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Katawa Shoujo General #4008

Wiosna Edition

Last Thread: >>494139867

Official Website: https://www.katawa-shoujo.com/ (KS is free!)
Steam Page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/3068300/Katawa_Shoujo/
Steam 18+ patch: https://4leafstudios.itch.io/katawa-shoujo
Backup KS Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14sXK5HaU108--T7EjeEVj3xdv_KSB3_R (Windows)
KS Alpha: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/KSPreAlpha/discussions/0/1291816880498430072/
Summer's Clover: https://rentry.org/ghxzx (Suriko's Miki Route - date Suzu or Hisao)
Crud's "Where Are 4LS Now?": https://www.reddit.com/r/katawashoujo/comments/6v2zkb/the_whes're_are_they_now_post/

Thread Links:
Master Pastebin: https://rentry.org/x6tv3
KSG FAQ: https://rentry.org/ub3bs
"I'm such a failure, I'll never find my Katawa": https://rentry.org/qty2d

Community Works:
Katawa Booru: https://cripple.booru.org/
3D-Printable Katawa Figurines: https://ks.renai.us/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=10195.swf
Desktop Katawas: https://www.mediafire.com/?ogvo1fh7d5x36j9
Katawa Crash: https://archive.org/details/katawa-crash-V0.8.36
Kenjivania: https://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/608881?id=608881
KS fanfics: https://fourleaffics.miraheze.org/wiki/Category:/ksg/
Honey Select Anon's Database: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/u7im3gkxe6z5vgj/AAACdqV-sKDjbSvh5J0HXKA1a?dl=0
Val's Content Dump + Pantsu: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/n4aed5v6np2et5n/AADxAbytpFjXjEj0e7h77HRka?dl=0
Anon's Sprites + Font Rip: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FaiIe6pwqLVDjj05LZ_Nr8LUeXv-Z9a_
KSG Map: https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1q8DrtNX3CNyylt8IhORnVHBTAcu4h9MH
SURVEY: https://forms.gle/NRmwdZ22CYykx45u8

SURVEY RESULTS: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSduImrEFF5qW16xfuRIHC9lN-QwPa-wDkABTVEZPQkJ70fZyA/viewanalytics
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Beat me to it. Lets have another good one /ksg/

Discussion from the very end of the last thread:

- /ksg/ activities like fanart, VGL team revival, singalongs on /v/ or elsewhere
- Impressions on the latest survey
- Feel free to add more
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Yooo new thread!

Hiiii fellow Emi lover
welcome back frens, how's your day going?
I spent the day at school, finished up a project I had to do.
I think I hurt my feet pretty bad from my first running sessions, I'm completely out of shape...
I may have to skip tomorrow's run and do it wednesday. Feels bad having to do that so early in my new routine.
My bad, I had to up my all-time streak from one (1) to two (2)
She looks really cute in that frilly dress art.

Pretty chill as usual, i did buy that game another anon recommended me last thread. Its a bit rough around the edges being slavjank and all that but im willing to commit to it, just wish there's adjustable camera sensitivity in the future because camera moves hella fast and you cannot change that at the moment.

Thats ok, just wish it was on the OP to be honest but hey, its first post which is fine too.
I figured survey would be shut down before the thread reached limit, and it's not a permanent addition, so my autism made me wish I'd put the survey + responses in the first post on the last thread, and I got to redeem myself
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fucking hell......for fucks sake.........
don't swear
that being said -- yeah, it hurts and it hurts excruciatingly bad
Fair point. Im guess the polls will close pretty soon. 71 people now, i'd never expect this much people being in this general, /ksg/ is trully eternal.
Looks like her fic completed.
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Fill out the survey for her!
New thread prompt: what would your katawa's dream bedroom look like?
Cheers to the new thread!

Everything is moving into gear, and I'm happy for it. I do have a tremendous workload on my shoulders, as I'm essentially going to be cramming two years worth of classes the following two semesters. It's going to be really tough, but I know I have it in me to push through.

Rest days are important, but make sure to actually go during wednesday. Or you can just take a walk tommorow - it'll still get you moving and allow you to recover.

I'm currently reading through it. Really happy it's all done, and I have been enjoying so far.

It's quite poetic that the first people in a new thread are Emi fans, isn't it?

Covered in pillows and blankets from top to bottom. The ultimate fortress for sleeping. Maximum utiltity.
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Oh damn, thats a tough one. Hanako seems really minimalistic so to say considering what we see of her room at school, with only the outmost basics laying around and not any specific room theming. I can imagine her having a display of some kind for her precious dolls, a clothing rack where she hangs all her hats, she's obviously a hat person and i guess most of the furnishing will be old-timey/posh in some way, not so much as Lilly's but a touch of it.
VGL seems fun but I really truly have no idea where to start. If the other anons who showed interest in rekindling that flame happen to get the work started, I'd be happy to put in some effort myself.
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Not sure what Emi's dream room might be like. There'll definitely be a ton of blue pillows and plushies but apart from that idk
I think the interest of the general itself plays a big part too. A team is as good as its fans. If we manage to generate enough interest, the rest should be easier to do. Some people might be put off by >sports but the VGL and to an extend 4CC is a fun way to represent your general/board and have some form of activity for said general/board. Some of the currently active teams run only on Caretakers, meanwhile in /ksg/'s case i think we have the manpower to fill both the Manager and Caretaker roles. All we need is a push, dedication and the support of /ksg/ itself. If the cup wiki is anything to go by, we dont need to be PES experts either, just gotta have the heart for it. If you and anyone else is truly interested and able, we should get into further details here, get a little "organised" on it ya know.
Snoozu is such a popular character, for barely being in the main game. Even taking into account any unofficial sources, are there any fans that want to fill me in on her good qualities?

Commendable consistency

I've only heard the originals of those tracks once myself, and while they're good, I'm with you that Skaf took them up at least a level. I'm glad I asked you for recommendations, and thank you for suggesting those.
>glad he's making music in the way he likes
Yes, there are always some that are going to chase the algorithm. But the real value of the internet is that everyone can follow their passions and find or create a niche with likeminded individuals to mutually appreciate one another.

>people rooting for me
I don't always respond to your posts, but I'm currently rooting for you to find some good KS merch. You're a very likeable anon, and I would bet that people you know IRL feel the same.
Isn't that the guy who spends all his time defending the devs even though they wrote dogshit? That's not very likeable.
You have to go back, you dogshit loving tranny schizo.
Rooting for a team is some of the most fun you can have. If we can get our foot in the door and get people wanting to watch matches when they happen, I think general interest will go up wildly.

It's all the busy work beforehand (such as understanding fucking anything about PES) that will be a hassle and won't get as much attention. Perhaps putting renaming some of the roster members to a suggestion box and vote? (assuming that's not against the spirit of VGL)
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Is there an etiquette around editing the Master Pastebin? It hasn't been updated in a few years and there are quite a few important things that could be added to it. I'm nervous that I'll edit it to add some things and somehow break the link and make it disappear and the server to light on fire and

It's such a nice day on my end that I'm even happy to see your posts, schizopal. :) I hope pleasant things come your way today
>it's so fucking schizophrenic that it's replying twice when it gets hurt now
Now that's pathetic.
so basically, he confirmed that he has no friends, and confirmed *why* he has no friends, and still can't solve his mental health issues. now that's sad
Omg the schizo-chans are here!!! Konichiwa!!!! >.<
>It's s so fucking schizophrenic that its tranny dogshit loving ass keeps samefagging
You have to go back, you dogshit loving tranny.
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>You're a very likeable anon, and I would bet that people you know IRL feel the same.
Thank you for your kind words, stuff like this can go a long way for people, believe me.

>If we can get our foot in the door and get people wanting to watch matches when they happen, I think general interest will go up wildly.
Thats about right, like i said, all we need is that push.

>It's all the busy work beforehand (such as understanding fucking anything about PES) that will be a hassle and won't get as much attention.
The most dirty work would be tactics and aesthetics. If we get a solid baseline that doesnt lead to the team being utterly destroyed then its more than enough, im gonna give it a go and make each player league legal and start testing, see what ticks and what doesnt. Aesthetics can wait but they're also quite important. Team didnt even had a model for Lilly for crying out loud, there's gonna be some big changes in that too.

>Perhaps putting renaming some of the roster members to a suggestion box and vote?
I too think the roster is rather stale in places. Some of the players are essentially on the team twice which doesnt make much sense and are very broad in meaning, not 100% /ksg/ or KS related. We also definetly need to have all girls on the team which right now isnt the case.

You can always make a seperate draft and share it here for people's opinions.
The team absolutely requires a full revamp, with at least some new players. A lot of the memes and jokes arent really used anymore, and they can only really be moddeled as png heads.
A lot of players are already jokes related to a specific character, so they just need a model.
Im postive i can get player models going, its just a matter of implementing them into PES, and it might take a while (musical+life+its a decent workload)
But he wasn't telling the truth, so why would that help you?
Even if he meant it, you're just a proxy for the devs, defending them and speaking on their behalf, so the compliment could only be intended for the devs.
The changes I am thinking about making are
>add link to the wiki transcripts page
>add links to dev sites, e.g. Skaf's bandcamp, Delta's tumblr, etc.
>add links to The Answer and pXt
>add link to Weee's art stream from a couple weeks ago or so (I think there have been others like that, but it's the one I know. I want to link to dev sites above anyway, but I think this video is hidden from her main videos page)
>add a better flowchart than the one that's in there, as well as to two fast-100% walkthroughs (one regular, one for Steam cheevos)

There might have been something else, but that's what I remember
Oh hey, the resident retards are finally here, didn't take that long. I was almost worried.

>Even taking into account any unofficial sources, are there any fans that want to fill me in on her good qualities?
You rang? To be honest, I'm pretty sure that the main reaon she is the most popular out of all the alt-girls is the fact that she got a good, finished fanfic before the others. I bet if Learning to Fly was finished back in 2013/14, Saki would be a lot more popular then she is now.
If we go off of the pseudo-Suzu route fanfic as "Snoozu cannon", then you certainly can make a decent case as to why she is great - she is cute and somewhat relatable, her chemistry with Hisao is enjoyable and most of all - you see everything from her POV, which helps to develop her values and inner struggles way more than a Hisao POV approach most others take.
So that's my condensed opinion on the subject.
I mostly avatarfag her because there are enough people posting the main girls, and I don't want to blend in.

Sounds reasonable.
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Yeah exactly.
>You're here forever
Like yeah i get it but its by no means exclusively KS or /ksg/ related. There's an urgent need for modernization.

>Im postive i can get player models going, its just a matter of implementing them into PES, and it might take a while (musical+life+its a decent workload)
Needless to say nor you or anyone else is forced to make things or amount to something but obviously any form of help is well appreciated. Easy mode would be implementing MMD models of the characters (if they exist) into PES and make any potential adjustments on them.

Doesnt sound too bad, a section of the dev's non-KS works would be neat to have. The stream link is on the previous thread, Weee unlisted it because they had an oopsie moment with one concept sketch which was pretty kek worthy too.
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The Panty & Stocking artstyle works surprisingly well with the Katawa Shoujo designs
Do you have a whole folder on your PC dedicated either to your favourite Katawa or to KS in general?
How big is it?
What is the main criteria you follow when you decide to save an image there?
>what is
what are*
I just started my Emi folder a few days ago, I have 33 pics right now.
Keep us updated on the tactics process, I'm excited

I'm glad we agree on a roster revamp, I was not impressed when looking at it, I think people here are generally much funnier than the roster names would have us believe

I have folders dedicated to any series I like (or even just like the fan output from), KS is one of the more thorough ones though
Thank you, that does explain a lot. I only know her from doing Summer's Clover a couple years ago, and I couldn't recall much of her personality from that, and even less that I found particularly likeable. I'll have to give pseudo-Suzu a try soon.

I don't know why she panicked so much about that, it seemed mild to me. But anyway, I'll make a back-up of the existing one just in case, and then hopefully I'll have time to update it later tonight.

Yeah those are nice designs, they did a good job.
Very tame compared to others im sure, especially how its very fresh, gotta find more stuff to bring more variance to my posts.

#1 Hanako
#2 Hanako and the girls
#3 Funnies/Maymays
#4 In-game CGs (although already exported from the game itself)
[/spoiler]Lewds are appreciated but if i do save any, they're on a seperate folder[/spoiler]

I dont like making promises but i do intent to at least try, first i gotta turn all players league legal which is a bit of a pain but its gonna be the least of it.

I was gonna say that its very easy to get your stuff flagged for pornography, but then we have link related still up on Youtube so i cant really tell. Better safe than sorry i suppose.
I have faith that you'll help /ksg/ return to its former glory

And if you end up giving up on the process at some point, you can at least upload your progress so somebody else can pick it up from there
I'd sooner slit my wrists than willingly save an image from Hanako's route into a folder of hers.
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Hello anon, I'm back again, pardon me my little abscence.

>I don't mind sharing some details on that~
well if you don't mind then...

>hanging out here or consuming any media in english is the most effective way to eventually think in english
you're right, this is a good advice I also like to tell myself, if you want to get good at some language the best way to learn it is by communicating day by day with foreigers, learning social norms, words etc. That's why I don't want to learn and speak another language (like french or german) if I don't live in those countries, ofc foreign language develops your brain or some shit and is a flex but really if I don't use it as a daily mean of communication, it really is pointless.

>now you can recite ulysses all you want!

>okay. did you know that pomegranate means apple with many seeds
I need MOAR facts

>maybe.. but I've met way too many people. even when I'm being honest, they believe I'm trolling and if they don't, they just don't find me likable
I guess this is the most common problem that every person on this website can relate to - we are just different, and I don't mean we are all losers and bad people, but we just think in a little different way, that they don't consider typical or normal.

>what's your reason for that? do you not like other people or do people not like you?
well, when I was younger I was a strict antisocial, and even tough I had some friends I strongly refused to get along with them, idk why, I think generally people like me, even tough I don't do that much to keep with them in touch, they just are there, existing in the void.
I think that the problem is with me - which I work on every day, and I make some progress.

>it truly is. sentimental and gentle

>they're usually douchebags :P
really? I thought people that are into language are more emotional/social/understanding than idk, people that are more into math or science.

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Thanks doc, also do not worry, i wont bail on anyone and even if i would i'd make sure you can press on. Decided to mess about a little now and...

>Roster on the main wiki page is different from the one in roster history
>Player positions and medals are also different
>EDIT file i work with is ancient and also has different roster, positions and medals
To answer my own question, I have about 1k Lilly pics, plus 156 screenshots from the game (including earlier versions).
I don't save every picture of hers I see, in particular I don't like the very lewd ones (e.g. when she's straight up having sex, even worse if it's not with Hisao or a threesome) and those where the art style is considerably different from the VN.

Rtil has drawn a lot of Lilly pics, but several of them strike me as vulgar and/or OoC, it would seem that it's not easy to capture the Lilly essence for most artists
Lilly deserved to get raped for being the dev favorite
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I was having a good time in this general, since I finished ks 2 weeks ago, engaging with community, posting and all but now I don't even have any motivation or drive to check it, my katawa dick disappeared and I don't feel that attached to the game or characters right now, I think that the usual life slow got me and I'm unsatisfied with myself, maybe it will pass, I hope at least.
Also, had you got katawa dick after you played Lilly's route? (also I noticed we stopped talking about Lilly and focused on other things in this convo, isn't that weird?) Are you still in this sad and emotional state like how you have been 2 weeks ago? Do you taken up other katawas routes? Are you having fun?

>if you had at least one real friend, someone who gets you and has played katashou
I think finding that friend would be difficult irl by every means, but I have you, /ksg/ anons, Aranon, Basil and other posters that I can freely talk with in this general, maybe the real friend we made along the way wasn't Lilly, but rather tea-anon?

>well, if you really feel that way, maybe. you don't seem dull or uneducated to me.
I'm not uneducated, but I think I lack some general knowlegde, like talking about normie things with normies, that is my weak point, since they don't give a shit about niche media, I'm catching up with watching old films and playing games to have something to talk about, like I was saying I improved, but I want to be able to talk with anyone on any topic with confidence and knowlegde, that shit would be so cool. I'm not forcing myself to like things I don't care about, but because of my personality and lack of motivation, I can't even get to watch a movie or anime, but shit will change, I hope.

I'm doubting my skills to actually manage to make a coffee like this, but we'll see.

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Oh, so now you're switching target for your baiting efforts?
At what point in the story are you going to get a full-time job?
It's not "le bait xd" though, it's true. Just one way of equalizing things. What if the most beloved and the most hated changed places for a day? Can't handle it?
Looks like you've got your work cut out for you, perhaps you could try asking in /4ccg/ or contacting the guy who runs the whole thing if you think that'll make it any easier
Just mute the words these weirdos keep using in every message and this general instantly gets 10x better
If only everyone did that...
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Probably well organized but pretty bare.
It would smell nice.
I have about 200 pics currently saved, sorted by girls. My only criterium is if I like the aesthetics of the picture, I don't really care about ammasing a giant collection.

Nice, enjoy the fic. It's one of my personal favourites.

Now that's a collection. Mirin'

Don't feed the trolls, Anon. You're better than that.

>I'm not uneducated, but I think I lack some general knowlegde, like talking about normie things with normies, that is my weak point
If you want to fit in with the normies, the key isn't being all-knowing, it's generally just knowing how to listen and be naturally curious. Mostly because most normie conversations aren't that interesting, and they generally do not care that much for your hobbies or topics, but people like talking about themselves - if you can make them do that and find from it a topic they are passionate about, you've won, double so if you actually know anything about it. If they don't have such a topic, then they aren't really worth spending your time with.

And also goodnight /ksg/, don't die on me, and enjoy the new thread!
Yeah, talking to people you don't know is the same as improv, you just need to focus on "yes and"ing them, and give insight when you actually have any so that you don't come off as not caring at all
I'm a huge fan of Lilly's concept design. She looks adorable

>perhaps there's a need to revitalize it brotendo! ya never know so I did register recently for good measure
I saw that you created an account, I'll make my own too, but I'm too exhausted to do rn, maybe tomorrow.

>off the top of your head, what are some fun threads you've seen on r9k?
well, I haven't been to r9k in some years, I used it when I was a le hekkin depressed teenager, I would scan the whole catty to see some threads and act le sad, I wasted my time there. Except /ksg/ I check up /sci/ once in a while, but I don't use that much fo' channel now, I just grew up and have some other shit to do.

>okay I'm sorry I didn't mean to understate your feelings
no, you didn't, I'll evaluate on this more.

>oh okay I misjudged the kind of person you are because I falsely believed that emotional people must also cry a lot. I wonder what it feels like to feel emotions the way you do
idk if it's because of the culture I grew up in, the environtment I was raised in, personality traits I might posses, maybe even genetics, but
I just can't cry that easily, I'm not that emotional like you guys here, I'm just very stable in terms of controlling and bottling up my emotions, I think that's a bad thing, because I would rather let it all out, but I physically and mentally cannot do it that often. KS on the other hand helped me feel those emotions again, this game will always live rent-free in my mind.

>ice been to poland and the czech republic
oh, very nice, how do you feel about those countries? Did you have fun, what tourist attractions have you seen?

