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Previous: >>494981336

Caesar combat intelligence
https://youtu.be/NihInQv5Iyk?si=eLC_SuogftpjJf3Y [Embed]
Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06mu0uWaep0 [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzElFb4S64s [Embed]

Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WCl2mtL4eE [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHwVbBYvd7g [Embed]

>Current Signal Search
Jane Doe - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)
Sharpened Stinger - 09/04 – 09/24 11:59 (server time)

>Current Events
"All New Program" - Receive Encrypted Master Tapes - Ends 09/24 03:59 (server time)
"Camellia Golden Week" - 08/21 10:00 (server time) - 09/23 03:59 (server time)
"Immersive Tactical Drill" - 09/06 10:00 (server time) - Ends 09/16 03:59 (server time)

>Upcoming Events for 1.1
"Scene One, Take One!" - Starts 09/13 03:59 (server time)
Full 1.1 Event Details: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125244

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
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I love him...
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Soon (not soon)
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my latina goddess
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Daily Reminder to NOT trust Leakers
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She will be playable in the future…
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my king...
Whats your opinion on the okproxyphaethon situation on reddit?
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I noticed yesterday that ben put gold paint on one of the spikes of his meat tenderizer, to make it look like his gold tooth
>not even AI sloppa can ruin such godly design
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this should not be allowed to happen
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I think I'm gonna skip Miyabi unless they fix her eyes...
This game actually gets a ton of fanart why are you using aislop as the op?
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bad angle
The release order is obvious now, they package factions together over 2 patches
>1.2 - Caesar, Burnice
>1.3 - Lighter, Pulchra
>1.4 - Harumasa, Yanagi
>1.5 - Miyabi
DAm I really want ligther, if he is an S rank im skipping Burnice
>Bought exp coffee
>Turns out its disc exp
posting brutal moggings doesn't help
I think Miyabi will be 1.4.1 and 1.3.2 could also be the nun with big daddy as the 4* if they want to release the thiren together later but yeah I think 1.4/1.5 will be the S6 patches
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reminder if you currently use S*th and/or are planning on rolling for L*ghter you are a massive faggot and should be thrown off a building. this is a game for MEN and it should only feature cute girls

does that qualify as OL?
because I could really go for one
Careful, anons may call you all forms of fag under the sun for daring to even think of pulling for a male
>Skipping Grace so you can pull Anton
Anon ...
So we got at least 3 patches to save for the nun?
Maybe more?
[important reminder] we will meet hoshimi miyabi again in 1.2
No CC is posting Shiyu clears with Caesar, this really makes me think Mihoyo is instructing them on what kind of content they are allowed to put out.
Hmm . . . no
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I wish it were like that, but I doubt they would include furries, even though it makes sense for 1.3 to be a small update like 1.1 and include them.
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>go to Lumina Square
>see children
>get hard
Complain about it like we did with Burnice
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How to fix Discs:
Balance the game around having no discs and delete them
What stats should i focus on Jane and Zhu discs? On Jane I know to cap anomaly on 2p, but what about the rest? Should i go usual attack, crit rate, crit dmg?
S6 just doesn’t do it for me, man. I get it, office workers with samurai-esque trimmings, but all of them save Soukaku come off as monotone instead of professional.
Miyabi looks drippy as fuck. People here have no taste.
>miss void hunter, will you comment on the allegations about your width?
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How do I get this? stardb says you need to complete Inky's lvl 1 trust event, but my Inky is already at trust lvl 4 and I still don't have that achievement
sry I meant to type "droopy"
my opinion is that you should go back
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I think most people are sleeping on her.
They can turn her into a Rat-like coombait.
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3 more days until the reveal Pulchrabro...
Unless lighter is EXTREMELY innovative and fun, he's a skip.
Heavy armor guy, Mech guy and S Rank Billy are gonna be must pulls tho.
Same, I'm baffled that she's still like this since alpha.
When are we getting a proboscis monkey thiren bros...
Miyabi is in december's patch
>1.4 - Harumasa, Yanagi
is she a 5* or 4* locked behind a homo banner? fucking hate chinks if latter
I'm tired of pretending the rat is hot
Yanagi is way more attractive
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crit is completely worthless for jane
you should never stop trying to get ap. if you have her w-engine you can get 551 with absolutely perfect rolls, so that should be your goal. it's not realistic, but still
substat priority is ap > attack % > pen > flat attack
once I'm not lazy I'll do some math to make sure that is in fact true
Main stat: ATK, Ether DMG%, CRIT DMG%
Sub stat: Stack as much ATK, Crit DMG%, Crit Rate% as possible. Zhu can get a lot of Crit rate, 30% from her core passive, 15% from m6 Nicole, and 15% from her W-Engine, so you can get away with low Crit Rate%.

