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#6233 World Premiere Packfiller (as opposed to Ashened, Tistina and Flame Swordsman) edition

Previous: >>494788186

>Recommended Simulators
●EDOPro (PC/Android): https://projectignis.github.io/download.html
●Master Duel (Multi-platform): https://store.steampowered.com/app/1449850/YuGiOh_Master_Duel
●Duelingbook (online): https://www.duelingbook.com
Hosts, use the tag “/dng/” and the password “vidya”; on EDOPro, specify the server.

>Useful Links
Rulebook: https://img.yugioh-card.com/en/downloads/rulebook/SD_RuleBook_EN_10.pdf
Wiki: https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Yugipedia
Probability Calculator: https://yugioh.party
Stock Market: https://yugiohprices.com
Database: https://www.db.yugioh-card.com
Misc Info: https://www.formatlibrary.com/formats/

TCG: https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/limited/list_2024-09-02/ (Sep 2/Next Banlist: SOME MONTHS FROM NOW)
OCG: https://www.yugioh-card.com/hk/event/rules_guides/forbidden_cardlist.php?list=202407&lang=en (Jul 1st/Next Banlist: Oct 1st)

OCG: https://roadoftheking.com https://tonamel.com/competitions?game=yugioh_ocg
TCG: https://ygoprodeck.com/category/decks/tournament-meta-decks
https://yugiohtopdecks.com (ONLY GOOD FOR OLD FORMATS)

JP: https://yugioh-starlight.com
EN: https://ygorganization.com

>Upcoming Releases
●World Premiere Pack (Sep 28)
●Supreme Darkness (Oct 26)
●Terminal World 2 (Nov 23)
●Alliance Insight (Jan 25)

●25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Mirrors (Sep 19)
●Rage of the Abyss (Oct 11)
●Quarter Century Bonanza (Nov 7)
●Crossover Breakers (Dec 6)

>●AMC Cup 11 (TBA, 1930 UTC):
Banlist: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VL_NLd-Sh2hVgvIzf11PzsZO-kq9ZNkp
>●/dng/ Cup (Sep 29, 1900 UTC):
>●Anon Arena 2 (maybe?) (Oct 12, 1 PM)
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>Level 4
>You can only use the 1st and 2nd effect of this card’s name each once per turn.
>(1) You can discard this card, then activate 1 of these effects;
>● Add 1 “Magistus” monster from your Deck to your hand, except “Spoon, the Seal of Magistus”.
>● The ATK of 1 face-up monster your opponent controls becomes halved.
>(2) You can banish this card from your GY, then target 1 face-up monster you control; equip 1 “Magistus” monster from your Extra Deck or GY to it.
>this ugly OC is the best Magistus support
toon support doko
Fix infernoble:
>Level 4, if NS ss an infernoble tuner from deck
>Level 1 tuner, if NS ss a level 4 infernoble from deck
Literally just give the deck an actual starter ffs.
cybersegods won btw
Just give Red-Eyes a way to search Black Metal Dragon already
Just wait until they give this thing an actual target
They already can.
I hate Shityoshis art and Yoshitdas writing.
Even the artist for OCG structures has a better understanding of Kaz than Miyoshi
chamber dragon form...
red weather painter....
light myutant...
fire purrely....
brunette mikanko....
If you say red-eyes soul I'm going to pin you down and rape you
red-eyes soul
Unban union carrier
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Unban isolde
It's time to free my nigger chain strike.
It can realistically come back but it won't due to anti-link sentiment in the playerbase.
They'll be pissing off people even more for no reason at all abd especially for no monetary gain at all
>the best searcher for the archetype isn't even part of the archetype
One of my favorite memes.
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Proper young lady right here
How about a gameplan that doesn't involve gluing random shit from separate engines (Be it Summoned Skull, Dark Magician, Ritual searchers, Equip shit or whatever) to Red-Eyes?
You can summon REBD a lot of times, now what? Flare Metal and Red Eyes with Chain aren't enough of a win-con and the other bosses require access to a parallel half of the deck
Even rush won't excape powercreep
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I am going to breed Diabellstar and we'll have 37 kids together.
This deck sounds fun so why not
3 Flare Metal, 1 Fullmetal, 1 Kunai :)
Surely they can break a Circular
She's somehow an even bigger girlboss than Fleur.
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>no good Red-Eyes target to mill
>the only S/T worth a damn is Red-Eyes Fusion which also cucks you for the entire turn
The archetype with 0 good search, e tele or mill targets
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i feel like it's fairly apparent that konami just doesn't like red-eyes for whatever reason, like why would they make what is basically the same vjump promo within less than 2 years other than that blue-eyes sometimes ran it
Happy birthday roach
Uhhhh... Dark Scorpions?
Poker Knights sisters...
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Now that the dust has settled, was this a good product?
It's funny because the Red-Eyes card is better than Kunzite because it mills for cost, is a beater and isn't a HOPT on its effects(although the Red-Eyes Fusion search is useless on the the turn you summon it).

