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Previous thread: >>494690207

Season 4 - Clear All Cathy
2024.03.28 —

Mirror Dungeon #4 - Mirror of the Wuthering
2024.05.02 —

Refraction Railway Line 4 - Masquerade
2024.07.04 —

>Current Events

The 4th Walpurgis Night - The Noon of Violet
2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19

>Upcoming Extractions

2024.09.19 — 2024.10.03
[000] Devyat' North Section 3 Rodion
E.G.O [TETH] : Bygone Days Ishmael

>Current Extractions

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Solemn Lament Yi Sang
[000] Lobotomy E.G.O::Red Eyes & Penitence Ryōshū
E.G.O [HE] : Solemn Lament Gregor

2024.09.05 — 2024.09.19
Target Extraction: [ Don Quixote ] ID & E.G.O

! This game is directly tied to the setting of Project Moon's previous games, Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, and is set after both. Expect spoilers for those games in this thread.
! The tutorial is important.

>Download links
AppStore: https://apps.apple.com/app/limbus-company/id6444112366
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ProjectMoon.LimbusCompany
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1973530/Limbus_Company/

>Other links
Official twitter: https://twitter.com/limbuscompany_b
Official youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@ProjectMoonOfficial
Official site: https://limbuscompany.global

>Required reading

>For all your EGO and Sinner info needs

>Useful resources and a general guide

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Perfectly normal Paus
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What the Paus?!
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Rodya LOVE!
super cute
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Is enemy is ultra bullshit btw
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Why is Paus like this?
>15 extra offensive level
Is you stupid nigga?
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too bad the next walpurgis is going to be shit
yisan- death
paus- sypha belnades
don- dracula/soma cruz
ryoushu- shanoa
meursault- julius belmont
hong lu- richter belmont
heathcliff- albus
ishmael- maria renard
rodion- simon belmont
sinclair- alucard
outis- carmilla
gregor- trevor belmont
dante- grant danasty
rupture bandaid unit incoming
you say this every 3 months and have been wrong every 3 months
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Good OP image.
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>These tears are real
>I'm jealousy
>I'm spite and hate
>To the core, I'm mean
>I'm nearly human.
>Look at me, I'm almost a human being.
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Nuh-uh she's gonna SAVE Rupture and everyone will hail her as the Status Queen!
Or more realistically yeah probably some middling rupture support cause PM is scared to break it
Mon amour
Nyo its going to be epic. My fav sinners are getting stuff.
What are we thinking? 7cliff and Lantern Don levels of good or Dead Rabbit's level of shit?
>Another Gebura ABno
Please tell me it's not as bad as Red.
Red is the worst boss fight in LoR
she's going to mog 7paus.
too smart looking
WarpSang levels of "Christ, Rupture needed this" if there's Charge involved.
Otherwise, I'm expecting DRMeur's level of poopshit.
That would be Queen of Hatred if you don't know what you're doing
AB is also the hardest abno fight, imo
Will be meta 5 years later.
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I'm hoping for the best and expecting the worst
Nah, Red is easily the worst. The entire fight just feels like bullshit, even when you know what you're doing. Even the "cheese strategy" of just killing both of them doesn't really work half the time.
She is going to be ok. Rupture is not allowed to be 100% good.
>implying 7paus was ever good for Rupture
None of her skills go positive, they're either neutral or negative
Next walpu gonna have whole ass dungeon
Rodya will be tremor
Thanks for playing Limbus Company
Don't be mean to him.
She's good for damage, but Rupture really needs a count applier that isn't Sinclair.
>next walpipi is ruina
I thought that too, until I made a Forceful Gesture deck and got it on my first try
Don't talk shit about my nigga Oscar like that.
>tremor and rupture
she'll be on the rupture team by merit of being the whole second wet fart of rupture support since dead rabbit
i hope rupture fans are fine with waiting about five cantos to get their season
Rodion could be so hot if they wanted her to be.
I thought Season 2 ended a year ago?
I cannot accept.
That's like 3 IDs already.
I thought Talisman inflicts potency, not count
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Rodya will be rapture as wDon, simple is that
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She's got a lot of coins and works with AEDD Greg while not being violently rupture negative on anything other than her S1. She's a very good rupture unit, unquestionably a core part of the team.
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My body trembles at the thought of uptie V. How will we cope...
>Faust gets shipped with Sinclair
>Then Dante
>Then Yi Sang
Calm down, she's just a child (in the flask)
every single conceivable combination of sinners has been shipped at some point.
>tremor - lacerate
>tremor burst deals additional damage based on rupture potency
i rike
Her skill 3 is also a negative
A hoe
Yi Sang Ryoshu.
the new id will be blue rupture, my source is my dog's gut and it's never failed me
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Imagine the price
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What about them?
Only canon one here is Dante, though
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stop killing dogs to read the future in their entrails dude
no way somebody has shipped gregor with don right
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>500 thread and 200 shards
I hate it. And it will become the standard where you WILL be forced to UT5 future IDs...
>How will we cope
Personally that uptie V is going to be like a rework to bump ID perfomance significantly. What we probably get is
>if target has 10 rupture count, 20 tremor count, 60 bleed count and suffering from immobilization, dark flame, erosion simultaneously leftmost skill on dashboard clash power +1 and deal 10% damage
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Please don't even joke about UT5 or lvl 50
You think UT5 will be bad? Just wait until Uptie EX.
It's inevitable though, IT'S GOING TO HAPPEN NO MATTER WHAT
most ideal scenario, uptie V is shipped out over time for older units to let them catch up to the modern meta
worst case is the scenario everyone expects
Dirty sex after which put out cigarettes on balls
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Uptie VI is the future, you pussies. V is child's play.
Uptie EX will be reserved for only the base IDs at the end of this loop
thread bottleneck is the only thing i fear
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Level 50 is real for sure but uptie 5 might not be it will be
>base ID being relevant outside of benching meta
Nice one.
we prob get more in luxcavation when time comes
They will actually remove uptie IV and cap it at III forever
yeah, think this will be the case where they post updates on certain ids on dead weeks
I would kill for something like that. Heir Greg doesn't need an uptie V as much as someone like GCorp Greg would want one. They won't do it but I would like to get banners related to whoever is getting an uptie V too.

