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What could've been, edition.

>Official WoW News

>Threads of Destiny - New Cinematic

>September Trading Post

>20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview

>NA /wowg/ guild
GLOBO FOMO - Moon Guard
>EU /wowg/ guild
Nerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent dawn

>WoWg community for NA

Old >>495525010
first FOR SEX with nerub gm
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>M*x and his peons are en route for a 4th place finish
Who are they gonna blame now? Muh mental health?
so who won?
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Left or right?
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>heroic court
>web duty given to the worst players ever

send help
Why do Liquid always tilt/choke after gaining a small lead?
weak mental and they refuse to get rid of max the parasite
Looks to be a Kyrian chest piece from Korthia
One of the random drop Maw shoulders, coloured in silver.
12 month trading post completion reward Warden mog, silver variant.
And one of either the 10.1, or 10.2 sword tints
somehow they are paid to lose
Between their tits
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>yfw we've been in the cataclysm world longer than the old world
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>It's a "Tank refuses to bring Mistweaver to clones" episode
Boy I love re-runs, that's one of the classics
max is incapable of telling them to shut the fuck up and focus
Reminder that MrNig1488 changed the game
I'm joining next raid and rizzing them up, I love trannies
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Quiet down
Enough Kaja'mite to send the Silken Front to the hilt of Sargeras sword
if the get cucked out of 2nd place by method they're gonna have a massive meltie and lose to china as well
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<Nerub Silkweaving Forum> Raid night COME WATCH :DDD
>Bolvar has been the Lich King for longer than Arthas was
Left (she used to be right before the faction change)
so glad i didnt join this tranny guild
right is cuter by a mile and doesnt have sailor arms
can you focus on cawaen xhe is so sexo i'm so close
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Penis in between
Left as a wife
Right as a sex slave
Its kinda crazy how popular Retail is right now. I put a key up and I get like 100 applicants in a matter of seconds. Happy to see Retail thriving right now lets hope Blizzard doesn't fuck this up somehow
>Cataclysm world has been the norm longer than the vanilla world.
>Bolvar has been Lich King for longer than Arthas was.
>Lordaeron and Quel'thalas have been apart of the Horde for longer than the Alliance.
>Muradin has been the leader of the Bronzebeard longer than Magni
could you imagine how unhinged it would be for a woman (not a transexual) to not just play wow with wowg, but then also out themselves? kek

>go through life with constant male attention in school, class, and from strangers, and then think "okay i'll just become terminally online, surely it'll be fine"
>get swarmed by creeps, then think "okay i'll just play some two decade year old fantasy game, surely it'll be fine"
>get swarmed by deranged neets, then think "okay, i'll just play with people from 4chan, surely it'll be fine"
no matter how relatively fine it would be in vc or guildchat you'll get actual freaks gangstalking you in every way possible
and the 1 in a million who wouldn't be put off from this experience found a clique years ago

this is why any "woman" here actually isn't an actual woman (theyre men on hormones - trannies)
>press eruption
>target dies before it goes off
>press eruption again on a different target
>it also dies before it goes off
how did nobody see this glaring flaw when designing this spec?
in between their feet
Funny story
The GM of Nerub had sex with one of my horses
It all started when I inherited a ranch because my uncle died and so I was posting a listing on craigslist in the area of Yorkshire for zoophiles to suck off one of my stallions and he hit me up, I told him to be wary of the horses kick and to bend the horses cock at a 40 degree angle
That son of a bitch stuck Dakota's flared tip inside his mouth and went to town on that horsecock
He made ol' Dakota cum in about 40 seconds flat, what a chad
im pretty sure there was one actual girl in RIPIP at some point
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>Wanting to hang out with trannies from Argent Dawn
>Wanting to hang out with WOMEN from Argent Dawn.
Don't do it bro, they ain't worth it.
maxroll or wowhead for class guides?
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i have 2 race change tokens. any ideas on what race i should choose and on what character?
>did MoP raids with women
>noone cared
>everyone talked/acted like normal
>some fucking middle aged karen twatbasket pug joins for one week
>our top DPS makes a dick joke, at one of the bosses
>twatbasket flies off handle into a screed
>first one to tell her to shut the fuck up is the female monk healer
>twatbasket short circuits and starts screaming about how important she is, then bails
>9man boss
moral of the story is ban women from WoW.
How does /wowg/ feel about Trans players?
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>always feel dogshit at arenas
>almost always near top of the leaderboard in BG blitz in kills and damage
Trans players into women? Usually batshit like the women you'll meet in this game.
Trans players into men? Never given me a problem.
if they are passable post onlyfans
>removes "unnecessary" abilities from bars
>picks all passive talents, avoiding adding more active abilities
>picks a race with an extra active racial ability
When i should try doing t8 delve, im scared
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nerub gm rn
nice bloat
hey i see myself
I'm honestly at the point of picking literally all passives in the talent trees. some of these classes have more buttons than I care to press
How confident are you in executing a majority of your rotation alongside interrupts+stuns? Aside from that how did tier 6 or 7 feel?
If you're looking for level stuff, around 580 or mid-570 if you're using a class with decent defense and healing cds ala pally/dk/hunter.
When did Khadgar come back exactly? I know he was there in TBC but then he was in Outland. Suddenly In WoD he just somehow was shaved and back to charge at the portal with Thrall and Maraad, does anyone know what the fuck was going on?
its the single target surv build look it up
why is there a trampoline on peepo's head?
time to brick some randoms key for fun becuase i cant get invited to a higher one

I only put melee abilties on my bar
all spells stay in the spell book which I open to cast them
why, yes, I am a paladin main how could you tell?

Was it the undeniable yet also correct level of autism?1
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>gm wants us to follow a guide
>its this
Women exist to get fucked by men, they should just stop having a problem with it
You dont see me whining about existing solely to be exploited, wageslaving, being drafted and dying on the battlefield for causes I dont understand. That is my purpose and I would never self indulge to complain about it, because I have the Stoicism, and I am the blood of man.
Are there any futas in the EU guild my boypussy needs breeding
it's a shame there isn't a full blown day of the dead sombrero for mid left
to bounce ideas off of, you'll find he's quite the knowledgeable fellow and partakes in discussing multiple interesting subjects
>muh racials
maybe he just likes the race?
>didn't do delves this week because I was going to pump keys
>barely cleared a +4 in time
oh man did I fuck this up
>watch rwf
>they still can't even get past a normal FFXIV dungeon boss
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I've met and made friends with many guys and multiple different women from /wowg/. Almost all of them were lurkers or quiet / shy people.
There's no special trick to meeting people to play with from here. Just show whatever fun thing you're up to. It makes people think "I wanna do that too, and that person is cool".

You don't have to avatarfag like I do, you don't have to be super funny or clever or anything special.
Do what you think is fun, talk about it, show it off, help people with what they are doing and others will join you. Don't be a 4chan mutant, just act normal, be nice, etc.
>Futafag Maye in charge of telling others to act normal

>Connection Error while posting
590 frost dk, 7 was easy except i almost died 3 times in mushroom delve
One of the gnomes is
>watch rwf
>200+ wipes on a normal ffxiv dungeon boss
>didnt win a single piece of loot
>half the stuff gets rolled for tmogs
the fuck? that's the easiest one
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Echo 3% max clearly looks stressed.

