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Previous: >>494796234

>Character Trailer - "Kinich: Fiery Pursuit

>Character Teaser - "Kinich: Business"

>Kinich Web Event "Saurian Egg Adventures" live until September 19

>Web Event "Off We Go to the Nation of Pyro!" live until September 24

>Current character banner: Mualani, Kaedehara Kazuha, Kachina, Xinyan, Bennett
>Current weapon banner: Surf's Up (Catalyst), Freedom-Sworn (Sword)

>Daily check-in rewards (permanent)

>Redeemable Codes (all regions): https://genshin.mihoyo.com/en/gift
>With Primogems
>Without Primogems
RNIF6H9394K8 (NEW)

>Useful Links (Wiki, Simulators, Maps, Character Builds, /gig/ friendlist, Third-Party Tools, etc.)

/gig/ OP pastebin (use this if making new thread):
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Why did Abyss anon leave us?
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Childe SOON
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For me, it's my beloved kekaposter.
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final results
not taking any more clears since I have to sleep now
t. Abyss Anon the Second
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based or cringe
I want to live with Neuvillette and mildly inconvenience him constantly
We are less than 24 hours away from me wasting all of my Xilonen primogem stash trying to get a single copy of Chevreuse.
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Mcdonalds soon?
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Nahida is really sexy.
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You guys said everyone hated Fontaine, what happened?
xq had yelan as a knock off
b and xl are still unmatched and will probably be like that until EoS
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chevy big love
>Region isn't even out for 3 weeks
>Already full of doomniggers eggies and other groups claiming the latest region was flop
Why do i even bother with this board? Yet i know the few times i post, which is on topic stuff, it kills their own generals, cords, twegroups and what else.
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>genshin impact ver 5.x
>mavuika releases
>xiangling STILL isn't dethroned for off-field pyro
how would everyone react if this is the case?
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who the heck is clearing this abyss with aloy but not with any of the characters on 0 clears?
>Neuvillette: 9
Was /gig/ really filtered this hard by chamber 1?
stop spamming ugly gook whores
How the fuck do you people get off to this shit, she looks like she's on drugs, being held at gunpoint, or both
>make the game so bad everyone leaves and only fans of shitstaine remain
fuck off retard, natlan music is the best so far, and I want different regions to feel distinct from one another
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>all that milk getting into her pussy
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>wah wah genshin fant-ACK
reminder (YOU), yes literally (YOU) the traveler, bring up Macross and minmay
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I'm not an incel, I'm a homocel.
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You guys said the manlets would never be censored? what happened? every male is censored now.
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Neuvgod here, I'm waiting for Kinich
I can finally run mono pyro (true)
>Fontaine was the beginning of the end for a consistent setting in Genshin
lol nope, the fatui were always at least equally advanced as fontaine
>Wanderer: 1
Where are all the people who insisted this horrible unit was good? Show yourselves.
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Less than 12 hours until 5.0 is saved.
>natlan music is the best so far
imagine being so dogmatic about such a shit opinion
CNbros fucking won.
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>no Furina & Mualani surfing event
oh well! at least we get an overturned ugly hag in rollerblades to buff the shilldragon! metaleks won!
Stop it.
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Dahlia exists and refutes your autism, plus we just got pitsluthos
>gaming: 0
So where are the niggas that said he was good
come back to me when these homos start wearing pants like proper men.
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>people living in or at least close to canyons/mountains/volcanoes
>rune engraving magic
>self-developed technology that is a bit too advanced compared to their surroundings
>STR based society
>Lively race that loves celebrating
Natlan is the Dwarven region of Genshin.
just saying it like it is, only region where the music is actually distinct and crash-kino instead of forgettable background noise like the older regions or arab dogshit like sumeru, contrarian-whiners should fuck off to wuwa if you hate it so much annoying fuckers
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every /gig/ poster this thread will get a clone of this ganyu cosplayer to fuck.
Xiao devoured Wanderer's usage after he became good. Even if you loved both, you have one Faruzan.
>Dahlia who isn't even out and will probably be censored
>Sethos whose design is way more censored than the concept art
You lost homo.
Wrong picture? There is 0 hype for that three year old character.
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>90% of the clears are seapags
Man you guys suck at this, abyss is less than 24 hours old.
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Yeah can't wait. I hope I'm lucky for once
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a lot more sovl than my slop at least
She already looks like she's been cloned too many times
>waaaah why won't everyone agree with my shit opinion
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Is there any chance Candace is on Xilonen's banner since she is the event freebie?
I am so close to C6 so I can unbrick her
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You guys said Lyney and Gorou would be censored too lmao, you'll be crying about males until eos. Dahlia will mindbreak you.
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>Furina Nahida Yelan Arleccino Xiangling

the 5 heavenly kings
Post the snap hutao abyss usage
Less than 12 hours until Kinich saves Raiden from embarrassment
Why must you add salt to the wound?
>only 2 males
>1 is annoying as fuck
>the other one is probably a 4*
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>if a region doesn't have ooga booga tribal chants or hip hop, its music might as well be background noise
HAHAHAHA found the nigger
This is the only place you'll see people crying about the OST. So that's how you know it's good.
>inb4 some schizo anon goes to reddit to cherrypick comments
He hasn't shown up in the story and will never show up again, he's basically censored.
You lost faggot.
Nahida is surprisingly high. What team comps was she used for in this Abyss?
You're on 4chan crying about a fun region instead of playing it. LOL!
I want to kiss him on the cheek and hug him really tight
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I did play natlan and its music is still dogshit
alhaitham spread, mualani vape, emilie burning, hyperbloom
why is euler way more polygonal
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Good post
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post something cute
Who's the mod on the right supposed to be?
I used Emillie and Neuvilette in my Nilou team lol
the crash themed soundtrack in natlan is pure sovl you fags should just fuck off to wuwa already and enjoy your xi jinchong or skibidi indian music or whatever you listen to
This is also one of the only places that just won't tolerate DEI. I'm sorry but your tribal noises aren't music.
Dehya feels awful to use with Mualani in overworld even with higher numbers.
I want to smooch Lyney
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Less than 12 hours until Kinich gets a Keqingmains guide and Emile is still the only genshin without one
The real losers are faggots fujos, and yuritrash, yumestacies will continue to get attractive males.
collei has better options
cyno is just bad
and the rest are irrelevant
>having this much of a melty over music discussion
not a good look natlan xisters
me and who in my teapot….
How do we stop Nahida usage in the abyss?
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>muh dei
You guys are such losers lol, you're just constantly offended SJWs.
the tribal noises fit the theme of the levels you stupid retarded slop semen slurping nigger

