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Christmas Cake edition

Previous thread >>495051065

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>/wfg/ Alliance
4Funbros: contact ddaavveeFTW
>/wfg/ Clans
Warbros: contact Killsaw
Oblivion: contact Wxu. or Geogre512

>Notable links
Wiki: http://warframe.wikia.com
Alerts and other timers: https://tenno.tools/
Buying and Selling items: https://warframe.market
Riven Prices/Calculator and other utilities: https://semlar.com/
Relics tool: https://wf.xuerian.net/
Droptables by DE: https://forums.warframe.com/topic/809777-warframe-drop-rates-data/
Builds, Tierlists, and Damage Calculator: https://overframe.gg/
Frames and Modding: https://rentry.org/zcav453e
Booru: https://wfg.booru.org/
DPS calculator: https://github.com/GottFaust/WWDC/releases/
Stream Times: https://warframestreams.lol/
Guide for Returning Players: https://www.warframe.com/fr/news/returning-player-guide

CURRENT UPDATE: The Lotus Eaters: Hotfix 36.1.6
CURRENT EVENT: September Corruption Alerts
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My friends, it has often been said that I like Wisp. My friends, I like Wisp... No, friends, I love Wisp!

I love Motes. I love Breach Surge. I love Wil'o'Wisp. I love Sol Gate, teleporting, I love triangulating two breach surges, and decoy switching for invulnerability. Wisps across plains, in ships, in space, in infested hellscapes, in frozen tundras, through deserts, on the sea, in the air, I love every act of Wisp that can occur upon this earth.

I love blasting the enemy to smithereens with Bramma salvos that thunder across the lines of battle. My heart leaps with joy whenever a Grineer is tossed high into the air and cut to pieces by well placed explosive rounds. And there is nothing like an operator using a hardened wellspring to buff her motes. And the feeling that comes when a Corpus runs screaming from his irradiated MOA, only to be mowed down by heavy kitgun fire, is such an exquisite feeling. Reminiscent of when ranks of infantry brandish their prods rushing into the enemy line. It moves me deep within my heart to watch a Wisp meleeing over and over into the bloated chest of a long-dead enemy.

Gentlemen... All I ask for is Wisp butt, Wisp butt so grand as to make Hell itself tremble. Gentlemen, I ask you as fellow brothers in arms what is it that you really want? Do you wish for further Wisp as I do? Do you wish for a merciless, bloody Wisp? A Wisp whose fury is built with iron and lightning and fire? Do you ask for Wisp to sweep in like a tempest, leaving not even ravens to scavenge from this Earth!?

...Very well. Then ass is what you shall have. We are a clenched fist, ready to strike down all who oppose us with our might. But... After enduring over half a century wallowing in the darkness, for us, a simple "ordinary" Wisp will no longer be sufficient. We need a MASSIVE ass! A Wisp beyond any other that man's history has ever known!
Someone make a Reb version of this
>pancake pasta
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Dante fucking sucks to play, needing 3 casts for anything is so tedious hes so slow, needs 5 casting shards
can i be a loli in this game
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you sure can, son
you are canonically a child in it
reb is sitting bare bottom on my face i cant breathe
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Okay, I am back, after declaring Excalibur (Umbra) to be weak and not even Circuit viable, nevermind EDA viable, and the one arguing otherwise to me posting a video of him moving like a coked up monkey, while being supported by a Dante Spectre.

If you missed it, or don't remember, it's fine. I have investigated Chromatic Blade, and found it to be fine. It's okay. Usable. Raw damage and Condition Overload. You will need to actually get rid of Umbra polarities in your Exalted Blade, and two on your frame.

You will have no use for Arcane Fury, only Arcane Strike, so it's worse than other melee exalted frames. Second, you will still need to put on Rolling Guard, subsume Eclipse (do this on all squishy frames), and use Arcane Reaper. That way, you won't die. It's not new meta, but it's usable.
Sounds like he is shit
He really fell off. Used to compete with Saryn for top aoe skill damage.
haven't played since a month or two after duviri came out can someone give me a rundown before I dive back in?
You are deranged
Way to tell on yourself that you didn't play during Hikou Prime Concealed Explosives.
I did and that shit was for defense targets. I’m not going to reply again but you are obviously a turbo shitter if it took you a long ass to find out that Excalibur is SHIT
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>nooo, it's bad, because killing a lot of enemies in a small space is only a small part of Warframe!
What a dumb faggot. Anyway.
Yeah but they're all ugly as sin.
How do rhino players get 200k+ overguard with only 200% strength and no augments?
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Wouldn't you like to know?
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anon please I suck at playing rhino
call me when there's a graviton kitty, I hear they're working on real-world experimental detector setups to determine whether or not they're real
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Guys, what the actual fuck? I can't conserve these fucking animals anywhere after I finished new war quest. They just fly in the fucking sky after I tranquil them!
Also all weapons are still visible after I toggle off them in appearance section of arsenal. Help me!
one thing I've learned lurking /vg/ is that any game that has a hint of a sniff of a whiff of a female character, will inevitably be goon posted. there is no stopping the goon poster. also I hate all women.
love from kazakhstan
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Aaaaaa, halp me!
Everything was fine before the new war quest!
just play rhino. problem solved
>wokeframe 1999
ready for your shift?
The silver lining if WF ever dies is that Reb might be forced to do OF.
what are your weekend plans?
for me
>grind vainthorns for dorriclave
>grind last part of base gauss
>get kuva bramma to 60%
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Sure hope that never happens...
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If I put Set mods on an exalted weapon, will they affect a similar basic weapon? Like, if I put gladiator mods on Valkyr Talons will it affect my Okina?
I have yet to do negrocells this week
I don't want to
delete alchemy
delete orb valis
delete open worlds
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me on the left
mrlet on the right
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delete duviri
I show the Ventkids Yareli before immediately feeding her to Helminth like all my other female frames
it may not be named "Horrible Rape Radius" but that's essentially what it is at this point, isn't it?
>Horrible Rape Radius
I use this term constantly and I really shouldn't.
maybe, MAYBE, finish sevagussy PA
The man in the wall: alea iacta est
The trans woman in the woke: veni vidi ywnbaw
kirarahime is a man, right?
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>MR: 7

