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Previous Thread: >>494738656

This is a thread for MICA/Sunborn games. Including Girls' Frontline 1 and 2, Neural Cloud and Reverse Collapse: Code Name Bakery.

Bind your account to a Sunborn ID instead of logging in from Facebook/Google.

Beginner's FAQ *READ THIS AND CHECK THE RESOURCES PASTEBIN before asking questions*

Emulator guides: https://pastebin.com/uqE8YHJ3
GF1 Resources: https://pastebin.com/psb2YFXi
PNC Resources: https://pastebin.com/xtVjFcFw


[Current] Sep. 3 - Sep. 30 | New Re-Supply Gacha: Dancing Heartstrings
[Current] Sep. 10 - Sep. 23 | Theater Mode Season 13 (HOC: RPG-29)
[Upcoming] Sep. 24 - Oct. 14 | New Mini-Event: Lost in Thoughts

[Current] Sep. 5 - Oct. 3 | New Re-Supply Gacha: Beguiling Chips
[Current] Sep. 12 | New T-Doll Batch x4 (SIG Cross, Mk.18, XM556, M400)

[Current] Sep. 10 - Oct. 8 | External Search - [Nocturnal Blade] (Penumbra)
[Current] Sep. 10 - Oct. 1 | Character Event: Penumbra [Netherblade Gleam]
[Upcoming] Sep. 24 - Oct. 22 | New Major Event: [Irradiant Awakening]


Reminder to bully seaniggers, discord trannies, bugmen, /v/ermins, dramaniggers, tourists, retards & degenerates, and to lurk 2 months before posting
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Love yourself!
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SEANig hours. Post teh tarik and nasi goreng.
Hey hakunig draw a pindad doll.
I love my wife more than myself
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should i ask for jefuty and lige sleep rape or ump 9 and 45 sleep rape?
how do you beat floor 32 tank / 33 mecha in gay zone? both my vehicle and the NPC unit get absolutely obliterated by all the armor units. even if I can kill 1 and survive there is no way for me to defeat all of them in the limited turns healing after every single one. yegor isn't even difficult to kill, just all the normal shit on the map
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Anal dragonfly
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Dolls for this feel?
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I wanted to go back to working on my comms backlog, but OK. I guess one more warm-up sketch wouldn't hurt. Not taking design suggestions.
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How many Swordkot frags will they give you?
This would be better with anus peak.
Announcement in 15 min bwohs
>anus peak
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Big sexy slavs!
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GF2 pre-reg!?
he's going to announce that he farted
Hi, /gfg/. I've been lurking for some time, and I would like to humbly ask for friends.

GFL UID:498515
NC UID: 253932
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I love Siggers
Pre-reg doko
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Fuck mica for censoring Narciss
Use the recipe
Seal siggy
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Retards are no longer allowed to make posts in this thread!
walahikum habibi prereg doko
Does jackshit. The under boob is gone, ripped away by mica's indifferent code.
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2 weeks sooner!
in 5 minutes when i open my eyes the prereg button will show up in front of me
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This is my last chance before I have to buy more aid commissions.
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Family must be blood sacrificed at the altar in order for the gates of prereg to be opened
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>Persica: Please allow me to stay here in Tartarus after this battle. Meanwhile, you must carry the banner of the Exiles and lead everyone back to reality with unwavering resolve...
>Persica: I will always be here in Tartarus, watching over you…
>The unbearable pain tore at her neursoul and ravaged her body. The neural space was shattering, and we could barely make out each other's forms.
>But I knew she was smiling.
>And crying.
>Persica: …After the storm, the sunlight breaking through the clouds always seems brighter.
>Persica: I think I finally see the same view as you…
>Persica: …Now, am I truly standing by your side?
>The vast neural space splintered into pieces, memories dissolving into fragments of data.
>In the final moment before my consciousness faded, I saw Persica turn back, tears shimmering in her eyes, and a gentle smile curving at the corners of her lips.
>Persica: From the bottom of my heart, thank you, Professor…

