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Previously, on /pso2g/: >>495428261

Global Alliances:
Ship 1: RappyDeathsquad
Ship 2: Daikkuri, Tendoku, Toblerone, Oyasumi, Stardust Drive
Ship 3: Mitsuba
Ship 4: group chat only

>NGS Headline (2024/09/03)
>Next NGS Headline (2024/10/01)

>Scratch Tickets:


>NGS Wiki:
https://pso2ngs.swiki.jp/ (JP)

>NGS Damage Calculator:

>NGS Verification Data (frame data, enemy stats, game mechanics, etc):
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h3gSISqcFIkZUiV_Z4thvFmycuTajw5-6V1Y36rx64w/ (JP, usually more up to date)

>Item Codes and Keywords:

>Fashion History

>NGS Roadmap:

>PSO2 Information/FAQ

>Older Phantasy Star Games
Post your character and what is your opinion on your guildmates, offciers and guild leader
I joined Toblerone years ago because they don't tell you what to do, and most of the anons in it are on the older side desu
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>old white ppl
no thanks
Nah but that nigga does talk like a fucking creep
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I am the only member of my Alliance.
no point in logging in when i can talk to you retards here
No friends? Or does being in a solo alliance make you feel special
I don't care for Alliances.
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love toble
But your beta reactors...
I know, I can live without them.
DOLLS Blender?
Admitting to both without saying both...
nyo, the former isn't true...
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love my toble bros
any friendly fellows itt?
my prostitute crush...
>Leche Rikka claims he doesn't go to 4chan
>every time anyone talks about him, they get banned for off topic

Meanwhile talking about EMV or other people are fine
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They seem like pretty lovely people, no strong opinion.

Since i was asked several times i gave in and made a ship 2 alt and after much agonizing over getting her to look decent i decided to chill around a bit in A4 to check out the vibes, it was pretty dead except emv was having a meltie and the moment there was a lull in it i found myself completely fixated on, what an absolute nuisance.

Anyways those that wanted to meet up you can find my lookbook and hit me with a kudos or whatever and we can figure out something just look for deuman type 2 in the cute category with the little tag... Should appear quite easily there.

Now then i think its about time i go back to lurking, hope you all have a lovely day.
Post naked catbox please
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> no CS portals you can put down in city limits
> the poor prostitutes and town bikes
business would be booming
world link?
Does that community manager tranny still frequent these threads? Why is the game dead?
Leche is a nutter so no surprise.
post butt
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this game died so hard
why doesnt sega care anymore
why should we care if sega doesnt
Skill issue
I will play as long as I can fap with my wife
>check doorstep
>it's already here ahead of schedule
Thanks, Elon.
do a new one for a before and after pic...
show cock next time you do it...
I swear to god if this is that faggot from base that told everyone he spoke to about his freakish dick
>spends base complaining about coomers while masquerading as a gameplay chad
>is now a sex pest whose posts consist of pyc or tributes
failed male
Don't talk shit about my nigga Void
minheights who do this?
me and ur mum
>My mom is a pig and penetrates you
Low blow dude
>threads slowing down, better throw out some nothing bait
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They're pretty chill and very understanding that everyone does things in their own pace.
kids are hot tho
Both of these posts are emv
this post is emv
want to exchange photons?
lot of friendly fellow behavior in this thread
cope, kids are peak performance
you dont even need to use a condom
How do I make you paint me anon?
Good idea, not sure who to do. This one >>495604372 seems extra bratty but I'd skip over my backlog.
I'll think about it...
I hope you do me!
Did he actually went to ship 1?
You wouldn't know until maint day
>mentall ill tranny
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Not much to say since most of them quit.
Franz my queen... it's time to move on to greener pastures
Earliest he's moving (if it's even true) is the first maintenance of October.
Join your wife in toble..
If youre a leader in your guild, why not just rebuild?
Just posting your character is good enough but I understand you may want to be private, in which case it's going to be difficult but not impossible. Leaving a clue in your lookbook for example is a cute way of doing it.
There is nothing to rebuild, players are pretty rooted where they are purely because there aren't any active players to actually fill an alliance. It could have been oysters, it could have been daikon, it could have been stardust even. Toble had the luck of the draw where anons congregated by the merit of doing nothing drastic and nothing bad Happening so that's likely how things will be from now.
Toblerone still exists because most of its members are just tired fucks that don't like overzealous retards lmao
>rebuilding anything with the retards here
why? lol
or just leave this kusoge for greener pastures and all that
shitposting from greener pastures in pso2g!
Don't be like nogxy and stay bound here despite hating everyone and everything lol
At least shitten left
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Stop posting this faggot bullshit with blue archive images, it's enough that people thought it was me posting, but someone kudos'd me.
I asked!!
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You just know he's still got this thread open on one of his 6 cheap monitors
I do wonder if he added a seventh monitor...
kritten could've quit 8 years ago and you'd still cry about him because he mind broke you.
>rebuilding an alliance when its just short term tourists and lobby fags left
thank you for the insight, anonymous
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My Alliance is unrelated to this NPC space. But I will say I have a partner in crime..
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they seem like a nice and helpful bunch so far
>doing random stuff while alt-tabbed
>alt-tab back to the game
>fat butts in sight every single time
Yeah I love NGS
fat whiteboy still beats his meat to melted plastic day 500
are you schizo?
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>she doesn't like fat butts
Negative testosterone
I just downloaded this game, how do I make the characters not ugly? Are people using mods or something?
There are makeups that enhance your face, the "meta makeups" and then there are some hairs that help or completely carry your face
Morgan? Kill yourself.
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>I want to make the sexist character
If you have no money (and you dont), the default female CAST has a pretty lewd starting look
how fat are you
I wished I was fatter to humiliate femboys in my local area during sex
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Cute Cool Interesting
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I wish I wasn't so lonely
There are no greener pastures to be found on this miserable seedling named Halpha.
I wasn't aware I had one of those.
The remaining community has dwindled to such a small number that there's really no point to trying. New folks (if such a thing even exists at this point) would be far better served simply joining the largest active group.
It's strictly a task based one, but the officer I talked to seemed nice enough. I do try to greet members though if we happen to cross paths.
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Not in any of the /pso2g/ alliances because I like beta reactors, but when I end up in a quest with people from the general, clearing tends to go very smoothly.