its not a melty its just tiresome when retards post this shit every single thread instead of deleting the game and fucking off
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When both sides are filled with Dendro Immune enemies.
Dehya has always been awful
Tribal region, uninstall if you don't like it culture war retard. You're on the same level of annoying as twitter trannies.
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Nigger, I was agreeing with you. I like the OST a lot myself.
Oh, so you're just a retard flinging out terms that you clearly don't understand the meaning of. It isn't 2016 anymore, tourist-san, random racism for the "lulz" isn't cool.
>disagree with me on this one point? delete the game and fuck off reeeeeeeeee
do you even realize how much of a sperg you are?
meant for>>494813628
Sayufujo take your meds YOUR EGGS can still be saved.
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Dehya carried my Neuv
I want to be his wife
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For me, Its Fischl!
there's a difference between disagreeing and spamming every thread with your dogshit seethe about the music not being to your troglodyte taste
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You don’t
Radish is eternal
I forget
I think her name starts with Ew
she's only there to proc burning. you are using nahida in that comp right? dehya+nahida was great for overworld vape with neuv as well. no nonsense easy vape setups. nahida e a group of mobs, walk up to them and dehya e, then mualani/neuv vape
We know neuvspic
You realize 4chan isn't "muh sekrit" club anymore right? maybe you're the one that needs to leave.
He's tired of faggots flooding the general with doomposting and useless complaining about a tribal region having tribal themes.
Because they aren't either you dumbass.
you literally started this discussion about natlan's music and are getting opposite opinions in response
this is not spam, just you being a sperg
Your Kinich status?
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He has a lot of smoochable parts
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>if you don't like Natlan's music you must necessarily want it to be white or Asian
Do Natlan apologists only know how to strawman or what?
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Robina my beloved
Happily Skipped
I've realized that a long while back purely because faggots like you who try to fit in way too much. It's especially glaringly obvious in a shithole such as this.
there's the same retard or two every single thread saying how much they hate the music, and you just know they're the types that would bitch no matter what they released, just an obnoxious type in every community
You're both retarded ngl fr fr no cap
Disastrous, I lost the 50-50 twice and got Jean and some generic surfer girl. Still rolling to bring home my boy
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Prefarming complete, artifact farming complete, now I just have to wait....
Literally have people like
who are complaining that the tribal region has tribal chants.
>guy uses a word that signals right wing sentiment
>all the twitter trannies come out of the woodwork to larp as neutral third parties who are sick of both chuds and troons
never forget how asspained some "people" on /gig/ got when the twitter boycott started and people posted screenshots of their tweets and made fun of them
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>dropping a nigger bomb while crying about racism
Chiori faggots once again proving that they're bottom feeding morons.
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My heart!
Nahida nilou Kinich alhaitham
The 4 heavenly royalty of dendro
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Absolutely kino
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Who is having a melty right now?
saying a word isn't racist
You might want to read the post that's replying to and how the Natlan apologist is calling music in other regions "background noise"
Easy skip
>if you don't side with chuds or trannies you're secretly a tranny
It's been so long since I actually won my 50/50, and thrice in a row at that. I think my account is just bricked.
People are just sick of annoying incels getting offended about every piece of media constantly desu
Seeing Chasca's detailed ass here really elevates the sad state of Dehya's pants.
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In a last desperate attempt fat xiao will make the natlan equivalent of 4ggravate with kinich, ifa, and ororon
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i thought the echo in the stadium was cool but then this happened
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Natlan>Sumeru>Fontaine (underwater)=Dragonspine=Chenyu Vale>Fontaine (it has amazing night and jazzy tracks though)=Chasm (surface)>Liyue>Inazuma>>>>>>>>>Mondstadt. Not gonna debate you on this. Feel free to disagree.
Whatever the dei music fags are yapping about
Yes, you have to be a retard to be a gamergatefag, I agree
dei shit is real but people complaining about muh niggers in natlan are genuinely retarded
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>respond to hyperbole with hyperbole
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someone on the art team really had a thing for tight shiny material when doing the natlan designs
Maybe reddit is more your speed.
>uhhh i actually hate both sides i am an enlightened centrist that is sick of this culture wars nonsense invading my hobby
>huh, you are asking why i only attack one side while i completely ignore r/gcj troons like >>494815489? uhhh none of your business
There will never be another 4ggravate
I care not for your website of origin.
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Sisters it’s our time to shine in the nation of war
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I haven't advanced the story progress since I finished Inazuma. I barely did like 2 hours of Sumeru gameplay and got bored at the Dehya time loop stuff.
I don't feel the motivation to continue unless I'm in a hurry for pulls, which will probably be the case for Himeko. Despite this, and basically doing no regional content (no elementculus collection, barely no side quests) I've been able to pull for almost every character I like and their weapon.
This is relevant because? Well here's the thing, /gig/. How the fuck do I get motivated to do all of this shit? I haven't felt a need to play Genshin Impact everyday all day since I pretty much finished Inazuma. The game peaked there for me and has gone downward spiral since. How do you do it? Am I just tied to forever being a sunk cost fag?
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As always
>/gig/ doomposts character to death and promises no one will roll
>first few abyss after release and /gig/ is full of clears using said character
>veteran chuds
>animu avatars

lol. literal basement dweller no lifers fighting a "holy battle" behind the safety of their monitor and the coating of cheetos crumbs on their finger tips. what a bunch of pathetic losers who will never amount to anything in their lives
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>mualani 30
>neuvillete 9
be proud /gig/ you are healing.
>venti 0
>cyno 0
Nice reddit response.
Is Xilonen shaping up to be better than Kazuha for Neuvillette and Furina?
perplexing, isn't it?
NTA, but it looks like a Thundering Furry team, which uses an EM Razor build with C6 Bennett, which is pretty strong even without C2R1 Nahida.
>why dont you call out these literal whos on twitter that were posted 2 seconds ago instead of the website you actually visit?
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>an entire year of /gig/ seething and being offended over Natlan's soundtrack
Gas all conservatives, they're always a blight on communities. Master race my ass, you guys cant handle hearing chanting sounds without having a mental breakdown.
Another wise post from Chiori
Mualani the team mommy
Kek what an absolutely pathetic existence
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Man, I just want to see cool dudes doing cool stuff like killing people and being heroes or villains.
If anything, people are just going to run them together since Xilonen can heal. Baizhu, Charlotte, you name it, are the ones losing their spot.
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Chiori coming back to Inazuma when?
Yes she will slot in as a direct replacement to baiz. Although she's touted as a replacement, she will also be used on the ultra high end with kaz to increase the games damage ceiling even further.
End your life Cris you fat fuck.
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27 more hours NA bros...
sounds like you need to take a break and return another time, if you have every char u want it should be easy, if I get bored of gacha slop dialogue I play space marine 2 or something these days, and when you come back you'll have the energy to keep up with it again
but sumeru AQ is really fuckin' boring, the cast is good but the plot is retarded and there's tons of dragged out filler and bullshit, fontaine is much better with furina's story arc being the last time I got emotionally invested in a genshin story
Furinas has c2 with festering and Nahida c0 with The Widsith. I had about 20 seconds left in the last chamber with Nahida dying mid fight, this abyss is just too easy.
>/gig has 100 people willing to post their abyss clears
there at maximum 13 real clears rest are inspect element recycles posted by the same 13 people
You guys shat on Sumeru and Fontaine too, you just like to bitch and people are sick of it.
>enlightened centrists begin acting like hot shit
>rest are inspect element recycles posted by the same 13 people
I thought this was an open secret? I submitted 3 fakes
It's literally in the region based off areas with heavy tribal themes, too. This complaining is absolutely retarded.
the smartest chaste in every case
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>3 weeks and 27 hours NA bros...

