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Duel Links Speed General #2476

Laying an egg on the meta edition

Bitch >>494200478

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links is a Mobile and PC game that uses the Speed and Flush Duel formats. /dlsg/ focuses on the SPEED duel format of the game. Classic yugioh anime discussion also welcome. Flush discussion NOT welcome.

>New Player FAQ
>Datamines Drive

Current Events
KC Cup

Upcoming Events
>new Flush world
>UI update

Useful resources for info on Legendary Duelists, Skills, decklists, events, etc.
>Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki
>Official Duel Links Page
>Yu-Gi-Oh! Probability Calculator
I feel like at the very minimum, skills could be more restrictive on ED summons. Like the Shiranui skill is limited to fire zombies which greatly reduces their summon options.

Take that Dumon skill for example. Why should such a blatant free advantage skill not lock him into thematically appropriate light Xyz monsters?
They're trying to sell a box that's why
What are you guys bringing this wcs sloppy sex season?
It would be Traptroika for me.
neo harpies.
God, I hated the Mai meta.
Lyrilusc lost
>big boobs
>can carry you
>blue skin
>colorful feathers
>big claws
>small boobs
>borderline furry skin tones
>boring feathers
>can’t carry you cause small
>little claws
It’s clear who the winner is
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The descendants.
>aoi poster is actually a flush fag
I respected you
>she respected someone on 4channel
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I don't like any trading card games really. I only care for the anime.
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Birds nullified
I love powersink stone some jap used it on me like two days ago and we had a real good back and forth going
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It was fun while it lasted. He summoned two of these and cleaned my board.
I faced a time thief player that used it and racked up both counters on their own so there was no back and forth.
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We got to cocky, bros...
The jap I dueled used time thief's too my monsters effects could activate on his turn so we just kept stopping each other from making plays till I decked out
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Letting the extra deck of a real limit would help. It should have stopped at around 6-7 cards, since that makes people have to really choose those cards wisely. Endlessly giving us 1-2 more card slots each year just means people can fit multiple copies of their own archetype's monsters and a bunch of generics. People shouldn't always have an answer for every situation situation.
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I love Sora.
Ygo isn't ever going to slow down there's no point in complaining about power creep in this game anymore that being said they should introduce xeno locking like some skills do where you can only summon certain archetypes or cards from the ed/md that turn/duel
Veiler isn't doing much anymore, found something better against current meta. Shuts down a lot of netdeck bullshit

I still want my fucking toadally tho lmao
Does droll really stop anything that's not sky strikers and whatever dumon plays? Most of the other meta relevant decks get their cards through skills which droll can't do much against. What match ups has it worked for you in?
It can stop the one the prevents targeting in the from searching and the one that searches the lyrilusc s/t
>Sacred beast
They can still plop out a monster regardless but it does cuck them out of their field spell if they don't draw it
I don't think it stops them unless it's the infernoble knight version
>Borrel link
It stops the level 8 from searching and melody as well, can't remember what else they play that searches
>Time thief
It stops them from searching their s/t
That's all I can remember from the top of my head.
>It can stop the one the prevents targeting in the from searching and the one that searches the lyrilusc s/t
Sorry for the gibberish there it's like 2 am for me meant to say
>It can stop the one that prevents targeting the xyz monster it's a material for because it also searches on ss and the one that searches the lyrilusc s/t upon ss.
Stops jew eyes to an extent which is pretty common deck that veiler is useless against

Stops all the decks you listed or at least slows them down

Stops the sushi ships from drawing a bunch of cards

I was looking for a better hand trap that isn't so effortless to play around, droll perfect but it's better thsn veiler atm

It has some effect on pretty much every deck you'll face, even if it doesn't lock them out of their main plays
Lot of rogue decks that are floating around also don't like it. Zombies, shira,, raidraptor, windwitch, unchained, speedroids, tenji, fucking shaddols, etc
>go up against suships
>they shit out 4 xyzs monsters and set a card
>draw into BoE and mst
>think I won.
>he flying Cs me and completely shuts me down.
I am impressed and fucking fuming at the same time.
Would probably be seething harder if it wasn't a kcc stage 2 match
What's the raid raptors turn 1?
I used to see people run swarm and soldar, but now people only run a pure RR ED featuring arc rebellion.
I get the turn 2.
You just shit out arc rebellion and go for the OTK, but I don't see what thsir turn 1 strat is supposed to be other than setting some backrow the might draw into
Turn 1 is click the forfeit button
how much you spend this time?
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I love the Obelisk Blue uniform
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I had 12k+ gemmies
I kneel.....
You broke that streak, right anon?
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>You broke that streak, right anon?
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>mfw see some youtubers ressurect aleister with fleur skill
>this might work .jpg
>try to research my way through some variants, it went as far as invoked saber with fleur skill
>crush plat with the deck
>today in KC someone with the exactly deck is using it against me
What have i done bros, at this rate fleur is going to pay for aleister sins
What rank though?
>inb4 Legend
Can't you see from the color of the name?
BoE to 1
So Dogmatika sucks, right? I looked at their future cards.
>their big Ritual boss scoops like a bitch to backrow
>their non Ecclesia/Fleurdelis/Maximus maindecker are awful
>can't use Limit 3 techs because their best card is also Limit 3
What do they even do
I never knew names changed color according to rank. Which one is it then?
I beat my meat to Ecclessia. That's all that matters.
You should know if you check your own name
Calm down Nigbaz
>there's a bug in kc that let you prevent loss by DCing during the match
people are in top 10 with 100% winrate and the japs are losing their mind lmao they even started a hashtag on twitter #disconnectingcheaters
>"the japs are losing their minds"
>less than ten tweets about it and half of them are the same guy
they're not all using the hashtag
Oh so that's why there are some retards who dc when I'm 1 hit away from winning
When is this shit game adding mp2, zeus, infinity, verte anaconda, ash, imperm, and rhongo
And this is why ranked is a joke. We have people who never reached KOG before or even high Legend building the new Tier 1 or 0 deck and hitting it on box/event release. We had people doing this with even Eternal Bond at one point. It's either busted skills or the newly busted archetype. Lyrilusc being cheap helps it by a lot.
It happened to me a couple of times before I found out about it. There's always been DC bugs like this for the abuse, so I know when its being done even before people start talking about it. It's just too obvious. Perfect connection for the entire duel and then suddenly I'm the one who losses connection when I'm the one winning?

Keep in mind that we still have never been able to fix the reveal all cards cheat that modded APK users have. It's not available for PC but any retard with a phone can download a modded APK and be able to see every face down card on the field, all cards in your hand, and your next drawn card. If you ever felt like someone was guessing your specific set cards too well or always chose to play safe when doing the opposite could lose them the duel, that's why.
Lulu makes /dlsg/ seethe. You hate her because none of your decks can beat the birbs
I don't care about the character. I never even watched her anime. The deck is busted.
as an engine, you splash them in decks with a loose EDs so you can plus off cards ED monsters with gy effects
as a pure ritual deck, its the same as above but now you're also trying to rip the opponents ED. Although I doubt the DL team wants mass ED ripping in a 9 ed format so they'll be forever shit
My deck can
Amazing how many opponents I go against seem to think negating warbler's effect is actually gonna acomplish anything.
I use her and I love her.
>It's not available for PC
yes it is lol
Is it true that the game will be removed from Steam?
Just Kaiju it bro. Robin can't respond to tributes, Nightingale doesn't protect non-birbs from destruction, and if it's your MP they can't toss it with a skill. I know Live Twins love to run Radian, they should really lean hard into it for the birds.
Anon you can wait to use nib you know that right? You don't have to shotgun in it till they end the main phase.
I figured they still couldn't make any plays if both Robin and Nightingale were in the GY and I wanted to put fear into them. Robin stops Special Summons, but Nightingale stops damage. They aren't bringing back Robin, and I can clear Nightingale with Ogdoabyss.
Meant Echidna. Odgoabyss sweeps away Nightingale while Echidna puts Nightingale back down to 0. She's run at 2, minimum.
It's Force Strix * 2 with Raidraptor's Phantom Knights Claw and a set Phantom Knights Rank-Up Magic Force to make Revolution Falcon - Air Raid on the opponents turn, with Raider's Unbreakable Mind granted by the skill.
Anyone else play Windbitches

