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Previous Thread: >>8202872


Forge: https://github.com/lllyasviel/stable-diffusion-webui-forge
Maintained fork (reForge): https://github.com/Panchovix/stable-diffusion-webui-reForge



NovelAI: https://rentry.org/hdg-nai-v3
NAI API/prompting in A1111: https://github.com/Metachs/sdwebui-nai-api

Features: https://github.com/AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui/wiki/Features
Training: https://rentry.org/59xed3 | https://github.com/derrian-distro/LoRA_Easy_Training_Scripts | https://github.com/bmaltais/kohya_ss | https://github.com/Nerogar/OneTrainer
Tags: https://danbooru.donmai.us/wiki_pages/tag_groups | https://danbooru.donmai.us/related_tag
ControlNet: https://rentry.org/dummycontrolnet | https://civitai.com/models/136070/controlnetxl-cnxl | https://huggingface.co/2vXpSwA7/iroiro-lora/tree/main/test_controlnet2
IOPaint (LamaCleaner): https://huggingface.co/spaces/Sanster/iopaint-lama | https://www.iopaint.com/install
Upscaler models: https://openmodeldb.info/models/4x-Nomos8k-atd-jpg
Booru: https://aibooru.online
4chanX Catbox/NAI prompt userscript: https://rentry.org/hdgcb
Pony-related: https://rentry.org/ponyxl_loras_n_stuff | https://rentry.org/ponyxl_lora_previews | https://lite.framacalc.org/4ttgzvd0rx-a6jf
List of useful A1111 extensions: https://rentry.org/8csaevw5

OP Template/Logo: https://rentry.org/hdgtemplate/raw | https://files.catbox.moe/xk99gy.png | https://files.catbox.moe/35bdt5.gif

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based thread
good thread
this is the thread
This is a thread of all time
best thread we've had in a long fucking time
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blessed thread
Did he shoot cum through her mouth?
what artists?
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here's this shitty lora. i don't think that the end result is great but it's really starting to cut into schizo waifu training time
i wound up hijacking watercolor, it seems to have fewer side effects
nice skin texture
is 4th tail better than autismmix?
4th tail is fried garbage
Only good for mamerakkkkko + empty eyes
I wish beijuu and fataa were better but yeah, most artists are either fried or have shitty effect
Are there any better models than autismmix?
try reweik (not v13)
yes reweik 1.1 is good
Okay thanks
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Anatomy is a bit fried, but the style picks up okay-ishly I think
nai v4 when
It's shit
just hoping they don't remove artist tags
When local gets an anime flux finetune (never ever)
2 weeks
2.5 weeks
2.6 weeks
10 business days
could you make the male darker?
>AI can't help but give him caucasoid features, so he just looks like a burnt anime guy instead of a nig
I made it
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Stealing is a crime, you know? Kill yourself.
you first
Post step by step process anon, as detailed as you can be, please
Next month.
Link the thread pls
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2 business weeks
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nice booba
Is this the thread?
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BBC won?
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Can you guys help me out with a thing?

I'm using Stability Matrix ComfyUI - I'd like to do inpainting, but I don't like using Comfy on Web Ui.

