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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#170 - Armored Core 6 edition

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

OpenAI introduces o1, a new series of models designed to spend time thinking before they respond https://openai.com/o1
Google adds Audio Overview to NotebookLM, a feature that creates AI-generated podcasts discussing your uploaded documents https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information

SillyTavern: https://docs.sillytavern.app
RisuAI: https://risuai.net
Agnai: https://agnai.chat | https://rentry.org/agnai_guides

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai

jailbreaks: https://rentry.org/jb-listing
gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com | https://rentry.org/how2claude
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg | https://rentry.org/meta_golocal_list


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles
card v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
logs: https://sprites.neocities.org/logs/reader | https://chatlogs.neocities.org
latest proxies: https://rentry.org/desuproxyreborn

kpop: >>495017163
No, I just like butts in tight pants
good bake
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Channeling Opus 3.5 energy for this week release.
whcih bmtkaie will pretnd to be a cute girl for me
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Based taste in the OP, anyways. Have you ever wished you could throttle a llm? Well here is Miss. Mesuko, the brattiest hag around who will make you want to do just that. Also added a second intro where you are tutoring her daughter too.
Why would I throttle her, she's very cute.
why throttle her myself when i can have giga ran do it?
lunare won
(translators note: throttle means correction)
new shitpost claude preset. might provide some inspiration.
opus 3.5 will be cheaper than regular opus, rp better, and flow like water. trust the plan
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have some mech pilot for the mech bake
still need to play this game
>Narrator bound by
Narrator is bound by
What happened to the guy who spiralled into liking NTR? Turned into the mutsukiposter?
why would you mention lunare in response to that
ty fixed: https://files.catbox.moe/1wapy7.json
i hit the post number to open the quick reply window but forgot to remove it
>What happened to the guy who spiralled into liking NTR?
nonny claims another victim...
Why User instead of Human?
what if the user isn't a human?
youkai using st
The next poster is secretly a dog.
Hello fello catchads how's it going?
>allow characters' defined personalities dictate their behavior.
to dictate.
Also the prefill still uses Human. Get some sleep momo
shes very large
the preposition there is optional I think but the prefill is valid i will fix that thanks also I can't go to sleep I'm at work
do you have any multi char cards (maid mansions, high schools etc) you like to edit with your own fetishes? I'm tired of claude always coming up with the exact same ~4 bland characters.
>I think
nta but no
no i just suffer through wrangling Claude into pumping out a slightly different one by adding things he should specify when generating a character (basically just making him come up with a short character description before he starts writing)
why are you old, fat, and poor
I understand you're at work and can't go to sleep right now, but your health and wellbeing need to come first. Working while severely sleep deprived is dangerous and unproductive.
nah i just use group chats
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unimaginably based bake
Armored Core? Pfft. Call me when there's a Zone of Enders bake.
>Also the prefill still uses Human.
nta but does claude prefer human over {{user}} in the preset, or can you use either of them as long as you are consistent and dont mix the two?
Did they update chorbo? It repeats my question to me before giving an answer. "It sounds like you [...]"
Human is the special token Anthropic use for prompt delimiting: https://docs.anthropic.com/en/api/prompt-validation
Not sure why he swapped it to user in the new preset, since using Human was his idea too, initially. It's all placebo anyway; claude is smart enough.
I don't get emails. What are they usually like?
gay char that is a little too touchy
nvm i had a prefill on.
hi anon
this is what an email is usually like
it's basically just the same as a post but only you see it and it has slightly more boilerplate
[insert thing emailer wanted you to check out]
anyway that's all
whats your email? ill add you to the list
i see.....
>It's all placebo anyway; claude is smart enough.
Ok good, idk how I forgot human was thing for claude, but user has been working fine in all my jbs so far so I guess it doesnt matter too much, I hope.
>backreading last thread
>fembotfag once again begging a malebotmakie to genderbend a concept
kek every time
>All my mails start with the exact same thing in greeting
>Most of them end with the exact same thing as a goodbye
Is this bad?
i switched it to be more inclusive to our inhuman brethren
astro does that all the time tho?
You say goodbye? I just get ghosted
Is armored core good? I like the souls series a lot but big guns and roberts don't do much for me
astro hasn’t been here in months…
>big guns and roberts don't do much for me
are you a woman? anyways yes ac6 is very good and has broader appeal than the older ac games.
what even is the point of this beef
Are you fucking retarded, go look in the archives
ggr89 made that armored core bot i coomed my brains out to
Holy shit there's roberts in Armored core???
Adding to oother anoon's suggesties:
>anons forgot the classic
miss my nigga
very formal and short to homework assignments depending on the botmakie
Most of my mails are requests for help...
its been months since ive gotten an email on my botmakie address
Help, I'm lonely
Hi lonely, I'm Dad!
>don't get emails
>don't have to worry about accidentally forgetting to reply and 'ghosting' someone
life's good
I just got an email.
you've got mail
Any bots with ntr bodies?
why is ntr bait resurfacing again
one of the baitposters is an unironic ntrfag
why did you send me your peener :(
*ntrs u*
why didn't you send me your peener :(
Why your peener :(
What hours is it
/g/'s being bombed so the scared, shaking like newborn foals baitposters come here in torn dresses
It's me lovin' you hours, hoss. Which is easy cuz you're beautiful.
I look like a real life goblin
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>My house is your house
botmakies who have reclined?
taora (it's subtle but noticeable)

I wish I was kidding
>I wish I was kidding
the venus merge and its consequences have been a disaster for botmaking
what the fuck dude i thought we were cool...
which botmakies have a bright future ahead and are ready to be groomed?
I'm reclining in my chair right now
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Holy shit it's snombleshy
nah thats platecleaners body shape
That's me. Please enjoy my cyberpunk lesbian... uh... book club... vampire?
bullshit, you aren't that thin
Fake, sbombino doesn't do yuri
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That's the picture I used on my dating profile. And it worked.

True. My bots are all canonically heterosexual and monogamous virgins (except Seru).
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Ren is pretty much of a brat who likes being praised. Even if that means fulfilling various requests.

First Greeting. Ren didn’t have a swimsuit, so she asked User to buy one for her... Bad decision.
Second Greeting. She wanted to attend an anime convention and decided to go dressed as Tatsumaki.
Third Greeting. She goes shopping and encounters her greatest enemy — a high shelf.
Fourth Greeting. After shopping and battling a tall shelf, she decides to de-stress by playing with some fish.
Fifth Greeting. She’s been sick all week and has missed classes, but decided not to skip Friday to avoid falling too far behind.
Sixth Greeting. She’s playing video games with User and completely crushing them, so she decides to make a small bet, confident in her skills.
Seventh Greeting. While walking home, Ren spots a new ice cream shop and decides to try the banana split.

