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Visual Novel General #6616

This general is for the discussion of English-translated Japanese visual novels.
All posting of untranslated visual novels belongs on >>>/jp/
E-celeb shitposting is not allowed.
Kindly use spoiler tags appropriately when discussing plot spoilers to facilitate smooth discussion.

>Having trouble with your VN? Try the following before you ask for tech support:
1. Be in Japanese locale
2. Read the Readme
3. Check https://rentry.org/4chan-vn-help
4. Copy error messages with CTRL+C and paste them with CTRL+V into DeepL
5. Google it

>FAQs, Recommendations, and Other Useful Things:

>Need a novel with a specific element?

>Download Links:

Previous thread: >>494686103
Being a tsundere negationist in 2024 is cringe and outdated.
she doesnt look older though?
Anyone else thinking about Fate?
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just realized i haven't posted this in a while
then yeah, she counts
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The part in Master Magistrate where everyone conspires to gaslight and mentally abuse Sakura is actually insane.
why did she do it?
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because it's Todokanai Koi (届かない恋)
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Tsunderes only exist in fiction
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Tsundere only exist in real life, got it.
Recent VN releases:
>goHELLgo Tsukiotoshiteko
>Hyakusen no Jou ni Kawatareshi Toki
>Kyokkou no Marriage
>Kira Kano
>Setsuna ni Kakeru Koi Hanabi SS Nadeshiko/Komari to One Room
>Kenzen! Hentai Rinjin no Sadame

Upcoming VN releases:
>Yuukoku no Femme Fatale (9/27)
>Souten † Koihime -Shigen no Ou- (9/27)
>Tsumugi no Hanayome (9/27)
>Mizuchi no Miko (9/27)
>Senpai ga Watashi no Mousou ni Doujin Suru?! ~Body Touch ni Goyoujin~ (9/27)
>Enjou Gakuen 2 ~Shitenshi-tachi no Hanazono~ (9/27)
>Natsu e no Hakobune II (9/27)
>Putrika 1st.cut (10/7)
>Harukanaru Nirai Kanai (10/25)
>Otome Sekai no Arukikata (10/25)
>MOON GHOST (10/25)
>Renai Jakusha na Osananajimi Shoujo to Renai Kyousha na Kanojo (10/25)
>Kimagure Temptation 2 Yuuyami Kaikitan (11/29)
>LIP lipples (11/29)
>Toshiue Kanojo (11/29)
>Dra Con Cafe (11/29)
>Mugen no Tir na nog (12/20)
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upscaler doko
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Art imitates life
Therefore, there was a tsundere in real life that inspired the first fictional tsundere
You could cut the tension with a knife
>not using the soundpost
A blow to the solar plexus
newfag here, how do you listen to the sound? it's just a normal image when i click on it
instantly pulverizing the foetus
Got any photos?
Any other anons who've got VN stuff can also share
4chan external sounds
^get those extensions for greesemonkey or tampermonkey
>make your browsing experience much worse
hmm pass
https://sleazyfork.org/en/scripts/31045-4chan-external-sounds or https://github.com/rcc11/4chan-sounds-player
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How do you respond to this?
I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky.
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still no sound even after installing it :(
I love white women
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>JOP bread again
Sexual relations??? What's that???
why is there a bush meme in the vn
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I wanted to ask you, but you were busy.
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Your imouto wants the dirty details
English mystery VNs on Steam from the past few years:
>Birth ME Code
>Clean Slate
>The Divine Deception
>Entropic Float: This World Will Decay And Disappear
>The Game of Fourtune
>Head AS Code (remake)
>Look Inside
>Methods: The Detective Competition
>The Price of Flesh
>Quantum Suicide
>Shards of Chaos
>The Specters Desire
>The Zodiac Trial

English mystery VNs on Steam that are to-be-released:
>Decide 4 God (finale to the Abime series)
>Exogenesis: Perils of Rebirth (never ever)
>The Lost Delinquents of Rollings High
>Thief's Roulette
didn't ask spammer
>mfw "oral sex" wasn't just phone sex

Heh, good try, anon.