Main stat: Anomaly Mastery, Physical DMG%, Anomaly Proficiency.
Sub stat: Stack as much ATK% and Anomaly Proficiency as possible, anomalies aren't affected by crit stats.
I hope they change her design a little bit, but dear god - don't touch her legs
Pedos get the rope
the headset makes me think she'll be pretty bossy (we used to say bitchy) and the glasses glare thing she keeps doing is probably a sign of her being the "keikaku doori" type
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>not fun
Highly doubtful
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She already has the best legs in the game
anomaiy bros...
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Can anyone use this?
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Do you think she was never meant to be a playable character until recently? Her face looks pretty generic but what do I know
She looks like the thrift store bargain bin version of Jade from HSR
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>office lady
>big tits
>mini skirt
>bare (long) legs
The potential is here.
All she needs to do is take off the glasses and she'll easily be one of the hottest
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imagine rubbing your penis down those thighs
is the orangutan guy playable?
would be better with thigh high stockings
where the FUCK did you find this image of me
the potential to be unappealing? cause its already there
If Caesar isn't being doomposted, how can she be broken?
s6 is by far the most /fa/ faction. They all look great except maybe the bow dude, I'm not convinced on him yet.
Her outfit is a step above Jane’s but from what’s been shown so far she’s got the personality of a middle management office drone. Jane would make things fun, whereas Yanagi would be complaining about needing to finish her report or something.
But would you love him... if he grew specially colored chin fur!?
Removing his gay ass choker would be a great start
section 6 more like koikatsu stock cards
Some of these moves remind me of K' from KoF. He might just make the cut after all.
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>sons of calydon already forgotten
she gets a pass because the doomposters were always calydon fans
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They look nice, but for a game with such interesting character designs they just end up seeming boring
KINO 6 faction
ugh, that's right he has a fucking choker. jfc. Aight I'm out on him, the girls look amazing though.
My autistic wives (not to be confused with my underage wife (not to be confused with my sister (wife)))
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She's going to break records
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I would love him not matter how he styled his fur... that artist's take on Lycaon has been fun to watch develop...
unless she gives you a blowjob/thightjob in a scene not rolling not matter how much shilling
gee anon, how come your mom lets you have uuuuuh
*counts on all fingers*
what the fuck
>soldier 11
Anby is top tier design. Soldier 11 might unironically be the worst design currently in the game.
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this about sums up my feelings
We don't know, but his animations seem to be pretty detailed and could work for a playable character too.
She's the only one I have any interest in, but my pulls rely on them fixing her face.
>1.3 - Lighter, Pulchra
Lmao furries will rather cope with a male S rank than reality.
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Leave Shiyu to the STARLIGHT KNIGHT!
The overwatch aesthetic of this game is so ugly
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Will she break pelvises though?
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Overwatch wishes it had designs this good
cunnygods its been years since last cunny patch we must rise up and demand cunny
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I really should get her maxed out
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kudos to the designers for making in game clones feel so drastically different
Fuck no. He's the first male in this game I'm actually attracted to. The chocker fits and adds to his fuckboy aura perfectly. Love him
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The game already gave you all the cunny from all the factions ahead of time disguised as A-ranks
so, would Etherby wear blue or red?
I would give it to my Anomaly with highest base attack.
He's so cool...
No she’s too autistic for that, she’d be a deadlay, checking her phone for any messages regarding anything in Hollow Zero.
we MK ninjas now
Haven't seen any OBOL cunny yet.
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>Lucy/Piper trust events right around the corner
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Burnice is a loli, just a few weeks left
>looks like a fish
>fucks like a fish
oh no
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>he doesnt know
I fucking love children so much bros
They could actually model the ruffles of her blouse like Corrin and Ellen’s outfits to differentiate her blouse from Miyabi’s for starters.
we know rajesh
>search best piper build
>4/5/6 disc
which one is correct?
this but love fucking children
It's alarming how many people seem to not recognize a famous waterkuma design in another game.
How many more sleeps until Jane's slow ass banner is over...
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>They can turn her
What for? She's fine as is. No need to change anything just to appeal to faggots with shit taste.
>Girls Frontline
Lucy is great
Piper does nothing for me
but there are no playable underage girls in zzz
Fake and gay.
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meeting in two hours and I havent slept yet. uploaded my first youtube video today too.
later fellas
I got banned for 3 days last week for accidentally posting a pic showing a nipple slightly but people like this get to roam around undisturbed. Nice moderation.....
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She definitely does carry the duo pretty hard
GFL my beloved....
Does she have to walk around with retarded t rex arm pose too?
It remind me how everyone trashed on Firefly before interacting with her and now she's the most popular waifu of our sister game.