Just one more and I can finally play those cool Prime weapons.
Fuck MR gating.
but you still can't use bubonico
Why are pccucks so adhd while playing this game, us consolebros are chill af playing the game normally and then the pccuck is like 500 meters away with 300 kills more.
like jesus christ man
That's the power of MB +Keyboard, baby!
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>Locked behind MR 13
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Forget the prime weapons. MR8 unlocks one of the best guns in the game, The Cedo.
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This you?
good thing Duviri exists now, wouldn't have been bothered to master most weapons otherwise
Yes. Gonna cry?
Queso pls
>anons told me that EDA was gonna be tough
>finish my first EDA on my first try
welp, you guys suck or something lol
Post decoration
I logged out to play deadlock
Lying shitter
The fact that it seems so outlandish to you that someone can easily beat EDA on their first try just goes to show I'm right.
>reading though lore fragments
>it turns out that Gara was actually BFFs with the Unum or something
Does that change anything if you use Gara in the Unum tower part of the New War?
Would be pretty easy for you to post the decoration that you'd get from a max EDA then
If I cared to, yeah
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I don't have EDA unlocked
Bump unlocked
Only secret interaction if you use umbra
Well, I finally got around to finishing the star chart after 4 years, and tried Steel Path. After taking a shot at the very first node on Earth, I want off Mr Bone's Wild Ride.
Really? What happens?
This is the solution to all warframe problems.
I just tried alchemy for the first time tonight, I would rather do a hundred rounds of that than one round of disruption.
You would rather have to micromanage 4 different eles types of drops and throw 10 of each than equip 1 key and shot the demolyst with your vasto?
Disruption is the best mode though.
Anon, do you know how FUCKING AGGRAVATING it was to find where the demo was coming from before they changed the marker for it, which was a VERY recent change, as in, in the last few months at most? You used to have to run around and TRY to get away from the fight so you could actually hear him, and hope you find the right direction soon enough or he's going to get to the conduit. Another recent change, more demo types will actually stop and fight you, they used to just gottagofast right past you no matter what you did. Disruption wasn't a pain in the ass because it was hard, it was a pain in the ass because you had to listen for where your target was, and when you have tinnitus like I do, that's more of a concern than it is for most players. So yeah, alchemy is way less annoying, opinions are like assholes, and that one's mine.
Try grinding for Gauss when your liche seems to have a fetish for Sedna and keeps stealing your relics.
Guys what do you think of my new game mode idea? Alchemic Disruption
You’ve gotta fill up crucibles to spawn the demolisher and them throw the right elements at it to make it vulnerable
Make it railjack mission and we have a deal
I knew it...alchemy defenders are shitters...
>crying about irrelevant YEARS old outdated shit
Muh coptering and void keys
kill your lich? wtf?
I wish they'd finally make liches on par with sisters with how easy they are to clear
Its fucking retarded how I can clear A WHOLE FUCKING PLANETs worth of missions and still not see a fucking lich
Skill issue
skill issue
They keep going back!
No, not years. The objective marker for demos used to only exist when you get within a certain range of them, only very recently has this changed, now you can see it right away. As recently as 2 month ago your only clue was sound.
Your clue is no content and all discussions are empty life support for wg
is it too late to get into this?
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I am fairly sure it's the same person who spams bumps, tfd and seemingly also trannies and potentially other stuff as his posting style and the way he talks about things is very similar. He also seems obsessed with warbros for some reason and warframe even though he seemingly hates the game and does nothing but shit-talk about it. I also genuinely believe he is mentally ill to the point he spends hours every single day doing the same thing here because he doesn't seem to have friends who he can talk to hence talking about TFD in this general when he could just create a general or talk about it somewhere that isn't /wfg/.
t. russchizo
Yeah, the game isn't balanced for newcomers anymore and you'll end up with kuva and incarnon weapons, galvanized mods, the newer bullshit frames, and the game will be way too easy for you 90% of the time now
You literally just missed a free easy event with arcanes but other than that no, there is never a "bad" time to get into warframe. All content and anything you can get is always available to you
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use your filters you whiny fucking sperg. every time a post you don't like is made your dumbass has to make 20 shitposts complaining about it. you aren't helping so fuck off.
Most of the posters on this board are bots now. The explosion in wordsalad sludgeposting after the removal of the IP counter is staggering. You feel it too don't you?
"everyone" ITT is chatgpt talking to itself
i love my kuva sobek
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What secondary do I use if I wanna be the coldest motherfucker around
kuva BGC
epitaph with cold damage? I dunno
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So I heard that some of you nick gurrs are NOT putting [Hornet Strike] or [Serration] in your builds.

Frankly, you are welcome to LEAVE and play other games like Destiny, or something.
what element?
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>r*ddit spacing

You got a problem with that MRLET?

Gay town isthat away
>a microwave for a cold theme
Should have started playing when there was practically no MR gates and the highest one was MR8, tough luck.

