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>Recent News
Maintenance - 09/17 (2PM - 5PM JST)
Half Anniversary Celebration Campaign - (09/01 - 09/23)
Daily Single draw, 200 crystals daily, CEQ, 1.5x RP/XP (10.5x until cap), ½ AP/EP, ½Off Host costs, 4x Journey Drop buffs, ½Off Side Story Shop, FP Special Campaign w/ Gold Brick, Sephira Gauge Doubled & +1 Defender Gauge etc.
Half Anniversary Skyscope Missions - (09/01 - 09/24)
Outfit: Skysonic Gig (MC) - (08/31 - 09/30)
Extra Drop Campaign (Dark) - (09/10 - 09/17)

Side Story: The Art of Mercy - 09/17
Grand Order Summon FLB - 09/17
4 new Manaturas & 6 new Shields - 09/17
Auto-Reduce/Reserve for SR and higher - 09/17
Share Chests removed, Drops adjusted - 09/17
Sutera Outfit added to Daily Point Shop - 09/17
Militis Staff & Axe 4* FLB - 09/21
Chat Noir FLB - 09/24
Outfit Shop UI Update - 09/24

Divine Generals CD - 09/25
Roadmap: https://gbf.wiki/User:Umikin/Timeline
Animated PV - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ltQa2gCvmk

>September Schedule
09/15 - 09/22 The Strength to Wield (Rerun)
09/21 - 09/28 Tales of Arcarum (Nier)
09/28 - 10/06 Story Event

>How to Start
Go to https://game.granbluefantasy.jp in any Chromium-based browser

>READ THE FAQ before posting - It will answer most of your questions if you're new or learning

>Helpful links - These links contain useful information like important guides and other stuff
Granblue Fantasy Toolbox - https://www.granblue.party
GBF Advanced Search - https://gbfas.io
GBF Grid and Teambuilding - https://gbfguide.com
Wiki Advanced Grids - https://gbf.wiki/Advanced_Grids
/gbfg/ Mega Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/xHkyQTy8
/gbfg/ Crew Directory - https://rentry.org/gbfgcrews

Previous thread >>494649916
De La... SUCCESS!!!
Cantante... FLOP
The four breedable sluts of /gbfg/
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All shipshit
nobody was arguing about which seiyuu were better though?
Seth Mcfarlane mogs all seiyuus
Mel Blanc did too. The west always does it better
please respond
Gooning to this
EoS in 60 days
We just don't know
All the budget went to Zeta
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Draphs good
Almost impossible to join Sietes right now, they are filling up so fast.
why can't the real game be like this
Flash today?
We will got new character from this rerun event right?
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Belated Sig and Raiden
>dirt gets their core grands right after their gw
so retarded it might be true
Tomorrow or in 24+ hours. No new grands, skipcore banner.
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grand mugen 2
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this guy just hypes himself up to get angry
just wait a few weeks and it'll even out up until a few days before gw.
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Oh wait, there's still another day.
I thought reset was today, and there's no tweet announcement.
out of nowhere
it's a small cast and the only one who seems maybe-plausible is mordred, might just be random chars
releasing raphael now would be the smart play because player count is only going to decrease further until the collab maybe gives us a bump after gw
some people who end up leaving might get baited into spending more before they do
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Raph is probably gonna be on October legfest after everyone's drained their savings on the Halloween banner
>Time to do mission
>Most the raid still active
>FaaHL got a lot of leecher
They are new player right?
out of everywhere
Finished season 1. It was okay. How's season 2. Okay, besides CRAPPA.
Well now it's going to have 000 or Belial on rate up
don't think the order really makes a difference? if people spark raph now then hypercore halloween ra drops people still have to pull and still had their savings drained. getting the 'hype' banner out asap while the playercount is still 'high' seems more valuable
It is a great time to farm thoughl, none are failing and they are going super fast.
It is just a bit annoying to get in.
It might be like Olivia Dirt...
Halloween Ra with a Raziel red skill gimmick...
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It's so nyowari da..
Seeing how simple the primal grid for Earth is made me realize how hard I fucked myself by not rolling on Medusa's banner. I got her off a free roll and thought I had won. If had sparked, I probably would've gotten 2 more and could have sparked my second piledriver. I already have 2 landslide scepters.
I have absolutely 0 core pieces in every orne element. I can't see myself leaving magnapoverty for another 2 years.
>If had sparked, I probably would've gotten 2 more
There is a chance you will got nothing.
i have sparked three times this year thinking
>If I spark, I probably would get at least one.
i was an idiot three times.
I've sparked like 8 or 9 times in the last 3 years and I still don't have bubs or yatima.
>If had sparked, I probably would've gotten 2 more and could have sparked my second piledriver
Gambling addict mentality.
don't know what to get from gw boxes since i don't know which celestial my wind party will want
still have only made the sword one
sword, harp, staff and fist are good in general
You get 0% of the rate ups that you dont roll for
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how's the game grubs?
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I just woke up
Colochungus is boring to farm
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maintenance today?
check if the main page of the wiki has a countdown thingy
Is there sumo setups for 7man or do people still run MD
Have you achieved your goals while still in your 20s? Cantate has.
No, i don't get paid for shitposting unlike numpers
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Will we finally reach 100 000 before the year ends?
i'm not clicking that shit
that's pretty impressive for someone working on a programmer salary.
i love cantate
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>deadest mobile thread of this entire website
>players quitting left and back
it's nyover
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Maleringer is fucking psycho
>deadest mobile thread of this entire website
You know /vmg/ exists right?
And the Granblue thread is the deadest thread on /vmg/, so he's right.
....let's move to /vmg/
If we move there we can't funpost anymore, so we have to save this thread from archiving by posting shit like nywell... whenever the thread goes a while without a post
/vmg/schizo is fucking nuts
threads aren't even week long yet
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aint buying any of the pakejis
aint giving money to this dying pyosg
if you don’t have all three pakejis still unbought then kys
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Dumb nonce
The four heavenly queens of /gbfg/
lil L...

