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patch neva eva edition.

30.4 Patch Notes: https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24135706/30-4-patch-notes
Check in to the In-Game Shop for Free Gifts!: https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/news/24116733/check-in-to-the-in-game-shop-for-free-gifts
Definition of Cement: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/cemented
Declaration of Cement: https://x.com/Frodan/status/1230169123532894210

https://hsreplay.net/meta/ – deck tier lists (bronze to gold)
https://vicioussyndicate.com/ – meta report
https://hsguru.com/ – previously d0nkey - streamer decks
https://hearthstone-decks.net/ - decks for all modes (wild, twist, etc)
https://outof.cards/ – decks, patch notes, news (includes other card games)
https://hearthstonetopdecks.com/ – decks & news
https://beerbrick.com/ - deck lists from Twitter (Japanese)
https://metastats.net/ – meta decks and stats
https://tempostorm.com/hearthstone/meta-snapshot – meta report
https://hearthpwn.com/ – decks, news, patch notes
https://hsbgguide.com/ - Battlegrounds

>Deck trackers & statistics
https://hsreplay.net/downloads – deck tracker
https://go.overwolf.com/firestone-app/ - deck tracker
https://heartharena.com/ – arena helper
https://github.com/supertriodo/Arena-Tracker - arena helper

https://playhearthstone.com/ – official website
https://hearthstone.wiki.gg – wiki
https://battlefy.com/browse/hearthstone – tournaments
https://hearthcards.net/ – custom card maker

>helpful links
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1MmLTCm7vdg5icVF4dAQhHf8sO_AZvE4gwO8NuQE8oxQ J_Alex' course on shadow puppets
https://docs.google.com/document/d/18pIaTLcGhaWf7kHKeItJckbCBT9fMjuzLxMKluCpxVs (/hsg/'s shitty word doc[feel free to edit])

Previous cooked edition >>494017385
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I don't really get new Zephyrs, aside from pulling some silences with him he's pretty weak or rather things are so powercrept that his impact is incredibly low.
Come on, don't die on me, you have so much to live for like...uh...that one thing...there's always hope for the future.
Can help you close the gap with a couple burn spells in an aggro deck.
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baby's first golden card?
how did you know?
i guessed
>has charge if you randomly generated this
lol really getting overt about the rigging algorithm outlets huh
>he doesn't know about priest copies
>bluepill: it's le heckin priest combo!
>redpill: you get killed from hand when the seed says it's time to lose
>he doesn't fight chinese bots in wild
shit cards that do something youre aiming for is better than no cards
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Chat is this real?
>edgelord worgen dh hero.
i'ma say real.
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Was in jail for 2 weeks. What do we think about the mini set? Is it worth it?
which minorities did you piss to end up in jail?
Can you no longer finish "Cast 12 nature spells" type of quests in mercenaries mode?
I don't want to talk about it
skyla is going to get nerfed and almost none of the other cards see play. usually worth just from a dust/gold ratio perspective alone though
>and almost none of the other cards see play
So we are kinda cemented now?
Which retarded gay faggot at Blizzard is responsible for this?
What's your name, chap?
Anonymous. can't you read it? it's written in green text
Your mom must hate you if she gave you this name
the same person who killed afk xp farming in mercenaries: clarence thomas
>clarence thomas
Fuck this loser
i tried mtga and i loose every standard bo1 game with a mono red deck (should be a meta deck)
do you think i would have more success in hearthstone?
you can have a positive winrate by simply spending all mana and dragging every attack face, you tell me
can identify the color green and can you identify your opponents portrait?
how much money do i need to whale to create a meta deck?
you get the first one or two pretty much for free but its gonna cost you if you wanna play fun decks too. there are f2p players with a dragons hoard of gold but their ways probably require too much commitment for you.
all of it
HS has forced 50% wr. So you can be as bad as you want
if that so where is the fun?
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can confirm
i ratted boomboss and brann but blizzard and wait for my win but blizzard algo thinks different
you can just win with your homebrew disruption deck freetoplaychud
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>N-N-NOOO you can't just easily run me over on turn 6 after I ramped twice, forged and diaper up a few times without developing anyt- ACK!
typos double blizzard and can-cant sorry drunk again
should've played aggro-lite
yeah that sucks man welcome back to society
razzler buttons DK is just too good

it will avoid all nerfs that instead will be misdirected towards the new scam mage since mage has been viable for one week
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found the culprit
4 mana deal 15 is just too strong
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ay, its a good-en
Found the aggro shitter stop complaining about a class that's not even T1 when they are decks like Handbuff Pally or big spell mage
how in the FUCK does paladin greasily slither by every single nerf time after time?
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>he thinks dk isn't aggro-lite
cmon now, you know rainbow runs only two(2(yes TWO)) cards that cost more than 4 mana?
>fat fuck zeddy will die in your lifetime
I'm so fucking happy bros

Paladin is like blizzards flag ship class. He can't ever be weak. In fact I don't think it ever has been "bad".
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t-thanks razzle
deserved, sissy
been getting that new cow a lot. free coins are pretty damn kino
Still won I'm sure since Razzle decks are broken
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???? EVERY game in tavern brawl has been a rogue mirror
as a human being who has no idea what Zeddy's life is day after day....it's probably not even our place to ask anyone but the man himself....If you really want to know what's up with him....ask him? He does have a "Mailbag segment" try there....you just might get an answer.
is this bait? you play as rogue, summon minions on casting spells
>emoting gay little faggot eats shit then concedes and other tales from silver 5
i hate this brawl.
i love this brawl
I spam the wow emote whenever my opponent takes more than 10 seconds for his turn. Hurry up gramps I don't have all day
If everything is randomized the classes should be too
i played 4 brawl games in a row without a playable card on the first three turns. i am now playing my favorite game of who can consneed faster off the muligan
tavern brawl has an mmr btw
and it's also rigged
the ultimate engagement bait machine
explain how i won first try then. TWO WEEKS IN A ROW
rigged doesn't mean "you'll never win on the first game two weeks in a row"
pretty easy to explain
rigged also doesn't mean "i suck ass at card ga-" waaaaaait. i bit the b8.
is that why i keep getting huddle up and strangthorne vale in my opening hand
ya and it's why in my first game my full rope opponent "randomly" got samuro and also "randomly" had a buff card in their hand to clear my whole board and i also "randomly" had one removal spell in my hand which got bricked after his samuro took damage, etc
it's literally an engagement bait machine
but yes timmies sometimes you get lucky and win. that's part of the trick/joke
someone's a sore loser.
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non-white detected
opinion discarded
for me it wast watching my opponent coin into the summon silver hand recruits twinspell and then buff them while i had nothing but 5 mana+ spells in hand. whatever someone conceded before I could just now so I can ignore this bs until next week.
>2 Mana 4/4 with upside (actually double upside)
Now you remember millhouse
>Karazhan Chess Set
>Old: 8
>New: 9
holy fuck just delete this trinket
>Spitescale Sushi Roll
>Old: 4
>New: 7
Nagas deads already stop it.....
I love how their balancing is always "make the broken thing more expensive" as if it matters at all. yet the two dozen trinkets that have zero use will not get a giant buff to actually make them appealing. its such retarded cowardly patching
just wait until they sell the reroll trinket tokens and you'll be able to continue playing the same broken ones for a dollar each
they actually buffed few from 2-3 to zero kekw but who cares
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so theres no way to make a slower warlock deck work this expansion huh? sad bro sad
He's fat
do you think his bussy's also fat and warm? :3
better yet his free healthcare refuses to deal with his deadly galbladder issues and he suffers in pain everyday because of it
Good, hope that fat fuck dies soon
you only ever interact with this dude through youtube if you watch cancer of similar levels
i cant wait for him to do the video where he is getting recommended MAID
yeah price is a nothing burger, who cares about skipping a turn if the thing is broken good
wow damn you're right
oh nevermind, wrong again
Too slow, doesn't make the cut

Play a honest deck for once, sissy
reska is 0 mana though
force the death rattle on a bunch of small shit in hand and get a chain of these going

