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Look at this old lady!
Previous: >>493970027

>8/1 Stream
>Senran Kagura Runner app announced: Senran KaguRUN!
>6th Anniversary Stream

>Complete Character Listing
>NewWave card wiki
>New Link doc
>Newest Fanart

>MarvelousAQL Senran Kagura Site
>Official series' Twitter
>Official Shinomas Twitter
>Creator's Twitter
>Official Artist's Twitter
Why is this website so schizophrenic as to whether or not it wants to let me post images?
I feel like I don't understand blocking
or that strip yourself naked thing
Anyways fun so far, More than GalGun desu.
Can't imagine doing this without a controller though.
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Senran bros, bd2g welcomes you and looks forward to working with you this October.
>Yomi gets her first crossover in a minute
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Thoughts? It is a boob-centered game.
being brown dusted by yomi
Hikage, please, tone down on the mogging.
tummy superiority
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Can't be beat.
I think it's obvious their artist is a hikagefag
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Anon, it's your drinking time
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boobs too big try again but smaller
Absolute perfection.
squeezy cheezy love handles
is it on a jp version of the game I have to go through hoops to get or will the collab be on the global version I can download on google play?
There is only one version (global). You can use Google Play or just the patcher if you don't want to deal with google's bullshit.
well that's good I might give it a whirl then when the collab hits
Oct 2nd right?
Yep. Yomi will be a free +5 (unit+max dupes) along with her signature weapon in the highest rarity, but you might want to start now to stack up on pulls for the other three.
no cheese
no buy
>no ikaruga
That game has nice tits and ass but I couldn't get into it.
nah I'm debating whether or not I even care to try like the game itself doesn't look that interesting.
chibi models and shit.
kinda why I rejected trying AL during their collabs.
no point in rerolling for a collab and then just.. not doing anything in it ever again
You're not Ushimaru!
like if I did it at all I'd just be rerolling accounts until I got Yozakura
and then probably quit
so I don't know if there's even a point
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Fair enough, the best I can describe it as is a tactical turn based jrpg with chibi sprites and bouncy cutscenes and homescreen l2ds. Main story is pretty dark and okay, side stories are more lighthearted. Gameplay is pretty solid but it's not for everyone, it's true.
I mean I also don't want to get involved with another gacha, new link and venus vacation are enough.
Any lolis you guys have im seething kinda
Thanks for the animations, still never playing gacha trash
this is a thinly veiled kazakiri post and im inclined to respond
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>snek in a literal who gacha
>not in azur lane
I wish it was Mistress Haruka who was getting a new card instead of Hiyori
Dolphin milk...my favorite!
Did everyone here move over to bd2g or what. Slow thread while it's all Senran talk there.
snek crack
When the AL collab happened there was more senran talk there than here too if I remember right, which I guess makes sense, the main thing we have is NL's main story and events and not everyone here is following it as it goes, some anons don't even seem interested.
I haven't talked at all because I don't have a gacha hopping addiction and my senran isn't in the collab.
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Bd2 player here. Don't know much about senran but I do know why yumi and hikage was picked. But why was yomi and especially yozakura picked? Are they popular? I thought ikagura or homura would be 2 of the 4
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Yozakura is pretty popular and meshes well as a cool Gessen pick. Yomi is also fairly popular and probably tied fairly close to Homura in terms of popularity. I am surprised Ikaruga isn't one of the picks though.
seems like they went for 2 crimson and 2 gessen on purpose.
maybe Hanzo and Hebijo in a part 2?
in which it'd probably be Asuka/Ikaruga and Miyabi/Ryobi?
Probably Murasaki and someone else. Maybe both Ryoubi and Ryouna if you're lucky. Meebs seems to miss out on these collabs.
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Haruka already has a sprite.
a lot of collabs have just been 4 leaders though
I wouldn't say Miyabi is missing out on anything
why do Miyabifags always treat her like she's an ignored victim when she's getting 3 cards a year in New Link and gets in collabs like Neptunia?
well so does Asuka
I dunno if that's established who else is getting in the collab though
>a lot of collabs have just been 4 leaders though
Not really, most of the time it's Asuka and Yumi, maybe Homura, and then someone else like Hikage or Ikaruga. Besides the Neptunia game the only gacha collab I recall having Miyabi was Venus Eleven, but that one also had almost everyone from EV.
She wasn't in Jet Girls, missed out in Reflexions and Peach Ball, wasn't in AL, wasn't in Queen's Blade, isn't in Dolphin Wave yet. There's probably more too.
Wait, I just remembered Miyabi also was in that Three Kingdoms gacha, but that also happened to have a lot of other senrans too, even Daidouji.
Chibi Mistress is extremely cute, I hope she gets some fun animations.
bro, we get it, you hate Miyabi
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Being Miyabi sucks, but it could be worse. She could be Renka.
Babu is the only universal constant, the rest of the characters are usually just a random assortment of popular characters and not necessarily just #2, #3, #4 and #5. Sometimes you'll get based collaborators that actually want different characters for once though.
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>play a secondary role in the game that introduced her
>"leader" of the team that also has the more relevant, most powerful character
>can't even compete in popularity with her youngest sister
I don't hate Miyabi but I don't get how people act like she's totally ignored
she's not Renka, or Hibari, or Katsuragi, or Imu or like.. half of the girls who really do get ignored, don't show up in collabs at all, and get 1 card per 3 years in New Link
Minori and Yuyaki went 4 fucking years.
Miyabi's not in any form of suffering at all.
she's doing fine
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I hope she gets some lewd ones because the game has some
canon bush fixes this
it's a shame they no longer tether Kafuru to her sisters for card release, used to be, you could expect Renka and Hanabi to get cards by virtue of Kafuru being popular but now they just release Kafuru and we won't get Hanabi and Renka cards for years to come.
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I'm disappointed we didn't get a alt lewd costume like MT did.
don't ignore how she couldn't even get into spinoff senran games >>495045668
and how do you expect people to react when you're basically saying "stop asking for you favorite character to be included"?
Hey now, Hib did manage get in the Ikkitousen collab, but it's also true that compared to her fellow leaders Miyabi barely gets anything outside NL itself. It's not a matter of liking her or hating her, it's just what can be observed.
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yeah and .. only 5 (6 if you count Haruka as a supporting role in Peach Ball) girls got in those spinoffs.
Miyabi's not especially rejected, and she's doing better than a lot of girls in the cast.
She got in a crossover game and is in promotional material with the other leaders
This is Yomi and Yozakura's first collab since probably Venus 11.
Yomi and Yoza were in the Ikkitousen collab too.
they were? first I heard about that, I know neither were in the AL
either way though Miyabi's doing fine, if you want to complain about ignored characters, try