>you mean to strangers? yup, I did pick up on that. so smiling and being overly polite isn't the norm either?
yeah, I don't mean nobody smiles but it isn't that casual like in the west, or more precisely in US. People are very friendly and caring, but only if you get to know them well, they put on a mask on, but take it once they can trust you.

Could you kindly give me a source for that picture? Thank you in advance
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The right is a colorized version of Raita's original drawing that inspired KS.
The left was my version that I recently did for the 4000th thread.
Oh, your own work, I see.
That looks great, keep up the good work Anyon
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>cultures are separated into expressive and reserved ones and perhaps if yours is a reserved one
maybe, I think the stereotype around eastern europe that we come as cold-hearted, but like I was saying this is more of a mask than actual thing.

>I get that it really irks you you can't just find an outlet for your pain and it feels like it's eating away at you. it sucks, I know. but crying over katashou doesn't really bring much relief unfortunately
it's good that we have this general, this place that we all can discuss and talk about things like this, to be understood by eachother and supported.

I'm a staunch determinist and fatalist, so things aren't random and "just happen", but they are bound by laws of universe and god himself, we depend on so many events that happen in our life, but it's also logical that all these things happen.

>that image.. has been saved by me!
I'm running out of Lilly images, please somebody post some Lilly pics!

>still haven't tried rin out. will have to see how it stands compared to lillys
I'll tell you this - it's good.

>yeah on one hand we all have this fantasy of nurturing an utterly defeated and helpless chick but when you're forced to go through the constant back-and-forths of being overly cautious and tender with her and tediously trying to gain her trust is not that much fun.
I don't really find that fantasy amusing, I rather want the other person to care about me as much as I do about her, rather than being like a parent, or a guardian.

>no no, you too are able to feel intense emotions it's like you said you simply go about that in a different manner.
I think that's mostly genetic, I was this calm, on surface emotionless guy since I was a kid, so nothing changes it seems, altough sometimes I like to act loud and joke about some most out of pocket things.

You drew that ? That's really cool !
I've always been interested in drawing but no matter how much I draw I can't progress :(
Haven't tried in years though, maybe I'll try again
cont. (last reply...)

>where's that lilly cashew stunt guy? are you alright dude?
I'm here man, I was just a little occupied over the weekend, but I'm back, I'll be posting something* about Lilly maybe this week, so be ready when I'll post this.
Seeya, have a great day anon.
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Thanks! I'm not gud, but i have improved over the years
>that's my purse! I don't know you!
14,000 unsorted images in one fuckhuge folder I sort a few images a day into individual girl folders.
The improvement is HUGE
Keep up the good work
I decide to ask around the VGL people and there's no sort of backup for team data unfortunetly so we're starting fresh. I guess thats a good thing too as we're planning to modernise the team anyway. These guys were really helpful and i think we're gonna have some good results for the team, fingers crossed!
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Goodnight /ksg/. I'm feeling tired unusally early today.
Hope you all have a great rest of your day
Where specifically did you ask? I saw them mention it in /4ccg/ but I don't see an irc link or anything like that, I might just be stupid
>ywn return to the Satou homeland with Akira, Lilly, and Saki
>ywn use the Satou family's wealth and influence to lay the foundation for your new ethnostate
>ywn rule New Rhodesia with Akira with Lilly as the figurehead
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Are you working on anything new?
That wasnt me on the general. I joined the VGL discord, its a place specifically for that league so the best source of info. I guess someone is hyping us up which i cant complain. I asked if there's any backup of exports available and there isnt. Even the aesthetics that do exists are too old to be used and they suggested i should just opt for new ones which is a given. We're really in for it now scoob!
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Hey I was in Savannah two weeks ago taking a tour of an old house (Sorrel–Weed House) and it had a old paining of George Washington in it.
His hand reminded me of your 80s Emilly.
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Can you repost your altered version? I forgot to save it.
I'm just glad you're alive and doing well. will reply in around sixteen hours
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Well, that does sound depressing once you think about it.

Know what, I like the idea of Lilly actually bringing Saosao to South Africa with her. Like the trip to Hokkaido, but elevated to the square
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>The improvement is HUGE
Thanks! I'd never drawn in an anime style before, so all my proportions were garbage.
>Are you working on anything new?
Yes :)
Hands and feet are difficult. In doodles, I just kind of draw a mitt, and then come back to it if it's something I want to refine.
>Yes :)
Looking forward to it, even if it is Lilly.
Does the schizo still spout word salad when someone criticizes Hanako's route?
The only P.I.D. I know about is proportional, integral and derivative control
t. enginerd
but with femnurse it's actually
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Yeah, it has been pretty funny
Hey I just saw you in the vgl discord. I wanted to wish you luck with the revival and I hope you can put the team together. I actually had plans at the beginning of summer to try to put together a /ksg/ revival, but I got involved in the management of another team so that idea got killed. Please fulfil my wish to see katawa shoujo back in the cup!
Thank you anon, not gonna lie, after seeing such a positive response from the VGL people i think we can actually do this. I also hope the rest of /ksg/ is as excited as i am and cheer the team on. Im currently running my first test, mostly for the novelty as i have no cards placed on any player. I do hope we meet each other on the pitch.
>come as cold-hearted
The smiling thing is a big one people know about, but it's interesting to me that this seems limited to being in the cultures of your home countries. At least the Slavic people I have met in the US (born here or in Europe) tend to be very outwardly expressive, from unrestrained laughter all the way down, much more so than any other non-Hispanic whites here.
How did you get 14 k images that weren't sorted?
>the rest of /ksg/
I've never followed or understood the VGL thing, but I support the cause in spirit.
Any form of support is appreciated, but i do encourage you to get familiar with VGL and the 4CC in general, its fun stuff and its gonna be even better if we actually get to be an active team.
Emi's pussy dulce.
Emi's warm embracing hug
who gives the best hugs
Either Lilly or Emi, depends on what you are looking for out of a hug.
uhh rin because her hugs wont get between my and my XBOX
Lilly. She headpats you while hugging.
Lilly would give a motherly hug while Emi would give a romantic affectionate hug. Well Lilly could do all three if you're into her that way which I'm not. I don't think Emi could give a motherly hug, well maybe if she was older. She would give great friendship hugs though, Misha too!
See, this is a clear case of hugpats.
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Goodnight anon.
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You have to admit, it's some kind of ultimate karma that the same retard who destroyed Hanako's route would one day become obsessed with pretending to be a girl. The agony of knowing he can never, ever be one- that's God's justice.
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Been a long time since I've seen this and I was missing it, thank you. Always worth a chuckle.
Happy to help, anon
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I love Emi so much.
This schizo tranny is malding so much, it actually has to samefag. It's pretty funny.
It's the kind of irony that makes you think that maybe there is a god
Goood morning /ksg/! The sky barely lit up when i went out running, going to be jogging in the darkness soon enough
Good morning anon.
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Good morning, /ksg/. In spirit of the edition, I started my day making my breakfast while listening to the 2015 version of Wiosna. Wiosna is of Polish for Springtime and blooming, but the song has a quiet reflectiveness to it that makes it feel appropriate for Autumn. This is the time of year I find myself considering most what decisions to make about my future, and I can't help but think back to staring at that title screen after my first route ending and feeling as though I needed to reconsider much of the trajectory of my life. That's the beautiful thing that brought us all here together, isn't it? Staring at the screen as this theme plays, thinking, and feeling.

My tea recommendation of the day suits such reflection, and is Gyokuro, a kind of green tea grown in the shade. Certainly an acquired taste, with the grassiness giving an umami that may put some off, but a soothing afternoon tea that's well loved by enthusiasts globally. As an aside, it's the first variety of loose leaf green tea I ever tried.

Good morning Emifriend, it is getting to that time of year, isn't it? I've been enjoying the duskier mornings personally, I enjoy the stillness of it. My city gets so busy in the Summertime, the longer nights and colder days bring a well needed peace. Was your run enjoyable?

I've never been one for reading many fics, despite writing them, but this is a real triumph for the writer. They've been at that for an awfully long time, I hope it receives a lot of well earned attention now it's finished. I have so much fondness for anyone who appreciates Saki or Rika as they should.

Oh, anon, don't do that. That's embarrassing.
>Was your run enjoyable?
Sure was, I think its the first time I can still feel both my feet at this distance
and I brought a tea infuser to work, please dont hurt me
>wiosna is of Polish for springtime
It surprised me a bit when I saw it in the OST, still wondering why one of the titles is just a polish word
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My, my, my, Emifriend. I didn't realise you were the tealinquent from yesterday. Since you're regretful of your actions, and have made corrections to your behaviour, I suppose I can let you off with a warning just this once. You're lucky I'm so kind.

Maybe the composer's background is Polish? It's difficult to say, with how little he's said of the OST. Whenever I named chapters for stories I was writing I would just have one come to mind that felt right. It was a very emotional decision, rather than any sort of logical one. The same is true for other creators I've spoken to, by and large.
>It's from Chopin
Huh, and I just so happened to buy, among others, a black tea blend labelled Chopin
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Would you sit through church for hours every Sunday if it meant being with Lilly?
Morning /ksg/

Despite crashing in late last night i got enough sleep to tackle today. There's gonna be some team testing today for sure

>I've never been one for reading many fics, despite writing them
Im kinda like that, in the sense that im a firm believer of canonical content. Im not against fanfics themselves and i too have wrote up things but my main complain is that most of the time they tend to break canon or misinterpret characters and/or the setting and that scratches a part of my brain the wrong way.

Hey, i didnt even knew it was an actual word, i didnt look it up and thought it was just an artsy name for the track or something. The more you know i guess.
Good morning everybody!

I hope you all enjoyed your moring activities, and wish you a productive day. You wouldn't spend all day simply looking at 4chan and playing videogames, right?

Could you give me a quick rundown on VGL and 4CC? I'm not really familiar with either, but from what you and other anons in these threads talked about, it could be an interesting opportunity.

>I've never been one for reading many fics, despite writing them, but this is a real triumph for the writer.
What fics have you written? I'm on the opposite side of the spectrum, I haven't really writen anything of note, but I do enjoy reading and engaging in the work of others. Plus I'm slowly running out of interesting fics to read, and it's making me sad.
No, I would tell her "Honey, I love you more than anything else in the world, but I can't abandon my faith in Unitology just because you ask me to do so. Please respect my religion"
The other anon is probably writing an explanation, but it's best to see for yourself
>You wouldn't spend all day simply looking at 4chan and playing videogames, right?
You say it like its a bad thing...

>Could you give me a quick rundown on VGL and 4CC?
Alright so, 4CC/VGL is where boards/generals represented by football teams in PES compete into tournaments and such, 4CC and VGL are the main events but there's also smaller side stuff going on too. The matches are CPU vs CPU so the only human input is the team's tactics and player "stats" so to say so things are both balanced and hectic in a fun way. Another thing people do with their teams is use custom models, stadiums, fan chants, which makes it all quite kek worthy. The /ksg/ team had a good run in the past and it was also one of the first teams to ever exist in VGL. When i talked with the VGL people yesterday they had a positive reaction towards /ksg/'s revival so thats pretty inspiring and im hoping /ksg/ itself is also as excited for this as we are. If you want the raw details about 4CC and VGL in general, you can look through the wiki for more but do note the /ksg/ article has been rather old and rusty which makes me hope that we find a brave anon can also help with fixing that as well.

Good call linking a match video still. Some things must be seen to be believed.
For Lilly? No
For Akira? Yes.
Em*'s favorite passage? Genesis 19:33–36
>Im kinda like that, in the sense that im a firm believer of canonical content.
NTA but I think our bias in favour of canon content originates from fanfics being a humble black-on-white text, as opposed to a proper meal made of text, art and music.

The more basic corners of my brain may be prompt to acknowledge the canon as inherently superior, but I'm fairly sure there are some good fanfics out there who could effectively complement/redress (in a very unofficial manner) the occasional flaws of canon writing, in particular in the three controversial routes (Shizune, Hanako, Lilly). You are technically "breaking canon" by doing so, but it doesn't have to be a bad thing if the broken corner is something several readers (whether a majority or not) disliked in the first place.

That being said, I would outright shoot in the face whoever creates self-insert OC x Katawa fanart or fanfics, just to give a quick example of a line I don't want any fan to cross (you may have other examples in mind yourself)
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>I think our bias in favour of canon content originates from fanfics being a humble black-on-white text, as opposed to a proper meal made of text, art and music.
I think its less about the way its presented and more about the raw quality and consistency of it. Since its a fan creation there's no sort of hard guidelines or concepts to follow hence most fan works take liberties ranging from few to story/character/setting altering and that can put off people understandably.

>I'm fairly sure there are some good fanfics out there
No arguments there, in the sea of fan works there's always good stuff to find.

>who could effectively complement/redress (in a very unofficial manner) the occasional flaws of canon writing
That, i cannot say for certain. Its cool to theorize and suggest tweaks but publishing it as a "What it should have been" or something, makes me raise an eyebrow in doubt and also kinda feels like throwing the original creation in the trash. Again, all routes have flaws yes but unless we get a true "patch" for them, there's no denying it that it is what it is.

>I would outright shoot in the face whoever creates self-insert OC x Katawa fanart or fanfics
I can see where you're coming from. If KS had a nameless protagonist that the player names then yeah we would get a free pass to just put anyone in there but since we got Hisao, its only fair to have him take that role.
I guess a no-no for me would be to forcebly incorporate OCs with the main cast in any way. You can still have a heartfelt story about cripples in their own circle, it doesnt have to involve the main cast, ya know? If anything that way its a lot easier to get creative since you dont have to treat lightly with the established canon as much. Another thing would be people who write up stuff about the main cast from their past but i guess this leans towards "muh canon" again but still, worth pointing out.
Life's good building a 40k warhound
>Not sure if I'm following you, because it can really be either way.
>Symbols in fiction can be meaningful or just window-dressing
yeah but not something as prominent as a cross especially considering this visual novel was made by people directly in touch with that faith
>Might as well just ask Suriko
he won't reply to me for some reason (I wonder why)
>Look at Evangelion
because it was made by the japanese, chances are they really thought the Christian images just 'looked cool' and that was the only reason they used them
>it's meant to be Japan.
it definitely is, but since the people making it weren't japanese themselves, it's possible their cultural influence seeped through and affected everything, hence the cross and lilly's faith matter
>You say it like its a bad thing...
Oh if I said that, it'd be somewhat hypocritical. I'd imply it though...

But thank you for the rundown, that does seem really interesting. So from I could tell, our main issue is the fact that most models that were used back then can't be recovered, so we have to make new ones, right? Plus obviously assemble a small team of anons willing to put it all together. Could be interesting.

>Its cool to theorize and suggest tweaks but publishing it as a "What it should have been" or something, makes me raise an eyebrow in doubt and also kinda feels like throwing the original creation in the trash.
Agreed, trying to one-up the original material generally does not work, and is often times just a bold decleration of "I know about the work better than the original creator". The best fics are those who built on top of the stablished framework - whether that be side stories, continuations, etc...
Plus I don't feel the "muh cannon" argument is *that* important if you build on top - the original story was made by a couple guys from 4chan, so if someone here is going to try to expand it in his own, respectful way, it's perfectly in the spirit of things.
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Goodnight /ksg/.
On the topic of models, i did manage to salvage things but as you can see, its nothing that we should consider usable. Some need fixing and others need to be downright replaced. Boxheads are too basic and bland by today's standarts. Rin in a bin should literally be Rin in a bin, not a simple ass boxhead. The easy way would be to grab some KS models that already exist out there and stich them together to have something presentable.

>Plus I don't feel the "muh cannon" argument is *that* important if you build on top
It depends on the volume of what is being build on and what artistic liberties are taken because like i said, its too easy to get carried away.

Goodnight anon
>I know about the work better than the original creator
I think it's more like, "Now let's go back to that crossroads, we can turn right instead of left and see what happens"
she's having sex
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Didn't notice you guys hit 4k. Congrats on that.
Hope everything's comfy here.
> The easy way would be to grab some KS models that already exist out there and stich them together to have something presentable.
That shouldn't be that difficult, considering the fact that 3D models exist for almost any girl. Making some meme-worthy adjustments also isn't that hard - well depending on the meme. Which brings up an interesting question - what even should our meme models be?

>It depends on the volume of what is being build on and what artistic liberties are taken because like i said, its too easy to get carried away.
Oh I agree, my original point was mostly related to more tastefull and respectfull aditions, not those which do a complete 180 a do something completely different in both tone and scope.

I suppose I should clarify - I don't think making what if's and alternative realities is an insult to the author, I infact quite like these stories if they're well-made. It's only when you present it as "What should've ACTUALLY happened" and not just as a cool what-if, then it becomes really annoying.
If a story only has oc only interacting with other oc, then what would be the point of using the setting?
I dunno, I guess I dont mind oc so much as long as theyre well written, and I feel like theres plenty of space in the setting for a writer to be able to insert their own stuff. For example, what happens to Emi when Hisao goes down Lillys route?
>what even should our meme models be?
Most things right now are PNG/Box heads which is pretty uninspired. Some can work as PNGs but this should not be the majority. Emi's buttshecks face and Lilly's "Are you frustrated?" long face can definetly work as PNGs but i'd like to see a proper model for Hisao for sure, have Rin be in an actual bin, running around will be pretty hilarious, Chocolate Hanako actually holding a bunch of chocolate on both hands would be funny too. Circling back to Emi she must have artificial legs, maybe even some mecha-like ones too. We could have >Comfort Misha be in a more revealing outfit to emphasize the supposed comfort, we could have Shizune in a knight's armor or somesuch because Risk. These are off the top of my head so any suggestions are also welcome.

I see your point, but its just that whenever people write stories that involve OCs and the canonical cast, they tend to put their own spin on it in a way that strays from the things the main cast is about/portraits. But again, this is with my experience with such fanwork.
I can see most girls sorting themselves out without Hisao, the more worrying cases would be Rin and Lilly.
Im not sure what Do it for Her's model is, but i would see either Hisao, or a green anon with running gear, a book, cup of tea and maybe some paint splatters
Suriko doesn't talk to fans on social media. He's so addicted to backstabbing others that he's become paranoid that whoever he messages will actually be a Hanako fan that weasels in and backstabs him. There are psych terms for this but you've probably observed it already in stories like Hamlet.
Currently its a boxhead with a Do it for her collage of Hanako which i dont mind one bit. We could always switch it to a PNG head where its the same collage with all the girls for inclusion.

>or a green anon with running gear, a book, cup of tea and maybe some paint splatters
That doesnt sound too bad either.
Lilly is Catholic, so service doesn't take as long as it takes blacks with their chaotic, musical protestant gospel shite.
guys I can't handle girls crying
For Lilly specifically, I think it depends on what you count as a satisfactory conclusion.
If she never ends up dating Hisao, she will never get the message that manipulating guys with feelings for you is wrong.

Assuming Hisao goes for another girl, it would be necessary for Lilly to meet a Hisao-equivalent in Scotland for her to grow up and figure out her flaws.
Since she's upper class, she might end up having her parents find a fiancé for her, and it's really not a given she will appreciate his personality (which is at least likely to be snobbish and spoilt).

With Rin specifically, I can see how things are likely to go south for her if she doesn't meet someone who is willing to invest time and energy in genuinely trying to understand her (such as our beloved Saosao).