reminder that a fence sitter is a fence shitter
>/gig/ spends all of 3.x crying and saying the region sucks
>/gig/ spends all of 4.x crying and saying the region sucks
>it is 5.0 and /gig/ is already crying and saying the region sucks
Just drop the game you freaks
>You guys [headcanon]
You know, if you can't handle opposite opinions to the point it's making you lose your sanity, I think reddit might be more your speed. You can downvote people there.
Yes we need to scream NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NATLAN BAD MUALANI FLOPPED KINICH FLOPPED NEUVGODKINO every single day. That's the only discussion you are allowed to have in this general.
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I submitted TEN fischl clears
But I barely "play". I do dailies, and farm the character that I just recently pulled for. And the abyss and that other new game mode whenever they refresh.
I want to do Fontaine because it has the potential to be better than Inazuma in every department, but I want to get through Sumeru first. I'm just autistic and don't want to skip through shit, perhaps I'm just doomed.
Posting so I get one
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>neuvillette out of the ether
Reddit is thataway bub.
do we really have to wait an entire day from now for kinich on NA
thundering furry is bad at single target though
Yes Americucks like to watch
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wait why does the cheevo call sapho a guy
Watch Mihoyo cave and take the baby dinosaurs out of the abyss.
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First abyss since Neuv came out that I can't solo either side with him. Cyogunner on one side and a hydro phantasm on the other.
Weird that they would do that in an abyss cycle that's supposed to be shilling Mualani.
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>GODvillette out of NOWHERE
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>being annoyed by internet spergs poisoning game discussion with race/gender idpol and salesposting makes you a bad person
VOTE NOW!!!!!!
Absolutely zero chance Mavuika would ever fuck a guy with a dick smaller than 7 inches. Her ass is massive
What is wrong with her eyes?
Neuvillette was a mistake.
why not do 30min of the AQ a day?
still sounds to me like you're burned out, im like that these days but mostly cause i have a big game backlog to play before goin back to genshin

regardless 20-30min of AQ per day after u do dailies shouldn't be a problem
I genuinely hate dailies in gachas desu, monotonous bullshit gameplay that incentivizes keeping you constantly burnt out, at least in SR u can auto those bullshits away, there is 0 fun or gain from grinding the same domain 6 times in genshin
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>if you don't want the general to be a shitposting mess of the same retarded spamming from literal shitposting troglodytes, you belong in reddit
official /gig/ DEI poll vote NOW
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My fuarking HEROINES.
Based. Anyone who doesn't deepthroat Neuvillette is too straight for this thread and needs to leave.
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God that was a funny thread
Don't use my HERO Ajaw the mountain king for your shitposting troon.
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I submitted 10 Fischl clears already.
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Let me add my own answers to the poals.
i only vote in polls if there's a yaoyao option
it is genuinely awful
only shit slurpers can say about it is that its unique but that doesnt change the fact that it is awful
Every natlan female needs to show feet I want to see Mavuikas feet!!!!
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>Join a trounce domain
>Kirara says she's C3 so her shields should keep us alive against the dendro boss
>I try to say that I know their pain because C4 is really strong
>C4 is a censored phrase
>Look like a psychopath
>the person seething over others disliking natlan music is none other than esotericsunsent
LOL of course its him
never forget how excited he was for playable tall male xbalanque so he finally has something to self insert as
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Man you really are good at disguising the fact that you simply want to silence people who disagree with you, huh?
Reminder that this all started because a couple anons said they didn't like Natlan's music. Nothing more, nothing less, and you're still projecting all kinds of insecurities on them.
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its literally impossible to be a libertarian after 21 years of age, unless you were dropped on the head
t. enlightened centrist trump supporter
I like Sumeru and Fountain, but I'm not too fond of Natlana.
Maybe different people dislike different things have that crossed your mind?
Reddit, bluesky, gamercirclejerk, these are all places where you won't get triggered xister. /gig/ does not care about your feelings.
>poal schizos are here
That's a decent approach I suppose. Star Rail is in fact much better for burnout periods, because daily farming isn't as cancer as it is in Genshin. And the feeling of just dropping Genshin and losing potential pulls for whenever new character I like drops feels awful. I do play other games frequently though, it's not like gachas are my only options.
Thank you very much, I will try that.
>calling people trannies while acting like women who complain every day about every little thing
youre already on your way to passing xis
why can't irl pedos look like this...
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So true
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Does anyone know who the artist is for this?
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who is that
how can u tell it's him
Almost certainly a mistranslation.
For me, it's Iansan
Most /gig/gers don't even play the fucking game lmao they just watch streams. It was blatantly obvious when people were spreading misinformation about Fontaine's archon quest from hearsay.
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god i love this german PAWG
I look like that...
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mualani is a vape charcter so having a pyro party member is pretty much a given.
People just want the spam to stop lol
This isn't some crusade, just stop playing the game (if you even play it) if Natlan makes you this upset
i really need to make a jean team someday. dont know who else to put besides furina.
I like when the dandelion tights are open on the side.
if we were genshins I think I would probably be a pyro user, or maybe pyro+electro because I'm special
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>Space Marine 2
Chuds said it was woke until it came out and was good lol, same story over and over
There we go again with the "stop playing with the game if you disagree with me!!" lol
There is no spam, you are simply mentally ill.
unironically truth bomb post, if you hated the last 2-3 regions that much n all their content why the fuck are you still playing, freaks is apt
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i've browsed through posted clears and plenty of mualani on both sides. maybe you're just bad at the game bwo
go away twitter cuck
no one said anything about you getting banned for being an annoying faggot but you get your panties in a twist when people call you what you are lmao
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>Average day in the Fortress of Meropide, inside Wriothesly's office, doors locked.
>Wriorinde, one of the ships that /gig/ itself also accepts as canon
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Good Morning,
Friendly reminder that Furina is for you.
uh oh watermelon melty
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uh oh poalcel melty
a mentally ill black (by his own admission) incel that regularly shits up /gig/, his twitter account got exposed like half a year ago when he became a minor celebrity on genshin twitter because he would publicly virtue signal about evil incels sexualizing his waifu raiden while secretly commissioning porn of her worshipping black dudes or getting embarrassed of his smelly feet
just look up esoteric sunset on the archives if you want to have a laugh
Miss Chiori supports DEI
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Make me bwo
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I, the only real Fischlposter, did not submit any clear.
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>shit up the thread constantly for days regarding how Natlan tarnished the "art direction" of Genshin with constant seething over the music, graffiti, etc.
>"There is no spam about our hate for Natlan."
>sigewinne has kamera in there somewhere
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130 pounds of pure hebe sex
Idk what you're even talking about but like I said, reddit exists to accommodate people like you. You had a meltdown over people telling you they don't like Natlan's music in a discussion you started yourself.
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>commissioning porn of her worshipping black dudes or getting embarrassed of his smelly feet
okay this is too funny to not look up, i'll do some archiveschizoing later
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Will there ever be a Genshin more for (You) than Navia?
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Even though I agree with him, you posting it seem like such a shill post kek, I don't mind btw just thought it was funny.
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Just returned from my Natlan vacation to avoid spoilers
What is /gig/ seething about this time?
Sucrose is the actual GOAT girl to cosplay.
I'm still broke even with this ley line event why didn't they buff the drops for WL9 FUCK
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Yet another easy abyss.
Abyss chart always shows that homospammers are just a loud minority that don't even play the game
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Then I will submit 5 additional clears on your behalf.
Can someone give me a QRD on who any of these people are
watermelon BROKE you
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Isn't that a bit fat for a 14 year old? I mean if she was pregnant I would understand that extra weight.
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I'm the one that started calling out the anti natlan music spammers itt and i'm white, straight and male