been meaning to mess around with it, maybe tomorrow
half deck runs zeph... hex sheep or mass silence say hello
ye but if you already had it on like a 1 cost minion the tourist would kill it as soon as you play it and trigger death rattle twice. better off playing a real deck but it's probably neat when it works one time. and shit like Reno or discovered silenced or return to hands being in everything means just play a real deck with out all this convoluted shit
>turn 5
>triple 10cost drops
>your next game fail to start
imagine HS in 2027..... just start game and lose in 30 sec(because animations)....
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balance patch?
It's perfectly balanced
I hope next season gets rid of beasts. I hate watching a 60 minute cutscene every time any unit does anything.
We just had a mini set with one new card. let the meta settle first.
I wonder why they just completely stopped trying to make new types of cosmetics for bgs
what do you mean ? buy season pass dude....
That's the only new shit they produce, the BG store has just been cycling through old cosmetics for the last 2 years.
nta but the cosmetics are alright, the only important part is having double the heroes to choose from. I can't wait until the gap between poor fags and season pass holders gets even wider with premium season passes and weekly armor / trinket / reroll tokens for only three dollars a bundle.
What is the thinking white man deck?
Pirate shaman
Leapers are fast compared to that gay ass pirate comp which spawns more pirates. Not only is that comp weak, that comp easily generates 2 minute timers.
>just quit and reload the client
That being said bg is at the worst state ever for me. There isn't any pivoting anymore. I try and go in one direction oh no you got shit for trinkets here is your 7th place. I feel shit about my comp here is the broken trinket here is your 2nd place. Nothing makes sense.
I hope they do release the premium season pass so I can stay down in the dumpsters and play with fellow shitters and not just get btfo every other game. Plus 40 minus 40 plus 40 minus 40 over and over and over.
If you want to pivot, pick a flexible lesser trinket. You cannot pick a demon lesser tricket and then expect to pivot with your greater. I had plenty of games where I could pivot because I picked golden, stand, ticket etc. And even games where I got econ lesser trinkets (free beast) and pivoted to mechs.
I'm just too brown and retarded. Tried to go demons because I got rewinder right away. Died to someone with automaton, chess trinket and the sunglasses divine sheild lesser. Zero chance just btfo against a full board and I had stats above 200 for all my demons. Too much of a mouth breather 5k is too hard for me.
Rewinder is a hard commit. Once you hard commit, your path to victory is rather fixed. With rewinder, it is power level to 5* for the demon that gives your demon +1/+1 when you take damage. If you haven't buffed your shop by greater demon, Felbat is a bait trinket. Take economy and keep buffing your demons. If Murlocs/Beast/Shudderwock, then you can try get creative with generating more econ. Rewinder is hard to get #1 but is a easy top 4 most of the time.
Had all that, even a 300/300 plus golden demon that steals stats from a tavern minion. And the taunt one. What I thought was a decent demon comp. Still obliterated 6th place. It's not right I'm just stupid.
Rewinder comp should not be eating tavern minions. I see you are 5k. Just use the website in OP made by the BG Twink Jeef. It spoonfeeds you the tierlist for comp, heroes and trinkets. If you follow that tierlist and pick the best one, you will at least hit 6k. Afterwards is the challenge.
I'll check it out. I was watching dog and other streamers to get an idea but everytime I tried following anything it was the same 7th 2nd 7th 2nd 7th 2nd over and over again. I've been at 9k before i think I'm too stupid to do trinkets. And I thought buddies was bad.
Good luck anon. Just follow the guide.
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The race has started /hsg/ who will reach 100 tavern brawl wins first?
>play hs
>lose against insanity lock
>lose against reno
>close hs
>open HS
>"oh, wrong button"
>close HS
>launch the game I wanted to play
I play BGs when I wanna jerk off.
A turn takes a few seconds and then I alt tab to spank it
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I no longer find the energy to jerk off. I've been smoking for a decade and now it takes me at least 10 minutes to get it out. simply not worth the effort.
based boomer anon. almost free. one day it will click and you never get turned on by young girls and your real life begins
I stop smoking, I can coom in 2 minutes like I'm 14 again. you're either talking about asexuality(degeneracy) or abstinence(jewish ploys a la Kellog).
Get your T checked
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Uh oh. Seems like the algo has detected a paypiggie amongst your opponents and has therefore decided you're forbidden from winning this game. Notice that one of your 6 Quillboars has a Pirate tag? Well that's the only trinkets you're getting this time, nothing personell :^)
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>destroyed in arena because of epik 2 x Tsunami + that Shaman spell which gives 2/3 to everyone, on turn 8
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>Someone made a thread instead of me
We are so uncemented now
>Faggots playing Big Spell Mage in casual when I am just trying to clear my dailies
Just fuck off to ranked. Why the fuck are you playing a T1 deck in casual?
its just you and me in here now anon
>getting 100 wins in this
lmao, wake me up when its blood magic.
death to all warlock and druid players
I play DH in blood magic
er. yeah i'm calling Maiev. back into crysyals you go you filthy elven rejects
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Holy shit. I think I just met the most annoying fucking comp in the entire game. This comp did nothing but lag my PC and take 3-4 minutes TOTAL a fight. Jesus christ. I can't imagine a worst comp.
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Utter pure faggotry
bgs after they introduced duos sucks. every time i get a bg quest in events i will just afk in duos
I HECKING LOVE highrolls and scam. please make more of it. in every game mode. I dont want a single second of the game be without it anymore PLEASE CORA PLEASE
your request has been noted
i unironically forgot duos exists
finally, a good fucking tavern brawl
finally, a bad fucking tavern brawl
>lose tavern brawl
>ridiculously furious because my opponent fucking top decks the quickdraw card that deals with a big card and does AoE at the same time, then plays a card that summons lifesteal tokens with a bonus if no minions, then just happens to have a fucking aoe buffer
>win tavern brawl
>LOOOOL I summoned duskfallen aviana after my opponent played order in the court so random!!! Just barely win despite my opponent being retarded
idk about just multiplayer games, I think it's something particularly about this game that's just rage inducing.
would you say nu hearthstone or 2014 hearthstone was more race inducing?
It's hard to say since I hated HS back then. 2014 HS could lead to more frustrating situations where you simply don't have cards, however I liked the cards sound effects etc. in general and it was still new so it felt like the game was more 'fun' to play, there was also arena. It was also possible to have more fun with solo stuff like Naxxramas and LoE, giving the illusion the game was less frustrating then.
So drop out retard I will win the race
>finally, a bad fucking tavern brawl
eh it's a tavern brawl.
new IDF intelligence report
>Almost every Rogue deck out there is complete garbage. Rogue is so bad that some of its decks are even worse than Reno Priest. This is a reminder that Maestra costs the same amount of mana as Skyla.
seems like a balanced and healthy meta
looks like team 5 did it again bros, what a great time to be a hearthstone player
every class can highroll win with their two good cards :) that means the game is perfect. well done girls!
just play against them, they are usually shitters trying and failing to pilot a deck
Why does this guy hate Reno priest this much lol
>we went from 80% to 60% aggro-lite
it's the opposite actually or else he wouldnt complain about its winrate
I'm unironically having more fun playing the tavern brawl than standard
I want some free dust
Because this has been the worst iteration of the Highlander meta we’ve ever fuckin seen. Reno’s the kind of removal card that twists back to being the best and main win condition for these abominable decks. Every control strategy just ends up turning into a Reno deck and they all play the fuckin same where they exist to either get gun down by aggro or playing chicken with eachother for 20 min non games.

Reno priest has been the most egregious offender as a non game generator. It has 0 win conditions and entirely relies on your opponent being an idiot whose playing slow clunky decks you can steal with all the copy cards.
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>warlock spends 5 turns killing himself
>finish him off with burn from hand
I crafted all the highlander cards I didnt pull when they came out because figured there was 2 more years of this shit. Half of them have been completely gutted and got refunds. Writings on the wall for this """""""""""""""""""archetype""""""""""""""""""""""""
>priest has no single card game enders
what's the matter sissy? dont like honest decks?
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>get random bullshit go trinket
>get duplicate trinket
great nerfs
Chess is straight busted but your comp is not as good as you think it is since a since Sindorai wrecks it
Problem is they refuse to nerf cards other than with "+1 mana" or "-1 health", and Reno's effect is toxic waste cancer that will never be balanced if it's ever playable, so they just chucked it to 10 mana and wiped their hands, killing every highlander deck when they could have just nerfed the retarded effect and kept him at a reasonable cost.
am I really supposed to hate the 10 mana board clear? concierge druid can OTK you on turn 4 if he draws right.
no you're supposed to hate the devs, always
Quillboar are cancer and ruin the game
Yes because slow decks bad, mana cheat and snowball good.
oink oink motheroinker




*dies of stroke*
>watching youtubers
you deserve it
I miss when renolock ruled wild bros this new wild is so gay
wild brat bussy correction meta when?
moo moo!
do your parents know you make such abhorrent posts on the internet?
I wanna live in the timeline where the class Highlander cards from Badlands were cheaper/reworked to not suck ass and Reno Lone Ranger and deep miner Bran just dont exist, delete them, especially that fucking abomination that is Lone Ranger.

Imagine if the original Reno Jackson not only restored your health to full but also gave you an extra turn AND let you rip a card out your opponents hand. Psychotic game design going on in Irvine, California.
>paladin 3 games quest
>boot up my reno burgle excavate glowstick euroda paladin
>5 wins in row
wtf ??? they forgot turn on rigging algo ? or ai cant match proper counter for my secret op deck ?
>4 days until new quest for more cards (I'm poor)
wat do in meantime
get a job nigga
there's a reason they post maybe one or two matches on their YouTube videos from a 5 hour stream especially when the meta is as AIDS as this
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I fucking hate getting afk faggot teammates
Play standard
blogpost DOKO
How is injured hauler supposed to be fine
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top 25 on the server while f2p. Whats your excuse anon kun?
I don't want to play 5000 games
neither do i. I just have a high winrate. i still play semi casually like max 20 games a week
if you dont rat on 2 you're a certified bitch
Big Beast Hunter is so much fun bros
20 games a week is like 400 minutes
>rat on 2
Coin rat is the chaddest thing you can do in this game and any later is for turbo bottoms
coin rat is literally played by chinese bots. you aren't a chinese bot, are you anon?
you told him not to touch anything, so he doesn't touch anything, simple as
Sorry this win is reserved for someone else you can go eat shit in a corner :)
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Cement Status?
give all dh players cement shoes. then throw em in a lake
>weapon rogue is meta, T1 even at top legend
>Big spell mage is T2 so far and Skyla nerf will probably kill it again
Funny miniset
>letting minions live for a single turn
huge mistake from your opponent
is there any working combat reconnector for battlegrounds? specifically for duos? the one on google doesnt work
Bene sitting on 10k Gold and 110k dust, what do i craft?
blog post soon then patch and wait until streamers tell you what deck to play
no it really isn't. it's a cowardly thing to do
you're praying the outcome of the game is decided by you getting lucky and ratting out the perfect card so that you don't ever have to think or deal with it and you just win on the spot
this is something pussies strive for. this is how a loser idiot virgin wants games to go. they wanna say "do i win? yes? YAY!!!!". that's ratting on turn 2
>110k dust
craft all legendaries and play a 43 legendary deck
banana the stars align priest
I won't tell you its a meta deck but it looks fun and that's what I'm saving my dust for
where the FUCK is the blogpost
I've played maybe a dozen games of the current arena meta and already gotten turn 4 swiftscale trickerster + drakefire amulet played against me twice.
>Cutlass Rogue
>35% win rate at high Legend. Single worst deck ranked

