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>>2898384 hit the image limit

/edg/ is the home of 1girl posting. Here, we share AI-generated pics of sexy anime girls and discuss latest advancements in 1girl-related technology.
Remember to keep it /e/, as per board rules. If unsure about what you can or cannot post here, consult the sticky thread.

> FAQ (check here first)
https://rentry.org/edg-faq#general | https://rentry.org/edg-faq#technical

> Local UIs
WebUI Forge, an A1111 fork optimized for SDXL (faster genning speed on low-mid vram gpus): https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
ComfyUI: https://github.com/comfyanonymous/ComfyUI | https://github.com/shiimizu/ComfyUI_smZNodes

> Resources and guides
Useful links: https://rentry.org/sdg-link | https://rentry.org/rentrysd | https://rentry.org/sd-mashup
A1111 Wiki: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups
Upscalers: https://openmodeldb.info
LoRa training: https://rentry.org/lora_train | https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://civitai.com/articles?tags=128645
Git-wiki of the technical Stable Diffusion papers: https://codeberg.org/tekakutli/neuralnomicon
Animation: https://rentry.org/AnimAnon | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-Deforum | https://rentry.org/AnimAnon-AnimDiff

> LoRA downloads
https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews

> Thread highlights archive (deprecated)

> OP template

> /edg/ logo
OP: https://files.catbox.moe/uc2ntj.png | Anchor: https://files.catbox.moe/bx1lo2.png (more color schemes in the FAQ Rentry)

> Related generals
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Request Anchor
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Previous Thread Highlights
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Nigga quit botherin me im tryin to chill
Congrats to the anon who got the same pic highlighted twice
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Oh yeah kek
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Nta but didn't even see that until you pointed it out.

Do we have a thread theme?
like getting pepper sprayed.
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aight then
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it's getting out of hand
What is he trying to tell us? Did someone hurt him?
>Do we have a thread theme?
Hard to do a thread theme but the fighter theme in the previous thread looked promising.

Yeah.... Ran out of time here (posting this in the go) so I need to be more careful, and keep the previous collage open, next time. Thanks for the catch tho.
I know. We had a semi normal thread last time. But now its the weekend so he's back. I'm sure some of this post are the same as previous ones too - not even fresh gens
Nice got 2 in
Arrow > Report > Spamming/Flooding
I don't want a ban
Do mods really ban for that? Instead of banning this guy? Does anyone know his fucking problem anyways?
At least one anon caught a ban for reporting the spammer, yeah
Not much point speculating about it, it's a mod issue at this point. Filter and post as normal
It was a while ago but >>2897071 asked for a catbox for picrel: https://files.catbox.moe/dyccsk.png
no way you remember
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Was in a gold and silver mood.

I might look for an elphelt lora later. Never enough art of that girl
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Requesting anchors
How about legs for a thread theme. Legs? Yes. Legs.
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I hadn't touched my computer in three days, and noticed your reply when scrolling through the thread I had left opened.
I had to go to work-provided accommodation for a grind to complete a project. I work with some nice office ladies so it's by no means a punishment.
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Requesting topless jeans pinups of Mizuki Nakahara (LycoReco).
It's funny because I love legs. Still trying to get this stupid regional prompter to work though
he should just link an imgur gallery or something it's just too much noise of the same stuff given how little variation of subject and pose there is
That's the point. His goal is just to be a troll and obstruct the thread. Just filter and ignore him anon
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very cool style, im a sucker for anything with fluffy eyelashes
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request a gilf Ranma-chan edit
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please gen butts now <3
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>Do mods really ban for that?
3-day ban for breaking global rule 7
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Has the schizo made any demands?
What if we were to negotiate?
Can't figure out the filter command.
Either swolibro who got angry for being called out on his namefaggotry/shitty gens, or a schizo who got fed up with the highlighter retard, I don't have any other theory here.
You can't figure out what to filter by or you can't figure out the filter at all?
Requesting more ecchi situations in general, wardrobe malfunction, unintentional exposure, lucky pervert pov.

Skimpy revealing fantasy outfits, casual nudity and slavery is cool, but we have mostly only that, so I'd appreciate more ecchi situations like the mentioned above
spammer started spamming gently, posting 5x seeds for the same shitty prompt with no adetailer or corrections. Someone called him out and then it started full tilt. So, there's the third option: insecure retard who thinks his below average slop is somehow good enough to show everyone feels butthurt that he was asked not to post.
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We do not negotiate with terrorists around here, we combat fight AI art with Ai art
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>the CP made the highlights
>schizo spammer still going strong

this thread is cursed. see you in 6 months, edg! I imagine the flux equivalent of pony will be out by then. should be fun.
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Don't know if FLUX will replace Pony anytime soon.

