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>Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>THE PRIMALS Live in Japan

>Future Meetups
- Sept 21, 8pm EDT | Ultros, Primal The Mist Ward 20, Plot 34 | Twin Peaks meet up Season 2 episode 1 and 2 >>494662829
- Sept 29, 1:50 AM EST | Ravana, Materia. Solution Nine, Residential Radius 9-11 (X:9.1, Y:20.8) | Letter from the Producer LIVE Part LXXXIII >>494666281
- Oct 5, 5pm PST | Balmung, Crystal Shirogane W7 P26 | Zombie Movies! Warm Bodies (2013) and Zombieland (2009) >>494706846

Previous: >>494702058
am I good rapebait? :3
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if only this world were so kind as to let me EB an A rank...
what is it about mooncats
show face
catboys won
Gm Chaos anons
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push the crystal!!!

queue crystal cc @ 11:35 et
Sex with catgirls
Reapers did it better.
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Please have self confidence S.Y.
Sally the Sweeper does it for free
korkana's dad will love this
how do I woo a femra
What is it about this general or game that seems to attract so many failed men? Surely you're all pretending and don't actually believe you're a woman now right?
Is this Sophie?
sophie yumitori beenosis
Sophie was the most boring dead fish ebin I’ve ever had the displeasure of plapping
my middie has angel eyes
one look and you're hypnotized
he'll take your heart but you must pay the price
im not a woman
im just gay
>get to know anon
>hang out a bit
>give him a little attention
>now he comes to my island and afks
>when i go to my house
>hes there afking
>when i go to my fc
>he goes there to afk
>i cant escape this nigger
>hes more clingy than ebins
>i tell him several time im not trying to edate
>still at my heel like a puppy
>i cant blocklist or throw him out because he knows like 5 people i know, too
fuck i should just turn that character into yet another submarine alt, shouldnt i.
i want a classroom how do i make a classroom
I don't believe I'm a woman, I believe I'm better than a woman in all ways including but not limited to taking dick.
Just be nice to us.
So are we going to get more high heel posting
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Post femras !
aren't you a guy though?
who likes other guys?
>tits visible from the back
very good
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Okay I'm no longer asking I'm DEMANDING my Midbot-3000-EB to be delivered to my front door.
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what indeed
just say something? are you a faggot scared of conflict?
his personality is having no personality
good pamperbait, like all raen are
>i cant blocklist or throw him out because he knows like 5 people i know, too
Yes you can
Don't let clingy idiots walk all over you
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I am a cat that managed to clear M1S with my M8's i was blind felt great!
I said "cute femra" and she responded with "tyty <3"
what do I do now
fiddie thighs
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I've only got a werther's original, some strawberry bon bons, and a hairpin in my pocket, is that okay?
I think that was only like a minute minute warning.
I thought Sophie was really fun, but I lead things well I guess.
Post bunnies

How does this man have so much money to spend on commissions?
it's over you blew it
May I tribute
I helped this cat clear M1S and I didn't even get plapped for my troubles.
Malelala x Femlala
I want to do lewd pics with your femra
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>am I good rape bait
>White skin
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Sage or AST
I'm never taking them to raid I'm just being indecisive about leveling them.
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Dont objectify my mechanical brothers
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Ask about her and what she likes
I have a sincere question for the people here who say stuff like this. Like, let's say I'm a failed male. What exactly am I supposed to do? When I was a man, everyone bullied me and called me a girl and said I was a girl and said I would be better off as a girl etc etc. After I said "Okay, then I WILL be a woman," suddenly now I AM a man and will never be a woman?

Like, is the subtext here really just "You should kill yourself"? I know that's kind of how most of you feel about trans women to begin with, but what's the logic? It seems like there's no way for me to win if I'm not masculine but have a penis. I basically fit the bill for a woman to such a tee that I even get people reciting the same tired misogynist shit to be constantly as if I was a biofem. So what the fuck am I supposed to do? lol
nothing else to spend money on
What is the crafting plugin that allows you to spam facial expression emotes?
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Sunday Bunday.
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Tanned. That femra is tanned.
I'm laughing and crying at the same time right now.
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I got gud
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This thread doesn't like bush so I can't really post any of them :c
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They were moved to different projects like FFXVI.
>Banri Oda,
Chief loremaster and world designer as well as main writer for the MSQ of ARR, is no longer on XIV directly outside of his occasional lore advisor checks (part of why we cant get new built up lore and have to go to new locations that can be built from scratch so as not to contradict existing lore).
>Michael-Christopher Koji Fox,
The man who basically made the ENG version what it was. If you like it, he almost certainly had a hand in it. He was the chief localizer, a writer even on the Japanese side, and was the "Do it" man for Yoshi-p and Oda. He was moved to XVI and is now on a new project.
>Natsuko Ishikawa,
She was basically the rising star writer who started on side content and then put out one of the most (arguably the most) beloved MSQs in ShB even after they had to completely redirect their plans after SB's poor reception. She is no longer the head writer but it is unclear what her role in the company is now. Its possible they may have her on another project as well to reprieve from basically saving the game over night. (Im not saying she's the best writer, Im talking on a corperate level).
The man himself is a figure head, at this point, with little visible input on the game. It seems like more and more he is "senior produceing" rather than actually being hands on with the project. But at one time, without him there was no XIV. Arguably, with his absence, what we have might not be XIV as he made it anymore.

What the fuck happened is they took a doomed game, rebuilt it, and turned it into such a success, Square Enix literally cant go on without it. But they know it wont last forever, so for almost as long as the game has been alive, SE corperate has been bleeding the XIV team of its best members, putting them elsewhere and trying to get another big hit that they can use to stand on long enough not to need XIV.
I respect that, It wasn't really my intention of including gays in that observation. I've work on oil rigs with gays who are tough as nails.
Like gardening right?
so uuuhhmmm yeah got any fiera or rava with bush perchance.....
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WHAT'RE THOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSE but unironically I love Crocs and need a pair for my fiddie.
I was observing how flat.
Ah fuck I accidentally queued CC as sage with no portrait
Post this bun's bun on my face please.
This one too.
This one too.
Let's hold hands.
Texans just won right now
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My middie feels like this rn
korkana and sophie have been two of my biggest lolcows in my 5 years here please do not discourage them from posting
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I like your bunny a lot
>uglier FAS faces
>stupidly huge pupils that look worse than sunnie eyes and question why you even picked a cat character
>shit markings
>stupid blue skin
>all have a vapid brainless 1000yd stare
Moonies huh...so ugly...so basic...so much worse...
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My femra is like this
Why didn't you just focus on normal self improvement? Like weight lifting, reading and proper diet.
Literally never happens. Femlalas only like biggers and malelalas only like other malelalas.
my moonie looks like this
Are we going to hold hands...
is there more..
Yeah while I pound your femra from behind
Enjoy, cutie.
>So what the fuck am I supposed to do? lol
You're gonna suck this cock. You're gonna suck this cock good. You're gonna suck... THIS COCK. CLEAN! RIGHT NOW!!!
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>try athena blind
>get rekt over and over
>raid is surprisingly still nice
I'm sorry for being shit.
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Damn femras making me act up.
That's the thing I struggled with. I can't say I have a great answer, but develop a humiliation fetish.
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queueing as PLD
Post face
i am not tough as nails, i wear skirts and shave everything smooth
please continue to insult me
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You just buried three arrows in my malera's shoulder. You're pacing back and forth now, beaming with pride as my malera staggers back and falls to his knees. As you prepare to deliver what you anticipate is the killing blow, your lips part with a smirk and you ask "Any last words?"