Turn 1 is Crystal Wing + Diamond Bell + Blizzard bell on hand right?
yes and turn 2 is get hit by Book of Eclipse and die.
Never drop nib unless you see the text your opponent is about to end their end phase , lyrilusc can play through nib since they can send the nib token to the gy with their skill for any of their monsters from deck.
Your opponent is about to end their main phase* not end phase
>blowing your supplies before the new world box
Oh no no no
I've been screwed over once by Suships playing Vimana. I know birbs can't exactly do Rank 5s but that fringe case put me on edge about nibbing after they've combo'd but before it's too late.
We aren't getting a speed box though why should she save them?
It’s literally not possible to have a 51 win streak and not be KoG
Ok so a gray name means KoG then
It takes 28 wins in a row to get out of platinum you need 4 wins to rank up and it takes 25 wins in a row to get out of legend so he had to be somewhere in plat 2 minimum before he switched decks to lyrilusc.
We got a speed box with Sevens though
We got our box early it's the lyrilusc box
No KoG is not grey
The kog in ones heart is
>KoG match in PvP
>Encounter a lyrilusc player
>"Current Winstreak: 62"
What the fuck? Is this deck that good?
>Not a single Lulu in the top 20
It's all over birdsisters
>emma at the top
The top are all cheaters disconnecting
All disconnect cheaters. This isnt new, this has happened before in the past and these guys always get b&hammered by Konami. I don't know why they do it when the results are always the same.
>They have to be cheating there's no way they could next lyrilusc otherwise
Everyone knows about the disconnect glitch why aren't the lyrilusc users using it too?
>>They have to be cheating there's no way they could next lyrilusc otherwise
Who are you quoting? No one said this.
Speak you nigger, what are you implying here?
Because at the end of the day. Lulugods are honest players and Lyriluscs are an honest deck that can whoop ass and don't need a glitch to save them because they always win despite the spergfit /dlsg/ will throw about them. Unlike the untermenschen Borrel, Fleur, Star Seraphs that DO cheat.
Shouldn't their points be higher if the deck is that good though not even placing top ten looks bad
Because the top consists of disconnect cheaters.
So why aren't lyrilusc abusing it too? Cut the purity cope
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Tsuntsun did a vid based on tech strength vs the meta. I'm guessing this is how the japanese feel about how effective they are.
Take from it what you will

Not effective at all
Its ok
It works decently
Good chance you're getting fucked up by this
Because Lulugods are honest players and Lyriluscs are an honest deck. The deck is so good that it wins all its matches, LuluGODs are above petty parlor tricks utilizied by the likes of Borrelniggers, Fleurfags and Shit Seraphs
Fuck i hope we get a mini or something with the new world release...
Lulu players are playing honestly because they know Konami will ban all the cheaters and they will shoot up the rankings when the cheaters are gone.
Seems kinda retarded to cheat when Konami always bans these guys. I assure you the rankings as they are right now wont be that way once the KC Cup concludes.
we just got a box
>No purity cope
>Purity cope responses
The real reason is they're all running counters you can say they cheated all you want but the truth is Konami knew the deck would be meta and dropped like 5 different counters in the same box to stop it. The deck is strong sure but it's not invincible as shown there.
You've made it clear you're a newfag. Every time the 2nd stage of the KC Cup starts the top ranking is always filled with these no names and by the end of the KC Cup they suddenly disappear from it. Why? Because they get b& for cheating like most of these top ranked guys are doing, every KC Cup. This has happened every year since the first KC Cup and Konami always b& them because the KC Cup is one of the very few, if not only event where reports of cheating are taken seriously by Konami.
The nips are already reeeing on X about these guys cheating. There is ZERO chance some of these guys are winning all their matches, (someone of the top ranked players have a 100% winrate)
Wait some time when the 2nd stage concludes and we'll see if the list is still the same.
Lyrilusc aren't as strong as you keep spamming about
I remember someone saying that if you're in a meta where Droll is actually good or worth using, you're in really deep shit. I guess they werent wrong
Whatever you say.
My beautiful birds! Harmonize above the battlefield!
New OCG stories dropping anytime now...
DP report guys
Anyone in the top 100 already?
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/DLSG/, I NEED YOUR HELP!!! Whats the BEST UR card to get with the 5Ds ace monster dream ticket?
I already have a full 3 copies of Stardust, Archfiend and Black Rose, AFD is limited to 1 so I dont need any more of her.
>Captcha: PORNOS
The T.G. guy I guess, you can get the rest with box chips.
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>just use droplet and eclipse
yea right
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bros do you have any ideas for wind up deck?
i think the added extra deck slot help a bit also i dunno what skill to use
> Opponent Iblee locks me thinking he did something besides give me a free target for Star seraph skill effect 3
I can fix her
>About to reach Dlv.20
>Lose 3 times in a row and fall to Dlv.18
I fucking hate KC.
You were wrong, faggot.
Does this only hurt people at top? I did it to get the kc cup gemmies quicker since killing myself or letting the opponent kill me wasn't as fast as disconnecting.
Fucking finally got to level max in the kc cup for max gemmies. Fucking konami assassin's put me up against speedroid with both of us having a rank up match.
Yeah, you see the red trash icon on the left? Click confirm and use star seraph
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wtf am I supposed to do about this
Neutralize it with the Cubic skill
Bro, your forbidden droplet???
You're assuming everyone in the top ten cheated don't count your chickens before they hatch
Steals your graveyard resources; this Unchained player didn't stand a chance. The duel has been set the moment I dumped my Bezel and Flyback in the graveyard.
FUCK. It's Saturday

I lost 3 times to Droplet and PIGbiru
Damage juggler then use skill to +1000 attack over it for free.
Doesn't work if they banish Kaleido Chick when fusing into Leo Dancer, which is what they'll always do. You'll be a sitting duck in the battle phase
Your Redoer?
>he doesn't know about super target
ngmi famalam
Kaiju. Always and forever
>he doesnt have 3 droplet, 3 nibiru
ISHYGDDT you guys are NGMI
You ram into it with lyrilusc thrush
I now understand why you guys are having a hard time against birds.
>top 1 card is Book of Eclipse

Heh. Feels good to be a Sky StrikerCHAD
Do Dennis fags really?
>Bird Hag still stuck at stage 1, Haha

So am i but i just returned and only playing what i could afford
My beautiful birds! Spread your wings above the battlefield!
From high above! Rank 1 Lyrilusc - Assembled Nightingale!
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>absolutely hate my life when climbing the ladder, but think the game is boring as fuck as soon as I reach KoG and hope the ladder restarts sooner latter than later.
What is wrong with me?
It's called not having an incentive there's nothing to do in kog except collect the El to element medals
>oh yeah this skill searched any bird
>it also foolishes any bird haha
>oh it also clears your field off any face down birds
I hate this game so damn much.
The reveal all cards hack is? If it is, you're more likely to get caught than by an APK, which doesn't perform any file alteration checks.
She's asking for it.
I remember when seto summoned Blue Eyes White Dingirsu in the anime!!!
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havent played in a really long time
are there any good ritual decks i can ride to the top with my favourite character
>Ritual decks
You want whatever archetype has the best busted MOM SAID skill with 3 effects
If your favorite character is Sherry LeBlanc you can use Nekroz + Sauge/Sorciere du Fleur skill engine. Otherwise you're waiting for the good Heralds so that Konami can limit 2 Benten and kill it before it starts.
Btw Alexis' only unique skill is replacing a draw with a Cyber Angel after 2000 damage. All the other Ritual skills are shared by Bakura, Pegasus, I think Yugi, and whoever else has ever touched a Ritual monster. The one time I ever saw an Alexis in ranked replays they were playing Vendreads and got shredded by Kozmos. Cyber Angel dominance is over.
Anybody got the blue eyes/seto kaiba i surrender copypasta?
#DuelReplay #DuelLinks

