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Previous Thread: >>494669674

This is a thread for MICA/Sunborn games. Including Girls' Frontline 1 and 2, Neural Cloud and Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery.

Bind your account to a Sunborn ID instead of logging in from Facebook/Google.

Beginner's FAQ *READ THIS AND CHECK THE RESOURCES PASTEBIN before asking questions*

Emulator guides: https://pastebin.com/uqE8YHJ3
GF1 Resources: https://pastebin.com/psb2YFXi
PNC Resources: https://pastebin.com/xtVjFcFw


[Current] Sep. 3 - Sep. 30 | New Re-Supply Gacha: Dancing Heartstrings
[Current] Aug. 20 - Sep. 16 | New Coalition Unit: Alina - Narciss
[Current] Sep. 10 - Sep. 23 | Theater Mode Season 13 (HOC: RPG-29)

[Current] Sep. 5 - Oct. 3 | New Re-Supply Gacha: Beguiling Chips
[Current] Sep. 12 | New T-Doll Batch x4 (SIG Cross, Mk.18, XM556, M400)

[Current] Aug. 20 - Sep. 17 | New Major Event: [Singularity Immemorial]
[Current] Aug. 20 - Sep. 17 | External Search - [Seeking Stars] (Xinghuan)
[Current] Sep. 10 - Oct. 8 | External Search - [Nocturnal Blade] (Penumbra)
[Current] Sep. 10 - Oct. 1 | Character Event: Penumbra [Netherblade Gleam]


Reminder to bully seaniggers, discord trannies, bugmen, /v/ermins, dramaniggers, tourists, retards & degenerates, and to lurk 2 months before posting
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I love Dreamer
Havoc is comingやでぇ
woah, they changed her art a bit again. This looks much better
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I dunno, the extra detail under the eyes makes her look like she's having trouble sleeping.
Also they seem to have removed her tit mole, but this I'm perfectly ok with.
eh grabbed most of core frags, enough of this gay shit
also what's the reasoning behind locking the friend squads out of events
as long as the shorts and thong is still there
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Sweet Christ
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All dolls can be improved with glasses.
Prove me wrong.
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TIL neaten is a word. I always just use tidy.
Same shit in all mica games, so you have to play the game to see the content, otherwise you can just open jewtube or something to read the story.
>Also they seem to have removed her tit mole, but this I'm perfectly ok with.
The mole from her left side tit replaced to left elbow, it seems.
>it's my favor
It's like i'm reading the thread!
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>they turned my sweet giant dork into a slut
I hate the chinese!
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that's racist
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I have work in 4 hours... I don't know why I can't sleep....
She's always like that
/gfg/ I need help.
Despite YZ's claims, I have no more love and hope left in me. Is this fixable?
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plap plap plap
chat is this real? are we cooked fr
suck suck suck
I hope this jumpsuit doesn't cover his legs.
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You just need to find it. it's hidden deep within you.
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Now where's his sister?
In my bed
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She's such a keeper. And now that she's all grown up...
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Speaking of keepers, can I have picrel yet?
Does CN have Lind skins yet?
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She got a BP one.
What's wrong? She has a costume
I can't physically purchase anything so was saving my freebie tickets for something special.
You can't spare 10bux or something
I lack the means of transaction brother.
Have you tried p2p crypto marketplaces? Maybe there's some service out there that can help you.
Yeah I've looked up stuff before for another gacha and there was nothing other than accounts.
I'd gift you a battle pass, but I don't think there's a way to do so.
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I don't know if this still works, but I bought pre-charged visa card to whale about a year ago. They give you info, address and everything. Obviously there's a markup. Had to make another google account and use vpn, luckily you can login with Sunborn.
It sucks, but it is what is. Maybe look into it.
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Well shit.
I remember buying BTC a few years ago for Google Play cards, I thought that maybe the opposite would also work out for you.
Appreciate the thought borther but that's a bit too much.
I'll take a look but already seems promising, thanks.
What are doll tits made of? Can't be silicone since they clearly intended to create a fatty drooping effect.
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Don't think too much about it. You'll sleep better at night.
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>Springfield be like
Springfield was Haitian the entire time?
Only in Ohio...
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Commander, I need candy not cock!
Dolls for this feel?
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Factory secret.
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Kyojew, I need pain for the humans!
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Anti-ballistic gel. The fatty droopiness and the bounciness is pure coincidence of course.
Well go ask Croque for a car battery.
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Here, a mountain of candy just for you.
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Do you have faith that it will get better?
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Love small saggies
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I'd take good care of her I swear
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yeah, there's gonna be a huge twist and everyone and everything makes it out. Antivirus software? fuck it, get them out quantum database? get that out too. mini bots? yes.
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Is that the footfag equivalent of masturbation?
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Too bad, here's more cock now get sucking
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imagine putting her whole breast into your mouth at once
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depends on what you do with the sock
Isn't this the whore that peed in a bottle?
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>on a completely unrelated thread
What is wrong with family posters and why are they this powerful?
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Honestly? All of my hope and love died with Singularity Immemorial. The spoilers that come from CN only exacerbate this feeling.
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Is this what nga anon looks like irl?
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Who the fuck has the browser links at the bottom of their screen holy fuck that's inhuman
You got btfo'd hard on the /v/ thread lmao
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no, this is closer
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>kuro brothers are dying
Kuro.... this can't be happening
ahh no wait you mean Kuro PGR, meh I don't care
Can't believe the NGAfag killed kuso
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I bet you will complain about my light mode too
A wins again. Motherfucker.
I assume you already know how to switch the address bar in firefox
>kuro are our brothers
are there any other brothers I'm not aware of?
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I'm more surprised you have 41 tabs open. Is that firefox?
I can't believe the insider has been stringing him along without any real leaks with excuses and ngafag still worships him and believes him
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Please love your kuros and mdrs
what's the tag for saggy tits? i fucking love them mate
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But does Kuro/MDR love me?
Why is he licking her?
Yeah its fox, I dont use most of them though since round 35 of them are expired threads
Old chink
You never tried searching sagging_breasts? Add small_breasts for a better effect.
I almost thought that's Boys
By punching them in the nose and then licking their seeping oil? Strange way to show love.
how many kits was it to ai2-3 a limited character again
You don't lick your dolls at random anon?
i mean the japanese term for it like nakadashi, oyakodon, bukkake etc.
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plot twist that mica can't even compete with. NGAfag is the insider and he's just shilling himself
Sometimes I wonder if the insider is aware of this guy and is doing it to see exactly how much he will believe.
>kanji for small tits has the kanji for poverty
After the massive embarrassment he made of himself over his total devotion to quartz being made known even in billibili, I won't be surprised chinks want a turn but this time deliberately baiting him
so what stopping bored shitposter from /here/ to larp as insider in chink forum and trolling them, its clear that these chink will suck you off as long you badmouthing Mica
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hey they fixed the image
>himself over his total devotion to quartz being made known even in billibili
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chink named quartz made video about western history and linked it to oaths and made it so like he just uncovered the watergate scandal. ngafag just repeated whatever he said and we just laughed at the idea of a chink teaching us western history. spykun recorded all of it
is that
Oh the church shit, its hard keeping track of all the bizarre claims he makes.
how did you miss out the legendary forced marriage is feminist rant
right tit smaller than left tit
retarded mobile nigger
I remember it, I just didn't remember some of the details. Like I said he comes out with some new bizzare shit weekly so some of the older ones slip my mind. I'm old okay.
Basically quartz is the name of the chink tectone and NGAfag is one of his filial sons.
What's the fix?
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What would you do with a Ro girlfriend?
Walking outside holding hands, hugging her, suddenly picking her up for a princess carry, and of course smooches.
>chink tectone
Jesus Christ that is horrifying.
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No preregnancy before marriage.
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>one of his filial sons
good morning I love Lunasia
Even saying it's chink tectone is incorrect, the retard invents shit and then gets 300 likes top.
He's more like a random retard spamming the leddit gachashit board.
So basically if there's a true chink tectone out there, quartz is one of his wannabe, a filial son, and thus NGAfag is a secondary, a filial grandon?
>pretty much all the dolls are for (you)
>nothing ever refutes this
>chinks still find ways to get upset over it
Why are they like this?
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a new friend wandered into the pet room!
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>There will be people complaining how to defeat Baba Lyuba yet again
>company buys the kool-aid and starts deleting everything you say means cuckshit no matter how retarded
>implying you wouldn't do the same for shit and giggles
In this case 99% of the chinks actually believed it but I would also do it for fun.
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Her scene has been translated
Kinda? Would make more sense.
what is that thing
Twice more pathetic, also.
man with the OST and shit that scene hit hard
memes aside I really love her development
Problem is chinks are unhinged, if a girl even breathes in the general direction of something else it is cuckshit to them. I don't remember it ever being this bad until they tried to stab da wei over the honkai global anni.
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I need a certified family expert on this one. Is this considered a valid form of hydration?

