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Previous: >>495787565


Version 1.2 "Tour de Inferno" Special Program
Agent Record | Caesar King
Agent Record | Burnice White
Agent Record | Lighter Lorenz

>Newest Trailer/Teaser/Character demo
>Current Signal Search
Jane Doe - 09/04 ā€“ 09/24 11:59
Sharpened Stinger - 09/04 ā€“ 09/24 11:59

>Current Events
Sorry, Nothing.

>Upcoming Events for 1.2
Full 1.2 details and events: https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/125865
New at the Arcade: Bizarre Brigade - to be added in 1.2
Back in Business - Daily check in, double drops and more - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 10/10 03:59 (server time)
All New Program - 09/25 (1.2 release) - 11/05 03:59 (server time)
Overlord's Feast - 09/26 10:00 (server time) - 11/04 03:59 (server time)

>Redeemable codes (claimable in-game or online)

>Resources and useful links
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Bruh Yanagi is kind of a bitch
>Belletranny sees a minor and instantly goes into grooming mode
Many such cases!
thank GOD hoyo is gradually removing tvslop from the game. zzz is SAVED
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i want caesar
FUCK Hoyo for removing tvslop, zzz is RUINED.
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>the tv was le unique and made ZZZ stand apart from other gacha and hoyo games
extremely loud incorrect buzzer
>removing tv makes ZZZ stand apart from other gacha and hoyo games because it means they actually listen to feedback
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Let's just take it easy and discuss Nicole's panties this thread. I'll start, do you think she schlicks in them?
grrrrrrr damn hag... how dare she...!!!
Miyabi confirmed canon ugly by the devs
>I want to ult spam like in Genshin!
>you can already do that by stunning the boss-
I'm not a pedo ask anyone and they'll tell you this outfit is inappropriate for a child
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TV was a cool idea, just horribly implemented. It's just way too fucking linear for what fundamentally has design that's supposed to be for puzzle gameplay.
Chapter 3 is a great example of it. In any other game if a section involves a power outage, then usually you would be stumbling around in the dark, finding clues to where the generator is and then fixing the generator is its own little minigame
But here there's no stumbling around, just a straight path to the generator and even Rina carries you half of the way there
Then when you get to the generator you find parts missing, guess you have to explore around and search for the missing parts like in any other game, right?
No, you just walk down the only path to the next room and all the parts are lying right there, no actual searching involved.
Replacing the sections with 3d gameplay won't solve it. The real solution is for oyohim to stop catering to the profoundly mentally retarded and give players something actually engaging
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I don't know why, but I'll tell you this.

This site has nothing to offer anybody. There is no quality content here you cannot get more quickly and efficiently elsewhere. This is an addiction which reduces your productivity, attention span, and free time. You are becoming more bitter, narrow minded, haughty, and old. Leave now and block this site. There is nothing here but slow, lonely suicide.

People do not have arguments here. Posters do not engage one another on key points, they nitpick with greentext and mock each over. Nobody is instersted in the truth; people are battling for fleeting moments of superiority. Active commenters are loud jackasses who tumble into one internet fight after another, anxiously keeping ten tabs open to ensure they keep the last word in all of them. An insightful post is one in ten thousand, and no matter how hard you filter this place you are still searching for diamonds in a garbage dump.

This place is not making you happy. You are not having fun. You are not gathering stories to tell, learing, or growing as a person. Insted you chuckle every thirty minutes and are occasionally spurred to masturbation by libidinal posts or pictures. You are addicted to readily available information and pressure free social interacton. This place is slowly poisoning you with misogyny, narcissism, a false dichotomy surrounding normalfags, and insecurity.

I'm not telling you to b urself. I'm not telling to go outside. I'm not even telling you to make new friends. Just leave 4chan. Do anything else.
EUbros... how long until caesar
Reminder that any and all shitposting over the next few hours/days is a group of /gig/ metafag homosexuals who regularly spam blacked, cuck, and scat fetish posts and images.
Who are you quoting?
This is a waifu game for hot blooded verile men that want to look at cute girls.
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I want anon's oppai loli bur-niece's UID right fucking NOW
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This entire Ultimate discourse only proves that you are all clinically retarded and posting on 4chan gambling threads instead of working on videogames for a very good reason.
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>losing 20 poly
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TV was good. Only literal retards and poojeets wanted it gone.
Prepare for ZZZ to get turned into a bland Genshin copy. Next all the charcters will be the same size and have mostly the same body so they can fit through the new corridor system

Stupid chink devs ruined gold.
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Who benefits most from separate ult meters? I'm thinking Qingyi just becomes broken now if she can use her ult to get a free AoE stun and then you can swap to your DPS and use theirs
People who want ult changes.
Except the second line, that's my quote
Lmao shrunken Ben would be funny
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Someone should make a collage of this >>495779927
Ben Midder...
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god I want to fill Etna's cunny
To be completely honest, ults in this game are kind of underwhelming mechanics and aesthetics-wise anyway. I don't get why anyone would want more of that.
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Why did they have to add (like Hoshimi Miyabi)? That's so disrespectful to people who liked her design.
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Who the FUCK cares about Ben? I just want to see rat ass on demand. All the big booty bitches can fit through doors.
Disorder comps would skyrocket in power because with very minimal setup you can get 4 disorder procs in a stun window if everyone has separate ult meters.
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>combat is going to eventually devolve into ult spam trash because they'll keep trying to appease retards who are shit at the game
>aoe stun
worthless against single bosses (100% of the game)
worthless because you still need stacks before you stun
>non dps ult
lmao even
enjoy dps loss

