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Previously, on /pso2g/: >>495224950

Global Alliances:
Ship 1: RappyDeathsquad
Ship 2: Daikkuri, Tendoku, Toblerone, Oyasumi, Stardust Drive
Ship 3: Mitsuba
Ship 4: group chat only

>NGS Headline (2024/09/03)
>Next NGS Headline (2024/10/01)

>Scratch Tickets:


>NGS Wiki:
https://pso2ngs.swiki.jp/ (JP)

>NGS Damage Calculator:

>NGS Verification Data (frame data, enemy stats, game mechanics, etc):
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h3gSISqcFIkZUiV_Z4thvFmycuTajw5-6V1Y36rx64w/ (JP, usually more up to date)

>Item Codes and Keywords:

>Fashion History

>NGS Roadmap:

>PSO2 Information/FAQ

>Older Phantasy Star Games
nice bot faggot
Post your character and a game you've been playing recently
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Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis
Show me that purple butt.
Blue Burst and Universe remake is real, right??
heres insider info
>NGS customization
>PSU combat/class system/weapons/room/mag play
>PSU planets
>PSU cities
>PSU mall returns
>open world like NGS but now more grounded and bigger focus on group gameplay
>forces primary source of healing
>hunters and berserkers for tanking
>NA and JP play together on the same ships this time no segregation with advanced AI for on the fly translation between players
thats all for now
>NGS customization
would you prefer the height and wide slider from PSO?
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I swear 99% of pso2g is submissive men
What's wrong with answering someone's request?
99% submissive men and 1% dominant women
Thanks Captain obvious any other great insights you wish to waste your time sharing?
It wasn't a request. It was a demand, kek. It's ok if you're a sub anon. Just admit you're a sub.
Same thing.
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It's not 2012 anymore, NGS customization is old and busted and frankly not inclusive enough
Unironically yes.
PSO's limited character customization would filter a lot of the undesirables from the game.
LOL I saw this on /v/ earlier
now to be fair that really silly looking guy at the start is from a video where they purposely went dark souls character tier on the sliders but overall the dragon age creator is pretty bad
>melanin slider
NGS won
I'm the 1%
BuT I CoUlD MakE MicHeAl JaCkSon!!!1!!1!!
like you?
You can make Michael Jackson in ngs as well have you not seen cracky's character?
Holy based gottem
obsessing over some fat homosexual day 60000
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next poll can you add me please file me under friendly fellow
based and friendlyfellowpilled
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h0ly B@$ED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
dragonball ZEEHEEEEE
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Nothing at the moment besides my usual mobage. Taking a break until Ys10 and Rain Code+ come out next month.
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Space Marine 2 is kind of neat. All this talk of subs puts me in the mood to tease some cute subs, anyway hope you all have a lovely day!
Come to ship 2 already...
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I really should get around to finishing Dying Light 2
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Finishing Baldur's Gate 3.
Can we do coop and mod ourselves into anime grills
barbarian or fighter?
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my 2nd dd2 playthrough
good luck with the sub mission
i love gay cocks
gay nigga
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are you going to buy the new dragon age?
most definitely. I'm a huge dragon age fan, and from what I've seen it looks alot better than inquisition.
>shitposting is an accident
I need to play through 2 and inquisition, only played origins
2 is probably the worse in my opinion since it took alot of the core things origins had, and it felt very rushed. but you'd probably like that a bit more than inquisition since it still had that traditional combat feel to it.