holy fuck why did i click this link
Praise Jah for blessing my free roll
18 hours until EoS
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>no Roxas
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>Mr. Pdusa
It’s no wonder this was the least attended old battlefield ever
I've been playing for a year and I've only gotten 5 damas. How the hell are you supposed to get a primal grid rolling let alone one for every element.
Host your daily lizards and use gold bars
Not an argument.
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They should fire their merch department
You aren't supposed to get one for every element. That's whale shit. Magna 3 is good enough until you happen to luck into most of the meta weapons for a primal.
shit looks like a sonichu medallion
roongons do pander to the same demographic tbqh
rumeow true
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Imagine if it gets a character by Hocchan. I'd quit grub too.
Shouldn't you call it quits by now?
You know what, you are right...
I don't get it either, they should just turn Galleon into their Ryza and pump out figures out of the wazoo.
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Nice dead thread grubbas
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>a literal rabbit
>little to no porn
>no breeding memes
>no even appearances
>most people don’t even really know what her character is
Why did they do her like this?
>inb4 “TGFFKHRT”
He APPROVED her design for fuck’s sake
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do they usually have guaranteed mukku frenzy or something like that during the new years providence rate up gala?
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My princess
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grub is for salaryman not incel. i will buy this. excellent way to advertise your grubbing at anime events without filling your apt with garbage.
the previous dragon plush came with garbage bead chains too so i was already using a generic carabiner with it. now it will match.
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Anyway I love Hina
>cord is back to posting in /gbfg/
guess artist dooming and concern posting got boring over in /bag/ huh
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>grub is for salaryman not incel. i will buy this. excellent way to advertise your grubbing at anime events without filling your apt with garbage.
>the previous dragon plush came with garbage bead chains too so i was already using a generic carabiner with it. now it will match.
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I have no issue with the merch we get. Bags, card sleeves, stickers, incense rocks, etc. is all fine. But I don’t think it would kill them to make a few figures for characters people actually like. It’s not like idolmaster doesn’t do all the same stuff and then also figures. They even do genuine glasses and the occasional luxury watches.
Every other franchise like ours is like this, but we’re one of the few that seemingly just gave up for the most part. It’s clearly not a cygames thing since they do it for uma and priconne. This is uniquely a grub problem.
>look up what a carabiner is
>realize I haven’t seen or used one since 2012
Why did they choose to sell this of all? Are they stupid?
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>But I don’t think it would kill them to make a few figures for characters people actually like.
My brother in christ why is the image so damn small
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>look up what it is since im esl
considering their obsession with keychains it kind of makes sense
cause he's a retard
Antge for mazed ants in anthills of nuKMR
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small picture for a small general
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here's the full line up
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>since im esl
I looked it up because I never knew the name. I just called them metal clips back then since that’s what they did.
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>buff ex+ to prevent server issues
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Are these used in anything? How many should I save?
No but you should hang on to one just in case.
bumping this >>494746792
I use 2 in DEF for siegfried full auto
they're useful for people who go outside and have things.
post grub doros
I know what lil L amd FKHR could "hang on"
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So, I suppose the question I have is this:
Why would I want this? The argument in defense of this is that normal people would use it and not degenerates, right? The only problem with that argument is that normal people that use carabiners don’t use carabiners that look like this. At most they’ll have like a logo on theirs, but it’s still going to be in the general normal shape. The shapes here are unsuitable for regular usage, and are more liable to be interpreted as stealth furry advertisement to those who don’t know grub.
And something tells me the price won’t be much better than any old one I can get out of the home depot just up the road.
So, why would I want this?
I thought they were bottle openers at first.
Enjoying your 10th anniversary grubbas?
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I am not allowed to voice my opinion on our 10th anniversary.
Didnt read
I know you don't know how to read, seraph.
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>normal people that use carabiners don’t use carabiners that look like this.
it's very normal for carabiners to look like those.
>more liable to be interpreted as stealth furry advertisement
i think you're thinking too much into it. japan is a country filled with mascots and characters.
>something tells me the price won’t be much better than any old one I can get out of the home depot just up the road.
that's true of all anime merch. but safety carabiners cost twice as much or more.
>why would I want this
same reason you would you want anything anime related? what the ever living fuck do you want a plastic figure for?
I saw 2 Spec mk2 in some setups
Seraphrager is coo coo for cocoa puffs I tell you
Yes, on the last day
Not 100% to be gala though
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>it's very normal for carabiners to look like those.
>posts a carabiner that doesn't look like those at all
>can't answer the question so instead deflects
Never change, lil L.
>it’s very normal for carabiners to look like those
>posts actually normal carabiners which disprove his point
What did he mean by this?
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Maleringer Syndrome has many symptoms, including blindness, dyslexia, and general dishonesty.
>hates weeb stuff and anime mascots
>uses it as a defense for slop merch
Bro has the self awareness of a mollusk.
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We are reaching DISHONEST levels of HIV around here
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umm what the goldfish? I didn't get vtigers from my free single pull?
Erm... what da carp?
>didnt insta spark them on release
might as well go ahead and ring a male
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Works on my machine
Skibidi carabiner
>Got Vira and Fastiva somehow
I'm super tempted to roll for tigers, but 3% is 3% Only ever rolled on those rates once for C.Cock and it was horrible.
I get enough of that shit in Granblue Archive.
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umm i didn't have a spark ready?
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the mythical "normal people salaryman" audience really ate this up huh