In game interaction are way more important than character design considering this game demographics
Corin pussy torture
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Agreed. A bit of distinct facial fur can be nice
And him going full silly casual is a fun thought too!
As is getting to lick his fangs and have his tongue thrust down my throat aaaAAA
Gentle Corin cunnilingus
>she’d be a deadlay, checking her phone for any messages regarding anything in Hollow Zero.
C'mon now, that's a bit too much. Sure you could argue she'd be pretty clumsy and still, but she's focused and earnest in her own autistic way, if she's already allowed you to get that far with her, ain't no way she'd be actually checking her phone during it.
corin anal rape
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she's the type to say "are you done yet? I have important things to get back to"
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The sex scene here was great make sure you don't miss it
share link to video faggot
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I run ap/phys%/atk%
429 AP, 28xx atk
do whatever gets you the highest numbers with your gear though
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All me.
She’d be asking how this would improve her performance against ethereals and why it wasn’t added into any supplemental documents.
I trashed Shillfly after interacting with her. She's perfect for Asian nerds though, I can see why they would like a bland, uninteresting character with zero personality because she is a mirror reflection of themselves.
>faction themed around Japanese folkore and mythology
>blue oni
>guy with generic office suit
>girl with generic office suit
I still don't know how the fuck to play anomaly shit. I don't think I care either, despite getting grace c1 and her engine.
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Slav CEO date...
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Yes, Japan is known to be full of soulless office workers
nah, wrong read, she's the type to commit to everything she does. IF you got her to have sex with you she'd be into it, although she wouldn't be great at it and just be as efficient as possible. After all, way take longer when you can do it faster?
It's obviously going to have more OBOL squad members
Salaryman are japanese culture.
I don't think anybody voluntary worked themself to death in those numbers beside japs.
I love corin clitoris
>rampaging brute jumps across the arena to bash my face in
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Yeah, a lot of them are looking like K':
1st move is K's Hyper Chain Drive
0:19/1:18 are similar to his Heat Drive
0:28/1:28 looks like his Crow Bite
0:14/0:41 are not exactly looking like Minute Spike, but it's still some flying kicks
0:47 looks a bit like a Sniper Slide mixed with his close B
0:37 is like his close C

With the added flame FX, it's will be even more similar.
And he has black glasses too.
That didn't stop them from releasing her Story thoughbeit.
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chainsaw man faction
>bricked my account by not saving lil beetroot on the first attempt
It's over
Threesome with the sniper agent.
>have pure sex faction
>ruined by a homo at the last moment
Why... bikers were perfect for sex...
They better not add a fucking homo to the idol squad or I'll drop the fucking game.
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Each and every character got trashed on by the same shitposters.
>In game interaction
She can have zero of those and still everyone calling big tiddy ol with glasses dressed in miniskirt not appealing would be a certified faggot.
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this has been my best wipeout shot so far
Play Genshit
This so much. She was made for incels who want a girlfriend to dedicate their entire existence to you. Go out and meet a real woman.
>rolling for attackers
you got tricked, bamboozled, and bricked.
>No need to change anything
I'm talking about her personality and scenes.
Luckyboo spamming coins at enemies will never get old
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Your special order, sire.
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Post game stats.
>nooooo you cant desire a girlfriend who will dedicate their entire existence to you!!! how dare you!!! go and find used up whores instead!!!!!
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Daughter of Cunnydon kino....
the fuck do i do with an entire piece of ginger
Weird how guys just want a girl that's nice and pleasant to be around for an hour and girls can't even achieve that most of the time. "Personality" is code for obnoxious and annoying.
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>whales can't even clear under 6 minutes
>this guy does it under 5 with solo A-ranks on both sides
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She is so cute...
And you're a femcel, basically the same shit
Aka dating not-Hakos Baelz
did lighter rape your family or something
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>saving lil beetroot on the first attempt
Y-you can save him?

