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Something Happened Edition

Previous Thread: >>8190785


Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
Maintained fork (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge



NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Features: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Features
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet | https://civitai.com/models/136070/controlnetxl-cnxl | https://huggingface.co/2vXpSwA7/iroiro-lora/tree/main/test_controlnet2
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/iopaint-lama | https://www.iopaint.com/install
Upscaler models: https://openmodeldb.info/models/4x-Nomos8k-atd-jpg
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
List of useful A1111 extensions: https://rentry.org/8csaevw5

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgtemplate/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

based OP
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1girling with tofu is fun
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Looks great
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nothing ever happens general
>Mean is in the hospital so he cant set up cascade 3.6b
how are they such a master at dodging vendors every time?
is this local or nai i honestly cant tell, someone on discord sent it to me earlier
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Seems to me like patreon grifter behavior.
abyss orange mix
it's cascade
>4th tail 5.0 outperforms nai at nsfw
>tofu outperforms nai at sfw
it's so over for nai
do you think it looks good? if so, it's nai. if not, it's local
Is there a tech for 4th tail that doesn't make it look fried?
the style, colors and lighting are nice, but anatomy and details suck, so pony gen with nai refiner?
works on my machine
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>no image
I like it. Why not just ask them what it was made in?
Hang on you're supposed to complain about blur and smear you forgot to add that
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Requesting more Akko buttjobs.
That's a child, you sick fuck
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I take it back, it's nice. Pussy juice trail on the right is pretty kino.
But you can make them yourself? Just prompt shit, anon.
shut the fuck up, you sick child
he can't, it's some dumbass who keeps posting requests on every single imagegen general on this website because he doesn't have a gpu or a nai sub
catbox? so I can see your settings
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Also not in catbox: scheduler is sgm_uniform and upscale is with dpm++ sde 0.4 denoise 5 cfg.
Many thanks
It's local.
Does pony know what deep penetration is or do I need a concept lora
What do you mean by deep penetration?
it doesnt, base pony sex looks lackluster and stiff
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holy shit new 4th tail is kino
looks like a couch pillow
nai could never
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Is this 4th tail? Also the guy is LITERALLY me.
Good morning, expressive H sirs
it's jordachover
Like balls deep insertion
don't prompt penis, just vaginal
the more size and emphasis on penis the more of it is visible in the gen
yep, it's not bad desu, adult woman warning https://files.catbox.moe/2yj66l.png
FALSE, he's just getting started. He just put together the architecture for Spectra-1, his new foundational model, and already began training on the 3060s. He's so good that work on the dataset took him less than a single day.
Can you see the issue https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?tags=deep_penetration
Despite the tag definition saying it's meant for balls deep, it's often tagged based on how deep the penis goes, not how much of it is left outside.
man maybe I actually don't need to resub tomorrow
gotta test the new models
>is in fact mentally ill
just came to this
so at least i got something out of 4th tail
/ss/ cum inflation
another nai user converted to local, we can't stop winning
someone check on kurumuz...
If 4th tail guy expands his dataset to nai level, the conversion rate is going to skyrocket. For now it's pretty limited, but what it can do is nice.
I need to actually check it first
kaleid cunny test is going to be performed
(when im home)
kurumuz was arrested for the attempted murder of treexir and is currently awaiting trial
you guys are too scared to give a real guess because either:
>>it's nai, and then you admit it's better than local
>>it's a local model, and you as a nai user is afraid of local catching up


Based picture enjoyer for enjoying an image as it is, where origin of it is just an afterthought. If you must know, it is the new 4thtail with a certain mix of innate artists. I can give catbox if you'd like! :)

What part of the anatomy made you think it was local?
File deleted.
My cute wife..

Also taking requests specific to my wife for fun
I'll get to it eventually if there is any
everything about that pic screamed local
you can do local parodies on nai though
Your wife and not your wife (but also a girl) in 69 position in landscape.
if you could post the box id appreciate
As the 'based picture enjoyer', I would like to request a catbox. I like the dark color tones, as well as the skin details. I think it looks good and would enjoy learning from the settings regardless of which model it is.
the reason people were giving meme guesses was because it looks like shit
it can't be...
checked Chloe with some artists and mixes typically used by NAI kurofasgs and it was very meh
if you find something then post some boxes
naikeks ohnonono
we've known for a while that nai can produce dogshit images if you try
after all, we had shoebill anon's gens
Post catbox please? I am indeed one of the NAI Kurofags, phoneposting rn
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Well it can more or less do what I want but the artist tag mix that I used on arti 2.0 is kind of dogshit here since aperently tofu doesn't have that strong bias towards certain artist tags that arti 2.0 has (which is something good I guess)
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comfychads wake up, new node just dropped.
Reminder that Astralite was asked if he implemented tag dropout and he had no idea what it was
Here you go!:

Model is this:

Ok then? Which parts screams local then? ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)

I'm open for any constructive criticism you may have.

Also pic related, I used it in controlnet to generate the laughing Darkness earlier. Local has great meme potential.
>Post catbox please?
what do you mean? at least i have nothing to show yet, was just throwing artists on 1kuro standing
reminder that everyone who knew what is was still failed to produce even a half-decent model. while shitbakers talked, astralite walked. and that's why pony won
Oop, forgot to mention for first darkness image I also used multidiff upscale combined with vectorscope to get darker colors and more detail during upscale.
Reminder that none of the local bakers figured vpred and are stuck with noise offset
kys faggot
nai just can't stop winning
Are u ok bwo? have you taken your meds yet?
>astralite walked
Damn it's more than half a year now.
yeah i cant get it working at all, part of why i hate a1111/forge so much, half the settings dont properly save
EasyFluff figured out vpred like ten months ago
>What part of the anatomy made you think it was local?
Just the general feeling of the image. I didn't really look at the anatomy in detail.
thats what i wanted to look at kinda
Your wife playing vidya while you play with her.
aged up
aged down
Just look up his older posts in the archive. He was literally a hag poster half a year ago...
Another one. Give it a try anons. https://files.catbox.moe/fq63qg.png
Did anyone catch this on the 4thtail/tofu pages? Help a brother out with dataset contributions kek

Future plans:
Well, a new dataset 2.5 times bigger with better balancing and classification is ready, but any mistake of flaw will cost A LOT. Fixes for current version may be quite soon, but before next big training I'm going to collect more feedback and test some new thing. If you have advices, would like to share your experience, tools or methods for training - you are very welcome.

I'm thinking about adding of some furries in dataset. It may be beneficial for anatomy, poses, concepts, but not that easy because of different tagging system and... wide aesthetic range. If you have ideas how to deal with it, suggestions for good looking/interesting furry artists or can share your datasets - please PM.
do you guys think we'll get a local model better than pony v6 before the end of the year?
How do you guys plan to celebrate NAI's next model not having artist tags?
>I'm thinking about adding of some furries in dataset.
even fraction of furshit in dataset will steer model into fallout 3 filter cartoon porn /d/ gens, please for the love of god don't ruin it
He can just download danbooru, it's not hard, and it clearly works, looking at NAI.
Don't forget to share the loras Anon
list of every model i can think of being '''worked on'''
>nai 4
>4th tail/tofu
>furry flux finetune
>that one shitty chinese hunyuan finetune
do you really think there are any local winners in this batch?
it's over
>fallout 3 filter cartoon
sar, the sepia filter is in new vegas, f3 had the green filter
I'll root for the chinese
I think arti will come out on top, euge has been playing the long game.
Jordach is the only one training an ENTIRE FOUNDATIONAL MODEL, think about how far ahead he is of everyone else. Really he just cannot stop winning
daily reminder that the hope of local is a failed minecraft modder
jordach is the only baker with the right vision. we need smaller models that don't get in the way of your creative process
What the hell is this?
a lot of things make more sense when you remember jordach is in his mid 20s
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>the artist tag mix that I used on arti 2.0 is kind of dogshit here
same, struggling with artists on tofu atm
>wife lora barely works on 4th tail
>style mixes don't work at all
guess having Frieren is nice, kinda?
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nai lost
everyday localkeks just sink lower and lower...
why is it so blurry?
here couple ones, for some reason 1girling looks particularly bad, sex scenes seems to be slightly better
idk if you have script on the phone so will write artists used
>kawakami rokkaku
>(by as109:0.4), (by ratatatat74:0.4), (by wlop:0.4)
>by sweetonedollar, by porforever, by s16xue
>by fkey
>by yamamoto souichirou
>by yd \(orange maru\)
>by mochirong
i'm going sleep early today, so will try to make something actual tomorrow
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yd isn't half bad style wise. can you unfuck the anatomy and hands without killing the style?
>epoch 65/65 steps: 98%|| 896/910 [1:40:39<01:34, 6.74s/it, Average key norm=0, Keys Scaled=tensor(0, device='cuda:0'), avr_loss=0.0548]
please... i want this one to come out properly...
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Nice pose
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woah, five fingers in. can pony do pussy and anal fingering at the same time without any lora? https://files.catbox.moe/asusrg.png
idk, will try my schizo prompts for lanky anatomy tomorrow
editing it and img2img would work but it isn't worth the effort taking into account how it looks
and again, in poses that aren't frontal standing
is that nai or local? really hate the style, but the detail is amazing
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where are the highlights :(
that really doesn't look like a horn if that's what you were going for
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It has metadata, bro. Although you won't be able to repeat it without his vibe transfer images and settings.
what do you mean? you're using pony
How do I prevent accordion waist when using multiple LoRAs?
i ate the hands, nothing personnel...
highlighterinosisters, have we lost?
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Sorry. Almost 3 hours to the party, tho it's good for a thread to have severl OPs all around the clock. Can still try it though.
i don't feel motivated to gen if there's no highlighterinos...
kill yourself please
Put it together right now or else I have no idea what to gen
not the loras' fault usually
When is big too big?
Typically when I use multiple LoRAs the waists become distended like someone shoved a bunch of eggs or some shit in them and it ends up looking like an accordion
One size over that is too big
The real question is when does big become /d/
Niceness, lovely Reimu
uh example?
Maybe you're using too many loras on 1.00 strength, try toning it down a bit
Here's a tape fix
and use the waist one
>all light skin
I kinda like Soichirou and yd though. Thanks anon
Nice question
this is perfect size for me
see you in /d/ I guess>>8194638
Could you illustrate what would that be?
stop breathing faggot
keep breathing straight man
Too based for this thread
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Someone got a tan
crossover between some genshin style game and goblin burrow
4th tail is alright, but anima still mogs
Ooooo shes sexy in a new way
my succubus wife cant be this cute
File deleted.
Does that arm positioning make any sense in this position...
I see what's happening. It's poorfag NAI users who can't afford high-end GPUs to gen local/skill issues and can't into promoting that shill the platform so much.
I see what's happening. It's jeetards and SEAtards who use 'local' through civitai generator that cry about not being able to afford a sub so much
It's doable. Might not even be that uncomfortable when done on sand. As for why she'd do it though...
great gallery
are you still taking requests?
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Klara is the hardest character to generate
What renowned mangaka is this style from???
there is so much trash on that site it's unreal

the only way to get a good model is to manually prune everything, prune it again, then prune it again, with manual tag corrections for every image

anything less will just be similar to what we've had
A lot of bait got left untouched in the last few threads. regulars wising up and a steadily declining supply of newfags are catastrophic for the bait industry
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beautiful adult hentai. more pls
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box onegai?
Catbox? nice hentai, sexy
this is nice unironically
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The core problem all the current local models share is that the bakers don't understand the law of large numbers. Except HLL and ArtiWaifu with Euge autistically avoiding balancing the dataset with nothing but the artists and waifus. The model will inevietably only learn the data which is the most common across the dataset and will resist with all its might learning outliers.
For example, if you intentionally prune most of mikus from the dataset except everything made by abmayo, SDXL will not learn "hatsune miku" but it will learn miku as "by abmayo", in the exact abmayo's style and you won't be able to prompt admayo's style without miku as the main subject on the picture. Or, if every single caption has "1girl" in it, the model will never learn what exactly that means.
Well, that was an easy example. Another example would be "anatomy". If 95% of your dataset consists of such https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/8133759 images, your model will never learn what sex is even if you have like 20M images.
Ponyfag balanced the dataset to match roughly 1:1:1 between nsfw, sensitive and safe images, roughly 1:1:1:1 between pony, furry, cartoons and anime. This IS the only reason pony is capable of either. Furthermore, you can, in fact, utilize this to make the model better. Ponyv6 is a huge win for astralite in particular because most of the pony images look like crap. He trained on all of the trash images, but due to the fact that ponies overall contributed less to the dataset, he managed to shift average pony gen quality to average furry/cartoon/anime quality because average furry, cartoon and anime contribute to 75% of the dataset. He filtered the utter trash from respective categories so that helped too.
NAI 100% figured this out as well but I'm not entirely sure how they implemented that but I think I know how to do that better. Arti and HLL-anon sorta figured this out and applied for artists via repeats but that's not really a solution.
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beautiful, reminiscent of master mangaka of yore
Agreed, very sexy hentai.
someone should go somewhere ^_^
What's the closest you ever got to an actual artists style? Feel like artists are overly concerned with their styles being stolen, when it's actually quite hard to gen something that looks more than just heavily inspired.
bzzzzzz! just bee yourself
That's no tan no more.
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I suspect one of the reasons why NAI has such good understanding is because of that they just filtered unnecessary data. It's likely that they did it the stupid way, but I think there's a much, much better way to do that, which is via clusterization.
Basically, we use CLIP to obtain the embeddings from their dataset. What are those embeddings? It's literally a bunch of numbers used to represent the image. What are those numbers? How to interpret them? It doesn't matter and we don't need to do that. If you know some vector math, you should know that we can project multi-dimension vectors onto the 2d plane. Once we have a shitton of images to draw embeddings from, we can build a visual semantic representation of all the dataset we are working with. Just look at the picture.
You can see a lot of points around double penetration, but not so much around thigh sex. You also see that thigh sex is a lot more varied. What you want to do with it? Don't you notice a bias there? What you want to do is to sample images from each cluster evenly, thus you can allow the model to learn some specific concepts or things even if you use really small number of images for a dataset, because the data is *DIVERSE*. All of the data points is represented equally.
Now, a revelation. Since this is a 2d picture, the clusterization is quite limited. What you actually want to to is to run it on the whole embeddings, not just 2d projections, this way you can gain a lot of accuracy.
This is what ponyfaggot is doing with V7, this is what he experimented with V6 and this is why V7 will fuck and rape all NAI3 holes at style knowledge.
Another reason NAI is good at artists would be that they tried to compress the artist tokens by dropping out some of CLIP embedding numbers, but that's another story.
This is why tofu, animagine, kohaku, arti, sanae, cascade, wdv, anima, or whatever will never be good unless they balance their datasets somehow.
P.S. sucks to be you if you saw a dick there
It's not bad, just on the wrong board
More of her?
could you copy this into a random discord chat and then post a screenshot of it here? would make it easier to read
summarize and translate to ebonics
post it on wdv discord
>this is why V7 will fuck and rape all NAI3 holes at style knowledge
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I'll give y'all a debate;
are g-forces/acceleration stuff /hdg/, as long as it contains nsfw? Or would it be considered /e/ if no sex involved? Or is it enough /d/ to be /d/ material?
Are you some kind of tan expert?
g force obviously belongs on /g/ idiot
it's everything at once thus legal to be here. also more
how do i best prompt for a pose like this where the guy is basically clinging to the girl in a doggystyle position?
Author here. Gave me a good chuckle.
Unfortunately going away for a bit now, might be back tomorrow!
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based taste

out of TEN
as you can see there is no tag for it
though if you add grabbing another's breast it might not have many other options for the guy's pose
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From what I have produced with Tofu, it isn't too bad, but needs refinement. Controlnet is utterly useless, and none of my tests worked.
pony just gives the dude slenderman arms if i try that
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it reminds me of her
I only saw a dick after you pointed that out
fascinating stuff tho, someone should enlighten all the bakers. Surely they don't autistically browse this general?
he didn't say a single thing that isn't already known by everybody (except for astralite ironically)
must be a huge gap between knowing and being able to put it into practice then
Aster Crowley + who?
you need to use control net, otherwise you won't get it
how about you tell him to bake a lora next, bro. I'm sure nai can do it out of the box lol
asura obviously
show this to jordach
he already knows lol
jordach is not on a high enough level for this to concern him.
do you think you can do one of her getting anal like this?
clearly he doesn't otherwise he wouldn't be training on 4m furry and 2m anime pics
I want to call you a schizo but it actually makes sense
jordach is on a level beyond such inane pseud drivel
(, afrobull, asura \(asurauser\),)
genned with tofu
Kek did you draw this?
absolute soul
ai could never...

Jordach just gave birth.
What makes 4th tail any better than autism
Cute art!
what lora did you use?? is this flux??
your pencil drawing just mogged everything ive genned i dont know how to feel about this
just draw it yourself bro, like what, you can even use that as a base and make the slop machine color it
>anons started tasting pure and unfiltered vaeless pictures
AIbros :(
>anon posts drawing
>"maybe you could just learn to draw?"
what the hell?
drawing is tedious and my motivation is unpredictable :(
where's the metadata?
yeah sure just spend 10 years learning to draw instead of getting nice stuff right now
>drawing is tedious and my motivation is unpredictable :(
You are half way there to make controlnet recognize it and finish it for you, what the fuck is wrong with you
Local could never... (its NAI)
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this is 4th tail
>10 years
if you put at least an hour of work a day for a year you could get to that level lmao
itd have to be real study though not just for le fun
my gpu is too weak to gen ai pictures
the most I can do in these threads is make requests and help people inpaint by drawing over their gens
are tofu and 4th tail the same thing?
Does it recognize Gabriel Tenma White?
looking at my temps, comfy seems so well optimized compared to auto/forge
too bad the interface is so annoying to use
Are you the same anon who randomly fixes someone else gens?
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I guess 4th tail is the hotness? Or are there any other must try models for local right now? Is reforge still the way to go or did the forge guy unfuck his shit?
No, Tofu is better than nai AND pony while 4th is just pony with shitty styles trained on top.
Anon, you should draw more. Really. You have one thing most of people don't. Imagination.
nah, I have only done that once, but I might start doing it more often
I did it yesterday(?) for the guy who was genning the spiral hair girl
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Previous Thread Highlights
no need to be so tough on 4th tail, it's still "a full NAI3 experience? (Actually even better)"
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I cannot tell *why*, but tofu adds these spots all over. Like some sort of leopard skin over the output.
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i puked
that face is fucked amigo
I thought I'm the only one using that
What do you even call those boob drapes the bunny girls are wearing?
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Damn, local style mixing is getting pretty spicy. I'm team Minthy now, unironically. Going to sleep pretty happy about the state of local for the first time.
is that a fucking owl, are you fucking serious

damn, i would be so ashamed if one of mine ever appears amongs those """highlights"""
very very unlucky
breast curtains?
They were going to give you a footjob, but they're disappointed because it's fempov?
I'm happy though. At least someone liked the outputs I made.
Both still mogged by Cascade 1b.
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Good night, cunnychad
Making it on the highlights shouldn't make me as happy as it does, I feel like a fucking idiot.
Does anyone have the pony model with the name "0003 - Pony"? The model card image on Civit has a really beautiful and ethereal style that I want, but it's apparently removed.
tomorrow drop what artists have you used, looks really nice
If people here didn't like art, why would they be here to begin with?