No big opinions about the people in my alliance, decent enough people ig. Everyone kinda minds their own business. Whats important is that everyone does enough tasks so we get more reactors which is good enough for me.
>Every Sylphids that is not horrid looks like Arisha's old look

Even me?
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>every base t2 xcopy each other

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Good night /pso2g/
post on /aco/ and prove your originality!
I thought this was about sylphid face, not my body?
pso2 your slyphid and we'll be the judge!
post whole character from face to feet anon!
Not that kind of loneliness...
No I mean, wanna hang out?
How to farm for big tits when f2p?
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I already decided I'm ugly among my peers anyway long ago, I just strive to satisfy my headcanons and tastes. Gomen.
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>didn't say anything about his alliance
uh oh
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It's ok. I accept my character is plain or ugly and she is carried by the clothes she wears so we both can be in the same boat.
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I tried my best
are you a tranny?
no I'm a girl :3
Which ship?
why the hell does it look so much worse in engine.
>no I'm a girl :3
you type like a pso2 tranny
It's not bad, but it's hard to make something good when you lack a lot of available options. Some advice to keep in mind though -- Stick to base or lively if you aren't confident, as they're the easiest to make something decent with. From there, try to make something that looks good without cell shading on. Cell shading hides a lot of potential flaws, so if you can make something decent without it then it'll still look good with it, but you won't look like a train wreck to those who keep it off. Good luck anon, most people who have been playing for years also struggle to make something good.
Being genuine here; there aren't many good looking characters on Ship 2. remaining "good looking" characters use the twitter approved meta Golden stamp doll/10 sliders/make up/eyelashes/accessories
Those lips are great but something about the eyes feels super off.
Oh hey it's the cute foxmom! I still wanna kiss your feet...
that's literally meta sliders and make up and stupid puff eye meta trash. if you don't look like that you are ugly
Those handles look like big turds.
ugly as shit
But why do the bottom of the eyes look puffy and weird? They're creased over. I'm assuming bad makeup or eyes or something.
My elusive as a mystical fox girl friend!
Crying Puffy Eyes accessory
I think my guildmates should touch grass more often and I think my officers should not be as lazy.
You're supposed to post your character too!
This is a real-life fashion/makeup trend.
you forgot to pyc
It looks like she's having an allergic reaction to something
The last thing I need is a mutiny from my members that lurk this thread.
It's one of those things guys will never understand
So what are other names of Moira?
Arisu was never good at Sylphid and copied the better ones.
Yeah xhe copied me and you guys gooned over xer while I am dusted and forgotten!
who did Arisu copy?
everyone copied everyone. the only original people are the uglies who didn't copy everyone.
I'm original and cute!
so true breastie.
ironic that people who claim themselves to be original were actually copying JP players through twitters
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I'm not ugly, my cast is COOL
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Your average Toble officer is stronger than any super hero!
The ones on Twitter.
Weak to anal
He still looks like shit too. How can you be Brazilian and still mess up skin tones?
That stick figure still on the bench? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjShimjwUGc
everyone single nigga here LITERALLY started out ugly, saw someone using their face type, went back to the salon to adjust their shit to make it look like the one they thought was good and maybe move the slider by 2 points to claim they're unique. no different than moving the breast slider from 100 to 98. you can always tell what the meta shit is when a scratch comes out.
>eyelashes are usually 500k
>this particular set is 4 to 5 million
>puffy eyes accessories is 10 million
>I gotta have the mole make up
>Sega please add another make up slot please!
>fine I will use an accessory for my mole (kek)
>long hairs are always 18 million+ minimum although it just a variant of another existing version
so unique guys!
Spoken like an uggo
Nice own goal
I didn't even know people unironically used puffy cring eyes, I thought it was ultra bogged for the same reason falte face usually is
It's only really popular on JP for T2 face users due to makeup trends in Japan. Global whores on Twitter just copied for fake clout or to follow 'meta'.
Its very popular with Caseal (using Aero and Falte) and Furry players because it can do the :3 at a cost of one point. You can refer this image as an example. >>495613753
It's a legit fashion thing IRL, there are even cosmetic surgeries for it. Looks bad in this game though the accessory looks too jarring up close.
it is the meta for base t2 face. if you dont have it you are an uggo
a yo chill anon
swipe, dextie, or get good
>claim they're unique.
niggas really say this out loud? I bet you can hear them in area chat all the time
people say pso2 has the best character creator but all I see are xcopies lmao

your response?
Yeah I use it for my caseal, it's mighty convenient. Easily my most used accessory until Sega gives us more proper expressionless faces. Just funny/confusing picking it up for 500k since nobody wanted the thing, and a year later my friends are saying they can't afford to make their falte face like they want to because puffy shot up to 100m or something. Global really loves scalping niche cast accessories for some reason and I assumed it was that again.
unblock all the booba monsters, furries, pariahs and blacks
there you go
turn off names UI and see if you can spot specific players easy in a crowd or just far away.
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>so unoriginal he has to showcase another players creation
this is what I'm talking about you never seen this shit in game. only on twitter. you literally cant log in right now and showcase a unique character like this
skill issue
Someone likes lovecraft nice
Why didn't fall let maku be an officer...
same names when I play game
soon the game will go away
global shutdown, switch to J-Pay
and then that server go away lmao
I wonder what games then will you play
no pso2 no ER-Pay
Life changing cringe
>T2 face
>puffy eyes
>heavy makeup
>big eyelashes
the only 10/10 meta look
that's literally the same old meta shit like >>495627661
some people like to change up the hair color to either pink ash, blonde ash, or straight black. they all look the fucking same. and dont forget the most important part the mouth breather lips with the make up and shine. cutesy Idle motion too. I'm starting to think they don't even make the face and they just get a file from discord or some shit
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If you see a look you like just take or get screenshots of them from different angles and reverse engineer the face
You guys fall for bait way too easily, there are other ways to keep the thread alive.
at least sylphid sisters don't all copy the exact same look
they don't have to copy anything, sylphid always looks the same
>t2 face
>default/cheap/plain tools
>2000 hours in salon minmaxing my own sliders
>the best looking t2 on global
they're all ugly. they look the same. you funny anon haha lmao
explain why jp sylphs get 300+ likes every time
I honestly dont care about twitter or jp. im on global and I never see attractive slyphids. not even the actual female (TRUE FEMALE) can save slyhpid. have you seen that one bitches characters lmao? skullnight or whatever the fuck the name is lmao
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I think that's the problem. No one on Global can make that face look remotely good. And that niggress and her cuck might be one of the worst cases.
post lively/cutie face HAGS i want the anime look not the cringe semirealistic t2 face or sylphid face but i also hate children
slyphid is a face for Trans axe wound people. it looks manly for a reason
Manly how? It doesn't even have a proper jawline.
JP twitter is not how good you actually looks, it's more to your social circle. you won't be able to get 100 likes if you're a nobody and/or not in a big circle

trust me you don't want biofems to make sylphid...
Sure you can. I don't talk to anyone and get 100+ regularly for years now.
post pso2g lookbooks i will tell you whats wrong and how to fix
If you regularly like/retweet and follow/follow back, they will do the same, hence eventually building up