Why won't mihoyo let us redo it so we can save him?
They both have limited S rank engines
you can redo it
you can save him
I am now hoping they had the chadest homo to idol faction whonis also heavily implied to be their daddy pimp who uses them as cocksleeves just to spite you miserable faggots. I even hope they add voice lines to the girls where they shout out the guy in battke when they do something great or they get hit or whatever, because fuck you kys
Shouldn't you be running over people with a car or whatever you incels do?
>maleseethe again
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Lighter isn't even featured in the chapter's art. Dude just wants to drive bikes in peace, it's not his fault the "SONS of Calydon" gang is full of women.
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wait 55? wtf I thought I got them all
shouldnt you be slurping semen out of your whore's used up cunt? her boyfriend (third) might get impatient if you dont hurry and clean it up
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Eat it all.
Lots of wood fibers, fills your stomach in a way that let you stave off annoying hunger for ~~~9 to 12 hours.
How old is she officially?
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>is the only male in a gang of fertile amazons
>just decides to ride on top of mountains to enjoy energy drinks alone
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I will drink that bitch's juices
Me on the right
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caught a nice one
bwo.... read the image again....
I'm sure you'll see it.....
what's so special about Miyabi?
I swear there’s something off about him though. Call me paranoid but I feel like he’s going to be a part of another faction, he’s got that sneaky shit aura to him.
Literally just Wise with glasses
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I'm gonna get everyone to level 60! Eventually
Basically a homo like wise
Are plating agents a scam or should I just keep farming disks?
People have personalities, and they don't need to be cartoonish, they can be subtle and nuanced. Its what makes us different from one another, what gives rise to likes, dislikes, hopes, dreams and fears. Those barely exist for Firefly. She's poorly characterized. She's a nonthreatening blank slate for autistic nerds with no social skills and no life experiences project themselves on.