I did harder delves +8 at 580 as a frost DK so honestly sounds like skill issue
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"we need to try the reddit strat"
haha yeah bixnood muhfuggin skibbidi woop woop woop
the dps check is so tight that they are running bare minimum healers+tank so any unintended damage is going to be lethal
anon we all know the FFXXIDF raiders would should WoW babbies how its done and put them to shame if that were true
>make post
>post doesnt show up
>post stoilen
4chan shitting itsselfs or something
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man I haven't read that in like 10 years, don't ambush me with feels
>300+ pull boss with 2 bosses left after this
This raid is cooked
Apprently the DPS check on silken court is even tighter than the 2 bosses before it which both already have 10% more hp than is reasonable
Made to continue the Wrynn bloodline
is thread dead or is everyone else dealing with shit not working
cant tell lmao
this boss and the previous one were basically very tight dps checks so a lot of it was minmaxing classes
next boss shouldn't take as long, last boss might be a wall
eurosissies shaking in their boots
Silken Court is another dps check
seems the web servers fucking up but ive also been declined from m+ for the last hour
This is a Smolderon-Tindral-Fyrakk situation except this time Smolderons enrage check is way tighter.
Trying to escape the aoes? Yeah it can be tough. Aside from overtuning, bring smart about your pulls will make t8 manageable. Slap on healer Brann and don't be afraid to run away to reset a fight.
why? the race will only really start at ansurek
We are currently in a process of wiping on one boss for 3 hours please understand.
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this gnome is sleeping
max is going all in bros
he's taking this one home
Do classic era dungeons ever get put in mythic rotation?
>NA gets humiliated by europe despite having a 24h advantage, rerun #379215
Change the channel please.
site is dying
idk why but i blame /vt/umors since they managed to get the site frozen for half a day in the past
IO finished the levelling campaign. Am ilvl 557.
Is this it now? Doing Delves for ilvl until I can do lfr?
>start my own +2 key
>instantly 30 dps with 1k+ rating and 610 ilvl apply
>invite 3 of them
>run is ridiculously easy, +3 the key
Sorry to all the 580 ilvl players with 0 rating that applied but I have literally no reason to pick you.
iirc there's never been a pre-Cata dungeon in the mythic rotation, and probably never will be
>caring about rwf
i shiggy diggy
whats elysians heroic raid prog looking like my man
Anyone else miss the old “manage mana, top the health bars” play style of healing compared to this chaotic mess of wackamole?
devokerBVLLS cant stop winning
SoD phase 5 literally launches this thursday
I'm not in elysian so i don't know
I think they are 6/8 normal?
putting cata dungeons in the rotation was already a a mistake as is, there's a reason why vortex pinnacle and even TotJS were some of the biggest dogshit keys in their respective seasons
>deranking all your spells for mana efficiency
yeah no
I recall blizz trying to reinforce a more triage based style several times in the past and what happens is pretty much
>half the high skilled healers like it because it adds decision making
>half the high skilled healers hate it because it's too slow paced
>everyone else hates it because they enjoy whackamole
also, every time blizz attempts to reinforce it, people outgear the mana restrictions by the end of the first tier
>Liquid literally just had the golden pull and had to wipe to a game crash
US is truly cursed

why the fuck isn't liquidshit banned? maximum is cheating
veng or guardian anon?
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Death Knight done
Warrior done
Paladin done
Monk done
Hunter done
Mage done
Rogue done
Priest done
Warlock done

Druid next
What class and race should I play to signal to everyone I havent had sex in a decade and am not about to?
my hunger for elf toes... is insatiable
all rwf guilds exploit
they know they can do it too, because blizzard needs them, to keep attention/views/subs/$ as high as possible
that's why any bans ever are at most a few days

this has been going on since forever
echosisters liquid is cheating AGAIN!!! firedup is STACKING ORBS on the training dummies in dornogal BEFORE the pull!!!!!
Give the Americans a chance ffs
fury warr
should double dipping np also be bannable?
>nerfing the boss when Echo went to sleep

Is there an addon that shows the ilvl and progress of all group members in the lfd? I've just made a miserable necro +2 and realized that the group was under-stuffed.

The life of a PUG is tough
Theres very few pre-cata dungeons that would make for any reasonable sort of M+ experience. A short list of "maybe"s with some modernization

>Hellfire ramparts
>The Underbog
>Halls of lightning
>Maraudon first 2 segments

Basically anything else has too weird of a layout or ridiculous RP heavy bosses. They specifically don't make dungeons the same way anymore because it doesn't make for good M+ gameplay

Short list of dungeons that would be absolutely awful M+
>The oculus
>Violet hold
>The black Morass
>Escape from durnholde
>any part of Dire Maul
could you IMAGINE the fucking supersonic boom of all the tendies hitting the floor if they mid-RWF banned?

they are just going to ignore it as it didn't cause them to beat the boss
Despite the fact that Malfurion is a literal cuckold, Druids have been dunking on Demon Hunters since time immemorial. Druids have been actual contributive members to society, have been healing, defending and tending the sacred groves. The only thing Demon Hunters have done is parasitic edgelords.
Being a tank that can *also* heal on the off as Guardian is a real blessing for any group while Veng is an entirely contradicting concept: Being a ZOOM ZOOM class but also being the main defender is stupid as fuck.
you would think that a hunter who signs up for a +6 boralus knows how the last boss works.

no you are wrong
>type "wowg" into 4channel catalog search
>get xivg
have xivtroons become this desperate?
images aren't being able to be posted
>Malfurion is a literal cuckold
How is he a literal cuckold? Tyrande has never had sex with anyone else.
>tfwywn have to run M+ DM trib
only shows logged raid stuff though cus im 8/8N4/8H shows me as 1/8N3/8H
congrats king
Malfurion is the literal embodiment of the cuck chair in night elf form though
Anduin Wrynn is my king and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.
shut up Baine
>honestly believing anyone cares that much about RWF
theyre probably collecting off of this, so more viewers = more burgerbux
Do you literally not know what the word literal means?
For my gobbo rogue, male or female? Do females have good attack animations?
>worlo wawa's first support spec!
>look inside
>it's a shitty dps
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We're all stuck in the cruel clutches of Globofomo
American privilege
When Xal'atath did the whole reeeee thing it reminded me of a cat meowing loudly because it was annoyed.
Female villains are a mistake.
not with blizz hotfixing conveniently right when they are about to raid, this is a fair and balanced competition btw
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this is the truth and it's sad as hell
they can't ban them because rwf is fucking advertisement now
thats a good thing thoughever
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Hello frens! What do you think of my new panda warrior? Her name is Haochi, which is a Chinese word that means "tasty" or "delicious". It can also mean to be fond of eating. Shes fat and loves to fight.
I feel like Arcatraz could work if you cleaned up the RP on the last boss (and naturally gave the bosses some more mechanics)

Also the idea of Halls of Lightning is hilarious because that debuff that damages you when you move would absolutely INFURIATE speedrunners
She looks very cute and cuddly.
These TL RWF casters are cooked, is this what happens when they're on a fight this long?
May i tongue her anus
(((Max))) is in with the blizz devs, it's so blatant they favor him and are doing everything they can without seeming biased to help Liquishit win at this point
i'm honestly starting to think he might be giving them personal kickbacks behind the scenes
Most handsome youtuber
how can a human kiss a pandaren when the pandaren tongue doesnt even fit inside a human's mouth and the pandaren's mouth is bigger than a human's face?
>fellating a pandaren girls tongue
>shes just very confused
>you feel awkward
>never speak again
>she goes on to get railed by a goblin girl
>you die alone in a T3 delve with brann mocking your dps
when will we be free of danusers cuckoldry fetish
First time?
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im going to fucking kill myself
She's putting blood in the water to TURN THE SPIDERS LESBIAN!
getting away with everything
DBM is kino if you customize it just slightly
I think you're going to shelf it in 2 days and go back to your main
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>GS nearly empty
>friendslist shortened
>game the same
>social inability IRL
>everyone isolated

