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Worst... OP... Ever... Edition

previous thread: >>494962914

>Game's Introduction

>Latest Patch Notes

>Multiversus Official Twitter

>What is MultiVersus?
MultiVersus is to be a platform fighter featuring characters from multiple Warner Brothers intellectual properties.

>Didn't this game come out already?
It did, but on early 2023 they announced the beta game would shut down for it to be developed into the final realese that came out on may 28th 2024

>What has been changed since open beta?
New modes focusing on single player and cosmetics, here's a full list.

New characters
New stages
New moves for characters
New universal parry technique
New PvE mode
New engine (UE5)
Rollback netcode
Gleamium earnable through means other than money

>What are the new characters?
The Powerpuff Girls released 9/17
Nubia revealed 9/12

>What platforms is it on?
The game can be played on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series consoles. The game has cross-play as well as cross-progression

>Powerpuff Girls moveset and complete guide

>Multiversus comic issue #1 (don't visit the site if you don't have an ad blocker)

DONT FORGET !! This game is a live service & it's still undergoing constant development! Tony's reindog porn stash only grows stronger with each patch (:
first for netcode fix
But why
>back to 2-3k players already
What went wrong with this season
What moveset changes do you want for your main?

>more killing power on moves other than Uair, Dair, and Neutral
>counter riposte while her down special is on cooldown
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I want PPGZ so they can meet PPG
Garnet and WW are there
>Option to use neutral to fire the rocket at will rather than waiting for an invisible timer
>Grounded side special replacement move while the main move is on cooldown
Hadrian didn't finish the job
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why you want to buff her even more?
That sounds really weird but it would fit the theme of the game.
>PPG partner with master s2 banner
>89 damage
>0 ringouts
>using down special while its on cooldown enters a short reload animation refreshing his ammo
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I don't even know what to change it to but get rid of Velma's grounded Up Special. Literally a wasted move.
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Even worse when the enemy team has a PPG that does slightly better
are ppg aids to fight against? im thinking about playing again but the thought of having to fight the season's character again like jack makes me not want to
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PPG needs more brain cells than Jack for sure.
just make it have an aoe that applies like 4 stacks of frozen instantly
if blossom can have that insane move that applies 4 frozen with a stack velma can at least have that
Nah, all the ppg hate is because they're the new battle pass character so everyone's getting paired with noob teammates who pick them because they're new. They're actually fairly balanced in my opinion, and there's nothing like the retarded side b charge on release that covered half the screen
>mvs mod commited a crime against a litteral infant
mvs just can't stop taking losses, this will put off even more people from playing this game
only in the sense that they're annoying to track because of how bouncy their animations are and the girls being split up
proof? lmao i wanna see this
A guy who runs a website will put people off from playing the game? Who did something back in October of last year?
that baby he shook must be 9 by now, kid's probably suffering from some type of life long injury after having a brain haemorrhage as a newborn
As a black female, Im happy Nubia is in, finally a fighter that looks like myself!
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>Another ppg team mate
>One of the opposing players is a Batman with a 4 star badge
ok baby shaker
What does that have anything to do with what I said, child?
>What does that have anything to do w- *violently shakes baby*
Why are you acting like I'm defending this guy? Are you autistic or just retarded?
i want to violently shake reindog's ass
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>, child
Enjoy prison, stalker.
Yeah, you're retarded.
>Are you autistic or just retarded?
a question you frequently ask the babies after you shake them, i'm sure
Yes, I am indeed the guy being sent to prison, they let me keep my phone and I found this place by happenstance. It's so cool that you're all talking about me.
Common Luna L
>trannies are retarded
Nothing new here.
Your all enjoying your power puff girl cunny today right anons?

I might actually skip playing until people get playing the new characters out of their system and return to their mains/secondaries. There's something deeply demoralizing about seeing your partner do sub-100 damage and get 0 kills.
Like there was no chance that you could have won that match no matter how hard you tried. Prometheus would have advised you to just suicide off the stage for the same outcome.
I had a PPG in my game with the damage badge that has as more damage done as my level 10 Harley.
He was amazing and I'm sad knowing the next one I get will be no where near that.
don't remind me
side note but ppg has the bug where some moves don't count as dealing damage so not all of them are actually that bad
no excuse for 0 ringouts though these girls kill like crazy
I just found out that if you hold up the moment you do the PPG's side dash they'll go up into the air at an angle.
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btw i finished the pic
how long has this fucking game been out? why am i still randomly losing stocks to desync???
Wish I was in his place.
That's pretty based.
>velma and finn sfw
where's the other version
Wish I was in her place.
Is ajax autistic? why does he only communicate in gifs?
on my twitter
holy shit I've had more connection issues in the past 3 days than I had on season 1 launch
sometimes the game just freezes up for 30 whole seconds but continues the match and makes me watch it in low fps stuttery nonsense
What do you want? An actual marketing team that properly hypes up what they're working on and posts stuff they've made themselves to promote the game?
How the fuck are you supposed to freeze Beetlejuice in the rift event?
Equip the Blossom gem and spam jab 1
just the first punch?
If wonder-woman was a man and steve wasnt gay, no one would be complaining about them being broken
Yeah, the mini-Blossom has some delay between ice breaths and that's the most efficient way to build stacks
Thanks, that worked like a charm.
minecraft steve is gay?
black adam is homophobic and male and we hate him
Is your game clashing a lot this season?
yeah, it still crashed before but now it seems more frequent
yes and disconnecting a lot, especially when im winning in ranked
>especially when im winning in ranked
conspiracy theory: there's people with lag switches in this game because this happens to me too
remember when we had cinematics in s1
what happened with that
Too much stuff left to fix.
>"fix" problem
>release new Season or Mid Season patch
>"refix" problem
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Yeah, like "fixing" PvP BP XP so now I get less of it for actually playing the fucking game than AFKers did the last 2 seasons.
What the FUCK were they thinking?
it's the worst it's ever been for me
>want to have a jolly ol' time
>start up mvs
>queue up
>get match
>game crashes
>jolly ol' time
pops confirmed
I hate the golden drumstick ones
Pick the iron giant if you have him, it's what I always do for those and end up racking 30,000+ treasure because of his multi hit attacks and giant booty
okay, how do you silence people in the PPG rift?

It's the PPG treasure rift, I'm getting a gorillion gems easily but the leg refuses to drop.
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>hardstuck in silver one
>make it to where im about to rank up to gold after 1 more win
>go on an epic lose streak back to bottom silver 1

i think im done for today, i will try again tonight i guess
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I am in the zone.
And I'm glad they finally fixed the match history on this site.
>Lose first Ranked match
>Win the second
>Teammate leaves the set
>-1 RP
This is more insult than injury, but it still hurts.
This is exactly why I was having trouble getting to Gold the other night.
fuck me dead, just need one more star to finish the PPG rift but it's impossible to silence people and the horror node is absolute fucking bullshit
>Same thing happened again, only we lost the first round and then won the second round
>+20 RP
What even is this system bro
>it's impossible to silence people
Yeah, I just used Agent Smith on the stages where I could pick my character, but for the stage where you fight Marvin, you have to play as the Girls, who I don't think has a silencing move? I tried using the Bubbles companion, since her thing is a sound attack, and the Blossom and Buttercup companions work for freezing and igniting foes, but that seems to not be what to do. I'm at a loss.
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how is this fucking stage still in ranked
Both of the nodes where you need to silence someone are PPG only.
I hate everything about this stage from the source material to how it plays, why the fuck does space jam 2 (one of the worst movies of the decade so far) get 2 stages?
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>pedophiles can just play with one hand mashing down attack and dash attack all fucking game and become unapproachable
doxx ppg mains
send the feds to the houses of ppg mains
search the harddrives of ppg mains
put ppg mains in the same prison cell as a guy who lost his daughter
the jab spamming jack and the dash attack spamming ppg player jerking each other off
Then how was I able to use Agent Smith on one of them?
i understand pedophiles have 15 IQ points at best so they can't handle anything more complicated but what the fuck.
I wanted raven and starfire not these puff brats
Steven isn’t gay he has a poo gf that is cucking him in college but he isn’t gay
Complain about Nigbia, not the girls.
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Finally got my golden ranked golden power puff girl cunny today, feels good man
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>37% wr
holy shit you're really bad
this is the guy that everyone keeps making posts about throwing their games
playing for the first time again after playing like a week in the prerelease. Jason seems fun is he good for a main? also when the f do will they nerf powerpuffgirl's juggling
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Fuck you, nubia is a beautiful woman she just needs her sex hair skin and she’ll be fine
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last night i stayed up late playing multiversus and then i had a dream where i let a really cute futa girl fuck my butthole with just her tip and i rode her cowgirl style and it felt amazing what was this trying to tell me about the powerpuff girls?
That they've all got huge, monster shlongs.
get on it, thread artists
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better sell more reindog skins.
eh, I would
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Your mileage may vary. Jason is hard to main, but he's pretty good if you focus entirely on whiff punishing your opponent. Don't trade with anyone ever, you will always lose.
how have faggots still not learned that you need to always be hitting the giant and just ignore whatever their teammate is doing
>plat iii puts me in the top 50 jasons in 2v2
jasonbros... are you still playing...?
nevermind didn't see this >>495214851, hope to join you in master soon jasonbro, i peaked at the same spot i'm in now last season but i feel better about climbing this season as i started after they fixed Bo3s
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How would you feel if he became his own character like Nubia?
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Troona the mod team needs a new tranny now it’s your chance, just don’t go around punching babies
I was going to complain about unrelated flags but I guess this is the one time where the tranny flag fits.
I grew up with gremlins and honestly this would be the worst pick for the game ever, I'm content with just Gizmo and Stripe and it should stay that way. Add other 80s movie classics.
>spamming the tranny flag emoji after what happened
i really wanted brain gremlin in this game and this would honestly suck huge dick, he should just be a skin. gizmo and stripe are the only character representation that gremlins needs. if anything they should add the other gremlins 2 mogwais as gizmo skins
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Patch tomorrow. Probably fixing PPG's broken perk.
>about to hit masters
>pfg sends in the plat 5 default perkers for every match
ohhhh you're so funny tony
Remember when the shills kept saying PFG couldn't just update the game whenever?
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>Yes I will make it everyone's issue that I'm leaving the game
>6 marvins
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Pretty mixed. I love Brain Gremlin and he's been my most wanted skin since before Stripe even released so him being upgraded to his own character would peak my interest. But I also already really like how Stripe plays so I definitely would just rather him remain a skin for Stripe.
I'm getting real fucking sick of waiting for him to drop though, his voicelines have been in the game for ages and we still haven't even gotten a look at the skin at all. I was hoping he'd drop in the prestige store this season to coincide with the Gremlins stage but it seems I'll just have to wait and pray he comes next season.
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Is playing on a controller really an advantage? my old one broke months ago and I've been playing with my keyboard ever since but now that I actually found the one I was looking for (xbox 360, intact and wired) I don't know if I want to relearn the controls all over again. pic unrelated
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When are they going to give him an actual good skin instead of a recolor?
The girls are happy to see you like their comeback, MVPs!
What’s on the shop?
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>Jack has a taunt where he puts on the blindfold from the archers episode and it stays on
Shit like this keeps me coming back despite the game being held together by glue and duct tape
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>400 dmg in ffa
>400 dmg in pvp
they really want us to play ffa
Why are Bugs Bunny mains like this?
Despite any lack of knowledge on balance, they give a shit about their characters and want to make things feel like more than just corporate cameos
He could be a finn man
I mean they could have named the PPG somersault what they named it in the show so it's kinda spotty where they put their care
One of the top players (g3) plays with keyboard
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Played alot of PPG yesterday, they're REALLY fucking tough but it's SO satisfying if you can full off a proper conbo with them and actually follow up launching an opponent into the air.
I've gotta learn to approach in the air more too... Side B in addition to nair is *really* good... I WILL get good with them dag gum it
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Alternatively, when are they going to give him the one simple recolor he SHOULD have?
I'll give them credit by saying that the visuals of a move, or it existing to begin with, are a touch more important than whatever you call it in the isolated move list menu.
i agree, i think it's just a personal hang and from being spoiled in smash
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>mfw my sketch request gets fully coloured
This is how I win
daily reminder*
Good collab
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Very good but i would have put a scooby snack pattern in the panties
Post it somewhere I don't have to log in to see
It'll be worse when Marceline drops. I'm still waiting for a Fionna skin or a milk man Jake skin
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Daily Deals
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brehs... what did bubbles mean by this
god damn women are so cringey
I made one of those too a while back.
>ppg win screen doesn't have whatever girl you finished as in the middle
bothers me more and more every match
Jason in DBD feels inevitable (I'm sure he'll be in the next Fortnite Halloween event, too). R.I.P. the Friday the 13th game, though, I had so much fun fucking people over just to stay alivem. It's probably one of the only dead games I truly miss, along with Evolve and Bleeding Edge
I didn't play much of Friday the 13th The Game but when I did, I was in a match with a hacker griefing and playing as a black girl and there was an actual girl in the game getting pissed and calling them a nigger
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i also made a meme for all the gamers
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woo, go shark go!
also yay free toast.... yay....
Fionna's not being a skin, that'd be retarded. She's guaranteed to be her own character.
man when the fuck are they gonna add camp crystal lake as a stage
or a pamela voorhees announcer pack
i was thinking to put scooby simbol but
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This popped up in my shop, looks like we'll be able to buy the BTAS skin with the event currency for batman's 85th anniversary
>lebron on enemy team
>your partner runs into every attack to give him infinite balls
so sick of the shit saying ppg is op they are literally one of the hardest fuckers to perform well with in the game
just dash attack it's free
Yeah, and the samurai batman skin too.
Pretty cool, I just hope they'll handle the event well..
Maybe you're just bad
Just nair lmfao
we're talking about ppg not harley
You're a retard if you think harley's nair is even CLOSE to how fucking disgustingly broken ppg nair is right now
Amazing doodle.

