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Previous: >>494932439

Caesar combat intelligence
Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program

Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo

>Current Signal Search
Jane Doe - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)
Sharpened Stinger - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)

>Current Events
"All New Program" - Receive Encrypted Master Tapes - Ends 09/24 03:59 (server time)
"Camellia Golden Week" - 08/21 10:00 (server time) - 09/23 03:59 (server time)
"Immersive Tactical Drill" - 09/06 10:00 (server time) - Ends 09/16 03:59 (server time)

>Upcoming Events for 1.1
"Scene One, Take One!" - Starts 09/13 03:59 (server time)
Full 1.1 Event Details: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125244

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
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Which faction is the tomboy faction?
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Please reply to this post with a SCREENSHOT containing your UID if you would like to be added to the public UID list. A normal gameplay screenshot or camera shot is fine. This list will be transferred to a rentry in about 10 days.
I'm going to sleep so I'll check replies later.
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Who is the most attractive ZZZ character
>fuck me lips engine
I tried this game for the first time today and I'm not very tuned in with gacha games, only gacha I have really played is Nier Reincarnation that closed and played it only on my phone. God damn didn't know a mobile game could look this good, I'm very impressive with the art direction of this game specially on the UI, is actually quite commendable how much the stuck to japanese y2k aesthetics
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>/zzz/ 4chan meeting
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Sure, it's still cancer thoughever and as soon as the endgame difficulty inevitably increases and you'll start needing actually good disks, that's when you'll barely feel a difference between this game and the other two.
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Your honest thoughts on real women?
god i hate women
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I haven't rolled for a limited ball and yet I've cleared shiyu 17 all at S rank on every rotation. I'm not about to start rolling for them now.
neko is staring into my soul
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Fix your discs and playstyle idiot
They owe me sex.
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Not really, the music store and other qol makes it like 3x less cancerous than the other two.
anon... they're all men
I've never truly meant this with such a visceral feeling but 3DPD
Thanks to playerauctions and some guy in china I am now the proud owner of Zhu and Soldier 11
thank you for outing yourself as poor
cease playing gacha games immediately, you dont belong here
Chink cosplayers always have that uncanny eye makeup.
Jane can do the second half in less than a minute. 100% better than Billy confirmed.
That's because every class has good cope options.
Defense has literally NONE
>everyone on /zzz/ is asian
NOOOO are all my NA uid friends here just frauds!?!?
Is ZZZ less grindy than Star Rail
>the music store and qos makes it like 3x less self-modeling resin than the other two
What did it mean by this?
whats the fastest m0w0 jane clear on that side so far
not enough fur
can't speak for genshin but the system is way better than HSR already
>all disc sets are 6 pieces, vs HSR which has relics and planar split for your 6 pieces
>no roll weight RNG, all rolls are identical
>much cheaper to craft discs from salvaged discs
the main issues are main stat RNG on disks 4-6, and the fact that the actual disk rolls are the "weakest" possible roll that you would get in one of the other games, so the actual max power level of discs is lower compared to relics in HSR. whether or not that actually becomes a problem depends on how much harder the game gets in the future though.
I cleared S7 with my M0W0 teams in like 3 mins total
why spend more?
>and you'll start needing actually good disks, that's when you'll barely feel a difference between this game and the other two.
Not really because
>no fucking speed tuning
>no ER tuning
>No minmax rolling
>Some important stats like impact, energy regen, anomaly mastery aren't even available as substats so it's fucking impossible to autistically tune even if you want to, at some point you're just hardcapped at mainstats
are you okay anon?
>solos without even trying
Doesn't HSR have variable rolls on the substats too? I know Genshin does, but in ZZZ all the Crit Rate substats are identical.
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>Put both Nicole and Soukaku on Burnice's banner
I HATE MEHOMO SO MUCH BROS. Didn't roll for Jane so that means also I don't have Seth meaning I don't have a good anomaly team and if I build pity on Burnice's banner and "accidentally" get her then I won't have a functioning team for her goddamn.
Sex with this child
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Queen of sex
No. It's grindier than sr, actually.
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I thought waifufags only care about the design? Why do they keep shitting up the thread with numbers comparisons?
It's just one Janefag
yes, i literally mentioned that in my post
>no roll weight RNG, all rolls are identical
in ZZZ they just picked the lowest possible roll you could get in HSR and made that be the roll you're guaranteed to get, which like i said, lowers the maximum potential of power you can get from discs. this means the point where you have to spend on eidolons/engines to increase your power is lower, but the game is so easy right now it doesn't matter, and unless they drop a massive difficulty spike it probably won't ever matter.
This will bite you in the ass when they mass ban suspicious accounts kek
HSR can be auto'd but I think ZZZ is less grindy if you actually play
metafags sometimes disguise themselves as waifu fags.
that's why you see "m2w1 the character you like" all the time, you are not rolling for waifu, you are rolling for meta.
real women haven't been invented yet
literally get solider 11 easily with tapes wtf lmao ripped off much?
The real grind in HSR is getting the desire to complete these sidequests in order to get through all the fucking YAPPING.
do ultrawide keks really?
newfag here. Who's the archon/herscherr in the current story that I should save up for?
My bad, for some reason I thought you meant that each substat had equal weighting between each other.
P.S. Please put /vg/ or /zzz/ in your bio!

added to the list, thanks
I need him
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>use polychromes on standard banner
>get S11 + her ball
>sit back and wait until OBOL
It's that simple
It gave me Koleda too but I don't give a fuck about her
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Genshinbros how are you feeling? I've since moved on to ZZZ and occasionally log in to GI but it's kinda making me sad for their current revenue state. It still has a special place in my heart
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You can only blame yourself for letting that accumulate.
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>70 rolls away from S11
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Look at this YIIK lookin-ass dude.
any gameplay or close up of her?
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hmmmmm.... nyo
LastWar: Survival... too powerful...
who the fuck pays for youtube
>just got through Lukaslop
>it's my fault from burning out on consuming more slop
>got kotballed
Jane's banner and her engine banner are truly the gigabricking whale-baiting banner duo
I just heard the news, is it true that Lucy is switching to Burnice banner????
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You know superchats count right
Bro, just mute the game, play a podcast/video in the background and spam space + right click.
Anon most nips are on apple meaning adblocking options are grim.
>t. revanced user
It's confirmed
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here's hoping lighter's got the good punchy
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janeGODS broke you
don't be like those anon that lost 75/25 or got the ball and found his character boring later on.
if you don't like any of the content in the game then you can always just quit
She claims another!
Japan truly is the cuck country
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How do gacha players deal with knowing that the character they want most could be years away from becoming playable?
It's the first gacha I'm playing and I really wanted Pulchra, but I don't even know if she will actually become playable.
>planning to skip Caesar
>when I want M6 Piper
>planning to pull for Burnice
>already have M6 Lucy and Nicole
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For me it's Titus Labienus. Caesar was a punk ass bitch and a traitor to his Republic. ZZZ btw.
Not that guy but I actually might despite whaling in that game.
The story is just so fucking boring.
At least zzz doesnt waste my time with pointless yapping.
I like the content. I really liked the march raising simulator last patch. I didn't fucking sign up for a 8 hour visual novel about fucking LUKA.
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You simply hope, cope, or a combination of the two.
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you just cope, try to keep some rolls saved just in case they surprise you but it's best not to become too invested in characters that aren't confirmed playable or you'll just burn out and quit.
Eventually your stash gets big enough that you can hold out for that one character and still roll on other stuff.
Burnice confirmed trash if they're giving her two strong a ranks
Caesar so valuable they're giving her Anton to tone down the value of her banner
Based. Brutus did nothing wrong
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we are legion
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Add me bwo 1000009463
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How do you think I feel? There's nothing in the game that even hints at their existence yet. They're probably 2.0 at earliest, at least your character will be in the game next week.
Just roll for characters you want currently while cautiously seeing the beta and future patches.
per example, miyabi fags know that she won't come until 1.4 so if they can roll in 1.2 but maybe not on 1.3.
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i personally really enjoyed it but i've liked luka since his companion quest. he's probably one of the most generically likeable characters in the cast so i don't get how people hate an event focused on him so much