She's also poorly written. Someone who is a lifelong warrior and member of an elite unit barely has an opinion about struggle, or the fragility of life, or the need to survive and overcome? She has no opinions on anything. She barely exists as a character.
>more male seethe
>Someone who is a lifelong warrior and member of an elite unit barely has an opinion about struggle, or the fragility of life, or the need to survive and overcome?
i don't even like pagfly but her entire arc is LITERALLY about her coming to terms with these exact things and learning what life means to her and why she wants to live. don't expose yourself as having not played the game if you want to argue anything about the character.
Is this some kind of femcel Discord raid?
You get the platings from selling useless disks, better to farm disks in the long run.
She cant conceive...
The 1.3 drip... please...
who's the firefly of zzz?
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I've got a theory: Hoyo only puts free weekly polychromes on banners they know won't do well, and then uses bangboos on ones they know will to encourage people to whale.
>Qingyi had polychromes
>Jane had boopons
from this we can extrapolate what Hoyo thinks about a given character in future updates
zhu yuan
>She's a nonthreatening blank slate for autistic nerds with no social skills and no life experiences project themselves on.
Why do you think they love lolis (aka children) so much too? Same logic
Just hang yourself already and stop posting here
fun fact ginger accelerates male patern baldness worse
I'll have you know that Belle is a girl and Wise loves her in very very intimate way
we have quite a few ugly characters but no ugly shilled characters yet
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And because he focuses on less than 6 characters he can afford it
>bricksar isn't an ugly shilled character
anon... i... her face looks like she got stung by a bee between early designs and now
Fix the right hand and it looks better than 99% of the "art" she gets from the Hoyo fotm leechers
I like lolis because they are very rapeable
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I love anthro women and when one finally appears in the game, we will have to wait more than 6 months before she becomes playable.
Why do you people have such shit taste
Just giving a good advice
I’d say Jane was shilled pretty heavily. Not commenting on her design though, imo she’s a good example of a seductive spy type but she had 3 different trailers all highlighting how she either traps her prey or teases her allies all the same.
who? idk who that is so she isnt shilled enough
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Pulchra coming soon!
holy based
she isnt as ugly as slopfly though, at least not that ugly past how ugly hags are in general so...
AP phys AM is the best setup. Need shittons of AP though so hope you get AP on substat and a couple +4s on em.
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i can't wait to add her to my collection of theiran and half thieran men and women
Don't be mean to Seth Anons.
They can stay.
i hope he is, i like the biker monkey idea
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it's almost assuredly an anal ravaged lolifag
reminder there's no lolis in zzz and they have to wait over a year for scraps of their idolslop
>Miyabi in december
where does this comes from?
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We love our Seth anons here at /zzz/.
whats your mindscape level. Im only hitting 250k rn at m0 309 AP.
Yeah I’m just highlighting she got shilled a lot though and her core trait is seductive manipulation
huh there's a small window for seth to ex attack after doing a defensive assist while still being able to quick assist to jane
Current leaked schedule. She's in early December. Then for Christmas/New Year we will finally be getting the idols
Wrong. I just hate they made her look less hot than she was in concept art. She looks puffy and way too happy now.
leaked calendar card showing miyabi fighting nineveh.
>leaked calendar card
post it
so nothing like the bland firefly?
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>replying to the resident schizo
Compare firefly sales vs Jane sales and show me the difference
Does anyone here not really feel the autistic need to keep farming for better substat disks? Like I'm just happy with 20/30 good substat rolls across all 6 disks and see no need to make it better then that since at least you don't get fucked over by minroll substats.

also is it disk or disc which fucking one is it
its disk retard-bwo :3
A hoyo leaker on telegram.
>doing Seth's trust events
>he gives me flowers
He's such a bro
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second half characters get more shilling as they don't have welkin and bp bonus
people won't complain about Burnice shilling if Lighter is the next limited though
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bro they are pretty know
why would I care about sales? the first anon asked who is the firefly of zzz and I dont think we have a sufficient ugly and shilled character yet
no point stressing about substat rolls if you are casual
they become extremely important when you get into speedrun autism
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i have 191 pulls saved and my Caesar is guaranteed... yeah i am thinking i won bigly.
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>saving until december
wowie im gonna be rich
So Mihomo games do anything special for Christmast/New Years? I know a bunch of gachas either give out freebies or run a guaranteed S Rank type banner.
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>when the crit rate disk finally drops
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This, it's obvious.
Nobody cares about you or your samefagging shitfest and you will never know the feeling of someone agreeing with your schizophrenic delusions. YWNBAW
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I think her reception will be very positive, she has the type of design that people can say "I'm not a furry, but..."
So maybe people will bother Hoyo to make her playable
>disk has perfect subtats
>main stat is wrong

>main stat is correct
>substats are trash
True, I'm not a furry but I'm gonna pull for her.
>totally random btw
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just how good is janes weapon?
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Dear God in heaven, The Will, Great Spirit, Allah, Jesus, The Great One...please let this be real...
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there's a yearly chinawank event in genshin called lantern rite, they let you pick one 4-star character from the not-china region
like roughly 15% better than s5 rainforest iirc
Its one area of the game that provides a endless progression potential. You'll never have perfect disks so when youre maxing out everyone it should give you one way to use battery for improvements. Its not necessary to be perfect obviously but its cool to get a really good disk because it impacts your combat ability so heavily
zzz is a western themed game i think we should celebrate western holidays like christmas
>China wank
Please just give us Chrismas. Why the fuck can Nikke, Fate, etc give us a Chirstmas tree, yet these homos can't?
Please understand this is a fiction and has no relation to real life.
>western theme game
>chinese style graffiti everywhere
>Text on signs are in chinese text first then english below
>chink names everywhere
Because Nikke and Fate aren't made in China.
nikke and fate are both japanese games, japan celebrates christmas
zzz is a chinese game, china does not celebrate christmas
They're not "totally" random, which is the issue. For example, a Slot 5 disk has 10 possible outcomes, but they aren't weighted equally. Defense and HP take up 50% of the roll, attack takes 25%, and the last 25% is split among the elements. Substats follow a similar distribution rate, and the boosts from leveling also do this. It's not "bad luck" that the HP/DEF stat ayes your boosts, but rather just the most likely outcome.
Maybe if Chinese kids experienced the wonders of Christmas presents their eyes wouldnt be so squinty
She'll get censored. Her cleavage is too good for this world
I just want free stuff idc what they package it in
>has model and animations
>has kit leaked
Why wouldn't she be real
Worry about her design surviving instead
Caesar got changed drastically. Same will happen with her.
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Wait, what? Embryo?