>Weapon rogue (daggers or 1 mana picks)
>52.4% win rate; T1 deck

Lol. Also it somehow has a winning matchup against Warlock and Demon Hunter.
BBU DK is unironically a tier 1 deck
DK has only one deck but in different colors
yeah man frost plays exactly the same as rainbow exactly the same as blood
i assume you're the control-lite retard
>2 mana deal 3 with upside
what else is there? even BBB runs tokens
>running overtuned 2 drops and a titan makes all the decks play the same
yeah paying 2 extra mana to swap card draw for lifesteal is a bit slow
acting retarded makes for a bad argument. enjoy your one trick pony
Actual Big mage spells are popping up in top legend that aren't simply "win at turn 4-7 or lose".


They have curve cards and have Norgannom. And higher WR obviously.
remember when spending 2 mana to ping a minion because you might board clear + ping again next turn was a thing you did
now it's "duhh i clear da whole board and make 5 8/8s ur turn"
coras patented board churn and puzzley gameplay
most classes a core set of broken cards used across all their viable archertypes, not sure what your issue with dk is
only warrior and druid come to mind and both run not nearly as many as deathknight
priest is an amanthul only-deck regardless of archetype
all rogue decks have been sonya/shadowstep abusing up until now
not even sure why im arguing with someone who thinks double frost plays the same as tripple blood, maybe i am the retard.
>priest 1
>rogue 5
>dk 10
I was winning 7/10 of my wild games but now that I hit legend I am winning 0/10.
the game is kinda unplayable for me right now. I don't have any good standard decks so what do I do
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anyone wanna make an aquintance and get a reward?
EU or NA?
EU! I didn't know there was a difference
you can switch regions and get one of the starter decks I think
im a mouth drooling retard
How difficult is it to get to level 20 in WoW? I want the hero for it
Like an afternoon
what hero?
Angry elf lady for Paladin
>get the dragon hero
>pick the dragon trinket
>get good dragons
>insta die to someone who somehow got even better dragons and scaled faster
if you know drill - few hours if not pick human hero he have easiest and fast quests Rush to level 13-15 pick Deadmines dungeon quests run it and you done
>>get the dragon hero
here your mistake number one next is pick dragons
sorry but you can only choose one: "have fun" or "win"
better get to studying
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>plays meta deck in casual
>starts emoting when his aggro-lite deck kills me on turn 6
give me ur OP standard decks
I want to win
retail he'll be level 20 in under two hours
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now that's what I call a hand
I need 250 gold for the edwin portrait before it rotates out but I'm outta quests. What do?
I always threaten before winning
reflect on your life choices
do some breathing exercices
maybe have a nice cup of tea
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Standardsisters... ASSEMBLE
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xister reporting for duty
Can I get an actual response and not a faggot answer
this dude was already prepaired to troonamis annihilation
Fasten your seatbelt!
buy cards

>3 pic
Holy fuck what happened to Blizzard.....
they decided to appeal to an audience outside of coomerbrained incels. its not like they ever lost them either. eternally mazed by draenei horse cock
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all the white men left
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he gained 18 armor
all my arena opponents are mage... wtf ???
And ur playing mage
>shaman start losing board
>suddenly windfury my face for 18 one turn
>after few turns another weapon
im playing literally healbot paladin and ZERO heal card or viper/zeph
shamefur rigging
I play that deck and horn feels retarded really it shouldn't be allowed to go face when you can steal attack or other shit like that
>next game
riggin works in both ways fucking wave abusers
>next game
im fucking tired of 50% forced winrate
Tell me how to get runestones
>upgraded HP as warrior

first time ever chogall didn't fuck me over
bros??? the nerfs???
This is the best and most diverse meta we had this year
are you shitting me? the mini set sucked dick and there is nothing new to play. standard is a fucking bore and these designers keep getting promoted
The miniset allowed mage to be viable adding to the already diverse meta
fucking quillboar
how many new cards are seeing play? big spell mage is a deck for retards, there is nothing fun or interesting about it.
Last two patches didn't solve shit, you think this time would be different?
bros I was promised a blogpost
nerf to skylar
5 buffs to things that do not matter
game still shit
here you go
are titans finally rotating next expansion?
not until april/may
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cemented? more like SEMENTED
>how many new cards are seeing play? big spell mage is a deck for retards, there is nothing fun or interesting about it.
I mean all the aggro decks and druid decks are the exact same thing, decks for retards.
In fact HS has degraded to the point that every kind of deck is for retards because you don't have to plan anything.
diaperfag alarm
I'll let you know, controltard, that aggro-lite decks are highly sophisticated and require a lot of foresight, especially deathknight
Did I say control was any better aggrotard? No, they're all the same slop because blizzard doesn't know how to design a meta anymore, they just design cards and hope for the best.
aggro-lite is the most popular and skillful archetype, diaperfag
That card that makes draws temporary. The new shaman tourist is good. but yeah no real bangers that define decks besides the mage thing
banana priest is fun actually
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youre welcome
next week for sure
if not, the one after that
so 2 more weeks?
Behold the only card designed around shadowstep (not like it was balanced) but rogue players act like their entire class is made around it years later.
It was so much fun to play and quite skill intensive. Kept druid at bay too. It was peak Rogue imo
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>Constantly makes fun of people paypigging for premium skins
>Paypigs the rogue signature cards himself
Wtf i thought he was ourgay
yeah but his boner for rogue is simply too strong please understand
hes old and washed and probably senile
I've seen some of the postings on the forums, this game has actually caused a lot of emotional distress
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based Mark is based
this churns my cement
do you get anything if you win against the ki?
>cucked & deadstone still clinging to life
game is doing better than yugioh, mgta and pokemon combined
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look at the twitch numbers or youtube views
nobody is giving a shit about the other games.
paper versions including.
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Anons i fear if i craft this Priest deck i have in mind i ll become a Priestsissy freely giving random men on the street my bussy. Is there any way i can play Priest without have to go through all the sex with random men?
some people have no values
Three times now I've lost to that fill your board with naga card. Fucking faggot ass card
that card bonkers in arena.... and mage generate 3-4 per fight.... Arena literally all mage now.... if you survive nagas they own you with tsunami
hold on bros we are almost there
if the next set doesn't save us, rotation certainly will
>want to play fun deck on d2
>suddenly all decks aggrolite or tsunami scam
>you now on d5
Got 10 game win streak with this to legend from Diamond 4 or whatever the math is.

### Handbuff
# Class: Paladin
# Format: Standard
# Year of the Pegasus
# 2x (1) Drone Deconstructor
# 2x (1) Righteous Protector
# 2x (1) Southsea Deckhand
# 2x (2) Audio Medic
# 2x (2) Gold Panner
# 2x (2) Grimestreet Outfitter
# 2x (2) Instrument Tech
# 2x (3) Muscle-o-Tron
# 2x (3) Outfit Tailor
# 1x (4) Astral Serpent
# 2x (4) Painter's Virtue
# 2x (4) Tigress Plushy
# 1x (5) Leeroy Jenkins
# 1x (5) Magatha, Bane of Music
# 1x (5) Sanc'Azel
# 1x (5) Toy Captain Tarim
# 1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
# 1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000
# 1x (2) Power Module
# 1x (4) Twin Module
# 1x (7) Amitus, the Peacekeeper
# 1x (9) Yogg-Saron, Unleashed
# To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

I AM NOT SAYING I AM GOOD OK please relax but it worked its stupid retarded fuckhuge powerful. Might be most powerful deck ever. Only use this if hardcore legend grinding please be nice to those playtesting decks.
>post meta broken deck
>wow 10 game win streak
dude i have 10 game win streak with my cutlass rogue (sometimes)
the game has been shit since the corrupted mechanic rotated
>spam tsunamis untill he draw whole 30 plagues
Only one way to deal with diaper babies....
You play DK you're talking shit from a glass house shitting on other classes
thats *honest* shuffle 30+ plagues deck dude....
DK has no honest deck
remember Morgaine control dk untill they nerfed in to oblivion...
BowlUndrFire#1615 NA