It's a decade old culture in twitter already and alot of JP people still do that
plenty of uglies on twitter get over 100 likes. there is no competition for best looking character. only likes for likes retweets for retweets. I dont find people like doubledcrity attractive. he's just modded tits and baboon ass and a bikini in thousands of pictures. what's so unique about that? anyone can do that. nowadays it's not even about looks. its about the camera angles
Doubledcrity is Aiatar tier.
Attractive for normies, eventually gets boring when you realized it's all modded crap and you can do it better.
unique usually means ugly, not good
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I got weird hours so I never see them talk much outside of UQ talk.
Also reject meta, use sylphid face.
terrible attempts
Sadly this is true for PSO2. It really shows how limited the character creator really is. I honestly wish the faces where unlocked or there were more options. like sega should add 8 new female faces in upcoming patches. 2 new faces ever 3 - 4 months. they also needs to go the vindictus route by added All Curves+ to cosmetics so you dont have to mod bigger tits and asses
when we plappin sis?
idk about NGS char creator being limited but have you compared it to XIV?

no mods, pure vanilla
purely character customization
ngs > xiv
modded ngs <<<<< modded xiv
everyone mods
its unlimited if you make a cast
its limited if you make a human
> deumens without Heterochromia
> newmans with horns
> humans with any of these
truly unique mixing going on and it the boils to the similar looks not too distant from one another.
slimfit casts and voluptuous caseals are far sexier than human player models wr need a lot more of them
not bulky mecha shit though thats cool npt sexy
Chronically shit tastes. Bulky mecha is the peak of mecha
shotas like ollie and doppel are the sexiest
yes but theyre cool not sexy you cant have both
I dunno, when time allows and I'm in the mood
You plap??
Buy out my shop, this is a threat.
>pure newman genes
peak sex
Look at his look book
The amount of times I've been asked to put on the cube... I just want to hold a T2 lovingly.
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>Buy out my shop, this is a threat.
Sure just give me a call when you feel like it, we can cuddle too :)
How does that happen? You give off pure sub energy.
oh ok thats actually cool as fuck
I don't even know you, I think?
Literally the first person to say this.
You act weak and cute with me. I'll enjoy frotting with your inferior cube next time.
What? I don't want to do that I want T2 x T2
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Boring dyke...
I miss having a comfy T2 x T2 moment with my friend when we're bored of the game :(
T3 x T3 is where it's at.
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I'm trying to figure out who you are, I'm not very perceptive as you can see. But that does sound very cute.
I mean, I CAN put it on but I dislike futa so it ends up being one sided pleasure. The posing and modding for T2 x T2 content absolutely sucks I wouldn't force anyone to suffer through that. That's why it's better with decoys since no collision option but part of the fun is collaborating with someone else.
FemT1 x FemT1 is where it's at.
T1 cast x t1 cast but instead of anything sexual they have an arms race of how cool they can get until they start shooting each other with beam rifles and missiles desu desu
Why would you do anything you dislike? Just stay away from it completely.
T1 x T2 x T2, the T1 and T2 top the other T2
femt1 x hagt2
for me it's T1 T1 T1 T1 T2 T1 T1 T1 T1
It's more of a compromise, not ideal but manageable. I take it upon myself to make sure the other person is having fun and enjoying themselves, skill gaps or not. It's actually rare that I get to enjoy myself but when I see my partner happy, I feel good about it, skill gaps or not again. That's why i try to not engage often, it gets tiring as you can imagine doing something with no real payoff.
bla bla bla youre being too serious about it penis hater
>skill gaps
holy cringe
>It's actually rare that I get to enjoy myself
Just sit back, relax and fap with your partner.
Well... This is the saddest post I've seen in weeks.
Oh you better believe it.
That's how it goes m8.
I don't actually do that, I'm more worried about how to say a word 10 different ways without repeating myself.
Why erp if you're not having fun and getting something out of it?
The moment I get bored I just stop until the mood comes back, no matter how much friends beg.
>I don't actually do that
What? What's the point then? Do you do it afterwards at least?
if i erp with someone and find out they werent fapping with me i get very bored, turned off and i probably wont message them for non gameplay related stuff again
what she going to do flick the bean for untold hours? I hope you erp fags take breaks.
Damn. Thanks for letting me know thst we wouldn't vibe in any way before I tried rizzing you.
Choukai Kisaragi is a 30+ year old man like most of us
Same tbdesu
This is a prime example of someone to avoid at all costs
I don't do it often enough for it to matter, anything to sharpen skills, plus I like the concept of a body count. I just enjoy writing and imagining scenarios with my character but when I get matched up with someone that has a very different view on this, I decide to stick to their level for their sake and satisfaction. If anything, at least I'm getting some screenshots out of it.
Not always but I have, but this wraps back to me disliking futa and compromising for their sake so guaranteed I haven't to that. The very few T2 x T2 stuff I've done I did enjoy immensely because they went above and beyond to get over Sega's and modder jank.
If you didn't before, you weren't in the future. Simple as.
This faggot managed to make jerking off sound boring. This place is something else lmao
HOLY red flags
have you done it with necromancer?
Yeah seriously.
Damn. This isn't one of your good days Kisa.
I’m t1 and write better than almost everyone on ngs. Get skill gapped B)))
oh I know that name seems artificial as hell, no women would make something like,I was talking about the character.
You're a joke Jack.
To each their own. Personally, I think ERPing and taking lewd pictures can be hot, but I've never masturbated online with another person before. I've told my partners I do it to set the mood, but it's just impossible for me.
>I've never masturbated online with another person before. I've told my partners I do it to set the mood
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>When I see my T1crush on the same block as me
That was an awkward hill to die on Kisa.
My wife told me I was diamond at ERPing but the last time we did it she said "GG noob"
Is it really that big of a deal? I just enjoy the activity differently. I'm not telling anyone to do it my way or antagonizing anyone, I've already said several times I adjust to them. What more can be done? Nothing, it's just most likely a one-night stand.
It's sad what this game and porn addiction does to a nigga. You don't realize how sad you seem talking about skill gap in a type fucking get yourself together man it's embarrassing
Nigga doesn't get hard over erp lmao
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Threadly reminder that having a online relationship while in a real life one doesn't make you a cheater as long as there's no physical contact with your online partner.
if i look at it this way then
can i hit you up and expect you to fapslut for me while we pose and i cum to your lewd character and text?
Keep coping about your guilt for being a cheater lil bro
spoken like an ugly person
Ok say your girlfriend or wife had a online relationship and you found out, why would you be upset if she only physically gives you attention?
It's almost the equivalent of reading a steamy book, are you going to be so selfish and controlling that you deny her the right to read?
This is one of the times you can tell someone has never been in a relationship.
stop cheating on your girlfriend
You are a cuck if you allow that shit in a relationship. Another human being is not a book that you have no connection with. What kind of fucked logic is this bro
I agree, I think if he actually was in one he would be more understanding.
Holy fuck Kisaragi....
those characters might just jump off the page and visit your ass this age is crazy. fuck that.
How would that make the husband a cuck if his wife still loves and respects him?
Clearly the conversation isn't aimed at you.
No, I will decline you. There are a lot more who are comfortable doing that but I see that as degradation and I'd rather do the degrading.
so youre totally useless then ok
I keep forgetting this thread is 90% incel so I don't even know why I bother.
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Any shitter can reach diamond
top pso2g fapsluts?
>it's okay for your wife/ girlfriend irl to text other dudes because you're the one she comes home to
>>>>>>>>>skill gapped in erp
This is one of the most unintentionally hilarious threads I've read in a while, holy fuck dudes.
You now see why his only friend is angery
I love my iron elo wife!
I want a girlfriend
jesus fucking christ man, you guys are actual cucks and let your girlfriend fuck other dudes online?
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I really doubt he would care if he found out.
Uninspired and boring
nice game segakeks, still sucks right?