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L-Luv heart bless!
Is black hubble a clukey banner or normal banner?
After what they did with Solly I doubt anyone is taking these sacrifices seriously.
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Would a Shotgun suffocate you from her weight if you asked her to sit on your face?
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Would anon scream if his dolls (hacked) were to flay him alive?
They (at least snoggers) absolutely hate BA and will complain about gettng cucked by a goddamn dog in fanart that's not even NTR-adjacent. Last I checked BA isn't doing as good as everywhere else over there
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chihuahua bless
remember cascadia?
>Not taking design suggestions.
Give her leotard.
Me neither.
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dumb bitch nation turned itself into fanta
yeah we should detonate WMDs there again
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another satisfied customer...?
fluffy dragonfly snuggle inside the blanket fort
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I really like how smooth this Hubble gif is.
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i like this one
the budget increase is REAL
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I desire an EMT medic dol and 2 other emergency rescue type dols so I can complete chelsea's SAR team
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QBZ 97 and lotta's personal stories
TLDW: Canadian chink lies to QBZ about still being in griffin and lotta makes a movie
lies to qbz 95*
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>raw moonrunes
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Tried coming back to the game last year for the 3rd time and dropped it again after 5 nanoseconds. Is it actually possible to come back and play a gacha again?
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No, you've broken the curse. You're free. Now away with ye. And don't come back until GF3.
where the fuck is the second game, i saw the new 416 design and destroyed my sweatpants but the game is nowhere
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Why would you? It seems that you don't enjoy it anymore, why force yourself?
in CN
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It's in a perpetual state of limbo because they have a total of two and a half staff members working on it on top of the fact no one is brave enough to offer Vepley up as a blood sacrifice so that we may finally get pre-reg.
Why are gooks so mean?
I knocked up Centaureissi.
they should offer sharky instead since nobody likes her
You want to offer an insult to the Gods?!
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Love 40
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Love 40
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Just kind of miss the whole community aspect of this general, though almost all the friends I made from here moved onto to do the same thing in nikke
So they're just wasting all the budget? With every chink gacha games coming out now being 3d and high res its like the perfect time for them to drop an xcom clone.
Yes, you may leave now
I can't. I'm wondering where the old times have gone?
From the same door you came in, away
JP comes first, pls understan
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you guys play games because of friends? i only play games based on my own personal preferences and aren't reliant on others
Bitch, please. You need me.
Wherever they did, they ain't coming back man.
Online friends sure most of my IRL friends are a bunch of normies.
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If anything else, the fact that we are nearing the end of the story for GF1 is pretty cool.
I'm not sure if there was any other that ended on its own terms.
Good times though. If only they lasted longer.
Sad but it's for the best unironically
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same boat, i've been on the nikke general and it feels like the old /gfg/. when did it all go wrong?
kot isn't dead tho, she just did a lich king
So full of schizos? Thanks for confirming
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you guys are the only friends i have.
We talked about this many times already
It's the content draught of 2021
did KJ and Persi at least have a good time together? I'd hate to have the kot leave us without a proper wombkissing.
I know it's hard for you to understand but we have to be pussies and need to be peer pressured into doing a thing.
Technically correct. It's filled with schizos who are obsessed with JP server getting any advantages and the whole "EN intern is manipulated by the Discord and guidemmaker cabals"
/gfg/ never had discord advertisements in its 5-6 years of runtime
Wow sounds great not like it's the same shit since 2018 but in a far fewer volume
I love STAR...
Thankfully we've gone through that drag. Now Discordians can hang out here without the fear of getting bullied.
The old, "comfy" /gfg/ of 2019-2020 was a mistake. It was never actually comfy, it was basically a SEAnigger circlejerk.
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The old, "comfy" /gfg/ was pretty based.
At least they had the means to fight back
Now, SEAchads runs the general and nobody can do anything about it
old /gfg/ never had namefags unlike now
Seanigs hornyposting and yuriniggers baiting. Can confirm.
post cute doll run
You are what went wrong
We have namefags? Wasn't THAT namefag from old?