I've been having nostalgic feelings and I don't like it. I swear this game just helps me get more depressed nowadays. Game isn't trash but the really fun days are long gone and idk how to make the game more fun for others so they'll play with me.
why are europeans such sore losers anyway? echo exploited during amirdrassil and no one cared or asked for bans back then, but now that they're probably losing this they're getting all uppity about a mechanic that didnt even lead to a boss kill.
>level rogue to 80
>doing T8s
>gloomblade build
>doin fine
>friend says flagelation/trickster build is like 1.6x the DPS
>swap to it, learn it
>way more autistic
>like 9% dps increase longterm
>more burst but shit survives it so who cares
i fuckin hate that this is my favorite class
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Hello, panda.
shit ass mog
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Aw.. Thank you!
Uhh.. Its an ancient Pandaren secret. Yeah.
That isn't a mog.
Every dev involved in delve balance should be forced to stream completion of every delve on tier 9 or higher solo.
thats kid stuff
think i had a 100 the first week
killed brood twister and court in ~15 pulls
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we must purge the pandarens
People forget that this is it. After you clear it you have fuck all to do until next patch(timewalking for six months until the release of the next expansion).
does your name have froze in it
>unavoidable pack of retards
>the web throw zevkir buff
>open up on mob
>get thrown across map
>mobs evade
>mobs teleport to you
>get thrown other way across map
whoever made some of this shit legit needs to lose their job
kys furry
Built for bbc (big belf cock)
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You'd probably be right if I hadn't deleted all my characters during SL.
Hello other panda!
I got a chinese rp name.
I never noticed pandas had 4 fingers.
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Maybe I should make a big fluffy male panda who likes hugs. Not a furry but I'd bet there would be people who would chat with me.
>male pandaren
ya it was you
you were in one of my ovinaxx groups this week
>chastity femboy porn in the nerub discord
When did you realise Warcraft was never a good setting? It has had two good characters: Garrosh and Varian, in 30 years. Why would anyone with balls play a game like this? Orcs were made into dindus ffs. In a real game a man just kills orcs and the orcs kill a man. Strength and testosterone. Why would you play this pussy bitch shit?
I tried playing male panda once and nobody talked to me.. Its a trap.
>loading screen in the coreway
>loading screen when entering a delve
uh oh...
I don't know why I have mythic+ anxiety and frankly speaking I'm ashamed of myself.
You are a homosexual.
I only raid with nerub.
I was talking about gameplay and m+ not the fucking "lore" but thanks for your answer you are a nice dude
post it...
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Finally I can be a jade golem
ive been declined for the last 2 hours on +7DB's, just gonna take a goon break
>multiple 30 minute breaks in a world race

back in my day sleep was the break, what the fuck are they doing
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gooners winning BIGLY
Don't you LOVE the Rogue dev that kills the class a bit more with every "rework" that he does?

No one really talks in this game anymore. Everyone is so antisocial nowadays. I need a fucking job and a way to go outside and be somewhat social or something.
holy FUCK
>nerub has been wiping on hc Kyveza for 4 hours straight
haha funy piratne go brrrr :)
looks like your mom, in a bad way.
I need the name of this mod so bad.
True, I usually just talk to Moon Guard sluts these days.
I don't understand this obsession with wanting to interact with random faggot strangers who will most likely be trash at the game or annoying to be around. Play with your fucking friends if you want social interaction.
>korean MMO thatll be shut down in a month tier shit
nigga get some standards
goblins are the greatest gift to this world
>I don't understand this obsession with wanting to interact with random faggot strangers
holdover mentality from 2005 when the line between "random faggot stranger" and "treasured internet gamer friend" was paper thin
Times Change
It used to be you made friends in wow. The WORLD of warcraft meant the people in it, not the themepark.
kek I got aotc while they were in the raid
based lone alpha wolf, sigma chad raider io top parser, raidbots as a homepage manly king, true gamer among sheep
personally I don't understand the desperate need for socialization and friendship altogether, on Mazlowe's pyramid it is a completely intermediete step and therefore you should be able to abstain from it entirely in order to work on your pure self-actualisation projects
friendship is for the weak and needy, strength and murder are the ways of the warrior
>back in MY DAY people weren't shut-in mentally broken socially stunted irony poisoned adhd drugslaves
crymore cryboomer crybaby crybitch
>completely intermediete step
There are no intermediate steps on that pyramid, my man. I am sorry.
>can play as orcs
>can play as trolls
>can play as goblins
>can't play as the final classic fantasy monster archetype, ogres
Will this ever be rectified?
people used to make lifelong frens in wow
i did
>cant play ogres
>get fat retarded NORFmen that noone asked for or wanted tho
it barely even did anything
fyi the "manual" way was literally just some macro you clicked that gave you the same exact assignment during the intermission this is the big gotcha lmao
Max is an utter schizo
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Anyone else suddenly getting massive stutter in Dornogal? I've tried cleaning my PC, updating drivers, rolling back windows updates, nothing worked. It all worked fine until a week ago and now Dornogal is unplayable for me.
Please explain to me how one makes friends if they don't interact with people. Like wtf dude
>not giving up after 0.63%
I would just give up and try after the reset to be honest

also, is this normal? 300 pulls and 4 days for Boss 6? for the first tier?
Giant tits with small thighs always looks so bad
i dont think you understand maslow

nigger opinion. Top heavy girls are the best
whats embarrassing, is that the chinks used an exploit to get the raid an avg 2 ilvls higher, and still arent beating anyone
that's because psychology is pure pseudoscience
blizz might actually want the chinks to catch up because they are salivating at the idea of that chinese whale money
Tranny voice
MMOs today are glorified singleplayer games
the -RPG part hasnt mattered for years and likely never will again
WoW is just too fast paced anymore
wait is that just a single tank? that means they are failing a DPS check right?
t. too scared to post her voice
post more vocaroos, your voice is really cute
I know. But it's the players too. Classic wow was just as slow paced and people sucked the fun out of it thinking you had to minmax for the chance to cast fucking frost bolt on loop in raids.
Let me breed your bussy pls
Im not a her

ok but i want teebus burning longsword
Man the world wide web is such a great place instead of being limited to the normies in my immediate neighborhood or being a sycophant to the bullies in my school I can befriend people on the internet!
I hope that at least half of the people I've met online die instantly and all of the people I've met in real life die slowly and in pain.

Maybe I'm the problem?
I'll buy anything for you my lady
the world is overflowing with worthless "humans"
>Maybe I'm the problem?
Daring today aren't we
You make friends as a kid. "Making friends" as an adult is just embarrassing.
based reptilian
>only 300k to fuck /wowg/ femboys
Fucking steal.
Get on this bruhs.
While that is a fine shape for women to have, bottom heavy > top heavy.

>I want to believe
I can't enter the zekvir delve. I could before. Not good.
I can wait no longer...
The "humans" must be slaughtered!
didn't ask + you're a nigger
did nerub win the rwf (race to wowgs first (heroic))
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Please no more wipes
we will get high elves for the alliance and ogres for the horde in midnight
4chan is shitting itself, takes ages to get captcha or just fails

now close to 5
hi if i've never played wow before what server should i pick? classic or normal, or some private server or whatever
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>if your situation sucks, you should just deal with it
Why do anything bro? Why play a game? Why try to change your DESTINY? You can git gud ingame and git gud outgame.
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I know all those people who accidentally deleted their mains when Warbands first came out are celebrating.
ogres never
forest trolls maybe
>female orcs may get a model update soon
green blender pussy animations are back on the menu boys
Unironically argent dawn because it's the only server that isn't completely boost infested and has minimal sharding.
lmao. Horde is gonna get niggerified amani trolls, screencap this because it's 100% happening
>eople who accidentally deleted their mains when Warbands first came out
How did they pull that off?
pick your region, pick one of the higher population servers (doesn't have to be the top one, but definitely not any of the bottom ones.)
Most things are cross server/faction now but not all.
>which version?
retail is the only way to play. The others are laughable for different reasons.
>if your situation sucks, you should just deal with it
>Why do anything bro?
Because it is my duty as a man.
>Why play a game?
To beat others at the game.
>Why try to change your DESTINY?
Man cannot change destiny, only accept it and overcome it.
>You can git gud ingame and git gud outgame.
I am already the best according to my hegelian dialectics.
It was confusing as fuck and still is to be fair.
there was a bug where if you tried to delete a character it would delete the top character on the list instead
I like all these new Avatars
saw it in a you tube short
with shown screen shots of assets updated for WOW midnight
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it's not that scary i guess except every cast hits you like for 34% hp
Yes, correct. I like this elf friend :)
There's one more pic of me and her.
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how many coffer key shard are good to get from a +5 radiant echo
lol same
for people having trouble with plus 8 delves
what spec/class you rolling with?
I wish you'd discuss specs, strategies etc instead of toon posting
I dont play the game but I'm interested in starting again but all you do is post faggy stuff anons
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>>I am already the best according to my hegelian dialectics.
If you deplete a +10 key do you still get progress towards mythic track items in your vault?
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Belfbros, how do we recover from this?
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Liquid has all of these god pulls...

Go back tourist
link it
>used to play elf when I was younger
>moved on to orcs and tauren
feral horde pussy
Your green skin is beautiful
imo they are just understuffed. T8 is 600+ recommended
I'd also like to know this.
I'm posting about RWF when it's relevant, just not much to talk about when they're in the "attempt it until they clear" phase
ONCe eu hours are over and NA homos run off looking for someone to "shack up" with in gold shire the thread becomes readable
thats generally around 11est or so
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Jesus is 4chan shitting itself or something?

