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Darkers are stupid edition.
Previously, on /pso2g/: >>495595258

Global Alliances:
Ship 1: RappyDeathsquad
Ship 2: Daikkuri, Tendoku, Toblerone, Oyasumi, Stardust Drive
Ship 3: Mitsuba
Ship 4: group chat only

>NGS Headline (2024/09/03)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TmCSxMhXAnk [Open]
>Next NGS Headline (2024/10/01)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TUv4wlCH4cM [Open]

>Scratch Tickets:


>NGS Wiki:
https://pso2ngs.swiki.jp/ (JP)

>NGS Damage Calculator:

>NGS Verification Data (frame data, enemy stats, game mechanics, etc):
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h3gSISqcFIkZUiV_Z4thvFmycuTajw5-6V1Y36rx64w/ (JP, usually more up to date)

>Item Codes and Keywords:

>Fashion History

>NGS Roadmap:

>PSO2 Information/FAQ

>Older Phantasy Star Games
The photons swirled across a clouded Halphian sky and it was a flock of birds that were the first to witness the telepipe as it ripped another hole through space time and dropped it's passenger to the wild shrouded wilderness below. The first thing I tasted was blood. Not sure if it was mine or someone else's. My joints buckled from the force of the gravity of this foreign planet. I felt myself materializing. Just follow the humming. I couldn't decipher if the buzz i heard was coming from inside my own skull or perhaps maybe the aether was speaking to me in some unrecognizable ancient language. At first I heard only the vibrations of the planet's soul below me, and they began to melt with sounds of Nav critters watching intently from the cover of darkness in the deepest cycle of the Halphian night.

The moons looked somehow different than I had remembered, but they were still hanging on the horizon, as present and watchful as ever. "I have to get back to them!! I can't believe I got separated again. . I don't even know if the tracker can reach the mothership from this akashic record simulation. Please."
I fumbled around and mashed the buttons again and again. Shit. Nothing is even in there. Nobody can hear me now. It's just me and my mag, Umbro now. Reaching down into my inventory pack and felt around in the dark, seeing if there were some liquid crisp rations to satiate my hunger. A Beta Reactor rolled out of one side pocket and clattered down the stone cliff side before me. Wow I am so close to the edge right now... a single miscalculation or malfunction of my anti-grav equipment could have proven fatal. Sheeesh.. I thought. I gotta eat some more vitamins right now or I'll never make it back!
*a low growl escapes from the sharp rocks* Trembling now and frozen in terror, I cautiously take a step back a few paces back from the dark crevice behind me. SHIT SHIT SHIT. The maw of the Nogoleth was massive and gaping with crude protrusions and rigged rows of sharp teeth, ready to cut through photonic steel. I saw the moonlight spilling over a pool of gore and reflecting off the puddles of coagulated blood from this last victim. Apparently I wasnt the only one who was hungry tonight. .

vandalized OP
janny please delete
>In what context are slurs even necessary in an anime game
context: you are an official translator in charge of localizing the npc name dighall (dig hole).
the brain worm whispers: diggah
shut up ya baby get a pacifier accessory at the player shop and plug it angery
Slave is an antiquated term from classic PSO2. Global translation team is based.
What’s up my diggahs
when are you going to stop ban evading methbreath
Post your character and attach a quote or link a song that you like.
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they were "based" even before that on the jp side, for an april fools stream bit they replaced ichitaro and kmr with different nationalities because "its a joke lol"
please keep going
holyshit kek
sure i cont. only have a little bit more but i might add some to it later

The malevolent beast was peering out with laser focus, tensing and tightening. Nogaleths didn't make noise unless they were ready for you to know they were there. He leap forward with tremendous strength and pounced on me pinning me to the ground. His foul breathe stank in the air and his jaws snapped and his chopped at the air trying to find purchase on my soft skin. I screamed. His jowls clipped past my collarbone and ripped my top, immediately spilling my breasts spilled out and snapping me into action. I stylish rolled to the side and slipped out from under him with a quickness. I pulled my trust TMGs from their holster and began firing into the black mountains. The whole scene was lit with photons and and hot plasma shot through the thickness of the night and found their home in the Beast's thick exoskeleton. I turned before I could see it's response and saw the clouds parting above the western face of the mountain beside us. Blue light and geometry radiated from the hole that was opening for me. I knew it they wouldn't have lost me! They opened up a new portal this has to be the one. I jumped without thinking too much about the other jumps before. and endless loop of telepipes never ending winding through the akashic records like an anaconda. as the rocks rushed past me and the ground rapidly flew up to meet me all i could think was that I hoped my antigrav glide tech was still synchronized to my T2 body!
Wtf am i reading
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/pso2g/ for this feel...?
crackhead's "phan phiction"
wait this is just me
not me since I'm a guy, one of the boys, even
you sound like the girlfriend of the group
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The time

The need

Is an unquenchable

I wish I could be one of the boys
t. one of the girls
part 1 of a collaborative writing experiment.
4/5 cont.

Nogaleth howled across his territory, shaking the leaves and sending shockwaves throughout the chasms and caves that echoed behind me. The telepipe was opening. This has to be them right?? I raced closer and closer feeling the gentle tug of the photons inviting me aboard their celestial carriage. I had no clue how long I had been hopping in and out and running these missions. I knew I wasnt the experimental war machine that would end Dark Falz. It couldn't be true. Those were someone else's files. I probably got swapped when I changed my PN. Or maybe Umbro Mag's logs had been corrupted and spliced with someone else in the last telepipe? I did hit the ground pretty hard too. .
where do you keep finding these pictures of me
>shitfingers posting chatgpt dumps instead of ai imageslop now
it’s all so tiring…
stop taking your trip off
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>tell us you got low marks in reading comprehension without telling us your race
stick to sexting t3 creatures dimwit and pretending your bald fat man orgy partners are anything resembling a western concept of marriage. that’s what you’re good at.

5/5 end? i do have another telepipe story someone else dropped in my DMs but it’s smut for his OC and i prob can’t post it here. but you can find it if you look.