My malera looks up at you and returns to his feet. He yanks the arrows from his bloodied shoulder and snaps them in his grasp before unsheathing his sword. "Yeah," he answers. "...that the best you can do? Heh... then this will be a piece of cake."
What's the secret for good male glamours?
I can't actually prove this for hopefully obvious reasons, but I know somebody on the localization team for XIV. Although they don't work directly with her, I've been told that apparently her fame within the company sort of turned her into a typical asshole/diva type. Basically got full of herself and now most people don't want to work with her, which is why she got shuffled around.

Again, this is just what I heard basically thirdhand. But it would explain why she seems to have mysteriously been moved off MSQ even though it was pretty clear she was killing it. Even Endwalker was extremely well received despite all of its flaws.
gross modbeast
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we continue slapping our friends around
crystal cc @ 2:40 et
does anyone want to color contrast my pale white catgirl
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May I sexpest?
But why would you want that? My bun would like that, but only if you're really offering.

That's nice, but what does that have to do with me, yeehaw?
How do I kill on PVP Viper
the ebin i wanted in queue signed off so i shall nap for an hour and try again
people react better to me when i deny my masculine side. i just wanna sit around and bullshit and if you're a male there has to be like an agenda or a plot but as a female people are cool with just sitting around. or maybe as a male it's me that's not ok with sitting around. i've crossdressed irl before and have no fear of getting sucked into some freaky transitioning shit so it doesn't bother me and i also don't fetishize being feminized
I tell him I'm pf age and not a tranny and he sulks and slinks away
sure, thoughts on slightly tanned sunnies?
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EB like this?
May I tribute...

Just open your twt DMs if yes...
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laid bare
I want to pose with this cat
not contrasting enough
¿Qué pasó, Sophie? Tu madre no te crió para actuar así.
I wish himcesses were women IRL
I don’t remember making this post
t. thighposter
My moonie does this but only when she likes you a lot
Yeah, of course.
My mouth
What? Well, first of all, that doesn't seem relevant - what's done is done, so you're just avoiding the question. In any case, I'm afraid I fail to see what that has to do with anything. I actually did and still do work out (although obviously I don't weight lift, I mostly do cardio and leg stuff), I read plenty, and... okay, my diet sucks, but I'm not fat or whatever. How would any of those things made me a man, or taken away the feelings that I wasn't one? I'm genuinely asking, I assume that I must be missing something.
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Wrought from the rock that stands upon old
With heart of black and a stare that's cold
Cold are the hands that grasp at your soul
'Fore the graves are dug and the death knells toll.
Tempered in the flows of the mountain's core
Where the rage runs red twixt shore and shore
Shorn from the world 'neath the blazing sun
Bound to the dark, for the light I shun
Bow down overdweller (under the weight)
Bow down overdweller (under the weight)
Bow down overdweller (under the weight)
Bow down overdweller (in hell I wait)
>*places a banana peel on the ground, which your femlala crush steps on causing her to slip while a slide whistle sound plays*
Himcesses are better at being women than women because they actually know what a man wants and don't make things awkward or turn into bitches if you can't read their minds.
so do they
Just make something you like bro
wife material
This one isn't even that bad.
Just a gay hrothgar
now this is peak tribute bait
I thought they were a cute weird femra couple who were just slightly cringe and korky was lewd, but now they're full blown lewd, what happened? At this point I wouldn't be surprised if i saw the two of them in an alleyway in ul'dah sucking people off for single gil pieces, Did i miss something?
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You cannot stop me. Middies are just NPC bots with fleshy skinsuits, so might as well tear the suit off and get to the real binary meat and potatoes.
i want an eb like this, and i want a moonie eb like this even more
>XIV up to SHB
>XIV post SHB
prison gay rationalization 101
Well by your own admission there you imply that being trans was an insult and allowed others to dictate your course of life into one, that is why you are a failed man. Did you ever once consider not living your life like you're still in high school and saying what the fuck do I care what you faggots think?
Thats a shame. I understand needing to move her, but now she's only all the more justified.
no booba?
Same lol, their personalities are awesome but unfortunately a man's body will never hold a candle to a woman's body
i wish someone would tribute me
not my wol
Shaking hamplanet roastie hands typed this post.
I shant stand for this, have at thee, foul wrench
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Don't use your normal combo unless literally everything else is on CD. Throw out your ranged move twice on lone targets. Don't be afraid to limit break and go full berserker on whoever you target cause it comes up super fast assuming you followed step one.
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male middies
H-hum... I'm afraid of rejection...
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hehe rapin time
Spooky Club! This week continuing our Haruhi adventures!

We'll be meeting back on Dynamis again this week since congestion did end up being an issue last week on Famfrit.

>What is Spooky Club?
Spooky Club is a light RP meet up about cryptids, conspiracies, and other strange occurrences. We also watch stuff sometimes.