They may not be all over as they were years prior, but they are always in the shadows, watching, waiting. You may not think it, but they're everywhere if you look hard enough.
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>Persica: From the bottom of my heart, thank you, Professor…
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Dang, where's that screencap I saved. Basically it was:
>optimist: this glass of water is half full
>pesimist: this glass of water is half empty
>chink: this glass of water has fucked my wife
A baby hippo
a dog
Get water retard
Why does she have a jew nose?
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i have awakened. where is the pre reg? vepleys need not apply
in two weeks on jp
in two years on globabl
>chink: this glass of water has fucked my wife
The glass? Created by another man, the wife touching the glass is basically her holding hands with another man. NTR.
The water? It has been inside countless other men. Now it is inside the wife. NTR.
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i see. goodnight, then.
As far as I know there's no real term for it, nips just call them small breasts
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>first ever roll on heavy construction
Let's fucking go
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Blessed account
10q fami for keeping our new animal friends hydrated so they don't die!
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Good job
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Forgot to share this month's Eonsang. Here it is.
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TW account teasing someshit for next week, probs release date or prereg announcement during TGS
and wao ping lao for you too
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I get it
I don't get it
Also the Chink accounts already had character promos with voices (In Japanese)
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It means Amaris in GFLEX as an exclusive unit for global.
>I look like the moon
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That would be amazing
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Rat Race!
Tried the translator and is more coherent
So this means Luna is the one managing China clay(TW) GF2 account
also next week is the japanese game thing, so I guess is to be expected
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Hold on there son, this is China and water has much more nuance there. That water came from the inside of a plastic bottle and was put there by another man, shipped to the store by yet another man and said bottle, God have mercy, said bottle was purchased by your wife after SHE GAVE ANOTHER MAN MONEY FOR IT!
Groundwater in china is beyond fucked.
rat queen
KJ you dumbass.
What about all your dolls in the real world? Who's gonna be there for them if you take Malkira's hand?
Sometimes I think (We) have brain problems, bros.
Need german gf
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How come eosang dolls look so squishy and soft?
Strawberry cheesecake once I'm done with it
You wanna end up like Gray?
what other gacha games do you play??
for me its eversoul.
It was a checkmate by Malkira, his only options were to accept or be trapped in Tartarus, that only the Chekhov's gun of Persicaria's human level authorization that was redacted in her character profile saved him.
Which Groza is best Groza?
Don't tell anyone but Neural Cloud.
The one I don't need to see or keep by my side
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g&k is run by haitians
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Over my dead body.
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wtf why would she do that?
The two on the right.
I want to smooch the sun
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pucker up
That's not the sun I want to smooch but still a very smoochable sun
I only play GF, PNC and KanColle.
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You're an eldritch sun. Don't make me reinstall Grim Dawn and paint the jungle red again. I'm waiting for the expansion.
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Azur lane, Snowbreak, FGO, and Nikke
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was this really, REALLY necessary?
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The sun is good yes
But last expansion was mediocre aside from the final boss
People keep saying the majority of the dolls in PNC are just copies, but the way Persica states finding both the original Professor and also "those dolls" kinda makes me believe that the original premise of 'dolls separated from their real bodies' still holds true.
I don't like gacha games. GF/PNC is the only exceptions
Fuck. Probably the event with the best CGs so far
The animated black hole CG caught me off guard.
Fanza mobage
The environmental CGs are really good.
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First half? Yeah, only thing that stuck with me were those maggot infested scarabs. Fucking things still make my skin crawl. The second half though was some of the best time I had in Grim Dawn. Tearing your way through a ruined city gunning for the head of an eldritch god, going through his followers like they're tissue paper and hearing them beg for their soon to be dead lord to save them was peak GD for me.
That and the schizo shit to reach the hidden bosses.
There is nothing wrong with being of a darker complexion.
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Why is Mica so racist
you'll look like a villian
i love Hubble.
the telescope that is
Where do you think we are?
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I love Hubble.
The girl that is. Telescope is fine too.
>curvy body
not my pasta
19th they drop the prereg link
then tokyo game show
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I love all three Hubblies, the girls and the telescope.
Burn them into your mind because you won't see new CGs until the next major event.
Congrats on the useless fairy+skill.
Hardcore doggystyle
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Oh yeah, you like Hubble? Name 5 discoveries made using images captured by the HST
Except when PNC takes place, many of those very same dolls have concurrently been working for SKK as T-dolls.
NASA cannot into space
NASA cannot into competence
NASA is a slave to politics
NASA has to subcontract shit to social media moguls
NASA has lost all its institutional knowledge
Yes, we know character events don't have CGs in the future. You don't need to remind us literally every time someone brings up the topic.
How else is he supposed to prove himself on a mongolian basketweaving forum?
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You're half a world away
But in my mind I whisper every single word you say
And I'll keep reminding you until Imoko gets off her lazy ass.
>Pillars of Creation
>Crab Nebula (M1)
>Eta Carine
>Sombrero Galaxy
>The HDF
>until Imoko gets off
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Is China paying you in taikonaut sexdolls to spread bullshit like that
cause if yes I want in
Space isn't real.
Has Taikonaut ever achieved anything? At least Cosmonauts did something noteworthy for some time
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You should be glad they haven't shut down PNC yet.
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Do you count rockets hitting random Chinese villages?
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Yeah yeah, whatever you say lizard anon
Wandering Earth when?
How do you refresh armor assaults? Do you select the same map again to start over and then do the boss nose again?
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meh, gimme the other Nagant
>no updates for 3 months
>posts are getting zero interest
might be unironically cancelled
Correct, you need to reset the map and do the boss again
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According to MG3's neural upgrade story, they're used to store all kinds of technical components (and then have a layer of protective soft tissue around that).
appreciate it anon
I want to lick her
Is there any point in doing the lower difficulty maps once you can easily clear the crystallised one?
Nope, since tank parts only drop from crystallized.
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What powers are granted to you when Mr. Pizza chooses you as its host?
Your every vepleypost distorts time to delay global by 2 (chu) weeks
Your every familypost does the opposite
You turn into a cute blonde idol.
I can't believe they can't even give her an oath outfit, they really want the story to be of suffering. It's only a matter of time with her saving our ass so many times that it finally cost her something. At least Kalina is alive and SKK can still make it right
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>SKK can still make it right
>white hair showing up at 30s
how does having white hair affect him reconciling with Kalina?
I believe in love and hope
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Don't mind him, he didn't take his medication today.
I look like this btw
Shut up baldie
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Love and Hope always wi-
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I never stopped believing
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Passionate affair with Morridork in GFL2 or I riot
Their smile and optimism - RESTORED!
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Idol concert in GF2 or riot
Two suns!?
>Girls Frontline Line 2
Famipits on full display