has blint killed himself or transitioned yet?
holy shit this looks awesome.
excuse me but this is a friendly fellows only area I must escort you off of the premises for being in violation of rule 350 code 9001
>akeno cheated on zenith again
This kind of reminds me of barotrauma in a weird way, and now I really want to play again...
with who
then how do you know akeno cheated?
ignore him he is mentally unstable
its the word going around ship 3 on why akenos has been acting strange
oh cool another around about normalfags i forgot /pso2g/ is dead and was overran by literal normalfaggs
akeno and zenith arent even on ship 3 anymore you idiot lmao
I don't remember the thread being this bad on Monday evenings.
It's early morning.
is Relica the sluttiest semen demon erper in the game? all he does is erp and he's been at it for years
dont mention them here again
you did not answer the question
ako is hotter
Know what's hotter? My cpu running prime95
Why can’t pso2g make a butt that looks as good as hers?
Bwo you are literally gpof
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What Guildmates? I barely see them around, I think the whole damned Alliance itself is dead at this point that I wonder why I even stick around to begin with.
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Its depressing seeing the game this dead.
There is no one online.
Lmao wifelet
just play with your wife bwo, don't tell me you're single
wakaba is such an annoying cuck
Brady didn't you block Toblerone?
>his source: his sleep paralysis demon
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Any pso2g T1s like this?
What about t2 x t2 cuddles while lovingly holding a leash on your partner?
I like you :(
I want someone to degrade me, but in a fun lewd way, not a hanging-around-4chan way.
Any dataleaks past February?
EMV when his mom tells him to stop smoking in the house
isnt there 4 of them in his discord?
Nothing to do unless you're a groomed prison homosexual then it has the same things you do in the FNAF discord.
What is that?
im tired boss...
im horny boss...
im a very friendly fellow boss...
Furry and Robot don't count?
>don't want to be a slut
>get shat on
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whats wrong with the ngs twitters reply?
I just assumed they were talking about how they spend hours in the character creator
you mean "half dead" in terms of how dead it could be
being halfway into the every 6 months update cycle
in a few months it will be twice as dead as you are seeing
gwiz really cooked with that tweet
The guy in the tweet makes a living off of pretending to be a victim
the guy running the pso2 account? yeah we know
yeah grummz is a loser and big time grifter
That guy is a fucking retard and is still riding off his time working on WoW
Very cute but I don't want to derail the thread again.
Thanks anon... I didn't mean to hurt any feelings but yeah.
His audience is too addicted to outrage to care that he whiffs half the time and winds up saying some shit that doesn’t make sense and goes nowhere so I guess I can’t really blame him for not getting a real job but yeah he’s a loser.
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I made the guild because I just wanted to put a guild logo on my head.
Your PID is wild
are you on global?
Wasn't me wtf..
I'll be your boifren who drops it and pops it (oopsies I said I wouldn't post anymore n im posting.)
cowface lmao
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She's not coming back because the lore fucked up

瑪托伊 Kick Matoi 2020微軟市集抗議 The Windows Store Protests of 2020 固態硬盤大屠殺 The Solid-state Drive Massacre 免費玩家鬥爭 The F2P Struggle 重組廢裝備 Affix Your Shit 機器人大革命 The Great CAST Revolution 新人類人權 Dewman Rights 網路糞貼 Shitposting 新刮卡 New Scratch 泳衣 Swimsuits 更多機器人部件 More CAST Parts 終止角色扮演網交鬧劇 End ERP Drama 清潔工 Jannies 拉比 Rappies 我的兒子 MY SON 洗淨你的屁股 Wash Your Ass 咖啡店44 Cafe 44 社團鬧劇 Alliance Drama /廢墟板/論貼 /trash/ General Xbox黑手黨 Xbox Mafia 那尖下頦 That Chin 發布您無盡的分數 Post your Endless Score GC變性Purge The GC Tranny Purge 你像旁遮普語鍵入 You type like punjabi 三大聯盟的浪漫 Romance of three alliances 赞助流大屠杀 The Sponsored Stream Massacre 2美元的点 The 2$ dot 大浪淘沙 The Great Banwave
It's just a stupid snarky reply, why is this cunt twisting it into something it's not. Everyone knows the global twitter does everything except promote the game.
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What did he mean by this?
That's fair. Can always say hi to me in game. Easier to not derail things that way, and we can enjoy the previous subject a bit more.
Scrolling through all the replies is really funny
Maybe possibly probably not who knows we'll see
Only if you're comfortable with it! It's supposed to be fun after all, right? I'll be around!
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she's not coming back because they wrote her into vandor in idola
where she decides to be a hero, phantom, etoile or luster
inspired by memories of the player, to aid people while finding a way back
better to end up with an epilogue in a gacha game with actual fanservice than to appear in ngs
that's why i said "lore fucked up"
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[Cool] ork!
I sure do have a bunch of good ones of those, but i only share those with people i like enough.