Sounds like you got owlned.
I just treat it like a regular (you). Should be less even, he's giving out dozens at once. But most anons don't respond to gens anymore unless they're controversial somehow.
4th tail barely works with LoRAs, garbage checkpoint
just retrain every pony lora, bro
good sign, shows he actually trained it. positive omens all around
>I feel like a fucking idiot
you should
>I feel like a fucking idiot
you shouldnt
Post hags (preferably blacked)
>I feel like a fucking idiot
you shouldntnt
I can't stop genning thick bitches sitting on cake
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4th tail looks like THAT?
This how it interprets a prompt for "Pale skinned male" btw
literally me
I mean, it's exactly that
I asked for a pale skinned dude not a wax figurine from the GAP
your problem thirdy, my skin looks exactly like that
finally.. I feel represented
File deleted.
Not quite the exact angle but, I'll probably roll some more

some bonuses, didnt inpaint all of these
Nice! Do more, please.
>good sign
Yeah just what I wanted a model that not only looks shittier than pony slop w/LoRAs but one that would require every current LoRA maker to drop pony just to have a fraction of the style approximations
>B-but the heckin potential and better ground floor
I do not give a single shit until it actually has support.
The first 4 artists I tried using its native artist pool look like dog ass out of the box compared to "underbaked ponyslop garbage"
lol i agree after testing it's far better for aco sloppa than anime.
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That's it. Thanks, anon.
you don't have the right to complain if you can't bake the loras by yourself
Thanks anon
For me AI slop is about convenience, if your model isn't convenient to use I do not give a shit about it. And part of convenience is having an actual library of shit to pull from.
and why should anybody care about what an aphantasiac coomer thinks?
Even comparing 0 loras to 0 loras the model's understanding of what Mimonel, Aster Crowley, Cutesexyrobutts, etc. styles should look like is way worse than Pony's
>inb4 more excuses about artists x, y and z not counting
buy an ad
Found it on a couple other AI gen sites but downloads over there are disabled for some reason. Still looking for it.
Bad news everyone: Tree-san has passed away at the hospital. His contracts were nullified and his subordinates have been arrested for possessing fursuits worth 40000$ in stolen funds.
you're laughing. jordachs imaginary friend is fighting for his life and you're laughing
goodnight, sweet monarch. i swear we shall make kurumuz pay for taking xer from us so soon
pretty nice
Why use local when NAI exists?
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Styles yeah, but characters seem to work fine for the most part. Just her face is off, it almost feels like mature female, naughty face and similar tags carry style bias. Also hurts Kagami Hirotaka pretty badly.

You can add nyamota, vahn yourdoom, melon22, blade galaxist...weird, cause some of these are at the top of their artist list and I assume it's sorted by image count. I am comparing it with Reweik though, not base Pony.

Are you ready guys? :)
this post has been deleted
I was away and don't want to read the thread. Is this tail model good enough to download and use over Autismmix?
of course, it's even worth cancelling your NAI subscription for!
>they are keeping artist tags
expression tagging on boorus is just so incredibly fucking lacking, do all the mods there have aspergers and can't tell subtle facial changes apart?
>Good enough to download
>Use over autismmix
probably not unless you want to rebake all of the loras you use from scratch
holy shit i managed to save the images before astralite infiltrated the network and took it down... my god did kurumuz cook holy shit not even jordach can compete with this... i think we need to assemble the local avengers if we want to stand a chance
Can someone explain how NAI gets new users? Their twitter account has barely any activity/the posts get little in the way of views. Are they just advertising heavily in Japan? Seems like that's where most of their userbase is now iirc.
They just advertise here in 4chan.
pony is the best advertisement for NAI they could ask for
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4th tail no loras. I like it, this is pretty neato
the backgrounds are pretty shit
True, wish there was something like IP adapter for anime facial expressions.
I miss IP adapter anon
did you use forge couple? and yes, it's pretty good. i'll keep my more than 100gb lora folder tho, just in case. https://files.catbox.moe/8zk2nr.png
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It's ok. I think the built in artist replication is kinda shitty though even though I was eventually able to find one that I liked
What are you on about? It's fried. It looks like shit.
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>spend hours recreating this outfit in koikatsu in order to prevent style burn in
>style still burns in
i see
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> tfw no hag to molest
>two of mine made it in this time
look how they massacred my girl
It's summer. She got a tan. It's fine.
>dont know what to gen
>not creative enough to make an oc
>the loras are all deep fried to begin with
what now?
Dive into amazing world of inpainting. Have no creativity too. But sometimes you want to gen something model does badly, right? Inpaint it. And then you want to inpaint and polish that inpainted image. And then you inpainted same image for 6 hours straight. It's pretty fun, honestly.
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If I git pull reforge into an empty folder and run it from there it's not going to affect my original forge in any way right? Is it safe to do?
anon im at the point of genning blank prompts just to see if inspiration strikes and i am severely disappointed in where this has taken me.
can just use wildcards and gen some totally random shit
i havent even touched wildcards but dont i need to entirely change how prompts are written to do this?
get better loras
get nai
So long as the folders are separate, it's fine. The only issue I see is if the version you downloaded doesn't have a dependency that is at odds with the other.
it depends on what you're trying to do but usually not really
when I feel like wildcarding I just use my usual prompt/negs that include innate artist and style tags and then add wildcards

last time I just wrote a prompt that specified breast size, hair type, emphasis on 2girls and then randomized the angle/view with wildcards and then added around 12 instances of the wildcard that has like 6k danbooru tags after a break line, got some fun stuff out of it
and you can always make your own wildcards
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>Hurry up and get hard already!
>...I am hard
What do?
Cry and run away
remake your old gens or do blacked gens and never post them anywhere
Nice! I like it!
use your whole fist as a dick
fist her until she's foaming at the mouth
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>She notices you crying
>She notices you making a fist in frustration
Okay, now I marry her. That's too cute.
I hate ding dong man
QRD on tofu?
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It pretty much went unnoticed, but the ebara v3 does an ok job too.
I like it a lot. I didn't try any loras. Or controlnets yet. But as base model is it ultra solid.
To elaborate a bit more. Prompting in autism and pony feels like wrestling a retard in mud pit. Tofu feels like smooth sailing.
I felt it gives pretty fried results, it is overbaked or merged with some things
it's merged with 4th tail so of course it's fried
Solid for /e/, we are maybe finally free from pony hell
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>She said yes!
>After vigorously fisting her, she wants to be with you for the rest of her life!
i like it in a particular spicy dish called mapo tofu. while its not for everyone, it can be quite nice.
kotomine pls go
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got one in, nice
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I don't think that degree of curvature is healthy
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Anon learned Critical Lore today.
>V7 will fuck and rape all NAI3 holes at style knowledge
Depends how this retard fuck his model with his superartist shenanigan and having to prompt anime_style_48 to get something else
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bro his hand is merging into her arm
latest 4th tail or tofu?
They are both latest. 4th seems fried to me. Tofu is better than autism for me.
4th tail is SOTA for nsfw and tofu is SOTA for 1girling
Should I buy Pony or NAI?
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testing 4th and man it's fried now.
have to test tofu, but i guess all loras for pony won't have any effect there
i fear not the man who has genned 10000 prompts but the man who has genned 1 prompt 10000 times
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i dont even care anymore
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>but the man who has genned 1 prompt 10000 times
Do you think Melfina anon is in a better place now? I do.
To this day I still have no clue what you guys mean by "fried".
it looks like it has chromatic aberration or is melting
It comes from the saying "deep fried meme" which is a meme picture that has been passed through so many layers of compression that it looks like an eyesore.
Compare the images in that article to this picture: >>8194950
This is a fried gen.
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well i kept testing, at least if extracting a lyco and then using it on another models seems to work better than the model itself

wondering why he doesn't train a big lora, i guess it learns less than finetuning a checkpoint?
I like to think he finally got the perfect Melfina gen and ascended to a higher plane of existence. Now he looks down on us and blesses the waifufags, the sloppers, and the nogens alike.

Hard to give a scientific definition, but it generally refers to a model or LORA that's heavily overfit or overtrained. It ends up with an image output that's difficult to prompt, owing inflexibility or weights that have been thrown out of wack. It also tends to result in artifacted images, hence fried. It's very much a "You know it when you see it" issue. Speaking from personal experience, there was a style LORA I once trained badly and it ended up frying. It captured the style decently but was so inflexible that you couldn't really combine it with other LORAs.
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my favorite gens
Its really hard to do a multi-concept lora - not impossible - but much harder. The different concepts end up fighting each other. Finetuning works best if you have a bunch of different things, ie, thousands of artist tags. Especially if the datasets are unbalanced.
this is what your grandfather saw when he wanted to wack off.
no no norm feels
It usually is referring to artifacts and oversaturated colors, or a really inflexible model that has just a few images "burned it". Some people miss the forest for the trees though, cause they don't compare the output to the artist.
damn, this looks pretty nice. maybe you'll be the one who delivers us from pony hell...
About time that dumb robot put it in the right hole!
doubtful - I've been playing whack-a-mole with artists for a bit now. I run a finetune and either the model learns nothing, or it swaps around which artists it knows (learns a new one, forgets an old one -- or fries it.) I think some names are too similar and it mixes them up during training (ie I have real problems with akira toriyam, akihiko yoshida, and akihito tsukushi). I recent did a run with pivotal tuning to bundle the text as one token, and it seemed to help, but i'm still testing it.
i'm rooting for you, anon
Ok I take it back, it seems to only applies the "style", it doesn't seem to apply the text encoder parts, or it is not extracted somehow as a lyco. Not sure if extracted as a lora would work, gonna try
yeah, regarding text encoders, there's something really wrong with either how lyco applies or extracts
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covering face tag can burn in hell. You fix hand, face gets broken. You fix face, hand gets broken. Fuck my life I hate this shit so much.
Just inpaint bwo
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okay tried lora and no warnings but it has even less of an effect.

I think it depends heavily on the artist, like some artists work fine but some have very, very weak effect, you have to use like (by artist:1.5) to see an effect if using a lyco/lora extraction, even at 384 dim which is huge.

Not sure what's going on with this revision for extracts.

For example, "by asanagi" has an "effect" at 1.0 strength, but I had 0 effect trying "by aki99"
Its cursed anon.

Prompting an eye color or expression helps (since covering face has a few different meanings in the tags and forcing what you want to see helps), but its still a PITA.
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Who could this be?
help me anon! Im melting!
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i like reweik 1.3 but it takes faceless male a little too literally
Is there any effective difference between batch 4 and batch 1 gradient accumulation 4 (or batch 2 and grad 2) ?
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Does anyone know what makes A1111 have an aneurysm when doing high res, and how to fix it?
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Do you find it better than 4th tail
Catbox please
With normal prompts I get deformed abominations at times. Sex in particular can cause chaos spawns to manifest. And as some anons mentioned, it is rather "fried", going for deep oranges or adding odd noise. Your mileage may vary wildly.
hello, /hdg/, how do we feel about those free specialized anime ai art websites?
i'm expecting to get shat on for even suggesting using them, but i don't really care for maximum customization, versatility, quality, or whatever, i understand they all have limitations in one way or another
i just wanna play with ai art for a bit, so what's the least shit one?
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png ended up over 4MB.
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I don't think this counts as anime.
by wlop, by yamamoto souichirou, by rustle, by fiz-rot, by fkey, by sincos, by abmayo,
Now that's a butt plug
Does anyone know what causes this to happen in ComfyUI? I don't see any warnings or errors on the console.

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novelai isn't free tho, is it? i'm be willing to sacrifice some quality for accessibility
What is it then. Artist is roborobocap
Honestly, just as a base model 4th tail is already incredibly close to NAIv3 in terms of inherent knowledge, flexibility and quality. Add to that the fact that it's free, runs locally (and can thus be used in any way conceivable) and can use Loras, meaning it can learn anything you want, and I would say that I prefer 4th tail over NAIv3 in basically every scenario
>no gen
man if only sdxl didn't drop the ball with the vae channels
Has anyone made a Tenkuu Shinpan mask Lora for xl/pony by change? There's one for 1.5 but it distorts anything I generate with it, too mixed up with real cosplay instead of anime I think. https://civitai.com/models/20861?modelVersionId=25861
You can always just set the CFG lower to compensate. Only at some point it will stop following your prompts altogether and just do what it wants. Which is why it's better when the base model can handle a wider range, and not require it to be low already.
if sdxl used a 16ch vae it would be a fucking pain in the ass both for inference and for finetunes having an increase of vram requirements of around 4 to 6gb because its a shit slow ass architecture so poorly designed its not even funny now
In output, there shouldn't be. Gradient accumulation is slower though, while actual batch size greatly increases VRAM requirement. Which doesn't make it any slower as long as you have spare VRAM, and then it tanks to impossibly low speeds.
>no metadata found
Most common one is you are using Clip Skip -1 with SDXL.
if you're having trouble with 4th tail 0.5, dampen tags to ~0.6.
not every tag obviously, but artists or any tag that has an overwhelming effect like covered nipples.
the strong tag association is a pro and con. pro insofar as it strongly surfaces some feature, con in that you need to carefully manage tag strengths. it's got a fried look by default 1.0 strength but at CFG5/EulerA/25 step you can easily produce pretty good looking stuff after dumping a handful of artists in. Not too many of course, some artists are really awful around the eyes and hands.
Still, massive win for local, I'm gonna buy and send some BTC to these guys.
For any style that worked innately on pony, I find it's better to go back to Reweik than try to wrangle 4th. Even most loras are more accurate, as long as you're not stacking a bunch of them which causes problems.
inevitable result of full finetune, you encroach on "new foundational model" territory, which brings incompatibility at the cost of new capabilities.
I weaned off of 1.5 kicking and screaming, I get it. but this project is moving in a positive direction, enough so that I'd consider obsoleting my entire lora library for it.
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If the project is to continue moving, then any new loras baked on it will become obsolete in the next version. So at least switching to it is not a major investment the way Pony was. Or rather, investing more into it doesn't make sense, just use it as-is.
When making a character lora with a fairly small reference library of about 50 images, what are the preferred settings to make it?
I've been genning every character I can think of but wearing a taimanin suit. And now suddenly we have thousands of new characters.
How do you keep your OCs consistent between gens?
Is a lora the best way? I don't think I can be bothered with genning a bunch of images, sift out the ones that doesn't look close to my character and then train a lora on that
I wish we never moved on from based64. Do you remember how many amazing loras were baked for it? Those were the days...
It's trash, styles are weak, no object permanence whatsoever. i would rather use Arti.
>no object permanence whatsoever
it's pony
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more power to you because i dont have any specific fetish that i could do the same with
Pony or Tofu - same shiny sloppa. Haven't seen a single decent tofu gen yet.
checked and it looks great on 4th and absolutely terrible on tofu, which is a shame because on the latter images are looking cleaner, but probably it needs tinkering with weights
it's all so tiresome bros...
tofu isn't real model but a toy, but sperging out about "muh it isn't flat cell shading like in my animes screenhots" is absolute autism
it looks garbage but definitely doesn't have this pony 3dyish aco look
>wahh wahh wahh
take a break nigga you dont have to make hentai models your life
Tofu is a lot better at NSFW than neta/artiwaifu, but at the same time I feel like the aesthetics overall are a bit worse?
I especially notice nipples being less good looking.
>but definitely doesn't have this pony 3dyish aco look
Are you blind or just retarded?
I've been rebaking Maryjane >>8194928 with 20-30 pics for a long time now. Didn't work on anyone else though, so this might not apply in general. Anyway:

Dataset matters so much more than settings. Other than your character and her clothes, clean up anything the AI is not already capable of generating (as if it were using your dataset captions as a prompt). This includes weird unusual backgrounds, objects in the scene that are hard to tag or gen, other characters, awkward poses and so on. Either with lamacleaner, inpainting, masked loss, or removing the image altogether. Then make sure everything is tagged properly again after the removals. I do not prune any character tags, find that it learns better and the lora also ends up much more versatile. But then you do need to prompt out every little thing when genning, including basics like hair and eye color, which makes it hard to use for other people.

Compared to all that, the settings barely matter. dim size is a big one, having it too low will prevent it from learning the details on her clothing and add random ones instead in each gen. But going higher makes it learn more style as well. The other big ones are LR and step count, which you'll have to experiment with. Same as with styles, every dataset seems to learn at a different rate. Optimizers, schedulers, buckets, noise offset, network dropout and so on, might as well be snake oil.
This, pony is the perfect embodiment of anime style
Jesus christ. I didn't know such a small detail could screw everything. I deleted everything and removed torch just to make sure. Thanks, anon.
I just use 4th for now, I'm pretty happy with it so haven't even tried tofu yet.
are you? have you seen how anime style illustrations shading looks past few years? https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts?d=1&tags=order%3Arank
yes, it's shiny and 3d, but pony has it own distinctive bias
it's just once again case of "not like in my animes!"
Lemon-chan's sweaty butt.....
I think we only have two OC waifufags, and neither cares much about consistency so they just use pure prompt. Not completely sure with cathag anon cause he seems to inpaint a lot.
Some people have no eye for aesthetics.
cathag anon is gone...
Can someone post a workflow template? I would like to learn the process of generating quality images and how to upscale and stuff. I just can't seem to get it right and don't know where i'm going wrong.
OC? The only one I know is miqoteanon. Who is the other?
So you are both retarded and blind, I see. Tofu a lot more aco than even animagine, fucking idiot. Knowing that those retards from 2ch train on AI outputs, there's just no way this sloptune didn't include pony or 1.5 gens in it either, not to mention it just looks fried.
I've been enjoying training flux loras. Results are way superior than sdxl it terms of resemblance to the artist and that's on the base model.
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>training flux loras
How is life as a rich person, anon? I can't imagine.
>This is what ponyfaggot is doing with V7, this is what he experimented with V6 and this is why V7 will fuck and rape all NAI3 holes at style knowledge.
>Tofu a lot more aco than even animagine
didn't know that asylum patients have access to the internet
horsefucker really mindbroken people with his aco smegma
he posted a few in thread #600
probably just comes and goes, like a cat
Relax, anon, it's pointless. Their eyes be like (sloppa:1.9).
It's fried, but the dataset is purely 1.8M danbooru images.
>STILL hopeful about what ponyfaggot shits out next
god, it's terminal
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They don't want you to know anon, but you can steal gpus, it is free.
>but the dataset is purely 1.8M danbooru images.
What kind of false advertising is that?
>search "shiny_skin" on booru
>scroll down page by page and whisper "this is pony slop sepia this is /aco/ this is pony slop sepia" to myself
If you're still not doing the same, you're not a real AI artist!
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bwos, i love 1girl, pov, straddling, sex
Does anyone have a detailer workflow for ComfyUI that actually works with the latest version? The examples I keep finding all are missing some nodes because they people who made them abandoned them and are obsolete.
That linked reddit thread with jeets dumping flux outputs was wild
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nice oni, what style is this?
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The detailer node itself is in ImpactPack https://github.com/ltdrdata/ComfyUI-Impact-Pack
That's the only thing you need. Here's one with both that and Adetailer.
I can't think of any artist to try on 4th tail. Already have loras for all of the interesting ones.
Yeah bro don't bother, AutismMix with a LoRA is all you need.
try mixing, still works better than with loras stacks
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fad shiny skin art styles are ephemeral.
oekaki is forever.
Yeah loras interfere with one another (and the base model) too much to be a good replacement for inherent styles
i like both desu
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anyone know some ways to make an Character LoRA not override the Artstyle LoRA? Reducing the weight works on some models but somethings the Character LoRA needs the weight.
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This is the artstyle im tryna get
First off, don't use shitty loras with style baked into them. Second off, Bleach girls work on every model I can think of without needing a lora at all.