Speaking of Sharks. I could have sworn I had Shark Hat Shaggy from the event but that seems to be removed from the game. Am I crazy that I unlocked it or was it never available. I did the Rift vs Shark Shaggy and he still has the shades on.

I don't want to imagine they have still been unable to fix Shaggy having both Shades and Shark, and that they simply removed the costume from the game instead of fixing it.
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I really what is going on in PFG's mind, he has been bottom tier since relaunch, he only needed buffs and a nerfs to chaingrabbing on grounded walls.

But this got fixed by teching and ranked not having stages with grounded walls (who cares about casuals).

And then the nerfs came, and more nerfs and more nerfs, 2 whole seasons of nerfs, and then season 3 came and guess what his grab is now useless you can't jump, can't wall bounce on ranked, can't use platforms, people can now mash out in less than a second, and can't even suicide even when DK can Kirby can do it in Smash.

Granted, now he gets disjoints in his up attacks (they also nerfed the knockback on these moves), but he should have gotten them without all the previous nerfs. He only needed disjoints in his up and side attacks and some kill power on his normal moves and that's it, but they hate this character for some reason.
And then we have Wonder Woman who gets all the buffs in the world and always dodges nerfs
ppg nair doesn't ringout
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Well the stage is in the works, no clue when they'll actually drop it
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I don't know what the people here are saying, you're right.
I believe there were some rifts were you could borrow shark hat chars, maybe you are thinking of that.
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best one so far
bless ye
>no pubes
Excellent work all the same
Jake is very cheesy and they're still scarred from how Beta Jake literally ruined the game for casuals AND competitives. They're trying to find a sweet spot since Jake was still bullshit with his bite move. That move was a war crime.
minecraft vibes...
The thing is Superman can do the same (and Jason somewhat too now), and it's worse since he can carry you from center stage to offstage with the floaty jabs, and can put you on the same 50/50 situations (even without the grab) when he gets you on the cliffs, but Superman is more popular and has more vocal users so he has never been nerfed.
>make battle pass xp per match damage based
>still cap it at 25 and 50
PPG has now exceeded 10,500 unique players in 1v1 Ranked. A solid amount of players, I would say.
they shadowdropped a karate skin for tom and jerry, better get it before they lock it behind a LEGENDARY VALUE bundle
anon that's in the battlepass
>Don't trade with anyone ever
oh.. well that's one thing solved lol. I guess i'm just suppose to hit and run with him? i played him for like 30 games he seems fun but i'm getting juggled
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The powerpuff girl's whole SHTICK is juggling, take that away and they've got nothing.
Also Jason is really fun, make constant use of his teleport to get behind your opponents (the perk isn't necessary) and go for his bread and butter when you can: side attack, side attack, side special.

Signed, a Jason main trying to get into the PPG.
*shits myself*
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>just 4-0'ed a team in ranked
>get winning hit on enemy
>hear the rumble and sound effect of hitting
>they take no damage or knockback
>lose game a few seconds after
This is definitely a new glitch. I've had this happen with smith's agent throwing the enemy to me, hitting them with the up normal and them just staying in place with 0 knockback. If anything they got negative knockback because they tech right after
No, Superman can't do that. The closest thing to it got removed from the relaunch. Jake's bite did it in one move and could insta suicide with it. Superman's is a 50/50, not remotely the same.
so can we get our weekly missions fixed before the week is over pfg
When did they say that and where?
Anon you can bind grabs to 1 button...
And Superman can grab without suiciding too...
And 50/50 are the point of grapplers....
And killing jakecide is like killing Kirby/DK/KDDD suicide moves
And Superman hasn't been touched at all even if he can center/offstage carry into 50/50s...
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Maybe tomorrow with the update.
This just means that Multiversus will have to steadily earn good will and players back and keep fixing the game rather than forcing artificial growth. Similar to how Brawlhalla was small and got shitted on by every single person (can't even play matches for XP to this day lmao). MVS could rise again through good word of mouth starting with Season 3.
Because, again, 50/50s don't mean shit. Jake's shit is guaranteed, no 50/50 required during bite's peak. None of Supes shit is comparable to Jake's bite having true combos and cheesing early kills with way less reads and commitment than Supes grabs. Superman's grabs are standardized and no different from Smith, Jason, PPG, etc command grabbing you or getting hit by a stray move near the blast zone by the entire roster. Jake's bite move was objectively a tier above the rest. It's why it got touched while others didn't.

Comparing his Jakecide move to Smash is laughable when Smash itself has nerfed suicide type moves time and again. Kirby and DDD can't safely combo into their inhales and DK's grab is like Superman where it's a read and commitment. If Supes fails his grab confirms he's in a worse spot than if Jake fails his bite cheese. Bite was a stupid strong move and far too centralizing.
Can't remember where exactly but it was pretty much in tandem with WB officially buying the PFG studio.
WB bought other studios and still allowed certain 3rd party collabs. Don't get why MVS would be the exception.
i hate harley nair so fucking much
Relaunch Bite was a 50/50 tough, it wasn't a true combo (you could either empty jump, press back, or nDodge), and placed him in a tough spot too specially if he went for Bite wall toss/Jump/Bite (no wall touch so 2 air specials spent).
Welcome to maining the sleepy bag man. Getting juggled is your entire character when you're not on the offensive. Typically when you hit 80% you break out of combos just due to how much knockback you're taking. Jason gets better the higher percent he's at since players will want to get aggressive on you and then you can punish their jump ins.
It wasn't. Jake's bite had ways to essentially confirm it and is faster + less committal than Smash's suicide moves with significantly more reward than anything with Kirby or Dedede. It became an overcentralizing and grime-y move for a reason. It's objectively a tier above the rest of the cast move-wise. Superman can't throw his grabs out the same way as they're laggier and his much bigger hurtbox makes him a sitting duck. Complaining about Superman shows you have zero knowledge about the character and you're just biased toward Jake.
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the ARE going into maintenance mode tomorrow
it doesn't necessarily mean the update's tomorrow, as we've fucking learned... but maybe tomorrow.

Everytime I bring up MVS I ACTIVELY tell people NOT to play it.

Complaining about the XP boost shit of all things is retarded. Rarely anyone cares for that. They should absolutely encourage players to get certain skins it's F2P shit 101. Have you played a single game outside of Multiversus? They have to further justify value of skins somehow.
Just saw the Beetlejuice sequel. Good movie, but I still don't want one on my team.
I genuinely think they somehow managed to implement phantom hits in a patch
Bro just watch this video and you will see nothing for Jake is a true combo, it's all hard reads commitments, same for Superman, obviously I'm gonna be biased towards Jake because he doesn't have a full kit and is bottom tier, but PFG has a clear bias towards every DC character for some reason
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No fuck that, I will complain about it. Just because some mobile games do that shit doesn't mean we have to stomach it. I also play fortnite and they have never done this garbage, and guess what? They're thriving! They're doing REALLY well because all they gotta do is make sure the game is fun and also offer some COMPLETELY OPTION DOESN'T AFFECT GAMEPLAY AT ALL SKINS ON THE SIDE.