your next post would be "but normal people don't use twitter/social media..."
Your 150 gold moondos? pay up
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Oh nonononono
Lots of funnyroo images lately, good job /gbfg/
They did a glasses collab a few months ago with Albert and Yurius.
>2024 10 1
So this low quality shit isn’t even read to ship yet? lol.
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>go to google and search for "6d carabiner"
>get this

I thought they were owned by an advertising company?
why are they only making an advertisment on a platform that doesn't reach their target audience - totally ordinary everyday people who doesn't use social media in Japan?????
absolutely hate how summer events are forever tied to auguste
I used to love Auguste thanks to its island theme, but our summer events have really soured my view of it.
I would buy Cantate rocks and carabiner
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>no don't do it plACK
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>garage kit
>doomposters are a bunch of funko pop collectors
no surprises there.
>run out of arguments
>immediately defaults to funk pops for some reason
Battlepass buyers are fucking pathetic
>nooo these aren't funko pops
>it's hentai and it's art.
blud actually has to shadowbox with his own strawman lmeow
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>things nobody said
lil L going nuts again.
>seraph engaging in what he calls normal people behavior (colorized)
I would buy Cantate funko pop
I would buy a Cantate catheter.
>8 hour thread
>200 posts
I would buy Cantante fuckdoll
They only make Poseidon-themed catheters.
I would buy Cantate bath water
Are the siete sabers good outside of Ougi comps?
Would you fuck it knowing there's Numpers inside?
that's what happens when you put naked bara males in a game.
That’s the main reason I’d do it.
numperscord has been really busy in /bag/
If you need HP
are we getting a better manatura or am I forever stuck with levi
Snek will never let you down.
Your Ouroboros?
throw everything in your account away for ouroboros
Highly doubt any of new manaturas will be an upgrade to ouroboros output-wise
My account has less than 10 years of 24/7 farming, so it won't be enough
Bro? Why haven’t you farmed Revans for 100 years and sacrificed a sand so you could get Ouroboros already?
is that what you have to say to stave off the dark thoughts, realizing that soon your bullets will be obsolete.
ouroboros will be obsolete one day too. it's too easy to make a new manatura.
the sand really isn't worth mentioning
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Woah! I gotta put that in a jar!
Yeah, i agree with you, i just think this batch is too "early" and they'll focus new manaturas on utility/filling other niche and keep ouroboros le dps option
I think the Agastia one will have some multi element hit gimmick that will seem shit at first but become super core later for some weird setup.
I hope it has dispel function considering his raid has buff-1 duration gimmick
It’ll be core for uh… *flips through notes* Agastia?
when was the last time you got a brick drop, /gbfg?
3 days ago
A year ago
You now remember Troonmabito
Only goodthink allowed around here
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grubbas.....are you....dying.........?
nyes, don't forget me...
>one of the top crews quit
Who lost?
Your spark you had saved for this year's zodiac only for us to not get one for a second year in a row?
>she cheats on him every night
>"yes. I love my wife unconditionally"
We need funnypow content but all we get is owable content
2x SPEC Mk2 are literal core in all wind HL setups
What the hell are you talking about
lil L is going nuts
Don't worry they just talk to you out of pity because you probably talked about offing yourself at one point
how many do you need of each militis? want to farm xenos for the remaining evolite and wondering which of the two are the best