It was right in front of me now. The pain from the past I had left behind long ago, lost in the telepipes. I was finally coming home. The light of the telepipe blinded me even though my eyes were closed all I could see was photons. And then I blacked out like before.
>head so far up his own ass he thinks this is good writing
Trip on, methbreath
Just report it
stop evading your ban
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just got stung by a bee :(
50 shades of brady
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i’m done for now yall i got more telepipes for later holla ~
who are your current pso2g crushes?

spill the beans
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Just came in to say I will be changing my player ID again directly.
Your ban still has 25 hours left, stop evading.
post your butt on aco
are angery and choukai each others only friends?
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>emv is still this angry over jester blocking him
choukai seems pretty friendly with wet dreams he even posts pictures sometimes of the funny jokes choukai sends him
what are the risks of being friends with choukai?
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Every day I log into PSO2, and every day I see the same players in the Central City standing near the shop, never playing the game. Standing near he shops. They rarely change their appearance. I don't even know their names, I know them by characteristics. It's a sad truth but PSO2 is really a "last of a dying breed" situation. Zoomers have chosen XIV. Sega is run by dinosaurs who refuse to adapt to the current trends. Honestly PSO2 NGS feels like a 2010s empty MMO that should have shutdown after its first year. It offers nothing original to the genre. I don't even know why people (including myself) log in every day. What are we holding onto? What even is there to hold onto? This game offers nothing. MMOs ala Second Life Genre is about long term small gains. PSO2 NGS does not provide any long term small gains. It doesn't offer short term gains either. The gameplay is lower than mediocre single player action game. The graphics are horrible. They don't even know what they want to do for artstyle direction. They made realistic graphics rather than going anime stylized graphics and then they went "oops" and added a cheap version of anime stylized graphics barely anyone uses because its shit. They implement crap like a Card Game mini game that no one plays after a single day. And retards will still ask for a "Casino" because that's PSO-culture at its finest.

Rating: 3/10 The series is dead and run by dinosaurs. There wont be a PSO3 unless they stop catering to boomers.

XIV is better btw
not the point
confront the amount of twitter interactions with the amount of actual money made
all that social media hype didn't mean anything in practice because social media is all bots handled by progressives and human-operated engagement farms from 3rd world countries

it's moneybags calling shots and then manufacturing consensus by browbeating people with like counts
reply schizo all you want, dead internet theory is mainstream, everyone knows it's not real
xiv has no gameplay, no chat features, no social features, no open world content, no content in general outside of 20h of MSQ and 12 fights per expansion
I spy angery checking out Blender after paying her. Very based.
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If you start XIV, there is over 800 hours of content from beginning to end. If you start PSO2 NGS right now there is a weeks worth of content. Oh and free 1 million xp ticket.

its obvious which game has the bigger dick
>a weeks worth of content
not even two days worth
really cute character btw
Very nearly the worst character creator in the industry
>"Update" everyone's face textures
>Everyone looks worse now
Why do I need to pay money to change appearance?
you can't be THIS poor. No way. You have a RTX 4080, 4090 even! Dual 4K 360hz OLED monitors and when they get burn in you'll buy two new ones. And you have a Lambi in your garage. You're a rich anon.
I am rich. I'm asking why do you need to pay additional fees to change appearance. It's not a hard question.
point is you're rich, you're not allowed to make poorman post. These answers are only for poor man. I don't see you complaining about AC Scratch bonuses. You spend 200 every two weeks to hit them all.
No, it's a lot of story to very mindlessly click through but story isn't gameplay so it's not content.
It has infinitely superior erp and lewds even before talking about modding but the subscription fee makes it not worth it just to jerk off.
You're moving the goalposts.
The shitty story in that game is a waste of time just like in NGS but at least one of them finishes quicker. The gameplay isn't engaging, and gear doesn't matter even more than in this game.
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I always love whenever xiv fags shill their shit it's always twitter pictures of modbeasts. The game really does look like ass.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ZXBm1NXBaI I think this is quite a banger, also helps that i enjoy the game obviously.

So is it normal that emv just tether onto you and orbits you while having melties in whispers and kudos? I couldnt care less about whatever feud you have going on... It takes a lot for me to actually go through with blocking someone but this is getting there... I'm just here for the cuties!

I been struggling to figure out which hours people are active here on ship 2 though, either way i hope you all have a lovely day!
>mindlessly click through
then what is PSO2's story? An engaging challenge beautifully written adventure about a space game NOT IN SPACE, is it that?
jester is forever rent free in emvs last vestiges of braincells
i felt this post sis

if i wasn’t an anhedonist like kisaragi i would offer to jerk off for you or something. which world or server should i roll for the BEST possible experience no cap on xiv to play with some of yall again
Paying money to a subscription-based game just seems cucked, in my opinion. Why don't more games adopt PSO2's model of Free-to-Play with premium as an option?
Who is this qt? Might snatch them up.
im gonna nut
If people can tell that you're replying to yourself while anonymous, why the fuck do you think a name/id change will make people not recognize your meth fueled meltdowns lmao.
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Every game that has tried to be was labeled a "PSO2 Killer" and these days "NGS Killers". They all tend to kill themselves instead.
why don’t more broke wagies quit their teaching jobs and just get simps to buy them every expansion for free ?
short sited and narrow minded
imagine paying for video games
No content in the game for me to log, I am sorry qtie 3.14
he meant you not him just to clarify
The difference between those games and PSO2 is this-
Sega MMO - made dirt cheap with breadcrumbs tossed on the floor.
PSO-Killers - made expensive as fuck, spend big bucks on promotion campaign, spend money to woke their game a little and piss everyone off.

Here is the best TLDR most red-pilled statement about Sega's PSO series you will ever hear someone say: The PSO series is like a bed mattress store. They are run by a single employee, they're stores always empty and they sell maybe around 10 beds per month. Said bed set cost $1500 - $3500 and never loses its value since unused mattress have no expiration date. Do you understand now, why this shit game can still exist? Did I just blow your mind? Those 10 people buying beds per month at the PSO2 NGS players.
Go ahead and try~
>So is it normal that emv just tether onto you and orbits you while having melties in whispers and kudos
>"...per month at the.."
ESL moron
reading comprehension moron who cant correct the sentence using Xer peanut brain
>Accounts @play_pso2 mentioned can reply
>So is it normal that emv just tether onto you and orbits you while having melties in whispers and kudos?
Never reply or you will be his unofficial best friend until one of his headmates says you're shitposting him.
Oh no....
It's Cracky-chan, his brain skips beats, please forgive
Did you really just quote a youtube short or tiktok that you watched?
Yes, never reply, never interact and pray he blocks you. If you give him a shred of attention (even negatively by telling him to fuck off) then he will stalk you for years.
He STILL talks to himself in area chat about a few tobles that did that over a full ass year ago and blocked him ever since.
Did the guy running the account really think trying to do the Wendy's gimmick was going to work for him? It's a fucking dead MMO, not a recognised restaurant media account.
real women dont play xiv while ngs is known to have hundreds of real women playing it
>shit flingers still in this general
>oldfags still on 3rd world server
>pedos still on burger server
>attention whores still on twitter
not dead yet
pso2 is basically young people second life
im dying my hair pink
you cannot stop me
he wrote
Cracky is fucking stupid and thinks hes on femcel insta.
dead giveaway clearly biofem hands are among us lads be on alert and keep your dogs safe
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You guys let the crackhead make the thread so he's gonna be here for 48 hours straight
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Is there a way to formally petition the mods to finally shut this general down for good (that they will actually READ and seriously CONSIDER aka not /feedback)? It serves literally no purpose anymore, it's barely about the game, it's purely the playground of the severely mentally ill, mostly the crackhead.
>using "~" means you are female
the fuck is this weirdo logic. you fags have only been in the presence of your moms vagina lmao. Old ass virgin hands over there typing up myths and made up legends HAHA
look if you type like a bitch u getting treated like a bitch simple as~
I don't get it
>he has no rizz or hairline so he wants it shut down
sounds like a personal problem anyway what is everyones favorite pso2 ngs weapon camo?
this place needs more male hetero penis to balance out this overwhelming stink of bussy fags and the constant writing like bitches. old men pushing their 40s writing like girls is embarrassing. literally means you gave up on getting pussy lmao
This is game is only for people under 30.
true we need a way to vet every poster as well