>Pretty girl, let me just check on VNDB. 18+


>No erotic scenes

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Sure, here's my Mitsumin wall scroll.
I thought of getting one with Hikaru and Iria too, but settled for her, Miyuki and Aoi in the end.
I asked king, keep posting
>passive-aggressive 2020+er
raff out roud
>Mitsumin, Miyuki and Aoi
stfu eopigs
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There's always the original
>3dpd out of nowhere

But she's prettier in the remake...
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I will play more Tears To Tiara 2 later. The emulator is quite annoying though, the game renders a lot of 3d lighting wrong and there's a memory leak which can introduce a lot of annoying stutters in combat. I wish Shiravune would just port these games instead but it seems that Aquaplus forgot that Tears To Tiara exists.
Thanks for sharing, looks cute.
You're not funny.
and are you into cuckoldry
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I've also always thought that Arcueid looks too old to be a high schooler.
>I thought of getting one with Hikaru
He already said that he reads muramasa.
Mindbroken seanegrobuta
>heroine with sexual experience
>heroine with sexual experience
>black is the first thing you say in response
Is /vn/ a SetsuCHAD general or a Kazucuck general?
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Here's the one of Miyuki and Aoi.
I wanted another one too, but it was delisted just as I finished my order.
I'd buy the Iria wall scroll too if I had any open spots left on my walls.
uso decho? on KAMI!
(kami mean gawd)
I've never read WA2 but I'll go with Setsuna since she's prettier
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We prefer Setsuna here if Chiaki's off the table
Who's the best /vn/ free-use slut for a quick vc fap?
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Setsuna fans, like their patron saint, remain delusional as always
/vn/ is a kurokami general.
Why is she poking her own eyeball? Is she retarded?
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Ew, if you're gonna be a CCfag, at least choose someone good like Koharu
hear hear!

Is this game scary? I've had it installed forever but I hate jump scares and it gives off that vibe.
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>no SoL SOVL FD of So'un, Mitsumin and Milgram throwing snowballs at each other in Neo-Toyko
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Is it because she's white?
>Japanese media
It's bittersweet and comfy.
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>mfw filitered
dont open this unless you're not actually gonna play
NTR is scary.
It has NTR.
forgot to mention i hecking love keto and shit
this but carnivore
Yes I did. I love leaves after all

A jump-scares a jump scare. I don't know how it can be anything but!

Hate sharp transitions or active SPOOKS. If there's no pop ups then it should be okay.
Does a pop up to the MC licking out the cum of other men from the heroine count?
VNs where the heroine temporarily gets brain damage by like, mixing her mind with an animal with magic and has an h-scene while failing the Harkness Test?
Tsunderes live among us™, bigot.
Do your childhood friend who left you kissing actorCHAD on tv counts?
mind melting,era defining, jumpscare-free gem of a vinnie

Is the cum menacing?
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I still am not sure if she knows about her in this scene or not

Vinny where you're a gal and have only had unfulfilling relationships and mediocre sex but at around 30 years old realize that you might be a lesbian?
/vn/ would be too dense to recognize a real life tsundere
Shiki is kinda really autistic about this, probably from Nasu's own retarded upbringing. He doesn't even have to lie about the white woman. "I met her outside where she had a run in with the criminal, I helped her fight him off and we eventually caught him together." Arc was right to tease him, there was no reason he couldn't have introduced her to his family in a completely normal, reasonable way.
post it
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masaka dekai kuro chinchin
Anon's Life
True route shows you fail all your relationships with women and you realize the problem was never the gender of your fiancé, but yourself.
Mixed signals and awkward semi-flirting is like 90% of dating.
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Going from disliking each other to liking each other in real life isn't impossible.
You have an option to do that in the original. Didn't the dialogue existed too in the remake where she just says to Shiki "stop with the awful jokes "Nii-san"?
Aww, that sounds like a real rough nakige plot. Being human sure is complicated...
Not always true. I think apathy is worse than dislike/like.
He plain out tries to tell her Arc is a vampire. I'm saying he could have just told Akiha he met an eccentric foreigner who had some trouble and helped her out. The way he's acting in this scene it does look like she's some kind of cougar that snatched him off the street. That's why his imouto is so upset, that he's getting embarrassed and evasive about their nightly business.
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Yes, after the Vlov fight there's the option to be completely honest with Akiha about what happened, and when you do she and the maid look at you like you're crazy for a moment before thinking you're joking. They never believe you.
Never worked out for me.
Best girl and my first and only true waifu for 21 years.
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Must have been rough to have a taste this shit in a VN full of good heroines.
Never held hands or cuddled non sexually while chatting or went club dancing and grinding on each other on molly or skinny dipping and wondered if maybe there was something deeper that you could go for?
I have.
I love
Maybe if you're younger than 25
dating above 25 is sad and clinical, which is why the focus is always on more interesting younger dating.
based zoomers
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Hahaha. That'd be awful if it happened to me
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funny faces
refresh or restart chrome
I've never dated a woman but I have had sex with some Japanese escorts when I went to japan
Thanks, oji-san.
Does this work with the 4chanx extension on mac?
>on mac
download windows. how would I know. It doesnt conflict on win at least
Can't really argue with that. Although depending on experience and character, some people 25 and older can act like idiots
I miss asafag
he was a blight and so are you
if only chikage 's art was consistent with how massive her inverted nipples were in that double handjob scene for the rest of the game
Beato is a woman
his name is dead to me
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heroines doko
stinky image
I'm going to rub one out while thinking of her...
>chusingura MC is also okinawan
is that actually the mc
I would need to see her naked to make a conclusion.
That's disgusting