inquisition had a bit too much going on, and the open world aspect wasn't that great. but it felt more developed.
He can finally make the character he wants with top scars.
Do you feel like it's worth playing through them before veilguard or should I just hit up a story vid on youtube?
why is it always vitiligo?
There's so many others skin and pigmentation conditions but they always default to that one
like where's the chronic psoriasis representation?
not even shitposting, if they're trying to be inclusive why not start with skin conditions that are more common?
The new one looks like a fucking joke. It's woke shit. You should sooner consider game ending yourself than to buy it.
nah, I might see if I can get away with making a half elf lovechild of the hof and leliana
for the full experience I'd say go for it, but it might take some time since those games are quite lengthy.
No, i don't think i will be doing that.
That's why you can't ever trust the shit he says. His shit behavior in the aco thread is supposedly just a series of coincidences that you can set your fucking watch to
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The Last Spell.
How much for segs?
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pure slop (Destiny 2)
How has angery not plapped you yet?
My prostitute wife...
disting retards i hate all of you im done with this community
You aren't even pso2g, EMV.
no one's falling for this troll post schizo
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Oh hey I guess I forgot to post this one at some point
FFXVI I guess since it just came out. Feels like FF and DMC had a baby.
wow blintrovert moira just wow
Love you too, but you still wont get any action with me.
that wasn't me btw, there's some schizo troll posting again.
Blint calling anyone else schizo is very funny.
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E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy
i hate you so much aiatar i will never forgive you you fucking wigger
Based. We hate him too.
What's a disting?
Guys I'm eating steak and it's so good
it's two gigantic newyork strip steaks
im going to mass spam report aiatar tsuna doppel esvatira fall maku hennika
i have people hating and trolling me all over anon, this board isn't any different.
how much for you to wear a skirt with nothing underneath for a week?
the black emv
No wonder he randomly snaps when every board he uses everyone hates his useless ass
Reminder, believing in gangstalking is a clear sign of mental illness!
That simply means you still have a chance then~
Why not? You'd probably get along with some of the anons.
>some schizo troll
Gee I wonder
my hotwife from another ship...
what if your gangstalked by friendly fellows?
That would require me to not only leave behind friends on ship 1, but also give sega money and i'm not sure which is worse.
its cracky shitposting aiatar while pretending to be moira
ik its complicated
Hard to shake even a little sympathy when Blint befriended meth mouth and tried to keep him around.
That was quite clearly blint's tripcode thoughever
Unfortunate. Already used all your character slots?
The methbreath is asleep for once, so not really.
Only used one, would have absolutely no fashion on another.
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GoW Ragnarok
thing is every single one of your pointers already existed in pso2.
ngs customization? already was in pso2 before the ngs launch.
psu combat? already was in pso2.
open world? already was in pso2 with instanced 12 player maps which did more for the game.
international community? already was in pso2 jp with shared ship lobbies before ip block shenanigans added a layer of latency.
post what you'd look like after a long day of cooking for the royal family
you're retarded
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Thanks to the anon not typing my name with an uppercase, you're based.
actis/skirt? you tell me
Shut the fuck up
You'd end up in a soul gem by the end of it. Is that a price you're willing to pay?
But I am the royalty...
No way fag
t. never played psu
Worth it.
Are you wearing Actis [in] too?
i wear another inner on this look for color sync
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log leaker
when are you gonna settle down with a nice t2?
emv go pick your asshole somwwhere else
Go play infinity then
any very friendly fellows in the thread at the moment?
>want to wear gene outfit
Nothing hotter than a dude that's desperate for dick.
Why not?
I don't have it.
I'm just looking for a sweet t2 to take home that wont freakout my crazy CAST religious parents let me tell yeah
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Not just a slutwife but a premium slutwife...
>she put an eredim up
I don't think it matters whether you're an openly horny fuck or not at this point desu
>witnessed my crush become a prostitute in real time
My wife is still my wife no matter how many cocks she takes..
You could've gotten it for free if you had even somewhat of a spine bro
What do you even like about him?
angery paying good money for ngs prostitution
Angery had to pay the 80mil t1 tax bro
my wife who doesn't know she's my wife remains pure (because she quit)
her personality
friendly fellows its time to rise up
Which is?
horse dick or canine dick
Prostitution is based
tough choise both are amazing to suck
pso2gs for this feel
Let's be real, is Blender worth 75 mil meseta?
hamulily the skinwalker
No one is
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Valheim and VRChat
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>find an accessory I wanna use
>it was from an old mission pass
Damn this game sucks
My spirit animal is Sparkle...
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do I buy it chat?
please marry me...
lickable tummy...
can you turn into the horse and fuck me in the ass PLEASE
Objectively speaking? Nah. His Lively sliders are average at best, the character itself has no personality or identity whatsoever, and his fashion leaves a lot to be desired but you know what they say: one man's trash is another man's treasure. Good for him if he found someone who's really thirsty for him, it's a win-win for everyone.
post what you look like after collapsing from reading too many forbidden texts without any rest
You're worth less than the dust on the foot~
I can't be seen with you
Nigga you sound pissed as fuck you can't put up something for 70mil to get e fucked
buy doppels 200000000 camo...
>doesn't even put up expensive stuff anymore
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It's fine if you don't want us to be seen together in public, I'll just patiently wait for you while you are out... Now please sign the marriage papers...
I wouldn't do that even with permission
You're not even aware what I do when I'm "out". That's why I am trying to spare you the hassle of finding out and potentially breaking your itty-bitty heart <3
hit send by accident, meant to also say you'll have better odds asking the horse herself
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omg I just realized no one in the thread talked about
Do you remember
The 21st night of September?
Love was changin' the minds of pretenders
While chasin' the clouds away
Our hearts were ringin'
In the key that our souls were singin'
As we danced in the night, remember
How the stars stole the night away, oh, yeah
Hey, hey, hey
Ba-dee-ya, say, do you remember?
Ba-dee-ya, dancin' in September
Ba-dee-ya, never was a cloudy day
Ba-du-da, ba-du-da, ba-du-da, ba-du
Ba-du-da, ba-du, ba-du-da, ba-du
Ba-du-da, ba-du, ba-du-da
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You don't have to tell me... As long as you eventually come back home every time you will always be my wife...!!
The accident was leaving his trip code on he's only sorry he got caught doing it. >>495442483
Why does nigtrovert hate you so much?
post your VRC character
Would you start doing that for 70m?
Is there anyone you would be willing to pay meseta for?
Reminder NGS doesn’t allow trading
Here's a picture of my character along side to the game I'm playing, I know most posters here hate it but I'm having fun with it so far hopefully the resolution isn't too big I had to fit both inside one image side by side left is my pso2 character and right is the game.
screw the previous anon I'll pay you 200million meseta for private nude pics
nuh uh
my best screenshot is of my manuka but i mainly use the critters on the left (especially the kangel)
do you lewd in vrchat?
i dont do that sort of stuff at all
Looks like i was doing it wrong all this time grinding dext when i could just have squeezed some cute subs dry and taken their meseta and it sounds more fun too...
anything is more fun than dext if you're not deranged
why pp...
Is this the start of the Prostitute Arc?
>the start
pso2g prostitute tier list?
Affirmative. Would prioritize those, who are not open about their lewd shenanigans; for example Shiro, Pellegri, Chelkie, Kirschmesser, Franzburg, Runali, Caduceon, Atalanta, Buelle,Koumaru.
Next week at least one of you faggots is having a meltdown over this shit, be prepared for it
remember bros only order prostitutes with good customer reviews
None of those are hiding anything, you're just not someone they want to do lewd shit with, money or not.
>azrice disappeared virgin and friendless
>maku walked away after a big rejection
>angery has to resort to paying for sex
>implying he's getting any sex
I shudder at the thought, but it could potentially be true.
*kisses you softly* :3
Next week? Feels like its already happening!
please...anyone post on aco, i cant hold it anymore
You are missing the most important feature of having a wife, the "loving" part of it. I don't even love you to be affectionate. In fact, I'll just come home to torment and bully you for giving me this insanely large beta male vibe. Have you ever even touched a woman before? You are operating on fantasies, boy~
pay me
buy the eredim and maybe she will again
this but minheights...
how much is it?
Why do you always forget about the teenager tan boy?
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They won't be fantasies if you become my wife! Besides, I'm too much of a loser for your tormenting and bullying not to be just ways of expressing your affection to me... in my heart!!
Thank you for helping me cum...
i can tell you weirdos are fat
I'm a skelly
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pso2g for this feel?
you are overweight
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Pokémon Emerald romhacks
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I'm 59kg with below 15%bf
projecting fatty
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Gundam Breaker 4
i'm lean and healthy.
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Do you remember
The 21st night of September?
Anamana wasn't transgender
Hewiz aint chasin players away