There are two main issues for that, one FLUX demands a lot more resources, so not anyone can run it locally, and if you use generation services the cost of genning one image is way too high right now.

Second, FLUX works better with caption which is kind of counter intuitive for ecchi generations.

So, even if they come with a finetune for ecchi and porn stuff I don't see it replacing pony, it would be more easy for a new model to appear, develop and replace pony in the next 6 months, than FLUX replacing pony
He never talked about flux replacing pony, you wrote your whole post out of your inability to read
Please. I beg you. Don't leave. How can this thread survive without your pictures? The quality of your amazing gens is what held edg together.
Please. We will kill all pedophile kiddy diddlers and spammers. We'll be fine. Just stay, please.
wow! maybe you should post what you think this is to find out if you're retarded or if /e/ jannies are truly dead.
you blind?
this one obviously
please don't tell me about muh breasts and other bs
this is clearly a toddler
try posting it on /h/ and wait for anything to come back.
>The four and a half foot toddler with growing breasts
You have to go back. Pre-teen sure, questionable content maybe. But you don't need to be here either I think.
kill yourself
>latest thread, bottom third
by your definition the jannies have never been worst at their job you're a lost retard.
I like the style of those two first images
well this is just embarrassing
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/aco/ or semireal AI slop + small breasts = vacation, especially because it looks like shit.
you mean the proportions of the Flux gen are uncanny, like it was based off Flux's bias for realism, which is a slight distinction than generic preteen/small breasted looking gens from anime models that, so far, are infrequently posted here.
I can tell you're capable of intelligent thoughts but, somehow, the English isn't Englishing
erm that's petite
Sonething like pic related. Be is a recreation of it or using the pics theme but with Vocaloid IA with no clothes.
Go ask a Frechman.
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Requesting Dehya's bra removed.
Very nice of you to leave, thank you! If possible, please never come back.
Bottom right of the screen > settings > Filters and Post Hiding > check "filter and highlight specific threads/post" > [edit] > check "on", pattern: 772*, type: filename, check "hide".
Save, and than again "save settings".
oh and add a second filter rule for filename 773*
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Your gun mage party member, but she's not really enthusiastic about anything at all.
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tf is all this shit?
/b/ posters infect other boards and the jannies endorse it.
got more?
really bad quality gens
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Satellite realized "toddler" is the new buzzword to elicit reactions.
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This is cute. I like this
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don't engage with pro or anti pedo schizos
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Sure, it's a nice concept.

>Leftovers from previous round of generation.
People are getting banned for reporting the actual children?

Don't think it's satellite since it's not his calling card. We just have more schizo's on /e/ now
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Is it me or is Satellite's gens actually getting better (if only marginally)
Stockholm syndrome.
That would imply we were abused by him. I'd just say annoyed at best. We're still genning all the same so I don't even care anymore.
Nothing to do with the highlights spammer. they don't want to post where they belong. jannies protect it.
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Trying to get rid of the ponytail to make her look like she does at the end of Super (wearing the black swimsuit, long hair undone) and not the more modern look. Unsuccessful so far.
inpaint and take out the samus tags
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I love this style bro, care to share the catbox?

May be I'm wrong but this looks nai so I wont be able to replicate, but if Im wrong and its sd, please catbox too
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shit model or skill issue.
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Everyday, you find girls in maid cosplay lining the streets of akihabara, handing out flyers and advertising maid cafes.

It's NAI, sorry.
>I love this style bro, care to share the catbox?
Also NAI
If you dont want to change the model or lower the str, the only option is to inpaint.