18+ with uncensored sex WHEN
That's... a child...
>MC fucking the loli heroine
Ui is a good girl but you're a pig, go back to /bag/, we don't want you here.
meant for >>494780374
Chungusgura have a female MC.
Heroines like this?
It was the only image I could quickly get my hands on... I don't even play BA, only gacha I play is PGR
Librarian heroines are dead, sad
/bag/ are our friends thoughever
Yes. He becomes black in h-scenes.
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We're in the wrong timeline
Noooo, you can't just lewd my waifu
schrodinger trap
that doesn't even look like a skin tone, it looks like someone just brought the brightness level down a ton in photoshop
Finally a MC I can self insert as
Same but my chromosomes are XX.
That's a child
Read more VNs.
Eroge artists love to contrast skin tones in h-scenes.
Post the api key please
>only gacha I play
GachaKINO won.
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she makes up for it by drinking piss
mesugaki heroines
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>this is the guy fucking your girlfriend
I'm sorry for you, Det.
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Yomiko from Read or Die?
Not gay but doesn't this feels like it's missing a female penis?
I wish he'd fuck me too
Anything newer?
That's just BSS.
he's based woman hating chud.
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Honorary gangsta and reference room librarian.
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used goods
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The whole "chachamaru is a man" thing is dumb, but honestly even if she were it wouldn't turn me off. She's perfect enough to compromise on my sexuality if need be.
Only hibiki does it for me
Douzo, lad.
You know that "she" has a tsurugi cock, right?
>you danm size queen
lost kek
imagine a vn with all of those...
If she did I'd happily suck her off and take it up the ass. For a woman like her, you gotta give as good as you get.
>muramasafag art
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based kageaki
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>Summer Pockets anime is only adapting the base version
>including the original ending where Umi goes back in time and unborns herself only and prevents MC and Shiroha from hooking up (Shiroha dies in childbirth giving birth to Umi)
No bweh means no fixed ending...
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holy shit
white woman love!!!
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im not throwing it to the public. lurk more.
>blonde (with a lot of pink)
can't trick me, pink
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best girl
She's too much of a joke character for me.
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>Finished up a moege all in jap
>Feel confident and tried a chuunige
>Literally filtered by the opening screen
>Mountains of text that don't mean shit, just a voiceless face rambling about philosophy and life that it's not related to the story
>Text flashing at the screen instead of being in the fucking textbox
>Words on top of words
>The narrator doesn't shuts the fuck up
I can think of nothing more fitting for you than a joke character albeit?
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she's so cute though..
I look like this and laugh like this
>muramasa yellow text section
I white noises all that shit
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What's wrong with pinks?
They betray.
how new?
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I can only think of 1 pink who betrays you.
>absolute state of Muramasabuta
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I blame pubeschizo
>someone like me being treated as a girl
You finally convinced me to never touch this homo shit.
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>blonde pubes
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Maine Coon cun
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Impeccable taste. Why did we stop posting 3x3s?
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Good taste except bottom left and middle. Not to say they are bad just better out there.
The whole point of this general is to talk about VNs

Not the girl in them
No, it's to talk about the girl playing them.

