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If you see a gibberish post, it was made by raiders, ignore it.

No, Vic 3 is not good yet. In fact it never will be. Neither will EU5. On the otter hand, Project Caesar is /gsg/-approved kamige and you should preorder it now!

How fares your empire /gsg/?

Random Country Picker

>Archive (mods only)

>Where to get these games


>>[EU4] - /gsg/ Universalis 1A

>>[HoI3] - Flavormod 1.1.3
https://pastebin.com/7ZBm2K3V (embed)

>>[V2] - Niggermod

>>[V2] - Historical Project Mod Plus

>>[V2] - Ending Extension Mod

>>[V2] - Crimeamod

>>[V2] Alternative Flag Pack V11.1

Previous thread: umm about that...
previous thread: >>493325660
last thread lasted for 12 days AND died before the bump limit lol, what are you all doing
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here's my run guys!
no this isn't a year-old repost out of pity to artificially keep this thread alive

what do you think of my empire? just got rid of the mali disaster so now i can expand without worrying
me? i was avoiding bumping the thread because of the janny problem
I have owned HoI3 for probably 10 years and I've just never really gotten into it. Mostly because I played a shit ton of Vicky 2 and CK2. I'd really like to play HoI3 and have fun but I've never been able to get over the learning curve. Is there some basic tutorials or images that anyone has to help? Not the super basic stuff like how to organize a military. I mean the more meta stuff like which techs are good/worthless, whats the ideal army/navy/air force comp, is there certain things I should rush for certain countries, certain ways to get the best government policies quickly? Shit like that.
if you think hoi3's learning curve is hard just imagine how hard war in the east 2 would filter you
To expand on this, some of the stuff I've heard:
It's always cheaper for IC to build the shittiest units and always upgrade
Carrier Air Support is the best air force unit
Ground air defense instillations do not work
You can strategically bomb a province down to 0 supply limit and easily make sure it never recovers
ayo who let this korean dude cook??

kane.. my heart. ....
*continues following spurs, forever midtable cucked*
tyrian pyrple aside, they could never conquer germanica clay....
the romans were frauds
honorius keeanus... our beloved cursed imperator...
blessed is the German who is eaten by the Roman and thus becomes Roman
wretched is the German who eats the Roman and thus becomes Roman
All of the coolest Germania (plural of Germanium, not feminine (derogatory)) are dead.
The Vandals, the Goths, the Sciri... too based for everyone else to allow them to continue existing
blessed is the german who died long before the romans cursed their lands with civilization
german cock,
roman pusci
the european legacy rests on these
(or is it the other way around?)
greek asshole
>when once i posted a screnshot of my minecraft world...
- gayus caesar, minutes before he saved /gsg/
>fuck /gsg/
- charlemaine made of poo
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Foxx seggs
I sleep easy, knowing that Command will put a boot on all furfag throats within several decades
bros I'm suddenly tempted to learn Latin on a whim
what do I do?
i don't know who this "Command" is but it sounds like he will be based
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>another day another dungeon
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Making headway into Anatolia, Adana and Fars have been peaced out and Ottos just flipped to medium
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Counting this as a win
me personally?
if i see a screen with turkey in it, i don't expand
simple as
why tho
can't respond watching gamma-energy clips on youtube
absolute madlad
Anbennar has turbo-otromans who are in the same region than the foxfag plays. They usually end up at 4k dev 150 years after the game begins.
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look at it from a different lens, and the proof will be clear
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i think it's just hard to have all of these detailed shapes and make them to work modular for the 3d modelers and programmers and the money side of things as well
this is why they chose tall cube slop with details only existing in the textures but i've seen some really neat looking modern housing in the benelux region mainly when playing geoguessr
do check out townscraper btw
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I keep forgetting that now that we got mercs, the game is babymode and you can easily get 4/4 generals early game without any tradition
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Advance has been stalled as we're out of men, with no way to get more quickly. Constantinople is safe though, so hopefully we can just sit and blockade them till Byz peaces out
so why were you helping byzantium as the mamluks again?
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Just stay down
Guaranteed them early on to cuck Ottomans out of Constantinople and forgot to revoke. This is the 3rd or 4th war I've had with these fucks since 1444
Roads to Power will be a real GAME CHANGER to Paradox Games.
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reposting for posterity :)
*pukes for posterity*
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reposting for posterity 8)
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lmao it worked
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reminds me of when i used to play a lot

i should do it again, suggest a run
do Ragusa
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cabbage merchant reminds me of

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Nice short, but I bet it's actually a reference to Avatar: The Legend of Aang.
Are there any good grand strategy games with a good combat aspect?
>good combat aspect
Like what? But probably no, the closest thing is either HoI or Total War
Like Shadow Empire or War in the East
War in the East
war in the east 1/2 aren't grand strategy, but 'war games' (see: hearts of iron games)
The combat in HoI fucking sucks though and it focuses on a lot of other dump aspects besides the war aspect.
the fact the paradog launcher will show me ads before it loads my playsets so i can pick the mods i want (or dont want) and PLAY THE FUCKING GAME I PAID FOR WHEN THE LAUNCHER WASNT SHIT is infuriating
fire the devs
pay for memegame get absolutely memed on
which memegame is it, though? i don't remember my launcher ever doing that
they only have one launcher? prolly new update
le bump
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Fuck's Sake
play fantaslop get slopped on
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It was more about the absolute state of the /gsg/ today. Anyway, current state of the Foxreich. After grueling war I conquered Tianlou, but it completely exhausted my manpower. Time for the decade of recovery and consolidation, I can annex Kohai next year. I'm also pretty behind in tech.
i've been saying it for years
total war won
halo on the other hand lost
watch out bro the command is right behind you
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someone here wanna hear me vent :(...
can you vent in eu4 slang
ayo y'all seen the ck3 shills new videos? man like roads to power? more like short hallway to power amirite!
too bad for you chief cuz I'm whiter than snow in this bitch I'm straight up here going howdy neighbour
ok let me try.. i feel like my mission tree is so good and i know that my capacity is that of a 3 star general but still i can't for the life of me stop blobbing sigh i really want to commit but day after day i just can't stop letting my estates consume me:((
Does he drive?
wiggers are a tragic lot
thats rough, best i can do is suggest hiring a diplo advisor and releasing some subjects to free up governing capacity
oww i don't really feel like reaching out to a diplo advisor and about your second suggestion, i do that a lot even now if you think about it but man i just can't like fkn morning will come and i inevitably will blob again somehow i'm so helpless and i'm nearing 1821 now sigh is this the end?
onetruebavarians new waggle tutorials are bomb...
had no idea i could make my willy explode in this manner...
is this the end for shennryr??
Yeah, really shocked. It's just super, super easy to become Emperor and keep it. Was a little excited until these videos started dropping.
this is the beginning of a new era for gsg...
i can feel it!
*loads up coh and closes tab*
did your life peak before or after learning about the existence of gsg (the games)?
my life peaked when i formed my first grossgermaniums
i peaked at late elementary school :/
mine still hasn't peaked. it's only gone downhill from birth
i'm sorry about your uncle :(
nice day for a walk
Have you ever played as Czechoslovakia?
that's same as playing as montenegro
What if Montenegro and Albania formed a commonwealth
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>Welcome back to cookie clicker it's your boy willy
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how high will he go?
whats up ladz
my blood pressure
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big chilling smoking the otterpack
I don't think /gsg/ will ever recover from this point
it will when janny fucks off
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post maps instead off complaining. and tranjans are only half the issue, the real public enemy is reportnigger
I will not support with maps a general that so freely vomits slurs directed to transexual people and black people
good night
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Emirate of Damascus
it's not a report since you don't even get warned
and a janny can't actually delete a post
he just hides the post but doesn't forward it to the moderation team if your post is not ban worthy to avoid suspicion of powertripping
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wouldn't that mean that a janny is actively monitoring this shithole?
welcome to 4chan you pussy
there be dragons and bigots
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Egypt attacked Syria
but surrendered after seeing our might
ceding Ascalon
But now that the armies are mustered
Cairo will burn
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>he didn't understand
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Can someone please help me understand how to play this game?
I already got my ass kicked by Ethiopia and now I'm getting my ass kicked by Afar.
Do I need moar divisions?
Am I not attacking correctly?
Am I like under supplied or something?
I don't understand what I'm doing wrong here
Is this game just a meme? Do I need to go back to Victoria 2 to be cool?
Use your army XP to make your infantry templates better (add support companies and more infantry to push them to 20 width to begin with)
Draw a frontline with a battleplan and let the planning bonus meter fill up on the divisions before you attack
Have air superiority in the zones where you are attacking by assigning fighters with the air superiority mission to your attacking armies
The final aspect has to do with supply and can usually be solved by spamming ports, railways and supply bases in the areas where you are fighting
If all else fails, pray to The Good Lord
Good luck gentlesir
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shame i have to kill them later
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okay guys i know i'm retarded here but how the FUCK do you use autohotkey? ive spent all fucking day figuring out how to download mods for hoi4 without owning the game, and now i realize paradox is too fucking retarded and lazy to add a keybindings setting into their own game.