>NCorp IDs getting uptie V all together
NCorp themed banner just for fun.
the fact that they reworked LCCB Ryoshu and DS EGO Yi Sang shows that the basic IDs can very well be rethought or even reworked
The only reason they're weak is that they're chained to Dante
It will be
>+1 to X status
and you WILL be happy
heil director
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I wish director would make RR anything EXCEPT a fucking speedrun autism retry city bullshit that it currently is. Its so fucking gay hitting retry, retry, retry, fishing for heads on 50/50s, having an attempt ruined by a single sinner flipping tails leaving an enemy at 2 hp or the sinner you desperately need to go first roll its minimum speed value
>to count
>It's another "Your Sinners min roll speed while all of your enemies max roll" episode
rapture gameplay
He already made it way easier the last two times for you shitters man. Any idiot should be able to get less than 100 turns and if you don't care about the turn count then just beat it for the rewards and do something else.
do what? RR is endgame content, there is nothing to do after it.
Perhaps play any other game maybe?? Retard.
but what if i wanted to play limbus more? what to do in this situation, fag?
dumb nigger post
Just do it for rewards bro. Nobody cares about super flashy banner bro.
Autumn makes me feel more romantic than usual. It's such a nice season.
Let's kiss
Is this the reason for ERP faggots in this general lately?
let's play limbus
Then you play MD like everybody else. Saying "I want to play the game but also hate this mode" is the dumbest shit. Yeah it has a lot of stupid rng but if it bothers you so bad play something else.
Pucker up limbab
please... previews...
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What if there were monthly rewards for doing RR
Wow, I don't see the point in playing MD more than once a day, if there is absolutely nothing to do you can do more, but you won't do anything else, I'm not saying that I hate MD, I just don't have enough options
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Yeah same.
what if all rr open, and every run you can have rewards?
Just give me a punching bad, Director. I don't want to go into the mirror dungeons every time I want to check out an ID's damage
I agree with you there. MD is not a satisfying time killing mode but at least it can scratch the itch sometimes. Considering all their events are variations of the same thing I have no idea what they could really do to add another fun mode. PVP wouldn't work well in my opinion and RR can't be too easy or it'd be pointless to make a specific turn count.
>taking modern IDs and EGOs into RR1
It'd be funny, that's for sure
I would fucking shit myself and die. Obviously going back with all IDs it's closer to curb stomping compare to what RR supposed to be initially.
I'm taking a little break. Been playing a lot.
Very sweet
That would be handy.
true, but we have a previous walpu mini's
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The only actual ERP I've ever seen in these threads was the fat/vorefags yesterday.
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>1 hour until Devyat Rodya skill reveal
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The other Sinners start making rumors about Dante and Paus
Paus is clearly Kal'tsit
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This is so well made and she looks so cute. It's a shame the outfit looks a little cheap. Likely due to the PVC. A traditional silky bunny fitted bunny suit bodice would be more sensual.
I can think of one mode on random waves, they basically have everything ready for this, the longer you hold the better the reward
Lil bro didn't hear about the reveal delay..
>so well made
Get some fucking standards.
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Honestly, just include some sort of "endless dungeon" option at the end of an MD. Don't most rogue-like games allow you to restart a run with all of the stuff you gathered just for a power trip?
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Sinner for this feeling?
Post work
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I'd be down for an endless mode to fuck around with desu
don canto will also be delayed
fuck who?
nuts in ur face
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Sinners for THIS feeling?
what if PM became a chinese company??? would that make the game better???? haha!
will she shake her butt?
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>Complete Suppression after dealing (Unique) Burn, Bleed, Rupture, or (Unique) Sinking damage 8+ times to a single enemy
does unique rupture even exist
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sinner for this feel?
Just slot 1 GunSang, my guy.
That's what I've been trying but the sinking ramps up too fast and the enemy dies before I can score 8 hits. I guess I just need to get lucky and roll tails on every single coin.
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<Why am I a cockhead?>
>Dimensional Rift
If you want the status mission just bring 5 fuckers that apply lots of status and hit the body with em. Hex Nail, Dimension Shredder, etc
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Need an ID that applies maggots
Already got that. I'm talking about the easy version where you don't fight the boss at the end, so you have to do it 8 times on one of the mooks with only 200 health
These type of images always bugged me because there's no way for a shadow like that to be cast unless you're bent over backwards like Voldo with your dick sticking straight up

Also like Voldo
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Phaus: Dante you are corroding, you need to fuck all women sinners and Vergil to save yourself
Need an ID that kills faggots
But these threads wouldn't be the same without you :(
I just ran a Walpipi ID team and got it naturally
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sorry anon, not happening
The Dante ID that instakills Demian is simply too strong
Demian isn't gay, he's just Sinclairsexual
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Love me wife Outis
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You DID go above 5 cycles in RR2, right? Surely the one time where the goal was to stretch your team to the limits, you actually pushed forwards?
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who is he
The one who gifted Don her Rocinante
sacho, and its a she, bigot
The knight of mirrors. DUH! I just realized that Yi-sang might not have a fun time again
>the dream ending
>someday the dream will end
It's obviously Tidus, from Final Fantasy X.
I went for the lowest turn count possible again :)
Hong Lu's brother second form. The hidden clown.
We don't know yet. Might be Barber, might be Ringmaster of Mirros.
I abused the infinite attack bug for a believable count and then never touched that shit again
Oswald's cousin
Korean sinner #1, there will be no plotline where he isn't involved atleast tangentially
There should've been a north korean sinner
Your rodion?
I like Yi Sang but yeah it's tiresome.
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who is he
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i need to fuck the unnamed girl who was in the background of the chicken event
Mukbang was a mistake
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Speak for yourself, I meant that statement unironically
I WANT him to be involved in every plotline atleast tangentially
Because he's also trying to not have a repeat of the Legue of Nine by trying to become closer to the other sinners
Which will make it all the more glorious to witness when everything comes crumbling down
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What's stopping you?
he is 2 steps ahead
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what the fuck
how do i even find this, she doesn't have a name
>that guy
I need to commission this man
It's misang, the guy that sometimes joins the drawpiles. He has a twitter and pixiv and someone uploaded his stuff to panda as well.
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Can’t see over my belly…
>everything comes crumbling down
No. (You) will make him happy and restore his smile and optimism back. AND YOU WILL LIKE IT.
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Is this the nameless T corp Employee?
>ruina is next
I'm afraid this poster is correct
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>10 minutes until Devyat Rodya skill reveal
philip sinclair is gone, until pm adds a aoe burn unit again he is not going to be used in anything but md runs
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He's great. Great technical skill, some really gorgeous work. Almost all the porn is a miss for me but I love his regular work so much.
He's also just a really nice guy.
Finally your waiting will pay off :)
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Gorilla Heath
Don new EGO.
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>10 minutes
kek & lmao
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at least the plushy is cute...
I love this Argalia, it's so beautiful.
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It was revealed to me in a dream that it's going to be a rupture id, despite Rodya having zero rupture E.G.O.s
So how could they possibly justify us using a unit that has a Self-Destruct Button installed in it?
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Make your last second predictions /lcg/.
Vergilus would destroy this fraud by the way
Personally I hope that the self destruct happens when you fail a particular clash. That's already how it feels to lose a big clash anyway, may as well go all the way and just fucking blow up the sinner.
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it's not a prediction, but if shes not bleed i'll be sad. I want sanguine to be usable
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What so funny clockface?
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sinners for this feel
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>1 minute until Devyat Rodya skill reveal
Cutest boys
Just run N Corp with it bro. Her Ego activates combat start if you plan to use it so it's plenty useful.
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>*jumpscares you*
Me at the bottom.
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where rodya
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>Devyat Rodya skill reveal now(?)
W-WHERE ARE MY SKILLS???????????????????
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we will get ID with option to choose what statuses want?
it's in 15-30 minutes like always you dumb newfags
So new Ish is curse.
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Patch notes
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yawn another week of nothingburger
N Corp with Ring IDs is always a fun time in the mirror mines. Toss in a Middle Meursault bench passive and you have a team that can spam the shit out of overclocked NClair 9:2 and Red Shoes.
R9dya? Tremor.
I think that affects carmilla++ more than anything. If I'm reading it right no more turn 1 staggers.
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not my fault le director is RETARDED
Rodya? More like ZRODION Z! Z! Z! V! V! V!
>the guy that was a real color and then even got a personal EGO on top of that would win
No shit
misspelled peak
>one of the best gifts getting nerfed for no reason other than making mds take longer
ssg director
You think they're gonna do another big MD shakeup next season or have they settled into card packs?
0 association when
doesn't that inflict damage at the start? Don't ask me to search it, I'm lazy
Ishmael & Rodya bros we stay winning
Feels like he enjoys changing it up season to season. So I'm sure there is going to be something different for Don's.
I keep misreading MD as Mystery Dungeon instead of Mirror Dungeon
I'm confident they'll keep the packs, they found a way to integrate events into md without forcing it thanks to these. They would be throwing away a lot if the pack system is gone.
Rodya tl;dr
>"we need the numbers to be sure if its good or dogshit"
no need to thank me
probably a minor one, changing the rewards like he said in the livestream and doing adjustments but I doubt they are throwing card packs away
thank you :)
i don't need to see shit to smell shit
It takes a fixed percentage of hp at turn start yeah. I can't fully tell what all it would affect. Does this mean hitting an enemy with bleed under their stagger bar wouldn't stagger them until you actually won the clash and hit them? I'm pretty sure IDs can't stagger themselves anymore either so I don't think it's that.
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its charge bleed
devrodya will be like ringsang where she can apply any status (this time ot won't be random but instead it will apply the status with the highest amount)
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>instead of card packs it's a fucking circus wheel of fortune and you have to click to stop it at the pack you want (gift options are still directly chooseable)
Гoйдa, бpaт
hey I called that a month ago during the livestream
How do you know there isn't a delicious sandwich disguised to your nose by the shit smell though
nuh uh
That kind of cope is reserved for 2 coin IDs
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>honger canto
>MD is full cultivation autism
LMFAO that would be kino
>charge tremor
this combination of posts made me fall for it
the fucking baby dante discord strikes again
holy shit she's insane
what were they thinking
you bastards kek
they sure are taking their time
why'd they make her so fat
last kits were always released like 2 hours from now
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>your cultivation level is tied to your Starlight
>max starlight means you start the run with a floor 5 gift setup, but enemies are like level 70+ with fucktons of modifiers
>boss of the first floor N Corp pack is N Corp Envy peccas + Kromer + Guido in a single fight
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edging my skill reveal rn
Rodya's too fat and all the Gigabytes for her announcement is taking time uploading please understand
luv me simple times
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>Creates a softlock a week before her release
>Delays her own announcement
How does she do it?
holy shit she's insane
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Remember when kits were only one page long? Where did time go...
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>before the run starts you can click a button to meditate and grow your power
>you can click it as many times as you want, as fast as you want
>each click makes your team very very very slightly stronger
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They're uploading 3 images to explain her kit
so cute ome...
She mastered time and space.
>Monzo triggered the suicide mechanism while uploading the preview
Agegap romantic lesbian sex.
what the fuck director
holy shit she's insane
Not now Don. I want my fucking skill reveal
This but straight.
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Please shut the fuck up.
what were they thinking