I can do both...But girls are more fun to talk about, whose your favorite anon?
Those games are called galge because the only thing in them that matters is the gal.
The JOP.
this is why eroge get a full board on other chans, so you can have separate threads for girls and the games themselves, individual studios, etc.
>other chans
Any of them even remotely active?
the japanese ones are
I clicked expecting A** and got spoiled...
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JOPs are so handsome
kill yourselves spammers
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It boggles my mind that Pokemon can have its own board here but VNs don't have one
meant for >>494785038
Live yourselves CHADS
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Not until I finish my backlog
Are blowjobs not that popular in Japan? There are several visual novels where the main character reacts with surprise when he sees that the heroine is willing to put his cock in her mouth. Fuminori literally says that he thought it was something only prostitutes did. I remember believing something similar when I was a young lad and I even refused to receive a bj during my first time but then I got used to the idea that it wasn't something dirty and degrading. But at the same time, a friend who has been with his girlfriend for years told me that he had never had one, so maybe there are girls who aren't even willing to try it? I'm still not sure if bjs are supposed to be more or less intimate or dirty than penetration.
Just things I think about sometimes.
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Why don't translations get playtested before they get released?
There is no way anyone wouldn't notice random untranslated lines.
But JOPs have a lifetimes worth of a backlog...
What JOP chuunige should I read today?
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QA is thankless work and nobody wants to be the one to actually do it
>Fuminori literally says that he thought it was something only prostitutes did
consider when it was released, dumbass.
The surprise in nip media is because muh pure girls and they're fucking teenagers, retard.
already read them twice
How the fuck do I become this cool?
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Is this creature sexually involved?
yes with dogs
Yes, with the Scientist.
Try working in QA and see how that goes.
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Yes but not with (You)
That's literally what it said in Japanese.
>t. used goods chaser
Off topic posts
>t. serial blowgiver
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What am I in for?
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Finally some on topic posts
VNs for this?
Imouto pubes
On topic
Kill yourself
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Blogpost it king
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Continue posting visual novels.
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Anything by Studio Pork.
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Kill yourselves spammers
Untranslated VNs go to /jp/
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call the cops cause I don't give a fuck
Janitor applications are closed, better luck next year
These posts never make any sense. If he was a janny he wouldn't be posting something like that.
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What's so bad about QA? I was sort of thinking of trying to get into QA myself... wouldn't you like to earn money while reading VNs?
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What I posted was a translated VN doe? What's the problem?
He wishes he was but mods deny his application every year so all he can do is backseat (for free)
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I'd argue that any member of a space ought to try to maintain and hold what it is, rather than to shit in and on it.
>for free
And if you let said place be shat upon over and over, eventually it will rot and then (you) will have to pay up, and of which your hand will be forced and there is absolutely zero escape. Best case scenario is you leave for good but it is still a cost. Do whatever you want of course, this website is legitimately dumb but trying to shit-post those who still give a shit and are not in the wrong is asinine.
IRC is still open
Who is your favourite unironic bimbo heroine? Hard mode, no pinks or blondes.
>I'd argue that any member of a space ought to try to maintain and hold what it is
That's why I JOP post, it's been a thing since way back when this thread was on /jp/.
>And if you let said place be shat upon over and over, eventually it will rot and then (you) will have to pay up, and of which your hand will be forced and there is absolutely zero escape
This. So how do we get rid of the uminegro vs negromasa shitposters?
Start padding up your resume again then cause whatever you're doing isn't working lmao
chii-chan is the first one to come to mind that's a true bimbo
Until one of them gets rangebanned
I'm not the guy posting screencaps of the rules and whatever else, anon. I know reading comprehension is hard for some anons on here–ironic, considering it's a visual novel general. You can recognise the aforementioned and also not be somebody who points to rules as. It really is not difficult.
QA is always staffed with the least technically competent people in the company that are allowed to actually be part of the software development. You're basically a bottom rung flesh bot for running test cases and finding bugs. Which might not be so bad for VNs where there's not much interactivity other than checking lines and settings, but for anything else it's mind-numbing.

Also you're a convenient person to direct blame at if something ever slips through, which it inevitably does because they want to spend as little as possible on QA, because actual devs who build features and know what they're doing cost way more, and they need to cut corners somewhere to stay profitable. If you do your job well no one cares or notices, and even when you aren't to blame for something you get blamed and yelled at anyway.