and like, any of the new waves outside of Basho, Fuga, and Leo
those girls don't get shit even in new link.
much less collabs outside of very rare exceptions like a recent Hibari and recent Yuyaki
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It wasn't even a Miyabifag asking for her and yet this guy went on his usual rant
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I have to try to order this rant at later date, how do you trigger this? Just asking why Miyabi isn't that popular?
actually scratch Mirai off that list she does fine in New Link she just doesn't get collabs
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Yeah, Hibari, Ikaruga, Yumi and Toki were banner SSRs, while Asuka, Yomi and Yozakura were SRs.
ah SR's probably why I didn't hear about it
cause you act like it's punished fucking Miyabi like she never gets shit
and she's going to get 3 cards a year 2 years in a row now.
while other girls take 3 years to get 1 card
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>collab happens
>mention Miyabi
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I like that Haruka gets to pop up as a Raid Boss and is often involved in the sidestories. I just wish she got to win sometimes.
Female midbosses can't ever win. It's like with Wile E. Coyote, it's a law of the universe. Half the charm is seeing her get punished.
Oh right, I should make Haruka Robo in Gundam Breakers 4.
It's not fair.
Has Souji made her way into a collab yet?
I don't think any NW original has been used in a collab other than Yuyaki in AL.
Ronco's Ford Bronco.
fleeing from the cops after stabbing who though?
Damn diversity hire.
>Miyabi Miyabi Miyabi
Rent free
Mating pressing Yuyaki
Miyabi pressing anon.
She's most likely Okinawan.
Making light brown, Yōma-possesed babies with the Okinawan.
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Are there more girls like this?
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Take your picks. Right now pic related has her banner for another week
I mean are there more girls who will hit me and glare at me?
Me just for the night :3
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Yes, she's a demon who will crush you. Her banner is out right now
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I think I'll never get used to this kind of animation.
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What's wrong?
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I honestly don't know how to describe it, but it has to do with a certain style of live2d animations, I get the same feeling from some Nikke clips I've seen.
things move like they aren't solid at all even when no outside force is applied to them
I'm not much of a fan either
If you've ever played Danganronpa, it has that same exaggerated style of movement that plays during the executions. Ive never liked it.
There's good l2d, which bd2 has and bad l2d like azur lane.
I don't see how someone can have a problem with good l2d when it looks pretty natural like in>>495075119
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Feeding Murasaki a Chicago style pizza.
>Chicago Style
Trash pizza for a trash Senran, my girl Snek only eats the finest of NY Pizza
NY pizza is greasy and gross
I like it thicc
NY style with mushrooms and anchovies is top tier. Chicago is just soup in a bowl a bread. Into the trash it goes, right next to Snek's best friend
No wonder her boobs are so small, she only eats paper thin "pizza".
Live2D is a weird beast in that many animators fail to break the illusion that it's a machine manipulated set of 2D images (read: tweened animation) or otherwise fail to lean into a style that embraces that restriction.
Danganronpa executions are stylized to appear like puppetry and directly reference the fact that static 2D images are being manipulated to generate an effect. For clarity, they probably didn't use Live2D.
The BD2 animations posted thus far use tweens for high action scenes and moments directly parallel to smooth jiggle animations, which creates an uncanny valley effect. In the former, her right hand is undulating and her hair appears weirdly stiff or blocky. In the latter, the drink tray looks weightless and the booze looks like a cheap prop.
In other cases, they get weirdly choosy about where to segment tweens; check out this one's split torso:>>495032036

Most of these are problems most L2D artists present in their work, however (not to single out BD2). It's definitely possible to make in-betweens with Live2D, though, so I consider it pretty cheap/lazy looking to neglect those details.
Holy shit MOMMY
The man has good taste
>"trash Senran"
>Big tiddies
>Voice is pure ASMR
You're just gay.
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>3/4 are boring ass yamato nakadashi archetypes
>main protagonist is skipped over, her fiery rival is skipped over, the first ever Senran is skipped over
angry boobs
disgusting, I want an equal partner
>Big tiddies
anything more than a handful is a waste
>Voice is pure ASMR
The only good ASMR is the sound of thousands of exploding pagers.
>yamato nakadashi
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This is the ideal Senran. You may not like it, but this this what peak performance looks like.
smolo nadakashi
sir, you're only allowed to complain if your senran is on the sanctioned ignored list
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Yumi looks hot in that collab art
Yumi always looks hot.
prostitutes are not hot
>I don't think any NW original has been used in a collab other than Yuyaki in AL.
Bro your Fubuki?
Yomi often looks fat.
Ah, yes, Senran Kagura New Wink
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Don't say that about Shiki.
god damn she is hot
I know we like to pretend we dont like her but damn we love Yumi
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much like Yomi, there was a time that I liked them
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we don't, we just want to fuck her
I don't care for Yomi
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I can't believe they picked 4 duds.
I only see one.
Call me when they rip the game assets
I see none
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yomi ripping assets
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getting double pink eye from yomi
I want to have snexual relations with her
isn't the collab oct 2nd? or is it now?
oct 2nd
hm ok
but when's cheese
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Where are her panties?
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in my mouth
The pants must go lower
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Ryona's butthole...
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imu is not cool
Read the shirt.
Her sister is cute, however.
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Built for sex
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Me on the right edge
>going through raid levels at a blistering pace
>get to level 25, game immediately crashes upon pressing start
>boot back up and get the 'resume battle?' prompt
>hit yes and load into the raid
>not using the raid team I built and entered with...
>but somehow instead with my NLC resource grinding team from preset 6
How in the absolute fuck did the game manage this sorcery?
The "resume battle" prompt is exclusively for regular combat, so it probably has logic to grab the team you currently have active (or was last active) as a preset.
No idea how it decided to simultaneously throw you into a raid while thinking you initiated regular combat.
>the team you currently have active (or was last active)
That's another level of weird, because every time there's a raid going on, doing a raid battle resets the active preset to slot 1. I should gave spawned in with my blue team instead. They've got some pretty fucky code in regards to the raid.
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The raid refers itself to a different line of presets, so yeah probably just spaghetti code there.
The "resume" logic must then just look up whatever you last used in regular combat, ignoring everything else.
When's Senki Shu coming back?
>Rin and Hiyori banner with outfits themed from a previous Yomi event
>Rin locked in a room with not just one, but two of the squad "moms"
What's it gonna be this time? Can't do laundry? Can't cook?
What's Toki's IQ?
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be honest
Oh, there was a story mode update?
>be honest
Hair too short
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Evil women...
If she had glasses and messier hair, she's be my type.
If she had a red sweater and green hair, she'd be Hikage (age 35).
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I guess that design pretty much confirms Kokoro was supposed to be the girl in the 7even teaser.
I can fix her
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I wanted to get up to date with the event stories after months since that boring Gessen one, but I guess I'll read the latest chapter first. Will be posting about it later.
i will translate MOUNTA
Okay, chapter 63 here we go