Kunzite feels like they wanted to print a Dictator of D. which can be used for Xyz plays.
each gadget should've been 1 slot on the tin display
A bit too bloated of a cardpool, but I like it.
>unironically better than pot of greed
what were they thinking?
>Dark Magician copies Magikey
>He makes it even better since it's a quick play
>Blue-eyes copies Cydra
>It exchanged banishment recovery and BP scumming for removal
>Red-eyes copies Shaddoll
>It made it insanely worse
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this is actually haunting, the tins are so shit that people are trying to offload them for barely above the price of a single SINGLE RC2 booster. Literally everyone must have cancelled their preorders even if they had restocking fees. Thank god goyim are waking up
No. The reprints helped lower some prices for buying singles, but the short prints combined with the massive cardpool make opening the tins a massive loss each time. Not even worth it for casuals. Someone posted a video yesterday of a guy opening an entire case and having a $4 labyrinth card be the biggest hit.
It's probably the worst product this year, and the worst tin from the last 4
Kunzite would be BADOKEN if they unbanned Dark Matter but we know that's never happening.
is it not even a legend
Powercreep is inevitable
It will take time but eventually they will go back to the hell they're trying to escape from
Most pet decks honestly. Passing after being hit with any interruption and ending on an empty board, then being otk'd, feels like your pic.
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Wondering whether I should bother with an NS or not. Diviner IS pretty good, after all. But there's nothing to summon when tributed tho.
konami will never allow red-eyes to be better than blue-eyes so now that blue-eyes is decent, red-eyes can move up to being passable
Just give them Red-Eyes version of Spoon, but he equips a DARK Dragon from Deck to a "Red-Eyes" monster
I was worried that every prismatic would be getting qcsr versions but now I can just wait out the expensive prismatics that will get reprinted again in another set in a few months so no need to spend money

So for me? I won't buy a single tin but I will buy singles
Did Konami fumble yet another chance of making a great product? Yes
They allowed REDMD and a red eyes fusion to be better than anything blue eyes has ever had doe
>rota for same attack/def DARK dragons
Fixed jobber eyes
how many world championships again?
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>not a single actual lower rarity reprint in the common and ultra slots
>prismatic pool is full of garbage and the ~5 good cards are so shortprinted they might as well not have bothered at all
I'm still laughing at War Rocks having more floating than Ashened
You know what to do. When you don't have a NS you play Adventurer, that's the rule
It's the Red-eyes tradition to get good support which every other deck uses better than it so I can't wait to see how they screw up again.
1 with dragon link
they need more than 5 cards which decks never get outside of structure decks or core set covers
While I do love a good chance to use my dear Adventurer engine that I love, it genuinely doesn't help the deck in any regard and actually makes it worse, somehow.
What does mkohl40 think about them?
>kekked from cover card and structure deck status
Like clockwork lmao
>raped-eyes bitch dragon
Idk man, after what we saw happen to melodious in a single set anything is possible. They just have to want it to happen and it will.
Melodius had good cards before the new support
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Have you guys play or try 4 way duel?
It's fun but some decks just don't work
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4way as in "battle royale" esque? I've done stuff like that at locals before with friends, shit's absolutely kino.