so not everyone is your schizo boogeyman or whatever, your lots' spam seethe is just getting old thats all
It shows that gays are in the first world, thats a SEA chart
All male except for the cheldwhore
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wtf paimon is based?
>someone tells you they dislike Natlan's music
I'm starting to think the anon calling you EsotericSunset might be right lmao
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TCGcucks, please give me a rundown on how to use
>frost Operative
>Hilichurl Rogue
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Actual proper poll of /gig/ demographics
You can stop posting in /gig/ any time.
reminder that the only reason natlan's music got called "ooga booga tribal chants" ITT is because esotericsunset started it by calling other regions' music "background noise" but he won't admit that
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I notice that there is always at least 1 Aloy clear. Bless that anon.
>if you bitch about skin color why are you still playing lol?
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Pregnancy is so hot, I wish that a baby didn't have to be involved.
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Nice try, everyone knows that I, the real Fischlposter, would never do such a thing
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So if you guys hate Natlan why dont you stop playing
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how do I do this?
when I try to swim in the lava my dinosaur dies
Nice argument retard.
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Melon WON

Cope and seethe
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Wrong dinosaur retard
You need to use the blue swimming dinosaur
or Mualani
natlan really does have the best music of all the regions so far though
You need the hydro one
dig into the wall
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She looks heavy compared to the others
You have to go and dig on the walls and crystal. Have fun it's my favorite local legend
Go on the wall dumbass
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>/gig/ would prefer to reset for hours to try and force a non Neuv clear than just rolling him and clearing with ease
What kind of mental illness is this?
>he remembers twitter trannies by name
I think you're a chaser in disguise
if you a nigger with no taste then yea
>No one likes the scarafags
I hate them/they/xe/xhe too
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If you think the music in other regions was "background noise", then why didn't you stop playing back then?
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Is Level 4 the max level?
I voted cheldsis just cause she posted her saggy tits
>no Eurasia option
...on opposite day
only know cheldsis and the alhaitham poster
who are the others?
Do you remember love?
BASED zhongli
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The tribal chanting sucks but the Natlan trumpet songs/chill piano songs are really good
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Cute rebuttals.
im not even that anon and i think their post was retarded too

i just hate doomniggers shitting up the thread every day since 5.0 came out overblowing natlan's flaws.
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>/gig/ is arguing again
Please stop, we're only a few hours away from the start of the McDonalds collab. We should be happy and excited...
Because nobody cares about books existing in Inazuma. It's not nearly as setting-destroying as DJs, Turntables, electric speakers, etc.
Just some posters, they aren't exactly a personality just yumes and fujos of said characters
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Sumeru has the best soundtrack. Natlan is very good though. Remuria and Enkanomiya are close to the top too.
MEANT FOR>>494813505
Okay. Natlan's music is still dogshit.
i've never seen any of them so i don't really care
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music isn't everything, Natlan is simply the first region where I don't play my own music while exploring vs listening to the games'
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How do I do this?
When I try walking on lava my Furiner dies.
>euros are rightwingers and americans are leftwingers
The lava does dmg by % of health so if you have a low lvl character you can survive with Furina
i like natlan's ost more than liyue's. liyue's puts me to sleep and so does inazuma's to an extent.
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My country isn't listed.
I saw one Gaming clear like 10 hours ago. He just didnt reply to abyssanon post
There are spergs ITT telling anons to uninstall because they don't like Natlan's music. Why the double standards?
Yes, but there are 6 tribes to max out.
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bro your her husband?
I don't mind it, but the rest of the Nathan looks like a shithole compared with the modern shit they have. I just think it doesn't mix that well.
You should stop that
Can I just get 1 fucking event with these 2 together
except its not just the music, the people complaining about the music complain about every single thing in natlan, see >>494811345
why the fuck those doom niggers are still playing this game and haven't fucked off to everyone's benefit is the real mystery
>not doing the 3 fatui niggas while this is playing
The reactions to Natlan's music are much stronger than just calling it "background noise", so it's not a double standard to think people should uninstall in one situation but not the other.
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[GREAT NEWS] I like Natlan's music.
I hope not, that would be so fucking boring
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It's over nobody is buying muttlani and muttchina
Complaining about a tribal region gaving tribal music is still retarded thoughbeit
>You aren't African shut the fuck up
Suid-Afrika broers?
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I mostly talk to real posters anyhow. If you ever feel like replying to a troll, grab a fry and eat it instead.
[Sad News]
/gig/ is arguing over natlan's music AGAIN!
the reactions are very mixed and the thread is NOT happy.
>it's true
I kneel to GODvilette once again.
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Is Kazuha really that good as metafags say? It will take sometime until Capitano I want a new character...
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I like cute
Why does everyone call cliff murals "graffiti"?
Bring Barbara and Kokomi it will stop Furina from dying.
I haven't listened to natlan music because I've been playing with my own music in the background since Fontaine release...
Natlansisters, our response?
I see you're dishonest as ever.
There's nothing retarded about saying you don't like tribal music. It's a matter of taste.
urbanites that have never left their rat ghetto
Get Xilonen instead.
What's dishonest about that?
>Arleccino can't fly over it
>Neuvillete can't
this wasn't an accident, or a natural interaction, this was fucking planned
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Females don't sell
It's almost a must have for Chelde/Ayato players desu
natlan shouldve had spanish conquistadors instead of just tribal ooga boogas
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>yes I like natlan music, how could you tell?
only you would be excited about the mcd collab fatty
New Zealand?
would you take an injection into your ass from her?
Yume sisters are too powerful...
Because it literally looks like graffiti.
i think you mean remuria with its generic lofi tranny shit
Its just retards who like to complain.