I vote all hetero members must post photos of their "length" next to rulers to gain membership we will judge based on both length and girth
shut the fuck up emv
>T2 age 27 - 30
>Dresses in sexy work clothes
>Treat their significant other like a son
>Will button up your shirt if there is a unbutton button
>Has a sexy voice
>TOPs (You) with her presence and vagina
Does this exist among pso2g? Asking for a friend, of course, haha.
back stabbing ugly friendless retard tranny
>he wants washed up christmas cake instead of the prime real estate hags
Me but I'm taken and not interested in you.
Frontal-stabbing cute friendly smart cisgender individual!!!
I want one non-washed
Please :(
me but i'm schizophrenic
Where on earth did this come from? Did he reject you?
you're talking to shitfingers
Figured. The person he's replying to is like one of the most nice people in this game I can even think of.
Fran if he ever quit the tri-offense adventures and got an office job
I love a good backstabber who makes my navel bulge
same but unironically
zoomers arent even choosing time consuming xiv
they are fully into brainrot videos
goblin mode after cvid never really ended
What did you do to eatmorebradymins
likely the same as everyone else, nothing
So ur saying 10 people bed you in ngs every month for a one time fee of 1.5-3.5m meseta each
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Is the anon that wanted this still here?
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goddamn your character is as ugly as the
microwaved dogshit you have for a brain
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It wasn't intentional I swear or maybe it was
>T1s have to pay for sex
sexpest just like his only friend
>T2s have to pay for scratches
checkmate homosexuals
>no t1 ojisan to pay for my minheight t2’s ac scratches
any anons wanna work out a deal…?
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because free-to-play attracts all the mentally ill retards who lack social skills or life experience to hold down even the most basic job to pay for a subscription. Just look at EMV who has to doordash on a borrowed ID because he's unemployable, but also begs and demands his own alliance get jobs to pay for subscriptions on his pathetic ass low-viewer count twitch.
jester > emv
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I love this image, looks like he's just barging into a conversation he's not part of (which let's be honest, he probably was)
I think none of you would last an hour in the asylum where they raised me.
Not that anon but what is it?
anons were making fun of him in area chat
honestly if someone paid me 4m I would let them hit even from the back
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Still doesn't make him part of the conversation
Just because I'm talking shit about a shitty person with other people doesn't mean the shitty person is welcome in the conversation, in fact it means quite the opposite
i know, i wasn't disagreeing
Idgi. Is it because I'm not a gooner?
thoughts on doppel the jester?
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literally who?
>800 hours of content
I've played from 2.0 up to the end of Shadowbringers, this is fucking bullshit
maybe 800 hours if you try to 100% the Fishing Log ,which I did because there's NOTHING TO DO.
I was so bored out of my mind in Shadowbringers that I started organizing Ocean Fishing achievement runs for everyone on my server, I had a large house with 50+ hours of work put into decorating it, all relics, top 100 in PVP multiple times, I got the Saint title 2 times and then a guy paid me 50M gil to bump some guy he hated off the 12th place in the last 3 days on the 2nd phase.
The one thing I still cared about was the story but Shadowbringer retconned everything and flushed it all down the toilet.

The content is shallow and devoid of any urgency, stakes or excitement and Yoshi-P likes it that way.
The one time the game was fun was when Eureka was fresh, but of course they had to completely ruin it in Shadowbringers with the worthless abortion that was Bozja.
Moderation was somehow worse than NGS too, I've had people in my static miss raid night for a week because they got a ban for asking a healer in Ex Roulette to please speak english since he kept talking to himself in spanish and wouldn't move
After that experience I don't even know how I managed to stick with NGS, which had all the same red flags from the start.
THIS IS LITERALLY ME (in my character headcanon)
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y’all don’t fight over me.

ngs sucks but we don’t have to. do something anon get off this thread and go make something happen fr go flirt with a stranger or something? stop reanimating my corpse; it’s been 2 weeks now in my absence~ yall can drop the act everyone always knows when it’s really me anyways duh~
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Crack V moment
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>claims to be emv

retard, emv doesn't know how to use '.' periods. Just. Like. This.
You posted on /aco/ before much to everyone's disgust
It's happening again. His posts are making me imagine it.
I can feel that thick, fatty neck in my hands.
I can feel my hands squeezing down as hard as possible.
I can feel the thrashing under my weight as they fight for life until they finally stop, forever still, no longer a burden upon the world.
he has a head full of hair tho unlike ur chrome dome
why are you bringing that up. i spawned the months of JOI thirst posting

it’s still happening too. jiggu didn’t really leave did she? that wasn’t me. just once or twice. sorry maku. unironically. fr i can’t talk all day anymore i just missed you guys. be good when i m gone
>he has fantasys of stroking grown mens necks and caressing them
its time u take a break lilbro
They should make this an emote on Fleet
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that was me shitposting myself idk what to do anymore. kek i just deleted it i was considering insulting myself more. .