Zenless Zone Zero
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Add me, I have an early UID
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>Put both Nicole and Soukaku on Burnice's banner
It's Lucy not Soukaku.
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you can tell Brutuscucks are huge homofaggots.
when will carol meet her brother
Saving for Sunbringer and her big flag
Uh oh Augustpedo melty
It's over fujo's won
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What exactly is the point of adding you people
What are we going to do together. Play Snake?
Blaze is the weakest anomaly
will double dps ever become meta
>6 digits
I’ll be rolling Burnice so I can walk around the city with her and masturbate
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Of course
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>fetal alcohol syndrome face
>saggy ass titties
>bbc bait outfit
is it me or is nicole extremely overrated
Dunno. I wanted Caesars and I'm getting her in 6 days. Don't care about anyone coming after except maybe Baldnice.
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cool thing about rampant brute I just found out
you can disorder him with electric if you apply another anomaly beforehand and itll still impair him
based unrepentant pervert
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I understand why the tics are weaker since they aren't on hit, but I don't see why they had to nerf the disorder damage when freeze and assault have the same disorder damage.
1.3, Pulchrabro. Trust. Wait for the drip marketing in 3 days.
This, not even sorry for any retarded noobs who wasted their rolls on them.
What about Jane and her huge jiggly brapper? You gay or something nigga?
Sorry latefag, I add 5 digits or less only
anal creampie corin
Shut the fuck up, Pompey. Imagine getting killed by Egyptians of all "people".
nta, it was fine but the side stories grinded everything to a halt. That sugata one was half a hour bro
all of those are positives though?
I probably would have liked it more if they communicated what it was earlier because I came into it thinking it was pokemon redux 2 but it's more the 8 hour unskippable visual novel part that I had a problem with.
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I want more duo attacks they're cool even if they aren't meta
You are just a seething husdando fag who is jealous that i one upped you by having early uid.
One day and another day
I already rolled her
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Aetherium is NEVER coming back! Get over it, goddamn.
>be caesar
>conquer a bunch of third worlders for money
>become simp for a ptolemaic slag
>adopt another man’s son
>stabbed to death by a bunch of old geriatrics
caesar was a cuck
zenless zone zero
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you guys are probably just slow readers since i got through the side quests pretty quickly, but i actually enjoyed the story overall so it probably feels like a slog if you're forcing yourself

another Zenless Zone Zero image
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The only reason I was even going to pull on Caesars banner was for Lucy dupes, easiest fucking skip now
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>built the Great Pyramids
>survived the Bronze Age Collapse
>survived the Sea People's (genetically superior European refugees) invasions
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Thanks for the tips bros, I hope I can control my anxiety and always keep an eye on what's coming in the future, I hope you all get the characters you want.
Btw how long did some of you wait to get the character you wanted and in which game?
Caesar won with or without him
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i have max trust rank with corin but i still hang out with her
>fetal alcohol syndrome face
>saggy ass titties
>bbc bait outfit

tell me you don't play the game by telling me you don't play the game.
>tits are like that irl with low bras that wanna show off cleavage
>dresses like that to get more eyes on her so she can manipulate people easier
play the game and learn how female breast work irl
>but my fav porn/tic tok/onlyfans tits ain't saggy!
cause they're full of plastic
How will I max my Lucy now?! Burnice is a brick
I am not a shitskin
still waiting for obsidian in HSR and the idols in ZZZ so can't tell you. outside of them i've just rolled on whatever's tickled my fancy at the moment
holy man face
real women are so fucking ugly. especially cosplay whores
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If Anomaly or Soukaku don't count
We just need more physical dps, Corin with Neko and Nicole is a decent team as they are burst dps with different burst windows
She's unironically comfy and has a refreshing personality.
Cope, people are lucky I'm even allowing 5 digits, let alone 6 digit bricks +
>more BIG ladies
What did he mean by this??
He's talking about Nicole not Anby
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I believe that Idols are going to be a really big deal, so I think they will save them for the beginning of 2.0 next year.
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I think we know what he meant...
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i have mixed feelings on them being anni characters since it's more time to save but it also means i'll have nothing to roll for after SoC since i don't care about floption 6 or OBOL squad.
So, how much did you spend?? Don't tell me you didn't use the VPN trick to save nearly half the cost...
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my qingyi with 50/150 crit says yes
After Sons of Calydon I'll be saving until the next cunny S rank
Guys I'll be abroad and unable to play zzz for one month exactly when Burnice's banner starts. I've been saving polychromes and tapes exclusively for her and I feel terrible...
What do I do now bros?
her face kinda reminds me of 39daph
when will we need 3 teams?
somebody's cranky
mad you don't have a pizza chain named after you, pompey?
Why can't you play on your phone? It's not like ZZZ is ping dependent as well
just play on your phone? surely you can get hooked up to some wifi for long enough to pull her
I'm still waiting. It's been over 3 years...
For the 2 random events they'll drop within the next 2-3 years but it'll be piss easy to get all the rewards and they'll provide trial characters whilst holding your hand throughout.
Nobody ACTUALLY thinks the game is going to get hard, right?
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I have zero trust with corin and have been ignoring our dates the past six weeks
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my friends clearly have a type
Cringe clique
Why Anton in Caesar's banner? Who even uses him? Could have put Soukaku for better value.
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why would you advertise that you browse or post in this shithole on your profile
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They'd be very rare, if they even get made at all. I can imagine they're likely more time and resource intensive to develop and Koleda and Ben only worked because they're both launch units.
My phone sucks... I'm planning to get a new better one as soon as I'm back, actually. I'm going to a country kind of ridden with crime, so if someone steals my crappy phone, I wouldn't really miss it.
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>He thinks banners are made to maximize account value
I will get Corin to level 60.
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OHOHOHOHOHOI lost my 75/25, too. Grace's engine... Didn't whale though, and thankfully I had her at C2.
what country?
>said pizza is ass
you proud of yourself?
>who even uses him
i do, bro
lvl 60 with grace