holy shit she's going to ruin the game, actual color grade
whats the WORST combo she could be?
bold move to power-creep crack faust for charge but lets see how OP she gets
Omg I just saw the announcement fly past my house
>ish is all poise no sinking
laugh at sinkeks
self-tremor conditional maggots
Let's talk about twitter drama.
holy shit she's insane
Burn Tremor.
>project kissless virgin
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>shes poise charge
holy shit I'm insane
>No hemipenis
worthless image

rupture deluge!?! WHAT were they THINKING!!!?!
Next time I go back to my LobCorp run it's time for the WhiteNight suppression. Any tips aside from having WN in Safety or Training, stashing all the sacrificial nuggets in Extraction or Records, and splitting my nuggets into two groups (one for damage on WN and the other to aggro the apostles)?
>Burn tremor with conditional charge
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yeah, git gud scrub
What are you guys doing
>self burn
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Me when I see Sinclair
It's weird that the official project moon YouTube channel would put that title for their first video-based kit reveal, I agree. Must be a typo.
>she's self rupture
owari da...
dumb discord trannies
Can you guys stop fucking around.
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Rodya got eaten by the bag while delivering the kits please understando
shes actually rupture
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You dare doubt my dreams, limbabs?
>ish has a status that heals sp on enemy defeat
>it moves to your allies afterwards
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>no count except on skill 3
fucking lol
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>2 page became the standard
So she kills herself if she has too much junk in her trunk huh? Interesting.
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>Rodya can retreat to your backline
what in tarnation
this is gimmick is already tiresome
>does not consume rupture count
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>outstanding courier
now sleep, little one.
Allies as in the enemy's allies. Its a status on the enemy
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Angenya is quite capable, so she will give you this catus!
>She just hemorrhages HP as she fights because fighting means she isn't delivering the package.
Wonder how stronk she will be.
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>this skill does not consume rupture count
You may now kneel before the queen of rupture.
She's rupture...
Self-tremor bros it is so over
it looks so garbo. like you will need to retreat her to halve the trunk or she will kill herself
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okey dokey...i had my fun and excitement...
>this skill does not consume rupture count
That is actually interesting
Having one of your 6 sinners not consume rupture at all makes her absolutely insane unless the values required to activate the conditionals are insanely inflated
t. rupture expert
All those X and Ys is making my brain hurty
I'll just roll the ID and see how she plays out in practice
Thankfully chain battles don't require you to pick ALL of your sinners so you can probably manipulate it a bit.
>No count application outside of S3
>But doesn't eat Rupture count
Seems good, I'll probably pass up on sharding it for now.
Ish ego looks good.
If you bring this Rodya to a boss fight either she kills herself a few turns in or she retreats and you don't get any replacements
>can't actually inflict rupture past given values
Why does rupture even exist outside MD at this point?
This looks so bad. Fuck man I really wanted this ID to be good.
kek retard
Really depends how hard her self-damage hits her. If she can only last 3-4 turns before exploding she's going to be a tough fucking sell.
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>Ish gets fluid sac little
You expected the suicide bomber to be good?
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>basically no rupture count
>cant even apply rupture if there are too many of it
>fucking kills herself if the stacks get so high(????)
This looks fucking ass i'm sorry
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After the Ring Sang incident, I'll just wait on the numbers before I make my judgement
ummmm poisekeks??? what is this???
Yeah, I expected good trade offs for the risk.
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>Makes enemies take even more damage when they have sinking
The only thing I don't like about her is that she has to leave the fucking fight to keep from killing herself. Everything else seems pretty good. Her kit is designed kinda like Sanguine Desire.
>On demand Manor
Hey this is pretty good.
they should've given one of her skills a conditional reuse. then the no-cosumption could've really been interesting.
5 rupture count on s3
fat fuck does not eat count when potency and count is 6+
trust the plant
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This is the part where /lcg/ becomes retarded for the next three days until they get btfo. Enjoy!
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Her numbers need to be insane to be worth the trade off of having her explode if battles go too long. Practically useless in RR
They could at least have given her a way to return in non-chain battles, her cargo stacks are constantly racking up and the self-damage is multiplicative instead of flat so no matter what she's either going to kill herself or retreat without any way or refilling the slot
>Rodion get suicide ID
>Ishmael EGO heals everyone and provide Echoes of the Manor on demand
Am I missing something or is there no way to spend trunk stacks besides retreating? So if you use her in anything but a chain battle she's just on a death timer?
her s3 has a reuse
Yeah. Win fast or just die.
RR is exactly where you want her anon, because you can swap her out to lower her stacks. It's non chain battles where she's a death sentence.
>needs time to ramp up
>when ramped up fucking dies
What the fuck were they thinking? This is fucking dogshit
>unit is a liability turn 1 depending on how restrictive the "no count reduction" is unless she rolls a skill 3 (but if the rupture count is too high her skill 3 goes -4 count instead)
>either needs to fuck off the team early or explode a few turns in
she's going to be a liability in RR because she's going to eat count turn 1 and she won't have enough time to ramp up and she's going to be a liability in long content because she'll kill herself
>Coin 2 effects
>on a one coin EGO
monzo.......... 2600 apolunacy. now.
>Gets progressively more unga bunga the more she fights
Good in railways and story content but her suicidal tendencies are going to mess with winrating MDs
Is this a season 0 ID? I wanna skip it
I assume there's a sweet spot where she has insane batshit coin power from all her effects. Excited for a full Devyat team where everyone's on the clock
>kills herself before you can even meet the condition
They clearly intend for units dying to be a strategic part of the gameplay as chain battles replace everything.
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>Defense Level Down
Yeah. I'm thinking we're back.
I don't want my sinners to die. I simply won't use suicide retards
Two pages IDs are the norm now by the way, you can never go back. Three pages IDs by Merusault's canto
Better give her a revive passive EGO soon. Actually it's weird she doesn't have many EGO with tank passives considering how often they give her tanky IDs.
where sinclair content
If she has a high enough health value to consistently get the talismans from the Sinclair support passive then she might be useful, if not she can fuck off, also it looks like she has no way to reduce stacks of packages, since the value is stored on retreat?
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Okay so let me get this straight