Anyway, why is this corruption white? That's not normal, is it? I feel like this is the first time I've seen this. Also, it doesn't seem to be working as usual and I have 3 choices for Resonium as usual.
I feel like we will. They clearly want to keep China pandering as far away from this game as possible
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>nobody in china has ever received a holiday present in their life
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She will come , but we can only hope they improve her dumbass appearance.
irc genshin didn't wanted real event into the game, so they added retarded ingame events, all shit.
I don't remember they mention they don't want irl events so I hope we get christmas
Da Wei almost got shot over halloween
Dismantle it
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you drank her questionable hot water, how else was it able to negate all corruptions?
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Well, confusing.
Homosexuality is a sin.
I need this evil bitch
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>won 50/50 on jane m2
>Was pulling for that or guarantee for Caesar
I gotta reconsider pulling now, or just ride entirely on luck going forward now.
But damn that Jane hit's like a freight train.
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ah, I always mash through stuff, so that was it

it's temporary I guess
>follows cringe KJSV instead of based yiddish originals
sorry bwo your entire understanding of your religion is a lie.
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Anby? more like MVP holy shit
have you got an article about this
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i have it saved since it's meeb but i dont think it means anything personally. it probably only became a card because nin is in it
Homosexuality is a sin in all the relevant religions, and it's literally against the laws of nature and the universe itself. You aren't a homosexual, you are an untreated mentally ill man.
I have to wonder why and how PubSec greenlit developing and giving Zhu Yuan custom bullets made to intentionally cause 4D cancer.
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She can only use those bullets when her bodycam is off
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Why is she crying
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It's not work time, and food isn't included.
>expecting a female character hating troon to actually play the game xe's talking shit about
It's always the case.
kicked in the balls
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>the end of camellia event where all the factions show up at your house
Soul. Shit had me feeling like picrel.
you are addicted to pornography, and excessive debauchery is a sin
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Alright, time to decide.
Gourmet or Gemini???
It's koreans and they are sort of catholic
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no food included
Where the FUCK are the Soukaku trust events
It was truly Cinema, Kino even. Some may even go as far as to say it was Neato Burrito.
Gemini if you git gud. Gourmet if you skill issue.
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here you go
she ate them
The git gud part is using ex special before assaults, right?
Rainforest is her 2nd best after sig.
Good, nobody gives half a shit about a kike vassal state or its "culture."
Not Pubsec. After all they don't have a close bond with (You) unlike the others.
It's a shame the event didn't give a photo to put on the memory wall though.
Playing with soukaku clitoris
wait nvm I misread
Why are chinks like this
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>rolled Jane
>quit the game
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Awful thread as per usual.
They beat the game.
burnice... one glass of piss please!
>500 crystals
I don't play honkai, but if you need 1600 of those for a 10 roll like in all the other Hoyogames that proves that Hoyo is literally the jewest company ever.
"We know that we literally made our core fanbase seethe so much that it almost made them kill our CEO, so as an apology, here, 4 rolls."
>deflowered the rat and quit the game
They moved on bro... And we eventually will too.
Not enough shitflinging and samefagging for you?
Her slow ass banner killed the game...
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Kitsune with no tails. I hope they power creep Miyabi with her Void Hunter Ancestor.
Felt like it was justified. 90% of revenue comes from CN and they release a stripper event for gweilo.
The thought of their waifus giving it up BWC and BBC angered chinklings.

