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#6232 - Mimighoul edition

Previous: >>494710135

>Recommended Simulators
●EDOPro (PC/Android): https://projectignis.github.io/download.html
●Master Duel (Multi-platform): https://store.steampowered.com/app/1449850/YuGiOh_Master_Duel
●Duelingbook (online): https://www.duelingbook.com
Hosts, use the tag “/dng/” and the password “vidya”; on EDOPro, specify the server.

>Useful Links
Rulebook: https://img.yugioh-card.com/en/downloads/rulebook/SD_RuleBook_EN_10.pdf
Wiki: https://yugipedia.com/wiki/Yugipedia
Probability Calculator: https://yugioh.party
Stock Market: https://yugiohprices.com
Database: https://www.db.yugioh-card.com
Misc Info: https://www.formatlibrary.com/formats/

TCG: https://www.yugioh-card.com/en/limited/list_2024-09-02/ (Sep 2/Next Banlist: SOME MONTHS FROM NOW)
OCG: https://www.yugioh-card.com/hk/event/rules_guides/forbidden_cardlist.php?list=202407&lang=en (Jul 1st/Next Banlist: Oct 1st)

OCG: https://roadoftheking.com https://tonamel.com/competitions?game=yugioh_ocg
TCG: https://ygoprodeck.com/category/decks/tournament-meta-decks
https://yugiohtopdecks.com (ONLY GOOD FOR OLD FORMATS)

JP: https://yugioh-starlight.com
EN: https://ygorganization.com

>Upcoming Releases
●World Premiere Pack (Sep 28)
●Supreme Darkness (Oct 26)
●Terminal World 2 (Nov 23)

●25th Anniversary Tin: Dueling Mirrors (Sep 19)
●Rage of the Abyss (Oct 11)
●Quarter Century Bonanza (Nov 7)
●Crossover Breakers (Dec 6)

>●AMC Cup 11 (TBA, 1930 UTC):
Banlist: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VL_NLd-Sh2hVgvIzf11PzsZO-kq9ZNkp
>●/dng/ Cup (Sep 29, 1900 UTC):
shit game desu
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Ban Promethean Princess
Ban SP
Ban Azamina
Total waifu death.
Technically speaking, if rulings were consistent, an XYZ should lose its material when flipped face down.
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Standing here, I realize you were just like me trying to make history
But who's to judge the right from wrong?
When our guard is down, I think we'll both agree
That violence breeds violence
But in the end it has to be this way
>that pic for an absolute zero take
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Hatsume yume
toon support doko
Ew a nigger replied to me
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Memories broken, the truth goes unspoken
I've even forgotten my name
I don't know the season or what is the reason
I'm standing here holding my blade

A desolate place (place)
Without any trace (trace)
It's only the cold wind I feel
It's me that I spite as I stand up and fight
The only thing I know for real
shut up faggot twink
What is it about quick effect pops which makes decks which have them so fucking strong?
the lack of a once per turn
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Our heroes!
At its absolute base level, a quick effect removal is basically taking away your opponent's normal summon.
On a higher level, it's an easy plus, such as waiting until a link 3 hits the field to effectivley remove it and waste the material used to make it.
This becomes a bigger problem when attached to an extra deck monster. Not only does it plus, take away the normal, and remove problems it also stays on the field meaning you lose nothing really and can pull it out consistently. Compulse, for example, leaves the field after use.
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Keep talking straight chad
>That Para in the back
Holy based.
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How can they fix Silents?
>the ritual card that does all of its shit in hand so you never have to ritual summon it
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Yume babies.
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This guy really loves Martha
Absolute Cinema.
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This account uploads almost all decklists you could find out from Twitter, other than that, there is no more besides the classic Road of the King or NTUCGM

most of those girl characters are crossdressing guys desu
>OCG players make OC, playmats, doujins, keychains etc. and generally have a fun time with all manners of the game
Must be nice
Literally just make good level support, Silent Swordsman LV7 is still a annoying as fuck floodgate. It's never gonna happen though, most "side" summoning mechanics like LVs are left to rot
>Unions and Spirits are the only ones to see support more often than not
>Gemini is stuck in 2010 card design
>Toons get support once in a blue moon
>LV doesn't get support ever
And the support might not even be good. Shit is cursed.
Team Samurai X makes play mats
FUN decks?
gemini are unfixable
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The only crossdresser is the Lil-la one.
Just outgrinded (somehow) FK Snake Eye.
We do those too, we call em fanfiction and it gets a lot of hate.
Dragon/zombie archetype when?
That's such a cool mantis, I like a card that was that by itself.
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the newest ownage horse pic to spam has arrived
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I can't wait for my case to arrive
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Is the horse being spammed again?
What was Konami smoking when they made Geminis?
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It was a way slower time.
was ghost of the past that bad? i remember people being hyped for it
dunno but gemini are way to inefficient to ever work as the modern game does not sit on cards for a long to and goes to quickly to get normal summons off on gemini and if you just cheat them out as an effect monster there really is no point in them being gemini other than as keyword to use in text as recipients for effects
i can only see gemini being useful if there was a sweeping change like normal monster have unlimited summons and effect monsters only one summon so you can use them as much as you want and then use your one effect summon on an actual important gemini
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I hope so. I like to think of myself as a fairly moral person but for as repetetive as the horse images were, it was funny, deserved, and should be done more often to a large manner of companies that you can count on to underdeliver. Anyone here who believes the horse stuff or just spamming/harassing companies is a bad thing? I'd very much like to gain perspective from the other side of the arguement. I'd feel bad if it was a person but Konami is just another out of touch, faceless company.
People were hyped for the set bringing back Ghost Rares but the pull rate for them was next to impossible which made the set sort of pointless
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Finna buy all QCSRs at once
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my amiami shipment finally came
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and here they are
This nigga lives in New Mexico
Tranny porn folder status?
The real faces of the franchise. Fuck anime slop bullshit.
>The real feces of the franchise
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The face of why the franchise is the way it is.
So why did the british start pig posting anyway?
I feel like I missed a chapter.
whens magistus knife and fork?
why is he so zesty
zoroa is muscluar and crowley is nerd so whats this guys deal
God. he looks so gay
took them a couple hours ago, just now wanted to share them with you
>zoroa is muscluar
typical bara x twink relationship
they used the frog spirits to turn the magicians gay
relax Yusei
...He IS gay
Sometimes it's called whaling, sometimes it's called paypigging, either way, it's an animal you can put pictures to.
LMAO Trans V
>fags saying "durr we want lore anime"
>nobody cares about the shitty lore manga
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Why do we get losers like this and some more cool niggas like Endymion?
>written by yoshitda
That's because nobody is reading it.
This place can't even read cards, you think they can handle a comic book?
You can figure out your time zone from your photos filename boyo
Endymion is too straight for Yoshida's taste
Lore anime would also be written by Yoshida too, you know
He’s the only loyal writer of YGO
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>He actually genuinely believes a hypotheical anime lore animu would not also be written by Yoshida and filled with this OCs
Yoshida gets work because he's one of the very few that actually want to work on the Yu-Gi-Oh IP. Nobody actually talented wants to touch it because it is seen as a toy commercial IP and talented people would rather work on things that they believe will bring them fame.
yoshida is the only writer left that still gives a shit about actual ygo anymore
>gets caught
>tries to play it off
Funny that the first one was 2:17pm and the second one was for 2:40pm and it should XX:44pm at the time of this post for most people.
bred by big renaud cock
Bring back Dai Grepher and turn him into a manga.
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hosting eu casual
I spend nearly 15 mins setting them up, because the Roze figure has several pieces that need to be attached, namely the scarf and twintails
If this shithole thinks it's new mexico let them think it's new mexico, correcting them will only lead them to your real location
In no world was double normalling a monster going to work, in the game at its slowest monsters still didn't live past one turn.
>big cock
Thinking about lara's big titties
I'm so sad s-force never amounted to anything. They deserved better.
>Sargas met Kitt when she was a baby
>decided to side with her later
wow, just like my jprg
The only way to fix them is to either rework the mechanic like how they reworked Union, or completely eliminate the concept of Geminis via support to make them basically regular cards
It's better this way. It would've hastened shifter whining by a whole year.
>you can normal summon as many normal monsters you want per turn
there, fixed
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It may not be as true for writers as it is for actors but a lot of people in Japan do use kids' toy commercial IPs as a breakout role since it's a way to get exposure to a huge audience. Including in many cases an international audience.
And in some cases it's just something that an established writer might take a shot at if the company cares to reach out to someone who likes the IP.
It's not so much that it's a toy commercial and they think it won't bring them fame but I think more that these types of series tend to hold onto their writers really tightly and a lot of writers don't want to commit so strongly to a single franchise, but there are likely a lot of writers who would guest write a season or a short manga if asked.
they are fixable by printing actually good gemini cards
Play ancient gear
Stun always lives
We have survived many banlist and will continue to do so
But Watts are the "Tenpai at home" deck.
veiler and imperm confirmed as the only honest handtraps
Can watts otk yet, or are they up there with battlin' boxers in that they fail to do the one thing they were designed to do?
I learned remote viewing via astral projection from /x/ and holy shit i finally realize why pros are so good at this game THEY ALL FUCKING DO IT TOO i'll be the next ycs champ
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Watts were never designed to be an OTK deck. They're clearly supposed to be a control deck with a direct attack gimmick.
they are called pros for a reason
they are pro cheating
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speaking of pro cheating...

has pak entered any event after ycs sacramento?
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Damn, you learned THAT technique?
no. his behavior and personality (even his voice and speech pattern) has completely changed after YCS though since *they* took him to the backroom and forcibly installed the worm after his outburst
Wait until you have to duel someone who can counter your projection and force you to get stuck in a card.
This happened to a newer player at the last Dark Regionals I went to, he never recovered.
W-what did they did to the card
Well it's a 2 card combo but opening either Cobra or Giraffe and Kingdom lets you put 6K damage and also disregard any interruption.
You just need to get 2 bodies for Hip Hoshiningen to get enough for an OTK.