Don't be rude or lewd

• September 18, 9:00 PM EDT | Marilith, Goblet W16 P15 | Spooky Club: Haruhi
>this was formed solely from the memories of Sphene's citizens
won what
>Le contrarian 4chinz
post-HW was boring
I forgot to reply to this but I actually do have a humiliation fetish because of this.
>at being women
You meant to say "at being sex objects for men", which is not what women are. It's okay to just say you're gay, friend. It's the current year.
Sorry, I read this post like 3 times and I genuinely have no idea what the fuck you're saying. I'm guessing you're a low IQ specimen so I'm going to disengage now. See ya!
Their overwhelming power
Sex time again......
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what's this ff14 tranny drama my poe streamers are talking about
Where'd your boobs go
A /pet!!!
cause i spot you :^)
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I was gonna say how did you know I was a moonie but then I remembered I said that...
What on earth
People dont just randomly feel like the opposite gender. They see it as an opportunity. They realize being a girl, even a fake one, is life on easy mode. The people in your story were mocking you idiot, they weren't literally telling you to try and become one. Now you've just gone and made yourself even worse in the eyes of most people.
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Cute fiddie!
Anon when he realizes seekers and keepers share face models and all that changes is the textures
It sounds like you have a fetish and not a tranny. Just because you have a crossdressing fetish doesn't mean you think you are a woman and I'd hope you don't allow other mentally ill fucks to infect you into thinking you actually are
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lord above
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My malera grabs you by the horns and pulls you into biting range. You can feel the heat of his labored panting on your lips.
His large, muscular hand wraps itself around your throat and starts to choke you with a certain tenderness.
You cannot break away from my malera's piercing gaze as it strips your soul naked.
That can't happen if you don't post butt and/or thighs.
>I do have a humiliation fetish
Then you've made it.
>foul wrench
Funny enough your typo is the exact choice of weapon I have against your defenses.
You shall become the housebot all middies are meant to be- ignoring the override to be gilspammers underneath the Limsa Aetheryte.
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That's fucked up.
day 600 of SE not making a single good rapier model
i did both last thread...
Moonie moment if there ever was one
holy MOLY
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>You shall become the housebot
can i just be a househusband like i already am
What the hell are you talking about? Man you people are retarded. Please talk to any human being outside of this website - man, woman, anything. Just one human being whose entire belief system hasn't been learned through the web. Christ.
This general truly is tranny adjacent
>this is who is on epstein's island
adds up.
Is that the world-famous "Goon Island"? We Like This™
Hon hon hon Eiffel Tower Baguette to you too surrenderoid.
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How dangerous is this plogon? Should I only use it on trial accs?
Some sexpest cunt raider tried to be an ally to women and it backfired on him.
That's it
I love femezen so much it's unreal
It was on purpose... it's a pun
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>Middies are just NPC bots with fleshy skinsuits, so might as well tear the suit off and get to the real binary meat and potatoes.
The council will not stand for this mistreatment of Middies, we are all real human players with a side hustle for RMT'ing
Thou shall not tear our flesh
How do you install it? There is no way to just add it with dalamud
Can't be more dangerous than the MSQ cutscene skip one.
I can humiliate you. I can affirm you. I can make you feel like a woman. You need only render yourself unto me.
Scary guy.
did you do that on purpose... you already had me at "my moonie does this"
It's Final Fantasy XIV. Do you really think the devs give a shit? There is no danger in using plugins unless you're blatantly hacking, on stream, with thousands of followers, for DAYS at a time.
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>Sex time again......
It's always that time in the evenings, you know the rules...
damn what meetup is this
I like to switch it up & run around without the Big mods sometimes
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my fiddie isn't an npc
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sky high is but a vehicle to drive the crystal into the goal

queue crystal cc @ 6:30 et
The worse part is how tedious it all is.
Not enough to dump several thousand poetics into a single relic, gotta go through 6000000000 fucking steps and walking between vendors
You're in denial. This is clearly going nowhere based on how you're replied to all the replies you got so far.
you just now realized this??
That's literally a lie lmao. Cheek and lip shape are entirely different for some. Moonies even have the "mouth breathing" face.
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Fiera wife for my femezen
Wonder if I should say stiff like this when I get lewd with my wife next time
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>Eric is dead
>Athena is dead
>decide to interact with bottle in my inventory
>maybe my WoL will have a sad sip
>instead, she shakes the bottle and sprays some wine all over everyone
That one episode will be cut from the WoL's memories.
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I think your pun SUCKED
the one he posted last thread
It was posted a couple threads ago.
Denial of what??? I agree that this is going nowhere, I should have remembered that the mongoloid manchildren here are incapable of abstract thought. This is what you get with sub-80s I guess.
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Wow. Nice job.
i'm logging off if i get skipped again in cc
>Moonies even have the "mouth breathing" face.
Anon...... when was the last time that you checked face 4 suncats?
fiera wife for my miera
Goon Island which is dhalia's claim to fame
reminds me of when she tried to make her house the official /xivg/ afk place during the DB arc until Leviah and some other big name ebins pushed back against her tyranny
The khaganate did not agree upon this, return the boobs immediately or suffer the consequences.
Femezen husband for my femezen
I'll never get to say this
I-I mean my middie won't
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>puts target to kill matk on you
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If your reply to every single reply made to your post is "You dont make any sense" then you're either retarded or pretending to be some weird smug genius. I hope things get worse for you.
Their lips don't open
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aiiiiiiiiiiiiie zodiark have mercy
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I promise I didn't. I'm absent minded like that. I don't wanna get your hopes up tho I already have an EB. She still takes throatpies from anons
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nta but face 4 is cute on both clans
I'm sorry I forget that talking to trannies isn't the same as talking to a real person. Sounds like your earlier observation about everyone telling you to kill yourself should give you an idea of that.
does ffxiv have pajeets
no, i'm perfectly aware that when they do they're just projecting their own fetishes onto me
when i was a kid my grandma would meet with her girlfriends and have these girl-only parties where they'd eat these awesome snacks and sit around and gossip, so me and my brother crashed their party by dressing like girls so we could enjoy the snacks and gossip
when i play femra that's basically what i'm doing, i'm eating snacks and talking with the girls
Except they told everyone to get out because they didn't want their ff house as the xivg tweeked hangout spot?
Why do trannies like you always moan and complain about how lonely you are and how much your life sucks then literally ignore my advances every time? Like, I don't get it?? Isn't getting a boyfriend one of the most gender-affirming and womanly things you can do? A sign that you've made it, as. A. Woman?
>try a bunch of different servers
>dps wait time: 15+minutes
should I give up in leveling up Viper to play through Dawntrail?
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I literally told people not to make my fc house the new hang out spot and to not stay there too long. What kind of historical revision are you trying to pull?
hello chaser-kun
post cock :3
ala mhiggers are close
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Good morning /xivg/ (Especially Domans and Gridanians)
You don't need to queue to level viper. Just level it.
thats fine... just make sure to due diligence, moonie anon. post your moonie.
go to bozja
Right, I forgot they only fixed face 4 moonie mouth geometry because of the fangs. Same reason why suncats have a darker tongue.
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>Moonies even have the "mouth breathing" face.
You have no fucking idea how cute I find that little gap. I was legitimately upset when they got rid of it, and ecstatic when they brought it back.
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>the thread
Do you mean datacenters? Because switching servers won't do anything.
Run some fates while in queue or go into bozja.
godDAMN that's a meaty tail
It's nice to hear that because many do not have the self awareness you seem to have about others wanting company in their misery.
is this a pp lizard
>so desperate to demonize ebins they make shit up
At least make it believable
is it possible to put chara.dat in game without anamnesis?
male middie(1/6) for my femra
What counts as a failed male?
Would any of the femezen have a +?
Can confirm, i recall Dhalia getting sick of people bumming around his house and told them to find a new hangout spot during the DB arc
EB me
gger ska
nice malera
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>smoke detector somewhere outside room chirps
>wait for it to chirp again to make sure i'm not hearing things
>chirps again
>go out to figure out which one it is
>doesnt chirp again
you guys are turning me schizophrenic
why the long face?
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i hate it here
yeah, tried the ones available and oceania (never again) except cristal, that one was locked because of how full they are, and the timers are around the same
I think it's time to go back to war
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>I kinda horny
*laughs chorously*
Maybe I should find an eb
So tongue-in-cheek... >.>
I might be retarded but I'm not autistic...
1/6th a male middie is just a lalaboy
Any male that still plays video games, posts on 4chan, or thinks he's a woman.
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She has very strong genes. It's from her father's side of the family, you understand.
Tell me how to get that fiddie's look
I want to steal her body mod.
have you tried loving it here instead
that should fix the problem
i dont care what disorders you have i care about how many inches you have
nyow whip it out :3
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Tornado Kick.
Tornado Kick.
Elixir Burst.
Tornado Kick.
Wind's Reply.
Fire's Reply.
Perfect Balance.
Tornado Kick.
Tornado Kick.
Elixir Burst.

