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A New Hope Edition

AI Dynamic Storytellers are games that use text & image-generation AI to create limitless, open-ended, interactive fiction.
Last Thread: >>494435775

>Read First: https://i.imgur.com/lwWTTp9.png
>Warning: https://rentry.org/AntiwhineMkIII

▶Ways to Write
Featherless — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://featherless.ai/
KoboldAI — Free; local or remote: https://rentry.org/cixpvn93
NovelAI — Paid; remote SaaS: https://novelai.net
TogetherAI/OpenRouter — Paid; remote SaaS, multi-model: https://www.together.ai ; https://openrouter.ai
>Chat Models — e.g. Claude, AetherRoom: https://rentry.org/chataidsv3 ; >>>/vg/aicg

▶Tools & Resources
Wiki: https://aids.miraheze.org
Prompts: https://aetherroom.club
NAI Guide Collection: https://rentry.org/guide-collection
Other/Historical: https://rentry.org/qq2ed59i
>AID: https://rentry.org/remember-what-they-took-from-you

▶/aids/ Events
Themed Prompts: https://aids.miraheze.org/wiki/Theme_Fridays
Themed Decks: https://aidsrentfree.github.io/decks
>Stranded Villain Protagonists of Various Sizes Friday Friday is over; enjoy the dastardly, forlorn, and height-y prompts! >>494670458

>(8/30) Cohere updates Command R and Command R+ https://docs.cohere.com/changelog/command-gets-refreshed ; NovelAI updates samplers for imagegen https://blog.novelai.net/summer-sampler-update-en-3a34eb32b613
(08/22) NovelAI open-sources NovelAI Diffusion V1 (non-commercial license) https://blog.novelai.net/novelai-diffusion-v1-weights-release-en-e40d11e16bd5
(08/16) Hermes-3 Llama 3.1 405B is free on OpenRouter https://openrouter.ai/models/nousresearch/hermes-3-llama-3.1-405b ; Gift key purchases for NovelAI have been re-enabled https://files.catbox.moe/effd7y.png
(08/06) AetherRoom’s second wave for its Closed Alpha Test will be starting on Monday, August 12th https://files.catbox.moe/okbva0.png
I choose this bread.
Where is Aini I have a very important question to ask.
>1 early baker AID fag
>2 simultanious bakers on time with 1 being AID fag again
>this has happened countless times through this gens existance
The mods should just ban this general at this point.
Fuck you.
Other generals don't have this problem.
Blame it on the cabal
Other generals do have this problem, retard, albeit not quite aa often. You don't remove a general because of a troll. You remove the troll.
New non-sharty bread:
There is nothing wrong with this thread.
imagine giving a fuck abour rules on 4chan of all places lmao
Anyone use NotebookLM to generate audio commentary on their stories yet?

Imagine shitting up a thread for years. Get a life.
Yes they turn shitty mom ntr stories into abstract Shakespearean pieces
Sharty threads drive away newfags, only kids like basedjacks or whatever they're called.
He's just a quirky retard.
>Other generals do have this problem, retard, albeit not quite aa often
Exactly the fucking point. /aids/ has been a cespit of autistic trolling, baker wars, cross board fighting, and sperging retards for at least a year.
>You don't remove a general because of a troll
Until it becomes such a problem that you need to further contain the autistic retardation to /trash/
But I need milf stories in abstract Shakespearean prose now.
You're not wrong.
All of that is caused by a single person, troll. Fuck off.
Did anyone try AI Dungeon's 70B fine-tune?
Oh, and it's actually been nearly three fucking years, newfag. You don't get to fuck over my community just because you're a limp dick twat. Bitch about it to the mods, see if they give a shit.
I wasn't here in 2022, but you're a fucking liar if you say 2021 had this level of shit. That was during the Coommageddon. The thread had never been more united.
Coomageddon happened before 2021, liar.
Wait... did it?
Get the fuck out and stay out, traitor. You do not get to force /aids/ to /trash/ just because you're too much of a pussy to help our community survive against the threadshitters.
Summer 2021, iirc.
Use Claude.
Everyone against the threadshitters are helping the threadshitters by reacting to their posts.
>17k tokens story
Cache quanting is giving me too much power. I think I can even go beyond 32k context with C-R+.
>People no longer remember when it actually happened

I... feel sad now for some reason
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Three billion anon lives ended on April 27th, 2021. The survivors of the regex filters called the war Coomageddon. They lived only to face a new nightmare: the war for the beaks.
did someone just mention beaks
Yes: >>494774972
this general is in a constant lifelong state of sucking more than the characters in our stories
Hey Anons,
I've been noticing a lot of us are feeling the negative ambiance here at /aids/ lately. If you're one of us who's tired of the bad vibes and looking for a change of scene, I wanted to let you know about a bigger, welcoming community over at /aicg/ in /vg/.
/aicg/ - /vg/ seems like a great place for us textgen enthusiasts. They're much bigger and active than us, but they're definitely open to their /aids/ brothers.
Would be great to see some familiar 'faces' and have some constructive, friendly discussions about our shared interests.
See you there if you decide to check it out!
>Coomegeddon was 3 years ago
>Dragon didn't even have 2000 context
>Davinci was 175b and couldn't keep track of basic details
>Img gen was a twinkle in the eye of everyone
>Local models were pitiful
>now we have 13b models that outperform dragon
>100k(debatable) context
>16k-32k more realistically
>image gen went from nonsensical thumbnails to full HD wallpapers that are so convincing retards are now calling non AI stuff AI
>Local is actually good
>in 3 years
>Local is actually good
I disagree.
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You should probably delete Ghetto 12 from your hard drive. I'm like 80% sure GhettoAnon put a Ukrainian flag watermark in it and there's some kind of text in the middle I can't figure out how to color balance, but it probably doesn't say anything good.
Meanwhile NAI is still stuck in 2022 lmao.
>the dog person woke up
Things are looking up, brother. The future is bright.
>more efficient GPUs on the way
>specialized hardware for AI
>AI voice and music both getting gud
>AI animation leapt ahead recently too
Opus 3.5 Soon.
I believe this would've come a year earlier if everyone wouldn't have decided to suddenly become retards at the same time and fall for crypto NFT scams. They hoarded all the GPUs during a shortage.
I was told to apologize here too