Like it's a 3 card combo but that's why it's called "Tenpai at home"
seriously can Konami gut beetrooper
that’s the third time i’ve been mind crushed at a Dark Regional
Unspeakable horrors, they didn't even keep him sleeved.
Your mental and astral defenses are much too weak if you're getting mind crushed constantly, have you considered cultivating your foundation or domains? Once you've achieved at least the fourth realm you should be set for the typical duelist as long as The Unspeakable One didn't show up to your Dark Regionals.
>maliss has ditched stun and started playing harder into cyberse combo
Why not just play straight up cyberse if you're going to die to nib and shifter...
soiberse doesn't have enough cute girls
Becayse people keep pretending cyberse is bad.
play ancient warriors
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Anyone know some decent plain colored deckboxes that you can easily shelf but use for quick makeshift decks? Was considering just getting more Boulders.
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We finally found out who Sparkwoman is.
>real breasts
i kneel
i thought all those cosplayers were crossdressing men
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That's our girl Bazio.
Sparkman is so lucky...
No more SUDA reveals until next month?
Nothing outside of twitter reveals. They're probably gonna stuff those with WPP shit too.
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Just buy pic related you moron.
>Neod so powerful he even gets the pussy as well as all the ass
I love that costume, it's incredibly amateurish but filled with sovl.
Is this yours?
is there an extension for tcgplayer that tells me if a version of a card has a seller thats in my cart from the search page instead of having to check each version manually scrolling down to the seller section?
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How tall are you again Sorafag?
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Nay. Merely looking to see what else was featured.
>retard cant tell its a Twitter filename
Yeah. If you toggle the option for only show vendors in your cart and then search for a card, it will only display those card printings being sold by the vendors already in your cart. If no results available is shown it's a nada.
>artist kept getting destroyed by Yubel and Snake-Eye ever since he got to Platinum rank in Master Duel
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There was a stun one? Everyone I've seen testing maliss was using it with cyberse myself included.
ah ok
I love that artist. I gave them advice on x once or twice and they actually took it to heart.
No worries dude. As great as tcgplayer can be, learning the site is a pain in the ass.
People started out trying to use stun with it.
A lot of people were playing different ratios of Shifter/Dimension Fissure/Macro Cosmos builds with allures to dig but that version is basically completely dead now with the realization that banish support doesn't actually help Maliss.

The deck has been doing a little worse every week and inching closer to Cyberse pile to compensate, buut Cyberse pile isn't tiered either so I dunno if the end game is to just become Cyberse pile and then fall out of tier entirely when the next waifu deck releases
>tfw still using my Third Heavenly Domain golden core because I’m on a budget
fuck this format
what a free, untamed little bug does to a community
Why do you even bother discussing the meta?

You can't afford it.
You won't play it.
You will lose to it.
White Binder almost make them forget about Shifter pass, also the fact that Shifter right now only stop shit decks
I really want to know what Konami actually intended with them
>Ryzeal's Field Spell is nowhere near as cracked as others and they have the Rank 4 lock which makes it look like they're not meant to be good
>Maliss in theory seemed like it would work wonders with Shifter and other Banish related cards and their last revealed card was a Link that seemed incredibly strong
>Ryu-Ge. What can even be said
Then Ryzeal ended up the best and Maliss is kind of in a weird place where people are trying whatever they can to get results.
How can I lose to it if I won't play it?
>I really want to know what Konami actually intended with them
They wanted you to play it as control with traps, not combo or Shifter.
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they forgot to put a hopt on deadnamer haha silly boys
>>Ryu-Ge. What can even be said
It's soupbait, enough said. Water soups already play the fish and dino soups play the dino as well. Swordsoul also absorbed the wind one into itself. It's working as intended. Doubt the designer ever wanted this to be a real deck.
Damn, where did you get sonofman's feedback section?
Deadnader can’t even activate if opp doesn’t activate a card
that non-OPT IS necessary
Maliss was certainly concepted to be a sticky midrange/control cyberse like how mathmech was supposed to break the combo trend of cyberse to be a beatdown deck

The thing is that in both cases, if you aren't locked out of using your best available tools then there's no reason not to just use them.
>You can't afford it.
>You won't play it.
Im not interested in buying diapers so youre right
I have been interested in figures but am paranoid about customs, are they a bitch to deal with?
Do you have to customs fees?
Konami forgot that R4NK is still the best toolbox in the game and somehow Deadnader it past R&D. They definitely intended Ryzeal to be a simple beat down deck but the engine was also really compact so it could play a shitload of handtraps.

As for Maliss, they just screwed up by designing too many decks with banishment recovery or they don't care about banishment so Shifter has become useless and they overestimated the Cyberse toolbox.

Ryuge was just the pack filler but it found a home in soup decks.
I'm feeling like pranking my friends with Runicks that hopefully ends with Magical Explosion. I just want to know the ratios between Illusion of Chaos and Magicians' Souls to maximize the number of spells I can shove in.
Depends on where you live and where you're buying from.
Kashtiras work on this same principal and they still have HOPT.
Maliss certainly isn't bad. It's definitely overrated, but it's not bad. The deck falls into that big tier 3 space in terms of strength where so many other decks are where they're really good decks with few issues that're just outclassed by an oppressive top tier. The only difference being that representation is so high for Malice that it's treated as tier 2 by necessity.

But it's still a space where you can legitimately top..
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You guys cool with the tournament happening on Saturday October 12 starting at 1pm? The card pool is basically pre-release and all the TCG premieres available in ROTA.
>can only be summoned by using Ryzeal monsters
>effect is targeted destruction which is always considered a joke
>no floodgate effect
>not a tower
>not a Macro on legs
>shitters still complaints
Fucking wild to me that the strongest boss in Yugioh in years is literally just targeting destruction spam.
Yeah sure, don't forget that he can tank boardwipes and the field spell negates monster effects all while 2-3 handtraps and Thruster are waiting.
Turns out having every card being starter and extender is retarded, it's not even about R4 being a good toolbox anymore, Raizeol is just a damn good archtype.
Maliss looks good on paper but in reality lacks oomph, will have to wait for future supports if it will get better or not.
Ryuge is just soup.
DRNM and Evenly deal with him real quick
so true, and maxx c doesn't even let you draw if opp doesn't summon
just don't play the game sweaty ;)
I still believe that Maliss will stay for a while, it all comes down to what does SUDA do for Azamina and if their future support actually boosts the deck.
Exactly why they're siding triple Judgment and even Iron Thunder.
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>Opens a case of the tins
>Doesn't pull a single chase card (not one)
>No WANTED, TTT, SP, Chaos Angel, Diabellestar, Bonfire, nothing. Literally nothing good. His best pull was.... Big Welcome Labrynth...? In a case. Let that sink in. He opened a fucking CASE of this shit and pulled nothing but worthless garbage.

Bros this set is so fucking ass. How is this allowed?
Return to tradition.
How tough is it to git gud with Majespecter? A friend offered to sell me the deck core for $25 after we started talking about the recent Kirin unban.
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>dng is unironically downplaying deadnamer
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The players are beyond salvation if didn't notice sp is a straight up upgrade of all the knightmare links
I feel like konami could do a continuation of gx, never felt like the series was completed.
An in-archetype boss that can only do targeting destruction and can be outed by DRNM, Evenly and Ultimate Slayer is BALANCED
what tournament
We master duel thread now bitch
>just ignore the 30 handtraps and 10 circulars
nah fuck you and your gay handtrap pile
People bought?
Thank you for playing duel links
I feel like GX had a good ending as any with Judai getting his smile back and everybody graduating. We know that from BBT he resolved to becoming a Vagabond after GX ended.
1 retard isn't /dng/.
Straight up wrong
Ryzeal only plays 15 handtraps like a normal modern deck
SUDA is already bust the next series acronym should be FUTA if they want people to get excited.
will it be a 5D's set?
what if every waifu archetype was futa tho
never watched any of the movies cus they arent canon.
You understand MaZe and Son samefag often to stir up drama and shit up the thread right?
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>Fusion Takeover
You'd be british
It's way too late now, besides all the important story threads were tied up well enough. I would prefer a spiritual successor to GX, but that will never happen because the current rights holders are cowards and are wasting their time with Rush.
Wtf is this, what did they do to my Blue Eyes
Shun was done dirty…
he deserves a DSOD-style movie where he takes back his sister and best friend…
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>14 archetype cards
>5 searchers
>rest is handtrap garbage
handtrap.pile should not be classified as real deck
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>case of 12
I thought the tins came in cases of 52? Still the fact nothing in 12 tins is absolute shit, plus a bunch i seen had duplicates(literally 2 or in one case 3 of the exact same pack contents).
Having the people he loves die would've been fine if they'd done the work to develop his relationship with new people. The series should've been written for him to grow into an older brother for the Lancers. Give him the fucking ninja's plot.
It was the gayest season and spawned the gayest cancerous decks
man I really dont understand why konami simultaneously shills DM/GX/5DS and still shoves all their investor money into kiddy shitnime like zex/arc v/ vrains/rush.
Maxx "C" to 0.
Ash to 0.
Fuwaross to 0.
Shifter to 0.