If it's claimed I'll say it's claimed, come get some stuff.
game still dogshit? or fun?
Fun until you hit meta.
You now get to claim your loaner deck immediately, which is better for diving in quick and grabbing it, as opposed to having to wait. If it's been at least 3 months I guess you could check back in for that.
i finally quit 3months ago and im not playing till its fun again.
Still looking?
>play against priest
>day ruined
Just saying, you can come in and grab your free shit quickly, if another 90 days go by, you'll get another one. They just updated them so it's basically time to do it.
Just make sure it's been at least 90 days, wouldn't want you to miss the mark on that.
Yes claimed.
When are they removing DK from the game?
Never they need a class for smoothbrains to get wins with their single digit iq and keep playing
thats paladin (former hunter)
90% of the decks can be piloted by a baby. DK is just the most egregious
How many retards do you see vomit their hand on board instead of buffing them? Because I see a lot of them
dude.... crusarder aura paladin just spam tokens.... why bother with buffs
I want to sex the telephone
dial your mother....
the dev teams silence is deafening
uh, bros?
i have an old account but no dust left
how do i get started back to get a meta deck?
should i just buy all the mini sets?
make a new account unless you intend to play wild, theyll give you a starter deck and enough catchup packs to fill out half the collection
>double 0 mana reska in hand
this or mtga
i can't decide
mtga is the most expensive digital card game with the second worst gameplay behind snap
really i thought hearthstone is far more expensive
hearthstone is the cheapest out of the 3 by a wide margin
i guess i start with hearthstone then
what should i buy at the beginning?
nothing, this game won't survive past 2025
bros... are we still cemented?
mtga is so fucking ugly

there's that league of legends card game too. I tried it but didn't care for it. no, as frustrating as HS can be at times it still is the top
I play this in excavate warlock
it's fine-ish
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I won bg
Do people like trinkets?
no I only like the thrill of randomly getting an op comp and rolling on everyone
it's a slot machine with extra steps
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I don't, because it gives you too many last places out of the blue. missing "the good" trinket/minions is so punishing and you cant buy safe early boards because of it so you get double punished by highrollers
what mid season content will they put back into bgs that works with trinkets? darkmoon?
I do. I find them way more enjoyable than quests & Buddies. I think it's because they have so much more variety (mix&matching is part of that), they don't feel like they accelerate the early game to a retarded state like certain buddies & quests did because everyone gets them at the same time, you get a decent amount of choice in what you do instead of having to pick the best of the worst hero/quest, and tying into that it feels like there are a lot of good options rather than the other systems with lots of bad options
No, because a lot of them are just boring win more effects. They help the already good tribes while not really doing much for the bad ones.
baffling how they got this so wrong. you could have made these effects anything you want. "after 3 elementals die summon the last non elemental you bought from the tavern" whatever. go completely wild with tribes combination. no instead we got "make things have bigger stats, get more things of stuff you already have and cheat out stats"
People still play trannygrounds?
Trannygrounds is unironically better than stanturd at the moment.
Can you explain what the autobattler mode in hearthstone has to do with trans people?
>at the moment
the DEI assets
the participation trophy mmr design
the gameplay rigged for certain types of people
Sounds like a bunch of gobbledygook to me
that's ok some people aren't meant to be aware
You have schizophrenia bro
People in this game are such crybabies. So much people concede turn 1 when they see I am playing tsunami mage even in ranked. Imagine being this salty about a deck that's not even that good
>play nigger deck
>get treated accordingly
>cry on 4chan
Why shouldn't they? You're offering them a non-game, might as well cut it short and find someone actually willing to play a game.
This. It's exactly the same as Zilliax Warrior pre-nerf. Nothing but Barnes-lite decks.
Still sad that LoR was so mishandled. Its free to play economy did more harm than good considering card arts, voicelines, and purchasable cosmetics all turned to shit by year two. Mechanically it was pretty fun but everything else was fuckin' shameful.
I offer a skill intensive game against a new archetype. My deck is fair and the power level is balanced. I just don't get why people just concede when it doesn't get much better than this in HS. It's much better than broken decks like Paladin or Druid
i feel like it was a mistake for LoR to come out of the box with somewhat powerful synergies/strategies/combos/etc
i didn't play a lot of the game, but i do recall feeling like things were relatively streamlined and powerful even in the first month of the game
a lot of people point to how "good" the game felt to play and stuff like that, but i feel like it's the same shit that ruined modern hearthstone: content that comes out with a specific prepackaged plan of how it's supposed to be used/interacted with
designing games like this does make games "feel good" to idiots and normies but it makes them worse for everyone else
No I wouldn't blame you, decks curved out retardedly in LoR and it wasn't until they released better removal in 2021 that the game became more fun for me. I played slower decks so about half of my cards were techs and meta calls but yeah the devs loved to push prebuilt packages with burn or statstick wincons which felt like aids to lose against.

Funny that the lead designer in Hearthstone right now is a former LoR dev who got rightfully laid off.
Yeah that was me and I'm just not playing it. Sorry.

>dude what if you could play a turn 10 card on turn 5 and win bro wouldn't that be epic
This is unironically the design of several decks
>Druid plays 30 mana worth of shit on turn fucking 6
>Mage plays 10 mana spells on turn 4 (and turn 5, and turn 6)
>Warlock can have 30 stats on board by turn 3 with the right mulligan
Genuinely don't understand how this team is still employed
you forgot the turn 4 druid OTK
its a highroll, I admit
So what you're telling me is nerf rogue again and continue to ignore the actual problems or pretend to do something for the 3rd straight patch
>11 mages in a row
Tell me your price blizzard so I can pay to never play a single mage again
forgot shaman with wave abuse and razzler
add these will reduce mage appearance rate by 20-50%
Play any aggro deck
kek how do you fucking recover after turn 5 board clear and freeze.... no you cant kill mage before t5 because he plays 2-3 drops and coin weapon
62.3% winrate vs Mage in D5-L
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Dungeon runs are so fun how the fuck did they fumble the monster hunt so hard?
I built that deck and I'm not impressed by it, definitely regret wasting the dust on Aranna. You have one or two hands that can kill fast and if not you do nothing and lose pathetically
>turn 5
>druid summons 9 mana 10mana and 4/20 wall
Basically they print neutral(6+) only for druid BrAINDEAd devs
Don't forget the 6/8 taunt before them that also gains them a bunch of armor
Yeah dk infinite weapon very fair in arena.... also dk/mage combo literally guaranteed -1 arena try
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Neat. Now if only that card was usable.
im about to re install after not playing for 3 years. is this a mistake?
if you intend to play standard and dislike fast metas, yes (every meta deck currently intends to kill you before turn 8)
battlegrounds is pretty fun though
Arena dead.... Standart dead MErcs dead Twist unalive... only BG left
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>is the most broken card in the entire game
>ran in literally fucking everything
i hate cards like this so much you have no idea. no neutral card should ever hit this status
>my nagas
>3 zola and random low cost
>their nagas
>bunch 5 drops 2 lady steno to finish me and my board
should i play arena with runestones to improve odds ?
but dude..... whell of death and draw 7 exist.... only when you play it
Does anyone play Wild?

I'm stick at Plat 1.

I keep hitting 3 stars just about to hit legend and it keep losing.

It goes like this.

Win 2 games very close fair games.

Lose 2 games to high roll aggro deck. ([pirates etc)

I'm playing a Pirate aggro deck myself, but it's more of a midgame deck and I'd like help with this deck if possible.

It's called "Cannons" because it uses the 6 mana spell "Deal 3 for each Pirate to a random enemy".

It's pretty insane because it has incredible draw power, probably too much right now.
I'll show the deck list in a sec I raged uninstalled because I've been stuck on Plat 1 for so long lmao.

Im installing now and I'll show.

But basically it's like every good pirate, the 2-4 buff pirate when they attack neutral card.

get a coin on kill weapon 3mana 3/2

I was running prep for a little but It's too much of a dead card going first. I play like only 2 spells...Cannons.
Reno fucks kill yourselves
Why should I
okay nm lol I made this account years ago with a throwaway email and now I try to log in and they have to send a code to the email but I must have written the email pass down with pen/paper because I cant find a file with it anywhere so I cant log in even though I have my battlenet info just not my old email. good shit
Astalor was a better "in every deck card". Atleast you could toss a beefy board out and hope to soak it. How the fuck do you counter yogg besides not playing good cards?
Literally dies to itself
In modern HS if your entire board gets cleared you're just supposed to rebuild it again in 1 turn.
If you don't have a card that can make an entire board by itself, then you lose.

have you tried evasion to buy yourself a turn? sometimes all you need I just one more turn
must be why rizzler with cheese decks are my best win rates
That's aggro
I also have the paladin and shaman aggro decks and they brick to themselves a lot less in comparison
They aren't as fast. Which is why they lose to mage. So either go fast with little reload, go mid or go slow.
based dane shitting on mages with well rogue
>fighting t5 scam with another t5 scam
>both involve coins abuse
not based at all dude....
### Cannons
# Class: Rogue
# Format: Wild
# 2x (1) Bloodsail Flybooter
# 2x (1) Jolly Roger
# 1x (1) Patches the Pirate
# 2x (1) Swashburglar
# 2x (1) Treasure Distributor
# 1x (2) Bloodsail Howler
# 1x (2) Bloodsail Recruiter
# 1x (2) Drink Server
# 1x (2) Parachute Brigand
# 2x (2) Ship's Cannon
# 2x (2) Toy Boat
# 2x (3) Bargain Bin Buccaneer
# 1x (3) Bumbling Bellhop
# 2x (3) Cutlass Courier
# 2x (3) Hozen Roughhouser
# 1x (3) Metal Detector
# 1x (3) Prince Renathal
# 2x (3) Southsea Captain
# 2x (4) Watercannon
# 1x (5) Bootstrap Sunkeneer
# 2x (5) Sandbox Scoundrel
# 2x (6) Cannon Barrage
# 2x (6) Weapons Attendant
# 1x (7) Marin the Manager
# 1x (7) Pirate Admiral Hooktusk
# 1x (7) Skycap'n Kragg