>Gains coin power on all her skills for every X Courier Trunk or Y Rupture (doesn't specify count)
>If the target has X+ Rupture and Y+ Count she doesn't consume Rupture on hit, but also doesn't activate it so she just keeps stacking it for someone else to trigger a bigger hit
>Can retreat to recover stagger, expunge negative effects, and generally fuck around with deployment
>Builds stacks of Courier Trunk which just overall buffs her but leads to her burning herself out with too many stacks and can halve them in chain battles on retreat
She seems like some kind of gorilla burning at both ends that's made to both hit hard and support her team at the same time
I'm extremely curious as to the thresholds of her Courier Trunk passive as she seems to generate a shitzillion of them, so maybe the threshold for self immolation with it is high enough to be safely ignored
Looks fun so far but who knows if it'll actually be good until Wednesday
Rupture has a lot of healing shit in it so maybe that's one of the reasons why they feel a bit okay with it?
Dante would say this.
Don't forget the part where she has to retreat to avoid dying which requires the next sinner to die for her to get back in the fight; so if she's any good and you lose her mid-fight for whatever reason you're essentially down one ID.
Presumably the start of next season or later
>she has to retreat to avoid dying which requires the next sinner to die for her to get back in the fight;
not a problem. unclashable instakill atk weight 5 attacks next canto.
She will still trigger rupture just not inflict it in turn and won't reduce the count.
On one hand it's cool to see them experiment with the chain battle mechanics, on the other hand we already know Rodya's retreat skill is never EVER going to be useful because of how easy Limbus is
>% based self dmg
It's unsalvageable
I don't want them to die either :(
Don't know why they didn't give her inflict rupture count on clash win, that should be a universal thing moving forward
>They clearly intend for units dying to be a strategic part of the gameplay
Yeah fuck that, who the hell wants to field weaker IDs to offset the potential loss of stronger IDs?
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>this unit doesn't apply rupture if rupture is too high on the enemy
This is the most retarded restriction i've seen in this game so far, why the fuck would you get punished for playing the archetype you're supposed to?
>i-it's a conditional for other effects
Fuck off, that's not how you do it.
I'm pretty interested with the wording that you gain coin power for either courier trunk OR rupture. It's only a single effect, instead of being on two lines like usual for skills that have multiple coin power conditionals. If you have courier trunk AND rupture on an enemy, will it calculate both into a single coin power equation?
She prevent her own rupture infliction. So she is basically can keep count neutral. Which means that her perfomance and damage will mostly depend on enemy current rupture stack and her speed. All or nothing.
She's going to be extremely strong especially if her base numbers are good. I'll just run her into the enemy until she dies if they want me to play that way though.
t. has never actually used rupture in RR
No gloom skills makes her DoA
Can't even be used as a detonator since she's way too fast
Please…just one top tier Rodya… it's all I ask…
the rodya debuff
7 base skill power 10 coin power on all skills before boosts
great dogshit system
>effectively has +1 Rupture Count on every attack when the target reaches the thresholds
Rupturefags, what's your verdict on the ID
Oh yeah no her kit is trash, but I meant the explode/retreat part you were talking about.
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>its another 'lcg pretends they know what they're talking about before they've even seen the numbers' episode
I'll see you retards when you're kneeling at Rupture's feet in a few days
>Rodya is inherently count-neutral once you exceed a certain threshold
>Rodya is basically R-heath and you only have so many turns to use her unless you have a full party wipe
Less neat, but still not too bad in the future since at least she's not a dead weight that way and we'll hopefully eventually have enough good rupture units her sub ing out isn't a complete loss.
Everyone will if the mechanics build up to support it. Imagine an ID that ramps and does massive damage super fast, dies, provides buffs and resources for dying, potentially combos with other IDs with wild hunt when dying, and then somehow revives later to do it again.
PM's engame is for the game to play like the sinners canonically act: dying and coming back over and over until the enemy is overwhelmed.
AEDD adds rupture count by gloom attacks but she doesn't consume rupture count so it evens out no?
Rodya is made to be USED and THROWN AWAY
>Winrate hostile ID
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Rodion is the designated trash sinner. She will get the worst IDs so we can laugh at how bad they are
She would need numbers that make Ringsang look weak to make it worth it
Thing is she goes to the rearmost slot meaning slot 12. So in practice once she fucks off she's gone for good even in chain battles.
Meursault and Gregor are right there... Don too lmao
holy moly it does too, they snuck that in the middle there
rupture will never escape talisman sinclair for the rest of this game's lifespan
punch rodya was one of the best IDs in the game when she came out. the queen of RR2.
Then PM is about to find out very quickly that a lot of players (and not specific to Limbus, just in general) are generally averse at losing units, especially their favorites and more often than not either will restart or outright drop the game when they are constantly forced to lose shit
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my tooth filling is falling out, limbabs
I'm gonna wait and see when it comes out since you guys said crackfaust was worse than heath
unless it applies 5 or more rupture potency then I am okay with it not applying more rupture if it turns all of her skills to count neutral
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>practically only has a certain number of turns before she has to fuck off forever
Great id director
Don't retreat her, just let her die if you're in story mode or RR before a save node
She's gonna die soon when you get her back at spot 12 anyway
Anon I'm pretty sure all boss battles will be chain battles like casseti going forward. The whole point was director wanting to be able to make flashy boss moves suitably dangerous and not having losing a single sinner be a lose condition as a result.
She tried her best to save burning.
Depends on the values which turns on the conditional, but it’s looking pretty good. So long as it’s around like 4-6 it effectively means you have one less ID to juggle skills with, which is huge. It also still allows you to use nuke skills which might bring the rupture count below her conditional due to her likely always going first with her speed values.

Overall I’m feeling pretty good about this ID so far and am glad us rupturefags are finally getting something again
Rupture count from the skill itself sirll applies. So something like Paus S2 becomes +6 count total (+3 after hit consumption)
Oh in a vacuum yeah fair
>The tourists leave
if don's canto has bosses like casseti with multiple waves of trash mobs before the boss rodion might just actually be unrunnable
rodion might already be unrunnable on casseti, even
No? Because there's no good way to mitigate stack build up you just win rate and hope you kill everything before she kills herself, as she gets better and better at clashing and killing until she kills herself and you have no way to stop it.
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>a lot of limbabs are saying she's trash because she's clearly designed for chain\shorter fights.