Let the IQ of the game finally rise.
>exactly 15 handtraps
my point still stands
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Do not lump /d/eviants in with that eternal anglo. We don't want him either.
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He was a casualty of BUY BLACKWINGS.
Obsessed post
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The product is so ridiculously bad I can't understand it. I don't even see Komoney being able to profit significantly off of it.
>not canon
>not canon
You know Bonds Beyond Time is canon right? Even referenced in the 5Ds anime since Zone acknowledges Paradox.
>Title says "Awesome Pulls!"
>Check the video
>The pulls aren't awesome
Why would he lie like that?
>I don't even see Komoney being able to profit significantly off of it.
They sell to vendors instead of to consumer. Part of their sales contract stipulates a set minimum mandatory case purchases of the newest product line in order to be qualified for purchasing future sets for resale.
It doesn't matter how bad a set is - their buyers have already locked in their orders before the set contents have even been finalized.
Every single relevant meta deck is playing at least 15 handtraps. You are singling out one deck to whine about something all of them do. You are trans.
Don’t forget Kaito also played a more active role in trying to help Ruri than Shun
Nostalgia shilling ruined any chance for Shun to be relevant after he blasted Dennis with an orbital laser
>Why would he lie like that?
For views.
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The OCG YOT 2024 was held in Singapore with 400 players

1st. Ryzeal
2nd. Yubel
Top4. Maliss
Top4. Yubel
>/dng/ desperately trying to swing the pendulum back from “lol rank 4 in 2024 shit deck more DBP garbage” to “OMG DEADNADER BONKEN BAN IT BAN IT”
naaaaaaaaah, sorry, sleep in the bed you made, troons
how else is he going to recoup the money he lost on buying a case of shitty tins and opening nothing of value?
Maybe it’s just me but not running two Aggregator seems wrong. 1 for your turn 1, then another for follow-up.
>no you see every deck must play these 15 mandatory cards
and then they wonder why this game is dying
DSoD also talks about alt universes which is part of the setting of Duel Links
I’m not defending it, I’m just saying what it is.
Why people are playing number 70? to clear a nibiru token?
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>his "Ultimate Falcon" jobs in its debut duel and continues to job
>his "Final Fortress Falcon" is just as useless
>his friend and sister stay dead
Shun is up there as one of the most screwed over characters in the series.
This has literally always been the case for yugioh. From day fucking 1. Nothing has changed.
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yugioh died when half your deck needs to be handtraps
true or false
15 isn’t half of 40
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>/dng/: Ryzeal looks boring as fuck
>See everyone /dng/ said it was bad and would never be meta!
pendulums killed this game.
>already desperately changing the narrative
>posts with Troontira
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The last time I brought up every post just from the reveal thread alone the TRANNITOR got mad at me because posting about Yu-Gi-Oh isn’t on-topic.
>links killed this game
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2nd place list
>stipulates a set minimum mandatory case purchases of the newest product line in order to be qualified for purchasing future sets
is this not a pyramidal scheme?
>xyz killed this game
I can excuse Crow since Konami needs to shill Blackwings
But I will never forgive Odd-Eyes Lancer Dragon for being such a CaC piece of shit in the anime
Not to mention Final Fortress Falcon was so bad that Konami had to give Raidraptor an alternative boss monster in the form of Rising Rebellion Falcon years later
That episode 145 duel was a disgrace
this, except synchros
Yuri should have dueled more and have had at least one predaplant fusion
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>when I'm in a honest boss competition and my opponents are Deadnamer and Ariseheart
What is the Link below Linguriboh?
And Edo and Asuka shouldn't have been so useless. Jack, Crow and Kaito carried way harder than either of them.
What? No. Do you know how pyramid schemes even work?
Xyz (especially rank 4) were the first real mistake. Pends and Links were just extensions of the feature creep
Kinda figured it'd be only one of the new fiendsmith bitch if she was used at all.
konami has ruined the game by continually printing broken shit to the point where handtraps are "fixes" to broken turn 1 set ups
arguably its a very bad way to fix the actual problems since the banlist is a much better way to address broken cards but then they would have to ban over 500 cards
Jack was cringe as fuck and looks like a homo. Crow and Kaito are cool tho.
Normal EDOPro tournament. Card pool will be the one I mentioned above and the banlist is the current TCG banlist. I held a similar tournament last year.
I hate this bullshit so much.
>Ryzeal trap allows you to Xyz Summon during opp’s turn
Imagine if Ryzeal had a rank 4 that floats into 2 lv4 Ryzeal if it’s sent to GY
homosexual post
>Dimension Shifter
But dng said they dont play shifter...
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Yugioh died when Atem went to the afterlife. It never reached such peaks ever again.
see >>494812250
handtraps did
They don’t play OPTIMALLY under Shifter. Neither does Ryzeal. They can both still play it because it’s one of the best handtraps in the game.
>t. Jack cock slurper
Why sigma over say code of soul or meowmine? Is it a starter rather than extender?
They want/need something like Utopic Future. You can actually run Utopic Drago Future and summon it using Duodrive/Rafflesia (or Dweller)/Deadnader after you’ve used all their interruptions for one last monster negate.
5ds saved ygo for a lil bit, but yeah youre right.
You're quite bold to link to a youtube channel where you list your twitch, twitter AND discord.
You know we have stalking british weirdos here right?
>crowfaggot projecting homosexuality on others
every time
not for me, synchro spam was pure cancer
nice try, federal. i will not reveal my schemes
>synchro spam in the era when they made 2 at best
Unplayers shouldn't post
>jackfaggot projecting homosexuality on others
every time
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Maybe if were lucky, this is the one he tries to stalk and gets shot by and dumped in some forest to rot away.
>various 2-5 hour videos with sub 10 views
>several that literally so no views
I didn't even know youtube mentioned if a video had no views
Man this is depressing to dig through.
>let's pretend first turn quasar spam tg hyper librarian spam wasn't a thing
What are the best continuous spells printed? Do Barrage or Brilliant Fusion stand the test of time?
5Ds was shit on for years and the introduction of synchros led the game to the state its in.
Unolayers shouldn't post
>I didn't even know youtube mentioned if a video had no views
If you intentionally seek them out, their algorithm will start recommending 0 view videos for you pretty frequently. I like to watch them, like them, and send a brief cheerful comment. Let them know they're not alone on this flying ball of rock.
DiFi no contest
Notably, sinful Spoils Deception and Kings Sarc are pretty great
wtf is an unolayer also
>infernity spam
>x-saber spam
>six spamurai
>tries to stalk
I still laugh that he tried to stalk Sorafag of all people. Why would you want to fuck a diaperfag?
You have no idea how retarded you sound lmao.
I really like Card of Safe Return.
I think it's a Uno x Super Quant crossover
TeleDAD and all of its clones were the worst thing to come out of 5Ds. It started the trend of stupidly expensive spamming tier 0 decks.
Concession accepted.
>Posts a GX era card to complain about 5Ds.
this was a very late GX card that became relevant during 5D's yes
lol, lmao even.
>When their power cards were DAD, CCV and Destiny Hero shit all of them before TDGS
It became relevant the moment that it came out, dude. Allure of Darkness, Malicious, Armageddon Knight, Dark Grepher and Dark Armed Dragon are all GX cards and that deck was already king longdick IN GX.
The "Tele" part comes from the Synchroshit which actually made the deck tier 0.
The only good part of Deadnader is that you can chain its destruction as many time as possible
Nah, Glad Beasts and Lightsworns were more relevant back then. DAD was strong sure but it didn't hit its peak until later.
It only became really strong with e-tele and synchros.
>itt dng tries to rewrite history because they want to win an argument
I do remember Lightsworn came out and gave it some strong competition, knocked DAD down from ~$300 to ~200 for a while and JD stayed at 150~100. I don't remember Glad Beasts being super big between those two, but it did put in some work when they got Gyzarus and War Chariot.
I don't care. I've done this for years and haven't had issues.

It's fine. I'm used to it.
Sorry, I don't duel scrubs.
The GX era was pretty shit in retrospect.

I don't think the game has ever seen so many violent OTK decks before.
does EDOPro have Heavy Polymerization yet?
You gotta look into history bro. Glads abused Cold Wave so much they got it limited and then eventually it got banned.
There's a reason the tcg almost died in the west during this time.
I lived it, my man. PTDN got me to quit in the first place. I watched Konami rarity bump Dark Armed from a normal rare to secret and during that sneak peek, I was sitting next to the one dude who pulled DAD, my man got swarmed with offers of $400+. I said "alright, let me finish this Gigaplant beatdown deck real quick and then toss my collection."
>violent OTK
uuuh 5d's era? zexal era too, if anything OTK decks became more prominent the more powercreep got out of hand
GX, Arc-V and Vrains era almost killed the game multiple times
We don't have anything revealed these last two weeks
There is no OTK deck from 5ds or Zexal which became as infamous as Airblade, Stein or Troop Dupe Scoop.
blackwings, six samurai spam, trishula loop, infernity
Frog FTK, Infernity loops (Trishula abuse for the OCG, Infernity Barrier for the TCG because Jewart in 5Ds was not taking his meds) Inzektors, and Chaos Dragons
frog ftk?
literally any FTK involving brionac
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I like Lithium's CBC videos because they show how powercreep actually works.

