony I swear
because 7 8 9 lol
>response exactly 1 min apart
the ip counter may be gone but you can still tell when theres a samefag, I hope you know this.
>exactly 1 min apart
>it's actually 59 seconds
what did he mean by this
Good evening localfags, what made you not kill yourselves today?
I read this thread and recognize there are people out there way worse off than I am, like yourself
But I use NAI?
Having a sub room temperature IQ must be hard for you, saar. Above India's average but still in the range to qualify for mental retardation in the rest of the world...
I discovered arti and it's even better than nai (because free). Promax contronet and smea snake oil also doing it for me.
But you're unironically indonesian?
What's so fun in controlneting images of others? Unless you are a blender anon who i2i's from his own scenes it just sounds dull as fuck.
Do you guys like to use Krita or other software for inpainting, or do you do it still in your workflow or whatever used to gen?
my slop model with many loras I trained mixed in looks better removing all score tags, what stage is this
I don't inpaint.
based localGOD, I like my feet gens with 7 toes and my hands with 8 tyvm
I use NAI tho
>60 seconds
dear gentlemen, a samefag was spotted
paint.net is all you really need if you just want to redraw some fingers or basic shapes to put back into inpaint
nice falseflagging ponygenner
You got me, I'm actually bing genner.
>I like my feet gens with 7 toes and my hands with 8 tyvm
just train a lora
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actually I have no idea how you even got results that bad considering score 8 isn't even hitting it that badly on my side.
again, maybe try to cutting down the schizophrenia in the prompt.
since catbox is kill here's a litterbox with metadata
also red hair version for higher vibrance
>still believing in 60 second cooldowns for shitposting
>>>/e/2899888 >>>/e/2899889 >>>/e/2899890 >>>/e/2899891 >>>/e/2899892 >>>/e/2899893 >>>/e/2899894 >>>/e/2899896 >>>/e/2899897 >>>/e/2899899
No, i meant you gen with Arti (or you can gen with pony if you want) and then latent upscale with controlnet.
Some boards give you a 30sec posting cooldown with an image attached you know
Bro I got a 4chan pass to post my masterpieces without any interruption.
>baseball cap, backwards hat, off-shoulder shirt, leotard under clothes, swimsuit under clothes, highleg leotard, denim shorts, open shorts, (shirt overhang:1.2), mismatched legwear,
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imo the actually interesting thing about this artist is the texture and the actual lines that he uses, but he also makes images that are like 3000x5000 or whatever so a lot of those details get murdered by the VAE. training on 1:1 crops does alleviate a lot of it but without including a token for those specific images those details are still lost. i've been using painting for my lora and it works to a degree if you weight the shit out of it. i guess i could use only cropped images in the dataset but the anatomy and composition is already so fucked that i think this would turn into a pastel body horror generator
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tried 4th tail model, but can't get even half-decent results
shit model or skill issue?
nta but, assbox?
Both probably.
its fried as shit
At inference remove this token for base resolution to get the full composition, then include it at upscale to get details. Does this not work?
I tried this too, even some mixes that were shit are now pretty good when I just remove all the score tags.
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alright, back to usual models then
at least 0.5.0 4th tail extract lyco works with forge now, so that's something
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I got the prompt from here https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/8149949
but yeah, maybe my negatives are a bit heavy. But yours are even worse, they enforce a style.
I'm not sure if you're calling this good, but it just melts, especially around the eyes.