Find it kinda funny dragon nikana description is still about how only the most worthy can wield it from the times when it was highest MR gate despite MR8 being nothing nowadays.
Yeah? You freeze them and get 200% crit dmg on your nukor
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Early caturday?
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Me driving home thinking about playing my favourite no content game.
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I hate the ventkids I just want my fucking bubble gun and free mr.
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you're not fitting in bucko, try to lurk more before posting again
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timed duviri mirror alchemy eda with steel path modifiers
when is baro bumping today?
3,5 bongs
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thank you SIR
Are indians playing warframe?
Never met one obvious indian ingame.
Press T and press tab until you get to trade chat
You'll find plenty
only bots play this game, so yes
only pakistani dogs play warframe
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what's the difference?
Why would I see these ethnic groups while playing on EU?
the UK is still in sub 100 ping range
how do we fix
nova's weight?
what happened? did candlejack
Is this some new technology?
I know vsync and gsync
Chatgpt broke
More like woke
Am i right?
W in /wfg/ stands for woke
And what do the other 2 letters stand for?
Yeah but is it weefeegee or wuhfuhguh
>greek letters
Poshel nahuy eblan
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nah wfg stands for waifu frame gooning
dont you have a ditch to be composting in
anyone have a clue wtf this means?
he is larping as russchizo typing in cyrilic
So he is not russian?
Nobody is Russian because Russia was canceled back in 2022
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is the russchizo actually real or is someone just larping/role playing as them?
I am russchizo
no one answered me last thread, what is objectively the best frame to play while gooning
Revenant, so you can focus on the other screen while """playing"""
Of course he is real
>post archived thread from august 2023
Frames that let you alt tab
the real one died valiantly defending the k'urshk node during the ostron kuva fortress incursion and was given the title of heavy gooner post mortem, all the other ones are just clones based off his genetic template
any confirmed sightings since then, besides obvious larpers?
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That made me think, do Grineers save genetics of particularly well doing soldiers as a new genetic template?
Like they are supposedly all clones but they are clearly not all the same or Kahl couldn't do all that shit so I assume there might be some genetic variation during cloning process.
Also, there are both male and female grineer clones so can they fuck or are they sterile? Can't they just breed normally now or edit genetic templates so new clones can?
Why is helios rated so highly? I made a armor strip build for him and he fucking sucks at it
Free scans
>B-but I wanted to us-
You got trolled and his melee has no purpose since you cant abuse set bonus on it anymore
Damn should I just be running nautilus or wyrm then?
You should not be running sentinels at all. Smeeta is king for ALL content
they are sterile so they can't reproduce that way, their decay is either engineered by the orokin as some sort of failsafe or a consequence of continuously making clones based off of clones on an industrial scale while their genetic degradation adds up overtime or possibly both at the same time, if it's one of the latter theories then yeah it would make sense they would do that and i'm pretty sure iirc some of the original weaponized ones were based off a somewhat distinguished guy too who was chosen because he btfo'd a sentient
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The votes stay the same regardless of updates so most of it is useless. Besides most players are shitters and would vote incorrectly anyway.
Russchizo is a fake personality to begin with, it's mostly actual schizos like >>495271841 >>495272753 have their mandatory /pol/ time because it's 2024 and you must scream RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA across all internet all the time
holy based
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But I want my anti-grav array mod
the top list for frames seems adequately topical as of now, most of the guns make sense though there are some odd ones like ignis wraith still being rated high
Megan's dog will miss her so much
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How to use bubonico? It runs out of ammo so fast and takes a while to recharge
psychologically speaking, let's say a friend of mine got turned on by this hypothetically, what's the diagnosis?
Don't need any presents when Reb is the greatest gift of all
do you really? or do you just find the girl hot?
>Orb Wokeis
Baro's Trash Delivery starts serving in 5 minutes
Baro is woke
he's clearly a faggot with painted nails
Baro wo'keer
Shitty ahh baro
what the jew got
We dont play warframe
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>farmed 2k coins only to buy primed chilling grasp
Too busy gooning
Post his shit so I don't have to log in faggots...
Baro Stuff:
>Prisma Skana
>Supra Vandal
>Primed Chilling Grasp
>Primed Bane of Corpus
>Voltaic Strike
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What got deleted? Was it the Nova?
What's in the relic?
cool armor set
it was nova pegging konzu
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>not a screenshot
Not blaming you for not playing btw
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she in my bed
my bed my rules
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substantial if veracious
It really is
Can you use lex incarnon with aklex?
>Can you use lex incarnon with aklex?
can you call yourself a woman if you got a dick?
the answer is NO for both questions
>trannies after bottom surgery are woman
you are full of shit, I don't trust you
Just got banned for calling Baro a fucking jew
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oh no
Pablo rework chroma pls
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I am now morally obligated to farm exploiter orb
the sanest descendant of the roman empire
"Man door hand hook car door"
Also the correct term is Latinx
fuck you too
>7 hours
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listen here you stupid fucking negro, he meant your total login days are very low, low enough to only get 7 hours of boosters on login as opposed to 30 hours you get later on 1000+ login days. And also the fact that grinding exploiter orb is your first thought cements the fact that you're a dumb but cute mrlet
>triggered by a screenshot
be quiet, I'm not reading all of that
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speaking of exploiter orb is there any way to speed that fight up reliably? wanna farm hildryn but damn that shit feels slow as hell
virtually all the new frames seem easier to get their prime version of than their base one
>grinding exploiter orb is your first thought cements the fact that you're a dumb but cute mrlet