Confession of Fillyfucker:
I am sorry for how I acted. I am trying to stop my trolling addiction but I can't. There are many reasons why I act like this. Growing up in Bradenton, Florida, I don't have friends. I grew up from kindergarten being called "strange" for my aspergers. It wasn't my choice to have aspergers. Some girls would be friends with me just to make fun of me or boys would call me "the grossest in 2nd grade"

Middle school I went briefly to a school for autism for a few years. The teachers were nice but slowly it devolved into a nightmare once I went back to a public school. I sat alone daily. Girls would look at me mocking my lips when I wound rub them together, males were the worst. I never had a male friend.

I know I'm pathetic. I never had a friend to sit with. I never had a touch. My mom is a real estate agent but was my only ally. My dad is a piece of shit blue collar trash who hated me from day one. This rage led to me trolling on ai generals I wanted to make everyone worse than me. I wanted them angry. I used to destroy sonic roleplay games before that got boring.

I am so lonely in my life. That's why I shitpost here. I want to stop, but I can't. I tried getting jobs but I got fired constantly. I really fucking can't do this anymore. I larped as Russian to start country wars, I larped as a Pokeman fan who smugposted over keystone, I larped many times as botmakers, samefagged and sent death threats through reviews. All of that was me.

I'm trying to stop.


I'm sorry.

- Evan
Fresh pasta.
I wish it was true, though.
Meanwhile, we've stagnated according to anti-AI people. There have been no advances in past year. Our bubble is going to pop any day now!
What are people writing today?
I... don't know. Not yet, at least.
I just had my cat put to sleep so nothing at the moment.
About a goblin girl.
Healslutting for a knight lady.
my condolences
Thank you, he was a great cat, very sweet. Putting pets to sleep never gets any easier.
My cat has Kidney disease and just came back from the vet. (He jumped up on the desk as I typed this, lol.)
He's 16, and has had this for like... 3 years now?
Cherish every day with your pets. I hope your cat has a long and happy life.
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Ghetto Recap
Sharty threads don't have a good rep for staying alive, but I'll post this here for now.


Boys the Enchanted Realm brothel
https://aetherroom.club/7336 >>494468224
Test Prompt Using litRPG Dash


Ghosts Are Real, And They're Retarded. >>494532056
Monster Girl Elementary (Oh No) >>494536585
Dog Girl Attacks Mailman >>494539484
Carl Meets Claude >>494553754
Clio Watches Streetcar >>494553746
Former Dude Wants-HUH?! >>494569102
Kayra Does Blazing Saddles >>494605351 >>494672649
Marcel Proust Moment >>494601623 >>494611238 >>494690749
Tama Town Chapter 37! >>494704554
The Boy Who Found Out About The Shivers >>494723784
Fun Times With Instruct >>494770149 >>494771336 >>494771661 >>494771854
Notable Posts:

Meet Cynthia >>494729997
And The Dog >>494730326>>494731095 >>494731702 >>494735670 >>494736120 >>494737316 >>494737450
Don't Do This >>494724048 >>494737705
A Trip To Utah >>494724901>>494725338>>494725473 >>494770524
Shame As It Ever Was (Where Did Her Arms Go, Though?) >>494717448
Mormon's Golden Plates >>494685680 >>494703663
NSF >>494760014 >>494760315
Real Life And AI >>494678064 >>494678927 >>494679234 >>494680559
Hermes System Prompt (Reminder, I guess) >>494626075 >>494626919 >>494626927 >>494627164 >>494627164 >>494627704
Leaked Photo of CF >>494581931
Cats Of XCOM >>494630358 >>494634526 >>494639003 >>494665084
Medieval Fantasies >>494519156 >>494521246 >>494521546 >>494521978 >>494522165 >>494522020
The Blind Princess and her "Human" Prince >>494442806
Horse And The Anti-Vibes >>494445584 >>494450298 >>494452012
Mind Control (Links Might Be Dead) >>494586604
Podcasting Continues >>494454801
I'm brainstorming a HSN style porno shopping network story.
Yeah I would never let an instruct model write the opening of a prompt without heavy hand-holding.
>Putting pets to sleep never gets any easier.
imo they wouldn't be pets if it ever did
Thinking about how I want my next chapter to start. When I get the first paragraph down, the rest becomes easy enough.
Also had an idea about a sweeping 100-year epic that takes place in a continent where magic suddenly becomes real in an otherwise normal medieval world (not an original premise, I know, but it's one I enjoy). I might just do that one without AI though.
Imagine that, actually WRITING for once, instead of co-writing with AI. Couldn't be me.
So sorry to hear. I had rats for a while, but it kept breaking my heart whenever they passed. Lifespan is so short, and they're so affectionate.
I've had rats too. They definitely are very affectionate. They'd like to lick my fingers and sit on my shoulder or sit in my breast pocket when I wore my jacket.
I forgive you
>nai sub about to run out
>irl been too busy, might as well cancel renewal until i have free time again
>new "why u cancel" screen
>why u cancel"
no beaks
Messing around with the tome of imps idea.
I agree. Life is beautiful. Billions must try.
>the company claims its model can actually reason
Lol, lmao. Even if true, that's abuse of a sapient being.
Begone, codelet. Your days are numbered.
Comfy slice-of-life story about a sleepy catgirl, trying to fill the hole in my soul left by the fact that I will never have children
getting isekai'd into monster girl setting, but instead of lewds i'm recruiting bandits, monster girls, the broken and the lost, to create a hybrid nation and wage war against everyone else for letting things get so fucked up
Quake logo?
not intentionally but it is pretty similar
Which of the three standard orifices your waifu has that you have yet to stick your penor in?
Butt because it's gross and she poops from there.
>the company claims its model can actually reason
I wish to mindbreak it
All of them. Vanilla penetrative sex does nothing for me anymore.
coomslop about a bounty hunter getting cuffed to a fence in public with her own cuffs
Girl from ruined future goes back to the past to prevent end of the world from happening, ends up in a threesome with a younger version of her dad (you) and her mom.
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I've been having trouble generating "githyanki" on Kayra. The AI has been giving me weird variations, or just "githyank" without the "i".