So it's the same shit as now? Nigga change that cunny with tmp of that chink and same as it always was
kruyger was an occasional thing, but VB is much more prominent
2019 had that sop name fag actually.
It also had kryuger, Oats and other insufferable fags.
Unfortunately for you nostalgia niggers, I'm bitter and remember all the retarded shit i had to read.
I was here since the beginning and barely remember how old /gfg/ was. Guess there were those niggas who had a beef with JP players
VB came from /v/eddit retard and it wasn't just kryuger
Are those namefags with us now? Say a name so that I can look in the archives.
That nigger isn't from here and doesn't belong here either
>oh, man, old dogshit was so much better than new dogshit
It's still dogshit.
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>Yet another edition of /gfg/'s downward spiral whodunit argument
Vbutts did nothing wrong
Kill yourself
I can't hate anyone that fucks with jannies for sport
That's cool but he ain't ours
I like that he made mods insane
But he is definitely not one of us
>VB is much more prominent
I rarely see any VB post around here.
Fucking hell, I had to empty the entire pool. I'm slapping the shit out of this rabid chihuahua!
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I'm /gfg/ and claim him
No, I am /gfg/
You niggers can't be this bored
Sounds like Luffberry Chess can be the cure
Hey guys Svarog just gave me this weird fucking dog, what do I do with it?
crossbreed it
I'm /cia/ and deny him
not playing it until they add SGs
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I need candy Commander! Stop giving me your cock!
Cowgirl position while holding hands with Undine
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In that early days, the faggots here used to fellate each other "yeah bros, /gfg/ is da best, other generals are not comfy like us".
Remember the "there's no gameplay discussion" concern troll? Every time he showed up, this place would obey like a good cuck and had the shallowest gameplay talk that stopped after just 5 posts.
I'm not saying what he said wasn't factual, but why would you act as if you have a reputation to uphold in this anonymous Chinese cartoon forum instead of telling him to fuck off with his bait? That was cringe, genuine SEAnigger behavior.
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The aussie? We made jokes about him.
the funny thing is the SEA community of GF is the only one who stil active in global, other regions are dead.
The only thing I miss is the amount of artists we had.
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i've been here but i refrain from avatarposting because I'm aware of what the polarized opinion is of me here and the reactions that happen.
Only thing I miss is being thinner
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I stopped after missing a ranking event seeing multiple people in my list also stop logging in. The ingame chat and the multiple dorkenings actually made me make a couple of really good friends who I still talk to so it definitely is a factor.
The threads have been absolute dogshit for a long time but seeing stuff like the spreadsheet autist between those long stretches keeps the soul of this place alive.
They ALL moved to nikke at least for the drawfags from here
But the one who still stick around get better, and the one who left are like, who?
unfunny SEAnigger
yurifag SEAnigger
You sound like the type of annoying nigger that loves to masturbates about OC and fun shitposts and never made anything of value
/gfg/ has ascended into concernposting about the general itself
Either nikke or BA. Though I have seen way more who have moved to BA.
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ur bats. hand them over
Literally all those 3 are still around.
>5 drawfag come from SEA
Turns out he's a discord cuck and barely one of us
He had a terrible procrastinate disease
He's a gringo, right?
>avatar posting
It does sound like shit old /gfg/ would do
Standard 30
I guess Serj is a honorary SEAnig, huh.
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terrible posting hours, where's NGAfag to break the ice when i need him to
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Time for sleep
Let's talk about how the lore is literally some chink's A Colder War fanfiction but with the cosmic horror swapped out with MGS-esque sci-fi.
did you miss the last part where quartz said he's on break? no content until ngafag gets back from vacation
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I like limbus company too
if it wasn't for my gaming buddies I would've never gotten back to War Thunder, they're the only thing making it almost bearable
Thank fuck because we're left with the good ones
Spend a week here and you will feel like you never left
I wouldn't do that to my worst enemy, let alone a buddy
Kill your buddies and yourself. Not only does it saves you and your buddies' sanity but you're also saving the planet
I swear you fags complain about everything
Yes it comes from being old and bitter
If there's someone complaining about the old days being better, I'm here to complain that he's wrong.
the bitterness comes from trying new things but none of the new things has the hook that the old thing has and the old thing has been slowly getting smaller and is far from its golden years
content doko
Only young people think of that
Someday when you grow up, you will resent the youngsters for liking things beyond your understanding
Who's left?
I don't give a shit about someone having different taste. I'm talking about the early /gfg/ nostalgiafag revisionists.