but thanks (you) 4 making the baldies seethe for me~ keep up the good fight against the minority, chrome-domed creeps who still think they own these threads and try to have a good day!
>idk what to do anymore
You could start by killing yourself.
based healthyhairchad
>emv admitted to balding
pubehairbros... it's over...
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Least it didn't take me two weeks to clear DFD R2 and I didn't kick people from my for beating it before me. And at least my family still loves me.
>emv returns
>thread gains over 7000 new monhtly active users
>emv takes a break
>zero discussion
face it this place is obsessed with emv and loves emv at the end of the day emv IS pso2 emv IS pso2g and emv IS ngs

theres no denying it without emv none of you would even exist hell not even NGS would exist so you should all be thankful you are graced with the presence of emv

exhibit A -> >>495829898 this anonymous right here is obsessing over events that took place several years ago its time to move on lilbro the past is the past we now live in the FUTURE get a grip on urself
shut up cracky
thanks Firend
any recommendations for a high quality webcam for photon blasting? on amazon with auto focus
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>it happened years ago
not going to lie but this anon is right
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yea az should really be thanking her and sinking for her not Aiatard bee hive bitch
>emv replying to himself

why am i not surprised?
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nope go fish!
id like to shoot a few rounds off with her
yall tell me not to reply to you too make up your mind already
Some Blight rounds?
>ban evading again
whatever you want to tell yourself druggy
lool nice 1
what are they adding this maintenance
please hide your uggo character in A4
Hey mods can you ban his tripcode and extend his ban to a perma please, for everyone's sake
He'll just ban evade using his phone
kritten has a better thread persona than emv because
I wish NGS was eating good like this.
yeah but it gets him onto a shitlist that actually means something and maybe reporting his every bannable post will actually do something
pso2gs like that?! H0LY!!!!!
File deleted.
She’s popular and has real friends. And everyone thinks she is the cutest.
stop announcing they let me off early to go post on /aco/ but i tricked them again ?? stop baiting me into staying you’re not getting any feet pics dork
>10/10 hairline
>10/10 character sliders
>10/10 gameplayskills
>10/10 rizz
emv truly won
This is why oldschool runescape is better than every single sloppa MMO out despite looking like dogshit.
All I remember about OSRS is thst it was very chill. I remember crayfishing and just talking with others while working on HW.
why do the most beta males obsess over OSRS?
>can skill
>can make things
>can pick random shit off the floor, all has value in craft chains
>can farm
>can house, all useful
>can quit for 3 years and return to your weapons and gear still being useful instead of being cucked every patch, get excited for next patch

they call me beta because i'm beta than you nigger
you sure you don't mean XIV
>no 4090 [which is why you have to play osrs]
>no rizz
>no hairline
>looks at a shitty 12 fps animation on loop for 8 hours
Runes of Magic > OSRS
osrs > ffxiv simple as
That's actually me but okay.
osrs > ngs
I concede
based gaymaster
ngl my clitdick is so hard for xiv right now.
i feel like someone getting let off a New Genesis prison sentence. i do not know how to live in a game world with actual content and actual world class citizens. i should have a melty more often but my bday is next month so i don’t have to. he got me EVERY expansion?!
da hell is a clitdick?
OSRS is one of those long games and I just rather not. Too many games exist after all.
Do you have the one where the image is mirrored?
I'm not interested until they're playing Anarchy Online, bro, sorry.
Praying that the meth head moves to xivg now that he has the game.
He won't be able to afford the monthly subscriptions anyway
Hahaha ha. Also fug
>paying 14.99 for literal garbage
But imagine cracky set loose on ffxivg
There's a free trial up to a certain point, but yeah, it'll only be for a little bit.
He'd give up after a day cause a mod lurks there
someone bought him all the expansions
free trial sucks you cant even whisper or make parties at that point your just playing for the terrible story and square should PAY you to endure that garbo
It was me. I want to groom him first.
Order some chicken niggies with a large nail clippings and i’ll be fucking your thread wide on both games doofus
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>join my discord guys
>surrounding myself with people who make me feel big
>join my discord
>go to twitch I'm livestreaming now
>gonnna get bigger than allz yallz
>streaming now guyz
>subscribe to me guyz
>my discord
>come watch your boy I'm streaming yall
>got biofems in voice chat
>come join my discord

Why does he try so hard to be liked by people who don't give a fuck about him and are going to realize later on how much of a weirdo he is?
bring me pizza hut please and a side order of cock super sized

damn i really fuckrd that up. but yeah it’s true someone simping hard for me rn. i might have to put a ring on it yall. . but he’s already gone again. for a long time maybe.
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shut up lecce rikku don’t you have 5 likes to farm after 10 years of muckraking

why you so pissy at me did i kick your plant or what give me space bitch
He'll likely actually get banned there, and if I see any sign of him I will be sure to infodump regarding him and encourage all present to report his posts on sight
>starting shit with the queen schizo
you're gonna get fucked up chud
So what's got the pariahs acting up bros?
we are not doing this again yall.

someone go make a maku clone form a party beat something game related and samefag yourselves for the next hour after the comple
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I never conquered, rarely came
Tomorrow holds such better days
Days when I can still feel alive.
it’s them or krittening.

what’s a good webcam brand i’m going to /tek/ this place is a warzone

reeeeeeeeeeee i just wanted to make a nice thread
This is why you don't let retards make threads, they actually think it means something and won't shut up about it
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how have you been streaming? Five years and only and average of three viewers per eight hour stream and usu your alliance simps.
Explains why he didn't get banned during the free trial
case in point
not even close.

my alliance shot me to affiliate in a week or so and also the community when i was doing fashion shows and was just starting. look at my youtube video dates. there are long gaps. i’m not experienced at all i’m just learning. hobbyist. and playing around with identity and social engineering i mean media.

want to know anything else? i wish i didn’t post this long i feel really out of place. everywhere
you're out of place because you're a disgusting lunatic weirdo, retard
How does one social engineer when you genuinely have a learning disability bro
not really but i have been. i think you guys should just learn from me. don’t be like this just keep to yourself and ppl who like you. and don’t try to impress anyone just impress yourself and you’ll do fine.
Remember when cracky said he was going to join the NGS content creator program?
Down syndrome nigga trying to gaslight me LMAO
kek all that sucking up to hewiz was for nothing in the end
Arigatou, anon.
Well yeah you blame everything else for your shitty personality. But because of the drugs you will never be able to fit in because your brain is Swiss cheese now
I miss the photon elf. She was the coolest.
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>twitch affiliate
>less than 10 viewers per stream

How's it like being $0.02 richer after eight hours?
your calling in life is to be a walking psa on avoiding drugs
Being stoned is a learning disability?