Losing to digital bugs in 2024 is funny
He lost to your back row
Shouldve played around it then
The sex must me amazing.
>put one nib in my deck never see it over the span of 25 duels
>Put two and both copies either show up in my opening hand or I draw the second one
Konami isn't treating it's oinkies like it use to
We already got the new world box thoughbeit
If that wasn't bad enough, a birdnigger stole my Dragon Master Knight with Mind Control and then sent her away for their Mom Says Skill
Horse shit
isn't this because of the disconnect cheating?
fuck this guy btw
Unless I'm blind the kc cup doesn't show win streaks
It does
Harpies was based though.
T.G since you can get the others from SDs/BOX Chips, meanwhile that isnt an option with T.G.
I'm on a 3 game win streak right now and I don't see it
Nekroz de fleur is top tier but you cant play alexis and it will be nerfed next week
I don't think de fleur will get hit honestly. Compared to recent skills that have less limits both in use and deck it's "fair".
My beautiful birds! Chirp and sing above the battlefield!
I can see it get a small hit by limiting a card to 3 and outright banning that synchro monster that creates tokens
Bish could stand to go but even then I don't think it will be hit. Between star seraph and birds overshadowing everything else by a large margin I think it will slip through the cracks.
Swoop! Rank 1 Lyrilusc - Ensemblue Robin!
I was playing KoG.
Also pretty sure draws also break your win streak.
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Draws don't break streaks
>it's right behind me isn't it?
Anyone want a duel room tomorrow? I'm pretty burned out from the kc cup considering I got brought down from like 27k to 11k in an afternoon so I just want some normal duels.
Kill yourself reddit infiltrator.
I've been making duel rooms here for at least two years since the last guy stopped doing them it's been about a month since the last one I made I think.
Didnt ask reddit infiltrator. Kill yourself now.
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Sure , beat me in a best 2 out of 3 tomorrow and I'll do it.
They fuck shotas.
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It’s clear who the winner is
the disconnect thing applied both to stage one and ladder(potentially?)
I also fought a 30+ winstreak bird mirror in kc cup stage 1 ladder on thursday and just before the faggot was about to lose he disconnected.

the exploit was patched though seemingly
>muh modded apk
Either retarded or disingenuous, this isn't 2016 where clients can parade around servers with unsigned apps because the 69-year-old Japanese IT specialist dementia'd 30 lines of code.
If you really want to know what cheaters are capable of, just follow BullyWiiPlaza, because this no-life autist has a financial incentive to keep up and update his cheating app to support every exploit he can find and probe out.
Cards in hand visibility hasn't worked in MD or DL for a long time now because Konami introduced obfuscation code so that the only face-up card you can see, if at all, is the opponent's top deck.
Of course, there may be a market for personalized cheats for chinks using privately known exploits, it's a Unity game, duh. Still, if you're going to mess with network code, you'd better use something other than a clunky phone.

Retard. Client modification does not allow you to see cards or do anything at all. Konami doesn't care about what the client does to their own files on steam or phone (so we can have changing icons / card art / mats etc.). A modified client (.apk/.exe) itself is unsigned and not allowed on the game servers. The only vector of attack is the server/client communication during pvp matches by trying to tell the server to give more information than it should, usually by running an application in the background that modifies sent packets to the server or whatnot.
Let's say you can easliy swing for game.
Do you just swing for it as soon as your able to or do you take your time to build up your board for any handtrap shenanigans eventhough you are quite sure the deck doesn't ride kiteroid
years of ddraw bullshit should have taught you to assume everything if the opponent is not surrendering when you have game on board.
Always do everything in a turn to maximize card advantage, always use all available tools like dweller if you're attacking into face down monsters, always assume backrow that isn't lighting up the opponent's clock during your turn is drowning or other battle trap
I've been burned once or twice when just swinging for game when they've had handtraps or stuff in the graveyard that ended up saving them, so now I go through everything even if it takes a little longer
I know its annoying when on the receiving end but thats how it is
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>want to play wind witches
>was too busy to grind out the URs
>>big boobs
>>small boobs
You only need 1 of each
I have none of each.
My beautiful birds! Dance above the battlefield!
Join me! Rank 1 Lyrilusc - Recital Starling!
My beautiful birds! Spread your wings above the battlefield!
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Descend! Rank 1 Lyrilusc - Promenade Thrush!
>Promenade Thrush
I think they have an oinment for that
Zzzzzz new box when
You only need to get to level 11 for a copy of each
Tasha best girl
Finally at 9999 gemmies, whens the droplet box dropping komoney
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after this all resolved, my escape of the unchained ended up not destroying my rakea. is it because the dragon spirit of white wasn't on the field anymore? or is there some other reason I'm missing. after this the successor soul target my soul of rage and I used rakea to destroy it in response, if that matters
>Target 1 "Unchained" monster you control and 1 card on the field; destroy both
>destroy both
Destruction effect won't activate since it specifies that it must destroy "both" cards instead of something like "them" or "up to". DSoW isn't on the field, so Escape can't destroy both of its targets
DLv MAX'd, get fucked Time Cûck sheep
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>getting uppity about barely reaching dlv max with a tier 1 deck on the last day
So this is the power of birds?
Are we back yet RDA bros?
chimes is event/drop only
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Monster world...
If you have a card in your hand I’m building a full board. If you don’t like it you can surrender. The fact that you are NOT surrendering leads me to believe you have some kind of out