imagine not having everything and "NEEDING" to grind lmao. you're both cute mrlets
If you are an oldfag - you dont play warframe at all.
Grineers status?
Clone rot minimal. Report to the Queens.
Nova is slowly drowning each grineer brother with her sloppy pussy. Kahl is horrified but sister is getting off to it.
>try to do exploiter orb
>it bugs out in the last phase of the fight
delete orb valis
it's okay if you couldnt figure out how to do it sweetie :)
I just gooned real quick and enemies started spawning again
Gooning always works
hey, bit out of the loop here, what is gooning? is it another one of the thing i have to look up on know your meme or urban dictionary?
>totally random poster here, totally not bumping on timer
I'm lost there buddy
no idea what that means
>please! make some posts! i beg you! WFG is dying!
>please! make some posts!
don't mind if I do :)
ordan karric
that's me
I'm the only anon in this general
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baro ki sucks my butt this week
My butt actually
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uh oh melty
Is supra vandal worth trying
yes its worth it for the mastery
bro your pedestals?
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ummm there is like a creeper in my orbiter
she looks just like my toon
like wtf yikes
you sound 0% sane
privyet comrades
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I like Voruna
Fuck off go back to your mud hut
You sound 100% Bolshevik
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>uh oh big melty
>Prisma skana
Is this worth picking up for the incarnon, or is it just gonna be MR fodder shit for myself?
Good doggy ivan ivanovich, go earn your paycheck of 13 rubels
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>xhe's literally seething right now
I like Reb's stinky feet
>melty time
best stat stick sword with incarnon
Delayed gratification.
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mmmmmmmmm duckcats
I joined a random group that seemed to have that shit down to a science. Complete with Wisp boosts at condenser drop points. Still took 10 minutes.
damn son
It's amazing what spamming "WTB prime junk" and a lot of poor financial decisions can do.
This bitch cracks relics
oh I'm sorry
do you have a normal life?
Oh, I'm not the poster. Imagine grinding the Index that much, or trying to speculate with Baro shit. You're literally better off just selling the sets themselves every time.
Is it also a good sword for non-exalted builds?
it's not great but it's good, you can easily make it work
Guys, i have a normal life, i have played this game for about 4k hours in the past 8 years. i do not buy prime junk, i do not grind index , i just like doing fissures. and yes i do sell sets for plat but as you can see i already got plat, it's weird what playing a game for over 8 years does, stuff slowly accumulates,
Returning player?
all I said was damn son, it would have been sad if you were buying prime junk for that but you get your junk and ducks the same way I do by amassing it over time
Post Steam hours, then.
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Oh my Mag!!!!
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same shit when i posted this a while ago.
around 4k on steam, only 2.3k in mission time.
why have I been killing the sergeant so often recently?
>two exterminates and an assassination
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...into the trash bin.
I just bought this stupid fucking pedestal for 1 million creds thinking that's what I was supposed to get to start Inaros quest. I can't even put stuff on it.
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generic reb hag post #430
these baro mods are cheaper on market than if i were to convert ducats wtf
reminder that nova is fat
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why no one told me gotva prime shreds?
I didnt seem to get the memo, care to explain why?
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uhh keratinos is meta now
i got it on sp circuit. thought id had to rely on my kuva nukor, untill i ran out of ammo and had to switch. the thing does some serious dmg with zero forma. i dont even know what mods i have on this thing, because i leveled it and threw it in the back of my closed and forgot about it.
>SP circuit
Just say you are retarded before making me accidentally reply retard
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tak on the 'log
Rhino's overguard scales with damage he takes while casting iron skin.
Higher enemy level=more damage=more overguard.
woke up to goon
forced to bump
based af
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jade eximus my beloved
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kavat: me
box: suffering
opening: gooning
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sneeda kavat
>noticed at sp circuit = only good at sp circuit
at what point do you think you realized that your limited intellect is a disability?
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>thought i would get refreshed loadouts when i started my second EDA
well fuck that then, i aint doing it twice
>phone case
I can't believe reb is a fujo
is this the first time you've seen her?
Post it, then.
Why would i convert arcanes to vosfor and gamble for energize when i could just sell them for guaranteed plat?
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this is the type of negro who never makes it big in life, why get the guaranteed 20-30 plat when you can gamble and get 50-60 plat, the grind never stops, the gambling wheels keep turning! HOO-RAH
>Primary/Secondary Deadhead/Merciless/Dexterity
>for plat
You don't gamble for Arcane Energize, you gamble for Arcanes you don't intend to grind normally. Like Duviri Arcanes and Entrati Arcanes. Pity shop arcanes are included in those collections.
>sevaggot with thermal sunder
Playing with compulsive screenwipers is boring and I'm tired of pretending it's not.
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1999, top or flop? Discuss.
motorcycle bullet jump
must i say more
I... need to play it first before I have an opinion?
Reb, top or bottom? Discuss.
64% top - 36% flop
turbo bottom
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i easily sell those for 2plat each, maybe secondaries less because of cascadia flare but deadhead also sells
>you gamble for arcanes you dont intend to grind normally
.... so i buy them for plat i earned from seling other arcanes? Am I the only sane one here?
I'm so thankful that stalker's bp is cheap and reusable, I bring him everywhere with me now he's my useless cool bro
There is no way arcanes that require crystals to buy are cheaper or equal than Stalker failson's.
Top only for twinks and plat buyers
I don't fuck with anything under 5p
Okay but those 2 are one of the easiest grinds in the game so if i need them i just go there. You wouldn't fucking gamble for mirror defense/ascension arcanes when arcane energize is there.
In fact gambling for any arcanes other than energize is straight up retarded so this argument is just trash.
Sucks to suck, just made 200plat selling merciless, deadhead and molt augmented
Christ, another operation cannot come soon enough. Fucking Corpus wannabes trying to speculate with Arcane Energize.
A single energize is 40plat
Name one other arcane worth as much
And in case you are retarded and can't read, I MEAN ONE SINGULAR ARCANE ENERGIZE NOT THE WHOLE SET
>You can proc secondary deadhead on Merulina
>Can't proc galvanized crosshairs
1999 is going to be another duviri like isolated content island
though since duviri is good de might strike gold again
I get 200p weekly just from influence and it's the cheapest thing I'll sell
What should I do with them?
gay sex
>though since duviri is good
I hate Warframe abilities, I want to shoot and slash things not spin in a circle unable to find a target because some minmaxing asshole kills everything as soon as it spawns.
if i could play spell casters like sevagoth and not need 500 things to sustain energy i would never use a single weapon
>Chromatic Blade
>Arcane Reaper
literally just build for slash dance, Excal also has an insane damage augment with furious javelin that gigabuffs glaives if you just wanted to fuck around
you can even do huras invisibility fuckery with it and add AoE with the mecha set, nothing in the game survives the bleeds if they aren't immune
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>think I have some forma stockpiled for a rainy day
>remember I have to forma exalted weapons
what weapon do you use on your necramech
kuva grattler is fucking shite
>kuva grattler is fucking shite
you're shite but I wish it had way higher base crit chance
The Mausolon is pretty much it
my penis
get off revenant and start playing real frames retard shitter
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>feel like I have no idea how to actually play
>Dude in the back
What an astonishing build on that guy holy smokes, i'm so attracted.
>feed 5 form and a cd cc heat riven to my ambasador cuz it looks and sounds cool
>it's still bad
Pablo give me
tenet tenet ambassador
vandal ambassador
Prisma ambasador
Kuva ambassador
Mara ambassador
Infested Boyband ambassador
Incarnon ambassador
me in the back
i just dont care anymore
>Just one more and I can finally play those cool Prime weapons.
not the coolest one. Acceltra prime.

Just use the Cedo. It's been the best MR8 gun for like 4 years now.
all I have left to grind is fissures and I don't want to but I want to want to, what do?
or as I do it - choose a single frame and make a build for it, complete with weapons
weekly content island material conversion. yay or nay
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neigh, unless you're on the plat grind anyway and your daily cap is just sitting there unused
both sound boring... going to try and zone out for an omnia fissure until I'm bored but I think I might finally be getting tired of the relic treadmill
original xbox looking ass
set yourself a goal
you are going to burn out unless you have a goal
lmao how did you put six fucking forma into umbra without realizing favelin exists
right now it's most parts for sevagoth/epitaph/nautilus, that's all I'm missing and I have a decent pool of relics for them but I know I'll run out of traces and patience
What part of I don't like abilities didn't you understand? I've only recently branched off from using Excal Umbra for everything.
why not use Chroma or Mirage then?
Literally they just buff you shooting or slashing
or Rhino, you just use Iron Skin + Roar on occasion
Play Lavos or gun Saryn, they do both
You'll get over it eventually
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You could be a shitter and use wisp for survability and dps boost since you don't really have to recast motes, or Merulina augment. Even Ivara's prowl is a nice long lasting survivability boost (Dashwire cd boost acts like motes in that you don't have to recast them).
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>mfw farming toroids
maybe exploiter orb wasn't so bad
>mfw reb wont post booba
I have a Cedo riven but I’m waiting for the prime version to be released with Lavos Prime.
Super mfw bros
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>mfw bjmping
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>nooo stop interacting!!
Yeah I've played a lot of Rhino but his Iron Skin falls off and going full sperg to max it wasn't worth it. Stomp was fun for CC, didn't kill everything just made things more manageable - I'm fine with abilities like that. I'll have to look more into Chroma and Mirage's kits.