This is still less bad than it could be. It could also have a part where the airship randomly shows up from the left side again (representing the start of the third arc), goes right to homo island, then goes left again (but not as far left as before).
Will I ever need this?
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one at most
>mihomo gigacuck doesn't know about it
mihomo gigacuck...
Depends on your dick size
Enjoying your 10904th thread grubbas?
>your next post would be "but normal people don't use twitter/social media..."
God, I wish.
bhl host yesterday, ubhl host a few days ago
not a pass slurper btw
sad really.
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Who is that semen demon on the left?
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>Pant... Pant...
/ksg/ still exists btw
cute ganyu
>There are no available backup requests
Grubbas? Why is nobody hosting Siete? Don’t they know wind GW is next?
So, how were the numbers for last GW?
>constantly 3/3 locked because i can't janny 7man
I can't believe you faggots farmed sands in this shithole
Smithers, who is that man ringing males?
I believe that is Homeraph Lilson, sir.
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KMR = Mr Burns
FKHR = Smithers
The three hanging 'roons of /gbfg/
parasite steve
Mr. Burns and Smithers were based off James L. Brooks and Richard Sakai
Trident Grandmaster
can grub salvage Fediel by giving her a Valentine's alt that's for (You)?
actually farming him rn
Me on the right
HIV moment
Big meaty claws
>the father, the son, and the holy spirit
honestly it's sad grub wasted yume moyamoto on cantate
This post triggered the pozpects
>he's not part of the pozcord
>can grub salvage [thing]
big meaty clits
Why those four in particular?
i miss trangelcord however
I call him Big Bro Poz
she doesn't play anyone important
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>see cute girl on twitter, never heard of what she's from
>oh it's a gacha coming out in a week, let's look up the twitter
>picrel is first thing i see
nah fuck off with this mixed toilet trash already
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vtumor slurping mihomo gigacuck says this
>mixed toilet trash
shay is gonna shill it any moment
>exposed chest
The bundle is ready to kiss other boys in fanart
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he do be a homo shilling mixed toilets over "platonic archive" like that
Finally nips are going to sleep and I can farm siete with my berserker setup and euro ping haha...
No mixed toilet has ever made more money than a galge and that’s a fact
Lucifer was a mistake
Kono Kaisha ni Suki na Hito ga Imasu will be huge and then she will be too expensive to voice Grand/Alt Cantate!
don't worry he'll happily watch sandal get bred by lucio
Rikka revolutionized anime and led to more fat girls being made
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When you think about it Cantate is basically Tikoh's mother
I’ve seen two being used in M3 grids to FA Mugen.
Galleon is basically Cantate and Tikoh’s okaamama
Cantate is my mommy alright...
Ebichu answers the phone
He's me, he's Charley Horse
Tikoh has child soul pussy
Sex with shannon while tikoh watches
Troonblue Fagtasy is a mixed toilet homogigacucktrash albeit
mihomo learned from grub
Yeah, it is, and nobody fucking likes it or shills it.
My mom is a maleringer
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She is above the height of consent
Why did Dragalia Lost die?
Mixed toilet
it...lost ...
I'm so happy the BAggot game is dying so these faggots stop raiding us.
Just get more HP
Or Titan
I can FA Mugen just fine without it
Guess it's useless
2 more weeks
We only approve of games from /gbfg/ colonies such as Azur Lane and GakuMas
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that's the size of my dick btw
Granblue Archive general thoughbeit
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can you make this but with cunnycake?
granblue fantasy general!
fake and gay
u rike rerun fantasy?
Miteiruka KMR?