Can anyone help me out? What should I add or remove?
Give druid back DK Malfurion, Ultimate infestation, spreading plague, auctioneer, jade idol and naturalize back stop pretending you don't want them to be able to do anything in the game and do it best
anon... thats card literally shit in today meta
UI now cost 7 mana
nuDK malf clear whole board for 10 mana
Plague ?? we have zero 3/4 taunts here
Idols - we have aviana oh wait we also have idols in standart
Auctioneer ? kek we have draw 10 from titan
>guy most likely playing drink quest
>hex his drink servers
>concede after one drink so he can't play more
>guy adds me after game to talk shit
Worth it
I hit legend yay :"D>>495614832
congratulations shinji
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If you play mage, priest or druid, sincerely end yourself
I play overheal priest and shit on everyone, it's fun :)
>implying that any card can survive more than 1 turn
Noooo not le 9 mana mind control
No shadowstep or Brann to re-use hooktusk?
About to play BBB DK and lose 10 ranked games in a row! Utterly CRAZY!
someone stop this guy
>when you want to tank your mmr for an easier climb next month
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>removal vomit Warrior
>Cheat Mage
This is the worst meta of all time
Both are not even T1 decks
Both are all I see. Quitting until they get removed from the game.
Just uninstall shitter or stop whining about bad decks
>deck is cancer
>"uuuuh sweaty it's not even T1 :)"
>the T1 decks are even more cancer
thanks cora
You are such a fucking bitch.
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found my pass. What's the optimal loaner deck to take? I assume the one with the most meta cards or worth the most dust but I have no idea what the game is anymore
Highlander Warrior is probably the strongest with 0 modifications.
I think this is the first time the loaner decks are all good meta decks without random garbage, warrior for most dust value and druid/paladin/death knight in that order if you want to climb
dh if youre a meta slave
dk if you suffer from brainrot
shaman, paladin and druid if you suck cocks
warrior if you actually want to play the game and then lose
a genuinely terrible person
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why plague dk is such garbage i wasted 6k dust on it
add new cards like razzler and shaman tourist and scam people
But yeah it lose to scam mage hard because cant answer early tsunami
plague DK sucked even before mage got skyla
don't act like you know what youre talking about
what are you talking BBB is good vs hordes of mages.... ah yes riggin system throw you worst matchups
>have access to most broken scam card(razzler)
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Lmao. I lowkey only face 1 mage in 10 games.
faggot zoomer
turns out playing double battlecry 4x astalor, a couple parrots and a 24/24 c'thun is preeeeeetty good
No cap frfr
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>f word
>used to cost 1 less for every spell you played
>0 mana yogg terrorism
>also played with a 4 mana one-sided board clear on a stick
the game was more fun before they nerfed it desu
Wish there was a 'i am playing bad jank decks for fun can I please play against anything besides big mage so i can see what my 6+ cost cards do" gamemode.
casul filled with meta aggrolite sadly
no, it wasn't
they dont have balls to make *hits only minions* tsunami or remove 1 elemental.... ? i smell +1 furry mana nerf (does nothing because coins)
of fucking course they'll go with "+1 mana" as always
it'll probably lower the deck winrate enough to not see it as much anymore though, but it'll be yet another cancer waiting in line for its turn in the cancer carousel
just insta consneed if you run into a meta deck.
Card design is extremely political. The are two groups in the HS-community. Blizzards target audience and everybody else. The target audience is served. Others are just wallpaper.
There are 3 winconditions discernable regardless of expansions: a. Burn, burn,burn. b. spam-buff-go face and c. OTK. It is euphemistically called faced paced. Those wincons serve the target audience. If that crowd gets mad they nerve. All others may suffer.. and those start complaining here.

Ever wonder why a class like Priest never consistently is and was a Tier one? Yes dragon Priest is well known. Because Priest is not an target audience class. Imagine Priest to be consistently oppressive as Paladin, Mage, Hunter, Rogue.....all hell would break loose.
The problem of Hearthstone is the problem of its developers. The non-target audience community are the second class citizens in the Hearthstone realm. And they feel it. It raises much contempt and complain. The lack of balance, the lack of wincon diversity, too steep RPS are all condusive to a mindless aggressive gameplay of the target audience.
casual does this until you tryhard in casual one single time. after that, your account is in the blacklist casual zone permanently, no amount of losing or conceding removes the brand
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i do have razzler and buttons but still useless other decks rekt me also scourge is scam card never got anything good from it
I haven't played HS in over a year. Is it still a game where you have to buy alot of packs to even have a chance in CASUAL without someone trying to smack your balls with a meta deck?

Or am I going to grind my teeth at night from stress again?
just play trashcan garbage in ranked it'll give you murloc tidehunter bots at some point
no, now you can craft a meta deck pretty easily and grind to get legend, but the game isn't fun and thinking is optional
if youve been gone for only a year you should have enough dust lying around to make one of the tier 1 decks and piss around, some of them are cheap. cheapish. there is also always wild that has some cheap broken decks. or you could suffer in battlegrounds with only two heroes and gain more gold that way.
word of warning we are supposedly getting nerfs this week so I wouldn't craft anything yet.
holy shit dude.... you have like 10 useless cards
remove cold feet add frost strike
remove 4 mana reborn add proc twice yolder
add zola if you want rape diapers
remove scourge its useless in plague type deck
where your 4 mana hellfire with body ???
Zeph Marin Zilliax - that autolose cards vs aggro (for control you have plagues)
remove soul search entierly you dont have so much corpse at early turns and later its useless
also i dont see most OP dk card in your list (not count location)
Corpsicle and pic rel
can you please show in deck builder your changes and link it

maybe miss something...
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Lucky discover from Marin's treasure: the pirate leggo procs of itself and wrecks the enemy
thats always for my opponent druid.... also triple insidus
They just added the extra elemental you want them to remove it now because mage gets 4 shitty minions on turn 5? (like every other class)
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what do you think now
ye it looks about right. not him but ditch the brittlebones for that one mana discover a weapon imo way more flexible. Discovering the life steal/freeze weapon has saved my ass countless times. I only run one natural talent in my rizzler buttons deck maybe consider another frost strike for the removal and discover potential. Up to you of course. the deck you have should work
love me brittlebones if combined with dreadhound handler or distressed kvadlir brings lots of value early stage
Sadly its 1 blood... you need convert deck to Rainbow
Much better you still dont need 2x melted magma (you add zeph why 2x magma)
Tomb Traitor x1 would be better
But in current token meta maybe additional magma save your ass
Idk why you still hardrun Marin... yes its good card but vs druid/warrior/priest its almost useless (unless you draw your best cards7+ mana/summon scam leggos)
>new in shop
>press button
>game lags
>its all same shit nothing new
i swear its last time i press that god damn fucking shit button
>win game
>next game is lose game
>tsunami mage
>turn 3
>i play dude that make card temporary
>he double coin into furry(labeled as temp)
>next turn conman finish me
yeah not rigged....
Do you accumulate daily quests if you go afk a few days?
3 max standart
bg can up to 50+(or more)
3 quests it'll be. Thanks for the info
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Magma vs painlocks and pirate hunters + if it drops late you activate primus spell dmg and burn the board down and marin saved my ass plenty of time i always pick summon 2 legendary minions on board and give 1 to hand and had plenty of lucky picks that helped me lethal or clear
Love this little shit card shut down whole diaper plan Now he have 20 useless cards
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sadly other 10 was ..... 15 mana cancer nigger.....
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>37 turn game against a R*no druid that sharted out the dragon spawning egg on like turn 5
>End up winning but only because i discovered a spell that dealt 6 to his face on the turn he finally had lethal against me on board
>Greedy cunt was at like 10 hp for half of the game, played 4 of those druid titans and always chose the mana refresh instead of healing
This game is so ass
What card? I don't play priest
thats neutral
going to play pirates in bg
literally my last game.... 2x trinket for gold after two attacks jailer hero and bunch of tokens raped by mechs 5 place but 20 gold turns very comfy
they have to hit tsunami because there is 20 out of 30 cards that cheat it out

won't matter anyways because cheating out big mage spells is cancer
Got second place, didn't get very good taven rolls but ripsnarl carried me and everyone else kind of fumbled. Last guy shit out 37 nightmares and there was just no way
odds that cora was fired once MS canned their DEI stuff last month?
Is this a real tweet or an epic troll?
why do you need a narrative designer for a card game
Card games have narratives
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What the fuck is this card saying
You draw a nature spell and gain an empty mana crystal
No I mean the voice line, what the fuck is he saying
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playing secret hunter
not activating a single neuron
Did they delete dk from the game yet?
I haven't played standard since the miniset came out, I kind of assume that mage killed DK
Nah DK still has tier 1 decks and only has a truly bad matchup in handbuff paladin
Just won a BG highrolling as ETC.
Is there a better feel?
holding hands with your wife watching your three kids play in the garden together
That happened yesterday, it was nice watching my wife's kids playing in the garden together
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Just check the wiki https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Widowbloom_Seedsman
Always thought he said "All it takes is love, care and there!" tb h

All it takes is love, care, and death!