all i fucking wanted to do was use WASD to move the map in HoI4 but because fucking paradox is too overworked selling trainwreck games piecemealed in twelve $50 segments over the course of three years in order to add a KEY BINDINGS SETTING, i need to download a third party program in order to move the god damned camera in this dogshit attrition simulator. Fucking swede pieces of shit.

Anyways I made WASD work no problem, but how the fuck do I make a button toggle the fucking script????

I do F12::Pause, it says it pauses, nothing fucking happens.

F12::Suspend great, but I can't turn it back on

This game dev company is proof hitler was wrong. Fucking inbred jackals can't put in keybinding options. Surprised they don't sell the option for $14.99.

Spare me the lecture and just copy and paste the EXACT FUCKING LINES you put into autohotkey so that I can press F12 and the script will deactivate and then F12 again and it will reactivate.
On all of your armies there's a little camel up in the top right corner
Click it. It will become a truck.
Your troops will now use trucks to resupply instead of horses.
Yes people unironically think this is a good game.

In all seriousness, dont do any microing. Before you unpause for even ONE HOUR, set up two armies with front lines, one north ethiopia and one south ethiopia.

Go to mainland italy. Highlight all ground troops. Right click on the army general face with the front line that is the south of ethiopia.

Go to Libya. Highlight all troops. Right click on the army general in charge of northern ethiopia

Highlight every single plane you have on the entire map. Deselect all fighters and naval patrol bombers.

Click the little airplane + sign on top of the generals face who controls the army in northern ethiopia.

For Northern Ethiopian general: In the bar where you made your front lines, look for "Offensive line". Click on it and then right click and draw a line through the country in the middle so that the green line has addis abbaba in it, and it draws an arrow showing all your troops attacking down.

In the South do the same thing but going up.

Click the green Go arrows on top of each of your troops generals to have the troops begin your plans.


Start building railroads towards the center of the country on both ends. From the coast in Northern Ethiopia down, each province you take make a new railroad there, in the South make one from Mogadishu to the tip of the horn back down and follow it up until both railroads meet in about April 1936. If you micro your own air you can probably get it done before the middle of March.
did they take out german confederation from KR? Do you need to fully annex it or something?
warhammer is winning v____v
literally who
whats the best nation in eu4 that I can play tall and SMASH that dev button and HIT that build button and stare at the map for several hours doing nothing
castile and chill
start date: 1544
get out the way get out the way bitch
Anyone wanna hear ai hitler sings "in taberna" aka ck2/ck3 song?
i'm not opening any youtube links :D
eat shit ****** XD
colon dee! ex dee!
obedient machukuo gf pls :3
meme puppet state
you're a meme puppet state
god died in 1618 so he can't stop me from boiling pasta in milk
>the romans fought and the romans won
no cheevos to get the fuck out
damn rain
for every day i don't walk, i'm going to walk an extra hour on the next one
and i'm already like 3 days in debt
Italy is one of the most difficult majors to play and not recommended if you are just starting out. If you insist on playing them then you need to learn how to stack the tables in your favor.
You are missing lot of things that you could be doing, for instance you don't seem to have air support in the fight, go to your air map mode and bring in some bombers and few fighters to give you an edge. Then you ought to click on the fight bubble and check out various modifiers. You could for instance let your troops rest, build up a battle plan and then attack with it, you should also assign your general under a field marshal (also choose a better general than this shitter) from the big plus on the left of his face which gives more stats. You lost to Ethiopia so it's 1937 so you could have better and more suitable units, mountaineers would do good in the highlands of Ethiopia for instance. You also could probably have few more troops, the templates you are using are if I recall pretty small at the start, check your combat width in the combat and see if you are matching or exceeding it and bring in more troops if you aren't. There's a lot of little things you can do to improve.