not a single non dps agent right now benefits from using their ultimate
Where else am I supposed to get fully unfiltered opinions that aren't afraid of public scrutiny
>People who want ult changes.
I didn't see any post claiming they wanted the game to be like genshin. Link the posts here.
But I'm guaranteed to win my 50/50...
Ceasar says: Et tu Brongus?
Discord raid hours. Go do something productive instead.
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Caesar wasn't an emperor. He was dictator for life.
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hope all the TV babies uninstall
Now you'll get one of two things
>Black screen explaining that Belle/Wise totally did some proxy stuff via narrator
>Black screen after combat transition into Billy going "Well THAT just happened" and then proceeding to explain what happened
Genshin is mostly just swapping around and spamming Elemental Bursts and everything just dies.
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i feel like she was changed between the first beta and 1.0. maybe fixing her is as simple as reverting it
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Jane's entire body will be shrunk to standardize female bodies
We can't get any ginormous oni mommy's now because they won't fit in a door.
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So, just pulling shit out of your ass. Got it.
Why can't a multimillion dollar company make one or two special animations of Ben squeezing through a door?
I, for one, am happy I'll actually get to my supports ult
As retarded these anons are, they're a very vocal majority clearly after seeing all these changes
Retard, this means all future areas will have to be designed so that Ben doesn't clip anywhere.
i apologize to the two anons who didn't have a mental illness
Because they are doing it specifically in response to the shher volume of memery regarding her eyes and the devs are caving in to the most absolute garbage of garbage people's opinions because they are proving themselves to be spineless cunts with no confidence in their vision. It's not exactly a shock coming from a gacha studio but that's the reason why.
>takes 4chan seriously

Wrestling is fake btw
Reddit is NOT liking this
so uhhhh how long until the patch?
Are you from middle east by any chance?
>braindead pajeet still happy the game is worse for everyone
Ellen is so fucking hot...
Manga/comic is fine for me
What's the point of ginormous oni mommies if we can't even see their walk cycle at our leisure?

Fucking Wise is bigger than her, it'll be fine.
Keep projecting, sloppa slurper.
kek he finally got banned. this thread should be much better
I don't see how using Nicole's ultimate would be a dps loss compared to using her ex skill.
We get it, you shouldn't be let near children.
looooool those barely exist in the game as it is, basically just for the beginning and end of chapters
Most of the game is 2 bosses with really annoying lock on targetting
next daily reset
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Like 14 hours for EU
based SOUL enjoyer.
I won
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>"People" on zzz reddit and youtube are gaslighting each other into believing people who like TVs are a vocal minority now, and they were the silent majority all along
what do we call this?
If all we get in the future is nonstop combat missions I will probably quit the game. There isn't enough substance with just combat against 3 different colored thanatos so I hope it isn't as dreadful as you nerds predicting the death of the tv events.
Small independent local family-owned developer, please understand
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Damn... time to boot up some space marine 2 and then total war
>Most of the game is 2 bosses
>hia counts as bosses
holy retard is this the average braindead that plays this game? are you seriously trying to argue "content" that lasts 10 seconds per fight?
History is written by the victors.
>Actually liked ZZZ because it wasn't rotationslop like every other gacha action game on the market
>ults being split is a step towards rotationslop
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>pink haired big titty slut walks in your store
>(You) notice this crazy bitch is wearing a black thong for her bottom wear
>Her fat tits are literally spilling out from her low cut top and she bends over a lot as she tries to haggle the bill
>The haggling continues and goes nowhere
>She's getting visibly frustrated
>Finally she snaps, puts a foot up on the counter which puts her panties on display
>(You) notice a damp spot on her panties
>She offers her panties for you to smell in exchange for writing off her tab
What happens next?
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>westerners think their feedback matters
How's that boycott going?
The point is that they are still ginormous oni mommies. And that I rather have that than never ever.
Tv mode is gay because it looks like shit. An actual 2d dungeon crawler mode with visuals that represented the mission location instead of copy pasted tv slop would have been great and won over everyone.
>Next all the charcters will be the same size and have mostly the same body so they can fit through the new corridor system
You make a good point. I doubt they'll standardize models but now there definitely exists a limit they're willing to work with if they have to consider overworld animations.
>it wasn't rotationslop
But that's exactly what zzz is.
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Once again, Corin is outside the subway station looking for someone that lost their bald man keychain.
So he was samefagging all this time
man I just got sick
I don't like playing while sick but I gotta do the dailies
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what happens in 5 hours?
He's right you know, but that is way too much work for mihomo, these games bring in millions but the actual dev budget is like 10000$ per patch
Shiyu Defence has always been two elites on the highest difficulty.
other way around newfag, it's a step away from mindless rotations. they already started designing for it with things like burnice ultimate giving her some fuel
The problem with how ults are now is you only ever use one characterā€™s ult. So outside of a few characters, a lot of ults are never used. They will have to find a way to make it work though, and that may mean your DPS ults less while the others ult more.
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>actual 2d dungeon crawler mode with visuals that represented the mission location
That would've been way too sovl and kino for Mihoyo. They could NEVER.
Captcha: NTRTT
They should have thought of that before they made him such a lardass then. But I don't mind either way. How WOULD Ben fit through the door of Random Play anyway? Does the store discriminate against thiren? It doesn't make any sense if it's so common. If anything this helps the world building.
>so retarded that she doesn't realize current zzz is also rotation centric
Many such cases.
no, zzz was DPS taking the field most on the time, nuzzz will be rotation sloppa with ult and skill spam.
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>Caesar lost shieldgating in the EN and JP translations on Hakush
>but not in the CN ones
Which one is it??? Schrƶdinger's shieldgating...
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Just rape her then and there. Bitch will learn and if not it means she liked it.
>open store and drink coffee
That's it
We always knew this, he's the sparkleposter. Notice how the sparkleposting and deranged spamming stopped?
Btw he will ban evade and be back soon. Enjoy it while it lasts. Just ignore the hrt tranny when he gets back.
How are they possibly going to make stuff like the Train diversion or saving Zhu/Chinki work as story moments without TV mode...?
wtf are you people talking about? you still play the characters in the combat sections, removing tvs don't change that at all
who got banned?
They should add a Hollow Maker mode that lets players design their own levels. Would unironically save TV mode.
let her boobies hit my face
Thats actually so depressing that they might just avoid making weird big body types just avoid having to do a few animations of then fitting through doors.
You're not wrong, but the problem is that everywhere else is ultimately just various degrees of derivation and iteration of what you get here. Yes, you get overwhelmingly disproportional amounts of garbage, just like everywhere else, but unlike almost anywhere else you also get unfiltered good stuff. For better or worse, this place offers a direct channel to society's Id, and that kind of genuine connection is exceedingly rare anywhere, including in the real world.