No! Watch step!
>odds that cora was fired once MS canned their DEI stuff last month?
Low since celestroon still seems to be there.
game is thriving for the next decade with these new hires bros
so you dont have retarded baby doll, food or office themed expansions

maybe an expansion to tie in with the new warcraft expansion instead of random baby dolls
buff dragons
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squash my face with anime thighs (maybe save Hearthstone aswell who cares)
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What is his problem?
BG brainrot
he never beat the mom allegations
dragons are bad
hes not that good, sure he might have won a tournament or two but hes not really consistent. im talking about battlegrounds not standard
>Top 25 in EU
>Not that good
Damn. /hsg/ sure has a very elevated sense of what they consider good. He isn't the best but saying he isn't good is wild.
If you want EZ free wins play basic mage and fish for T1 concede
i was 20 EU a few days ago before i went on a trip. RDU is good in terms of an average 7k random player who plays 10 games a week. But with his playtime he should have been way way higher in the season
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anime isn't real
Maybe you should start streaming then
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define real. This has an actual effect on me in real life. Thus its real
what if the devs made an exciting miniset that you didnt forget existed 2 days after it released
Like the one we just had? When like 3/4 of your games are the same cancerous mage deck you don't forget
love how DK has access to 2 2mana 4/4s and a 4 mana deal 15
back in the day we played millhouse and got our asses kicked by mage
I love how they have infinite free mind control that also 2 for 1s by killing a minion first too
Insanity Warlock is pretty fun for how relatively cheap it is.
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Why's my slop ad in chinese
me too
cant have global players getting the super juicy chinese exclusive bundles
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>play 15 cards from the miniset
at least "buy now" is in english so you know where to click to paypig
>in hearthstone
fuck this sheeeeeeeeeeeit
they're mocking us!
>No packs
>Only cosmetics
What kind of jewish nonsense is this?
the servers in china reopened today, we're fucking so back bros
>get 8th once in BG
>lose your entire day worth of top 4 and more
what an incredible demotivating system
RDU you can do better tomorrow. Its rough buddy -540 mmr in a day is rough. Hang in there
That is how MMR works but some people in these threads think the longer you play, it is an automatic climb. I am currently stuck bouncing at the 7.5k - 8k range.
it is an automatic climb (if youre good enough that is)
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>no pack
>ugly skins you'll never use
thanks blizz
>shitty stanturd event for 10th time in a row instead of a BG event
It is not automatic. You climb till where your skill level say you should be. That is how MMR works.
>Druid and Shaman skins
Why are they pandering so hard to the LGBT?
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Phew, very cathartic
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>BGchuds won
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>2 nerfs
lmao even
Big Mage was not *that* strong in the end, the problem was that it was the only good card with a specific deck so it got a bloated play rate. Other being the general Zephyrus.

Nerf to 6 mana for both of those should be enough of a nerf so that it remains a T2 deck.
>one buff
>to a deck that already is doing well
>for a class that has the most playable decks already
I REALLY wanna be around the devs making these decisions
The devs don't play the game and the ones that do have blatant favoritism
the game will never get better will it?
>The game is already in a well balanced state thanks to our great game design skills so we only nerfed mage as it was a bit of a power outlier (go back to the pit mage, tier 1 is for warlock and paladin) and we buffed the new shaman card because nobody played it and this made us sad! :(
>Have fun!
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>meanwhile in BGs
very funny anon, post the real image
bring back miracle rogue
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>que standard past diamond 5
>mecha warrior
>mecha warrior
>mecha warrior
>home cooked slop deck
>mecha warrior
more cancer than mage desu
>nerfing a mech
kys blizzard
let me guess... you deck has no hex/yogg/reno effects ? so diaper can res zilliax and 6 drop like 6 times ?
link me ONE good deck against it without getting shit on vs other classes
they nerfing felbat not felbat trinket ? nice....
and remobe annoying 1 beast drop that deal 10 damage in early turns ? also nice
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Anon i have some bad news. Your results came back and we can say with absolute certainty that you are an addicted hearthcuck that can't move on from shit modes due to your inability to part with your worthless collection. It seems this condition is preventing you from enjoying the superior mode of Hearthstone which is as we all know Battlegrounds. I am gonna prescribe 3 hours of Jeef per day and 2 hours of XQN if you feel the need to return to that shit mode. We all believe in you anon.
any paladin/shaman deck with excavate murlock or wave of nostalgia if you dont like excavate package (mass hex) also any priest with amantroons but you are still lose due
>2 nerfs to just mage.
>1 buff to shaman of all classes.
Look forward to more endless pain lock and pirate DH. Glad to have such a fearless dev team to do jack shit after weeks.
fuck you doc the nerfs will save standard for sure this time
not true shaman card perfectly fine and see play in non scam decks
Imagine having a mechanic like tourist which should theoretically open up deck building significantly and breed new decks and somehow we’ve had less new decks appear in PIP than probably ever before. How does that even happen?
ok bros when is the next set coming out? because these changes won't do shit to the meta
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>spent all that time trying to figure out bg
reno shaman is way more fucking annoying than glass cannon mage there i said it
give me one good reason against a PBE mode
You really want to suck that Blizzcock huh anon?
I like playing my battlegrounds mode :)
>patch every two months
>meta barely changed in the last 6 months
I couldnt care less about blizzard. all I want is the devs getting their asses up
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i like it too. as much as i like girlcock
is he drinking girlcum?
it's alright, but trinkets have really thrown me through the ringer. get a good one or die.
i'm hoping they do go through the super premium plan for bg season pass, i want to be further separated from pay pigs and play with fellow casuals. to me it's already a huge disadvantage playing mostly mobile only and with only two heroes. give me another wall of separation so I can go back to just having fun
I kinda wish we could see Gadgetzan 2 but only after we add Monk so we can have a nice and even 4x4x4 gang war.
>monk: DOESNT go the the Lotus but works for the cabal because Brewmasters (and drama)
>Death knight goes to the Goons alongside it other melee idiots
>demon hunters can be like the rogues for the Lotus but also demonic kinda like cabal. Them and Monk mirror each other in this regard.
The game needs an expansion that’s just cute gnome girls
you get fat hairy bald men and that's it until eos
What about both together
how about they add some crossdressing femboys aswell?
Are they gnomes too
the next weekly quest is 30 rush or windfury minions in RANKED hearthstone btw
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no regular humans. Raised like how a woman should be
>play 30 games of ramp druid
doesnt seem like a issue to me
what does ramp druid play with rush or windfury? its going to be paladin
I doubt big spell mage was actually the best deck in the meta. Or at least it’s not so good that it’s the only one worth nerfing
it's so fucking over bros
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We used to get through 3 threads a day back in my time *cough cough*
About times demons get a nerf. Also why minimal buffs to dragons which is by far the weakest tribe.
>best performing priest deck is zarimi a card that shouldn't exist
Can they make priest be competitive without being a completely non-interactive memelord for once?
they have a 'buff on attack' minion so it slows the game down. they can be bottom tier with pirates for all i care
>tried burgle weapon mage
>first three matches tsunami niggers
>somehow i win all
turn 4 chadgar + weapon buffs makes miracles
troonami nigger just run out of gas
theres too many taunt, charge and freeze minions in the game
>in game
dude 10 yo game....
how do you fish for the lightfang enforcer trinket? I want to do a very dumb full phalanx / enforcer board in battlegrounds.
spend money and sacrifice your cat
almost every class has something broken they can do on turn 4-6, conman was a bit much though. I barely went positive with the better big mage (the one with the titan) and lost a whole bunch to stupid strong shit, idk what everyone is going to play tomorrow. reno shaman probably.
many different tribes....
You have to pray to Dog
does anybody have a deck to do the new quest?
I kinda like the cardback
I just shoved as many as I could into priest since I didn't play last season so im down in silver rank and can play literally anything
i did chump's dung hunter. it's alright. but I also did it in casual. took me 6 games I think.
>missing 3 legos
Looks fun but eeh i only have 12k dust
i wouldn't craft shit. you can do it in casual mode too.
>heres those couple of 1/3s and a 2/2 you wanted for 7 mana bro
not a single high roll on this shit? I want to play it because it's cool but what the fuck
this would have been 5 mana max in druid
Arena players are deranged
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new reddit meme dropped
A bunch of hearthstone streamers went to blizzard HQ yesterday so they must be recording the next expansions promos
>chinese servers reopen
>/hsg/ goes even quieter