Because I'm going to assume you made sure of include "ponytail" in negative prompt, right?
doh! Thanks anyway
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Kind of worked.
ok but that's a totally different picture, not an inpaint
Playing with animated pictures
is it anmiatediff?
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I second this. We're kind of turning into just softcore /hdg/. Is this because of the exodus from /hdg/?
Yet another absolute elf MASTERPIECE to grace this thread.
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>Fantasy elf
Anon, You need to get on with the times and buy a cyber elf for yourself.
I wish the schizos didn't come along.
ai isnt good enough to do any of that
What? Yes it is, it just takes a fuckton of work.
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if youre willign to spend a fuckton of work, you might as well just learn to draw, bro
Nah, drawing takes way more work, and like 10 years until I'm as good as the models. I'm lazy, I'm happy with just light PS + generations.
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>I second this. We're kind of turning into just softcore /hdg/.
Do you interact with these images? I'll answer it for you, no you don't. Fanservice and AT-X levels of nudity are the types of images I like doing, but the only person who showed any type of appreciation was the highlight anon before it was hijacked.
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Bigger resolution: https://files.catbox.moe/dm4n5e.png
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shave that pussy
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pubic hair is the spice of life, anon. There's nothing like pulling some pubes from your tongue after a thorough loving.
Time to move to discord
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Tell us some good servers before you go, we might go with you.
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Thanks, anon. Here's another.

I posted a few gens of that in this thread already though?
C'mon grandpa, go back to bed.
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Does this count, anon?
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I should include pubes on every gen. Maybe the thread theme can be pubes?
I'm not gonna shave any more than this.
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post more
I really like this mix. What lora are you using?
On average I do. But as you see, the threads have to move so fast now that I just miss them since I'm not on the thread all the time. I only skim and I genuinely miss at least 40% of the content now
new thread
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1) We're not going to your troll page
2) This still has images left

But please, keep spamming the board. Maybe the other threads will finally revolt.
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Anon we don't spam here
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The spammer is making you specially wary, its different gens with different prompts.
No no, let everyone spam. I imagine the spam rule we only there as a curtsey to /e/ and the jannie. But since no one cares, we shouldn't either. We'll get to a point where nothing but the board is /edg/ threads.
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Don't spam guise ;)
> No one wants to go to the fake thread
> attempts to fill this thread

We'll just make a new one. I'm not really sure what the plan is here
But there's still another

At this point I think he's trying to see how far he can go before getting banned. Let's just fill up /e/ with endless shitty gens, I'm all for it. If that doesn't rouse the jannie, nothing will.
The jannies have forsaken us
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It's not lora, anon. I'm on a binge with olympus styles. Box for reference:

You could probably get something similar in pony by playing with the same artists' loras.
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Well, I stand corrected.
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She hasn't realized it yet, just keep your mouth shut.
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>he thinks she didn't realize
>he thinks she is not doing it on purpose
The one you deleted was perfectly fine but I see this one is more aligned with the original meme
I made one more chibi but it could have been mistaken for loli so didnt post it

Original was not meme enough
Thanks! The thing that really pops out is the saturation, I love the colors and eyes. I'm going to start mixing with this right away
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I wish FORGE had some sort of afterdetailer but for nipples.
You can always inpaint them, but they look kind of off.
ComfyUI and Nai seems to make them better
Pretty sure you can download nipple yolo models. I know there's a pussy one.
I have only ever used comfy due to my gpu, can you not download the nipple detailer for forge? ngl it kinda sucks at detecting nipples anyway, even if you lower the bbox threshold a lot it sometimes won't detect them properly at all
>I wish FORGE had some sort of afterdetailer but for nipples.
>You can always inpaint them, but they look kind of off.
What do you think adetailer does? lol, the models you download are just for detect the area where they are and inpaint said area, they don't affect on how they look when inpainting
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I herd u liek topless girls in nature?
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I do!
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Neat! We didn't have any in a while.
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You mean these girls are showing their tits on purpose? But that would make them whores, I thought only 3DPD were whores.
Requesting nipple peek or areola peek
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Friendly neighborhood spider-1girl.
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Very nice tiddies. box?
File deleted.
Do you mean like this or something else?
Thanks anon, here:
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Fucking posted the wrong file. Is this what you meant?
Yes thank you!
Slightly visible pussy is a great bonus, thank you
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Requesting more fully dressed, but sexy girls. Bonus points for undressing / dressing up.
For the savior of the thread with amazing gens, I will gladly turn on the oven and start baking
"Hmph, of course I could beat you at basketball."
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good idea
"Are you sure... you dropped it here?"
Thank, you anon, make sure to stress test that GPU.
Wow, these are pretty good already. Thank you, anons. Keep them coming.
These are pretty cool, too.
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"Did you want something?"
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>Geeze anon, I can't undress in peace?
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Choco skin was a great choice. I love it.
More milfs, great idea.
this is golden, anon. The areola was the chef's kiss.