Again, you are not wrong, and I wouldn't even argue that it's good to be here, but there are definitely good reason to do so.
>Pulchra A rank on Lighter's banner
Please don't do this. I don't want to roll for a male.
That's any game with swap mechanics. You still swap in your support, stunners and defenders a lot. ZZZ has always been rotationslop.
Turn the whole thing into a cutscene
Bro dailies in this game are like 2minustes. After doing dailies in here I can't even be bothered to spend resin in Genshin anymore which was already brainless fast shit.
It can be replicated by walking to a terminal in the middle of a corridor and clicking on it. A fade to black with white text can explain that the train has moved forward a bit and you need to continue to the next terminal.
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More mangakino instead of TVslop.
>combat segment against generic enemies
>black screen explaining what happened
>talking head segment where characters repeat what the black screen just said
>mission complete
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Why do I find it to be super hot when big titty sluts like Nicole squat?
They made a whole point about playing characters in the over world with Ben being a struggle because he can't fit through doors.
So what this means is that they are likely to never make big or tall characters ever again to avoid having to deal with them fitting through doors in the hub world
the tv schizo/poll schizo
>ESL didn't understand a word of what he read
So this is the IQ of antiTVfags
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This is the current official /zzz/ account bricking character list:
>Brick 11
>Brick Yuan
If you roll for any of these characters your account is irreversibly and irredeemably fucked beyond all repair and it's over for you enough you should just make a new account.
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Please reply to this post with a SCREENSHOT containing your UID if you would like to be added to or removed from the public UID list. A normal gameplay screenshot or camera shot is fine. This list will be transferred to a rentry in about 7 days. Also please put /vg/ or /zzz/ in your bio! (optional)
some guy had a mental breakdown over TVs no longer being in main story mode
even though they will still be in puzzles and HZ
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Is this decibel change speculation or actually happening? Because burst DPS's like ZY are going to suffer hard from each character having their own decibel pool. Maybe its for the greater good but if I heavily in invested in ZY I'd be having a meltdown outside Hoyo HQ
its a submission position and you are a man
what makes you think she's a slut
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>black screen explaining what happened
>talking head segment where characters repeat what the black screen just said
this is what I'm afraid of
Holy fuck, then just make bigger doors or something. How is this an issue? Or even just exclude them from walking through certain doors if that's too much work. You can always swap to a smaller character to squeeze in.
The only regular-sized doorways you can walk through are inside Random Play. They can easily fix that issue by just not letting you switch characters while in the shop.
ok shipsis
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what the fuck are you people going on about? seriously? the obvious solution here is to just make giant doorways everywhere, I feel like people are complaining about the wrong thing about TVs (too handholdy) but now you people are also making up stuff to be mad at
I don't keep up that much so I'm not aware of that, there are also already combat maps where you have to walk through multiple arenas like the whole rally commissions so I very much doubt they don't design those with large characters in mind.
>Please stop giving us money
Are ZZZ devs retarded or is this with all Mihoyo games?
sounds false, don't believe for a second that they are changing it without real proof.
Having their own decibel pool doesn't mean it won't fill when the agent is off field.
anti tv shizo, look how comfy is the thread now.
MetaGOD here, let me spell out this new change for you because it seems like most people here do not understand how to play this game.

First thing you need to understand that ultimates in this game are stupidly powerful. I am talking about any half decent player being able to remove 70% of any Shiyu Defense 7 boss with 1 ultimate. So what happens if you can use 2 stupidly powerful ultimates all other things being equal? You one tap everything and the game balance collapses.
New meta is stun, dps, dps because non stun supports just do not provide enough value to lose out on the 2nd ultimate.
>b-but hoyo balance team is not stupid!
OK, so what can the balance team do?
>increase decibel costs
Terrible idea from gameplay perspective. If you attempted Shiyu speedruns, you would understand that charging up decibels in this game is annoying. Disorders, anomalies and chain attacks (not so much) are the fastest ways to generate decibels, everything else just sucks in comparison. This means dps characters with fast anomaly build up skyrocket in value.
This approach doesn't even address the core issue, it just delays how often you can spam ultimates to waste more of your time.
>inflate enemy hp bars so that they don't get melted in 1 ultimate
I don't really need to explain why this is a bad idea. This also kills solo runs on more niche agents who you may want to play outside of their normal roles (e.g. playing stunners or supports as main dps).
>add cooldowns between each ultimate use
Pointless, you will still use 1 dps and ult twice or use 2 dps agents.
>nerf ultimates
This would never fly on existing agents.