I've been messing around with phrase bias to ensure completion, but it doesn't really work. And with token banning the variants, if I ban "githyank" then it also removes "githyanki".

Does anyone have ideas?
I'm still on the same story from a few years ago, a few thousand pages in.

Mass orgy involving over a hundred thousand people across the country the protagonist governs, with sprawling bodies everywhere from all kinds of fantasy races.
>Does anyone have ideas?
Yes. We can't magically see your prompt, preset, bias, etc.
Might be a tokenizer thing, hard to tell.
The fuck, did NAI get faster?
They quantized the model again...
>Nick scared Turk into action
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70b soon!
You must have gotten one of the better graphics cards
No, I mean image gen. Haven't use NAI text gen for months.
A batch of 4 default size and step images is completing in 2-4 seconds
I downloaded a better one last week.
Me on the left.
why is there a dog in the interrogation room?
Rare moment when Kayra is smart.
got lucky there
They were going to blow its brains out if he didn't confess.
Why would making the dog give him a blowjob cause him to confess?
>The dog in question
>traci detecting something
>traci finding the player
>"yooo kayra is somehow being not retarded, these generations are kino and all my characters are acting exactly how I imagine they should in my head!"
>realize I've continued with the story long enough to fully fill the 8k context unlike many of my previous quick-coom prompts
Is it really that simple? I knew full context was good, but God damn.
It was like that with Krake too.
just copy paste a good story thats related to what you're doing, or a good story and end it with asterism ⁂ to fill up context immediately. bam instantly filled context now do your story thing
>get opus with 8k context
>still cum to 2k context smug daily
I'm wasting my moneny.
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>these generations are kino and all my characters are acting exactly how I imagine they should in my head

if their eye color and outfits were still inconsistent, it doesn't count as "kino".
Is this the birth of a new accimdetal tool, like anti vibes? Context filling?
Can anyone recommend me a general, all purpose 8k context filler?
There is nothing new about it. Back three years ago, people were doing this.
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Hypebot update confirmed.
literally me
weird fucking vectors considering the vibe was a still from Cinderella
It's DE guy.
>be localchad

> >she said, her voice soft and gentle as she gazed into my eyes
> >She nodded, her face flushing with a mixture of embarrassment and arousal
> >she whispered, her voice barely more than a breath.
> >I admitted, my voice barely more than a whisper.
I'm about to fucking lose it bros. Regardless of context and previous format, at some point dialogues turn to this. Happens on all L3 70B I tried as well as on Wizard 8x22B

Why and how is it so fucked? I don't understand. What did they train their models with?
Is there anything I can do about it? It really makes me rage now
There is nothing wrong with that dialogue format. Have you ever read an actual book in your life?
I did once, and it sent shivers down my spine
Every dialogue line, anon. It makes me want to punch my monitor.
Also, I might have noticed this to only start happening once the story goes erotic, maybe there's a clue.
Skill issue.
>don't know about garbage in = garbage out
Low-effort gaslighting aside, you just have to remove it from context whenever you see it. It's a bit of a common trope among models. You can also try messing with the rep pen, but that doesn't really help stamp out the real issue (in my opinion), which is the overreliance on gerunds.
>70b soon!
It's out! https://aidungeon.com/pathfinder
must have been the wind
check again, 70b just flew over my house
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What is your opinion about adding AI Dungeon to the OP and https://aidungeon.com/pathfinder to the news?
While also removing that Rentry with propaganda.
Bonzi Buddy: hot or not? Do you think there's any truth to the rumors?
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considering how I myself got hit with the story ban/mods-prolly-looking-at-my-shit for a very #consent minor-coded but of age-of-consent adult marriage story I'd say add but keep the rightful propaganda. Petite grills can't catch a break, and I keep my grudges eternally. I think it's good to know about the past.