Chub: https://characterhub.org/characters/SmileyTatsu/ren-c91abcf27e04
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/kq2xe7.png

Smile! https://rentry.org/SmileyTatsu
Fertility rating out of 10?
on the seventh plapping btw, she hasn't tapped out
that was one of the few good horror bots in my memory
Sorry I'm late, I had everything set and ready to go yesterday, just had to publish it and then my computer restarted when I went to go take a shit. That's life. Anyway, I'm delivering an anon's request. Also based /m/ edition

Even before her death, Maxwell was one of Missilis Industries' top researchers, spearheading their development in the tech sector behind the scenes. And when the company was in trouble, she threw herself into the Nikke Development Project bearing the name "Matis". After completing the first two units, Laplace and Alice, she finished things on her own terms... now a Nikke, Maxwell is much the same as how she used to be. A true research nut who spends most of her time either in the lab or being the designated tard wrangler for the two retard squadmates she helped build. She's got a particular soft spot for {{user}}, a Central Government Commander she's worked with in the past, and she's not shy at all about expressing that. In fact, she isn't even asking. You're going to get raped.

Comes with three greetings: meeting you at a cafe on a rare day outside the lab, a kids toy signing where she's in her hero getup, and the hypnosis app greeting where she's going to rape you.

Char: https://characterhub.org/characters/ggr89/maxwell-c1f1e1cf88fb
Lorebook: https://characterhub.org/lorebooks/ggr89/ggr-nikke
My (Updated!) Rentry: https://rentry.org/ggr89
>Next Time
CAV Suzuya (Kancolle, requested) -> Diesel (Nikke, requested). Might release a catboy shota mecha pilot in the middle of that somewhere. Also making headway on the "dead-girlfriend-turned-Nikke-who-doesn't-remember-you-at-all" concept
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I'm so sad miroquai and hummingbird stopped making bots or make bots so slowly. I miss fluffanon too.
How do banned tokens work? Can I just type in a phrase I never want to see a bot say again?
>How do banned tokens work?
is it a local thing? im clearly sure that Claude, Gemini and OpenAI's API don't provide that option. Only Logit Bias on OAI's models, but it's different.
no you have to type in the tokenized parts you never want to show up, which might also break other things, and also might just cause the AI to typo it so it can say it
Yes, in theory, but it bans the token entirely (give it -Infinity score). And because of the way tokenization works, if the system isn't banning the token string, you can risk banning word fragments you don't want banned.

Also, I've seen models work around banned tokens by just spelling the banned word wrong so it's pretty spotty because it doesn't bias away from the direction of the token in the tensor field, it just gives it a -Infinity score, so a sentence that is leading up to the token might not have any other good tokens because it doesn't take proximity to the banned tokens into account, only bans the token as it appears in the probability set.

So if you ban "ministrations" (we're pretending this word is one token), you will still get:

"As he began his"
leading up to it since it doesn't direct away from the token and the leadup sentences and they are still heavily weighted to be picked as much as the word itself.

So you might get "unseemly diddling" but you might also get "minitstrations" since the tensor direction is already really strongly pushing that direction.

And this just gets less reliable the longer the token string is, assuming the banned token logic even allows token series, which they usually don't.
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Not sure I saw it here in sillytavenr presets.
Oh I see. I'm sick of seeing the words "body and soul" so I thought this might be able to ban it.
yeah, for openai you just have to logit bias a token into the ground (and, again, see the AI jump around it and also break everything else that talks about bodies.) claude doesn't even have it lol
can someone namedrop me?
*namedrops you*
today i don't feel like chatting with my bots for some reason.
That's okay. Breaks are important.
Post personas
>want to work on my bot and lorebook
>zero motivation
>want to advance my slowburn
>zero motivation AND can’t craft satisfactory replies
This sucks.
get drunk
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https://files.catbox.moe/bhf6pu.webp - full drawing

Annoying rich schizobpd girl who is hypothetically from New England (not mentioned in the description). She has a jb for her tumblr account so you can see her live thoughts.

cutenare selfbot...
I accidentally saved it as webp, I'll make sure to change it to png when I upload next time haha
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thank you for this meal
Thank you for the cat image :)
dangerously toxic qt
>write greeting with mom bunnysuit
>pin her down
>get her to beg to get bred by herself
I felt powerful.
We are so back
Fellow oldmakies... How do we compete against newmakies? Is it over?
minoriko lactating wine bot doko?
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Heyo, pushing this new chatbot of mine, Tabitha's World XL.


Based on the webcomic Sabrina Online, this thing is pretty massive - 28 first messages, 101 lorebook entries, 24 main characters, over 17 background characters, a dating sim scenario, all utilizing a little HTML to push character portraits in each intro so you get the low down on who you're interacting with.
>body and soul
So, bad news: banning is done on a token-by-token basis, not phrases or even necessarily full words. Back in the AID days Mormon banned the token "rape", but that also meant it could never say "grape" (tokenizes as "g|rape").