Honestly, I can't see any way how Hoyo could implement this change without completely fucking up the game. The idea of ultimates being scarce has been cemented into the game's identity since day 1 and all current content and agents are balanced around this assumption.
I hate 3D women
Yeah but it's either shit or nothing for us, so the choice is obvious.
I only find it hot if they squat with their legs wide open like that though. If a girl squats with her knees and legs closed it doesn't do it for me
you had 3 weeks
At most it's one new tileset per patch and that tileset can be reused in HZ, events, side stories, etc. Surely they can swing that after all the money I'm going to give them for Burnice's boobs.
I love 3D women
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Holy puffy
almost all gacha are the same way, there is a brief dead time for a period of half a day or more.
I hate to say it but first gacha?
Sorry but the device want them to get though door. This is specifically something the device made a problem of. So me the listener can only assume they are going to simply avoid asking giant characters out of convenience. They definitely are going to make every single door in the game ben sized.
if they remove tv mode what's the point of paethon and fairy
It's called fomo and present in most gacha games.
How to make ZZZ good:
>More TV dungeon crawler modes, like a tower with stratums released over time for long progression
>Collect gender identities and ban female players
>Ban Belle pickers
>Collect age and ban any player under 35
>Copyright strike/C&D all content creators on twitch and YouTube, be vigilant in targeting streamers
>Collect sexual orientation and ban any self professed heterosexual male player who "doesn't roll for males"
>Add more badass shounen tier male S ranks, muscles and fight autists, appealing to the discerning straight male.
thats because normal squat is not a submission position, retardgod
post shiyu clears
I'm employed full-time, so I'll just use my favorites
COPe age will be finally over.
>obvious solution here is to just make giant doorways everywhere
actually yeah
in a society with widely varying sizes like this doors for shops would be standardized to fit the largest. Random Play would just get bigger doors
Just balance the gameplay like Genshin. Problem solved
What is up with this /trash/ ERP faggot?
He has been doing this all day, you would think after 0 replies to his posts he would stop posting
If the new chapters go the same way Janes "chapter" went, things are grimm
>Ellen isn't on the list
ZZZ is saved
rotation slop will kill shiyu defense
falseflag it was the tv schizo. anti tvGODS won
it's just retards speculating, this all they said about it
>We are currently exploring optimization options regarding the shared Decibels when Agents use Ultimate skills in combat
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There's an easy fix if they want agents to have individual ults.
>Make 1000 decibel the needed number to activate an ult
>The decibel limit is still 3000
>The agents share the decibels
>Agent A can earn all the decibels and Agent B and C can use them
>Agent C is the DPS and she activates her ult
>Give Agent C's ult a cooldown so she doesn't spam it, a 30 second cooldown will suffice
>Everyone happy
>triple enemy hp every patch
wow thanks, how innovative
They expressed it as a problem that they couldn't.
Yeah they could use your fix or there going to make a specific animation for Ben to get through doors and then never make big characters again to avoid the hassle of needing to do that.
I'll have you know I might be a retard but I'm a honest to goodness COOMER you don't get to see my kind often in these homoge generals
God I love 3d women
Removing TVslop kinda destroys the duo protagonist thing where one of them yaps that Mihoyo was going for
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We go through doors in the hub world? Do I have Alzheimer's? Doesn't the MC just stop moving and then we get a fucking loading screen any time we enter a new building/area with the exception of the Bangboo that opens the door to the HDD room in Random Play?
Any particular reason I can't call Seth or find him for trust events?
Do I have to get on her gf's good grace before I can interact with him?
Nah. Why the fuck do I need to change my house built by humans, for humans need to be compatible with thirens. They can go build their own houses.
I've been wondering that too, I want his wallpaper
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>shiyu speedruns
Do niggers really?
>ban evading already
You don't even know how the gauge will be generated. Burst dps could have really fast ult generation making her even better.
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pls no
Here's your (You)
How many video games have you played in your life?
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did you do janes personal story?
usually there is some bare minimum that requires you to interact with said character.
now this is real mental illness. my prognosis is max 1 year until roping and joining the 41%.
>Cosplayer is publically masturbating
Why is no one caring
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>t. nonThiren nuhni
>any particular reason I can't call Seth
You need to meet him to get his phone number retard. God no wonder this game needs to be babyproofed.
TV mode doesn't make sense in a desert.
It just for the hollow stages.
In todays trailer it was stated the outskirts are cleansed from the hollow.
I don't understand how people are even mad about this, I play an action game to fight not to go through an ugly dungeon crawling.
TV-schizo poll nigger.
But he's back already.
Ben gently squeezing his way through normal doors trying not to break them would be pretty funny honestly, why do they have to be such cheapskates
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If they do this, I will break through my sunk cost gymnastics and uninstall right then and there.
>tv schizo revealed as a samefaggot spammer
The over world ain't designed that way is all.
They specifically made the complaint in the dev talk because up sizing the doors seems to be an option they don't want to take.
And it also means we can't get characters taller than Ben if they make it tall enough for Ben alone.
No matter what they will simply be making an upper limit they are willing to work with.
We are now just like HSR and Genshin
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pls no
Instead of having seperate ult meters they should have just changed the cost of ults. Make support/stunner ults cost like 50% of the meter instead of all of it, this way there is a tradeoff. You can either use your ult meter and get 2 good support ults to buff your DPS or one ult from your DPS etc...
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Everything outside Shiyu and Hollow zero dies in 1 shot. TV >>>>>> fighting the same 1 shot mooks over and over.
but I have her guaranteed now
Thank you but that didn't help.
Already met him, he texted, the prank and all that shit, came to the store to get some tapes.
He said something about returning them but it ahs been DAYS (in-game) and fucker is nowhere to be seen.
Why not? It's just like the hit game, Honkai Star Rail!
Best post in this thread.
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Genshinbros we fucking won
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>no Brickdoe
Rat bwos, we made it
Well, it's either that or just yapping till the final boss
>black screen
agent goes to point a and kill mobs
>agent goes to point b and kill mobs
black screen again
agent goes to point a again and kill mobs
>agent goes to point b again and fight the big mob
enjoy your corridor sloppa.
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>he's skipping this
Have you considered that perhaps you're a bit GAY my man?? A bit of the ol' FAGGOT inside of you??
>They can easily fix that issue by just not letting you switch characters while in the shop
Bro, that's the best solution I've seen yet. Simple and hassle-free.
What would her panties smell like?
>log in
>spend 100 energy in a 30 second fight
>log out
As opposed to going from point A to point B in the same TV world?
>Waaaa muh TV
Just uninstall bitch, you LOST LMAO
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The more time passes the hotter I find Nicole.
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Pretty sure it's random play and the bed room that they care about.
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Well of course there will be an upper limit. This is such a pedantic argument. They're never going to make a godzilla-sized character. Ben is probably at the upper limit of what you can reasonably have in combat without it becoming clunky as fuck to play.
>wake up
>they are removing TV mode
>meaning all future story quests will be like Jane's quest
Okay, why did you play ZZZ in the first place?
They at least give you a rough idea of what is happening in story
Also makes it feel like shit is moving along
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It was the least pozzed and ship shit of the Hoyo games
I hope you get reinacarnated in India
I'm not a faggot. I'm the WHOLE GAY CLUB ON MARGARITAS.
no corridor slop like the average hack and slash gacha.
Gay furry.
Now I want big titty furry.
Ellen Joe (who I failed to roll)
Did you think we werenā€™t going into a Hollow, anon? There are Ethereals in 1.2 and they can only exist inside a Hollow.
Also the male characters weren't twinks like the other mihoyo games
where's brick doe
fast paced action game with pretty good character designs
Wrong, the real mental illness is the fragile toxic masculinity that is pervasive online: games need a balance of male and female characters with males in the leading/hero role because that's what makes the most sense. Female characters cannot be based, that's why we need Males. I'm a cishet white male btw, not even an iota of gender dysphoria or homosexuality present.
cute girls. and as soon as they start adding worm infested faggots I will stop. simple as
I got Ellen, Zhuyuan and Qingyi with no other 5* in the game. Do I roll for caesar?
Because Lucy was confirmed playable and not a scrapped design.
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Damn, lucky..
Hot AND slutty, she is literally best girl
As a joke
>see new Hoyo game
>lol surely this one sucks too, right
>play it
>somewhat sexy too
Now I'm here two months deep, waiting desperately for the idols.
Far better for the main story than running through corridors and fighting popups. It allows more diverse events to happen.
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I REALLY like this image
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What do you guys think of the new member of the Cunning Hares?
cool music
smooth combat
nice non-conbat gameplay like dating and tvslop when done well
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Zhu's butt
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So, do you guys think the game will become Neuvillette Fontaine Toilette Impact 2, or does it have a chance to stay the way it's been so far? The retardification of the game seems a bad sign. I've been liking the general direction of it so far though. Removal of TVs might attract people with low IQ, it was a good filter. Then we'll have less and less combats to "not disrupt the story's flow" and the game will become Zenless Impact: My Incredible Date!!! with combats on the side
Jane quest was in a hollow
Ellen Joe. She might be the hottest gacha character I've ever seen that doesn't just rely on obvious fanservice goonbait/half naked.
They can accomplish this without the tv.
I wanted replace my previous drug if choice PGR, because 1.5 year clairvoyance fried my brain with something new.
I liked the style and saw it had a roguelike mode
The poster is a shiptroon
>Billy uses dual revolvers
>Pulchra uses dual revolvers
this proves all 3 piggies are male
They're not coming, anon. Normies won.
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no corridorslop, competent action gameplay (at least by gacha standards), sexy children
>Caesar lost her nipples together with her left arm
How much do you wanna bet that Cunny Hairs is just a placeholder until they make her real faction
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I was already edging before release but I held on...
Until this droppped, the last drop...
Jesus christ at least get some booty shorts
devs saved this game
1. Hoshimi (I literally wouldn't even know or look at the game if not for some random post of her in some other thread in like February or whatever)
2. Character designs/game aesthetic (visuals, sound, etc.
3. Combat
4. Wuwa turboskip banners
Fooling nobody, neuvcuck
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I can't believe the fucking fired waterkuma again
With white text on black background
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What about support agents that add more multiplicative damage than 2 dps? Did you think about that, MetaGOD?
now we can heal
The ban evader is here btw >>495797180
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Burnice milks them secretly.
I never said Godzilla.
But Ben is only like 7ft.
If you wanted a 9 foot tall character it will never be a thing now because of this new limits of door fitting when it would have still been plausible otherwise.
there's some hope, they're clearly absolutely desperate to please critics so they'll probably pussy out from the more extreme end of the proposed changes in response to all the backlash
I like action games and I need something for Chinese practice.
Only if she is a physical attacker.
Piper looks badass here
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Finally. Billy is getting kicked out of the Cunning Hares for an actually hot and cute character.