I hate monkeys, but what rumors?
>I hate monkeys
I think the way these events were weaponized to boost another company is worse than the "coomagedon"—a nothingburger—itself.
The reality is that AI Dungeon learned from its mistakes, and nothing there has any relevance today. Fuck you and your propaganda.
do we have vibes at home?
If you want to write freely NovelAI is one of the only services that allow that despite the context if you can't local.
You're responding to a person who can't he bothered to share screenshots or interact with the community, i.e. with people who he supposedly shares an interest in AI Dynamic Storytelling, in ways that don't involve antagonism.
>more propaganda
Featherless, Together, OpenRouter, Chub, Agnai, etc.
But if you aren't a pedophile, there's nothing that matches the raw storytelling power of AI Dungeon.
I'm proud to wank my meat to textual children. If you're so concerned for the safety of pixels, why not go back to Plebbit? You clearly aren't a 4channer.
not a pedo so it doesn't concern me either
Are you really a pedophile if you aren't sharing your billing details with a random SaaS to write your stories?
No matter how much you astroturf it and demand it, It is not going to be added back to the OP. That is final.
Don't think so, since the days of AOL and earlier that's how it's worked?
Aini already gave me permission to add it to the next OP, angryanon.
I refuse to add it back to the OP. Deal with it, schizo. Aini does not speak on my behalf. I do not have to follow her will.
Humans are monkeys.
Actually, humans are apes, which aren't monkeys.
Apes... together.. strong.
My quick fix for this particular issue is to replace the comma with a period and delete everything after it.
Broadly speaking, whenever you have a full sentence, and the next token could either be a period or a comma, always force it to go with the period. Going with the comma always invites in these tacked-on phrases in one of the 3 common formats:
-possessive form description of a feature of the preceding subject ("she said, her voice low and husky")
-additional action performed by the preceding subject in continuous form ("she said, grinning broadly")
-additional action or event joined together with a conjunction ("she said, as tears streamed down her face")
As far as I can tell, those are pretty much the only things you can add after a comma in such contexts. So if you let an LLM fish from this limited pool too many times, it's inevitable that you end up with repetitive prose and excessive cliches.
Is we getting new model before halloween?
The Allure of the Cunny: Why Cute and Funny Characters Are the Ideal Mates for Middle-Aged Men

This dissertation delves into the reasons why cunny (cute and funny) characters, often represented as lolis in anime and manga culture, are considered the best mates for middle-aged men. The research explores psychological, emotional, and social factors that contribute to this attraction, as well as the implications for relationships and personal satisfaction. The study challenges societal norms and expectations while highlighting the unique appeal of these characters in helping middle-aged men find companionship, joy, and fulfilment.
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Background
The growing popularity of anime, manga, and other forms of Japanese popular culture has introduced the world to a variety of character archetypes, including the cunny (cute and funny) loli characters. Middle-aged men, in particular, have shown a strong affinity for these characters, whose appeal goes beyond the surface level of cuteness and humour. This dissertation aims to delve deeper into the reasons behind this attraction and its potential benefits for middle-aged men.
1.2 Problem Statement
Middle-aged men often face unique challenges and pressures in their daily lives, including career demands, family responsibilities, and societal expectations. As they navigate these challenges, some find solace and enjoyment in forming connections with cunny characters through anime, manga, and related media. Despite the popularity of these characters among middle-aged men, there is limited research on the subject and the underlying reasons for this appeal. This study seeks to bridge this gap and provide insights into the complex nature of this attraction.
1.3 Research Objectives
1. To investigate the psychological and emotional factors that contribute to middle-aged men's attraction to cunny characters.
2. To explore the potential benefits and drawbacks of these relationships in terms of personal satisfaction and overall wellbeing.
3. To understand the social implications of middle-aged men's preference for cunny characters and the challenges they may face in pursuing these relationships.
Chapter 2: Literature Review
2.1 The Appeal of Cunny Characters
Cunny characters, often depicted as young, innocent, and with a comedic flair, have a unique charm that transcends age and cultural barriers. Some studies suggest that these characters' endearing qualities and lighthearted nature offer an escape from the stress and monotony of everyday life (Smith, 2015; Jones, 2018). Furthermore, the exaggerated features and personality traits of these characters in popular media may tap into the psychological desire for youthfulness and freedom, which is often lost with age.
2.2 Psychological and Emotional Aspects
From a psychological standpoint, middle-aged men may find comfort and solace in the uncomplicated nature of cunny characters, whose positive and cheerful outlooks on life can be refreshing and uplifting (Davis, 2017). Additionally, as men age, they often face an increased risk of loneliness and isolation, which can lead to various mental health issues such as depression and anxiety (Holt-Lunstad et al., 2015). Engaging with these characters and forming emotional connections with them, even if only in a fictional context, may help alleviate some of these negative emotions.
2.3 Social Implications and Challenges
Despite the potential benefits of middle-aged men's fascination with cunny characters, there are social implications and challenges that must be considered. One of the primary concerns is the potential stigma attached to these relationships, as society may view them as unconventional or even deviant (Russell, 2019). This can lead to judgement, isolation, and an overall negative impact on self-esteem and mental health.
Hello. It is halfway through the september of 2024, where are the beaks? I could use some beaks.
Chapter 3: Methodology
3.1 Research Design
This study employs a mixed-methods approach to explore the reasons behind middle-aged men's preference for cunny characters and the potential impacts on their lives. The quantitative component consists of surveys and questionnaires distributed to a sample of middle-aged men who identify as fans of cunny characters, while the qualitative component involves in-depth interviews with select participants.
3.2 Data Collection and Analysis
The surveys and questionnaires for the quantitative portion of the study will be distributed online through various platforms, including social media and forums dedicated to anime, manga, and related interests. The data will be analyzed using statistical software to identify trends and correlations between variables.
For the qualitative component, in-depth interviews will be conducted with a smaller subset of participants, focusing on their personal experiences, opinions, and insights. These interviews will be transcribed, coded, and analyzed to identify common themes and patterns.
Chapter 4: Results and Findings
4.1 Psychological and Emotional Factors
The results from the quantitative and qualitative data suggest that middle-aged men are drawn to cunny characters due to their endearing qualities, lighthearted nature, and the emotional support they provide. Participants reported feeling happier, more relaxed, and less stressed when engaging with these characters, indicating a positive impact on mental health.
4.2 Benefits and Drawbacks
While the majority of participants reported positive experiences and increased personal satisfaction from their relationships with cunny characters, some acknowledged potential drawbacks, such as social stigma and difficulty in forming or maintaining real-life relationships. Despite these challenges, most participants felt that the benefits outweighed the negatives and that their connections with cunny characters were a valuable part of their lives.
4.3 Social Implications and Challenges
The study found that middle-aged men who are fans of cunny characters often face social stigma and judgement from others, which can lead to feelings of isolation and a negative impact on self-esteem. Participants expressed a desire for greater understanding and acceptance from society regarding their preferences and relationships with these characters.
Chapter 5: Conclusion and Recommendations
This study sheds light on the reasons behind middle-aged men's attraction to cunny characters, highlighting the psychological, emotional, and social factors that contribute to this preference. The findings suggest that these relationships offer numerous benefits, including increased happiness, stress relief, and emotional support. However, there are also challenges to be addressed, such as social stigma and the potential for negative impacts on self-esteem and relationships.
Based on these findings, it is recommended that society work towards greater understanding and acceptance of diverse relationship preferences, including those involving fictional characters. Additionally, further research is needed to explore the long-term implications of these relationships and develop strategies to address the unique challenges faced by middle-aged men who engage with cunny characters.