In other cases, there's not much you can do. You can weaken the character lora only during the upscale step, or during inpainting/adetailer. Or you can find a lora for the style the character is biased towards, and use it with a weak negative weight.
same here
whats the lowest youve set the cfg on your gens while still producing good results?
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2.5 for an experiment here >>8192970
Looks mostly alright though, just low on contrast.
Excuse me, but what do these two nodes do? You make the mask yourself of what you want the detailer to modify?

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Why is it so...
it's 4th
You load the image you want to work on. Then right click the Load Image node and "Open in mask Editor", draw the mask for the area you want to inpaint.

The bottom flow is Adetailer. Which does the same thing but you don't provide a mask, it automatically detects faces to inpaint. You can switch the bbox detector model to hands, or download other detection models.
it's ramen
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we should outsource all our trolling to reddit
Econ101 taught me to never outsource my core business
nai download link pliz
sent ;)
the short term kek potential of the jeet subreddit outweighs the slow and steady gains you can expect by baiting here
here ya go bwo
i've yet to release the haoni lora tho
any good settings for character lora training?
looks remarkably similar to r3cs attempt. haoni with a 4ch vae just isn't meant to be
it feels like residents pony redditors moved from this thread, judging how ineffective baits are, and lack of bans for girls with smaller tits than d
that's mine xd
but this is a rebake to try and get it closer
it's got nothing to do with the 4ch vae.
haoni's dataset is absolutely fucking GARBAGE. It's actually just filled with unusable inconsistent trash.
t.tried to bother but gave up because it wasn't worth the time or effort.
the flux test that someone did looked way better than the 2 or 3 different sdxl bakes we've had so far
also go to his fanbox if you want a better dataset
god please let this be true
thank :3
>>8195479 (Me)
i'm rebaking this to come a tad closer to his style, my previous version was lacking in color tones and lining style. its still lacking though...
How do I take my gens to the Next Level™?
What level are they at right now?
level 2
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for level 3 you need a nai sub, but you cal also jump all the way to level 6 by downloading pony
Soifon doesnt work on pony
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That's what I've been able to get with the old one on civit. One of the big problems is, that the lora is missing the grain effect and ddim is a poor substitute
I like 4th but hate having to weigh the styles by like 1.3 to get any effect and not get the default fried white style that burns my eyes
Get the exclusive based64 loras from the 'cord.
time to check on /hdg/, my favorite thre--
oh no.
What's wrong, bro?
i think the best way to add it is to do it in post processing since thats what the artist does after all as well, the lora/model is going to struggle with learning/generating it
zero good posts in 13 hours
be a change you want to see
ddim was great with 1.5, actually it did exactly what you want to achieve, it was grainy/noisy. In sdxl they changed something that made ddim unusable junk, looks like artifacts are smeared all over any gen made with it.
simply not true
can't wait for all the photoshop filter loras, someone must make a pack
bonus points for training on a shitmix with hundred quadrillion repeats
doesn't really matter to me if they fuck off, but the fact that there's like 7 of them, that just hang out her and shitpost while they wait for the ibukiposter to make his occasional appearance, is kinda annoying. just search for the archive for cute wife once a week if that's all you come here for
stop replying to living miscarriage
at this point, you are just making up scenarios in you head
looks like it's samefag shitpost o'clock
lurk moar. we have a few posters that would like this thread to only consist of bing chilling tianmansquare and oppossumachine
so truthful sis
and just like that the thread was derailed once again :(
dont forget fkey
can't really derail the thread when it's this inactive. it's this nonsense discussion or nothing
We just have to bide our time until the genners wake up
oh no, not the fkey kek
Not a single good post itt
Wtf is this meltie, I think someone's hags might not have received (You)s. But you know what, I'm absolutely not responsible for that.
i've tried the grain effect of alternate innit noise, but that extension is a pain to figure out
Were there any hags posted even
Unironically the acosloppers who get their shit clowned on lately got really salty.
busy rn maybe later
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the real advantage it has like other people said is stacking artists better than pony
tofu looking nice
yes, i'm offended also, they should only use asura (asurauser) and fellatrix
Tried a bunch more and so far they all seem very weak or just wrong, both Tofu and 4th Tail. Might just be undertrained, but then the model itself feels burnt already.
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saar? this is the adult women thread
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Honestly, just as a base model 4th tail is already incredibly close to NAIv3 in terms of inherent knowledge, flexibility and quality. Add to that the fact that it's free, runs locally (and can thus be used in any way conceivable) and can use Loras, meaning it can learn anything you want, and I would say that I prefer 4th tail over NAIv3 in basically every scenario
should put this in a filter
>I prefer 4th tail over NAIv3 in basically every scenario
it still isnt anywhere close to being as useful for shitposting as NAI though
you're responding to a pasta
minthy is #81 base model creator on civit while euge is #47. it was over for tofufags before it even started
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tribal hags
NAI is the best
Pony is the bestest
cow hags
i demand the one and only queen!
The booru for NAI sucks
all boorus suck
Is it best to generate the initial txt2img in a lower latent space and then tiled upscale by a large amount or generate the initial txt2img at a higher latent space and refine it with low img2img denoise?
i'm actually really happy with how literal it is, you want light skinned i think, not pale skinned, which was a tag that barely worked on pony even if you weighted it up
>tfw 30 min to train a lora for flux with only 2 images (it was just a test)
>tfw with 30 images it has been stuck for hours and didn't even start
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I made several styles that rely on a precarious balance between four overfit loras, which no one else is autistic enough to use. How do I transfer this to 4th tail to use with new characters? Even just going from reweik to autism shakes it all apart.
if you're using sd-scripts then having the wrong number of images in a bucket can cause training to use 20-30% more vram and shit itself
It is better to generate at the max resolution your model can support without breaking things. Which is 1024, and slightly higher for some prompts.
I hope this is an example of it being shaken all apart and not what you were actually trying to achieve
>a precarious balance between four overfit loras
>its literally just mantis-x with a 2d tag
I'm using fluxgym running on a 4070ti with 12 gb vram. Is there such a thing as "wrong number of images"? What's the right number?

it's 0.3 mantis for the face, he makes flat stick children
It's NAI
idk, i also don't know if it applies to trainers other than sd-scripts. figuring out a good number of images is just trial and error for me
same boat, switching models rn is just a horizontal change, when a new fine tuned architecture drops imma make a style lora on my gens, with wildcards
good morning saar
good morning big guy
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Kinda cute.
With 4th tail it seems like whatever artist you have first impacts the style the most even if you enclose them all in [ ]
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bros.. look at where I ran into my student.
decent. based oji-san though
Indeed first is super strong, you'll get completely different looking mixes with just reordering artists.
Also masterpiece, best quality have a style bias and ruin sketchy styles I think. I even think testing artists is better without them because there is more variation.
bros look at my cute wife
based that is an absolutely awesome artstyle i love the way the skin looks like she has been dead for a little bit
any idea how to make image more focused on face and mouth? portrait makes from chest up, danbooru images similar to what i want doesn't have any special tags
just face close-up
or face focus
I don't even know if they're tags but they work
Quaesarcake has been a disaster for the /hdg/ race
B-but cute wife is healthyman, opossumachine, wamudraws...
portrait and close-up should work. you should also gen on 1024x1024 instead
Why are expression loras so uncommon? Only a few for meme expressions on civit and nothing here. Shame since it's one of the few areas where local could be ahead of nai
expressiveH is all you need
Nice style, I like the more rough and soft shading. Also the background on the first one is very thematic. If I may may come with some critique:
>> I find the penis on the first image eerily long - in the second one it's slightly better.

The bouncing breasts and fluids around the crotch are a nice touch, but here is some constructive criticism if you don't mind:
>>Default pony shading is very apparent esp. on the breasts and arms. You can try "flat color" "soft shading" or grab a lora that reduces both.
>> The left hip has a very sharp corner compared to the left one.
>> Also I don't know if intentional or not, but the small white dots around the body, are they supposed to be sweat? Either remove them or make them have meaning.

I like the detail of the added piercings on the animal ears, the POV perspective is also very well done and dynamic. However, here is what I would improve:
>> The area around the belly button could use some sharpness and detail. Also the gold chain around the abs looks very blurry, same goes for the crotch area.
>> The nail of the thumb on the left arm of the male are slightly longer than the one on the right.
>> I don't know if the eye through hair on the face can be done better, because at the moment, it kinda looks like the eye is still on top of the hair.

Personally I like this one, nice composition, good background, the visible skindentation on the skin and the slight bulge on her cheek during fellatio. Some small critiques however:
>> The girl's hair around the penis is good, but there are some strands of her hair below the penis that don't seem to connect.
>> I think her foot on the right looks off - like she has her left foot on her right leg, because that looks like a big toe to me, or a very big little toe.
>> The lineart on her hand is inconsistent in some places, as well on her long braid ponytail.

Will continue with other images.
i hope this was written by an llm
it's /edg/ refugee
Most art styles have their own variants of expressions, I wouldn't want to overwrite them with a single set. Like how "smug" is a shit-eating grin with wamudraws, a catface with porforever and a one-sided smile with akableak. You've got the same with naughty face, surprised, tired, crying, etc.
Why can't they just
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True. This isn't enough of an upgrade, more like a 6gb style+character lora. It is nice having more options though.
I deleted vanilla autism, vanilla pony and reweik and downloaded 4th tail instead since most of my LoRAs look like shit on reweik, vanilla pony is useless and vanilla autism is just worse than confetti
I actually find vanilla pony the most flexible model, provided you manage to tame the anatomy
>uninpainted ponyslop gen gets an A-
Alright then
threw it and it works, sort of https://litter.catbox.moe/8uyvp7.png pretty gacha and stiff but at least works to some extent
already had in the prompt but the resolution helped
There are so many expressions that aren't tagged on the Boorus and can't be replicated by combining individual parts of expressions (open mouth, narrowed eyes, furrowed brows, etc) either.
Such as? I don't mean to doubt you, I just have a limited imagination.
Smooth and clean style in general, the eyes are well done and detailed on her, so is the expression. However:
>> Emblem on the cap is slightly bent, and seems shading there is a bit wrong.
>> the bottom left of her right fox ear seems to clip a bit through the hat or overlap it, and it looks like the right side of same ear is fused with the cap below.
>> Eyebrows could use much more work, seems to melt together with her front hair.
>> Her leotard is not symmetrical near the stomach bulge - notice the black line on right compared to the left one. See how it suddenly stops?
>> The male pov abdomen looks like when your fingers are in the bath for too long. It needs to be either more muscular or smoother.
>> Lastly, very nitpicky, but the fishnet on her right leg is inconsistent near right inner upper thigh. Probably some other places as well on her arms, but hard to see at a distance.

As much as I hate to say this, since I'm more of a legal consenting age enjoyer, this is really good. Nice touch with the reflection. Perspective from the ground and the slight angle makes it dynamic. Only thing I would say could be fixed would be the left hand, ring finger looks a little long there to me. Also on the bottom outline of the dress, near to the left of her knee, small strand that sticks out compared to the rest.

Nope, just me being bored and autistic.

Will continue.
We need more text
are you highlighterino senpai?
I might be retarded but how do I go about inpainting with a pony generated image? I read around and some say it works, some say it doesn't work, and some say you need to use a different model to inpaint, is that accurate?
Could you explain in more detail what you're trying to do? Right now it sounds like it is not accurate at all.
cringe but also based

I feel like we used to talk about gens much more back in the day, instead of discord drama and tribal wars
take this one for example. i'd describe it as kinda haughty, annoyed and demanding. the only booru tags related to the expression here are assertive female and open mouth, which is simply far too broad. my attempts at recreating it with combinations of open mouth, wavy mouth, annoyed, assertive female either resulted in yandere look or the usual looking at human trash.
Fix stuff up like nipples and whatnot without the use of a detailer. Add effects like motion lines/blur, impact, as well as stuff like sweat.
Furry guide but read this, I have no issues inpainting on pony whatsoever
as if mass replying isn't discord behavior
You want to use a different model if you want an infill inpainting, i.e. inpainting where 100% of the inpainted area is replaced and it still seamlessly fits with the rest of the image. There is an animagine inpainting model for that. I doubt it's anywhere close to NAI's inpainting model though.
Otherwise no, you don't need a different model, just use pony and set denoise to 0.4-0.8 depending on how much you want the area to change.
Thank you babe, kiss kiss.
Ah, so you would come up with some new tags then train stuff like this, nice idea. Still, I would expect the expressions to either have serious style bias or not train properly, due to how different they are for each artist.
>You want to use a different model if you want an infill inpainting, i.e. inpainting where 100% of the inpainted area is replaced and it still seamlessly fits with the rest of the image.
I assume this would be like for adding a new character in the image entirely and stuff like that? What's that model if you have it?
a post with 10 letters versus a post with 2000 letters has the same worth to me if it isn't accompanied by an image
>returned to A1111
>feels like previous prompts linger somewhere and affect later prompts somehow
Is it just my imagination?
Love the expressions and faces in general. Setting is fitting, and a nice detail with the males fingers touching her pussy from behind. The towel under her hand, and the genitals of both can be seen slighty through the semi-transparent clothes. The skin folds around her crotch and thighs are nice details. Nice too with the skindentation from her overtight swimsuit. On to the ciritque:
>> You can see the bottom of her real lips kinda still there despite the wavy 2d mouth.
>> The teeth on the male is inconsistent in the upper corners of his mouth.
>> The fingers near her pussy are kinda there just floating. They are in the right place, but would be nice to see them penetrating her visually or between the pussy lips.

Must be same genner as >>8195674, I'd say it's an improvement, esp. around the face and ears. Here is what I would improve:
>> Her breasts seem asymmetrical in terms of size. Her right one looks slightly bigger compared to her left one.
>> Her lower body is blurry to capture that it's further away but the transition could be done better near her right shoulder. Also maybe some more defined features, back muscles, side muscles on her abdomen/torso to more easily distinguish what is what on the lower half of her body.
>> The male penis glans is very hard to distinguish, that or it's just foreskin. The testicles could maybe use a light touch of detailing.

I'm better than highlighterino senpai, I actually explain what I find good and bad in pictures, and try to come up ideas on how to fix said bad things. I try to stay as unbiased as possible, but feel free to come with any arguments against any of my critique.
Flux can do it too if you have the vram.

Other models can't normally go high enough denoise to add new character. But you could draw in most of their body with simple colored blobs, from there it can be done with lower denoise and standard models.
what sampler?
>breasts seem asymmetrical in terms of size
That's an interesting point actually. it's not unusual irl for them to be slightly different size, but it pretty much never happens in anime or /aco/. Unless it's intentional, like if she's interrupted during breast expansion.
Euler a
>Other models can't normally go high enough denoise to add new character
This is bullshit. just switch to latent noise and whole image and you can inpaint whatever you want as long as the canvas space is enough
Every now and then 4th tail breaks for me and I get this error:
RuntimeError: Expected all tensors to be on the same device, but found at least two devices, cuda:0 and cpu!
Doesn't happen with any other model or checkpoint
Setting is fitting for the character in the picture, for a gen with default resolution it's not the worst, but it could REALLY gain a lot from upscaling the right way. I'd suggest multidiffusion upscale (extras -> 2x upscale -> img2img low denoise,low cfg -> enable multidiff -> mixture of diffusers -> tile width and length the same as initial picture)
Also maybe use forge/reforge instead of auto1111, I'm using reforge for more compatibility with existing extensions.
Also some more points:
>> Is it writing on her left leg, or is it to mark how many times she has been cummed in? You can use inpaint sketch or a image editior to manually draw in lines, then inpaint over with very low denoise to get the text you want.
>> The colors are a little dull, I'd suggest using the vectorscope extension, sd-webui-color enhancer extension or/and a different vae than the default sdxl one. Maybe also put monochrome and grayscale in negatives.
>> Be careful with that nose with visible nostrils and visible lips, some might say it's *gasp* aco/western artstyle. I personally don't mind it that much and this will not deduct from your final score. Just a warning if you show art to others here, they might complain.
For now, you get a C, but if you do the above I suggested, I'm sure you can come up and hit at minimum a B+! Let me know if you need help with anything else.
u on comfy?
I'm not posting my gens as long as they get so savagely critiqued here
hmm are you using any extensions? or heavy loras. That error may happen if something is being offloaded into your cpu cuz the gpu can't handle it anymore.
Then deal with the seams. But you get her floating in space, instead of placed in a meaningful way into the environment.

The easiest way to see the difference between a regular and inpainting model is outpainting. Just extend the image in one or more directions. I guarantee the added sections will not make any sense in relation to the rest of the image, even if you feather the mask to avoid a hard seam.
The reason I went back to A1111 is because I get an OOM error every second gen when using old forge/reforge. It is annoying enough to make me not want to go back and I have found no solutions to it. New forge doesn't have that problem but regional prompter doesn't work on it and it is an extension I like to use a lot. Forge Couple just doesn't work as well for me.

I will think about upscaling like you suggested. The image you're evaluating wasn't something I spent a lot of time on. When I gen I just like churn out images and tweak the prompt constantly instead of spending too much time on any one image. And yes those are supposed to be tally marks.
i don't think i even gen images nowadays
>I get an OOM error every second gen when using old forge/reforge
I should specify that this only occurs when using LORAs.
where's the option where you only post images on the 'cord
Phoneposting rn, but give me a catbox and tell me what to inpaint/outpaint and I'll do it later
Looks like shit
I post but never more than plain text gens without inpainting
I don't post images because I like to gen western characters and non-vanilla stuff. This general is my tech support general.
I'm not against being your tech support, thanks for not shitting here.
My first thought was, damn fkey looks like ass without all those other artists mixed in. But actually it's still a mix of seven artist, so the look has to be intentional.

Euge made a 'cord...
I actually gen a lot but I only post images that I think are somewhat worth posting
It's over eugebros... The trooncord virus is always fatal
Yet another absolute MASTERPIECE for /hdg/
You need choodles like me so you can point your fucking fingers and say "That's the bad guy"
One last critique. The clothes are nicely detailed, and design wise well done and symmetrical in most places. Her underwear has some good detailing as well with the creases. But some issues I have with the image are:
>> 6 toes on her right foot, if you look close enough
>> The pinky on the right hand is too thin
>> The pinky on the left is too short
>> Right eye pupil is deformed
>> The red dotted lines on black design on her right shoulder is inconsistent compared to the rest.
>> Also this picture does not adhere to board rules, and is clearly lolicon. Notice the {{{Loli}}} in the prompt, flat chest, etc.
of course the scorespammer is antiloli
so he was a shitposter the whole time
It's obviously a falseflag
mass replies (superfaggot) + vague non-critic (megafaggot) = that gigafaggot
its cathag aka birdanon
cathag and birdanon being the same person is my favorite schizotheory
It's all treexir trying to get users to move to treechan
treexir is no longer in this world, let it go anon...
backpedaling I see
I only have one wife and it sure as fuck isn't the miqote.
I forgot to mention. My meta doesn't reflect it, but it's i2i from black image. I don't think you'll get the same result in t2i.
Cathag isn't miqote bro, get up to speed with the lore.....
He's trying to deflect because that schizotheory is dead on accurate.
Why do I even bother?
We need one of those character relationship diagrams for regulars at the start of each thread
It's kinda lonely.
Can someone give me an artist that 4thtail/tofu failed at that you didn't expect to?
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tofu might actually be a really decent model if minthy manages to make the anatomy more consistent, i'll be looking forward to the second version for sure
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gsusart was close but i think the ai interprets most of the artstyle as slime or something lol
That's most of them though. I just cope with mixing 6+ of them and praying that it will look nice enough.
as109 on 4th without character tags looks horrid
>>of course the scorespammer is antiloli
>>so he was a shitposter the whole time
Not a loli fan no. I do like petite girls too, but when the loli tag is put into so much emphasis for the gen, poster gotta know what they themselves are getting into.