but i ain't rolling that, saving for idols
You're already advertising you play a furryhomopedo game, browsing 4channel is the least of your sins at that point.
I also don't really like the idea of Sector 6 and Obol, I think they end up going too far into the territory that other gachas already cover and end up avoiding the mundane feeling that the other factions have that make me like them.
Me, I use him. Soukaku isn't that good outside of Ellen and was on banner with her. Meanwhile Anton's best team is standard banner S ranks.
HUEland - Sao Paulo to be more specific.
Isn't losing the weapon banner actually really lucky? Think about it, it's a 1/4 CHANCE! YOU WON IT!!!
Unironically the banners suggest Burnice might be weak while Caesar is busted.
If you have anyone you trust with your account info, you could have them roll for you
and where are you from? like if you're from south america is the same shit
Unironically pay someone to play the game for you
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Post wipeouts
Its great when you don't have a little bitch in your ear pretending its bad.
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the /zzz/bro I added went on a long break...
is he gonna come back?
add me 1000033873
I don't really see a problem with Sector 6. If they make them quirky and fun - like Soukaku is already - they might be alright (maybe just Miyabi being stoic or something).
They are risking too much with Obol tho. I love S11, but three more characters with the same beat would be annoying af.
oh fuck off youre literally going to the best state in the country stop whining
keep going, I lost mine and then got it within the next 12 rolls, goodluck bwo
That has been true so far though.
>Ellen comes with Soukaku, her best support
>Zhu comes with Nicole, her best support
>Qingyi comes with billy, the best 4* DPS.
>Jane comes with Seth, her best support.
>Caesar comes with Piper, the best 4* anomaly dps
>Burnice comes with Lucy, her best support + nicole
a fate worse than death, I'm sorry anon
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Why would I bwo? We're all friends here, enjoying the same game!
have grace-rina-anto
give anton %pen and rest in max attack, not doing crit
with rina and %pen he has around 70% pen
do a bunch of damage when anton attacks stunned enemy
always get 1min or less S on lightning weakness enemies
hidden tech bros
Who do I pair Zhu with? No idea what I'm doing in this fucking game
I don't like them on the gorunds that it makes no sense for the siblings to work with people who can get rid of them at any moment for being illegal proxies. Why would they hang the Sword of Damocles over their heads by interacting with the the government's black ops squads?
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>billy, the best 4* DPS
That would be Piper
bro your qingyi and your pink haired whore?
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ok lmao
You're tasteblind. It's actually incredibly subpar. If I'm lying I'm crying, and my eyes are fucking dry. At least get Dominos if you're hungry.
Don't have Qingchong
How is soloing the 2nd side coming along? That first side is a real bitch
Stunner and Support. ZY is very F2P friendly only needing Anby and Nicole
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>UID starts with 150
Is it over for me bros?
you can cope with anby instead
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>can't clear with billy solo under 2:30 anymore
It's over... go on without me billybros...
Samefag here.
Does Boosteroid work fine? Like, is it worth paying for their services?
Thanks bros I knew it wasn't over.
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Don't keep going I lost mine and I'm fucking 40+ rolls deep it doesn't get better
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There are people in this very thread who roll on the weapons banner
Enjoy clearing half as fast without Qingyi
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I rolled for Qingyi's ball (and won) because I love her
nicole and get caesar next week and you'll clear faster than if you got qingyi
No, you're just Europinese
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>game is called snake duel
>actually spawn quadrillion snakes
>they all gang up on you to fuck you over
Did I just join a Chinese Rust server with a non Chinese name?
it just means you're on EU server
I don't play HSR much but ZZZ has a bit of a grindy mid-game but once you're endgame there is barely any grind or content
wtf is that anatomy?
Do you think they could get away with copying Rob Gucci's zoan form and just calling it a leopard thiren?
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>uses her leg to stabilize and align with the speen
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oh I didn't even bother with the second side desu, I did it to see how much of a difference it was between both sides last cycle, but I basically know I can do it since I did it already, so I'm just sticking to the more handicapped enemy teams like Hans with Phys resistance.
I'd rather invest vertically for a select few I like a lot than go for as many M0W0 units just to bench them within 1-2 patches because the game only has 3 man teams
i can see them...
It's not that Sector 6 doesn't have personality, it's more than just appearance and what has been shown now, they are basically the badass anime squad, like look how badass Miyabi is, look how cool the busty secretary is and she doesn't even look at explosions.
And this is all something I don't like very much, at least Soukaku is a cute mascot.
NON PITY S ROLL, on the stable channel, will I be kotted?
Absolutely hate her playstyle but her animations are pretty good
rina ball
I don't know that's why I asked
>pretending soukaku still exists after the VA change
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How tall is Caesar supposed to be anyways? At least 180 cm, right?
bwo.... do you know what the word big means?
Do you know what the word lady is?
>EN dub user
investing vertically doesn't guarantee that they will be fun forever though, it can force you to play it because of sunk cost but that's it, is no different than m0w0 realistically speaking.
> just to bench them within 1-2 patches because the game only has 3 man teams
what's wrong with that though, you can use the characters you find fun now and have the option to play them later while also playing new characters
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forgot pic
You're right, but I still feel like Lucy's change was worse.
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>Riofags in the thread right now
(You) only like Pulchra for her body
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I'll happily take the best standard characters weapon thank you
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For a game that's ostensibly about operating outside of the law, I think it's a bit weird that like half of the playable characters are law enforcement or state actors
Oh, I see. Yeah, they are probably going to be a little too edgy...
I think we can only hope Mihoyo will come up with something creative for them, I guess...
ZZZ has been a pleasant surprise up until now, so who knows...
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just because i stopped posting because of getting busy doesn't mean i'm not playing anymore...
I fucking wish.
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love her playstyle and animations
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I hope Miku gives the siblings a reality check by chucking one in a cell
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UID: 1000413936
>2 months later anon still has no idea how his character works
this is why gamers laugh at gacha fags
taller than me
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Nicole because literally no other Ether options + she's a good support anyway
Qingyi for premiums, Anby for F2Ps
that's it really
Seth/Jane don't work with Zhu as the DPS
Fucking kek.
>they will be fun forever
nothing guarantees that
>because of sunk cost
don't have sunk cost then?? If anything the same thing can be said for new units, you might find old ones slightly more fun but feel forced to use the new ones because of sunk cost.
>what's wrong with that though
Nothing, it's personal preference. I HATE spending weeks farming up for a character and then benching them soon after to chase the next new shiny thing. I'd rather have a bunch of choices and be picky with who I want to get and push them to be stronger than average
My brother in Christ, 99% of all posts involving Zhu (that aren't r34) show her with Qingyi and Nicole...
>investing vertically doesn't guarantee that they will be fun forever though

yup. playing the same character all the time for months will get old eventually. In HSR you're autoing most of the time and the gameplay is always the same so it doesn't matter.
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she's best paired with my cock and balls
I hope they can do something creative with them, because for now they're basically an anti-monster corp squad. Which is super popular in current animes like chainsawman and demon slayer and also explains why they are so hyped by the public of the game.
The way she moves is so much fun to watch. I also think it's cool how she's clearly too lazy to put on a bra.