we'll head for the portal and we'll all go home
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If there's anything you can count on it's fucking idol events.
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If you could only afford 1 doll, would you get one more on the cute side or sexy side? Hidden option: cool side
apprently with idolshit mica has never made them suffer or go through any serious hardship which is funny with how shady it can get in real life
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Well hopefully she sees the Thing from Between the Stars so we have enough time to find the entrance to the Library of a Thousand Eyes to look for a way out
Isn't Vepley's whole thing that she got sold to a doll wholesaler because her numbers dropped and had to eke out a meager living under threat of scrapping until SKK showed up?
I'd just get a cute daughter.
cute is nice, it has an added therapeutic effect just seeing a cute girl
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I'd game the system by buying a doll that has a co-dependent partner, I.E Lenna with Levva, or with Mechty and Klukai.
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you might be onto something there
How much does taking up the curse of immortality as the Entropic leader, having her life tied tied to Antivirus Lucifer, trapping herself in Tartarus all alone and eventually being forced by her corruption to fight against KJ and her friends cost?
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I will get my wife, who is both cute and sexy
thanks STARbro
Considering that we have now tamed an entropic and made them nice on three separate occasions now, one that is still fully cognizant and still herself for now being fixed is far, far from unprecedented even if they're the queen bitch. Now only if Anna would spill the fucking beans on how she coded it.
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China's bioweapon coming to global soon.
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My wife satisfies my needs for both
Licking Spas's armpits and fat rolls.
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cool, cute and sexy
I would have one that's ok with anything we do together
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Dolls that would force SKK into monogamy?
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All. You. Need.
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I'll take a garbage doll
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Subtle side for me.
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>that feel when NASA wanted to bring back Hubble and put it in a museum when its operational time ended, but because the Space Shuttle Program doesn't exist anymore, this is no longer possible
Feels bad man. But at least it's still there until 2030-40.