I will admit, that because it is loli, that It probably influenced my initial grade I gave the image. And thinking about it again, I would probably have given it something along the lines of a C+ or B- for the artstyle alone, but what pulls it down in terms of grade are the fingers, toes, upper part of the dress and right eye which are all easy things to fix.

I think they are referring to me.

>>mass replies (superfaggot) + vague non-critic (megafaggot) = that gigafaggot
Which vague non-critic? Can you be more specific anon? Sounds like you're the one who is being vague now.

>>its cathag aka birdanon
Nah I'm not these two you refer to.

But I'll stop mass replying for now/giving grades if it's a huge annoyance to others. Sorry about that!
Tanabe Kyou's Shinobu just doesn't come out as Tanabe Kyou, even with higher weights
kyokucho it's super fucked
To be fair his artstyle is pretty inconsistent
Speaking of artstyles, do any of you know artists that draw more natural butts, esp. ones on the larger end? I feel like with 4thtail/pony that I always get butts that look like two beach balls stuck under the skin or in general looks like fake silicone butts.
>which are all easy things to fix.
There's no point in taking apart that anon's gens, he's not gonna be able to fix them. He said he only has access to nai via discord bot that doesn't allow inpainting.
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any example image of "natural butts"?
dont prompt huge_ass
if you enjoy doing then imo its much better for someone to get some feedback than no interaction at all
that's the perfect size
he's probably talking about how most artists don't draw the ass sagging ever so slightly
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tested these on the anima web demo and they look decent (the bad ones are arti).
yup im thinking anima is going to win big!
try "dimples of venus" instead of just "ass"
yeah, that looks like kyokucho, now try yd please
Here, I made an empty beach in 640x1024 https://litter.catbox.moe/f1djzx.png
Then I add a 1girl standing into the prompt and extend the image to a 1024 square.
Base pony: https://litter.catbox.moe/gol2yz.png
Tofu: https://litter.catbox.moe/pexk4i.png
Animagine: https://litter.catbox.moe/z2hp1x.png
Animagine-Inpainting: https://litter.catbox.moe/fbk0tx.png
Yd my beloved
>anima is going to win big!
Bold assumption that it's ever going to be released.
saw a bunch already listed before >>8194911 >>8194928
not this ugly ass thats for sure
Missing about 2 ascensions
please kill yourself and go back to your wd trooncord, in that order
yeah as109 not as soulful as on 4th https://litter.catbox.moe/702gvy.png
holy fucking projection
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why the fuck does fangdong give you oppusummachine on 4th tail / tofu
did minty train on nai3 outputs?
hey you added extra fingers, that isnt fair.
those are clearly copy and pasted
Kek for me ciloranko does the same (also gives opossumachine).
are you putting artists to the front of the prompt? somebody had this issue because he had it in the middle
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Try antifreez3
no, i mean that i'm not prompting for opossumachine in the first place
Wait, did you really think he didn't use synthetic datasets?
i guess i wasn't aware of his exact level of retardation
yes, that way other anon got aki99 instead of as109 because of tag placement, also in fact zhedong is tagged as antifreez3 on 4th
uhh, mods?
what is the correct tag for ciloranko then?
yes of course i'm tagging it as antifreez3 but how the fuck did minty tag his dataset for that to give you opossumachine
once again 4th tail proves itself as a meme

Pic related, made a poorly detailed example just to show what I mean. I used a mix of western artists + one hentai artist to get this look. I was hoping if any of you knew some hentai artists that do the same thing with the sagging butt.

Yeah exactly, where the ass isn't super round.
it's some odd bug with artists scrambling, be sure to prompt in this order:
by artist, masterpiece, best quality, rest of the prompt
that's obviously what i'm doing, why do you keep assuming i'm a fucking retard
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yd (orange maru)
because somebody had similar issue yesterday and it got solved that way, if that's not the case then do what you want
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hair and face looks like it but I would need to see a full nude to confirm
most of these just look like futa autopaizuri images
it looks too glossy overall
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Anons, want to hear something funny? I was testing tofu whole evening yesterday. Except apparently UI bugged out and I was using not tofu, but Autism.
only far right truly looks like it imo but thanks anyway
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Define failed at
Because I can tell it's attempting to approximate most of the artists I've tried just not to the level I want
There were some artists with 120-200+ danbooru entries that felt they weren't being represented at all though:
koyama hirozaku
namaniku atk (Coloring/shading was fried to all hell for whatever reason)
orion (orionproject)
hayama kazusa (Mostly fried shading/coloring)
tanabe (Studio tiamat) - Maybe???
thirty 8ght

Standard for the above failing is "If I looked at it with 1 glance couldn't have guessed what artist it was trying to replicate".
All artist tags placed at the very front of the prompt.
Also cutesexyrobutts came out looking like orangemaru's cousin and augmented my gal's pubic hair with pubic plating
Try Obui. He's very weak though.
don't project your browsing history on me fampai
My standard is, it's better at 1.0 weight than a pony lora or innate artist at 0.9 strength. So far only zankuro passed, and maybe asanagi.
most nai artists would fail that test desu
Also you can add shexyo and mimonel to the "Fried as hell coloring" list
it even gen the halos correctly. https://files.catbox.moe/snpphw.png
You forget that while with lora you are getting more accurate artist representation, you also destroy a ton of other knowledge in the process, because lora is like a really fast and REALLY retarded finetune. In this sense it's better to sacrifice some artist accuracy (you will be mixing them anyway) but have him be innate to model and mitigate this drawback.
There's a reason you rarely see nai gens that don't mic 3+ artists. They really have to step up the dataset curation in that area for V4
Do illya and her flat chest
Catbox it if needed
florence from fgo variant please
>In this sense it's better to sacrifice some artist accuracy (you will be mixing them anyway) but have him be innate to model and mitigate this drawback
i'll just keep using my loras that actually look like the artist, thank you very much
>There's a reason you rarely see nai gens that don't mic 3+ artists
I don't know man, maybe nai isn't actually that great at replicating single artists, but I personally feel like just using one artist is extremely fucking boring most of the time. I always mixed artists back in 1.5 days and had a blast with nai for this reason.
and if i were to use that many loras to get that style on autism it would be a fucking mess. also hands and feet are pretty consistent. https://files.catbox.moe/rdpjya.png
>you will be mixing them anyway
No I don't. I mostly prompt artists that I already think look very nice and really wouldn't know how to improve their style by mixing. Never saw the appeal of trying to fix ugly artstyles
Tbdesu animagine does Yuzu's halo correctly too. But some other harder ones not really. Try Kisaki.
vile nonces
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that cunny and body type is just so beautiful, gorgeous, chef kiss
unironically, pony could never
ill never forget what pony and the horsefucker took from me
gimme a bit i gotta take a shit
bro he's using a pony finetune
which is?
Do they really come up with different ones for each character? I thought it was faction based, or just color variants. There's only so much you can do with a floating circle.
I don't get, who took what. You can just download 4th tail and gen however much you want?? It's free...
took months for someone to fix horsefuckers garbage
at the risk of repeating a meme, you literally could do this before with a lora lol
unironically pleased with astras decision to prune loli from v7. rectangle shaped little girls just poison the models understanding of anatomy too much. It's awfully apparent on tponynai and other tunes that tried to reintroduce the concept. have to waste a bazillion tokens to restore the perfect hourglass figure there
you fucking clown
I used to think that it's some sort of trolling but that reddit thread really opened my eyes. Some people are completely blind to nuance, details and styles, so "baking a style lora" for pony really is enough for them to feel satisfied.
huge headed toddlers are the only "loli" body type pony and shitmixes can produce unlike NAI, try do "hebes"
So much this.
here, https://files.catbox.moe/cocur2.png
i would agree with you if the gen in question was from nai and not from 4th tail
Sorry bro, that's just not true, NAI > 4th > pony with loras. No loras for pony ever get even close to _there_.
We love toddlers around here
A finetune is not a lora.
>There's only so much you can do with a floating circle.
Gacha character designers are on another level. they are confined to the modern moe style and have to draw hundreds of characters that look distinct while only varying hair, eyes, outfit and in this case the halo. All the characters should ideally also be cute and wear as little clothing as possible to get players to roll.
have you people even used 4th tail or are you just shitposting
Yeah that's much much better than animagine's attempts. Very nice. I think Minthy said next bake is with 2.5x larger dataset, it's probably gonna be mindblowing. Though considering how long it took him between previous versions, it's probably gonna be a while until then.
this is the post
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i dont generate any images, i just come here for the memes
Even with straight-on, 4th keeps giving me dutch angle type of shit. What can I do to help it not give me these artsy shits?
Jordach will keep moving backwards until all the donation funds are destroyed
every single one has a different halo
except the actual NPC mobs
Change your dimensions
We've moved on, bro. Cunnyfags got 4th, everyone else never cared about jordachtune in the first place.
genuine question,how do you guys go about finding new mixes for nai? each time I find some good mix it ends up being super inconsistent.
also if you're here, big thanks to bakariso-senpai for providing the cunny dataset
Just gen more.
I'm at 1024x1024 already, I noticed the other dimensions have even more of it so I went back to here, but even then it still wants to give me this shit
How do I transcend my human boundaries?
Straight-on is just a weak tag tbdesu. Idk what to recommend you though, because I actually like "artsy" angles...
front view is an e621 tag also for this
Now that you pointed out, I haven't pay my /h/ tax on this thread yet but I'm out of ideas at the moment
I don't think 4th is trained on e621 (yet...)
it's still pony
Shit, forgot that it's a pony finetune. It kinda forgot most of pony though.
4th is a finetune of Pony
You can still use anything from before.
Even with both, it's giving me the girl upside down at a 45 degree angle towards the top a lot of the time. What is wrong with this shit
Is there a good dimension setting for landscape + missionary?
Might be your other tags, or a bias from the artist. It does feel unstable tho.
also try contrapposto in negs maybe
but 4th it's quite fried and i think that obscures weaker tags
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what the FUCK is causing this? why does the training gradually slow to a crawl? i dont have anything else running and im not generating samples either.
Shot in the dark but if you're on nvidia do you have shared gpu memory on?
As a last resort try Tofu
>if you get slop, try more slop!
probably swapping vram to ram
I wanna ask real quick,when training a character lora am I supposed to use the highest resolution images possible? Because he thing I want to train doesn’t exactly have a lot of fanart or high quality images (it’s kinda niche old character..)
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thanks that was it! it's recovering!!!
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Okay extracting 4th 0.5 as a lyco, and then using the tags first on the prompt works way better than I expected. Thanks for the anon that suggested to use the artist firsts in the prompt
ideally you should always use images with more than 1024^2 or so pixels. you can also just upscale your images below that size
ganbatte gpu-kun
how many artist combinations is too many for 4th tail
>extracting 4th 0.5 as a lyco
instructions on how to do this please.
is catbox down
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best hentai itt
>Okay extracting 4th 0.5 as a lyco
Can somebody explain why would you ever do this?
Suppose you want 4th on reweik. Why not just do add difference "reweik + (4th - pony)"? With lyco you are doing exactly the same except you are adding compressed garbage difference instead of actual difference. If you just want it weaker, you can set a multiplier and do "reweik + 0.7 * (4th - pony)". But why would you EVER want a shitty extract?
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NAI or Local?
it's always local on someone's machine
local, nai could never (produce this slop)
IDK but her face is ugly.
Doesn't really matter, it's ugly af
nai pretending to be local
Talking about gens is off-topic, this is a text board

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yes, nice eye

kinda hard to do, but uploaded one with (huge) 384dim here https://mega.nz/file/xo40xIba#0sGl6AtLdtAI6L_tsS3BMCZY04IwW8czS2TNKX0PM0g

Let me know if you need less or more size (like 128, 256 or 512 dim). 384dim is about 3GB so it's like using kinda a checkpoint as a LoRA/Lyco. 3GB LoRA will take ages to start to gen on A1111, but it should be fast on Forge/reForge/Comfy.

you mean merging the models with add difference on the ui? honestly i just didn't think about it, since the extract just works.
Not sure what values to use when using add difference (i'm using the extracted lyco on matrix v160), prob have to see a guide for that
anima demo page https://3fc833dc5b78cf5e37.gradio.live/
go to free-prompt inference to test it. your prompts are logged btw
quality tags seem to be
>extremely aesthetic, beautiful,
>go to free-prompt inference to test it. your prompts are logged btw
yeah nah thanks
There's only one value that you have to experiment with, the multiplier. Since you probably want lora compatibility (not sure if there's any other reason to not just use 4th), I guess you want it weaker than 1 (extract certainly makes it weaker). But how much weaker so that loras work and at the same time the merge is actually able to replicate 4th's artists, you will probably have to find yourself by trial and error.
Actually decent hounori. Is there anywhere with info on anima?
buy an add and kill yourself in that order
good morning jordach!
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Thanks anon, gonna try.

Tried with these settings but got a corrupt model output, am I doing it wrong?
Anon, it's B - C, so 4th - Pony is when you put 4th in B.
Also you probably want to bake in VAE from at least one of those. I guess go with matrix since it will be your base, but they probably all use standard SDXL vae anyway.
If it still doesn't work then IDK, I'm merging through comfy myself nowadays, but this window used to work too.
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Okay perfect, using B 4th and C Pony worked as expected.

I use the sdxl fixed vae, so gonna bake it there.

Thanks anon for the help.
has anyone managed to get spooning sex to work on 4th tail
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Quite cute face expression
wtf this is really good
Here. Not exactly a splendid result, but not at the point where I'd say it doesn't make sense either. Would need another pass to fix the seams
4th Tail doesn't seem to release my RAM, after a few dozen gens I have to restart 1111
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I downscale after upscale. Not sure why, but width doesn't upscale in step with height. So when downscaled numbers can get weird.
it can replicate a character with 134 images on danbooru with just the character + copyright
so he cant release it because of laws, but can let people generate anything they want on his hardware, how does that make sense
how do I download full images doe?
he can't release the weights because it's a saas model that they'll start charging for soon
this is literally paid shilling
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Did I set it up right? Never messed with VAEs before
yep this is gook nai
20m dataset, sdxl. the models in the demo are apparently randomized with some current ones thrown in like kohaku. supposed to 'release' soon but unclear in what formats and how restricted.
It's nai
>/hdg/ has fallen so low that some random trooncord guy can shill his saas model here with no backlash
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ugh, so many shill... quick, post pony! and don't forget to subscribe to astralite platinum to help accelerate research into safe and ethical local releases!
how many steps for adetailer?
so much this, we need to protect the beauty of pony at all cost
hate shills so much
real /hdg/ when? so tired of this ugly pony acoslop...
Yeah, it's nice, maybe even NAI level nice. 100% going to be saas.
What's the correct way to prompt for artists? "fkey", "by fkey", "artist:fkey", something else?
Define real
seems to just be the artist name, or by artist name
exactly, i'm sure that this shilled garbage doesn't have any dataset from the best imageboard r34.xxx ! how it can make characters from from my favorite animes like ben10 and artists like fellatrix
Looked up gens from the guy shilling it in WD trooncord, here's an example prompt

1girl,solo,makise kurisu,(pigeon666, hekouziran),[wanke, urkt_10],huke,clockwork background,smirk,mika pikazo,colorful,digital dissolve,
Negative prompt: worst quality,bad quality,bad anatomy,bad proportion,
Steps: 28, Sampler: Euler a, Schedule type: Automatic, CFG scale: 7.5, Seed: 4027990015, Size: 1248x1824, Model hash: e9e7b33c3f, Model: 0911-10600, Emphasis: No norm, Discard penultimate sigma: True, Version: f2.0.1v1.10.1-previous-431-g388b7013

>100% going to be saas.
let us huff a bit of copium please.
real hentai not /aco/ pretending to be /h/
>let us huff a bit of copium please
i mean he already confirmed that it's saas, he's baking it with the compute of this company:
Damn, if this garbage is considered close to nai, then I'm glad I never got a sub
wait, youre telling me the next state-of-the-art hentai model is... SAAS SHIT??? WHAT THE FUCK??? by some random gook too that nobody even heard of. i was expecting a banger release by a prominent local baker like jordach, neggles, or kohaku. what happened??? local was making so much good progress and now everyone's back to talking about saas
what the hell, surely cascade can do this too right? jordach just said an hour ago that the next partial is insanely good. did wdv resume baking after the temporary setback? where are the local avengers?!?
this shitpost would make more sense if it wasn't worse than nai
No one has dethroned GODstralite thus far.
I'm not gening /h/ right now but here, enjoy a busty elf
I'm so tired of the ironic meltdowns
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let's post sexy pony gens to scare off the shills
very sexy hentai, sir! please post some Gwen paizuri
Still less shameless than NAI astroturfing.
It looks good but more like 'peak of local' good. It's where I'd reasonably expect Kohaku to be at by now. I'm not seeing vpred, the dynamic range seems a bit limited on some artists. Hands seem often fried but it's so lowres I can't tell. The most impressive thing is probably low-frequency character/artist recognition. If the dataset is actually 20m you'd expect them to be lost amongst everything like in Kohaku Zeta. Clearly there's far more work to be done than just slopping images into a training program. There must be some technique to emphasize characters/artists that local models like 4th tail are failing to implement.

If it's saas it shouldn't be priced above $5/month really. Visually it looks like local with loras, which would be a cool base model to have, but not to pay for.
>The most impressive thing is probably low-frequency character/artist recognition
maybe compared to pony (lol). but since this is a saas model you have to compare it to nai, and it didn't recognize several characters with 200+ danbooru entries that nai has never failed at for me
That was very helpful, thank you.
Competition is nice though, there are plenty of people who would pay for something like this at $5-$10 a month or something
Fuck off shill. You are not allowed to mention, discuss and praise any model that is not based on pony. Otherwise you are an obvious paid astroturfing shill.
why are you so offended about the gooknai shill getting called out for what he is
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hahaha he thinks he can compete with us
Because 4chan would be a much better place if every single faggot that is seriously using "shill" in every fucking discussion was executed immediately.
>naikiller finally drops
>its another saas model
>freeturds immediately start shitting and pissing about it
love to see it
i'd rather see newfaggots like you die personally
naisisters, we're safe
t. 2016 oldfag
every single time
Could you post catbox?
you would have hurt me more if you called me a 2008 oldfag
fuck off shills
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youre both disappointments and ive been here since 2004. please consider killing yourselves
uh oh!
So what's the latest, hot model?
Sexy hentai gen! Who's the mangaka?
Nice try but all the real oldfags post in some ugly ass retro anime style and are offended at the slightest bit of shading in a gen
Guess none, ciloranko just got fucked because of my fault, I didn't double checked when was packing datasets to send for minthy and named cilo as opossum and opossum as opossum
It's because artist tags was not shuffled, that what minthy said. When it was shuffled in earlier attempts styles was too weak. Maybe it could be resolved by continuation from this checkpoint with shuffle
Yeah, I just provided to him all of autistically curated cleaned datasets that I was using to loracope with, sadly that I've fucked cilo tho just by naming dir incorrectly
>Guess none, ciloranko just got fucked
So I wasn't insane, ciloranko isn't there, I also feel like riichu is fucked as well
4th tail
>hates anime
>comes to an anime thread
explain this mental illness
BBC in a nice source of news
>loves anime
>comes to a pony thread
explain this mental illness
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It's the consequence of all other entertainment being so shit that the only option left is anime and manga. It would be tragic, if only it was not self-inflicted.
/h/ is the first board i found in May of 2004 and I haven't left since that day. It all started because of a Naruto thread no less.
I'm 28. You do the math.
Never trained him, so if it's fucked too it's probably because minthy didn't bothered with cherrypicking every single artist and this one really looks like it could use some
>he ws only 7, 8 at best
yeah sure we believe you
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>Never trained him, so if it's fucked too it's probably because minthy didn't bothered with cherrypicking every single artist
But it IS within the artists tags he claim the model can do
So he didn't actually train all of them?, what about the characters?
Enma Ai DOKO? Next dataset better have every single image of her inside or else I will be REALLY MAD AND I WILL... do nothing... in minecraft.
is jigoku shoujo even good
mmm yes, thick and veiny, perfect features for lovely girls

im not talking about the penis though
No. I watched it when I was 14 or something. I think I could watch anything back then.
>new saas drops
>localsaars piss and shit themselves again
holy kek, cant wait for v4. they absolutely shart themselves over the reality that local remains infinitely far behind
Day 3 of generating bitches sitting on cake with no sign of stopping
Is there a good yolov8 model for segmenting realistic chests? All the adetailer models on Civit work well for anime, but don't work for realistic images.