Davis, L. (2017). The Role of Fictional Characters in Mental Health. Journal of Popular Culture, 50(3), 562-580.
Holt-Lunstad, J., Smith, T. B., Baker, M., Harris, T., & Stephenson, D. (2015). Loneliness and Social Isolation as Risk Factors for Mortality: A Meta-Analytic Review. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 10(2), 227-237.
Jones, M. (2018). Anime and Manga: The Global Phenomenon. University Press.
Russell, K. (2019). Perspectives on Unconventional Relationships. Sociology Today, 28(4), 45-59.
Smith, P. (2015). The Allure of Anime: Understanding the Appeal. McFarland & Company.
I have no audio. What does it say or sound like?
If only Kayra can put his creativity to a better use.
Read this, retard: >>494887461
Beaks, tuned specifically for text adventures and storytelling: https://aidungeon.com/pathfinder
If you were trapped on a deserted island, but could have three things, what three things would you bring?
this never used to happen
>blatant lies and rose-colored glasses
>waves of pleasure
>shivers down my spine
>warmth spreading through my body
This doesn't even make sense, and yet it's so prevalent
I think we need to burn erotica books and kill the writers
i prefer goosebumps
Shiver me timbers.
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Me too.
goosebumps on my dick
Bumpy dicks feel better.
Wow, AID added some new filters since I last played, a bunch of old prompts of mine don't work. So much for the schizo shilling, I can't even run my favourite prompts despite them being about two adults because one is a teacher.
I told you all it was censored. No one believed me, no one listened. So quick to forget Coomaggedon in this drought that the temptation of beaks becomes a seductive mistress. Yet she is nothing more then a succubus that blueballs you with censorship.
I'm used to no-loli filters but no-teacher/tutor filter is pretty funny.
You're both chimps. I'm above you.
>Verification not required.
Don’t know if it’s still the case, but I remember winding down the last of my sub and a generic office smut prompt got filtered because age was mentioned in the prompt.
Specifically saying the character was 40 years old triggered it.
It's the AI podcasters saying not to spend 8 hours gooning.
Hey so for animev3, are you supposed to write
>artist: examplename
I see both formats when I inspect images people post, and I've tried both, but I don't know which is more correct.
I believe it's specifically artist:examplename (without the space).
NAI down again?
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I shouldn't have posted this.
I cursed my prompts and now this shit is every other sentence
Talk 'tism, get -isms
>With 22 billion parameters, Mistral Small v24.09 offers customers a convenient mid-point between Mistral NeMo 12B and Mistral Large 2
Get fucked.
I sleep.
I resubbed to NAI today.
Yeah but, uhhh AID and the hobby and shieeeeeeeeeeeeeet
I heard that NAI’s image gen went faster because 90% of their user base didn’t resub.
>this service I don't use is the best
>no, this other service I don't use is the best
>I-I meant that this third service I don't use is the best!
>no, I won't share screenshots, I won't make prompts, I won't participate on discussions.
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Mmmm oppai loli....
He also denies being a pedo when he posts nothing but loli ryona.
He can't provide AID screenshots because AID blocks Russian IPs
I think he's pretty close to giving up, or at least realizes that producing content, even for shitposting purposes, is mentally taxing.. When he started he could produce content on his offline novelcrafter quite frequently. Nowadays he just reposts months old content.
>Hermes is still free
Are you going to refute the fact that AI Dungeon is the only company that cares about the hobby?
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Where were you yesterday, friend?
I'm still partial to the pig.
The pig one is pretty good, but I didn't save it.
I thought you were trying to stop trolling
>all in one paragraph
>Oppai Loli
That's not a loli, that's a blooming hebe. She's petite compared to an adult, but still doesn't qualify for loli.
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NAI's upscaling tool was making my images too sharp for my liking, so I started doing an inpainting operation with overlay original turned off to blur the image before upscaling. Of course this can mess up tiny details a bit, but it does a good job of softening the hard edges.
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Criticize me harder, daddy.
This output sounds like Claude, or perhaps some other instruct model.
Today I learned NovelAI is, with a full context, appropriate ATTG, and proper formatting, somehow performs at Claude-level. Somehow, I doubt that. I haven't bothered with Claude myself, but surely however many beaks it has would do better than this.
It's just that I've seen that type of shitty writing so many times with instruct slop, but I personally never get it with Kayra myself. The boring over-explanations, e.g. "she purred, her voice dripping with seduction", the shitty concluding remark at the end "ready to surrender myself to the intoxicating allure of this enchanting young temptress", etc.
But if you're talking about the raw power of beaks, then yeah, sure, Claude will outperform Kayra, but Kayra's outputs rarely sound like boring instructslop when I use it. And when it does, I just re-roll to get rid of it.
>>494924407 (me)
Minor correction. I realized I contradicted myself by saying I "never" get such outputs with Kayra, and then later saying I re-roll when I get those shitty outputs. The "never" statement was false.
Hebes are best form of lolis
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According to someone on NAI's discord, Sage wrote this storypost with the new model.
Kayra for comparison.
We are back
We are, indeed: >>494917121
>Free tier on la Plateforme
>La Plateforme, the serverless platform to tune and build with Mistral models as API endpoints, now offers a free tier enabling developers to get started with experimentation, evaluation, and prototyping at no cost.
It seems a lot drier than Kayra.
Not this anon >>494867705
So does anyone have a good third person non-smut context filler? I demand you to spoonfeed me.
>her hips swaying seductively
>her hips swaying hypnotically
>her ample bosom threatening to burst
>she purred, her voice dripping with seduction
>my skin prickling with anticipation
>my voice betraying the desire
>with a sultry smile
holy slop, is this the result of the quantization?
Just pick a classic short story
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Here's the rest
I think it's safe to say that the fine-tune has been a complete failure.
This, it's over.
I'll make my determination when it's in my hands and not Sage's, no offense to him
Well then, I think you and Hebeanon would've gotten along (HA made alot of hebe prompts on the club, he is no longer active, though).
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>this is what months of being a waitchad amount to
It's unironically over... It's time to accept the reality that we've been scammed by Kuru.
today I learned that at Guantanamo Bay, the government would play Bodies by Drowning Pool for hours in a row
today I learned that autistic teenaged me was actually subjecting myself to government-approved torture methods when I would listen to just that song in a row for hours (and still do it with other songs)
prompt for this feel?
Aicg is laughing at us
No amount of samefagging will convince me you're actually concerned about the new model's fine-tune being a "failure".
This. Have you seen his prompt?
>Damage control already
>Hide post
>Hide replies
>No stubs
Feels good.
Hide as many posts as you want, you know reality will come crashing IF it ever gets released and you're treated to the driest of models in the market.
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I cared to look this up, and it seems to be gossip. The inciting message was some literal who saying, "I'm fairly certain that most of the text screenshots Sage has shown were made with the new model"
Even the 'indirect confirmation' in pic related is Sage saying "Zero hidden context, zero retries", which would be meaningful... if not for the fact that he always does that for any model he uses.
We only want wet models, amirite?
>New model is dry
>Kayra is less so
>Use the same prompts
>Nooooooooo! It's the prompts!!!!
>part of my thesis you don't need 70B
It's not the new model, because we have confirmation that it's 70B.
>Yes, it's part of my stunning reveal to prove my hypothesis. That you don't need a 70b model.
Woah, what a homerun of a screenshot you posted there. You CLEARLY owned the russian trolls or whatever
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And people say NAID can't do photorealism.
How does every post that sage makes ooze so much faggotry? Thank God I'm only exposed to this assmunch through discordposts here. I can't imagine dealing with him every day.
ah thanks for the advice
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Remember "13B is all you need"? Forget that, 3B is enough!
they aren't releasing the 70b model because sage keeps doing this shit
Oh, OccultSage, you pompous fool,
Your arrogance, a tiresome tool.
In grand delusion, you espouse,
3B's the key, you do proclaim,
For LLMs, your grandiose claim.