Anyway fellas I've got that "new character" itch. Is Unholy DK fun in M+?
I won't be playing Frost of Blood.

Yes, even if the key is depleted you still get credit in your vault, and it doesn't count as degrading.
People have done them with 550ish bad specs/classes.
If you're failing a T8 delve you're doing something wrong.
600+ makes them sleepwalk.
I did a 8 with 558 pvp gear as BM hunter
I forgot to switch gear sets
is BM cheating?
In a raid ofc
alright post your offer then.
DK is only fun if you play all 3 specs
How is Dark RAnger BM? I started with LotP BM, it sucked, switched Sentinel SV, surprisingly fun, just did TW and I topped four out of five dungeons, got a bow from my chest because I forgot to switch loot, now I wanna try DR BM.
No it isn't, all you need is Frost
ya been happening all afternoon
let me stop you there btw
UHdk is miserable to play in dungeons
its only fun in pvp and single target encounters
I'm not entirely opposed to trying Blood more. But I didn't really like Frost when I tried it a little.
Peak retard take, kill yourself unironically
Damn. That's too bad. The idea and concept sounds cool. Can you explain why it sucks?
Frost DK is fun
for 10 seconds out of every 45.
>Play orc on RP server in Orgrimmar in Valley of honor
>DK services spammer hiding in the corner
>One Maghar alt testing mogs
>low level alt trading gold between servers by the AH
>Two pvp server players invited to the realm AFKing
It's just not the same anymore.
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quick, anons! you must rub lady liadrin's feet in order to restore 4chan/vg/wowg/ functionality, do not hesitate or we will be overrun!
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It's the exact same game as DF except for Delves. Game genuinely hasn't changed in years at this point. Probably last time it felt much different than this was Legion. That's why people don't talk about the game much, it's been same shit for so damn long.
better than before when it wasn't fun ever
I'll rub her feet with my cock!
Vampires shriek when put in the light, I hope you come to accept the truth one day.
I think Zandalari trolls are the coolest race in WoW by a long shot
so cool that you may want to play WoW just to play a Zandalari troll
god i wish
yes, mommy...
ANAL [Obliteration]
So you run delves for gear.... to run more delves?
>300 pulls on a mid-point boss
it's over......
her feets had fel corruption for far too long
tainted soles
Do the quests that take you away from Dornogal give you rep for them as well? I've done all the quest I can that keep me in this zone for rep but everything else just leads me to hallowfall or azj-kahet
That's wow, yes. At the end of the day you gather shit for fashion.
it's the best hero spec for BM and the best at single target for any hunter spec, but it's still BM so its aoe is literally the worst in the game for a dps spec
it plays the same as pack leader BM but you get black arrow which is just a boring dot that feels like it gets in the way of the buttons you want to hit
they're reworking dark ranger soon so who knows how it'll feel then
I shall purify them with my tongue.
link it
What's the max ilvl weapon that can be crafted right now?
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holy paladin feels like fucking dogshit. how do people play this?
that's how lightforged keep themselves pure
does anyone know where I can get the mog for Danath Trollbane's shield? the one with two Stromic fists
Nobody plays holy paladin don't kid yourself
nerub sisters not like this...
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Let's see how Nerub is holding u- ACK
its from the Dazaralor raid
>get invited by guildies to do some m+
>fail all of them
i will probably just gquit
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In the same boat Anon.
>Hangouts died out
>No friends log on anymore
>The game doesn't nurture making new friends outside end-game activities.
>We still roam these dead streets like ghosts
I let my sub run out, can't take it anymore
it was still fun
weak. /gquitters are cowards
it was a wipefest but people were still nice and nobody sperged out so i still like my nerub bros
im shidding and farding bros
blood is fun and good doe why not
I don't like tanking :c
is that normal or heroic?
>605 tank
>590 dps
>580 dps
>560 healer
>cleared m0 stonevault with 3 wipes (4 man guild run)
good or bad sign?
nerub sisters not like this...
>3 wipes
what do you think
Why are americans like this?
erm what's happening? why is every summoning stone so packed with people? are we just THAT back?
>scat rp
name a more iconic duo
I think that suffering builds character and failure is the precursor to success
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our best pull was 20%
we will do it next time sisters
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>guildies invite me to casual alt run raid
>not enough people, so pugging 3 others
>they keep talking shit about the puggers, despite me doing worse than all 3, but never say anything bad about me
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>5/20 players are evokers
can you delete and restore your character to get a free namechange still?
hopefully banned
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dratnos looks rough did my boi get enough sleep?
test their loyalty by talking shit with them
if they turn on you empty guild bank and leave
>want to restore character
>cant because reused its name
>dont want to fucking delete the new one
pissin feckin arse
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Aww look at the yanks enjoying their 18 hour head start, they actually think they're people!
He looks like he's so done with this shit
Kinda, it works but you have to wait a long time or it just won't let you restore at all.
i think they're neat too
too bad the male running animation is terrible
to many abilities required to get your aoe rolling you cast your dots, get four wounds thats 4 runes and 2 globals, press the 45 second cd to spread your wounds, drop defile, and press scourge strike and epidemic on procs, 90% of the time you can only hit scourge strike twice before you defile drops or you dont have the runes
it would feel alot better with 20% haste but still pretty demanding to do less than a ret paladin or warrior
i imagine it feels alot like how aff feels in dungeons but ive never played that spec
>this cope again
redpill me on guardian druid? is it really that easy to play?
I fear missing my veng mobility
that picture hurts my soul
t. europoor
what raid is everyone yapping about, I'm new and don't know what the release schedule for this shit is like yet
>he got filtered by combo points
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>294 pulls
the Alliance should systemically and methodically eradicate all Horde races, one monster at a time
tarrenmill or kazzak?
planning to play alliance but who cares nowadays
It's so easy your brain will unironically rot and you will turn into the average retard mongoloid bear player.
>died to enrage both 20%'s
explain to me how exactly you're going to do 130% of your current dps to not hit enrage
time to cut out the gray parsers dude
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just play on silvermoon or something
I have a devious plan on how to genocide the go*lin menace.
We kill all the men, and breed the women into extinction over multiple generations.
silvermoon and draenor is the go to for big retards
give me one player from those two servers that are not retarded retards
I will wait
why not also kill all the women?
either. or draenor
>eating shit trying to run my own keys since friday
>rerolled a 6 5 times this morning
>lands on wake
>+2 with a retard comp made by yours truly
>rolls ara kara +8
this might be it lads
we might just make it
Damn you guys are almost as bad as my pugs
what are you
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if you post here you are a retard, trust me I would know
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>Drop prot pally for BDK this season because this sub told me its gonna be trash
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but then...
you are... retard???
everyone is too busy gooning and asking for her to step on them and stab them dead, it's affecting their rotations
all my pugs that hit enrage were sub 10% at least lmfao
thats what you get for being a rerolling fotmfaggot
I love my blood dk niggas as a frost dk chad
dude the score difference between tier is miniscule lol
sorry anon, I was using the rename system to get free renames for a long time, they caught onto it
makes me sick to my stomach that liquid is still in the lead.
>>died to enrage both 20%'s
false, we didn't hit the enrage yet, but we were lacking dps for the intermissions yes
Americans were made for topping Eurosissies.
demonic programing by their hebrew owners
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it's ok, they about to go dark and not show any strats for eu to copy soon, hope you enjoy watching autisms and marshmellow man
Why is it so hard for people to dodge vibrant purple lines i dont get it, ive literally NEVER died in the kyveza intermission unless heals wiped
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love it
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why do all blood dks in my m+ lose aggro
>play human paladin
>no matter what face settings i use my character looks absolutely mogged and fucked up whenever my character does anything or attacks anything or uses any spell
i'm race changing to draenei fuck this
Double worg wife pawjobs
are you unloading your entire rotation onto mobs they aren't targeting while they're trying to get bone shield stacks
im 100% certain that im the most dogshit player ITT
post her tail
most players click their fucking heal pots/defensives #1
most healers suck #2
most players autistically strafe inbetween their globals #3
the number one thing that fucks that fight is greedy fucks trying to optimize their uptime while afflicted with queensbane
i haven't made one yet i don't know if i should go normal draenei or lightforged draenei
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I play WoW, I post on 4chan and I have a folder dedicated to an anime character from a game I don't care about. So yes, I am a retard and so are you.
i click my pots and only died once to it tyvm
fave delve snack?
>fried scrapple sammich with sauerkraut on rye with mustard
fuck yeh boi
for me, its vdh always gotta be ready to run or defensive when i have one in my group
xally feet
I always go back in with queensbane as melee for 1 or 2 globals because im not disabled, always get back out just fine in time for the expiration
Just wiped on kiveza for 2h and we didnt even kill her
I hate women and minorities
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>+10 for portals
>+10 for myth pieces in the great vault
gid gut
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>TFW crafted all my own shit purely off of the t3 materials I saved from crafting shit for other people
Never did blacksmithing before but I love it
sucks but at least you posted a cute gobbo
>be a healer
>open lfg
>pick a random group with eyes closed
>get invited first try
simple as
>Father why do coins have ridges
yeah but dungeons have never been worse to heal
same but tank
i'm not a lazy fuck so it's ok
>grim batol +7 with 200 io players
what expansion is this, tbc? LOL
can you still do big dam like in bfa?
>M*thod and China getting close
Echo sisters ......
i saw some psychotic sycophants on the forums last night advocating for portals to be moved to +12
blizzard just knows they have a considerable portion of the M+ playerbase on the hook from easy myth track items from the last two expansions and reckon 20-30% will be willing to buy tokens so that they can buy carries to fill their vaults for the first few weeks.
it kinda sounds like M+ is just bad for everyone right now
it kinda sounds like M+ just sucks ass, actually
I wish goblins looked like that.
IO as in ION give a shit about them numbers
>last two expansions
last 4 expansions*
>resto shaman in grim batol isnt specced into improved purify spirit
90% of this playerbase needs to be executed
they made it way fucking harder for no reason while also adding a way of getting better loot for 1/10th of the effort so what's even the fucking point
skill issue even back then
CD mage in TBC was a tanks best friend
>let them go full ham for 5 seconds
>taunt>shield slam
>never lose aggro ever
echo got too lazy
they called it quits at 9 pm today
I don't care where prot pally is on the charts, it's still my favourite tank for making sure interrupts happen. Tauren pally with stomp+bell+radiance
Too bad it's so fucking trash in raids. Fucks sake Blizz just make judgment of light prot only and make it good again
l*quid cheated THOUGH -if they manage to not choke the lead (AGAIN) and win it won't be a legit win
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I don't understand what you mean.
And even if it's a problem, just wear a helmet.
how many non hero pieces are you guys still wearing
i have a cloak, two rings, and a champ trinket
was going to craft a cloak this week but crafting neck gave me 10k more dps, and i suppose ill have to sim the cloak vs rings next week, the embellishments are really shit this patch
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>tier lists
>44 point difference from S to C tiers
>delves only give heroic ilvl gear in vault
>shitty mythic guild with 0 CEs wants me to grind that shitty maze+ for some reason
>we couldn't even get to second intermission on mythic ulgrax
>how many non hero pieces are you guys still wearing
a bunch
>Tauren pally
opinion disretarded
>got bullied again for playing a human male warrior
Im playing for a few days and have done stonevault and grimbatol up to 4 and it's insane how fucking difficult the game is now
I have 1000things to manage as a tank and my healerbro is sweatin a lot too
the rewards are fucking shit for all the work you have to do honestly
I got ksm in bfa without knowing half of the shit happening on my screen, now for a fucking +4 with only two affixes I need to know every fucking pack of mobs and boss for each dungeosn it's insane
we do it because it's a bit funn but heuss hcriqit
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im so happy that delves replaced m+
you deserve it faggot
human male warrior is for closet homosexuals that refuse to play a more fitting warrior race simply because
>i be human
>i must play human
POV: You are an Arathor's spear
10 year old me just made someone i could self insert as
I did boralus +4 with some friends the other day and we finished the run with around 50 deaths. Absolute cock and balls torture.
season 3 of DF had some crazy number of new people trying m+ for the first time and blew every other season away in total runs
they shouldn't be making the gear harder to get if they want to see that same level of maze+ participation
especially not in the "go play your alts" expansion
m+ will be nerfed
trust the plan
Reminder that Brann Bronzebeard will never judge you, will never kick you, will never demand you install addons, will never inspect your item level and will never tell you to kill yourself.
He is the only one who is a true friend to you in a world full of assholes and hypocrites. You should be grateful to have the chance to enjoy World of Warcraft content with such a kind and gentle companion.
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>Be me.
>Decide to bring my friend along for some bountiful delves tier 8 since I've got some keys.
>They're geared enough to do LFR, but it should be fine cause they're a DH tank and I'm a Destro lock.
>It's just The Sinkhole
>They die.
>Ultimately just tell them to go DPS and I'll pull out the Void Lord and tank everything.
>Going fine, Zekvir manages to yeet them into a pack taking out more lives.
>Finally reach end boss, it's Leviathan rotation. All is going smoothly till they get 1 shot by a tentacle and perish.
>We brick the Delves