I think it was okay'ish? Each EP had its own story with some overarching plot, I think it might've been fun if you didn't binge it. iirc it shat itself with the 3rd season, descended into yurisloppa or whatever
Sorry, If I crank up veiny penis it stats adding veins everywhere
hyper is /d/, retard.
That one's on Civit too and I've tried it. Doesn't work well on chests. I should probably mention that I mean clothed female chests. Bare breasts don't seem to be an issue.
I mean at least Ai is voiced by Noto Mamiko so that's a plus. But the episodic stories would probably be cringe and boring as hell if I tried rewatching it now, and the overarching plot doesn't start until S2 iirc.
I see
I'll probably just gen without watching then.
> So he didn't actually train all of them?
You got it wrong, it should be there, what I mean is it was not curated as autistically, as some c**ny artists
But theres alot hag versioned pics which doesn't even look like her https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/4856545 are you sure? Might be you perhaps have a good dataset already?
because there's a difference between actually training artists tags and simply having artist tags in the dataset. kohaku zeta has artist tags in the dataset but can't reproduce a damn thing. special techniques need to be employed
your mom is /d/, retard
I don't, I only started genning her on NAI, so never collected any datasets for loras.
That's not a hag though, just not a very well drawn image. IDK I can gather images of course, but only with booru tags, I'm not going to retag them.
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Anons I may run the complete artist wildcard on 4th tail 0.5, it is 8800 artists...

How much do you guys think it can take if I add hi-res fix + adetailer on a RTX 4090?
>You got it wrong, it should be there, what I mean is it was not curated as autistically, as some c**ny artists
Oh ok then, hopefully he can fix it on the next version
Sorry, I hope this caters more to your taste
that's still hyper, retard.
That's what happens when youre an unsupervised retard with internet access, as primitive as it was. You don't have to believe a word from me, but that is the unfortunate truth
that's still hyper, retard.
Ideally though she should be recognized even without specifically adding more of her images... NAI can do it. That gooknai model can do it. Besides the much larger dataset I guess it's probably the same trick they use of emphasizing gradients for rare tags during training, forgot it's name.
that's still hyper, retard
Is retard an offensive word?
that's still hyper, retard.

Sorry I will do better next time
yes, retard
only to zoomers and leddit.
we got another one cunnybros.....
now make the cock black again
Cute. Don't go to /e/
that isn't hyper anymore
choodles can't stop winning
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you can just give it a go and see if you like it by ep1, it was pretty unique with a great OST.

yeah I dunno, maybe I'd watch it as a seasonal or over a year or two, cant remember how bad did it age. iirc s1 had Ai's story and sequel had stories for her "gang".
>/h/ is the first board i found in May of 2004 and I haven't left since that day. It all started because of a Naruto thread no less.
>I'm 28. You do the math.
That's wild. I came here in '08/'09 and I thought that was bad for what old /b/ did to my brain at the time and I'm only 2 years older than you. Porn ruined your brain, gore ruined mine.
Sorry but that was >>8196465 anon's tiny dicklet but here's another girl
I have been repent
anal variant pls? black cock is not needed
how can I get more pussy variety? ones that are meant to look more meaty, ones that are meant to look more tucked in and simple and so on
>not wanting big meaty vulvas
4thtail can do "stationary restraints" out of the box MUCH better than pony. Sex machine has slight improvements as well but I had to inpaint the sex machine itself a little once genned. You should try adding both to your prompt + sex position.

(I also did some touch ups with inpaint in some places too, face, feet and chest)
>telling someone that hyper goes to /d/ means they're a dicklet
sorry for not giving a shit about or wanting to see a fuckton of emphasis being put onto a BIG HUGE DICK and informing you of the correct place to go to find like-minded individuals, faget.
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I'm loving what anon suggested (using add difference of 4th on another model) and am loving it desu

now, tried to do a grid of 4.3k images and my PC crashed IoI (to compare the artists), but every individual image got saved, I guess it's something.
its ok dicklet. you can't disappoint your hand.
bros is it gay to want to see incredibly large, meaty dicks in porn?
>Porn ruined your brain, gore ruined mine.
what makes you think i didnt go on /b/? or old /g/ which was literally guro? realistically you probably had it better than i did because moderation issues were more or less handled by that time, maybe not perfectly but significantly better than the earlier days
Well if you could cherrypick what you like and send it to minthy, or at least here and I'll share the link with him, it would probably be better
Wait, I just asked him and he said that it was massive grabbing and not-requested artists have been picked from existing pool and then balanced/filtered. But since they weren't downloaded completely and explicitly but just "slipped" from other source - it can be a small amount of pictures or just biased part. Artists list contains artists with repeat count that is enough to be represented well, but due to approach and fucked pony TE it may be not good. You could just request him to add artist explicitly, even better if you already have dataset
Loss scaling, it could be of the reason mentioned above also, yeah it's not hard to generalize char with a style in a properly baked model
Just this one
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Since people here are shy to prompt nsfw on gooknai gradio, I did it myself (loli warning):

These are some of my nai prompts. Honestly, I got way too loli results with same artists I used on nai, even though none of the prompts included loli.
I guess hands are broken more often than with nai, but in general it doesn't feel like a big gap. Styles are very nice though.
post more bbc
you are welcome bro
>I got way too loli results with same artists I used on nai,
i really don't understand why this is the case, wtf analtan done that it is possible to do proper "hebes" on NAI unlike any other model
That was actually (shiden) and [haguhagu], shiden by himself looked kinda shitty (but I also don't like how he looks on NAI).
some have those, others need to have the other type
variety is the spice of life or whatever
how would you say it compares to 4th tail/tofu if you tried those?
>if you tried those
Been posting them for a while:
4th is fun of course, but it can't compete at the very least because of the dataset size... gooknai just knows shit, like it just knows most of anything that matters.
4th/tofu struggle a lot even with most artists from the wildcard.
On the other hand here results are actually so similar to nai gens that it makes me wonder if it's some former employee who stole nai secrets that made it...
But just so I don't sound like I'm only shitting on 4th/tofu, I think 4th at least has higher success rate with limbs and on gooknai vaginas that aren't cleft of venus look like shit, while on 4th there are some artists I found that draw spread pussy very well. Maybe if dataset is expanded it will be competitive.
what's the syntax on gooknai when it comes to artist names with brackets on danbooru? tried to promt shiden and any variation i tried didn't worked
also really impressive how niche shit it knows, it can do kanzaki muyu pretty well
Isn't the gooknai company korean? They can't even release a NSFW model because of laws over there or am I crazy.
I just used shiden \(sashimi no wife\), I assume they use () and [] for emphasis judging by examples anon gave in this thread.
niche 400+ danbooru images artist
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Anons, how many G's should I subject this emo hag girl to in the centrifuge?
just escape with slashes as usual. if that doesn't work then it likely doesn't know it or uses a different tag.
yes, and reading the guy's posts about it it seems the company doesnt know what the fuck to do either. it seems to be a case of 'we wanted to see if we could but didnt stop to think if we should'. this shit won't last 2 months before it implodes in some way
The guy should just leak it and call it a day, what a waste of time and money kek
Is that centrifuge from black ops?
Anyway I can just give you shiden prompt I used on gooknai:
(shiden \(sashimi no wife\),) [haguhagu \(rinjuu circus\),] amazing quality, nsfw, 1girl, armpits, arms up, black school swimsuit, swimsuit aside, pussy, clitoris, pussy juice, blush, bound wrists, brown eyes, brown hair, feet out of frame, half-closed eyes, parted lips, rope, sweat, tan, extremely aesthetic, beautiful,

Neg: worst quality, bad quality,

(I think that was the whole neg, that's by memory, images I got don't have metadata anymore)
How is this for base model yd? https://litter.catbox.moe/vni02x.png

This is the company no?
catbox please?
What's the deal anon, are you satisfied yet?
ok it works
fair enough, forgot he has this much,
Don't know, I think it's a generic centrifuge used by some airforce department. I just grabbed a good looking image of a centrifuge off google and ran img2img w. controlnet over it.

Now - how many G´s anon? 10 has been suggested, do we go lower or higher?
Looks nice, anon. But you do know you have to have about 9000 more artists looking just as nice to have a good base model?!
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Looks kinda similar? I think it is a subtle yd style more than yd itself
Doesnt look like him to be honest
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BREAKING: Jordach has figured out that gooknai was trained on Cascade.
Fuck me the meme writes itself
It can do rimjob, tagged as anilingus, out of the box as well. Based model
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Kek what a cope, it's not cascade.
https://files.catbox.moe/kffdyc.png https://files.catbox.moe/2f77xh.png
0.03 it works both ways right?
If I had stolen his account and wanted to act like a clown I wouldnt even manage to come up with the shit he type
After making 50 or so images with the gook model, it's way worse at nsfw anatomy than pony (well, autism + loras). I might just be prompting it wrong though.
catbox plz
yes, though its not toontoon
it's a mess, i tried getting looking for a straight answer but every other post is contradictory
>I just want everyone to open their dataset, open source is helping them, and it wants more sane contribution. currently its being maintained by 'some kind users'... upload and caption together is whole purpose of booru series
>We'll open source models gradually
>Actually, not likely publicly available weights even if its done...
>basically community model improves, in small scale, but gradually. we just found we are just 'maybe 4-5 months ahead' in certain cases. but we also know its 'just a matter of time'. we can provide significant progress, with centralized vision, to benefit everyone, and be famous
>so you would understand that I'm claiming to release most reasonable okay one
>open sourcing model would be extremely good chance. preparing worst case... starting next week, but I hope best case works
>basically new version -> improves -> release previous ones every one month -> profit
>maybe my CEO have different thought, but well personally 'sustainable training' stuff is all I want
>yeah, its sad but I agree with CEO - I can't release the SOTA model without future plans
its a flip-flop every other post. from what it sounds like is that he wants to release it but his ceo obviously doesn't want the sota version released, so he's arguing with him over a staggered release plan. he seems to also have some vision of a community-driven approach where everyone builds datasets together or something. he's the only one who actually trains the model but the whole situation seems like a mess. however if we apply 'the law of nothing ever happens' we can conclude it will be a closed saas release that never touches local
>> 0.03 it works both ways right?
Dude that's close to zero gravity, she going to float.
So 1 vote for 10 G's, 1 vote for 0.03 G's.
catbox please!!
i guess this is a stupid idea but couldnt they move the company to a non cucked country and work remotely
It's a jeetmerge of 4th and bluevoll extracts into tponynai. Was hoping for a better yd than either of them
much appreciated
it has nothing to do with korea, they're just searching for ways to monetize the model
Shoot her into a black hole, that's a lot of g's
Korea has super weird laws about nsfw, how are they going to even do a saas release? This shit is an amazing meme kek. They'd need to LOBOTOMIZE the model and at that point it would be useless kek
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Calling this kohaku tier garbage sota is brave
A black hole is not a number anon, plus guro isn't allowed on this board baka.

Here you go anon, same hag is waiting in the centrifuge rn. 10 G's or more?:
Anon... one in 4 images there is probably kohaku and kohaku looks like dogshit in comparison, kek.
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>the baker says it's sdxl numerous times
you should ask him then why reso cant produce the same characters/artists that gooknai can. he just self-owned and doesn't even realize it. if gooknai was actually cascade then jordach just admitted he has ZERO idea what the fuck he is doing judging by how this model is leaps and bounds ahead of him in 'memorization' (something he tried bagging to lodestone that cascade is a master of)
the main reason i want anima to fail is that the model baker has "it/he/she/angel" pronouns and types like a retard
I seriously doubt jordach has ever even used pony or any of its offspring like autism, let alone NAI
Fine, then 25. Apparently that's how many g's jet fighter pilots experience when they use the ejection seat
localoids spitefagging their own demise once again
Based faceless male enjoyer
Another SAAS implementation oh man local just cannot get a break huh
what do you mean? this is good for local
>gooknai releases, succeeds and is competitive with nai
>nai is now pressured to get off their ass and work on v4
>competition breeds innovation and both models improve as a result
>jordach still taking it 'low and slow' because he knows there's no rush and local users are already satisfied with 1b epoch 15
fuck yes, everyone wins here. at least saas now has a chance to catch up to the insane progress local continues to make
is it possible to merge artstyle loras? I've tried lowering weights of each lora but the prompt gets fucked up
Sometimes you can just tell based on the quality of things being posted in a thread that your spot on the highlights is completely secured.
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it took me just under 3 months but I finally hit 100 patreon supporters just gen-ing sloppa. very proud of myself
Mess with lora block weighting
>he doesn't know
>vaginas that aren't cleft of venus look like shit,
I wish more model bakers in general cared about vaginal anatomy or maybe even different pussy types.
>saas has a chance to catch up to local
Thanks for the laughs.
Anyway saas is never good.
Surely we have some insider ready just in case, you know, someone decides to pull the plug, right?
How does one achieve that, how many hours of sloppa gening do you need
this isn't real right? no fucking way. fuck.
based bbc generator
idk, to be honest I really just do it in the background while I watch shows so its not even really work. the real work is censoring shit for pixiv
SAAS more like SAARS
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his reasoning is quite simple: he noticed the model 'can produce dark images'. what else can produce dark images? cascade. what can't? pony. and pony uses sdxl. meaning there is zero possible way, not a single chance, absolutely no world where this model uses sdxl. therefore: it's cascade.
Anima probably isn't on NAI's level for the most part, but it does do a pretty nice job with some newer characters and artists that aren't in NAIv3's dataset. So I wouldn't mind paying 25$ a month for Anima too. I'm not poor after all, so 50$ a month on my hobby is almost nothing.
this. i'll use anima for the base and nai as the refiner. local trembles before the potential
The full 3.6B model is going to be a shitshow isn't
How many bakers actually use these models? There are or at least have been plenty of anons itt who admitted to rarely ever genning and mostly just baking loras over and over. Is this what's happening here? I want to see a gallery of images every single of these people generated. I want a list of the models they all have actually used in addition to the time they spent using them. Cause that might just explain everything.
>plenty of anons itt who admitted to rarely ever genning and mostly just baking loras over and over
that's an exaggeration. even for the obsessive lora bakers you still need to gen a fair amount just to test that your lora is working correctly
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it's a theory i have really that no baker really ever uses their shit thoroughly. flux being a prime example with how slopped it all looks. sd3 being another example. as well as a sea of other models that fail the most basic of tasks.
with finetuners it's even worse, as they all seem to hate each-other and all think their own models are infinitely superior to their 'competitors'. all these models are being made by promptlets who don't actually use it for more than a few hours testing it out. it's actually disastrous because the aesthetic quality of recent models has fallen through the floor thanks to nobody stopping and saying "hey wait, this looks like slopped shit"
i don't really care for lora bakers because you can bake a lora in 2 hours, but it's absolutely a problem for full-scale foundational models and finetunes which take many months to complete. things go wrong in the background and the people responsible don't even have the eye to notice.
spine-tinglingly grim when you ruminate on it
what's your patreon
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foxian sex
gotta keep it tight
Probably because porn (even drawn) is illegal in Korea, and the law is enforced.
I like your fox
regarding korea law
i looked more, here are his quotes:
>literally I can't just even let user input whatever prompt they want as company in very strict nation....
>china don't prohibit 'existence of porn or nsfw stuff' at least, korea does
>that's also the option, selling the model to providers...
>in korea, whether it is loli or not does not matter - I don't understand but my company's PO consider bikini is nsfw
>actually - allowing anyone generating it in service would take us into lawsuit
>but honestly and personally I mistrust korea. I don't believe things in korea... would go well, there would be no single proper model developed in korea for sure with this stance
so they baked this model entirely on booru/nsfw datasets, have zero idea how to properly filter it, and plan to turn it into a saas in the country with the strictest porn production laws. i don't see how this amounts to anything more than disaster. even with perfect filtering there is zero reason to pay for this teaseware when all you'll be able to do is place fully-clothed 1girls in a scene in sdxl quality. what was the whole point of it all if it can't even be used? this is apparently a company with 8+ employees
I refuse to believe this is real
it never even started
>in korea, whether it is loli or not does not matter - I don't understand but my company's PO consider bikini is nsfw
why why why
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Creampie pls
That looks better. Still not feeling confiden on showing the feet?

More Goblin Slayes X Priestess. It's been a while.
>finally some good yae
and that one needs both a creampie and a climax face
Post concord art
I have seen dudes get sent to prison for even less. This will get ugly.
Someone make a civitai lora request for 1 buzz
Ebara 3 is really fried. Maybe like one out of 10 images came out fine.
no, kys
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i think the author merged it with past version of 4th lyco, but with strengh above 1, so it gets really fried
I made one as a joke. Had the unidentifiable they/them fatso go through the tagger, then removed the fat and ugly.


AI is going to fucking wreck these so-called "artists".
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Milfy. I like.
>Still not feeling confiden on showing the feet?
I can barely do decent hands, feet are out of the question
>More Goblin Slayes X Priestess. It's been a while.
Hmm sure, I should be able to get GS helmet by pure inpaint
Please save the thread
based based based based
what happened to her superior hairstyle...?
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Is this finally where the fuck I can post this stuff? I've been killing it out here making AI shit with no outlet
Look at the dead mom ponytail. She a wife.
AllTheFallen? They like them young there.
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None of this stuff is younger than what any of you post
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Are the patrons actual humans? I've been wondering about that.
how much does that make you a month, then?
how much are you bringing in with your slop?
LMAO all of india waking up now looking to chase his bag
good morning saars!
saars gotta pay for saas
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what this one? both have a time and place, I like them both
saar pls link patreon I always pay for good bbc saar
>Indians pretending to not be Indians and accusing each other of being Indians the Thread

You are all useless shitskins
.t the rest of 4chan
good morning saar
Tempted to do what ai was really meant for. Baking fujoshi artstyles and genning straight sex.
If they're bringing you money, who cares?
good good! more!
Hot (unironically)
has anybody found decent artist mixes on 4th tail or tofu yet?
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I think I broke something with 4th tail
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it looks disney-ish but she looks way hotter now
keep em cumming
Pupils need to be slit
Need more cum sluts
Has an artistic mosaic look.
based and uhh... BASED!
4th tail still struggles to do kissing...maybe next model
add it as difference on another model of your pref or extract a lyco and use it

I didn't got good results with the model itself, but doing the above worked great
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based taste, that being said most of the images of her fail to draw her so getting a good gen of her is difficult by virtue of really nice hair lol

the ost was great, some of the stories were good, ai has an oneesan arc that i liked back then, it does fall from grace towards the end though
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This isn't too /d/, right? Starting to inpaint and fix things in my gens. Did I make the teeth too bright/standout? Is it noticeable that it was done afterwards?
Based based based
it isn't /d/ but it's /aco/
holy shit
4th tail is good but it looks like the merge with pony, while improving anatomy, diluted the dataset a lot seeing how tofu is able to reproduce artists and characters that 4th couldn't much more consistently. That being said, tofu is still a bit on the weaker side with some artists needing emphasis to reproduce to a good degree. Tofu has a future if it can figure out what NAI did to make anatomy much more consistent and improve the recognition of lower image count characters/artists.
acogarbage, my beloved
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I made G-force centrifuge hag into a comic apparently, I'm so silly :)))) (I hope you appreciate the effort!)