And people BUY the skins because they want to customize and express themselves! That's all they need, no XP boost shit!
silence hebrew
Bite was scummier than anything Superman has in relaunch. Jake's bite is more centralizing than any of Supes' grabs.
Im gonna apply to be a multiversus discord mod
It even gets worse with every update
harlot queer vs taz taz wins every time lol
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Brawlhalla doesn't even give you XP for playing matches and that game is also thriving. The only point you have is that the prices are too high. MVS isn't fucking Fortnite. Fortnite doesn't have to make unique characters, that shit is taxing and more costly as shown by the average fighting game, MVS has to do this. Removing basic F2P shit like XP boosts is laughable and shouldn't be changed. You're just being a crybaby at that point. XP shit has proven to work in other F2P games and others even get skins for both expression and to get a bonus in the actual game.
Obviously because Superman has an entire kit not revolving around grab like I mentioned, but still has the option to go for 50/50s chesse, you can even see that in the videos I posted.
Again, 50/50 cheese is irrelevant as everyone in the roster has it and by default, you can get easy "cheese kills" if you hit someone close to the blast zone. Jake's bite was too good, the rest of his kit being bad and needing help doesn't mean bite had to stay and comparing it to Superman or any Smash character fundamentally does not work. Jake breaks fundamental rules of grab/suicide moves. Especially when he DID have true combos into bite, they just got patched out over time.
No. If you want people to play your game, you have to be NICE to players, greedy shit like that will only keep players AWAY from the game.

People have to be comfortable playing the game, you have to be nice or else people will stay away. You advocating for XP boosts says alot about how many friends you have (close to none)
Jake has no other thing than the bite move, people complaining against bite when he is already bottom tier are retarded, he literally is useless now
why her feet out
Wrong. Brawlhalla, League of Legends and countless other F2P shit does comparable things. To whine this hard about it makes you sound retarded. Again, you're right that the prices need to compromise somewhere. But shit like XP boosts needing to be removed just for being mildly inconvenient is retarded. F2P games do shit like this 24/7.

I'm not saying everything should stay the same, faggot. And to preach on what friends I have when you're here crying over the most trivial shit is hypocritical.
Watch the videos he did not have true Bite combos ever since relaunch unless you mean grounded wall chaingrab that only worked in preranked stages.
And if you bring that everyone can do 50/50s to the table then you gotta put active frames into the conversation since for example Superman can 50/50 with way more active frames due to nAir/sAir special and an additional 50/50 with air up Special grab.
I still fail to see what is your argument as to why he breaks the rules of suiciding, since you can't combo into it, wastes specials, people can mash out of it, and it doesn't work in half the cast due to bigger models not going into the blast zone.
Anyway my point is that Superaman has a kit, can do essentially the same with more active frames/knockback but hasn't been touched
Yes he did, you posting random videos doesn't change that. Jmxfia comboed into Jake bite constantly and/or got an unbalanced reward for landing bite. Jake's bite is a fast move with the mash being very favorable towards Jake to the point he could walk off stage all the way down into the blast zone. And it kills good in general, no suicide move does the shit Jake's bite does.
>My point is
Your point is dogshit. Superman objectively cannot do the same shit. It's way more of a commitment than Jake's grab and you already conceded on that front. Superman is not remotely comparable and it's why he and countless others aren't touched. They're more healthy and balanced than Jake was.
Shitty cancer moves should be tweaked regardless of them being bottom tier or not. Just compensate Jake elsewhere.
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Screw you for playing devil's advocate, you fool, you dumb-ass.
You are the reason this game will not get better, you and similar fools that think horrible wounds aren't worth immediate attention. This is the reason wh

We have literally seen how grindy events can be without XP boosts, how many matches they expect you to play and win in a short amount of time, and how the vast majority of players wouldn't be able to do it. You have no empathy, you don't see things from other people's eyes, you can't understand why SO MANY PEOPLE have dropped the game, hence your lack of friends.
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that wasn't so bad back to the mains
Kek. I literally agree that the game should tone it back with the greed. It's just the XP stuff is harmless and never a big criticism for anyone. It's always the monetization and overpriced shit, I already said to agree with you where it mattered multiple times.
>SO MANY PEOPLE have dropped the game
They didn't drop it from XP events. Shit that becomes easier with daily and weekly missions. They left because the game is buggy, unbalanced, overpriced and simply not fun at the time due to all sorts of clunkiness in the gameplay (we didn't even have proper momentum until this patch).
Guh, alright. I understand. I'm being kind of RIDICULOUS AND ANGRY right now.
>Anon posts detailed reasoning
>Comparisons to Superman
>Clear points
>Other anon straight ignores everything said before
This is why you never listen to anyone trying to gut a low tier
Is there really a nigga here complaining about fucking Jake of all things?
insane to complain about a fucker you only see 1/100 games
Reminder that Jack still has a degenerate air grab and was armored last season
Jason has one armored air grab too but he needs it
Don't hate me
Jakecide literally doesn't work in more than half the cast man, if you have a hurtbox bigger than Velma you are fine, they can mash to get out, or mash jump to avoid the suicide near the blast zone, bite can also trade, has the range of a jab, spends an air special and can't be comboed just hard read.
You can combo into bite what planet do you live on
Don't reply to him it's useless he probably just hates Jake
jakefags stay seething
Only skateboard into bite (not the third hit anymore), other than that if you want to cheese you can't
>Literally only 1 (one) Jake hater
>It's the troon
literally everyone who played beta hates jake
granted this thread isnt exactly rich with people who actually play the game so
And jab/nair and upb/upair 1 I'm pretty sure work too

How am I hating are you retarded or something
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Still pissed that your irrelevant lolibait's still an assist trophy, Ashleyfag?
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I got over it a long time ago
it's been long enough, the sting wore off and now i just feel bad for the sods.
We need our own Vergeben.
I played a lot of Beta and I don't give a fuck if he was annoying then, it doesn't mean you kill him now
I don't see anybody crying about Velma even though she was the face of Beta
Nope, those didn't work, on the air combos the enemy had to fall or not side/up dodge to work, and you can't even try to do it now due to the bite jump nerf, and for jab nair, nair didn't combo too even with dodge cancel, unless I'm imagining different stuff
Yeah but Jake is shit tier now and he got his only move busted, there is literally no reason to hate him
Way more kill potential on neutral hammer since it's long wind up
Up kill potential needs 10% more to be comparable to other characters.
Down special needs to be faster to make it more reactionary.
Needs something to reliably counter Taz tornado that's not on cooldown/put that on cooldown
-Reduce the whiff animation on sleeping bag down to something that isn't fucking absurd.
-Remove his disjointed hurtboxes
-make *teleports behind you* consistent. There is a lot to like about this from a theoretical standpoint, but 9 times out of 10 it sticks you in front of them and directly into an active hitbox.

-Make neutral special projectiles come out way faster and recharge way faster
-Make her grounded up special do literally fucking anything else. If I had to try to fix it as is, make it not have a cooldown at all, or make its area of effect MUCH larger (and reduce its cooldown)
-Aerial up special: increase hitbox size and vertical movement from using it.
-Side special removed and replaced entirely. If I'm forced to make this garbage work, give it armor and make it kill early. It would literally still be bad, but it would be something I guess.
-Down special cooldown reduced by like a minute or whatever the fuck, I can't remember how long it is these days but I know it is still way too fucking long for no adequate reason. Even with the bandaid patch of giving it an off-cooldown move, it is still shit.
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>>more killing power
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>Bigger hitbox on flashlight, it's fucking tiny
>Bigger hitbox on lightbulb, it's fucking tiny and has less killing power than Harley/Morty/Bugs up attacks.
>Less wonky hitbox on the camera, place it more below her so you don't have to be fucking inside the enemy for it to hit
>Faster charge on neutral attack. The megaphone is so fucking slow and has zero range if you don't hold it for a considerable amount of time.
Cope. Your toxic trash move got nerfed and there's nothing you can do about it. Trying to drag down other healthier characters is laughable. The detailed reasoning was a disingenuous nothingburger down to trying to compare to characters much healthier than Jake. Superman and the Smash-suicide characters are not comparable to Jake. If nerfing a single broken move is "gutting them" then they deserve to be gutted and reworked. Supes is more fair than Jake and it's why he didn't get touch. Crying why they didn't gut a character who isn't over centralized nor have a move anywhere near gimmicky broken as bite is laughable.
Because Velma doesn't have an overcentralized tool. She got gutted then rebuilt into something much more healthy. Jake needed to be the same way. Not just keeping terrible unbalanced moves just because they're low tier. That's how you get design disasters like Little Mac.
Thank god I don't give a shit about autistic garbage like this.
>She got gutted then rebuilt into something much more healthy
>He thinks Velma is healthy
>This is the guy that thinks Jake needed to be gutted
Both Bottom tiers
>Supes is more fair than Jake and it's why he didn't get touch
>They nerfed the low tier and didn't nerf a popular character despite clearly having some bullshit like zoom punch, and up special to up attack, up special spike, grab, jab loops that carry you offstage etc
Oh, the WW/Jack treatment
Just found out that Batman can’t be in that new Penguin show because of some capitalist bullshit that happened 60 fuckin years ago with Fox(Disney) still owing the rights to the Adam West show or some shit. So if WB still can’t afford to get the rights back to use a live action version of their most marketable character they own, what makes you think they can afford to make this game any better than what PFG is doing right now, let alone who they can be able to use in the future because of some minor copyright nonsense from a century ago?
Seeing the power piff girls on your team is demoralizing.
It's not a matter of being unable to afford it, it's just a matter of WB execs being brain-dead retards who can't make the right decision most of the time. Knowing Zazlav, the modern WB boardroom probably thinks there's nothing profitable in a live-action Batman focused TV show.
Superman also has
>Armored normals and specials
>A grab that lasts forever and can be movement influenced
>A campy wall grab
>Eyelasers that can skip neutral and can combo from far away
>And freezebreath that has a ton of range and slows you and freezes you, nerfed just this season
>Normals that last a ton and vacumm you from behind
People only sleep on Superman because of S+ tiers he is also broken
Counterpoint: Well of course he's S tier, he's Superman.
>Play as a low tier character
>In 2s
>Match starts
>Goes to take a piss
>Team doesn't carry
>We lose
>Report him
SORRY!!!!! I'll learn how to kick butt with them properly!
This would be hot if it was yuri.
To keep it in topic Jack does everything Jake does but better, there is a clear agenda against Jake
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Love beetlyjuice
Where's my Lydia fighter Tony...
The S stands for SEX WITH REINDOG
I'd say not having a stage-wide megaphone is pretty fucking healthy lmao.
All of that shit gets counterplayed by basic fucking game mechanics. Armor breaker moves are literally baked right into the kits with even more armorbreaking perks. His "campy wall grab" gets counteracted by the constant nerfs to ledges.
>Vacuum you from behind
Disingenuous, the entire roster has ridiculous hitboxes and hurtboxes.
Literally nothing you listed is bullshit. Zoom punch can be interrupted easily and basic combos isn't bullshit. Get better at the game, Superman at the absolute best is just a noob stomp character. Nothing in his kit overcentralizes matchups the same way Jake's bite did.
>The autist is back
>Autist complains about a "busted" move
>Doesn't complain about other "busted" tech
>In fact defends said busted tech
My only reasoning to this tells me this is a Superman main, but I refuse to think Superman mains are this retarded
Harley upsmash doesn't kill until 78 WITH STICKY BOMB and 138 without