Emv is an INTP. This means he shares a personality type with only 3% of the population. Einstein and Joe Rogan are intps.
Corporate personality tests mean nothing, how the fuck did you reach your 30s and not realize that?
einstein and joe rogan aren't meth addicts who beat their mother with a telephone charger however
they are announcing the winners later this week i hope queen won the election
joe's got someone doing whippets on his show every other day, that mongoloid's getting stupider by the day
neither did emv retard, but even if he did, that just makes him sound more based.
You'll never be cool in anyone's eyes shitfingers
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XIV is better than NGS in every single category
I mean do we really need to? NGS story is shit. There isn't a single hype moment, there isn't a single well crafted Trailer. When is the last time you watch a NGS trailer? Never. Well the XIV trailers go hard. It's not even close. It's laughable to compare NGS story to ANYTHING out there. Even garbage like Neptunia slop has better written story than NGS.
NGS looks like dogshit. They tried to merge 50% realism with 50% anime and we all know what happened to NGS Ash directly after the reveal they had to remake his face lmao. While XIV's graphics hold up even today. That's the difference between a good art director and a shitty art director. No one is amazed by NGS graphics. Some of the enemies have cool designs though. Too bad it's all so fucking repetitive.
XIV is real traditional tab target combat MMO that doesn't try to be a fake action game. NGS is a fake action game with no combat depth or substance. Even XIV as a tab target game has more depth in its combat that doesn't get repetitive while NGS is Perfect Dodge/Perfect Counter matching game with nothing beyond that. How can you watch a solo boss fight in NGS and think it's skillful when all they do in stand in out spot and Dodge or Counter all day? Sounds like a tab target game to me pretending to be action combat lol.
HAHA, LMAO even. No need to discuss this. XIV wins. The only Content NGS gets is Gachaslop for 40 year olds to dress up their barbie dolls lmao. You've been playing the same game for what 4 years now? When's the new area? When's the NGS expansion? This game is a joke and you're a joke for defending it.

It's funny when you broke bitches take about subscriptions being bad while at the same time you spend $200 bucks every two weeks to hit a scratch bonus lmao. Hell you can't even talk about subscriptions anymore since half the game is FREE now lmao
Which one of you posted at the ff14 g
I ain't reading all that. I'm happy or sorry for you.
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>I took an online personality
>I'm sooooo fucking speshul
>I'm gonna go doordash and beat my mommy now
>INTP with no substantial achievements to show for it
>being this retarded
what an actual facebook boomer ass post
If you wanted friends to play an even shittier game with less customization, you should've tried to actually make friends before you bailed, anon.
i am going to read this like a bedtime story now mommy baby want milkies and lots of lallafel kissies
good lord the bald boys are UPPITY today
>this is someones grown adult male son who currently has major league swamp ass
you literally don't like video games. go read a visual novel or something. don't even pretend like ngs is a good action game you fake action game fan. PSO2 was a real action game with depth its a shame they removed all the fun for your boomer hands. of course a boomer hand tranny would think ngs is complex
That is very depressing, are you ok?
One of his gay "simps" or something? Can't imagine how mentally ill one has to be to buy shit for a fat man living in a crackshack.
Anon... she has the mentally ill badge
it's always the boomer hands defending their weak example of an action game because its the only action game they are good at playing
Mentally ill wife...
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Much better.
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someone who wants to spread the joy of watching a schizo methhead spazzout
Cracky hasn't even apologised for doxing someone yet
he can't apologize without going back on his word five seconds later anyway
Gonna be real if cracky goes to balmung on ffxiv and starts shitting up ffxivg it's going to be great to see.
Can't wait to see him do his usual meth tantrums in Limsa /say and report him to get GMs who will actually send him to gay baby gaol on his ass
they actually do fall for the 'made me feel very unsafe and uncomfortable' that has so far failed to get results with Sega's incompetent do-nothings
>action games
If you aren’t playing fighting games, you don’t have hands.
>bald boys defending their precious final fantasy
love to see it
Any game where your first quest greens are superior to last patches raid gear is sloppa.

You only play NGS because you can't afford XIV's subscription.
The two games aren't comparable at all, why the fuck are you so so so so so retarded?
they are both sex games and you're retarded if you can't see that.
shitfingers will wind up back here in 2 weeks tops after he fails to make a splash in xivg, he simply has nothing on that guy who cuts shitposts into his arms
>Friend raves about FFXIV
>Buy in
>I spacebar shitty quests for 80 hours, some awkwardly have no spoke dialogue except volume 200% footsteps and stiff animations
lmao aint no way
>The two games aren't comparable at all
We play NGS to have sex. Most people play XIV to have sex. It's the same kind of game.
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hi there pso2g im new to pso2 ngs and i was wondering if any anons could help guide me thourhg learning the controls?
more spefically im looking for anons with friendlyfellow type personalities to guide me thru
Oh no, a ninja after my family jewels!
Shaking my head shitfingers can't even type a sentence out with how fucking high he is.
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It's a hopeful song not a sad song!
XIV is free up to a certain point though. you could get a lot out just playing that. Make sex friends, ERP, make a xiv twitter, mods, become a super slut, and do fun gameplay shit like raids
You have to pay to do any of that.
my T1 friend looks like a lesbian from a wlw manga I read and it makes me laugh every time I see his pics posted
It's crazy to think there are "people" here who genuinely only play vidya for trash fomo content, cancerous gacha or straight up porn.That is all those games have to offer until they inevitably EoS due to being fundamentally dogshit.
Then the niggercattle move on to the next big gooner game until that kicks the bucket too, rinse and repeat. Gee, I wonder why the industry is so shit now?
I hate how I know I'll never vibe with certain person but they're so fucking hot
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I think im the only one here who plays Anarchy Online and Everquest and Ultima Online
Well said.
oh no no no
what happened? why don't you get along?
mari anon...
ill give one hint shes my toblewife.....
Choukai is annoying and mid. Stop it.
Fuck off Aiaturd, lolcow nigga.
Kill yourself Cuckai.
I hate you so much it's unbelievable
Oh no the crack hit
>it really is Mari anon
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/pso2g/ for this feel?
>bro energy
That's it
too old
Don't forget circa 2004 combat and character creator
Yes. Because I put that into house payments
Oh my
surely you jest
It's azrice
That only narrows it down to 90% of pso2g anons
mari anon and azrice have been awfully quiet, methinks
I still can't believe you retards hit up void about that one BA faggot cumming on his ipad
Shut up tourist
Isnt this just the crackhead obsessing over one more person who hates his guts
Yes. He has a crush on Galama
cracky has a crush on like 10 different anons
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Minheights desu
It is so over for you.
thats me!
i hope im one of them......
Post butt
i hate being one of them
It was void? KEK
Some sherlock holmes nigger thought it was and DMd him, so void got mad and said to leave him alone about that shit in the thread
Please be real this sounds funny as fuck
Sherlock Morgan strikes again. Hilarious though.
A handful of you retards are good at pattern recognition, so the rest of you think you are too lol
i fucking hate being one of them
how about you pattern recognition deeg nuts
How much does k*you charge?
i want a so badly but i will never have the confidence to tell him
I just got done doing my inferno dojas for the day please do not underestimate me
My DMs are still open for THAT, don't be discouraged...
I don't currently play AO but I can't deny it's one of the best MMOs ever made in its depth and complexity.
and yet here you are playing the most garbage shitter tier MMO when you could be playing a better one. it's like you don't even realized what you just said
Shaddap nigger. I have 24 minutes on this game this week.
I wish it had a project1999 equivalent private server
Did it not occur to you that people can play multiple MMOs or are you just a retard looking to argue?
Who messaged void? This sounds incredibly funny please don't leave us hanging.
It might when Funcom let it kick the bucket, I hope.
1m for a /la kick
2m for a /la kick2
3m for a /la kick3
So 4mil + is when you start taking clothes off?
I didn't message anyone yet, don't worry...
I miss JP lore thread instead of the usual stale EMV hours
>Ako "visiting" Ship 7 again because nobody in Ship 2 wants to dick his wetback bumhole
Your GAWDess globabs?
ako gonna find out the hard way AGAIN. no one wants your unwashed ass, jp or global
I'm assuming it's in some lewd discord?
Please post a catbox nude...
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Kek so he has his own discord for e orgies
Nobody on Global even knows this dude
Jack should plap ako
>Nobody on Global even knows this dude
>Most of his "fans" are global players
Who u tryna fool lil bro?
The fact that his name only pops up when JPkeks are talking amongst themselves should tell you enough
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Imagine being so schizophrenic that you have hallucinations about people playing on a different video game server
Hi Ako
Anything you guys wanna say to Akeno or Zenith? I can pass the message to their discord :)
>play multiple MMOs
brain demage. seek help immediately.
>Ako sperging out that someone here knows what he's been doing
Please continue to entertain us.
>check thread
>see initial dropped
>it's probably a random schizo
>alt-tab back to game
cheating scum nice butt though
based for making mods
cheating scum as well
>check thread
>see one letter
>this has to be about me
>I'm not a schizo you're the schizos
>alt-tab back to game
If both cheat, doesn't that just mean it's an open relationship?
yeah but they couldn't handle them cheating on each other, it's hilarious
>make random funpost
>anon bites
Zenith basically doesn't give a fuck about relationship. He became relevant after making mods at rapid pace and made people believe that he's not Serenity.