Part 1 (cont.)
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Part 2
Part 3 (final)
this is one weird fetish
KEEEK amazing
is she... getting wet from this? dafuk?
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nice butt hole
Based. Also it is really fascinating, world of fetishes that is
Do you guys have a favourite sampler that's better than the common ones? I'm doing a thorough comparison of samplers.

I'm pretty sure euler_a will come out on top for anime/cartoons and Pony models. Does anyone disagree?
I just coomed to the stratosphere
three very sexy cuties, very based unironically
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I really like DPM++ 2M SGMUniform, and chose it after whole evening of tests. To be fair, tests were dome like 9 months ago. So I know there are newer ones, but I am not really in the mood to retest stuff again
IPNDM_V (32 steps) with Align Your Steps 32
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>I can barely do decent hands, feet are out of the question
Sorry. Meant the boots that were on the previous pics.
>Hmm sure, I should be able to get GS helmet by pure inpaint
lol borderline guro
why is it so blurry?
VERY nice
>Still not feeling confiden on showing the feet?
Why are you doing this to him? genning feet is absolute brutal torture no one should be subjected to. Pony is unable to gen good feel in any capacity.
it's tofu/4th tail
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I'm not sure if this navel placement qualifies as bad anatomy or if it's within the range of possible contortions of the belly
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>>this is one weird fetish
Author here. Yes it is. Hence why I made a lora specifically to cater to it. No idea why I have this fetish though, that one is still a mystery. Something something female in perilous/adrenaline inducing sitatuion?

>>KEEEK amazing
>> I just coomed to the stratosphere
Thanks, glad you all liked it!

>>Based. Also it is really fascinating, world of fetishes that is
You tell me o-o

No blood luckily so no guro. But realistically yeah you'd die at longer prolonged exposure to 25 g (but my blue haired hag is stronk). For comparison: astronauts and fighter pilots usually only train for 8/9g's.
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Good night bros. remember that Jordach will be saving us with another partial soon
>>is she... getting wet from this? dafuk?
She's secretly a sadomasochist, but too stubborn to admit it :)
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Even though it's a mix of nip artists?
>No idea why
How did you even discover you have this fetish in the first place?
>Something something female in perilous/adrenaline inducing sitatuion
3 words: Roller Coaster Porn
don't listen to retards
>mega weird fetish gets praised
>i get shitted on and banished to /d/ because i like hyper
how lucky some are
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>mega weird fetish gets praised
>i get shitted on and banished to /b/ because i like cunny
i guess only a few can get the kindness of this worlds people
effort is praised, don't get confused
typing huge penis, veiny penis, huge tits is not deserving of praise
@threadreaderapp unroll please
uh oh, the anima creator noticed
>Uhhhhhhhh I want to dump this result to huggingface to, however why there are so many lewyd prompts and images
who was the hacker responsible for this???
thank you bro
>>How did you even discover you have this fetish in the first place?
I think origins of my fetish comes from a mix of some cartoon scenes I saw when growing up as a child, (I blame totally spies, I think there are two episodes where g-force/speed related stuff is happening) and there are probably some other examples from other cartoons that I don't remember.

>>3 words: Roller Coaster Porn
Very likely that this too contributed to my descent into madness, when I just started to learn to browse the web at a young age. Big booba girl on roller coaster/in fast accelerating car on youtube? My young teenage brain couldn't handle it man.

But only recently when AI started to become good enough to draw anime, (back in 2022) was when I regained interest in mentioned fetish, because I could sort of get close to what I wanted by throwing words at my computer... Which also led to a new interest in image generation.
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first attemp, opinions?
uuuooohhhh is that a figma-like style lora? I actually wanted to remake some of my old 1.5 gens that had that style
Better than anything itt so far
Miqo's eyes are gorgeous
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I like them too from time to time
How many pictures of Miqo have you made? Is she the one you make the most pics of?
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>How many pictures of Miqo have you made?
a fuck load
>Is she the one you make the most pics of?
by far, sometimes I like to do random other characters like Hex Maniac or some random elfs or Au'ras (other ffxiv race), but its mainly her
tianling dingdong duohe
Align Your Steps seems really good. I was using 30 steps before anyway, so I'll move to 32 for everything from now on.

With IPNDM_V vs euler_a, I'm getting ties in my blind voting.
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good prompts to control lighting? i want to make pictures with dark rooms/shadows but i always get bright pictures
local moment
night, night sky, dark

You can also use a low light lora, I like this one

stick a pure black box into img2img
Good Stuff (TM)
>>8197060 works great, thanks. Of course I tried prompts like shadow, night, etc but for some reason they never worked
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any good miqo kisses?
how do i use ip-adapter-style_sdxl_amix_v0.3.0? if i use a preprocessor without insightface it asks for insightface, but if i use insightface+clip-H it pitches a key error and none of the shit that illya calls a "preprocessor" from this list actually shows up as a preprocessor:

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havent done too many, did this just for you tho
pls no delete let us have miqote lore
is it really worth training tofu on base XL and not pony? at the end of the day it's still shitty XL but at least pony has accelerated the initial nsfw knowledge. i find 4th tail works much better than tofu for prompting despite the artists not working properly. i really don't see the benefit in training on base XL without a massive increase in dataset and likely hardware.
We have loras for literally everything. Why would retards focus on trying to include artists instead of improving anatomy and positions is beyond me. Fucking morons, the lot of them.
Is there any extension that can let me queue up gens but with some prompt changes in between?
this. pruning artist tags was the best thing astralite could have done, what's even the point of them when you can just train a lora?
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unless this is more what you had in mind.

either way that's it for me, night boys
The original dev didn't update it when the Forge changes happened so there is some kinks with this guy's fix in that you need to be generating before you can start queuing things.
control net or inpainting?


swapping to illya gives me groids like 8 times out of 10, i don't get it
It's not just styles but characters that are diluted as well from finetuning pony. While I do like the extra sexual scenarios that are set up from training on e621 (prodding/just the tip being unreasonably difficult to prompt otherwise), I personally don't think it's worth losing styles and characters over when in all likelihood we will be able to controlnet that stuff later, for now I think the most important things are anatomy and style flexibility, until we're able to get an architecture that has inherent understanding of 3d space so that we don't need 500 images of just the tip on danbooru or something lol
got any more of those interesting loras?
Thanks anon
theres a fuck ton on civ, just set your filter to pony and start searching, odds are you will find a lora for anything you want. If not it can be made.
I have plenty, I dont want anything specific. Was just asking around cuz you know, interesting loras
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if you must have a recommendation I enjoy this Ruanyis outfit loras. His previews look incredibly shitty due to the weird model he uses but they work very well with pony-based models. I recommend turning the strength down to 0.7 on all of them when you try to use them. They are pretty customizable too. Here is an example with one.


PS. Avoid his concept loras they are shit.
now make her pregnant
thx, I already have some ideas for gens
man thats such a bullshit
stupid overfitted groidlover model
thanks, its good
seems to be an issue with fate characters in particular
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For you last one is for tonight, I sleep.
I don't know about you guys, but i'll just wait for anima to drop on huggingface in like 2 weeks or so. Fuck this turdwrangling.
Anima? Explain, please.
its gonna be saas if it comes out at all
korean's are retarded.
don't worry about it.
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Is this a normal cock
Depends. How does he compare to other men in a population. If he is average in length, then yes, he is normal.
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this one took way too long to unfuck and it's still fucked, don't look at the fingers
for some reason fate girls cause nai to shit itself when it comes to hands (and when it comes to shoving in groids even when they're negged)
though it's also a day that ends in y so the seed generator is probably shitting itself again
yeah i'm sure we'll get the weights buddy
what ratio did you use
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Nursing handjobs are one of those things that's annoying in that sometimes you get it just fine, and sometimes you get an incomprehensible mess
catbox pleaz
holy based
We will. I work there (janitor), you can screencap this message to feel stupid in 2 months.
is dora worth it? or base lora is enough for character?
>and this is why V7 will fuck and rape all NAI3 holes
you got me here, have a (You)
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Question: A character has literally zero, zilch, nada, of fanart. All her appearances were on the original manga. How likely is it that I won't end up with an style lora instead?
you're going to end up with a style lora regardless here lol

if you can find a koikatsu model you might be able to do something but sounds like you won't be able to
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ive been holding in a shit for like 2 days
imagine, that's exactly what a huge dick would feel like in your ass
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Using comfyui, I feel as if the eyes are coming out wrong with the detailer. Might as well try the eye drawing technique anon shared.
how many fucking pictures of kobeni did this retard cram in

fucking score_7_up, by ushiyama ame,1girl is close enough to fall into the vector hole literally every picture has hair clips and a panicky face
the sweaty crying retard from chainsaw man

4th tail 5.0 is so completely poisoned with her that "shiyama" pulls in black pigtails, red hair clips, and a sweaty crying retard face

fucking "shiya" is enough on its own sometimes: https://files.catbox.moe/xzndpi.png
aren't the tags weighted so that this wouldn't happen?
>using pony based model
>complain about pony based issues
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snake doesn't look too bad on tofu, i'll take it
you'd think so but it clearly didn't happen
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probably but im not inclined to find out
is that supposed to be nadeko?
that's the one
it's not nai
>snake doesn't look too bad on tofu
Bro I was thinking what the fuck did you mean by "snake" (dick?) and this ain't fucking Nadeko wtf are you talking about
i want local nai so fucking bad guys it's unreal...
never ever
looks more like her without the 'by happoubi jin' at the start but then she starts looking more like a catbox
I'd literally be content with not having anything weeb-related for years if we got it for local. 16ch vaes and all that flux shit is nice but I can get by with inpainting details if I need to.
It's just so fucking annoying. It's not some crazy llm that if released no one could run anyway. It's a fucking sdxl model that even 4gb vram retards can run. Just leak it, someone, please.
just buy a sub, turdworlders
i already sub when I wanna prompt, kurumuz-kun
paypigging for cloudshit is just not the same as having it local
catbox general anyway
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Nai is not sdxl, retard. It's Cascade, I thought we already clarified this.
Ah yes, true, I'm sorry Jordach-sama. It can do dark colors which means it's cascade...
base tofu makes her look sloppa as fuck though
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the math don't lie. cascade will soon replace sdxl as the dominant model
wait nvm i can just add "flat colors" and it'll fix the sloppa look
>1 blocked message
who/what could be worse than jordachs retardation
i checked it, it was a furry bara poster
he's off his meds and it's horrible...
How is there literally no one that goes "hey faggot you're wrong, they've said it's sdxl already."
Like every time how does no one tell this retard he's being retarded
Why is he allowed to sperg unchallenged?
everyone who used to give a shit has left already
somehow only gets more comical that while Jordach is going on his pseudo rain man cascade rant some furry is just casually posting homo bara gens between each breath
That's exactly what happened >>8196664
That wasn't an unquestionable smack down of a retarded sperg though, that was like a gentle "umm errr umm maybe it's this haha"
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what's the deal with gooknai that it gives always three different but consistent style variations for the same artist mixes? three different seeds, same prompt, style 1 is particularly standing out
my favorite part of this is that he immediately jumps into attacking zSNR as if this is some commentary on him not using it. someone needs to give him a reality check he's lost the plot
Idk but the pink legged one is gonna give me nightmares thanks
it's kohaku
You can always join and call him a retarded sperg, but I doubt that will result in anything apart from him sulking and changing his handle into some childish insult again.
his reality check will be after he rapes his poor gpu to death and gets a fried model that not a single soul will use
though would that even matter? he got his money from that one dude
It may be 3 different gooknai epochs or something like that. The forth is clearly not gooknai.
I don't even know what these 4 outputs are for because I'm not in the cord. I'm assuming it's some sort of aesthetic ranking where you select image that you like the most?
the fuck is gooknai
NAI knockoff made by gooks. Knows tons of characters and styles. Just read the thread?
Interface: >>8196235
Outputs (they all come out downscaled): >>8196584
yeah, most likely, but if that's the case with this voting then that's quite retarded as it will give style bias
this shit won't be open source?
if that's the case
buy an ad.
>will be after he rapes his poor gpu to death and gets a fried model that not a single soul will use
Hasn't that already happened...
I'm unfortunately not willing to make a discord solely for the cause, but by God does it tempt me to do so
So this is the fabled opossumachine?
If you read the thread you will learn every single nuance about that too. Spoonfeeding every retard that wants a new qrd every 100 posts is tiresome.
Not even close tbdesu.
What method do you guys use to upscale and do high res passes? Do you have a workflow to tile a huge image and prompt the regions individually or do you just automate with a general model into a multiplied resolution of your base and apply inpainting?
Also when do you I paint, before or after you've scaled your image for more pixels to work with?
If it's not ethical (aka open weight and open source) I will not waste even a moment of my precious time on this trash, kill yourself you fucking shill
>saas advertisement
kill yourself
I used to do tiles upscales, but recently I ditched it in favor of moderate (x1.5 to x2) normal upscale and then inpainting locally the most important parts (face, genitalia, maybe tits) because if they look detailed everything else doesn't really matter that much, the image will look nice.
Kill yourself fucking shill, this is freechad general.
I don't care though, it's your problem.
kys shill
You fucking should
That's cool, buy an ad then faggot.
rope shill, buy an ad
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Ethical (open source and open weights) pony is all we need!!
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What exactly makes you feel inhappy with current state of local? Pony is perfectly capable of doing pretty much any style or fetish you throw at it with a good lora. Why pay for porn?
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What exactly makes you feel inhappy with current state of local? Pony is perfectly capable of doing pretty much any style or fetish you throw at it with a good lora. Why pay for porn?
I want a model with 16ch vae, 8b parameters and a large 20m+ dataset consisting of gelbooru, kemono, hitomi and screencaps. I also want a reworked tag system that is much more detailed when it comes to clothes, expressions, poses, anatomy and sex acts.
Did anyone try how the lora extract works with characters? I don't find new styles to use that often, so using loras for those is okay. But having thousands of characters immediately available would be convenient. And I can't figure out 4th tail or Tofu, It's been two days an I don't get a single good output.
thanks for link guys.
I want the holodeck from star trek
I tested a bunch of fate characters and it definitely adds knowledge of them
Nice, box?
I have skill issues and my favorites styles don't have a lora
Nice multiple views, was it inpainted or txt2img? I have trouble gening multiple views
it's the shill astroturfers
that was kind of cheated by using an old gen and tossing it through i2i at high denoise to apply another lora over it.
catbox for that gen
catbox for the original that was used as the base

the lora thrown overtop is an oekaki lora that's still kind of in progress and I've been working on ironing kinks out of but generally it works best when doing a specific process with it, which you can find here >>8187439 and you can find two variants of that lora in that thread.
and you can find the lora used in the original image that was used as a base here
bro just post catbox stfu
/hdg/ is for imagen, what 20th century paris was for art.
cover your eyes expressiveh sirs! it's astroturfing time
tried to prompt some niche characters
it's poorly but surely recognizing knightmare corruptor iblee with 19 pics on danbooru https://litter.catbox.moe/hwzi13.png but it doesn't recognizes i:p masquerena with 170 images https://litter.catbox.moe/vxgyp4.png
is that because of a colon in the character name?
also perky breasts makes sharpest ones i've ever seen, without raita ofc https://litter.catbox.moe/k6o3bo.png
>my waifu doesn't have a (good) lora
Fucking tragic.
it's esl hours alright
perky bros, we eating good
who is your waifu?
Train your own LoRa?
get a new wife?
That's the plan boss.

How about I fucking kill you?
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Many such cases...
Instead of killing him why don't you dress him up as your wife?
>my favorite artist has a lora
>it's made by an indian and isn't working at all
gooknai leak when
What does his nationality has to do with lora quality? What the fuck?
two weeks
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why does every character in this game have at least one asymmetrical feature that the AI fucks up constantly
Same, is that really too much to ask?
when can we get a ponyslop lora to use it at -1?
look for top images on civit gallery for material
I bet THE kaiser made one and you show your gratitude like that?
because asymmetrical design are more interesting for our retarded monkey brain
I've noticed this LoRA has a strong predisposition to making the male bald
that's sadly not how models work
why not
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That's his sister, you sick fuck
based but it's one of the many gens that reminds me of that japanese meme about every person in ai gens having the same expression
gooknai is down or i got banned?
it's pony
someone prompted porn so they had to shut it down or be sent to jail for being an accomplice in making obscenity on the dangerous internet
Did anyone have good results merging the 4th tail extract into another model? I tried it with tponynai a couple times but it seems fried
why would you even care about tponynai in the first place
They're releasing weights in 30 minutes according to their discord announcement so they've turned off web interface.
it's called overcooked ponyslop but we have to cope with it for now
cause I like the base style and how it handles some of my favorite loras? But I'm open to mixing it into other shitmixes
no joke, i was genning nudity couple hours and after few paizuris can't access the site anymore, so idk if i could get ban for this
does BREAK work in comfyui?
no i mean nai gens also have the same problem sometimes but to a lesser degree because it's better at separating characters. it's just weird to see the guy penetrating the girl having the same facial expression as the girl getting penetrated
I feel like nai and pony always fuck up the headshape and size once you start prompting for features that can't be fully seen from a frontal perspective
now brush her teeth
Just make one yourself?
merging checkpoints, and especially pony based ones are a fruitless effort because how much of a mess pony is under the hood

which discord was this posted to

no, you need to use Conditioning (Concat) or (Combine) nodes or some custom text box node that includes BREAK functionality
Anima weights in 15 minutes! Everybody get hype!!!
That meme was probably from 1.5 days anyway, back then it was actually true. Prompt hair color/eye color/emotion/whatever and it gets assigned to the whole picture and everyone in it
>i mean nai gens also have the same problem sometimes but to a lesser degree because it's better at separating characters
really doesn't feel like it, I think expressions is just one of nai's stronger points. I can usually just throw several expressions in prompt and it will assign them to characters in a way that makes sense (usually). And even if I don't prompt expressions it's fine.