This one was a bit hard to get, getting the two straps, bra under clothes and bike shorts to all kind of work required some inpainting.
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Thanks anon, its actually one of your artist pulling the work. Just mixing it with stuff to see what sticks. Also, here's a redo of this one >>2899871 :

By the way, I unironically love the spats in this one
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Does this count?
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it definitely does, anon, thank you.
Oh wow, the redo is gorgeous. God bless XL for easy feet.
You posted the cyber elf, right? I wanted to gen something like that too but it was the worst gacha I've tried so far, maybe something for next thread.
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Someone's leg is folded like fucking lasagna at the bottom there.
I dont know why, but bottomless views always do it for me. It's the same reason why this is still one of my favorite gens todo
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I did. getting mechanical parts on the face that look good can take a while, too. Here's a box for a different seed, same prompt. I also want to improve on this.
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I need that ass on my face now
super hot, box?
I'm convinced that some of the mixes I've been making only work for certain types of characters.


Legs are sometimes underappreciated. I say this as one of the big tiddy elf posters.

>Admittedly this is more thighs than legs.
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Proportions of these feet/shins look alright? Image was originally a cowboy shot and I wanted to add boots.
Is anyone experimenting with the chinese AI video I'm seeing anywherer else?
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Can you help me please? My gens are not as sharp as yours, I used the same prompt and upscaler as your catbox
it's censored as fuck
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if you check the catbox, I also use the latent modifier extension. I just click "enable" with everything default, then I change rescale CFG to 0.5. If you check the olympus model page, they recommend that.
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When she forgets to wear her bra and the pressure is too much for her shirt.
Moments before catastrophe... Strong movements are dangerous.
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I hate you and your extremely cute nai gens I cant replicate with SD
>I cant replicate with SD
You can. You just don't want to spend the time to figure out how to do it. You're waiting for someone else to do the heavy lifting so you can "catbox pls" them.
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just download a nipple detection model dumbass
while on vacation i played around with new 4th tail and i really like it, it's a little strange in that it seems like artists are everything, like you're gonna want to fill those prompts with artists or artist weights to get stuff to look good
This. Everything is possible with the power of local; all you need to do is train a LoRA and use controlnet.
>nai schizo here now too
can you try posting your weak bait on /ddg/ or somewhere else instead
I've been here for months, sweatie. If you don't want shitposting to appear, stop lying.
What exactly is NAI exclusive about those images?
Very nice.
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I would, but catbox is having troubles.
I don't really like those particular images to begin with.
But when people say "can't replicate", stop assuming it's some retard who has never heard about your epic lora tech and insane "sketch, traditional media" prompting ninjutsu. It's about the details and shading that models are fundamentally incapable of replicating, they just have their own styles. If someone is a crazy big fan of pony shading (doubt), you won't be able to fully replicate it on nai even if it had lora.
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Classic woman cooking moment.
>It's about the details and shading that models are fundamentally incapable of replicating, they just have their own styles
You can replicate it with a properly trained Lora, a non-inbreed prompt, and some elbow grease.
yeah just train a lora and use controlnet, everything is possible with the power of local, just gotta stop being a lazy gooner.

No one cares about nai vs local here. Just post cute girls
She's adorable anon.
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Feet are kind of scuffed, but I ran out of power to fix. Maybe some good samaritan can do it?
Seems my Au Ra have stirred up a little controversy.
Did it? She's very cute
I would if I could anon.
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This is alright. If I get back in the mood later, I will try.
Why does the anon who keeps spamming impressionism slop keep making new threads and then not posting in them?
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Because jannies and mods allow him too, and if you report him you get warned / banned for fake reporting. At this point, I think he's already bored of non-stop spamming and trying to see how far he can go before getting banned.
The sloppy loli-posts have also not yet been deleted.
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>She's very cute
Thanks. Last of these.
I mean, it seems to me that they could fill up their own thread by themselves. So why don't they?
And with some more effort and more variety their stuff would actually be really nice.
You're aware that the spammer isn't doing it for the "art" or to contribute something, right? The whole point is trying to get on our nerves so he gets at least some form of attention.
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No I'm not, which is why I asked.
That said, if attention is what they want then they could put some effort in that would garner them some positive attention. Which would benefit everyone, including themselves.
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No point discussing that with me. Just don't feed the troll.
Exactly this. Besides, the more we talk about him means we will summon him. Just let it be
No worries
>What do you think you are doing, barging in here like this!?
This was way too much gacha, I'm never doing it again.
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what was the problem exactly?
Usually toilet pictures are kind of easy to get because there are lot of references.
Were you aiming for something very specific?
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I mean you could always inpaint anon
Squatting toilet, opening door in the foreground, but not in the background, and panties around one ankle without having to inpaint all of those. I gave up on the panties and inpainted them though.