Akeno on the other hand was the tool to alleviate Zenith's fame. He's the only person in JP who's been around since Serenity's case and kept denying the fact because he's an insecure lil boy with mental illness. That's why Zenith picked him.

Akeno is the one that can't deal when his partner plaps other person, but he's the one who keeps getting caught cheating.
Who the FUCK are any of these niggas
This is like if TMZ talked about homeless guys at the bus station instead of celebrities
>doesn't give a fuck
>is in one
For what purpose??? Just be friends at that point ffs
Who gives a fuck about some normalfags, let's talk more about paying k*you and g*ro to get oiled up and buttbooty naked desu
He likes to exaggerate things for clout.
i.e : suicide stunt
Don't get the wrong anon...
>blocklist every active suppleshit member in for the past month
>cant find anymore
that alliance is truly fucking dead, I had a hard time finding them before but wow
Did anyone manage to plap Yuri now she isn't in supplement anymore?
shitfingers kicked everyone out during his latest melty
well sucks for anyone that was in suppleshit
It was 99% PN numbers I don't think they will worry much.
they're in a better place now
PNs have feeling too...
Still haven't found out who Akeno cheated on with
My PNs is hard
this post STINKS
It's obviously rosie
now do that for the entire member list of his discord
that I cant do unless I play this game like eve online and get the server banned or something to that effect
I wanna be groomed by zenith
Damn. He angry kek
I like pso2g gossip I can't get invested in these literal whos
drama can't come out from a dying community
same I can't even pretend to care
Rosie Palms
unironically kill yourself daz you fucking ape
Akeno has been visiting Ship 2 every day take that as you will
retard they fucking moved to ship2
>move to ship 2
>get keked
Doesn't really tell much though. Last time he got caught because it became a twitter drama with another twitter whore.
Thread needs more gossip rather than the repetitive EMV schizoposting
This or more JP lore dumping
pso2g anons need to be less boring so we don’t have to talk about random niggas no one here knows
>JPkeks are jealous of the crackhead
yikes lmao
Half of those were probably bots who only log in to funnel weekly funds to the chink ringleader.
Nah, it needs more horny minheight posting.
This desu I need fat assed minheights to thirst after
Based taste
>Globabs telling EMV to fuck off but still sucks his dick on daily basis
EMV is truly the savior of pso2g
Let's date for a year and cheat behind your back so we can blow up in the thread...
that character is a blight on the general that needs to be erased from the general's consciousness and all profit gained from this general relinquished.
Based, we need more AkenoXZenith kind of relationship
is that not wakabaxakari
Can I watch...
That's real Neto!
Gay old man....
No that's groomer x groomed
A lot of cheaters on pso2g.
Is it cheating if they all do it and no one has a melty after?
It's not cheating if my wife let's me watch!! Or tells me about it afterwards at least!
I trust my wife
My wife doesn't tell me anything and just gaslights me all the time.
grown ass men getting melty about "muh online relationship" is truly the essence of modern MMOs
I want Sipsoo to cheat on me so I can commit suicide...
Still not cheating if it's hot...
Cheating cunny...
Buttstuff isn't cheating desu fampai
Sluts throw themselves at me but I stay exclusive to my wife
Giving t2 sluts gock isn't cheating it's t3 privilege
You aren't giving anyone your cock wet dreams
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Toblentr desu
Post your non-pre-maint-pic or something
At least 10million
which couples are open for it?
Me, you can plap me while my boyfie watches us :3
All of them if you are a dom
Need a short t3 for my midheight
Reporting for duty desu
I can't believe karina lost to girlcock too...
>even race board ark records getting cheated now
Super game
tfw JP has a dom crisis
>neither Dom nor sub
>just don't bother at all
Too many of them?
It's the same in Global and every single MMO
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What the fuck did he mean by this
Dom here looking for a 232
Post your character.
kudos me and my wife
JP has a tranny problem. That blue oni was the start
winning by doing NOTHING
post updated list
The opposite, there's almost no dom in JP I just want a T3 to gock me and then we cuddle after

Which blue oni? I forgot
I don't know which side is me...
I didn't stutter desu
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All the trannies and/or people who transition moved to Global so idk what tranny problem you're talking about
All the fat cats still play on jp, the purple nigga plays jp, the blue oni plays jp, that dog nigga plays jp, yeuna plays jp, do I need to keep going?
I guess you're that anon in /aco/ looking for a e-fwb thing?
>Blacked shit
Nope, coalburners get what they deserve.
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Here you go, have a picture.
>fat cats
negative, they moved to global ever since it's up. they only returned for awhile but then went back to GL again
>purple nigga
>dog nigga
how much does Bl*nder charge...
lilbro really out here tryna paint it like there's no trannies on jp when they've been spamming e-relationship drama the past two threads
Your not hot your cold, want me to warm you up? I will wrap you with something hot.
Good morning pso2g. I hate women. Much love, from the Philippines.
the only "dog" I know that plays both server is Akihara. idk if that's the one they're referring to
Short hair on girls is so hot.
Not you, apparently.
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Be simpler and stronger, every new day.
I agree.
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>from the Philippines.