Still have no idea what the fuck her weapon is supposed to be though
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stop spoonfeeding him retards
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think it's a car engine with a blade attached to it
Oh no I just purchased an account with her on it.
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Oh nice, thanks anon.
Please be my gf(male)
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If a post has these style of reaction images you can ignore them btw
Watching my wife play through the HSR storyline and fuck I'm gonna fall asleep man. This china furry immortality shit is gonna make me jump into a hollow
>nothing guarantees that
then what's the point of vertical investing though.
> If anything the same thing can be said for new units, you might find old ones slightly more fun but feel forced to use the new ones because of sunk cost.
not to the same degree though. in one you are forcing you to use only certain characters while in the other is an option where you can play your old characters or not, even if they are weaker.
> HATE spending weeks farming up for a character and then benching them soon after to chase the next new shiny thing.
and what else would you farm for? everyone will reach the point where wasting energy is useless unless its to prefarm, i am at that point already. its not like you are wasting rolls or money.
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I forgot the screenshot my results, so here is a quick recreation of my two As and one S
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ZZZ could never.
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How about fuck you
That's a brake disc
Bros why is /zzz/ so much better than the Genshin and Star Rail generals?
Man, I need me The Brimstone.
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is there a worst start possible in Old Capital Metro?
Cuter characters makes for a better general
The other threads are more popular so the schizos are 24/7 there getting attention non-stop.
we have schizos here too but we are not as popular so they tend be less of them at the same time
You lose HP when you move.
because the majority of schizos get ignored here
nice try
If ZZZ CCs looked like THIS, I wouldn't mind them spewing their god awful opinions too much.
The worst would be first getting the one that deals damage to your squad when pressure overloads, and then getting your three.
It's over. Restart the run bwo
Unfortunately I'm really hairy so not happening
Shhh, you'll summon them.
he should have at least two removal options on the first floor, it's not over yet
Nta, you realise that we got a local Billybro that will be playing forever
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Why not, I'll brick my account by letting weirdos look at it.
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I really want a tokusatsu themed faction.
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Because you like this game more so you're more willing to tolerate schizos in order to discuss it.
It's all a matter of preference, I use both threads yet I still prefer /hsrg/ in most cases.
Explain why people are paranoid about giving out/leaking their UID
everyone can say they will play their favorite characters forever,
does it mean it become true? most of the time it wont.
Because other companies have banned people for screenshots posted here. Like PSO2.
I'd rather not get banned from the game for calling you a nigger or going UOOOOH CUNNY
me too pls >>494962494
Because I mod my game and I don't want to get banned
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because those games have male characters, thus it's full of female and homo posters
zzz has 1 (one) S male character, thus it's full of sister fuckers and pedos
True because in 2 years we'll get S rank Billy
I still use blade in star rail and plan to use nekomata forever in this game as well
Those who drop their favorites are either closeted metafags or haven't developed a taste yet
Theoretically they could mass report but I'm sure Hoyoverse will immediately know it's BS, I don't think I've ever heard of a streamer getting mass reported for example and I'm sure Tectone gets thousands daily.
Second part is you actually can send Polychrome to other people's accounts and then do a charge back, but this won't do anything to your account unless you managed to get into the red once Hoyo removes them. Basically don't spend those 80k polychromes you just got after posting a screenshot in /zzz/ and you're fine.
at least 3 other male S-ranks are coming soon, one of which is a twink faggot and the other is a massive furry
I will actively report every UID I see here for modding, one of them is bound to be true
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i mean good for you but its not the case for most though.
>Those who drop their favorites are either closeted metafags or haven't developed a taste yet
or they are just normal human beings that get bored of playing the same thing.
you are not superior for playing the same thing over and over.
are you guys efficiently upgrading your discs? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0AeZHoVRzU
violently based
You sound bitch made, you know that?
Gotta say, Jane doesn't feel like shit anymore after investing some dennys into her. Those juicy Ass crits are nice. But that's the downside of playing anomaly, all your damage is in that one instance. Imagine anamoly debuff or high anamoly build up resistant enemies. Cringe
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>shilling this retard
even if you are shitposting, have some damn shame.
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He kind of is thoughbeitly
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This could have been Caesar, this is what I get for only trying to build pity.
>this schizo is shilling his snake oil in ZZZ now
maybe superiorly autistic, sure.
oof, hope your next time you win your next 50/50 otherwise this would hurt even more.
be paranoid about everything everywhere
It wouldn't have that's not how things work, anon. Your probability isn't fixed
if you weren't on guarantee an early spook is fine.
we like girls (male) here
stop wasting your luck
My disc luck is so shit I actually planned on trying this a few weeks back
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true, he could have gotten caesar in 1 roll instead.
but i guess he will never know now.
not going to freak out if i accidentally post my uid but i'd rather stay anonymous on this anonymous imageboard unless i want to play with others
>he fell for the building pity meme
Bros, I've calced Rina's 30% pen buff and the result is not even a 20% overall damage increase. It's so fucking garbage holy shit. 3 seconds longer shock is straight up 30% damage increase for shock damage but it's still trash compared to Caesar's 1000 atk buff and 25% dmg received debuff which is a unique modifier. Also you need to play disorder in shock anomaly team so that 3s longer shock isn't gonna do much anyway.
was thinking of rolling for anby and seth dupes since piper and anton is shit for me
thanks for your sacrifice anon, shan't be doing so
isn't disorder procing those additional secs too?
>pulls 3 limiteds before I even lost my 50/50.
What's stopping me from ending it all right now
how did you calc a def% reducing buff if you dont know the enemy’s def
it does
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holy fucking RAT seeded...
you have to build PEN on your DPS as well for rina's buff to really shine. unlike the other hoyo games res pen is just not good here unless you stack it quite a bit.
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You can do it bwo, keep trying
She's one of the most used speedrunning unit for a reason
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Chat I'm new what does calc mean?
NTA but what's the trick
We need to behead doroposters.
Which characters are weak to anal?
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Just for saying this, I curse you to lose every 50/50 for the next 2 years unless you do 31 good deeds. This is the punishment you deserve
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Holy first time as a day 1 player
based luckGOD
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What the hell is that? I've never gotten a gold one.
The two most pure characters.
Anby would be confused and explain that you missed the correct hole, S11 would think it's meant to be a secret message but neither would mind much.
still havent gotten this…
is a 0.6% chance to be 100 polys btw
good luck getting past those ass cheeks
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golden poop, 60 poly's and one chevo
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Watch me get a lot of Antons and Nicoles even though they're already M6
I guess I'm a lucklet then.
>the wink
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I don't know if my storage can keep going bros... I might have to drop one game....
Officer Mewmew
thats like 120% increase on discounted rolls.
This, press on his prostate and he'd collapse. Men with big egos need to be corrected...
is the reason I can't get general resonia for lucy piper and soukaku in HZ because we haven't met them yet?
drop wuwa or genshin
Consider dropping 3 and keeping 1
yeap, needs friendship rank
This one >>494967789
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you all told me bangvolver eats the cartridge he ejects from his asshole. he just sweeps it under his armpit
I thought it was built in that everyone gets this on day 1?
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You should delete this as its outdated. Burnice no longer has her massive V chin anymore.
is r5 lucy and piper sig weapons better than r1 five star weapons?
heard lucy's sig is busted
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Any giggers here? Why is gig doomposting 24/7 yet it is not as bad in hsrg or zzz.

The doom posting here seems more like a meme but gig it is 24/7 every day every hour.

Do these people even play the game that they hate? I hope zzz and hsrg won't be like that.
go back
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>time to equip some discs on Rina
>click equipment screen
>she makes eye contact with me
>swipe to the skill screen in a flustered panic
>she gets even closer
/gig/ was a lost cause since sumeru mind broke the general.
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It already is. Jane has had more doomposting than most year 1 limited characters on gig yet we're not even through 1.1 yet
I don't even want to see her honestly
she will be so completely butchered it will just be depressing
I play genshin and hate it
but also gig is a cesspool and containment for more neutral places to talk about the game

genshin is in decline though, the story went nowhere and hoyo has no idea what to do with the main character
Is there any reliable way to whale a C6 Standard banner agent?
Their signatures can be bought over the course of 5 months but what about the agents themselves?
Are they really only for ultra-rich whales?

Do Genshin and Star Rail have something that allows maxing out Standard characters in a more reasonable fashion?
General resonias you get from dismissing agents was removed in 1.1. If you mean Affinity resonia then yeah you need atleast trust rank 2 to be able to start getting them.
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>and hsrg
Nice try, fuck off.
no he eats it bwo look again
Caesar is the agent for mobile play sloppers right? Theres no reason to run defense otherwise
She can facetank notorious hunts for a good while and refreshing her shield is a joke
>C6 Standard banner agent
A rank or S? S rank is literally just be lucky and dump 20k. A rank you could probably wait till the right banner. Maybe mihomo will add filler banners for the starter S ranks.
General resonias? Like salt and wine? Theyre still in the game, just very rare
>he thinks one schizo was able to out-schizo /gig/
If you had to resort to samefagging you lost.
Jane and Burnice will be the best team.
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hsrg is no where as bad. I feel like when I check it out it is mostly alright.