Imagine unironically using the Pulchra sidegrade.
good lord
Bro just play Black Myth Wukong.
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The door thing for example implies we won't ever have something like a giga mech character, which is fucking awful. To me it seems like the devs have no backbone and are kneeling at the first mainstream pressure.
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I would try anything cool looking for the first time except for drugs!
cry more tvcuck you lost
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Mix of dungeon crawler and action game.
Robots/Furry/Onis as part of the cast for potentially more wild designs in the future. Billy and Soukaku sold me the game when shown when it comes to character designs.
Game was heavily advertising the roguelite aspect, which i love.
Overall, a pretty disappointing turn of event.
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Ok I'm doing it now. If I get bricked I'm blaming you personally.
>skanky whore cosplaying skanky whore
Because they were using unique models and not the standardized garbage from Genshin or HSR
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1.2 story...
>Granny Panties
>No cleavage
>No pits
>No back
>Fully covered up
Get some fucking standards, at least the Nicole coomers have some going for them.
You know I am right
Genuinely hate her, not because of furry, just doesn't look good and I can't see her in any faction nor do I want a faction where she could fit.
Just give me OBOL, Idols and Nun already.
>wanting to get rid of Billy
>roguelite aspect
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at which point are we at right now?
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Still the Best
I'm sorry /zzz/...
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I will bet one monke
>SEED is scrapped because people don't want designs like Svarog into ZZZ
well fuck
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Now THIS is really Based.
Homoverse, listen.
this solves literally nothing
>stun, dps, dps with high anomaly rate
>stun + dps with anomaly fill up 3000 decibels in 10 seconds
>main dps uses ultimate
>2nd dps uses ultimate
>all content in the game dead immediately
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The way Anby held her machete behind her back and jumped up floating 180 in the air.