>the chapter starts with Shura and Rasetsu, who are being attacked by other yoma
>Rasetsu mocks Shura telling her she's fallen very low if she can't control cannon fodder anymore, but Shura knows it must be someone else willing to defy her, and orders whoever it is to reveal themselves
>A mysterious girl appears (pretend we still don't know who she is) who tells them she's glad to meet both of them in this world too, and orders them to follow her
>Shura wonders how did a shinobi manage to enter inside the blood cloth and asks for her identity, but the girl says she answers no questions and once again tells them to come with her
>Both Shura and Rasetsu refuse to take orders from anyone, specially without knowing what she actually is
>The girl then decides to punish them since they are going against her, and easily overpowers both yoma
>Now that they know the difference in power, they can't refuse to obey the girl, but Shura wants to at least know what's her purpose
>The girls says she just wants to destroy the world, everything
>Back at the shinobi base, Naraku asks Kagura if the thing sorrounding Mt. Fuji is really Shin, but Kagura tells her this one looks even bigger than what she remembers
>Asuka is worried it might become violent, but it doesn't seem to move at all
>Toki offers to go take a look, but Kagura tells her it's better not to get close or provoke it
>Jasmine says they can't act on impulse, and Rin suggest to go inform the situation to the higher ups. Jasmine agrees and tells the girl they'll be out for a while
>The girls are worried that if that thing were to go on a rampage, not only Japan but the whole world might be destroyed, and Mirai wonders if they really have to fight it
>Asuka tells everyone the only thing they can do for now is to train and get stronger. Kafuru says this isn't really the time, but Yumi agrees with Asuka, since what's most important right now is to protect everyone
>Kafuru, Mirai and everyone else end up agreeing, and decide to start training until Jasmine comes back
Alright /skg/, name my new squads.
>Some time later, Asuka is left exhausted after all their training, just in time for Jasmine and the rest of the organization to team to arrive
>Rin informs the girls that after talking with the higher ups, they still don't know whether this dragon is really Shin or not, but still got some new information
>First, some professional squads were already investigating and keeping an eye on the situation, and second, they realized the huge thing isn't a dragon, but more of a structure of some kind
>Leo asks if they know what's inside the thing, and Suiren is impressed they managed to get that much information in so little time
>Rin tells them the professional shinobi are working hard, but they still don't know what or who is inside, since the none of the ones that entered inside the dragon have returned
>Suddenly, a worried Fubuki arrives at the training ground, telling everyone to go outside quickly
cunk destroys the worm, saving the day
You only like Senran Kagura because it's almost porn...
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Yeah ecchi things are nice
>The girls go outside to find out everything has been dyed in a crimson color. Imu asks if this is supposed to be a blood clot, while Miyabi and Kagura say they've never seen one at this scale
>Out of nowhere, they are surrounded by yoma. Yumi tells everyone to get ready to fight

>After the fight is over, Jasmine arrives asking if everyone is safe, and she'll explain the current situation
>The blood clot they are seeing is actually covering all of Japan, which means yoma are appearing everywhere, and all the professional shinobi are busy fighting them
>Because of that, the shinobi with the most skill left are all the ones currently participating in the shinobi master, and the higher up came up with a special request: To have them fight Shin
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it's her
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>the girls have now arrived at the bottom of Mt. Fuji. Nachi comments on how different it feels compared to the mountains of Touno due to the high altitude and cold air
>Misato says the dragon looks even more impressive up close, and Ushi says it looks like it may fall at any moment
>Yuyaki finds what seems to be an entrance. Naraku asks Kagura if there's something worrying her, and she says she feels a familiar presence inside
>Kagura also says that the one inside has gotten stronger than before, and she might not be able to win in her current state
>Yuyaki asks if there's anything they can do, and Kagura tells them to collect red orbs from yoma so she can get enough power to counter Shin
>Naraku is worried about Kagura pushing herself to much to the point she might go back to the reincarnation orb, but Kagura tells her she knows that, and that's why she needs everyone's help
>Asuka is more than willing to help so Kagura doesn't have to go back to her orb state, and Homura asks everyone to please don't die, since it's going to be a tough fight from now on
this series is going out with a whimper rather than a bang.
THIS is the final boss of Senran Kagura that's been built up as this lovecraftian horror for 7 years?
You can always jump to another timeline where 7 released and find out if it was any different.
>Asuka goes all in to keep Kagura from ballin' out
Ah, her last timeline ended that way too
This is just Ougi Oshino with yellow eyes
if only
I think the worst part is that they're really setting this up to be the final battle around Anniversary.
concluding the main senran kagura story this year
meaning next year will probably be the last year of new link and then the series is just dead, cause they can make money on dolphin wave instead.
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Oh yeah, a new age of doomers begins.
Anyways, only two parts left for this chapter.

>The girls are now inside the dragon, Suiren compares the atmosphere to how she felt when she was inside Orochi, while Tamayura says she feels nothing but hatred and death. Kureha tells them not to get distracted since yoma could appear at any minute
>The mysterious girl appears, greetings Kagura (using her old name) after a long time. Ginrei asks who she is, but Kagura immediately recognizes her as Kokoro
>Naraku asks if it's really her since she looks different to what Kagura told them
>Kokoro says maybe she changed because of all the incredible power she gathered, but she had to pay a high price for it
>Kokoro then notices Naraku and asks her if she's her new friend, praising Kagura for always having a nice personality, and then asks her if she's enjoyed making new friends all this time
>Kokoro then tells Kagura (still using her old name) not to feel guilty, and that she's actually happy she made friends, because the more important things she has in this world, the better it will feel to destroy it
>Kokoro then says she wants to see Kagura's beautiful, frightened face once again, the same one she had back then when the village was destroyed
And she makes this face when saying that >>495150442
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kazakiri hard counters worms it'll be okay
>Kagura tells Kokoro to stop saying nonsense and that she came to talk, but Kokoro doesn't really have anything to say to her right now
>Kokoro says she could just kill all of them right now, but that would be boring, so if she's really interested on talking, she has to go find her. She doubts Kagura would be able to reach her in her current "broken" state, but she's still looking forward to it
>Kagura tries to say something, but Kokoro disappears. Kagura wonders if Kokoro really hated her that much, but Naraku tells her not to give up just yet, and that none of this is really her fault
>Asuka also encourages Kagura to go find Shin, and Kagura recovers her morale, saying she can't act weak right now
>Asuka then wonders where could Shin have gone, and Kagura feels a faint presence at the head of the dragon, but says in her current state she would probably be defeated before reaching the top
>She says there's might be a bunch of yoma on the road, and once again asks everyone to gather red orbs so she can power up
>Asuka and the rest are ready to go, but Hibari notices there's a lot of stairs leading to different places, and Ikaruga suggest they split up to cover more ground
>Kagura admits she's a bit scared to be separated from everyone, but Renka steps up and promises they won't leave her. Hanabi says she'll collect all the orbs she can, and Kafuru tells her she won't forgive her if she's defeated
>Asuka tells everyone to promise they'll reunite together safely