ZZZ is by far the most normal one of the 3 hoyo games

gig is awful shizofest 24/7
Yes, I meant S ranks.
A-ranks are rather easy to max out even without whaling as long as you aren't hilariously unlucky.
fuck you, give me the chink loli
genshin has done a few limited banners for standard s-ranks, but it doesn't look like they've done it for all of them
I'm talking about the 3 weeks leading up to her banner, not the single schizo screeching about her
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"Fair Spread" they said
Kek now I will pay attention to it thanks
Not even the gay porn spammer managed to survive in this general, we're genuinely pretty good at ignoring schizophrenia.
we just promote people to filter more t b h
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>catch 1.2 stream
EN VA is actually way more fitting for the western theme. Maybe I should cha-
>Neato burrito!
Doomposting and schizos don't always go hand in hand
She is for solo parry runs
why did you level this
the mainstat isnt even good
should have consulted the substat manipulation spreadsheet bro
if you had done a burner upgrade into a trash disc, you would have gotten +4 on attack percent
It isn't a fair spread
But also what are you doing leveling that disc for
Yes, the Jane vs Piper schizo that people stopped caring about.
>ZZZ is by far the most normal one of the 3 hoyo games
Your idea of "normal" disgusts actual normal people btw.
>catch 1.2 stream
EN VA is actually way more fitting for the western theme. Maybe I should cha-
>Neato burrito!
soldier deserves better than that trash
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In my case I skipped the chinese sex bot so I need a 5* "stunner"
hick voice burnice turned me off
Hick voice burnice turned me on.
I laughed... It's just become more dumb over time every time someone mention it
Between that, shipping, yuriposting, general limited doomposting, etc, I can tell you now that Eula aside, very few got this much shit posting during the first year of Genshin
I guess I havent had the need for a facetank. On a mobile platform maybe, but on PC Jane's three dodges is way more than enough. The only argument is her buff but I bet that's going to be power crept fast by a limited support
i ran some calcs and concluded that burnice has definitely held a match up to her ass to make a fart flamethrower then laughed her head off
hick voice left me turned around
the issue is there are no supports on the horizon at all. it's easy to say "well she'll be powercrept... in 6+ months!", that's not really a good reason not to roll for her
Neato burrito was so sovl
What are Jane Toes like?
You dont have any S rank stun? Then yeah no brainer
i hope it's one of her actual battle voicelines and not just a one and done from the stream
Soul my ass, her EN dub was some of the worst shit
>get to IK 30 to continue story
>2 missions later
>get to IK 34 to continue story
fuck offfffff
It was Neato
Neabbito is aSS..‽
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People say that schizos move on to the next game, but I believe that they like the comfort of staying on their original general.
The reason not to roll for her is that my jane Seth team is the stronger of the two teams. Its my QY grace piper team that needs work. Ideally by a new electric anomaly agent yanagi replacing her
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this anon is most assuredly NOT right-o
perhaps even wrong-o
Anon, you know the environment is very different back in first year gig right? Mostly because we have to deal with the schizos that /gig/ fermented during all this time. Fucking hsrg still have to deal with the yurischizo who somehow hate hi3 despite being obsessed with it since day 1.
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this... this is the best i can do...
gomen ne...
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I have Koleda but I need a second one
preach brother. Luv me EN dub shrimple as.
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fair enough. I'm conflicted because I want caesar to help make my jane team stronger, but my zhu team is the one that needs the help
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My point being is that we're on 1.1 and already have to deal with this much shitflinging and shitposting that genuinely rivals some of the worst limited pre-release character doomposting on Genshin
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Zhu should take responsibility for the boner her partner gave me
You need to do dodge counters more with piper
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If you think the yurischizos were bad here you weren't in hsrg when the black Swan x acheron trailer dropped.
Why do you people have to give your shit opinions every time someone hints they play in EN. EN fags never seethe like this over JP
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Well now you need to get Jane M2.
most soulless account roster ever holy shit
its all in good fun bwo none of it is actually unironic.
>start shit fest
>intentionally reply with the exact opposite opinion just for the hell of it
Find a website with no indians
You are but a fucking baby if you think we rivalled any of the schizophrenic shit /gig or even /hsrg/ produced.
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Why Jane is doing more success between cosplayers than the other limiteds besides Ellen?
Jane is still a Piper downgrade
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why, exactly? aren't the dodge counters for building up daze?
Pyromaniac Harley isn't bad. Being played by Risa Mei (Kokomi/Lynx) is.
you wouldn't make it one minute in /gig/ or /hsrg/ at peak schizo hours
It was in such good fun that it gives one of the worst generals a run for it's money with it's schizos, doomposting and shitflinging
And we're already approaching their level of it
I hope Jane was a one off and this shit doesn't become a regular ritual outside of the normal amount of doom
>caelus enter gif mindbroke hsrg for a whole patch
We're nowhere near that level.
who cares about 3d whores.
go check out /xivg/ and /pso2g/ and tell me we're anywhere near that bad
mihoyo gacha generals are bad, true. they're nothing compared to erp tranny drama
Your dick.
if we get another shipbait like jane and seth it will happen again
easy to cosplay i guess
Just abandon the general when it gets too bad. Let retards fester in their own shit.
he's bored of 'em.
You're right, I wouldn't dare compare hoyo generals to that amalgamation of shizos
We've already had similar levels of mindbreak with each of Jane's trailers.
two women in close proximity = indopags mad
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Piper's engine is way better than Grace's and it's so good that they have to go out of their way to make sure no future Anomaly agent can trigger it like she does, because it'd be too good on them.
Lucy's pigs can't trigger Rina's W-Engine effect so her own is better on her. With her pigs it's pretty much always at max stacks.
Jane's slow ass banner killed the hype.
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What the fuck is with you retards "building pity"
Is it like some meta strategy bs I'm not aware of? Or are you actually too subhuman to just wait until the banner is up to do your rolls and get your fix?
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QRD anyone?
lucky or not at least you tried :)
calydon's slow ass patch killed my ability to look at zhu's ass walking in the city
he's from the hood
does it matter which positions the disks are in?
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it's possible he means trying to get seth before getting jane
The name originates in Europe. Like all great things, stolen by blacks.
It's either
>retards who can't hold from gambling
>Current banner 4 star good, next banner 4 star sucks
Only the latter is justifiable, and desu I'd build pity to maybe 30-40 rolls because that's nice and early
Ok, you genuinely were not there.
It's a meme. But in cases like Caesar's banner where the A ranks are dogshit it makes some sense.
if you don have a guarantee and there's promoted a rank(s) that you want in the banner then building pity is a valid strategy.
Hey anons, how would you feel about combining all hoyo games in a single general?
I think it's mostly about wanting the A ranks from banner #1 and wanting the S rank from banner #2, so you roll on banner #1 but stop before soft pity or when you get the A ranks you wanted.
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Ya you're trying to revise history because you think nobody else was, I'm already aware.
Fuck no.
Keep giggers as far away as possible.
hsrgers are chill.
makes me cum every time
her outfit is one of the most casual that people would wear in the streets anyway
Tears of Themis friends don’t deserve that
The only ones mad about the trailer were the shippers.
I do a few pulls most banners if they have good a ranks or I'd like getting the character if they are early. Like qingyi. If I got her in like 20 pulls, or lost a 50/50 and had my gaurentee it would be fine.
If I'm not my gaurentee I never risk it though.
yeah it's super important. here's a guide
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that frame outshizoid a whole trailer aka pic related >>494971050
Why would they be mad over being proven right?
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I mean the fact that you don't understand the significance of this
Already leads me to believe that you ain't one of us.
Stop stealing our valor bitch.
yup this general is still dogshit as fuck.
here's one
Contrary to how people here feel about her, she's incredibly well received everywhere else, with the added benefit of making the usual sensitive crowd seethe
Jane killed the thread quality
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this is the only based and furpilled game
sad but true
coherent discussion would be completely impossible
I kinda hate it when cosplay is just put on a wig and wear whatever.
>penis measuring contest on which general is more schizo than the other
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that would make things worse for everyone
just put all hoyoverse games in their own containment board
based, here's your (You) bro.
But what is that frame meant to be? Why did it mind break everyone
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I love lolis and I don't need (You)s.
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god i love women(male)
thank you so much for responding dude! i didn't click the link yet but I just want to let you know that I really appreciate that you took your time to answer my question. We need more people like you in our community, people who instead of making fun of new players, they take their time to explain the complicated stuff and welcome them. After all, new players are just trying to enjoy the game we all love!
Anyways, I hope you have a blessed day, you genuinely made my day better!
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sending you one anyway, bwo
If they keep her pole dancing on her giant hammer I will still be tempted to pull even if they cover up her cleavage.
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Cute sow.
none of the playable characters are lolis
>spoonfeeding newfags
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You didn't witness the meltdown that was AcheronxSwan. To this day /hsrg/ still feel the effects from it. It has become an entire thing on itself.
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Who could have guessed at the beginning of it all that the cops would be /ourguys/
No it not
It's more that someone tried to say how we're much better when we've literally just gone through shit posters, shippers, schizos, Yuri's and doomposters shoveling feces down eachothers throats for weeks
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Cute and canon
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if she has no tits and no ass then she's a loli.
Do you think I could cum on the exposed part of her breasts and get her to walk around like that?
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mmm double disc drop coffee...
what positions are you even talking about
anon posting a funny reply isn't that unreasonable when your question doesn't make sense
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jane bring all of them alone, shes the one who tried to turn zzz into mixed toiled sloppa.
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Guys can you come back to /wuwa/? Were having 10 hour threads now. Our game is better now. Your missing out on all the action combat.
can I use Lucy with Jane?
I actually like doomposting
>inb4 no fun allowed
And succeeded with all the seethe she brought
I'm taking the plating after blowing my entire load
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I hate that I was too slow to capture the zoom-in version of this
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miyabibros, she's an ice anomaly right???
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>zzzbabs thinking that are anywhere near us in schizophrenia
How would they even check for this without evidence. Modding is client side
yeah, she's currently one of her better support options. jane/seth/lucy is great
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Ether stunner according with Ubatcha.
>thinking that are anywhere
Morning sir
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She's Ice/Void Hunter
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Know your fucking place. Your dead game is literally too irrelevant for people to schizo about.
Sorry bwo, miyabi will have her own disc set that increases the damage of shatter by 20% on freeze for 20s, stacking up to 3 times.
going to start pre farming for section 6
>schizos schizoing about who has more schizos
Schizos hate sex posters
ZZZ has a lot of sex.
That's why we have less schizos.
I want Piper to burp in my face.
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It's time to give up wuwro
You know being more schizo isn't a badge of honour right.
It's all me! I did it!
not true, at most she exposed our fan artists as FotM chasers, harumasa still can dethrone her btw.
no you are just lucky if you got it day one
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i wanna.. put my pee-pee inside of croin's groin..!!!
Why aren’t you using Anton?
good morning sir
I benched my Grace after I pulled Jane.
Zhu is harder to do
i dont have him nor a team for him.
Seth feels to clunky for me to use. I was thinking more of Jane Lucy and Nicole
>dont have him
Fucking HOW
will a c6w5 piper do better than my c0w0 jane
>/zzz/ now hates Caesar
what the fuck happened?
i started playing a week before the end of shuen's banner.
I'm not building him yet. Maybe during Electric shilling with Fagamusa. Anton on King banner might not be that bad after all.