Source: I was a middle QA manager at a major gaming company for 3 years
jops already ran off most of the old posters and killed this general years ago
That's nice
All of the old posters became JOPs.
No, the good posters became JOPs
At least you finally came around to understanding with your bizarre way of admitting you were wrong.
The only good JOP is a dead JOP
Very cool
They have passes.
You wouldn't have read a single visual novel if JOPs didn't exist
>bu-but MTL
wouldn't exist if JOPs didn't exist.
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Doesn't sound that different to the treatment I already get (I do manual testing). Not sure if spending money on certs to become a QA tester would be worth it then.
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How do you kill something that doesn't have a life?
pink correction needed
>only bad endings/bad true end
>unavoidable protagonist death
>unavoidable heroine death
yep i'm thinking kino
>Euro hours
>JOP posts spike
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Post adults
Are there any archer heroines that don't follow the obnoxiously autistic Japanese style where you do everything but shoot an arrow? I want none of that shite in my route
He's literally Japanese archery autism in a swordsman
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Hookcuck hours
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I can't believe it's been two years
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*yada yada 5 girls introductions, yada yada best friend is virgin and funny kek BUHII common route plot nobody cares, aieeeee CHOICES to get my heroiuwu, enter route and know her better ;))) aiwuuuuuu CONFESSION TAM TAM* **BOOOOOM** *tell your friends that you got a new gf and make all other heroines disappear ::;;(((, hand holding > kissu > sex > ROUTE DRAMA STARTS AND END > sex > end, time to repeat for the other 4*
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Does Aruceid ever explain how she got into Japan? I doubt she went through proper channels.
So isn't she technically an illegal immigrant?
Are you retarded? She just walked.
She showed her Canadian passport to the border guard.
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But Japan is surrounded by water. Lol, anon are such retards these days~
kill yourself
>She just walked.
And this makes her special? I can walk too.
Cope. She just walked.
So? That isn't anything to write home about.
I think she's legally here.
??? that doesn't mean she's here legally.
Did she get into Japan?
I'm pretty sure she flew in isn't she some moon princess or something
That makes sense.
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Yep, I'm thinking
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Oh so you don't have it
You know, replying multiple times with opposing arguments within the same post seems like a pretty good shitposting avenue I haven't considered before. Thanks.
I can't until i can read it on steam sorry anon-kun
I want to fuck Neco Arc so bad bros...
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Lucia is a miracle of the universe.
Does Arc have pubes?
Just like you sis.
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this is retarded and hilarious
This post is getting into the 'ilter.
Stop playing with yourself in public anon
>but I'm not a loli!
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You know how she has an aspect of nature and can grow vines anywhere?
enough mid, post akiha
We hate flatties here
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Can't wait for Far Side in 2030 bros!
Rape vampires
Hisui remake route will save humanity
Is Len in the Tsukihime remake? I remember finding her super cute in carnival phantasm just to find out that she was only really in the fighting game or something. Same with the bajiquan loli
Tsukihime - Moon Cell -
the fabled thinker
2030 is reserved for CCC remake
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do characters lose their value if they are flat?
>BB's big boobs in 3D
I can't wait bros
They're not in the Near Side story. Moreover, both of them are from Kagetsu Tohya, the Tsukihime fan disc. They weren't in the original game and shouldn't appear in the remakes unless Nasu makes some significant changes to Red Garden
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More games should make it so cumming inside or outside is an important story decision
Nasu said in an interview she considered putting Miyako into Blue Glass Moon at the start when Shiki is saying bye to the Arima MILF, but decided against it. I doubt we'll see her, Len, or Sion in Red Garden sadly.
Hisui's route will be changed to be unrecognizable
The modern VN reader doesn't want to see a whole route of Shiki in bed
The opposite actually
flatties are mad for bullying and violent sex
Should I just read the OG, emulate the switch version or just wait? I've yet to read Tsukihime yet at all.
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Not at all. Only if they don't shut the fuck up about having pimple nipples.
OG, Remake so far has deviated a fair amount from the original (in Ciel's route anyway), they're two different experiences.
I'd like a whole route of Shiki getting pegged by Hisui.
Imagine the smell
>emulate the switch version
Buy it so Nasu knows the west is interested
but then how will I take HD screenshots to blog with
Pirate it 100 times so Nasu loses money
TsukiRe, the OG might as well not exist anymore.
I would if they'd put it on PC storefronts
Are the characters in venus blood hypno stronger than the ones in frontier? I feel like these goddesses aren't that impressive so far.
>This game was effectively the artist's swan song as far as VNs go.
It was a good last hurrah too, I think.
OG is incomplete
no reason to read it
How do you binge-read VNs or do you take it slow?
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I love meido
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I'm mad it's like the one and only time he drew such a delicious flat chest.