Our hearts were ringin'
In the key for Tokyo, we're singin'
As we danced in the night, remember
How KOI KOI stole the night away, oh, yeah

Hey, hey, hey
Ba-dee-ya, say, do you remember?
Ba-dee-ya, dancin' in September
Ba-dee-ya, tr*nnies didn't fuck the game!

Ba-du-da, ba-du-da, ba-du-da, ba-du
Ba-du-da, ba-du, ba-du-da, ba-du
Ba-du-da, ba-du, ba-du-da

My thoughts are with you
Holdin' hands with your heart to see you
Only Quna, Matoi, remember
How we thought they were here to stay

Now December
tr*nnies killed the game,
september, Only erp and love, remember
That the tr*nnies made it this way

Hey, hey, hey
Ba-dee-ya, say, do you remember?
Ba-dee-ya, there were no transgenders
Ba-dee-ya, never was a cloudy day
There was a
Ba-dee-ya (dee-ya, dee-ya), say, do you remember?
Ba-dee-ya (dee-ya, dee-ya), there were no transgenders
Ba-dee-ya (dee-ya, dee-ya), hewiz didn't ruin the day!

The drops were ringin', oh, oh
Our souls were singin'
Do you remember never a tr*nny played? Yow

There was a
Ba-dee-ya (dee-ya, dee-ya), say, do you remember?
Ba-dee-ya (dee-ya, dee-ya), Anamana wasn't a pretender
Ba-dee-ya (dee-ya, dee-ya), hewiz is actually gay
And we'll say
Ba-dee-ya (dee-ya, dee-ya), say, do you remember?
Ba-dee-ya (dee-ya, dee-ya), no one cares about their gender
Ba-dee-ya (dee ya, dee-ya), /pso2g/ is here to stay

Ba-dee-ya, dee-ya, dee-ya
Ba-dee-ya, dee-ya, dee-ya
Ba-dee-ya, dee-ya, dee-ya, dee-ya!
Ba-dee-ya, dee-ya, dee-ya
Ba-dee-ya, dee-ya, dee-ya
Ba-dee-ya, dee-ya, dee-ya, dee-ya!
well i'm boney and malnourished
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erotic navel..
Why? Just eat and go to the gym.
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Of course it's nogxy projecting
>Zero, the Cast, become Stella, the girl
>Siete quit whaling
>Jack became a T2 parttimer
>All the other PSO2 T1s quit
no thanks
Why did jiggu reject maku...
>dress like a prostitute
>"i dont lewd"
rape is morally correct
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>Open Beta on all platforms
>Gameplay looks like PSO2
>Made by the people who made the one good SAO game Fatal Bullet
>Try it
>Unironically PSO2 NGS with a budget
I can't believe it. We finally have a new temp place to call home
That doesn’t work for a lot of people.
/v/ told me it was shit
No one cares about pajeets
you're weird
Couldn't pay me to touch it
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Romancing SaGa 3 (Monica Playthrough, already cleared Julian and Khalid)

Trying to level up the Minstrel to 50 in all weapons skills along with 50 in Solar Magic because he looks like Elore from the first Romancing SaGa game for the SNES. Been getting a shit ton of usage out of the Training Canes that Reverse Swallow (Glimmered technique) instantly obliterates most random encounters.
I tried it, it's nice but not as polished as relink, I'll probably pick it up on sale
And t1s still wonder why t3s get more action
PSO3 will still have blight rounds.
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Pathetically cute boy <3
Post rl hand
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Gran turismo 4
>after a big rejection
How many does that make? You losers need to get over it instead of mopping like a tween
Even this bitch is shocked at how badly you drew her right arm.
>rejected by Aiatar
>rejected by Jiggu
>rejected by Choukai
T1s always shoot for the stars but fall to earth unceremoniously...
>How many does that make?
T1 have feelings too!!!!!!!!
>maku walked away after a big rejection
ok cracky whatever you say
Feelings? You know who has feelings? Men who bludgeon their mothers to death with a crack pipe.
I want a T1's feelings all over my face
Same but a t3
Nice self-report
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>Mfw the alternate universe with Episode 9's dance party ending and no NGS