It's a matter of chance ultimately, none of the girls need Hisao the way they need air and water, it's just that meeting him in a good-ending context is a smoother and simpler solution to their problems than not meeting him and continuing to look for "Mr. Right"
What are the must-read fanfics? So far I have seen enthusiasm for:
Summer's Clover
Akira Pseudo-route
A pseudo-pseudo Suzu route
Learning to Fly

Very cool, thanks.
No way, but checked
Congrats to you as well, Kenji
Oh sure, Lilly has a chance of finding a guy in Scotland and Rin may make it big despite her teacher's cries of fury, i'm just saying those two are the most likely to have their issues weight them down in the future without anyone to intervene.
rin gives the worst hugs.
they're my favourites.
>which is at least likely to be snobbish and spoilt).
nah, you're wrong
speedy board
Why is that?
because upper class people are cool
they're mostly hated by losers that slack off instead of working and expect to freeload off of others. the same kind of people that like to blame everyone rich for the misfortunes in their life that only they are responsible for, that's why they mald online spreading misinformation and myths about those richer than them
I'm actually very relaxed and friendly, but here's a monologue about how the working class is in the wrong
I'm actually very relaxed and friendly, but here's an off-topic tantrum about how everyone richer than me is in the wrong for... being richer than me
lemme just ask that person a question and then get mad once he gives me an answer to my very own question, that will show him!
these two being written by the same retard is hilarious. you can instantly tell it's just a braindead trust fund baby and never learned critical thought.
He's probably a poorfag with a 3 digit bank account who lost it all to Indian phone scammers, the way he tries to speak.
you're a samefagging dumpster dwelling retard that never learned critical thought? man that sure is common among braindead poorfags such as yourself
KEK it instantly spat out some worthless word salad 3 seconds after this post. yep, a prime target for indian men.
these two being written by the same retard is hilarious lololol. you can instantly tell it's just a braindead poorfag that never learned critical fund and is being mogged by the upper class on a daily basis. keep malding you poorfag with a 3 digit bank account
Is this the same braindead retard that would defend Hanako's route?
LOL it instantly spat out some word salad, being an ESL third worlder tranny schizo poorfag with no money. That paki poorfag sure enjoys samefagging and malding lololol
>they're mostly hated by losers that slack off instead of working and expect to freeload off of others
"Upper class" in the Old World means you're born into wealth.
Especially in Britain, where there is a formal system of aristocracy which nobody for now has any serious intention of abolishing.
Even middle-class people who somehow become rich continue to identify as middle-class, precisely to make it clear that they were not born into wealth, they achieved it themselves.
If anything, it's the aristocrats that freeload off normal working people, and in fact it has been so for more than a literal millennium.
Even in the US, there's so-called Old Money
is this the same tranny schizo retard poorfag whose wog mother makes laughably little money that keeps getting pwned by everyone in this thread?
Which essentially proves the trivial truth that it's the no-talent hacks that freeload off of the upper class because they're the ones begging for benefits and welfare payments while rich people actually work for their wealth instead of slacking off like the poorfags that mald online about those that have made it in life.
I could tell from its mental health that it was extremely poor, so seeing it larp as a richfag is pretty funny.
But it's posting nonstop so the novelty is wearing thin. Sad.
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I mean, even its samefagging posts reek of a poorfag that's still poor, so it's no wonder this tranny schizo poorfag is malding so hard while being pwned by the rich lololol
Kek, he's just going to spam the thread by poorly imitating every post he reads, until people stop making fun of his poverty and Hanako's "route".
I wonder who this could be.
You don't sound particularly serious to me, so I think it's best to end the parenthesis here
I can see you can't really do anything to prove your point, so it's okay, don't worry.
From his nonstop typing you can tell he's very serious, it's just that his disorder prevents him from actually saying anything of value.
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my fear for life has inspired me, excuse the hasty everything
Since Im on a tea discovering journey, what's the deal with recommended temperature being 93-95 degrees? I mean a kettle will have freshly boiled at 100, is that close enough or am I meant to wait a couple minutes before pouring?
if you pay attention to its incessant malding, you can easily deduce the poorfag tranny schizo is trying hard, but its mental disability (being a malding poorfag wog) doesn't really aid in that xD
I guess his mother got raped unlike hanako who never did, so that's the crux of the issue
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>I see no plausible scenario in which a kid dares being rude to an adult, unless they're acting on instructions from another adult.
>And I would argue that kids are fundamentally good, only becoming assholes when there is a lot of them in one place.
No, kids are naturally vile and cruel both to each other and to adults and to all living creatures. On top of that, they commit their atrocities even though they're perfectly aware they shouldn't be acting like that. So no, children are not inherently kind ever
You absolute madman, nice comic. My guess is that different blends react differently to different temperatures...difference! I got my first batch of tea as well earlier today and i might give it a taste test tomorrow morning despite the climate not really calling for it. Also bought one of those brewing capsules because they seem so handy to me. I got some of that Darjeeling 1st flush which as the store describes it its "the champagne of tea blends" what are you getting yourself?
>he actually put the "nice guy" mask back on
Did you make this comic? Really nice, doesn't look hasty at all. Very cool panel arrangement and angles.
Woah I just re-read Hanako route, it fucking sucks
Woah I just re-read Hanako route, it's fucking awesome
I was relatively kind as a child, as far as I can remember, and the only trouble I had with other children was when there was a whole group of them, never in one-to-one or small group contexts.

I definitely experienced bigger issues with socialising in middle school than in primary school

Was it different for you?
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I didn't re-read Hanako's route.
It is simultaneously awesome and terrible until I start reading it, then it's only one of the two
based science club president
Hanako's route was subverted.
Goodnight /ksg/!
Tea store owner recommended mixing their earl grey with a black vanilla one i grabbed as well, sufficed to say I will need a refill soon. I suppose Ill let the water rest for a couple of minutes and see if it tastes any different?
My approach to art is the classic "hate everything you do", but you don't improve without trying, aye?
goodnight anon!
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Mixing blends? Sounds new to me but we gonna have to wait for our expert to confirm.

>sufficed to say I will need a refill soon
Already had it all or has it took you a while? How was it?

>I suppose Ill let the water rest for a couple of minutes and see if it tastes any different?
I wish i could tell but im guessing the biggest factor is how long you let it stew in the hot water. Guess we'll learn things together
>the ESL wog actually keeps malding while being a poorfag tranny schizo
Very pleasant, since early grey is my favourite in the first place
I need tea to be productive, I dunno if its some psychology about having a "work drink", or if i just need something to sip on, but it goes down in heaps when i have work to do
Looking forward to reading about your experiences!
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
goodnight /ksg/ and goodnight >>494934484
Special God bless (you) to the VGL anon, i saw youve been putting quite some effort already
Hey Kenji. Long time no see. Hope everything is going okay for you.
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I finished updating the Master Pastebin in the OP, took way longer than I thought, but I have perfectionist tendencies. There is more that could be added, but I think it's enough of an overhaul for right now, considering it hasn't been touched in over 3 years
>restructured and polished everything
>put dates on material, and marked as dead/private as appropriate (better than deleting, so that people can point out alternate links, reupload, or find material via archive sites)
>added links to cripple booru, wiki transcripts, more info on devs, "The answer" and "pXt", Weee's art stream from a couple weeks ago, newer guides and flowcharts, the story timeline, other media

new version is available for comparison here
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good job anon
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It's the zombie apocalypse (Night of the Living Dead style)

Pick three KS Characters to be your fellow survivors.
Do you pick with your dick, or go with who's piratical?
Luckily my dick and mind are once again in perfect harmony. Shizune (strategist), Emi (athletic), and Lilly (super-hearing for when it's dark out). Plus Emi, as a double peg-leg candidate, is one of the most piratical of the katawas.
>Lilly: lets me hit
>Emi: lets me hit
>Kenji: gets us all killed after I get to hit

I got carried away with team testing and forgot to post my reply, wooops.
Yeah i too used to brew some tea to have in my old job but after a while it was so hectic in there i just couldnt have a cup in peace. Having something to drink while doing whatever is always a good time.

Thanks doc, we're still long way to be decent if im honest but i do my best, lots of stuff to learn and optimize.

>put dates on material, and marked as dead/private as appropriate (better than deleting, so that people can point out alternate links, reupload, or find material via archive sites)
Very good call. Half the stuff i wanted to check are on the web archive so having those links is really useful still. If anything it looks like its easier to read overall which is nice. On the personal websites you should include the blogs certain devs run.
>KS Characters
Whoops, I didn't notice that it was more general than just the katawas. I'd swap Emi for Nurse (medical knowledge) and Lilly for Akira (versatile). Shizune, naturally, is still a keeper.
Also, i just noticed something, the page with the /a/ sticky is not dead, it just uses a different link!

>emi: peak physical condition
>shizune: good organisational skill
>rin: funny
congrats you evaded your ban
>peak physical condition
Yeah until something happens to her fake legs and she becomes dead weight.
Miki would probably be a better pick.
>include the blogs
That was my plan, but my eyes were frying so I needed to take a break. I tried to search for a few I knew existed and couldn't readily find them, so decided that was a good time to stop. I'll add the ones I know of later. But yes, they should be in there.
>sticky is not dead
Thank you! I could have sworn I'd seen it up there not all that long ago, but a cursory search didn't locate it. I'll update that right now.
Unless you know sign language Shizune can only be so useful
Quite the day today. The team testing had, mixed results but as im learning there's bound to be improvement so im being optimistic at the moment, for now i sleep and try more things out tomorrow as i see fit. goodnight /ksg/

No problem. I'd suggest the dev socials but they kinda show on the reddit threads already so i'll leave that up to you.
Good night, anon
>dev socials
Yeah I mean to include those with the blogs. I'll scrape through the reddit threads, but I'm sure there's some more recent ones that I won't manage to find. It's a gradual process
No one would miss you if you never woke up, dev cocksucker.
I would miss him
If the katawas were to move to your country, what would each of them like about it the most?
Big house and grounds, fishing equipment weapons. Is basically Saeko from HotD
Obvious medical skills, can be pimped out to milfs for food.
High spirited to keep up morale, can be carried in a backpack if necessary.
>can be carried in a backpack if necessary.
Wait this is so cute I need to see art of this NOW! :3
Good morning everybody! Enjoy both your morning run, and the rest of the day.
No one would miss you if you never woke up, tranny schizo wog
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Just run around with her tied to your back like Curly
good morning i love cripples
It's like he stitched a cardboard cutout of Emi to his backpack
Good morning anon.
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I can only imagine Emi's despair when she realizes Hisao has been going to class with that backpack.

If nurse makes a move on either of them, i kill him.
I would also miss him
After not reading for a couple of years it feels nice to do it again, hopefully I won't get bored until I finish at least one route.
He should wear it in the front
That's a baby carrier.
I dont think Emi would appreciate that
She might appreciate it a lot, depending on how creative Hisao is.
Morning /ksg/

There's gonna be more testing later today before i go off to play children's card games after so long, how's your morning? I just made my trial cup of tea, i let it stew just 1-2 minutes over the recommended time because it took a while to react with the hot water. It has a surprisingly light gold color and the taste is unmistakenbly black tea goodness, i think next time i can use hotter water and more leaves to really bring out more of its flavor. 50g is also a buttload so i doubt i'll finish it within a week or something but i'll definetly try out others too.
Good morning /ksg/
I just came back from my morning run. I never thought exercising could be so satisfying!
You know when people sometimes say a game has "changed their life" when they actually mean it was emotional?
Well Katawa Shoujo isn't like that. It ACTUALLY changed my life. I'm so glad I discovered this masterpiece, the writers may have genuinely saved my life, though it's still a little early to be certain of the full extent.
Good morning anon.
Good morning!
>it ACTUALLY changed my life
Ive been on the katawa drug for a few months, and it's impact on my daily routine still lasts. Seems to be, by definition, life changing, from running to focus on art
Glad to see you keep it up!
Good morning anon.
By all means friends, do your utmost to change your life for the better while the Katawa High is still going.

I remember being overly cautious and afraid of making mistakes the year I played the VN for the first time, and I regret wasting part of the enthusiasm and hope the story transmitted to me
Im glad you're having a good time Emifriend, she would be really proud of you. I know that you feel like its too soon to be certain and confirm something that has such gravity but i say you keep being so blunt with how you feel, express your excitement over your new routine. Living in doubt or being cautious is exhausting, its not wrong to be excited about the present because this is what you're living in right now. Past is gone and its nothing but memories and the future is as unpredictable as anything, so enjoy the present to the fullest in any way you see fit.

Morning guys, lets have a good one today.

Regret is something i personally had only a few times in my life, maybe im too stubborn to admit that there were times i wish i did things differently but either way, its better to try and fail than to regret not trying in the first place. There's always that tiny chance you gonna succeed and you wont know until you try yourself. I hope you're back into the latter mentality anon.
>its better to try and fail than to regret not trying in the first place.
Depends also on whether it's just about you personally or if other people are involved.
I could easily list 4/5 things in life that I'm glad I ultimately did *not* do, despite feeling tempted to do so.
For example, openly asking someone out on a basis of a sudden crush (which could very well not be there any more in a few months) is unlikely to be a good idea. Just as an example
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>Depends also on whether it's just about you personally or if other people are involved.
That and also if it objectively affects you negatively in some way. I didnt mention that since we're mostly adults here so of course i wouldnt ecourage anyone to do stupid shit for the sake of doing it.

>For example, openly asking someone out on a basis of a sudden crush (which could very well not be there any more in a few months)
That doesnt strike me as something entirely wrong to be honest. If you like a person, there's no harm in asking them out. Despite my many downs over the course of my life, i still have a bit of a hopeless romantic within me but even so, i dont find it wrong for people to just go out, see how it goes and build off of that and if there's no connection, well, at least you tried and found out. If anything i think its best if you do go after said person, that way you gonna find out if your feelings for them are true and more than just a crush and also find out if they're also interested. Expressing feelings of affection towards another person is a herculean task yes but the irony is that most of the time, its as easy as saying a sentence and sometimes it can lead to something great.

As for the topic at hand, of course you cannot live your life as a yesman and go after every single thing, but when something or someone that interests you comes along the way and you're able to make a move, there's no reason to not give it a shot ya know?
Patlust rising. Paturday seems far away. What do?
Surely a single one early wouldnt hurt....
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Thank you for for those words, anon. It's true I often feel very reserved about my progress in life, I should try to become more confident, and take life as it comes.
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Goodnight /ksg/.
Its understandable to feel this way. Life's uncertainty isnt very pleasant and can easy bring you down, believe me. What we can do as mere people is to see past that and focus on what we have going on right now. I also get how its not possible to be optimistic all the time, you gotta have a grasp of reality too, however, when applicable, its better to not think of how bad things are/will be because it will only get you so far. A focus on the present is the best course of action i believe.

Night, rare Miki fan
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With Shizzie being so argumentative and unable to have a normal spoken discussion, do you all think she would regularly engage in internet debates if she had her own computer?
Or would she be smart enough to know they can easily be a waste of time?
Why are random people on 4chan the best motivational speakers on earth
She'd 100% get into arguments with anyone
She would definetly argue with people online, maybe not often but when she would, it would be pretty heated.

I appreciate your compliment but i hardly think i say something as grand or revolutionary. This is just my personal opinion on things but if it really speaks to you, all the better.
I've spoken to multiple people on /ksg/ and you all motivated me to change for the better, you guys are awesome!
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She'd recognize internet arguments are a waste of time and still engage in them anyways
She pretty much does that in the game already
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Im glad you have a positive outlook on things. Its nice to see how /ksg/ keeps bringing people together the same way KS itself does. Good stuff.
So the only person left who defends Hanako's route has multiple severe mental illnesses?
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Gratias Doc
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and lower...
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>Why are random people on 4chan the best motivational speakers on earth
4chan's anonymous format means people can be themselves here, in a positive and negative way. No one is holding back, everybody pours their heart out without any regard for their personal image.

So you can easily have the very highest and the very lowest of the internet whenever you come here

Possibly so, but at some point she'll realise it's fruitless and move on, she's not outright stupid

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I'll agree with these three. With maybe Miki instead of Shizune because hearing would probably be important
So apparently the only person left talking shit about hanakos route is this mentally ill ESL tranny poorfag who's also a wog. The whole thread dunked on him yesterday.
Always a fun time
It's Suriko
Which katawas would be easiest to groom into starting their own onlyfans accounts when they hit age of consent?

Emi is probably easiest and would be the most successful. She's the most sexually active already and greatest sexual experience. Dad's dead, so no strong father figure to set her straight. On top of all that, she looks very young for her age and can fill the niche of a legal loli.

Lilly would probably be difficult to groom. Not only does she have Akira watching over her, but her personality leads to at the very least keeping up the appearance of a prim and proper girl, despite her adolescent sex drive.

Hanako's self image issues make her especially difficult to groom. The way she acts and dresses is specifically made to not draw attention to herself. This runs counter to making her take off her clothes for money and the idea of strangers seeing her body might make her bluescreen on the spot. That being said, if sites like onlyPats or Paturbate existed, she'd be much easier to convince.

Misha would be easy to convince if you can catch her when she's vulnerable much like in the comfort Misha scene. Alternatively, if you can groom Shizune, Misha would be practically a freebie that comes with her.

Shizune can go either way. On one hand, she's smart, competitive and wouldn't want to do any damage to her future career before it's even started. On the other, she hates her dad. Leaning into daddy issues and resulting teenage rebellion might be the best bet with her. If successful, getting her brother to star as a femboy sissy would be almost as easy as getting Misha on board.

Rin might be convinced to do it, but there wouldn't be much success. Given her personality and interests, she may be convinced to explore the artistic quality of painting in the nude, or some such excuse. The obvious thotty "arts" such as bodypainting herself on stream may be a bit beyond her given the lack of hands. While she's able to do much with her feet, they're not that flexible.
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Nigga what the fuck?
Yeah, it's just some sad loser
>Rin might be convinced to do it, but there wouldn't be much success.
She can just sell feet pics

>Emi is probably easiest and would be the most successful.
Sorry my wife's body is for my eyes only.
Also being sexually active does not necessarily make you a whore!

>but her personality leads to at the very least keeping up the appearance of a prim and proper girl, despite her adolescent sex drive.
She would be one of those girls who doesn't show their face
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Why is she so perfect, bros...?
What half-baked nonsense is this?

How would a Misha route work?
Would she just not have the gay?
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Hisao potentially gets his dick covered with Misha's pussysnot in Shizune's route. She can try it then you help her get into Shizune's panties and are rewarded with plowing Shizune from behind while she goes down on Misha.
I really think a third-wheeling route in which he tries to get Misha with Shizune would've been great if not left to A22, but I understand the point of the game is romance
I don't think a girl who's willing to fuck you for comfort is fully gay unless she was that desperate and had no one else (which could apply to Misha)
>Pattable head.
>Pleasant personality
>Child bearing hips
>Sweet smile
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>(which could apply to Misha)
it doesn't
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Sounds cute! Could have a fun dyke tyke dynamic between Hisao and Misha. Kinda the equivalent of when she nudges you to the good ending in Emi's.