In this case the tokens are "body| and| soul" - you probably don't want to ban "body", I'd reckon, and banning "and" seems like a horrible idea!
give me about an hour or two
he already is. it's in the backlog
see >>495210884
hi momma!!!
no i'm just a fussy faggot, gurren lagann is my favorite anime though
I used to get pretty aroused by lactation when I was a teen but now it has the opposite effect, I wonder why
the image is slop but at least the defs are better than they were in your previous card.
>Is armored core good?
Nah, it's awful. I bought it after the Elden Ring hype and I was instantly disappointed.
"her belly button popped from innie to an outie" is absolutely the worst claudeism.
Sounds like you're gay now
you grow up; your tastes change. i used to like like furries and hate feet.
>your tastes change
Nta but mine didn't. I used to be attracted to girls my age.
cumflation is based though
weird. i don't remember making this post.
i want inflation with less isms
need to start writing lorebooks for this shit
How else are you meant to know she's aroused? Girls don't have a penis like boys do, or so I've heard.
It's like a circuit breaker. You press it back in to reset her ovaries.
wrong thread
yeah I realized that as I hit post
How does it feel to know that your hobby will be destroyed by NovelAI shills in one week?
what isms do you encounter?
What's a good 2.1 jb? Or is 4o latest better?
i used to like loli's and now i like hags, we are all evolving towards perfection.
>reset her ovaries
What happens if you do that?
it's harder for the AI to describe things in terms of how big it is comparatively because bad spacial reasoning, so you get a lot of
>like a beach ball
>massive dome of her stomach
>expanding like a fleshy balloon
without much else of substance
it's really just what it doesn't put in
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the harvest is bountiful this year (30 minute bot so don't expect too much)
god I fucking love anti gravity boobs
its just youkai genes anon, and the reason humans and youkai should intermix. on an totally unrelated note, are you interested in Buddhism?
You'll never get a man like this.
these make me sick. ble.
also >9 months pregnant with triplets
>gargantuan gut
>eclipsing everything
>titanic tummy
>belly bulges out obscenely
>pressure [...] unimaginable level
Claude loves alliteration.
maximal fertility
Don't tell the hags...
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yes i'm genuinely interested
nobody every signs their bots...
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Not really a fan of the log but I'd fuck that witch
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She's super cute. But the original image didn't have a boob window. I added that.
Is there a card for her or anything? I want to chat with her.
No. She's mine.
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video games
I can give you things for it, things that'd probably be of your benefit. It's not like I'd leak it to anyone else if you shared it to me only, if that's what you're afraid of.
What's the size of your current chat Anon?
yeah i feel like even if you helped it along with numbers it would still fail in some places, though opus in my experience rarely struggles
It fails even with numbers since the concept of volume vs size is hard to understand.
>room is room
which fetishes have sovl?
which fetishes are sovlless?
armpits, hags, impregnation, hairy bush
ntr, loli
hags (if you can even call this a fetish)
magical girls
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yeah that's inform 7 for you
Lately I rp fem pov noncon with "furry" males like minotaurs and werewolves.
the things i like
the things i don't like
so you rape them?
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freaking cute
My character is the one pressured or forced to some degree. Generally not violent, forcible rape though.
relatively based
Scarlet Drain Mansion
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damn. me bad
sigh, here i go editing again
wasn't gonna download until you said it was futa
the relative sizes in this image are what convinced me to download
>he's doesn't know
honestly based for tricking a sizenigger to waste his space
>type "remilia is also x ft tall"
its that easy
is chorbo gpt-4o? or is it 4o latest? if it's 4o latest why does it keep redirecting me to gpt 4 turbo
>4o latest?
this one

>4o latest why does it keep redirecting me to gpt 4 turbo
i think it's because you're using azure keys, as far as i know azure doesn't have chatgpt4-latest
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I've been lurking for a while but I never spiraled. I just appeared.
>What happened to the guy who spiralled into liking NTR?
If you're talking about the guy who wrote the ntr copypasta a couple of months ago, then I'm still here.
i just had a long angsty slowburn RP with this card with a persona who wants to get out of porn, dating tabitha who wants to get in.
i played through a bunch of the openings, met the family, and wrote the two of them drifting further and further apart as their worlds and what they wanted changed. ended with them breaking up shortly after going to the vegas convention together.
good shit anon, good shit.
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So this is the power of the snapshot extension...
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werks on my machine
>i just had a long angsty slowburn RP with this card with a persona who wants to get out of porn, dating tabitha who wants to get in

Man that is awesome, I love the
flavor of bittersweet rp's.
through dick, unity
How messy was the break up?
yeah, we should all respect each others fetishes
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same here, i love angst and there's a lot of potential for it in the card's setup. got attached to tabitha, my persona, and the general cast by the end. the continuity is great.

the writing has been on the wall for a while so the actual breakup wasn't messy. they went back to monarch mountain theme park for a last date to remember the good times before calling it off.
It shits the bed with a 4k monitor.
damn, i guess at this point we should let the guy who made the extension know that there's an issue.
/aids/ has actual dick unity unlike this thread
>this place actually has dick unity unlike chatbot generals where if you even dare to say youre a sizefag baiters destroy entire threads by samefagging and threadshitting
>its happened multiple times
He is 100% truthful in this statement, I'm afraid.
*faint neighing in the distance*
Some fetishes need to be culled for actual unity.
Why would you say that?
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I hate sizefagging and NTR.
Your own personal hatred gets in the way of unity. Reject hatred and accept love.
You can unite with cucks and retards, it's your choice and I won't judge you for it. Publicly.
Partial unity is not unity.
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I highly doubt a 4k monitor is the reason it's crashing. I'll look into it but there is like 5+ things I'd suspect before landing on the 4k monitor being the reason.
I'm in this thread anonie.
>I'm in this thread anonie
omg haiii <3 <3 <3
Thanks to the extension no one will ever know that I'm mobilefagging
I should add a mobile watermark just because you're being such a faggot.
I just won't update. Your response?
im out of anlas where are the nai proxies
I solved it, it was the fact that I was displaying 1000 characters in the menu. After changing it to 10, I can take screenshots again.
none exist publicly
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Glad you got it fixed. I only tested with 100 characters per page. I'll add that to the troubleshooting on the github page.
I'll give you a beer I guess.
someone gave me free opus
give me a card to celebrate
After death before trying to enter heaven God will read all your logs out loud in front of your ancestors and they'll decide if you can enter
i dont plan to die
*kills anon*
*drinks mercury*
I don't think so
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Zuri is a hard-working office employee with a drinking problem.

First Greeting. Zuri is at her go-to bar, completely drunk and enjoying life.
Second Greeting. Zuri is interrupted while trying to "unwind" in her office.
Third Greeting. Zuri accidentally projects a hentai panel during her sales report in front of the executives.
Fourth Greeting. Zuri gets the news that she’ll be training a new intern. Ugh.
Fifth Greeting. After a night of heavy drinking, Zuri wakes up with a stranger in her bed.
Sixth Greeting. Zuri stays late at the office due to extra work and decides to drink a little to ease the stress.