Korea, Netherlands and some merchant nations like Lubeck or Venice are good choices. I think Netherlands has the most fun gameplay since you can participate in European wars while staying small and just dicking on the French, the Austrians, the Germans and then the French again.
just speedrun it
building the 700
what you live in the amazon rainforest or something
but you guessed the right continent
he didn't say Brazil
nap time

funny ngl
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the catholic problem has nearly been solved
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inshallah the world will know the glories of our empire
uma delicia
only eu5 can save us now
eu5 is gonna be a shitfest
not a single game made in the last ten years is worth playing
eu5 wasnt made in the last 10 years doe
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lol get fucked, portugal
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>janny are you ok
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>all those posts...
>like tears in the rain
Denmark looked prettier when they owned Scania
I'm literally talking about ck3 why the fuck was I banned
because you were cringe
he was based actually
I'd like to lern hoi4
where do i go?
learn hoi3 instead
Assuming you have the dlc, just look up youtube guides for division composition, effective vehicle upgrade templates. Other than those two things which you don't really have any way of "learning" in-game, everything else you should be able to pick up just playing.
i went to davy jones's locker and this thread has
205 - 158 = 47 deleted posts
age of enlightenmight will dismantle the naysayers and missed-beta-invite delta males
by the time of the next dev diary all o youse will be eating ur words
p.s - fredwester pls fund this game
thane? who said anything about the thane?
just did thane-ups in the office, ended up being a blaze-up in the name of the tha*e
have johan fixed his bad sleeping schedule because damn i just know he will kill eu5 at this rate not that it's that hard in the first place anyway
angels and demons are roaring overhead the battlegrounds of johan's sitges office at this time
it is important we keep him in prayer and meditate on the movements of the thane
as for 'AE' (does it have an abbrdviation?), i heard it's a money laundering operation to finance black market narcotics
dev is in league with the former grey eminence devs; brags on discord about stealing kickstarter money (quick rundown)
thane woke up and decided to diss otterposter
hey since youre not bussy can you bump swogg for me while youre doing whatever it is this be
>come to /gsg/ to obtain the hidden manna
>some guy keeps giving me football manager tips and sharing about his wow character
>username: darkdoom
i just wanted to discuss my playthru of 'prussia' in victoria ii...
tranjan for 3rd reserve goalkeeper (on holiday)
"what's new on the map scene?," they asked me, as i locked in my 8th deadlock game of the evening
*slurps giant can of v and burps in your face*
say, anyone for vegemite shapes and french onion dip?
x1 respectfully disagree
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R8 my USA run so far bros
Just defended against GB and Prussia during a crisis over...liberation of Canada lol
It was really just Prussia and GB wanted to cut me down to size after I annexed Cuba and maintained a presidential dictatorship for years after the war ended.
I had to let the Jacobin basedboys win while I defended us from the invasion tho
Thanks to France and Austria for doing the heavy lifting on the other side of the pond btw (does that count as the first world war?)
pretty bizarre you let mexico expand into cali like that
what game is that btw?
contrary to popular belief, USA has never, and will never be involved in a so-called 'great war'
being that 'the US' is a paranational state and the US citizen a headless, programmable zogbot patsy of the freemasonic new world elite going back millenia
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be real with me guys, is this game worth buying 100%?