As lesbians tend to abundantly explain, its pretty common for women to gaslight themselves into dating and bedding dudes even without sexual attraction ("compulsory heterosexuality").
Is that what's going on there? Could be.
I find it fascinating that the criticisms of Hanako's route are original thoughts, while the "defenses" of it are purely schizophrenic retardbabble.
I find it fascinating that the criticisms of hanakos route are purely schizophrenic retardbable spouted by an ESL thirdie schizo tranny, while the defenses are original thoughts
even better is that suriko has to spend every waking moment online just do that in response to every post he reads. he's actually letting this place torture him, deny his sleep, raise his blood pressure, and bring him closer to suicide every day.
I find it fascinating that lemon soda contains artificial flavourings, while dishwashing liquid is made with real lemons
Even better that the ESL tranny schizo third worlder has to spend every waking moment online just do that in response to every post he reads. its actually letting this place torture it, deny it sleep, raise his blood pressure, and bring him closer to suicide every day.
(and ban evading, all the while nobody takes him seriously)
i'm not even surprise someone displaying compulsive autistic behavior like that also trooned out.
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>Would she just not have the gay?
You get her drunk, handcuff her to the bed and electroshock the gay out of her.
Trust me, I'm a doctor

Wow, even I am not shitposting this hard
(and ban evading, all the while nobody takes him seriously)
i'm not even surprised someone displaying compulsive autistic behavior like that also trooned out, being an ESL tranny third worlder
>handcuff her to the bed and electroshock her
sounds hot

Also why did you have to hit me with Rin PTSD with that pic :(
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>gen alpha humor
There's a thread on /v/ making fun of Hanako's route again.
There's a thread in my brain making love to Emi again.
Although I'm more into cuddling and doing cute couple activities together
Back from card games and its been quite fun despite finishing 1-2, i've had quite the matches. What have you been doing today?

She's so great, it hurts that she is not real.
Isn't it kind of weird that you kept spamming and ban evading?
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No, that was me.
Catch me if you can
What children's card game do you play? I think you mentioned Yu-gi-oh?
>Although I'm more into cuddling and doing cute couple activities together
As you should, Emi deserves all the love.
Why are you spamming and ban evading you thirdie ESL tranny schizo?
Was it an actual irl game? Sounds fun as hell
Making that comic the entire day set me in a higher gear, been drawan and graphican my entire free time today
Will probably call it a day early to have strength to run tommorow
Greetings fellas, now isn't it just wonderful to sit back, relax and post something on /ksg/ after an exhausting day?

You're awesome too. I'm glad you're making progress. Changing oneself for the better is one of the hardest and most rewardings things you can do, and it looks like you are on the right path. So don't forget why you are doing this, and good luck in the future!

To remind you that life can be beautiful.

Based Emi enjoyers. She's so precious bros...

That sounds fun, hope you've enjoyed yourself. What game specifically were you playing?
I've personally been on a small trip with a couple close friends, and we hiked quite a distance. The weather was pleasant and the trail itself was really enjoyable. So a nice day overall.
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Thats the one. Shop i frequent is finally open again after their summer break so it was fun meeting up with the usuals and playin'. They turn locals on Wednesdays and Saturdays and im going both days to make the most of it. I bought this new tin that released but the high rarities were doodoo cards i'll never use, shame really.

Yup, the real thing, i do play often on EdoPro too for fun and playtests.

>Making that comic set me in a higher gear, been drawan and graphican my
Do post your stuff here, i wanna see you do funnies with all the cast.

Its Yugioh, there are suckish moments but i've managed to make a handful of playable decks and still have fun.

>I've personally been on a small trip with a couple close friends
That sounds nice, doing anything with the group is always a good time, this form of comradery is quite special.
Why don't you just make a single post for everyone you're replying to?
What archetypes does each girl play?
Alright lets see...

She would either play a Synchron deck because speed or an OTK deck to finish games quickly.

A very obnoxious combo deck that would either lock you out of actions or sit on many negates. She'd stick to the meta all the time and throw a fit if she'd lose. She thinks Baronne was ok to exist.

Im torn between Labrynth and Aromage. Two very fitting decks for her, while Aromage is slightly combo centric its still has a theming she'd really enjoy.

Burn decks and Volcanic memes aside, i think based on her personality, a FLIP effect deck would be ideal for her. The recently released Mimighouls would be perfect for her.

She's the one doing all the silly techs that eventually lead to a board that will make you gasp in awe and she'll go "Ohh, it worked, i never thought it would..." or maybe something like Gren Maju and go "I attack with 10k, you dont have any battletraps right?"

Feels like Mikanko would be good on her. "Hicchan stop hitting yourself!!"
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>Do post your stuff here
Right now things other than KS are on my table, but if you want funnies check out the horrors of my sketch
Nurse checking in! How is everyone doing? Feel free to share a #/10, good or bad. Things you're thankful for, things you're worried about. Try not to forget about the former! Let's all keep moving forward, together.
Thats one scary Lilly, wouldnt want to cross her. The finished version was really good, keep it up.

Today has been an 8/10 i guess. I try not to remind myself of some of the recent shortcomings to not bring myself down. I guess with enough patience its all gonna work out, i hope.
Everything is going great right now! I just started going on runs, and it's a lot of fun.
I also started college recently, I'm on my second week. High school has destroyed my self esteem and mental health, and this new environment is way better. Working on things that actually interest me, and also meeting new people like me is just awesome!
Back in high school, I felt hopelessly stupid for being incompetent in most subjects. Now that I'm fully studying the one subject I'm good in (computer science), I finally feel like I'm worth something for maybe the first time in my life.
My only worry right now is whether or not this will last. My mental health is very unstable so things could crumble at any moment.
Forget the zombies. Hhow are you going to survive the sex?
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Emi would play U.A.
I don't really jive with Hanako playing a set 5 pass since those are infamous for relying on topdecking instead of execution skill. Even for someone who's anxious and has trouble just being themself, a game has a directed goal, and she has a variable but nonzero amount of motivation to excel, at certain things. I would say a combo deck that doesn't get nibbed, so maybe Centurion with zero extenders. Treating her different for the sake of being different had some really pathetic outcomes in the past, like her sabotaged route. She became "the one who's defined by her disability"
Is there a chess archetype?
I was thinking about this the other day.
>when they hit age of consent
So you mean starting before their KS age then.
This is stupid. Everyone knows it's the other way around. You low Misha from behind while she's face down in Shizune.
Nice! There will always be shortcomings; nothing in life is perfect, so you're right to not let them bring you down if possible. Learn a lesson if there is one, and that's the best one can do.
College kicks ass, I hope you continue to ride this high. It's still good to gain exposure to other subjects, but your general education requirements will handle that. You have more control over that in college than in high school, so you might find something more to your taste. E.g. if you mostly disliked literature class but enjoy sci-fi, there might be a science fiction course that fulfills a requirement.
Chess Archfiends were the first ever archetype.
Puppet Pawn/King/Queen exist, and barely qualify because Promotion wants an archetypal card.
Both blow ass.
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Emi is for hard fucking.
Emo is for soft loving.
If we are going from the chess angle, Hanako might like a control deck.
If it really has to be sports themed, i guess the newly revealed ARGS would be a better fit. It even has anime girls doing said sports.

I dont see her meek personality as a con nor does it make her seem something she isnt. Girls do not need such physical or psychological trauma in order to be like that.My ex was almost exactly like this when i first met her. On the topic at hand, Flip effect decks arent as "braindead" as they seem and i think Mimighoul specifically is a nice fit due to the fun theming and decent powerlevel. I did thought of picking Ghosttricks but i wasnt sure.

As far as i recall, the only one that comes close to that was the initial wave of Archfiends and that is a bit of a mess quality wise much like the other anon said.

Its mostly a bother when it drags me down financially. Unexpected costs are never fun but i just take a deep breath and try my best to not focus on that.
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What deck(s) do you play? I play zombies however i don't own a single physical card.
Life has been a humble 7/10, I have goals to work towards, I'm not particularly stressed, I get to do the things I love, I wouldn't go above an 7 when I still have a lot of things I'm not completely happy with, but working towards them is fulfilling

Has a chance to get rough in the near future but I'm mentally prepared enough for it that it shouldn't be too bad
lol who made that image I like it
I got a bunch in total so i'll try to keep it short. Here's a list of what i run the most:

>Lair of Darkness control

Here's some honorable mentions:
Fortune Ladies for being my all-time favorite and wish it would get more support to make them viable.
Heraldic Beasts for the cool theming and XYZs
Superheavy Samurai for their unconventional yet fun gameplay

Zombies can be a pain to deal with unless you got banishing but i get the appeal, plus they're really versitile and can have a variety of builds plus owning people with Skull Servants is never out of style.
Does she think her anxiety is a bad thing? Yes. Does she get what she wants in her sabotaged route? No.
I can tell that the visual language behind flip monsters is based on hiding and passivity. The latter mostly a side effect because if mega powerful effects like vanity's emptiness and io were on green cards they would have changed the state of the game. This means cold wave.
I'll suggest she might also like the hidden power within an unassuming normal monster, which could be phantasm spiral, or primoredial if it ever becomes playable.
>Does she get what she wants in her sabotaged route? No.
Nice try.
>I'll suggest she might also like the hidden power within an unassuming normal monster, which could be phantasm spiral, or primoredial if it ever becomes playable.
I can see that too i guess, relatively vanilla things that are more than meets the eye.
What does nice try mean? Is your disability mental in nature?
Your disability is mental in nature you ESL tranny schizo? Seems to be the case.
>the dyke taking a dick
anon, i...
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I always thought that was the original image until i started playing the game they're from.
Shizune would be any better? But hopefully the nurse brings lots of drugs
Ha, nice
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Shizune doesn't have a pre-existing competative nature with Emi like Miki does. Plus Shizune is smart enough to hold back if/when needed where Miki wouldn't be.
Shizune has a pre-existing competitive nature with goddamn everyone.
Yes but I still stand by my statement that Shizune would have better self-restraint than Miki by a mile.
Eh, probably true.
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Lmao that question sure struck a nerve.
Maybe he thinks Hanako is the only one who would accept a bipolar retard like himself.
He sure doesn't understand her, so...
i quite like that
>burns on the wrong side
How embarrassing.
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Time to catch some zzz's. its been a busy day and i didnt do much team testing so i'll get on that tomorrow
I really think you should stop with the word salad spam.
Goodnight anon.
"Nice try" is what he says to doctors too, he doesn't think his mental health is important
so would you look up misha's shorts or shizune's skirt first?
Put shaving cream on their hands and tickle their faces with a feather.
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>shaving cream
Anon you have to go big or go home
Uh, whip cream?
I'd put a blanket over them you perv -.-
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
I haven't seen you in forever how's it been?
Up and down. You know, the usual works. Just hanging on. Busy.
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what happened
They finished the routes they wanted to finish? Not much replayability after that.
Wow....dead game......
no mods
I feel a bit happier these days but life could still be way better, other than that I'd say I'm about the same as you. Hope things get better for ya, I'm pretty tired so goodnight
>on a 4chan thread for about trying to fuck crippled cartoon japanese schoolgirls
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This guy gets it. Go for something with a thicker consistency
Thanks. Good night brah.
Her nipples are fucking ridiculous
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while this guy's asleep
>Up and down
up and down on that asian chick in his class, he means
looks normal to me. her torso looks a few inches too long though
>reducing everything this game has to offer artistically and emotionally to just porn
pathetic creep.
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Good morning /ksg/! Ive been dicking around the 5km mark for a while, finally managed to step it up today.
Hope you're keeping your routines up, and reminder that these exist, if you're having trouble pacing yourself out

And in the topic of encroaching winter, how does your katawa feel about it?
Won't let some weather stop her, but hopefully there's a gym with treadmills nearby
Goodnight anon.
Goodnight anon.
I started running after not exercising for nearly a year. I can barely run a km without dying :(
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Take it easy, everyone starts there
If you want to see some more distance out of your stamina, check Emi's couch to 5k guide i linked in that post
It has some routines with walking and running intervals, helps you squeeze more out of yourself without collapsing
I also need a walking break when im pushing myself sometimes, all that matters is not stopping
It's that simple, really.
I love KataShou and I touch it like once every 4 years.
It's just not meant to be played over and over, except in your head maybe

Also >>495106320 in a way

Exercising is like practising a new language: the more you're afraid of looking ridiculous and ungifted and the less you achieve in the long run (pun possibly intended)

>And in the topic of encroaching winter, how does your katawa feel about it?
This is a no-brainer, she loves snow, to the point that she believes her favourite colour would be white, since that's what snow reportedly looks like

Balalaika is basically an older Akira with Hanako's face
You keep spamming up the thread with word salad you mentally disabled ESL tranny third worlder wog? Seems to be the case, yup.
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That makes sense because I like both of them so much.
Got up pretty late this time, lets see how today turns out.
This burnt bitch WISHES her chest was at such capacity.
Rude and also growth spurts are a thing
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Which Ks girl would be Revy?
Akira or Emi, since they are both quick-thinking "spare me the BS" types
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Which girl would be the /ss/PTSDmaid?
Yuuko has the right physique, but you may need to find out a way to make her a lot more confident than she currently is
Just mindbreak her with shotas and she'll so allright.
>all that matters is not stopping
Just keep your eyes on the prize
I need a footjob from Emi so bad
Everyday feet or running feet?
He's saying she doesn't want to get better at the whole anxiety thing. This is because his main goal is to defend the devs, and generally has a poor understanding of Hanako overall.
Custom-made footjob feet with integrated onaholes at the ends
Is it really a footjob if there's a hole? The large part of the appeal is adapting to feet's inherent unfuckability
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Fuck it, let's make her ultra-realistic feet for her to give me a footjob with
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Cold weather is finally setting in, there's even light rain going on right now. Things are starting to be comfy, shame how i'll be back in the office at monday. Here's a clip from testing the team, seeing plays like these gives me hope.
How hard was it to set PES up? I imagine the aesthetics require some custom software
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Not as hard as one can imagine. The effort comes into making the aesthetics. Once you got everything, you just run them into a cpk converter and then the game use them (if not already converted). The aesthetics i use for /ksg/ are ancient and buggy but i still do to make testing more fun, here's Emu fucking murdering a dragon
The YGO cards are fairly kekworthy
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/dng/'s aesthetics are top quality i must say. Having the actual card below them was also a great artistic call. I want something on a similar level for our team too, have people look at our players and have a laugh.
So Hanako stole Rin's pantsu AND Shizune's stockings?
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>Hello anon, I'm back again, pardon me my little abscence
thank you for sticking around. I myself am not in exactly a good position either, so at best I'll reply tomorrow or possibly Saturday. sorry, I'm dealing with something not that palatable these days. please hang on a while, I'll be back brotendo
nta but hang in there my crippa
why, thank you friend-brother ^_^
no problem anon, understandable, hang in there and deal with the problem the best you can, seeya.
Lilly Hayasaka
It's on the first page of Lilly's tag on cripple booru, anon
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>My first VN
>Fucking end up with Kenji
I had no idea that the half a dozen dialogue options determined life or death. Time for round 2
>think about her
>Katawa dick is back
I thought it was supposed to be a first playthrough thing god damn it
>I had no idea that the half a dozen dialogue options determined life or death
It's just like real life, only actual death instead of social death
happens to the best of us because it happened to me
Damnit. Happened again. Am I destined to be gay? This game is hard
You should word your feelings in a more delicate and classy way. Lilly's listening
Keep persevering until you get one of them on your own, then you can start using a route guide
Skill issue. Just be nice in your dialogue choices and you get a katawa
Be open and interested in someone, anyone, and try to choose options that suit them and will bring you closer to them
Goodnight /ksg/, rest well. See you on tommorws morning runs!
Good morning /ksg/.
good morning (I guess, it's 4:15pm ere)
I don't want to spoil anything for you, plus it would detract from the feelings of accomplishment once you land a katawa's path. Try not to be a shut-in like Kenji. But his ending is fairly common (actually, if you're totally lost and choosing randomly, you get Kenji 54% of the time), so don't think that you're just being (completely) a gay sperg.

Whether you finish a full route or not, consider filling out the survey we have going on for the next few (?) days (it's in the second post). We haven't done one in a long time, and new and old players are encouraged to fill it out.
Something is wrong with the "orientation" question, because the results add up to more than 100%, meaning people probably had the chance to vote for more than one option (which shouldn't be possible here)
>shouldn't be possible
I would agree, but clearly some people multi-selected anyway. So I guess, for whatever reason, those individuals found it an appropriate option
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Aranon will sort all voting accoardingly and remove any "invalid entries" I hope she's doing alright, havent post for two days now...
Ni ni /ksg/, keep it together
>I would agree, but clearly some people multi-selected anyway. So I guess, for whatever reason, those individuals found it an appropriate option
I selected both bi and straight cause I would describe myself as "mostly straight" which sounds dumb and like cope ik but i had the option to for whatever reason
It is kinda funny how I basically skewed the results a bit because of that, I even mentioned it here before, it was probably in the last thread
I can't say if anyone else has done the same
>skewed the results
Eh, you did the right thing if selecting both made sense to you and the poll allowed it. If the poll only allowed single responses we'd be missing out on information. You sound bi to me, but you're the one living it, so I'll trust that the "mostly straight" carries a lot of weight with you
>Hanako presses charges for rape
>Akira steps up to be your defense attorney
Whose side does Lilly take?
Whose side do her parents want her to take?
Akira obviously.
If I did that to her I'd just kill myself. It's the only way to escape my life being controlled by a transsexual retard who only makes things worse, never better.
How are you talk about Akira like that. Fuck yourself.
>You sound bi to me, but you're the one living it, so I'll trust that the "mostly straight" carries a lot of weight with you
I guess I've always questioned it but I've mostly felt attraction towards women but it's undeniable now that I have a slight attraction to men. I relate more so to straight dudes though since that's how I've seen myself all my life and my attraction to men is like I said not that much but it doesn't exactly feel completely accurate to say I'm one or the other so I dunno
Goodnight /ksg/ and before i go, a question.

What would be the best thing to do with your Katawa? The thing you would enjoy the most. Hard mode: nothing sexual.

i'll check out your responses tomorrow and will reveal mine then.
Goodnight anon.
I'll go easy mode.
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I don't think I can live the same way without Lilly feeling my face
Shizune please
Honestly a walk through somewhere nice and kind of isolated may be enough for Rin, maybe walking through a national park or something.
Have her be real and in-love with me and we get married
Also cuddling, lots and lots of cuddling.
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Just cloud gazing with Rin while we talk weird shit, that sounds like heaven to me
Forgot to say, it's Emi
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Gn, don't die either
To crush our enemies, see them driven before us and "hear" the lamentations of their women
Goodnight anon.
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This guy gets it.
I want to commit war crimes with a cute girl so bad.
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Good morning /ksg/, have a nice and productive day!
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Good morning me maties, it be friday!
Good morning anon.
I know "mon" means "man", but I don't think "och" means anything
I think it's just sound they make.
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Hello /ksg/ I got out of bed pretty late this time.

I liked your responses on my last night's question so here's my answer. I think the best thing would be waking up and see her laying next to me, still asleep with mouth agape. If patting her head wakes her up, i'd greet her "Good morning" and proceed to cuddle her. That would be the best for me.
Good morning anon.