They will spam the thread with bullshit whining and then backtrack and say they're just expressing their opinion when people tell them they're being annoying.
Reddit and twitter both like Natlan's music. Its only 4chan that doesnt.
you are still holding on to headcanons based on leaktrannys trannying around with concept art
I flopped so goddamn hard...
Why does arle get hit and neuv doesn't? They both fly over water the same way.
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the empty shelves clearly kinnich right?
Finally, we return to the roots.
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Not enough Yumedanshis out there to be honest
I want to see guys drawing themselves with their waifus honestly
Both examples are exactly the same thing. Some overly defensive anons are convinced that disliking one particular aspect of an in-game region makes you an enemy of the game, whatever that means, and they belong on reddit where silencing people using downvotes is the norm.
[good news] McDonald's collab coming soon
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>amerifaggots are the annoying woketards
every single anal wormer has flopped and you know it
I'm 4chan and I like it
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Why do I miss someone I have never even met so much? It's not fair.
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what if I want mcdonalds right now
Neuv floats on a charged attack.
Arle dashes.
Mualani does it with her E skill.
>american pedos posting pictures of real children for their fetish
What is wrong with them?
The white girl looks really sexy
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We love twitter memes
You guys sure think about interacial NTR a lot
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Nahida is for cute
Why are her legs so white smooth and shiny, skin-tight tights?
Alright so I can get the compass in this version, nice.
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Wait a minute, why did she show up to say goodbye when she was already in Natlan and left her mark on the cliff?
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Time to have fun Physical KINGS
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You forgot to take your meds.
>expecting your average brainrot /pol/tard to genuinely care about music in the first place
Reminds me of that one anon who posted Maidens of Sanctity, a song that has nothing to do with arabs, and said it was his favorite Sumeru track, and then some pol/tard/ started seething saying it was muh mudslime music just because it was from Sumeru
We love children here
That's a good point, there's no illegality or unwilling property owner or anything, it's not even on buildings. Just community paintings on cliffsides that everyone's on board with. The game just calls it graffiti for some reason.
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>"w-we're not spamming! d-dumb redditor!"
>proceeds to spam random images because xhe is just that triggered
>it was muh mudslime music
Oh you mean like the Natlan defending retard who was crying about "Arab music" earlier?
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Yo, my Jean heals 14k with her burst. Is that normal? Talent Lvl 8.

>unironically putting Natlan music above everything else
I know you faggots have no taste but goddamn.

that's me, I just hate arabs and everything to do with them
other minorities are alright
it's unironically a black raidenfag behind the spam so yeah
I too like to doompost all day like a mentally ill person
next poal poster will die of sudden heart attack tonight
and now he's switched to falseflagging as the sparklegod
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I can see it... this thread is going poorly
I want to fuck Yaoyao in the ass
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Strong babies
Healthy babies
A dozen just to start!
>guy makes fun of him at every opportunity and tells him to lick his feet
average /gig/ger cuck
>some white Mavuikafag (>>494817842) says he's the one that called out the retards
>"i-it's muh b-black boogeyman!"
I mean the funny sparkle poster (there are several)
Still no limited 5* claymore hebe in Genshin.
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>Kinich's demo music is actually from Honkai Gakuen 12 years ago

wtf bros? Did they fire their music department as well? Why do they need to resort to copying music from their other games??
stop raping kids
>exposes her pits to signal she wants some intimate fun
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Heyo, Pakaa Pakaa!
LMFAO waifufloppa schizo was right
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yelan has a bubble butt
>[thing] don't sell
at what point this place is gonna say "genshin don't sell"
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Everyone has seen his gf there, pal
honkGOD WARPED you
What if it's one girl buying all the Kinich
Everyone saw Mualani yes
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The whole point of the trailer is to show off retro aesthetics, so why not use music from one of their own retro games?
i've been saying it for most of floptaine
I got him a few days ago, he's only level 40, talents at 2 and some mediocre artifacts on him and he helps my lyney so much. Definitely a great choice if you want more supports
kinich is so weak wtf
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That makes it even more soulful, nice backfire
I regret rolling Naganohara Kinich
I am most definitely not sexually attracted to children.
Yes but he's getting powercrept in 3 weeks. Don't fall for the bait. Kazuha came out 3 1/2 years ago and is being replaced in 3 weeks. You can and should wait.
>sit on archon throne
>no achievement
Fucking soulless
chartGOD here, I am ready to go to war today
Kinich won.
Okay genshin fan
so, why haven't you deleted the game and fucked off 'yet?
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Holy fucking Kino
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Sorry no amount of meta could get me to roll for a brazillian prostitute
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embarrassing display from the natroons
called other regions' music "background noise" and "Arab music", then spent the past 150 posts crying and acting like victims as people merely responded
just like minorities IRL...
you will never be white
Fontroon melty
why do i need to delete the game after acknowledging genshin flopping slurpbro
Minorities really do act like this...
This is a top 5 demo, its so soulful
How am I supposed to clear this garbage? There are no crystals left
idk that sounds like a remix of a toho song but am too lazy to look more thoroughly
correct, I'm blue
because you spend your days shitposting about, doomposting and (allegedly) playing a flopping game you don't like, you mentally ill freak
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Final poll
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I like the naked version.
>because you spend your days shitposting
source? also you're delusional if you think it's only a few doomposters slurpbro
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Neuvillette wants a HP goblet with the new artifact set, right?
there's this really akward part where you have to go up on the last spot to find more crystals. the camera is shit in this mode so you wouldnt have spotted them.
just give me 1 reason why your retarded autistic brain hasn't uninstalled this game 'yet after spending a whole region patch bitching about it
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Reminder that your BP should be around level 50 by now, and if you're planning on rolling on the new banner tomorrow, you should first buy the paid version of the BP first for better RNG.
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embarrassing display from the seapags
complained about a tribal region having "tribal chants", then spent the past 150 threads crying and acting like victims as people called them annoying for it
just like chuds IRL...
you can read here.>>494820893
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Your pussy is beautiful, anon.
Mauvika, shut the FUCK UPPPPPPPPPP
what the fuck does that even mean... it doesn't answer why you're still playing a flopping game you don't like, is this ESL shit or something
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cringe falseflag
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I'll get Kinich and treat myself to McDonalds.
If tribal chants fit Natlan so well then why does it have DJs and bikers? Checkmate.
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>co-op Furina players
sovl levels have never been higher
im a yume who hates chuds and troons do not slander me
what's stopping I don't know, zhongli, from taking the natlan trials and becoming both the pyro and the geo archon?
it means I don’t need to delete the game to say it’s flopping slurpbro. what part of this doesn’t read like English to you
Shitnazuma losted bigly
>the Mualanifag is the Mualanicuckposter
Why are you like this?
>usual viewers just watch it once, think it's either bad or cool, and then move on with their business
>those who like him might just listen to it non-stop
>this ass just spent hours looking for any form of plagiarism, only to be copied from an older hoyo product
If this ain't RENT FREE, I don't know what is
He's utterly senile
goddamn that was an easy abyss
bring on the hp increase
but why continue spending your time interacting with a game that's supposedly been flopping for the past dozen patches?
he isnt from natlan
>only people from natlan can participate
is this retconned later on? I didn't finish the AQ
oh no no no furina bros...
It's a mix of tribal and urban
Just listen to your average children of echoes track
because it could improve slurpbro. do you get upset the people that shit on the new ff14 expansion haven’t quit the game either
Honkai Universe baby
List of 5 star Genshin Characters that have no clothing line