Only reason I don't surrender is time rules. Played against a SS Darkraze deck that was one Hayate poke away from killing me on the next turn and I hadn't even scratched them. I tried pulling together something he could easily interrupt and their whole board popped during the middle of my combo. To be fair he forgot to activate Darkraze to go for the kill with some Infernoble equip so he wasn't exactly bright.
He should have taken the zombies pill and ranked out on the first day. It's funny non target banishing half an opponent's deck.
Wife material
Nice melons.
My beautiful birds! Harmonize above the battlefield!
Lulu clit
Lulu has no clit. Birds ate it.
I'm not the one seething at a tier 3 deck and calling others meta sheep while playing a tier 1 one lol
>mocking a deck after you kicked its ass is seething
You don't know what words actually mean, do you
From high above! Rank 1 Lyrilusc - Assembled Nightingale!
Calling other people sheep when you yourself are using arguably the best deck in the meta currently is yes
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I'm gonna soar through the sky like a bird!
What does that have to do with whether or not somebody's seething lmao
You're so mad
>El Shaddoll Construct sent to the Graveyard add Resh Shaddoll Incarnation to the hand
>Resh Shaddoll Incarnation summon El Shaddoll Construct from the Graveyard
Apparently this is all you need to win vs Unchained
>skills let's the opponent do X when they summon a specific monster
>I negate that monster on its summon and destroy/remove it
>they still get to activate the skill because skills are retarded and don't require that monster to be on the field
Isn't that crazy how skills are just super free this way? Imagine how much more balanced they would be if destroying Neos, Blue-Eyes, DM, or any of the other trigger-on-summon activations couldn't go through without it being on the field.
>complaining about shit decks like brick eyes or yubel turbo
>Calls opponent a nigger
>Calls them a meta sheep even though they're obviously the bigger one here
You're a sore winner lol
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holy fuck i did it sisters. was stuck in dlv 19 hell for 3 hours, never ranked down
>Calls them a meta sheep
No, I called them a sheep. A dumb, stupid animal with no brain. Do keep up.
>sore winner
Why do you assume dicking on somebody whose ass you kicked implies anger? Is that the type of person you are?
Attention! Attention! Can the bragging asshole birdpedo and the seething Time Thief cocksucker go get a room?
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>all my cards float bro you can't kill m-ACK
Congrats, anon, you figured out Unchained's biggest weakness. Just fuck up their Links and don't go for their main deck monsters unless it's to spin or banish.
I just dweller them
What dicc sis?
It's hilarious how I'm seeing random decks suddenly plopping out a poisoned winds out of nowhere
Just run 3 IDP
BoE is better for your limit 3. Deck them out.
>*Sniff* I'm not angry I know how to win with dignity
>Call opponent a nigger a cuck and claims she didn't mean meta sheep and instead meant the animal
Okay bird nigger whatever you say
I couldn't give two fucks about time thief's they fucking suck bragging about beating one just makes you look bad
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>dumb, stupid animal with no brain
>said by the Lyrilusc player
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I think DLM users are getting more deranged everyday
I can't wait for dumon to be bent over a table and raped.
fleur invoked w/ crystal wing & caliga floodgate. i was tempted to try the bishbaalkin version if it was any better but didn't want to spend gems again since it's gonna get banned
Rio ....
There's no maintenance tonight right?
Dignity came from you first, nobody else. If you're claiming you've never talked shit about somebody whose ass you kicked before, you're either a liar or the gayest little preacher boy to have ever lived
>n-no, you MEANT meta sheep
You poor, stupid projecting faggot
Fuck off we don't do Reddit rooms here
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I spent all day slogging in the kc cup trying to see if I could make dogmatika somewhat playable and out of the 70 or so matches I played I won maybe 8 of them. When are we going to get our mom said skill.....
Hate to break it to you... they're meant to be used with Shaddolls
The mom said skill will just let branded ignore the ED restriction and let it nig Ecclesia's cards.
But I don't like shadolls :(
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>dumom shitter playing with xer tier 1 deck losses to my shitty synchron deck and decides to disconnect before accepting defeat
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page 10 world......
Most hinged RUSH hater
Flush fags hate him
I've just had sex after 7 months of inceldom, give me a break.
hope he was good to you champ
Literally me but I wouldn't bother making an account.
gay stuff doesn't count
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Tag force world...
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I miss the Mekk knight and Orcust meta..
I miss 2021's Yuma meta.
Now that the kc cup dust has settled. Predict the banlist.
Turquois Warbler > 3
Bird Call > 3
Star Seraph Scepter > 3
Exploderokket > 3
>star seraph skill changed to once per duel
>dragon link utterly destroyed(buy new shit)
>some limit 3 to birds that doesn't really do anything other than lock them out of book
>some older deck that wasn't really a problem hit(buy new shit)
Eos in seven days
IM NOT A HOMO. It was with a girl
I wish.
Starling and Sparrow are targets for birds. Hitting Warbler doesn't mean much if Canary isn't hit at the same time.
Borrel might get hit but Konami likes their dragons. If the Borrel skill gets hit, Galaxy, Tachyon or BEWD is getting buffed immediately or soon after. Simply how it works.
I hope Star Seraph's Skill 2 gets gutted but who knows. Limit scales or stick to 2 so chair gets fucked. Maybe Sage at 3 so half the deck isn't stall staples with a monster consistency skill stapled to it.
I can see Multirole getting hit, then unlimited when the Link-2s drop.
Fleur will never get hit unless Barrone comes out, then it will be hit 3 months after.
Y’all said the same thing about Sevens and here we are
Go back
I don't think strikers is getting touched at all. They already have limit 2s and 3s and to be honest the deck isn't remotely as strong as the top ones. It's just a good OTK engine at this point, and that's hardly unique.
Lyriluscs are an honest deck. Konami will do nothing to them.
More like it's too new to get any real hits.
Cobalt Sparrow to 1
The Melody of Awakening Dragon to 3
Star Seraph Scale to 3