Right, because Rabbitcliff, who basically becomes useless once he runs out of ammo NEVER saw any play, at any point, ever.
why is the fucking game not working
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You better not fuck up Ishy's Zwei ID Director...
Fair enough. Count is realistically the least of rupture's problems when taking Talismanclair and AEDD into account,
Sure but the payoff would have to be absolutely insane give she needs to ramp and only gets a turn or two at full power since even if she lives her SPs fucked so no heads
You also lose a support passive with this strat
Because the game didn't have any considerable long battles when rheath was still considered top tier, what is this post?
>you have no way to stop it.
I'm skipping the fatty. There, stopped it.
I'll play with the new amazing Ish ego instead.
Worse than Zwei Sinclair..
Dead allies in chain battles become support passives though
I think the ID will be fine just for fighting, but because the chain battle gimmick is too new, that aspect of hers is gonna get powercrept like launch IDs did once they figure out how to design good mechanics for it.
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Ah you're right, I misinterpreted what they meant
Still seems really good though
Always remember Dieci Rodya's skill reveal when it comes to /lcg/ determining whether or not an ID is good or bad

An interesting synergy I'm already noticing is the fact that if her speed is high enough or if she has haste which both things look like she can easily get and maintain, she'll gain a barrier equal to the stacks of Courier Trunk which that itself will offset the damage taken if/when you're over the final stack threshold which would allow her to stay in fights longer (ignoring the fact she also takes SP damage though that can be offset with support passives somewhat)

Really we need to see her numbers to see if the ID is garbage, situational, or dummy strong
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You can manage Rheath bullets with evade/ego, you can't even do that with this uber eats shit id
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>Run 7 sinners
>Rodion leaves, my 7th comes in
>I kill them
>Rodion comes back
talisman is potency you tard
malkuthfag retarded as usual
it's already dead on arrival by virtue of being a Zwei ID
main difference being that rodion's also shit on turn 1
Yeah I read the talisman description wrong lol. It was gain rupture by the count not rupture count oops.
People were saying Faust looked more bland than Heath, not that she would perform worse
>An interesting synergy I'm already noticing is the fact that if her speed is high enough or if she has haste which both things look like she can easily get and maintain, she'll gain a barrier equal to the stacks of Courier Trunk which that itself will offset the damage taken if/when you're over the final stack threshold which would allow her to stay in fights longer (ignoring the fact she also takes SP damage though that can be offset with support passives somewhat)
You can also use Sinclair's frog EGO to make her stack the shield she'll get from her passive every turn.
Rabbitcliff doesn't need to ramp up. Imagine if he could only use Quick Suppression when he had 2 ammo left
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skippa skippa
Might be the first ID that is impossible to do solo runs with.
Having a bunch of skill slots will mean she'll ramp faster and die.
Putting her last in line is the real problem for me. If she's strong as hell with trunk then sure I guess but having to emergency exit my sinner once they come online sucks.
just kill faster lil jit
my wife
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>Use four skills in a row
>Rodion runs away
>I lose the fight
I guess the idea is using her right away to ramp up, then save her for some kind of finishing blow, or having a way to keep her alive in longer content.
>No gloom skill
AEDD bros...
ugly ass cat
you dont have to field all the sinners in chain battles bwo
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>needs time to ramp up when md battles barely last 2 or 3 turns
ayy lmao
>next mirror (for hard only) has less floors and/or encounters but every encounter has reinforcements so ramp units can actually do something

yay or nay
talking about Multiasscrack Faust?
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If you only have 1 backup slot (which is an option right now in the Walpoopy, for example), she'll come back instantly, if you kill any sinner. So the anon is right.
The question is - why would you do that?

And the only real answer is "El Director might put in a boss that has a move that HEAVILY damages a single sinner, most likely killing them, thus making this sort of gameplay viable".

Which, honestly, I can see happening.
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>no way to lower her stacks
This is the most egregious part about this kit, I have no idea why they would make an id that literally becomes unusable eventually, this is not launch. This is such a massive direction shift from the ids we've been getting who were tailored towards longer fights.
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Don't EVER reply to one of my posts again you fucking pavement ape.
>leave yourself with 5 sinners permanently after she fucks off for the 2nd time
Yeah even if she had Ringsang numbers that wouldn't be worth it
your dieci?
>charge IDs
>Lv. 44
what are you doing
I mean unless they make content much, much harder I still don't see my sinners dying unless I want them to so not like it matters much anyway. Didn't even use it in RR when it was first introduced nor in the Warp stuff.
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just run her with lobcorp ryoshu
easy heals easy life
I hope you like being forced to use it in order to beat the new Ch
>permanently go down to 5 sinners after she runs for the 2nd time
What's the next step of your master plan?
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I wanted them slightly underleveled throughout the story and never thought about it again afterwards
You can get ego gifts that set you at 10 charge or more at the start of the battle. kys noob
>Courier Trunk Thresholds are 5-10-20-50
>You can generally hit the first two thresholds in 2-4 turns
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Holy fuck i just realized it's shaped like a boat
>only heals when using S3 and it's based on her stacks
>Rodion gets 100 trunks in like 3 turns and dies instantly
Wow thanks you little spider fucker
Keeping sinners lower levelled than the enemies gives the more SP, so I can see why anon does that. it's a retarded mechanic that punishes you for maxing your sinners in practice.
>needing to sacrifice support passives just so that one id can be used
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I like how she also loses sp on top of hp, it's just an extra fuck you to her. Can't even reliably roll heads as she's dying to do some more damage.
BL one is shaped like a sword and the chicken one is shaped like a cock
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Lads I think PM might actually hate Rodion for real
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good thing i just got that lob corp donqui
guess ill have to start adding rupture runs to my md repertoire
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Incidentally, I'd love an ability to temporarily lower a specific id's current level.

Not even just because of the mechanic you've described, but also because there are effects of support passives such as "applies to the sinner with the least hp".
Lowering an id's level by 1 can be an interesting way to ensure such effects land on what you want them to land on.
Zwei Ishmael comes out before the new Season right?
>set up rupture with Devdya
>use her counter to switch out with Rheath
>QS with huge rupture stack and deal limbillion damage
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>sinking gets another really good looking ego
>ruptures long awaited new 000 is dogshit
>gain (Courier Trunk)% max hp as shield
>take (Courier Trunk / y)% max hp twice a turn
Do other effects that deal %hp damage ignore shield or does it still block it? Seems like you can keep her immortal for as long as you can keep speed/haste up. Shame about the SP though, unless it's low enough to be sustained by clashing.
Also, being able to lower an ID's level would work in chain battles as sacrificial pawns to gain sin resources
Nice way to shake things up imo
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>Run a full 12 sinner Devyat team
>Half my team is switching out every turn, they're all at low HP and SP, the support passives I'm working with change every turn, some of them keep having their bags kill them
It's kino, thank you.
Oh absolutely, an obscure gacha I used to play called Sdorica gave you the ability to refund all of a characters' invested EXP so you could adjust the levels on demand - I think a more reasonable version for Limbus (to prevent people from just refunding EXP from IDs they dont use to funnel it around to meta shit all the time) would be it being a setting per ID.
Would be useful for Esports bullshit like setting all the BL IDs to 1 to have them all die early for BL Meur's passive, for example.
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What if we get a 00 Devyat ID later on that can also swap so we can reasonably keep swapping back and forth between Rodya and that ID?
stop thinking forward anon im trying to doompost here
That actually sounds pretty fun.
RR5 newest gimmick: try to avoid losing your mind when everything becomes shuffled every turn because it's the new fun chain-battle system.
>Ishmael gets once more a great EGO
>Rodya gets once more garbage
I don't want Rodya to have any new release alongside Ishmael ever again.
If we get more Shi IDs it'd also be funny to swap into Shi, have them eat a bunch of unopposed attacks to get their buffs up and then eventually die and bring the Devyat back.
>multi-wave battle with boss at end
>bring along devyat rodya (doesn’t even need to be in a rupture team due to being able to meet her conditionals with her crate stacks)
>use her counter to let ramp down IDs reach the multi wave boss at full strength
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Anyons do I lose this ego forever if I don't pick it up from the dispenser before the new season?
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i hope they always release together, they're my favorite sinners
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Unironically imagine swapping becomes a genuinely important core mechanic for Limbus.