All 3. She's cute in the way she talks. She's sexy with those data lines on her legs. And she's cool for reminding me of what's it like to have dreams.
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>rapes your squad
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Damn bitch, you were talking?
>when a wheelchair hits harder than a jupiter cannon
big family...
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12 can be all 3
>Groza picture on the table
She doesn't consent
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You now remember PNC advertising
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I can't wait for them to get Owl City back for the finale
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Eat mooncake and drink tea with chink dolls
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First time doing Theater and holy fuck what is this? Why is she stronger than anything Paradeus could ever throw at me? I wish I had brought a Sniper Fairy...
I will never fall for the Chinese's tricks, but I am hungry so I'll take the snack.
cultivate imoko
What did I lost?
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I would eat this doll and drink her juices.
Just withdraw and bring one. You get several free retries.
I love Chinese dolls
Insider confirmed that every girl is best girl
your own company lvoes you and is doing fine LMAAAAAAOOOOOOO
So will NGAtranny ALLAHU AKBAR himself in an attempt to kill someone? Too much of a pussy to try lmao, just cry and hope they die or someone commits terrorism in China on his behalf.
MICA loves you so much they treat global as untouchables.
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We got chink earbuds featuring chink doll, what German made product would MICA sell featuring a kraut and which one
>Every girl is best girl
Except Dp-12
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Because she's the bestest, right?
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Is this real??? We are so back!
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>Insider confirmed that every girl is best girl
I agree but as a waifufag I have to say my girl is the best girl
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Cute and sexy
I am down to 3 remaining and she has dodged 8 attempts in a row, so I just rape ticketed her in the end
Ya know, when I'm down to the last 10 and still haven't caught the 3* I just drop the bomb man
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Onahole bless
What will his heartrate status be seeing this?
Can you ask the insider if buying a XCR is a good investment? Thanks pixivschizo.
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I'm a bit disappointed that nobody used the SS gimmick to make fun of him but I get why since he really isn't worth the effort.
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Get virus busted stupid bitch
Not even for free, dumb bitch
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Think MICA will get him back for GF2?
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okay but which IOP doll chassis would you order and what modules would you have installed?military grade stuff will cost you more and will be expensive
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mantichan my beloved
Manticores are made by SF (now defunct) doroo
that's SF gear buddy. You rich or something?
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And? That's not nearly enough to stop me.
Yeah I'm saving her from Entropy and then taking her out of the server.
Maybe undelete her first without sacrificing everyone else
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Whatever it takes. I want my cute bratty Euchie at my side.
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I don't want to love her...
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Why not?
she's dumb and obsessed
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Women are always hotter when they are a bit stupid.
Loyal* ftfy
The fuck you want clunky
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you wanna try that again?
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Day 2 of browsing arca.
Much art has been acquired, but it seems I only browsed the original creation board and now there's the contests and reposts boards to go through.
Check reposts, discover beautiful pieces that point to pixiv, and I wonder how I miss--
>mfw I have no face
Here's Nanaka giving vocal lessons, one of the deleted pics.
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Why does she have such big
where is everyone?
literally me
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Card doko?
The feeling is not mutual.
When does the canon gf Ange appear in gf2?
In a posthumous recording
I love her...
it's on kemono
Thank you
My wife would never die
cute but almost as OOC as 99% of Erwin's art work
I'm impressed by the devotion of whoever did this.
This one is better anyway https://files.catbox.moe/z7gkm0.png
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I would say this though
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Puppet Pal SKK is pretty funny.
Since we're talking cards, do you happen to have any of these? He mentions no download or even a place to buy at.
Those aren't his cards. I recognize some but not all.
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Go crazy
How do I beat Grandma?
Sniper fairy + 2SGs
me too desu
embrace Lunasia
Leave the middle clear and sniper fairy her ass.
gf2 model cards doko
Damn it.
The AA-12 and Hubble ones are really good.
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DEFY should take turns sitting on my face.
MICA directly gives out the models for free
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How would she get along with family in a theoretical collab event?
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2092 museum?
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I believed for years it would get better and it still hasn't, doter
I only know her from memes so she would fit in well as a fellow retard
You merely haven't gotten to the point yet. Impatient bitch.
It never does...
Source on that doujin, bro
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Should I feel bad for knowing the source in an instant?
Time to use my rape dungeon scenario with Colphe
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Forgive me, turtle.
Bro... about the doujin boom......
Could solo all of DEFY before the Donfeet come out.
God speed anon
Wouldn't they just shoot the clock?
Dumb nygger lovers
But someone did.
Maybe if Ange was better she would be memed more
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The source was posted around a lot a few years ago
Tareus is cute
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I love Lind so much
Girls Footline.
don't you fucking dare
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Dolls who would wear fishnet stocking and elbow length glove?
What did she mean by this?
Dolls for this feel?
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Smooch Chinese sisters!
predator instincts kicked in but she quickly reminded herself of the consequences and decided to submit instead
>chinks can't rap-AGHHH!
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SKK is Chinese property. There is no rape.
She's trying to get a man for Big Yan.