Borrell skill now summon Dillingerous Dragon instead of Quadborrel
Revolution des Fleur set monsters instead of summoning face up.
Star Seraph first skill to once per duel and sets RUM spell instead of adding to the hand.
Link Darkraze boost only dark monsters and additionally boost dark links (simmilar skills should work the same way)

Pendulum Call, Darklords and Salads unlimited
Scepter to 3, scales to 1. Skill changed to once per duel for all clauses, effect 2 now requires you to shuffle a star seraph back into deck to use. Maybe limit the ED to light XYZ to cut off dweller access too.
Does he still deserve to be banned?
Sky sissies can only out the coc if it's in the emz so yes
He deserves to be free, Nightingale + Sparrow is the same thing with OTK potential. The only good argument against it is Invoked Fluer making the board around it too strong. Coc himself can be destroyed by battle or IDP in a format where 3000 beatsticks are normal summons. Even Darkfluid can beat over it.
BoE + 2nd effect of Waves, too ez. Or just banish Al during the summon. Invocation won't go to the GY so they'd need to draw another Al to try again. Nightingale does more by preventing Hayate from poking over during the turn.
How are you running Book of Eclipse when its limit 3 with Engage? Either you use the skill or cut one of the best cards in your archetype
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>play windwitch
>Opponent uses boe
>I scoop
I just want to play Rins deck damn it
jam in some lances and then scoop once they play through your one interruption.
I literally only ever draw my monsters or the windwitch spell
>constantly opening either 3 rayes or no way to get into raye
I just want to draw my whole deck to end on NTR anchor x2, is that so much to ask?
When is this shit game adding mp2, maxx c, ash, anaconda, zeus, red reboot, infinity, and called by
Just play md
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I like seeing the shit people put in the 9th slot with Bird Humming.
I put shun's and yuto's ace in mine
After they add MZ 4 and 5 so Ogdoadics can turn Keurse into 4 tokens.
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the 9th slot is obviously reserved for HIM.
expect a limit-1 bundle soon
Cobalt Sparrow to one means no Ensemblue Robin, which is idiotic. Just put her and Assembled Nightingale to two and it'll achieve the same effect without effectively banning a card from the deck.
Ryzeal looks cool, add it to duel links NOW
This guy also wants Melody to 3, are you really taking someone who can't out BEWD seriously?
Special summoning Cobalt Sparrow activates her effect!
Battle chronicle needs to die. It's too cheap to build and too old.
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Map to 3 in Duel Links please
Floo with no empen could be pretty neat in DL.
Melody is such a non-issue in the deck. Bingo Machine and Sucessor do way more to make the deck annoying. Hitting Melody would do fuck-all to BEWD except tweak ratios slightly. Not that Konami would ever hit a BEWD card in the first place.
It also does nothing to solve the problem of DM players wasting my time in ladder by spamming the board with level 7s, not bringing out any real Xys monsters, and dying to MST. Battle Chronicle is obviously a crutch, but even Unchained can out them. Even Ogdoadics can out them. Is your deck really worse than Unchained or reptiles?
Is this real
Alright, alright. Hear me out. BEWD to 3, Spirit of White to 2. Final offer. The deck isn't making us-I mean konami money so we should ensure people move off it. Limit DM to 3 and circle to 2 too while we are at it. That's also too cheap.
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>FlooGOD graces us with his presence yet again
We are not worthy....
7 more days till DL is saved
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>have necro valley
Surprise Monster World?
Skills bypass cards all the time? First day in duel links?
I know they do. I'm just mad.
>Faggot using floodgates getting mad at anything
>opponent uses GY as an endless resource
>I block it
Floodgates are based.
Zzzz new box when
You guys think they'll implement the new OCG ruling where if a card takes control of your monster like crack down mind control etc and it gets flipped face down it goes back to you instead of staying with your opponent permanently if it gets flipped face up again? This just happened in the OCG so they caught wait till the new world or something to implement it.
So they might wait* not caught
Why was that even changed? Isn't the point of a monster being face-down is its status is considered null? It shouldn't move on its own once that happens.
I dunno, but it certainly is fair that when I flipdown my monster in response to crack down that it should not go to my opponent's field.
Not sure but I like the new ruling, it makes sense that the monster goes back to you instead of the opponent keeping it forever now.
Then all interactions similar to this should work the same way. If Knightmare Unicorn targets a face-down spell/trap, and I activate it in response, it should still be sent back to my deck. There are far better examples than this one but it's all I could think of from the top of m head. It's a bit late to try changing things like this when we have a hundred of other interactions that are similar, which they likely won't ever touch.
Then monsters targeted for destruction by an opponent's effect that says it needs to be face up shouldn't be destroyed if flipped in response either. You can't have it both ways. Where's the consistency?
Why should it be destroyed? Crackdown nor bom state the monster gets destroyed
>If Knightmare Unicorn targets a face-down spell/trap, and I activate it in response, it should still be sent back to my deck.
No, because if you use a S/T in response to a unicorn you will create a chain and the S/T will resolve first and after it resolves it doesn't stay on the field it goes to the GY.
So it goes like this.
>opp uses nightmare unicorn and targets ST card.
>you activate it in response and uses it's effect.
>effect resolves and st goes into the GY
>now it's time for unicorn effect to resolve.
>nightmare unicorn's target is now gone so nothing happens.
But crackdown already targets the face-up card before the chain begins, so we're dealing with a similar situation. It has to be consistent all around or not at all.
You're just retarded play literally any other card game
Do you anons know any artists who can properly emulate the Duel Links character art style?
I have no idea how to pilot salads
Don't bother they're just cyberse soup till roar gets unbanned , you're better off using playmaker if you want to play cyberse.
I just want to play a larp pet deck in KoG to grind out a few more wims for the 30 gemmies.
Playmaker is already max level anyway.
Komoney, when is the droplet box dropping
Next year
Salads are cyberse soup even with it unbanned, same as any other cyberse archetype.
This guy.
Anyone besides him? He doesn't do art commissions. This is the only other person I could fine who does https://x.com/cyberslasharpie
What about the artists drew my girlfriend and my bvll crow Hogan together? I don't have a Twitter so I can look at the post to see if it's him
Uh oh eos announcement soon
I don't know what you're talking about, so I'd need to see a link or picture.
in the name of Allah they need to hit fucking jew eyes already, sick of playing against this autopilot retard shit
this strawman is really funny when if Battle Chronicle restricted spell and trap use it'd probably be one of the worst decks in the game right now
Stop being in gold and you might
50% of legend ladder is faggot chronicle copy paste decks being played by Chinese bot accounts
What are the Legend decks then?
I wouldn't know I'm in kog
Based Chinese hacker skipping Legend straight to KoG
I don't play BE the deck is shit
That's what happens when skills do more than 50% of the deck's combo for you. It's so easy a bot can climb.
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I ended up looking it up and it's this artist after all>>495749613
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EoS bros.... we won...
They nerfed pig bros with the duel assessment at the end.
They made it an entirely different skill.
Why did they nerf it?
It searches the new chronicle rarity blue eyes
>special foil rarity
They are adding a bunch of new rarities with Go Rush so I guess they didn’t want to make the skill work around them
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>star seraph: DEAD
>fleur: DEAD
>lyrilusc: CRIPPLED
>sky sissies: CRIPPLED
>link turbo: MINOR BRUISES
its over
The real skill changes won't be shown till at least Wednesday
these wave duel rewards are really shit
new to the game?
There has never been a good event after KC
So lazy to rech KOG this month.
I havent kogged or played in months
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You know it in your heart to be true.
I did the KC Cup grind even though I'm bronze. There's no way I'm doing that shit again to end up stuck in Legend/Plat
A free kaiju is pretty nice. Especially in the current format. Well, at least it is for the decks that can actually run it.
>People were saying sky sisters werent gonna be touched because they underperformed badly
>STILL get hit
Sky sissies cant stop losing LMAO
>Niggernami didnt touch a SINGLE card or deck this KC Cup banlist
/dlsg/ maximum BTFO, Lulugods we aint goin nowhere but Tier 0 from here on out.
This banlist was announced before the cup even ended. No shit nothing is touched on it. The actual post cup list will be next month.
>no leaks
>in the Japanese version, Noah tells the Big 5 before deleting them that since nothing in the Virtual World is real, they wouldn't have gotten bodies even if they did win

Can't fault the dub for removing this detail since it renders the entire arc pointless (even moreso than it already is) and contradicts things that happen later in the same arc
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10 packs + UR for the latest SPEED/RUSH box
2 FREE structure decks
1 ugly Dork Magician in aurora rearity
Does this imply we're getting another box before the overhaul or is it just more bird fodder? I'm honestly just waiting for Selection Boxes to come back so I can spend my excess gems chasing SRs in old boxes.
rush chads just can't stop winning
Flush it down the toilet.
There is almost certainly gonna be a new rush box, otherwise no.
We already got our box at most we get a structure deck and a selection box
duel links is over

>Gameplay trailer
>10 seconds of battling other players
>2minutes of opening booster packs
Nice gameplay. Paypig approved.
>4 days
Isn't that low? Pretty sure the pokemon card game accounts for more of the revenue than the mainline pokemon games make why so little interest?
well that just doesn't make sense, why wouldn't they be able to steal the cast's bodies
noah's a liar.
Rin > Lulu > shit > Celina > Zuzu
I had Lulu as the best bracelet girl but she's too nice , a girl has to have a little spunk in her(not counting mine)or else she's boring. Lulu is the cutest though because I like long hair.
What's so good about Rin? I agree with you though because Rin is hot.
>What's so good about rin
Might be a masochist not sure , her being weirdly possessive is something I like too.
Damn it's over
We might not even get DL2 after this
rin is the worst by far. there's being tsundere and then there's just being a massive bitch
Nini bros ....
>she's too nice , a girl has to have a little spunk in her
>says serena is shit
which one is it fucker
She's too retarded to sex
they made a tcg mobile game 4 month ago focused on pvp and it's a failure. This one is focused on just opening packs. They don't even have a ranking pvp system
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I have never gotten to trigger the 2nd effect of this card
The only good pokemon mobile game they've made was pokemon duel it also had some real cuties in it which helped.
Doesn’t this game use OC donut steel cards instead of actual TCG ones? That probably makes it DoA
I've never touched the Pokemon TCG besides a game on the Gameboy like two decades ago so I wouldn't know
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Pov you're Akira
....fighting off the tears as he's about to give away his precious sister to Yusaku
......in his dream
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just treat it like a competition
...of Aoi's wedding
Pov you're Specter

(Her wedding is already sabotaged)
Spectre only wants to fuck two things , his tree mom and revolver
POV you're crackhead The Gore.
when will he save us with the anti-skill skill?
Anti skill only works once per duel , its useless against skills like Dumon's
wew lad, finally got my shit together

second to last duel of the climb was basically KoG rank up game, had to get in my bag to beat full board suships