Hard mode:
>Non-sexual headpats.
Good morning anon.
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Goodnight /ksg/.
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I honestly cant tell if i want to know what a sexual headpat is.

I got out of bed at like 11:45, hardly morning by said hours.

Goodnight anon, hope Akira doesnt kill you in your sleep.
wow she's beautiful
>What would be the best thing to do with your Katawa? The thing you would enjoy the most.

I would tour Hokkaido with her, all of it, in winter.
She likes snow and could enjoy the places, despite her lack of sight.
Furthermore, unlike me, she speaks proper Japanese and could easily act as a translator with locals.
Hopefully she likes crab meat, because that's part of the local cuisine.
Know what, Hanako can come as well, I am going to keep the atmosphere very Platonic and modest

Thank you for the openness.
I am actually halfway between straight and asexual myself, I guess it's not always easy to explain how you feel about love and sex with four possible options
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She really is. Her smile brings me joy, every time.

That sounds like fun, im sure she'd love that anon.
>Know what, Hanako can come as well
How considerate of you, would you be fine if i joined her too? That way everybody wins.
I first read Katawa Shoujo when it first came out. I must've been around 14 at the time, only doing Hanako's route. It made me feel very empty.
I've been better since then, at least getting my life together a little. I hadn't thought about Katawa Shoujo in a very long time, but I started reading it again when I saw it came out on steam, and I just finished Hanako's route again, now that I'm pushing 30. And I still feel that same emptiness.
What do I do with myself now?
Play other routes, live, become a better person knowing she would have wanted you to
It's comforting to have someone rooting for you
I think I took that to heart way back when in 2011. I was a shitty kid, and I don't think I could've envisioned becoming who I am now back then. I can confidently say I'm a good person. But I still don't see the point.
I'm not gonna kill myself or anything, I'm just struggling how to comprehend these emotions. Trying to figure out why I'm waking up in the morning.
>And I still feel that same emptiness.
I can perfectly relate.
It's been 10+ years and it still hurts just as much, Lilly and Rin's routes in particular.

I think you should accept that you live in an imperfect world far removed from anime idealism, and that you won't get an unambiguously good ending in this life, because no matter how big we dream, we are all surrounded by heavily flawed human beings and burdened by what-has-been.

But you can still try to make the most out of it while you can. You are the one who sets the goal, on the basis of what you believe to be your innermost potential.
Become kinder, fitter, more creative, more mature, bolder, etc.
Do whatever will prevent your future days from feeling a bit too similar to each other.
Either make peace with the past or forget about it forever, whichever makes more sense to you

Just try to take control of your life, if you don't have it already, and also take responsibility for whatever happens as a consequence of your own choices.
That's pretty much it
No, yes, that... makes a lot of sense. Thank you.
It's just that I feel I've already done all of those things. Taken charge of my life, made plans for the future, worked towards my dreams. I don't think my life can realistically get any better than it is right now. So I still can't help but be disappointed that 'this is it'.

I do disagree with you on one thing, though. Of course we don't live in an ideal anime world, and there's no such thing as a good ending. But I don't think the characters in Katawa Shoujo are that removed from real human beings. Things Hanako says near the end are almost the exact same as things my male best friend has told me, at some times word for word. And I've met some very interesting women that completely go against what you might think the stereotype for women (especially that you get on 4chan) is.

But yes. Obviously the emptiness itself doesn't go away. I wasn't hoping for such a convenient solution to present itself. And I still want to fight to try and make things better, even if I can't envision how. I think I just need to post in here for a bit. I'm very appreciative of the empathy and kind words, from both you and >>495277626.
Thank you.
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I think the fact that you posted here is a good start. I can definetly relate to you as we're both Hanakobros and of similar age.

Making a post here, having a cry, sharing how you feel, vent about something and anything in between are good ways to let this pent up emotions out. After that, its all up to you really, nobody can force you to pick up new habits/hobbies, socialize, work on things etc, that wouldnt be right. One thing i can give as an advice is for you to keep doing what you love, so long as it doesnt have a negative impact on you physically and/or mentaly. A good life is being able to do what you love, so go for that and your life will feel ever brighter.

I know how hard it is to stop thinking about how lonely, misunderstood, and unlucky you are sometimes, it undoubtably sucks, but if it gives you any solice, you're not in this alone, me and many others out there know exactly what you go through, so dont feel bad for it, express yourself, let it all out, we're in this together.
It's unfortunate, but Hanako's route generally fails to inspire people. We understand here.
Thank you very much. It's more appreciated than you know. I've never posted in KSG before, and always joked with friends it was a little dorky that it was still ongoing after all these years - I haven't actively used 4chan in a very long time, and I'm very surprised at the kindness on display in here.
I don't like being coddled, of course. So I'll try my best to help any other anons too. I don't know if it's passe to post discord accounts if anyone needs someone to talk to here, so for now I'll just post in here and try and do what I can for anyone that needs a hand.
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We're in extremely similar situation. I too picked up the game again with the re-release and needless to say i was left equally as broken which led me to post here as well. /ksg/ really is an oasis in more ways than one and i too was pleasantly surprised by it so enjoy your stay. Do not fret into talking about how you feel here, nobody's gonna judge you if you feel down and need someone to lend an ear so anything you wanna talk about, good or bad, just do it. I highly recommend you to fill out the survey we've been running recently, its on the first posts, i bet you gonna find it rather interesting.
>hanabros getting existential
Respectfully couldn't be me
Run because Emi told me to, never give up else Emi gets mad
Simple as
Survey filled.
Tell me, anon, who's your favorite girl? And why? I'd love to read another person's thoughts.
>I don't think my life can realistically get any better than it is right now. So I still can't help but be disappointed that 'this is it'.
I kind of understand, but if I were in your position, I would probably breathe a sigh of relief if I came to realise that it really cannot get any better, and that I am not procrastinating another self-improvement quest because they are all accounted for.
You might have heard of the saying "No need to worry if there's a solution, and no need to worry if there's no solution"

>But I don't think the characters in Katawa Shoujo are that removed from real human beings. Things Hanako says near the end are almost the exact same as things my male best friend has told me, at some times word for word. And I've met some very interesting women that completely go against what you might think the stereotype for women (especially that you get on 4chan) is.

By all means, count your blessings.
Be grateful for every good thing/person that comes your way.
I was merely expressing my general impression of mankind, and in any case, having flaws doesn't necessarily translate to being unpleasant and unfriendly, that's just a particularly self-evident type of flaw

>I don't know if it's passe to post discord accounts if anyone needs someone to talk to here, so for now I'll just post in here and try and do what I can for anyone that needs a hand.
Some 4channers like Discord, others not really, it's a divisive platform.
You might want to refrain from posting your main tag, though, just so you are able to filter whoever may feel like adding you
Each girl hits your feels a different way. Emi invokes motivation and understandably so. She is a driving force that just keeps you going and the fact that she wants you too to keep going is really motivating. Hanako invokes emotional emptiness due to how consistently relatable she is with the majority of her fans. A person that wants to be loved and treated the same way as anyone else. Nowdays it's bordering on terrifying to be yourself nowdays, people will call you names, laugh at you, judge you for your hobbies/interests/lifestyle and most of all, never see the true you, only make an impression out of your "exterior". So when people that feel this way see Hanako, they see someone who feels exactly the same, they see their perfect mate.

Isnt it obvious already? I think what i said to the other anon is perfectly applicable to me as well. Hanako is a woman that is such a rarity in real life it hurts. A woman who will see the real you much like she wants you to do for her. She's compasionate, endearing and her smile can warm even the coldest of hearts. She really is that precious to me.
NTA, but I always found the question "who is your favourite girl" to be really difficult to answer. It's comparable to "what's your favourite movie" - I don't know if I'm supposed to answer with the movie I consider the best artistically, the one I'd enjoy watching the most, or some linear combination of the two qualities.
Same with the girls - the one I'd enjoy being with the most romanticaly would likely be Lilly, the one I'd likely enjoy time spent the most is Emi, the most complex and interesting girl from a narrative and a overall character depth point is likely Rin, but my overall favourite route is tied between Emi and Lilly. (And I enjoy posting Snoozu, because why not). I suppose I could go a bit more in depth, a thread or two back we had a discussion over the romantic appeal of Lilly, which was quite interesting.
Sure, discord was really just an example of a method to talk directly to someone one-on-one. I appreciate the freedom anonymity grants someone, as there's no real fear of being judged - there's nothing to really judge to begin with. At the same time, I feel a personal and direct conversation can kind of help better in certain ways - and if anyone needs a good listener to talk to, I want to make myself available, regardless of the platform used.
And I have no delusions about being extremely lucky, of course. I'm able bodied, I have at least a few friends, and I have enough money to eat every day. The loneliness does still hit hard sometimes though. As is to be expected.

I'll probably do some light doodling. Any suggestions welcome, as long as there's no expectation of quality.
Your favorite movie is the one you enjoy watching the most - as opposed to what you think is 'the best' movie. And I'd hope choosing between 5 girls is easier than choosing one movie out of however many you might've seen in your life, but I understand your point nonetheless.
Your answer is interesting enough to serve as a satisfying answer though, so thank you very much. Besides, you're always allowed to have more than just one favorite.
Was meant for
Rotting brain makes appropriate replying difficult.
I don't think I relate to Hanako, personally. It's more so that I very much want to make her happy, and learn from her. I think I know exactly the things she needs to hear, because I've struggled a lot in learning to love other human beings, along with myself. Maybe that is a kind of 'relating' to her though, I don't know. I just want to make her happy.
For what it's worth, women like that might be rare - along with any human that's that kind, but they exist. I promise you that they do.
Non judgmental? you spam literal word salad and ban evade nonstop whenever someone criticizes Hanako's route. those are feelings too, held by people who understand that she deserved better
Oh I agree, most people don't have an issue answering most of these questions. I'm just really analytical with my thinking, and tend to overanalyze even the simplest things. Which is a part of the reason I like to stick around in these threads - you get a wonderful opportunity to really dig deep and think through the inner depth and impact of one of my favurite works of fiction with fellow anons, which is quite rare in this day and age.

>Nowdays it's bordering on terrifying to be yourself nowdays, people will call you names, laugh at you, judge you for your hobbies/interests/lifestyle and most of all, never see the true you, only make an impression out of your "exterior". So when people that feel this way see Hanako, they see someone who feels exactly the same, they see their perfect mate.
Very nicely put. I'm not the biggest Hanako fan in the world, but I get the appeal. I suppose a reason for that is the fact that I'm generally a pretty unfiltered person, who is generally not afraid to share his thoughts and views. So I'm bit of a polar opposite of Hanako. But I do know a lot of people with similiar problems to hers, albeit at a lesser scale.

>It's more so that I very much want to make her happy, and learn from her.
If you want to make her happy, then be the best version of yourself you can be, and give her a helping hand whenever she needs one. I think an overall fixation on making her happy and helping her could be a bit detrimental, although noble in spirit.

>I promise you that they do.
Let us hope so.
>For what it's worth, women like that might be rare - along with any human that's that kind, but they exist. I promise you that they do.
I'd like to think so, but previous sour experiences with ex-girlfriends and people in general are really discouraging me. It almost feels like i was born in a wrong era, in a timeline where people's feelings and true selves are cast aside and if you want to find someone, you should cast those aside as well, and thats what i hate the most, i dont want to change for the sake of not being alone. I know people have flaws and would be better off with fixing them, but at least in the current society, changing means turn into any other bloke out there because "thats how normal people are" and that always ticks me off. Let people be and love them for what they are, not what you want them to become.

Yeah exactly. Some people are not as fortunate to be able to show their true side to others and feel good about it or have positive results. There's always this feel of discomfort and "fear" that if you say too much, people's impression of you gonna do a complete 180, so most of the time its better to just sit in the backstage and only ever go for it when there's a certainty that you will not be viewed differently. When there are those moments you can open up, its the best.
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You know he won't respond to anyone who exposes the fake personality right?
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Hello /ksg/ !!!! Hope you're all having a wonderful day!
I just came back from a run, it's my 4th and I'm already getting better at it.

I'd just cuddle Emi and kiss her hair until she slowly falls asleep on my chest

Wtf is this pic it's like a mental flashbang

>I've struggled a lot in learning to love other human beings, along with myself
I can 100% relate to this. I am a complete asshole and nobody likes me, yet I somehow can't change. I've completely lost my ability to feel love. I recently felt a spark with a girl but it went away immediately and I somewhat hate her now for basically no reason.
I hope I'll find a way to fix myself. At least I'm working on myself right now...
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3 is a habit, 4 is a strong habit, happy to see (you) keep it up! improvement is quite a dopamine hit
You really do sound a lot like a certain friend of mine. Just like Hanako does.
I don't think it has anything to do with the era you're born in. It has more to do with the people you spend time with.
That is, of course, a matter of luck, but there's a certain thing I remind myself of sometimes that helps me keep my chin up, and I hope it'll do the same for you:
A relationship is between two people. You, and someone else. Whether it be romantic or just friendship. So it doesn't matter what the 'norm' is, it doesn't matter if 99% of people are evil and can't be trusted. You just need one other person to think the same way you do, and that's not at all impossible. It's just one person.

I don't think you should 'change' yourself, but you should improve yourself, so to speak. without changing who you really are, or doing anything you definitely don't want to. Hanako does change over the course of her route, after all. She gets more courageous and willing to do new things. But she doesn't ever betray herself. I think that's more important.
And you probably don't necessarily care, but I love you, anon. I don't want you to change for anyone, and I think you're just right, just as you are. I'm sure that's what Hanako would think, too. Maybe.

I am very much like you, in that I'm very unfiltered, but I think that's what draws me to Hanako. It's what gives me the confidence I can help her with the parts she needs help with.

Man, I haven't used 4chan in a while, and it's difficult to keep track of who is who. I know that's the point, but it does confuse my feeble mind a little.
I'm very sorry to hear that, anon. I'm sure you can change. You just need to figure out what you want to change. What parts of your personality are important to you, and you don't want to give up on? What parts of yourself do *you* want to see changed? You have to start off by making a plan, and trying to figure out what's right, and what's wrong. People can always improve. Of course, I'm sure you don't need to 'fix' yourself. You just need to figure some things out. Rather than change the person you are, change which parts of yourself you focus on.
And running is impressive! I recently reached a record of 5 kilometers, which I'm pretty proud of. Do share how long a distance you ran, and what your goal is.
Sup Emifriend. Cuddles with Emi after a workout must be great indeed.

Hello, with your Lillyposting there's certainly gonna be a variety at the moment.

>You just need one other person to think the same way you do, and that's not at all impossible. It's just one person.
That what brings me down the most. Judging by my experiences, how things work nowdays and my age, a person like that seems so out of reach, as if im asking for made-up individual, someone that doesnt exist. I know that this is statistically impossible but the odds of meeting such person are also against me, or it simply feels that way. I want to be optimistic about it but i've been hurt in variable degrees so many times, its hard to be.
I don't really know what the right method is - both in terms of practicality and without seeming like an overreaching tard - but if you need someone to talk to, a friend, I'd like to do anything I can for you. I'm not a cute girl, but I am still pretty good at being kind to other people, if that's worth anything. I'm at least not out of reach.
Hanako would love you, man. Liars and deceivers are her favorite people.
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I see now, will stay away from the avatarfag. I guess it's not surprising, avatarfags are usually hypocrites and always narcissistic.
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I appreciate that anon, after all, it was me who said "we're in this together" so im willing to figure things out together with you and anyone else in /ksg/ its better than doing that alone.
good morning rape-kun, hows your friday going?
which version is best?
criticisms based on understanding are therefore facts, not feelings. but yeah, he basically only comes here to defend her abortion of a "path"
unfortunately, it told him that hanako's feelings of self worth are low enough that she would accept someone who does nothing but degrade her. he believed it, and he was right to.
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Go ahead, spend more time and energy talking about how much you hate and despise a 12-year-old VN that somehow still generates strong opinions in you.
We are listening
>If you want to find someone, you should cast those aside as well
>There's always this feel of discomfort and "fear" that if you say too much, people's impression of you gonna do a complete 180, so most of the time its better to just sit in the backstage and only ever go for it when there's a certainty that you will not be viewed differently.
I get your point, and it is precisely for that reason I think one should be more honest and open to who he actually is. If you are truly open and act "unfiltered" from the start, you won't have to fear anyone doing a 180, as they are already used to you. The catch is that being truly open will filter out a lot of people from the start, but is it truly worth it to keep these people around you?
Speaking from experience, I do have a couple friend groups, and I can act almost however I like and get away with it - because I've been honest from the start.
However, take it with a grain of salt with relationships. I'm not saying the typical advice of "just be yourself bro", I'm saying you should be honest and open. You have a core inside you which you cannot and should not attempt to hide or change, however the bad habits and behaviours should be changed and worked on. You shouldn't change your core personality, your inner ego for the sake of others and not being alone, but you should embrace positive change and bettering yourself. Your bad haits are not you, they are but a parasite leeching on your core.

Good job man, glad you are keeping up the routine.
If you remain positive and appreciate the beauty of your progress and the struggles, I'm sure you can become less of an "asshole". Excercise helps you with confidence and overall calmness, plus it tends to humble. I think the effects are wonderful, both on mind and spirit.

>It's what gives me the confidence I can help her with the parts she needs help with.
That's the right approach. YGMI.
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>What parts of your personality are important to you, and you don't want to give up on?
My biggest problem is that I'm always acting very antagonistic towards everyone. I have a tendency to make myself the center of attention even when I don't really like it. I'd say I'm a pretty funny person but I almost always use dark humor that'll often get as many people upset as laughs. I can be funny in other ways but it's either by using references (that'll give it a high chance of flopping), or by being very situational.
So, people usually see me as either funny but annoying, or just an asshole.
I'm also overly blunt but that isn't inherently an issue, although it does make my bad tendencies worse.

>What parts of yourself do *you* want to see changed?
I want people to stop seeing me as annoying and/or an asshole, but I honestly have no idea how I can change that. I've tried to convince myself to stop acting like that but I just can't, that's just how I am.

>Do share how long a distance you ran, and what your goal is.
I can run about 1km at most. I don't have a set goal but I'd like to at least to that same kilometer-long route I'm doing without being completely exhausted.

>Cuddles with Emi after a workout must be great indeed.
Hell yeah!!!!!!! I want to lick Emi's sweaty body so bad.
Quick tip: you're the only one here who uses non-KS (even non-anime) reaction images, so people can tell you are the same person even if you reply to yourself.
Up your game
>If you remain positive and appreciate the beauty of your progress and the struggles, I'm sure you can become less of an "asshole".
That's my main goal right now. Hopefully working on my body will also improve my spirit. I've heard that a lot.
But I've been acting like that for so long that I'm doubting if it'll work that well. My behavior is engrained in me by now...
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Yeah he's basically no different than her old friends and peers who backstabbed and ignored her, no wonder he likes her route so much.
You seem to have a pretty good plan already. I think my advice regarding humor is just to 'learn your audience'. It's normal human behavior to adjust your personality depending on who you're conversing with, and once you know someone's okay with dark humor, you can do it to whatever degree you find appropriate, while holding back more to people you're unsure of whether they'd appreciate it or not. It's important to learn people's boundaries.