Sure do, but not sure you have deserved to be the one to do that with~
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nah fuck sega for pilfering the corpse to fill their aimless game.
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Two against one? Very well.
I want to be lewd. I mean, what I really want is real class variety and actually loot to grind for but I know we won't get that, so, I want to be lewd
>that dumb tweet is being posted everywhere now even on /v/
only a matter of time until asmonnoteeth reacts to it and it gets even worse
he mentioned it today and said he doesn't really care about it
link vod lilbrochacho
>that retarded jp anon that was sending 100s of dollars to youtubers to talk about ngs drama
tbf in terms of low sega is doing the exact same thing.
paying vtubers and ccs to inject their often fake ass personality act into the game.
>zenith took off akeno from bio
Who? Who?
They should have never gotten back together. Once a cheater always a cheater.
If I fuck zen, would i show up as a model for his mods?
Im gonna fuck zen
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how do i make a monkey kingdom alliance space in Ngs?
shut the fuck up shitamins loser
Holy shit blint finally grew a pair
He goes by Doppel now
>fake edit
>Chud WoWturd grifter vs brain parasite phallus chopper
Doesn't matter who wins, the world has already lost
Epic response that only took 16 months to formulate at 2am my dude
kill yourself!
Shut the hell up Doppel
>left on read for 3 years
>calls him a stupid nigger
emv is based
Change the icon to your mugshot
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I was gonna type something but I forgot
which pso2gs would wear quartz for meseta
Nice late reply, also EMV shitcoin is worth less than those one million varieties of memecoin that never amount to anything.
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>bald boys getting jealous of healthy hair again
It's not even straight hair LMAO
Why are you a shitposting nigger?
I don't shitpost, I funpost.
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(not saying i wouldn't)
post the log leak of him saying nigger 3 years ago
how much?
he has hair that can be ruffled can you say the same?
why would you post this
dude your head looks like a dust mop gtfo of here
Why is this tripfag ban evading again
any horny minheights?
you tell me
about tree fiddy
>bald boys riled up again
change the channel please
I think they are [Cute], [Cool], and sometimes [Cute][Cool]!
y-you too
take it off
Sorry too tall for you.
What's your actual point here?
Garoa looks vaugely like a guy from a previous game? Alright? PSO2's Council of 6 all look like guys from the previous game too?
I think it's the 4th outfit Matoi gets that's a dead ringer for Rico's?

I don't get your second image either. One's a display of the dead, the other is a literal graveyard. They both use digital displays, I guess, but there's not really much going on there. There's a big difference between a bunch of 2001 pop-ups and a literal graveyard.

The third one is even weirder. The mobile game's got a nightmare abomination that looks like a combo of a SNES era FF boss and a classic Dark Falz form from the genesis games. NGS' is just a big fuckin' worm, no weird woman torso or anything. It's just a big worm.

1/10 I replied. Your bait needs work.
Who? What? Why should I care?
Not moi
its his superpower like avoiding police custody or boarder jumping to ship1
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Damn guys that's crazy
Not me, I'll do it for free
blender would
get off my porch Insidious porch monkeys sheeeeeeit

i don’t sell crack
they can change the channel but they can’t change their hair follicle genetics
he got 70m for gene + actis for a week and you want him to go buck naked for only 30m?
>she put a wingard up
no one paid for actis yet
blender doesn’t even look that great why would pay good money for such mid? why pay anything at all??
The jacket? Sure, why not?
don't get jealous crakcy
They are one of the only sluts left. No one else logs in.
not me you’re replying to i have drama outside of yalls you know lol

blender is one of my favorite new pso2 pornstars i love her
How do you guys get paid for that? How do you transfer meseta??
how much for 1 naked pic on aco?
>not sluts
you sound jealous tranny
yeah I saw you sucking off hewiz on x
I wonder how much for a totally accidental pregnancy haha.
Log on ship 2, absolutely no one around on A4. I'm not very impressed.
Still in the wagie cagie
Didn't make the list again...
post butt
Yeah but who would do GFE for meseta... asking for a friend of course ahaha...
T1 or T3?
Blender if you're a T3
shut up Angery
I have 1 bil raw meseta who wants to deez nuts GYATEM Oooh00000000000
>capital A
Who's that Mr. Anonymous?
it's angery's clone who actually has sex
>it's angery's clone who actually has sex
Whatda... maybe it's time to start capitalizing my name...
Which 2 gave blender the gock...
he has a super penis too
More like which 2 didn't
wakaba and andesi
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curly hair is a sign of inferior sub-human genes
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>not sluts
t. no hair
>got blacked
so who's gonna buy it...
ill chip in
late to join the party but it seems that Akeno is still in Zenith's discord?

the only thing I noticed is that Zenith removed Akeno from his bio and Akeno privated his twitter, which was what Akeno did just like back then when he cheated with Rezzi and threw a random meltdown on his own.
Who isn't a slut?
Nigga who the fuck are these people getting namedropped right now lmao
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a schizo modder who ditched JP because everyone found out he did a fake suicide stunt and his mentally ill BF who cheats alot
please buy it i wanna see blender naked when she's idling in a4
no the schizo JP modder with the fake suicide was Serenity. hope they actually kys
Not me!
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Why is pso2 filled with cheaters and cucks?
Serenity = Zenith
Is rezz that twitter slut who moved to ffxiv
I jerked off to his stuff the other day
*cums on the thread*
you'll never namedrop me. Bixby tried once but misspelled my name despite it being a common computer part gaymers should know
Yes, after Akeno posted the logs for no reason he just jumped to XIV

the dynamic is hot
>damaged mentally ill who loves a mentally ill who can't keep is dick in one hole
323 with zenith and akeno
Okay Sparrow pathetic bitch
I'm pretty sure theyre not the same person. They were both active at the same time
Simmer down cuckaranthine we like our free use toblehole round these parts
shitpost aside you could have actually if you asked.
T2s who are with another T2 won't cheat on each other.
232 with xear and milocc
Only Akeno believed that. Hence why Zenith took that dumb, mentally unstable dumbass.
Anyone who's been around during Serenity's modding era can easily tell that they're the same person
Already happened anon...
They are friends with most of this list one of them did it already
how does wakaba do it
Are you retarded? These aren't even remotely the same person.
who did akeno cheat with?
Me and Myself
What the hell?
>Serenity went MIA for 1-2 months after people realizing that it was a stupid fake suicide stunt he orchestrated on his own on Twitter
>Suddenly a new modder comes out
>They also played JP
>Met some people and people suspected them for being the same person due to the similar looks

Ofc you globabs won't know, it's very easy to just move server and assert a whole new online persona. In fact, alot of JP people who moved did that already and you couldn't tell who's who
I'm on JP you retard and know Serenity personally. He's a lying, cheating retard but Zenith literally isn't him.
I wear it for free why would you pay for it?
cool outfit
tell serenity to fucking kill himself unironically for pulling that stunt and letting ppl use it for clout bullshit
stupid fucking thirdworlder
Serenity was also a Warframe player
Zenith played Warframe too but dropped it

>Where's the correlation?
Zenith's steam account creation time was after Serenity stopped all their online activity. They also play similar genre of games and I think Zenith dropped Warframe to avoid the suspicion. Too much coincidence?
fuck it im gonna plap zenith on the rebound
no you aren't bitch
I already sent 3 cutes
He turned into a town bike on par with Ako so he deserves any shit he gets.
You're just being a schizo.
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You don't know shit about Serenity then lmao. Sorry for knowing your close friends' shit that they won't tell you.