Anyways mihomo is a company that should eventually go bankrupt because they keep ntring and shitting on their core playerbase
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>there's nothing here at all...
That's why I spend 800/900€ on the first day of every gacha that I play to avoid dropping them
I'm pretty sure this one is a
Crit +2
Crit +2
If he levels it up to 15.
Look at the main stat you blind fools
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Wow, my hand slipped and I bought the wrong coffee and completely wasted today for the event, feels awful
I did that with my second account, I regret rolling for her (she's not a brick tho)
That's how I know it will be a
Crit +2
Crit +2
The game wants to make you despair even more.
Sounds like a skill issue.
time for a reroll
dont worry bro we all get distracted by tin masters gleaming polished cubic ass from time to time.
I like this
It's 280 crystals per roll, I think. You need to roll for characters, weapons, stigmatas (artifacts), and ELFs (bangboos) with the same currency.
Doesn't it give a confirmation if you don't pick an event coffee?
nta but how arent people tired of this NPC ass response
Based sunk cost gamer
HI3 had Christmas events before. They gifted santa themed stigmata and a number of other things.
I absolutely hate all pinks and pinksimps
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stupid fat bastard
in soviet russia loli corrects you
does pink even make music anymore???
Just make them pregnant and dump them.
Dark Souls drones got it to this point. Any valid criticism of their games just gets auto replied with it
i dont understand why they thought this dj set format was good
half of the songs are garbage, uninspired shit like the furry song
only the hard edm songs make sense in a club dj setting where you want people to get hyped
Cat and Billy theme are good
Fromslop truly ruined gaming and gaming forums
fucking lmao
>how much do your CEO's life costs?
>1 and 0'75 rolls
honestly, based
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Anon wouldn't stand a chance against Soviet Koleda ToT
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Isn't there a big red pigman in there too?
what would sex with an autistic fox thiren be like?
please respond.
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do not open
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two braincells working hard!
Us global players have suffered some of the most dehumanizing acts known to gaming
will they ever add a new button
That's Anon's sister wife.
Please no bully.
bags of milk and salty coins
plus facts and history of katana forging
Is Seth's Wengine worth rolling for Ben?
>two braincells
And they both belong to Belle...
Caesar status?
man genshins art is so ugly
this looks like any fantasy jrpg ever
>Japan celebrates christmas
They really dont
They put up christmas decorations because they like the aesthetic but they dont take time off work for it, and christmas day is a couples "romantic walk in the snow/lights" holiday, like their third valentines day of the year.
They dont take time off until new years
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bring them home
you will never be japanese
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My wife on the right.
ben's engine is too good for ben
uhh your piper?
isn't skill issue from league?
her weird horns should've crested her head like a laurel wreath
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Cuddling with Corin to sleep
Playing but Corin tight butthole
worthless discord tranny coordinated posting
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you ARE saving 400 rolls for the angels, ri~ght?
a flop to rival brickyi...
corin rape
>not even a hint of how any of them play
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don't worry californians broke into his car and stole his laptop when he went to visit
I'm not a tranny and I don't use discord. I'm a straight fat man
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Reminder that ZZZ is a furry game.