Eula Lawrence
Sangonomiya Kokomi
Arataki Itto
Kamisato Ayato




Furina de Fontaine

Navia Caspar


Arlecchino (Peruere)



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Retarded pickme
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Die monster!
Only people from Natlan are allowed to participate in the tournament to be part of the Night Kingdom raid team, we don't know what are the conditions for Archonhood.
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I just picked on at random.
Bring a second healer if you know they're never going to switch to Pneuma
as expected fontaine will become the fan favorite region in 7.0+ and the poomeru slurpers will move to defending it as vehemently as their shitskin region rn in 4.0 and 5.0
meant for >>494821512
Why would a bunch of fujos defend anything but the fujo region?
is Dehya good enough for Mualani?
This is the cutest furina art I have ever seen. Wow.
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Holy fuarking SOVL.
Yea it's pretty obvious he's the dev pet this year, act 1 and 2 were just them being nice to waifu players before the real shilling begins
It's hijacked for cuckposting, midwit
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Traveler can only be a cheerleader for that reason. They need Natlans to be competing since it generates the flame to fuel the fire
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C0 Xilonen,C0 Chasca and all in Mavuika
this picture is so incredibly trans-coded
post your tits again for the incels pickmesis, its the only way you can get attention right?
who am i trying to get picked by retard i just hate both of you
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Yeah I dont know what I was thinking
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On one hand Fontaine women
>Shrill harpies who constantly screech about everything
>Laze around all day eating macaroons and shopping
>Refuses to cook or clean, sees it as devaluing women
>Can't wait to divorce you so she can scramble for half your net worth
>Seethes whenever she sees a Liyue woman
>Thinks being loud and rude is a 'personality'
Natlan women
>Dirty brown skin, filthy and smelly
>Diet consists of fried fowl and valberry juice
>As a result most of them are obese
>Violent and confrontational
>Will raise your kids to have them all turn out as criminal gang members
finally Liyue women
>Fair skinned jade beauty
>Warm, gentle, loving, dignified and submissive
>Amazing at cooking and cleaning
>She knows the rightful role of a wife is to support her husband in everything he does
>Will raise your kids to be high achievers in academics and they will all turn out to be doctors and lawyers
>Her existence never fails to make Mondkek and Flopshit women on gig seethe
You will make the correct choice right gig? Liyue women supremacy.
(You) are incredibly trans-coded
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>return to their roots
>the fucking do it
>TCG in this general
You would have better luck in l3ddit. This hole hates anything that isn't endgame
sounds to me like theres not much hope left if all of fontaine flopped + natlan is flopping, might be best to just cut the losses and uninstall at this point n give wuwa a try
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for single target and for the overworld, yeah
I want to believe that you know what the words "tribute" and "reference" mean in this context...
No I'm not.
My problem is usually the opposite, they stay too much time in Pneuma even when no healing is necessary
Even a Barbara would be more useful since at least she applies hydro
Based if true
Kinich will be a Caspar though
nah they seem to be trying with some of the natlan changes so I’m waiting to see
Kinich is literally natlan kazuha/neuvillette
I'm amazed /gig/ hasn't realized yet
I'm not, I just have a lot of trans friends, ask any xisters itt, how trans coded is this image >>494821774
I'm willing to bet they'll say a lot, trans niggas love wearing stuff like that lmao
any xisters back me up?
Snezhnaya has a chance to be better than Fontaine, since the atmosphere can't be anything but serious
Yes especially if you have c2 dehya
where’s his shilling?
/gig/ will bitch about the region regardless. I expect this place to hate the writing and exploration like they do every nation.
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If you post more cats the thread will be better.
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Yet another easy abyss for the strong
I'm sorry for being gay...
Kinich has done absolutely nothing in 5.0, and appears to do nothing in 5.1 so no he isn't. Only Oroworm and Xbalanque if he's not just a flashback lore NPC have the potential to be as bad as Neuvillette and Kazuha.
wanna frot?????
Is mualani C2 good?
I pulled her and managed to get c1r1 and shes really fucking fun.
Fontaine is already a fan favorite of all women with low standards
wanna fuck?
>You would have better luck in l3ddit. This hole hates anything that isn't endgame
I've gotten responses before, and nerds still talk about it here from time to time. So I'd disagree.
Not as much as when the tourneys died, but hey.
But do you have any ideas? I ran Frost operative with the consecrated beasts but it only really worked with stacking the DoT effect with BoL's.
im a guy but i would wear that
>injured self and lost in the pilgrimage
>apparently died and resurrected before therefore skill issue
>tried to defend his Archon, but she just gestured for his 2-handed sword (because she knew he sucks)
>got delegated into looking for Capucchino, contributing to nothing for the rest of the AQ
Really? Cheld is more competent than him
Why does Kinich's demo have more likes than Mualani's already
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>she just gestured for his 2-handed sword
Speaking of which. Where is Mavukia's weapon? What does it look like? Why didn't she have it with her?
It's okay venti you're still my archon regardless
He's simply more popular than Mualani.
because its good
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>Kachina's finishing move is this
>her ancient name means resilience
>she's not one of the chosen heroes
>there's going to me an empty Archon slot
Fat Xiao has a chance to reach levels of kino never before seen...
Yumes are much more powerful than waifufags
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*munch munch*
it's more of a fun constellation than anything, you don't have to surf over the enemy as much, only once on the first bite and twice on the next two bites (each puffer give you a stack)
Why are you here instead of playing the game?
It's a good demo and the playerbase is probably tired of genki girls
Because this game is played by tons of teenage girls and most of them like him and watch those videos, waifufags aren't always into watching them as much as you might think
I wonder if that earlier image of Mavuika using some ugly phlosition energy sword was true
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AJAW IS BROWN?!?!?!?!?!??!?!??!??!
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fat fat obese fat
because he's a better character, time to cope
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You haven't forgotten your meido, have you?
It's only 10 minutes, dumbass. Already done with it already
>if you have c2 dehya
C1 and hoping for a stroke of luck...
Kazuha did nothing until the last Act though
Uh oh mualanitroons are coping already
No, he's a yellow furry instead
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what could have been...
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Liyue women are the best kissers in Teyvat. Don't believe me?
Lips are greasy from all the fried fowl she eats. She doesn't brush her teeth like the filthy savage she is.
Breath stinks from garlic and butter. An absolutely disgusting experience.
Lips are perfectly soft and supple. Her breath smells amazing thanks to her diet of rice and tea.
Liyue women supremacy.
tbf kachina would probably be better but I haven't built her, and I like chiori
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You're still not strong enough to beat me
>straightest character in ages with fertile hips ripe for impregnation and a sweet heterosexual personality
>bbut you're troons if you like her!!
You have a sickness
it's an alt color
I just finished Act 2... was that voice/traitor speaking to capitano Ororon?
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Ahh thats what I thought it was but wasnt sure.
I like how satisfying she is now, the chomp chomp chomp BOOM is nice. Id rather not get a constelation that changes that, even if it is good.
Thanks bwo.
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So now that Kinich is confirmed honkai certified and is rerunning with Raiden, he is eligible for tiktok hours
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>her diet of rice and tea
Anonchama do you even play this game?
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BP isn't even going to get me to pity...
Diet of rice and tea would make you extremely feeble while Mualani's protein diet would allow her to have no issue birthing dozens of kids and being plapped and throwing it back