Fun deck, still needs toadally tho
Curious if the spedsisters will refuse to accept these gems too
It will come with a clause forbidding the negated skill from being activated again for the rest of the turn that only Yusaku will be able to bypass somehow.
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>150 wins this month
>not a single Nice!
why is everyone so butthurt
What deck were you playing?
war rocks
>150 wins
Not with war rocks you didn't unless you're in bronze
I don't think I've ever actually seen anyone playing that so I'd probably shoot someone with a nice just for the novelty of it.
>this kills the shit sniffer
>UI update already
Well shit.
>games so dead speed isn't even getting a banlist
3 more days , trust the plan
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i trvst it
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It's up for me on steam.
>home screen change
For what purpose? Are they running out of things to improve?
>He doesn't know
Is there literally no end to how many fucking times dumon can spam that skill of his?
The only limit is the number of cards in his deck, so no, not really. He can do it every turn as long as he has targets.
At least by pressing the home button you can swap between the new everything on one screen homescreen and the old slide between screens world screens. The mission and world change button is changed on both though. It's actually an improvement overall since you can now see what legendary duels are chilling in each world from the swap button.
whoa cool
They need to get their shit together with the release of Pokemon TCG Pocket next week. Marvel Snap is one thing but now they are actually getting threatened
I didn't update yet but it's there now
You know what? This actually changes my opinion of the new home screen. It's pretty cool to see your deck like that. Especially since the old world screen doesn't go away as an option.
Card World...
>38 gemmies
>he doesnt know about the surprise tier 0 speed duel box incoming with the new world release
Smh bruh
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I like it.
There will be good deals
The only thing that would get me to go into a new box is droplet, I'm pretty happy with my current decks and the ones I'm working on. So it will of course be droplet.
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>play Battle chronicles blue-eyes for the first time in KoG to farm wins and levels for the 2 extra dragon melodies
>start to wonder how I kept losing to this shit deck on the ladder
The deck is basically backrow.dek and lives or dies by if it opens it's limit 3 backrow. If your deck can deal with IDP/crackdown/book or they don't draw it it's GG.
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>those legs
Is this only on PC?
I would assume mobile will get it too and just hasn't yet.
I'm on mobile and I got it by updating the app.
>rikka traptrix zombie world
wot? post deck
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it's an old deck, if you want to see a replay, check this video at 5:57 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hue4Sk37iYs
el hermano...
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Perfect. Your double dose is ready.
>you can even make them talk to you.
Lewd mods doko?
Mod to atkeast get uncensored portraits back doko!
I want see yuzu zettai ryouiki and zexal miniskirts!
Is the UI change a pc only thing because on mobile it looks exactly how it did in 2017
update game to 9.0.0
pretty neat actually
It's always bothered me that you can't get all of the crystal beast as prismatic rarity they look better with that foil.
Cunny is back on the menu. How can Marvel Snap even hope to compete?
Pretty cool
Did you get exciton knight or more copies of book of eclipse yet cope?
>new homescreen hides gold coins
Why tho
Gold coins are useless anyways
>38 gems
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You can unlock special sprites too. There's one with Sera apparently nips are complaining about
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sexo bros...
dating mechanics soon right?
Is there any info about the new card rarity?
Excition and one book, yes

BoE with droll lock is hysterical btw
There is some meme potential with this
lulu clit
>There's one with Sera apparently nips are complaining about
Go back to your general quantum manlet
I like it
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there's only this one and her default standing sprite though
lol you can drag them around in the viewing mode
Who do we expect the October unlock to be? Will it be another 2 character month like last October?
Nude mod when
No unlock till November and then it'll probably be a flush character
They seem to be putting out the update in chunks
I can download it now
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Your Go Rush, sis?
This new UI is so fucking cool
>Still seething 11 months later
I wish we got new art instead of reusing the old ones.
Maybe in the future. The artists who can recreate the Gallop YGO style are dissappearing one by one
That’s too long without content especially when they have people brought back with a new world. October will be a Go Flush unlock at the end of the month
The MCs got new art so maybe other characters will get them as event rewards or something down the road

or Konami starts selling them as skins
show those gems anon. I won't make fun of you that much
Why the piss filter
>it keeps happening!
Something poetic about a water deck filled with slop
In this meta it's either slop or get slopped
You can swipe to switch characters while on this screen
Yugi got the best pose
>Anime accurate deck
Not bad
Isn't that reused?
How have you not kogged with waterslop.dek yet?
Pretty sure 90% of this game is reused assets
negative ass
If I can have Carly in a bikini I don’t care
Now they need to give us some official theme songs. This theme popped into my head upon looking at your pic
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Man I love being a YuseiCHAD
Based synchroman.
Nothing feels better than synchro summoning.
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Good God I'd give Konami my entire life's savings(2.47 as of this post) if they gave me Porni in a gagaga girl costume on my home screen
If you swipe left/right on the character Home Screen you will swap to the next character
Neat, thanks
>little Yugi gets shafted by atem in dm world so he doesn't get a third pose
>Little Yugi gets shafted by kaiba in dsod so he doesn't get a pose there either
Konami really hates him huh
At least Kaiba's pose is fucking dogshit compared to the others
So really though, could this be where we start seeing skins and alternate outfits for characters?
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whoa it's just like my japanese animes!
>konami putting more than minimal effort
It’s for money
Best update in years
Thanks rushGODs for keeping this game alive
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I'd rather have monster world with monster duelists than skins tbqh.
Also, play her deck.
Built for Duelis cock
Erm it's "that's game"
>PC version gets the UI update first
eosfags in SHAMBLES, how will they recover?
Tanoshii duel da ze!
I think you'll find its "In the name of the moon I'll punish you"
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You can kinda shrink or expand the character to better fit them along with their deck
Too late
serena legs...
She probably stinks
Copying my decklist are we?

Nice prismo excition
No she is very clean but also very dumb
Nope she stinks, she also has the hairiest minge this side of the fusion dimension
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I love how flat she is in her Duel Links art.
Flatrena Supremacy!
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DSOD Anzu erotic
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SilverGOD I prostate......
I was trying it out, but don't have enough drolls to make it work.
Also I would probably keep dire wolf and rafflesia in my ed.
Dire wolf is a bretty decent as a budget tornado dragon and rafflesia speaks for itself for turn 1 boards.
it'd be better if the NPC you dueled came into the little card zone before and after you dueled so there's not that weird cut between the world and the new zone, if you know what I mean
Holy zettai
>dinosaurs leaked
Yes please.
Why do they have to fade out at the bottom? Konami probably has the full art assets. Why won't they share them with everyone?
next update full art comes with duelist pass you rike?
Because fuck feetfags
new speed box with the rush world or nah
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more like disco
>necroid synchro
holy based
I noticed you're able to get summon phrases for some characters, but I wasn't able to get any of Yusei's to show up
muh dick
>more leaked sky striker shit
>dinos leaked
Can we stop with waifu pandering komoney, jesus christ
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finally some meklord support
sky sissies we eating good tonight!
Can we get some new archetypes or at least support for older ones
actually nevermind the extra deck is too small for all these new monsters we need a new skill
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>two Link 2s
>new Spell requires a Light as well as a Dark
>the new little robot mentioned Roze by name
I thought you fucks told me Roze wasn't played
My wife in full display for me to enjoy
Please JPBro show us Rio
>2 shizuku, 1 kagari, 2 hayate, 1 kaina, 1 azalea(replacing phoenix), 1 zeke(replacing unicorn), 1 combined maneuvers.
Plenty of room. The link 3 and 4 probably aren't useful without a skill that lets you go into them easier. The MD doesn't change too much either, you want 1 roze, 1 cyno, maybe 1 hamp as tech card for metas like this, and then some linkages with the exact ratio up in the air. The other main deck monsters are shit.
We said roze.woildnt be needed at more than 1 copy
Sky Striker Ace - Accesscode when?
>sky striker slop
I just hope those are actual cards instead of skill slop. I respect sky striker since they don't have a do everything skill that plays the deck for them.
i hope they make Link Restoration+free ED monsters skill for sky strikers.
And i still think everyone would play Hayate OTK over that.
Is the link-3 at least worth considering? The only time I ever find myself using Kaina is against Mayakashi or BEWD during Battle Phase on a whim. The equip effect might be funny once to snatch a monster and use it as Multirole or Area Zero fodder but that floating effect could be good for recycling Kagari before people learn what it does. I want to like it, but targeting + an asinine Attack restriction means you can't even use this to clear most destruction-immune threats.
Depends. I think linkage OTK is probably the more consistent route since you don't have to worry about not drawing your equip spell. I do think darkraze would still be better though since the current ED is just big enough to fit all the good ED monsters. I don't know that a restoration style effect is worth giving up the 1500 LP and damage buff.
It's a sidegrade to unicorn that trades the superior spin for floating. The problem is zeke is already a sidegrade but at link 2 instead and doesn't need you to banish spells to do it.
Also, and this is important to mention, Temperance can't be summoned with linkage or it would be worth considering. Hayate send Roze, linkage into Kagari(buffed to base 2500 due to roze and raye in grave) recover linkage, Kagari into engage zero(also 2500 now) is probably the best line to close out games. Same deal with Spectra. It's unfortunate that they must be link summoned properly like Zeke.
>raye and shizuku in one box
>engage in second box
>roze in third box
>fourth wave with possible multiple URs
sky sisses have it rough huh
I see. The summon restriction on the Link-2s definitely kill Linkage abuse for climbing. I am looking forward to Hamping all over the meta. I didn't know Sky Strikers needed a searchable kaiju but now all I want to know how I can break boards after summoming him. All I've got so far is bouncing Afterburners off him to kill backrow and Widow Anchoring him back for Link climbing. He'll be a decent replacement for Nib when I'm not fighting birds.
waifufags deserve to have their tits milked
Also keep in mind you can't use Engage Zero as link material but CAN sac it for linkage to go into something else. Summon Raye, special Roze with her effect, summon Engage Zero with the two, attack and board wipe, linkage into Kagari, grab linkage back, linkage into any other body is another OTK line. This line lets you pop hamp without worrying about using a spell on it.
With next app update so most likely at the end of the October.
In 2 days trust the plan
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I hope soulburner gets his ass shot as one for the poses
It's right there Konami come on give it to me
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Do your dailies
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Dire wolf is a good staple, idk how to make that rafflesia card. Unicorn has saved me a few times already