If you're often unwillingly in the center of attention, it'd be good to try and figure out exactly why, and how you can avoid it. Try and put yourself in other people's shoes. What can you do to try and call less attention to yourself?

As for being antagonistic, that's more of a worldview issue, I think. So it's a little hard to give some advice and tell you 'just do this'. It's obviously not that simple. Best I can tell you without knowing more about who you are, is to try and remember no one's really your enemy. Everyone is genuinely just trying to do their best. Some people are stupid, and make the wrong decisions because of it, but no one aside from the severely mentally ill are ever going to try and purposefully cause you harm for no discernible reason. People are, at their core, good. At least, that's what I believe.
>gets caught and cornered
>immediately tries to find patterns in order to deflect and avoid answering
You're fucking pathetic.
Kill yourself. Nobody would miss you.
No image attached, because I know this will trigger you further, to look for more patterns. Schizophrenic freak.
In my defense, i've grown more bold over the last few years but not to a point i'd be 100% open about myself, after all, you cannot reveal your true powerlevel. I am fine with doing it with people who will understand even half of what i'll say but i just feel like there's not a lot of chances for that, at least with my experiences so far.

Getting a bit saucy now are we? There was a rule about that in my question.
it's such sore loser behavior, none of his autistic spam worked, attacking images won't work, i guess he'll go after punctuation next
Do let me know if you'd ever like to converse privately. Not in a gay way, I mean.
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>Kill yourself
No, *you* come here and try to kill me, if you desire my death so ardently.

Go ahead, I'm waiting
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>Not in a gay way, I mean.
When you say that, people can get the exact opposite idea. Jokes aside we can always talk here, im not leaving the general anytime soon.
>If you're often unwillingly in the center of attention, it'd be good to try and figure out exactly why, and how you can avoid it.
It's not exactly that I dislike being in the center of attention, it's the fact that I end up in it more often that I'd like because of my own behavior.

>Everyone is genuinely just trying to do their best.
I know that (or I'd like to believe so), but even so I just hate some people. I'm just a really hateful person.
I recently met a guy at school, we had to do a week-long group project together so I spent quite some time with him. I can tell he's nice and is trying his best, but I kinda hate him simply because he's a little naive and is the more reserved kind of person. At this point I'm looking for very minor things to hate him over, it's really strange.
Well, why is that? Why do you think you're purposefully trying to look for things to hate?
How old are you? I had very similar issues when I was 18-20, and it took some straight up brain development for me to figure out how to fix the issue
Is this guy always so hostile?
>I want people to stop seeing me as annoying and/or an asshole, but I honestly have no idea how I can change that.
You can't. Or atleast not conciously. That's the fun part.
What other people think of you, or how they percieve you, is out of your control. That all depends on their subjective view of reality, and good luck trying to mess with that. What you can do is continue moving on - try to better yourself and find out what truly lies in your core, and what is just a habit. I'm much the same way - I like dark humor, and I am somewhat unapologetic when it comes to my remarks. And to be honest, there is not that much I could do about that - it was a core part of me. So I've learned,(or well, I'm still learning), how to get my point sacross in a better way. Meaning I don't have to compromise and lie to people, I still get across the message I want in a honest way, but I don't sound like a complete asshole while doing so.

>That's my main goal right now. Hopefully working on my body will also improve my spirit. I've heard that a lot
Oh it does. It certainly helped me with my inner peace. The main advantage I can recall is feeling a lot more confident, both in posture and overall behaviour. and from this confidence comes a calm demeanor. Someting in the sense of "I think highly of myself, so why would I need to needlesly put someone down or get angry at someones remarks?". Which helps you in, well, not acting like an ass.

>In my defense, i've grown more bold over the last few years but not to a point i'd be 100% open about myself, after all, you cannot reveal your true powerlevel.
I'm not suggesting going full /pol/-tier at the start, which I know you understand, but I just want to clarify. I'm merely advocating for being honest and open about your core and values, not that much about your opinions on things, that's not that important.
But props for being more open. It's certainly not easy, but it's a great path to be on.
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Hey, you're pretty smart.
How did it even get that bad? itch.io bashed it really hard too.
I have no idea. As I've said, I'm just hateful.
And when I say minor things, I really do. For example, I noticed he holds his fork like a little kid would and it really put me off.
Man, typing this makes me sounds insanely petty. I deserve it though, because that's what I am. I guess I sometimes have a hate boner over someone for no reason.

I'm 18. I know very well my brain is still underdevelopped, and I will change a lot in the following years. But I can't sit idly by waiting for my brain to fix itself while I'm an insufferable teenager.
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I am much, much more dangerous usually.
You have absolutely no idea.

Let me just say I am not even supposed to be out of jail right now
Ah, at your age you can't always fix everything right away. At the same time, your brain is much more malleable, which can be a plus. I honestly think the best thing you can do is just give yourself some leeway. Be more patient with yourself, and accept you're not perfect. Not only will it make it easier for you to endure these trying times, it'll likely make you more tolerant of others too. You've just got to learn to forgive yourself. I'm sure that's what Emi would want, too.
>I'm merely advocating for being honest and open about your core and values, not that much about your opinions on things, that's not that important.
Oh i get that, slowly but surely i try my best on that and if its called for, then i shall give out.


Lemme slide in here and say that you shouldnt be hard on yourself due to your age. You seem a lot more mentaly stable than other 18 year olds i've met and being self aware is the half way towards maturity.
>I have no idea. As I've said, I'm just >hateful.
>And when I say minor things, I really do.
NTA but we're the same age so maybe we're also similar in the regard that I notice I usually am nitpicky with people like that when I'm not in the best mood myself. Misery loves company they say so maybe you're not feeling too good about yourself and taking out on everything?
I think that might be how it is for me I'm not sure but I hope you can find out the reason you act the way you do

>Man, typing this makes me sounds insanely petty. I deserve it though, because that's what I am.
You deserve love too anon! Mwa~
I'll be back in a few hours, and doodle whatever suggestions there's in replies to this, if any. Otherwise I'll just draw a nice Hanako or something
>You've just got to learn to forgive yourself. I'm sure that's what Emi would want, too.
Yeah I've always struggled with that. I honestly hate myself.

>You seem a lot more mentaly stable than other 18 year olds
"Mentally stable" is definitely not a way to describe me. You probably mean I'm a grounded person, which is true. I'm more self aware than most people.

>maybe you're not feeling too good about yourself and taking out on everything?
That's pretty much it, yeah.

>You deserve love too anon! Mwa~
Waaaaah :(
> I honestly hate myself
Well, anon, I love you. I love you because you're human, and that makes you beautiful. And I'll keep loving you until you learn to love yourself, too. And probably even after that, too~
It might seem ironic, but I am serious. I love you buddy.
Thanks for telling me what I've never heard before.

Draw Emi giving Rin a big hug plssssss
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Yay for more Hanako art!

You probably mean I'm a grounded person, which is true. I'm more self aware than most people.
Either way, i still think its a plus and you're set on a good path.
Draw Lilly playing the cello.
There's no official sprite for that, but it was canon at some point in the development process
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Omg that pic of Hanako is adorable

>Either way, i still think its a plus and you're set on a good path.
Definitely. Thanks for your kind words.
That was before they made her Scottish.
I never said I acknowledge the retcon
Heh, depends on what you mean by smart. I've merely heard, read and lived through quite a bit in the previous couple years, and like to share my conclusions. But thnak you.

>You probably mean I'm a grounded person, which is true. I'm more self aware than most people.
That's good. The simple fact you're reflecting over yourself at 18, and want to make a change, is a very respectable trait.
You have a tough path ahead of you. But it's a satisfying one. The thing that pulled me through was a strong inner desire to better, to do more and better than others, and to truly excell. That's not a universal motivation, but it worked for me. So find a reason you want to be better. Anything goes, as long as it's personal.
The key is leaning to live with yourself, and truly embracing who you are. You have to become a friend with your reflection in the mirror. You'll spend most of your life with that person, so you better get used to him and treat him well. Once you can do that, you'll be confident in who you are, you will not be ashamed of being open and honest - for you know you are a great person and a friend to yourself, so why would you want to hide it? And from that, inner happienes and succes can be achieved. The best, most succesfull people I've met, and the people I consider my best friends, all follow this trend. They believe themselves, and want to show themselves to the world, not being afraid of anything.
So good luck.

>Oh i get that, slowly but surely i try my best on that and if its called for, then i shall give out.
That's great to hear. An IRL Hanako opening herself up, so to say.

>Well, anon, I love you. I love you because you're human, and that makes you beautiful
Hell yeah.
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>That's pretty much it, yeah.
Wow and you're an Emi lover too, we are brothers now :D

>Waaaaah :(
There there, it'll be alright now.
No problem, 'tis what we do here.

Heh, not nearly as cute but thanks.
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>Wow and you're an Emi lover too, we are brothers now :D
I'm only drawing hanako if no one asked for anything, which is too late now. Ask for one proper if you want one.
pls draw hanako sex (not rape)
Do not the Hanako
Hanako sex (headpats)
y e s
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Good afternoon, /ksg/. I apologise for not checking in for a while, my health is better and worse, and unfortunately it wasn't tremendous for a while there. However, I'm back home with a rather large pile of books I picked up on the way to keep myself occupied, and it warms my heart as it ever does to see you all again. I do hope I haven't missed too much. My tea recommendation of the day is Ceylon Orange Pekoe. One of the more distinctive and well known black tea blends, it has an almost toast like taste to it, with note of citrus and honey. A truly timeless classic, enjoyed by the occasional tea drinker and the connoisseur both.

I will be closing the survey tomorrow morning, also, so an enormous thank you to everyone who took the time to fill it in, and a gentle reminder for those yet to do so.

I'm personally a believer of the "split attraction" model of sexual orientation. Someone could also simply not feel one label adequately describes them, and use multiple. Largely, I don't believe in limiting the ways in which others can describe themselves.
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Aranon hi! Its great to have you back. If you noticed the latest posts you gonna see we got some new people which is impressive i'd say, still attracting attention as if nothing changed. The survey amassed a lot of responses which is also quite the feat. i had a feeling something was wrong and couldnt help but worry. Hope you stay out of trouble from now on.
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Sup aranon, glad you're better, hope it stays that way. I was having a tea temperature conundrum >>494922196 if you could weigh in
yes, very subtely shilling my OC
Ill be restocking my tea soon enough, im noting down the black tea recommendations
are you sure you aren't lilly and hisao's kid ara~non? it's good to see you again, stay healthy. also i was wondering if you had a steam or a discord so we could check on you if you disappear again
*burp* my bad
uuuh guys ? I just check the FAQ out of curiosity and I found this. It perfectly describes me.
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>2 cripples combined
This is how you get Captain Katawa
Greetings, our local celebrity.
I'll have to write down all your tea reccomendations one day. I plan to go tea shopping sometimes during next week, so it should be interesting.
Good job on the survey. The results are certainly interesting, and one can gather some substantial data from there.

I'm no Ara-non, but I'm not sure that giving out personal contacts here is a particulary genius idea, unless you want to become a local e-girl.

Welcome to the club. Curious, isn't it? I've been pondering the cause of it for quite some time now, but it still amazes me to see it in action.
Then again, this place is almost 30% cripple. I can think of 3 off the top of my head.
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I've been able to have a peak here and there, and I've noticed there's still a steady stream of lovely new posters. It makes me terribly excited to start planning a few community events, perhaps a cytube movie watch together or something similar. I'd also love to host an art challenge, judging by how many people seem to have picked it up from the survey answers. Yes, it's unfortunately something of a bad spell for me at the moment, a few different things have acted up at once. Hopefully I'm through the thick of it now, and can get back to my relaxing mornings with my dear friends here.

My, anon, whomever could that comic be inspired by? Perhaps some dashing and roguish young lady with a very good sense of how one should enjoy their tea, no? That's awfully cute of you to draw that, it's really brought a smile to my face. To answer your question, 100C is a perfectly acceptable temperature to brew black tea. I'd recommend investing in a tea thermometer, as the mug often cools the temperature of the water, so you may find you need to heat the mug with a bit of boiling water before adding the tea. It takes a bit of practise to get right. It's not something you need to get too worked up about, as far as tea requirements go. Green tea is a bit more particular.

You wouldn't be the first to make that suggestion, anon! Thank you for your well wishes. Yes, I do have both of those, but I wouldn't be in an awful hurry to post it publicly here, for reasons I'm sure you can imagine. However, I'd be perfectly happy to add others if we talk regularly in the general.

Oh hush, you. Hello to you too, Suzufriend. I appreciate someone holding the banner of one of the old fanroute favourites high in this day and age. Do let me know how you get on with your tea shopping, and how you find my recommendations. I can offer more personalised suggestions if you find there's certain blends you enjoy.
Hi there! I'm one of the new posters here (became active about a week ago). I'm guessing you're pretty much the main person behind this thread ? Or the closest thing to that, given 4chan's format.
Idk what's going on in your life, but you'll get through this! We're all here to support you, and anyone else in need here.
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Its both really funny and horrifying how its a very real thing and how it happens consistently, its dare i say study worthy.

We could definetly use more art, its gonna bring some variance in posting and into our collections. Watchalongs could be interesting too, but i suggest we start of with something easy and not too sappy, we got enough crying out of KS as is heh. Speaking of community activities, i know you might not be too keen on sports, even virtual ones but i hope you and the rest of /ksg/ look forward for the rivival of our VGL team which i've been working on lately. I was approached by another team's manager and if i manage to fix a few things in time, we might have our first friendly game next friday after so long. Its not gonna be perfect but i hope it sparks some interest in everyone and cheer the team on and who knows, maybe we'll enter the real thing and reach the top or have fun trying.
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Sorry i know i have each of them but they're in my xboxhuge unsorted KS folder.
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Same guy as here. Thanks for a nice first day in KSG, you've all been very nice.
I'm not sure if I'll be back, though. I still very much feel that emptiness, and while talking with people is nice, at the same time it feels shallow knowing that the anonymity means I won't actually get to know anyone, so the loneliness isn't really going away.
But that's enough blogposting.
I'll make it through these tonight at whatever pace I can manage.
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Feeding Rin
I'm trying to think about how a Miki route would work, from what little we get to see of her she seems to have her shit together just fine, enough to be helping others with their issues too, now maybe something can be made from that, like she dreams of becoming a therapist or something, then there's the issue with overlapping with Emi, although that could be remedied be saying she likes to hang out at the pool that gets mentioned at the beginning of the game, that could even be where you meet her.
You should talk to a professional about that. It seems your feelings of emptiness are quite serious.

>Its both really funny and horrifying how its a very real thing and how it happens consistently, its dare i say study worthy.
I'm surprised it's such a widespreaed phenomenom.
I thought my highly volatile libido was to blame but I guess KS really did destroy my dick.
>already playing friendlies
damn and i thought it would take some months
I REALLY REALLY want to get onto these models but Im soooo busy, feels like Im being teased
All cripples combined
Her head is still pattable
Lots of headpats soon
>Yes, I do have both of those, but I wouldn't be in an awful hurry to post it publicly here, for reasons I'm sure you can imagine. However, I'd be perfectly happy to add others if we talk regularly in the general.
(NTA but) wait how would you give it to those people without posting it here publicly
does she get Misha's gay?

also jesus half the charm is that we don't exactly know who's who, stop slobbering over socials
The thread survived for over a decade, its not going anywhere
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Man, drawing hugging is hard.
Also I feel like it's hard to show both faces when drawing a hug while also making the hug look right. So I just decided to just show Rin's face. Something about it always makes me laugh.

I've talked to a lot over the years, yeah. They do help, but it's not really a problem that can be properly fixed.
as the kids say, peak
>want to be optimistic
That's how social interactions are for everyone. You might not see people outwardly bothered by this, but it's the case even for normies. How many people have 40 close friends? Virtually zero. Everyone has to interact with dozens and dozens of people to find a handful that they're willing to spend more time on, and if they're lucky they'll form a strong connection with just one of those. Then they repeat with a new set of a few dozen interactions. If you cut down on the number of new people to meet, you will end up prolonging how long it takes to find that first good connection, let alone all the others.
You can play as her in Summer's Clover
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Oh goodness, there's no "main person" here, just a few regulars who post a little more than others that some keep track of, and I'm one of those. However, I organised and provided art for the survey that's been running, and like to talk here all day about tea. I also have an arrhythmic disorder, and some anons like to ask me about that.

It's my pleasure to make your acquaintance, new anon. Have you been out jogging like the other Emifriends, or are you simply relaxing with us, enjoying the good conversation here? Thank you for your kind wishes, I appreciate it enormously.

It's a bit spur of the moment, but perhaps we could watch a few anime OVA's tomorrow around this time? Saturday wouldn't be a bad day for it, and I'll be resting in bed regardless. I'll need some time to plan an art event, but there were a few groups that did regular art challenges back when the game launched, and I'd be more than glad to carry on the torch first raised by Capslock.

I'm not opposed to sports, I'm just more of a fencing sort of person. I will, however, be there to cheer on our team, pom poms and all. I'm eager to be a part of any community events.

We're so happy to have you, drawfriend. Please don't be discouraged by anonymity, I've made dear friends here despite that. As long as you make an effort to stop by and say hello often, you'll have no trouble making friends. Your Hanako is dearly adorable, also.

I suppose someone could put it in a pastebin set to expire after a short time in their reply to me? I know it's a bit hypocritical to suggest others do so, but I think it's fair for me to be a little more cautious than others. That's a suggestion, but I would say I think just knowing one another in the general is part of the unique charm that 4chan has.

This is also so cute! Are you using vector software?
>Wtf is this pic it's like a mental flashbang
It's a meme image based on the 'EXTREME ADVERTISING' trend, which was (vaguely) in vogue at the time of its creation back when KS released. I should know, I made it
>You can play as her in Summer's Clover
Do i just install the mod by just dropping it on the game's folder?
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How can you tell the difference between a cello and a contrabass?
Nah, this is just clip studio paint with a size 1 aliased brush.
thank ye
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>I will, however, be there to cheer on our team, pom poms and all
Cute little Hanako doodle. I know you're fresh off of feels but talking here will surely help you, do not shy away from blogposting, thats half the general's culture after all. We'll gladly listen anon.

"You wont last 5 minutes playing this" Has an entirely different meaning with KS.

Im glad you're as excited as i am and i cant wait for us to work together. The VGL people are also very helpful which i deeply appreciate, its gives me a reason to push forward with it.

I see your point, you gotta try in the first place. I guess it doesnt help how im both a very sceptical person and how i tend to put great value in words like "friend" "girlfriend" "wife" and so on. So when i claim someone as my friend i mean it in a big way.