Velma's kills at 108 raw

You are an absolutely dsingenous nigger and I will not tolerate such harley slander your move kills 30% earlier and you want a buff fuck you
Bonus: velma upb into upair kills at 66 too so even with bomb harley can't compete with a basic 2 hit velma combo

Reminder that you're a nigger and harley isn't as good as you think she is
wow, he's still trying to pretend like Harley's weak
>Troon opinion
>Harley Main
Also velma downsmash into camera up air kills at fucking 52 and is all true combo so don't ever say harley's up attacks are stronger than velma's ever again alright
Imagine comparing Harley to Bottom Tier Velma
Well his whole life is centered around lying, so it makes sense.
My issue isn't Jake's move being "busted" is that it was an over centralizing move that wasn't healthy for the game. Jake's bite wasn't a fucking skill tech, cheesing with suicide kills is cringe.
>First Jake complaining
>Now Velma complainin
>Literal bottom tier complaining
Can you both faggots go away?
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They ran out
you'll be able to get it for free soon.
>Trying to level up through Gold rank
>Constant stream of stillborn-tier teammates
>Constant stream of turbo controller cheese strat-spamming enemy teams
I thought this wasn't supposed to be this painful until at least Platnum, what the hell.
None of the percents I stated are lies I did all of them in lab vs shaggy with standard perks
>I did all of them in lab
Uh-huh. And you were actually born a woman, right?
I tought Luna was the mad troon mod that caught hitting babies
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It's tricky getting used to the girls' different properties... Maybe getting used to one at a time would be the key to getting good with them? There's aLOT to learn...
There are literally maybe four or five balanced characters in this game. Rick, Reindog, Lebron, Garnet, and maybe Smith. Everyone else is overpowered (as in, 90% of the remaining characters), or underpowered.
I believe those are the mid/no sauce tier characters aside Garnet who is actually a menace on the right hands, everyone else in the list has to work for their kills/dont have a Shaggy side special tier move.
>Harley upsmash doesn't kill until 78 WITH STICKY BOMB and 138 without
Alright fair but counter point, Harley's bat hitbox is fucking GIGANTIC and it stays active for a very decent amount of time. Velma's Lightbulb hitbox is literally only the size of the lightbulb and it will not hit an enemy unless it is literally inside of them AND the hitbox doesn't linger for the whole duration the lightbulb is visible over her head only the exact moment it spawns. It is VERY precise compared to other up attacks, I definitely think Morty's up attack is just Velma's lightbulb but bigger and with more kill power.

Also I used to main Harley so I know she isn't godtier, but her hitboxes are a shitton better than Velmas.
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Is there a tierlist?
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And velma proof as well look how much lower these percents are

plus u can easily combo into the downsmash with her jab
>Comparing a move that is meant to be utility to a move that is meant to be a normal
>Comparing a super active and wide hitbox startup move to a move that has a tiny hitbox and you can literally see phasing into characters due to no active frames
>Comparing a low tier to a high tier
Goddammit Troona
brawlhalla has fast paced good gameplay and mods to actually make the game feel alive
>comparing a charged attack to an attack that can't be charged
Not a very fair comparison, I was talking about Velma upair and Harley's upair special (I'm not great with the terminology).

If we're comparing Velma's grounded upair to Harley you'd be better off comparing it to Harley's grounded upair, not her special.

Also keep in mind that Velma's lightbulb hitbox is fucking TINY. You have to be right in your enemy's face for it to hit them on the ground, the times you'll actually have time to charge it fully are basically only when you're juggling an enemy trying to come back to the ground.
There's a small MVS Discord channel I'm in (less than 100 members) who's also a troon who downplays his overpowered main
Genocide all troons
>Comparing a move that is meant to be utility to a move that is meant to be a normal
Not only that plushie is meant for skipping neutral getting free dodges
Meant to say "that also has a troon who" etc.
Also he plays WW
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I did both are you retarded or did you just not read the twitter thread
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WW downplay is intolerable that whole has been S tier since day 1 of beta unlike harley who was good in beta and has been nerfed every patch since then and gutted in the most recent patch
My first mahou shoujo anime. Good memories.
I assume this was not very popular back then because it's pretty much dead and I never see anyone talk or remember about it at all.
Truly I can't comprehend how PFG has looked at Shaggy's charged side special launch you directly upwards instead of diagonally for 5 seasons straight and not seen how stupid of an idea that is.
>nerfed every patch
>was actually buffed several times
i can't tell if you're retarded or baiting at this point, but you are definitely a pretty stupid nigger
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YAY! First game I went through where I actually felt useful!
Only buffs she got are new universal mechanics the whole cast recieved this patch literally just added lag to hammer & upsmash and made upsmash's hitbox dogshit and unusable
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Imagine the timeline where this came out and they’re skins
I feel like dying off cringe just by looking at these stacies pretending to be PPG.
They definitely did something. I've had a few games where I hit a fucker and nothing happens or they just get 0 knockback.
Harley Quinn

Ground Up Attack
+ Hitbox added to Harley’s hip


Ground Dash Attack
+ First hits more reliably combo into final hit
Air Side Attack 1
– Second hit knockback scaling reduced to 1 from 8
This should help the attack link better into air side attack 2 against enemies with high damage

buff plus a "nerf" that's actually just a buff

Ground Up Attack
+ On-hit branch window advanced 6 frames
Ground Down Attack
+ Maximum movement from charge increased 5%


i'm not even going back deeper than this you're clearly just fucking stupid and beyond help
>Buttercup, who tends to be the most angry and violent of the girls, is always the one who is made black in different PPG interpretations
What do they mean by this
Imagine if Velma and Jake had this much love
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I feel like I'm really getting the hang of playing with the girls! Zooming around the stage feels so awesome, and the combos feel so GOOD!
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Why do Jack players constantly just side special across the stage at a fucking snails pace when its obvious that you're not doing anything to help us win the game

Why are Jack players only ever high tier players when they aren't on my team
i would be perfectly content if all my jack allies just spammed side special nonstop and somehow i get the ones that don't
>That wasn't trolling (eye emoji) (eye emoji)
What does this mean
I refuse to get on the stupid retard ride... Oh shit, I don't know, maybe it's his birthday or something. Maybe some character's birthday that they're gonna add in the near future of several months from now?
Probably refering to the apple tweet
I'm guessing before Oct31 Marcy will be released
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>Four days into Season 3
>They still haven't updated the website
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Remember last Season where they'd announce their events started days after the fact?
Dead game.
>tranny is feverishly posting in thread
>gets btfo
>instantly stops
el oh fucking el
lol. Nintendo cracks down on mods and Smash is not fast paced in Brawl, 4 and even Ultimate. MVS has been a lot more fun lately and sets good precedent for future improvements. A few more patches and this game will actually have a sustainable future.
All righty MVPs it's time to find out which Warner character was created yesterday.
It doesn't mean anything because this retard cannot market shit properly.
How far do we need to reach to pretend like the FOX cartoons that air on Adult Swim technically count as eligible for the game.
I want Hank's house as a stage, it would be funny.
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fuuuuuuck that, we already have a good idea of who's coming next for the next few seasons. I REFUSE to play charades with AJAX.
Okay but if you DID play charades it would look like this:

I hate this so much
It's the best right? Classic Ajax, always three stepds ahead of us.
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craig did it himself in kid cosmic (even got the actual ppg voice actors to play them)
I don't know what's worse
Buttercup being blackwashed or the girls becoming feds
Bro why the fuck would I read twitter, this is 4chan
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i know they're like half plastic at this point but both her and EG Daily are just sex
We should start a fund to send LunaLux and Jake hater to outer space for having the worst opinions in the general
PPG is honestly the best designed and most balanced character PFG has created
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>played with a PPG partner that ladder'd a WW twice
>WW suicides
Free points!
>smith taps jab button
>circle around him instantly becomes a hitbox that stuns you for five years
really glad they buffed this nigger
Namefags tend to have the worst takes ever. I wonder if they do it on purpose.
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I agree, they're so fun and it really feels like you EARN a victory when you win with them, it's all VERY satisfying and cool.
they feel a teensy bit overtuned in some areas, dash attack kills a lot better than it has any right to but overall they lack any braindead "just spam this fucking move" options that makes them way more tolerable than bullshit like jack
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I love how their side special also helps punish the side-specials everyone calls cancer, it's very fun just punishing Jacks for being brain-dead
dash attack is really short and at least on controller its a pain to input so its overrated
yeah maybe I should bind dash attack to a button or something 'cuz it's not something I end up using alot.
emotes are weirdly small on the girls
>log in
>still don't have any weeklies
>only got 4 dailies today, just like s2's early bugged days
Would it kill these retards to actually test their game even once before dropping big patches? EVERY SINGLE FUCKING UPDATE, something breaks.
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Went ahead and submitted my FTC report.
k bud
Rude. That's gonna hurt Tony's feelings when he finds out
He was unironically shilling for Nubia with the apple tweet. Proof? A fucking upcoming food emote for Nubia where she turns an apple into stone.
is there even a character as unfun to fight as morty
even when you beat him it's just aggravating to do
The only character I've felt dread going up against is Joker, but even then I can overcome him if I try.
i don't even dread morty he's just really fucking aggravating to fight win or lose
I hate Black Adam more. The nerfs made him a little less annoying though.
Morty is very annoying yeah, both in 1v1 and 2v2.
I was going to wait for the update today before I started grinding ranked again....