my condolences
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how do i farm meseta
dext base
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>forget to check /pso2g/ for a week
>mfw the resident crackhead is still spamming the thread
pso2g coalburning wife?...
join toblerone alliance, theyll groom n pass you around for some
Microwaved chilli dog
His ps vita
Deep down they are a discord kitten, duh
He was born to clown
Yeah, I play Minecraft.
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>Me sidestepping the undercut by only 1k meseta SEAnigs who think they're clever memesters by buying the item above theirs
Tried a month of ragnarok online and didnt even play it much
Must be an american thing to need to have a subscription to everything
Send me a kudos.
That game used to be sub
30m to wear quartz for a week
Sent :^)
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This anon has gone insane
I'll have to put him down.
do I pay bwos
Not feeling that look sis. You look like you're dressing like your mom.
*cums on you*
K is the mari anon...
A (with a capital A)ngery....
was looking at really old global screenshots from eps 3-6, never played much of ngs
i miss you guys
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Why are you like this, who is this, I'm going to kill you desu
I just like blue Archive shitposts, I'm not that anon.
Which fat /pso2g/ femoid is EMV going to dox next? Because if the ban for doxxing is so short, he might as well do it again!
This is the dorky goth bar uniform sir and you will respect it
But I'm not even into full nudity...
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Absolute joy to hang out with a bunch of you for a few hours tonight, i hope there will be more chances to do that. Hope you all continue to be lovely~
Come on Rikka, go spill the names so people know who they are
>LTQ drops GDK 1
My new favorite poster...
do it
Will blender wear actis under quartz?
Where are all of the players?
Desu you seem really easy to talk to, it was cool bumping into you. Hope to see you around again even if it's just to hang out sometime
>you seem really easy to talk to
What does this even mean?
If you have to ask you're hard to talk to
why are south americans so easy bros
Late response but I guess so?
They're extremely horny all the time for some reason
Easy going and willing to shoot the shit over whatever topic, not to be mean to pso2g but there are a fair number of anons who can't or just don't want to converse over anything if it's not about lewd.
i will
Buy out my shop (threat)
post your character
I will THROAT you and there's nothing you can do about it
Only if you make out with me.
No maintenance today??
next week
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People call me the drink.
more like a gawd damn shame
Will blender make a cum powered succubus caseal?
Welcome back King
if you pay her
Someone flip a coin for me
Landed on heads
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SHIT God damn it, alright its settled then.
Thank you anon, time to hit the salon soon
What are you cooking?
funny I don't remember get married
he's so back
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Was gonna see if I can make a cool kampfer or make a CAST version of R-corps rabbit soldier from lobotomy corporation.
I gotta change my sliders massively, not that salon costs are an issue, just that I've grown way too attached to my ultra goofy chicken leg casts and drones that don't have legs or arms, I got like 20 assemblies that I change between daily so it would feel weird having half of my looks nuked
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Pretty please with a cherry on top?
What is the new content? I barely play as of late.
for the right price...
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*cums on u*
I trust that will be payment enough?
Where are the JP loretards?
raw meseta only sorry
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I honestly don't remember the last time I even bothered to do dailies. I have been having fun being lewd though! God fuck Sega.
i love money what can i say
If you were going to make a PSO sequel, but make it more in line with PSO1 instead of 2, what would you do? How would you bring PSO1 into the modern era of game design but keep it feeling like PSO1?
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The fun content that doesn't last for like 7 minutes
I like PSU but I always wished it had a more vibrant colour pallet like PSO did.
>emv gets xiv and makes a channel for it in emvcord
>suddenly the thread is constantly getting offtopic posts about it
really makes you think
Too bad the story is shit and you have to sit through 300 fucking hours of it to play with your friends. How they made an MMO while actively stopping you from engaging with the community is beyond me.

Fuck it. I'm gonna go play City of Heroes.
Normalize public plapping
I got a footjob in public earlier. You just weren't looking hard enough.
Be the change you want to see in the world. Put on the bunny outfit and do sit 1 in a4
I do this.
me and my wife do this
Me and my wife do this out in the open every other day and haven't been exposed
I wanted to do this.
I've done this with my caseal wife when she still played
... I'm suddenly tempted to log on and sit in A4 with the bunny outfit on...
Let's do it. Whoever wants to fuck come to B4 in front of the salon. I'll reward your courage.
My sit1 is modded into a cute pose.
quna pose 2?
>there's no one in front of the salon
>getting baited
never change
No balls.
I'm in front of the salon.
b44... cafe... find me...
weak, come out to the street
Behind the salon is better
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find me...
is jabuzki in the cafe?
All the basic bitches are gonna be wearing the exact same outfit this week
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They should add more cast parts already.
csl orgies...
There aren't even enough surviving for that...
Good night /pso2g/
It's alright poorfren you can wear the latest mission pass outfit
If I started Global, I would be on quartz until I have other stuffs to wear... but my character data will be ported straight away...
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Goodnight my cute and adorable and lovely and friendly and cute dorky wife who doesn't know she's my wife yet who I love love love love love and adore!!!!!
Please get a good night's rest
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So what do I farm now for meseta?
the streets
Put on quartz for azrice he'll give you money
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post butt
I miss my caseal wife
Did you talk to her yet anon
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I like your minheight style...
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it feels good to be T1
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Cute cute cute!
Cool cool cool!
practically spends all of his time logged in brazenly harassing strangers in central city completely unprovoked and yet never gets a ban because he's friends with Gwiz
My cute and cool officer
Did maku really leave because fal denied his officer application?
It's more of a Jason Bourne situation.
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when your'e beign mean tom e this is who ur bein mean to
Shoulders too wide and/or tiny head
I'd say that looks normal but body shape seems twink-ish
The jacket might just be really bad.
there's a concerning number of people on my ship who had really good characters and looks one or two years ago and now make horrible, gross, disproportioned and grotesque monsters
it has to be some side effect of heavy porn consumption and social isolation, but whatever it is it's not normal or ok
it's like seeing an alzheimer patient slowly deteriorate :C
body shaming unfriendly fellow
Hey that's me but cool instead
I’m cute AND cool and always have been.
Hey that's me!
I looked up Luna's lookbook and what the fuck is this shit
I'm the coolest there's ever been, no man could ever hope to match my sheer cool>>495915358
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Lunar chads WE WON
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It's just another day, nothing in my way
I don't wanna go, I don't wanna stay
is it true that deumans are weak to....you know
What the hell, no they are just there for the aesthetic. That didn't even cross my mind!
This girl looks like she loses to anal
we need to remove that unfriendly fellow post haste
I'll never look at you the same way after you said you don't fap during sex
after seeing the horns she clearly sits on a toy during it
See above
I really didn't think this was worth a bombshell, I know it is uncommon, but not unheard of here. I'm just disciplined i guess?
>female version is 7k+ million
I hate this gamu
The word you are looking for is boring
list all friendly fellows
I think we're just going to have to accept the fact I don't. It's already tough typing with saucy fingers, I don't need to sauce up the keyboard with that other sauce.
>based anons, our dependable and helpful leaders
Esvatira, Atalanta, Fall, Doppel