all the DLC have negative reviews on steam so I dont know what to think
no paradox game is worth buying you big dufus
pirate everything except for victoria 3
gifting vic3 and stellaris:blorg DLC to everybody on my steam list rn
love some elvis on a sat'dey
does creaminstaller work for ck3 or do you need the actual dlc files?
i creaminstall your mom daily
If it works like all other pdx games you need dlc files + crack/api. If you care about multiplayer by the base game and pirate dlcs, else pirate everything
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>mamluks into egypt
did I cuck myself out of forming the caliphate?
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answer me you bloody bastards you
what makes you think that you did?
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The option disappeared in the decisions
>Unify Islam
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wow i'm a retard, could have sworn the decision was called 'form the caliphate'
>unify the faith
>+1 heretic tolerance
It's heretics, not heathens. You are unifying the different sects of islam so obviously it makes sense that you get buffs towards them
better than back when it required you to convert all heathen provinces in your realm, but no such requirement for heretics
you know. uniting Islam by uniting everything except Islam
>i'm uniting the faith, destroying all other interpretations of it except my own
>but your interpretation is nice bro, +1 tolerance
don't worry, eventually you'll gas those pesky kurds
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kurds are an integral part of the empire, if you were in front of me i'd gas you for speaking like a turk
turks are based
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>debating between influence or court as next pick
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bloody bastard saar
noooo my post
um sorry meant to hide the post below yours.. i will notify the moderation team asap
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>that's all folks
i'd be disappointed too
where's your grosspreussensreich loser
im too sick to play game
>are you winning son
>if only my old man knows how obvious it looks from my pc screen that i'm just a loser who's addicted to forming groBchristianum and youtube
*clicks your mission*
Anyone here play AoW4?
i heard they remastered age of mythology
stronghold crusader when tho..
remember when they remastered warcraft 3
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^big if true
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Autistically based
Very based
White Anglo-Saxon Catholic based
Anime cringe
very cringe
Based game, cringe devs
very based in theory but remains to be seen
any questions?
what about
>Svea Rike
>the older iterations of each game
yeah i've got a question
how many dropped on the head as a baby awards do you have
If they didn't make the list...there's no hope
I never really know how to address ad hominem attacks made on an anonymous video game forum.
1) Attack the idea not the person
2) I'm quite literally 'Anonymous' and not even a person
3) I have reasons to believe I'm in the top 10% and probably actually top 1% but none of those matter and I couldn't prove it to you anyways
So just like idk dispute the argument I made in my previous post or seethe but don't debase the both of us by attacking an anonymous arguer
you're not anonymous retard
you're the retard that posted his dogshit tier list on 4chan's /gsg/
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>socialism simulator
>Darkest Hour
>Arsenal of Democracy
>Iron Cross
>For the Glory
dont forget attila total war
territorial io best map game ever devised
*laughs in risk*
good night gsg i see you tomorrow
Man I left this general around V3's release and it's sad to see it in this state. Guess Grandi wasn't the big bad boogeyman the shitposters tried to make him out to be.
Maybe reflect on that. Or continue riding the decline until this place dies for good. Just remember it didn't have to be this way.
who are you
Ass slam allah-cum sisters
I have never, ever played as a Muslim before on CK3.
Thought about starting as a Balkan pagan and converting. Probably become some kind of Alevi or make my own esoteric Sufi inspired faith.
Problem is, it feels really really wrong to be culturally Serbian and religiously Muslim.
What would you suggest? Maybe I create my own custom / divegent culture, too? Or should I marry some hot sexy foreign Muslima princess and make my children her ethnicity?
You just sound like a typical Bosnian, retard.
Not an answer
you said it feels wrong to be a muslim serb
he pointed out that there are plenty of muslim serbs irl
how was that not an answer?
I don't care. Don't ever reply to me again.
Albanians > Bosnians
This. All good Englishmen are Lollards.
is there a single paradox game worth playing
yeah ur mom
uhm sisters... the king of Croatia just converted to Mandaeism out of nowhere, what do I do?
This seems historically unlikely to occur.
I've had lots of minor NPCs convert to random shit due to stress before but it's the first time I've seen the ruler of a major nation do it.
beat the shit out of him to teach him a lesson
he's not a real Mandaean. they don't accept converts
oi... do you ever wonder if the thane is ashamed of you when you savescum?
opinion on watching ai only battle?
/gsg/ rising
I can't sleep even though it's now 6 am because I got attacked by a giant crane fly while playing paradox games and had to kill it but it took three hits for it to die
thane is training you for the next TR multiplayer sesh
always annex cranefly within the first 15 minutes of the game
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1337 start date
is it truly l33t?(???|)
>we live in a post-cod, post-cs:source world
>eu5 map
ugly af
where's the spirit of age of discovery
lol holy shit look at that terrain in Tibet
and what is going on in North Africa? Can I just invade down to Kanem?
Some of it's obviously just blocked but you can see some of those trade routes or what ever going in the northern parts of north africa, presumably you can use those to travel to Mali from Morocco but the supply will probably be a travesty
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what's so funny about that are you autistic
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Can anyone help me
I won the war against USA really easily and then declared on them again to take Maryland as a core, easily got ahead so I added Missouri and then all of a sudden my troops morale tanked and hasn't recovered at all and now I'm getting invaded by Mexico.
Can anyone help me figure out why my troops won't gain morale?
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How the fuck do I fix the blurry text of CK2 on a monitor above 1440p?
Your troops need shit to regain org, you either turned off your military funding or the market has ran out of some military goods, consider boosting production if that was the case.
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Yeah I wasn't buying military supplies
Also even chuncky CSA sucks ass and I'm getting my shit pushed in by yankees. They outnumber me like at least 2 to 1 and I was lucky to peace out only losing Kentucky but they're absolutely going to come back for more after the truce expires.
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all I ever wanted to do was love them :(
On a whim I tried Vicky 3. Might as well rename the game to "Nothing Ever Happens".
One thing that would help you is if you use your national focuses and encourage soldiers in your most populous states so you can actually get an army going. Also just because you are large doesn't mean you are necessarily strong, USA probably has more people packed in fewer states and more industrial power as well.
Βασιλὶς Πόλις
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I will not have some melancholy Spanish monarch - a *Catholic* - colonize North America!
why were the spanish so swarthy in that movie
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why were the spanish so based in that movie
>why were the spanish so spanish in that movie
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>cathcucks endangered
>prottiechads abundant
Jesus wept
with joy
Jesus after he lost the battle of waterloo
he wasn't with napoleon
napoleon hated god and traditionalist thinking
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the good endi--
>Montenegro exists
italy gets the le dalmatia but not corsica
>Germany exists
>GroB-Germania exists
truly, this is the worst of all possible endings
anglo fingers typed the post above
aight listen..
gay ireland... home
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uhhh... based?
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what's the appeal of meme states like montenegro and luxenburg is so ugly just annex it. Look how much better this looks.
If you guys haven't heard the news already I thought you might find this interesting.
Albania is planning to create an independent sovereign theocratic state within their capital city of Tirana.
An Islamic Vatican, if you will.
It will be ruled by the Bektashi Sufi denomination, which is a pretty whacky ancient sect that believes Allah allows you to do whatever you want and doesn't really give a shit.
They drink alcohol, allow men and women in the same part of the mosque to pray together, believe in books besides the Qur'an, have weird esoteric Sufi practices, and are basically the most Albanian form of Islam you can imagine.
It's basically everything about trad Islam that Wahhabis/Salafis hate and seethe about, which more or less why Albania is trying to push it to be a sovereign state and global representative of Islam.
If you're wondering if they exist in game, the Alevis are playable in CK3 which are almost identical only historically Turkish instead of Albanian.
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bro didn't notice andorra
memri more like memery
don't you fucking dare call Andorra a "meme state"
Charlemagne himself did not carve it out so that you could slander his work
Are you excited for EUV
What am I saying, of course you are
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no u
don't jump on me for this but i think roman numerals are kinda cringe.
should I created a Turkish Christian state and if so what branch of Christianity should it follow
Orthodoxy (or Nestorianism for a more authentically Central Asian flavour)
see also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gagauzia
im just gonna assume that /gsg/ is a prot majority
sorry sweetie but religion has been basically extinct in north Western Europe for 60 years now
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>[current year]
>he's not just a witch
baka ngmi
I bet lots of people pissed and shat themselves during historic battles
The fear of knowing what's about to come, of staring at your likely death
And also you can't exactly just remove your armour easily either, especially mid-fight
I bet most battlefields absolutely stunk like poop
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oh yeah, that's it...
Okay, I've began my campaign to go from being a Count to becoming Emperor of Carpathia, starting as an Orghuz Nestorian.
Although I might hybridise my culture with Vlach or some something South Slavic later on but I'll keep Turkic language and styles
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expanding into yakubia
mashallah sister
slay those dogs
I just got recommended a youtube video with 100 views of a Chinese living in Wales and learning Welsh
Now if that happened in game I'd rage quit as it being impossibly unrealistic and immersion breaking
And yet I just had proof it's happening in real life. Wild.
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i made rome bigger
there was an entire Irish short film about a Chinese guy deciding he wanted to be a proper Gael one day
a Welsh equivalent hardly seems unrealistic
some elites and merchants from the taiping heavenly kingdom did flee to britain
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>mashallah sister
the thing I don't get with EU5 is they're splitting Christianity into lots of denominations, they're including Waldensians and Miaphysites and whatever the frick else
but for all other religions they're consolidating them and not including the lesser denominations
they should make it consistent. split all religions into their little sub-denominations, or consolidate all religions into their overarching label.
don't divide Christianity while doing the opposite to other religions
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sorry bro
That's coming in the DLC brother
>go to a tournament
>I'm the only tengriist chad there
>all 49 other wrestling contestants are c*tholics
they don't stand a chance.
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why noone told me, Anbennar is actually nice. finally i can play the game again
haha the fool
the little jokester
imagine his surprise when it's 1500+ and suddenly every opm has 50k troops because fantasyslop devs can't balance for shit
>play youtuber total conversion mod
>pick nation with recent mission tree update
>please just blob
boring, give me something cool beyond a reskinned religion without any events whatsoever and permanent claims
They still haven't fixed the thing where allied armies just stand there and do nothing in empty holdings
in its most dire moment, anby has saved /vst/
First crusade just got called in 886 I'm guessing it's because somehow the queen of Italy turned asatru from a mental break
now imagine if that happened in real life
ofc a meddling jew was placed rite nextdoor to siphon non-red attacks on a playa
God is good...
from vst, with love...
witchcraft is hideously gay, leave it to tranjan to outgay everyone
i am rly, rly enjoying this map
least autistic post on /vst/
>I got a microscope for my 15th birthday, literally the first thing I did was run upstairs and jerk off onto one of those little glass slide things. I couldn't see any sperms as it wasn't powerful enough. But then my dad walked in like how's my little scientist? There I was, hunched over my desk, still leaking semi erect penis on full display, trousers round my ankles looking into my microscope
waggler vs. gooner civil war when?
a cold war game would fix this general
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We dare you to stand by a window.
one day i will be rich enough to buy the hoi4 dlc that enables NF for spain
NF, meaning ,national focii,' for those that are new
those *whom* are new
I love stellaris, but only when I reskin all the portraits to gacha game characters
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We have thrown so many Germans out of windows that we now use them as staircases to our homes.
Not sure about what happened to our Slovakian buddies.
smoke another cone, report another post, and wonder why wiz delayed the new vic3 dlc again...
Boris I, my liege...
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Please invest in Czechoslovakia.
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In for a pounding.
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thane at the r/pdxplaza meet
think that's wiz top right
thane mite look like he's in control but offscreen he is anxiously refreshing the page checking /gsg/ for new maps
when proj:anby added gnomes, that's when the game changed...
thane: /literally/ invented gsg's
project anbennar: i don't think about you at all
i used to think up having a son born basically every year was a bad thing in ck3
now i know its the best strategy
why give titles to someone not of your bloodline? who should get titles i revoke from others?
of course my newborn baby children is the only correct choice.
Is it possible to give a landed to title to a holy order and then make them independent?
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That would appear to be Czechmate.
you must be proud for posting that pun
I'm a relatively big EU4 twitch streamer specialized in Anbennar and I must say, both EU4 and Anbennar suck, like EU4 sucks a lot and Anbennar isn't good enough to make EU4 not suck
Unfortunately the retards who follow me don't want anything but more EU4 so whatever, less easy money for me but fuck me EU4 is actual garbage
lordlambert in chat??
i wouldn't fuck you
chat is she real
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>Egypt and her dependencies, 1539
How fares the campaign anons?
i only play doom wads
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blob wars
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noooo my hecking flagshiprinooo
nah that dude embraced the slop
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The confederacy enjoyed about 25 years of independence but in the end they outlawed slavery, became 33% socialist and enacted leftist reforms like a minimum wage and universal proportional voting before peacefully re-joining the Union.
They successfully took California from Mexico and built a powerful military force but in the end their lack of industry and population made this ending all but inevitable.
USA somehow took Hawaii and the tip of Maine though which is cool
This is my first game I've played this long btw. Playing GFM btw sorry if that makes me a redditor or whatever
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ah.. beautiful
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Morocco occupied, Mamluk forces arrive in France
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ah a shitty mod player still butthurt about talex 10 years later, rare sight these days
vic2 singleplayer is probably the easiest paradox game
feel sad for the bastards that actually play it
hmmm yes yes i play eu4 for the difficulty you see my 1 tag 1 culture 1 religion world conquest speedrun is an achievement and it will make me famous i will be the next florryworry i keep using i and my twice every sentence because im a narcissist btw
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Vassals really putting in the work
i can't believe someone actually leaves his speakers on while watching youtubers/streamers
Are you comfortable with Anons posting HOI IV playthroughs?
I used to come here regularly ten years ago and it's funny to see how this place has settled into a ground state where all the shitposting trends from then have been taken to their absurd extreme
you should've been here in the beginning of this year, it was paradise because very minimal janny faggotry
yeah that was great before the aussie cunt started spamming his thane babble and forced (((them))) to station a janny here
>-> cuckchan /vg/ /gsg/
are the biggers really back where they started? i just downloaded the latest ver of crimeamod and saw this
i don't know where they started but also stopped following their footsteps when they crawled into a telegram (probably for cyberpunk purposes)
i'll never be a phonefag
if only you know how comfy it is to watch youtube shorts and check on /gsg/ before bed
vicky 2 shorts i assume yes?
i don't think he's into memegame 2
Some nations that might interest you in Hearts of Iron IV:
China (large population, great industrial potential and even an early war against Japan)
Romania (decent economy and resources with a respectable manpower pool. A worthy ally to the Germans)
Poland (challenge campaign where you try to survive onslaughts from both West and East)
France (rectify the wrongs of the past and turn your walking corpse of a nation into a formidable force)
Mexico (raise the Axis difficulty modifiers and try to help your Allies hold on to the war effort with small and elite task forces)