Yeah chinks can't rap
wait, shes in?
for like a year or more
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I am NOT chinese.
I was wondering, is the PNC story different if you started at launch than if you started later?
There's all these mentions of adventures undertaken when KJ first jumped in, ran into the Exiles and fought together to establish a sector, but when starting the game that's long been done and the initial tutorial is an attack by Sanctifiers on the sector.
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You are Chinese PROPERTY.
>later that night SKKs pelvis was broken 3 different times
Not a fan of these Jade-like beauties.
I am Miss Daiyan's property*
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And Miss Daiyan is Chinese.
The later events have been permanently added but are sectioned off. So starting off fresh won't really affect story progression.
But Groza said I am Russian property, and not too shortly after Clunk broke into the room yelling about lebensraum and dragged me out of the room.
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Lucia, save me
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SKK is communal property, and only China is still communist. Therefore, SKK is owned by CHINA.
there are gopniks getting in the way of theater
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Reminder that SKK needs an escort lest unintended Dolls try and have their way with him
what if DSR is my bodyguard
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>Alina appears a grand total of 3 times at 100/100
>capture her 2 out of 3 times
>Narciss appears 3 times while digging
>0 out of 3 successes
If I have to bring out the bombs you're getting Banssee'd, bitch.
Daiyan wouldn't let me look at her crotch, so I'll stay with Type 97.
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We finally cornered the coat thief, let's see who it is?
I agree with Gyoza, I am exclusively Russian owned
No, it all starts the same.
There's a flashback event of those times we haven't gotten yet, same one that introduces Sangoma.
>Shit chinks
Yawn wake me up when something cool happens
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I always knew she was crooked!
I only care about high rarity dolls.
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Imagine my surprise, a thief!
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Russia is China's bitch, you know.
She only steals my pants.
Maybe collab dolls are bad girls too?
she was probably just drunk
maybe she charged it since it's red
This is actually pretty fun for dodge teams but need to spam it manually snce auto doesn't use it.
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I want to be raped by American special forces dolls
4 dorks leave, 7 dorks enter. Or however that saying went.
Returnees: Gowfy (22339), Lyros (404269), Mezamez (forgot to add dorx, will do next time, UID:134208), Celli (280715), Aeson (264851).
Entirely new names:
Gesus (10473)
Undernet (9042)
Digits below five, yet this is the first dorxage they appear in...
Gowfy and Lyros overtook Rekkis and now Gowfy reigns as /gfg/'s #1 at 11th place.
A won. Me as well.
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I knew she's secretly a bad girl all along.
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>So Lee,if you could be anyone in history, who do you think you would be?
>Ooh, that's a good question. I would be any woman in any time in history where marital rape was legal. So let's say a woman in, I don't know, Victorian England. I'm not saying I would do that now. I'm saying that if I were living in a more elegant, civilized, refined time, then it would be something that I would enjoy partaking of. It's something that I would enjoy very much. I'm not saying I would want to do it now. I'm saying I would enjoy it so much so that it would make it worth it to me to go live in that time. You see what I'm saying? It was just a part of day-to-day life.
>This was not considered some sort of illegal, heinous, evil act like it is today. I consider myself to be a humanist. My point, listen, my point, listen, hey! My point is I would have a room full of butlers and I could just open it up and start shooting a gun. I would have that. I would have a room full of butlers, right? Just like a big dinner room. I would open the door and I could just shoot my musket into this room and be full of butlers and they wouldn't able to do anything about it because that's what they're getting paid to do.
all you had to do is look at her eyes, clearly up to no good.
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first my heart, then my bed, then my batteries, now this
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>smug russian buttslut
She can sniff my coat anytime
One day you'll wake up naked in a desert.
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Not sure if I should be surprised.
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Yoimiya, the brightest and most cheerful doll in GFL!
>girls frontline line
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To ensure that her life is fucking over in 5 minutes, I request your blessings and curses.
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you get nothing you nigger
I bless you fren
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You will smooch the nyto and you both will be happy
She's a demon and the daughter of the demon mafia boss
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Narciss is the least smoochable Neato in the history of Paradussies.
No success.
Bombs are being prepared, she'll receive the Banssee treatment.
all she's good for anyway
I like this doll
stop playing with dolls
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It's the overwhelming genkiness.
Yeah, I like old movies like uh... Drive.
What kind of movies? Rise/mg36 only recommends B tier slop
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From the dolls' point of view, all our movies are decades old at least.
Dolls are for children not grown men.
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>B tier slop
Well fuck you too mr fancypants
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She already has a red coat. The punishment for stealing my coat is taste testing Wa's cooking for a day.
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Would absolutely go on a date with this doll.
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Is there any machinegun capable of ignoring or dealing with Baba Lyuba's shield?
bro your sniper fairy?
i started on her event and now came back just a while ago, funny how that works
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Something like Event Horizon
Used Witch and it was just fine, simply wondering if any manchinegun contests that mechanic
Which dolls would you NOT go on a date with?
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Summer dress gacha instead of bikinis for next summer
your waifu
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Same VA as Thunder believe it or not.
Summer dresses will look slutty in a
>might as well be a bikini with a dress attached to the top
I don't believe it
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I just realized moving away from the hag's wheelchair mitigates most of her damage since 80℅ of it comes from that.
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Yeah no shit. You try fighting a 90 year old vietnam vet when he goes for your shins first.
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Nothing a dozen cakes, headpats and movie sessions with skk won't fix
Tareus and Sana exist
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I am going to fill a doll with cum.
GF2 soon — how soon are we talking about? Kind of worried considering how much CN hates it apparently…
>GF2 soon
those are the most smoochable nytos though