Maintenance is soon, dummy.
You all know reindog is male right
not soon enough, desu
>PPG gets added
>thread becomes gayer
this shit will get worse after they add RWBY
>but overall they lack any braindead "just spam this fucking move
I took them to masters and this is wrong, dash attack is insanely braindead
it's fast, covers a good distance and thus catches landings, combos at basically any % that isn't kill % (at which point it kills, obviously), being able to continue mid-air gives it good edgeguarding or platform extensions, can be aimed up or down while moving - it just does fucking everything. Seriously, if you want to win with PPG, just spam this move.
I don’t care that Jake is shit tier because I still find him very annoying to play against. His Fair will always be disgusting no matter many times they nerf it
This but for Taz. He is beyond annoying in 2v2. Party mode ass character.
>loved taz in beta and was excited to use him now when surely they will make his kit less overcentralized
>it is 10 times more overcentralized
>now my least used character
i want to use more than 3 moves damnit
I CANT FUCKING WAIT! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCl9lU9_tZY&ab_channel=I%27mStrange

threads will be fucking lit next year lol
This, I dropped him after he lost his apples.
warner bros sold off RWBY to viz media after rooster teeth died. it's not happening anymore
has the maintenance started yet?
The sad thing is you're very likely right.
ruby rose confirmed for dragon ball super?
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Thank god that live action powerpuff girls show never came out, they are gonna show up again in that jellystone special to beat up the reboot ppg

A ppg and ppgZ crossover would be a way better way to appeal to japan than that literally unwatchable rick and morty anime
what's the point of garnet's ground up special?
A Black Adam main is talking. Now is the time to listen and learn.
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I'm looking forward to the girls getting all kinds of outfits... I'll nab em all.
Especially the ppgZ one, pic related, a legendary "deja vu" one with evil voice lines, their pajamas, swimsuits... Gweh, I hope they fix the prices though.
>I'm looking forward to the girls getting all kinds of outfits
Well keep looking forward because characters rarely get outfits and mostly just recolors.
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Grim af if true. PPG and Rwby were the main reasons I started playing this game.
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patch is up, cant find patch notes anywhere.
>if true
you can literally look it up yourself anon: https://www.viz.com/blog/posts/rwby-finds-a-new-home
So now they will rework her moveset into spinnel, we won!
Are they even allowed to put ppgz stuff since the IP is from japan?
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ya'll got any more ringouts
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Fixes for the Girls
what if pfg made warner tower the worst map in the game to get back at warner bros
>There is an issue where Wonder Woman is reduced in size that was introduced in the season 3 patch, the rescale and size up of Wonder Woman that returns her to her original size will be included in the next available patch.
How the fuck do you accidentally do that?
>WW buffed
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lmao i noticed this immediately in the preview video for that wavelanding shit and posted about it here
as if we needed any more evidence showing the devs dont play their own game
Every time you complain wonder woman will get 3 pixels smaller
Yup, we're the playtesters.
giantess tony voring small wonder woman:
ouggghhh so yummy mmm wonder woman going straight to my tummy
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How retarded of a gay nigger do you have to be to shill an emote for a character nobody gives a fuck about when there's extremely obviously another character with a much more recognizable connection to apples people DO give a fuck about in your game files? I simply can't believe a person can be that useless to society without being literally braindead.
Still no fix for the prestige issue though. Which means we gotta wait another five days for them to fix that shit before we can claim any BP rewards. There’s not gonna be a reason for most people remaining to stay for Season 4 if they keep up with this nonsense.
tony make reindog's ass bigger
so i can hit more downair of course, no other reason
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nubia doesn’t make sense as the apple character because she was already revealed in the ppg trailer
you wouldn’t tease a character you’ve already shown… right?
They break shit constantly then take days to fix issues that already happened. I have no idea what's going on over there.
Prestige issue?
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generous, fern has had an animation bug when the match begins since the start of season 2
My S1 rift badges STILL say 29 boss clears when I have the Matrix Code Agent Smith skin.
2v2 ranked wins still always displays 0
there is still an empty badge called assists that does nothing
it says I have 1v1 ranked wins when I never played 1v1
badges are fucked
How do I get out of jab jab teleport?
just hit jason first and bully him with combos, he's literally a walking fuckhueg hurtbox, with DISJOINTED hurtboxes to boot
t. climbing ranked with jason
>claim free items from the shop weekly
>now they will rework her moveset into spinnel
I hope. Oh man I hope. Spinel would be such an upgrade over Ruby Rose.
loool and they gave out gem xp for one of last season's gems. To be fair I was going to complain about this too but that mission is extra, I got the 2250 xp boost without that one so technically it's a net positive, albeit stupid
Anything would be an upgrade over ruby rose. They could add fred fredburger to this game and I'd say "at least it isn't roosterslop"
i like that i can actually use it as a fucking kill move now, did it all the time during beta but after they fucked up aerial momentum using attacks in the official release i've almost never been able to reliably do it because of how it stalled you the fuck out almost completely
Why spinel? Is RWBY spring like?
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I would be happier with fucking problem solverz rep than ruby rose.
sakurai would make this into an autoscrolling stage and put it in all the promo material
This cartoon and secret mountain fort awesome occupy the same space in my mind
Returning after playing a lot in the beta. I used to be a Bugs main, but now there's so many characters from franchises I like I can't decide who to main.

Who's the best out these:
>Agent Smith
you'll get the most success with jack he's completely braindead
probably not by much, bugs is pretty good too
Samurai Jab backdash to the Jab
Similar weapons, probably easy to repurpose assets to an extent.
Jack can get you far with only jab and side special, it's a shame really because he has a counter attack mechanic and I've only seen one or two guys try to use it in the hundreds of matches I've played against Jacks
Jack and Bugs. No contest.
>easy to use, good
Jack, Bugs
>hard to use, good
>easy to use, bad
>hard to use, bad
Marvin, Juice
>Is RWBY spring like?
no, but she has a scythe
they probably won't be able to reuse much of ruby for her anyway though (assuming they actually started making moves for her) because ruby's scythe is also a gun and spinel's is not
Why do people keep saying Jake is shit when he consistently wins every match I have him in, no matter the format?
You're playing with the last few nigs that love Jake no matter what.
>40 damage arya combo starting with iad nair
>excited to use it against sliding harleyfags
>doesn't work on harley
his highest winrate is 46% across all modes
in unranked 1v1 he is below 40%
he is garbage
I mean, they did that with BJ
Must be a shitload of them, because it's a different name each time.

For there being so many characters in the game, that seems like a pretty good win rate.
thats fucking terrible in any context
but also that site is extremely inaccurate because it only records stats from people who check their page
how the fuck do you deal with ppg on a small ass stage? it feels like they cover almost all the ground and punishing the girl that comes out does literally nothing.
the site is taking into account all players in a particular match though. not just the player being searched.
Jack, Stripe
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bubbles the most powerful power puff girl from the animation according to this video
yeah but that means that any match where all 4 players dont check their stats within 20 games doesnt get recorded, because it records directly from the match history of the players page that is check at the moment it is checked
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should tom and jerry be allowed to be your enemy in ranked?

should jake be allowed to be your teammate in ranked?
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I was about to complain about only getting plus 10 after my first game in diamond, but I think it might be fair this time.
The retard needs attention since he's an objective failure(even in his own mind, there's zero justification to attention whore and seek validation on 4chan of all places).
Am I the only one who doesn't like them trying to shove in the Multiversus theme into every damn song? It's not even that good.
Welcome back, hope you enjoy. Let us know who felt best and your thoughts on the game after returning from so long ago
Can they please give shaggy more combo room so people do something besides side spam
I was expecting a remix of this, they fumbled the bag again
i'm mad we didn't get any of the gremlins music from the NES game
excessive use of a leitmotif is basic subliminal messaging. It's just that some of the people implementing it are more subtle, and some have a good enough jingle you don't mind when you do notice it.
Oh yeah that game has some bangers too
honestly it's kind of cool gizmo's hits the "drums?" from this, thats the one saving grace this game's otherwise mediocre sound design gets.
Gizmo has no paws, has hands a feet you freaks
Yeah, I can see this game making me pissed off to the point where its gonna make me wanna strangle a fuckin baby
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Has anyone made a webm of the PPG's loss animation? I need it, for reasons.
The stage theme sounds like a bootleg that tries and fails to recapture the original's spirit, or more aptly, it sounds like every stage theme in Nickelodeon All Star Brawl.
Voicelines indicated that she had Dust(?) so they either started on her moveset conceptually or mechanically, but they did start in some fashion.
bugs is the only character that is as fast as beta with his down special speed
It's zoophilia, it's not any better if it's female.

It's a bit complicated because of the nature of this game because it's both a team game and also a smash like game, so you have two different perspective coming into place.
I treat this game like I would treat a fighting game and I would say that Jake is decent, not tlaking about winrate or pickrate but more about how he plays and feels as a character, and he is solid, especially when 2v2 exists and it may as well be 1v2 haha. He is a solid character that isn't completely braindead but he has dedicated players, which is why most jakes tend to be good.
For me it's a game that I use to relax. If I want to be annoyed I would play fighting games or something else, but this game is very chill unless you are bad or get incredibly unlucky and the other guy doesn't play at all for like 10 matches straight.
I had a specifically vivid dream that there was a third character announced for this season and that it was Amy from Futurama, and I don't know what my subconscious was trying to tell me with this.
What would this guy's interactions with characters be like?
>punishing the girl that comes out does literally nothing
you dodge through and attack the other two while they're in whiff lag
oh fuck off he can can string together plenty of moves you can literally just mash any button and just keep hitting the enemy the reason shaggy's spam is not because of a lack of options it's because his braindead 100% free wins attract mouth breathing neanderthals to main him like lunalux
That amy from futurama has a giant swinging cock
Write them yourself.
has anyone made it to grandmaster with the power puff girls yet?
Man this gremlin stage is nuts, what does the ranked version look like?
it's not in ranked.
oh thats why i haven't seen it yet
that's fucking gay
it's not like ranked is fair at all with the power diff in characters in this game, just give us all the maps
If you mean here idk, if you mean in general>>495324048
I don't main shaggy I just have a higher winrate with him because he's an actual character and harley's been gutted
Fuck no. Nobody wants your shitty maps in queue.
Oh no. You can’t be carried by a piss easy character anymore so you have to go to another one. The horror
how has she been gutted
no answer lol
Harley is the highest skill ceiling character in the game