>Move onto Waterworks.
>This is fine, I'll just take what we learned from last time and go 1 and a time.
>They die multiple times on the big guys fire cleaves, in fact, we lose all lives before reaching the stone.
>Final life gained from the stone and only thing stopping us from leaving with loot is waxface
>Ultimately give up and force them to sit in an air bubble in the corner with Brann, while I stand next to the air purifier in the middle. Hoping Brann throws his heals far enough between us that me, the tank pet.
>They nearly die 3 times, luckily my healer brann talents came through and kept us both alive.
>Got out with loot in the end.
>Mrw it's a boot drop.
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forgot pic
Stopped reading there troon.
and then you picked warrior
warrior, retard
fucking idiot holy shit
this is why beating WC3 campaign should've been a hard pre-requisite to even being allowed to install WoW
Elf mains don't deserve to be referred to as people, so I choose they.
you get what you ducking deserve fotm reroller
ya bro its crazy
i have a hard time thinking they're not completely fucking retarded but someone with a brain over there must have run the numbers and noticed that it would be more profitable overall to sell tokens for carries, its the only thing that even begins to make sense about the situation to me
yeah which 10 year old kid doesnt want to be a warrior
god damn, okay. skipped the whole tooth and claw chain and raze and instead doubled down on the defensive talents for guardian and my tank went from feeling like a rubber banding blood dk to an iron wall. crazy how much of a difference that made. my damage is definitely worse but i'd say my survivability doubled at least.
cant tell if the people here whining about getting btfo in +5s are just bad or they didnt play df and still think +5's aren't +15s
As a tank I would enjoy m+ a lot more if I had to pull absolutely everything to fill the % up.
Fuck that route autism and MDI skip bullshit.
Or just remove the stupid timer and leave only +0, +5, and +10 in the game
The dozen trannies that actually enjoy pushing higher can off themselves or go play diablo
>t. cast slut
i will fuck your bussy raw, no spit
I hope real life treats ya better, my man.
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why do shitters keep trying to do m+
they made delves just for you
you dont throw yourself against mythic raids right? why are you doing it here
get the fuck out of my keys
echo BVLLS will come tomorrow and get an fast kill and us the stolen strat for next boss and catch up. dont worry eu bros
how the fuck do you farm the fucking delve keys then
and by that i mean i always wanted to play rogue ever since i learned they could stealth
my brother tried to convince me to play druid instead but i never got out of mulgore
it's just one prot pala chud that's been maining it for ten gazillion expansions that the entire team plays around that's inflating the score you are doing yourself a solid by playing bdk cause that shit can solo carry keys
>tank chads said fuck you and only delve max now
guess maze+ is dead
>play with brann
>"Next time we should hit them harder"
Seems pretty judgy
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if it hadn't been for that hack Tigole, warrior wouldn't even be an option for human only paladin and paladin would be warrior but better
>why do shitters keep trying to do m+
No, but he will frequently bug out if I play with another player and leave the party just as we need healing.
Jealous ass.
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>Data for Azeroth now has statistics for race/class combo popularity
>Human warrior is more popular than orc warrior
>Draenei shaman is more popular than orc shaman
>Draenei is the third least popular choice for paladin behind Dark Iron and earthen
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Why does Blizzard keep pushing that jewish fuck dr*tnos on all their videos? I can't stand that rat faced kike
europoors in flames crying in their sleep to night
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>its a dratnos route
bdk nw+2 last boss rekt me
what the fuck is this dungeon
Not wanting to play a caster is understandable but I thought enhancement was the coolest shit ever when I was ten. Literally warrior but cooler To this day I can't stand the generic classes like warrior/hunter/mage andholy priest. Even palacuck looked better on paper
just dont suck
i took a 600 illvl bdk to a +6 wake
we +2d, one death
>doing yourself a solid by playing bdk cause that shit can solo carry keys
genuinely considering rolling a bdk or a guardian just to stop fucking dying
I get oneshotted quite a bunch in keys as vdh annd it's pissing me off, being an immortal edgelordwith infiinite healing sounds fun, too bad that shit is slow beyond belief and I suck at positioning
>silken court is a push over