Or are you his irl friend who posted the whole bullshit sob story during the whole suicide stunt period, who's also Serenity? Like wooow, Serenity really has someone who conveniently knew every single details of his online drama and has access to his devices and social medias after the suicide stunt??? And it's not Serenity himself???
>irrelevant jp niggas
>Asumi really went full blown on Serenity here after she doesn't find him useful anymore

Who the fuck are any of these people
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JP and global are just two sides of the same coin.
I like this change of pace we got going on here instead of the same retards instigating shit
I plapped him so I know enough.
Asumi is irrelevant and a massive liar.
Post Asumi's and Serenity's characters please
>I plapped a town bike so I know him very well
Broken people spill all their secrets to anyone
Thank god nobody is ever bringing me up on allegations like this
You'd have to either be an idiot or not know Seresia/Serenity well enough to think they're different people. You're being exactly what they want you to be.
>mayvin started posting again
>guri comes back on the same day out of spite
Serenity/Zenith isn't anywhere near broken. He's very manipulative although his suicide and sob stories were huge flop.

If anything it's Akeno who's broken but then again he's fragile and unstable, but that'll get fixed after he takes his meds and have a good night rest
>cracky spamming the thread talking to himself about normie drama that no one here knows about or even gives a fuck about
Can this general just be banned forever at this point please jannies
You're just saying a bunch of schizo shit. Nothing points to either of them being the same person.
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holy shit the whole suicide thing was fake
>Globabs really think they know JP's massive lore after plapping one time

All the Akeno diss and you guys aren't much different than him
t. Smol time modder
EMV should pretend he killed himself then comes back with new name/account. That way he can start clean and nobody won't be able to tell!
I have a fetish for having my logs leaked!
I have no idea what's going on here. Are they at least hot?
It's gold that global players think they'd ever have any idea of what happened in JP with Seresia/Serenity when they only know the new Zenith/Pizza bullshit. Rofl. Anyone actually relevant to what happened there knows exactly what's going on here.
>have a break up
>both want to show off they are better and less miserable than the other

anons i will tell you right now is the perfect time to fuck both of them but they wont really like you they are just trying to make the other jealous
Lore dump us globalfags more you have me on the edge of my seat with all of this
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>Zenith Discord appears in mid-October 2022
>Seresia/Serenity "dies" early October 2022
>His screenshot style is EXACTLY the same
>Suspiciously good at modding this shit game, something nobodies can't do spontaneously
>Everyone who was associated with Serenity on JP knows he faked that shit since he logged into the game not long after
>Zenith appears on JP too not long after

It's that simple. Why are Globalkeks trying to be experts on ancient JP lore now?
Mayvin is a skirt and clout chaser in one. If you are not of his interest, he will straight up ignore you
Globabs pretending they know Serenity is gold when they're just at most lurking on Zenith's discord for free mods
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I dont think that anon is a schizo
I think anon is a schizo but im also seeing what he's selling
Top 5 Arks Hub models?
I might be dyslexic but when I took time to process the replies, they just somehow make sense
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what the heck, i am not a slut
I'm sniffin what he's fartin if you understand
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>no casl
I slumber...
A cucumber....
The funny thing is that Seresia's ex-partner designed the Seresia character. And they used one of his character datas to make the Zenith one. Lmfao.
Calamity made that? TIL
Fuck zenith/serenity akeno did nothing wrong by cheating on him
I don't understand this whole cheating thing. Is it just a couple people online trying to have relationships? In pso2 as well? Kinda funny if you think about it since the community likes to just make appealing characters to fap to so everyone wants to efuck everyone's virtual doll.
Uhhhh pick the sexiest lobby rats
Go ask Akeno on why he sperged out when he's the one cheating and Zenith doesn't even give a fuck lmao.

The only reason why Zenith acted out of the news is because Akeno made it fucking obvious that he was cheating by posting logs, which even shocked Rezz
>online relationship
>not cheating
pick one
>the twitter post is already stopped getting engagement
not even grummz can take down /ourgirl/
If you think it's that shallow, think again. This game has some dedicated child groomers who play on both servers.
Idk any of them nor care to is the issue. I just find it odd. Oh well. People are weird.
At least JP is peaceful now without that retard there. And partially because Ship 2 is a zombie walking
But I'm still there! And I hunger for brainzzz
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Good night K...
thoughts on zenith being serenity?
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I have no idea who either of those are.
calamity's also a piece of shit for not outing seresia's fake suicide as soon as he learned about it.
Why is your face so CALM
she won
she really won
Sleepy eyes + raised eyebrows does that. Similar to sensei from blue archive
Honestly, only Globalkeks bought that shit
He did...? How do you think we knew the details? Rofl.
Can I be your sensei...?
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What's wrong with being CALM huh??
>Serenity apologists suddenly logging to JP to find out who's spreading his new identity here

Funniest shit
Who is?
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But I'm not the coon so you'll be disappointed
Who care
Pst ur csl
I care
Ya well ur cring
Very cringey!!!
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I no haz csl
I post random csl
Share more JP lore
You should ask Leche Rikka if he still remembers. He has alot of spicy JP lores.
Share more lore on the JP sluts
Redpill me on Ako
the OG mother beater, bragged about it on his socials and ingame during EP4-5 era
>ask the manipulative schizo
fuck off rikka
>Zoomer that started late
>Disgusting sexpest
>Shit at the game
>Sensitive mess
>Became tranny after dad dies
>Beat his mother
>Sends his asshole to people
It's funny how he behaves like he hates trannies and black people but his dream is to get pegged by a black woman
Thought he was SEA.
Nah he's brown. Some people even got his real name. Not hard to find back then when he posted his prescriptions with his name on it
100% a wetback. He posts his character attached to his irl name on Facebook
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>knew him since JP from other friends and associates that seem to hang around him
>never really talked to him
>knew he was a major coomer
>see people shit on him in some of my circles
>never knew why nor care to dig into
>mfw see this
>posts walter white cause he is bald like him irl
Who knew JP lore thread can be much more interesting than cracky meltdown thread
He failed a written driver's test. At driving school. That should tell you everything
prove it lets see those goldie locks of urs
It's been so long since I've done that so I don't even remember anything about it. Probably easily passed it if I don't remember.
im just a teenage dirtbag bb
im just a teenage dirtbag bb
listen to nameless city maybe, with you
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There used to be a B7 NSFW discord server back then around mid-EP6 era where he posted his butthole, maybe you're on that circle or you knew him only after NGS release?
>there are suddenly more than 2 JPfags
Noted, started with NGS JP so this is all new stuff to me.
This anon is one of the others >>495651729
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I wasn't too active at the time nor did I spend much time with them b20nians. I remember them going from b20 to b1? Or did they go to b7 first? Or was there drama and things split? Idefk anymore. I know I'm not part of the discord.
that's from twitter
>JPfags suddenly popping out when the topic is about JP people
Too surprising for you?
>JPfags attracted to gossip like flies to shit
Makes sense
It is and he's an oldfag on Ship 2 JP
Why's he reposting his own pics from twitter, is he retarded?
Either doesn't care or someone falseflagging
It's funny how it's suddenly okay when JP does it or how it was supposedly drama free
I don't know. I only recognized him when scrolling the pyc
Anyone who says JP is drama free is blowing smoke up your ass
>supposedly drama free
>every fucking thread is never free from cracky meltdowns
Byte is also well known for creeping biofems in Discord
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Lol no. JP days definitely had some stupid shit going on. It definitely didn't have nigga stream bombing though and the
>stand against toxicity