While Liyue women would just starfish
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I haven't, but Hoyo sure seems to have...
Raiden will have to carry Flopnich all by herself...
Muttlani was a failure, sorry you had to find out this way
>straightest character in ages with fertile hips ripe for impregnation and a sweet heterosexual personality
Hmm... Clorinde has better hips than her, just because she wears more clothes doesn't mean she isn't sexier
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Unlike that dirty brown Mualani, fair liyue beauty keka brushes her teeth after every time she eats
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how exactly does magoo kenchi work again?

cruise controlled through f12 11* w/ hyperbloom flex(arle) first half, and bwehden hypercarry second half... except for 12-2, because at some point while I was rotating on big robo samurai man I just... stopped dealing damage, he was standing there and all (I know the thing where he leaves the transparenty green "shadow" because he actually teleported his physical body somewhere else in the arena; but like this time it was just the physical body standing there and not taking damage (because he did the usual 'leave the shadow' and teleport real body away thing later in the battle) is this just like an iframe mode transition or something? (I got jean to C2 since last abyss run and that's been doing fuckin gangbusters on my /furina/yelan/jean backlin hypercarries, and so I was *kinda* expecting to 1-rotate this guy since I'm 1-rotating things I was previously 2-rotating)

would post the battlechronicle thing but it hasn't synched yet
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>he didn't know
Chevy couldn't carry Raiden and Yoimiya last time, what makes you think Raiden is magicially going to carry someone again?
Retard here
So I dont want to apply hydro after I use xiangling so I can vape with Mualani right?
How does that work with kazoo? Do I want to use his burst / VV for hydro or fire then? Im assuming I want to do it for hydro since thats 90% of the damage, but doesnt that overwrite the fire?
He has a nice voice, shame about his plain design
goes invuln at 70% for a little while, it's that annoyingly simple.
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I understand him getting Mualani and Navia wrong on purpose, but getting Keka wrong is unforgivable for a supposed Liyue Woman Loyalist...
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porky love
Chlorinde is cuck bait, Mualani is 100% for (you)
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>Mualani is 100% for (you)
>Mualani is 100% for (you)
Lmao what ?
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100% for Lectoure you mean.
He has iframes and if you aren't using a shielder, you should also use your own iframes to escape his main attacks to stay close to him. I think the main one is when he levitates to deal a big cryo damage. Though it's easier said than done since I'm always a little rusty at first after not having fought him in ages.
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Mualani is for Kachina
wtf she has customers? GODDAMN SLUT
both are dykes
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This has to be either fake or satire, like, that's such a shit idea that it can only be bad on purpose
Unless you're terminally online and already have a stance on the whole "boycott", then it tells you fucking nothing, other than apparently something with a stupid name going on from the 28th to the 18th
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>pulling Kinich when Xilonen is coming
>calling Xilonen ugly but rolling a manlet homo
I hate /gig/
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>Mika's cocksleeve
Why do homosexuals try so hard to force their cuckoldry fetish?
She had zero youbait in her quests
my chev will be the largest
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>Natlan, the nation of dragon has nothing to do with them on the archon quest
What did Fat Xiao mean by this?
/gig/ doesn't genuinely like Kinich
Just trust
I sensed the vibes
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It's well known that savage barbarians like Natlan who eat a protein-based diet have worse body odor than vegetarians like Ganyu.
Liyue women supremacy yet again.
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>diet of rice and tea.
>he's unaware of keqing's favorite balls
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Eango is a troll, he went around his city hanging pic related around
The original image calling for a boycott probably wasn't meant to be a poster
Truthfully, everyone hates /gig/ users AKA the average sodomite subhuman.
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>Fontaine the nation of justice
>justicefag characters
>"man-eating" shark
swallowing kinich’s cum tonight
Kinich is a fun and unique DPS, Xilonen is an EQ bot
>>pulling Kinich when Xilonen is coming
Called having a job pedro
>>calling Xilonen ugly but rolling a manlet homo
It's "waifu enjoyers" who say this btw
Nothing wrong with admiring your wife's strong body odor
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uhhh that's fuckin gay mang... makes sense I guess, it's just weird how they've been having normal "bosses" but preluded by some trash mobs which I guess fucks with my usual rotations because it was like I rotated the rando before him, and then he came up and I was just doing some ER shit when came in (annoying too about how he has invuln during all that crouching/standing up phase) and like the first or second attack post-unsheathe probably took him to that invuln state

yeah I guess I just didn't know about how his shit worked "in depth"; like in the past; he was usually solo and I was going in with full energy and doing less damage because no jeanne c2, so the invuln phase wasn't as noticable (because it was rotate, then do ER shit or dodge while he was in invuln), because here I rotated and lost like 70-90% of my burst to the invuln phase