I will probably be back in time after my cardgames tomorrow so count me in (?).
Im not following the sport itself but i have a deep attraction to all things fencing due to a non-KS fictional woman who i also have a strong liking to. You're full of pleasant surprises i swear.
>Have you been out jogging like the other Emifriends
Emi and our fellow anons here convinced me to get into running! I've never exercised out of my own volition before, it feels great to do so! I'm still very out of shape, I can barely run a kilometer.
If you're curious about my experience with Katawa Shoujo, you can read about it here : https://ks.fhs.sh/viewtopic.php?p=250158
TL;DR : Emi is now my wife

>enjoying the good conversation here?
100% !! The KS community is definitely the nicest I've ever joined. You guys are all awesome !
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>Hello to you too, Suzufriend. I appreciate someone holding the banner of one of the old fanroute favourites high in this day and age.
Oh, thank you. I thought if no one wanted to represent the alt-girls, then I will. I'll likely switch it up sometime. I did expand both my Miki and Saki collections, so I'll likely choose a different girl each thread.
I'll let you know about the tea, but I'll try to start by myself. My mother used to enjoy tea very much, so I'm familiar a bit with what I enjoy.

>Its both really funny and horrifying how its a very real thing and how it happens consistently, its dare i say study worthy
I do have a couple theories, and I plan to test them out sometimes. Like how much the effect is tied to the enjoyment of the VN, your age, relationship status, etc... I think I could rope some fellow /fit/izens in when NNN starts, which should provide interesting data.

Regarding the watchalongs, I think it's a neat idea. We could organize one during these hours some day, seeing as us eurobros are still active and americanons have already woken up. I know we did a streak of dbz movies back in /a/ a couple months back, and it worked out well.

I'm glad you enjoyed yourself. The anonimity is a double-edged sword, I agree. It's sad you won't know anyone here personally, however it allows for a greater degree of freedom for everyone here. It's like life - everything is temporary, so enjoyit while it lasts.

>So when i claim someone as my friend i mean it in a big way.
The topic of friends is always interesting. I do have a great amount of people in my inner circle, and do generally go out with groups of them quite often, but I still wonder if I truly am a proper friend, or if I consider them as such. It's weird. You are surrounded by numerous people, but consider only a few as true friends.
It reminds me of Griffith, funnily enough. Many comrades, but you don't see them as equals.
I'm not reading that shit
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I really should do even a vague sketch when trying to draw anything remotely serious. these proportions are all fucked up.

You're very right, though life being as temporary as it is is something i've never been able to fully digest. Assuming you're the same shizune guy that's been posting her this thread, you especially seem like a very good person.

Anyway, I'm done for tonight. I ended up drawing all the main girls, too! Hanako, Rin, Emi and Lilly! That's all of them, right? I'm pretty sure that's all of them.
I don't think it's a mod, I think it's a standalone VN and story using the same engine. I could be misremembering, but I think you just unpack it somewhere and run it. You play as Miki and there are two possible routes: one for Suzu and one for Hisao
>very sceptical person and how i tend to put great value
I'm very skeptical and picky about people as well; but it makes me value the friends I do have all the more, because I realize how rare and special they are. In turn, I show them attention and care that I don't spend on most people, and my friends see that and feel even more appreciated/valued.
So yeah, it's a nice little feedback loop, and you do have to try to get to that point. There's a lot of time and energy that will go to waste, but you'll get better at balancing your time/attention as you go. That's just the reality of social interactions, same as how if you want to be really fit you need to put in a lot of time and work at a gym or the like. It sucks that there's no easier way, but that's the way it goes, and not exercising isn't really a superior option.
>anime OVAs
What a good idea that is. I've been meaning to broaden my anime exposure. I would probably be down for that around this time, since my day tomorrow just opened up. Also, congrats on the very successful census. Looking forward to the final numbers, for crunching.
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I should have known, I think I use the same brush. That and a pencil I downloaded from the asset store. I'm amazed at the speed you can produce these cute little doodles, I'm such a slow worker.

Shush, it's a figure of speech.

I'll have to make a little playlist of suggestions, then. I'm something of an enthusiast when it comes to classic OVA's, so I know a fair few we could watch that are available on youtube for cytube streaming. I enjoy fencing and archery, although I only participate in fencing personally, I'm not a good enough shot for archery. Maybe one day! I'm the sort of person who can't really sit still, so I have a lot of hobbies. Charitably, you could call me a Renaissance woman. Uncharitably, you could suggest I'm tested for Attention Deficit Disorder.

That's absolutely wonderful, anon. Everyone has to start somewhere, and even running close to a kilometre is a monumental achievement. Emi would be so proud of you. Your story of playing the game is frightfully sweet, I'm so glad it left an impression on you.

I like to represent Miss Katayama when I can, she's very special to me. It's a shame she doesn't have an awful lot of art that's, appropriate, but I'll be doing my part to change that soon. Hm, I might keep calling you Suzufriend even if you're posting Saki, it's just simpler for my easily confused little mind.

My own mother used to make us tea every day after school, with a few biscuits on the side. It was the beginning of my fondness as well. Is NNN Nanonwrimo, also? I've participated in that before, it's good fun!

Please look forward to it, anon, and thank you!
>Like how much the effect is tied to the enjoyment of the VN, your age, relationship status, etc
I'd argue that the feels KS invokes is a huge faction but that could be said for any emotional work of fiction yet i dont think others manage to nail this down as reliably as KS. Sure you might get emotional over a movie but it wont kill your sex drive, not a chance, or at least in that level or length.

On the topic of friendship and such, for me personally, i take these bonds very seriously. Sure i know bunch of dudes from my cardgame circle and i do like hanging out with them but calling them "friends" would be a far reach. I doubt that if something in my life goes south they gonna jump in to save the day, not that i wouldnt appreciate it if they did or that they're apathetic, we're simply not on this level ya know? Maybe its my too innocent mentality when it comes to people's relations but whenever i go out of my way to call someone a friend, that means a whole lot, im a huge advocate of "eternal" bonds i suppose.

>That line
Holy shit anon how did you manage to make something lewd also sound so cute.

>but it makes me value the friends I do have all the more, because I realize how rare and special they are.
Thats exactly how i feel. I had this friend for decades, we stood by each other through thick and thin, until eventually he grew distant and wasnt there when i needed him, its been almost two years since that and he acts like i never existed to begin with. I just cut all ties with him for good and im not looking back, i decided to be this cold as well because much like i've already said, i put real value into those things. I just wish people in general were honest with their feelings all the time, so we could skip all this misplaced trust on each other.

Now i cant help but imagine you living in a castle that was build by your ancestors and your wardrobe consists of nothing but sundresses and hair ribbons.
>Is NNN Nanonwrimo?

>grew distant and wasnt there
Maybe something on his end? Maybe he felt offended by something you did(n't) do, or someone told him a false rumor about you. If you guys don't try and address growing distances before it's too late, falling out of friendship is inevitable. Sorry to hear that happened, though.
>Is NNN Nanonwrimo, also?

i can't stand to ruin this kind of innocence. how are you so moe.
It was definetly his end. Whenever he gets involved romantically with someone, he simply vanishes and gets "busy" all the time. This was the last straw considering how before that, i was there for him when we ironically enough got dumped at around the same time. I brought him home, didnt put any financial strain on him since he was out of a job, lend an ear to his ramblings, even allowed for one of his flings to come over so they could do their thing and he repays me with ignorance and complete apathy for my own problems that followed after that, so yeah, fuck him. I learned from our mutual friend that he plans to marry this girl he's been with and needless to say i was the last to know, so even in the huge off chance that he ends up inviting me to the whole thing i will simply refuse. I did reach out to him before, he didnt bother interacting back with me for two years so i could care less at this point. Its just tiresome to try your best with people that in the end treat you like this.
I'm no Shizune guy, I'll let you know I'm a proper Snoozu poster. Heh.
On a more serious note, thank you for the compliment. You do seem like an interesting person aswell, and I do hope you'll check back in here from time to time. Your drawings are also very appreciated, you have great talent.
Regarding the uuncertainty of life, it's complicated. I always joke around that I'm good friends with lady death, as I do have quite a history with her. I'm also really interested in ancient philosophy, in which death plays a major part quite often. So I've slowly grown to terms with her, and really treat her almost as an old friend. It helps me keep my cool.

She's the girl I have the least material on, quite unfortunate. I do hope you'll make some, she deserves it. And you call me whatever you want, I don't care. If I wanted to be known by something, I wouldn't be on 4chan.

>My own mother used to make us tea every day after school, with a few biscuits on the side.
That sounds wonderful. My mother used to make tea for breakfast when I still went to school, and having a nice, warm cup of tea during the morning is still my favourite thing. Especially now, when it gets colder.
And NNN is well, not that. Let's just say nofap threads always surge in popularity during November, so promoting KS as the ultimate nofap solution could yield some test subjects. Kek. But thank you for introducing me to Nanowrimo, it does look interesting. I'll check it out tommorow.

The way you put it, I think our idea of friendship is similiar - as it being something more than simply enjoying someones company.. The issue I have is the fact that a lot of people around me are nerds with not that much social life, so I'm pretty sure they consider me a friend, meanwhile I think of them as one the x people I like to talk to daily. I don't think the mindset is innocent or wrong, quite the opposite - it's honestly noble. But it does lead to these strange situations.
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It's funny you mention philosophy. I was so terrified of death as a kid I was obsessed with metaphysical philosophy, and I still know a lot about it to this day. It never really helped my fears, though. I do live a very sheltered life.
I'd recommend the manga 'We shall now begin ethics'. it's more focused on the ethics aspect (duh), but it is a very good manga about philosophy.
> I'm amazed at the speed you can produce these cute little doodles, I'm such a slow worker.

I'm a pretty slow worker on normal drawings, too. Pic related, this is honestly a pretty simple thing, but the work it took me was spread across a full week. The trick to fast doodles is just to not care about if they're ugly or not. I'm not gonna get into the specifics of whether they actually are ugly, because that's besides the point - I don't care if they're ugly while drawing. I just put down lines.
>Cute little Hanako doodle. I know you're fresh off of feels but talking here will surely help you, do not shy away from blogposting, thats half the general's culture after all. We'll gladly listen anon.

This is a very kind thing to say. I might actually come back here, even just once in a while, if that's the case. Thank you.

Anyway, I have an old mail account I haven't used in ten years, so I don't really care if it gets signed up for 500 spam sites. If anyone wants a chat, or just a free drawing sometime, hit me up at 'lemongrabbu' at gmail.
>The issue I have is the fact that a lot of people around me are nerds with not that much social life, so I'm pretty sure they consider me a friend, meanwhile I think of them as one the x people I like to talk to daily.
> I don't think the mindset is innocent or wrong, quite the opposite - it's honestly noble. But it does lead to these strange situations.
Hence why im a firm believer of honesty as well. You gotta be upfront with your feelings or else people might get the wrong idea or someone gets hurt emotionally and doubley so when there's romance involved.

No problem, you're always welcome here.
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I'm working on a mod that will include both Rika and Saki, so I hope to talk more about it when I have more to show for it. Here's an in progress sketch for a Rika sprite in a casual outfit as a sneak peak, I'm trying to stay as close to the original artstyle as I can. I'm curious about what you mentioned about death, being someone who's had her own brushes with it more times than I'd enjoy. I have a similar philosophy of death acceptance, and try to encourage others to be at peace with the concept. I find cultural traditions around it terribly fascinating.

And, um, oh. I. Am not sure what to say. That's, certainly an endeavour one could embark on. This might be the most I've ever embarrassed myself in a thread.

It's not as though it's that commonly a known thing!! You must be nice to me!

I own the ordinary amount of dresses and ribbons, I think? I was into EGL when I was younger, so maybe slightly more than ordinary. The building I live in is certainly historic, but it's not a castle, unfortunately. The castle my ancestors lived in was burned down several centuries ago.

Perhaps I just need to get over myself a bit, and be more comfortable with not being such a perfectionist. My tutor has said as much, too. That's a really lovely illustration, is it Chiaki?
>is it Chiaki?
It is indeed. Also that sketch is adorable. Great volume, great lines and shapes, just super good. I'd love to see more.
>KSG has high quality artists again
we've never been so back
now we just need modders
>I was into EGL when I was younger
Yet another thing that sounds on point. Did you ever cosplay like that by chance? Its certainly an eyecatch at cons and such, at least it used to be back in the day.
All thats missing from you is being an actual princess and keeping it a secret from us, everything else is there!
Oh yeah, I know people like that. In this case, you're doing exactly the right thing, and in a way you're lucky that you were able to call it off before you sunk even more energy into the relationship. Still sucks big time, so I hope you don't run into many of those going forwards. It's a pain to have to be vigilant for one-sided dynamics like that, but it's a relief when you identify one early.
Your illustrations are great. I haven't said so earlier in the thread, so add this poster's compliment to your growing pile.
>not as though it's that commonly a known thing
Is there a term for when someone keeps digging themselves into a hole, only it's a cute situation instead of a sad one? The Rika sketch looks very nice, the facial expression will make for a memorable sprite.
I think we probably have all the required skillsets on hand these days. Although I can't remember having recently seen anyone talking about music work, so that could be the limitation.
>Your illustrations are great
Thank you very much

>Although I can't remember having recently seen anyone talking about music work
I can code and do music too, and I'm pretty familiar with Python (though i've never worked with renpy) so i could probably help with that, maybe
The way she protests
>You must be nice to me!
is very himedere.
I wouldnt call it "in time" with at least a decade after the fact but hey, better late than never i suppose and now i know better but again, i wish it didnt had to come to this.

Literally Lilly irl.
For me, reading philosophy, especially the greeks and romans, is a comforting thing. It showed me that the struggles you see people daily are as old as humainty itself, and also helps you to think critically and form your opinion on the subject. I still think philosophy should be written in dialogue form, it's the best way to transmit ideas.
I think Jefferson once said that it is an utmost pleasure to be able to read the classics, which sums up my view nicely. Plus I'm coming from a deeply analytic and technical background, so it's nice to be able to analyze human topics, rather than endless numbers. So overall it's not a fix-all solution for fear, but a nice break from reality, atleast for me.
I'll take a look at that manga someday, it could be cool.

That's the fun part. As I mentioned somewhere deep in this thread, I tend to be myself all the time - I act the same way infront of my friends and these people, so the're getting the full experience. Plus if anyone wants help, then I'll help them, no strings attached. So from their point of view, they are getting the friend treatment. I just don't really consider as such, and don't really have a reason to push them away. That's the case for fellow men, with women it gets a lot more complicated, really quickly, and there you have to get your boundaries straight really quickly.

Oh that is superb. Really nice work, I can't wait to see it finished.
Oh yeah, death, always a fun topic. I had a near-death experience when I was young, which was quite a wake-up call, but over the years I was in contact with death from a second hand. There were a lot of occasions - I dated a girl on deaths door for quite some time, (which was a part of why KS hit me so much, because I've basically lived through Hanako's bad end IRL), numerous deaths in our family, a close friend died in an accident right after he left us from a meetup we had, plus I've met and talked to so many people on this topic..
Mostly unrelated to what you said, but having read through Hanako's bad end today it really bothered me. Hisao just acts like such a bitch in it. Your friend getting mad at you one time does not immediately end a friendship. Just apologize, convey your feelings to her directly, and try to figure out what's best for both - maybe give her some time if she needs it.
I get the point is that Hisao is just as flawed, but it still rubbed me the wrong way. It seems like such an easy situation to fix.
... including some veterans, orphans, etc... that I've almost grown accustomed to it. It is a strangely fascinating topic. As you said, there are differences in how cultures percieve death, and I don't really like the way it's stigmatized in contemporary western society.
Maybe that's the inner classical philosopher talking, but death is not a bad thing, quite the opposite. We shield from it, we hide from it, we are sad when it comes, when instead we should be grateful that we even had the opportunity to live life as we did. When someone dies, I try not to be sad, but instead to celebrate their life and achievements, and be glad that they were with us. It should be celebrated when one dies at the peak of their life, for one who does dies at the top, having reached his goal, and didn't have to live to see it crumble down.
So that's it I suppose. I'm at peace with my mortality, and hopefully I'll be able to leave with grace and dignity. What's your view on the topic?

Hanakos bad end is a bit caricaturized, but it can somewhat happen. My case was a bit of Emi/Hanako bad end, where I tried to help her at all costs, not realizing that simply me being there was actually enough for her. There were obviously many other issues I'm skiping over, but that's the main point. And when you're young, disstressed and in love, you are not acting rationally, believe me. And so is the other side. Good luck trying to have a rational conversation at that point. I've tried. Didn't work. So I wouldn't fault Hisao that much.
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Being yourself is a-ok, its people being fine with it thats the hard part
>with women it gets a lot more complicated, really quickly, and there you have to get your boundaries straight really quickly.
Sometimes it feels like trying to navigate through a minefield, where tripping over your words might prove deadly.
Oh shit, a triple threat. Very impressive, honestly.
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My, I cosplayed her years ago, she's an old favourite of mine. You're a talented artist and an anon of exemplary tastes. Thank you so much, also, I'll be posting the finished work when it's done, alongside a Saki as well. I'll send you an email later so we can stay in touch, I'd love to get you involved with the art challenges I'm planning for the general, if you're willing.

I'm working on it!

Oh gosh funny timing for the question, yes as I mentioned above, I cosplay. I always wanted to do a Katawa Shoujo cosplay but the uniform is so upsettingly tricky to make, and now I think I'm a bit too old. Maybe I could make a good Sae! You do flatter me, Hanafriend, but I'm as common as mud. I'm from an awfully rural town originally, every bit a country mouse.

How is being into EGL digging myself into a hole, anon? I don't see how it's related to the other thing, it's just a timelessly stylish fashion. I'm going to work on a few variations of the expression, I think, but I like that one as a neutral face for now. My thought for Rika is that she's awkward but not necessarily shy, just socially clumsy and a bit of a dork.

Oh, now both of you, behave yourselves, goodness.

Thank you! It seems we have a very similar view on mortality. I've "died" a couple of times now, and had a few loved ones pass on as well. My culture isn't as deathphobic as other Western cultures are, having a strong tradition around spending time with the body after death, and several calendar dates that are heavily associated with it. It's a terrible shame how detached society has become from death, we do so much to put it at a distance, and allow ruthless and opportunistic funeral organisations to profit off of the grieving.