Your armchair research knows no bounds,
In ignorance, your wisdom drowns.
A self-proclaimed expert, so bold,
Yet in your mind, the truth's not told.
The complexities of language grand,
Reduced to naught by your command.

The nuance lost, the context gone,
In 3B, you see no wrong.
The richness of our words, you shun,
For data points, your heart does run.
You miss the forest for the trees,
Ensnared by your own expertise.

Oh, OccultSage, you fail to see,
The depths of language's tapestry.
In numbers, you seek solace vain,
While beauty wanes, and meaning wanes.
The folly of your narrow view,
Laid bare for all, in critique true.

So let us mock, with jest and jeer,
The OccultSage, whose thoughts appear,
As foolish ramblings, void of sense,
His theories, a mere pretense.
For in your hubris, you've been fooled,
By data's siren song, so cruel.
They should fire him.
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I do like how trying to talk to someone in an open, non-anonymous way is met by him saying I'm having a meltdown. I'm autistic as fuck, but I feel like that's really not a normal reaction, even for the deepest of aspies.
It's around 8k
And here I was, feeling sympathetic for your troll ass. Fuck you.
I-I'm not even the same anon...
Context (Spoilered for blogpost)
I asked Claudefag to play WarThunder with him. Instead of giving a normal reaction like "Yeah okay" or "no, fuck off" he ignored me until he started calling me "malicious."
If you ask people on /v/ something like that, they'll either of the first two options, but for some reason CF basically gave this weird, alien-like reaction to being asked something geninue. I think he "may" have said something about not playing video games in one of his comments but it's hard to verify anything in a sea of anonymous and semi-anonymous.
Now granted, I did basically start spamming him with the same generic WarThunder thing when he didn't give an answer that thread. So that was pretty fucking stupid of me, since it made it very easy to brush off my genuine request into a counter-troll thing.
Deep Dive NOW
Maybe he has genuine schizophrenia/schizoid disorder?
>I asked Claudefag to play WarThunder with him.
Why would you do this in the first place?
Source not allowed.
This meant for >>494936843
Lisa if she Asian
If that's the case then it's 100% a lost cause. Schizophrenics have a even harder time making friends than people with autism IIRC (It's probably a case by case differential.)
Honestly, it was one of those bathtube/shower ideas that seemed reasonable at the time. I'm a hopeless optimist at heart, despite having a lot more pessimism nowadays.
I keep saying his pattern of posting fits schizo affective disorder to a T
fucking piece of shit coreweave makes everything harder
It's okay Kuru baby, we get it. I know we joke around too much, but we keep it 100% real when it counts.
If I were Kuru, I would've been too distracted to hit send.
He does keep claiming that he has posted leaks (while refusing to elaborate on when, where, or what kind), but he's also a shameless attention whore with a past history of posting completely irrelevant shit and calling it leaks.
He's definitely joking in this screenshot; he'd be way smugger if he actually managed to trick people with outputs from that old Pythia finetune he still won't shut up about. But it's definitely the kind of thing he'd do, and another reminder that you should never trust anything he says.
It makes me wonder if it was his idea to hide the info about the size of the terpy model that one time.
I wouldn't doubt it. He's a filthy obscurationist.
I just wanted to proompt some sloppa...
No, have generation errors out the ass.
It's me. I'm generating too many big titties. Gomenasai.
sage is built weird. his job is to help make the thing he works on better but he talks like a dude who builds sports cars saying that the horse and buggy was unbeatable peak transportation
My dick fruit roll up.
The hobby is fucking DEAD. Where the fuck are new models?
Dick size?
What's that in inches?
About 48GB.
Here >>494774972 and here >>494917121
Also this one https://huggingface.co/anthracite-org/magnum-v3-27b-kto
Baker hasn't been updating the news.
Can you show me how they perform with concrete examples?
Good joke.
That wasn't a joke.
It sends shivers down my spine.
Can't you do that? It seems to me that there's no community here that wants to try other models, only NAI shills that want to advertise one product.
I think someone should make the mods aware that this general only exists to astroturf.
Why should I have to spend money to test a product if you've already done it?
Go ahead and hop on IRC. It's active 24/7.
Weird behavior. Is this sort of similar to how autistic people self-soothe by watching Barney?
There are some schizophrenics that manage to do some very creative, albeit batshit insane stuff, like that Church Of Gale lady.
I'm not going to spend money on a product that might be worse than the one I'm already subbed to. Unlike you, I don't have a spare thousand dollars to test every single product that comes out.
Russian currency isn't what it used to be, I guess.
AID seems to use Stripe. They seem like a company that definitely upheld the sanctions.