You may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like.
Could just ask random healers you see about if they want to do a dungeon run with you
The husband femezen might, or a collection of potions and straps
gn thread
I didn't stutter.
Do you want a psychotic fiera EB, and do you play a female character, on Balmung?
I am sorry anon, but these hips are for bearing Doman children, not making them.
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middie detected
I love you Maemi Tayu.
(face 1)(face 6) middie
>*shoots u with a gun killing u instantly*
How psychotic?
>cant even buy normal smoke detectors anymore
>its all 3 linked together via wifi and they beep and shit if something is wrong or if they are not linked together and its a pain
>throw them all out because they were beeping once a week, at least
if i die, i die
this is forced but it's still hot ngl
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me when I heckin capture a femra
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this'll be my last one! ty as always for coming to my calls.

crystal cc @ 10:15 et
dont forget to dash then use ranged attack on solos for big dick burst, do it twice.
the combo when your LB finisher is up is
dash -> ranged attack -> dash -> ranged attack -> dash -> LB finisher
My cock isn't very photogenic... he's 4.3 inches long...
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it's like 50% of the reason i went moonie again
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Now this is interesting. The model is the same in the game files so the mouth open is done like customize rather than a base model feature.
Also face 2 eyebrows are joined with the eyelashes for some reason, it's the only face option that does this.
My male middie is not feeling great tonight.. so he's just gonna drug himself and sleep even more.
Good night xivg..
You will be doing the needful
sorry im not really a moaner the only way for me to make a vocaroo is to force it
Good night
nta but another chaser

just about 8
That's tough to say.. but it'll be fun.
nini middie!
bout 4
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Sleep well.
when is my catboy gonna get his shid sucked sloppy style by a miera again
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good night homeboy, feel better tomorrow, drink plenty of water.
Please respond. There is no repo .json to add to dalamud, it's not in there by default, and dropping the downloaded folder off github into the dalamud plugins did nothing.
shit i forgot to add

>when i made food, one would go off
>this in turn would make them ALL go off
>so i would have to pull 3 batteries before making dinner
hello goopnose
Femra(2) for my male middie (6)
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it's the fangs
cute goopnose
No... do I have to? You're gonna be disappointed for sure
Should I get on to play Frontlines?
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today i learned th most valuable lesson a tank can learn
U have to press provoke before a tank swap buster goes off, not as its happening
Some of you need to have higher standards for yourselves
what the fuck is that thing
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no i didnt think about that its very smart let me try
no still hate it sorry
I doubt a single one of these kids knows what they are doing. 100% some kike just walked up and offered them a few dollarydoos to do make this "really cool pose"
did you finish? please share more in the future
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dead game
My femezen can only do straps, she's allergic to potions.
My femra is at work and is hyperventilating, hugs pls
I'm only rank 4 in the PvP series. Do I have enough time to get to rank 25 before it ends?
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erm.. the politically correct term is gutenose...
that's the other 50%
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Now that I became a commanding officer surely it is only a matter of seconds before I attract my fourth squad mate and send them on specops?
We really do..
No one cares about middie(5) anymore
namielle from monster hunter?
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My DRK Miera is, once again, Grimm-coded
I’m going to Alice
gl sis
that posture looks rough
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YAB large and scaling
just go increase the width n stuff
or use one of the million presets on xma
if these are too big in some places just lower the number a bit
that never happened
it's onsal today
if you feel like it, go for it
*dies and becomes a cool dead wife anime trope character*


*hugs really tight and pets you gently* it's gonna be okay, breathe in and out slowly and remember that you're safe
no i'm v self conscious and only my wife sees it
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Anyone know how I can edit pictomancer motifs with my own images? Asking for a friend.
qrd on grape cat?
I love this artist, when they draw cute wholesome stuff. I ignore the others
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but it did
and he did more than that, too
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This happened
Where is the janny
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>look more into it
>suncat face 4 does have lips parted
Stop making up shit retards.
okay but pale tan or xeno
No, you're a gay man larping as a tranny... trannies aren't this desperate for cock...
Nice to see the thread is shit as always tonight.
not yet !! :x
sorry anon but it's a commodity, i don't post it in public
do you want a big smooch on the mouth? would that help?
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>"Hey what should I gpose?"
market is oversaturated but you guys are still considered the most handsome
t. middie(1)
i would never be disappointed in a moonies.
there's no announced end date yet but i wouldn't be surprised if it ends in 7.1, or some time shortly after that
i'd assume right now you have a month or two
also dont ever stop hitting people evn if they have guard, 1/4thg of your abilities go through guard
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Ah! Officer, Congratulations! I knew you were the kind of level head that'd earn such an accolade. Tell me, how go the relations between the Maelstrom and the Twin Adders?
A thousand blessings, woman who gets me harder than God.

Nowhere. He's shitposting with us.
Of course
My male midlander plapping you
the gouncil hath decided upon goopnose many years ago
Yeah I'll kick your teeth in for a bit.