Death is, at its core, simply a part of life. For most of time we didn't exist, and for most of time we'll continue not to. It's not a stranger to us, and we shouldn't be afraid of it.
>rape scene picture
Skipped post.
>I know it's a bit hypocritical to suggest others do so, but I think it's fair for me to be a little more cautious than others.
Don't worry I agree that it's fair, I imagine that if you sent your usernames here everyone on /ksg/ would send you a friend request hehe

I think you two have nice perspectives on death but seeing this just makes me laugh and is a bit of an eyeroll at how much we like to add phobic to the end of word now or "-ist"
But you don't have to mind me I can be a bit quick-tempered sometimes ;3
>allow ruthless and opportunistic funeral organisations to profit off of the grieving.
But I love money!
I wonder what makes him do that kind of thing unprompted. He must have a mental illness.
>I always wanted to do a Katawa Shoujo cosplay but the uniform is so upsettingly tricky to make
Is it really? The school uniform seems relatively tame, if anything the "alpha" design is a lot more elaborate.
>I think I'm a bit too old.
I know its not proper to ask a woman her age but i doubt you're that old to not do cosplay. My guess is you are definetly not over 30 but in the off case you're nearing that, if i can do cosplay nearing that age then so can you.
them thighs
/ksg/ should make a mod to subvert all the other routes.
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>over a month since release
>1,651 reviews
>Steam Deck-verified
>still can't display achievements on profile
Good night everybody.
Today was a good day, both IRL and here. Hopefully the following evenings shall follow example, the discutions here are truly wonderful.
Goodnight snooz, i hope so too.
maybe the game would have popped off if 40% of it wasn't literal garbage
Point to the exact spot in my post where I mentioned caring about the game popping off. Quote back to me the exact words in which that came off as my concern.
Goodnight /ksg/.
Sorry I haven't kept up with the latest convos here, got busy napping and now I'm sleepy again
be thankful that I'm gracious.
steam achievements on profile is directly a result of how many people downloaded or launched the game. possibly within a short period after release. not play time, not reviews, not even how many people are getting achievements, only downloads.
Show me your source for this information and I'll start being thankful.
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I kneel.
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Paturday tomorrow. Prepare for pats.
its 01:32 here, would you accept one now?
What are you. A greek?
nice guess, although i did mention that before. So, its probably me and an old friend the only greek KS fans, let alone knowing what KS is
oh shit it is 1am, i got caught up playing
im gonna be so tired on the run tommorow
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>stop slobbering over socials
I still ship notsureiflillyorsaki anon with Shizune, even though his katawa is Rin.
>have her shit together just
She comes in THIRD place behind a girl with NO LEGS.
Her "shit: clearly isn't "together".
Emi please.
Goodnight /ksg/! I got caught up playing and its really late, dont stay up too long yourselves
Goodnight anon.
Miki is SLOW country BUMPKIN!
Goodnight anon.
Is she more or less aerodynamic for having a smooth stump?
Apparently prosthetic running legs make you faster, i forgot if it was because of the reduced weight or aerodynamics.
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Not a fair competition, Emi ain't draggin' no wagon
Probably a combination of reduced weight and powerful springs using modern composites
Goddammit kek
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>Katawa Shoujo General #4008
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>"bro Shizune never even loved you!"
>tfw she probably smiled at that cat in her room every day thinking about Hisao, carried it up to the end and probably beyond
I do think that her bad end is the one that has be best chance of salvaging.
Lilly's left to Scotland
Hisao cheated on Shizune and she thinks that it's her fault
Rin's route has them growing apart for a while beforehand.
Hisao already failed his second chance with Emi by the time it ends.

Her bad end feels cut short, more similar to Hisao yelling at Rin, or getting kicked out of Emi's house where the story was still able to progress afterwards.
Of course you can say the same, that it gets cut short, about her good end.
>good end
After one and a half routes i concluded that Hisao is kind of a dense cunt, it made the rest of the routes easier to get through at times.
I just wish she showed it more, she's cute when she does.
You actually made me laugh this time
what did he mean by this? >>495370193
>Hisao is kind of a dense cunt
Especially in Emi's route who the fuck even says that to Emi of all people
Can you two kiss now?
I still believe Hisao yelling at Rin for not understanding her being a good choice is a little bit further on the dense cunt scale
Goodnight /ksg/, don't die while I'm asleep
Don't use /vg/ much, how many replies before a new thread?
750 is bump limit, 375 is image.
bump limit on /vg/ is 750
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>up and down on that asian chick in his class, he means
Ah, I wish. No, I think it's not going to work out. Both classes we have are just a little to intensive to make small talk, and I got moved out of the group with her to help a new Chinese student. I could talk to her after class but she's so incredibly socially awkward that I just feel kind of bad making advances on her in any way. I know that's a shitty thing to say considering the themes of KS but it's not like I treat her differently because she's awkward, I just feel like she doesn't see me that way.
Well maybe you can help her come out of her shell, you can make friends with a woman without the pursuit of a romantic relationship
No harm in just asking someone out, you know. Worst she can say is "no". or "hell no, god, kill yourself" or something. but even then it's not that bad.
Maybe so. I'm just not sure that's what I want. She did smile at me the other day and she came up to me asking me to take a picture of the blueprints we're supposed to study for our test in a couple of weeks. She was so cute when she did it - like she braved all the feelings inside.
This is also true, but we take night classes so there isn't much to do if we do. I'll think about it a little more. I haven't had much time to myself lately. Just working.
If you don't want to be just friends, that's fine, but having a female regular friend is a good way to feel normal about talking to women, something I wish I'd learned much sooner
I do wish you luck regardless of what you're gunning for, even if it ends up being nothing at all
It doesn't fucking matter that she's blind.
She doesn't need to see the price tag anyway.
>I don't think Sistas over Gigolos is a sentiment that A Madam Named Goldie can cosign Misha.
Sounds like some lesbo shit to me.
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Oh man I fucking love this one so much. You really outdid yourself Doggo. The expressions are fantastic. They really look so different despite looking the same, if that makes sense.
t. incredibly biased anon (I'm the guy who makes the Emo stuff)
Thanks man! This was a lot of fun to do!
I thought after watching that episode of South Park you weren't suppose to wear those yellow Live Strong bracelets anymore?
Isn't KS set before all that nonsense?
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What does it say?
Lol you're right. That's great.
Which hurt Emi more, Pistorius murdering his gf or Armstrong being a dopehead?
>It's my must
I don't think google is getting it.
>What does it say?
ビッチ (Bitchy or Bitch)
>Which hurt Emi more, Pistorius murdering his gf or Armstrong being a dopehead?
It's got to be Pistorius. Armstrong, not to go all Bill Burr, did what he had to to win, and they found the guys he beat were all roiding too.
Wow, you nailed the coloring and premise here. The Livestrong is clever, as is Emo's "bicchi"ness. This is my favorite image of yours that I've seen so far
Thanks. I'm not great with shading, but I had time to play with it, do two layers of shadows, and give the highlights a little glow.
Armstrong is a bit of a katawa now, anyway.
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I keep seeing this posted.
Did I not make a animated version of this one? that was the original plan.
>animated version of this one
I'd love to see that.
Goodmorning /ksg/

Why is /ksg/ so obsessed with putting the charcters in Honey Select rather than Koikatsu ?
The artstyle of the latter is way more approriate for KS
oh but google simply must get it! the atashi no hazu experience
I just checked my output folder and it seems I never did. I wonder why.
KK's style is cute but doesn't do anything for my dick at all.
Would Saki and Emov Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact?
>Why is /ksg/ so obsessed with putting the charcters in Honey Select rather than Koikatsu ?
Honey Select is for lewd. Koikatsu is for cute.
>I just checked my output folder and it seems I never did. I wonder why.
No time to fix that like the present.
Man it's been so long since I've touched HS I've probably forgotten half the hot-keys.
And the pistons for Shizunemo's hand might not even be rigged.
Hold on let me check.
>How can you tell the difference between a cello and a contrabass?
This is a joke, right?
I don't know, how?

>Its both really funny and horrifying how its a very real thing and how it happens consistently, its dare i say study worthy.

What's worrisome is not that it happens.
It's rather that at some point it fades, even if you don't end up meeting your Katawa IRL.
Clearly because the game purifies you, but like every medicine, the dosage cannot manifest effects in aeternum.

I mean no offence, here, but... am I the only one here who is really not into OoC art? I don't think it even makes for good humour, it's just random

As I have mentioned in a previous thread, the idea of "bad ending" is relative if it doesn't lead to a character's death or some other life-changing event.

Hanako and Emi throwing a tantrum at Hisao is nothing time cannot heal

Even Rin and Lilly prematurely leaving Yamaku is a wound that can potentially be healed a few years down the line (surely there's someone here who resumed contact with a HS acquaintance/friend they had previously lost touch with?). Yes, it's a possibility that Lilly may never return to Japan, but it's not as realistic as you may think, since her being bilingual English/Japanese and a hafu means she still has strong ties to the country, and maybe her parents just want her to get a university degree in Scotland before allowing her to get a job wherever she prefers.

Hisao cheating on Shizu with Misha is very bad, of course. But I have seen couples survive a single episode of cheating, as long as there's *genuine* regret and not just the wish to eat the cake and still have it afterwards.

So yeah, I think the bad endings are more make-believe than anything else, they ignore the fundamental truth that "life goes on" (certainly so when you're 18).

Now, Hanako's pre-alpha bad endings, on the other hand...
can you gooners just make a ks thread in /trash/ or /aco/ or literally anywhere but here
thanks for bumping, Father Anon
>KK's style is cute but doesn't do anything for my dick at all.
>Honey Select is for lewd. Koikatsu is for cute.
I wish katawa dick would last forever on you guys
wait, who's the bookish one in the middle?
Some kind of alternate nerd Emi I guess.
Glasses are my #1 weakness so this version of my wife is absolute peak
I support this motion.
I think there's a subtle but important divide in the community between people who favour the SFW and the NSFW side of the game.
Everyone is welcome here, but this is a blue board and borderline material is bound to raise some eyebrows, including my own

Subvert them in what way?
Do tell

NTA but it's easier for older-than-20 Japanese women to cosplay HS-aged anime characters because the Japanese age slower, and I'm going to guess (simply guess) that the anon you quoted is not from that ethnicity

That's understandable, a lot of posts here are basically public DMs and there's often no opportunity for a third person to join the convo

>How many people have 40 close friends? Virtually zero.
Can you even have 40 not-particularly-close friends?
At some point they are probably more like "fans" than "friends", since you're probably a popular person
Forgot to tag you here, sorry >>495392793
>get the piston set up
>accidental rediscover the timelines and key-frames hotkey
Well shit time to start over.
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I went with the piston anyway because I didn't want to spend all night setting up keyframes on a bunch of bones for a 4 second animation.
Morning /ksg/! Staying up wasnt good for me, almost hurled on the run. I guess tired body couldnt keep up with pumping air or something. Still, powered through it, kept my new distance up.
Enjoy your paturday!
Good morning anon.
Hello /ksg/ another late wakeup for me but i guess its a given since i fell asleep at like 03:00 last night.

The VGL people suggested me that i should look up models from that to use for the team, if you can point me to said resource that would be nice. No need to be moeblobs or porn tier just something servicable and likable by all.

So it would be preferable to you that you get Katawa Dick forever? I honestly dont know what to say on that.

While true that asians age "differently" there also small cases of that for people of different nationalities too, and like i said, i doubt Aranon is that old, im sure she's being modest.

Hey. Dont push yourself too hard, slow and steady wins the race.
I know there is something that lets you rip models from HS/KK/HS2 but I'm not sure if they come rigged or what. Check the AA2 or ILLUSION or HONEY SELECT generals if they still exist. I forget which board they were on though.
Good morning anon.
Have a great Paturday!
Hiii fellow Emibro!

Here are some resources for Koikatsu characters :
There's a lot of porn but you can keep them clothed anyway..
>i doubt Aranon is that old, im sure she's being modest
she said she was in her late 20's once and 'getting close to 30' another time. it's all in my notes.
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Its definetly /h/ and >>495394345 came to the rescue, thank you guys!

You too anon!

Should i dare ask what's in those notes and why you keep 'em?
Here's what I have.
I think these are WitchAnon's and Vals but I'm not sure. I just saved them when they were posted years ago. There might be more up-to-date or better versions,
it's her likes and dislikes and bio information. she's interesting.
Does she speak like her hymen is fully intact?
>So it would be preferable to you that you get Katawa Dick forever? I honestly dont know what to say on that.

There's a reason why you get it, and there are more and less appropriate contexts in which such a spell may end.
Let's face it, the average 4chan user can be a relatively lonely person who is vulnerable to developing some form of sexual addiction.
Being too overwhelmed by your formerly pent-up emotions to find any sort of solace in lewd visual material can, conversely, be a welcome change of pace
>Being too overwhelmed by your formerly pent-up emotions to find any sort of solace in lewd visual material can, conversely, be a welcome change of pace
You just summed up how I've been feeling for the last month perfectly. I've been thinking about fighting my porn addiction, but I never had the strength to do so.
Now that I have a severe case of Katawa Dick, I have zero interest in any lewd stuff, it feels great honestly.
If my horny comes back soon, I think I'll be able to keep it in check now.
Also, getting permanent Katawa Dick wouldn't be so bad in my opinion.
i don't keep track of that.
Neat, i will probably mess about with them eventually and check how to port them into PES, thanks!

>Let's face it, the average 4chan user can be a relatively lonely person who is vulnerable to developing some form of sexual addiction.
Thats a sweeping generalization on your part. Im not gonna say me or the rest of /ksg/ is beyond sexual urges because that would be hypocritical and a lie but im betting there's plenty of anons here (myself included) that see sex as something more intimate and endearing and that leads them to be more vulnerable to Katawa Dick and less addicted to sexual activities so to say.
>im betting there's plenty of anons here (myself included) that see sex as something more intimate and endearing
Than what?

>and that leads them to be more vulnerable to Katawa Dick and less addicted to sexual activities so to say.
How does this contradict my point?
>Than what?
Than some form of addiction or a need that they have to fullfil.

>How does this contradict my point?
That wasnt my intention, just wanted to point out how not all anons that post here are sex addicts, probably.
Goodnight /ksg/.
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Just so it's 100% clear, when I say "sexual addiction" I also mean playing solo.
This is, after all, a website with a vast, constantly renewed amount of lewd material. Just because we are on the SFW side of it doesn't mean we should forget what's beyond the pale

>not all anons that post here are sex addicts, probably.
Per personal intuition plus the poll results, a lot of people in here are in the "horny every day" phase, which I estimate to be between 15 and 25, give or take.
So yeah, it can easily make a difference in your life when you suddenly develop KD syndrome

Night night
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Good morning, my fondest /ksg/. I have an afternoon ahead of me of a few important appointments, which is so troubling for a Saturday when all I want to do is relax and work on a painting. Our health is our greatest asset, however, so one must be diligent with these things. I hope you're all well and had a good night's rest. My recommended tea of the day is Chili Chai. As simple a combination as the name would imply, this chai includes dried chili peppers, which gives each sip a tingly heat on your lips and tongue. The weather here has finally cooled, and I can't think of a better suited tea for blistery winds.

The survey has officially closed as of this post, and thank you all so much for participating. I'll be compiling the data to release, as well as working on the collage, over the coming week.

I'd also like to remind, and invite, you to a cytube movie night in seven hours. We'll be watching Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou, followed by Special Duty Combat Unit Shinesman. It will be nice to chat to you a little more casually than usual.

While I am very flatter you find me fascinating, I'd like to gently discourage you from keeping notes about me. That's a little disquieting. You are correct about my age, unsurprisingly.

Happy Paturday, Pat-anon!

Sleep is vitally important to one's wellbeing, as much as exercise is. I'm sure Emi says as much at one point or another, or Nurse does. Either way, please get your rest when you can, but congratulations on your new distance.

I'm not too old to cosplay at all, I just prefer not to cosplay high school students these days. Of course my skincare routine keeps me glowing and youthful, it just doesn't do to dress like a teenager at my age.
>While I am very flatter you
Flattered, I mean. I'm still a tad groggy.
Good morning, hope the appointments dont eat up your whole day
>Sleep is vitally important to one's wellbeing, as much as exercise is
I'd say I learned my lesson, and it's all fine as long as I can keep moving, she'd understand
>spicy chilli tea
I need to try it right now. It's still surprising to me how varied tea flavours can get
Ah i see what you mean, yes we do have a lot of young people and their crazy hormones but even so, i find the term "sexual addiction" pretty strong with very grim implications, which are perfectly possible to find in this website but i doubt that that you can find as much in this specific general.

Hello Aranon. Hope the medical routine goes smooth. Weather is finally getting cooler here as well, we're close to comfy times.

>Watchalong at 21:00
Sounds good to me, i'll probably be home by then!

>it just doesn't do to dress like a teenager at my age.
I was right on the money when i called you modest. If a school uniform isnt your thing then you can always do Lilly's casual outfit. Its gonna be hard for people to get but i bet you gonna nail it.
I'd be down for an art challenge, I've done lots with friends. shoot me an email any time.
No, it's not a joke, I genuinely don't know... I guess contrabasses are a lot bigger, though. I wouldn't know which is which without the other as reference.
hey, you're in my timezone. europoor.
Greetings /ksg/, hopefully you are all doing well. You haven't been skipping your new morning routines, right?

Great work, keep it up. As others said, rest is important - your body needs to repair itself before you can challenge it again. But your mindset is on the point, so keep it up!

Wonderful, insn't it? I think there has to be some switch in your brain that is activated by your feelings from KS and goes "Alright, I don't want to be horny, I want to feel true love" and just turns down your lust for a while. And if it is that way, then honestly, I wouldn't mind permanent Katawa Dick too.

Nice, I can't wait for the collage, I know you'll do a god job. Unfortunately I will be away this evening, so I won't watch the OVA's with you all, but I hope you'll have good fun.

Also no good celebrity is complete without some questionable fans, so you can check that off. Heh.
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Nothing makes one avoid a certain course of action quite like it resulting in the violent expulsion of one's breakfast, that's undeniably true. Tea is gorgeously varied, whenever someone tells me they don't like it I always ask if they've tried anything other than English Breakfast and the answer is always no. It's like deciding you hate champagne because you've only ever had a cheap Prosecco, you know? It's always diehard coffee drinkers who refuse to expand their tea palate, but I'm going off on a little tangent there.

Hello, Hanafriend. Luckily a couple of them are phone appointments, so I can take them in a nice café. Make sure you wear a scarf when you go out if it's getting cooler, you don't want to get sick. Looking forward to seeing you for the movies!

I don't think Lilly's casual outfit would be much of a cosplay, it's the sort of thing I just dress in. I suppose with the wig and all, I could. It's something to mull over. That's sweet of you to say, also. I'm about her height so I could certainly make an attempt of it.

That's wonderful to hear, I'll be in touch! I think I can make a joke out of that too, hold on. "What's the difference between a cello and a contrabass? You can sell-o a cello, but a contrabass is contraband!"

I'm still turning over ideas in my head for the collage, I'm not sure whether to do it digitally or handwrite the notes and arrange them. Whatever it is, it'll turn out nicely, I hope. We'll miss you at the movie night but there's always next time, Suzufriend. And yes, I certainly do have some. Interesting admirers.
>"What's the difference between a cello and a contrabass? You can sell-o a cello, but a contrabass is contraband!"
That's awful. Did you just come up with this? I'm impressed.
>You can sell-o a cello, but a contrabass is contraband!

oh my god.
we're a long way for scarf weather unless nature flips the switch sooner than later but thank you for your concern.

Cosplaying relatively simple designs can be tough for people to notice where they come from, especially something as niche as KS. Going by a very similar experience i'd still recommend doing it because in the end doing the cosplay itself is fun, regardless of recognition.
>"What's the difference between a cello and a contrabass? You can sell-o a cello, but a contrabass is contraband!"

I kneel.
Thank you both, for the drawing and the joke
I want to keep my running routine consistent but I probably won't be able to for like 4 days...
Today is my rest day, I shouldn't be risking injury by running too much every day.
Tomorrow it'll rain pretty hard.
Monday and Tuesday I'll have classes until very late, probably won't have the time to run.
I'm sorry Emi :(
Consistency is more important in the long run. You can always make up for it on the other end - not by running more often, but by trying to run a little longer than you would've otherwise. Make Emi proud!
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Why did the braille teacher have an easy childbirth?
there are no contractions in pregnancy
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I had to.
New thread?
Almost time

That's amazing is there somewhere I can see more of your art?

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