Cannot contest space above her at all anymore, which is critical to her advantage state. She basically has to get two hits and run away because everybody can mash out against her especially since the 2v2 meta is all samurai jack and steven every other match. She's absolutely dogshit in 2s right now and has harley specific combos (morty can literally 0td her) because she's lightweight and takes more hitstun and dies faster, so she can't use last stand for free early kills like the rest of the cast

All she has rn is hammer (which has a disjointed HURTBOX so it loses to everything) and confetti sometimes works if your teammate does vertical combos
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I want to cum inside Rein Dog
>Beetlejuice gets a new taunt
>1000 Gleamium
These fuckers don't want my money.
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You and me both brother.
Wow, I knew trannies were delusional but this is a new low
sad no thread artist has the guts to portray this dream
>can't use last stand because she's the same weight as arya
>can't even really utilize the platform perk in its place like arya can
is she really stuck with the +5% speed perk
that's so funny
not to mention his only skin is 2000 tonybucks for no reason
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look at my teammates fucking perks man
>Harley is the highest skill ceiling character in the game

Can Anyone else confirm if this is true? I never got that impression from Harley. She just seemed kinda cheesy sometimes
His is good too. I'd do 5 bucks max.
The rarities make no sense with some stuff like BTAS Batman.
>Can Anyone else confirm if this is true?
It's the first I've heard of it and Lunalux is insanely Harley-biased so take it with a grain of salt.
That’s literally canon in that one genderbent episode
I been using broken wings and it's okay

Harley has to IAD just to attack on the ground because her jab is so dogshit
Where shaggy can just press dodge forward jab, harley HAS to hit a frame perfect diagonal angle dodge attack just to put a hitbox in front of her on the ground and she still gets very little reward from that (fair upsmash isnt true, tight gap and then the follow ups from upsmash are all dodgeable) where shaggy's one jab lands and he gets 70 damage easily or reverse uptilt upb or just upb to kill confirm

Harley has to put in MUCH more effort to get less results and is basically required to read dodge on EVERY interaction (and still just loses to degenerate mash moves like samurai jack air downb anyways so against any character with a fast button that hits below them it's not even a 50/50 she just loses every time)

Everything I say is 100% absolute and correct I have tested all this in lab and 1600+ hours gameplay and I was master 1 last season
idk man. I'm still doing Harley stuff like slide into up normal and some of her hitboxes are questionable at best and ugly at worst. Her double kick still can catch bad dodges too. The only thing wonky is something I feel about the game overall, that it feels a bit unresponsive.

But, I'm still climbing back to diamond so I really haven't been tested yet.
What’s on the shop? I got a stupid weekly that requires me to claim the free stuff from the store but if it’s a gem from last season it won’t let me
Slide kick is not a good move
It straight whiffs on ANYTHING that pulls leg hurtboxes off the ground, like adam nair shaggy's kick, IG nair, ya know these moves that people spam constantly

Fair catches dodges sometimes, but you have to fair late and guess what that loses to? The mash
Harley has to either
1. Attack instantly and lose to dodge and mash
2. Fair late and lose to mash still

See the problem yet?

>Retards still can't place harley correctly
>putting her above top 3 characters
This is a joke lmfao
Hmm who should I trust, a literal pro player and GM, or a tranny who regularly gets beaten by ransoms on 4chan? I think the choice here is clear.
harley has a button that sends her across the stage that makes her totally invulnerable and she can combo everything off of it
Harley doesn’t belong in the game. She represents the worst of modern DC
Damn autocorrect.
>Slide kick is not a good move
I disagree. It's pretty versatile in that you can adjust it's distance, and again, it can go straight into up normal. Most players will try to dodge at that point, so it's an easy read to follow up. Very, very useful against Jacks, too. also bit disingenuous to mention IG, dude is cracked.

I'm not saying some things she does isn't bullshit; I've had many times where I question how did I hit, and I'm playing the girl. But I think she's still in the top echelons of this game.
no, it's the removal of "and the american way" from the truth and justice line
I wouldn't put the banana guy that high, but I haven't used him enough. Aside of that this seems okay, not a bad list.
He got buffed this oatch
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I am the gm pro player

You're actually dogshit if you get hit by charged slide kick it is so easy to react to
Uncharged is still reactable and doesnt cover a quarter of the stage
Neither is invincible and loses to any air move in the game
Stop mashing buttons on the ground

It also only true combos into upsmash, combo into upb is spacing dependent and frame perfect (if you're too close the early frames of up will whiff and you can dodge out)

Slide kick WOULD be a good move if it wasn't extremely easy to react to and punish with anything
If you play against good players you will only hit slide kick when they whiff a very laggy GROUNDED move like adam neutral attack
Which adam players are never gonna press when nair exists and again, slide kick will go under his legs and whiff to get harley hit every time
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Yeahhhhh, I can see the PPG being high tier, they're REALLY good but you gotta get good WITH them first.

They're SHO goo
hmmm.... I wonder if beach giant is worth it.
At least we got some fighter currency
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>PPG high tier
>Jake high tier
Is this guy trying to be stupid?
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We're moving up, Velmabros.
Jake is a solid mid tier but I can see someone making the argument that he is high tier, not top 10 though.
Banana being top tier is so fucking cringe.
I fucking hate the "new" Harley Quinn so much. Can't believe that she's still popular despite being an entirely different and worse character than before.
Is the new Harley even popular? Like actually? I don't really see anyone talking about her except for official DC channels themselves. Far as I can tell, modern Harley is popular in the sense that any other fun Halloween costume is popular whenever October rolls around.
luna you couldn't even get to gm last season lol
I'm pretty sure people think she is cute and that's it.
But that's always been the case, so I don't really know if we can give modern Harley points for that.
Not sure if she's popular, but they keep pushing shit out with her at least. Birds of Prey, her show, I THINK she has a solo? All I can remember is that panel where she's lusting after Billy. According to the wiki she's been on JL team at one point. It's so weird, idk how time works in comics but I'm pretty sure she's killed dozens of kids or something, so it's jarring to see DC trying their damnedest to make her a face of the company

I'm partial to the Harley from White Knight, at least from a design perspective. Haven't read it.
Only Harley that matters is BTAS Harley.
Only because I didn't grind before the rp patch
I had two characters in masters and two more in diamond, and was only a few hundred rp away from gm
If I played ONLY harley the ammount of matches I played would put me easily in top 10 gm
Sucks that they gutted her with terrible nerfs this season tho, she's even worse than she was last season
birds of prey flopped
suicide squad game flopped (and the 2nd movie apparently despite it having good reviews)
don't think she's popular
>you need to get good with the ppg
No you don't, they're broken. They can ToD of off every hit, all of their moves combo into each other, have several unpunishable attacks, most of their moves kill and they're just a big hitbox when spinning. Try garnet, jake, lebron, velma or even arya if you want a character you actually need to get good to win.
She was popular back when she was a slut running after the Cockler's jock, her popularity predictably plummeted with their repeated tries to pull her away from him and give her a strong identity of her own. I mean, I get why they did it, she brought the big bucks so of course they're gonna give people more of her, it's the "change everything about her people liked" thing I'll never understand
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>but I'm pretty sure she's killed dozens of kids or something
I'm surprised that it happened nearly 10 years ago now, but yeah, back in the New 52 Harley put a virus in a not-Nintendo DS game that made them fucking explode, killing both adults and children alike across (I'm assuming) Gotham.

Very heroic, don'tcha think?
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Alright, another season, another master. Taz is really good this season after his buffs, but now it's time to play other characters
She's more standout to people now than she was as a throwaway goon of Joker.
I'll give GunnSquad credit where it's due, it only did poorly because the first Suicide Squad flick was so shit. If the second one was the only one to have released, it'd have broken the box office a few times over.
Show your name tazfag
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no you definitely gotta get good with them... The evidence is everyone sucking with them despite your praises of how broken they are.
Hustle in shambles.
Well I started the season in plat so I haven't seen a bad PPG. They're insane, the best assassin right now.
I mean, the high rank *would* explain your lack of seeing bad PPGs...
Nah son, I've seen terrible shaggys or jacks in diamond, and they're the most braindead character in the game.
Why do retards do tier lists if they havent even booted the game?
Patch notes hasnt mean a thing in a long time
They're not as braindead as Sideburai Jack, but they're not that complex either. Just practice a combo or two and you'll be fine
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unironically people are just overthinking them and gravitating towards any move that isn't dash attack
maybe you're right... They're not THAT bad
These devs are a special kind of retard sometimes.
seeing gizmo feet when he wins :3
I'm still picking the other signature perk anyway
this seems like, one of the first things that you test. like, make sure spamming the move doesn't do some crazy shit
yeah I'm just gonna use the other perk anyway, I like chilling, freezing and burning everyone.
No way! People here told me they're not broken!
>this seems like, one of the first things that you test
Testing? What's that?
As if I didn't need more proof that they don't play their own game
is it possible to remind neutral air special to another key by itself? i'm playing jason it and feels so weird since i'm used to holding down the arrow key
You can use the option to swap it with forward air
They literally don't playtest their game
Let this be a lesson that even having Smash comptards shill your game doesn't mean they actually test it or know how to balance it
Yeah, you can rebind every move to their own key.
You know what this game really needs? A GORILL-ILL-ILL-ILL-ILL-ILL-LA!!
how often do jason mains use the neutral air grab? that's the only attack i don't really use but i feel like i'm missing out
I use it to get back onstage or grab fuckers offstage when they use their resources.
I for one welcome Nubia's inclusion.
where's her bush
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Had to shave in order to join the multiverse.
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Blossom wouldn't say that
everytime I think someone can't be more retarded than PFG the multiversus community proves me wrong
I was reading some comments on the new patch and some people were saying Bugs was trash and needs lots of buffs.
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Batman: Look out! It's evil Gizmo!
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Ahhhhh! Monsters!
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Even though I rage quit a few times, I dont think I had more fun being hardstuck in gold 3 all day as much as I did today in multiversus playing with the ppg. Good new fighters, very fun, i get lots of kills with them, but i cant good a good win streak going which is why im stuck in gold 3, (fucking fix ranked already this is bullshit) but they are fun and they do get decent kills.gg pfg, gg. will grind some more tomorrow.
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Are they real monsters?
Back to the NASB1 hole with you.
Hear me out: MVS/NASB crossover.
new emote idea: reindog on his back with all 4 legs in the air
then add combo emotes so adding booty shake does it with ass toward the viewer
Allegedly (by papagenos) they turned down spongebob for this game, I don't fully believe it but I've seen spongebob have official collaborations with youtube content farms and PFG is PFG so there's a chance of it being real
Yeah, I'm in Gold III with the girls too, but I think we just gotta practice is all... We'll get the hang of things eventually.
I would say that's retarded, but blossom is cute so that guy is right, infinites on a kusoge like this wouldn't be out of place.
>Back to the NASB1 hole with you.
They cut Oblina? That was like the only deep cut character they had. Wack.
One of you is the dumb pedo with like a 29% winrate or something. That one deserves to be stuck lower.
>the girls in the ppgz outfits
cute, I wish there was a skin for that (or a chibi version of the anime versions, either is fine)
I honestly would love to see the girls in their Z costumes. I would learn how to use it if that was the case.
They have a shit ton more valuable and demanded characters to add than wasting resources on fucking Spongebob.
Like Nubia?
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>Three seasons into MultiVersus Prime
>Still no toast back button
>made a Morty go from playing his character fair and square as fair as Morties can get to spamming earth and grenades exclusively to just standing there hopelessly
The powerpuffies are too fun, I think I might have a new main
>Just have to play safe and we win
>Teammate double jumps into the enemy team for no reason
>i'm at 189% but surely i can outspace the shaggy side special this time
I really want to complete this battlepass this season but xp really sucks right now, there’s nothing to do no events none of the new skins have released besides the ppg one
>The Rowdy Ruff Boys Z exists
i guess i didn't remembered that anime that well.
There has to be some actual mechanical reasoning why nearly every single rematch in MVS ends up having the losing team suddenly become vastly better than they were in the previous round. It happens way too often in both directions for it to just be a skill issue.
The episodes are pretty short and low budget and it probably aired at a weird time so it’s easy to forget