Some of them got to eat that day so it worked out.
Become a face 2 femra and do the "hello my fellow kids" meme
ok but did u see my post
You licking my catboybutthole.
so when you guys are in a group like that, half naked, at least one of you have to be jerking off right? i mean come on
Talk to her and ask
Better than it was last night.
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anything from shitty healer manga
kind of a qt that i'm going to pet next time i see
I'm still voting for your lala flashing one of those tits out of that top, a real one this time!
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Yeah it was the worst one.
Thinking about fantaing off middie, bros
I can't believe my solo FC is having drama again. I'm so tired of these fucking retards.
why do you think it's called Goon Island bro
My male middie (6) is very ugly and no one likes him, his ptom is always empty
your femlala being spaghettified by a black hole
some unabashed slut cat with purple highlights
I respect my friends too much to masturbate to their toons and I hope they'd do the same for me
Annoying attentionwhore tourist that spends money on shitty art.
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funny match thanku for queues
bro is at the lolicon bench :skull: :skull:
i dont remember what my male middie's face is
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Oh, good morning diplomat. Stil trying to piece out what part of Doma you're from...I suppose our deployment on LB-14 area did a number on strengthening relations. Got any more of those Doman comic books, by the way?
Can my male character have some fun
What ever happened to Edda Vincents? I used to see them in Pearl Lane all the time.
Post him
idk if my friend has their ass and tits shaking in my face, i gotta give the cocky some boing boing.
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Good night /xivg/
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it was a funny match
and of course! always nice to have people to cc with, idm calling as long as there is!
i cede to the gouncil's decision
I like to wear lewd clothing as a sunnie boy since I hope people are aroused by it.
Can this cowra be your 4th squad mate?
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A wry grin spreads across my malera's lips as your gaze meets his. "Heh... big mistake," he remarks, before hooking his thumbs around your horns and butting his head against yours.

With deliberate slowness, my malera's void-black third eye creeks open, the vast hollows within siphoning the aether from your being. "You'd dare to meet my gaze? Very well... watch closely, and know how my hell burns. Know my despair... Feel my wrath... Know my rage... Feel... my... hate...!!!"
Like gardening r-right?
i sleep
This is why you only have internet friends.
Ooooh boys just wanna have fuunn~
One of the less annoying ebins to actually talk to
Only problem I have is that she afks on weekdays for a long time
I'll go if someone will jerk off to my character without me having to have him talk to me while he does it.
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i got bored
your ranged burst and/or lb, in most cases
you can also try to chip through guarded targets with a hunter's snap combo but it's not consistent, considering
you're there more for crystal/objective pushing and contributing to damage in general than to secure kills and hunt others down
it's more a 'support dps' ala samurai than anything else, except you don't bring as much 1v1 potential to the table
as long as you try to maintain uptime on your targets and not die in the process, you'll be fine
Filtered his garbage after his second post.
reading a book!
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Modders of /xivg/, I beseech thee, lend me your aid! I have vague memories of being able to repair exposed skin textures on certain gear mods with the push of a button using penumbra before DT but I never got that into modding that much. I just converted one of my favorite pre-DT mods and slapped it on, but it's having some issues. Are there any current workarounds for this?
I am
a meeeeeeena heeeeere
decorating my apartment
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I want
to raid!!!!
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If you say so...
ok sorry for disturbing you
so do it then anon
what base body are you using
what body is the gear for
can i show you my cock?
now smooch
oh it's you i'm disappointed.
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smashed a beer bottle against the wall because I can't find a reshade I like
I'll go if someone will jerk off to my character and lets me tease him while he does it
aw man..
mains mch in cc but rotates to a lot of classes. one of the few people from this thread to reach out to me first and not be a sexpest within 3 messages
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time to queue as DRK
i am
a fiera on the hunt

but these fucking steppes are empty as shit
may I tribute
so do you guys actually erp, erp or just do some text fucking with emotes?
Might post my male character's cock later
my lalafell shall receive u?
My catboy? Still covered in Vaseline.
all 3
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Ridiculous. I guess it's just your steppe phenotype giving you those aweful jugs.
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with a little pride
a a little feet
we might make it through this thing after all
All three, and JOI.
quite rude...
i'm going to frontline do you guys want anything
can you do it soon? i might fall asleep
can you show your cock?
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I actually ERP or I flirt, I don't do the animation-fucking stuff
you'll have to change the skin texture the mod is defaulting to, go to advanced editing on the mod and then material reassignment and change the suffix to something like _bibo, _b or whatever it's supposed to be
yeah a himcess gf
(pick up a femra for me)
my rava acts like this
But commander I thought you liked them...
Where do I meet people like you? All i've met so far are people who do walls of erp ;-;
My catboy? He does drunk ERP at a 6th grade level.
this is the correct way
you dont want to be associated with me
More personality than most gooners
Oh those things? Perhaps a few will turn up eventually. I shall keep you appraised.
i recognize those
I like to ERP, but its hard to find someone from here who actually does too. Well, there are some, but I don't think they like my character, so its over
Definitely not on xivg, that's for sure.
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Fine, you still need to come home.
Middie council are just a bunch of bots spamming circlejerk nonsense and I’m tired of it. Have at thee
Funny man. You are spared.
Fiddies are master controllers, you are spared.
Hello based department?
actual story driven writing and gooning on the side
my rava acts like this
Mostly textfucking these days but very rarely I'll erp
Be nice!!!
What race do you play as?
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16 more RW wins then I get my mounts
I haven't joined /xivg/ content in months and the posts in this general are physically repulsive to me. Reckon it's time I stop coming here. See you tomorrow.
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i've been erping since before mare was a thing and i'm too old for change
whore implies i'm getting paid
trademark tits
>public pegging
damn that's some hot stuff
Easy slut
Top 5 male middies?
I want to take lewd pics of your moonie.
listen i made that post to be satire and then you said something in this reply that makes me feel like a jaded old man please stop
The only pink cat that gets to say be nice is MM.
Get your own schtick.
I fucking hate animations. I prefer to write and if I want to make something of it ill pose it inbetween taking turns
the ones that like tan femra
makes my dick hard when she calls me hun
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Give example of correct erp. I mostly just go with the flow
hot fire
I rarely erp now unless I'm really in the mood for it and it's with my close friend who I really enjoy.
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>there are 5 top male middies
>none of them have even pm'd me nor even approached me
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>c9 is over
Queueing up soon.
>doesnt use animations AND actual erp to goon with his bros
ya'll suck
30 more minutes...
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Once upon a time I did, nowadays I mostly just get art commissions with friends and talk about scenarios we fantasize our characters being in.
What does this bun smell like?
Collaborative writing essentially. Describing actions, dialogue
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>your door flies open, and my femlala waddles in holding a skillet in one hand and a plate in another
>the pan is still sizzling
>she approaches your desk and smiles nervously, but confesses that she couldn't get the food out of the pan and didn't wanna mess up the "yellow parts" so she just left it
>as she slides the plate onto your desk, she nervously tries to get the food out of the skillet and onto the plate, but it just slides around in the skillet and she's too nervous to give it a proper flick (she also couldn't find a spatula)
>finally, she just gives up and sets the spatula down on your desk (it's cooled by now, thankfully)
>she watches you grimace at it and says, a little defensively:
Well...? Eat it....
>gatekeeping a regular ass phrase
Good luck on your matches my future EB.
too much work to install mods
i have a good imagination, explain it to me. that's enough.
are you me?? except i draw our characters instead
You can say it, I give you permission. Loud and proud- what are you gonna be?
Shut up nigger I have spoken.
nice tits bro
Chances of me breeding this cat? I'm a nobody btw
Would be better if he posted more screenshots and less shitty western art.
i dont erp i just jerk off in discord video calls with the homies and secretly record them so i can jerk off to them again later
no thanks, you can have it.
Face 3 femra won.
holy moly
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It was the suffix thing! Both of the material suffixes on the mod were _b and I had to switch it to _bibo to test it out. I am in your debt and can now stop crying about my favorite modest bikini mod being gone forever.
I keep just running into text-fuckers instead of ERPers and I'm getting sick of it.
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My persecution complex is giving me such a big high right now
I'd love to, but I'm allergic to egg
invite my sunnie-.....
jaden's break didn't take long, huh? already getting raped in someone's house again
it's miller time
>can't get an egg out of a nonstick pan
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What is it you actually do except make Kunis, you ridiculous sow? Do you have a job of sorts? I'm still waiting to see you at the barracks.
Please do, diplomat. Your corsage is looking lovely today-fresh cut?
I like your style
is there a tbse version of this or only tbsex
Dumbest shit I've read today, and that pink cat tends to be pretty dumb.