Emulate it to punish Nasu for lack of H content.
All ages future
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I always take it slow.
I like when a heroine dresses up as maid, but I don't like actual maid heroines.
Just like whenever I'm reading a normal novel or watching a series I make it my main focus for entertainment/free time. So consistent progress every day with several hour long sessions on days off work where I have it up on my TV.
I like when a heroine acts like used goods and pretends to be experienced but I don't like actual used goods
For me, it's sarcastic maids who nevertheless are deeply devoted to their master's well being underneath the snark
That's why Ram is my favorite girl.
Fuck Rem and Emilia.
what is jun maeda's fascination for girls with down syndrome?
>Fuck Rem and Emilia.
This guy gets it. Ram hard mogs the entire cast minus Crusch
>clown used goods
>minus Crusch
I'd agree if it wasn't for memory AIDS and Felix.
This, but Echidna.
This, but Satella.
Even in the real world, the kindest most empathetic people are the ones who got the shittiest hand of cards in life.
the opposite is true tho
Both are true.
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This, I'm the kindest most empathetic person I know and I'm a nepotism baby

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Reminder that if you choose anyone other than the childhood friend you are engaging in ntr
childhoodfriendbros... time has proved us right... we were always the ones with the purest heart
childhood friends are low tier heroines but at least they're not violent tsunderes they're such garbage they went extinct
thank god for that
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click on the source bro, it's not concrete
literally nothing is worse than childhood friend garbage
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Various publications and Nasu themself have referred to Nasu as both a man and woman. There's no proof either way, Who knows why they're like this.
>read VN
>MC's first love is a routelet
t. ntrfag
i only read moege
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Now I know you're baiting
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that's me, not nasu
We don't use the r word around here
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I've been a fan of Nasu since Melty Blood in 2002. You're the newfag. But I'll let you off lightly if you lick my feet and clean my toes with your tongue and apologize like a good little boy.
>I've been a faggot since 2002
But that doesn't change the fact that you're gay?
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I think I might drop Majikoi after the first game... The setting is wearing thin a little and from what I've heard the second game is just kinda worse than the first. There aren't many heroines in the second game I'm particularly excited for either since Koyuki's is non-existent and Kokkoro's is way too predictable. I'd basically just be in for the robot at that point
Sorry, you're all muffled so I couldn't hear ya since my toes are in your mouth. It is bad manners to talk with your mouth full, retard. Bad boy.
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fat fucking milkers
I want to milk this cow
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Misaki's milkers are premium size don't turn her into a cow
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Play it for Mon-sama.
She can't fly like that
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kys jopoid
tits fly
This is a toughie
lys jopCHAD
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Kooky girls are cute and nobody likes hags that think they can still pass.
A loli route would be nice but I have other games that I'm kinda wanting to play lined up. I've wanted to do Otome Domain for months now and kept putting it off. I only really started Majikoi cause it's vn required reading and the first novel ought to be enough to get the gist.
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Moebuta spotted
GachaCHAD is so lucky
Fine I'll read your flying sportsge
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Hags fear the Peak Performance
That's a bro, not a girl.
dirty old man(female)
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Why did they give Saber a horny sprite?
but does she fuck other men?
Look at the glimmers in her eyes in that CG. That's so fucking cute. God, we lost a good artist.
Cause she a dork
bros don't have milkers
Atsuko Tanaka (Caster) needs our help in the afterlife today. Today, in Japan's afterlife, she's meeting King Gokan where she'll be judged on lies. She needs our prayers to pass this trial.

Next week is the most important one, Great King Enma will judge which realm of Samsara she will be reborn into next week.

A japanese reincarnation takes 49 days, Caster is almost there.

Here are the dates:
>August 20th - Atsuko Tanaka enters the sanzu river
>August 27th - Trial 1 with King Shinko. Judged on killing
>September 3rd - Trial 2 with King Shoko. Judged on theft.
>September 10th - Trial 3 with King Sotei. Judged on Lust.
>September 17th - Trial 4 with King Gokan. Judged on Lies.
>September 24th - Trial 5 with Great King Enma. Which realm to reincarnate in Samsara is determined. (ie. human realm, animal realm, deva realm, etc.)
>October 1st - Trial 6 with King Henjo. Determined where she reincarnates.
>October 8th - Trial 7 with King Taizan. Remaining conditions of reincarnation determined.
>Reincarnation takes place immediately after King Taizan's trial
What did she do, why would this trial be a problem?
Just because she has milkers doesn't make her a girl in my eyes. I cannot see her as a girl. She is a guy on the inside. Fucking her would be gay af.
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>Subject of (Sexual): Headpats by Others
the fabled unmedicated poster
more like king gokkun
holy meds
someone needs to play a real shin megoomi tensay game
Mashiro is a real girl.
>what did she do

everyone in japanese buddhism and chinese buddhism gets judged by the kings of hell after death. there is no escaping it.

She didn't have to do anything to receive this service, i'm performing it for her. I get buddhist merit by carrying out this duty.