If I can't make the machine do my bidding with sheer words, that's cheating.
Guys I'm really impress, this particular thread is full of really amazing gens, I don't what to fill everyone with (You)s but they are all amazing (except for you know...)
I think its because of 2/3 other anons. They have some really good mixes. Still trying to figure out all these cool mixes I need to make
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i'm finally at the beach
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Can you nude edit her please?
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Anons, I'm stuck. Which style is the best - I keep flopping between all three of them.
middle looks more western artist
left for me but right is close, wouldnt mind a box for those to try to mix them
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gigaslop test https://files.catbox.moe/ps90n9.png
I post middle from time to time here. There is a western artist mixed in, but its hard carried by the eastern artist.

I use the following artist
> Left: Oowack, OnonoImoko
> Middle: USA, Namespace
> Right: Tsune, Oowack
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Bro her left nipple is fucked, but also she has multiple nipples on her left hand...
Wait sorry it's not even a left nipple. It's an armpit nipple...
Right does give nice results
left is nice but kinda generic, middle is too western, right the girl looks like she has brain problems but kind of in a hot way
oh god, I should stop using my phone to gen, the preview looks so tiny
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milk jugs
Have another one as an apology
this is very cursed
/d/fag proportions what do you expect
need facesitting
I really like her new outfit. Very cute

All valid points. I don't really like to use more than 2 loras but I found mixing left and right (since there's one common lora) gives me something I like. Still brewing the exact ratio right now
handnipples are probably the worst part
This is really nice, I love how close it looks to actual printed manga

I suppose it depends on your criteria for style. If you can get the number of toes correct consistently, I'd say left (1). However, in terms of style, I suppose 1 or right (3) appeal to me the most as their faces (particularly the eyes) seem less comedically exaggerated. Though center (2) having a simple or uninteresting background compared to 1 and 3 might hurt it.

However, 2 looks closer to her "correct" appearance based on what we've seen of her before.
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middle is the only choice.
chronic back pain
This is very nice!
I always find myself coming back to the middle because it's the only one that comes with that distinct look. But just as you say, the other mixes offer more interesting poses and backgrounds.

Worst case scenario I can just make mix of all 5 loras to see how fucked the gen will turn out to be.
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I spend a lot more time on poses and composition over style (from LoRA), which is probably a weakness but it's what I enjoy most readily. On the bright side, I probably wouldn't have confused 1 or 3 as someone else's work,


Thanks for the name, guess i'll try to see on civitai which one is the correct one
Have you tried a mix of left and right with right not as strong?
1 - hot and 2 should all logia users be able to shapeshift into other people technically?

Lol, I'm the same anon who post the original blond delf. She just had different prorogations probably because I was messing with the weights of the loras again. I just don't think she looks as good in other styles sadly
Yeah, currently messing with the weights with all of them right now since 1 and 3 mix pretty well
Thank you!
Nice, good luck with that, I spend so much time playing with weight and mixing artist trying to figure which one i prefer between 2 almost identical pictures, I really like the base im currently using but im looking for a third one to complete it
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Fuck guns, I'm never making guns ever again.
If you could keep the formal outfit but with more stuff exposed, would be very cool.
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Why not?
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That trigger finger took like 10 inpaints.
Amazing gen, box?
>10 inpaints
rookie numbers
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Nice car.
why not just draw the finger and run a low denoise on top?
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Appreciate it, cute style. I'm not into dom girls, but defiant girls are great.
i mean how's she gonna stop you, she weighs like 90 pounds
Yeah that's how I was feeling when I was trying to gen my cyber elf, largely because of the gun I wanted in the gen. Cute gen though
Wouldn't be fun if she could stop me!
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is it possible to make a nazi uniform without a lora?
if you inpaint
more bored, disgusted, sneer girls now
heard you can get close but what >>2900235 said
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Depends on how nazi and how "real military uniform" you want it, "nazi like" is super easy with just tags alone
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New Thread:

This is really nice

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