What's more valuable, Caesar's M1, or her Weapon?
Nyes except I'll skip the one that's ugly
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nico's huge ass mole
I remember this Nin10doh skit.
zzz school girl outfit update when
I don't think she has a good cope engine.
But dat M1 though...
The idol patch is going to mog everything else so bad I really don't know how they'll keep profits going afterwards...
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Benbros why does everyone depict /ourguy/ as a bottom...
I'm pretty sure she will have a rerun in January, can you live 3 months without her signature?
>DPS Caesar
they fixed furnace so she'll probably get refined more
Meebs thread
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Pick you poison
>An entire patch cycle of saving for WIDE and idolbot
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wich ball is Burnice's copeball?
I'm not familiar with that community, but I felt like Ben had softboy energy in the story
one's clearly a stunner, most likely ether.
the other's a supporter who yells into loudspeakers, possibly lowering enemy DEF?
the third one could be an attacker, but there's no S ether defender, so it could be that, with emphasis on healing because angel
make a webm im not clicking your shill links fuck off. I should report you for advertising.
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I think I'm gonna c3 Burnice but then again Jane facerolls all the content in the game, so why bother
2nd from the right
Can't believe we'll have to spend 40 days with these two, kill me
>thought anton was calling me his bro
>He's actually referring to the fucking drill on his arm
yeah this character is fucking lame lmao
It sucks that the event was deleted (even though it was just a music video and some pics) but people posting pics of FuHua selling her body to an american man (and the green hat memes) on chinese forums was very funny.
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far left. The rest is ugly
ikr, peak hypersleep. at least i can save my chromes for something better in the future
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sex with this stupid bimbo
Egregious insecurity wrought from centuries of being conquered and oppressed. They're literally type2 personalities by blood.
it's a mobile game from 2020 bro
He forgot his meds.
Chin built by alliens.
what'd you say, bro?
you think that guy's a goober?
yeah, don't worry, bro, we'll always have each other.
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New vid just dropped from our favorite CC.
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SoC? Ceasar is fine but i will skip cause i tend to drop hags or tall girls from all my teams over time, Burnice is cool and i love flamethrower so i will roll. Lighter is whatever, easy skip.
Section Snore? They already gave Soukaku for free and the other members don't look nearly as cool, truly weird decision on their part. Maybe Mibibi if the metafag inside of me awakes during her banner.
Furries? Would honestly roll for the funny monkey and that's it.
Obol? Have to admit this looks more interesting. A new loli? Rolling. A cool heavy weapon robot? Rolling. Trigger if she looks anything like the concept art? Rolling.
Idols? Rolling + W-Engine on the lolibot
Game is pretty much meaningless for the next few months, just handpicking a few characters to break the monotony until Obol and Idolkino is finally on the menu.
4th one is the redditor's choice definitely
it can slice my cock open any day
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I just came back home, quickly! Please tell me, which event coffee is more worth it? The disks, or the disk XP? I'm completely out of disk XP so I'm thinking that, but is it fine to do that? I don't really need better disks since what I have does the job just fine, I only cared about getting the main stats right for all the agents.
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I assume most miabifags care about her design more than her gameplay, so what's the point of a video like this?
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3rd one would be the best compromise
Honestly, I just want her to keep the cross between the boobies.
What is sex with an autist like?
Disks you complete fucking retard
But a brick that’s bricking me up and I will build a house with said bricks
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>dude saw the potential release date for her and realized he won't have enough saved
These CC's are like fucking clockwork man
blocking is more fun than dodging
lvl up your disks first
then roll for imrovents
you can always recycle

alternatively lvl up to 3 to see the new stat, then grind and lvl up the best ones
do you have discs with potential in need of levelling?
going for discs is safer as you get enough purples to turn into disc xp to level up any three liners enough to check the fourth
Why compromise your taste? Those pants are hideous
I hate how you can't parry red flashes
shes an ice attacker right
I already have ellen why should I care
I'm already s ranking shiyu with her what use do I have for another one
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Defensepilled parrymaxxer
ask my girlfriend
it's for people who choose not to use stunners i'd imagine
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I followed to gut instinct which told me that farming for disks below level 50 is actually a scam, at least that's how I feel. Either way I was completely out of XP items so I think that even doing that once is fine, because now I at least have some resources to check the disks that are going to have potential in the future! I had to think really fast because I just went from 239 to 240 energy and almost overcapped my energy!! We don't do that here!!!!
phew, you nearly bricked bro
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Pretty nice boost! How much do you guys get past 50?
>I followed to gut instinct which told me that farming for disks below level 50 is actually a scam
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I would prefer something like this. I guess have the lower half of the body more similar to ragnarok online high priestess.
I'm glad we seem to finally be escaping the black hair with red streaks era with Calydon and presumably Sec6 after
the disk missions also drop some disk exp
yes please. more flowing bits with physics
Where's the naked version?
I like the clang sound!
Has this motherfucker not doompost one character ever?
>more similar to ragnarok online high priestess
So...tentacle rape?
what do you even call those things? Tassels? Im a fan of them whether its women or men.
something like this

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