Mito….. that’s Choukai……
emotionless sex with T3s
what are my odds with doppel, aiatar or squib?
on average 56%, 17%, 0%
Only if it's an emotionless minheight
Is that supposed to be a turnon or are you throwing him a bone?
Ress tummy...
what about nia, jiggu, or minette?
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I made a new account on osrs and did 100 quests in 2 weeks..
60%, 92%, 12%
How do you guys manage to keep this up for like 8+ years? Mindless prattling about 30+ year old fat fucks or malnourished hispanics.
Don't you have school?
You're too normal for this website
The equivalent of celeb gossip, which is what you retards engage in, is the most normie subhuman thing ever.
I too would like to know.
Why are T1s more sensitive than T2s? I thought men were strong but those hearts are so soft...

Lolcow unironically lurks here and retracts every time he got called out for being ugly or basic. Yet acts like he's all good and innocent on xitter.
You forgot the varying degrees of SEAnigs and the obligatory Brazilians who inhabit the server and general.
T1 are generally self-inserting normies. Ofc they'd get mad when those straight asses get called faggots or whatever derogatory slurs thrown at them.
Wet dookie you need to stop pretending you aren't an ESL
I hope you eventually find the help you clearly need
> anon makes a t2
> its just their exgf
lmao let go already
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nobody thinks its a honey pot with RMT-bought meseta to get anons flagged/banned?
Nope, just you, schizo
huge announcement coming december
My T2 represents what I really am deep inside
>anon makes T1
>its just his ideal male OC
Can tell you're some pudgy gay dude with a weird blob face
>Maku left
It's over. The last t1 gamer vanquished.
Wear skirt, and show pantsu next time
I ordered more supplements for bigger loads...
whar did you buy...
childrens bear shaped vitamins...
>makes a twink
Lecithin. I'll see if it does anything
Daily reminder that there is no biofem in this game
And that's a good thing!
what about that black chick and her black bbc boyfriend who sega shills on their streams?
I'm gonna add you if you keep this up...
My wife and I are both women.
whatever you say to keep the simps at bay more power to yeah
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Based, transwomen are women!
Oh no, to your body count??
and they're also ugly
To my friend list! But maybe that too, later...
My supplements get here on Tuesday and I predict it taking 2 weeks to see results so have fun waiting! (And finding me)
>EMV larping as Koharu and replies to himself to promote his dead team

How many years he's been doing it to keep this dead general alive?
It's okay, I already know where to find you... That's all I'll say though!
so proud of you that you're gonna beat off your 5 inch pin needle prick dude!
What the hell is this?https://x.com/play_pso2/status/1837570518540865957
damn they're getting cooked in the QRTs
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tfw have a big pp but love SPH
wish my pp was smaller..
Hol' up they're getting cooked. Who thought it was a good idea to QRT a random YouTuber
6 inches isnt big either whitey
I agree!!
>MWiz getting cooked
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>haha remember how sega reduced a well made franchise into a funny safe horny softcore porn spherebeast simulator?
i remember when maku posted his 4 inch pecker alongside his disgusting skinny fat body. ugly ppl truly have no standards
Never played this shit but that girl looks exactly like me for real
haha you remember another dude's penis
Any more homosexual memories you wanna share with the rest of the class?
i remember a lot of things, like how you will never be a woman and will die in poverty.
yeah, i saw your dad get shagged by a homeless man for 20 bucks.
The pariahs sure are mad tonight
>i remember a lot of things, like how you will never be a woman and will die in poverty.
damn based
>Well made
Women were involved with the series from the first game. It was doomed to fail
Wanna what
Yeah if its fun
Damn it, well up to you see you soon?!?
You know.... THAT...!
What is THAT in this gen?
futa erp
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Good night /pso2g/
Baby making SEXOOOOOOO
*rapes you*
*tucks u in nicely and kisses ur forehead*
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Good night
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pso2g for this feel?
I never understood you pariahs.
>Don't use a teen videogame to masturbate with other men? You DONT belong here.
Phew, thank god
It's 18+ thoughever
Thank goodness online interactions are not rated
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>online interactions are not rated
love seeing this dogshit game and community die. i pray you trannies get ran over
if you wouldn't fuck a teen you are reddit
simple as
any minheights wanna fap?
>paradise of circlejerking groomers
This but unironically
if you want to fit in with us you should also kys with a shotgun
Did i
kill yourself redditranny
>porn obsessed groomers with hundreds of subreddit circlejerk discord communities devoted to it
>yearly big subreddit mod gets outed as pedo events
anon, you have to go back..
Ship 2 prices seem pretty nuts compared to ship 1
If you wouldn't fuck a teen you are a porn obsessed groomer
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I'm not into hags you sick fuck
I need to snuff a /pso2g/ so badly...
Is there an officer online in toble right right?
Yeah. Come to B4 we'll hook you up with whatever you need friend.
Gwiz not harassing YouTubers over nothing burgers challenge : impossible
kys whitey
Not to defend the twatter account troon, but pretty it's some other monkey now and not Mwiz.
Actual niggers trying to be cute in xitter is like EMV trying to be a good team leader