Dragalia…….. LOSTO
I farmed bare minimum for 4t MD shit and i'm not going to do primalkek or host job for them
Raid is already fast as is
dead thread
dead game
dead producer
dead director
dead franchise

granblue fantasy is a black hole where light vanishes
homoflops stay flop that's why
Maleringers look like that... knew it...
alive thread
alive game
alive producer
alive director
alive franchise

granblue fantasy is a white hole where dark vanishes
I only do agastia nowadays
Cantate was supposed to fill our dark hearts with light
She did.
solid gold
horrid mold
I'm the one doing the filling
I haven't farmed sands in a while, but i never finished sords and probably want mk2 just in case
Then I filled her pink hole with my white liquid.
what did he mean by this
>shiva agni
>agni shiva
>shiva agni
>agni shiva
>agni kaguya
fuck my friends list where the magnabros at
sounds like you have slurper friends
literal fotm flop
uninstalled before ellen's banner ended
This guy used to draw grub porn…
its 2am in nip time why the FUCK is tiamat aura still melting instantly
too many nip neets
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Alive game, definitely more than gbfpag
mihomo gigacuck...
i don't regret playing it for the time i did since it had some adorable and amusing characters but they're definitely wasted on that game
Remember when /gbfg/ said Genshin, Star Rail and Blue Archive were FOTM? What was THAT all about?
bampi and wamdus have drain
one skill bros...
Marge why is lil L posting an image of a naked child urinating?
is 250 opus for wind even worth it?
your katz weapon?
Not a replacement for opus
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gbfpags are mentally ill
what does gbfpags mean?
Pagpag (do not google this term)
mihomo gigacuck going nuts
are you confusing opus for draconic or something
ok then can you explain it to me?
Yes? How does the katze harp replace apotheosis and any of the pendulums or chains?
Basically maleringer's everyday meal.
Sup losers, still playing gay bull fantasy? Lmao. How about growing up and accepting it's 2024. We have real games now
I don't want to stone zeph...
gbfpags do be like that
you don't NEED opus
you don't NEED draconic
You certainly don’t need Draconic with Wind just for GW. Just use Katze harp.
>be me
>23-year-old Filipino living in a metal hut
>phone is my entire universe gacha games = my one true love
>spend last 50 pesos to try and pull on the new hoyoslop banner
>scream like I just won the lottery no food at home
>time to go dumpster diving find a half-eaten rotten Jolibee chicken thigh
>feast like a king eat while imagining I'm pulling multiple S rank copies in a single 10 pull
>get absolutely nothing still happier than a kid on Christmas morning
>sleep like a baby dreaming of the Miyabi banner and pagpag
But is wind opus 250 worth it? It's so expensive...
KEKAROO vtuber slurping mihomo gigacucks do be like that
Why did you write fanfic of some young Filipino boy...
gbfpag jelly hoyoslurps enjoy their game while gbf is shit to play
i still don't get it, is it like cum or what?
Isn't the 250 opus only purpose is extremity? I think wind still needs to use echoes
Why is vtuber slurping mihomo gigacuck going nuts today?
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nothing wrong with mixed toilets, pagpag, and relic farming la
More like FKHR'S fermented shit
that's why I'm asking
Wait until Raphael I guess
Alright, thanks
i forgot to pick up my floor 12 abyss rewards last night because my friend made me help with his grub raid
yet another reason this pos should eos
The four pagqueens of /gbfg/
You can use Faa0 keys at 210. So ideally you’d put extremity on your primal opus and then keep echoes on magna for spartan burst.
Anon said I shouldn't google it, is wikipedia safe?
mihomo gigacuck melty continues
Yipyip me like GBF
Yipyip me like grind like retard
Yipyip me like grind
Yipyip me retard
Yipyip Cysharts yummy
Yipyip KMRCUM yummy
Why can't mihomo gigacuck play real games like Granblue Archive?
It's perfectly sfw
newfag here, best spot to farm luster?
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gn grubbas
fuck off and play other game
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Sleep wyell
Does item drop boost from shop improve ubaha meteorite drops?
>southern Canada, the United Kingdom, and other Western countries as well as in other parts of the world
lil L…
If you need water or earth ones just do the militis bosses in sandbox. If you need fire and wind do the bosses and mundus defenders
>sopa de garbage, uma delicia