Plasma is just one of those cards which was beyond its years and is simply immune to powercreep.
do 5ds era fags have rose tinted glasses or do they intentionally argue in bad faith?
Do you really mald over 5ds every day or are you really that gay?
The funny thing about memories is that they're volatile. Every time you remember something, your mind changes that memory slightly. After enough reminiscing they can be wildly different from reality.

chad cards
Gungir needs an errata to make her a bannable offense
More tuners like Hop Ear when?
That was just a ryzealnigger (singular)
Rituals should have a card like this that targets any monster... and ritual summons from deck
>cosplaying as the diapertrix
Ryzeal can also play Shifter AND play under Shifter
They do NOT fear Shifter at all
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Why don't they just print Egyptian God support that works like the Sacred Beast support? Search the field spell, cheat out the gods, some kind of floodgate. They've printed a bunch of cards tailored to each individual god and it doesn't work. Making the Gods viable is one of the easiest ways to throw the fan base a bone imaginable.
Because Konami are faggots
Z-ONE's traps worked with the egyptian gods but they believed that was too much
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>They've printed a bunch of cards tailored to each individual god and it doesn't work
But it does work
Ra can go second and OTK
Yes, its best combo is a 2-card one but that's better than other 2 jobbers
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Is there a witchcrafter booth?
I bought this one
Playing with one god is gay you faggot, people want to use all three of them.
And I want a million dollars.
Using Ra with WATER Aqua is peak Marik experience
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Sex with Ecclesia (Albaz)
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There was this one.
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The BIG problem is that konami refuse to make Divine-Beast(Type) and DIVINE(Attribute) after DM era
Somehow everyone is improved
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Joey's fusion deck is looking like shit so far, lads. What other iconic card of his can be made into a fusion to pad it out ?
It's very funny when Konami has clearly no idea what thematic direction to take an archetype, so Red-Eyes is just half "generic edgy cool stuff" and half "shit Joey used"
You can even toss red eyes full metal dragon and metal copycat into his jank as fuck deck and it'd still make sense, in fact, I actually did try that, I didn't even bother with Jinzo I just put a bunch of generic warriors, the Thousand Dragon retrain, the Flame Swordsman archetype, the former mentoned cards I got my shit kicked in a few times before I finally got lucky enough to draw Gilford the Lighting , summon him for a field wipe and then dead draw into a card I couldn't use at that moment like the metal cards, the fiend megacyber or Sword and Shield and those fucking Dice spell and trap cards fucked me over because the opponent had a link up
Alligator's Sword Dragon retrain and a whole Alligator + Thousand Dragon archetype.
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When's the Flaming Red-Eyes Dragon of Time and Dice with Chain?
What's the gameplan for melffies? I have the individual cards in my binder since they're adorable. Really want to put them to play at locals though.
What should I be loading in my ED? I'm guessing they're worthless ran pure.
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Can't wait for future Tri-Brigade support that's just this illustration but colored
Post ass
Red Eyes is unsalvageable. If Konami wanted to make Joey.dek good then they should have tried harder with Flame Swordsman.
They were literally in the year of FIRE and Warriorslop has a great toolbox, how do you mess this up so badly?
slifer is too badonken
Super generic jinzo fusion for siding against trap decks
Red-Eyes support is split between Joey cards, Atticus cards and game original cards and Konami can't make it cohesive. Blue-Eyes used to have that to some extent with it being split into Kaiba cards and game original cards but the SD made everything actually work together.
>What's the gameplan for melffies?
Absolutely impregnable ebony girl. I think I can even see "it".
What deck is the easiest to play right now. I need something that is swordsoul level of you have to be retarded to fuck it up.
Blue-Eyes with the new SD support
>Young Ferrijit, Shuraig and Rugal
Mandatory read
Need on my face
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New alt art leaked.
I wish
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The heterosexual Branded Fusion
Now that the dust has settled it

Secret Rare vs Quarter Century Rare, which rarity is the best?
Common is the best
Ultra remains my preference after all these years. It's shiny but also clear enough for me to appreciate art. Secrets and shit are way too busy for me except when the individual secret is reeeeally nice.
this, it's always ultra. they got it right 20+ years ago and they keep trying to make something better, but they only make uglier rarities.
shinier/more shiny shit =/= it looks good/better
Coomon or rare. Everything else is just asking for pringles
Quarter Secrets are too busy. I get what they're going for but I think it's overkill. Regular Secrets and Prismatics are better.
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Sangen Summoning to 0
Ash to 0
Poplar to 0
bone-chilling Flamberge limit
If I fusion summon a monster and it gets banished and returned does the monster still "remember" the materials it was summoned with for the purposes of effects that it gains from using those materials?
Pot of Greed to three
Granted, but it gets a HOPT put on it.
Ryzeal to tier 0
Actually, I wonder if hitting the other top tiers would indirectly weaken Ryzeal in reality since it's a deck vulnerable to board breakers but right now you have to run hand traps if you want a match up against everyone else.
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it's still a free +1 so it's still good
From what little I played of them they seem to have a simple but effective gameplay loop of, setup backrow plus Kirin and interrupt your opponent so that on the crackback you can push for game.
Indeed, I'm just trying to ruin whatever loop they found.
Other top decks would take their place and the easiest way to be prepared against an open field is to stuff more handtraps in because not letting your opponent play is still better than the alternative.
You know I have to wonder why this idea of boardbreakers being shitty against the other meta decks is so commonplace.
Like Fiendsmith Snake Eyes has one omninegate in the Fusion, and its infamous for every piece of extension getting you back to full combo and also Hiita making the usage of Ash nightmarish.
Gnarly, thanks dude.
No problem man. Hope you have fun with it.
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Ryzeal simply has no recovery or float aside from the field spell recycling 2 to draw 1
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>just recreating Tears of the Kingdom ending with Zelda falling and Link catching her
Remember that ToTK made it known that Link and Zelda are fucking and live together.
>Pay 1000 Life Points to activate this card. Each time a monster(s) is Summoned, the controller of the Summoned monster must send cards from the top of their Deck to the Graveyard equal to the Level(s) of the Summoned monster(s).
Print it.
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Why do I need recovery when the goal is interrupt all your plays and leave you unable to make a board?
That's why you will job to DRNM and Evenly
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Yugioh's and /dng/'s diaper Mecca
Good thing no one’s playing either in Main, otherwise I’d care.
>literally Tearlaments' wet dream
If you're playing a board breaking strategy, there's a better chance that you're letting FS SE resolve its full board than if you had run hand traps in those slots. You'll typically have to resolve two board breakers to play through the one omninegate to start right? One to deal with the omninegate, one to blank out the board somehow. But then they probably have a Promethean in the grave, which means you'll probably need a third card to push through that interactions. This isn't necessarily an answer to Promethean, maybe you simply have a starter/extender that gets through this. Or maybe you opened DRNM so you dealt with the omni on one card instead of two. But the point is just that a lot of modern decks like FS SE require you to open up more unlikely hands to deal with them and then still resolve your own play.
Now you'll still probably need 2-3 non-engine to stop them if you're playing hand traps, but the whole idea is that when you coin flip at the start, if you're going to expend 2-3 non-engine anyways it's better to run the package that can play first or second just fine than to risk going first and being blown apart by being one interaction short or going second and potentially not opening well enough.

Historically the big advantage of board breaking over hand traps is that you're getting more value per card at less consistency but that just isn't true in these match ups even if board breakers can win them for you. Of course, Ryzeal actually is a deck you can blow out on one board breaker so it's a whole other story.
>your opponent cannot activate effects of the sent cards this turn
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What’s the point of including a D tier in the image if nothing’s actually in it?
just to shit on people who are playing rogue I guess
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Most of C tier belongs in D.
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>Ice Barrier
Thats new
>blue eyes only b tier after all that wanking
what went wrong
NTA but tier lists sometimes leave gaps to communicate information depending on how they're formulated. If this is say, a results based tier list on tops, it may communicate that there's a very big gap between the C tiers and any untiered decks compared to if there were a D tier, supposing that every tier has a similar power difference from every other tier and then there's nothing in that range beneath C.
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Reminder, less than 20 hours till AMC bans are due.
Ultras, Gold Premiums, Regular Premiums, Ultimates, and Supers < the rest
2024 Konami only wants shilled lore decks to be meta on purpose.
...blue eyes white forest?
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Deck named like a brand of soap.
The best part was when he returned to the world and Halqed all over those guys.
brand of *soup
Could it fit White Aura too?
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>Can’t test the new Jurrac in Dino soup
hurry up, EDO faggots
meanwhile dng is stuck here arguing about trannies and diapers forever
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Why is there an autist who only posts recent art from the ocg? Does he think he can derail the thrwad from discussing diapercord and how shit Julia hedberg is?
>memento in anything
>Fiendsmith Yubel C tier
>trannymorphia in anything
fucking retard kys
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Print X's entire anime cards. Especially Purse with a Hole and Soul Connection.
GX’s writer was ahead of their time
don't you guys get tired of konami telling you what decks to play every couple of months?
I play Stun though
Counter question, don't you get tired of endlessly rolling the same boulder uphill?
This ain't the anime, you don't need to be that one character that plays one deck and one deck only.
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>No Auroradon
>No Tomahawk
>No Elf
>No Linkross
>No Isolde
>No Chaos Ruler
>No Barrone
>No Savage
>No Apo
H̷E̴ ̴W̷I̷L̵L̶ ̸B̶E̶ ̷B̵A̶C̴K̴
H̶͈̪͙̙͑E̴͇̎ ̸̰͓̭̩̒ͅW̴͔̹̄͐Ỉ̵̹̎̀͑L̶̩͉̏̈́̌̓͝L̸̢̻̮̘͙͑́͂ ̷̜̰̣͖͌B̷̡͙͚̰̽E̷̼͒̏̋ ̷͓͖̰̒͊B̶̛͙̫͒Ǎ̷͇͋̉C̵̬͎̮̖̿̿K̵̝̼͎̙͑̕̚