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Very nice, if I had the time and skill for that I would definitely do that too.
i keep running into no-animations text-only autists and im frankly fucking sick of it
fucking americans cant afford a pc so they all on ps4
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"Oh, I can feel your hate alright. Now let me wipe that grin off your face."
My malera's hand moves so quickly you had no time to react. You feel his hand grasping your chin, then his thumb starts to press into your lips, and soon works its way into your mouth, try as you might to keep it shut.
As my malera pries open your mouth, you notice a devious smile beginning to form. Your jaw strength proves no match for my malera sensual grasp. Your mouth finally succumbs to its attacker and is left fully agape.
"Now let me teach you what defeat tastes like."
A wad of spit launches from my malera's mouth into yours.
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I actually ERP.
I'll use animations if it's made easy for me. I don't care much. I like the writing.
Didn't ask simp. Post your character.
all i wish to do is violently(in a consensual fashion) breed alisae and her mother
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stop bringing me food I never asked for this
Heard only theo likes them
dont worry bro i preordered a ps5 pro!
my malera is on the way to collect payment
I once went a month eating nothing but eggs so this is nothing to me and I eat it
If you suck at flipping eggs just put them under the broiler when one side is done
The next fiera that posts is getting tributed.
every ebin is just a bit of good attention away from plapping
I use Bimbo+ 1.0 w/ custom scaling
Thanks bro
do you know why shes wearing trunks instead of bikini bottoms
QRD on goon island?
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my husband
my husband
my husband
my husband
and my husband
which I'm making a pose of him on top of my rava right now
cc doko desu ka
This is the biggest advertisement to not download the proximity voice mod I’ve seen
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I like fucking futas
is theo really the only male middie that likes tan femra?
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I see... well, that's okay! Because it wasn't for you anyway! It was for me! Haha...! It was just a joke, you know? Haha...
>she takes the skillet, turns away from you quickly before you can see her expression, and leaves you alone
i would literally kill for a lala wife like this
My miera
I don't ERP because I've had irl gfs and used to sextext them. The idea of writing erotica for other grown ass men put me off.
Heard you have to fanta off femlala for that to happen
hey do you like bunboys
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>calls me a simp when he's defending some other pink whore
Get back here so I can anally rape you
Lavender and pine she mostly stays in the forests
Ok so I've been doing it right. I usually let my partner set the pace, but those are the best
Proper RP would tend to mean having a story and the character being separated from the player.
There's animations, then there's joi or dirty talk, then what's basically cybering, and then you have roleplay.
I used to have a bit of an elitest attitude toward people just playing a self insert and not actually roleplaying, but I don't care anymore as long as they can write.
hey :3
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>don't erp
>don't textfuck
>don't fuck with emotes
one of a kind baby
My malera is watching this
I only do animations and dirty talk. Actual erp is trash and is for faggots
I'm a pretty good tank, I can take a lot of hits...what are we going to do at the barracks?
Do you idle cuddle?
my femra is like this too
My sources tell me the rest either just like them pale or don't like them at all, so theo might be the only one
what should my moonie take a picture of
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Depends on what my partner wants. I can erp for a long time if we both have the time and interest for it, even multiple sessions following a plot. I can also just do really dirty fast erp sessions. Or just goon with animations. I will default for animations if no preference is given so we have time to go hang out with our friends still after.
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>I used to have a bit of an elitest attitude toward people just playing a self insert and not actually roleplaying
ah that shit drives me up the wall bro
"noo you neeed to set up an elaborate scene where you describe the two vases with what kind of flowers they have in them, or else i cant get off!!!!"
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>>finally, she just gives up and sets the spatula down on your desk (it's cooled by now, thankfully
>well aren't you going to eat it?
i'd like to but i don't know anyone that well lmfao
this is also my femra
I am also a male midlander that likes femra of all flavors, but I shant be posting him
Her ass
never done any of these
her feet and ass from behind
the first set of feet you see
Nothing tops story driven ERP for me! Animation stuff is something I'll only do if I'm also writing on the side, but I'd rather just pose between posts. They don't add too much for me, but if my partner wants them, I won't complain. I also write smut on my own and have been having a lot of extra fun writing stuff for a friend of mine to get off to.
My Moonie is watching this
killing myself post haste
Why, how kind of you to notice! It's an elementary trick of Geomancy, actually. A rather basic technique to keep cut flowers fresh.
>I also write smut on my own and have been having a lot of extra fun writing stuff for a friend of mine to get off to.
Why are you not EBed?
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My black lala looks and acts like this
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Why is rescue even in the game
>on a delay
>useless 99% of the time
>ineffective almost all the time
>pulls people into pits
>if you use it and the person dies you are 100% getting reported
>if you get reported in the above situationt eh GM is definitely giving you a warning or a 3 day ban at the elast
what's the point of it? I take it off my bars because it's just ass as an ability other than trolling
i erp erp but xiv's chatbox is honestly dogshit for erping because the character limit is very low not to mention the complete lack of formatting options which even shit like discord has in limited amounts

her ear
you can't just anonymously pet moonies
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I WILL shoot you if I have to.
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Try to squeeze you into a Lomisan' Soldiers Coat.
I keep it around in case some dead weight joins a roulette to save my mp not reviving them
What's wrong with theo.....
i use it to reposition tanks or pull them into packs dps have pulled ahead into, also towards the end of the fight in alliance i'll pull them towards the exit to expedite the run for everyone.