I just watched the original japanese version and all they do after mojo creates them is
>bully mojo
>lift the skirts of the powerpuff girls
>pull down their pants and show their butts to them
>make mojo fight ppg
>call the ppg hags

They don’t get defeated they just leave by their own will to find something more fun to do
like 90% of the time its because you fluked into not having your retarded teammate do something retarded for most of one game
usually this just means you snowballed advantage state after getting the first hit and they staggered respawns and never took stage control and just ate shit
then you try your luck and he returns to the mean of walking into every single possible hitbox he can find
>Marvin and Morty vs Jack and Tom/Jerry
>We lose bad
>Wondering why I'm getting my ass beat while the Morty is doing fuckall
>Results screen
>The Morty did 36 damage
>Multiple Morty badges
Both the Morty and Jack need to drink bleach.
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Zenkai boost
Locked in
They sat upright
Big brother picked up the sticks
They were sandbagging

Take your pick
I wanted to get 2 wins and then peace out
7 fucking losses before 2 wins
Because I'm either stuck with bottom tier shitheads who just looooooves their character or top tier shitheads who have the audacity to have honor and not use cheese strats. Very fun game. I love being stuck with RETARDS over and over and over again. TARDIES over and over and over again.
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Do retarded fanfictions count?
>jack ally
>jack on enemy team
>their jack spams side special, jab and neutral air
>my jack rarely uses side special, tries to counter, uses moves i never realized existed in jack's skillset
>we get utterly steamrolled because i am the only one doing anything meaningful
>my jack has sub 80 damage and 0 KOs
It's the worst fucking thing! You're just watching this asshole play honest because he's worried about what people will think of him when it's like
Hey thanks for being retarded and not taking advantage of your character's best moves teehee
if all my jack and shaggy allies did nothing but their side special it would make every game go so much easier i fucking swear
>only beetle in low
wtf you fags told me he was great
For real! If some of these assholes I'm stuck with did their best moves even a little bit more we'd have it in the bag! Is the fucking self gratulating feeling of playing honestly really that much more rewarding than winning the match?
And it's always my team mate while the enemy Jack uses the most bullshitty strats! God fucking damn it!
>Enemy shaggy just keeps side special-ing across the stage
>It just keeps working out for him
What is it about this one move that keeps making me lose brain cells
*pushes glasses up* Heh, so you noticed...
I used that first match to learn your every move and also give you a false sense of security to make you lower your guard.
Sorry for playing with your feeble mind like that, but you have to be ruthless in this place if you want to reach the top *tips fedora and leaves*
That's it? What a waste. They could have had the Boys and Girls fall for each other and do cute things for an episode.
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Haven't talked about the series symbols since before the relaunch so let me just give what I'd consider the best options.
>Friday the 13th
Jason's hockey mask with a knife stabbed through it.
>The Matrix
Either a bent spoon or a pill.
>Samurai Jack
The painting of Jack's eyes that appears at the end of the episodes.
A tombstone with the winged skull adorned at the top.
>The Powerpuff Girls
The heart pattern shown after THE DAY IS SAVED.
Looney Tunes is the rings logo
looney tunes is a closeup of bugs' ass with backsack
>thread literally stops dead in the water for 40 minutes after this post
I like how absolutely no tierlist agree with each other
No pubes?
other than ww being top 2
yet every patch she escapes nerfs
No, none.
>2 new fighters
>1 and 1/2 new stages
Season 3 is grim
remember when "leakers" said this game was gonna have a new fighter every 2 weeks
To be fair imagine how aids the game balancing would be if we got fighters like Jack, BJ and PPG back to back in between their mid season patch gimmick.
The exact same considering they don't do shit.
Yeah that's for true.
I want to play PPG but I don't want to overlevel them before the power pledge event
I only started playing ranked 2v2s this season and now I fully understand what you guys were talking about for the past couple months. It's like playing with a retarded stillborn 9/10 times.
I hate Finn so goddamned much, nothing fucking trades with his forward combo
When the FUCK are we getting an animated Beetlejuice skin?
Did they make Steven OP in the last update, or is this one faggot I keep running into with his Discord goon call T&J partner just a tremendous asshole
Literally I got 10 games in a row against duoing Grandmasters this game is defo dying
I ran into this duo earlier Steven wasn't nerfed at all he still literally has no recovery frames/animations in any attack his stupid belly is still disjointed with tons of knockback
>We got 900 player count lows yesterday
>On S3 launch weekend
finn and jack have the most obnoxious jabs in the game and can reach you even if you fucking dodge away from them
I'm guessing going by the leaks S4 will be the final season since there has not been more characters datamined.

After Marceline and Nubia this season, I'm guessing Aquaman, Wicked Witch and Raven will be released for S4, and that's it

If they don't make the game casual friendly asap and fail to get this market it will be Joever soon sub 1k steam players won't be sustainable on the longterm.
There’s no fucking events going on except for the rift one that everyone can complete in 40 minutes, there’s fucking nothing to do until the batman even

Having nothing to do is fine at the end of a season but it’s fucking stupid at the start of one
The moment they put dodge/attack/cancel into the game the game was doomed, and it was buried as soon as they tried to make the game faster
F2P games need casuals and le epic casual streamer/youtubers hitting clips to promote it for free, but they cave into the literally who competitive meleefag crying and they paid for it, these youtubers get on average 1k views and 30 viewers when there are no drops enabled
Sakurai won again
Since we're doomposting, now we've reached past 12,300 individual PPGs in 1v1 Ranked.
Just so you know.
>Go to multiversus reddit 27 online
Holy grim
I wonder how bad it will get once people finish the Battlepass
I wonder where the fuck is Tony...
I wouldn’t know because I’m gonna be done with this game after I finish the battlepass cause I give no fucks about about Nubia, Raven, Marceline or Wicked Witch. Whatever they have planned after these characters better be fucking good cause the it’s going to make or break this game.
If those are the last characters then this game is as good as dead. People aren't putting up with all the bullshit in this game anymore, so they definitely won’t stick around knowing it’s just gonna be those four characters that’s left.

Concord got wiped from existence, Suicide Squad is next on the chopping block, don’t expect Multiverses to make it to 2025 in the current state that it is.
I'll probably put the game down if I finish before Nubia drops. I just really don't give a fuck about her enough to keep playing another four weeks.
You're genuinely retarded if you believe that. Lots of characters have been teased/leaked. Scooby's model was LITERALLY found in the hockey event. They're not releasing 3 characters in a season either. Nubia's by her lonesome.
No way you believe that other retard. These aren't our last fucking characters. Multiversus obviously won't stay in its current state anon. It drastically changed from the relaunch, obviously it's going to change the next few patches.
>i have an abnormal wishlist that doesn't include either of two extremely highly requested characters
>the fate of this game relies on catering to my tastes
Yeah no shit I don’t believe it. The game will lose money for WB if that were to happen. Still this game is gonna take a turn for the worst when the remaining leaked characters are in since they won’t bring any hype. Best this I could see getting some buzz is Wicked Witch having Glenda as an alt costume.
You're delusional if you think Raven and Marceline are no hype.
Shut the fuck up and go waste 6k on Nubia when she gets released like the rest of the sheep.
I have 30k fighter currency and all the characters unlocked because I played beta enough. I'm swimming in green doritos and you are starving on the streets with no green doritos.
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>mfw I still have character tickets from beta and I am forced to use them
>mfw I have 51k fighter currency that the game wont even let me use
>mfw I wont be unlocking nubia
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I want Scorpion/Neo/ATHF/Freddy/Mordecai and Rigby. They can add whoever they want after that.
Yea another AT and DC rep that caters to coomers who want their autistic niche pick to be in will definitely bring hype because you retards are the only demographic this game has left.
JTouch grass
yeah yeah i'm sure your picks would totally save the hype lol.
Is there any fucked up rights shit with Freddy like there was/is with Jason? How plausible would it be to see him added in any capacity?
Anon. The masses fucking love Teen Titans. Going "aNOTHER DC rep" is just plain retarded. Raven was hyped up for years now ever since she got leaked in the beta.
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>I am now at the point where I'm doing consistent high over 200 damage and 2-3 KOs with the girls but my teammates are lacking
OK, I'm good with them now.
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t. guy on the left
I don’t have any autistic personal picks. I just know the characters they have planned aren’t gonna be worth my interest in sticking with this game for the next few months. I’m not wasting my time on obscure DEI inclusions or more autistic character choices that have a fanbase comprised of coomers.
Your a jew is what your saying?
living under a rock if you truly think adventure time is autistic niche. i can kind of understand getting that impression from teen titans but lol.
I honestly don't know. I know he was in MK9 years ago but shit could have changed by then.
It’s still DC as X-men is to Marvel. Also Teen Titans only has mainstream popularity cause CN got away with raising a generation on non-stop TTG reruns for the last decade.
You're crazy dude. I get not being excited for Nubia, but being mad about Raven, Marceline and Wicked Witch is just being entitled and dumb. Especially after we just got a bunch of really big hitters like PPG, BJ, Smith, Jason and Joker.
How does the general /mvsg/ populace feel about getting characters they don't necessarily like added to the game, but they come with really fun movesets? Which of the two is more important to (You)?
Oh, so you're gay and you're mad that we're getting a shitton of girls in the next few updates. Well it's ok, I'm sure we'll get some cute boys soon enough.
It doesn't functionally matter to me if I care about the character if the moveset is enjoyable, it's just better for hype to have widely recognized characters people care about alongside cool deep cut picks.
>i want the character
>it has a fun moveset
let's say they both go from 0 to 10, if either of the two are 10 then i'll play the character even if the other is 0
for example, i don't particularly care about Jason (i get the rosterfagging aspect but i never watched any of those movies) but i've been playing him since release cause i like his moveset
Not I’m not talking about Adventure Time. That show is on the same level as Avatar. That doesn’t mean I want the same shit that happened with Nick All Stars happening here. Marceline would be fine if Banana Guard wasn’t ever considered. Post-beta we already have two AT characters and three from DC and probably more to come if Aquaman ends up happening.