Ḫ̴̳̱̊͌́̓̓́Ȩ̵̢̦̥̻̝͉̀̂̉͆̏́̂͝ ̸͙͉̟͗̔̈́̄̋̒Ẃ̴̩̼͚̘͐͋͋̀I̶͌̀͌̑̕ͅL̸̡̹̗̒̈́́͋͆̏L̷̛̟͖̹̣̙̥̰͎͐̈́̔ ̴̧̜̠̣̤̹̪̹́̄͊͂͐́̊͆̂͝B̷̹̱̖͔̘̖͖̮̫͋́͋̊́̌͂͑̇E̷̛̟͉̳̻͇͇̋̈̀̊͛̾͘͝ ̸̢̬̭̟̝͉͒̈́̇̍̀̕B̸̢̳͉̖̰͑̈́̃̽̈́͗͗A̴̡̛̠̿̋̔͂̆̿̓C̶̹͓̥͓̳̭̜̆͜Ḵ̶̘̺̟̹̃͋̒̏̑͐͐̀͝

H̴̡̻̦̪̻̗̘͓̏̈́̎̃̆̀̂́̒̂̚ͅḖ̶̘̰̯̘̪͎̝̝͓̈́̊̐ ̵̛̥͔̬̀̆̌̋Ẇ̸̥̥͉̳̙̮̉͑̂̇͆̈́̆̀͜͝I̴̢͉͓̬̭̞̞̯͈̝̜̍̇̍̈́̽̆̾̌̀̿̑̚̕͘͝ͅL̸̜̩͌̀̇͊͆͐͒͊̄̈́͊͝L̷̢̧͎̯͓̣̤̦̱͓̜͕̟̯̻̊ ̸̛̮̮̜͕̎̀̋̏̽̄́̈́͘͘̕B̶̹̞͔̦̻̫̪̙̰̔͂̓̀̒̎̿̈́̈́͒̏E̶̢̩̪͔͈͙̙̘͈̝̘͖͆̓́̾̆͑͒ ̸͉̞̹̰̓̂̽̍͘B̷̨̡̨̫̝̻̜͎͈̻͎̺̼̣͂̇̋͑̿̔̔̓͊̍̀̆̈́̓̐͘͜͝Ą̶̧̢̪͖̫͇̟̤̣̺̘̈́̀̈́̓͌͐̉͌͘͜ͅͅC̶̗͓͉͎̤͈̹͔̖͉̺̊͋̓̈́͂̑̐̐̕K̵̂̄͌̃̆̋͌́͘̚͠
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I only play what I'm interested in.
There are people that not only want more of that, but also much more restrictive, basically precon-only + sideboard tools.
>Mirror Force
>Magic Cylinder
>Imperial Order
>Mind Crush
Revolver is /our/ hero
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Imagine if Konami makes a tournament advertised as precon for metafags and they market it with a bunch of meta decks as the ones that are part of it, then when the metafags sign up and Konami announces the decklists for the precons they show something like pic related.
Master Duel loaners if he paper.
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1. youve RUINED my cards
2. the bending shit looks completely unnecessary just push them together
3. this isnt shuffling

have we seen a single person do the Pharaoh Atem's shuffle on camera?
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Today I will remind them.
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I have some of these already. It's for quick decks that I can't find a nice deck box for.
I play what I want. If you stick only to meta the game gets pretty old fast. Then again I guess that's true for most games, almost killed Fortnite when they listened to the meta only players.
Furniggers deserve all that and more
Purrely won btw
I would have loved to hear about a madlad going to worlds with a deck designed for no win-con other than to shuffle his opponent's deck repeatedly, with his actual win-con being trying to get them to scoop before their cards get damaged.
do you think purrely card getting bent like that would snap the duel spirit purrely spine
More Millennium support when
he won btw
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>Imperial Order
Would be funny if Imperial Order got errated again just for future Revolver legacy support based on his use of it.
Melffy World Champion when
>diaperfag plays Fortnite
Are you a zoomer or a literal manchild?
The Broken World COMPLETE FILE…
first, whelpy world champion
they are waiting until next worlds to give buster blader BROKEN support so bewd BB wins worlds next year btw 2025 is the year of the level 1 light tuner
But the story is incomplete...
/dng/ meet up at gamers choice when?
It loops with different variation each time
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The porn
Veda will never be defeated
im not happy that apparently the kpop guy goes to gamer's choice
i pray i only find normal people there
LAfag meetup?
well duh, he savescums and reloads whenever hes in danger
never lost but will never win
and the story will never finish
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>red-eyes support coming
>but it's for rush
>>but it's for rush
First time?
Is that a Kiriban book?
Rush is like the one place it's been good outside when Duel Links gave it modern cards in its year 1 beatdown format
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CHADgioh would never do this.
What the fuck were they thinking with visas. Not even the dracoslayer lore was shafted this hard
why did Torchic turn into Ecclessia?
The made-to-order luxury set will save them…
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I don't know.
We flat out didn't even know who won in Dracoslayer lore until BLVO came out
>/dng/ meetup in Los Angeles
How in the fuck would that go? Stick around till the diaperfag shits himself?
Only because they would have to pay for twice the amount of art, otherwise, you better believe Konami would.
just play yugioh
paper amt or some shit like that
The weirdest thing is that even with unresolved questions, if Visas just cleanly beat Veda and the loop re-started again it wouldn't really feel nearly as uncomplete, it'd be sort of World Legacy-esque where the second loop wouldn't be "BEFORE THE FINAL BLOW WAS STRUCK I TORE OPEN A PORTAL IN TIME AND FLUNG HIM INTO THE PAST" but rather, "New Game+ for golden ending, what do you think, Reich?"
total moeshit death
Isn’t it about time a new lore starts?
>Visas gets cut short for fucking the game up
>But Diabellestar gets a free pass for doing the same
Really makes you think.
You're getting Branded 2
Yeah, either ROTA had a hint like with the Sinful Spoils in DUNE or Clear New World in uhh i forgot or they're doing a hint in SUDA
Konami hates midpoint lore series.
Tearlaments STACIES were stronger than that bitch Diabellestar ever could
if a meetup doesnt end up with platonic cuddling the night before we go back then it was a waste
irl tags would be awesome though
Muscular hoe is more appealing than K-Pop crew. Doesn't help Snake-Eyes are merely tedious hyper grind rather than Tear chain link 11 or Kash purge all zones and half your deck
Ponix and Ulcanix
>just play yugioh
What no going out to eat or have some drinks? Surely you dont go meetup with yugifags only to play a few games and fuck off.
Clear New World was in BACH
Still got more archetypes so it's better than vishit.
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To be fair an LA meetup you do have to legitimately worry about someone using a diaper
>apparently the kpop guy goes to gamer's choice
>the kpop guy
el hijo?
Are we getting any more reveals for SUDA or TW2 soonish?
>Tried out Aromas just cuz I had some random ones and they're in one of the current packs
>Surprisingly fun
At least, in solo. But they seem kinda fragile, like they can get shut down pretty easily huh
Isn't Go Rush ending soon? I'm expecting that they wait until they announce a new non rush YGO anime + master rule then start a new lore, with the lore advertising their new summoning mechanic like how World Chalice did it
Throw in Rikka and Sunavalon and you can make them competitive, in Europe only, also you might need to troon out.
this guy
Konami has kind of dropped all pretenses and just designs all plant archetypes to be splashed together
Son lives in the UK
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>returning to YGO after 15 years
>want to do Stardust things
>put together a Junk Speeder combo plus adventurer token package deck
Obviously I'm playing against other shitty players for now, but god damn is it such a power trip when you pull it off. I feel like the adventurer token package lets it stay afloat even if it gets hit with some nasty hand traps. Is Rite of Aramesir just carrying my ass?
okay thats good
wrong thread
Junk Speeder is "resolve this you win" so yeah anti handtrap stuff will help
Too much cringe
They're not going to drop this bitch without dropping the rest of the Animation chronicle Allure queen shit right? Since they're apparently not doing Light duelist pack Seventh Tachyon is also a guarantee because ROTA cover card is Shark.
/dng/ hear me out. I think Konami should make a ritual archetype based on the Choju/Senju/Manju monsters.
I'd play a Buddha archetype which gains more effects depending on how many extra "hands" were used in their summon.
More hands sacrificed means more hands thrown in the battle phase for example.
>no negate
into the trash can it goes
God what a mistake AC2024 was
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will they ever make another trap starter as recursive as this?
as soon as you draw this you can never see another piece of engine again and still have your whole engine
im so fucking envious of labrynth
im playing small scuffle to summon my monster
doesnt recur itself, possibly gives the opponent a body
im seething
Nemleria isn't trash confirmed
Less and less anime imports per year and they didn't even print all the the Performages for this year. They really need to revamp these things.