that explains why they made the queen like that
that or the boost buying roastie. cant stand both of them
>death strike only after 3 ice shards
>heal to full hp everytime
you suck nigger
its ok to run away or stun on pull so you can stack frailty lil bro
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echosisters I feel sick
>used all my keys
>no world quests
What do I do to gear up now?
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Give me fucking troll paladins already and I'll happily reroll.
bruh that boss is almost free. if you can make it there, you can kill it
bountiful delves to fish for a map
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Feral is fucking insane, why didn't you guys tell me?
I want method to win so it can merge with the good players in echo again and start winning non stop like the good old days. That or china winning because I want that insufferable faggot Max to kill himself. If NA got a competent leader they would mog everyone with 0 competition
I forgot fishing is real.
i am specced into cenarius + flourish and nobody can stop me. photosynthesis is a waste of a talent point and cenarius is just fun period. simple as.
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Am I supposed to be spending my runed crests on upgrades? I am just holding everything - sparks, crests catalyst
why did /ourmick/ become so fat?
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POV: you are a mycobloom
um zandalari can be paladins
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WHEN THE FUCK WILL IT DROP??!>!>!>!!>!>!?>!?!?!?!?!!?!?
well what else were you planning on doing with that shit
haha welcome to my healing potion mix
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>try tanking m+
>study route
>get into dungeon
>forget route
>scramble to put it up on the second monitor
>can't translate the static image to the game with different map orientation and roaming mobs
>brick key
Back to dps.
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>suffer through an hour long +8 grim batol
>loot hero mark of khadros at the end
Maybe I need them to upgrade better items that skip some levels, or maybe I make crests with them idunno
>dps player is an idiot
many such cases
must be hard living with aphantasia
my regards
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>try this thaumagy thing
>transmute 20 microbloom into 20 dust
huh this might be pretty cool to experiment with
you can look up the best embellishments for your spec and craft an item preferably back/wrists but i would advise simming those slots vs any low ilvl rings/necks you may have
i wouldnt consider crafting a weapon unless you've been unlucky and dont have a hero track weapon currently
>states an obvious fact about the game
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This but with embrace the dream and convoke. Unfortunately I am not good enough for curve
Playing dead specs is so fun when fotm rerollers do so much more than you and get worse parses despite that/spoiler]
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Thoughts on the changes coming to Timewalking?
whats the "obvious fact" because he mostly just whines about how the game is too hard for him when he has to actually play it like everyone else
bad for the hoarders with timewalking gear sets and old legendaries
>join m0 last boss arakara for charity
>previous healer left after wipe
>start doing it
>warrior dps stealing my puddle in front of my face
>puddles are placed on top of boss and tank doesn't move the boss literally anywhere else
>everyone else dies but the warrior and the tank live
>"man this boss sucks! broken encounter! mechanics are a bitch here!"
>Trying to level my hunter
>Timewalking queues are like 20 minutes per dungeon
Bros this SUCKS
good because its more simple that way, but also bad because it was fun to use old legendaries and be OP
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Any Midnight leaks?
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how much am I going to hate myself If I try to progress H court in pugs
H brood already made me question my life choices
how do you approach the packs with a stun?
I usually sigil of flame from far away, aura immo then eityher jump iside it or wait for it, then spike a tiy bit vefore I get atacked
>vengeance DH is a lot of fun
>hate being an elf
feels bad

It's going to 100% faggot elf slop. Who cares?
t-thanks anon...
bro your incarnation: tree of life? i tried convoke and it's way too soft for what it is in keys, convoke just isn't cutting it for some encounters and heals way too little. you really need to pump regrowths like a motherfucker on 5 people at once. probably even worse for raids but i haven't touched anything past normals.
its unironically easier than brood, court requires 4 people to not fuck up the charge and thats it
kyveza is the hardest encounter outside of queen
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Oh yeah I heard they planned big things for alleria storyline
it's going to make them take much longer and encourage grouping with twinks for boosting
it just removes 20 years of gear in the name of balance when they really just want to slow timewalking down

look at korrak's revenge. it was basically timewalking pvp where everyone was synced to 60 and all the gear/effects 60+ scaled as well
then the shadowlands level squish happened and they removed the korrak's level syncing so now it's just another flavorless AV queue
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>requires 4 people to not fuck up
so its impossible
Because you only play with shitty BDKs
kyveza seemed a lot easier than brood to me, I got in in <10 pulls
I can see it being a massive heal check so maybe I got carried by some gigachad healers
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Well judging purely by the picture it's a screenshot of the RWF with the title "this makes blizzard look stupid".

Seems like an obvious fact to me. The RWF is a joke and always makes blizzard look stupid.
idk it sucks ass to go back to doing 4k dps
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You too bro?
Wait in line dps cuck
How are you niggers this elitist about the game but complain about dumb shit like not being able to clear M+5s
Don't give your takes on whether the content is hard or some dumb crap you're all just omega ass
nah its not bad
kyveza is a dps/heal/tank check
i killed brood in ~15 pulls last week
did it in like 7 this week
i had shitload of pulls on kyveza last week and probably 15 this week, its and everyone check, if tanks arent retards its easier on the healers and it was a tight dps check for a lot of people last week
It's literally faster to just do the fucking quests again
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>tarren mill
>reddit name
>fotm spec
erryt time
I am playing a prot paladin
I looked at what the top players crafted and it seems weapons are a popular pic but thats because they are basically mythic equivalent with the strong crests they got.
I think I might just craft a belt because its my worst slot (veteran) and get my weapon and shield to 619 with crests since they are heroic and their stats are what I need. Same with my chest.
I just want to clear HC raid and all +10s, not a big gamer or anything
character restore is up btw. i know some anon here was extremely autistic about it
I haven't watched one of these in two years but aren't they always
>lukewarm take about how maybe thing is bad maybe it's not who knows
look faggot im basically the best mage thats ever had the displeasure of breathing the same oxygen as your dysgenic retarded ass and if i cant do a +5 delve at 620 somethings wrong with the game, so inviting anyone under 660 is a no-go because they need that much gear to even try to rival me
Brood is the DPS check. Kyveza is the eyes check.
I am activating incarnation with swiftmend whenever I need it. I like convoke because you can use it as a reactive aoe heal on top of a swiftmended wild growth in tree form or just to ramp quicker if retarded raid leader calls for tranq with a 5 second notice because he keeps forgetting about the bloody cd. It also lets you pump whenever you need to move and rejuvenation is no longer cutting it. Embrace feels kind of weak if you don't have 12 rejuvs out though
yeah I can't speak about that. I tried healing exactly 1 +2 and it was hell so I went back to tanking dungeons
>tranny balance druid declining me from a +2 when i have a 600 ilvl
If you don't like it maybe play a real role and not the normie one.
literally me
and i don't care
Wait, you can still collect these?
im glad those absolute subhumans migrated from kazzak to tm
The average WoW player is completely fucking braindead, find some friends and do it with them.
You forgot
>faggot elf
back in mists/wod wowg guilds would clear heroic/mythic bosses. now you have shitters bragging about killing normal mode. the absolute STATE
mythics became a thing at end of wod?
the nerub vs elysian shitposting is more entertaining tho
both guilds are like 3 weeks old.
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siege retard
I think a couple of guilds cleared mythic emerald nightmare
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What would it take for Blizzard to add genital choices to the character creator?
My mistake arch-mage
I'll have the quality 3 alc chaos potions and a full BiS 660 ilvl set ready before our 2+ run, hopefully with these preparations we can get it timed.
According to the resident forum tranny that would be me, since I grey parse as a tank.
point and laugh at this newfag
mythic was added at the end of MoP.
>he doesnt remember the absolute wipefest that took place in ToT
Did elysian start mythic?
>Real role
>That role is easier than dpsing
You show the ability to self reflect so you're already better than 50% of the deluded retards here
>ynr when we sabotaged the guild app of that fat chick
mythic became a thing in wod prepatch when flex got renamed to normal, normal became heroic and heroic was called mythic
They're still progressing 6/8 normal, they will get to mythic raiding soon im sure
>m*ye has higher parses than you
>orochi has higher parses than you
>elysiangm has higher parses than you
ya.... you know its looking that way...
'fraid so
god i wish i were my dracthyr
semantics. everyone considers siege as the start of mythic
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>put gold in warbank to transfer to another character
>says another character is using the warbank
what the fuck is the point of this piece of shit system then?
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>Finishing Loremaster
>1 questline left
>Check wowhead
>"you need to wait several days for this line"
Jesus fuck blizzard why are you so retarded?
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>play hunter because I like collecting all the cute amnimals