Have you recently played Hearts of Iron IV?
absolute madlad
Any tips for blue blob achiev?
Any dlc really required?
I'm getting a feeling a lot of things has to happen in a certain way or there's just no time. I'm trying to face england right away, taking england land and one ireland province, conquer ireland > scotland > brittany > annex vassals, maybe burgundy?
Trying to ally castille and savoy, but sometimes they don't want to fight england.
like most things in life the answet is nocb byzantium
sigh you were supposed to say uninstall
he'll uninstall when he realizes that the next step is bee lining for the antichrist of europe, poland
three same numbers
i clicked and watched that just to see why it was titled "victoria 2" and when i reached the end i was about to conclude that i got clickbaited into watching a fortnite clip
but then i realized that the uploader was just expressing a commonality between fortnite and victoria 2: they're both memegames
i also clicked and realized that the uploader means it as victory in spanish and if you go to his channel you will see a prequel video titled "Victoria"
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was it another fortnite video?
yes and also fortnite has "Victory Royale" as ending tag line just like pubg's winner winner chicken dinner
i guess that means victoria 1 is another memegame then
mind sharing your honest top 3 gsg?
the joke is that the rats spread from merchant ships
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in reality, the sons were left in the field for the birds to feast on
dummynation a memegame confirmed?
1. Europa Universalis IV
2. Hearts of Iron IV
3. Total War: Warhammer 3
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harry imperator?
ur an imperator 'arry
*rizzes you up for a royal marriage*
sorry, I run my own holy order so marriage is not on the table
if you want to be a little concubine bitch, though, then we can talk
pay no mind to the senile aussie
>Albanians finally added to CK3
Feels good.
damn, how many balkanshitters do we have in here...?
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What's the best Age of Wonders game?
Everyone I ask says AoW4 but I suspect they say so because it's the most recent one and they haven't played the others.
Also, is this game inspired by Master of magic or is it just me?
AoW2 SM or AoW Planetfall. AoW4 strips out too much uniqueness by removing the races from previous games in favor of a Stellaris race maker.
hello this is tjohan here to announce that i will be steping down from my position as lead developer on AE and putting the project on hold
it seems i was beaten to the punch by age of history 3 and for this i'm frankly embarressed
sorry again for causing confusion and my sincerest apologies about your missing kickstarter pledges & rewards
peace and tregards,..
- tjohan
*sips my unnatural manufactured tea* yeah
ew what is this gross flavoured warm water (american)
where is the fanta and the dr pepper and the starbucks
*overdoses HFCS*
>AoW2 SM
I've always been interested in the later entries, yeah. Why AoW2 SM particularly?
It's the best of the old style AoWs
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post maps saars
You really should have allied with the Mega Morocco instead of destroying them.
ahhh my post nooooo
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we were allies for 100+ years as I wanted their maliki scholars but I need their lands for the caliphate and they were starting to eat tunis
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i like the map mod, berry nic
i like you :3
the dizzying heights
contribute to [gsg] clan
Alright I have been putting this off for the entire time you've been doing this, over a month now, atleast. I am really fucking annoyed by this meme. Victoria 2 is a great game, by far the greatest grand strategy of all time, in no other game can you manage an economy, your pops, your diplomacy, your taxes, your army and your sphere of influence at the same time. Victoria 2 takes every element of every game and makes it great. Your pathetic fucking mana/dynasty/OoB/insert single issue game simply can't compete. I've tried playing them, believe me. They are pathetic. You play them and you only have to manage one, maybe, two things. Hah, what is this mess? It's a botched job. A complete write off. And sure, if you like that sort of purile simplistic shit then more power too you, it's not my job to kick down your sandcastle. But why must I spend my time arguing this with you? Just because Victoria 2 is too complex for you doesn't mean it is for everyone. And when challenged you crawl back into your same abhorrent memery, because that's all this is, you don't have the slightest clue what you're saying or who you're messing with, because if you did you'd stop. Go back to playing your blob simulator, little man, because this general belongs to us. The true strategy gamers. Not your lame, disgusting casual shit. And you know the worst part? We can't even meme back. Hell, I'm sure there's some really overpowered trade good in EU4, but we can't say "hurr durr naval supplies" or whatever because the simple fact is nobody has played your favoured game since EU3, back before they dumbed it down for people like you. So well done, my friend, you made an intellectual victoria 2 fan MAD. You've achieved your greatest feat since you formed grossulmiums, mark this on your wall as a victory for your abysmal existence because I can tell you now, kiddo, this is your peak.
shut up with your vst pasta faggot
sHuT uP wItH yOuR vst pAsTa FaGgOt
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Went back to war against Mexico for Sonora. My economy is sort of teetering (after I started upgrading my Atlantic Shipyards) so I haven't maxxed out my armies and I lost my entire Age of Sail navy when I tried to invade Ethiopia (Daddy Britain said no and we drowned on the return journey or whatever)
In Europe Daddy Britain and Germany successfully defeated France and Austria in "The Great War" which doesn't seem to have changed very much.
I think my next move will be another Mexican state since I still have no Navy and will take some time to build a battle ship level navy to actually attack Europe or Asia with.
I guess this game is going to end soonish too. Is the HOI4 converter just a meme? This was my first "real" V2 campaign and it's a lot of fun for sure
Converters are a meme in general unless you’re heavily modding the game.
bait used to be believeable
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This is what I did in my very first successful CK2 game, and then I conquered Sweden to make my Suomi more groß.
nice imaginary campaign
Converters are larp especially for hoi4, unless you are invested in the role play aspect there's no real reason to convert into a hoi4 game. The game can't really handle it unlike say vicky which is still interesting game even with a converted eu save. If you want alt history hoi4 it's better to stick with mods instead.
Are 20 and 40 width divisions no longer good in hoi iv?
These days basically all widths are useful except for mountaineers. The terrain is varied enough and the maluses small enough. Just do what you feel is the best. You just want to strike a balance between the amount of divisions you need on the field and the amount of army slots your good generals have.
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i was on x/ earlier refreshing like a mad-dog trying to catch the get for this pit
what did you ever do?
btw check the saves on that screen, the third one down in particular,
Culture: Turkomen
Religion: Ashari
Empire: Roman
Yeah, I’m thinking it’s gaming time
jewish turkish roman state? sounds like karaman
he said Ash'ari, not Ashkenazim
is it savescumming if you ragequit and restart afresh from an autosave
savescummery is in the eye of the beholder
i behold it feels a lot more fun when i dont cheat at all even softly
but it also feels a lot worse when i lose, which affects my actual mood as a person a lot
What DLCs are left for Hearts of Iron IV?