What I said before refers to the autistic reddit faggots expecting some minor side character getting in because of Banana Gaurd or Nubia and thinking it’s on the same level as someone like Raven or Marceline. I didn’t say these characters themselves are bad or unpopular choices. I just don’t care for them and I know a lot of people will be, just as those who will be hype for them. If they are the characters for Season 4 and have a decent moveset then yea I might change my mind, but PFG gonna spread these bitches for the next two seasons then I’m out.
>Black Adam
He's still cringe as fuck but he's fun to play and now I just think of him as shadow the hedgehog
I didn't really grow up with this show so I knew nothing about him. However his moveset is really unique (if a bit annoying to deal with) and his interactions with Tom and Jerry is enough to completely sell me on him
I still thinks she sucks but at least she has a fat ass
>Steven Universe
Still hate the fucker. I hate everything about him. I hate having a Steve as an enemy, I hate playing Steve, I hate playing with Steve teammates and their stupid fucking shields, I hate his fat face and I hate his gay voice
>Banana Guard
Doesn't bother me too much, I just view him as a crappy freebie. Like when you order chinese food and you get a complimentary fortune cookie, and yeah that shit tastes like cardboard but it's decent enough that you feel like "Eh, thanks I guess".
To be determined
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>moving the goalpost
>still mad about banana guard
Jason's movies are great because they're all *the* example of shlocky Halloween horror movies. I don't know where you can watch any of em but if you've got an hour and a half to kill then I'm sure you'll enjoy them enough. They're like the Fast and Furious of horror movies. It starts in one set location, then ten films later they're fucking around in space.
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They have to be a character I care about in the first place for me to try them in most cases. Only character I play mainly for their moveset is Lebron.
I’m fine with Raven and Marceline, but I’m not sticking around with this game when they get released cause I have no reason to deal with the other bullshit plaguing this game if their aren't gonna be any characters that Im interested in for the next two seasons.
If people are more concerned with the movesets of a franchise character, they should just go invest in Rivals of Ather.
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what about a character i love getting an unfun moveset? for me its jack, i wanted him since beta and he's giga unfun to play
When the game gets taken offline next year I’ll know which people to blame.
>tfw the game goes offline for two years and relaunches as a reworked DC vs. AT platform fighter
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any character that isn't Marceline or Pearl is a wasted slot to me
also any character another cartoon but that's extremely unlikely and I'll take the ppg dash attack perk reference
This is my wishlist made during the open beta.
Notice how half of it is FLCL. Most of the characters leaked for the game I just don't care for.
I will try a character's moveset but I'll just not bother sticking with them if the moveset doesn't immediately click with me or the characters themselves don't resonate with me in some way.
>the one single man on earth who still wants more steven universe characters in multiversus
I rest my case
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I just love crossovers as long as the character is actually new and not a clone alternate of a fighter i’ll be ok with it, nubia is good, banana is good, but adding pickle rick would be shit because we already have rick, i can only accept pickle rick as a skin because someone like fern with the potential for more original moves was turned into a variant
>You not longer gets discounted skins
I'm sorry you're upset by all the gross girls filling mvs to the brim with their cooties, I'm sure PFG still has a lot of things planned for us fellow boykisser
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Today is batman’s birthday, wish him a happy birthday or else
Why isn't Prime Rick a legendary skin? Why is he in the BP? Rick and Morty shit doesn't sell?
You know by the logic of Freddy being in MK9 we could also argue that Kratos is just as likely of a MVS character by the same merit.
The show fell of at least 3 seasons ago anon, the rick and morty anime isn’t helping everyone hates it
He's not different enough from regular Rick to warrant a whole new voicepack I think, and they clearly reused the animation from the other Rick skin.
>Rick and Morty shit doesn't sell?
I don't think that's the reason, Pickle Rick is still coming with completely new and different voicelines
Bruh the new season was popular as fuck, everyone loved it. I'll give you the anime though, that was shit
Kratos isn't owned by WB thoughbeit.
Yeah but WHAT IF-
https://x.com/lionwantstoast/status/1837256849860501638?s=46&t=H_Nrs6TIzaXwN0PMhQmmCg Lunalux gameplay
post more pepe i have been having a thing for skunk boys for like the past week straight
why everyone hates the anime?
It’s made by a pretentious japanese man that actually fell for the high IQ rick and morty meme

So it’s doing a fucking time travel story with a completely new character that can see past present and future at the same time kinda like dr manhattan, except the director uses this as an excuse to make a bunch of shitty unrelated scenes happen at random times

So you see space beth fight tammy but we literally have no clue on earth why they are fighting and the fights aren’t even good because the show has a shit budget, also this really fucking bothers me, at one point someone calls rick c-173 when he is clearly not the main rick he is supposed to be a rick from anime shorts adult swim released years ago
I don't have that much, but here's another one by the same artist
these are fucking cute though, cheers
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i dunno dude. id play the hell out of some amethyst if she gets whip and can turn into the puma
unfortunate, i liked the old shorts.
>pfg cocksuckers tell me this game has tens of thousands of players across every platform
>the best they can do now is say there were at least 10k people across 6 platforms that played at least one match of ranked this season
holy shit it's so over
>finally get a Sandwich taunt for Shaggy
>shit doesn't even work properly
Cool game
How'd you get it, I don't see it in the store
This is too gay for me
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not me
On Xbox, it's a Game Pass perk.
>game is bleeding players on PC by the day
>better lock cosmetics behind consoles!
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Can't stand playing Reindog anymore.
i was assured everyone was waiting until the weekend to play s3, bros... what went wrong
he feels way more maneuverable now but everyone else got the same buffs so it's not helping as much as it could
PFG says they’re rolling out a fix for the prestige not being obtained. Does anyone know for sure if the issue has been resolved yet so I can finally claim my current BP rewards?
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game is not fun
stages are unbalanced wack ass shit and a bad stage can spell doom for certain characters or players
every time a set starts with batcave I get fucked the hell up then go on to win the next two
I give no shits about the character. It could be my all time favourite and I won't use them if I don't like their moveset, and I ended up a Reindogfag because I do love his moveset
some stages start you way too close to the other side too
if it's a small stage and finn starts at the front he can just fucking dash into you and some characters cannot do shit about it
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Ah, that explains it. At least I don't play Shaggy
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so when are we getting the diaper full of shit skins for ppg?

You could be on your A-game and if your partner is a brain dead roach, you're fucked.
I’ve been waiting for 160 seconds plus for a ranked match
Uhhhhh why is it taking 400 seconds to find a match
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Why doesn't Tony put Lola has a lebron skin? People will actually play lebron now and tony can sell both the skin and character.
Because the animations wouldn't match her at all.
The movie rights are held by Wes Craven's estate, but internationally they're held by New Line Cinema. There's still legal shit but I'd assume it's much easier to untangle than Friday the 13th.
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Why do they insist on making these skins for Steven?
to be fair batman is like, one of two characters steven actually talks to in-game
it'd be weird if he didn't have one at that point
He's the only character Steven shit talks, for some strange reason.
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... why is jake in the fucking trash? wtf did they mean by this?
I'll get Beetlejuice.
>batman day
>batman day event isn't on batman day
Smol Indy teem pls understan!
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I like how Arya looks like batgirl here, closest thing we will get to her this year. Maybe next year we can get actual batgirl...
She's going to be very upset when she learns about his no-kill rule.
>Lola doing Lebron Gorilla Slam
Arya looks like such a dork here. Can't wait to use this skin.
do you think batman gets autistically mad about the superman symbol on giant
*Puts a force field up that tanks every projectile and lasts a week*
Clap clap clap :)
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Can we post men since thread is soon to be archived
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>beats her fist into her chest
>makes shockwaves
Sometimes I wonder if PFG has a contingency plan of replacing LeBron with Lola if there's some super massive controversy.
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i really hope not because i fucking hate how lebron plays
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Why the fuck is sega, a fucking japanese company completely unrelated to batman releasing a carefully made animation to celebrate batman’s anniversary

But multiversus a game with batman on it can only do a shotty render of the ugliest skins ever
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Reminder that false FTC submissions land you legal trouble. I hope you have money to pay for an attorney, faggot.
i too saw the bideo
watching it now, its pretty funny lol
The only false things here are the promises they make
Happy Birthday Batman, there's a reason you're one of the most recognized comic characters.
When a Batman story is good it's usually making a new standard.
>Is the game fun? Yes
>Does the game suck? Yes
That's pretty much where I'm at, too.
i made it to gold 2 with the girls today... have a bad feeling im about to go on an epic lose streak back down to gold 3 but im feeling pretty good rn
Nice try, Tony
>bubbles directly references tom and jerry by name in this episode
>her unique interactions with them in multiversus are as if she didn't know who they were before
the writers for this game SUCK!
what moron's idea was it to rework battle pass xp to be damage and time-based but still cap it at 25 and 50
Batman is also referenced in the show while they don't know who he is in rifts.
Better use the PPG for more XP, MVP :^)
>get my masters character
>switch to another one
>get exposed to the shitty ppgs down in lower ranks
holy shit
how can people be this bad
they're not that fucking hard
New thread

back in low gold 3, back to back to back iron giant teammates, 1 suicided after 1 death the other conceded after one loss, the other two where just pure trash with zero kills. fuck. im never making it to plat.
seriously considering uninstalling this game until they fix ranked, fuck this.

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