Gun Saryn sounds neat.

The cool thing about neglecting abilities is that I could just mod for survivability directly, so I've never had any issues there.
She's currently getting railed by a Gojo cosplayer give her some time
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>mfw farming aya
I really get tired of spamming roar every 60 seconds so I just go with funny empowered quiver cd bonus. On sp conjunction survival omnia fissure I can get like +800% cd dashwire and it makes the amprex a nice qol.
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I just sold ambassador blueprint for 50 plat
Stop playing Reb
Post them
thats literally what it's going for
I will not fucking play as a pregnant woman wtf
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You will fucking play as a pregnant woman
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i would sell mine but i do like the ambassador
come to my orbiter
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>hildryn in crafting
>baruuk in crafting
>larkspur in crafting
until I want to build more amps or kitguns
based MRlet
Magus overload?
Should I put a reactor in my Smeeta just to give it extra uptime?
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you don't need a reactor
i 6 formad that down syndrome cat and even bought a skin
suddenly getting 20steel essence of 8 vitus makes my brain very happy
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boomer frames need love too
i use nyx sometimes. she's also in my top row of usage which i'm proud of
i noticed she's more prone to the moonwalk bug for some reason, hopefully the light rework will fix that too
the timesink of ranking up 6 times for shit ass forma is way more than the time cost of running void captures and selling what you get, just reactor every single time
Hello, my name is Anonymous, and I'm addicted to Tauforged Violet Archon Shards.
do you just turtle in absorb all time?
>hopefully the light rework will fix that too
nah man, that fat fucking beaner doesn't focus on actual bugs, retarded nigger just fixes basic fucking texture/lighting bugs and praises himself on twitter with a bunch of retards sucking his dick in the replies, fucking fat fuck needs to die or to be fired for warframe to ever become decent, fat fucking insufferable beaner basedboy cunt fuck needs to go. fuck that cunt and his dicksuckers. i'd much rather support tencent and the ccp than that fucking illegal beaner fuck taco tuesday motherfucker
Hi Anonymous, I'm addicted to Tauforged Amber Archon Shards.
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Idgaf about people screenwiping my issue is they always have a neon or pastel energy color and bukkake every room in glow in the dark spooge, even worse every other meta chasing loser can't even copy the meta right and can only clear out the trash mobs
The real endgame is making a babbysitter build to buff your herd of retards so you don't even have to play the game
Farming Kullervo almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter
you understand
I helminth'd off Qorvex's 3.
8 duviri runs? such horror
I’ve been messing around with corrosive blast secondaries on yareli recently, it works pretty well
Dropping a riptide and nuking an entire room is really fun
I can barely do 2 without falling asleep
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>bane of
>these nuts
Faction mods are useless change my mind
i use the augment and pop 4 in emergency mostly (or when reviving teammates) so nah
Why are NA hours so much better?
They all share same polarity, it's easy to use them.
reb booba please
Another multiplier is useful for lots of extra damage, especially DoTs, it's just annoying to swap them before every mission.
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i have exactly fifty plat and an 8 hour affinity booster who should i forma
wisp :^)
>another day waiting on rollover so I can buy more lights from the multiverse autist
>reworked Nav area to be more open and better hide the wall cancer
>found a good and kind of easier to grind deco to make walls and dividers with
> still need to figure out what to do with the attic I made
Post Orbiter/showrooms/decorations
Damn Corvas Prime was really worth it, 1shots profitnigger legs easily, ~2 min speedup
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it just keeps happening
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You know who has the most obnoxious effect that you cant disable now - Oberon
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>You know who has the most obnoxious effect that you cant disable now - Oberon
Oh quite aware
consensual but violent sex with reb
Flop for sure, anything good will be whatever else is updated
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>only three frames I have not mastered.
>only MR26.
There is a lot of meaningless weapons in this game, huh
worst part nowadays is that despite a weapon being meaningless mr fodder now it can be overpowered at some point and you will eventually grind it again
*cries in having to craft sibear again*
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what is this?
you're forgetting all the garbage companions, their weapons, zaws, kitguns, archwings, necramechs, probably k-drives too I dont remember if those give MR
there were five stalkers bouncing on the bed
don't forget map completion too
the wages of edgelordery
>map completion
One of those things you'll inevitably be doing anyway, does steel path map completion count towards MR?
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Slowly making progress on my Operator room
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>One of those things you'll inevitably be doing anyway
tell that to the dozen or so SP intercepts and spys I have never touched
>does steel path map completion count towards MR?
I think so, but maybe check the wiki to be sure
nice, is that from Hombask parts?
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Love it, just hate the though of the standing cost
Bros TFD is dying....
Reminder to sell all your fodder asap so you always get good weapons for EDA/Duviri
It's mainly a mix of Hombask and Acrithis, but there's a little Bird 3 and Grandma in there too.