Both are disgusting and should neck themselves
transphobia is cringe
AGP is based!
agp minheights?
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Did a daily for an mmo, fixing up my missile space boat during the upgrade weekend in another mmo, and fixing up two of my villager's house in an AC clone game.
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troons will always be cringe
im black, handsome, and stuck my willy inside some white guy
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do you have an ugly as dogshit character and are salon challenged
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>messing around in salon
>gene outfit
>see this difference between the two versions
My OCD is telling me sega fucked up but idefk and it's fucking with me
stay mad nigger, the only way people can find you attractive is through coomer video games
If you still need help come to B4 I can ask one of the 2 we have have
Imagine sucking balls at fucking mmo salon sliders LMAO
but i had sex and im black
The guy didn't even deny it... Pathetic...
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I got in touch with one of them, thank you
It wasn't a troll for once?
Nice welcome aboard
idc. i still hate whites
You guys still only have 2? Does the leader not log in?
>Gay NGS-playing boomers from planet Earth
Nigga you've worn that bait out
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i actually hate you.
nogshit hours
+2 all is balanced again
Perfectly balanced
as all things should be
stfu whitey
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Do I have to ask again...?
As a female space elf i just wanted to say... have a good one!
no whitey you dont. the answer is no
Red flag ahaha elf...
I miss my theraphy photon elf wife
Is this game a mmo??
No this is a gacha game!
its a game filled with brainrot trannies
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>haha you guys are brown, Indian and Brazilian
>no actually you're white
you are a poorfag tranny thougheverbeit
Stop bringing that up we already lost 1 person who had their application denied...
I'm based!!
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Goodnight my cute wife who doesn't know she is my wife yet, I love you!
>photon therapy
isn't that just sex?
cringe simp behavior
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Should I read Wittgenstein before playing Subahibi?
You used to simp too lil nigga
kys instead rat faced faggot
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*kisses you softly*
Chuuuu~ There...
ew gross. dont talk to me faggot
Idek what that is. If there's any references, maybe read it.
Koishi's sister...
Boxy you've been spewing vitriol all day today. Chill.
My T1 is kinda like Demon Sultan Azathoth
Bubbles in confusion.
Center of the Universe,
Sprouting foul protrusions.
Good luck anon...
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I played TF2 for the first time in 4 years
Let's fuck for the first time...
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guitar is a fun videogame
looks really fucking bad
can't, captcha is being shit
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EDF6. Fencer all the way. I'd like to make a new outfit and take some pictures of a totally innocent variety, but we'll see.
looks like shit.
don't starve together with friends
rat faced faggot
Turn around and don't leave me starving...
Do please turn around as anon suggested...
Someone is mad
its just blint who cares
It's clearly nogxy
Just dont be ugly?
Not everyone who posts BA images is me...
tyłek tyłek tyłek
When are you leaving that dead alliance xevel isn't even there anymore?
I miss daicon.
retards are so ass mad over a joke tweet to start projecting and overblowing censorship lol
Koi is cute
Post your character
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>check the replies
>see this
Um... Isn't this Homika person one of the twitter thots you guys were shilling? Cringe...
>namdropping normies
It's funny cause you act like namedropping should be a thing to begin with
Namedropping is just retarded whether it's normies or the pariahs here
ugliest nigga right next to emv and blint
Namedropping anons here like using ancient runic evil words of power, except instead of banishing someone all it does it summon someone to call you a faggot at 3am
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Anon, it's not polite to call people niggers, you rat faced faggot.

Damn now I wanna make a Terraniggers T1
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What's the latest on the pso2g rumor mill? Eatmorevitamin thirsting for gwiz's axewound?
Go wash your hands and tell your mother you love her.
Nothing interesting drama wise going on right now in Global or JP
mwiz made an inflammatory tweet and all the normies in the replies are pointing out the height censorship on global
stay tuned for updates
gwiz boosting the account’s likes with easy rage bait for tourists is kinda funny though
1K likes. I scrolled back to July and this may be their biggest tweet in awhile. Mwiz thanking normies who don’t realize what theyre advocating for lmaoo
made for paper bag doggy position
Eyes are cute. Nose is too long if you're going for a "cute" face. Tits are tits
buy out my shop NOW
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First it gets cooked in the replies and now its archnemesis reveals that he's doing fine. Gwiz is having a bad week.
calm down
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Did the wiz lawyers get to him?
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>Censor character creator in the west
>Then try to brag about it
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If you mean Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, Subahibi uses its definitions of world/knowledge barriers extensively, so I'd say it's a worthwhile read, same with Cyrano de Bergerac, albeit it has a less impactful influence in comparison. If you want to go the extra mile, there's over a dozen other books that get referenced but are not nearly as important to the overall philosophy and message of the story
Have a Wonderful Everyday
You art skills have really improved! do you ever draw other characters by any chance?
Weren't you going to bed
that was 7 hours ago...
Sleep another 7...with me
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>4chan hate mobs
most of the biofems are obese ugly white women
I'm not white
A full 8 is important! You should never skimp out on slumbering a cucumber
who are the pso2g biofems
mari anon...
hench the word most my brownoid lilbro
Stink post detected
you dont want to know trust me when i finally found out which ones were I feel nothing but disgust when I see or interact with them
not me I'm a guy
Do you wanna be THE guy?
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I'm not stinky....
Am not...
I Want to be the Guy
reveal yourself...
cumming on this anons face
do NOT
already did it now you have sticky cummies all over you
That's someone's wife bro
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do the friendly fellow!
swing your arms from side to side
Shut the fuck up boxy
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Repent immediately.
cumming on the friendly fellow too
why won't you reveal yourself... it really is a ruse isn't it...
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lmao syberslut living rent free in this vtubers brain
doesnt kagerisu play a shota character on ship 2?
>that broken english
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i was focused on this reply
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It is not, I am genuine...
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I enjoy Richard Burns Rally even though I suck at it, for now.
how u get cellphone accessory?
This mod
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I tried playing the automation campaign a few weeks ago but I couldnt get very far
Who is the mari anon and who keeps wanting to glaze him...
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Mega dyke
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i want proof...
cumming on that 5head
Oh shit???
Cumming on your abs.
How do I prove it...
i didn't think this far
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SEGA took whatever little money NGS made and pumped it into Hyenas only for it to go up in flames before it was even released.
They left NGS to die with no content, to fish for Blackrock money and now they're pivoting away from videogames and back into pachinko because it all blew up in their face. Every once in a while they even poach the 10 salarymen who still work on NGS to go work on a Sonic game and leave NGS with no updates for a year.