Pre-Covid we used to have post-locals battle royales, I think we even were 12 people playing in them at some point. Biggest mess ever but it was fun as fuck.
Foursome? Like a gangbang? Multiple times
War Rocks as a deck are way more coherent than Ashened and that's sad.
in a wave of 5 cards you only get 1 new boss monster, red-eyes really needs at least 2 to end on cause their current ones basically do nothing
Loves them, he made a video crying about people calling him a shill and a bootlicker because he loves them so much.
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Today is Maxx "C" day in Japan and even Konami is celebrating it
The problem is that columns and Links have sort of made things awkward.
If its not a Tag Duel, whose columns go where?
The TCG either makes an overtuned mess or a deck that looks like they stole it from a deactivated deviantart account.
There is no inbetween.
Why shouldn't they?
Based mkohl 40
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anyone hosting?
absolute dogshit set
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Joshua said Yama shouldn't be legal
it's over, unchainedbros
They'll just abuse the Buster lock.
And that’s fine
They already get abused by Dragon Link anyway
Kill yourself kiketuber shill
His reasoning is completely retarded
>they should have hit yama because no one plays unchained anyways
Faggot wouldn't say the same thing about runick stun or whatever runick variant because clearly if yama should be hit then so should runick cards too by his own logic
Dude is so biased
>shill gets paid to say that anything but the obvious problem is the problem
Yeah, we did it for a while. Stuff like Black Hole became extra broken. It's pretty fun because even tryhard shit suddenly finds itself backed in to a corner when hit with 3 ash 2 imperm in the same turn
What's with KoA (SHITshua is a paid Konami shill so he's included) and hating on unchained
yama isnt a problem

links as a mechanic are and they need far more restrictions/ intelligent design because theyre the single biggest enabler of slop like fiendlink being able to function the way it does
KekBye unchained the paid shill has spoken, now yama follows circular
>Card that functions as a mega extender + engine glue
It unironically is a good hit. Fuck engineslop and Fiendslop.

Literally ANY deck can abuse the Buster Lock. It's as easy as going Protector Whelp > mill Dragon Buster > Xyz Summon Inzektor Exa-Beetle and equip it. I am surprised people on Fiendsmith aren't trying it out.
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That Magistus card is the gayest most faggoty shit I've ever seen.
I guaranfuckingtee you that even as a collector I will be hard skipping Magistus, not catching AIDS to collect a faggot archetype.
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If they ban Yama Unchained goes back to being a shifter deck. Is that really what konami wants?
>erm halqifibrax isn't the problem just ban all tuners goyim
He's biased towards decks he likes and wants to play competitively. Too bad KoA listens closely to what he says and suggests and does what he says. Even worse is that his twitch chat will pog over everything he says and takes it as a gospel.
It was a gay archetype before Spoon. Crowley was a faggot.
True. Links are very poorly designed in everyway. Being able to get monsters off the field and into the graveyard easily while gaining another body is game breaking. Even more so with Link-1's
yugioh is pozzed now
Translate it weebs
>team satisfaction
How do I get a Tears gf?
>tearshit subhuman
opinion discarded
Hardcore baby making sex with Scheiren.
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neck sign "I forgot about my own skill drain and activated my effect"

floor sign "warning: will bite"

be willing to change her diapers for her obviously
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>"Yama isn't a problem"
>Glues together every Fiend deck with a extender while also being able to function as a starter
>Also nets you recursion and allows you with more ease to put Caesar/Blue Dog on field
People really always support dumb as shit Links like retards, huh...
Maho Shoujo rape archetype doko
Thank you TearGOD
It's ok when dragon link does it btw
Chaos ruler to 1 btw
More dragon support please btw
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She looks like she fucks dogs.
>"Yama isn't a problem"
>Glues together every Fiend deck with a extender
incorrect seeing as the only reason why sharvara is an "extender" in yubel is because of gruesome grave squirmer bringing babycera back from the graveyard for sharvara to destroy
its always the glue eaters that defend badly designed cards
yama is just another cards of these alongside i:p and shifter
how about engraver gets banned and there's no "fiend problem" anymore
Do you guys think nips just have way more fun with silly interactions in duels? I feel like western players take the game too seriously.
No can do, konami has to sell new stuff.
>Yama isn't the problem, we should ban all Fiend decks in the game
>>Glues together every Fiend deck with a extender while also being able to function as a starter
>only fiend deck actually using it is yubel
>in TOTAL FIENDSMITH DOMINATION era where literally everyone is playing fiends
hmmm very curious
Thank you UnchainedGOD rip yama thank you for your service
It's fucked up when you realized for how long fiendshilling has been happening
I had this exact thought when i saw the chinese banlist. Even made a post about it last week i think. I'd kill to live there and play silly decks at locals.
is lidl an actual Konami shill or something? never seen someone deepthroat koa as much as he does
no, just 2
the only issue with this card is that the discard is not a quick effect
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Scheiren is one hell of a breeding machine
Design peaked with her
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every type should have a rank 4 searcher and a link 2 playstarter actually
They still banned Lacrima despite INFO only being out for about a month and a half at the time.
would you do it? would you give parlor your babies?
Look at my link 2 playstarter dawg
>Sign on the left
Attention! she bites. No touching!
>Sign around her neck
I think it says; I forgot my on field effect can't resolve under skill drain?
He's a joshua schmidt brown noser.
If schmidt says something, lidl agrees with it. If dng makes fun of something schmidt says, lidl is here to defend him. Every single time.
I am her dog and I can confirm.
reptillanne spell/trap searcher any day now
What the fuck is that thing she is holding?
It's a little charm you give to pregnant women.
the reptilianne bandaid that spawns 5 0 atk tokens
kokujin chichi for exosister manko
She's pregnant with reino's baby
Nope. Dragons age slower than humans, so knock her up and bitch has you on child support even after your retirement.
You played Tear to be a metasheep.
I play Tear because I want to fuck the mermaids.