Alliance Insight.
The fourth basic pack of 2024, "ALLIANCE INSIGHT (tentative title)" will be released on Saturday, January 25, 2025. This pack will include new cards that strengthen existing themes and new themes. The
decks that do nothing but extending
So, ARC-V cover pack?
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>The fourth basic pack of 2024, "ALLIANCE INSIGHT (tentative)" will be released on Saturday, January 25, 2025. This pack will include new cards that strengthen existing themes and new themes.
>The first production run will include a "+1 Bonus Pack" as a box purchase bonus.
Place your bet, /dng/
what is the cover?
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/dng/ will freak!
We cracked the code time for the remaining Ignis archetypes
Red-Eyes GODS
Alliance? Smacks of Charmers working together. Charmer support confirmed.
>Drainstard already coping
lol lmao even
If the leaks about the dub are true, Go Rush still has about half a year to go.
Apparently one of the releases for EN accidentally put up a 151 episode count which might have just been a dummy number but it could be the actual number, and Go Rush is currently at 125.
Announcing a new series in December at Jump Festa and starting it in Spring also seems to be a common thing, that's how Go Rush was announced as well.

I think that Rush Duel has enough traction in Japan that Konami could plausibly support a Rush and non-Rush anime concurrently, depending on if the duel writers actually can manage something like that.
A new Master Rule anime would make sense. It's been a few years since Rush aired and so kids who would be introduced to the series with Rush could be getting at that age where they could be interesting in making a conversion to Master Rule. Making a "Yugioh 9 and 10" and maybe even going as far as making them a mixed media project could be a real shot of excitement in the franchise.
The biggest wrench in the idea is that Konami has been very dedicated to the core booster rainbow meme for a good while and they won't be back on Light Green until 2026.
@Ignisters or game original Performages to move all the AC2024 packs
5Ds and Sinnoh are peak, simple as.
>the capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive understanding of a person or thing
Pegasus support?
For this series we had
>2 DM (LEDE and INFO)
>2 GX (PHNI and SUDA)
>1 5D's (DUNE)
But really, who knows what this one can be.
Arcana Force.
You know what. I believe this.
Clearly zexal
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remember that the guy who ran this was unironically awarded the most iconic vrains duel
Its not gonna be fucking drains, they don't deserve shit
The name is obviously a reference to Duelist Alliance so its an Arc-V pack
Having an archetype of AI generated abominations would actually kinda fuck
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>arcvissies really don't know
Just show me the Ryzeal support.
>Cyberse support
>Its just more generic special summon effects into links
wow very epic
I tried it, it gets old looking at them after a while.
I need a hero!
I'm holding out for a hero 'til the end of the night!
He's gotta be strong, and he's gotta be fast
And he's gotta be fresh from the fight!
I need a hero!
I'm holding out for a hero 'til the morning light!
He's gotta be sure, and it's gotta be soon
And he's gotta be larger than life!
Larger than life...
cybersegods won
It's @Ignister
>low level monsters are shapeless blobs
>has actual bootleg knockoff copies of Yusaku's ace monster
>their ultimate boss monster is whatever the fuck this thing is
>Rage of the Abyss
>didn't include support for every single archetype with "Abyss" in its name
I need a hero to save me now!
I need a hero
To save me now!
I need a hero to save my life!
A hero will save me!
Just in time!
You say that but Rage of the Abyss was one of the few of these remake sets that actually acknowledged cards that released in it's namesake other than the cover by releasing new Mermail cards.
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So far away, we wait for the day
For the lives all so wasted and gone
We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days
Through the fire and the flames, we carry on
>Ignition Assault
>Alliance Insight
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I see and feel the evil...
My hands will crush 'em all!
You think you have the answers...
I'll laugh and watch you fall.
Black-hearted evil...
Brave-hearted hero...
I am all, I am all, I am...
Free my nigga stratos...... fuck it feels like it was just yesterday...
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Leave Alliance Insight to me.
homosexual penetration and romance with DPE
And they say that a hero will save us
I'm not gonna stand here and wait.
I'll hold on to the wings of the eagles
Watch as they all fly away!
>Lightning still doomed in Animation Chronicle purgatory
>I shall steal that key from you, through a Duel of Supreme Darkness, the third basic pack of 2024, containing cards that are essential for all duelists! New cards have been released to strengthen the "Evil Hero" deck used by "Overlord Judai", the alternate personality of "Yu-Gi-Oh! GX" protagonist "Yuuki Judai". In addition to the introduction of new series and the strengthening of existing series, it also contains powerful cards with high versatility! Also pay attention to the inclusion of cards with special rarity to commemorate the 25th anniversary!!
what did he mean by this?
A superhero, a superhero, a superhero!
Don't you wanna be
A superhero, a superhero, a superhero?
Anybody could be!
Anybody could be.
Anybody could be...
Haven't played RE in a long while, how does the deck look like now? Running the new Metalmorph stuff?
He didn’t fucking say that.
What is it about powerful synchros that makes the edotrannies too terrified to add them?
We don't need another hero!
We don't need to know the way home!
All we want is life beyond Thunderdome...
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not subtle
just play dlink with varudras
its got a large enough red-eyes package that you can say its 'red-eyes combo' more than blue-eyes could before it's support
Hey I know that song
my fansubs would not lie to me
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Predictions for the new Ignister support?
Millions of A counters must be placed
There will be none
>uhh yeah so i activate branded regained
holy FUARK
Hero is a four letter word...
Hero is a four letter word!
Just another term for Fool, and you’ll learn well in our school
That Hero is a four letter word!
That Hero is a four letter word...
Oh nice, more matieral to laugh at kek eyes
I think you may have replied to the wrong person.
Superhero by Simon Curtis.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jK-iHTjTTyY
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oops, drinking
hey, >>494846336
S, S, S and M, M, M
S, S, S and M, M, M
>next main set released on Joey's birthday
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You're forgetting the part where shueisha and tv tokyo don't want to promote yugioh anime among any relevant demographics and don't want to spend any money than the bare minimum to produce an anime year round.
weird ass normal monsters are pure kino
I know playground yugioh was never “real” yugioh but it was fun to have my guy who nobody else at my school played (because he was objectively bad)
So nothing more 'pure' than that huh?
It'll be warrior support
why are Judai, Yuya and Playmaker featured there?
The number 1 GX summoning scene is Chimeratech Overdragon
The number 1 Arc-V summoning scene is Raidraptor - Rise Falcon
The number 1 VRAINS summoning scene is Dark Templar @Ignister
Replace them with Ryou, Shun and Ai
The coconut nut is a giant nut!
If you eat too much, you'll get very fat!
The coconut nut is a big, big nut!
But this delicious nut... is not a nut!
It's the coco fruit (it's the coco fruit)...
Of the coco tree (of the coco tree)...
From the coco palm family!
youd have to ironically print a regular effect monster, or get some really insane spells, or no hopt.
i suggest we add nitrogen to the chemicritter line and call it nitro newt and start basing spell cards on much energy you get from nitrogen bonding or destruction cards because of how acidic nitric oxides are
Finally, the Landstar forces.
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Red-Eyes bros sure are huffing that hopium fast
Red-Eyes strengthening is trending thanks to that Alliance Insight name
>DM Link-1 that sets up to 3 S/T that mention DM or DMG from Deck, GY or banishment to your S/T zone
Would this save Dark Magician?
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in hindsight, SUDA name was so obvious about who would get the set cover
well if you want 'pure' red-eyes you're still dlinking but your endboard is 3 flaremetals to budget masq your opponent
or just the same kunai with chain you've always had plus a metalmorph omni
Tired of losing the coinflip with Traptrix, redpill meon Lightsworn
uh, does this let me use the second effect of Mikanko Kagura or no
No, what we need is Blue Eyes Light Dragoon
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Uh oh, borken.,
>no Ostinato engine
>mfw we're going to have to wait for a fucking Cosmo Blazar remake for Hazy Flame support
Melodious really did get forgotten huh.
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When the night has come
And the land is dark
And the moon is the only light we'll see
No I won't be afraid
Oh, I won't be afraid
Just as long as you stand, stand by me
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What it's just an ordinary tenpai.....OH MY GOODNESS. SQUIDWARD!!!
The enemy of my enemy is my friend or something like that
Buster Blader is less of an anti-dragon deck and more like a dragon deck tech choice
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Kaito has quite the 5head
Buster blader is just floodgate dek
honestly yes, buster blader is a house of fucking bricks you need an actual plan that isnt buster blader the dragon destroyer swordsmen
Elis sex
Stella sex
Irene sex
Sophia sex
Pulling down exosister tights, creampieing exosisters, then making exosisters put the tights back on and fight monsters as my cum leaks into their tights.
What are the best compact synchro engines that don't take my norm summon? Specifically I want to get into AFd plus a field spell, bonus points if I can climb from garden rose maiden into afd
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Oh naww, Buster Blader is playing stripmahjong with the Furbait.
>buster blader is a house of fucking bricks
I mean you're not wrong, look at that 6pack
Ran Aegirine
Only viable in WATER decks though
Does anyone know why Edoprodevs haven't added the new cards?
They fear SynchroCHADs
AA-ZEUS & TY-PHON archetype when?
where does this start and end
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Look at that schnozz
Synchro engines that arent diaper shit.
Wait a minute! That face!
I still have no idea what's supposed to be happening with the lightsworns and the dark world. Is Minerva being mind controlled by Weiss?
The rest of the Eyes of Blue getting their retrains when?
>his effect is just to become a bigger normal monster
But he stays at 1900 instead of 2500
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>He isn't playing Traptrix yet.
Why don't they make Geminis give Xyz monsters effects when used? Its not like they're still Normals while as Xyz Mats, could make an interesting archetype idea.
text space i guess
actually pendulums might help geminis since the main problem is getting them out for free, since then you can use the second normal from catalyst field for two effects
>he isnt playing one of the diaper decks
Why would we?
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>Geminis if they were actually well designed
you are allowed:
>2 main deck monsters
>1 extra deck monster
>1 normal spell and 1 continuous/field spell
>1 trap card
make Red Eyes a good archetype
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>3x Dragoon Turbo
>a Counter Trap to prevent DRNM / Droplet
>a card recur itself if send from hand by Red Eyes card effect
Geminis simply aren't a design you can fix without circumventing the mechanic entirely.