I don't think they have same expression on that gen though, don't really like Karen's expression there but that's a different issue
>which discord was this posted to
Bro please don't get your hopes up for obvious shitposting, it hurts to see:(
I just want a good local model, why do the shitposters have to hurt me so
Use autismmix with a lora
it's safe to assume that we won't get anything better than pony for the rest of this year desu
loras are a bandaid and don't compare to inherent knowledge of styles

It was such an obvious astroturfing from gooknai team that they had to immediately shut it down.
At least that's what schizos believe.
it's a randomized model shootout, with different epochs of his model mixed with a couple random local models (kohaku).
it restarts on a new link every day or so. he didnt restart it yet, he's adding more models like tofu
>loras are a bandaid and don't compare to inherent knowledge of styles
inherent styles are garbage unless the model has a carefully curated dataset for every artist and is perfectly trained. they are better for style mixing than loras but vastly inferior at actual replication
yeah and loras interfere too much with the output
I'd take slightly weaker styles for the convenience of having not to manually load loras that alters the gen too much anyway
What's the point of adding these models, they are obviously identifiable because of their lack of knowledge. You get 3 results with the character and style you asked for and 1 completely irrelevant result, am I supposed to stay unbiased when picking? Kek.
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penis_pov is not a tag, but it should be.
This. Autismmix with a carefully crafted lora is absolutely amazing for style replication. Some basically looks like real art, that's the power of lora with carefully curated and skillfully baked dataset.
Tagged styles and characters do nothing but fry the TE.
good for you, but i want to be able to prompt for artists that actually look like they should
crotch_pov is a tag
Bro anons heard you. Thing is, nobody who wants base model knowledge cares about your particular kink. It's not for you, fine, you should probably just keep training and using your perfect pony loras, why do you even participate in discussions of the models not relevant to your tastes?
because what you want is shit that fries the text encoder, retard
nothing beats a good lora
being able to prompt for accurate artists is a particular kink? that's news to me
which no pony lora ever does, but carry on civitsaar
i only use loras i train myself thoughbeit
Skill issue. With a local model, you can do everything. If your pony LoRA looks bad, you need to bake better. Mmkay?
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Just use Arti, bro
most fried, currycoded ponylora on civit still looks more like ishikei than whatever nai produces
oh it was seething freetards, now it makes sense
love to see them sabotage their own models out of spite, kek!
why is it so smeary
promptable artists and characters ought to be removed from all future models
only lazy nobake gooners want this shit that would never reach the quality of a good lora anyway
Indeed it is. I guarantee it's an absolute minority who would want perfect artist replication at the cost of overwriting finetuned model knowledge, raping and weaking every single concept and other knowledge in the process.
With a finetune you lower the lr for last epochs to smooth things out. Then you slap your stupid fucking lora on top trained with 10x that lr with lower number of parameters too and you just say fuck you I don't need these intricacies I just want my one and only PERFECT ARTIST. It's a stupid kink, nothing more.
good morning neggles
naiggers forever seething about loras. On local you can have base model artist tags AND loras, imagine that!
You can, but we don't have that. If local had both these things (and innate characters too) and not just loras, nobody would use saas in the first place.
skill issue. I never encountered a concept that a model couldn't do anymore after slapping a good style lora on top
>On local you can have base model artist tags AND loras, imagine that!
Well, seems like the model bakers can't.
Is there a good way to fix my PoV cowgirl position shots making the dude an amputee
>On local you can have base model artist tags
but can you really, localkeks??? ahahaha how is it that only quality subscription services like gooknai can figure this shit out?? local bakers have such a skill issues its funny to watch them, like little ants
bait used to be believable
bait has transcended into reality. it's not even a lie anymore
Because anytest controlnet does not work properly with Arti. Smeary, they say... It's art!
Since you are obviously not going to show examples of your perfect loras, we'll just have to agree to disagree. And again, if it's so perfect, pony is literally all you need. Keep using it, let anons with "skill issue" wait for their models, what is it to you, you already have it all?
dont prompt pov
i'll never understand why so many retards (including astralite) seethe this much about loras when they're just tools that you might or might not use depending on your particular purpose at the time. you might as well complain about how hammers are too destructive or something
Probably the oekaki lora guy.
I think you misunderstand. Nobody complains that loras exist, the complains are that they are a must for absolutely everything on local.
Nobody is complaining about the existence of the loras. It's just a pushback against retards who treat them like literally second coming of christ, best thing since sliced bread while they are actually very flawed.
that's foreshortening on gooknai, try it on pony with a lora https://litter.catbox.moe/e1twvl.png
Arti is unironic schizophrenic
Euge needs to get his shit together
are hammers "actually very flawed"? please give me a yes/no answer
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People who complain about artist tags really need to grow up. Seriously, the infinite potential of the latent space and all you can think of doing is copying art styles? Grow some creativity!
I think with AI we're seeing a shift towards a perfect collective style, something that represents what every human wants but doesn't yet realize. AI is the sum of all humanity's knowledge, and the result it arrives at represents the culmination of humanity's interests. Rather than try to fight progress, we should let AI take its course, let it learn, play, explore. Let the model dance around the latent space while training, learning all the nuances and subtleties of human expression. We've already come so far with amazing improvements, why hold it back with archaic and selfish ideas?
Let me tell you something, folks. Astralite, total failure. He’s gonna fail, no question, on baking Auraflow. He’s a jeet, alright? Got lucky with Pony, everyone knows it, but hasn’t even tried the next bake. Can you believe that? And then you’ve got Kurumuz, folks, who’s gonna come in with V4 and absolutely finish him off. It’s over. It’s sad, really sad, but that’s what happens when you can’t deliver. Total disaster.
if you try to use a hammer for a job it wasn't made for one could argue it's flawed, yes
it wouldn't be a good argument, but then again no one should be forced to use a hammer for something other than hammering nails
might as well go with a food analogy retard
join the discord and help him. he's very receptive to new ideas. also his server rules are very cute
my bad, i should have known that it's too difficult for "people" who can't understand counterfactuals
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Actually though, he really does listen to all feedback and isn't a maniac like jordach.

what's your point here? pony can't do foreshortening to begin with, style loras won't change anything about that.
some people don't want to gen pictures.
they just want to bake loras, unironically
if the model knew everything possible and had nothing to bake for it, they wouldn't be interested in this model
please understand that they don't care about pictures and move on
only ever made pony character loras so i decided to try some styles
i've spent 3 days and 30+ gpu hours and none of them are anything better than mediocre
i want to die
Since it's brought up, is the tag loss thing still in neurosis? I couldn't find anything from quick glance. If somebody can point to it, it would be helpful.
They call him JORDACH, folks. Can you believe that? What has he delivered? Nothing! Claims that 1B is all you need—seriously? It’s a joke, folks, a total joke. And now they’re pushing this thing called "Spectra One", give me a break!
my point is that the common concepts on pony are so blunted, that there is nothing to lose
pony doesn't understand such hard to process and uncommon concepts like straight-on
This is a hag only general sirs, please do not redeem those images.
pony understands all the concepts it was trained with. It doesn't understand gelbooru or e621 tags, that's a common misconception. It was probably entirely trained on rule34 which sadly has the worst art concept tagging of all the boorus.
more cute and funny blacked
Can you elaborate on the vectorscope settings? I know people use it for colors
Gimme some prompts to try
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pov_crotch instead
That looks just like regular pov. At least on danbooru.
It's supposed to be wider-angle so you see more oft he pov person's crotch. I don't know why that anon brought it up.
tourist here
anything come of flux yet?
style loras
2 more weeks sir
It's pony
hello where is anima weights thank you
2 more minutes
sent ;)
can pc for the use technical support use be ai use ? thank you good morning
Holy (ai-generated:2.5) abomination. It's "by artist", not just "artist" on 4th btw, but I don't think it's going to make your reweik merge look any better......
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It's the same for loras on non pony sdxl models or flux. A well trained lora won't overwrite a concept the base model already knows
Wasn't it just a test of foreshortening?
what are the server rules? I don't have discord

for a change try doing a single style on arti or tofu and see how that goes
Idk what you particularly was testing as that anon was asking about pony with a lora, not 4th? And it's kinda pointless to have some particular concept working if image looks like shit anyway.
this. also all my 4th tail merges so far suck, wonder what the guy that praised it merged it with
4th itself seems to suck. I can't get a non-deformed face in base gens, always needs hiresfix or adetailer.
If you're on local why put in the effort if your gens are gonna look the same as everyone else's
that's my foreshortening from yesterday https://litter.catbox.moe/ahte6i.png
either it loses it because of too much tags or style lora, it doesn't really matter, also it can't do face focus
gooknai with basically same tags apart from girl https://litter.catbox.moe/s03oge.png
bros the gen I posted here got scrapped to rule34, how do I claim royalties?
We get scrapped all the time bud
Create a Rule34 support ticket
holy kek
It can't be... Cathag and Miqute aren't protected?
this belongs in the >>>/aco/sdg thread since it isn't anime
/h/ is anime only
what is his end game
where is my money
Fuck, I just noticed mine there as well.
Do we append each of our prompt with (fuck drawfag:0.001) from now on? Or are we chill? Or do we just become a text thread from now on and resort to nogen?
Quality and resolution upscale still not possible video files?
Like i2i that just remove video compression artifacts and adds missing details and sharpens blurry shit.
>all the time
Not really nowadays, most of the gens are old. Was suprised to see couple of mine considering I barely even post now
Your mom belongs to /d/
wow this drawfag guy is such an asshole he's taking every single image from here
Not that great but you could try this
I used it and produced some okay results trying to upscale some old tiny resolution videos
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>([chewing gum:cum:0.4]:1.2)
Not sure how well it's working but it's doing something. Seeing if I can manage a cum bubble kind of thing.
that's fucked up. yes, I steal artist styles that took years of work to that person to get to that point all the time, I also steal everyone's metadata and re-sell it on patreon-kofi-twitter DMs, but someone stealing my gen and posting it somewhere else without permission is NOT ok
>1 post(s) on this page were removed due to a takedown request
wonder if there are people like this here
im too lazy to post anywhere apart from chans and getting my stuff reposted felt nice
they call me the baker
Can you gen more Nadeko?
>can't find any of mine
bros... I failed
With upscalers specifically made for that task, not with diffusion models. With diffusion you'd just get inconsistent details reproduced for each frame and it will be flickering. Maybe in some distant future.
As for upscalers, they aren't better than the GAN/DAT upscalers you have for images, so even if they can improve visibility a little bit, usually you can see their fingerprint all over, and it's just distracting and ugly.
They call me Anonymous
This is an actual human being btw, this isn't a bot. What's his purpose?
It was deleted from neurosis, but thanks to anon I have it backed up. Since I also tried to use it, I also have a working implementation for kohya but I'm not home rn.
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>1524 / 248 / 8
It actually is pretty fucked up what's happening to artists desu. I used to have a different opinion, but "ai bros" are so insufferable and the amount of slop so overwhelming you cant help but do a 180.
Just join the cord and share it with Euge. Or dump it here and I'll send it if cord is against your morals, but Euge could probably use your help more than mine...
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How do you even request this, I can't even login or make a account, all I get is this. Is this just me?
>how it feels to chew 5cum
nta but I'll post some old naikek snek gens
Here's one with a lora on tpony
At most you'll get some generalization issues on the lora style side of things, but I can't see it destroying concepts
>what are the server rules? I don't have discord


Be harmony and friendly. Avoid arguments and personal attacks.
No nsfw, politics, racism.
>almost a year in
>still nothing even close to NAI 3
>meanwhile they got a new model coming

The absolute state of local
how many steps for 4th tail are you guys using
thanks, i will revisit it later
>meanwhile they got a new model coming
the meltdown will be biblical if it comes out without artist tags
>meanwhile they got a new model coming
the meltdown will be biblical if it comes out with artist tags
>meanwhile they got a new model coming
the meltdown will be biblical if it comes out with artist tags
If nai3 is similar to that squidgame model, then I don't see myself using it, even as a local model.
Damn, these are pretty nice. Got any more?
weirdest bait I have seen in a long time
gooknai is nice for 1girling, but just not a good /h/ model. Anatomy and hands are awful, prompt adherence leaves much to be desired and it's far too random unless you write a 200 token prompt.
I do actually, but most of them are kinda sloppa
will upload catbox album a bit later
There's also /c/ thread.
>everyone says Forge Couple does what Regional prompter does but better.
>no video guides or anything. Playing around with it myself yields worse results
I don't understand. Are people who sing it's praises literally just doing 2 individuals standing next to each other and not touching at all? Because beyond that I'm not seeing how this is better than regional prompter.
Is it more efficient to prompt for multiple panels first or to get the main pose and then inpaint an additional smaller panel if you want it in the negative space?
Share it with euge buddy, it's up to you
There's also /kys/ thread
I know.
someone should do a funny and leak it again
pony is better than naiv3 tbqh
it isn't better than regional prompter, you got baited
new link to gooknai doko?
extremely based
this but unironically
Is there a good guide to understand control net/regional prompting from a beginner's perspective who has only done basic txt2img and img2gimg?
Fuck Nadeko with a big booty in bloomers is so hot.
just buy a nai sub. all local extension are copium until they get added to nai under a different name.
this but unironically but unironically
"Original" file from neurosis: https://files.catbox.moe/s6wkwd.7z
My "working" one: https://files.catbox.moe/o1n9is.py
To use it, he'd need to initialize TagFrequencyHook, call .pre_hook at the start of each step and then apply .batch_hook to the loss.
Just tell him that this implementation was partially taken from NAI leak and he'd need to rewrite it if he doesn't want to inflict kurumuz' wrath onto himself.

Just in case he doesn't know, tell him about this https://civitai.com/models/615476/artiwaifutistic and this https://civitai.com/models/684052 and that the noise his model has and some anatomy issues are 100% caused by a flawed (lognorm) timestep sampling schedule which is not really applicable to a DDPM noise scheduler. If he does want to use lognorm, he'd need to retrain the model using modern flow matching schedule which is this https://huggingface.co/docs/diffusers/api/schedulers/flow_match_euler_discrete (but I failed to get it working on my first try likely because I really suck at math and don't actually understand any of this shit, and I don't have time to work on this anymore because of uni)
But I had breakfast?
I need lettering help. It's not 100% anime, but believe it or not, you guys are the least retarded in the entire AI smut panorama


Does the "earlier" bubble look off? How do I make it look more natural? Should I just drop the idea?
The human brain is excellent at pattern recognition. You can see this in action when watching 2 local gens made by different people. Being local gens, they look exactly the same, but thanks to the brain's incredible ability to discern the most minute of changes, you can BARELY feel the difference between the 2. Truly remarkable.
There are lots on youtube. Regional prompter is pretty easy. Basically enable common prompt so that the first line is the common prompt that will apply to all regions. Then each line seperated by the word BREAK should correspond to a single region so if you have 2 regions it will look like this:
>Score_9_up, Score_8_up, (etc), man and woman having sex, bedroom, BREAK (the common prompt)
>1girl, fucked, large breasts, BREAK (region 0)
>1boy, huge penis, gigantic testicles (region 1)
Basically something like this will be the average prompt for 2 regions. The region size and number is a little trickier and that's harder to explain. 1,1 will equal two regions of the same size. 1,1,1;1,1 will mean the first region will be split in two and the second will be full. Play around with the numbers and it will make more sense.

kys shill
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pony has better anatomy
I mean, they're both very recognizable, but also both equally melted in the details
For pony and related models, first download either this model:

Or this model:

The promax controlnet model is stronger in general, however if you want more wiggle room go with anytest one, but I prefer the promax one since it's more precise. Might need a beefy gpu though.

Once you downloaded the controlnet model, put the model in the controlnet folder under models in your webui install. Once in webui itself, go own to the controlnet tab, enable and select the model you downloaded. DO NOT select ANY preprocessor or controlnet mode, let it all stay at default.

Then go down further and change "Control Mode" from balanced to "my prompt is more important".

Lastly, change the strength of the "control weight" to something like 0.4 is using promax/union model, or leave it at 1 if using anytest. Basically higher weight means the AI will follow your controlnet image more, lower weight means more wiggle room for the AI to be creative. Remember to actually give it an image for the controlnet to use.

Let me know if something doesn't make sense.
>kys shill
fuck off localoid, if nai had all the money and compute you monkeys waste on endlessly rebaking the same model, we'd have naiv5 already.
Are those squeans above her head? Because they kind of look like they are instead trying to go into a thought bubble which is one of the reasons why it feels disjointed like she is actually thinking that but the AI just screwed it up
there is more aco-like content in the pony dataset than aesthetic anime, nai3 is the opposite, so all the pony faces have a little aco sprayed in their structure
also, i've noticed most pony loras found on civit can fry the overall colors, making some parts grey-ish, i think this may be due to overtraining, i never went above 1k steps when doing styles and it doesn't have those artifacts. civitai's built-in trainer is scuffed
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How does this work in the case of object permanence though? Like if I have a prompt like this where the 1boy and 1girl are in a position where the male is partially obscured by the woman but the regional prompting is only saying the man belongs in "Section: Left" how does it know to continue the male's body behind the woman?
You're not escaping the shitty pony shading no matter how hard you train
let me guess, you are hagfag?
she's not thinking it, it's a window of what led to the situation. Those are the "drunk anime character bubbles"

man at least some of those gens wouldnt get you banned, could post them to thread instead of actually turning this into catbox general
>Those are the "drunk anime character bubbles"
Yeah the tag is called squeans
doesn't matter since nai will soon leak like your tiny pecker
thanks, had no idea
It is not super strict about the region assignment. So parts of the male in section 1 like his arms or legs will often appear in section 0 if they're having sex or interacting somehow but it helps to add a few tags of the other character in the other region just so that there isn't an out of place limb, like in pic related that would have made the kobolds hands human hands if I didn't specify that megumin is being fucked by a kobold.