Anybody knows how to use Inpainting on Comfy?
>Anybody knows how to use Inpainting on Comfy?
As om normal Comfy and not whatever you're using?
On Comfy you just use a VAE Encode (for Inpainting) node with the image, VAE and your masked area to inpaint connected to it, then you just connect that to a Ksampler
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>tfw pre-pony a1111 fag
>didn't gen for god knows how long
>don't understand shit now with pony models, different SD interfaces like Forge etc. etc.
>posting in the spammer thread
real one's at
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Repost? Im confused
Man 1.5 looks so much better... I wish it wasn't so much work to tard wrangle it, you start to think sdxl loras manage but then you see an image with sovl and you know it's all shit...
Any comparisons between 1.1 and 1.3?
I know you can't please everyone, but she was the best girl I've ever seen when you genned her with giant tits..
Only if I could gen while at work
No I just don't like the preview images for 1.3 kek
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the sentiment is still appreciated, thanks for your images
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Cute gen, but the gens of sex itself are quite boring, aren't dynamic.
Based ZZZ NPC enjoyer
Does anybody have a necrosmos pony lora?
I knew some looked like ZZZ screenshots
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That's scaling for you. Simpler models with less parameters both take less GPU-hours absolutely and don't need to be trained for as long per-parameter to achieve optimal output. Probably XL is significantly underbaked, that's why Pony managed to get such a significant performance upgrade by just training it more in a non-retarded way.
1.5 is still shit though, undisputed king of 1girl standing but good luck getting anything else without a dedicated LORA or 90% of outputs being disturbing fleshpots.

Decent Flux H checkpoints when?

Bitch ruined his nice dress slacks with that lube.
> large sagging breasts apart
This is peak
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Catbox of her sucking cock, riding cock and taking it up the ass??
Thoughts on Copycat?
Catbox please?
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is novelAI actually worth subbing for or should i stick with pony

does it actually give better images
Pony better overall with good loras + it's free
Especially for sexy hentai! The loras are just a cherry of sexiness on top!!
if the horsefucker didn't prune artists and characters it would be huge win against nai
I hate that pony has those unkillable jpeg artifacts, they just drive me mad.
How do I change facial expressions to a specific inpainted one when generating?
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heres another
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Anyone able to pull prompt metadata from this? I’m retarded
Nah, I don't see any metadata nor stealth png info. I can only say for sure that it's nai
Hot as fuck
I'd also like to get this pixiv user's mix but too bad pixiv wipes it
I swear Pixiv used to keep NAI metadata but oh well.
This guy’s generations are ridiculously good. I just want something similar for my own characters without much effort.
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Wait somethings off because
this random guy from another board dropped his pixiv once and I was about to grab tags from one of the pictures just now still. I think the only time NAI stuff is gone is if they have to edit it in another program afterwards to fix / censor it.
It would make sense, especially the picture >>8207373 posted. The artist added the black censor lines in post, so all metadata was likely lost in that step unfortunately. Curse the japanese.
Either way. Curious if anyone get a generation close to that. I would like to mess it it myself
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this NAI template feels like it works well with anybody
Help me please. I haven't been doing AI image generation in like a year and a half and I figured I'd come in and check the new models

I download AutismMix SDXL

And suddenly it's like I'm starting this for the very first time all over again. All of the prompt templates I had saved for things like Waifu_diffusion 1.4 and such are just not spitting out anything respectable. Faces fucked. Fingers shitty. Like I said, it's like I'm suddenly completely new.

What exactly am I missing here. Is there some new prompt template we all switched over to?
You need to make new templates when you transition and redownload all of your loras.

To begin with, you need "score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up," in the beginning of all your gens. Only remove when you start using loras or you are ready to start experimenting with them. Same thing with "score_6, score_5, score_4" in the negative prompt lora

If you're not using loras, then type as usual although you may need to re:adjust your weights. If you are using loras, I prefer to put them after the score tags but it doesn't really matter all too much
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cant tell if bait or not but I format every prompt the same,
score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, source_anime, (Location)
girl tags, scene description

Loras if used.

catboxing prompt so you can open the prompt in your UI or a text editor and see how I format.

I really wish I was rusing you.

what the fuck is a Lora.
lmao, how far along were you anon? Did you just use the basic orangemixes and that's it?
Going by the file details in my Stable Diffusion Folder, the last time I ever touched anything in it was June 19, 2023.

As I remember things, the big thing at the time was custom model merges. SD1.5, Waifudiffusion, Hentai Diffusion, then yeah, Orangemixes, that sounds right.

It's really funny to me that I'm reminiscing about some outdated technology as if its something from a decade ago like some old game console or something.