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is that the one with all the hydras? the only way I could figure out how to do it was cheesing it with knockbacks. use a cannon and a shotgun and the em jammer. try to get the stun skill from somewhere too. even then sometimes you will randomly die because an attack missed. if it seems like you can sometimes get through a node without taking too much damage just keep retrying the stage until you make it through to the end.
The Devil and some doll who thinks its cool to dress up like a demon or something.
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The old times are still here nigger, you're the one who changed.
God damnit, I actually went and looked at /nikg/ because of your bullshit... the place reeks of d*scord circlejerk and the kinds of people the OP says to bully. If you don't like this place then you have been successfully gatekept, so kindly fuck off.
The drawpiles are probably the best thing to happen here. Personally as long as there's OC I'm ok, though my creative juices have been a bit dry due to the lack of content doko
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SS1 T-Doll when?
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No, though I watch my friends play these bad games they like. Why would I want to actually download shit like HSR or Blue archive just because my friends play it is beyond me.
Also it was funny seeing friend play Genshin, tell him that this Genshin location looks like garbage just to hear that it's not genshin but Wuthering Waves
I prefer comfy /gfg/, nostalgiafag can fuck off but personally this is better than whats in store for our future when GF2 drops and Ill tell you how itll go
>GF2 releases
>small influx of new people
>anothe retard like the /ncg/ twitterfag trying to make /gf2ex/ a thing
>discordtroons shilling their guilds and saying 1 spot is available
>"hilarious" retards that like bringing up a character that doesnt exist or naming a guild after him
>10% will talk about the story, 10% will talk about the actual gameplay, the rest will bitch about rates, their waifus being better (even though they are shit) and being angry about why we are so behind
>traffic will slowly die down because content doko
Sons of Raymond bros why do they hate us so much...
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Why are you still up Sensei go to bed!
haha he said the funny [OTHER GAME] word please laugh as he deletes his post then immediately reposts the "fixed" one
I bet you 20 black cards that this nostalgia dag was part of the RWR circlejerk that showed up. Remember vividly people telling you to fuck off constantly
Remember when is the lowest form of conversation
Damn, I almost forgot. Yeah, that one was the peak faggotry from the burger side.
Should I ask for jefuty and lige sleep rape or umps 9 and 45 sleep rape?
these are the five stages of /gfg/
RWR was a fun distraction. Only time that I ever played multiplayer on that game.
Lusica and Sugar are surely more deserving.
Yeah man, I love r/gacha jokes too, here's your (you) now fuck off
>Hubba Wubba Alter is next
>have 15k cubes to trade
Will that be enough for AI3/Level 20? Im probably gonna buy the pack for frags too
I miss data heists
I hated the way old energy was recovered and the dailies for it so good riddance
More than enough
Wubbly can make even something as ugly as a hanbok look good...
Reminder that she made the ultimate sacrifice while pregnant with KJs kid
I think K5 with that Gook dress looks good as well
I find a chubby Hubble cute but why..
>space dork
>celestial object
hmm I feel like there's a pattern here
Gooks do starcraft
K5's artist knows how to make her look good in anything
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The Void is approaching
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>Gets reset
>returns sexier
This isn't the first time it happened. Someone needs to explain this
Not the first time entropy made a doll or human more hot
I picked up gachas because of friends.
I regret every single one of them.
So now you guys are the only ones I can talk to, while they gush over Nikke, BA and hoyoslop.
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Always was sexy. Just that her normal CGs aren't very flattering.
We call it GFLEX2 here tourist
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Wait. There's no maintenance today?
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Enjoying the night with a cultivating dragon jade beauty...
Gonna be honest, feels like the writer killed her off for no reason.
You'd think having an Entropic on your side would be a big development for the rest of the story, but far as I saw from CN Gloaming Finale spoilers, she plays no role in anything.
Doesn't exactly matter in the case of Magreasea since all that happened was recovering a lost dork, not a genocide-enabling anti-virus.
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Oh shit the retard wakes up
Aliana wishes you a happy mid autumn
404 Wolfpak wishes you a happy mid autumn
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Hi /gfg/, it's been a while
I can't autobattle the triple challenge maps in this event (the Hubble one) anymore
It looks like the map and functions favor pyrolysis and hashrate warriors? What's a basic team for this? Persicaria (sword version), Xinghuan, Croque (with arma), Sol?? Who else should I field?
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Who do you have and why is it not Hubble AI3?
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i have Hubble AI2...