Daily standing limits sure can get in the way. Nice work with your navigation room. Wouldn't have recognized it if DE would just let your cover up the market terminal.
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The Final.. Destiny? Don't use obscure acronyms without explaining them first. Hate that shit.
Have you been living under a rock?
No, I'm abreast of current-thing in the world. Have like 59 new games this year alone added to Steam.
evidently not
My dick is dying because Reb didn't post goon fuel
Well if whatever it is is dying it must not have been any sort of relevant to begin with. Why mention something so forgettable.
TFD is the gook Warframe clone
it was a big thing in "the community" for a bit
Outriders doesn't abbreviate as TFD.
Slamfag complaining? Thankfully they fucked back off to reddit.
you should lurk a bit moar
>Outriders doesn't abbreviate as TFD.
Now I'm convinced you're being retarded on purpose
I'll have you know I've been here almost daily since May, when I started. I did take a week vacation during summer, must have been a really shortlived thing.
>I'll have you know I've been here almost daily since May
then you are literally lying
the schizo made it a thing for weeks on end lmoa
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You think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and pretend to be a retard for laughs? That's preposterous.
Why not just tell me what it means if it is such a cool game. I don't know of any game like Warframe, the everything game plus speed.
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How the fuck have you been here daily and not know what TFD is? We have a shitposting fest about it every other day.
>if it is such a cool game
I said no such thing
Very and i mean very smart bait to force bumps
>if DE would just let your cover up the market terminal.
There are workarounds, the crates from ticker's secondhand have the hitbox of a plate that sits at the top of the box for some reason so you can sink them into alot of the no build zones or through solid pieces like the desk, it's how I hid the conclave terminal.
also if it's the sliding ad screen you don't like a single banner display will cover it, and you can get it pretty close
I'm bumping you right now
bumping your ammo depot with my drone
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I usually only read if a picture is posted and am mostly looking for Baro inventory, updates, and primarily juicy warframe butts. The Reb posts are entertaining because she's woefully unattractive though. I also like that one guy who thinks Mag is entertaining, cute and interesting. What a riot.

Some weird tiddy game? Not my thing. I like butts and speed.
i want real tiddies
reb post them
i made a mistake of reading comments on 1 fucking reddit thread and i can't belive how braindead this playerbase is
Why is normal Magistar considered better for incarnon than Sancti, is it just riven dispo?
You didn't gather that just by reading posts here? There's a guy in this very general who thinks incarnons are worthless because "headshots are hard okay." Are you baiting or just a fucking retard?
I'm railing jack rn
I'm railing Nyx right now
I'm railing Ember tonight
i am that retard and i do think incarnons are worthless because of headshots, the only good incarnons are melees and torid
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If you are in fact that retard (I doubt it), then you perfectly exemplify your own complaint.
Rebb is railing me rn
I'm railing Reb while she's railing anon rn
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Can't decide between this and Eidolmom for whatever new cutscenes we'll only get to see once and never replay for the next big update.
I'm railing anon while he's railing Reb while she's railing anon rn
That's a bit gay, anon.
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lol saved
I have a maxed R5 Arcane Energize, and I sold another from the last operation. I literally do not give a shit.
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Is there any reason to grind for incarnons? Are any of them really that interesting?
Okay-ish damage buffs are not the solution to the issue that unlike Valkyr, Baruuk and Wukong, Excal has zero fucking survivability.
2 arcane anergize from 26 packs lets gooooooooooooo
>didn't get all the Ticker cosmetics
>didn't get all the floofs
>didn't get all the Zuud arcanes and set
Should I even ask if you crafted all the Little Duck operator clothes, or Vent Kids?
he doesnt even know what Duck looks like
>I'm in, tenno
>this will take a moment
holy kino
Are we playing the same game? I take level 0 frames into steel path circuit all the time. Just don't get hit nerd. It is a movement shooter. If you ain't movin' you're playing it wrong.
what was exceptionally retarded there?
thats like 500+ plat in trash arkanes youve dusted?
number wise something like 600plat
realistically though those arcanes will never ever sell, primary and secondary dexterity are beyond dead
>>495361386 >>495361141

Actually it should be ~9p per pack if you consider SP arcanes which sell for ~18p maxed = 420 vosfor each
I'd rather play mag
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zomg h4xx3d
but I get my drugs legally from the pharmacy
okay I have sevagoth's parts, epitaph, and nautilus in the oven with plenty of relics to spare and even a few traces leftover

see you for coomei, gamers
Back to gooning!
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Finally maxed all amps
margilus for booba
What do you do for amp affinity, I can't imagine actually shooting at shit in a regular mission with one.
just go in an eso and stay in operator form to leech, if you are lucky there will be an saryn/mirage/volt nuking everything
Devilish but understandable
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>consolefag squad
>they don't revive
its not devilish pretty much everyone does it, maxing everything is just going ESO for 2 waves and leaving ever since everything got extremely power crept
saryn, volt, sevagoth just make it take 4min to max whatever you want
only people who dont do it either dont know about it or want neo relics so they go hydron
Uh-huh. So why is the funny 30k overguard librarian man everywhere?

Are you going to post gameplay of you darting around like you're on crack, while being supported by a Dante Specter off-screen, like the moron namefag I argued about this the last time?
Someone post all of the Schizo-Excalibur projection comments, they're awful.
Reminder that Caliban is going to be given away for free when they do his rework and release his DEluxe
How can they breathe
Might pick it up. Do we even know who the next prime access will be? Lavos, Yareli or Xaku? I don't want to invest in them or their signatures due to this.
Self revive nigga
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Have you tried not dying?
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you know it
Anyone got a good vermisplicer build? I wanna shoot hentai rays
>not doing steel path spys
the newer tiles are generally less generous with their shortcuts, but spy missions are babydick easy, what is wrong with you.
Do you have to do multiple rotations for cavia bounties for better rewards because everybody dips immediately after one run
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>What do you mean... that people don’t want to do the same stuff that I do!
Care about your own business faggot, SOLO
Yes, you do. Do not do bounties of endless missions on the Zariman or Sanctum. People are doing them for the rewards, and maybe an angel/book.

If you're serious about doing rotations, start the mission raw.

t. insecure, impatient faggot that can't wait for Exterm to be the highest tier bounty
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>If you're serious about doing rotations, start the mission raw.
They have the same reward pool as the bounties?
Honestly surprised they don't just give you the standing reward for each rotation you complete.
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You forgot the meme arrow so you say that and look like that. What a fool you are.