I'd like the Director to never fucking update the UI so that people are forced to play with pen and fucking paper to keep track on who comes in next.
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>Another Devyat ID that upon swapping restores HP and SP to compliment Rodya providing Clash Power
Honestly that seems fun as fuck to have a whole team that can keep tagging out to provide buffs and support when they need to take a break and recover
no. it comes back the season after next
You won't be able to pull or shard it for the entirety of the next season, i'd get it before its gone.
Not forever but for like 8 months unless you pull it yeah
It might even be the next Dante power. Would be a pretty interesting one.
no you can shard it in two seasons
You will have to wait for canto 8
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The stinginess of the Hgacha I play on the side really makes me appreciate how generous Limbus actually is
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Nou. But you can't shard it throughout the next season, so you'll have to wait until the season after the next to get it.

>unless you pull it yeah
You can't pull it, limbab, unless they make, like, a Paus banner that includes it (but I don't think they've ever included an event id\E.G.O. in a sinner-specific banner).
shut up shitclair
>I'd like the Director to never fucking update the UI so that people are forced to play with pen and fucking paper to keep track on who comes in next.
Man that'd be too fucking based of the Director to do that
That's expecting too much of gachashitters who only want to winrate their game to completion
>Utter to me what you think the ideal is
>Utter to me what you think the ideal is
>Utter to me what you think the ideal is
>Utter to me what you think the ideal is
Yep, I think we're back
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wait I knew I couldnt shard stuff from the previous season but am I not able to pull those IDs/EGOs entirely? Is that why I've never laid eyes on Bamboo Meursault
I didn't realize you can't pull EGOs but can pull IDs out of season. That's interesting.
So if they make more devyat ids are they also going to retreat? Maybe they could have a mechanic where they directly swap out retreated ids.
Shard him when the dream begins its final gasps
You can pull them. Walpurgis shit isn't in the gacha or dispenser outside of walpurgis though.
>swapping sinners
>manually changing the position on the speed chain for stuff like LCCB Ish fragile
>manually recolouring skills on the chain for resonance
>Binah-style skill locking an enemy for a turn
What other cool Dante powers could they introduce?
I'm going to withhold judgement until numbers (at worst the unit is weird until a second devyat comes out to allow switching without forced deaths), but man are they going to fucking stop with exp amounts they have now if they want us to build multiple teams while having at least two backup units or something?
It is one thing I quite like about some of the sinking IDs. I don't get why it isn't a thing for rupture as much.
its not about egos or ids, its about being event specific. Event stuff are extra limited in the way you also can't pull them in the next season .
Dentist, now
force corrosion
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There's a list of things you can and can't pull after the fact. I don't know the full list by heard, but I'm pretty sure that "event" ids\E.G.O.s are firmly in the "can't pull" category.
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I think it's that you can't pull event IDs. You can pull Season 3 non event IDs (I've gotten Middle Sault and Pequod Yi Sang). It's why they apologized for chef gregor.
I thought that only applied to the ones not on the banner, my mistake. Though I also forgot Everlasting was a part of an event too since it was so dull.
Except it’s a Rupture team so you are already running a 4/5 man team??
Who runs 6 man rupture without ego gifts, that’s just asking for 20+ turns where you carefully math your rupture count
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You can pull seasonal/event stuff from character specific banners, yes.
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Miss Rodya...
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It's a pretty comfy gacha desu despite it being a porn game
Why would you want to force corrosion when you can overclock? That seems like a really niche use but I can't say I know what it'd be good for aside from solo runs or the couple Egos that you can target while corroded.
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what the fuck are those odds? i'd have a better chance of winning the lottery and buying PM
If they really were going for this? They should have released at least 2 Devyat at the same time.
Right now, best case it is put to the potential man list, along Sanguine Desire
i dunno, it just seems like something the director would implement for some cool chuuni moment in the future
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I will shard her no matter what because I love her. Rodion and Ishmael too
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>For a sinner's base EGO
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in what universe do you have a 1/500 chance of winning the lottery
Stop posting this dumb cat
It makes me mad
getting out of stagger
seeing the cool ass corrosion idle animations you never get to see
Yes, you don't roll the character banners for a specific ID/EGO because the odds are split between every ID/EGO of the character. You roll character banners if you're a newbie with nothing, otherwise you either roll when it first comes out or just shard.
Is this not obvious to some people?
>he think Heathcliff's wrath bodysack and broken digits for cutscene only
How are the new things limbabs? I have yet to check them
almost no one let their sinners die. Even if you were to look at anyone (yes, even complete randoms) who streamed their RR4 progress, the majority just restart when their sinners die unless they're about to finish the section
Anon it's an EGO if you have the others its basically the same as a 000 since the others are removed from the pool.
Also just shard it if you want it. Soup Don is in fact available.
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now we're talking, there's a lot of opportunity with that
He doesn’t have 20k lunacy and 2 10 roll tickets
This would be kino if they all had fucked up versions of their EGOs based on the canto antags. Ishmael gets a cum harpoon, Yi Sang has a scythe, Sinclair has a vagina.
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>no gloom skill
>no rupture count application on clash win
>rupture count applied only via her 3rd skill
>skills 1 and 2 are very negative until you meet the condition to not consume count
>will probably need to just spam her block while the team builds rupture count on the enemy at the risk of triggering her retreat but not consuming precious rupture count and enabling Gluttony reso chains for Talisman
>need to babysit her instead of just unga bunga winrate
Get this TRASH out of my sight.
ok incel
simply make overclocking worth the trouble instead of forcing corrosion then you'll be able to see it
>the fight is now completely fucked, but at least I got to see the cool corrosion
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give me the retard's rundown of your standard rupture team so i can prepare
Ish's EGO seems good
Rodya's ID seems decisive as always
Lotsa people being optimistic
Lotsa people doomposting it
Usually /lcg/ is wronger than wrong whenever they claim IDs are gawdlike or garbage upon skill preview
We shall see
>needs others to build up the rupture for her before she starts being useful
>when building up rupture is the exact problem the archetype has and where it needs help
Flawed design desu
this is the 3rd time this week i've seen this mistake made on completely different boards i dont get it
Cope. It has 0% chance of being good. I'm the only good limbus professional player here.
how do i make sound webms? i have a funny idea
I don't care about the coin reuse on her S3 so I'm going to blow its load early for a bunch of rupture count and then she'll be permanently rupture neutral.
in fact how do i make webms at all for that matter
>t. tech-illiterate zoomer
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Do anyone haw or can make redraw with sinner or Dante?
Seven Heathcliff and Faust; L Corp Don Quixote; W Corp Yi Sang; Rose Greg AEDD(begrudgingly); Talisman Sinclair (on the bench)
I do not run 6 man rupture teams. If her conditionals are good enough I will consider running Devyat Rodion as my 6th (gives Gregor something to do with her Effervescent Corrosion)
just google 4chan webms and youll find a github page explaining everything
Ask google retard
You made me spit out my drink
Thanks eslbab
thanks. i'll get back a bit later if i don't fuck it up
ganbare zoomer
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It's almost 6 am and that's my excuse
I love my seven association. I hope /lcg/ does too.