I only care about the gameplay and music. Couldn't give a rat's ass about Persona dates and other cringe shit.

I like the setting though, it's a fun mix of Cyberpunk, Fallout, Zombie movies and even a bit of Hong Kong action movies.
It's over before bros...
Hope she's a useful A rank in 1.3
Piper looks like a soggy grandma here. A cute and sexy soggy grandma.
>Game was heavily advertising the roguelite aspect
There is no roguelite aspect kek
far right
at least she'll take jane's place as the character with the least sales
Realistically, proxies are probably treated like they're made of gold on the ring
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fight me nigga
I don't and have never played genshin. I started playing gacha with an actual good one: granblue fantasy
This general is so infiltrated by hostile shitposters that people here dont even see OP pic as being vandalized. You can literally shit all over the game and characters and people here just lap it up. Its the same shit as /gig/ and /hsrg/. Discussion is completely dominated by people that hate the game and dont play it.
I unironically am saving all my polychromes for the big mecha, please hoyo don't do this......my fucking big defender that when you use his ult turns into an attacker mecha....
>piper and burnice ass blocked
shit image
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Describe the smell in a serious and non-shitpost way
Post catbox with good hentai pics, I want to jerk off
You're conveniently forgetting the manga story sections that are done really well.
seriously, kind of annoying to make us wait so much for all the cool stuff. At least I can safely skip whatever slop they add in the interim
Behead all CC's
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>It's over (real)
They ruined the game by listening to normies and removing TVsoul. This is why we're never getting the idols. Censorship incoming.
Welcome to Mihoyo welcum
fomo was too hard I paypigged and got jane after losing 50/50 again...
i dunno why also this is 3rd time I've gotten an S rank on the 10th pull from A rank pity so it resets the counter as well...
Who would wear this shirt unironically?
Koleda mod when?
Exactly. Meanwhile the beta survey always asked about your knowledge of the genre, be it games you played or hours spent with these types of games. The game in general screams developpement hell.
Combat, character design and music? There's nothing good apart from that.
This webm: >>495798441
>What about support agents that add more multiplicative damage than 2 dps
literally impossible if you understand the damage formula in this game
dps agents have 3000%+ multiplier ultimates
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That's unironically what's happening in my opinion, I really liked how they had different models per character but they will probably standardize them like in other Hoyo games since the new story form will also probably take more resources, so they won't spend as much time on sculpting I guess.

Yeah. But a mecha wouldn't be able to pass le epic doors!! So at best you'll have a mech pilot who turns into a mecha in battle or something.

I don't follow youtubeshit, does this push come from the fucking retards who barely even play the games and live to whine like little bitches?
haven't yet, but after the tv mode removal I will! it simply has the best horny 3D with budget and quality unlike other gacha.
the skip faction
What are the chances Jane at least tried raping Zhu on first contact?
I tried to keep the pajeet in the other thread as long as possible, I'm sorry bros...
I really wish developers would stop with the outdated en releases, anything more than 6 months is straight up just a spreadsheet simulator and even then it's less it's still iffy.
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Why is she so popular among cosplayers?
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You're a fucking idiot if you think we were ever going to get 15 foot tall mechs in this type of game.
Oh, yeah. Forgot that you can add more than one DPS. Well, on the top of my head they can make same classes agents have to share a cooldown so people won't spam. Better?
the smaller we're so back
we'll be the bigger we're so back when pulchra drops
lowkey built
Yeah I came to this thread about to ask this question. I like the girls in ZZZ but the TV system made me quit because I got so bored and quit because of it are they replacing it?
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And you're conveniently forgetting those are sparse for s reason
Much like cutscenes they take effort to make
TV gave another medium to storytelling without resorting to just telling what happened
If they cut it, you can bet they're not suddenly going to animate more or make more comic segments
Get real nigga
My laptop sucks, I don't think I could run it.
It's not a bad idea, though.
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Why don't I ever get confident sluts like nicole to bend over and offer her fat tits for me to grope in exchange for a discount at the retail job I work as?
>it seems like the devs have no backbone and are kneeling at the first mainstream pressure.
How much of the Chinese playerbase are pressuring Hoyo?
>the devs have no backbone
my hope is that they realize they're alienating the existing fanbase while providing too little too late to get back people that have already ditched the game and back off from it, if the proposed changes get enough criticism the dev team is pathetic enough to just bend the knee again instead of following through
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[imperative] mention miyabi in every thread
>he doesn't know
nobody tell him
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Why is Lighter a S Rank Fire Stunner? Caesar already consolidates the role of a Support and Stunner for Son of Calydon. Why would you want him over someone like Lucy in the third slot? At least if he was Attacker you had a choice between him or Burnice.
I liked the urban setting
Need to be fixed because she is ugly
Considering the chinese playerbase on the youtube are all against removing TVs I'm pretty sure it's just Mihoyo listening to the vocal minority and stupid youtubers like every other Dev
>shit taste hours
>Slut attract sluts
Gee I wonder why
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Now that's a way better cosplay with some actual effort