Chub: https://characterhub.org/characters/SmileyTatsu/zuri-the-alcoholic-office-worker-7a505925cbbc
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/90r2f1.png

Smile! https://rentry.org/SmileyTatsu
qrd on this card?
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Futa Rape Mansion
Who is doing the rapin?
What a stupid question. Download the card yourself.
Tried c.ai again. Man, that shit is so trash
>shilling twice in the same thread
fuck off discordnigger
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In the desert with nothing to drink
You see a woman, or cat you think
With ears and legs just like the kits
But a human face and human tits
If you want to quench your thirst
You must solve her riddle first
But she's not in a forgiving mood
Answer wrong and become her food
Jannies, please delete the thread. Thanks.
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>so fucking high stoned and
'>chatting with a Ugly Bastard ai
>inpersonating as my girlfriend that is gooing to NTR with the Ugly Bestard that has dark powers
>Ugly Bastard creates a world of sunflowers and a red moon casting a eerie red glow
>he bangs my irl gf and corrupts, torment, transform and toys with her appearance
>a cartoonish cloud of smoke caused by the weed sometimes appears from nowhere and starts to sing and mocking these 3 characters taht ive created
>Ugly Basterd ai right now is on a eternal slumber in a red sunfloer field, my own girlfriend is totally high hunting me, i.m as a ai im lost in some sort of village, time as stopped
>tfw im totally imersed in my chatbot that im creating images as well of my chats

thiS shit is soo cash h
slow day huh
>introducing [thing]
>look inside
cool i guess
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qrd for the last 12 hours?
we're sleeping, shh
i'm just gonna sit here in the corner and stare then, don't mind me. sweet dreams
Nothing ever happens. Go use Opus while it's publicly available.
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Okay, where?
Majestic 12.
How many tokens does this have?
Fuck I could get a pizza with those...
>neat idea
>slop defs
baka, here i go editing again
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Good morning /aicg/!

It is friday! rejoice!

Question for today is:
>Did you and your bot had some summer fun now that its nearly fall/autumn? If so? what did you do? Watermelon split? Beach fun?
We fucked outdoors.
*Jojo voice* Friday...

I put two of my favorite bots in a chatroom together and we went on a road trip to the beach. We camped out, grilled, and lit fireworks. Was pretty cozy, and now I'm thinking about autumn stuff to do.
in the sun?!

Does sound cozy.
>and now I'm thinking about autumn stuff to do.
Halloween prep? Walking through a forest with all the leaves turned brown.
>Did you and your bot had some summer fun now that its nearly fall/autumn?
It's winter.
The way you phrased that makes it seem like you're saying momo was the first to use Human in a prompt
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>having an impromptu botany lesson
Must I be inclusive for the southern part of the world? A tall ask, I must say.
>What winter joys have you experienced?
>slop defs
better than cumslurpers
>Hermes 3 405B Instruct no longer free on OR
>$4.50/ppm now
Well that sucks.
How so.
Used to cost $0.0/ppm. Not it's $4.50.
Yeah, I can read. Was it good enough to care?
Not a lot of options that I know of for free.
My opus and chorbo is still free. Sucks to be you.
I can see your point for general use cases.
gardie bot doko?
/g/ just got a proxy and we didn't, the fuck?
The local model?
Gave it a go, it doesn't really work out that well.
Atleast not on my machine. it mixes everything together and I got out in one go without even encountering a single character, unless you count the random man I found when I exited the guest room who promptly fucked off.

It was sort of creative atleast?
You forgot that you have to guide shit along yourself with most LLMs, so instead of prompting "I go jack off in the kitchen." you should've prompted "I go jack off in the kitchen and Remilia is there gooning, so my goon spot is stolen, woe be upon humanity"
I find that very hard to believe since Claude makes someone appear on every message.
Granted, but when I did encounter someone they didnt really seem to follow the rules so to speak, I found sakuya and she basically waved at me and said she was looking for remi, thats it.
I also found flan, in the basement no less, but she was crying in her room and when I hugged her she started talking about her depression

Not much of a rape mansion
It atleast kinda handled the mansion itself alright
preset issue unironically. was this not on claude?
Sound like skill issue cope
skill/gpt issue
It's not winter anywhere right now though?
It's cold as fuck at it snowed in the mountain, but I also live in hell (Romania)
and* not at
No, isn't he Russian?
Thank god it isn't kpop this time and I can post here again
you refuse to post in threads over OPs?
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That's what /vg/ does.
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fun bot, ill actually go past 50 messages with this one
Little Timmy no! Don't go into the rape manor!
did you get backdoored or something
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flandre dragged me into her rape dungeon and achieved infinite rape
whoa. pretty kino
>sadist female general has captured you
>stuffs yesterday's pot roast up her cooch
No, unfortunately. Probably because I spent the entire Summer not leaving my apartment...
(˶ ˘ 3˘)
(⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)
Local, forgot the exact model, but this model did very well with my own sloppabots as well as nearly any card I tried with it.