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>coin 2 drop
>no follow-up
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>deck full of 2 drops
>coin 2 drop hoping to draw another next turn
>opponent thinks I'm dumb
>opponent plays card from miniset
not today you won't
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>2550 laid off
>Cora and her incompetent friends still not fired
how does she keep getting away with it?
>hard mull for a card I play 2 of and have 2 tutors for
>usually get it but sometimes don't
>mage plays 1 king tide and 1 skyla
>always has weapon on 3 into tide or coin skyla on 4
Aren't 90% of the people who got fired just overlap jobs that already existed within Xbox like customer service and things like "rewards deliveries" or whatever the corpo term is for FOMO microtransaction guy. The closest thing to actual devs I've seen get fired were people from that canceled survival game that didnt even have a game or people who did like "background art" for Jeff Kaplan's failed attempt at making Titan again by trying to turn Overwatch into an MMO before he "left"
nobody cares about hearthstone
if these bozos make the game run and print some money from whales, it's good enough for them
highrollstone : heroes of lottery
>Now you remember Warcraft Rumble exists
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I will preorder the next expansion. I heard rumours it will save Hearthstone and i urge every anon here to preorder to. Lets all support our favourite game
tbf it probably made a shitload of money.
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>make meme webm
>nobody cares
>somebody posts a screenshot of a 7 day old video
>thread goes bananas
I'm starting to think you don't even play the game
Hearthstone is immensely profitable. like 900% ROI profitable.
Whereas Warcraft Rumble is in maintenance mode mode and 90% of the devs who worked on it have been shitcanned. They'll announce its shutting down within the next 6 months, if they haven't already and I missed it.
it didn't, rumble and cod mobile were the only game dev teams that had layoffs during the last round of firings
Holy shit scam Mage can't get nerfed soon enough
I saw a dragon undead build yesterday in BG with the poet dragon anyone know how that works?
If you could post the lineup, maybe we could tell you
the play pattern of the deck truly is disastrous.
i saw your webm, anon, but what's the meme?
but you're right about that I don't care about the game i stopped playing completely a month ago
satirical description, meant silly
he had 80 corpses to spare so this went on for a while. I forgot the shortcut for my recording software and could only capture the last bit.
And Mageniggers are defending it regardless, they're truly the worst fucking scum
just rogue/druid things lol!
>Highroll (mage)
I suddenly have standards
>Look forward to more endless pain lock and pirate DH. Glad to have such a fearless dev team to do jack shit after weeks.
Pain warlock is especially egregious since the fucking slime that reduces their cost to 0 has needed a nerf for the entire time it's been out.
they didnt even bother to release this on PC
I had to emulate it on blue stacks at 12 FPS because fuck phone """"""""""""""""""""games""""""""""""""""""""""
big spell mage is less cancer than elemental honestly
Is mech mage back in Standard yet.
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why didnt you save her /hsg/? i thought you liked warcraft....
Is redditmental mage the least fun tribal deck to EVER exist
It's crazy that this got HS shilling while WC3 reforged got nothing. Like it was probably a good thing, but literally nothing good came out of that.
wasn't there a cardback for deforged
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>I'LL... TAKE... THE.... NIGGER!
how did they get away with this?
naxx undertaker hunter could technically be called a beast deck since it included kill command and houndmaster. that was the second most dominating deck in hearthstone history
>Tavern brawl
>Nothing but mages doing infinite combos
lmao even
hearthstone as iksar intended
It's just the miniset playlist from what I've seen
Nah its full wild
People are building the time warp quest and going infinite with mana worms and spell flingers to otk
druid and rogue don't really highroll like that, not unless you're talking about having like dorian combo on turn 3
>brawl where i have to make a deck
nah dude
>spell flinger
yes that is normal for this brawl for the sweats, the quest isn't that great though. It's also nerfed and once a game so not infinite. unless you mean spell flinger but that's a neutral.
i just went to mage and typed elemental in
play on curve, win
>playing tavern brawl more than once
anyone knows when is the chinese gold farm returning to wild?
when are they releasing the blogpost with the real nerfs?
next tuesday
this is arena i win card if you roll few 5/9 game is over
I do my quests with it if it's easier
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Ninja plays this shit?
nah, 2hard4him
how much space does hs install take these days?
>Scammed out of quads
11 gb
going to try mixed minions
Mixed minion with double triple anvils is broken as fuck. Too bad that combo is so rare but when someone gets it, it is normally #1
>brann nigger plays 5+ insiduses
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>playing casual
>looks like the guy is trying to do drink quest
>pass my turns missing lethal several times to let him cook with his gay little 2/2 drink murlocs
>shudderwok + incidius + gaslighter and kills me instead
g-greetings friend
thats was his evil plan...
I saw a nigga trying to do the 15 mini set cards quest so I just skipped my turn and didn't hit face. Then that Lil nigga had the balls to hit face, I immediately conceded.
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You think you're getting a nerf before they milk their remaining cow's wallets through this event? How naive are you?
>play 30 cards for a fucking event daily quest

they are fucking joking, right? i have to basically do every single daily cause they fucked up the big quests and it's weekly now. so basically i need to play 10 games+ a day to finish an event and i can never miss a day? fuck these greedy bastards
belcher portrait is so busted unless im using it then it's fair
>people who just copypasted deck vs
>ppl who handmade deck for fun
Here you go book of dead weapon buffs and smork those nigress
Man just make a wild deck and put every rush dude and draw spell you got in there. You could probably play on curve with these at this point.
give me something I can copy paste
>hs audience 2k24
i now understand Cora
The game is not fun right now. I am only playing because I have to.

If that fat piece of shit made fun cards I'd actually feel like playing.

I'm only level 85 and the miniset has already came out. I have never been sub-100 after the miniset.

Tell Cora to stop fucking eating the budget.
>still no buffs to Kalecgos in BGs
what the fuck
yeah remember when 6 drops was megaimpactful.... now only murlock goldrinn and felbat do something other very situational
>be a plagueshitter
>faggot ETC's his steamcleaner before I even play Helya
Good job dumb fuck
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>play two of the three faggot classes in the game
Yeah, they know
i did mine in the tavern brawl. 30 1 cost warlock minions, actually won a game too.
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I hate this fucking company. This is only going to make me spend LESS and play LESS you fucking donkeys
>ranked hearthstone
see now that one is the horseshit version. pick wild or standard I guess, can't even do it in tavern brawl.
at least the rewards track is just gay cosmetics that don't even look good.
If you are not a whale, you don't matter.
Catering to you is not economically viable.
The meager 10 bucks you occasionally dump is not enough to make up for any of your frivolous demand.
small hat, but large nose. strange pic.
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I am a whale nigger, have had a full collection since 2013 and own every cosmetic ever sold.
Now silence, brokie
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bonus meme, I have all of mercs too
Used to be the same. Then i started spending money on real TCG cards instead. Those at least wont go poof when the servers inevitably close.
if that is true, you are a retard beyond what is normal. The game is already in the stage where decks like quest warlock, big shaman, even shaman and big paladin can reach legend with 0 new cards and have been able to do it so in about 2-3 years. The game in wild is already solved and I do not even need to know the names of new cards as they are useless. Standard cucks are complaining 24/7 how unfun it is to play and BG chads just play silently. The game is already in maintenance mode and no big changes are on the horizon. You bought shit for a dead game.
I can afford it silly. I will find another game.
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Post your diamond card collection or gtfo, smolfish-kun.
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How about Signatures instead?
>missing is checked
>I am a whale nigger, have had a full collection since 2013 and own every cosmetic ever sold.

You admit are a nigger whale ? Learn to use commas, ESL. You must also have shit taste to buy tens of low quality skins that were made by AI.

>bonus meme, I have all of mercs too

Shit taste 100% confirmed. And even the biggest whales couldn't buy their way into Mercs because packs gave so little coins. Nobody is jealous of you grinding your life away on an officially discontinued, dead game mode.
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I didn't waste any time grinding that I could've paid for silly

Even fat fuck Zeddy who buys all skins and signature cards is not as mindless of a paypig you are because he at least doesn't collect the Mercenaries slop >>496043453

Imagine unironcally being a more greedy, more Hearthstone addicted , than Zeddy with even more shit taste. Just imagine it.
What is your favorite off-meta deck and skin, anon?
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I have them on shuffle or leave the default ones on if I'm trying to LARP as a newbie to avoid giving free information.

I like pirate skins, but not a fan of the archetype being aggro. I like XL Reno decks in wild.

when the game is shit (like it has been for the past 2 years) I usually just netdeck and turn my brain off, unless I'm particularly bored.
>when the game is shit (like it has been for the past 2 years) I usually just netdeck and turn my brain off

You sure did turn your brain off based on your pic. You yourself admit the game has been shit for the last 2 years yet you still buy low-quality portraits like Blingtron and Ragnaros ??? Why, to look at pretty pictures while yiou play a game you don't enjoy anymore ?? Are you OK, anon ?

And don't give me the excuse " but I have unlimited money,bro" Even if that was true, if you spend money on a thing you don't enjoy you are either addicted to it or mentally ill.
I'm addicted to maintaining a full collection, yeah. It comes with the autism.
I still play BGs though and the game itself is fun. Just not enjoying the metas and they've only been getting worse and blizzard more greedy. I'm sure eventually there will be a tipping point, but I can burn a few thousand more bucks to at least see if that happens.
err, to see if blizzard eventually gets its act together.

>I'm addicted to maintaining a full collection, yeah. It comes with the autism.

Pic related. But seriously, anon, are you saying you will buy any cheaply made, badly drawn hero skin and signature card Blizzard shits out, no matter how low quality it is ? Do you even imagine a hypothetical situation where HS releases a product you wouldn't buy ? The 300 mercenaries packs were cringe >>496044557 but I am beyond words now.

Forgot pic.
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I have since the first 3 hero skins, and will continue to buy literally any cosmetic they put out as long as they don't make it something ridiculous. As long as I'm only spending a few thousand bucks a year on HS, I will continue doing this shit.