>why would this trial be a problem?
lies is an interesting topic...the other side of Fate might be considered...did she keep a secret?

other than that, nothing alarming is showing up in this trial. but the judges still consider our prayers.
Will they consider my prayer to cover Medea's ears in cum?
we are reaching new levels of schizophrenia bros
She didn't record a 3 hour full in character JOI as caster
uminegros were a mistake
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hag sex
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did someone say sex...
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here's your hag bro
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Alice does NOT have sex
Meiya > Mitsumin > Kenshin > Yasubee > Hikaru
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That's an old lady
Hikaru solos all
I loo like ts
Touka from Date a Live
unironically best translated ntrge?
>Will they consider my prayer to cover Medea's ears in cum?

If you have indecent wishes, it's possible they'll show you a movie of it.

Dreams are ordinarily of religious importance, but from personal experience, sometimes the souls that create dreams are trying to get you to do something, even if it goes against Christianity.
NTR otokonoko
She's the one with the futa penis right?
For the simply fact that despite she being able to cut a helmet in two, she still uses unarmed martial arts to fight.
on second thought, just lucid dream, man.
Schizo melting again?
The guy is shitpost, she lost her penis after falling from a cliff.
So you CAN post non-schizophrenic posts. This is big. This is a HUGE discovery.
Alice watches on the cuck chair while CHADJUUROU lays pipe to Aoko
Oh for fuck sake... Why does Miyako have a lengthy obnoxious sex scene in the middle of the route? I cannot be fucked listening to twenty minutes of moaning and panting. Eroge should have a skip sex scene button. Not for censorship, but so you aren't left wasting your time waiting for them to end.
white women...
okay, but what about butt-fucking princesses?
i have two hats. depending on what happens on the lawsuit date NEXT WEEK on september 25th, the possibilities are endless for what i'll do.

i'm considering chasing them all the way to California, which is where all the japanese juggernauts hang out.

if my lawsuit succeeds, my hope is that I became insane, so you don't have to. Simple.
...That makes even less sense. What does falling from a cliff have to do with getting turned into a cute maid? Did he land directly on a rock and rupture his crotch or something? If you could magically change your gender by falling off a cliff then all the trannies would be playing Lemmings by now.
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I wonder who first came with that design
Must be a really old PC-98 VN
>Red Meiya
>Blue Meiya
>Yellow Meiya
>Black Meiya
>Pink Meiya

green Meiya doko?
He was a cute boy from the get-go. Add fake tits and he turned into a cute maid.
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Best free VNs for a guy who's tired of dying 1000 times in games and just wants a progressing story?
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What was her thought process behind triple-timing?
Anal is...um, not right.
>baby falls from a cliff
>gets his genitalia destroyed
>family doctor patch it up
>doesn't know if it's a boy or a girl
>raise the baby as a girl
>the baby now a teen, starts noticing that his body is different from other girls
>have no boobs or menstruation and can't have sex unless it's anal
>so he starts crossdressing as a maid, butler, witch and whatever
To be fair, Battler abandoned her for years.
Going out with Jessica and George at the same time was fucked up though
Silverio Vendetta
That's a child...
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Again!! How do you break the fall with your penis?
>no NTR Homestay or Please Bang My Wife
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Cute assets growth
it's loli. get over it.
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Mind games 101
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A modern take on a classic line
Hold on... Is Beatrice also the maid? I didn't know that part.
Every VN is free
Umineko was truly ahead of its times.
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A maid was carrying the baby at the time, so she must have protected the vitals with her life
Beatrice is a maid named Yasu who takes on the personas of Kanon and Shannon
I don't speak foreign
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kys /vn/
still is, the lack of a sequel hints that solving umineko is too hard, even for the japanese
Holy fuck... You weren't kidding about the ntr in Uminegro. I feel bad for the fiance. I remember really liking them together in the show.
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>fell bad for an NTR fat man
Lol. We don't call it NTRneko for nothing after all.
She's only a child
One "yes" is enough.
zako status?
You wouldn't kiss your flat sister
The baby was female, Genjji was worried that Kinzo would make the same mistake as the past and we don't have any indication he's gay
>She's only a child

is this your first time trying to deal with loli?

It's allowed in Japan for a reason.