Gcorp Gregor is very op with them because all identities let him spam legerdemain almost every tun and when possible, you can get free 300-400 with his s3
I'll do it tomorrow, what sinner do you want limbab
get over it already ESLfag
why is there semen on her clothes
7 Faust
7 Heathcliff
Lob Don
W Yi Sang
Rose Gregor (AEDD)
LCCB Ishmael (with AEDD her sk2 inflicts a lot of rupture count)

Talisman Sinclair and W Sault in the bench.
I'd really like there to be LCB ego IDs, I think they would be cool.
its on her mouth too
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It's yogurt, you perverted cumbrains. Not everything is sex
you mean IDs with that silly striped blanket on them?
let's make it Rodya or Gregor

Thanks in advance
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The new Rodya ID looks so cute and pretty, why did it have to be dogshit...
>nintendocuck game
what a fucking horrendous looking team, I'm sorry director, but you must try harder with Rupture, it's not ok.
One thing I noticed after reading all the Erlking threads again is the fucking cancer amount of Erlking cocksucking jokes, but what is even more surprising is the staggering amount of those cocksucking posts that actually had 4 in them. It was such a wierd time then, like you were almost guaranteed to get a 4 if you were to mention cocksucking or Erlking.
Np (◡ω◡)b
It's all your fault. Shouldn't have masturbated to limbus porn
they dont have yogurt in east asia anon
Massive brain Don
>rose gregor
hello? G corp gregor? K hong lu?
>Hokma (Records Team): Halves all enemy speeds
>Binah (Extraction Team): Lets you use an EGO even without the required sin resource
>Chesed (Welfare Team): Lets you change the sin of skills on the chain
>Gebura (Discipline Team): Unga bunga this sinner gets clash power, lots of clash power
>Tiphereth (Central Team): Lets you swap units from your backline
>Netzatch (Safety Team): Gives a sinner kimsault style 1-turn invulnerability
>Hod (Training Team): Lets you manually discard a skill
>Yesod (Information Team): 7-association style enemy weaknesses get worse for a turn
>Malkuth (Control Team): Lets you manually rearrange the speed order of your sinners
>Kether (Architecture Team): Lets a sinner awaken their ego, changing their skillset for a certain number of turns. Limited to one use per battle.
I'm just winging it with most of these but my point is I hope they do stuff that interacts with the gameplay in weird ways instead of just "stat goes up/down".
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>doing md
>get goyslopium while using bleed team
it's honestly not as bad as I expected
i fucking wish, theres not even any limbus porn to masturbate to
Don't reply with such idiotic opinions, retard.
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>oh nyoo~ dante~ I'm in trouble~ my courier trunk stacks are sooo high dante~
><rodion you have 3 stacks. I can see them on my ipad. it's the second turn of battle>
>nyooo, dante~ my case is gonna kill me~ I need to retreat dante~ I gotta make my delivery to survive~ *runs into the nearby old country buffet*
>limbus porn
>its all either futa or gayshit
Homo franchise thoughbeit, so I can't
You run him because of his S3 being gloom, applying rupture/count and it's 3 coins + AEDD dumbo
Yes but also like meursault when he swings the chain or Ishmael throwing the funny harpoon
fuck you! G corp gregor is good in 7 team
It's worse than Burn was before Dawn Sinclair but it has the excuse of destroying bosses if you succeed at performing brain surgery which is how it feels to build rupture count outside of MD with the current lineup of Rupture IDs.
>using IDs that can't build rupture count
Read what Gregor's AEDD does with its unique debuff, anon.
so let me get this straight
she'll shine when there's enough rupture+rupture count on the target
since the biggest hurdle of rupture is the count unless you can pop aedd early, and even then she has no gloom so she's going to eat stacks with no benefits for the team
10/10, they designed one id that will inevitably eat count when she gain enough courier stack (due to +min/max speed gains), she lose both health and sanity as she goes on and she has to leave once she is fully powered or else she'll die. finally, she's placed at the last spot on the chain so you won't see her until you get more of this retarded shuffling mechanic
what nutcracker designed this shit?
Cute Rodya worried about the junk in her trunk in order to get more junk in her trunk
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her whole id is that she DOESNT eat count retard
I always keep goysloppy because it lets you winrate abno fights better
shes going to die and you are laughing. her retarded truck is going to kill her for being a retard and you are laughing
>nintendoBVLL game
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Don't bully her you filthy monkey
the target needs a certain amount of potency/count before she stop eating count you dumbass
unless it's relatively low she's guaranteed to eat it
>unless she's the fastest sinner or she has her sk3 ready, her only option in turn 1 is to use her guard coin to avoid eating rupture count which she needs for her to be useful
nice ID limbabs
You're forgetting that she'll also shine when she builds up Courier Trunk stacks in general as they'll give her more speed, coin power, raw damage, clash power, slash damage up, additional rupture count on S3, as well as a max HP shield based on how many stacks she has