This run uses 4e-6 learning rate. Interestingly, vpred conversion started to fall apart at such "high" learning rates, and it worked best at 1e-6. Saving the next checkpoint rn, genning a grid.
Btw this one >>8202607 has actual texture going very strong at base res, which is why I said above that finetune anon's bake is better.
This one too >>8202438
Try merging the lyco into your model of choosing thats what I did, it it looks fine, just use a small number 0.5 -0.7
4th tail as lyco looks ok, 4th tail as base model (https://civitai.com/models/282341/4th-tail-animehentai) just makes it look like >>8202599 slop
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Yeah the the lyco (unmerged or not) would be preferrable over the actual model lol
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Photoshop and inpainting is surprisingly fun when it works
Do you prompt it as a lyco the same way you would the base model? I also dropped it after a bit but saw some potential.
>a lot of those details get murdered by the VAE
Those details are mostly murdered by pony and loras, not VAE.
Yeah, that's what I like about the artist too.
https://litter.catbox.moe/e0qnjy.png - anon's neg
https://litter.catbox.moe/2jw5l4.png - my neg
it should be the same just remember that prompt amnesia could happen on the extract.
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bros.. look at my student help me bathe.
>switch to 4xnomos upscaler
>upscaling is the longest process of the gen now
Is it suppose to be this way?
no, you don't need to be using an image restoration upscaler for your ai gens
Based fat bastard anon
What should I use for upscaling for hires fix? I feel like all my gens have a sort of filtered look to it that I'm thinking is from the upscaler
I wish I was a fat bastard
idk, i use 4x ultra sharp
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>bags under her eyes are gone
>breasts grew two sizes
Happy ending, I'm glad he fixed her
Anon, I'm sorry to inform you, but she might not actually be interested in XML at all.
sorry for dumb question, but how do I merge lyco and model? forge only allows to merge two models from what I can tell
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aesthetic: yes
finger anatomy: no
the supermerger extension on A111 ui does the job (dont know if it theres a way on comfy ui)
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I guess it's one of those times when I have to remark:
>nai could never
would love it if it was "simple background"
pony backgrounds make me sick at this point
tail plugs are based
I do like this cel shaded quasi 3d look it has, it makes it look like a forbidden game Nintendo never released.
I like to do plain (wooden wall:1.15) backgrounds
1girl,white background.
>pony backgrounds make me sick at this point
holy shit so it's not only me
they fucking look like they are drawn by some western deviantart furry troon
I can't even put my finger on why
same one lamp
same one wooden plank
same one curtain
fucking filth
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If only SD could generate as transparent PNG's,we could add the backgrounds ourselves
>anal tail
that reminds me of this attempt at anal hair insertion i gave up on
the unfortunate hair color makes it look like she's having an explosive diarrhea that morphs into her hair
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there are plenty of tools for that
Most were pretty jank from what I remember a few months back
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bros.. my student says to never give up.
I don't get it
I keep trying to mix with a specific artist because I like how their cocks look. I'm not gay btw
4chan battlepass...
krekkov sisters.. does he know?
question to all the autist bakers that had the meltdown over glora vs finetune: are lora extracts from full finetunes also bad or are they exempt from whatever it is that makes loras suck?
>all the autist bakers that had the meltdown over glora vs finetune
it's literally a single retard
I use krita for inpainting. If you use comfy you can just ctrl+c your canvas and directly paste the edited image into your workspace
Very convenient
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You know, I never realized, if you use inpaint without a prompt,what it is actually trying to do?
Dildo and arm holding are annoying to gen
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donate 2 2hu 2day
loras are as good or bad as the base model
That's a cute face on her. How did you do it?
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that's pure sex
I want to save her...
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any worthwhile controlnet for pony that isnt anytest?
depends on what you want to do. canny, union and the inpainting ones work rather well
1 girl, slop
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and see her turn into a fatty?!
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cheap food is unhealthy anon
miqo anon notice me senpai
doing a split diff is fine it's just a royal pain in the ass.
doing a finetune can produce results that are better or at least on par with what you can get with a lora. but it's also a significantly larger hurdle in terms of time, effort and required hardware.
though I don't think you can do a split diff lora with vpred/ztsnr.
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Oh, sorry, I missed that since that was someone else reposting my stuff.

I don't have an up-to-date one. I have one I made a while ago though.

Thanks anon, this is great. I also still have the MEGA you made ages ago bookmarked.
I seriously like your miqo an unhealthy amount.
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>MEGA you made ages ago

ah, that might be the OG miqoanon's. I am just another fan of the character who started doing the character a lot.
nai lost
oh really?
I like your stuff too anon, well done
very nice
yeah he left the thread a while ago and I missed the character so I started making her. Could you share the mega so I could see it I think I have it all downloaded but Im not sure.
are you planning to become the third retard?
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>are lora extracts from full finetunes also bad or are they exempt from whatever it is that makes loras suck?
The problem is that during training the layers that have more trainable parameters are being trained more, if you're training a lora. So for lora extraction which is just a subtraction and distillation, this does not apply.
I thought it was going to be the style of the first anime but turns out it was the original VN style, impressive, based even
Instead of trying to cope with a extract of 4th tail/tofu I'm just going to wait for the their next version tbqh
Also, putting it in cheald's words,
>tl;dr LoRA training is fundamentally flawed and biases heavily towards doing most of its learning in the largest (by element count) layers of the network.
yeah, that's the OG Miqoanon's stuff, I just wanted to make sure.

I might make an updated pixeldrain with more stuff or something at some point but I have way too much shit to sort through to do that.
I think that penis might be cuter than the girl...
So is this some kind of weird /hdg/ NTR situation?
are you intentionally trying to undermine your own point by posting the worst gens itt?
>no mame rakko lora
uh oh
same desu, they're pretty much unusable right now
I hope he remembers vpred exists and uses it for his next versions
eh, I just like the character design.
just train a vpred lora
Now I want to get fatty Reimu
most based poster ITT

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