I am missing ONE event cosmetic because I'm retarded and didn't realize it was at the end of the quest chain so I skipped it (flame druid). Every other missing skin is from the 200 wins achievement (you get one every 200 wins and I'm still like 1.4k away from maxing it) or Crimson Sai (I spent $500 that week on Heroic Brawl, closest I got was like 10 wins - only regret is not getting luckier, but stats did not favor me even after spending that much). I got all the 1k hero skins already.
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oh and I guess these 3 because for the first time ever I am still not 100 post miniset
compared to other card games hearthstone is still the best value. if I could spend $3,000 a year and have every vintage mtg deck playable I would. please show me a better value CCG. I don't care that I can't recover the money, I care that I can sit down whenever I feel like it without commitment and play ANYTHING in the game's existence for <$1,000 a year upkeep (assuming no cosmetics and just non-golden cards).
Thanks for keeping the game free for us :^)
>people are abusing scam M*ge until the very last moment
Patch can't come soon enough. Please, please, PLEASE never make M*ge viable again for the rest of time.
>*patch comes out*
>aaaah, thanks, mage won't bother us again
>*dies to warlock or dh turn 4 instead*
>yep, this is the life!
>if I could spend $3,000 a year and have every vintage mtg deck playable I would. please show me a better value CCG.

You are lying to yourself. You have dishonestly chosen the most expensive MTG format Vintage which has 30 years of cards to make Hearthstone LOOK BETTER IN COMPARISON

compared to other card games hearthstone is still the best value
>Just not enjoying the metas.... I'm sure eventually there will be a tipping point, but I can burn a few thousand more bucks to at least see if that happens.

Best value = burning thousands of dollars on a thing you don't enjoy ? Those are your own words.

Anon, you are delusional. Seek immediate help.
>I have since the first 3 hero skins, and will continue to buy literally any cosmetic they put out as long as they don't make it something ridiculous. As long as I'm only spending a few thousand bucks a year on HS, I will continue doing this shit.

If one of Blizzard's many accountants is somehow reading this thread, he just came in his pants. They need blindly loyal paypigs like you to fleece.
>You are lying to yourself. You have dishonestly chosen the most expensive MTG format Vintage which has 30 years of cards to make Hearthstone LOOK BETTER IN COMPARISON

Okay. Can I play every single deck in Modern for under $3,000 a year?
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lol. lmao even.
Anyone tried MTGA? How is it compared to HS and MTGO or real MtG?
You can rent all decks on mtgo for 1k/year btw and make money if you are skilled.
If this is true for Vintage, show me how and I'll immediately start playing.
Dishonest fucking scum.
It is, look up renting programs on cardhoarder and goatbots.
The skilled part is a lie tho, vinty is 60% luckchadding but you aren't Brazilian enough to grind mtgo.
>first quest
so If I didnt buy the mini-set Im fucked?
>Okay. Can I play every single deck in Modern for under $3,000 a year?

Again you are being dishonest as fuck with the price of MTG in order to defend your HEARTHSTONE PAYPIGGING.

>>> Pretending you want all HS cards ever made for some reason Why - to play Wild an inbalanced mess when you lose on turn 4 ? It uses just a few percents of all released cards anyway ? To collect unplayable shit as the Boogeymonster ?
>>> Choosing Modern a pricy format that contains cards from 2003 so 20 years instead of the more popular Standard format which is cheaper because it uses less cards
>>> Pretending Mtg Modern meta changes as often as the Standard, does so you need to spent >3k every year instead of paying a bit more once and then having playable decks for years
>>> Pretending those decks >>496057367 don't share cards so the total price is much cheaper
>>> Pretending MTG cards don't have any resale value to recoup costs for new decks, while ignoring the fact that HS cards resale value is 0 because you don't own them - Blizzard server does
>>> Ignoring the fact when the HS server closes you will lose all your cards and tens of thousands of money you have spent .MTG even if it goes belly up one they, you will still be able to play with your friends on the kitchen counter
>>>Ignoring the fact you spend thousands of dollars on ugly AI made Hearthstone skins and signature cards

TLDR; you are lying to itself or you are delusional
You can get them from packs, and if you already have most of the base expansion commons and rares chances are that you will immediatly open the ones from the miniset.
Are you retarded? Just type "rush" and cram whatever cheapest until you reach 30, if there's not enough to reach 30, type "draw" and do the same. You're supposed to jam 1 or 2 games to complete this shit in 10 minutes and then die, not win a tournament with it. Obviously do it in whatever game mode you don't play.
I have no idea which is which
You can filter from the collection
take your meds loser
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>take your meds loser

LMAO, you actually made me laugh IRL. Gettin called a loser by some insane paypig with worse spending habits than Zeddy sure takes the cake. Enjoy your Mercenaries pack that you spent 300 dollars on and 60 bucks Ragnaros portrait with no interactive board.

And above all kep putting your fat snout to the Blizzard's trough and eating all the slops. Someone has to.
Just 4 hours and we will never have to endure """"""""""""playing""""""""""" (aka watching if he got the thing or not) against a Mage again. Are you hyped, /hsg/?
anon i imagine you as a 35 year old bald manlet living with his pissbottles still playing standard hearthstone and crying from time to time. am i wrong anon?
meant for>>496068880
How do you make money? Just playing tourneys? It looks like they want $63/week to rent $700 worth of cards. That's fucking crazy - can I just buy a bunch of cards and juice a bunch of rentoids myself?
$63/month*** sorry, still ridiculous
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Has mage been nerfed yet?
LOL, you were so pissed that I called you out you couldn't even reply properly.
And don't insult me with some baseless insults because you know nothing about me and I didn't insult you anyway. I just called a spade a spade, that's not an insult. You a paypig with no standards that will buy, by your own words, all the slops Blizzard will throw in your trough:

>>496048372 and will continue to buy literally any cosmetic they put out as long as they don't make it something ridiculous. As long as I'm only spending a few thousand bucks a year on HS, I will continue doing this shit.

If the truth pisses you off: good. Oink Oink.
anon you're not replying to the paypig
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>anon you're not replying to the paypig

This is getting out of hand, now there are two of them (pigs) ! What did I do to you then, that you insulted me ? Are you defending your fellow paypig ? Makes sense, you paypigs have sunk cost fallacy, so you are the only HS players remaining. You should roll in the mud together.
what's "the point" of this character?
a black silver hand recruit i can understand, a black paladin titan i can understand, etc
but... what the fuck is this thing? who is it for? old women who are furries? is that market share really big enough to design/publish this ugly piece of shit?
start to wonder if it's some humiliation ritual thing. like they're just testing what they can get away with or something
Have you not seen a worgen before?
i have, this one looks particularly weird and scuffed
but yeah it's true worgen in general are a fucking abomination
>Have you not seen a worgen before?

Neither did the artist, kek. Imagine defending this shite: >>496077247
Pic related is the signature art of Skyla, that's how worgens look.
wait skyla's supposed to be a worgen? my dumbass thought it's a gnoll
lets keep the racism to a minimum here
i'm only racist towards humans dwarves gnomes and earthen, fuck off
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Haven't played mtg in real life nor mtgo but I have been playing mtga on and off for a couple weeks (Bo1 Standard, Diamond 2). Scams and blowouts are less common so far, there's very little RNG outside of draws, and it seems that games play out a lot slower. Gets even better in Bo3 since you can sideboard.

Building your collection is rough with packs alone but if you can maintain enough wins in mtga's equivalent of HS Arena you'll get infinite cards (plus the battlepass and cosmetics) for free.

HS has a better digital play feel but that's pretty much a given. Mtga might feel clunky at first but it gets better over time as you get familiar with its mechanics.
Skyla 5 mana -> 6 mana
Surfalopod 5/6 -> 4/4
Turbulus 4 mana 3/4 -> 3 mana 3/3
spared you all a click you're welcome
Wow it's the same limp wristed shit.
>Twist coming back in December as wonders again.
They should just kill the mode at this point if they are so out of ideas.
But that doesn't do anything at all?
>not buffing the 4 mana warlock aoe to 5.
are those devs idiots?(don't answer, i know)
Demons will be still super strong because of Urzul.
not even +1 mana on surfalopod holy fuck
Twist could be good if it was only a few sets from the past with no bullshit rules or any of Cora's special cards to mess the balance. Wonders had the caverns of time set that messed everything up so it's gonna be the same shit again.
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would be overkill, they should have nerfed conman though
Everyone knows that it was played for the tempo. I mean a 5/6 on turn 5 is crazy!
They would need to actually care about the mode for it to be good. They don't have gimmicks strong enough to last the whole month. And they make hardly any changes to the mode, so it gets stale long before it is over.
>Twist is coming back
>In December
>3 months of "wonders" (the format that killed any potential hype for twist in the first place)
>Its already a repeat format when they've only had like 3 unique formats in a year and a half.

Was it too much to ask that twist have a new and unique format every other month? Coulda done minisets and adventures only.
It's like they REFUSE to give us fun things
Like it's so fucking easy just put random sets every month and boom
But no, we shall suffer for eternity for daring to care about this game
>"big patch" two weeks before the next expansion instead of NOW
honest to god they are just keep making the worst decisions its incredible. just fire everyone and hire like 10 passionated people jesus christ how difficult is this
Dragons and Naga got huge buffs.
Naga in particular has really good midgame now.
What did dwagons get

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