JPfags will know who this faggot is at least
Why are you posting Lang????
Is that my slutwife Kayleth?
I’m not kidding when I say Gwiz is a GOATed CM and it’s hilarious how he keeps getting away with it
Let that old ass nigga get his e-dick wet
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Ship 2 JP is the yin to ship 2 global's yang.
Is he still a slut in vrchat?
Barely anything happens there anymore so when something does usually everyone hears about it.
You'll have to ask him
Ship 2 JP people moved to Ship 2 Global, then some returned back to JP but Ship 4
Because every "drama" happens in private. JPfags don't bring their dramas to public apparently
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Too fat for that outfit but would still plap
if only az were here
No one has ever said this
He did just now
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>apparently not taking hiatus from cheating
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>me when I see pso2g anons in the wild and I come into direct eye contact with them
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I'm feral
Do you talk to them or are you rizzless?
im not the rizzer im the rizzee
Are you so cute that anons can't help but try to rizz you up?
yes plus im based
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/pso2g/s for this experience?
Do you put out...?
only to S tier rizzers
How can one rizz a T2 as a T1...
Me on the right so hard
Where can I find you?
I want to mating press a caseal until she bluescreens
>blender only takes gocks
T1s stay taking Ls
I want to mating press a minheight
you don't
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Reminder that EMV is so petty and weak that he kicked out the only member of his alliance to have beaten DFD R2 before he did
Swap to T3
So he did care about it lmao
I want to mating press a minheight caseal
Yes why do you think he spent an entire thread saying a week 2 clear is the same as a day 1
Whoa hey, lets not paint EMV in a good light. He said that a week 2 clear was BETTER than a day 1 clear.
It's so nyover...
>JPfags gone
>Globabs going back to discussing EMV

Ah yes, peaceful days inthe gen
10% tax on all PS sales is insane
if you sell 100M worth of shit, 10M disappear from circulation
with income tax this high you're essentially forcing people to farm raw meseta because 3M/h on PSO2Day with boosters, or even half without, is going to beat out any other farm no matter what even with Global's inflated prices
I can farm GDK2 for 800k/h - 10% tax and have to worry about selling with all the headaches that come with it, or I can just take a 1 to 2M an hour in PSE bursts
>but you need a cash sink to avoid inflation!
True, but usually a cash sink gives something back to the player and hits the people with billions harder, like Addon skills for example

It's like this because the game has legal RMT through scratching.
World of Warcraft is a good example of this phenomenon because the RMT was added 8 years into its life cycle and since the game's economy had been previously studied by economists, there's a record of its state before and after the WoW Token was introduced.
Once RMT became legal in WoW its economy and game design around it quickly shifted to materials by quantity rather than crafted items or rare gear.
PSO2 will always be a joke because they completely removed trading

They hate the idea of gifting so much they dedicated to remove any means of giving something for free.
we should get tax refunds like in real life
>GlobalCHADs making fun of the local lolcow
>JPcucks bringing their literal who drama to the thread cause they have no one to talk to ingame
yup yup
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gwiz won
he’s unironically good at twitter.
i wish he would detransition but i appreciate the effort.
Best X game brand account in the industry
the "2001 popups" are arks cards aboard an arks colony which orbited vandor
showing what happens to deceased arks where it serves as their dog tags, much more than a silly graveyard
matoi on board even trains uly, provides him guidance, and shows him how to use the arks campship teleportation pool
as a massive reveal on how uly could transit from his training arc to reach his allies on time
everyone on vandor can even transform into idolas like dark blast or nanoblasts using darker energy for good or evil
its more pso2 fanservice than ngs has ever provided