All he needs is to be part of a guild called something like KEYBOARD TURNERS or WORLD LAST RAIDERS to complete the picture.
>GM: I don't care about your logs so stop playing for logs
>also GM: removes 10 people who are at the bottom of the meters for playing it safe instead of pumping big numbers
I got away with it but holy shit addons were a mistake
Fair take
I'm OK with this, really. I do what I can. The guild master and raid leader thinks we're doing a great job tanking, so.. I'm not saying there isn't room for improvement, but it can't be as bad as people make it out to be.
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>pull mobs
>everybody but me dies
>call them noobs and leave key
More astroturfed sure.
you wait one single day, touch grass
I don't know who any of them are so it's not entertaining in the least but it beats AI trash.
NTA but if you're grey parsing that is a very, very bad thing no matter what spec, class, or role you are.
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your response?
Give me some pointers on what I'm doing wrong then.
and they're already full of drama
They did that shit on DF too and never mention it in game. Like fine if you are going to make me wait for no reason, but at least tell me so I know
im just busting your balls dude, you dont have to qualify yourself to anyone here
no wowg guild has ever raided mythic but nice try
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>max says he doesnt like progging bosses like kyveza!!!
max did not prog kyveza
why do people talk about this guy's opinions like he has any personal experience with these bosses? I get it, it's not his job, but as someone who did not do the fight actually at all his opinion holds as much weight as mine. we had literally the exact same experience "progging" that boss which is to say, we watched other people do it. they should be asking the actual raiders if they liked doing the boss or not, not the guy watching the raiders raid.
I'm not a blood DK, sorry.
So this raid day I learned the Nerub gm is locked in a chastity cage permanently and fucks horses
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man maybe silkweavers should spend less time shitposting and they might be able to kill kyveza and brood and catch up
>tfw found old vanilla guilds youtube vids
>janky as fuck
>shitty music
>adhd editing by a spastic tard
thats the good shit.
Thaum bros I need more money making tips, these 25% increases in my cash arent doing it for me
that's not the wowg guild, they died during the first raid week
why do they make pve hard?
just make pvp hard so hardcore players play pvp instead
>m+ only wants tanks
>raids only want (ranged) dps
>hate druid
I can't pick a main still.
Frost DK
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>why do they make pve hard?
What do you mean? They give heroic raid loot from world quest level content now
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>get shield as holy paladin
>not your preferred type
>meanwhile people doing T8 delves with -50 suggested ilvl for heroic raid gear
This shows up every time you equip a shield no matter what spec you are.
Small indie game studio.
Is it worth it doing delves without keys?
I'm not getting any key part quests and im all out of radiant echoes
Blizzard says shields are only for prot
Only to ensure higher Vault rewards or to level Brann. Beyond that it's wasted.
Both holy and elemental have abilities that only function with a shield equipped.
technically you have 4% chance x2 to get a bounty map but its like looking for a needle in a heystack
also the drat said theres a 3 map cap weekly so if youve already gotten them probably not worth, for reference i only got 3 last week, didnt bohter this week
Should I wait to finish the Msq and get 80 before doing selves? I did the one thats required for the story but none of the others.
>Blizzard says shields are only for prot
I got that popup the other day on a prot warrior lmao
Final Fantasy 14 won.
Lame, I havent been able to do any bountiful delves for extra rewards for like 2 weeks now.
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chinamen are on it
who asked?
also no it didnt
I mean you should unlock Tier 8 delves at least. It's unlikely that you'll be able to do that while leveling, but you're free to try. Also you can do the introductory delves, I suppose.
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With Delves allowing for a more casual solo playstyle, I'm looking to mod out my game for maximum comfy lewd gaming, thicc/lewd mods, controller support and action cam.

What class works best for some easy gameplay that works for controller and also what race mods the best?
That's hot. This explains why he refuses to kick grey parses though can we have someone else in charge that isn't a little bitch
They won by being in an even worse spot lmao
you can only unlock up to tier 3 delves before you hit 80 anyway
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The worst part about the Vault is knowing that I now have to do fucking M+.
retri paladin, race whatever makes you coom
should i try to find a collector wow gf
>get 4 guaranteed keys a week
>every key gives an echo, 5x echos = almost 2 keys
>extra key fragments from world quests
>can do bountiful delves everyday with no keys for zekvir spawns which drops either loot, a map, or an echo
Sounds like a skill issue to me.
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is holy paladin healing pure rng for m+?
what if my holy shock doesnt crit when virtue and prism is on cd
what now
>accidentally did a level 1 delve
>it dropped a level 1 map
you have 4 cooldowns to cycle through retard
I miss legion
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Is this the Anime update coming after The Last Titan?
fuck nerub gm is so fucking sexo i'm permanent hard rn
mods wip by chinks
I burnt through them all already, your pacing is the skill issue.
the cooldown id consider a cooldown is wrath and toll
everything else is pure POO
bro your tier 8 delves?
I didn't used to see warlocks very often now I see them everywhere what the hell lol
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new to the scene, eh?
>chang creates kino like this
you fags want to tell me why im supposed to hate chang and call him bugman again?
Your post is literally gibberish. It doesn't even make sense i'm not sure how to reply. You haven't opened a bountiful chest in 2 weeks but you burned through like 6 keys this week already?
My pacing for what?
What skill issue am i having if i'm not having any issues?
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I maybe have been too harsh on the Chinese in the past but may god bless them for preserving tiddie culture!
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Draenei biofem hotdogging... bros..... /wheeze
Leave me here.... I am emptied...
as far as wow goes, ofc not, look at this amazing nelf. pure babe >>495593367
What's the point? All rewards are at 616 in the Vault anyway. My ilvl is 612 and the basic stuff from T8 isn't cutting it anymore.
try speaking english nerd
He unironically doesn't want to kick people because that's mean and bullying.

Please understand some WoW players have 96 IQ AND THAT'S OKAY!!!!! WE LOVE ALL OUR WOA G POSTERS
this is le cheating?
I always avoid people from Kazzak because they are the dumbest players in WoW and they are also really toxic when one bad wipe happens
thats kinda wholesome tho
It's extremely wholesome
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come on
I burnt through all the echoes and keys I got, I exaggerated when I said "like" 2 weeks because I'm not sure how long it's been but thank you for taking it as a definitive statement despite the implied uncertainty. I guess reading comprehension isn't for everyone and I must state everything as though I were explaining it to a 9 year old so here we go.
I did all the radiant echoes and used all the keys they've given me.
I havent been able to get rewarded for a bountiful delve for what feels like 2 weeks now.
Your skill issue is you're behind me on pacing.
I hope that clears everything up.
>Draenei woman
>Slid my dick between her buttcheeks
>No penetration and said if I can last I may breed her
>I didn't...
>phone explodes
>not literally
>im not arab
>check why the fuck
>check sale
>nothing from WoW
mother f-
he told me in private literally the only reason we wiped is because of a few dead weights and he didn't want to kick them

We'll get it next week with better gear 1000%
what race sis
how about you slid your dick into a meat grinder instead?
GLOBO FOMO will be 8/8 tonight
>/wowg/ guild being dragged down by shitters
Big surprise. Not only is the average WoW player a total retard but the average 4channer has notoriously been bad at video games. A combination of both is a concoction for some really bad and degenerate players.
shop mounts are on sale
That wouldn't feel good!
>18 hour head start
>pretends he's a human
trust me on that one
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xal'atath feet
tankbros. why have you forsaken us?
How am i behind you on pacing when i'm ahead of you? Not only have i already done all that but i've spent over 35 keys in general. I'm not the one complaining about it because i'm not retarded, i fully understand the system and have already mastered it while you're crying in frustration.