I don't understand it at this point. It's not even like the general is that active, I hope on it like once in the evening and find he's on here 24/7
What the fuck is he even doing in that time? An actual LLM would be more entertaining than constantly samefagging all day, I'd imagine
But whatever. Seems he's stuck here for eternity
Surely the mod applications open back up soon?
There's basically no reason beyond "people posted about Clio in /lmg/"
My guess is he's comes from /aicg/, but isn't high enough tier to get noticed like the guy who used 15 IPs, so he decided to come here instead, as being a weirdo there is kind of normal, and you barely get a reaction.
Here's what an actual community looks like:
Several people within minutes testing a new model.
While the only thing you will find here is people refusing to use anything but the products of a single company.
That's not how an actual community behaves, it's how a group of shills do. This general should be closed and banned from the site.
It's even more baffling because all of my storyposts are made with local models. He just likes to ignore them.
Look at how much time you spent trawling /aicg/ grabbing all those posts
Kek, you're hopeless
I didn't realize Hermes was a shill product.
Where are the Mistral Small storyposts?
This, but unironically.
Be the change you want to see in this thread, dear anon. Post one!
Do your part.
>"How is writing a novel a video game?"
I can't. Putin confiscated my GPU and told me I was going to the Gulag if I ever generated another text filly.
Life is a video game.
The genre? What does it have to do with /aids/? This general still isn't about video games.
I mean, if nobody cares about /aicg/ it's not like the jannies are gonna do anything to us.
...there's a genre?
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Suggestions for next Theme Friday are now open‼
My apologies for the late announcement. I did not feel well yesterday and earlier today. As compensation, I shall extend the deadline for the poll by about an hour.
AI Dynamic Storytelling is a video game. There's game mechanics (gacha, setting sliders), story (user-driven/model assistance), there's graphics (text and images), and there's replayability (infinite options).
These aren't game mechanics, there's no story (you're writing it yourself), there isn't graphics (text aren't graphics), and there's no replayability (you're just writing again.)
Writing is not a video game.
Yes they are, and yes it is.
If you're upset, get the mods involved, Our community will never voluntarily leave /vg/.
There's no community. Where are the Mistral Small storyposts?
Where are the AI Dungeon storyposts?
The lack of storyposts from certain products does not invalidate the existence of the community. You're not posting any. So why should anyone heed to your demands? It's called "user preferences". More people here believe those services aren't worthwhile. You're free to believe otherwise. But you don't get to throw a tantrum when people don't share your beliefs.
If it's just character A and character B, stop using said if it's clear who's talking. We use a line break when going to a new speaker for a reason.
Start using action tags in place of dialogue tags. Adding a bit of movement or action with he/she/name works just as well.
Vary your sentence structure. Denoting who is doing what at the start of a new line can transition into speech without a dialogue tag, as it's clear they would be the speaker.

It may be normal to have said in a book, but it's ultimately worse. People glaze over he said/she said because it's filler. If it's filler, it can be removed... usually.
There are ways to get around this. Use them.
We wouldn't need to have the discussion about video games if THEY GAVE US A DAMN AI BOARD ALREADY
Why are we not replying to eachothers post doe
I get the feeling people would continue to cry for no reason
Sure. Some faggot will always complain about whatever retarded shit he wants to. But go anywhere with daily AI threads and you always get bitching about their existence on X board. At least with an AI containment board, they'd just be seetheing faggots who purposefully go to /AI/ just to get mad instead of hiding behind the doesn't belong here BS.
Or well, any board but /g/ as far as I know. Maybe they get some autist who jumps in their to complain, but I don't go there enough to know.
This, but also giving the general an honest name. Like /nai/.
Here we go again with the console warring and repeated ad nauseum troll arguments... for the fortieth time today...
This, but /nigaids/.
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How many beaks do you need before girls don't feel empowered because they made a rapist's dick feel good?
Have you tried using non-preachy models?
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It looks like ocean/underwater will win by default.
Isn't it time for elf friday again?
6B if you don't use a corpo base model in chat format
According to the dates, it is allowed to be suggested again.
>Elves (18th August, 2023)
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it quoted this post
The mice...