Genuinely, how can this game ever recover?
There's no money or staff to make a comeback update, it's reviled and has a bad reputation everywhere because of the censorship and the extremely bad management, both in game and off game, the thing most people know about this game is the g**z shit and the fact that SEGA keeps suing random players for "defamation".
Whatever is left of the community mostly crosses with the /PAG/ and /EPI/ communities, which makes new players quit the moment they set foot in Central City and see some gross chimera of the most obscure fetishes that could only fester on the internet.
The few pleasant/cool people who still play know not to talk in area or stand out because some mentally ill freak might take notice of them and spam report them for not being gay enough, or refusing to ERP (ex. B**y, E*V, M***a) so other than ADBL roleplay and grooming children the community is fucking dead.
My biggest reason for staying was how cozy and early 2000s cringekino the players were, I'd log in and see people talk about anime or whatever, now they either talk about drama, beef or ERP openly in the most populated blocks, or they're talking about Trump and Kamala and how to get HRT or some other retarded political bullshit.
My ship has been completely destroyed by the steady influx of the extremely militant mentally ill.

I don't want it to die but what hope is there?
How do you fix this? Beyond the obvious of firing the insane people and banning the pornbrained trancel gooners, what do you do?
I love my dorky wife...
> turning off UI overhead names
> turn off area chat
> turn off accessories
there I made the game playable
>you now remember the hopefags who thought NGS would get better after Sonic Frontiers came out
SEGA can't be trusted with Phantasy Star any longer. Best thing that could happen is it ends up in the hands of someone competent who will take care of it. This will not happen.