She looks like she's nothing but ramping value that'll eventually have to take a breather
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Fat ass
And you forget that she will die the the moment she comes online
she's a delivery ID she's gonna be fast as fuck
>verification not required
>she'll shine when there's enough rupture+rupture count on the target
>she's going to eat stacks with no benefits for the team
Her S3 seems to work as both setup skill and finisher. This is a bit of a mess. And I feel like no consumption outside of MD is going to be rare as fuck.
>what nutcracker designed this shit?
Told you is going to be new rupture meta 5 years later. Just wait.
Everything is just rupturelike or chargelike mechanics. . .
>And you forget that she will die the the moment she comes online
Speaking out of your ass aside, she literally doesn't as the max benefits she can get from Trunk stacks isn't in the same bracket as the one that kills herself
She seems fun just for that I'll pick her up, if this is a glimpse of what devyat gameplay will look like I'm all for it
>Rodyafags waited 6 months... for this
>everything is just [most generic archetypes]
how strange
fat fuck rodya ate the rupture application...
Ishbros are not in for a good time btw
>Has theoretically infinite rupture application when target is above a threshold
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She'll be fine stop dooming you dweebs
>fat fuck Rodya ate Ishmael
Half of the rupture IDs have to guard or hit another enemy/body part on turn 1 anyway.
4 more weeks till content
Bygone Days is a mini Fluid Sac, so I'm okay with it. Butler Faust has been in my Sinking bench for a very long time, so my only healing EGO has been Gregor's WAW which is extremely expensive for how underwhelming that EGO is.
What's the point of the S1 not applying rupture when conditionals are met? Everyone knows gonna be a singular (uno) rupture application, when general rupture mooks apply 5 each and a bind in S1
Your Rodion/Meursault Pursuance? Your pffftt Hong Soda?
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To the next anon that bakes, please use the kits for the next OP.
does anyone have a picture of linton outside the door?
Explain to me in one sentence what Devyat Rodion does? She retreats off field?
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>Rodion's inevitable rupture EGO applies enough potency and count to meet Devyat's thresholds
>From turn 2 she can infinitely scale rupture all on her own
I can't wait!
You're right, I forgot about Sault Pursuance. I'm using Dieci Sault instead of the other Dieci IDs since he feed gluttony, which is a resource I lost after replacing Bush Sang with Ding Sang.
if rodion gets a rupture ego before canto x i'lll eat my shorts
>the entire point of chain battles is allowing you to ramp up
>rodion's new id forces her to leave after she ramp up
what the fuck? she's certainly special at fucking up
can you post it please? i need it to make a joke about linton standing outside the door listening to heath and cathy have bed-breaking sex
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>Rodion getting her fourth fucking status carry EGO
>no Gluttony on the best Charge IDs
>no Gluttony on the best Bleed IDs
>no Gluttony on the best Sinking IDs
>STILL stuck on Big Bro battle
>No Nclair support in my fren list
>Also stuck on the 6 status in one turn quest on Violet
Life is pain huh.
Likely risk-reward. You not going to trigger R&R evasion mode until you use her counter. But yeah. Built in self SP damage kinda ruins it.
Someone give this poor limbab an Nclair
>inb4 you do it
I refuse to put any SHITclair ID in my company
Just once I would like for doomposters to be ignored by the average nonreader so we could have a passable thread. But nope. Everyone listening to the doomers how she kills herself but no one reading how she doesn't eat Count or has a Coin Reuse to make her S3 four coins. In a fucking Rupture team...
Rodya better get a cute hyper carry bleed or charge ID next season.
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I place my stake in the ground here. My opinion is iron-clad.
Having seen Devyat Rodya, I proclaim the following:
This I know with my entire soul and heart.
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>No gluttony for bleed
Bloodfiend ids would certainly fit the bill. So they will be all be double lust because why not.
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your w hong?
your ring outis?
your dieci sault?
quit complaining
bloodfield don will be triple wrath
her evade will be lust at ut4
>shit ID
>better options exist
>shit sinking ID that ruins Dieci gimmick
Doesn't matter if she fucking kills herself when you get her up to par, anon.
Not only that but her Courier Trunk stacks look like they can carry her even outside of rupture applications
Those stacks alone give her speed, a shield, coin power up, clash power up, and slash damage up
She gets insane value from them
Total newfag here. Can someone give me a quick tl;dr on what I should be aiming for or spending?
I believe anon. I believe.
a 4 fucking coin s3 that doesn't consume rupture count... imagine pulling that out on the turn you apply talisman.
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You get all the Heathcliff IDs and EGOs
Nothing else matters
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looks for the id called "dieci association director meursault"
he is a strong man who will keep you safe
Here you go bud T487682405
Slotted in both new Walpipi IDs and Nclair for ya
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just use whatever the strongest things you get from your bab rolls gives you
eventually you'll notice you have multiple IDs with the same gimmick, like burn or tremor, and when that happens you can look into building a team based around that gimmick, but that's probably a ways into your future
play the story and enjoy
if you buy the battle pass, you won't need to spend money on anything else
>a 4 fucking coin s3 that doesn't consume rupture count
That also gets coin power
And clash power
And slash damage
And just more damage too because why not
Why does Rodya keep getting shield & tank IDs but never any tank EGOs?
Also new Rodya will be peak home screen meta.
>Another section 3
Fucking hell, I prayed that they went back to lower sections because this was north/zwei will be west but if we're "stuck" with section 3 now what the fuck are they going to do in 3 months? We climbed up from section 6 to section 3 in a year, we can't get fucking section 2 and section 1 IDs yet, holy shit
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Who gave Cathy access to the internet
Kek true
Phantom coin
I mean the effect doesn't say she kills herself, she deals damage to herself. Dramatic difference, mostly because the former is an issue and the latter is really easy to fix. Most Sins got some form of sustain now.
>The fucking delivery driver ID is the first true berserker styled ID
Hilarious PM
10 Year Plan anon
My savior. I kneel...
Will report back if i manage to make Gigachad leave me alone.
you need to get sloshmael and upt4 her immediately
The problem that she needs count and potency to not eat count and potency. On a team that struggle with keeping the status already. Oh and self-damage that can kill you. Well. Didn't I asked for self-burn ID? Time to immolate myself.
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post on model outis art
This has a list on the IDs for each sinner, going from the best to the worst. Just get the top ones
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Dante's diary has access to it
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It consumes rupture? Its special effect makes it not inflict rupture you retards, its dogshit
Focus on getting IDs that complement the best one from your free rolls. Your first goal should be forming a team of 6 IDs capable of completing the weekly mirror dungeon.
Do NOT buy the Limbus pass for this season. Wait for the next one (4 weeks from now).
Use Lunacy to expand your roster, but once you have a comfortable number of IDs/EGOs, only use Lunacy to refresh your stamina once a day or simply keep saving it for Walpurgis events.
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Let's see how smart /lcg/ is
What caused my W Sault to have 5 Sinking?
I didn't use any EGOs
I don't have any Sinking EGO gifts on me
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>skill 3 that doesn't consume count
reread it. the skill 3 only doesn't INFLICT count at the threshold. you literally get punished for reaching the threshold by going -4 in count
at the start of the fight she needs a skill 3 to maybe go neutral and then her skill 3 gets worse as time goes on while her skill 1 and 2s get marginally less shit before she kills herself
>doesn't count rupture count
Her S3 consume rupture count. Also, if the condition for coin reuse is met, her S3 doesn't even apply rupture count anymore.
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I like how you guys think
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She also inflicts Count with S2 and Potency with S1 unless she fulfilled the conditionals. Her negatives seem well balanced out with the positives on paper. Also before you buy into doomposting remember that the gurus here proclaimed Pointilist Yi-Sang as "the worst Bleed ID in the game" on Reveal Monday.
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>-25 sp
wheres W Faust
>Rabbit Heath and Pirate Gregor still getting shilled
Got it by Kekghgh or whatever the name is?
Read Anon, READ!
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In a team of randos, yes. A limbab won't have access to a full Sinking team, making Wild Hunt and Gregton lose so much of their coin powers and damage
krillin face
>regret above grippy
what the FUCK
Post on model Rodya.
buy the bp when a canto starts. It's not strictly necessary, but it makes grinding for new ids/ego a lot easier.
You want to start with generic goodstuff ids, probably Rabbit Heath, WDon, WRyoshu, CrackFaust, Cinqlair or NClair. If you feel like it reroll on the Walpurgis banner. it's the most time-gated thing here.
Eventually some generic good egos like Faust Fluid Sack or anything else with hp/sp gain.

Later you start building status teams. Currently charge, sinking, poise and tremor are most supported.
Tremor is expensive. Leave it for later.
Poise (forma de Blade Lineage) is probably most budget-friendly currently, needing only 2 core IDs (BL Sault and BL Don) to run properly, though i think they can't be sharded until next season.
Sinking is especially useful against bosses with SP, which is often relevant. Notably one of the current rate-up Walpurgis ids is sinking support.
Charge basically consists of central goodstuff ids which don't rely on each other too much and some support which isn't core. Note in particular that I recommended three separate charge ids above.
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Why'd they have to fuck with the lineup
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I took some white damage looking at that
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Who is Polu
Regret has the fastest access to AoE and loads of debuffs like coin down. Grippy is mostly a support ID with only Gaze as her best effect
the bag
Lil nigga got hit by a chicken thrown into his dumbass
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i dont get it, why did donqui get tilted by the windmills
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rodion ntr confirmed...
Wrong it's mean half
>>no Gluttony on the best Bleed IDs
Brother, your Kurokumo Ryo?
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The ID with a better S3, AoE, and Plus Coin Drop is going to be placed above Gaze the ID yes
Poludnica, I assume.
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she trusts her?
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Reminder that Kromer Faust canonically has the tightest pussy of any ID
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It's Sloshmael actually.
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It's K-corp Hong Lu.
why lintor have coronavirus
whats going on with her stomache bros...
Man I can't wait for Greta-Rodya in 4 years.
Spend it on getting a functional brain
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Sloshmael rewiew
Little early, but looks good. Thank you.
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Sinking season.
I made it....The nightmare is finally over. Thank you.
I love my pudgy wife
Because you’re retarded.
That’s only the S3 which is her count applicator the rest of her skills are designed so she’ll go first and trigger rupture a bunch without reducing count.
It’s so she clashes well if you’re doing your job and applying lots of rupture OR you’re about to lose her.

They changed the stagger at health thresholds to only happen from coin damage so she won’t stagger and trigger her retreat due to her box stacks but it does mean that at a certain point a single hit will cause her to auto retreat and losing all her hp will cause the unique death animation.

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