publicly-traded swedish-jew gold apparently still struggling to match one polish guy for soul/clean/beautiful interface
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how often does this happen?
It's not uncommon
ugly turkey
ugly spain
ugly PLC

mossi single handedly carrying the aesthetics department of your game
don 't reply unless it's a screen veryifying you uninstallation of the game
for me,
ck3 you don't savescum
even being bold to allow yourself to fail when you are bested creates more interesting intra narrative

with eu4 so much of your success is defined by pockets of good fortune with alliances and so on that it's really the only way to play (to reload)

this is why eu5 is gona be so much better when they add turning logs into canoes and that type of thing, because of the immersion
England and France will be the two protagonists of EU V.
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if you don't delete it (shift-del*), the next graphical dlc-pack for vic3 will be the last you'll ever see
minecraft crafting table at the province level- one of the master strokes of johans latter career
wonder if he will crash the game on purpose and leave it in modder-custodianship as a sort of swan song like he did with imperator
indie devs will save the genre
not at this rate
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*blocks großgermaniums path*
oh my science it's my favourite reddit meme
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RIP turkey
The British Raj focus tree might need a little update. The economic side of the tree has 3 focuses in a row that provide only railroads. 210 days for about 6 railroads.
please install a map mod
i repeat,
please install a map mod
don't let him meme you into making your map darker and less vibrant
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default mappists, making your game 'more vibrant' since 2013
and just like that my day is ruined
stray dog andeans recognized their hyperborean Christian overlords
now kneel
thanks for inventing pizza
guys whats the eu4 gaming dresscode
following with interest
oh no someone is being unfaithful and double timing gsg with vst
just post the updates johan
I'm not getting this. You can make a custom adventurer character but you can't choose an existing character and play him as one? Why?
what you wanna play as william the unlanded bastard?
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honest opinion on this gameplay idea?
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I was one off from The Big One
turks are based
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How does he play Grand Strategy games /vsg/
and white
An ottoman is a piece of furniture. Generally ottomans have neither backs nor arms. They may be an upholstered low couch or a smaller cushioned seat used as a table, stool or footstool.
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>victoria in IR
why not
it's the Victoria 3 we deserve
Yeah adventurer gameplay in ck3 is kinda ass. Suffers from the horrible balancing the rest of the game has.

The game desperately needs to bring back societies so there's at least something to do during peace that isn't just a resource sink.
What happens if you split the Roman Empire in CK3? There's no Western Roman Empire tag that I can see
what would you craft in the province level crafting table?? and what would you use in it, and whence
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End of an empire. 100 or so years more than irl isn't too bad though
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>Egypt will grow larger
>game says i have one year to live
>switch to eating leafs
>live to 230
thanks henrik for acknowledging the truth about leaf-eating technologies
>go to colonize new world
>no copper in province
>pops can't see at nite
>efficiency reduced by >50% for night period
>craft light bulbs (the vespene gas of eu5)
>must counterbalance with the other major resource: jewish scientists
multiplayer in this game is going to be insane
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Pretty hyped for eu5, only thing I'm worried about is if my shit pc will run it and how soon it will be cracked
I sure as hell know my old pc won't run it, I have enough trouble with later eu4 slowing down.
>last stellaris playthru
>current pusci targets
>favourite TR nation
why so much vetting just to join the new steamgroup?
based putin
>CRUSADEr kings 3
>still no way to have the third crusade happen or have the latin empire form
>when the game has been out for 2 years
>and it was a feature of ck2
Even eu4 now has latin empire too
No kidding, it does? What are the conditions? I haven't felt much interest in vanilla eu for ages but that sounds neat.
don't rly care if ck accurately models the crusades or not,
just wish the bobs and pusci were more detailed modelling
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i'm embarrassed that civ4 is probably my first strategy game
is this a meme? you can 4th crusade rek Constantinople and form the latin empire now
Since when? I've been waiting for it to do a Greco-Norman game
the dlc that just dropped added splintered crusade/frankokratia mechanics
When are we getting republics and real tribal mechanics???
So it's brand new then?
i tried playing manna lords and got filtered in the first 5 mins
>6 replyposts in a row
grim as it gets
No one liked my map :(
like polar bears
hate the eastern roman empire
simple as
hm, looks like I already own the new dlc? guess it's greco-norman time
what dynasty should I do it with?
sunderland A.F.C
Never but if we do they'll be event spam telling you how you beat up a guy with the choice to beat him up extra hard.