>No news today
Fuck holiday. Give us something
Please tell me. That this. IS PHOTO ALBUM #4!
Who is that summoning a fireball while Persicaria and Antonina panic?
dorkstar hubble is trying to create another moon closer to the oasis
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Anti-Rape force field activate!
This thread is now safe from rape commanders!
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>There's an ad space for Luna's Mooncake
*rapes the anti-rape force field*>>494868461
Apparently Hubble said "Let's move the Moon closer so I can get a better look at it"
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AI2 is her main power spike regardless.
In general, you can beat SI without a pyro team because majority of CN did it without having a complete pyro team in the first place, but if you do have a pyro team the most basic bitch one you can use is
>swordkot AI3 (this is the most important)
>spess chink
>tank (Croque AI3) or support (Dush AI2/Abigail AI3)
My entropic wife
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I think the reason is setting a tone for the rest of the story. You have Sol and Hubble, both of which are always smiling and full of hope. Given past events, it's not unreasonable to say they were a big part of why the Oasis managed to keep its morale up even in the face of looming doom.
Sol dying and now not being able to exist without her 'evil' side and Hubble becoming essentially the end of all things are both rather big blows and helps push the idea of just how bad things have become.
Alternatively, Mica just doesn't like seeing people happy.
kek luna's mooncakes
Happy mid summer festival everyone
Happy birthday, janny
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swordkot is also only at AI2, i see that AI3 is just a team pyrolysis buff
but ok it looks like i can autobattle with this pyro team, thanks anon
Isn't that Amaris?
next week™ for sure
Tell me your team secrets, I'm finding it hard to beat the last 4 challenge maps. Caged Struggle I managed to make it to the last area but the damage is just too much. Distant Firmament I don't see how people beat it without Dodge team. The other two I didn't try yet but will likely have issues too.
Dumb frog ate ALL the mooncakes
frankly, K5's wedding dress is not as alluring as her other skins
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Flog Kuro
>Distant Firmament I don't see how people beat it without Dodge team
With Jessie.
For GF2? It's supposed to be tomorrow since today is mid-autumn festival
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I mean GF1
Ulrid putting a sword on a Varjaeger's corpse with a writing "For Elmo"
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am glad that being an aspiring a(u)tist newfags still yet to be recognized by /gfg/ and wish to stay this way
Too bad, now I'm aware of your existence and shan't forget.
I used this team.
I try to get the hash sniper functions ASAP with the heal 80% after battle.
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For me, its rabbit daughters
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begone spawn of lunasia
>bruised shartchive crossposting shitskin
Dande! Smooochies!
Well joke's on me for not having Taisch.
Not really needed and you can have a function that basically replaces her
I don't have her either, used Croq and Angela instead.
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Total Taisch Love!
Gonna try it with Croque and Angie then, wish me luck.
Do you have tips for Caged Struggle? At a point the mobs start doing too much damage - managed to sorta control this with two tanks at the rear ends to absorb the snipers' massive damage. But as stated, in the last area everyone just near dies instantly.
Which dumb bitch is the best marriage material?
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Do you accept?
Why would you want to marry a dumb bitch!?
What's that?
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Speak English or die.
Any reason to keep doing the Theater after I got all the milestone rewards and if I don't care about ranking?
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Shoot them until they die. Always have abigail right next to Hubble.
Hubblexodia's gimmick is simply dealing truck loads of damage in the field that you ignore the mechanics
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fully starred your newest ATW, otherwise you'll have to wait for another theater for her frags to be added to the intel center search pool
Did Mexicans just battered deep fry a whole corn and call it a corndog?
Wrong green/white/red bro.

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