If you want to make a gemini monster good, it's possible through brute forcing. People run hard garnets, all gemini are basically soft garnets. Add a gemini monster with a very powerful effect, add a card that cheats it out. If it's good enough it can see play as a 4 card engine with 3 cards to start it. People run other garnet engines like that.

The problem is when you start talking a gemini deck because no matter how good the payoffs are, it'd have to exist in modern Yugioh as a deck where none of the gemini monsters are starters or extenders. You'd be forced to run a bricky high roll deck involving a bunch of synergies and just lose to yourself a ton no matter how good your end board is.
>Vrains skipped yet again
Red-Eyes Metal Soul
Lv4 DARK Dragon
(1) You can discard this card; add 1 Red-Eyes card or a card that mention Red-Eyes Black Dragon from your Deck, GY, or banishment to your hand, except “Red-Eyes Metal Soul”. (HOPT)
(2) You can shuffle this card from your GY or banishment into the Deck; special summon 1 Black Metal Dragon from your Deck, GY, or banishment to your field. (HOPT)

Darkness Dragon’s Chick
Lv1 DARK Dragon
(1) You can tribute 1 DARK Dragon monster in your hand or field; special summon 1 “Red-Eyes Darkness” monster from your Deck, GY, or banishment to your field. (HOPT)
(2) You can banish this card from your hand or GY; set 1 “Red-Eyes” Spell/Trap or a card that mentions “Red-Eyes Black Dragon” from your Deck, GY, or banishment to your Spell/Trap Zone. (HOPT)

Red-Eyes Darkness Spirit
Link-1 DARK Dragon
(1) If this card is special summoned: you can set 1 “Red-Eyes” Spell/Trap or 1 “Polymerization” card from your Deck, GY, or banishment to your Spell/Trap Zone. (HOPT)
(2) If this card is used as material for the Fusion Summon of a "Red-Eyes" monster, it can be used as a substitute for any 1 Fusion Material whose name is mentioned on it, but the other materials must be correct.

Red-Eyes Rage
Normal Spell
Pay half your LP; Special Summon 1 Level 4 or lower "Red-Eyes" monster or 1 “Black Metal Dragon” from your Deck. (HOPT)

Red-Eyes Hellfire
Continuous Spell
(1) When this card is activated: Add 1 "Red-Eyes Black Dragon" or 1 card that mentions it from your Deck to your hand, except "Red-Eyes Hellfire".
Red. (HOPT)
(2) Your “Red-Eyes” monster and “Black Metal Dragon” are unaffected by opponent’s card effects.
(3) Neither player can activate cards or effects in response to this card's activation.

Red-Eyes Blacklash
Counter Trap
(1) When your opponent activates a card or effect: Destroy 1 "Red-Eyes" Monster you control, and if you do, negate the activation, and if you do that, destroy that card. (HOPT)
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Rev synchron.
the chemicritters are decent extenders, the problem is what is the unique end board that makes this worth doing over anything else, the lack of starters, and gas. they some floo levels of normal summoning
forgot the material for the link-1
>1 “Red-Eyes” monster
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where would a red eyes field spell even be?
Rota for black metal + hamdtrap protection
Red-Eyes Black Knight
>Level 7 Dark Warrior 2400/2000
>You can send 1 "Red-Eyes" monster from your hand or GY; Special Summon this card from your hand
>If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 "Red-Eyes" monster from your GY.
>If your opponent receives effect damage while this card is in your GY, you can add this card to your hand.

2. Red-Eyes Black Magician
>Level 7 Dark Spellcaster 2000/2400
>While this card is in your GY: all effect damage your opponent takes from "Red-Eyes" monsters you control is doubled.
>If you control a "Red-Eyes" monster: You can Special Summon this card from your hand or GY.
>If this card is Normal or Special Summoned: You can Set 1 "Red-Eyes" Spell or Trap from your deck.

Red-Eyes Assault Dragon
>Level 7 Dark Fusion Fusion 2800/2400
>2 "Red-Eyes" Monsters
>(Quick Effect):Once per turn, you can equip one card from your hand, deck, GY or banishment to this card.
>If your opponent activates a card or effect, you can send 1 card equipped to this card to the GY; Negate that effect and if you do, destroy that card.
>If this card is sent from the field to the GY: Special Summon 1 "Red-Eyes" monster from your deck, then inflict damage to your opponent equal to its ATK.

Neo Red-Eyes Fusion
>Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck by sending materials listed on it from your hand or field to the GY.
>Banish this card from your GY; Double the attack of all Fusion Monsters you control.

Red-Eyes Territory
>Field Spell
>When this card is activated: Add 1 "Red-Eyes" card from your deck to your hand.
>The activation and effects of "Red-Eyes" cards cannot be negated.
>"Red-Eyes" monsters cannot be destroyed by battle or card effects.

Red-Eyes Strike
>If you control a "Red-Eyes" monster: Destroy all monsters your opponent controls and then inflict damage to them equal to their combined ATK.
>Banish this card from your GY; Red-Eyes monsters can attack directly this turn.
but where artwise
If I was forced at gun point to design a gemini archetype, I'd just rip off Sky Strikers. Just one main deck monster that like, searches an archetype spell/trap on gemini summon then a bunch of link 1s that require the card to be gemini summoned to link out, and all the spell/traps get you to the monster. Just another resource loop grind deck.
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I can fix it with just 1 card. (It's just this >>494859865)
>Field spell
>Add 1 Red eyes or card that mentions it from deck to hand
>Opponent can't respond to their effs during your main phase
And to make the boards more red-eyesy make a red-eyes synchro that can replace void ogre here, but this is optional
if you control a Gemini monster you can add 1 maxx c from your deck to your hand
Opponent just combos and otks under maxx "c" because he knows you're on gemini and your deck is shit
>he fell for it
i activate grass and mill all my tearlaments
Sister, queerlaments are dead as is, I'm sure adding geminis to the equation won't drop your 41% rate
It will be a picture of 2 Red-Eyes talking and taking up so much space on the art that you can't even tell what location its meant to be
>no one bothers with Ritual
truly the most useless mechanic
It's the one with the most hurdles and the only correction is to make it more boring.
>need both Ritual Spell and Ritual Monster and the Tributes
You COULD remove one of these aspects, like summoning from Deck so you only need the Spell and Tributes but at that point you have created Fusions but with more garnets.
You COULD offset the high card requirement by adding hyper-consistency but we already have shit like that and it doesn't help all that much.
If you removed Ritual tomorrow from the game nobody would mourn it
Rituals are cool, but the ones that have been viable are most boring shit imaginable.
>Gishki abusing Elf
>Voiceless Voice (which is just Dragoon pass)
I like recycling the new Drytron dude with Dyna Mondo, but that's more of a cute gimmick than actually good.
People who think ritual are hurdled by the mechanic are retarded boomers or haven't played a ritual deck since 2016.
The real issue is they're gatekept by droll and shifter, like 90% of decks in the game. Not really a unique or out there problem .
>Red-Eyes Oracle Dragon
>Same stats as REBD
You can discard this card and declare 1 card name; Add 1 "Red-Eyes" card, except "Red-Eyes Oracle Dragon", from the Deck to your hand, also, your opponent cannot respond to this effect with cards of the declared name, nor can they activate cards or effects of that name for the rest of the turn. You can declare 1 additional name for each "Red-Eyes" monster you control and in your GY.

>Red-Eyes Time Wizard
>Same stats as Time Wizard
Once per turn (Quick Effect): You can toss a coin and call it. If you call it right, Fusion Summon 1 "Red-Eyes" Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck by shuffling its Fusion Materials from among your hand, field, GY and banishment into the Deck, also, your opponent cannot activate Quick Effects while that Fusion Monster is face-up. If you call it wrong, send 1 "Red-Eyes" monster from your Extra Deck to the GY.