Just dropped today chief
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So, going over some preliminary options:
Sounds awesome, looks vaguely Greek. Seems appropriate.
Decent name, Swastika variation
Bull seems appropriate for larping as Romans. Also I'm watching Columbo right now so it feels like what I'm meant to choose.
It's okay, looks acceptably Western European.
Likewise looks appropriately Western European
Same as above
Cool name, points for having a cross.
Included for the sake of completionism. My go-to choice when I want to form Norman or Norse hybrids in the far East because of the dragon CoA. Used them for my Sino-Norman campaign and I think for my Indo-Norse campaign as well.
come on you fuckers i'll keep the general alive for days with a campaign if you help me
oh you said greco-norman
Yeah, like Italo-Norman, or Siculo-Norman, except this one would be in the Latin Empire.
I have no fucking idea what these memes are, who should I play?
fech... i didn't even count correctly the d8
it's moments like these i can't hardly belive thane appointed me junior intern of the albatross...
I want to start a Naples run, conquer Normandy, culture shift to Norman for the larp
Mamluks are such a cool and op tag to play as, the fact they can build suez at XV century and can westernize is just a cherry on top
yeah i know man we're all waiting for the age of enlightenment revolution out here too...
>new dlc is out
>now have to wait for 2 weeks for my mods to update so i can for grobromanums once again.
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Took me a bit to get the start going. I had to fight several defensive wars, including one where fucking Bjorn Ironside called in Dyre the Stranger's 4500 men. Had to lead them on a wild goose chase until they were out of supplies. Also went into Chivalry as I always do when starting small because the Knight upgrades are huge. Same dumb tricks from when the game came out. Matri-marry all my female courtiers to men sorting by prowess. If a knight dies, I remarry them. If a wife dies, the knight gets a nice young healthy wife that can in turn import a new knight husband if she is widowed.
>matri-marriage enabled

yer ruler looks a man
interesting you do the court eugenics
never bothered with it in 3, found that it wasn't as effective, or something about the interface or something just never found myself keeping tabs with the court as much

how are the royal court fixes? good farts?
I wouldn't exactly call it eugenics. I do want the courtiers to be good, it's nice to have females with good traits on hand in the court. But the main focus is just to get tons of knights which can actually be kind of annoying when starting out if you don't do this trick.
No idea I don't have a court.
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>play jianzhou
>ming collapses within first 5 years
Ming more like Bing! And it's gone!
ming chilling
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I'm still going to do my Greco-Norman campaign but the Darktide update surprise dropped a day early so I hopped over to that. Porfinn will soon conquer Normandy though.
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You're about 2 years too late buddy, get in line.
Is ck3 fixed? Is it good now?
no, and it also never will be
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CK3 IS GOATED. However, some questions about admin government stuff. Does having military education do anything? I am finding that my military skill and prowess is way less useful because I can't dunk on my fellow vassals via war. So I have no idea how to gain more influence to push my kids into governor positions. I am currently a 1 county governor in the abbassid empire.
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>Fellow governors revolt against the Sultan but I don't join
>Next in line to get one of the other revolting governors lands
>Governor DIES in jail and I inherit his lands
>I am now at war and the Sultan now hates me

What in the fucking world? Whats crazy too is that when I inherited the land, it instantly put me at war with the Sultan? How the fuck does being a governor work?
They can use the assets, it's just that anyone who wants to play the mod would need to own that dlc. Which is probably self-defeating.
Like literally the only use I could remotely think of (and what I originally assumed from the name content creator pack) is for modders to fill out their focus trees with more official art, but it's not official art and I'd imagine that wouldn't be allowed anyway.
Swing and a miss. I would have been interested in a portrait pack. Couldn't care less about focus icons.
Yeah, scrapping culture groups for a culture system that sees it as more of continuum of cultures with shared and diverging traits seems like a good idea. Like, it definitely makes sense to see Danish culture as an intermediary between North Germans and Swedes, especially after centuries of German rule of a Danish state ruling Germans and Danes. Or Turks with Roman aspirations ruling Greeks with Roman heritage.
Every single time Paradox set up a shop to develop something that isn't a totemic grand strategy title it goes horribly wrong.
I always thought it might be interesting to have a game where medieval battles play out that way. Having the luxury of a top-down view to get an idea about the layout of the battlefield is pretty modern. I wanna talk to local guides who tell me about the layout of the fields and forests and villages. Of course it would probably be boring and annoying as hell :v:
I know there's Radio Commander for the Vietnam War but that still uses a map
This doesn't say it directly but I bet there's still a "we just want a border province" CB so functionally it will be just like EU4 but with a little bit more planning and inertia involved. If it's not like that then I'll be very surprised and wonder how the diplomatic system works in general.
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This rat fuck gave my family member something that doesn't exist!? In administrative government for the Arabian Empire. It said it gave him the Sunni Caliphate title for governorship but he has no lands. YOU FUCKER!!! Petitioned him and he gave me basically nothing.
use the gold to pay for an admin advisor to bring down the inflation, or use the money for troops to beat up nations around you to pay for an admin advisor to bring down inflation

the secret to EU4 economics is that if you aren't in perma-bankruptcy you're basically fine
"take the customs where it comes" perk is a little bit overpowered imo
Oh, and the other important thing for Great Horde (and anyone in that area) is to take the Kazan gold province ASAP and dev it for renaissance to like quadruple your income
you're honorary caliph
Always take money because money pays the mercs that let you beat up more people for more money and mana and land.
i've had some fun playing chill 2p coop with a friend. I let her choose the region, her nation, and our objective, and then I pick a nation that I think would be fun/weird/complementary.
A major fix would be that it moves the casus belli to whatever it was when you last had the declare war window open.

I often open the window many times while checking the allies etc. and then accidentally click go forgetting to have changed it.

It's the absolute worst when you have 10 years left on a restoration of union claim and you accidentally declare for something else
if it's just for players can't you just all agree not to fabricate? you don't trust your friends/self not to cheat?
oh god that one, i ended up setting up dozens of little statelets in india and trucebreaking as required
It's actually quite possible to just go directly into Manchuria, noCB one of the northernmost tribes on 1444-12-11, vassalize and expand from there. If you have a bit of luck with what AI tags ally or fight each other you can become dominant in the region in a couple of decades and then roll over Ming when they have a moment of weakness. If bad luck... well, it's early game, not much lost by restarting.