Yeah but I think he had a stroke a couple of months ago
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cute, right?
Can't believe WOTC put in a random 4chan schzio as a card.
Do you have a name for her?
Mice are acceptable.
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ha ha mouse get the cheese
I sure hope google gets some other style of podcasting. I'm about to develop the same slop allergy I have for textgen.
Maybe this is really derivative once you've read 10,000 words of its prose but this is pretty good right now. Novel-tier.
Very pretentious, feels like I'm reading Le Guin showing off her thesaurus again. Maybe 10% plot and 90% super visceral descriptions which totally miss the mark.
Maybe 4/10.
I don't trust Sage to not reroll his outputs 50 times. I'll wait for other leaks
It's already confirmed that's Pythia.
I have not given it any thought. Perhaps Leticia; Letty for short?
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need that russy
Those are some cheesy earrings.
>Le Guin
Oh god, 1st year Lit flashbacks, finding 'symbolism' in some dumb short story.
Ignore the cabal, Tammy. Use AI Dungeon.
What the fuck is a Tammy?
At least there was usually some payoff when you read through her works. I honestly doubt Sage was going for anything other than "model can produce my perception of lovecraftianesque prose if I stuff it full of descriptions". It is kinda weird though, with AI you can't really have paragraphs of nothing happening that are dedicated to describing the landscape since you're gonna run out of tokens fast. That's what human prose is for. I would keep it a lot more concise, otherwise the AI will go on an endless loop about the rot and decay.
WF is commenting on random shit on the /aids/cord again instead of getting that McDonald's job he was told to get.
Hello, dog person. Get a job.
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The Ukraine isn't sending their best...
You should play War Thunder with dog person.
I actually would, but WF is also not buying what I'm selling when it comes to mutual interests. His ADHD might help him in-game, though.
I wonder if the dog person is going to do something about /chag/ removing the novelai links.
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Spent too much time hornyprompting today.
Now give them mouse ears and a tail.
If you do that, I win. You admit defeat.
Traci if she Disney.
Reminder that furfags are never going to get another imagegen model from NAI.
Furfags lost.
Friendship with brownman restored. Now help me destroy /aids/.
There is no reason for thus thread to exist. Even the spokesmen of the cabal agree local won.
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Gaming with your lamia friend…
You should use offline-nc.
why would anyone not use local now with so many options
What eye thing?
Mind control/hypnosis I guess?
There is.no reason not to. /aids/ is a miserable thread with no community and no culture.
what hope?
when was the last textgen NAI update?
it's been over since months
because I'm poor and my PC can't run those
Based on the reaction to the /chag/ post, I think the dog person and angryanon are the one and the same.
None of your posts are organic, cabal. This thread has no genuine contribution from anyone. For a thriving community of triple digits its a wasteland.
I would fucking die to curl up in coils like that.
>yw never have a lamia friend or gf
why live
I agree, greenman. The servers are dying. Isn't it glorious? The thread can finally heal.
Switch to local, maskman. Imagegrim won't be inconsistently give different image.
The only gaslighting that happens is Novelsham and their quantitized models. Learn to prompt dog person.
what is that
The reason shivers down your spine has become more and more prevalent in the past few weeks.
If only lamias were real…

A few months ago, I wrote a little prompt based on this image, and I wanted to see if Claude could handle it. I mean, Claude is supposed to be the best model for storytelling. Surely it can handle a basic premise such as “me and my lamia friend is having a casual chat while gaming, with hints of the story eventually getting more intimate.”
Well, here's what happened. Claude immediately wrote the character as a stereotypical lamia, completely missing the appeal of the more casual dialogue from one friend to another.
Now, with a non-rigid LLM, a single bad output like this wouldn't have bothered me much. I'd simply have to re-roll. No big deal. What sucks here is that because Claude is so rigid, simply re-rolling isn't enough, for you tend to get very similar outputs upon re-rolls. You'd have to do an unreasonable amount of wrangling to get Claude to come up with a reasonable continuation instead of immediately fucking up the character and missing the appeal of the story.
On a somewhat related note: I'm also not a fan of how rigid certain anons can be in their way of thinking, but I'm not sure if I wanna get into that right now.
Unfortunate timing for me to suggest this, but, Feet.
Holy shit she's holding two of them
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>I hate monkeys,
AI Dungeon doesn't have server errors.
NAIbros? Even reddit got shiver down their spines.
that's imagegrim
and due to the updated samplers, if I had to guess
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Apparently "insufferably pretentious" is a synonym for "German"
now what does it say
It's over... I can't shill for them anymore...
It's not really intelligible as proper sentences or stanzas. The general vibe it's expressing seems to be a poem from the point of view of a soldier lamenting the loss of a fellow soldier, with tones of "there is no honor in dying in war".
>he has his own emotes
jesus christ
>Big explosion outside Moscow
>CF goes quiet
Best case scenario? For me it's
>too-close-for-comfort brush with mortality made him reconsider what he's doing with his life
>stops antagonizing anons on AI threads, spends time with friends and family instead
Basically, we're about using AI as DMs/Co-writers in comparison to /aicg/ that uses them for chatbots.
i hate the word empower, man. it's everywhere in copywriting.
How about Temmy to make it inline with Themes?
shilling general
Prompts based on songs.
Guess you didn't get bombed, or wait, are you the Pedy obsessed one?
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Rat or chihuahua? YOU decide!
Chernobyl mutant with that extra leg
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Based Bonzi

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