I don't know, they're all something for someone.
I'm not really fond of tea and random dismemberment, so Type 64 and Soppo would likely not be very fun. But I'm sure that's appealing to someone else.
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Those are literally the cutest nytos
Btw the only reason I ever come here anymore is to check to see if there’s a story event coming up, otherwise I never login. I think the gameplay is just so bad + allied unit grinding so severe that I have no desire to login at all and only a story event can pull me back.
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W-why are you guys talking about fighting the wheelchair granny again? I steamrolled through core 6 and don't remember any hard fight like that. Am I supposed to do a different stage?
>how soon are we talking about?
Pre-registration in ONE WEEK! since next week is the Tokyo game show, then you wait maybe 4-5 months for the actual release
>Kind of worried considering how much CN hates it apparently
Okay so? bugmen opinion is immediately discarded, so wait for the game
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I want AK-12 to look at me like that
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Anon... your middle row dolls...
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>he lacks critical information
Thanks for padding
Your dorks probably got hit by the chair but won regardless.
If you like Tareus that much, go to have sex with her
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will do
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I really don't remember MG3 and SPAS-15 heavy damage sprite popping up at all.
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Man >>494758005 was right. It's like Judge all over again
THE WALL >>>>> wheelchair
I am going to cum inside Vepley every time she is posted.
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She's just the cutest
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What do you guys think is going on through her head at his moment?
at least 50% is my humongous penis
fuck nyggers
Man you morons sure are something
Necrophilia is illegal
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is something I would never say to my nytos.
Well you have like 2 or 3 iterations before she gets replaced by the baldies
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Not anymore
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Would let the right one cum into my butthole.
Which doll would tuck me in and sing me a lullaby?
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For any SKK under 180cm tall
Nanda hates squid?
Hey, that would be me!
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What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck this game was supposed to be an irrelevant spin-off
it is?
>wondering if any manchinegun contests that mechanic
FM24 if you don't give a damn about CE stacking bullshit. She's like SCAR-L except she cannot crit, doesn't scale with buffs, and prioritizes frontline enemies.
kiss the finn!
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They aren't mutually exclusive
It is. The real Persica matters infinitely more than the AI version even if Persicaria is a much better person.
Does she appear in the sequel?
Of course she does. The real one. Whatever happens in Magrasea stays in Magrasea. The moment you get that, you understand why people regard PNC as irrelevant outside of worldbuilding.
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Yeah. This is her artwork during CBT2.
Technically EN has already caught up to CN in raw numbers of theater seasons, so it's really up to hokunt whether he wants to update the waves to match CN.
The only thing stopping him right now is probably just the new isomer trashmobs from Cartesian Theater that replaced some waves because it hasn't run yet on EN/JP.
What if I'm over that but still want to be spoiled silly?
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Adding the skill and chibi since anon didn't
she looks like she hasn't been fucked in a while
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The cutest
Consult the tallest Dolls on your base
>in a while
0 times 0 is still zero, anon.
Where is M9 in this picture, she is super popular
It's only irrelevant if you want it to be. But since you clearly care enough about the characters to be surprised/upset/sad at them being infected with a virus for which there's no cure, can your heart still say it's all irrelevant?
Besides, do you really think they'll push out another Alter version of kot? Malkira gave them the leeway before the transfer is complete so that they can find the Ex Machina that will settle things nicely.
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She's dead. And she died hating you like everyone else, SKK. Give up.
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>Time to find some of those dumb bitches and release my stress on them.
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The face of evil must return.
persica's delicious dehydrated strongly caffeinated dark brown pee
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Wubbly bubbly
The Helm of the Do- Entropic mantle can only be transferred with a human's authorization, which only 3 individuals in the server have: KJ, Irida and kot.
Obviously they don't have authorization to simply get rid of the Sanctifier-Entropic war system otherwise Eosphorous wouldn't have anymore casus belli and the entire conflict can be resolved like that.
So someone will have to step up and sacrifice themselves to become the Entropic King if Persikot is to be saved, and seeing that KJ is unlikely willing to sacrifice anyone, Irida is the only wildcard here.
I'll be the King.
That's what you tried to do until kot stopped you
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>b smug as shit
>b cheeky as shit
>vlogs pretending to be wise and deep and the only thing deep about her is my cock inside her shallow and tight doll cunny
>"hehe commander what this!"
>kills herself
What was wrong with this humes doll?
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You better stop moving or you will get hurt!
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>What was wrong with this humes doll
Literally a bad father who only liked his firstborn
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The worst of her sisters unironically
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Dumb bitch
Finally Luna rerun
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>hating you
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I hate this whore Nemhran like you wouldn't believe
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>One month
Fuck. Again?
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Y-You better stop moving or you will get hurt!
complaining about content?
Where is the quest for Spas-12? I cleared 5-2 but don't see a quest to get her.
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>next week
FUCKING SWEEEEEEEEEET, we didn't have to wait for the shitskin banner&event to end
Yes, especially because there are multiple currencies to farm like the aidoru minievent.
I really need a lap pillow
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Sharks are cool, I love Sharks!
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Too bad, sharks don't love you.
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Oh fuck I gotta rush what I got left of SI oh fuck oh shit
I'm not sure if Eosphorous could be stopped by that alone. Even should the war magically end, he still has all his companions' deaths hanging on his mind and the knowledge it was all for nothing but a game for humans - though you could explain to him that the eternal battle was for the purpose of advancing heuristics and virus detection techniques, but those are human reasons. Probably would only make him angrier.