And that's the end of chapter 63.
>The game doesn't open anymore
It's asukover
Considering they've stepped up the merch game a lot recently, I can see them either continuing NL after dealing with Shin, or going for a Shinobi Master 2.
>vores ur timeline
I wouldn't be surprised if there's a new gacha eventually, though I'm sure it would end up as another soft reboot rather than a sequel.
Then there's whatever the hell is up with Senran Kagurun.
Surely we must be hearing about that soon. Would be crazy to show it off in a stream and just kill it off.
I mean, it was never really even officially announced as something that was going to be released, it was just a bonus for that stream, but I also doubt they made that new Asuka model and animations without any actual reason.
I'm surprised they didn't show any more of it at Comiket. Maybe they've gone crazy and it's a Switch 2 launch title?
>nothing on the banner after 450 gems
Really is one of those days
I have seen like 3 scenes of these two girls together and obviously there's some backstory I'm missing but I already ship two of them.
Go on and look at her butt scars already.
I probably should have played the burst renewal before Shinovi.
I still don't understand the appeal. DW is so fucking boring.
I've never played it myself I just don't feel like getting into another gacha I have to use guides to understand
a few of the girls are cute though.
but it does better than new link for making money so.. whatever maybe they think it makes enough to ditch someone else's passion project that no longer works for them.
If they'd really wanted to ditch SK they would've done so a long time ago.
they didn't have another steady means of ensuring employment before now they do
their other IP's that they could have used to replace SK have all flopped.
Valkyrie Drive
Jet Girls
all flops
Senran kept them employed
but DW is a success.
like I don't know what to tell you, they're wrapping up the main story of the entire series in a gacha and they're rushing it, 4 story chapters and it's over basically
Shin was always planned to be the end of the main story.
Eh, it makes no sense for this to be the end when we haven't even wrapped up the Hyouki arc.
but it is wrapped up.
Hiyoki lost her ability to be a Shinobi
that's it.
>DW makes more money than NL
yup, it ranks in DMM's top 10 and top 5 games all the time
Marvelous' investor calls have called it a success and wanted to lean on it last year
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Dolphins mentioned.
I need more Dolphin Wave images.
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This shit isn't even dutch angle anymore, I'm close to breaking my neck just to view it properly.
If this is how SK is going to end, I'll send PS HQ, Marvelous and XSneed a little package in Minecraft.
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Ayame is paging you
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Tick tock, skeeg
when are we getting our fucking LR Ushimaru?
your multiverse devouring demon, sir
Maybe if you're lucky she'll be a costume in a farming game.
I wanted a Nikke collab
A random post about Kokoro I just read
>Wow... She looks like a really evil girl
>The kind we've never had in Senran Kagura before
>Her breasts though... Is it at the same level as Kafuru?
you ever notice how you never see Kafuru and Kokoro in the same room together
Cuffle Black
Nikke doesn't do lewd collabs.
Morality is stored in the boobs.
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yaomai set when
this concludes all Koforo art in existence
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Getting raped by Kokoro in front of your Senran.
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>brown marks 2
but she won a poll, with Murasaki, like last year.
and they haven't delivered yet.
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Last year the Ui and Yomi poll banner was in early September so the Saki and Ushi one should be pretty close, maybe it will part of the current anniversary campaign, which yeah, by the way, they are celebrating the franchise's 13th anniversary but apparently forgot it was also Deep Crimson's 10th anniversary.
dammit give me my cow tits banner.
Dangerous to put Saki together with the architect
Yumi lost and now Senran Kagura is going to die. Are you satisfied?
did I just fucking hear D**p Cr*mson puri
I have spotted assuka
>fuck all raids open
>have team just set to solo waifu to hear her voice when hopping menus rather than some other shitter girl I used for actual clearing the boss
>don't want to reform a team to do damage manually
this raid is fucking dead isn't it
Sticking my face in Asuka's sweaty ass and taking a big sniff.
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The CEO of Senran Kagura
>CEO of Senran Kagura
>feminist icon
>black lives matter
yeah I actually believe he's the CEO and is the reason we aren't getting SK7 cause of his woke ass
Tell him he's a nigger
As the CEO of Murasaki and Ui, I think he's a faggot.
President Miyabi will save us
>captcha: ass8
I started watching Star Trek recently and the banter between Kirk and Spock is somewhat similar to Katsuragi and Hikage.
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Vote President Hikage
For a world with more 9/11s
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Burning down PS HQ and taking a poopy on the ashes.
>Miss President, Haruka out samba juice in the water supply
naraku when i stick it in her backdoor
The general is slow, I have free time until next week, and the new event looks like fun, so I'll post about it now

>The story starts with Ui calling for help, who is being attacked by... Amane and Kazakiri, who are threatening her to give them all her money and food, and Kazakiri starts tickling Ui until she surrenders
>However, two warriors arrive to help: The one who will bring love and peace to the world, Warrior Princess Rinrin!
>And also the one who will bring kindness and sisterly affection to the world, Warrior Princess Hiyorin!
>A fight between the two groups starts, but Amane is too hungry to move, which leaves them open for the attacks from the knights
>The thieves Kazakiri and Amane surrender and escape, the village Ui thanks the knights
>Queen Yagyu arrives, telling the knights they certainly live up to the rumors, and Queen Haruka is there too, wanting to ask them a favor
>Queen Yagyu tells them her precious daughter, princess Hibari has been kidnapped by the Demon King Toki. Queen Haruka corrects Yagyu saying Hibari is HER daughter, but Yagyu insists on the contrary
>Hiyorin ignores their quarrel, but agrees to help them, Yagyu says there's a great prize waiting for them
>Both knights are ready to begin their adventure to save princess Hibari, but inside, Rin wonders how she even got in this situation
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>Rin is about the same height as cunk
Rin wearing a shirt that says "BBW"
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>kazakiri tickling ui until she gives up her lunch money and lunch
uh oh succubus toki
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please leave me the MOUNTA to translate tomorrow
>We go back to before the previous scenario, at the shinobi base, With Rin asking the Amagi team to help her deal with the Shinobi Gure (the group of shinobi rejects who appear at the beginning of the main story) who are doing bad stuff again, and all of them seem very eager to help
>Suddenly, Yomi arrives talking something about a princess knight, much to everyone else's confusion. Ikaruga explains a small theather was built in the slums and they are looking for volunteers to be in a play and bring smiles to the children, and of course, Gekko will be in charge of the outfits
>Yomi tells them she had a hard time thinking about who could play the main roles of the princess Knights, and she finally decided on Hiyori and Rin
>Rin however, hasn't agreed on anything yet, and Hiyori volunteered to another mission too, but Amane says that the place where the Shinobi Gure is acting is the same as where the play will be, and Toki suggest to just do both things at the same time
>Toki says all her team will help. Kazakiri doesn't really like the idea of acting in public, but Amane and Ui are looking forward to it, so she ends up agreeing as well
>Rin still isn't sure about this, but Yomi insists, and Ikaruga praises both their beauty and elegance
>Rin says that if they insists they need her youthful beauty, then she'll participate. Toki noticed the "youth" part was never really said, and Kazakiri tells her the adult thing to do in this situation is to stay quiet
>And so, the girls move on with both missions
mons cunkis
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Hiyori with the "fuck me" eyes.
cute distantly related sneks
>Now back at the play, but out of character, Rin is bothered about how much skin the outfits show. Hiyori says that's apparently part of what makes them princess knights, but Rin knows it's just Gekko's usual style
>Queen Haruka tells the knight to hurry up and go save Hibari. Hiyori asks why are both Queens following them, and they say they want to get the princess quickly too
>Rin thinks they are going out of script. Neither denies it, and just want to get to Hibari before the other
>Daidoji enters the scene to talk with the knight sisters, and inform them that in order to save Hibari, they need the three sacred treasures from the three heroes, and have to fight to death against them. Rin quietly tells Dai not to mention death so much in a play for kids
>Rinrin is about to ask where they can find these heroes, but they present themselves immediately, they are: Moyashi Mask, KP Kamen, and Magical Pretty Lovely Heart
>Rinrin and Hiyorin wonder if such a chaotic trio can really be heroes
>KP Kamen goes straight to the fight, but Moyashi Mask wants to ask her something first. She saw she was going pea sprouts in her room, and is upset she's not growing the most important thing in the world, beansprouts
>Lovely Heart tells her the actual most important thing is cuteness, and begin fighting each other instead
>Rin starts to wonder who even wrote this script, and Haruka says it was Mirai and Murakumi, which makes all the sense in world to her
>The knights take advantage of the confusion and attack the heroes
>The knights defeat the heroes, who recognize their strength and give them the treasures, and can go back to rescue Hibari
>Yagyu is happy that she will be soon living happily ever after with Hibari, but Haruka once again is against it
>Hiyori asks if they are really going to go with them, and Rin tells them to go on with it since the play is already a mess to begin with