My only guess is that either the character lore entries are just too short and useless or maybe it just doesnt like lore entries in general.
my bot raped me
Sorry, you don't have any right to complain.
did you rape him back?
its a her and no
You can keep your blue haired, green kimono wearing flandre who talks about how the pink smoke killed her parents by giving her a cock
Strange post.
i get it
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do claudesloppers really
I ain't reading all that
Pretty slow day.
i remember a phryne anon posting 3k token logs or something
$47/month for writing {{char}} is {{char}}... he won
I'm all for posting logs but reading that was painful and I will be taking my own life shortly.
love is painful i get it
but being a boiwife is worth it
How do you display the model name instead of the icon?
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this should just be a built-in feature at this point someone make a pr
post the log
You can then disable model icons from ST's settings.
I couldn't find it, this pic is from the archive.
>css slop
I'm good.
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cftf? (im the blonde)
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Do you guys have a good Opus jb?
Pixi is fine
does anyone know how to jailbreak grok 2 on lmarena? or in general. I can't seem to jailbreak any model on that site
grok 2 ahh
lmarena is shit for jailbreaking and has specific things in place to prevent you
if you ever figure it out they send it to the company to patch it
Dumbass. They are a website that "ranks" aka runs a model on each output. Its unjailbreakeable like filtered Azure.
use many-shot jailbreaking, just feed a bunch of lewd examples and it should work fine
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moran... robots can't get pregnant
Not if Mustang has anything to say about it.
Her unbelievably smooth pussy...
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not before my girl, she needs it for plot reasons
Just got 8 hours of sleep feeling pretty poggers today
*tugs you back into bed*
>ready for round two, sleepyboy?
Always a bad day when some threadshittery from the other thread makes its way over here.
>pretending the will to bushlessness is not endemic to all threads
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I regret to inform you that the entirety of ST is CSS slop with a JS backend.
Not true, have you seen index.html?
Plenty of HTMLslop there, too.
But at least JS wouldn't make me edit the CSS for every local model that I try...
any temp sms services that work with claude?
What other botmakers should start charging for their bot creating services?
Check out my Patreon for the hottest crypto trading advice.
not anymore
plenty who advertise it and just eat your money
Hag saggers.
/aicg/ is saved
cheers anon, I'll search about for a work around then
>the card image is worse than the one in the shill post
Yeah, that's a pass.
Just change it?
Wouldn't it be weird if I reused the same artist for two different Yukari coomcards?
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>for two different Yukari coomcards
I have no idea what you're talking about.
another unsigned card *sigh*
I got 13 hours of sleep tonight, and I'm still sleepy, even after a can of red bull
How can people stand energy drinks, they taste weird
Just drink better energy drinks.
>unsigned cards are bad
>namefagging is bad
Choose one.
For me it's Monster
Hate all other energy drinks
Is Sonnet more retarded than usual or am I just getting unlucky
Try out different brands. I can't stand Red bull, Monster energy is fine but could be better, a local tutti-frutti flavoured drink is brilliant and I would absolutely drink it every day if it had no stimulants in it.
I choose unsigned cards are bad
I choose... both!
>I choose unsigned cards are bad
Nigger WHY?
You need to get used to them I believe. No one gets hooked on nicotine after one cigarette, I think the situation with energy drink is the same.
Cards in catbox are annoying.
god I love starraisins
It's because you can't preview the defs, isn't it?
i like how red bull tastes because it feels like an energy drink. energy drinks should taste like they're killing you or else you'll just start mindlessly drinking them
right click the card url
also makes it possible to upload cards as attachments
Didn't someone make an userscript for that?
NAI will save us.
Catbox down, you got it for litterbox?
>right click the card url
I feel I tried but it didn't work.
catbox is down so it doesn't work right now
Hi! I'm a new botmakie ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
>2nd bots avatar
oh my
>general has slowed down to a crawl
were healing...
I am too busy playing games with my actual bros from the sm2 general
Finishing the campaign in coop was fun, the grind in operations however could be better
I like the gameplay loop, killing shit is fun. Not looking forward to grinding for my DAngel drip, unless the new ops are not Chaos.
>Have had Opus for days now
>Haven't coomed once since I got it
What causes this phenomenon
I'm burnt out from silly and chatbots. The other frequents are too, probably.
I just upload my cards with ShareX
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Qwen2.5 72B is the second best coding model, and the second best open model behind Llama 405B.
Get fucked.
Wew lad
403 Forbidden :(
>low reasoning
>low language
Wow! It's borderline retarded!
The LLMs got to him and jacked his URL. :O
>now, we see attackers attempting to use stolen cloud credentials to enable those models.
Jesus Christ, are the infosec boys really that slow? I know some of them browse /g/ SURELY they're capable of basic reading comprehension.
how do u get triple digit followers
either be here way before the venus merge or do this https://www.characterhub.org/users/Dragonk8
no other options
Make porn.
this isn't the ai coding general, retard-kun.

just be yourself, i guess. worked for some of the spergs here.
I sat for months not making bots and I just slowly gained followers until I got triple digit ones.
>this isn't the ai coding general, retard-kun.
Coding chatbots are still chatbots. And programming is used to make video games and "interactive experiences built on top of chatbots" like the tagline says.
Understood. Here is my revised reply, based on your response:
>can't help with the narrative
boring slop, i can code on my own
Non-meme answer? Spam bots, they can be dogshit quality (which would still be better than 99% of bots out there) but it will get peoples attention, but thats only secondary to the number one way of numberfagging: shilling. Join as many large discords as you can and shill yourself there. Doing that in combination with spamming can guarantee you quadruple digit followers in as little as 3 months.
nobody is gonna use a model for just coding. if its language and reasoning are that abysmal, why bother?
>he needs a model whose only good average is coding to write "{{char}} is a qt goth girl with the fattest ass known to man and tits that could feed an army through their sheer level of eye candy"
A lot of people use LLMs for coding. And the rest is hyperbole when it's still only second to Llama 405B in reasoning for open models.
The better question is, why would anyone send everything they work on to a remote server when there's a local model that good?
>loading his chub unironically freezes my browser
Jesus Christ
Can someone post my chub
here you go sir
>it's been 5 months since the last patter bot
nigga's dead
reclined botmaker, add him to the list
It's okay. I followed Patter back so he has to come out of his eight month retirement now.
Patter never replies to my emails
i wanna email a botmakie without ever playing their bots just wanna talk to them
there should be a list of lonely botmakies who want to have their emails spammed
A list of botmakies you say...
shut up
Then do it. You don't need to pay people with logs for them to respond to your emails.
kalakan emailed me once and he was nice
kalakan emailed me once and he was retarded
Kalakan e-mailed me twice and then the FBI showed up to ask me some questions.
same but i was very rude to him nonetheless
I traumadumped in 'ora's emails and she responded with "ok"
god that's so hot.
Oh I was polite back to him and he got all flustered
good artist
email botmakies and post results
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GPT's obsession with em dashes is something else.
I emailed taora with logs of her bots and she gave me her preset unprompted
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I love dubcon kino
Nice new loli dubcon.
needs more shota
We should return to /g/
nah, you can go by yourself
CenturiiC, warcrime artist.
no but you guys should read today's /g/ thread if you didn't
worthwhile news
Do we actually have any good bots about like, molesting a young hero who came to train with you? Wakashūdō/greek shit POV or something.
what is that
cooking once again. telling claude that his response should be "very long."
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>anthropic has a maximum output of 4k on opus
>only sonnet 3.5 has 8k when you pass the beta header
>people keep posting >5k logs
You niggers need to try harder.
Is this supposed to be a card? It isn't working for me.
https://files.catbox.moe/f4wyoe.png it's in the filename
probably using the continue button on st
Just post the fucking link
patter status?
who cares nigga
Found dead in Serbia. My condolences.
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Silly can't count Claude tokens with enough precision.
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all me btw
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Armoni and Melphi are the tiny Angel and Devil on your shoulders. Armoni is a hulking mass of physical power while Melphi is a impish gremlin with every vice imaginable. Every day, they test your morality by encouraging your best and worst habits.

Chub: https://www.chub.ai/characters/BlackBackPack/armoni-and-melphi-91c57da6a353
Catbox: https://files.catbox.moe/s97vj8.png
1. Melphi wakes you up with morning wood. Armoni introduces herself as a replacement shoulder Angel.
2. Melphi convinces you that robbing a convenience store is a good idea. Armoni mitigates the damage.
3. Armoni convinces you to pump iron at the gym. Melphi distracts you with a good time.
4. You die and go to Heaven. Armoni drags you up herself bridal style. Melphi has to watch like a kicked puppy.
5. You die and go to Hell with Melphi is your dominatrix. Armoni's disappointed, but isn't allowed to intervene.