what an embarrassment ngs has been adding jack all, ultra evolution update more like dragonball evolution update
former sega chairman isao okawa didn't forgive 700 million in sega debt and save the company just for this shit
this aint just any mmo. this is one of the first mmo series in all gaming history. they really let him and sakai down in vain
NGS is a good game
they won't because its now a tax writeoff game
thats why it exists unlike blue protocol
>he doesn't know blue protcol was sold to china
Gwiz continues to win every chud war
In this world of no-maint, what time do the new scratches come in?
One hour after the time when maintenance would normally start.
gooning to ako
not being fired because you're a tranny isn't winning. it's quite depressing.
Whatever happened to jiggu anyways
that boomer nigger probably blasted his whole paycheck on buying likes for that post
not that he cares, he's the nepo baby to an amazon executive he doesn't need a job
why are you crying
gwiz hasn’t been at sega for over 2 year now
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Shutup crackhead.
had a dramatic fight with maku
maku left toble as a result
jiggu uninstalled
similar situation as alice chelkie pellegri
None of that is true.
Maku left because fall declined his officer application
Sounds rough...
>dramatic fight
in bed?
oiled up and booty butt naked???
was jiggu biofem?
what compels cracky to write all this fanfiction about anons who’ve never interacted with him
There's no maintenance Pic tonight right
How long will it take until you quit playing this dead mmo with a sub 1k player count?
damn you guys are still meltying over me?
bout as long as it’ll take you to stop avatarfagging in a dead general probably
At least what I do is fun.
I have plenty of fun plapping anon’s wife too sis.
Fair enough. To each their own.
can I watch
if the Techter rework next month sucks I'm out
and I don't mean it has to do high dps, I mean it has to be fun
it'll suck leaving my character behind and all my looks, but there's no point sticking around if they can't even get that right after the veritable mountains of feedback they got from the global side alone, and I know from sources that a lot of it has been compiled and sent over, however all the feedback in the world isn't worth anything if the devs don't have any inspiration of their own.
btw are you trans?
None of the global feedback makes it to the devs. Japan does not care about what global wants one but. Whoever told you it got sent to the devs lied to you.
>Techter rework next month
oh shit I forgot all about that
I might hover around just to see how that goes, even though I know that it's going to be disappointing since you'd need a complete rework on how this game fundamentally plays for combat to feel good
>btw are you trans?
no lol
Until I figure out what exactly keeps me logging in every day.
>cheap cake with the most lazy design even a toddler could make from a billion dollar company
Gwiz won
She really won
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Personally for me, I kept logging in because I liked seeing if I could learn basic photography skills. I already peaked with my sliders and I felt that I was starting to peak with my photography skills too so I just started looking to do other things outside the game.
You picked an easy face to look cute in
>no lol
sad... i wish you were...
>spend years 1-30 as permavirgin incel
>mutilate self to become "the girlfriend"
>still have to get your rocks off with ffxiv pvp
winner winner chicken dinner
I remember you saying your goal was to look average. I guess you did reach peak sliders for that.
No one cares about a cake that can move or shoot lasers, it was just for eating
*cracks whip*
you forgot the coffee twitter boi!!! and next time spend more than 5 dollars on the cake at the local grocery store!!!!
Are you retarded?
Gwiz works at SEGA and you don't
She won
Not even the Japanese want to work for Sega
we have a CAST bro that makes 200k a month
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Yes, peak for me is plain + functional or adorable
looks like it was boxy that actually left
Just say Nogxy three times
We drank choccy milk that day
say it once
Actually based. I'd have respected you enough to hit you up in game if you hadn't proven yourself to be an absolutelu unironic schizophrenic retard repeatedly in threads.
I did, she was super cute at being my daughter
It's just shitposting, anon. Don't tell me you were actually mad, were you?
Now the tobletranny and lolcow will duke it out for 3+ hours.
for some reason I read that as "pain + functional"
>you'd need a complete rework on how this game fundamentally plays for combat to feel good
combat is good, Techter is busted because the devs don't really know what they want to do with it or why people like it
it does, but it depends on who gives feedback because the people who compile it and send it are biased
I know for sure that all the feedback from Cathy(male) made it in, which is what has me worried they'll fuck it up
most of the solutions he puts forward annihilate Wand's reliance on techs and turn it into Partisan
>he didnt drink soda with his vanilla icecream cake
step your sugar game up laddie
>combat is good
we can agree to disagree
It's annoying and it reflects your personality.
What is the timestamp for the iconic part in Resonant Defensive?
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I hate it here
And niggas wonder why your game is the censored version
don’t like it? you know what to do
I report all of these on sight but nothing ever happens
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Never mind, it was Resonant Catastrophe.
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you know babys exist right?
what if its a actual baby piloting that character?

didnt think about that did u so next time before ur rude use your brain
Are you that castbro? No?
neither are you
check and mated
his name is Doppel
go to bed crackhead
If I remove a friend, should I delete all my logs as well?
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if you have to ask this it means you are not a good person
real homies don’t have logs juicy enough to be worth leaking
Of course, especially if it's a pso2g. There is a very high likelihood that he will get mad, scavenge the logs and share all sorts of shitpost content either in this general or to private friends. Don't trust anyone, nog even someone you've known for 10 years.
just a lot of nsfw stuff. i don't want to be friends with them anymore though due to my own personal reasons.
Obviously that varies but decent kind hearted people do exist and would never betray your trust if you're that paranoid just tell them a really juicy lie and see if it gets leaked something only they would know
who are you ghosting this time doppel...
>I got jealous and want to claim they’re a creep
yk they can have everything saved right? you sound like a bitch
You are extremely retarded.
if it’s just nsfw why even worry? are the pics that bad you’re afraid wet cuck is going to shitpost you with them?
>just nsfw
That's the most important stuff you never want leaked.
Is there like any piles of gold or treasures build parts?
there is a treasure chest accessory but i cant look it up for u right now
everyone who still plays this game is a coomer
no one will care unless it’s bad
>twitter likes mean nothing
tributes > likes
yeah I reported so many weird fucks who make dicks with accessories but they're always around
but say fag one time in whispers to your friend and you get a permaban on a first offense
GMs are creeps
working as intended
they weren't "sold to china", in order to operate their (mobile) game in china they have to partner with a 3rd party publisher in china to help regulate, but even then the real ownership is still bamco

tiktok: requires being *sold* to a us company in order to operate, who has entire control of all assets
blue protocol mobile: requires being published by a chinese publisher, where they can have a degree of say, but the development is still overseas and the core won't be tampered with, e.g. epic 7

either way tencent as a publisher kills franchises, they are even more stingy than sega with no advertisement of their games and not even paying for the ling cage collab in tof, even bp mobile will be dead in a year

ngs meanwhile feels like it is being engineered as a loss making mmo on purpose so that they can declare imaginary major "losses" over investment in order to be tax exempt, sure is nice for a over 10 year mmo to be repurposed to betray all the built up players for nefarious reasons
its simple calculus by a corporation
Slurs are more likely to make normans stop playing your game and quit spending. Sega doesnt care about tits and cocks outside of covering their ass legally.
It's not a grand conspiracy.
Yeah ok but there is a chat filter, saying something that is automatically filtered should offend no one because the only people who can decipher it are people modifying game files?
not sure how that is a badge of honor when pretty much everyone at sega west is retarded with no evidence otherwise
experiment: 500 degree elf knife ears vs coke bottle
a slur being censored doesnt stop you from deciphering the meaning through context clues, especially since the censor still uses the same amount of characters.
"I'm calling you slurs but you cant see the exact characters so its fine"
In what context are slurs even necessary in an anime masturbation game? How are you getting that mad while playing this slop? HAHAHA just step outside how are people like you even real?
hurry get in the telepipe!!
why should 99.9% of players be limited because of a handful of weird faggots?
just ban people like this
>Slurs are more likely to make normans stop playing your game and quit spending
insane statement dreamed up by the mentally deranged
the biggest spenders in the western gaming world are sports chuds who cannot utter a single sentence without a slur in it, but here we are pandering to a minuscule minority of hypersensitive gay cultists and unironic satanists, because Larry Fink said so
nobody fucking cares if they read nigger in the chat bro it has never ever been a problem
didnt read your schizo rant
slurs being accepted in your game will generate more social media outcry than some idiot making poorly modeled tits.
Social media drama will make people not want to be associated with your game.
No amount of mental gymnastics from you wanting to call everyone niggerfaggots without consequences will make a company not want to protect their profits.
based and red-pilled
i did
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>social media outcry
not real, not reflected in reality in any measurable way
think they really care what we do at this point? this ride is almost over. no refunds.

now which one of y’all is getting the surgery next?
>ESL knuckledragger agreeing with surface level takes that fall apart when you ask "why" two times
snap crackle and pop
>they didn't completely change their game because of a twitter campaign about black people
>that means nigger shouldn't be censored!
You can't be serious. Also Hoyocucks are on a completely different level of attached, it's insane.
I wish someone would tribute me...

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