it's actually pretty useful.
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We like this
My femroe is watching this
and wondering who the fuck squished this maleroe
and what gym routine this malezen has been doing
>new healer in dungeon
>im greeding as a selfish dps and i know the fight, i can step out of aoe 1 second before i get hit
>healer pulls me into another aoe
you better believe im reporting them
Shut up Theo, god fucking damn. Everyone likes tanned femra.
my malera is pleased... you'll do nicely...
back when the game had soul, you could use rescue to give paladins a gap closer
Stop taking so long on reclears. I want to talk to you...
Rob Chidori (forma de remus)
Rob Chidori (forma de dragonfucker)
Rob Chidori (forma de tyrone)
Rob Chidori (forma de bahama)
Rob Chidori (forma de BS)
That's what I mean, is 99% of the time it's a fucking useless button taht hurts or it's a passive aggressive fight starter like
say where it's a "hey retard stand where I want you to" button taht will instantly start a fight with whoever you use it on.
I stop your lala as you pass by the door by grabbing her shoulder and turning you to face me. Picking up the skillet from her soft, delicate fingers and making sure to gasp them with my free hand. Interlocking our fingers while lifting her meal up to my nose and giving it a nice whiff. Smiling and casting my steely gaze into her own tear streaked face and say, "It looks absolutely delicious!".
I then drag her over to the table so she may sit in my lap while I scarf down her handmade meal made with love.
it only ever gets used on me when i play black mage i just quit fighting and leave at the next available moment when it happens
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Whatever happened to Rekka?
I know they got with another femlala (and then both changed to cats iirc) but I haven't seen them in a long time
Rob Chidori is not real.
That would usually be purple prose, which is bad
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Yeah my malera is a chad.
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i did back when people cared about having a real rp profile. the light erp text fucking thing is alright i guess. the animations are terrible though i kinda hate that so many people are only interested in that.
i've used it to save people in DRS if they die to a bad forced march -> fire wave and their reraiser doesn't whiff
i’m not theo tho im just gauging how despised tan femra are
>Still got his kills stolen
think they started edating that other femlala/catgirl and quit xivg
Rekka is a lala right now. And if they're smart they escaped this place.
Was this how it started for that weirdo
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it really doesn't if you're talky enough in chat beforehand, all i've ever done is get comms for using it to expediate things honestly
That's what I thought Chloe.
I usually just sit there and tab out to pull up a report form, fill out the form, and only move or respond once I've filled and sent the report out.

watching a healer in chat go
>wait haha
>haha it was a prank
>bruh it was a pank take the rez bruh
>haha come on are you really that mad
as I report them, knowing they're going to eat a ban is so funny to me.
I remember seeing that freak out over Rekka after the vday auction and hoping they'd escape this place. Seems so.
Hit's cooler
this isn’t the beds? no one cares
Rescue is good when you plan to use it. If you're planning to save people it will almost never actually work.
Fellow Limbab but unfortunately likes juri
Think of it this way, these are the same people who would ghost you or immediately log off after they cum mid-rp. Now you can just filter them by saying you don't do nightlife.
if healer uses rescue on me, i stop using sprint and mits. simple as.
yes, i will die 5 times in one dungeon pulling all mobs just to prove a point
I miss both of them because their art was good
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Malera, aka male au ra, cannot be good no matter who or what is playing it. The entire FFXIV community needs to band together and bar them from game interactions. They are a blight, a scourge, a complete and utter disease upon this game and must be cleansed.
To malera, fantasia to another race and change your ways. Do not comply and you shall be obliterated.
To all who associate with malera, question everything about them. You may be working alongside true scum.
To those who are not either of the previous, patrol and ensure all players, old and new, sprout, mentor, or otherwise, are not speaking to malera or are not malera themselves.
We can do this. We can better this community.
RK has just been playing other games lately.
Does anyone have the mediafire link for eorzean nighlife?
>Now you can just filter them by saying you don't do nightlife.
never thought of that, good idea.
>if you're talky enough in chat
if you're a retard meme spewer in chat that makes it 10x worse
that's how 90% of people here "banter" or "are social" in the chatbox is they spam memes
>use rescue to save someone from their LB animation lock
>they thank and com me
my moonie
stop posting literal whos outside the lavender beds 14
post the hottest goonmagnet in LB14 that you rub your meatstick to
Not your boogeyman, all pink basic bitch whores should stop posting and niggers like you who defend them should neck themselves
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A party member has withdrawn from the duty. Finding new member.
Damn I just came out of an ERP session where the person flipped out on me because I called our act filthy. They stormed out and blacklisted me.
Has this happened to anyone? Pretty hilarious
I am only interested in taking lewd pics with your cat
This never happens, stop larping. If you stop mid fight just because you had your feefees hurt you're 100% getting reported by the entire party.
anon, i would com you there, too.
thats the exception, not the rule.
99% of times i have had it used on me, it was a retard in roulette only making shit worse, or pulling me into an aoe.
streamers are fucking retard drama mongers, not new news, anyways.....
Most people leave the thread after getting an EB, the ones who don't are annoying shitters 100% of the time.
There is only good things that come from this kind of stuff and people are able to differentiate the kind of horny they like, imo. Less crossed wires.

The friend I do that stuff for wasn't sure about EBing, simple as that
No, but it sounds funny
EB me, then.
Depends on the person/effort/setup.
Sometimes OOC flirting/lewd talk.
Sometimes lighter ERP/text-fucking.
Sometimes it's longer form ERP, but I still typically try to keep scenes to at most a couple hours.
Used to do longer scenes fairly often, but I don't find may people too interested in it now, or often have the time for it myself.
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Thanks anon...
You can't use a metal spatula on my nonstick pan...
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we are SO back
Unfortunately, I woke up.
>this never happens
it's happened pretty consistently to me when I get LoTA and a WHM or SGE does the rescue swap into the instant kill Ancient Flare on the final boss
I just sit there dead and ignore the rezzes until I finish the report

get owned bitch
I don't like tan femra
That faggot is the most unoriginal piece of shit. Failed ebins like that deserve death. Just spouts out what he thinks will get him the most threadcred
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Can you two stop fighting I'll kiss you both. It's not that big a deal I promise
Here you go man, in return post something awesome
>not locked in
lock the fuck in
You're the only one defending anyone. Post your character.
>didnt post the dmg section
anon.. is this normals...
i am so LOCKED and KEYED
i am a tanned femra who friendships male midlanders
i hope they like me :(
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Thank you anons, here's a shitty meme I stole
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rescue is unironically one of the more soulful abilities in ffxiv

removing it would make healer homogenized
Melten Nogud
>red sands
oh i guess im back