I didn't have him either until rolling on Rat banner and I got him instead of Seth.
>I don’t have have
I didn’t even roll for Ellen and I have C6 somehow
As someone with both, no, but like close enough where you might not care I guess.
I just play both together.
Jane copers shit posting since their 5* is worse than piper c6 and less sex.
good the more contrarian are my pulls the better
let me feel special
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you'll be missing out on 35% increased physical anomaly buildup
and all you have to do is defensive assist, follow up attack, quick assist back to jane. easy peasy and gives her the shield and ap buff. it doesn't give the enemy the buildup resistance debuff, but still
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Pulchrabros...the fanart...
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we saw all the content creators start shilling her now that they've got access to her in their server and we don't want to look like sheep. we're strong contrarian men who don't think for ourselves but do the opposite of what those normalfags are doing
sex with piper at day
sex with jane at night
Deviantart SOVL
Based and SOULpilled AIjeets could never
I'm not using him and I can clear all the content
>Janefags trying to larp as Piperbros
chillax bro I just love women
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Stay mad I guess.
I like her. Her shields will let me be lazy and sloppy.
>SEAdog vtuber
>SEAdog-pandering agent
>My name is also Caesar
>I'm also 176cm
>but I'm a man
what the fuck bros...
why did she steal my name...
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>The police are one of the best units
What did MY mean by this?
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>genuinely not a single post shitting on caesar
>we all go along with a single post that this thread hates her
Is this general full of hallucinating bots?
holy shit. nice
Jstern25 said Caesar is a must pull
>>494975016 (You)
My best friend from San Andreas!
it's one southeast asian with a vendetta against jane, probably because he has to fight rats daily in order to scrounge up food scraps from the garbage, trying to stir up shit whenever there isn't anything going on.
every post in this thread is just another personality of the pedoschizo.
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Because most people aren't pretty enough to cosplay Zhu.
Did Hoyo make a mistake with Jane and Seth or was it all a high IQ calculation beyond our comprehension?
QRD on the pedoschizo?
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Zhu ass > Jane ass.
Man this schizophrenic is trying really hard lol
Zhu's main selling point is her perfectly shaped ass, which most people don't have the discipline nor genetics for.
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Nobody's denying that.
they tried again with grace and billy (they wanted grace fan art) but grace bombed again
gracedev is turboseething since the cbt2 nerf.
>because he has to fight rats daily in order to scrounge up food scraps from the garbage
I laughed out loud because it’s probably true. Did you know Southeast Asia has more pollution than india and China? It’s one of their “industries”. Americans ship them trash to dispose of…which they don’t really do. Literal trash region
>posts a gif where her ass is objectively worse than jane's
least schizophrenic post itt
Its true. Jane dresses like a slut you can just give off slut vibes and be a jane cosplayer. Ellen is a shark girl thats her main thing so do a good sharkplay and youre good. Zhu Yuans just a cop. Much harder to attention whore with her
Which agent would hawk tuah on that thang?
Billy would said so without knowing what it means
come on, jane and nicole
the short version is just as his name implies, he's a schizophrenic who's also a pedo, he samefags a lot and likes little children. his favorite characters are lucy and piper and hates jane.
when he has meltdowns he floods the thread with gay porn.
I've never played one of these games before ZZZ. Can someone tell me if old characters still get new stories/development from time to time? Like Qingyi got her agent story and her time in the main plot, is that just it forever for her?
They'll come back to say 3 lines in an event a year from now.
burnice would neato on that burrito
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Doesn't exist, all posts containing the word "pedoschizo" is made by one faggot who got bored of shitting up /gig/
She might pop up every now or then to say a line or two, but don't expect any major involvement ever again.
>wasting saliva
Nope, stay tuned for cameos in future events you'll forget about a month after.
we simply don't know how these devs will do it. in genshin a lot of older characters simply get forgotten, but so far zzz's devs have done a better job at including most of the cast
I kind of doubt you'll get more agent stories, but they should at least show up in the story and events from time to time
occasionally we might revisit old characters of a new character has story related to them but for the most part it's going to be full steam ahead shilling whatever the latest FOTM is
Depends, some characters will but some do get relegated to the backburner. At bare minimum you can expect them to show up in events and shit. Some characters they go really hard into their development, just depends on what they plan to do with the main plot
This site lets you play the android version of zzz in a web browser:
It is made by the creators of the ldplayer android emulator so it's reasonably non-shady. If you're paranoid then just do one session and then change your password.
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who the FUARK hates her grr
made me laugh
Totally depends on who the devs favorites are. In genshin for example, eula is basically a forgotten character, barely appears in anything anymore. Yoimiya however has had three story quests (most get one) and continues to appear in event after event. So really no one can say what theyll do with someone like Chingyi. She has some really cool lore and setup going for her so I hope they domt forget her
So is Caesar a stunner? Can I replace Lycaon for her when I'm using Zhu Yuan?
>posts a picture of him pretending not to be him and denying his own existence.
at most, only anby and maybe billy will get alts
>all posts containing the word "pedoschizo" is made by one faggot
Are you admitting to having schizophrenia? You do realize how delusional is this claim right?
Seeing how he's doing damage control I guess this is true.
Soldier 11 is a war criminal..
>5 more days until Yanagi's voice actor is revealed
wtf but i didn't post that??
That nigger is going to have a gigantic meltdown once 1.2 hits and there is a flood of Piper and Lucy art, lmao
>double disc drops
I don't wanna do this anymore bros...
Day1-er here, never got one.
I don't use males
She is defense with pretty good impact stat and daze multiplier. She also scales with impact so getting slot 6 impact% and 2p impact disc will make her shield stronger and her daze buildup higher.
Should be feasible as a pseudo stunner.
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this game really does need more lolis to filter away these subhuman faggots. /zzz/ has fallen, billions of lolis must be added to lumina square
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why do they do this to their eyes jesus christ it's so creepy
fuck tin master. What's stopping me from putting the coffee in a cup with ice and tossing it in the fridge until the new disc set comes out
*puts cilantro in your coffee”
She's a Stun/Support hybrid. You can use her that way. But she won't stun as fast as Lycaon does.
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Happy Caesar
Meant for >>494976031
do /gig/gers really?
Guys, will Burnice give Zhu a run for her money? I mean ass-wise
She seems more like an anime girl than most women.
How much money would you have to spend on average to pull every single limited character once? No weapons or anything.
Both in ass and meta, yes
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nah, shuen wins with no problem.
$100 every patch
>Can't ban pedoschizo/lolischizo
This poll is made by the pedoschizo. Be wary of his seanigger tricks.
He showed the new shadow units.
>liking dirty hags is fine but liking fertile petite women means isn't and your thread should be spammed with CP
Total Twittard death
he makes most of the polls and also resets his ip so he can vote multiple times lmfao.
I literally can't understand his accent
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Depends what kind of ass one fancies