Can you really call it saving when she's downright shattered and will never again be the Hubbly that could fill people's hearts with warmth by words alone?
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SKK, please stop recklessly throwing your life away.
It's your turn to fill her dark soul with light
Eos event?! SEAbros we won!
Can I fill her dark hole with light instead?
Neuron Star cum...
Man all this reminds me of how Sparda from DMC1 is a reference to Kamen Rider (including the insect motif) and how he became stronger by awakening to justice. SImilarly SKK can do what he does because he awakened to justice. If he had just been another KCCO lieutenant he wouldn't have been able to do what he did.
I cope with Hubble being an NRO satellite and was originally meant to spy on people
Too small
what the weight has to do with anything, she doesn't have to sit on my face
Do we like Hubble?
No, we LOVE Hubble
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We love you too Lunasia
But what can he do?
No matter what, he keeps losing.
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So we have...

Sun: Sol, Aliana
Moon: Luna, Amaris
Stars: STUR, Vepley(?)
Cosmos: Hubble, Tololo

Any other celestial-themed Dolls I missed?

Even so, he will keep going.
(also as of GF2 the GRF has been established, which means his ideals will endure beyond himself)
Like is an understatement.
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She stole it to protect it from the REAL thieves. You should thank her. With a bri- gift. She's not giving it back until you do.
Jupiter: SPAS-12
Uranus: Uranus

Fill in the blanks
are we having a dead week between the current event and this one
>dead week
Sis your penumbra event?
sorry i'm blind to brown faggy ass male characters
It's painful to see her like that, I agree. But you made a promise.