Funny how butthurt you are though.
>a few dead weights
I was too depressed Friday night
I don't want to do Heroic; I just want to be a normal mode raider.
they need to work harder and faster
i expect FFXIV levels of coomer mods
You're behind because you still have content to do and I've already burnt through it all.
You're not complaining because you're paced like a geriatric.
You haven't mastered it you're just slow
Keep up.
>25% of my heals in keys coming from regrowth
the burst damage these tanks are taking is insane. i don't know what's happening.
>go to dungeon finder to look for +4 keys to run
>every single one of ~50 runs is Siege of boralus, Mists of tirna scithe, or necrotic wake
>other 5 dungeons completely absent
EU anons are so fucking cute
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I haven't healed since WOTLK when I played Discipline as a teenager.
What's a fun healer nowadays? Monk? Druid? I don't care about how good it is
>Anub'Rekhan Must Die! difficulty:
No Paladin
dropped my pic
>You're behind because you still have content to do
Actually i don't. Nothing for me to do other than spam M+ i'm actually bored as shit at this point. Already about that time to branch off and play some other stuff for a bit.
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>guy is begging me to delete my logs because hew as dog shit in them


told him I'd do it for 200k gold
But isn't Disc hard to play with lots of juggling Atonements
>You are now aware that theres an icon thats just a mechagnomes crotch.
You are welcome.
>you are also aware the year is 2024 and theres no god damn search function in this fucking list
discipline is so fucking boring i don't know why you would even suggest it. priest in general is the most boring healing class and is made for baby's first heals.
That's okay anon. dont feel too bad. theres someone also organizing a normal raid for people trying to gear in the guild
Nerub gm so sexo and so caring and forgiving fuck bros...
Hey so is the /vg/ guild any good? Can you guys clear Heroic? I need a home ^_^
in my MOUTH
>Can you guys clear Heroic?
not for a while, but join anyway.
failed men
>Men enjoy the female body
>g-gooner! c-co-coomer! F-f-fai-failed men!!
Touch grass
nah i agree if you're sperging over some feet you're a failed man
does this mean mage tower will be harder to complete?
I don't get it, I parse grey every expansion and I still pug through heroic raids (who the hell does mythic raiding when m+ is easier and gives better gear anyway)
idk why people care about parses unless you're literally walled by a boss
so true king
What do you guys do in here? Play retail or one of the private servers or what?
retail. private servers and classic have their own generals
can't possibly get any harder for bearbros
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Why do Pandaren love humans?
Have you seen their males?
Anyone else notice the healers this season are atrociously bad?
Are mage tower artifacts appearances earnable again?
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Will LiLi end up marrying a human male?
Made for futas
Are we returning to Shadowlands anytime soon content wise? Like, how would a Timerunning or Timewalking Dungeon week with Shadowlands work?
>healers nerfed to shit all around
i know you're just a retarded coomer poster but maybe you should stop standing in avoidable shit and make it easier on them?
why her legs so fucked up lookin?
The players or the classes?
Healers are always weak in the start of expansions
timerunning nathria would be cool. absolute wipe-o-rama but still cool
What healers do you look forward to having in your groups?

I have pretty much all of them at least level 70, deciding which to take into TWW.
if the blood dk is outhealing you, youre a bad healer, sorry!
Would a human-panda hybrid just be a thin panda?
Healers always start barely able to fill up the tanks health bar and then by the end of the expansion they're slamming everyones health from 10% to 100% on repeat
every tank i play with is consistently healing for half of what i am (except for bear ofc). you're just a stupid cunt
non-futa draenei?
She is marrying Axel
I don't think they are compatible like that but I would imagine they would turn into just smaller pandas.
Only if you mained her in heroes of the storm.
Are bear tanks any good? Thinking of making one because highmountain tauren seem cool
The best druids are kul tiran, hands down. Zandari if you are a dino autist.
>Men enjoy the female body
Yes men do. You're a submissive bitch who wants a woman to step on him. You're a failed man. You can decide whether it's a good thing or not on your own.
Why are kultirans the best?
if you do a generic search for +4 it only shows the previous expansion dungeons for some reason
you have to look at the specific dungeon queues then it displays the key levels you're looking for
ya its a travesty
Because they aren't gay elves
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You are the wicker man.
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just wanted to let you guys know:
bad news: my key rolled 10GB
>not sleepy in the slightest
this isn't the optimal way of maximizing my 30 day sub's worth
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In kul tiras the trees cut you.
>You know that feeling when you blow all your CDs as a rogue and youve gone through your rotation and youre just sitting there with nothing but backstab and eviscerate?
>Let's design an entire spec around that shit feeling and give it to druids.
resto sham is really fun and both its hero trees are good so you have some variety
Is there a good resource for learning m+?
Stop playing with awful healers
What's the most meta tank right now?

What's the funnest tank right now?
>What's the most meta tank right now?
Blood DK with Reaper's Mark
>What's the funnest tank right now?
Blood DK with San'Layn
What's the point of doing raids if it''s a chance for loot?
Why the fuck would I want to suffer with 24 other people just to get nothing after hours?
Is sanlayn still dogshit?
That's why raiding guilds exist. If you don't get the item then at least someone with whomst you're gonna raid with again later gets it
the na guild is lacking in numbers but the people there are chill
the eu guild seems fine too has more players tho
You have opened my eyes, I was so self-centered... so selfishly minded.. I never considered the idea that me NOT getting the item could still in some way benefit me.
WoW is amazing.
Raiding guilds are only good if you like the people you're playing with.
sanlayn isn't fun are you retarded
Yes until about november
Do you still get marks of honor from shit?
race for alliance rogue? not gnome or human
It doesn't appeal to me either, but that's the only way you can do this shit without losing your mind

I just did mechagon 10 times today solo and that's not shit compared to farming ultra rares in raids, but it still sucked
sounds stinky and gross....
lol, they will get to it when Twilight is released
what makes succ bdk fun
nelf + rogue is the most broken race + class combo in the game. You essentially get another charge of vanish with shadowmeld.
>the na guild is lacking in numbers but the people there are chill
<GLOBOFOMO> is in need of a couple tanks, but accepting all anons who want to join. Guild is slowly growing.
It was buffed in the latest patch notes. Enough to be more viable, but not enough to be more fun.
>slowly growing
like muh dick
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Nelf for extra vanish or Velf for "aesthetics"
so what are you bitching about? im clearly not talking about you, schizo
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have you fucking seen warcrafts humans?
>Worgen is one and a half Kul Tirans wide
Whats the class with least button to press?
prolly fury warrior
Holy priest is the most reactive, has lots of neat cooldowns. Absolutely no access to a kick, though.

Monk is encouraged to be in melee, so you've gotta be aware of positioning (of yourself, the tank, the boss, etc.) more than most healers. Their single target healing is strong, but mana hungry; they are the healers most likely to run out of mana if not careful. On the flip side, they are strong, it's easy to weave in some damage when your party isn't needing heals.

Druid is the most mobile healer by far, most of their kit is instant cast so you can do it while moving out of danger. And they have one of the best externals (a defensive ability you can put on someone else, usually the tank). But their output is a bit underwhelming so far this expansion. Which mostly just means they won't be weaving into cat form as often (and thus not kicking as much) because they can't spare the time not healing. Also their hero talents are kinda rubbish.

Shaman is cool, strong healing, lots of utility and a robust toolkit, but they are among the least mobile healers.

Evokers are weird, haven't messed with them myself.
Resto Druid GCD economy is pretty rough atm. It's got all these great tools that can really make them stand out, like you point out, but frequently won't have a GCD free to use them if they want their healing to keep up with other classes.

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