Are you OK with murder taking place in fiction? that's illegal.
my sister isn't flat dough
Nasu-chan said I need to wait till 2040. Maybe I should just reread the OG.
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my beautiful teenage sister
>The baby was female (male)
Sorry for a transphobia, anon.
Does the story give the guy a break at least? I genuinely feel a bit bad for him
Kinzo is into bussy, as long the balls don't touch
>No mention of Saving Mrs. Hinako as a kino Netorige.
The "that's a child" meme needs to die.
That's a schizo.
Who, George? He won big time. Got a bussy and NTRed Batler's childhood friend from him.
normie larping is very sad, i feel secondhand embarrassment just reading it
I didn't read Boku no Tenshi yet, but I feel bad for the fat nigga after seeing you faggots spoiil the CG here
he gets killed along with the family.
no closure for him
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I love oppai lolis, especially Yuki!
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I can't wait for Red Garden. There's nothing wrong with Arcueid and Ceil but the schizo mode Far Side is just more interesting and the heroines are more attractive
Should've replied the OP, this is an old shitpost
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>when you don't kys
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I think that's guilt you're feeling for being a pedo
I only kiss blood-related sisters
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I love Karen
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A child? Oh yes!!
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Well, /vn/?
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This is a child
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Kisaragi is the best azur
looks like a kot

you have no ground to stand on for trying to force Japan to westernize.

Japan has ALWAYS accomodated loli, nothing you do will change that. Unless you too, get the ability to change Japan.
what do you do when you make it to an h scene but aren't in the mood
t. coming down with the flu
It's a pussy
Sexy little girls without pubes.
i am going to rewrite japan
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Suddenly it all makes sense now. Women are retarded at the genetic level
Little girls having sex with pubes and without you
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Is there a proper harem game where the heroines are all middle school or under? It can be lolixshota preferably but teacher would be fine too. Not for fap purposes, literally just for the story and setting
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Now pee
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>no kiss for pic
I was never going to make Japan do anything. Besides, Japan will westernize on its own because they want to. They've being doing it since Meiji.
actual clannad spoilers about ryou
ryou is an easy slut. when she starts dating kappei they probably fuck in the hospital room which makes kyou's route sting even worse. it's not like ryou even liked (you), anybody will do and it destroyed kyou in the process.
what about a loli x shota couple getting ntrd and start swinging with an older couple? Loli is getting trained by a much older man while the shota is getting eaten up by an oneesan and they are both forced to watch eachother.
loli is kino
shota is shit
Fuck!! Don't remind me. Being a Ryou stan is genuine suffering...
Sounds kino but I also don't want to have to read blatant porn.
shota is peak
loli is trash
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Shota are peak mc character type. They're also the best choice in 90% of Otome games. If every mc could be a shota instead of a tactician or nice guy or horndog the whole vn medium would be a better place.
biggest /vn/ homo btw
shota x onee-san is peak
I hate zoomers so much it’s unreal.
shotas should only exist to be fucked by older men
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INO saggers...
>hmm yes the word kino is just so much more cultured than peak
kys you >40BMI contrarian shitstain
Go back to your Muramasa queer.
are any INO games even translated?
maybe I'll read this post in an hour or so. I'm almost done with the route choices
only manlets like shota
I don't think so. Which is wild considering there's like at least 20 nukige with art by them by now.
don't read it until you do every route, there's some character overlap.
>only short women like lolis
you see how stupid that sounds?
shotas are for fucking older lolis
i'm a manlet and I prefer short men and tall women to shotas
That's true though
Men like lolis
Manlets and zakos self-insert as shotas
obsessed umitroon
For me, it's threesome with a loli and shota.
I'm tall but porn with short guy + tall girl is pretty hot
I'd rather VNs with tall MC + even taller girl but there's not much so it can't be helped
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>tall MC + even taller girl
holy combo
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The appeal of shota is that despite being physically way weaker and less experienced than the average chud they still do their best to please their onee-san. The nee-san is filled with excitement over how their mini hero is gonna grow and fill out to where they'd be marrying a peak teen hottie when they're past Christmas Cake age.
Being romanced by someone much younger than you has it's appeal whether male on female or vice versa! I still fondly remember having a younger girlfriend in high-school and despite my friends and classmates all seeing me as a weak, overweight, and boring dude this young girl would look at me with stars in her eyes like I'm Robert Patterson! No same age romance fills that niche!
short women fantasies as being a loli fucked by bigger men
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momoiro closet is
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It depends... Do you mean in an Otome with a femc or a nukige with a male lead? In an Otome I'd agree with you but spit roasting a loli with a shota is a bit sad. Maybe if it's a trap shota it can work but it's a one in a million scenario.
Peak masculinity and peak femininity!!
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you're gonna give the oldfag an aneurysm if you keep saying that
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Just wait till I start blogposting Otome Domain. The dude will probably have a heart attack

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