Not like. I truly love her and wish nothing more than to save her. From Entropy, and from the server. I'll hold onto hope - in the end it's all we have.
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>blew my saving on space chink thinking Dorkstar Hubble event would be for anniv in November
>it's next week
I'm screwed.
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Ask Riko if she can offer you some deals.
Riko knows the solution anon!
Wonder if this means Sangoma for anniversary then
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Shell when
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>have to clean up some old event that's now permanently added
>it's that shitty matrix mode
>they make me do the tutorial AGAIN
You know
Imagine if it's Centaureissi Alter
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Don't worry dear customer, Riko has a solution for you.
We kill Imoko I can see it happening
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Pull points
pull this
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AI3 or 5* first for darkstar?
I haven't been keeping tabs, what's the usual waiting period between major events? Anni in November so would be 3 weeks of filler, is that the usual or it's normally longer?
>Running a 4* doll
No way
all at once? don't tell me you didn't save up the kits months in advance
AI2 of her is enough if you're short on kits. AI3 is luxury.
I haven't spent kits since like February and I'm pretty sure I'm still gonna be short a couple thousand kits from maxing her out completely
Sop would not hurt you. No guarantees about SF and nytos though, but she would be extremely heartwarming and protective of you. It would actually OOC for her to even hurt you a little bit. I could even see Sop accidentally squeezing your hands slightly too hard and obsessing over that and apologizing profusely. She loves you like a dog and won't let go.
Majority of her power comes from AI2. Get there first, then 5*. Then AI3 if you can afford it - 3 gives a shield for allies whenever she eats a summon, not as required as AI2.
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Oh I don't mean her hurting me. Just that her idea of a date would be
>Hey SKK, let's go rip up some Sangvis and Paradeus. For fun!
Plus she had some really far-out ideas for games during the anniversary lines, if I recall correctly.
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ok sounds good thank you
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Is it time to dog post?
can there be some funny interactions between aoe healers and a shit ton of summons?
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>attacks you for 1 damage
Your response gfggers?
Ask NGA fag for help
Take the fake death pill and then forget to take the revival pill
i don't get how people run out of rolls in that kusoge
i'm f2p and i always had a surplus
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Based, she will come back, I will never stop believing.
Sounds kinda fun. I love my Sopdog
Which doll to draw (lewd)?
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Uh huh, right
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Next week
They start at the same day what the fuck
this fanart must be from before the space event, she gained weight after all
This means, cartesian theater is either the 14 or one week after this event ends the 22
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Do you rike it?
Seeing Hokor, they'll definitely put CT on hold till end of October
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How should I use Narciss? Does her "lone supremacist" skill mean I should put her in a team with nobody else in it?
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The worst part is that this can happen
I mean looking at this schedule, for some reason I get the feeling that he doesn't want to have two new skin banners at the same time [Halloween and Phantom Thieves]
That cat....
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Note that October will have two costume batches since one will start on October 1. And seeing CT is tied to the Thief costume batch, there is a possibility it'll be on the 29th
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Please respond
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My girlfriend is so pretty
We KR tier hastening now
For PNC, we are running low on filler banners. We have Shale and Lewis left IIRC. Everything else is full on event. Sounds like we are going to hasten PNC completely.
has his spelling gotten worse? did he lose half his brain?
we'll gather at your place if you want. need an address because you refuse to come to us
Imoko alter
aren't tied to a event
/gfg/ are NATO generals now
I want to say that the current event on CN is more difficult than IA but I cheesed it with Dork Sol so I'm not sure. Anyway, Hard is only for chumps.
half his heart
You're damn right about that.
fuck i can't roll them all
dodge and flash memes are not meant to be (maybe a little bit of dodge if lucky)
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The way he sucks this Quartz guy dick is insane
What if they are the same person
I'll make a new thread on page 8
That's pretty gay
wait till you see me left alone in a room with a futa doll
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>quartz taking the holoday off (not without telling jew chong off lmao)
This nigga can't be real
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>My hubby is off duty today, but he left a message to you and it says you're a big gay
I think he still thinks that Chong is an insult
>CN snoggers are literally, unironically begging the KK guy to make cuckshit GF videos
>they even joined his discord to ask him there
I don't even know how to react to this
All I know is that she's not a mobile armor and almost everything* not mobile armor sucks
Do they not know how to use patreon? It's only 4 bucks or more if you really want to haggle the artist personally
its like when daiyan got a shitton of NTR on her pixiv
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That's my wife
Do they really think that it's going to stop the guy from making more videos of snowbreak?
Laugh. How fucked up in the head do you have to be, to let a video get you that worked up.
Why do the snogs hate us so much? What have we done to them?
They're poor so they want their deranged porn for free.
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>Why do the snogs hate us so much?
For not actually being dead.
>Time to get into a new controversy
Controvery is a strong word to use here, but kudos to him for wanting to stir the chinese more
Shoulda used that internet free time sweating for rmb.
Mica looked like an easy target for them and it has yet to sink.
Indeed, he's poking a hive of wasps
I don’t, CN snoggers…well….
not just us, pretty much every gacha that's not theirs because they believe we are part of a gacha cartel trying to tear down a game that's made for straight males and the cartel's games are for libs or whatever bogeyman ideology under the sun. It's a mini culture war and turning brands into religions, that's why even the ngafag calls kurogames our brothers or we're close with limbus
For reference, games like Azur Lane are also a part of said cartel. Let that sink in.
I don't get it. Is he doing more snowbreak shit? Chinks will be mad as fuck if he continues
Stephens 620 needs more art.
Maybe? He does whatever popular anyways.
I didn't consider it that way, he might do more snowbreak stuff to cause extra controversy, Girls Frontline is niche to garner enough profits for the guy
Limbus is Korean....
Yes? And Kuro is not from Shanghai. Did you not know the gacha cartel has its appendages all over the globe?
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how come we're on that side in their eyes, gf2 doesn't have playable males
No one is ever going to accuse him of being smart
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I check iwara pretty often and there are quite few Snowbreak videos there. Only this guy made ntr and they are absolutely losing their shit over it. 1(one) single animator. This is crazy
for AL, the bogeyman is that it's yuri, NIKKE? NTR, WuWa, NTR, Limbus, feminism? They have somehow fabricated a lot of enemies
“Cuckshit” and games that do have playable males
Every big KK animator does it. It's what retards pay for on patreon.
I have to waste time altering material shaders every time I get a leaked scene so the dicks aren't coal tier.
french cats get turned into cheesecake
Idgi. GFL has probably one of the most chud-adjacent fanbases of the gacha games.
>for AL, the bogeyman is that it's yuri, NIKKE? NTR, WuWa, NTR, Limbus, feminism
what's for us? dumb question
Unironic chink trolls, especially concern trolls.
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>Girls Frontline Line
koikatsu probably
you lost, tourist?
>chud-adjacent fanbases
please tell me this is ironic
Thanks, drawfren
I find it weird that they haven't added JP titles in the cartel yet
Breed the galaxy
>They didn't touch BA or AK
>no anal
>Hakunig is awake
That's rare
Limbus and GFLEX2 are for NATO-enjoyers
How come a mere 1 hour sketch looks so good.
When will I reach this power.
they touched BA, they hate AK too and call it some insult
New thread
It's literally SEA hour, 12 PM lunch time.

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