Bounties don’t have rotations they will kick you out in endless missions unless they have made a change for whatever retarded reason.
You're not in a position to call anyone a fool, since you wake the Angel in Void Cascade before a rotation is done and then fail the mission.
If they kick you out its definitely not past the first defense, it asks if you want to keep going like any other mirror defense.
I have never done that, but that is specific enough that I'm starting to wonder who's done that in this general.
Sure. After posts like that, you're a mindful teamplayer and not a tunnel visioning "pubbie" that ditches the exolizers to go grind his arcanes, uh-huh.
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This is a lot of projection

Wiki has spoken
>wild asspulls
I've never done it because I don't play cascade. Go unleash your autism in someone else's face.
Weird design choice but alright that explains a lot.
Gooning to Reb is easy. It's playing Warframe that's hard.
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tak on the 'log again anyway dj mag song of the day is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8TIZHprvlN4
ready for your shift?
>doing narmer bounties for Quill and Duck standing
>keep getting Caliban parts, even though i'm not going to build him since he currently sucks and will be free soon
>do bounties trying to get Xaku or Rev
>6 Quassus bps
At least i had no issues getting Qorvex
New fag here, I've been working towards getting my first Prime Frame and right now I'm one part away from both Hildyrn (Chassis) and Sevagoth (BP)
Which do I focus on grinding out first? I've been doing Hild all day but it's been fruitless so far.
just leech off of other people's relics, and go with what you get. This week, i got Acceltra and Hindryn prime that way
i laughed
Hildryn is an older frame and Sevagoth a new one literally the current PA, whatever it’s easier for you while you can
Both are currently in rotation but Hildryn is next to get the kick into the Vault but you still have plenty of time. And because she is holder, she is cheaper
Literally 3 plat, and the Sevagoth main BP at 8 plat, there is no way you CAN’T afford this
what a fucking banger, they just don't miss
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Reminder that content will arrive, and it will end, and we will wait for more, again
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How do I beat the fragmented one bros?
And retards and influencers will complain about a content drought 2 months after it drops.
Hildryn and keep aim gliding in circles
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Alright I'm about to start the Second Dream questline.
Spoil me on it.
>2 months
1 week
you better dress it up nice, you'll be seeing it quite a bit
im fuking crying, who drew this
Is the "kill a ramslead party without taking damage" nightwave challenge bugged or something?
Pretty sure I didn't take damage but it did not count for some reason.
Thousands of years of innovation and all that has done is make dressing like a void key socially acceptable.
Works on my machine. I set my AI crewmates to Defender, let a ramsled board, and hid in the bridge while my friends fight for me.
>wokeframe 1999
What did he mean by this.
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Winter's here
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kinda just grindan fissures rn dunno what to do. I'm bad at building but just watched a guy make the attica sp viable. experimenting with new stuff takes too long, thats time that could be spent grinding with my favorite weapons. Im gonna grab a prisma skana and a few prime mods from barrow and hop onto railjack maybe. I was supposed to get my torid incarnon this weak but I gorfot. kinda wanna play a long match of arby's or maybe some sp survival fissures. gonna gamble some mods and see what i can get outta transfusions. might spawn another lich or run some railjack fissures actually, I do need the holokeys after all. I was considering farming some prime sets for a few hours but idk maybe not. maybe I drop a parlay on some frame fighters fights and win the big bucks. who knows, anything is possible in the sector.
People are so fucking passive aggressive in this game just to not get banned its like fucking china with heavy censorship lmao.
>play frost on kuva defense for incursion
>freeze everything
>know im being retarded and do it on purpose to annoy people
>"freezing everything here will make this mission take hours im out"
>nobody else said anything
I've finally found a dreaded chinese player. One mister "KongShan". I shall check his usage stats.
what did you expect?
and I think the nigga is trying to lowball me with a price that's 3x lower.
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nvm he just wanted all of my rivens.
>solo bumping arise
not a bump if it's already on page one, do something about it pussy.
Donate to the proletariat cause, late-stage-capitalist.
No thanks, I'll need something in return.
in other games i would be flamed into oblivion
We are all sex haver here. When we get up set in game, we simply beat our wives.
i need frost augment to give crit chance to entire squad to trigger every laetum user
shoot it until it dies
time for hangover grind
>check foundry
>there's larkspur being crafted
apparently I did Profit-Taker yesterday but I don't remember it at all
Ive done archons solo on unmoded Mag, l2play
Max crit, heat+viral, riven is mandatory - they are cheap so no excuse to not get one
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>duviri nogwave daily
Gimme a build for vermisplicer that doesn't shit ass, I hate this thing.
you just reminded me that I don't have a single kitgun, zaw or moa
I hate modular shit
Don't bother. I did it with a few friends it took 2 hours before one person gave up and only 2 of us had finished it. In that time 3 despawned from running away, only 5 spawned in over 2 hours. I stayed 30 minutes longer and none spawned.
Should I subsoom over Qorvex's 1 or his 3
how do we fix mesa
every 4 kill gives overguard
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>Mfw the only things that'll carry over from 1999 to the actual game is a motorcycle and a dumb form change for Warframes that makes them talk and quip with every action
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>delete höllvania
Coming to you live this December, because some faggot is whining content island bad.
there better be human frost
and he better not be a nigger or pajeet like rhino and volt
Least retarded /pol/fag.
Dont get me started to what I woke up after a really drunk nights in WF
Do you have a measure that prevents you from drunk buying plat and spending it on stupid shit, like Endo?
>he thinks that an obviously retarded gr**k not knowing how to demonstrate a point means that everyone who half agrees with the faggot is wrong
It kind of does, since we're talking about Excal, a frame with a MELEE exalted that wants to use his MELEE exalted, and other posters recommend buffs to his MELEE exalted, which, very noticeably, prevents movement. Saying "just dodge 4head" is the same as "if you want to stay alive, be useless".
What the fuck do fags even mean by "content island"?
I spent it on whoresand rivens and I dont even remember much - which of course makes you feel more embarrassed.
The only prevention is not to keep any alcohol at home and just buy few beers for the night.
I think they're referring exclusive and new syndicates, drops and resources to craft Mastery stuff that come with every open world.
Rhino isn't dead back in 1999 or what are you talking about?
It's not Rhino, it's the new frame.
How can they be new when they are "proto"?
Who is the namefag?
Self-contained locations + systems where DE always creates another resource hell where you need to farm 50 kinds of garbage which is never used anywhere else. And at worse its DE's attempt at creating another game on top of WF - like RJ and Duviri

>never used anywhere else
Wrong, your ship cyst eat everything.
Anyone knows the name of the (i think) syndana that looks like glowing tails and attaches to the lower back? I can't fucking find it for some reason and i really want it on my saryn
Thats much later addition, same as with RJ scraps converting to endo to be worth playing - because DE tried to mend the "content island" issue
You mean the Shard Bane ephemera?

Okuri Tails Ephemera, 70p off the market.
Full status
The thing is OK but unfortunately not really great
oh yea its Ephemera thanks
AKA a mark of a furslut
You're badly misremembering that argument. You asked the greek faggot to prove Umbra is EDA viable, and then he went in with Phenmor, Laetum, Prisma Skana, none of the personal rules turned on, and was spamming operator abilities. That didn't prove that Umbra is bad, it proved that one guy was even stupider than we all thought. Which honestly is kind of impressive, because the whole general already knew he was a huge retard.