As for why, she's probably the sexiest safe horny hoyo char ever besides kafka, also very shilled
Got this on my shorts feed
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Hoyo is gradually removing them from the game.
They're designing the game to appease YouTube content creators and streamers and their legions of brainless zoomer sycophants that will mindlessly regurgitate their opinions.
>on the youtube
Mainlanders don't use youtube.
Zhu, Nicole and Grace.
>Caesar, Burnice, Piper

Would it work? Piper would stay on field.
Or is Lucy better? Would Lucy be the main DPS?
>they can make same classes agents have to share a cooldown so people won't spam
that still does nothing
if my main dps can shred 70% of boss health with 1 ultimate then I just need to build my support as dps and shred the remaining 30% to one tap
this also kills all team building flexibility
Nicole fags are getting really obnoxious with their ERPing
they needed to brick him so they can point at his low sales and stop making males so he's going to be weaker than caesar and qingyi
Where are the European cosplayers? You know, like, actually attractive women?
Lighter for the people who roll for males. Those people tend to not be the same people who use characters like Lucy.
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For real, who the fuck liked the TV sections?
It just sounds like a bunch of contrarians to me.
Glad we aren't getting more of that lazy shit.
>Look to see what reddit thinks about split ultimates
>most of them are looking forward to the change
What the fuck? These people are retarded.

This is why you shouldn't listen to player feedback. ESPECIALLY, if your game has mainstream success. Normies are fucking retarded and don't know what they want and listening to them will ruin the game for them and everyone else. They're going to completely ruin the flow of combat.
Calling it now, people who said SoC ships aren't valid because they're too much of a family will switch up immediately once Lighter says anything or shows concern for anyone in the story.
Remember even GUST thinks its westerm fanbase hates fanservice just because some feminist journalists said so.
I am of the opinion that cosplayers should schlick before getting their photos taken, it'll enhance their attractiveness
>It just sounds like a bunch of contrarians
First day?
sucking refugee cock or getting abortions I assume
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>Qingyi can now promote the store
That's nice, but I already have Sjal who looks like a Qingyi expt since 1.1 dropped
We don't know, Burnice isn't out yet.

Caesar appears to be able to DPS really well by herself too lol
that should be functional, I'd rather do lucy, burnice, piper myself to keep the heat up with lucy's damage nukes since anomaly teams don't need a stunner all that badly but it's mostly preference
Niggers here love to be contrarian. That's all.
Too busy getting raped or stabbed by muslims and somalis probably
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Why are you a fucking retarded uninformed brown bitch? Watch your mouth and clean that cum you've been swallowing before you "speak", retard.

YT fags apparently are. I've seen a lot of comments that seemed disappointed by the change.

This is really sad, aren't they a fresh team too? They should learn to focus on a direction as a team. If they begin to unfocus themselves the game will destroy its own identity.

I guess these people influence the public discourse so much the devs want to suck them off. They'll never be happy though, outrage is how they make money.
A large part of overly vocal mutts took it to themselves to be weirdly puritanical for a longer while now so no wonder they think that way
Stacies love stacies
nta but nigga hoyo was being blasted at least 3 times by the """Genshin Community""" and they didn't give a shit.
When Bilibili raised a fuss however, Da Wei & co. kowtowed in less than 24 hours.
If Hoyo is designing the game to appease someone, its their Chinese kin.
Asmongold feedback about tv did a good job
Average cuck gamer, here!
>shitposters are going to jump on a guy existing to try to cause issues
yes, obviously. If he's enough of a bro like billy the sentiment won't really spread at least
We coulda got 10 foot mechas though
Everyone is looking forward to it, dumbass. Just a handful of morons here are trying to convince themselves that this is bad.
>hurrr unique mechanic with many interesting uses as show in the hollows and golden week bad.
>Let me autoplay or do the standard corridor running slop
Take some dewormer faggot, they're clearly in your brain
Wouldn't Piper benefit from a Shielder?
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Nicole does delivery health now?
Will Jane/Burnice/Yanagi be the new meta comp?
it's the general consensus
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Is this the future of corridorslop?
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*Ruins your game*