thanks bros
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homosexual hands typed this
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>cuck bait
Navia would be completely open to both of you having Clorinde and also to threesomes, seems like a with tbdesu
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Of course not, queers are doing their astroturfing like they always do whenever there's a new male coming up. Remember how hard they tried shilling Baizhu?
Our imouto is laughing at us again...
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I'm imagining me, getting Raiden Shogun tomorrow
Yeah that'd be great
Is lyney the only one who shows fontaine local specialties?
her standards are silver and melus and you are nothing compared to them thoughever
Same. Gallons of it.
>/pig/ projection impact general
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>Imagine giving up THIS for some dirty browns in natlan
do anons really?
Nope, there's also Clorinde
2021 was 3 years ago bwo
No one cares about you rolling a 3 year old character.
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he's red you fucking dumbass, also not canon sayufujo
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Aside from it being shit, what are your expectations on the kit?
Navia would absolutely not be down with sharing the traveler she's the possessive jealous type deep down
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My wife is from Liyue but I couldn't say no to this...
Does Furina have breasts?
>if you don't roll my homo you don't have a job
fuck of you dumb bitch, just c6 Mualani or any female character
Holy shit Mualani's SQ is so fucking boring
a standard banner reject and two characters from a dead element who will likely never another rerun until eos?
Worse version of Bennett without the heals so they can sell the Bennett powercreep as a 5* later. Doesn't matter if it's Xbalanque or another Harbinger.
Sorry girls, but /gig/ only do metas
neither is cuckbait you mentally ill niggers. holy fucking shit.
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If you think about it, neuvillette sentenced all his friends
Only ones it hasn't happened to are clorinde and navia
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If Natlan women were truly 'peak sexo' like so many claim, why did Aether pick this instead?
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What's with this dude seething over other anons rolling males? It's basically the incel version of coop schizo. Reminds me of a gay dude in denial and getting triggered by what random people do.
is 0 a number
>fuck of you
Kek, also that's not what I said at all poorfag(I know because you got offended btw)
He's intimidated by feisty thick smelly sex machine latinas and his weak pelvis can't handle it

So he prefers a Liyue starfish to lie in bed doing nothing with an emotionless expression until the deed is done
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but she looked at a man... and even talked to him... how can they not be fucking? whenever a woman looks at and talks to me we fuck
I actually bet it'll be Pulcinella
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>If you don't roll Kinich you don't have a job
Do homofujos really? I bet is the same guy that shilled that ugly brick emilie
He's upset that everyone else doesn't follow his schizo insecurity about rolling males
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she's so cool...
Haha the image quality matches your IQ
Please stop fighting
he thinks he's "protecting thread culture" (he's been here <1 year)
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>"Called having a job pedro"
>he actually spends his money on this game
bwoooo... love yourself a little more...
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No, peace was never an option!
>why would you roll for A when B is coming?
>because that person has the financial ability to
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Genshins for this feel?
We don't have any girls as cute as fofo
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I want Xilonen asap
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>God look at these disgusting brown fried fowl eaters
>I miss Liyue and Keqing already
kek right
You aren't fooling anyone boycott sister
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Honestly Iansan when? At this point I don't give a damn about what bike Mavuika will have or she being Dehya but better. Give me some info on this cute girl
Is xilonen zhongli at home or kazoo at home?
I cant tell.
Finally building Lisa, emilie still really ugly btw
I'm dangerously low on masterless glitter (26), not enough to snag cons for 4*s I'm looking for, also haven't pulled in a fuckin while... got 560 purple wishes; so I already have a perfectly functional raiden; should I pull for her signature wep that's coming up? would I be able to 1:1 swap it out (which also frees up catch for other chars) for a direct improvement? or would I have to fiddle with stats on other shit so my rotation and dps aren't fucked up?

I previously was considering pulling for this, but then decided not to because my raiden "worked fine" AS-IS, but then I bought ning in starglitter shop because I was leveling her up (in prep for geo imaginarium theater) and heard C2 was important
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I'm literally the only person here who's never rolled Zhongli but I have to listen to you grandstand about the evil of rolling actually fun males all day
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TaloCHAD would've solved the case in two days and with none of the bullshit
in fact she probably would've coherced the perp into killing himself and the daughter into turning herself in
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FUCK she's made to be impregnated again and again until her very last egg
>emilie still really ugly btw
Skipped every bit of dialogue in Mualani's tribe quest btw
I rolled for Neuvillette.
Liyue women are eating our pets!
iansan laughed at my running form
>He thinks sex with Keka is a boring affair
She literally bribes people.
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kokomi is our self-insert for trans people!!! look how cute xhe is!!!!!
Kazoo found in a cheap african crackhouse
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Probably worth it, I wouldn't know, I skipped it too(not really but its just screenshot fodder)
Saw some anon do some calcs with and without Kazuha and people will run them both together. No doubt I can't wait to do some damage screenshots again.
he didn't say she was a GOOD justicefag
You think sex with a frail workaholic from the most boring uptight nation of Teyvat would be exciting? Meanwhile Natlan women are literally made for sex, feisty, energetic, twerk on your cock type bitches

Keqa would starfish 10000%
Nta but her strong opinions on how justice should be conducted are still a major aspect of her character.
Anon, I want brown, not ash
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>didn't play beyond dailies yesterday or the day before
>5 condensed
>BP 45 - 2 fragiles
>cash in 5 levels natlan tree - 2 more fragiles
>weekly tubby reset
>all in all about 17 condensed runs worth of natlan artis domain
>get zero useful crit rate set pieces
>not even one
>a couple mid/usable buffer set pieces
>notably a cd hat with 13.6% rate and atk% def% and er%

for what reason? i was originally aiming just for def% er% min/maxed pieces for this domain and a selection of atk hp healing + er maxed pieces for flex in case other useful supports popup but now i'm left wondering if this set can actually be viable as an onfielder set. I mean it gets ER back when your supports activate nightsoul, and it gives everyone (including the carry) 40% edmg which isn't bad perse (though definitely not that great compared to the 80 CV worth of rate the other set gives)
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forgot my pic :(
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I offer peace via old Naruto shit
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Umm... did no one tell you? Seele posting is banned because she's excessively cute.
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You missed out on nothing. Broke as niggers didn't even spend money on a proper cinematic, /gig/ thinks she was "shilled" but they really sent Mualani out to die as a buffer for Sasuke...
Can you guys even imagine Keqing throwing it back? I can't because it can't happen

now imagine the wild animalistic bull riding type sex with Mualani's Latin ass
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I will return to get this with Kinich tomorrow
Whose idea was it to give this girl breasts, thighs and minimal clothing? My dick is sore from masturbation.
Zombie ninja David Bowie is my sensei
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>women from Liyue aren't semen demons
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dont save your cooldown for next thread
Ronova and the Shade of Life...
I'm more of a Basilisk guy
3 weeks more anon, gonna c3r1 if possible. C3 is her skill and increases res shred 45% is nuts.
That's....not skin....
Why are you not using an er sans?
mualani would use you as a semen dispenser
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>exactly at 750
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wtf guys
ER sands with The Catch is a retarded since that slashes her ATK stat unless you use an ATK goblet with it.
>0 Razors
fuck you niggers, gonna clear it again with Rainbow Razor later
did you do any of the sidequests? all of them have lore on xbalanque and the dragons, main quest had the lore drop that the night kingdom is the old nation of dragons
brainlet sama, theres even red crystals guiding you to the next ne
the power of naruto and sasuke VAs in JP, ajaw is naruto btw is weird

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