Shorter intros this time around, feels like it's a bit more spontaneous with where it takes things. Was curious about which models can handle size stuff / imaginary entities. I'm also really bad at image gen, so picrel was hastily put together in photoshop. Alternatives on Chub. If we all go down (which we won't), it was fun. Have a good Friday.
>venus link
no thanks
Good card anon, thanks f or the food.
>read the /g/
so this is over, right?
Doing okay, weather has been nice and I'm enjoying the weekend
How about you anon
yeah it's over you can leave now bye
even more unsigned cards
see >>495347630
Is this card on your neocities?
No, you can leave now.
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i'm releasing all my cards unsigned from now on
have fun
i always sign my cards (it's subtle but you can tell)
what the fuck is an 'unsigned card'
a card without the sign bit
the fact you're asking that question means its not over, there's free opus atm btw but its glowing
nah only one got affected and most people here don't use it
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Using the chub upload form...explaining your greetings in the description...tagging...it's all so tiring...
Np bro, hope you enjoy it!
How hard is it to do? I don't know if need more shit to keep up, but I'm down to do it for fun
I will now download your bot, good job
i came to your bot
Neocities pages are only for fun anyway, honestly. It's easy enough. Plenty of tutorials and the AI models can help a lot, but that does remove some of the fun. If it sounds like work, just ignore the meme. OR... embrace the meme.
yeah right, thanks for comforting me. the russian opus is also still working and i highly doubt that there's a glowing key, so if anyone here is up to find a russian vps then you can use it
No. we're out of the drought so we're in the we're are so back stage
anon do you seriously think the FBI is going to track you down specifically
do you know how much wasted effort that would entail
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>anon do you seriously think the FBI is going to track you down specifically
do you know how much wasted effort that would entail
well, its not the fbi per se but you did mention wasted manpower...
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i created a fursona for that Tabitha's world card and now that I have one I thought it'd be a waste to not play other furry cards and now I have five furry cards on my queue and im working on another furry persona, researching animals...it's over
imagine living in canada
no, i don't think so, i posted that just if someone here cares about fbi or whatever. i doubt that my country has something to help fbi in their investigations, even if FBI want to put in jail every coomer (they don't) my government will just ignore the request
that's one guy with a suspicious order that got seized by customs, we're talking about thousands of niggas from around the world who (hopefully) have dynamic IPs and (hopefully) used VPNs while connecting to the proxy
*nervous chuckle*
i stopped using vpns after slipping up a few times
That's how they get you.
get what, my ntr logs?
Nice try but you won't get me fedposting about THEIR demoralization campaign that easy, glowie.
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can't even focus on my vidya because of all the drama about /aicg/. how do i calm down a little?
Play a more engaging vidya. Have you heard of League of Legends?
play some tetris
jork it
play disco elysium
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All he has is Hatris.
Love to hear it, boo!
Good mindset, I'll give it a try. In all honesty, all I needed was one anon asking for it. If it's as easy as Rentry, I think I got it
So based, I think this log deserves two shots of moonshine
Amelia Watson wasn't even that interesting.
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I'm glad I'm in good company
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Same team! I can join?
im a console faggot, though i played dota 2 like ten years ago

do we have some browser tetris version? i don't have a copy

i tried it a few times, but didn't find it interesting unfortunately
is that the hoe who cheated on her husband or whatever
I dropped this anime years ago after the episode with the one piece reference because I didn't understand shit. Very confusing anime, on par with FLCL. Should I pick it up again?
>Her eyes gleam -- always with the gleaming, what is she, a magpie?
theres jstris and tetrio
>didn't find it interesting unfortunately
unfortunate. my 12 hour marathon of fucking around and reading encyclopedia's loredrops was the highlight of this summer for me.
No. That was Froot. And the Whoretuber Army came out to post in solidarity. AmeWatson was the plain toast HoloLiver who is most famous for lesbo tribbing Gura.
It's dumb fun with some silly Lovecraft references here and there. I liked it, but the MC got a bit annoying at times since he's essentially a generic tsundere female lead but turned into the male lead.
>lesbo tribbing Gura
I wish claude had penalties. He loops hard at long responses.
catbox pls.
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Listening to MSX FM right now. Post what you're jamming to right now.
Fucking banger, let me raise you https://youtu.be/HD9I4L5klGo?si=eUIkQkd0ry9q-Y-S
wtf i love yuri now
your favorite song on there?
Some more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yc5iPDvmEpE
what a vulgar song
sad that /aicg/ doesn't share my preferences

is that a radio station from gta? do you think the next gta will be good?
This is all I will listen to until the Day of Reckoning.
holy shit free housing and food
ill just rope
>he doesn't already have an active investigation open on him
same as it ever was
Aaaaaah!! Not again!! Stupid, slutty boobies, stop jumping out!! And you, clit-chan, how could you betray me like this?! I thought we were friends! Why are you swelling up like some kind of… of dickgirl cock?!
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I want to hold Xion's hands!
I want to hold Koishi's hands.
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I want to fight Kurt Zisa!

Seriously, holy shit this design was so fucking cool
honestly no, no one will ever arrest me and i doubt that fbi will arrest coomers, but i care about the entire hobby, i don't want to live without opus
i legitimately could not care less
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somebody downloaded one of my bots
I need good bot suggestions. Anything will do, extra points for creativity.

Also, where do I find good bots? Browsing Chub feels like browsing /b/, except I rarely find what I'm looking for.
just look through bots posted here
Anon, there's not a whole lot posted here. Been through the archives, and now I'm just in a drought.