almost feel bad for making fun of seamonkeys
so morrigna militis for wind right?
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Makura event and/or new alt incoming!
Ok thanks, that's a weird term to use as an insult then
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20 hour thread here we come
We might be onto something
A secret recipe for being a ringer of males
>[citation needed]
>[citation needed]
>[citation needed]
what the fuck
As dishonest as some of our fellow posters!
Truly their meal
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Love how there's long list of US states and then "Finland"
Meanwhile precum thread...
>US section
>Expect to see deep south states mentioned
>It's all typical white states
Anyway in Alaska's defense, throwing away a whole ass moose is a waste if you actually manage to kill it with your car.
At least their thread isn't tainted by shitposters
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OthergameGODS keep your shit thread alive
looks like shay finished his steam room session with seraph just in time to shill his mixed toilet slop
Oh look, it’s the Washington that Seraph THINKS D.C. is in.
More like steam roon
Blue rare isn't a thing retards
PC gaymers do be like that.
blud really making up homo fanfiction. I guess this is the homoge general after all.
Only other game that keeps this thread alive is Granblue Archive
You do the same thing to other people lil L.
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no lies detected
someone talk me out of rolling for tigers
if granblue archive is so good why the FUCK have they not fixed bond rank up lines getting interrupted by other students
If you have that many pulls you could have sparked them on Valentines flash and chose not to, meaning you're a retard and probably also gay.
Only a retard would pull on a 3% banner.
So, go for it I guess
I only had 1 spark at the time and anni was just a few weeks away.
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Lyria bimbofication could save this dying homoge
Ganguro Galleon too
But i already replied in that thread
Mel Blanc was "da joo" si stop leaching on the achievement of the very people your kind hates to core you white rat
>12 hours ago
One roll
marge why do other gacha get hot mascot heroines like Mashu, March, Shiroko, Enterprise or Peco and we're stuck with the gobl in blue
Bro your djeeta?
Who the fuck is March?
We love March around here
She's as much annoying as a flying onaho from genshart except also less fuckable looking
>blue and pink
more like roonsuki
just mihomo gigacuck things
just mihomo gigacuck things
>blue and pink
Talking about Poz mmmmmmmm
sorry I was just watching my wife in zzz get fucked
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cantate x hiro when
oigen finna freak
you can post this
Am I really gonna be forced to run freyr chain for wind meat farming? fuck lockout
I wonder if she farts if Djeeto smacks that fat ass too much
Why? For Galleon S1 tag team with Sumo?
All good posts
the problem?
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Is the Half Birthday 10-Part draw affected by banner?
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You manifested this.
the HIV timeline...
We love Uno around here
We hate SHITno here on 4chad
We hate m*les around these parts
Except Faa, we love Faa
genderbent faa soon
Uno is galge af
stfu huangyume
his full name is UnoGalgeGawd actually
HIV moment
numperscord really likes HIV huh
It's your fault for making us breathe your hiv particles
you all do seem defensive about your Sixes...
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shant renew
We call it GalgeIV around here
who? is he your boyfriend?
you can just... not breath.......
>bought it in the first place
Would it have broke them if it came with an extra arcanum ticket for new players
I'd like to breathe in those particles
Congrats you now have chlamydia
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>The patient is male but plays as a female character and rings male characters whenever the option presents itself.
seraph really buckbroke this kid huh
Sounds like lupus to me
>autoimmune disease
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when are we getting a bunny girl that can compete with BA
>reddit show
GO 5* uncap will come with some fate episodes, right?
You will always be a slurper. It is a permanent stain on your soul and a crime for which there is no forgiveness. While I lay in Heaven with Raziel Halluel and Malluel, you will spend an eternity in Hell with Belial and Beelzebub.
We already had Theresa flop so never again