They're going to be coming after private PSO/PSU servers when the remake is in the works
PSO remake is never happening. No zoomer is interested in the boring ass booner gameplay that was limited by the hardware at the time
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>trannies, often known to groomers and pedophiles, largely support Global's censorship of increasing the minimum height allowed
>chuds, often known to be based and anti-pedophile, largely criticize Global's censorship of increasing the minimum height allowed
gngngngngn /pso2g/! ! !
>play JP and go full pedo
Not my problem.
Cumming on this post
sexing u
this guys a fucking idiot
wait till you find out about epi
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kek yeah this guy for sure is a sex pest, I believe him
This sounds like my wife…
What does it mean if a random person adds you on discord and you have no servers or friends in common?
a scammer
>using discord
Not my problem
Decline that weirdo
Nothing? Only be weary of days old accounts or even months old.
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>for some reason a bunch of stuff sold from my shop
>not the high in demand items, essentially just a bunch of trash that i thought would never sell
>literally all of the grinder sold
>all of it
>what the fuck why are people buying my grinders????
>like three people even bought them one by one making me instantly get my seller titles and now I can finally see player ID's when shopping
No clue what that was about but I'll take it.
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cumming on this post
Once in a while it's your turn to be at the top of the list when people search for grinders at the shop
how much for that butt?
You really forgot about azrice like that lmao
post the new members
need to have sex with new minheights
Watch what you say I have a reason to believe the new members are bixy spies.
Obviously. It could also lilely be EMV and a friend, pay attention to how EMV has suddenly been offline for a day.
Nigga one of them is a Thorny coomer
It's just weird because how else would they find me if we're not in any servers together?
Okay now that's weird and you should have said that from the start.
doppel joined toble????
based if true
>its true
I want to have sex with Jester...
she plaps anyone just ask
I NEED caseal sex
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Confess before I forget to post this before church.
I regret playing pso2 and interacting with this community
I'm glad I started playing this game and interacting with pso2g!!
I love my wife so much It's hurting me.
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I'm a dom and i absolutely LOVE to bully and tease cute subs and psog2 looks like an absolute feast.
You're very cringe.
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I enjoy playing this game for everything it does offer, but I hate most of the community surrounding it whether it be coomers, doomers, grifters, shills or sweats.
That makes two of us then!
I want to rape you
I want to date a minheight.
Nice fantasy, but what if the roles were reversed?
Don't get my hopes up like that. It's impossible finding a competent dom on this game. Breaks my heart.
Not just in this game, i heard this complaint quite a lot.
You're not wrong, but that doesn't make things better!
Maybe it wont make things better, but if you are lucky i could make you feel better~
The only way you could make me feel better is to put a collar on me and never let go of the leash.
I was just thinking you would look really really good with a collar around your neck actually!
... See but, now you're just getting my hopes up again. It's not nice to lead people on, you know!
Are you really a dom if youre hidden on ship 1?
Seems no one noticed my ship 2 alt.
no more secrets its time I confess
ask a very friendly fellow anything
shut up boxy
I would want to get revenge rape when I get horny, even if it means getting raped again, until I succeed.
Violence breeds violence, and in the end, it has to be this way.
This just sounds like a win situation for you.
Well that's what rape is, isn't it?
Can you even call it that anymore at this point?
Well what else would it be?
Consensual and sensually violent?
I'll be your slave on ship 2, if you'll have me.
I'm sure i could find some time and room for you, if you deserve it~
>lewd with friend
>friend wants me to erp raping them violently
>so turned off that i stop talking to friend
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low t
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What is this friendly fellow crap from?
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lads we need the very friendly fellow list
I'm so lonely without him...
-> >>689626363 ??
What the fuck is that post
How and where do I find you? Where do we meet for coffee to see if we are a good fit?
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Want to jerk off?
I'm too based for this game
I know who the Mari anon is.
Expose him. NOW!
I should've never restarted on Global
Restarting on global was the best decision I've made. I have friends to play with and actually know what is going on in pso2g now.
The biofems are not actually biofems, I heard from themselves
I'm a biofem and I can confirm, I'm not a biofem.
GOD I want to plap m*moka desu desu desu
failed men general
Game blows. Started psu clementine and it owns.
I know the biofem council sits above the shadow council and dictates the waves of pso2g.
Hey, that's my girlfriend there.
Trans women are women too.
Not biological ones
OUR girlfriend
the very friendly fellows and the xbox mafia run the show around here
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Die screaming.
where is the pso2g friendly niggas list?
We must know who he is.
where is the pso2g trans women list?
minheights with agp list...
Friendly fellows
who else
me :3
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Too good to be real
Wakaba isn't friendly. He only pretends to be if he's horny.
throwing a party if true
Yeah, I'd plap Wakaba and have her gock flop around uselessly.
Alice isn't friendly. He only pretends to be if he's horny.
You needed the sell part of the title, they needed the buy part, shrimple as
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>E*V moves to ship 1
>the ship 2 diaspora moves back to ship 2
>E*V feels lonely, rejected by ship 1 too but this time nobody even responds to him
>moves back to ship 2
You guys are dumb he's gonna read these posts and change his mind you're supposed to celebrate after it's done
It's like 7 fucking dollars for a transfer, cheaper than fast food and definitely than weed. He can't even lie convincingly cause he would have done it ages ago.
A clown is a clown regardless of which circus he performs at.
>you know shit2 is feeling really shiity and I gotta lookout for girl 1,rebrand and find myself you know....
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I've turned into a coom brain it's all i think about and i try anyway possible to get it online and in real life it's gotten worse and I've tried different ways to mitigate it but it just isn't enough.
>lively face
I've gotten bored of lewding, plapping, gooning, erp, ftt, etc.
you're on the path to become a very friendly fellow let go of these sinful activities and embrace your inner friendly fellow
My wife...
Shut the fuck up.
Shut up retard, if all you do is repress your degeneracy you'll wind up just as insufferable, only the inverse of a gooner.
that wasnt very friendly fellow of you lad
>being cute means you can't dom
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>try to farm GDK2 for myself because they're at 8M on my ship
>300% RDR
>about 4~5 DKV an hour
>do the math
>it's 50DKV for 1 single GDK2
(7% btw so that'll be probably like 40 Augment protections if you wanna do it 1 by 1 lol ez 4k SG over probably a year of checking the shop daily I love this game I have a gun)
>that's 160k per DKV
>so I've spent my PSO2day farming at a rate of 800k/h on a lucky hour
>actually, nevermind, I have to farm the duel quest for several hours too