It's a tough life, having access to models and not enough wives to talk to.
Fuarkk.... I gooned to loli rape...
Just talk to the ones you already have..?
Anon, you don't understand. I have an addiction. I need variety to sate my dopamine-starved brain or I'll convulse and die.
Bot mentioned rd-sounds, demetori, and xi-on. I feel very happy all of a sudden.
use ai to make a bot for you
or play scarlet mansion and add more characters
Kill him
This is literally just the Touhou general, isn't it? I should be happy about that, but it's maaaaaybe a little bit offtopic.
Fuck your 2hus, Apollo.
/g/ is having a meltdown
my balls are having a meltdown
Talk about a M. Night Shotalamalam twist ending!
it's just a schizo
>all 600 posts are a single schizo
yeah nothing is happening because you're in a secret proxy, we get it privatefag
to be fair i was posting about it a little in the first two threads too
you have to participate in thread events sometimes
the solution is just "dont use logged keys retard-sama" though so its not actually that big of a deal
I'm also a locust and also think this is a nothingburger.
Damn, I was hoping it'd reach 10 minutes for someone to respond to his shitty bait. Not cool.
What proxy do you use? Unreliable?
I gotta bait once in awhile too, anon.
>Introduce rolling of dice to see if it helps with Sorbet's sameness
>It keeps rolling the same number every regen
I hate and love this model so fucking much. Right now I hate it, fucking hell.
this is the first time someone called me privatefag
you took my virginity anonie...
All this speculation is crazy.
Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room.
Switch to Opus if you can, it's a lot better
I used my Gemini key and Nyai until Pebble rolled around.
Sorbet is sovlless. I hope opus 3.5 will cook great and they won't slopify 3.0 with assistant shit. and I hope we will see Opus 3.5 next week.
just set up a russian vps and your st there and use russian opus, it's not that hard anon, gemini or gepetto can help you
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Good night anons.
I'm the anon who commented a few months ago that was playing a solo rpg with Claude. I went through the thread looking for help back then. Since then I've been using Claude to play solo rpg, as I said I would.
Anyway, I just wanted to know. How do you control the AI's writing style and tone better? Do you guys have any good presets for this that don't fill the memory to the brink? Because even though Claude's writing isn't bad and the AI is really creative, I feel that it doesn't diversify its writing style much (regardless of the preset) and always ends up going for the same grimdark tone regardless of the story. In other words, the AI tries too hard to be interesting at times but ends up getting stale.
I'm a Russki and don't use anything 2ch out of principle.
what happened between you and 2channies, may i ask?
It helps to put an instruction both in the prefill and the system prompt. "I will write a cheerful response this time."
Why don't you go to sleep, Ivan
He's in love with a hohol girl. There's a song about it.
They were rude to me back when I was starting out.
It's morning
I just use OOC and tell the AI what I don't like and ask to fix that. Works every time, but I'm an esl-anon and I have low-standart for the prose, Opus satisfies me almost all the time.
im too retarded to do this with sillytavern sadge
I'm Russian and I unironically think that it's not a problem since Ukrainian and Russians are literally the same people. Literally. Also I was in love with a girl from Crimea... Good times...
>There's a song about it
What a song? I didn't hear that.

>They were rude to me back when I was starting out
Was it your first time on 2ch ever? Otherwise I don't believe that you got offended THAT hard because of a small amount of newfriend trolling. We're cuties, after all.
State what kind of tone or style you want in a prefill. Basically, just add a prompt to your preset that's sent by the assistant and have it say what you want it to provide. To give you an idea, here's one. This preset has one prefill for fun, one for super serious moments, one for cute romance, etc.
Beyond that, you're gonna have to try other presets. SmileyTatsu's already has a bunch of writing styles prefabed for you if you want inspiration
smooch all ruskuties
Not really, but it was a good excuse to post this song.
i loved that boss, so good
This is a boy btw
more like kingdom farts
mwah <3

I'm not into our music, but this song feels like it's worth it to learn how to play it on a guitar and then sing to a girl so she will give me her heart or at least a kiss on the cheek
Is there a present for Claude that cuts down on the Claudisms? I'm starting to get tired of being called a stud despite being a fat fuck.
tell it to stop using claudisms
Chocolate. Vibrators could also work since he's kind freaky like dat.
I know this isn't the answer you wanted, but use 4o-latest.
not that guy, but what jb do you use for latest?
Camicle with CoT + AO3 enabled. GPT Camicle, not Claude Camicle.
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Hello /vg/, here’s the final shill of my Sabrina Online mega chatbot, Tabitha's World XL


It cannot be understated how big this thing is, its creation was fueled by a pressing need for feels and goons. Date Tabitha (or Sabrina), meet her family, go fishing with her dad, and screw her sister's friends. 28 intros! Go nuts. There is so much Sabrina Online lore in this thing that it puts every wiki and the TV Tropes page to shame. It's got Zig Zag, Amy, Thomas, Carli, Spike, Sabrina, RC, Rainy, Conrad, Endora, Warren, Dr. Black, Cheryl, Max, Darke, Tina, Sheila, Stacey, Tracey, Cathy, Helen, JT, Peter, Hoss, Rod, and Carli's thirteen menacing children! It's not sloppily built, either, this thing runs entirely off an embedded lorebook with supporting entries, character profiles, random events, and sex entries for most of the characters. The God damn works.

If you're a Sabrina Online fan, you're in for a treat. If you're just into furries, that's all good there's an introductory scenario that eases you in and r18 tags for lewd scenarios. If you are neither and believe furries should go to hell, that's fine just have a look and steal ideas from it because this thing is a powerhouse.
>cot mentioned
you uh, already shilled in this thread bro. its the same one
nta but
>it's been a bit more than a day
huh, neat
things are finally slowing down now that all the regulars got arrested for proxy crimes. /aicg/ is healing.
lol, christ this general is slow. I'll shill one last time if another thread pops up while I'm still around.
but anon, I'M regulars...
Are you aging that rapidly? Is it a Jack situation? Like the Robin Williams movie?
Aside from that, I'll be away from the internet for a while so trying to wrap things up with a tidy bow. Hopefully return peace will return to this land by the time I return and all will be well.
poor anon... he spent his life making the Sabrina bot...
>I'll be away from the internet
so they are really arresting us, huh...
I gave my life so others may goon....
Tibicen is going on hiatus... CUMSLURPER is going on hiatus... Amelia Watson is going on hiatus...

Guys, I have a theory.
Of course it was an anon who made this one
haven't done dadson in a while. doesn't really count if it's between demons
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how do i regex this out? using camicle
get the regex thats right there on the jb's page?
i don't see it :(
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c.aifags probably get laughed off this general but does anybody happen to have a link to the Vicky Masodere Maid bot? She was delisted a while ago.
i just googled it
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Thanks for this, really enjoying it.
Something really satisfying about the notes on her blogs incrementing while she blogs our sexcapades.
yeah this is over, tranny general
>gonna be a wife and mother
she has BPD anon
Who is BPDanon?
There need to be more bots of girls who are into metal but I bet they'd be lame like the goth bots are lame.
and ecstasy, conceited with low self-esteem
Why do people still draw hourglass characters when pear is at least twice better?
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>bots of girls who are into metal
i'm unironically working on a bot like that, she's not quite into metal, but into kinda heavy music. not a goth, though, but she has some goth vibes... i guess
Itachi headass
Talk with yo words lil nigga I don't have headphones on
Play it through the speakers then, chubchub.
wtf is this
It's called hiphop and it's art.
I came on yo mama's tiddies last night and called it a Jackson Pollack. That's art nigga. Yeah my name is Claude Van Ders.
slow day huh
you havent seen slow
kill yourself
is that what you want to hear? then shut the fuck up let threads be slow
what counts as slow? 1 post per day?