>Retired-Eyes Quartz Dragon
>Lvl 12 4800 ATK/DEF
1 "Red-Eyes" monster + 1 "Time Wizard" monster
If this card is Fusion Summoned: Draw 1 card, and if you drew a "Red-Eyes" card, inflict 1000 damage to your opponent, then, you can repeat this effect. If this card is sent to the GY: Destroy as many monsters on the field as possible, then, you can Special Summon 1 "Red-Eyes" monster from your GY.
How bad could Primoredials possibly be....
Another mid deck that caps at a board wipe.
They keep making those
You mix Primoredial with Phantasm Spiral Dragon
That’s the best variant of the deck
Primoredials are normal support, they're not a deck.
They're so good Vell copied Getter's deck.
>2 shitters passing shitdecks to each other
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>there are people who still think branded fusion should have been hit
Chimera had a shirt-lived glory
So did Exodia
In the end, nostalgia could only take you so far
The Visas lore support that can search all Broken World archetypes when
Branded Fusion does enable puppet lock desu.
Exodia Just needs a trap version of millennium cross.
So if they kaiju your exodia you immediately summon another one.
And give it the same gy effect as the nuke trap
The Raidraptor rank 1 that can be Xyz summoned by using any Raidraptor you control as material
still, the fact that Exodia has to play 5 garnets makes its deck space extremely tight
I like that Spoon gets 2 searching effects because they know opp will always Ash his discard-to-search effect
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Haven't seen a single Brandedcuck at locals since the banlist dropped
Calm down millennium eyes restrict...
>can use both Purge and Impulse
this deck is based
How come exosisters have exactly 0 players here despite being spammed 24/7?
Do you think people like exosisters for their gameplay or something
gimmick is not interesting enough
>Not even banned, limited
>All the branded copers dissapear IMMEDIATELY
All your years of downplaying and you still get proven wrong.
You're no different than the
>He thinks halq will get banned
That's more of a statement on the lack of players than anything t b h
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Traptrix has many players here and is the most popular archetype on /dng/.
I only play Rafflesia because she's a convenient whore for Ryzeal
Name 5
Another StunCHAD victory
>Chimera had a shirt-lived glory
Chimera is literally at its best right now in the TCG lol
Explain why I should play a nerfed option in a game where winning is the primary goal. I’ll wait.
memento is still tiered thoughevervever
memenmorinphen will SAVE yugioh
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Stun is just the chad's rejection of all the shitty handtrap minigames konami wants to force you to play.
Lennygawd was right about everything, /dng/ rejected him and that's why it's in the unplayer state it's innow.
Easy fix. Ritual from banish zone
Because Memento keeps getting good support
they don't even run her anymore lol
Goes to show how sick people are of this garbage ass format.
They still do
every other rank 4 is a jobber against Nibiru
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unironically mindnumbingly broken
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i am forgotten....
>Duality in a format where you can spam normal summon
I'm starting to see the connection between branded trannies and ryzeal downplayers
They have graceful and PoG already
surely they forgot the Legend label haha
you are a 1-of in every Memento deck
>BraFu to 1 isn’t a nerf
>despite it being OBJECTIVELY worse than BraFu being at 3
Hmmm............ starting to think DUMB NIGGER GENERAL really lives up to its name.............
It has HOPT restriction.
those are legend cards
having 3 copies is still much better than 1 despite the HOPT
But i have a gorrillion 3 card combos that can search brafu (they all die to any handtrap) doe !! I'm not coping i swear !
Huh? But /dng/ just told me it’s functionally the same, like with BraFu...
I suggest you play MD to polish your skill
maybe you should brafu some bitches
literally doesn't matter rofl
I wish i could BraFucking kill you with an axe you dumb bitch chop you into pieces and cook you and eat you and fucking take a fucking shit on a copy of BraFu you fucking excrement bitch
In the end, Nadir Servant and based Maximus become the new 1-card combo in Branded
>Activate Nadir Servant send Bucephalus II add Maximus.
>-Bucephalus II eff to send Brigrand.
>-Maximus banish Bucephalus II to special itself.
>-Maximus eff to send Titaniklad and Sprind.
>Go to EP
>-Titaniklad Summons Quem.
>-Quem send Cartessia.
>-Brigrand add Albaz to hand.
>-Sprind Special Kitt from deck.
>-Kitt add Branded in High Spirits.
>-Activate High Spirits discard Albaz to send Albion, add Mercourier.
>-Quem revive Cartesia.
>-Albion set Branded in Red.
>Turn end, during opponent's turn you decide if you will Puppet lock, Mirrorjade, or Chimera depending on situation.
t. jobbermas
Yes, congratulations on discovering a combo from last year. It wasn’t good then, it still isn’t good now.
Lidl won you lost
Or you can normal a fossil Dyna with a set punishment plus any additional backrow.
whoops, you lose
>glock 19
whoops, you die
Any deck resorting to ligma package meaning it's huffing super copium and its viability is at deaths door. See: FK endlessly fellating their maximum play and then jobbing their way to irrelevance
That actually looks insane, why do we not get boarder breakers?
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Didn't we just see a Snake-Eye Fire King topping list at an OCG local?
>People knew about this combo for well over a year
>Brafu gets limited, not even banned, just limited
>Deck disapears anyway
>"I swer we don't need brafu guise !!!"
erm where's the rafflesia in the ryzeal list.... dng said...
rush cards have a bigger artwork and smaller text frame
they were banking on the possibility that no one Nib them
They don't even run 1 Nib as Crossout target
Yeah that's why they jobbed this time
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>people still taking OCG results seriously after we all saw how bad they were at worlds
>SEFK ran Nib
>Ryzeal didn't run Rafflesia to dodge Nib
That's what they got for daring to throw her away
most ryzeal lists have dropped rafflesia after post nut clarity hit
But it beated Tenpai with triple Nib ...
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memento players after pulling the 15 cent temple reprint from the tins (rest of the deck is still 400$)
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Friendly reminder to all the NEETS in this thread that it's disgustingly easy to become a big time ygo eceleb. Just start a jewtube or twitch and you'll have dedicated paypigs by the end of the month.
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Honestly it's time for new support.
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Attempted to build Cydras again after a long time after Eosvarog got revealed, it's a nice addition but not enough. The Main Deck engine still needs more firepower to make up for the loss of Verte, using the Cyberdarks still takes too much space and you can't even use them for Cyberdarkness or Cyberdark End without bricking.
I will build them with the Kaiba XYZ support too and see what happens.
Pokemon yugitubers make 100x more

MBT would have left school a long time ago if yugitubing was viable
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Will you main Heavy Polymerization?
If so, how many copy?
sorry meant for >>494870570
just realized duality basically is how most modern tcg do their deck searching
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Mfw purrely
This thing is going to become a potential board breaker choice the day we get a generic 3 mat fusion that just blows up the field.
>but what about Z-Arc?
4 monster end boards aren't rare, but good luck with all the burn damage you'll be getting. Unless I'm forgetting some Fusion/Synchro/Xyz/ED Pendulum dragons with 0 ATK or at the very least 1000.
Heavy Polymerization only makes sense of you're using Cyberdarks and
>lose 5k LP if you attempt to summon Cyberdark End
Simply not worth it
The issue with Rafflesia in Ryzeal is that you give up an ED and a main deck slot to call out Nib who you've got a decent enough chance not to run into when you can resolve a Bagooska or Abyss Dweller on any extra resources. It can be annoying to route it early too and delay your Ryzeal XYZs. It's pretty reasonable to play the odds in OCG that you simply don't be nibbed.

Though it's a fucked up statement to say that the deck is so strong it can seriously consider skipping its negate
What's your least favorite way to have a deck be shit?
>has tools to beat everything in the meta convincingly
>bricky enough to die to itself too much for tournament play
to be fair, Rafflesia can also send pic-related to nuke in opp's turn
>random restrictions and conditions where if they were gone, the deck would somehow STILL be shit
>"except during the turn this card was sent to the GY"
>"You can only use 1 "Card Name" effect per turn, and only once that turn"
>Random glaring ass weakness that punishes your shitdeck for even existing
How is memento so expensive? The deck hasn't done anything on the tournament scene, and the core was crashing from $50 a few months ago.
What the fuck happened?
I used to be a potential man. Now I just pay the premium after a deck gets support
Memento is one of the most successful decks on the tournament scene. Like the 4th most recent tops or something that just gets overshadowed by the big 3
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Need this but it's Ashened, Tistina and Flame Swordman
No one ever believed in them for long enough
Nobody was expecting those to be good.
When was this made? Memento does have tops
I expected ghoti to be good.
The lowest burn is 4000 with Ultimaya Tzolkin as the Synchro, Numeron Dragon as the XYZ, Darkfire Dragon as the fusion, and Starving Venemy as the Pendulum
You poor soul.
Oh, that's nice enough
The in-archetype trap also forces you to pay half your LP to summon Zarc anyway
Yep. I was like oh hey this runs shifter. You can do hop ear for ruddy rose dragon. Surely this will kill the snake-eyes.
This did not kill the snake-eyes.
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Aged like bread
ocg prints the worst deck you've ever fucking seen and /dng/ posters say some shit like
>actually this is spiritually a tcg deck, japan would never design this
And that's a good thing
Mementofication will never stop
Until every single boomer card gets retrained
Memento was the true sissy hypno deck all along...
This but unironically for Ogdoadics
So uh, what do you do if you don't open exactly Shifter+Zep+Hop Ear+Snopios+another fish
You mean Abyss.
Gold Pride has such great art, too bad the deck is total ass.
mementokozaky soon trvst the plan
I don't like it. It's good on a technical level i guess but it doesn't feel yugioh at all.
Art looks like it'd be more at home in rush.
This is true tho
fLOpped and over priced
Uh, is that 1 PM in EST or UCT or?

Also new
I have a sinking feeling sharks might be the better shifter fish deck just for the ability to otk under it

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