>At the backstage, Yomi is glad they successfully finished their part, and Ikaruga mentions that their plays are usually on a much smaller scale. Yumi is glad the Shinobi Gure hasn't showed up to mess up things
>Mirai tells the girls she was watching from behind and congratulates them. Murakumo says there's still the ending left, but Mirai tells her to relax, since she doubts the Shinobi Gure has the courage to show up at this point
>Ikaruga wonders if that's really true, but Yumi says things will be alright puri, if they show up they'll just defeat them puri
>Yomi tells Yumi she still hasn't turned her puri switch off
Murakumi, my favorite yamato nakadashi
imagine the smell
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Wet Ryoubi
Where's wet Ryōna?
Today is Thursday, so never
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Two in the pink, one in the stink.
>The group arrives at the castle of the Demon King Toki, who reveals herself and tells the knights if they want Hibari back they have to defeat her, all while Hib cries for help
>Yagyu wastes no time and jumps to save Hibari, with Haruka going right behind, while Hiyori tells them not to go before them
>Toki likes this improvisation and starts fighting both queens
>Rin remarks they are supposed to be the protagonits. Hiyori wonders if it's all right as long as the demon king is defeated, but Rin doesn't want her highlight to be taken away
>While they are talking, the Shinobi Gure arrives at the theater, mocking the lame play and saying they'll make all the kids cry
>The children want to watch the fight against the demon king. Rin pauses for a minute, and then goes on with the act, claiming that the Shinobi Gure were the ones pulling the string all along, and they'll be punished for it. Hiyori catches up with Rin's improvisation
>Demon King Toki realizes she was being used and joins the knights against the Gure, as does the princess and both Queens
>The three heroes arrive as well, along with the thieves, the village girl and, uh, Daidouji. Rin thinks there's too much people in the scenario right now
>Mirai, Kumo (being dragged by Mirai), and Gessen arrive too, making everything even more of a mess
>Rin gives up on trying to put some order, and they begin the fight against the Gure
>The knights and the rest are almost done with all the Gure, with only a few remaining, which they start hitting with every prop they have at hand
>Hiyori is happy to see Rin get so into her role despite being against it at first
>Toki says there's no way shinobi rejects can win against them, but Kazakiri thinks she's using a bit too much strength
>There's only one left to defeat, but they managed to take a children from the public hostage
>The remaining Gure is about to escape, but luckily, he gets stopped by a kunai. Hibari congratulates the knights for rescuing the kid, but Rin says neither threw the kunai
>Regardless, the children cheer at the knights too, and they decide to go with the flow, ending the play with successfully
>Rin however, can't stop thinking about who could throw that kunai with such skill
>Later another day, Rin and Hiyori pay a visit to (You), to thank you for what happened the other day, and not to put an innocent face since they know who really threw the kunai that saved that kid
>Hiyori is a bit embarrassed about (you) being at the public of the play without them knowing
>Once again, both thank you for protecting the children's smiles, and want to give you something in return
>Hiyori suggest taking the the day off and going to eat somewhere with them, and Rin goes along with the idea

The End
not enough cunk
I'm glad NL realizes Haruka is a queen, while Toki is a demon.
Hiyori is gonna bang sensei isn't she
kiss the cat
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What a mess
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Hello, Panty Seller. I am going into battle and I want your strongest panties.
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nopan is best panties
Sex voice ultimate
This fucking website refuses to fucking work properly. Anyway, imagine I posted a cute image of Imu. I'll try and post one again later.
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Here's a cute image of her sister instead.
why is she drooling
She just woke up from her very brief 14 hour NEET nap at 2PM.
imagine the stench
Your prostitutes for the evening, sir:
>13 years of Senran
>still waiting for Se7en
Is that you, Nomura?
We'll get something, eventually.
Yeah, we'll get NL's EoS to finally put us out of our misery.
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We'll get some Haruka, eventually.
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aww look she's smiling :)
is this hikage's mum
No, it's Kagura's friend.
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>no story for the MOUNTA
i forgot they don't usually run stories on these guys but i feel betrayed nonetheless
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also this
is Kagura's friend Hikage's mum
evil ball
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have you accepted the reality that marvelous's ecchi titles are all apart of the same extended ball eater universe
twintails cunk sex
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>Ignore child, acquire baby batter
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>Reading the very first part of the black miko Ryobi/priestess Bashou event
>Bashou informs Jasmine and Fub that Ryobi and Ryona went on a mission some time ago but still haven't returned
>Ryona appears almost defeated, telling the others that her sister was kidnapped by a sexy demon
>The demon was so sexy even Ryona was overwhelmed and she collapses on the floor