We are not the same.
they need a monster that can search spawns
Tear was only like $150. It was cheaper than the rogue options at the time.
You would be amazed at how much this card doesn't do anything
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I play tear because I think it's the most fun deck in the game and I like their designs, I don't care if the deck is the best, so long as it's playable I will continue to use it
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I love unchained
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You get two wishes for Alliance Insight.
Lacrima being a common mean Konami was intended to axe that card very soon.
Also pesky 1k2 burn for time.
OCG seem to have more fun with the game in general. Both with the anime shit and with the game original archetypes
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>I am not like the other teatrannies!
silence faggots
I was talking about Reptiliannes.
>@Ignister support based on if Yusaku and Ai fused with shit like Firewall Dragon @Ignister etc.
>single Appliancer CaC like how Sunavalon got one in BODE when Revolver got support
my mistake brother you caught a stray
Yeah, you'd think grabbing two in-archetype things would accomplish something, but nah, for that to mean anything the archetype would need something worth grabbing.
Pedoprodevs, its been a week, where's the fucking cards
Bishbaalkin is the best Reptilianne card
Why do you believe unhinged homosexuals would care about anything that isn't shitting up the place?
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Oh yeah, we'll be plapping.

Actual schizophrenia, lmao.
I would like a giant wave of support for Ogdoadics, Ghoti and Metaphys including a nu-boss and an Apodrakosis gate depicting Metaphys Executor forma de dragon clashing with nu-Ogdoabyss and nu-Deep Beyond.
Uh, a coke.
Ragnaraika Stag Sovereign for Traptrix? Yay or nay?
how do i translate dueling book/ygomega playing experience to irl locals? i play 3x-4x better in online simulations than irl game and i'm not new to locals or anything like that. i started playing db/ygomega to get better at irl game but besides hand tests, the skill doesn't translate
Every time you ask an additional day is added to the update release
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Guy who does stuff isn't around, you're better off making it like everyone else and either getting MDPro or the japanese YGOpro nips use. Don't recall the last time we waited this much for new cards on Edo t bh. Maybe when they had to code that new keyword for S-Force?
Play more at your locals. Sounds like it's just nerves and mental.
if you can find the mats to make a link 5, yes, but im not sure how to get to it from traptrix lines, or if theres any type locking for traptrix
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hosting eu casual
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i love earth waifus
yes because when you go into the ragnaraika lines its one of the better endpieces
I ain't using MDPro because its slow as shit so if that's the case I'm dropping this game
i usually get 1 day a week on ygo since i'm far away from nearest local and i also work on saturdays
Amazons and war rocks are so hot. Gunna have to mash them together into an abomination of a shitdeck one of these days
>unhinged homosexuals shitting up the place?
teartroons do be like that sometimes
>proper Amazoness cards never ever
Why does Konami hate them so much?
>posts that image
You like men you faggot, mucular """""""women"""""""" are just closeted fag cope
>faggot ESL
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IESLB, ignored
Homossexual cope, you are gooning to men with fake boobs
It's still mind numbing to me that Baronne is allowed to be a thing that exists.
I for one don't care whether you're an ESL or not. You're right.
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poor alternative
got cucked so hard
Baronne isn't a problem and it won't be just because tcg (tranny card game) banned it
Is it really homosexual to like men? I mean think about it. What's more gay? Kissing and cuddling with some whore or hanging out with your bro.
they wanted to sell that shit set knowing very well its going to be a problem down the line
happens every fucking time
It helps keep older decks relevant so that's why the Japs get to play with it and we have it banned.
>What's more gay?
posting on dueling network general
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ggs, hosting again
The whole idea of Red-Eyes is to be engineslop, the "potential" that has to be mixed in with various elements to be awakened
name 1 deck its kept relevant
>Red Eyes's potential is being a whore for DLink
How many decks have you guys looked at? You think you're not gay while you're looking at other mens decks all day?
How many decks have you handled? Honestly.
You're all faggots.
For DLink, for Equip related Warriors, for DM, for ritual goodstuff...
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What if I only handle women's decks?
My cute diaper wife Roze
>women's decks
Women don't have decks dumbass
Every synchro deck ever printed.
Japs have noticed that Blue-eyes has totally changed its strategy. Instead of the dragons being the boss monsters, they're garnets used to summon Synchro monsters.
why is anon having a meltdown over one image?
The forced shill card that works on any special summon and not just ED summons
>forced shill card
>posts Unchained
>Blue-eyes White Forest
This name feels like it was a rejected card name.
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can you guys stop being cringe and join already, please and ty
>Fiend decks aren't an issue before Fiendsmith comes along and fucks everything up
>"It's Unchained fault!"
Retarded general.
white man deck
>Snake Eyes fucks everything up
>It's Baronne, Savage and Apo's fault!
People were asking for those to be banned long before snake eyes was a thing
those were trannies and kiketuber cocksuckers, not people
maxx C turns 13:

>It may not be an exaggeration to say that the history of modern Yu-Gi-Oh is the history of the Maxx C debate
>The culprit behind the end of Yu-Gi-Oh!
>The invasive species that caused Yu-Gi-Oh! to go haywire
>I thought they announced the ban on maxx C
>After 13 years, we are still at the peak. This is the height of joy.
>Thank you for being born
>It's a necessary evil
>The beginning of the end
>One of the strongest cards
>Should discard all your cards to activate it
>[reply] Summon, pass.
>Everyone loves Roach-chan!
>An invasive insect that has gone extinct in the US
>I need to prepare a birthday cake
>Please limit this
>Usage rate 92%
>Congratulations and goodbye
>13 years?! No way!
>A contradiction that is both justice and evil
>The center of Yu-Gi-Oh!
>Weevil! This is the most popular insect card!
>Why did they make the most powerful and generic yugioh card, a cockroach?
>This card is Yu-Gi-Oh's deterrent, core, and truth.
>A card game centered around cockroaches lol
>It wasn't a must-have card when it first came out.
>This is probably the most used card in Yu-Gi-Oh! just for its strength
>It's ash's favourite food
>Ban both maxx and called by
>People said ash would've slowed going first down, turns out it accomplished the opposite
>Cockroaches should always be printed against arrogant lore combo decks
>I have high hopes for Malchamy and the others
>This card is from 13 years ago?? Broken
>To be honest, a theme that is weak against cockroaches is a shitty theme lol
>One of the lifeline handtraps that we can't let go of
>We should get rid of ash too
>Ban it.
>Errata it.
>It should at least go to 2
>Maxx C: "I just wanted to be a side deck card"
>Solitaire decks messed yugioh up, not the cockroach
>If we ban it, many other cards must go then
>Whoever dislikes this card must love solitaire, if you like competitive yugioh, you like this card
>The world's most beloved cockroach
>The strongest necessary evil creature in history, its name is COCKROACH
The community is retarded and should shut their mouth.
Maxx "C" is without a doubt the most divisive card ever printed. You either love it or hate it.
you people spent the last year telling me that everything in DUNE was shit
And you believed, why?
>>Maxx C: "I just wanted to be a side deck card"
We need more stun decks to shove the Roach back where it belongs.
>unironically listening to tranny chaser
the card that mindbroke the OCG in pretending that its a healthy card
What the fuck happens if they ban Crimson Dragon?
It is a shit set
One card or two cards change nothing

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