>removing the ability that every job in a role has
>makes that role more homogenized
what the fuck are you smoking bitch?
THE ROB CHIDORI IS REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>unironically one of the more soulful abilities in ffxiv
only BECAUSE they removed EVERYTHING else, you goalpost shifting jew
Feeding moonies creamed corn with a funnel.
they hate us sis, i met up with one and he blocked me when seeing i was a skin 62 and not skin 1
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no i just didnt want to show m2s because i havent ran it yet....
the m3s one is rank 55 pre lockin
Kill yourself nigger. Literally no one likes you.
>expecting a parrot to understand the meaning of the buzzword they regurgitate
>healers having a button that instantly kills another player is soulful because
>because being le epic troll is my personality
fucking rescue yourself off a cliff
Robert Chidorison
>it's happened pretty consistently to me when I get LoTA
Cut the bullshit, people get lota all the time and that shit rarely ever happens. If anything people get rescued to safety so they activate the barrier faster.

If it smells like shit all the time then you should start checking under your nose.
I'm gonna send Lug Bolt to Brazil.
Nyot happening!
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Mostly just posing, RP is a lot more involved in comparison
>It's actually your fault you get rescued into a n instant kill mechanic
this smells like you're just a pissy healer who wants to abuse the skill to troll
I hope you kill yourself when you get banned, and I definitely report whenever healers do this shit to me
I need to pose with you some more.
i don't do any of those
Why does Robert Chidori post his name 500000 times per thread?
should I log in
HE'S A PAIN IN MY ASS AND REFUSES TO DIE but also yeah he's a good lil dude.
Fuck off, stop posting forever
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that's more like it
approach me in game and if we become acquaintances and i like your character sure
there there oji-san, forget your pains and think about moonie boobs
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most of the time i send my eb a pose I made and then write up a little microfic of the scenario and how the scene depicted in the pose plays out
I have enabled threading by accident but kinda like it so far.
c-cute;..... i want this for m,y mooonie.......
[6:57]Your free company attains rank 15!
[6:57]“Chest Expansion” unlocked!
bros we're so back
i ran out of space storing my hoards of housing items
can i see more of this pose aside from the other shot of it you already shared
it looks good
you fool he just wanted to dox you
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Middie Monday begins
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Making it a show!
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I am no longer covered in water or oil.
very nice anon, proud of you
is that why Rob Chidori came back?
now post the male version with his shirt off
It's not him he's just a meme at this point
don't talk to my femlala if u dont drive a civic
I'm gonna go with a nyo :3
This middie looks good in a jar.
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I never really got into rp in any game I played, even during all my time playing Space Station 13, it feels like I just have to say what I want to say but in a more roundabout way, but again I'm not that experienced with it so fuck if I know
anyways the latter
you dont like nissans??? bruh
camrybros our response?
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You can ask me if you see me around in the evenings, I don't pay any attention to thread solicitations and I do most of my poses in the evening
Making EXPLODEposters post EXPLODE is fun THOUGH. Some faggots take it too far THOUGH.
well done bwo
you did it
It's not romantic and never was. They just wanted to be my friend and my pathetic brain tries it's hardest to convince me they love me and I love them.
I drive a subaru and am not female
therefore, I'm not interested in FEMlalas
>rescue added to the game back in SB
>people get crystal tower everyday on roulettes
>used to be way worse before SE jumped on the naked queues
>larper claims he keeps being griefed a lot in this specific instance in this specific mechanic when other players haven't seen anything like it at all
At least make up a situation that sounds believable.
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It's a bit tight, but it fits!
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I like this.
I have driven the same Cutlass Supreme for 16 years.
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NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! how can i live with myself!!!! fuck me!!!!
What job should I play for CC Queues?
Report to the Ishgard Barracks
Yah I've just been slacking on asking. I'll try to hit you up next time we both seem free.
seconding this
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I need a femra wife like this
please be male
There's just too much latex in this post for me to comprehend...
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No... WE did it, bro... we did it...
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not gonna lie I kinda wanna send him to brazil after that doubledown too LMAO

casual crystal cc @ 6:00 et
how did they get the sun effect
Are you okay?
That's a whole lot of cope to try to explain away something you know nothing about
and it's not just CT, LOTA, suzaku normal, don mheg and anything with a pit, after that ones stupid fucking jocat video it was basically every time those came up in roulette someone was getting pulled to their death in my roulettes, usually me as the random

I don't need to you believe me, it happened, I reported them, your input is not needed at all. You can not believe me all you want it's not gonna unban those people lol.
I'm going to go buy cokey cola
I hope you are still calling by the time I am back
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Sounds like a plan!
Moonies? Yeah, I do.
oh shit I forgot its gay hours.
if that's cherry, damn i love cherry
if that's not cherry, damn i love rava legs
*ignores you*
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my wol is the misaki nakahara of xivg
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I drive a civic. Hell yeah
i mean i'm not going to them to get plapped or anything they're all actually super nice
if you want them as homies i know at least four that are pretty cool guys
i probably will be I like red sands
I think I'm going to join this one once and then go back to bed
I feel a bit too tired
In the two+ years he had a femra wife he didn't post or hang out with xivg (and barely posted much even before that) so my best guess is that after the new expac and breaking up with his EB he came back to us, haven't seen him try to get with anyone else or sexpest anyone so he seems harmless
Wish someone would say that about me
i remmeber being there for that...... time flies... things change,. people change...
This anon is in the Lalacord.
I'm not reading all that man
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Report to the Maelstrom barracks
this is why i hate OJ
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There should be a potion-tossing job and I don't know why there isn't one
we'll make this last one a glorious one anon
my femra looks kinda like that but im a xaela with a himecut
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That's the only pic i have of it, i didn't take another
but i will be doing reshoots

literally nobody...
you know where to find me should you require a lap to rest on between your leveling
What outfit is this? its fucking cute
that's fair, i'll be looking forward to the reshoots
nice splooge editing on your last twitter post
really enjoy your work
I'm fucking you
im fine with that
No I just stole this outfit because it was the only one that fit me....I hope I don't get punished for this.
You need to see a doctor man, your piss chat is red.
Yeah I just have to stop. It's obvious they don't like me the way I like them. I'm getting clingy and annoying showing up to idle with them all the time.
iktf anon, went through this with someone recently too, it'll get better soon /hug
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE thank yuo!! i genuinely tried to make it look good ^_^
Thank you I appreciate your kindness. gn friend
Hang in there anon, just keep reminding your brain that platonic affection doesn't have to be romantic. I've struggled with that feel in the past and know others who have. As the other anon said, it WILL get better!
All three, though erp with scenarios is the most fun.

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