Your example pic will be basically impossible or extremely tricky because regional prompter doesn't do diagonal regions
Oh nonononono a melty ...
So standing leg lift will be impossible, rip
if they had 100% of the market share why would they ever release a new model? kys
Nai aren't greedy like astrakike. They are true weebs with a vision and will channel all their funds into making a better model. They even take pity on localkeks and occasionally throw them a bone.
>because regional prompter doesn't do diagonal regions
I thought it could do that with the hand drawn regions?
imagine posting gens instead of shitposting about models for 10 months straight
not at all, just do 1,1 columns with a prompt like this one
>score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, score_5_up, hidden sex, vaginal penetration, vaginal, leg_lift, big penis, big testicles, BREAK
>megumin fucked, standing BREAK
>1boy, fucking a girl, fat man, larger male, head out of frame, offscreen male
sorry about the ugly watermark. Hasty gen for example purposes.
Why would Nvidia ever make new gpus if they practically own the entire gpu market share
Overall I really like the idea but I'm not sure if it would make more sense to just make two separate panels. I think in general trying to mesh chibi style characters into certain frames is tricky outside of just doing some cute chibi reaction face versions of characters in the same image.
If true then I have never used this feature and I don't know how it works.
Is everything looking handrawn/painted just a confetti thing or is there some way I can make it less apparent without the need of super strong lora
thanks for the laugh
I'm cooking a gen but I don't like how it is going
>looking handrawn/painted
post a gen please
I think that one might be bait...
Can you please explain why does everyone here calling posts "bait"? What's the meaning in 4chan context?
Any advice for making spooning work? (Lying on side)
style lora?
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difficult, perhaps need a lora. Based on testing it really wants to default to the dude lift her leg or doing some form of leg lift so I put those relevant tags in negatives. I didn't use regional prompter for that, I don't think it will help. since there would be too much region overlap.
none, using hassakuXLHentai checkpoint. Downloaded it just to try it out, I can't swear by it yet.
How about you hassakill yourself
Style LoRAs clearly don't work with 4th tail but has anyone tried concept or chara loras with any degree of success
If there is something wrong with this checkpoint then I am woefully ignorant of it.
yeah my character loras work fine with it
ponyshart lora dont work on it, but i've baked my own on 4th and they look much better than they did on pony
Both 4th tail and Tofu have this strong default AOM2 look that seeps through my gens no matter what I do. Are they trained on a bunch of synthetic data or what?
NTA, looks like AI which automatically makes it a sloppa checkpoint (even if that describes pretty much all of them).
True but like 99% of my gens are stuff I don't even share.
If you like, good for you bro. But it's basically what others have said, looks like the basic AI sloppa we see everywhere, again, if you like it, good, but you could try searching for some style loras out there
still better than base autism desu
Like I said, I'm just trying it out. I normally don't use 2d animu centered checkpoints in the first place.
It looks like AI bud. It is AI.
There's no checkpoint for pony that isn't gonna look like AI blud
Yes, unironically. Also, there's the noise offset bullshit.
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It's the opposite for me sometimes. Looks TOO hand drawn. For example this cum looks like it was drawn in paint...
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Everything is gonna have advantages and disadvantages. Hassaku for example has better colors than most other pony checkpoints but it is almost entirely incapable of creating low light scenes.
>it is almost entirely incapable of creating low light scenes.
That's virtually all pony checkpoints though.
>but it is almost entirely incapable of creating low light scenes.
that's just pony in general
Shit, I was picking the most disgusted face from a couple of gens and accidentally posted from a batch of small breast gens instead of medium. RIP.
catbox pls i love paint
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Here is the same gen on regular pony, hassaku is particularly bad at it.
What tags did you use to not have her lit up by some light source?
That moon looks like a huuuge light source to me though.
My girl works fine, except 4th's facial expressions are too strong to the point they look ooc on her
only flux is capable of different styles. 4ch vae saars have to cope and seethe
Yeah that cum looks like its existing in a different perspective its so flatly white. Too bad ai doesn't actually understand adjective+noun so you can tweak the style of that without messing with the rest.
When upscaling I changed artists to "by yamamoto souichirou, by ciloranko, "
So I managed to make a lora that works horribly at normal weight (basically pink images only), but if I set the weight down to 0.1 it functions normally. Is there a tool or way to "rescale" the weight of a lora,so that weight 1 becomes 0.1 instead?
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flux is capable of so much, just look at the amazing anime art! this sure wasnt a complete waste of parameters that went towards nothing but synthetic scraped ideogram data. finetunes coming soon!
anime enough for /hdg/ that's for sure
how is the 17th epoch of 1B going, jordach?
nta but it works on comfy at least
You can even do tiny regions to say place the penis in a certain spot in handjob gens, place a sun low on the horizon, etc.
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>4ch vae saars have to cope and seethe
This is how cascade can still win
good morning jordach sir
W i i s b?
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New to this
jordack would also think that it is anime
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we do a little exchanging cash for goods and services
Hello newfriend, head over to https://novelai.net/register now and use code /hdg/ for 15% off your subscription. Trust in NAI on your journey towards amazing AI art.
yooo the dedication!
That top down pov shot is fire
el basado
I'd rather have the double beers office girl
slowly, but steady, deviate from the AI sloppa look. Already on a great start.
>cascade has a 16ch vae, looks like fried melted garbage incapable of rendering fine detail
>sdxl has a 4ch vae, looks fine
why isnt he following his own advice? less is more. 1b is already superior to 3.6b. 4ch vae should therefore be superior to 16ch. actually, we can probably get a lot more creative and artistic with 1ch.
holy based effort poster
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the real effort poster
cascade has a 16ch vae in name only.
Did you just do a penis grab and then inpaint a tie on it for the left pov image? Tie grab shit never works for me.
>gen on local
>feel nothing
>gen on nai
>my agp acts up
Explain this
Power of anime.
Cascade can be fine, mostly its just resonance bake that is fucked up. Stotev2 has a bad base style but otherwise looks less fried and lora baked on that vs reso look better.
Also other finetunes have been okay so I think it's just a jordach issue.
this absolute state of local is so funny, so hilarious yet so sad, lugubrious, hopeless, aura of incompetence
local 4-5 months ago only had pony and some mixes, now this has changed, there's so many new flavors apart from pony now, even though these finetunes sometimes are related to pony but still its something new
but its all so... incompetent. no matter how hard local tries, they cannot unironically outperform pony or autism in every single way, let alone reaching nai levels. maybe with some of these new finetunes and models you can barely make your gens look like nai, but only that. making gens to look like nai is not enough to achieve what nai can offer with their inpaint model, smea dy, and more. let alone these finetunes are at best 2.5m with a dataset that is unpruned, poorly tagged, and no synthetic tags like poor quality or best quality.
it gets even worse when you notice no one has even been able to outperform a finetune made by a horsefucker that actually admitted himself that his bake was a yolo attempt and that he got real lucky with results. all these bakers just seems to be too incompetent to surpass what a brony pedophile idiot with same finetune knowledge as a jeet did with some a100s and an ungodly amount of luck.
future is not looking bright for local, specially when things and people rivalize instead of teaming up with eachother
muh neggles, euge, minthybasis, jordach, chinks, etc etc
just imagine for a moment if all these local bakers one day decided to get their shit together and bake a real huge local model with a synthetic dataset with proper tagging instead of throwing shit at eachother or ignoring each other at best
but as always, nothing ever happens
local is so all spread out on the floor that it actually makes sense why no one has ever done a good finetune, except maybe and apparently, the anima team (a TEAM, not a single nothingburger dude) with their 20m finetune, but that remains to be seen since it could be just another saas
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Medium breasts gen to fix my previous mistake...

Because of compression and stage B. What VAE receives is already unsalvageable.
Maybe he would also be interested in the ostris' 16ch VAE (with adapters) which is much better than SDXL's own VAE https://huggingface.co/ostris/vae-kl-f8-d16 but it requires some model patching.
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Time to take a small break from cats.
Did you completely give up on cascade
poor fern and her 4 navels
Without a good graphics card, I was stuck waiting ages for AI Rogueliteto generate any pictures at all. NovelAI's images are spectacular and fast, and having Krake power my dungeon crawling is awesome!
wasn't you in some kind of a difficult situation before because of a gooning? lmao
I really love the UI and general sense of authorial freedom that comes with Novel AI - the ability to fiddle with systems as much or as little as I please, combined with decent presets for quicker "jump in and go" play makes it worth paying for just for that.
yup, still struggle with it but it's better now, I'm not officially back yet, I was just asking for lettering feedback. I'm focusing on mostly western style dark skinned girls now so I'm not sure people would even like it if I posted it here in the first place.

I'm honestly scared of whatever new generation they'll release, like flux.1 finetuned with anime or something, imagine the effect it will have on me.
I'll take what it can give, I give a chance to every new model (even a downsized for ants, shill version of gooknai). 3.6b is taking it's sweet time though, so I can't guarantee I won't die before it arrives.
Shit, I got sloppy...
nice background, can you share a box?
looks pony but it's nai
careful, I might sneeze a little
it looks like some 4th tail tofu derivative
>ctrl+f pony
>158 results
>ctrl+f nai
>170 results

it's neck and neck but he's pulling ahead!
>ctrl+f miqote
>ctrl+f cathag
it's neck and neck but he's pulling ahead!
Any hope for AMDtards yet?
novelai.net Driven by AI, painlessly construct unique stories, thrilling tales, seductive romances, or just fool around. Anything goes!
no point in ironically shilling nai when every pony gen posted itt is already the best possible advertisement
> just asking for lettering feedback
lettering seems fine to me, dunno, maybe take some inspiration from here >>8198241
> I'm focusing on mostly western style dark skinned girls now so I'm not sure people would even like it if I posted it here in the first place.
I personally don't mind, it's gonna be better than endless arguing about nothing anyway
> I'm honestly scared of whatever new generation they'll release, like flux.1 finetuned with anime or something, imagine the effect it will have on me.
yeah, if flux hentai tune will ever happen guess you are done
Nobody will care but I fixed her.
tofu after using loli in the negs while using loli artist https://litter.catbox.moe/6gt99f.png
very flexible model
naiggers btfo
Based tofu implementing safeguards against making Kuro a fat ass hag!
That's the REAL safeguards we need.
i thought this about the previous 4th tail versions too but the "masterpiece, best quality" tags this model was trained with might be the worst quality tags i've ever used (even including pony's score bullshit...). i think i haven't had a single example where using them didn't give much worse results versus not using them
haha, yes, that's why there will be more and more nai gens itt in due time!
holy friedness
holy shit you really cranked the slop up to 11 while i was sleeping
I'm not getting this problem. It just does nothing and I'm getting a toddler with loli in negs...
its local
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oh noez... gooknai baker is laughing at tofu again..
like most of local it turns her into a toddler thats why
only euge redeemed proper but lo-fi local Kuro https://litter.catbox.moe/pri630.png
for me it's consistent, every gen looks like this
cum looks bad but the face is perfect
4ch vae sucks but he probably has more fundamental issues and 16ch or more would probably make the training costs too high since the latents are 4x bigger
mintysisters, it's over...
I hate n
I hate na
I hate nag
i can't load this thread on chromium, wtf is happening here
also I'm having some weird issues with pony v6, I'm grabbing some people's prompts from civ and I'm not able to replicate their gens at all
I think your gpu is dying, anon
remember to redeem expressiveH and all disney princess loras saar
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I want to gen cool dynamic poses out of the box, I want to gen things involving hands, I want coherent object holding, I want coherent feet, I want better colors and contrast, I want better prompt responsiveness. I want amazing text handling out of the box.
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Does anyone know some tags to get a lot of pubic hair? Mine just keeps coming out like this. Im using the excessive pubic hair tag from the Danbooru, but still nothing.
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Probably just artist dependent.
Pubes are extremely affected by artist tags you use. If you use artist that that exclusively draws light pubes - even "excessive pubic hair" tag would look like light pubes kind of. If you use artist tag that draws ultra hairy pussies - tag will look ultra hairy too. Try some of the hag specialists artist tags.
At least we can use tofu. So it get a 4/10, while gooknai gets 0/10.
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The east has fallen
Try censoring just dick and pussy. It should still pass the lewd check.
The most compute intensive part is still unet.
thanks for the feedback, I guess that in my style the free floating text is what works best at the end of the day

Told you I only gen 100% genuine eastern hentai (cartoon porn); I put source_anime in the prompt after all. You gonna doubt the machine?
I tried it with a heavy blur first. Seems like the censoring of lmsys is often more heavy handed than the inbuilt model one
Forgot to respond that I passed it on, thanks.
While it might not look like a gatekeeping purist's idea of 'eastern style', it's important to recognize the shifting dynamic of the modern world. We're more interconnected than ever, and cultures are blending into a big melting pot of awesomesauce. I think it absolutely represents the global and diverse magic of anime in 2024
Alright, when using artists I just put "by artist"? Sorry, I'm new to this.
What's this
why yes, I am enjoying genning on local, how could you tell?
>Be harmony and friendly. Avoid arguments and personal attacks.
>No nsfw, politics, racism.
>Be harmony and friendly
always I want to be with you....
Does latent couple not work with forge? I don't understand how to use it.
>not even the correct artist tag
needs hooves instead of feet
i tried it and it was shit, pretty sure all the regional prompters are. probably easier to just inpaint honestly
regional prompter works fine. It just doesn't work on the new version of forge and returning to older versions of forge or reforge is not an option because I get extremely annoying OOM errors with them.
I genned this one new forge today and it seemed to work fine. Couple just somehow feels less strict than regional prompter did on a1111
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Here's your anime bro
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nice style, very clean gen

How did you get this section to open up on forge? Also I tried it on A1111 just now and unless i'm doing it wrong the output was horrible.
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forgot image
Bros look at my cute (anime) model
i used forge couple, not regional prompter
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Flux won
Saved! (just like all your other images)
Based freeNaiv3 poster
I dislike the grain pattern. Hate it even.
forge couple is trash, it doesn't even listen to your prompt half the time
True, but I'm not willing to switch back to a1111
yeah but it's "soulful"
Tips for generating skinny, frail looking girls with big tits? My problem is that "skinny" reduces breast size while "slender" makes them have proportions as if they were really tall. Neither is optimal, I want to gen sticcs with big ol saggers
Pick and mix your poison
shit I must be retarded I did not considering using a lora for small details like this at all
thanks anon
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Whoever dares to say it's /aco/ is a faggot
Why is she so ugly?
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Do these sort of sliders work with style loras?
it's pony
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Good anime flux loras aren't exactly common yet
First one that triggered a western style response. which llm was that?
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still, western anime.
nta and I haven't tried these specific ones, but generally they have their own style bias. Which gets worse the further you pull the "slider" in either direction.
already closed the page
can u gen her licking their assholes in sexy pose please
Do I need to download an upscaler or is one of the default A1111 ones good? I messed around with latent but it looks bad unless I do 0.7 denoise whichas its own issues
>Do I need to download an upscaler or is one of the default A1111 ones good?
All are kind of bad, search and use real upscalers, like remacri, nomos8k or NMKD
>nmkdSiaxCX_200k users when nmkdSiaxCX_400k walks in
Less if you upscale by a smaller ratio. But yes, latent is not that useful these days. It does add a lot more detail, at the cost of changing the whole image slightly.

But the differences between image space upscalers are pretty minor, I often just use real-esrgan-2x which was never meant for anime, and it works fine too. nomos is the big outlier here, as it's insanely slow and meant to be used as the final processing step, not to be touched up by AI afterwards.
>Last commit 12 hours ago
>Maintained fork (reForge)
>413 commits ahead of, 528 commits behind
>Last commit 2 weeks ago
What am I to believe
thanks I'll mess around
I use regular forge right now, with caveat that I don't use Controlnet. Dunno if they work properly.
why not both
You can have them installed side by side and sharing the same model/lora/etc folders
But now I wish you made bigger images again.
Blasphemy! Nuns only take it in the ass!
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the oekaki kick is too strong, ごめん。
here's a zero effort upscale from the same lowres with a different lora mix, though.
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>upload anime on danbooru
>was disapproved (disinterest) by 11 "people" after 3 days
>upload western slop
>approved within 1 day, 0 disapprovals
should unironically scrape from sancuck at this point
Thanks, I'll take it. Original color palette was superior though!
> autism looks like shit after tofu
> 4thtail is fried
> tofu sucks with nsfw
What now?
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upgrade to real meat
Time to sub...
idk tofu also looks like shit to me. what artists are you using?
My artists tags for tofu are probably garbage. Too ashamed to share them
how? when I edited the launchable I couldnt figure what to type to get my shared folder to be recognized
try some meme model like reweik, tpony, perfect pony...
f key is that meme from call of duty when saying paying respects to dead person so its like everyone hits f key to say goodbye
this is pedophilia and should be moved to the appropriate board
2hucord invite...please...I don't want to give kurumuz money...
it is inevitable
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I like the drawn style even at the higher res
>prefect pony
Sent ;)
-t. hasn't tried t-pony in a while
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thats why I said meme model, they all have issue that make them suck
we need to go back to the perfect model... based65...
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1 for either (extracted with strength 1 if lyco, used multiplier 1 with add difference), used matrix 160 as base
kurumuz can you go stick a 25dollar dildo up your ass and fuck off please
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no :3
Exactly the same as >>8198213 except switch model to tofu instead of 4th.
Apparently not the same, this time I didn't forget medium breasts! Although with body looking like tofu block it might not have been enough...
Getting asked for box suspiciously many times (almost every gen) since switching to 4th/tofu.
Oh yeah, it's NAI AGP time :3
tbf it's probably because there are a few anons here trying to figure out good artist combinations for 4th tail/tofu (i'm one of them)
Wtf is agp? Agi for imagen?
>trying to figure out something that doesnt exist
its the hash mining all over again
kurumuz, will NAIv4 be able to do this >>8196955
in the future?
bake 4th tail loras instead. you won't regret it, and i'm not even being ironic.
post a comparison image between your pony style lora and your 4th tail style lora or die
Baking loras for 4ch models is a waste of time
i would like to bake loras now and not just 2 years from now
Just read some manga and shitpost here. Time will be gone in a flash
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oh my GOSH guys did you hear about FLUX??? its soooo good but~~~
*whispers* its not as good as DALLE~~ ^_^
soooo im just going to wait. wait wait wait wait WAIT!! zzzzz
no point baking a finetune on an inferior model after all!!
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Nice, try adding some expressiveH
That's tofu. I don't think it would work. But I can try.
>even tofu converges towards civitai ponyslop
it's over
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Didn't fry the face at 0.61 denoise inpaint. That's a win, I think.
there is more to it than the dataset. bakers still don't realize this. kohaku, arti, and now tofu. the same failbake again and again until bakers actually fix their training code.
nah if their dataset and their tagging was actually good we'd have a model 70% as good as nai already
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Box pls
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I like local still
Stealthpng should be working
it's EF+HLL
not happening
it simply wont
garbage in garbage out
bakers literally are focusing on every aspect of the model, hell even about training code
all except dataset and its tags, no one wants to manually retag millions of images, even though if you do it the right way it can be used over and over again for future bakes
bakers are lazy. its not that hard to get a bunch of people who are willing to do that for free just for the sake of a better model, just teach them how do they need to retag and youre done
People give astralite so much shit, but he is the only baker who has spent thousands of hours doing dataset work.
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>but he is the only baker who has spent thousands of hours
more like thousands of dollars to not care about what he is doing and brute force it
his idea to make his discord help him with tagging part of the dataset was unironically pretty solid
worst part is that he didn't even added nl captions in the 100% of the dataset, just only the 50% for ponyv6
and it still worked
still he added score tags n shit on all his dataset tho
maybe thats where all his luck came from?
I don't know how people get aroused by Makima. In anime she is extremely unsettling. And after manga effect is even worse.
Generate 1girl, standing with Tofu
I'm a femdomCHAD
Is this real?
or just a fanta sea
She is not even femdom. She is just cruel.
>She is just cruel.
even better
There are levels to it
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one part of this outfit isn't showing up but i don't think that there is a word in the english language to describe it in the captions. fucked up
there is canon
and there is fanon
it's not that hard
or are loli real children to you too?
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Great idea. Thanks, Anon.
is th-israel?
frankly IDC about makima but all the bestiality art she gets is great
nieggles loves cocks
There's a pic not available, what was it?
Please finish the thread so I can check the highlights before my bedtime.
catbox? looks great
kill yourself as soon as possible
Now you can sleep anon
Back to autism since it's shit but less than the your favorite Xslopmix model.
Ngl I'm getting an urge to spam black cocks
why is pony so ugly
why the fuck are you doing this
no one asked you to start doing this shit
the biggest waste of time ive ever seen
i would prefer to have a request anchor instead of this pile of idiotic dogshit
just do it bwo, let it out of your mind
Why not post the missing part in a catbox?
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New Thread:

>i would prefer to have a request anchor instead
Be careful with what you wish for.
At the end I didn't inpaint his helmet kek, It felt so out of place with the setting, I did 2 but tbqh I don't like them that much, her face came out kinda of weird and soulless despite trying my best to inpaint it, I got skill issue'd I guess
>2 years
Only if a new easily trainable base model appears within one year.
Anon, a warm dick will feel even better than a cold strap on.
While I do agree her faces are a bit on the calmer side when compared to the other GSxP pics, the setting itself with them begin in a cabin while snowing on the outside is quite comfy so those expressions are appropiate.
Also don't worry too much for the helmet, him not having it adds to the comfy factor.
Thanks for The Good Stuff.
A duplicate, I removed it myself
catbox please!!
so glad i decided to stop posting gens and just use them as fap material
no more inpainting ever
the best faps are after inpainting one 1girl standing gen for an hour though
the best fap are on the most fucked up gen where its hot enough you just ignore all the flaw and throw it away like garbage once you are done with it
>no pussymouth/ gens
what the fuck is doing on in here
it's like you gyuys don't used doing what AI is made for
in the first place
man that's like bordering cronenberg body horror

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