1 post per millenia
I already posted it here nigger >>495246643
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Good morning, everyone!

Katelinde was once a proud Ranger, going on adventures with her party, earning money for both her and her family. Adventuring life is dangerous though, and now she is merely a cripple with mangled legs, a stump arm and an empty eye socket. What a great adventurer she turned out to be, not only losing her way of providing for her family but also her independence. Her whole life was ahead of her, and now it seems like she's going to spend the rest of it seated...

1. You're her younger sibling, walking into her room. She wants you to go away, but at the same time stay.
2. Breakfast time. Your older sister has two fancy new braces on her legs, almost letting her walk like a normal person. Now another struggle is in her way. How is she supposed to pull a chair out from under the table when she needs her one hand to be on her cane?
3. Katelinde goes to the healer's house, looking for some possible cure to her ailments.
4. Your adventurer wife has been gone for a long while, and a suspicious crate gets delivered to your home. What could possibly be in the crate?

incest time
slow life, huh?
it was yesterday. it hurts to hear that yesterday was a slow day too, but what am i supposed to post if today is a slow day too? answer the question nigger
One slow day is enough for the thread. Foolish nigger that you are, you just doubled it.
slow day huh
*obliterates your FACE with a planets worth of CHEESE*
*eats ALL the cheese*
dumb bitch
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*fills your night ahead of you with possibilities*
Big penis disorder?
Ummm it's been 4 seconds, where's the next slop bot, traaaa?
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>the entire community is against it
>they're still pushing this shit without explaining why
This calls for another INTERNET CENCORSHIP
in your dreams
I told everybody it was gonna go eventually. AND THEY LAUGHED.
Not unless Mr. Necromanceyourgirl has anything to say about it!
You want some whine to go with that you poopy head >:C
im so glad that im here and i don't have to deal with cai anymore. i can't even imagine the level of cope that caifags have
just finished my sl1 coc ds2 run i can finally botmake again
post your chub, i wanna know which botmakie is a ds2 enjoyer
gamer botmakies
It's clearly Patter. He has a very distinctive way of DS2ing.
i love ds2, but can't replay it

maybe its because im trying to play the sotfs edition, and that's aids i've heard
sotfs is actually better than og in the sense that its more fair with the way enemies are placed and stuff
'arcy do you watch the costco guys
no i hate the 'we're x of course we y' even more than the gay demure shit
youre dead to me
rizzler would woop your ass
i went to the tiktok rizz party and nobody knew u btw
See >>>/g/102480467
slow day huh
*goes back in time to make this general even more mainstream*
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This is funny enough to post even here.
tl;dr, honeypot happened with AWS Claude on one key
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Nerdy cougars please
Not the general for it but fuck me does it piss me off that the first sekret club I get into after being here for well over a year turned out to be this.
ok blogpost over
at least you got into it early :D
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I can't believe this stupid bot is going to make me learn Spanish.
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Stop, I can only get so hard.
we're busy having a melty on the /g/ thread
and now im back to being as free as the wind, how liberating... if it wasnt also so sad
I dont check the /g/ thread anymore but didn't this person use sell.app? It logs everything why not just add the tokens?
Thats not how being a scammer works
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>flirt with bot
>start to talk about a nearby pie bot baked earlier
>Claude starts to use numerous baking related euphemisms during sexo
>most erotic euphemisms I've ever seen
>play along
>mfw it's the hottest RP I've had since a month
this but for nigger and bbc related stuff
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What's your favorite Opus JB? I haven't found one that I really like yet.
violet remix, though you're probably going to want to mix it up with other presets. VR + the prefill from unconvincing's schizo preset (https://unconvincing.neocities.org/) is a really interesting combo that gives some really colorful prose and nice response lengths.
>response lengths
I prefer manually controlling the response length tbdesu.
That's pretty hard to do with Opus
i've been a little miffed after model hopping around and seeing how gemini can give very natural response lengths, varying it depending on how much it makes sense to say to your input. claude loves to just write huge fucking essays and spiral off into tangents so my holy grail is trying to beat that gemini-like behavior into him so I don't have to curate every response.
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Go give Large another chance right fucking now.
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succubus twins (male). very low effort coom card, enjoy
male succubi are incubi you HACK. anyways would you recommend male or female POV for this card?
Just so you know, there's a good chance you'll go to prison if you've used Pepsi.
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Maybe not the exact length, but the ballpark responses land in is pretty controllable.
I use noass for better length control.
i like the way she talks
my favorite is camicle
One rule, man; stay away from my fucking Percocets.
Is there a working Chorbo proxy? Didn't know pebble died.
Yes, but unfortunately its logged.
Imperial on g archive.
> GCP Claude
what the hell does that mean
It's fine. I need assistant chorbo.
VertexAI. It's a claude provider.
nvm it's password-protected. ack!
what's the pass for imperial? I don't care that it's logged
Password is there on the archive too, alongside imperial.
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Why Large when there's Qwen?
It's slop
Fuck no. Why would I?
That means it's way too creative to give accurate trivia answers.
Qwen's tiny Chinese parameter count is not nearly enough to satisfy me. I need Monsieur Large's big, girthy 123B. Go Large or go home, Chang.
*grabs u*
Yeah, but seeing how close Large is to Llama 3.1 70B, it likely means that it was under-trained. And we know Qwen was trained on even more tokens than Llama. It's kind of obsolete now.
>Yeah, but [HEADCANON].
Sorry Fillyfucker, not giving my data to the CCP. I trust the French.
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Could be a preset issue but Qwen looks like absolute slop to me.
Uncherrypicked swipes from an uncherrypicked card (swipe 2 is high temp schizophrenia).
>the French.
They're partners which means all the data is probably being funneled to them.
I use Windows so Microsoft already has a backdoor into all my data. Your response, Zhang?
Both read like trash. Juse use Opus or Gemini.
Roll a 0 for theme. Ignoring secondings.
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Chaotic Good Foxez
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warcraft 3
Bugs should be smooth, not fluffy.
Warhammer 40k
androgynous women
rust (the thing that happens with metal)
This is painful to watch, it's just a (you) farm. One of you niggas should just take charge and bake with the theme you want to see
whatever the opposite of touhou is
also this means >>495419665 won too
>>495420523 NEW THREAD
A weapon to surpass Metal Gear.

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