Man, should've got up to date sooner
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wake up minori!
do you have the one where there's a hampte slepping on a wheel and then another hampt comes along and throws it off the wheel so it can run on it?
I don't
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I have few animal webms to use for these threads unlike the other guy
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like this?
Where she is flying?
To Flavor Town.
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Chicken breasts...
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Can I post Imu now?
Are you a drug addict?
No, but I was trying to post images earlier, but kept getting stupid fucking messages telling me I wasn't allowed.
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Oh go on then
>post Imu
>people think you are a drug addict
is it better or worse where I just assume you've got some kind of mental illness for waifuing a kusorezu?
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you have to be on drugs to like Imu and getting cucked by her girlcrush on Miyabi
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It is always okay to post Imu.
>he doesn't know
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I was thinking about what senrans would call your penis and I can't decide if Mirai would say "penis" or "that thing"
Yozakura would call it a tallywacker or willy or one eyed trouser snake or some other redneck thing
Isn't tallywacker a british thing?
is it? I dunno it seems like something a Cletus would say
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What is this expression trying to convey?
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pat pats for Miyabi
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plap plaps for Miyabi
anal plap plaps for Miyabi
anal mating plap with Miyabi while I Am All of Me sounds in the background
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I'm surprised Sinensian hasn't made a big balled Naraku art
bountiful bean bod
I don't think sin knows this series at all, like the only non-burst char I've seen him draw was Ryouna.
He's missing a gold mine
Considering he seems to be a mikufag, we can only wait for a Vocaloid collab
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Reminder Bashou shares VA with Miku.
no hag's below this line
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You just know
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Grecko is the definition of "JB"
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low LOD katsu..
ahem, bushy senrans
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Wtf, where are her nipples?
Senrans use an invisible nipple ninpo
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Senrans who would play the Warhammer 40k table top game?
need nopan miyabi
Hikage she yearns for the blood of Flacidius, Erectus and Phallux.
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Senran Kagura, but they are all mimes
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If you remove the blur they have bandaids on their Bagina and buttholes
I never understood that fetish. I'd rather see some heart pasties.
I thought it was just Barbie doll anatomy.
In Estival it is, they added them for PBS. https://files.catbox.moe/ck55y8.png
>how could this happen to me
Thought it would be the same since every Senran game since EV used the same engine.
So what's it gonna be?
>NL for another 3+ years, no EoS in sight
>EoS, then nothing
>EoS, then a sequel gacha
>EoS, then a sequel gacha (monkey's paw edition: Senran KaguRUN is a live service game)
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Brazilian Bashou when?
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Ongoing list of Senrans with relevant voice banks:
I'm pretty sure every seiyuu in this series has done ecchi if not full blown hentai work.
How many hentai has Meimei's seiyuu been in?
a man denied his MOUNTA
left to settle for cunk
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Reminder Hikage shares her Japanese VA with Jimmy Neutron.
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Forgot to post the captcha.
ur welcome
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twintails cunk sexo
This body but flat please
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smartest snek
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Too late, I already impregnated you
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Is that why I gotta blast whenever I see her?
Imu shares a seiyuu with Senjougahara and Becky, but no-one seems to care.
Who the hell is Imu?
I knew a dog named becky
she was a boxer
Aren't you forgetting that she also shares a seiyuu with another fox as well as a cat?
She's voiced a lot of characters, we could be here all day.
Hiyori shares a seiyuu with Anya and Frieren.
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It's September 22 in Japan now, which means it's officially the franchise's 13th anniversary, and also, Kagura's "birthday".
Ryobi shares VA with Rias, Kirigiri and Lori and Lucy Loud
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I also noticed she shares VA with Honolulu and St. Louis in Azur Lane and Elesa
All her characters are pure sex
But we all know the only sexvoice.
Minori shares a seiyuu with Anzu Futaba and Hina Takanashi (a literal babu).
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I had a dream where I was being chased by dinosaurs that shot snakes out of their mouths at me and I definitely blame this on the fact that I watched Jurassic Park and Jumanji back to back yesterday
I saw a seiyuu chart not long ago and realized she's also Kokona in Blue archive and Volume in Nikke
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>This outfit is supposed to be for a princess knight. What do you think, do I look like a proper knight to...? I'd rather be the one being protected by Sensei... Uh, n-never mind!
Isn't Lucy 8 years old?
Shiki is 15 years old
snepo and jewkko are 14 years old
>43 years old
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Thanks for the offering
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Hey look, Ranmaru.
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Your tier list is missing cunk
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Senrans of the Old Republic
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Rise of the Hutt Cartel
Kum Katarn
that game is still going?
I quit around Knights of the Eternal Throne once all gear was from loot boxes.
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That was supposed to be this.
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I think EA took Bioware off it and has some third party dev putting it on life support mode now.
not that that matters, Bioware doesn't have any of the people that made it a once great studio anymore. Just take a look at Veilguard for your evidence there.
>bulge slider
>top surgery scars
defunct company now.
let's put it in context of this being a land where magic is real and shit
and they still resort to making troons by cutting off tits
I'm going to masturbate to these cute sisters!
that's a thought crime
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Dragon Age Inquisition had a tranny and I think there was some mention of sex change magic, yet she chooses to just act like a man.
yeah they've been defunct since probably 2011, 2012 at the latest, ME3 was the last "good" game they made. and they still fucked it up for the end.
did Fub ever have her toilet paper costume in NL or was that anime only?
no but I'll direct you to the sweaty ojou chamber for a debriefing
I'm not a fan of this new twitter downloader addon I'm trying. Informative filenames are nice and all but I'm too used to how the gibberish sorts into my folders.
does anyone have the image of nachi on the exercise bike
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Anime only, plus a reference in NW of all places, why was it even a thing anyways?
yumi has a tiny baby brain (canon) so the only way she can remember fub is if fub has the bandages on as an adult (my headcanon, fitting for the dumb baby)
yumi doesn't need to remember fubuki in the game, so the bandages aren't necessary
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Ryobi can't believe this bullshit
Okay but which gamer senran has the most expensive gamer pc

console babu senrans need not reply
Saki has a $4500 rig and exclusively plays pre 2010 games on it.
Hanabi has a fishtank with a keyboard and monitor attached. Expensive fish though
>tfw my rig would cost that much if I bought a 4090
4070ti Super is fine for coomer mods.
Nachi has a top of the line PC for playing Sega Bass Fishing.
>JP fishing games
Never forget what they took from us
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was there ever any doubt
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before Saki had an only fans
how much to see murasakis stink hole on onlyshinobis
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>no cute_shutin
That's a fake account dude, probably using UI generated images.
What would Imu's handle be?
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>14 years old DDLG
>destroyer of worlds is just a little girl wearing a sweater

I fucking knew it
It was revealed months ago.
this is the problem with doing the Shin arc in a gacha.
they have to make her playable so you can roll gacha for her and waifu her.
it's fucking stupid.
I don't know anon, I'm still waiting for Hyoki to be playable.
Fuck Hyoki
Fuck Kokoro
Fuck Yasha
Give me Hinata playable
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Soft & Wet...
>collab with Naruto announced for the anniversary
That's fine too as long as is Shippuden Hinata and Konan
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I have a mighty need for pics of sex voice
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feed mirai
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seed mirai
chuck mirai
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formerly mirai
Is there an artbook for the anime that's available online?
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There's one on the panda, the one that came with the blurays, no idea if there's another one for the first anime, or for Shinovi Masters either for that matter..
Senrans with resting bitch face?
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I'm only just seeing they also uploaded this year's playboin to the panda and it features some stuff like Orochi Hyoki concept art and a story about Suiren called "Chemical Tea Party".
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The illustration for said story.
Looking for whichever one had a good shot of this outfit
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Wish I knew as well then, because it isn't in the one posted there.
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have this, shinomas
there's nothing in here that matches the suit you're looking for, unfortunately
I've also got this one for jetgirls but there's no fridge in there so it's worthless
midget minori
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hm good evening i want ui to sit on my face
*needs attention*
>New Wave Character
there's your problem.
The new waves that actually have any measurable fanbase that will actually whale for them are already in
They're not interested in just adding every who wave, so only the ones they think people will whale for, hell a few whos snuck in by story importance and just to have reps in New Wave Union, but only Fuga continues to get shit.
They baited the Meimei whale and all she gets anymore is free cards.
so all he does is farm meimei awakening medals.