>friendly anons, they usually won't mind a conversation or invite
Maku, Jiggu, Werin, Alice, Xear, Machi, Franzburg, Milocc, Everian, Stella, Renee, Otoki, Runali, Hennika, Angery, Shiro, Elpis Valeiru, Chiaki, Lucifi, Kriell, Potionaholic, Azrice, Mokku, Kirschmesser, Squib, Hamulily, Blender, Poppy, Maru, Ress, Nia, Piper, Lhuc, Koumaru, Rainasu, Galama, Firo, Sparrow, Tok, Crimson, Choukai, Agent Mitsumi, Andesi, SOPMOD2, Aiatar, Void Blade, Minette, Tomomi

>filler anons, don't rely on them but if you do most of the work they might respond sometimes
Melissa, Krittening, Caduceon, Rumlatte, Revy, Chry, Stena, Oxion, Finchy, Romalea, Chelkie, AGM, Ars, Kouwaseiki, Platinum, Moratheos, Nightfire, OathP7, Nym, Senzo, Gehenna, Sipsoo, Shine, Nihlim, Firegreen, Buelle, Remi, Lulu, Bossu, Lofn, Argent, W-41FU, Gyro, Caelestis, Mito, Vehk, Erdbeere, Sura, Tsuna, Runali, Moira, Alicia, Teddyoshi, Yuno

>two-faced backstabbing snakes, avoid or blocklist
Grimjak, Mieri, Ollie, Chu, Cappu, Pellegri, Rinka Linca, Asuka Eros, Rope, Necromanceme, Koishi, Gpof, Jack, Xevel, Buttons, Grizzermacht, Nashai, Piyoko, Nutmeg, Squishy, Morgan, Yomiki, WetDreams, Cornelia, Holden
QRD on all of these?
Move Yuno, Vehk to the bottom
wtf is a filler anon
I'm not on this list and that's a good thing.
cum inside and find out...
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>it's real
>t1s bragging they can be shackled for cheap
Have you even talked to most of these? It feels spot on lmao
How did that diaperfag wolfy get into keroppi's new video?
Oddly accurate...
Post the caseal hitlist
Doppel really is the best. Why isn’t she the leader of toble?
I read keroppi as kyoppi for a minute.....
Wrong diaperfag
she isnt in toble
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Is he right?
the "modern audience" doesn't exist
nobody wants to see shit like this >>495916590 or this >>495904832
I don't get what you mean.
I call dibs on saryn then
Based retard.
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yet normies go insane over giant last desdendant butts or stellar blade spandex
Did you try to make 2 posts but accidentally pasted the 2nd line with the 1st?
Yea cause who doesn’t like big booty bitches? Look at summer viessa’s ass in that thong leotard
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all ember and saryn players are whores
Nostalgic bros....SAO got a better pso game than us.
OK, but how is the shooting gameplay because melee and magic is gay.
Looks ok
>that random impact slider
lol I didn't see that coming. Now if only there was customization, I'm not too fond of preset characters in this type of game.
Im a whore irl so it fits me perfectly
They plan on customizable skills because of it being a seasonal game. But who knows if the game dies first before that.
They literally have. This is basically a asian cloned warframe, with no budget, based on playing plains of eidolon for 2 hours, right down to storm gigantix.
Goodnight /pso2g/~
Looks much worse than NGS. Better graphics but that's it.
Can you put this in alphabetical order?
yeah ok but which ones are down to plap?
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You told me the games combat was fun. You lied to me. As a Force and Techer all I do is spam weak elements onto enemies. It requires a single button. When they focus me I press the counter button and swoosh... follow up attack. So I tried something out of my league like melee classes. I have never been good with melee classes however I am very good with melee classes in PSO2. Strange? No? The only difference between Force and Bouncer is I get to press two extra buttons. And the melee classes have a lot of moves that make them immune to attacks for a short period. Regardless it was more fun than Force so I guess that means I'm a melee player now.
>You told me the games combat was fun. You lied to me
>Regardless it was more fun than
skill issue
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very sexy boys...
ngs combat is irrelevant
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I love you!
incredibly ugly go back to caseal
Time to spend $200 boomers. A new scratch is out. Remember to hit your Scratch Bonuses. Make sure you reach the first Scratch Ticket bare minimum. That's what $120 right?
nah im playing better games and i still look better than 95% of pso2g
13 hours left for you to do besties pose 2 with your wife, only day 1 clears matter.
Damn. with all the scratches running some of you spent the price of a PS5 Pro in just a few weeks.
When is it morally correct to ghost a scratch?
Why are ya’ll so upset that some of us have disposable income?
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This scratch hurts.
post butt
Oh hey majin bu
>knife ear
life changing cring!
Stinky and cringe!!!
you just know this white woman smells like peanut butter
>disposable income
pick one anon, and pick wisely
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mjau mjau :DDD
el gato sexo
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You're witnessing the natural endpoint of the CAST-to-furry pipeline
another back muscles shot for those of especially patrician taste
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Pls b ship2
So cute!
Don't think she is, I would've updooted her lookbook into orbit
But I am ship 2...
>they don’t know
use your brains and not your dicks for once
anyone that told you that has never played a single other action game in their life
Wtf I thought pso2g doesn't get new players
But how mighty is the need?
Despite idling in normie blocks I have never encountered Toradorable
Cause I don't usually idle in Aelio
If I'm on I'm usually doing something, getting it done, and then hopping off unless I have to get up and do something in meatspace
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Any pso2g like this?
go away, we are having a loli kemono discussion
Did you really get mistaken?
how much..?
Nice discussion
If I ever switch to T2 face I want it to look like yours
Does void usually post a lot of BA images? The post calling it out said something like being confused because of blue archive posting.

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This is me in-game and in real life

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