Fur pure ass mass, I think it'll be a while before she's mogged
stop posting slop
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why does the Platinum Trophy sound like an EoS announcement?
This guy singlehandly destroyed Iyo's career.
>mindbroken by polls to the point of actual schizophrenia
This is why this thread wants you banned.
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Nah. Burnice doesn't even beat Jane's ass, she's not touching Zhu's ass.
It doesn't?rv0r
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NTA but...

Hard to say since luck affects the result too much. Say I'm a pass and 50% bp player and I've been getting everything so far, but I've also only lost the 50/50 once. I assume as long as you buy the pass and bp and not be a total lucklet you can probably get 80% of characters reliably
is there a voice in your head that talks like me already? i hope that everyday it tells you to kill yourself.
stop replying to it
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>the orangutan keeps leaping and slamming down his shield
Which would be the better team?
Piper, Burnice, Ceaser
Piper, Burnice, Lucy.

With Piper being my main anomaly damage dealer. Lucy with her C6 might make it easier to maintain a burn uptime but Ceasar's buff is higher and can be used so you can spin to win with needing to dodge out of it mid way.
I should not like this image
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what happened?
on average it's 120 rolls per limited character, so 240 per patch. they give around 100 rolls per patch. $5 a month gets you up to 130 rolls ($7.50 a patch) so you have to make up the difference with 100 rolls. ignoring the first time bonus, that would cost $200 ($207.50 total) every 6 weeks. some patches it'd be free to about $20, other patches it could be $400, but it'd average out to about $200
Piper lucy caesar.
Trust me.
nah, he did it to himself.
everyone laughed, he just laughed louder than most
I'd say Ceasar. She lets Piper full spin facetank. Idk how Burnice plays out but she could just be disorder feeder to reset assault resistance
also huge damage and daze to capitalize on the flinch
Both of them are equally fat, and don't pretend Qingyi doesn't have a big ass too.
Let's be honest, though Caesar works with almost all teams, no team really needs her.
Plan to roll Caesar. Who do I replace in an Ellen team?
The only story I see being revisited is Lycaon’s but as the agent story of his former partner

Remember, all of these stories are standalone that are meant to promote the S-rank characters
>everyone excited for biker bitches and the rival furry gang to be playable
>people also clutching their polys for when vitual lolis come out down the line
>bros in the know are hyped for obol squad
>literally no one gives a shit or even wants sloption 6 anymore
mibibibwos… pffthahaha
Anby. You're stuck with Suckocku, I'm afraid
He made a video about a petty issue regarding Iyo not leveling a trace in a hsr character.
damn Soukaku's buff is that important?
what happened?
Sex with content creators
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Here, add me, put me in the america section.
The only Sect6 character worth anything they gave out for free at launch, they knew no one wanted them.
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How about this one
You do help Qingyi clean her parts, right?
automaton sex
wasn't lucy supposed to be on caesar's banner?
in new eridu monke returns to u
Kinda. Here's a breakdown
Anby does nothing but stun, she might stun slightly faster than Ceasar, but does nothing else. Ceasar can stun and gives 1k attack on top of soukaku's 1k herself, and she can probably be played by quick swap defensive assist which compliments Ellen's fieldtime hungry playstyle.
Soukaku also activates her own and Ellen's core skill. That also amounts to a lot of Ice damage
Anby, Ceasar, Ellen loses out passives on both Anby (kinda eh) and Ellen (huge)
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My current disc #4 only has ATK% +1 out of non-garbage stats, so I decided to roll this one in hopes it might get +2 or something.
The results were painfully predictable.
Caesar is good with Jane.
Caesar is almost if not equally good with Zhu.
Caesar is absolutely needed on Ellen teams.
She's one of the few characters with CC and while people like to downplay the shield as "just dodge", people have no idea how much DPS you loss for interrupting rotations or getting hit by a random mob.
She can work with supports and with stunners on the same time and her core is basically free.
She's the closest to a must pull that we have gotten so far.
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You can't have children with a robot
The discourse on wuwa's lack of males is getting stronger, lets settle this
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>that leghole
You can only really replace Soukaku with Rina in an Ellen team
Any other youtuber posted the fight against them? Outside of Bellum's animations, you can't really make much out of the other two because they die too fast.
Does that mean... you know... haha... raw?
So I can play Caesar as a shield support while still using Qingyi+attacker?
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What does a 142 cm tall robot girl need so much ass for?
Should have put it on Ben before levelling. Then it all would have gone ATK%
Yes, Ceasar is basically a support that buffs through her shield.
I'm actually gonna run Rat, QY and Ceasar
That's just a non issue though.
it just the straw that broke the camel's back
I was suscribed to Iyo and he had weird takes
the problem started when he refused to acknowledge he's wrong.
talked shit about how hyper carry was ruining hsr when it literally didn't matter, talked shit about people not wanting to roll for mindscape and lightcones and called people stupid for not doing it, even talked shit about people not wanting to spend money on the game.
it all went downhill went in one of his wuwa videos he said "wuwa doesn't have a ME in the community that is passionate" or something like that.
he's beyond saving and so is gacha smack because he defended him, and seems he's as delusional because he thinks zzz wasn't a success.
>best girl is your sister
>best support is free
>best sex6 member is free
how do they even make money
that was from a "leak". MHY confirmed the banners during the 1.2 devstream. It's Anton, Piper for Caesar and Nicole, Lucy for Burnice. 99% of MHY leakers aren't worth one jack shit. Don't believe anything unless it comes with photo or video evidence. If a leak is just some text then it is 100% bogus.
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>not just waiting for an actual supp that 10x your dmg
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I blame myself for feeling any sort of anticipation when I see [5] and the main stat I want.
I might start doing just that.
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bwo your artificial wombs? robo-ovaries with designer eggs?
flash news, caesar is a support for your DPS.
Gonna be interesting to see how much stunning is too much stunning given Caesar’s inherent daze
Yes. That's going to be the best Corin team for now because we finally got a buffer (that's not Rina) who can activate her passive.
I'm just rolling for sexo at this point. Caesar or Burnice being "uber broken" means something even more broken will release two months from now anyway.
This is already worse than shart rail for powercreep so might as well ignore it entirely.
Okay. How about if the stunner is Qingyi? Is her buff considerable enough to get Soukaku out of the team?
Powercreep fucking what though?
There's nothing hard in this game and they don't appear to be adding anything any harder. This is the easiest shiyu defense yet too
not a real support
Artowombs are a thing? I thought that was a meme.
It's for when she gets flung backwards after a parry and her ass plants onto Eous' face
It's 93 pulls average per limited.
there's no powercreep on ZZZ yet.
you don't know what powercreep is
you can only powercreep limited units, no limited unit has fully powercrept other ones.
>Caesar is good with Jane
Better with Qingyi.