I got a second droll with a UR dream ticket, there's nothing else I really needed it for
Rafflesia is just a r4 that let's you use any trap hole card from the deck OPT
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>Coonami wants me to play flush shit in anticipation of the new world in 5 days
I'm not in anticipation of SHIT. I'll be gone next month because you just know October is gonna be all flush shit for us speedfuhrers, it means no content at all.
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Hmm, nyes. They have some cute girls to stare at so I might as well get some free gemmies.
Post the gif version
Yep, back in my day this used to be called /dlg/ and we all looked forward to HIS streams
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I tried looking it for it but I couldn't find it sorry
>english version censors Rio thighs
Gotta get them gemmies for my speed decks
>Turn on DL
>Suddenly Sora is on my screen
Is this heaven?
>I'll be gone next month
You won't last a single day without getting your daily dose of cope and seething on here.
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You WILL play as the evil empress loli
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Take your little stooges with you and fuck off to your general quantum manlet
I hate flush but the blue dude is much better than the little gremlin from before in the app icon. Now I don't feel like I need to hide it from my gf at all costs.
I'm still not even unlocking shitvens world though.
He's not that bad when he's not streaming flush.
I WILL rape this slut.
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One thing I've never really understood about this split is what the plan was if they just didn't find you guys annoying enough to acquiesce. Like here's a Rush character right now, are you going to report me? For what?
based rush enthusiast
Everytime I see Yuamu I get the urge to fap to her...
There is no plan but to keep bitching and moaning about it
asana sex
>what the plan was
There is no plan. Just pure call out and shame naming for diaper retards like you who couldn't just stay in their own dead flush thread.
The first mistake that komoney did is giving it a shared resource.
I'm just gonna play both games and get double the gemmies.
Konami should sell limited time only backgrounds with the duelist pass like you'd a get a new one every month you have it
>using anything but default card sleeves/mat/background
We need a new version of kaiba corp bling but gives you bonuses for mat and sleeves to put all the poors in their place
>sacred beast player compulsory ejaculation devices his own beckoning beast in response to vector blast
Sure, why not. I can't target anything so I'm bone-
>followed by negating vector blast with skyfire
Uhhh nevermind. Get Hayated. Should have saved your negate for literally anything else. I have to wonder if he failed to read his own card and thought he was gonna be able to ejaculation hamon or something.
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So what other Mobile Games do you people have on your phones? Or is DL your whole life
I have bloons and stardew valley(HaleyCHAD btw)but I rarely play them on mobile
Just Duel Links and some delisted games. I have a computer and I'm not addicted to gacha so I don't need anything else.
>or is DL your whole life
It's the only mobile game that I have installed that isn't a retro emulator but I don't dedicate that much time on gaming anyways.
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bold of you to assume I play DL on mobile
More Gacha
Sherry drop the necro synchron, fuck off
New girl is ultra ugly though
Made me feel bad for mocking Cathy
I've been playing Duel Links since the Beta in 2016. This App has literally be on my phone for 9 years now. Of course i've tried other gacha along the way but none have grab me like DL. Today i uninstalled DB Legends because im fucking tired of getting shafted
I only play duel links and I don't play any mobile games at all when I go on vacation.
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I used to have a whole heap of games on my old phone but DL is the only one I continued playing. Don't really have time for anything else now
I did something like a hundred pulls for ui Goku last year didn't pull it and never looked back
I want to play ghostricks but good soooooooo bad
A handful of text games, some of which are pretty good.
Pokemon Masters but I dont really play it, its as close we'll get to a (official) pokemon dating sim but still doesnt scratch that itch
Used to have Cardfight Vanguard Zero but I'd dropped it well before its EOS
Honestly the one I miss most is this random soccer waifu collector called Venus 11, had a legitimately good english translation compared to most waifuslop games and a ton of content
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Only Duel Links really. But i'll try Pokemon Pocket Live
My chocolate wife is way cuter than cathy.
Is that supposed to be an inazuma 11 spinoff?
they way they advertise the game makes it look like the focus is on simply collecting the cards rather than actually playing the card game
Should've just given her Casca's hair colour
Yeah, but it has a PVE Mode for battling and PVP too plus soon trading. The Devs said they have no intention to make it a competitive game like Duel Links for example but they still have the door open for that possibility
>Get new girlfriend jst 2 days ago
>ex that I still like who dumped me for drawing lewds early this year just texted me asking to reconnect
Decks for this feel?
I'm basically in the same boat as >>496015450
Only play DL, but will try Pocket to have cute poke-waifu cards
Don't go back with the ex no matter what or else you're a FOOL
Depends on whether you'll stay with your new gf (Lyrilusc) or you'll get cuckolded by returning with your ex that probably got railed at least once while you were separated (Unchained)
Does that game even have ranked or a spectator mode for tournaments? I read the devs were going full retarded and aiming for it to be a collector's game.
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I also play Master Duel and Fate/Grand Order. I'm thinking of dropping FGO. Waiting for over a year between story chapters was one thing, but then a 2-year long glorified filler arc that isn't even over yet in JP is probably going to be the breaking point for me. Especially when there's no way to avoid spoilers because the Japanese version is 2 years ahead.
>get new girlfriend
>ex suddenly contacts you out of nowhere
She doesn't want you for you, she wants you because you were hers and then got taken. Honor your commitment to your new girlfriend, don't look back.
Wait what the hell, how long has this been going as a daily
Yeah, I think I'm going Lyrilusc. It's fun that you mention Unchained tho bc she did kinda destroy herself in the process as far as it seems. Thanks for the replies, anons. I seriously was thinking of texting her back and needed that slap back to reality.
I don't think she ever saw us together, though. It's more likely that she wants me to help her economically and in college studies like I was doing before she dumped me as we're getting closer to exams season.
New GF(birds) is gonna cuck him hard in a month or so. Best to go back to old GF(harpies).
Turn 1 put everything into making a Tachyon and setting a trap card
Turn 2 it gets stolen and attacks you back for game.
New gf just set her Transmigration and the ex just played Vector Blast. Are you going to use that trap card now or save it for Anchor?
t. Sky Striker doing this every time I see a Tachyon deck
That busted shit won't get him past gold these days.
>and Fate/Grand Order.
brother in christ...
Never get back with someone you've been with before , the relationship ended for a reason just jack off for post nut clarity it'll be for the best.
Yeah wtf. Does that shit even have any gameplay? I only jerk it to the art online.
Based on when I installed them
>FFBE: War of the Visions
>Duel Links
>Sword of Convallaria
Yes, gacha. No, I'm not a whale.
Skill issue. If brick eyes can kog so can harpies.
>Does that game even have ranked or a spectator mode for tournaments?
It has PVP but for now i don't think there's ranked
To jack it off before taking important relationship decisions is such a lifesaver move.
How good is it compared to Legends? I was considering playing now that Legends fucked my ass
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My little field wipe can't be this cute
This but Exiton Knight
Everyone drowned in their own cum after she removed 2 clothing materials.
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>transcrafters haven't been relevant for years
Serves them right for destroying this general back then
meh. the devs act like retards 75% of the time
I have master duel, but barely touch it.>>495997945
I didn't mean to reply to this CHAD, it was an accident.
I simply refuse to use any deck that's either mained by a woman or consists of female human """monsters"""
the story is interesting tho, the only reason I played it was because Nasu wrote the story but the story updates became very slow and there were a lot of fillers because Aniplex didn't want this game to end and Nasu leave FGO, I stopped playing last year because the filler arc was too long
FGO is basically an online VN, people still play it because of the story and characters, they don't care about the gameplay anymore