Thats for trans only
when BA gets new C&C alts
>jewel resort exists
>release bunny alt slightly over a year into the game
>never release another bunny alt again, even when returning to the jewel resort for the 10th anni event
me deserve slutty bunny fenie
speaking of which, why the fuck she isn't getting her transcendence, her ulb ain't gonna change a shit
to be fair, the casino part doesnt actually matter it's just a throwback to the first event
even in other events that involve the casino, it's never the center stage of the story
At least her sub aura will be slightly better
Should I focus on getting on Katze or 5* Esta first?
>10% null ele amplify
I mean... 000 is still better....
Still an upgrade for my ele since there's nothing better to fit, nothing prevents you from running both
They stack
We got the Rosetta skin some years later
>implying they'd be any useful
at least other games make non-broken characters somewhat viable
Bros.................the.....content .........
yes they do, buy you usually don't have enough slots to run both of them
The only "games" that do that are barely games in the first place.
your rerun?????
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Bros, what's the strat for increase rank exp the most during Tales?

Do I do a bunch of OTK now for boxes and stock defenders + heralds, then kill all defenders with 4 heralds stack + JD?
>stock defenders + heralds, then kill all defenders with 4 heralds stack + JD
Of course loyal grubber
Get back to that lizard
post jews, evokers, opuses, draconics, bullets and splendor weapons
Any art of her yet
Ty homie
>mindless slavery equals content
Go ahead and post yours first lil man
nyou syee...
nywelly...i think tomorrows content might not actually be a cyontent bros
What are some good FA defender setups?
We won't have much time of campaign with Tales together so I want to get ready for it now.
I only remember some Hraes setups, but I don't have that and I don't think they were FA anyway.
Do you guys actually think this is funny or do you type like that just to be annoying?
do you have eresh
I type like that because i'm a kot in real life, sorry if this is causing you any trouble
So the latter, got it. Pretty cringeworthy if you ask me.
they think it's funny because they know it's annoying
God, HIVtroona is such a faggot, and I don't use that word that often
water manadiver is pretty good with opus MH
Eresh can't do 300m (not exactly sure on defender+ hp, wiki doesn't have it) in one turn though.
I mean sure, refresh, but I will be doing hundreds of those, gets tiring fast.
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where da chainsmokers event la?
Cosmos raid is so bullshit, my party is dying even with ascendant prayer.
It's not like they actually wiped out, but I actually had to pop a potion midway.
The most relevance GBF has had in a long time.
is LJ with ulikummies good for cosmos solo?
why are you trying to solo it? it's active rn because people need sette awakening mats
It's the one remaining revan raid with an unacceptable rate of failure.
Imagine if Goku got Lyria pregnant and Gran was forced to feel the baby growing inside her in his invisible womb
^^ this but with Bejita
Who gets replaced by Vegeta? Goku, Gran or Lyria?
Bro you can FA cosmos...what are you doing
Obviously Goku got bejita pregnant.
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Jews and evokers have been done for awhile, can't do opuses and draconics as i'm character gated to those raids in every element, no point in farming bullets as I do not have Hraes, and i'm not spending valuable materials on skins for weapons. What now?
way too based
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>padjeeta with broken english
>join 1/18 ewiyar
>try pressing buffs
>it's dead instantly
>join 1/18 ewiyar
>don't press buffs
>it takes like 30 seconds to die from when i joined
your fire manadiver burst?
what's the 0 button comp
can't even bubs+orange?
i can bubs + orange + as many buffs as i want in some
i can't do anything but attack in others
the inconsistency was the point
More lich porn onegai
Need naizuri on those presumably diseased riddled itty bitty pale titties
This but unironically
>cant breed and also cuckshit
whats the point
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Nevermind, I guess it is not even doable in one turn/around a minute without some manual setup (Hraes, Flogen, something else).
Best I could do in one turn is 70% with the Yatima and Alanaan setup, and that is with Tag Team and Perci's S3 which is pretty fucking slow already.
These things have way too much HP.
manadiver FA

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