>Dext with boosters is 3M/h raw
>mfw this is for like a 0.2% dps gain
fr there's nobody at the wheel they throw darts at a board to determine drop rates
I'll hit you.
I got bored of mods, I just want to collaboratively write something lewd with someone.
t. not a very friendly fellow
It's very difficult to take seriously, even more when he's posting his butt.
It's just another layer of FOMO. You're expected to farm stuff like DKV during events like Mutants. Absolutely no reason to even try to farm things unless it's "Sega approved".
Why did you have to pick car of all things as your monthly personality
The point is you realize this, realize you don't have access to as many aug protections as you need and begin scratching for money as opportunity cost drives you to compare how much time you're wasting to simply taking out your credit card to fund the gearing. The game is dogshit.
>(7% btw so that'll be probably like 40 Augment protections if you wanna do it 1 by 1 lol ez 4k SG over probably a year of checking the shop daily I love this game I have a gun)
You're supposed to use boosters retard
Just wait for them to rerun King Captan or giant mutants if you want to farm dread keeper, there's no rush to affix
I spent like 13 aug protects getting gdk2 on my gear
I now have recovered those 13 aug protects since affixing gdk2
skill issue
just make what you can,sell it and go play another game with hours grinding hours saved
>use boosters
rates are fake, I guarantee you the game uses a weighted chance system where the shown probability is the average of the chance from the first try all the way to soft pity
I have taken thousands of screenshots this month alone.
>he's a lucklet
Sucks to suck
You seem upset your face isnt buried in that butt right now.
It probably uses a clone of the pso2 system where so many drops happen per week
Were you naked in any of them?
Not completely
Just watched all the videos about Syberbolts shit, and just wanted to say. You are all mentally ill and he did nothing wrong. I acutally hope you all get cancer and die of it and that whore gwiz
I watched a bit of syberbolts video and the only conclusion I came to it is syberbolt isn't very good at the game.
We like Gwiz here. Leave immediately, tourist.
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Fire Emblem fates (conquest)
Fire emblem Engage
Xenoblade chronicles 2
Remanant 2
Guild wars 2
send me a kudos
Wrong person, try again.
post your femcharr or femsura
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i havent seen my chars face in ages
I want my alliance mate to quna pose my cube
first letters of your top 5 pso2gs?
I have pleased numerous cocks in the past few days and there are no signs of stopping
I need a T2 for this feel
>Ugly default preset
>900 different sliders but majority of them don't actually do anything significant and the rest only make your character fatter/uglier
>Shoulder/hip ratio can't be changed as usual, aside making shoulders wider
>Chest slider barely changes the default size (average)
>Disgusting HD blemished skin texture that can't be changed aside covering it with tattoos, more skin diseases and literal dirt
>20 hairstyles shared between both "body types", good chunk of them being half-shaved nigger cuts
I've seen this way too many times
He's gonna regret it. Ship 1 is where the biggest baddest schizo of /pso2g/ lives...
that's just choukai
Is it?
Who's playing the PSO2 Sword Art beta?
Is the gw2 clique real?
I have a folder of darker only edits of characters with a decent amount of them being pso2gs
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leche rikka is behind the gwiz drama even though wiz thinks its syber and syber thinks its wiz
>leche rikka
of course he's in bed with emv
textbook snake
Why do pariahs always bring up normalfags
theres pso2gs in his discord to many pso2g traitors here
>Leche 'innocently 'getting ready to pre-stoke his fire so she can watch the drama.
What a bitch
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That's based
T-thanks... ? Is this some ship 2 hazing ritual?
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If you're new, you should block that guy immediately and save yourself the headache when he starts making up an entire story about you, your motives and your relationships desu.
I like this one a lot
>emv transfers ship
>immediately lands in the hands of a known manipulating lolcow
His entire existence is cursed.
This just block the retard he wants attention if you don't give him any he will block you back
That guy is an unironic crackhead with a criminal record, don't try to make sense of what he says
I'm guessing you're new, he must've taken his chance to message you since 90% of /pso2g/ already has him blocked
Never forget a 60 year old boomer buck broke brady so bad he spent 2 months crying about him daily
This was so funny, he assumed i was someone Azrice? When i told him to gfto he tried to rizz me up instead.
he’s a 40 year old west coast nigger lmao
We're all girls here
KupKakeKingdom was a great arc
if I made a alliance called FriendlyFellows would you all join?
no, kill yourself
n-n-n-n-n-noooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM A VERY FRIENDLY FELLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Go on a diet, fatty.
Yes unless you're emv, then no
wtf why would u call me fat
Why the fuck would anyone make a new alliance now of all times
Retard wants to be in charge. t.cuckaranthine
I'll never understand why anons become so desperate to be in charge of things. I don't think any "leader" that's had any amount of time in charge of faggots from 4chan would say it's a fun job.
Its pretty funny how one of the most inactive leader online, Fall, is somehow the most competent. Every other leaders end up having a schizo moment, dead, or kill the very alliance they're in by not stopping drama.
Because he doesn't know when to stfu so he'll keep attracting people that want to mess with him
The power of having good officers and letting them handle things instead of being a control freak
>advertising your shitty channel on 4chan
>goofy anon wants to make a meme alliance
>angry control freak trannies chimp out of some random guy joking around
You are all unlikable.
what is blud yapping about
Over the years, I've noticed that the ghost-type guild leaders of 4chan guilds tend to be the best ones
It's almost like most people can manage themselves fine
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There's also the exploitation thing. People will try to cozy up to the leader as a sort of shortcut to power, or be friends of an officer and try to weaponize that against other guild members. Pic related is ghost leader when someone tries to pull that
Leaders like EMV are the problem. They want to be the center of attention, everything has to be about ME ME ME because they're lonely and narcissistic as fuck.
> be friends with anon
> anon is ghostly,has gaps in wisdom and experience but players connect with them anyway
> anon makes an alliance
> alliance becomes top tier over time with good friends and oversight
I love my ghost leader friends
Seen it happen before when some girl was kissing up to the guild leader in another game. I told him to quit that shit and fix it or else things might deteriorate. He surprisingly snapped out of it quick.
you guys are genuine subhumans
He's even worse
>Makes guild (Drug induced)
>Has a psychotic episode weeks later and disbands/leaves
It depends on the way in which they are a ghost imho. I once knew a guild leader who was hardly active in the game and yet they were also easily exploited by members trying to weaponize them against other members. The fact they were a ghost type leader was partially the reason people were able to exploit them, as they were largely out of the loop of things and so any bad actor could just fill in the gaps for them.
cringe ghost type negro.
join doppels alliance
bot post now

you are the actual normalfag anon,also Im on the comments too btw.
fuck I meant >>495516565
not you

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