Here's what I generated off of that exact prompt.
You can think of loras as things that you can add to prompts to add different features into the image/model. If you use an artist lora you can impart the style of said artist into the image. if you use a concept of an outfit/or position you can impart those into it.

the lora in that image is the thing at the bottom <lora:mugiotoko2:1> the 1 is the strength of the lora and can be between 0.0-1 (can be higher if needed)

since you have been away for so long you may also need to update or install a new webui. Most people these days are on Forge (an updated version of A1111), A1111 or comfy.

I would just start stealing catboxes or asking for them from people of stuff you like and try to copy them to learn.
I'm sure the OP has better links that explain it, but essentially a lora is a "plug in" of sorts that was trained on specific thing/concept in order to replicate it during generation.

Most notably, you'll find it used on artist styles, poses, and some objects on /hdg/. So if you really like cutesexyrobutts as an artists, you can find a lora of them and call it in your prompt so that your results will look like they drew the image.

You can have multiple loras active at once and some people "mix" them together by calling multiple artist loras and changing how much weight/ emphasis is placed during the generation process. See the following: https://files.catbox.moe/nr25yv.png
Can someone help me out making a lora out of a dataset i made? It's for the artist Yuu Yumezakura. They have some similarities to artist like shuz in that they like to draw oppai lolis but they also draw regular girls too. I asked in the other thread but i figured i'd try asking here. 74 images, all tagged.
I second what this anon says

Also, see example of how the score tags impact generation: https://files.catbox.moe/0oh1lz.png

Mind you, I still have the negatives active
>Yuu Yumezakura
I bet I can find more images and a few of these needs to be edited I can work on this soon ish.
Thank you, anon. Most of the images are going to be of that "Oppai loli chan" character they have so be careful you're not training her instead.
no promises I'll have it done quickly. I can assume it might be tmr afternoon or 2 days or so. If I like what I get ill post it on my civ and link it here.
Last thing before I log off /edg/ has been getting some good posters with nice styles. You may want to check there if you want to use the loras they have
catboz please?
/r/ing Princess Peach
Thank you once again
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Here's a quick one.
trained with pony? I'll test it later
when i can.
Yeah. It was trained using base Pony, but I generated my sample images on Reweik.
What's that?
Just another Pony derivative. I jump back and forth if I prefer it or Autism Pony.
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you just know this is a r3c lora because of the weird blue hue
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>"You can quickly default to danbooru tags using the Load button, or load/manage other custom word lists."

I believe that this autocomplete danbooru tag list isn't as accurate to Pony as the rule34 tag list is. Am I correct? Does anyone have the better list?
sexy af
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/r/ing an old lady Ranma-Chan edit
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Does it have an inbuilt realistic shading tag or something?
any Naruto girls?
I've been out of the loop for a while, are we in the phase where model-mixes actually matter or is it all cope and Pony is just fine?
Tofu is new goat. Only downside is tofu is bad at complex sex scenes.
model-mixes were always a jeet tier technique and sdxl's higher magnitude of parameters has shed a light on how dumb of a method is in getting substantial improvements.
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thanks anon i'll check it out
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Loving the Lora so far. looking forward tot he final version!
this is nice
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but can it do orochi shermie?
Flux H finetune when?
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Good enough?
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>any Naruto girls?
nta but nice
Too flat. Give her a stomach and hips at least.
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Here's a peace offering
File deleted.
>Too flat.
no such thing
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Was the wrong version
I will NEVER give my girls hips and... a stomach??!! Gen it yourselves, disgusting freaks of nature!
What are you, gay?
she looks like she needs a sandwich.
instead of "skinny" i go with (skinny:0.5)
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There's no skinny tag there, I rarely or never use it. The only tag in positives that describes her body is medium breasts.
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stayed up late last night and worked on my version, and its done. May post it to civ later today.

4chan literally says
>{chloe von einzbern,} fat.png
literally me
She's actually kind of cute like that.

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