>Caesar is almost if not equally good with Zhu.
Better with Qingyi.

>Caesar is absolutely needed on Ellen teams.
Lycaon has Ice Shred Res.

You people see her like "She does everything the other characters do!!!", but it's more like "There are already other characters that do what she does." She's the most unnecessary character in the game rn desu. Even a future limited support will be better than her.
not really. The problem with power creep in star rail is that many early limited units are useless but currently most zzz limited units have their uses and are equally broken as one another
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got one away more sus yesterday but didn't screenshot it
How is Burnice broken?
>can solo everything with billy
Does Lycaon protect Ellen from getting interrupted through her long ass animations?
Caesar already does that and her buff has practically 100% uptime.
If they continue the pattern of supp buffs lasting 10-15s requiring you to constantly swap in/out Caesar hard wins.
So what’s the Bangboo that’s used for 2 physicals?
Worth noting that ZZZ is by a different in-house development studio, and it's their first game. So they might decide to do things a bit differently from other Hoyo games. At least with Qingyi they've built up some mysteries around her, so I would expect them to come back to those at some point in the future, especially as they begin to reveal more lore about the old world.
Caesar or Burnice for Jane/Seth?
The problem isn't actually Ellen's teammates
The problem is her. You want her passive to be on
And that requires either Victorias or ice. Your options are either Knot, Soukaku, or Rina
Maybe Corin but Ellen-Corin is an extremely cope option for poorfags. I know because I used to run that
>>Caesar is good with Jane
>Better with Qingyi.
The other two I agree with, but definitely not this one. Qingyi is the wrong type of stunner for Jane.
Caesar. Double anomaly is a fucking meme.
I can't bring myself to recycle all these DEF main stat discs 4/5/6 with godly sub stats because of the
>but what if they release an agent who cares about all of those?!?!?!?!
And I know that actually ROLLING discs with 2+ non-dogshit stats is ABSOLUTELY and LITERALLY impossible.
Caesar is my cute girlfriend
Bangvolver obviously
but disorder
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Bangboover. Who also pairs well with Qingyi because if he doesn't missfire through the stun window, he can hit really fucking hard, which is what you want with that comp.
if the character isn't doing the DPS, its a support by definition.
qingiy lyacon and caesar buffs better than most support class and they can be used together anyway.
That's a skill issue and overall not a problem.

But then how'll you procc disorder consistently?
Retard disorder exists and Burnice has a lot of off field mechanics.
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Rolling for Qingyi is a brick because you'll eventually want a stunner of every single element. No reason to roll her when Anby does the job just fine.

This is like early Star Rail where anything works, later on you'll need fully specialized elemental teams, including the stunner. Or else your Qingyi is going to take forever to stun an off-element enemy.
>t. AnbyGOD
Caesar for Hypercarry Jane. Burnice for disorder
No harm keeping them unless you're really strapped for resources.
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whos mad?
post your clear
Disorder is a meme. Instead of a DoT taking 10 seconds to go off you get to set it off in 2 or 3 seconds, but it's still going to take you a total of 10 seconds to rebuild both anomalies up anyway and the damage ends up being less than just running Jane with a stunner/buffer combo instead.
Added to the list, thanks bros.

you're already on it lol

You can tell what server from the first digits of the UID.
>10 = NA
>13 = Asia
>15 = EU
Keep just one of each slot, only if it's the correct disc set too. It probably doesn't do anything, but there's no harm in hoarding a little
It usually doesn't matter in the end because the more unlikely such an unit exists, the later they will release them, which will definitely come with a new disc set to fuck your old rolls over. Not worth it desu. Keeping those discs might make you impulse roll on units because you think they can use your god rolls too, and not because you actually really do like them
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gonna max out my Anby after Caesar
Fair point but it's a dick roll so your metafag argument falls short
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currently they're limited to developing premature births and haven't had human trials because ethics and shit, but in a sci-fi universe that's probably a simulation anyway I don't see why not
>Qingyi/Lycaon doesn't give buffs in the stun window
>Expressionless sex with a drone
>Expressionless sex with a drone (cloned child soldier)
Win win
Jane doesnt need to proc Disorder. At all. In fact the stronger your Jane is the less you want to mess with disorder and would rather just have Jane get more field time.
Chinkyiggers cope the hardest
That's why it works well with Burnice though because she's off field. You don't spend 10 seconds building both, you spend maybe a little bit of time setting up Burnice's off field and then just keep assaulting with Piper/Jane. No not every assault will be a disorder but you'll still get a fair share of them. If you used Burnice plus C6 Lucy you should be getting a fair amount of them due to the double off field fire.
>having to build up two statuses at the same time and making sure they trigger at the right order

Disorder sounds like way too much work
What's with the massive wave of retards after 1.1?
This is exactly why I don't play around disorder but just let it happen. It's like a bonus damage every once in a while that resets the anomaly resistance
Pretty much. Does fuck all damage lol
It is and it still gets outperformed by pure Assault teams. People who shill Disorder probably haven't played a proper Disorder team before.
This. Assault is ridiculous.
>Jane, Better with Qingyi.
False. caesar is great for anomaly and even disorder teams because she can proc assault even if not as consistently, its extra damage that a normal stunner wouldn't do.in jane teams she can even use 4p freedom blues for more assault procs for jane.
>Zhu: Better with Qingyi.
It depends, against phys weak enemies caesar may be better but i generally agree.
>Lycaon has Ice Shred Res.
No amount of ice shred will compensate for the DPS loss that is getting Ellen's BA3 being interrupted and it isn't about skill issue, you HAVE to interrupt them. Ellen team will have to kick either soukaku or Lyacon from the team.
You still failed to address my point about DPS loss though.
even speedrunners commit mistakes and are forced to get their attacks interrupted, caesar not only reduced the margin of error it also negate DPS loss situations that cannot be avoid by skill alone.
> Vergil clone.
> Pink npc.
> Generic k pop boy.
Only the blue oni is cool.
You don't need to play a team focused in disorder.
A Qingyi/Seth/Jane is still better than Caesar/Seth/Jane because you have the disorder AND the fast way to stun window with its multipliers.
We have no good calculators or sim programs for this game other than random autismo spreadsheets and no established TC community yet so absolutely dumbass claims and beliefs have been able to spread unchecked
FOMO slowpokes. Possibly retards that only listen to ecelebs trying the game now.
not until page 10
You guys better look out for when the Robot idol comes out as I will be insiting she's the best character in the game.
All with made up numbers and fake spreadsheets and no one will be able to prove me wrong she will be the next solo billy you'll all see
>made up numbers and fake spreadsheets
Business as usual then
is disorder the biggest retard filter of any hoyo game
Is this game promoting drunk driving?
Nah that would be the TV system
>Arcade PvP
>Bangboo puzzles
>TV Mode
Yes. Just because they saw big 100k disorder damage by complete accident, they suddenly think it's the best thing ever while solo assault deals 6 times that.
More like biggest retard trap
No, that would be the plugboo puzzle.
was considering rolling on Caesars to M6 Piper but I decided to keep her at M1, more than strong enough. I will roll to max out her engine to see how it compares to Jane's sig though.
going to M6 Lucy on the next banner for sure, she needs every bit of juice possible
Based honestly.
So this is how we EoS...
Solo assault has diminishing returns due to anomaly becoming harder to proc with each application, thoughbeit.
Objection: 4p Freedom blue exist and it can be used on caesar.
I'll reply with fake numbers and spreadsheets proving they're significantly worse than whatever similar agent already exists though
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Yes, that doesn't mean its worth the effort though.
It has potential when new characters come out.

why are you like this
I'm not moving to any of those threads
I can't believe she's still in the game in some form
blame the first retard for using non ZZZ OP
the third one is also stupid for making another one

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