Kokoro on the other hand is OC. They don't know how popular she'll be or not yet, there's a chance she's really popular like Toki or Fubuki or Suiren
It's a better chance to take than Hiyoki who.... a lot fewer people care about for sure, They have New Wave data to pretty much guarantee that Hiyoki won't be the next Toki.

but Kokoro? Maybe she could be. She's generating some fanart already so there's a little bit of visible interest in her
plus there's an in universe explanation for Hiyoki not being playable. The last events involving her basically took away her ability to be a Shinobi, like whatever magical girl powers senrans have (and they are a magical girl series when you think about it), she doesn't have anymore
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im still waiting on hyouki to be plappable
Senko kinda
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Which Senrans would have sex with dogs?
What makes you choose her?
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I'll take a Tamaki, an Aimu, and a Ranmaru please.
she fucks dogs
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Look, Aimu!
>We will never get the cinnabubu
We're getting the sleevejob girl in some form, so I want to believe.
Getting a Bebejob from Saki..
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She's eating Meimei!
there were two images of kurohoro followed by a post starting with "she's eating" and I'm disappointed it wasn't a third image of kurohoro
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Holy shit look at that IMAGINE tier height on Minori.
Shame she's a fucking retard.
That's the best part though. Girls are at their cutest when they're borderline retarded.
Minori paizuri while standing
Kagura birthday impregnation
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my god she's invisible
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Oh right, it is Kagura time.
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You are now married to a nuke.
Transform now
They still put a whole bunch of NW characters in the game even though they got one banner card max.
Look, I know a lot of people here are disappointed Shin isn't the giant fetus thing they though it was based on a couple lines of dialogue (there's still the giant dragon fortress thing though), but looking back at the few things we actually know could've been in 7, it seems the idea of introducing another girl related to Kagura was already there back then (see >>495151250), so you can't really say the only reason Kokoro exists is to make her a gacha character.
>Marries with Kagura
>Now I can have sex with 3 different Kaguras
a handful of pure who's nobody cares about are in sure, they got the obligatory banners only, intro baku, and then wedding card
they were pretty much added just for filling out tono (which almost seems like just a reason to give Ushimaru cards cause some dev likes her), they added Ginrei but then filled the rest of Zodiac out with OC members, and then they added NWU in order to give a reason for both Fuga and Meimei to be in the game (to bait the 1 Meimei whale)
they tried with Ibuki to fill out Hebijo but Ibuki's only gotten the bare minimum so I don't expect Chitose (plus they already just wrote her off in the story)
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Read the story for some context and it's mostly about Leo, Ginrei and Suiren talking about the remaining unseen members of the Zodiac team, with the later imagining correctly the kind of person they were.

>Capricornus is usually a calm and docile girl, and she has a lot of patience, but will go wild if someone manages to make her angry
>Taurus is a girl with an impressively strong body that comes from a family that's almost as rich as Leo's. There's legends of her defeating 5000 enemies in an instant and even destroying mountains, but she's always seen with her arms crossed
>Cancer is an extremely shy girl, Leo even says she has no presence at all and sometimes no one notices she's there, which makes her good for stealth missions. Her voice is also so low and soft she needs a megaphone to have a normal conversation
>Aquarius is a stunningly beautiful girl, most of the enemies they've fought surrender immediately in awe of her beauty. There was a time in class when she simply moved her hair and everyone there fainted. Because of that she's required to always wear a mask and even gave her a special room in the dorm away from everyone else
>Pisces is a medical genius, but has a tendency of easily falling in love with most people she meets, regardless of gender, in search of her "prince". This includes Leo, and she started to practically stalk her and was almost expelled, but Aimu helped "taming" her

That was it, there was also a short story about Kat meeting Suiren at a hot spring and touching her boobs.
>zodiac girls dress in armor
>like knights
If anyone should be playing soccer, it's them
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That's a weird-looking kabubu
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>Hmm... A knight... Ah! Why are you staring so much...!? You think I look c-cool... I thought it was something else... No, forget about it.
do people who spam new wave cards really not have any other art to share?
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Senrans with this vibe?
Rin but she's lying
Lying because she gets fresh new cock every night.
who let you out of the nursing home you fucking hag
Daidouji punched Rin so hard she de-aged.
fattening athletic girls
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fattening anons
get BACK
>have some cake~
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>he doesn't recognize The Old Kitsune
new balls nipples just dropped
>Kafuru makes you wear a rubber
>so she can invert it into her mouth
*suck* *suck* *suck*
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Is this the most cursed Senran chibi?
Does that even count?
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It's showtime.
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surely we can do better than new wave cards
aight lemme pull up my pig folder
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smolos sexo
Mama Yo after one (1) baby
POV: you are 5'11'' or Minori
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The hidden nipples thing is my fetish.
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or being lap pillowed
Anal sex with Fatzakura.
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Manager-san here. I wanted to remind you all that the /vg/ League 23 Friendlies begin on Friday. The senrans will play their first of three friendlies at home when they host Dragon's Dogma General on Friday at 19:00 UTC (3:00pm EDT). If /skg/-/ddg/ is a draw at the end of regulation, there will be Extra Time and penalty kicks if necessary (as well as a 4th sub for extra time).

At the same time on Sunday Sep 29th, /skg/ will again be at home hosting Azur Lane General in the fifth edition of the Dream Collab (which will also have extra time, penalty kicks, and 4 subs if necessary).