It doesn't mean anything because people don't use it consistently. A while back someone said that operator is a content island but you can level and use operator mode almost everywhere. The anon that replied to you isn't even consistent with himself. He said locations and systems that you can't use elsewhere, but then he pivots to resources that are used internally which is completely normal for video game expansion areas, and then his examples are Railjack and Duviri but those intrinsics affect your gameplay in star chart.

The greek thematic anon. He left a few months ago and thankfully doesn't seem to have come back.

>msg a guy for requiem relics
>see he has all types
>hey, 6 of reach relic pls
>he trades me just one type
is everyone on the market an actual bot?
if anyone wants to sell me fucking requiems for 3p and isnt retarded msg /w Frixer
>That didn't prove that Umbra is bad, it proved that one guy was even stupider than we all thought.
Well, the entire argument was started by me after being extremely disappointed by Umbra's performance (survivability) in the Circuit. The place where every warframe's shortcomings can be fixed, and strengths made absurd.
brozime lied to me...
>greek thematic anon
I saw the strange characters, but didn't see any special name (just Anonymous).
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what happened to the warframe killer
did you woke up?
golden era of warframe, logged on a few months ago after years of not playing only to get stunlocked by my mid at bes hikou primes
What's the issue you're having?
>other posters recommend buffs to his MELEE exalted, which, very noticeably, prevents movement
I mean, does it? Can't you jump around while you're shooting the sword waves? I'm not the most familiar with Umbra I would expect him to have good survivability because he has a 25m blind, a ranged attack exalted weapon, and you're invincible during Slash Dash.
duviri should be optional
putting potato and adapters behind this fucking shit is criminal
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i cant seem to find everything behind duviri (excluding circuit) i need to unlock for mastery, is there a list somewhere? all i know of is the frame
i fucking hate duviri
Super duviri bros
and they say it is "conincidental"
Nintendo will sue you
any good endless missions to farm relics or its the usual meta of capture for lith/meso/neo and lua disruption for axi
one is a valid complaint and the other is a horny retard that cant read the wiki
gay grandpas at the lemon party
please point me to the article in question and i will happily do so
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thank you
Am I fucked out of completing Earth for my star chart and steel path because of a fucking lich?
you can choose the steel path mision instead of the lich one
just play them and lose loot to tax
having a lich on a node doesnt in any way prevent you from doing a mission
I WILL rush extermination/capture with Titania and kill everything before it can drop reactant
I WILL nuke everything with Saryn in Defense before it can drop reactant
I WILL use slowva in regular Defense missions
I WILL use octavia and place mallet on the defense target to force lich/sister to kill it in seconds
I WILL destroy every vent in Alchemy missions the moment they show
I WILL activate every capsule in Kuva Survival before you get a chance to use kuva capsule
I figured it out, the lich icon hides the completion icon but has no effect. Time to continue ignoring this shit forever.
Bumpei and the five bjumpds
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not playing today
going to grab another bottle and get wasted
sir your sortie?
I also checked Ticker's slave market for elite meat and cooked forma
I'm done for today
I hate the russchizo.
I hate the wokeschizo.
I hate the catschizo.
I hate the frogschizo.
I hate the magschizo.
I love warbros.
Warbros #1
>tfw not a -schizo
I have to shitpost better
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The sanest warsister
3 of those are just same 1 schizo
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That was uncalled for.
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Can I be the Valkittyschizo?
Come to my orbiter for audition and we'll find out
guys 20 without bump
it is over...
Gotta wait for Americhads to wake up. Us Russissies are too weak.
Invite me
IGN: Higgus
another kuva depot blown up...
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Still waiting for the Gersemi tail to become an auxiliary applicable to every skin.
Straight male, 27.
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>so called "free thinkers" when its time to bump
Redpill me on Nyx fellow tenno, is she just roided on crowd control? I prefer weapons platforms like Grendel and Garuda but I got Lavos and no other frame came close to being as fun to play after him
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Meant for >>495404902
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I'm gonna bump my cock into your cervix.
how do we fix
Do I need to flood this general with my maroo lewd posting? Flood it like I flood her womb and stomach with my seed every day and especially on weekly reset. I will be the marooschizo.
how do we fix our kuva depots being blown from ostron drones?
Ho ho ho
oh yes please do
you are russchizo #5 , no renaming allowed
3-4 of these are the same thirdie schizo
>talk to meeeeeee!
that's a man
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>destiny refugees joining fissures with no relics
all me baby
>t. sanity: 0%
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really makes you think
reb...thirst trap...por favor...
i... cant... bump...
49 bumps left
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this anon is a legit schizo
duh, it's /vg/
Which one out of three?
all of them
Legit schizo is the one who acts like wfg is not on life support.
Why do you care if it is?
Woah! >>495411734
>Russchizo seething that his attempts to kill /wfg/ keeps failing
I hope a Ostron bomb hits his house
Are you gonna answer the question or keep deflecting?
nerf mapwipers
nerf incarnons
nerf energy economy
nerf mobility
save warframe
he's upset his TFD game and general is dying before Warframe.
you forgot about overguard on players, otherwise solid list
Is there a way to toggle ADS so I don't have to hold it?
>this nigga wants the stamina bar back
He is CEO of nexon?
>He is CEO
Dumbass ESL Russchizo
My Queens, another Grineer base got bombed...
I think you made him angry, good job.
Chief Bumping Officer
South Korea is the only Russian ally left, it's only logical that Ru anon would support them over Canada
Only logical is you have terminal /pol/brainrot
same story for 8 years
imagine if people here started playing together and posting about it again, he would freak
stop being slow>>495398635
so #1
>anon can't tell sarcasm apart
sad, really
sarcasm doesn't work on Russians
Duviri is a content peninsula
Nice bump
thanks bud
>allegedly buffed traces drop amount last hotfix
>with a fucking booster
>was casually getting 50+ before hotfix
I hate steve.
duviri is a content islet
duviri is better than base warframe
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SOVLframe is better than hagframe
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Retarded fucking frogposter.
How do I turn Ivara in a killframe?
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embrace the frog
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warframe is a content archipelago
Kuva Fortress is a content island for Ostrons
bump island
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Little Fuck
That what's she calls my operator

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