Okay since we're already off topic , how are the fgo games? I've never watched fate nor do I intend to but there's this samurai warriors fate clone I've had my eye on since it's on sale right now
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I love dark signers costume
FGO gameplay is avarage turn-based 2D game from 2015 but with pretty good animation compared to other gacha games,
Fate/Samurai Remnants is pretty good if you like action RPG games like Yakuza
So how 90% of people interact with Pokemon cards then
>Cocytus is back
We are so fucking back
and also F/Samurai remnants has 3 endings, I suggest you don't look at the ending spoilers before you finish playing it
>Ghosttrick Scare preemptively limited to 3
What the fuck?! Actually I did not experience aleister full power. How fucked is the meta now?
>no actual hits to the top decks
This banlist sucks fucking dick actually
So the Bishbaalkin nonsense is finally over, right?
>Puzzlomino limit 1
Uhh, was that a problem card? Or a card anyone even used ever?
I did...
>no bird hits
>no fleur hits
>no dragon link hits
>no unchained hits
No hits at all actually, they just unbanned a bunch of other decks and they barely touched Seraph for some reason
>not one fucking bird touched
Star Seraphs can't play Book of Eclipse or any other limit 3s without cutting into their Scepter ratios. I wish they would have modified the skill but it does matter.
>no limited synchros
Truly the most soulful extra card type
Something to turn a tuner into level 8, replace puzzlemino into level 8 fleur with skill. then form bishbaalkin. Now that everything is limited to 1, it stops it altogether. This banlist is good cause it also gutted zombies by limiting beatrice for their superpoly nonsense.
Hanging breasts world…
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Birb won
I am a prophet
>limit 1 cocytus
konami it's literally a shitter leo dancer
Meant to respond to
Wouldn’t mind touching some birds if you know what I mean
>I wish they would have modified the skill but it does matter.
They did
Will that bird feel like a winner when I grab her big bird boobs and put my hands in her big claws?
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>reviving Agents
One step forward, two steps back
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this shit seems meaningless
What other limit 1 card would stroker like to run?
Holy shit they did it!

But wait, they forgot about Revolution de Fleur
They could only remove floodgated cards once per duel. Unlike last time where you bom one card and a scepter replaces it, every fucking turn.
>didn’t even touch the bird skills
Not touching pvp till the next banlist then
Stroker is an engine, so having coc at limit 1 is a power limiter for it being used with the best decks
Buy BoE goyjin
It's been 7 years and they've been power crept to hell but they're finally coming, I can't wait to whale on a subpar deck that loses 80% of the time if I'm lucky
are they gonna give us the newer shit like festival and shot
Second effect is still once per turn. It's still obscenely OP.
You'll get a ghost trick skill that makes it tier 1 to sell their box and promptly gets gutted when the next box comes out.
Or it could be like with Prank Kids, where they don't get enough support to function properly and don't get a skill to help them.
>I get a mom said skill
Anon there's no need to sell me on the deck I was going to whale regardless since it was my first ever actual deck irl.
I forgot Prank Kids were even released, did they suck that hard?
>stops it altogether
oh no no no no
here's your new bishbalkin combo https://www.duelingbook.com/replay?id=808402-64458836
So basically Speedroids now have the option of sending Den-Den Daiko Duke to the graveyard instead of the Red-Eyed Dice and Buster Blader/Dragon decks can actually use Bane of Darkness.
>Phantasm spiral spell unlimited but not the trap
They didn't release the Meow-Meow Mu so any hand that can't fuse into Rocket Ride immediately doesn't do anything.
If you tell me the kid with black hair and the braid is a girl I'll buy it right now.
Thanks and fuck you Quantumanlet for bringing up a possible combo for fleurfucks to run around with
>So basically Speedroids now have the option of sending Den-Den Daiko Duke to the graveyard instead of the Red-Eyed Dice
Wasn't that how it originally worked?
No, the skill only worked on Synchros and the dice.
No I mean when the skill first dropped before it got nerfed.
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My KoG deck is dead...
They should've limited scale to 3 instead that's way more annoying than the pop
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>no salad unbans
at least i still have birbs

>no quick launch limit 3
gay shit, fuck silvercocklet
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>can't bring your waifu beatrice with you for moral support in your ED.
I feel your pain
darklords next box. i hope they give us rebellion at least
>darklords to 3
they literally nerfed darklords LMAO
now they can't play limit 3 backrow or orcust. The darklord cards at 3 are played at 1 copy even if they were free
>beato to 1
>spiritmaster released
Holy fuck shiranui bros we are so back. Between spiritmaster being released and beato no longer conflicting with solitaire life is good. We can now yeet all the successes and mezukis we could ever want.
>buster blader skill no longer cucks you out of buster dragon
Get locked NERD
is it easy to summon it?
Not easy enough for it to be a meta deck, but it's actually possible now. Before if you wanted to play proper buster blader you pretty much could only run a fleur hybrid or a shitty generic skill. You can now actually play the deck with a proper skill, even if it really wants you to run some dark magician shit with it too.
Buster Blader skill used to lock out Buster Dragon, one of the key pieces of the lockdown and Buster's gameplan. It was gay and retarded because it made Dark fucking Paladin the end result of the skill. I might actually spend tokens on whelp now.
>Book of e's you
>B-b-but my lance
Yeah ? Pick which one you want to protect then.
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>can play three crackdown or compulsory with birds, unchained, blue-eyes, basically everything that was good in the last competitive event
>ghostricks doing that, though, that's too strong
I flip DNA surgery.
AIIIIIEEEEE not that anything but that
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But this fucks them over more than it helps them. FUCK.
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Unchained sisters how do we stop the coc.....

That is one sexual attractive bird >>496044847
Just attack over it
None of them get over 3k which Al the stroker makes coc a 3.9k wall. My best bet would be now then pop it with something or run borreload if I can.
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I copied this deck from a ranked match like a million years ago, is this the current deck? how do you play it?
Cute cat at least

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