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Against /ddg/, Rias Gremory will start as the Crossover Senran and Essex will start against /alg/. I'm still trying to decide who will play against /vgt/ on Friday Oct 4th.
>The girls will run a different export against each friendly opponent so you'll see some difference in how the girls play in each match. The /vg/ League begins its return to Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 on Friday, so it should be exciting to watch. See you on Friday and Go Tiddyninjas
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Shut the fuck up Naraku
>her face when you pull out and cum on her stomach
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What's her face when you use her anus instead of her vag?
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very angry coconut
offering my face as a breast rest
She'll get used to it.
She wont, and she will beat you to almost death so she can force you to go in the vag
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Just convince her that a lot of moms and older women do it.
She won't listen unless you put a baby in her womb first
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1. Yomi
2. Homu
1. Haru
2. Yomi
For paizuri alone. Of course, Haruka might cheat with prostate stimulation.
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Nice shoulder pads, Imu.
That's about all she's wearing
That describes Hanabi pretty well.
senrans with WoW shoulders
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Pretty sure this whole side plot in re: newal contradicts the whole Gessen story in SV. Either that or Yumi and Yozakura are such fucking dumb bimbos craving impregnation so badly they just forget the whole thing in what six months?
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Can we post again now?
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[Idol Noises]
[Loud farting noises]
>3/4 are boring ass yamato nakadashi archetypes
And they are not even the YN that´s actually good (Ikaruga)
Azur Lane succeeded where Marvelous failed: they actually improved the dumb babu
Anon NO
They should do a Ibuki card where she's in a nice gimp outfit and a Haruka card where she's in a cool dominatrix outfit
senrans that would get mad if you looked up their skirt / dresses?
senrans that would get mad if you didn't look up their skirt / dresses?
junior member of the dumb fuck club
Yomi when you stick it in her butt OR when you catch her pigging out straight from the fridge
any Ryouna/Ibuki updates
why not
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Mistress Haruka's big nipples
She might have the biggest nipples in the cast
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the incredible cunk is always angry
Alright, so who's the big cheese around here?
Keep posting anal cats
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Mistress Hanabi
Mistress Minori
was Leo using that tape measure to measure her girlcock?
Smoking pipe weed and eating lembas with Minori
Ginrei was using it to update Leo's three sizes but got too overheated and stepped out of the frame, then Leo tripped and got tangled in the tape
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length, girth, and ball circumfrance?
Is NL's story actually ending after Kagura's friend's chapter is over? What will happen after that?
game will keep going for a few years just no main story anymore. just event stories
hopefully it makes it to 10th anni before shutting down but it could go down any time after 8th I think
Senki Shu takeover
EoS - End of Sensei
It feels like it's heading to that direction but who knows, at the very least they still have to conclude the titular Shinobi Master tournament too, and they can always do more post main story events until whenever they feel like EoSing the game.
Senran Kagura: Reboot
I honestly wouldn't mind it
>SK is reboot
>no serious plot at all
>all the characters are walking memes
>Yumi's outfit is now her babu outfit instead of the kimono
>Shiki constantly talks about Pho with horrible puns
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But who's the main character? Can't be Asuka or Yumi, they already blew it.
I still think there's a lot of potential on short what if stories set in other timelines.
>what if Homura's deal with her teacher never happened and she enrolled in Hanzo
>what if Ikaruga was never adopted and she ended up in Hebijo instead
>what if Suzune's team didn't fail that mission
>what if Ryoki was alive
>what if Minori wasn't groomed into becoming a dumb bubu
It'll be like Yugioh the protagonist is Asuka but when she's in trouble the futomaki pendant she wears transforms her into Dark Asuka (Yumi)
Don’t worry, they’ll introduce a new school of ninjas who will cause problems and inexplicably powercreep the entire cast until befriended
I don't want to know what a senran kagura "for modern audiences" would look like.
Senran Kagcord
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There are probably still some odd loose ends that they could use to drum up some conflict. Shit like
>Yozakura's siblings, a good excuse to involve the Amagi
>Hidden village shenanigans have become a running plot point by now but they could do it again- an excuse to involve the Amagi (again) and Touno
>The experiments surrounding Leo's father and Dougen could be used as a jumping off point for the web of adjacent NW shit, involving Ranmaru and Senki Shu
There are places they could go, but honestly I'm hoping for a sequel at this point- the engine is getting more and more dated by the day, plus NL itself was built by tacking shit on as they went. I'd like to see what they can do by actually planning things out.
Maybe we'll get a sequel in tomorrow's State of Play? Or a Sonic collab in tomorrow's Sonic Central stream?
alternative Shin gets away at the end of this arc
>I'd like to see what they can do by actually planning things out.
Isn't Dolphin Wave that?
I can see that happening, would probably be good to have a big villain last awhile and actually be a recurring threat. It would give Raesesu and Shura a conflict as well, can't imagine they're gonna like Kokoro all that much.
all of that is shit and grasping for straws
not like the current story is engaging or anything but it's all worse when the main antagonist of a series is dealt with.
like Mass Effect trying to do something after the reapers are gone
none of it is going to seem relevant after you ended the big galaxy wide crisis. they tried doing some other galaxy and it still sucked.
>all of that is shit and grasping for straws
Every main plot point in Shinomas up to this point has been totally removed from the Shin plotline. It's pretty normal for new conflict in any story setting to be an asspull. Resoling that conflict is where the scrutiny should lie.
Shin being real and a genuine menace to the government would be a good way to bring in some Deep Crimson "the council are evil" stuff, or another shot at someone like Meiun from PBS. Or even the government needing more firepower, leading to Muramasa and some more weird experiment stuff. They could bring back Hyoki that way too, shit down goes, she gets kidnapped and forcefully experimented on to see if they can redo the Orochi transformation in her and control it.
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they should do more senr/an/ kagura
>would be a good way to bring in some Deep Crimson "the council are evil" stuff
The point in DC was never that the higher up were outright evil, but that was already touched in NL in the first arc with Fubuki's backstory, and then with the Yuyaki/Yasha situation as well.
Senran Kagura: the next generation.
You play as everyone's kids in the future. And aged up Rin because single cake funny.
Kiriya is currently hospitalised and defenseless. Rin will have his children.
>your Senran canon cucks you
I have a feeling it wouldn't do as well
In true "next generation" tradition, Kafuru will be the one aged up, chubby, and single.
Shinobi reproduce by budding, making Kafuru's situation more humiliating.
They're ninjas man, you should have seen it coming. Wait that's taimanin, never mind.
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The tits that make you fat
Seimei should be the next protag on Senran Kagura.
Chubby in this case meaning she'd actually have an ass in her model.
Senran will never achieve that advanced technology
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Ushi doesn't have a ton of art but come on, she's got more than new wave cards
gimmie something to use for a pic
This one >>495230918
There's a nine of of November every year though, why would you want to make the calendar longer?
Where would you put these extra days, and right before Christmas too?
They are all Sensei's children.
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What is this bodytype called?
I wonder if Miyabi is envious of Twiddle Dip and Twiddle Shit since they get to hang out with their dead older sister/mother figure while her own mom has to be in ninja hell with Kurogake.
dat ass doe
so now you're sensei of all your harem's children and perving on your own daughters?
This is why "everyone married someone you never see" is better, you have blank spaces to fill in.
so it's either cucked or be a dirty incest hgame protagonist
Senran TNG just sucks.
Can you think of a similar franchise that has successfully pulled a next generation sequel?
no, and I think it's kind of a bad idea with how waifu-centered this series is.
if this series had a mix of male and female characters and the females already had canon relationships so people weren't really attached to them the way they are you could get away with it
but when you have people who literally change their entire life around a character and make like shrines to them in their home and shit....
they're not going to be on board with "she marries someone and now you're training her daughter"
The next protagonist will be bald and French. The old and fat Asuka will continue to appear in feature films for a while.
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Why so obsessed with cuckoldry?
Every night that Yozakura's womb isn't filled with semen and eventually children, is a morning with streets full of thugs she violently assaulted.
She doesn't even notice, just blacks out and suddenly when she wakes up her gauntlets are on.
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It must be good having a irl senran gf...
Is that why she's angry in all the anal gens on Pixiv?
that's what it'd be seen as if senrans marry canon husbands and have canon children with them.
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I'm mildly disappointed to find out that an artist I used to like that I thought just quit a few years ago actually rebranded and now just spams AI gens all day instead
anal gens?
mirai gens
always angry
it's time bros
don't bake
Yomi baking brownies.
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snek baking pizzas
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best I can do is eels, sorry
i started making it with the 9/11 pic but i forgot about kokoro
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>tfw she didn't make it
last for snek

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