Qing is a beast, easy 75% CCR even as Confucian and a good amount of admin efficiency on top of that.
imo you should wait until October 2027, after paradox releases the dlcs that fix colonization and diplomacy
here's a little bit of internet tough guy trivia for when you need to flex your gaming knowledge on an unsuspecting n00b
in crysis 1 the enemies speak in korean gibberish on higher difficulties
how about in lower difficulties?
g-d's tongue, english
i have a chin
In case you never found it, the unlanded adventurers that are available by default can be found via map mode if you go into the “pick any ruler in X year” option. I found the 867 ones pretty underwhelming tho
morons think rivers form good natural borders
normal people think rivers form terrible natural borders and it's much more natural to take all of the river for yourself
only the truly brilliant understand that rivers form natural borders, but that these borders are their drainage basins rather than the rivers themselves
mein grobnordseebasiniums...
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That was a fun little run, I don't know how to get an Admin government as Rum though as you need to be an Empire title unless you can hold the title of Rum AND be an Empire to achieve it.
>play ck3 at 3 speed only
>play from 8am to 2pm.

Am I fucking autistic? I usually play all my campaigns in CK3 until the game ends at whatever date also. I usually start in 867 everytime.
enlightened take
They always lagged it a little, but since the new update Crusades slow the game down to a crawl.
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in CK3, what the fuck am I supposed to do with daughters? I am a muslim playing in the middle east. I just have no idea w hat to do with them. They seemingly sit around and cause issues. Had one daughter try and kill my wife. Had another freak out and fornicate with some 70 year old Imam or whatever. I know they can be used for alliances but I don't want all these shitty alliances right?
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marry with other powerful rulers for alliance/with vassals so they won't seethe and rebel (at least its works for normal feudalism)
How did Johan get so buckbroken by the word "mana" that he is completely eschewing the concept in EU5? Was it the failure of Imperator?
So what are the best manor buildings and upgrades?
Marry them to your vassals
Why is my character in CK3 auto exposing crimes? My daughter apparently killed my right hand man and my character immediately exposed it. Why? I didn't even click anything.
Historically in game, what year does the Abbassid Arabian empire sort of implode? I have it on Administrative government right now and the area seems very chill strangely... Administrative government in general seems very stable. Is that by design? Or is that form of government just OP?
Hereward? The WHITE MAN's Haesteinn.
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do you even fathom how nice this game is?`feels like playing eu for the first time
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holy fuck what an absolute slider beast. FUCK! Buddy is hideous.
the big initial collapse of Abbasid power comes during the Anarchy at Samarra, which the game starts near the end of (861-870)
the Turkic guard breaks into factions regarding succession and in their dispute they kill four caliphs in ten years' time
the end of that coincidences roughly with the Zanj rebellion, a lengthy slave revolt that drew all of the caliphate's resources and allowed everyone even remotely close to the fringes to de facto break away
and they never really recovered from that. there wasn't a proper year of implosion, but a gradual process over the first few decades of the game

whatever your preferred answer is, it's definitely within the first 80 years of the game - by that point they had lost all of Egypt to the Fatimids and all of Persia (and their sovereignty) to the Buyids
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Goated historian anon. based. It would appear that Administrative government makes the realm WAY too stable. The whole region seems insanely safe? Not even sure where the turk chads are at right now.
>118 posts deleted
lol nah, this shithole isn't worth saving
anyways back to the other thread where they don't ban me for saying the n-word
Wait, whats the other thread?
not going to say, you see, for we don't need any reportfags from here going to there
why did it take paracux so long to make an crusade start in CRUSADER KINGS? why do baldwins stats suck so much and what is that sandnigger saladman stated like a god?

baldwin doesnt even get a default start selection, instead it goes to a fucking FEMALE
fuck meme thread
all my homies only use /gsg/
They got rid of a bunch of the mana in Imperator and it’s a way better game now.
narural borders is obsolete afte the invention of Haber–Bosch process
I want an actual challenge in eu4. Has anyone tried xorme ai with responsible warfare/blobbing? Thinking of using those 3 mods with a mod that slows colonization
just do a no ally campaign dude
wanna establish mexico as the pope but ottoblob looking kinda vulnerable and memeluks stronger in the east... no ss because it's page 10 my dude
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what how did i get all of these info
you blobbed
no such thing as blobbing in eu4
those generate baal worshippers have gone too far
meh i didn't even notice the typo
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>east Bantu cuisine
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First Campaign with Xorne AI(no cheats) feels good. they all stronger than me. but this mod is more fun atm than trying xorne in normal eu. so cant say
i think i'm done
see you in another life brothers
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holy based, Slaves gives you domestic tradepower instead of fking tarrifs
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based, thank you for response. going to try out the setup i mentioned in normal eu and see how it feels
w-what are herbs from east bantu cuisine?
you might be. i love to play the early game slow
It’s simple, the game is about the wacky antics of your sims now, not the crusades. It all started with playable pagans, especially Reddit’s beloved Vikings. The game should be called Quirky Chunguses, not Crusader King.
i'd actually play Quirky Chunguses
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let me know how it goes, I'm using a few mods like responsible warfare/blobbing but not xorne
currently playing a comfy tall qing game
see ya
who would have thought kicking out all productive modders and LARPing as 1850s reactionary politicians would get dull after a while? whoa!
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Bantuland.. home
bros... wait until they recreate the Kurgan migrations...
missed a trick calling it "Bantustan", a humourous connection to the real life Bantustans of Apartheid-era South Africa and a Bantu kingdom in an area with historic Persiatic influences :)
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was looking at the cultures in CK3 and ran into this.
salaam goyim
i don't get it?
i just like looking at the developer comments.
I assume they'll add nomads soon(tm), but kurgan migrations not even that impressive according to this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurgan_hypothesis#/media/File:Kurgan_map.png
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>no Scotland
bullshit map
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Is it any good?

Shill it to me anons

why not
the cool thing about vicky 2 was the unique combination of economic simulation in a strategy game and with a bit of politics
What you get in VIC 3 is:
- no simulation of goods
- no simulation of money
- shit diplo system
- binary warfare system with no control
- no parties, and a gamey law enactment system, even if the idea behind the laws is good
- tech tree is good in concept
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Do any gsg paradox games actually have any strategy because they honestly feel like a more boring version of King of Dragon Pass where instead of getting a cool fantasy story you just have a bunch of charts and numbers that say the modern HRE or Communist America rules the world now and the only 'challenge' was exploiting a braindead AI.
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In CK3 my first wife has 10 children and my secondary wife has 2. What the fuck is the point in being able to have all these children in Muslim areas of the world? Like realistically, what the fuck am I going to do with 10+ children. I am getting confused on which kid is what kid too. I have like 3 kids named Bashar or whatever because I click the random name.
Don't pretend like king of dragon pass doesn't also have dog shit AI. It does have cool events though.
hey guys do you have an eu4 game running now with vc?
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Oh I'm not excusing the dumb ai, it just feels like paradox gsg games are basically just dumb visual novels with very little actual strategy

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