We did it reddit!
Just pulled caesar, shes so fucking good. completely invalidates Qingyi. You should have skipped the robobrat and saved for your king.
They probably donā€™t want to completely invalidate S11 before her faction drops.
I hope Yanagi is an off-fielder or quickswap as well, I'm going to be running that team regardless if it's strong or not
Ouroboros happening ITT. TV discord is leading all of you into an endless loop
it'll be piper/burnice/yanagi but close enough
Seeing how many people lament over the EOS of this game, I assume it was good?
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>talk to npc
>battle stage
>talk to npc again
>battle stage
>talk to npc again
>boss battle
>talk to npc
>black screen with white text about offscreen details
Genuine question, is this really what gamers want to be the future of ZZZ moving forward...?
Idgi are you somehow unironically implying that abortions are a bad thing?
invalid discord raid?
they are fun when theres no
>long animations
How broken would a Raiden be in ZZZ?
Someone who increases energy and burst energy?
I hereby declare this general wormed and zoophile pilled
And the TV gimmick was sovl
Not good enough to keep seething about it for years on end but it was alright.
I hope that by "for a longer while now" you mean "decades" because I do agree that the Japanese never moved past their perception of the west
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I didn't pull for the robobrat and I'm not pulling for the biker whore either
>tv-schizo is bringing up ecelebs now
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>unique mechanic
My dude hasn't played a board game in his life
Mihoyo KNEELS to NGA, Weibo, and Baidu forums btw
It's Americuck hours.
>anti-TV shitposting niggers
>constant baiting
>Discord-style 3DPD Janeslop spam
Burnice/Caesar designs are so fucking weak compared to Jane, but eh I'll roll anyways, flamethrower is cool
Does she have an ass that can outdo Zhu?
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unity through dick, only here posting lewds, you did it yourself
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why did you post this?
why did you make my heart hurt again?
>Someone who increases energy and burst energy?
in the current system? useless if you understand how decibel generation works
Abortions are a bad thing.
It was pure cygames slop
Yes now go pick some mint.
you weren't there man...
Cool now how many gachs use that mechanic stupid jeet
But mihoyo already pointed out that they filtered out feedback from retards like you who get obsessed with stuff they don't actually want. It was in the interview.
Lucy mogs Piper in every way possible, every time..
If sparkleposter is shitting up this general that means gig is clear right?
the vulnerability of her spin state is pretty massively overstated here, she has a lot of iframes if you're playing her competently enough and it's pretty easy to charge in with dash -> ex special then parry out and let her slam to get extra anomaly in. The shield may make her easier to play but it isn't all that necessary in my opinion. Ultimately we just have to wait for caesar's release to see how much of a difference she makes
>killing children is a good thing ackchully
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Is this enough to instantly max Caesar's level?
Prophecy will be changed to a shorter version of prophecy 2 in 1.4
you whiteys are dying out as is, and I don't like seeing babies vacuumed and killed in general, so yeah abortions are pretty bad lol
It's the same breed of fuckwits that somehow keep >clear the outposts shit alive for a decade.
you can still play it on a private server and it's not that great
There's literally NOTHING in the boring, slow TV sections that couldn't be implemented in the normal gameplay (there is an event in Genshin that was basically this). Only cucks like to see the png of bangniggers moving like a slug and having to read text on a tiny board instead of being in the field with the characters they ROLLED.
Raiden is about boob sword.

Wouldn't someone who makes bursts happen more often be great?
>like Hoshimi Miyabi
Geez, 70% on Shiyu from one DPS agent? And then 30% from a support ult? Are you exaggerating? Well, I still think my proposed change is the most plausible without overwhelmingly fucking up the combat system. Maybe they'll go like FGO and just give enemies break bars lmao.
I feel like they could just have the rate be the exact same and let you use each character's once per and honestly nothing would really change. It's not like your stunner or DPS characrter's ults are really going to do much. It would also be an a massive buff for disorder teams though which I feel is absolutely warranted.
I think it's become more amplified during the last decade but it might've been decades. Luckily I'm not a mutt so I wouldn't know the specifics
Qingyi gives you skill chips and Sjal only gives you a meaningless amount of dennies.
So never?
>b-b-b-but golden week
event and its gone, it's also the only piece of content that's like that.
Wouldn't it make more sense for him to be an Attacker then? Anton and Billy are ass
I mean maybe but I feel like her faction getting more members would boost her back up. That also reminds me, Belobog will have nothing going for it after 1.2
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And neither do I
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people bitch about how tvs were a slog but corridorshit will just be the same amount of time spent doing significantly more bland and repetitive content. At least with tvs it was easy to animate stuff like the backstory in rina's agent story or add unique gimmicks, no fucking way they'll even attempt something like that in full 3d anywhere near the same scale
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You need 135 more blue bricks.

It's 300 purples to max level an agent.

200 purples for Wengines.
>Ben Bigger is too big to enter video store
Do you think Caesar is a brick if you go 3 Anomaly?
Damn. Thank you.
i thought so too, but the amount of people that make fanart of piper is way more than lucy. i thought lucy would be the games Bache from azur lane but you barely see art of her...she should have acted more slutty i guess
Tim Tiny soon
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Can you link the card for her please
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our game has no ugly characters (like hoshimi miyabi), only the best of the best here
>ADHD zoomy can't appreciate good stuff because it's not heckin colorful and flashy
>antitvtards acting like everyone opposed to them is a schizo
it's like janecopers all over again
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Besides a gacha company kneeling so easily is a bad sign as it makes one not want to pay; the game you paid for might change because the dev felt bullied by some online comments, so why even support it? This lack of trust in themselves will probably not be the downfall of the game, but it'll turn it into another Genshit instead of a fun gacha.
>Wouldn't someone who makes bursts happen more often be great?
no because anyone with half a brain can already burst every 10 to 15 seconds
unless she adds significant damage boosts then its not worth to sacrifice a whole team slot to to burst every 9 seconds instead of 10.
You need 160 pink mats just to level from 50 to 60.
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What is this empty slot hiding?
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Is Zenless Zone Zero a demonic game?
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So there are actually retards here who want Stun > ult >switch character > ult > switch character >ult as gameplay. Jesus fucking Christ.

Miyabi is beautiful stop gas lighting that she's not faggots
So, what kind of content do you not today and monday so that we can maximize BP points for 1.2?

*Looks at /gig/
The other spammer is there right now. Like, I remember "The Ring": "She never sleeps".
It's possible, Billy oneshots the first side but that's with Zhu weapon, M1R1 robocop and really good discs.
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Rat bros...
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Uppity cunt is not particularly interesting
Sleepy trucker? Now that's fun
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post yfw you read
>(like Hoshimi Miyabi)
Is there a good S rank to fill a team with Jane and Caesar besides Burnice?
Colonial mentality I see...

I'm flip myself and detest all this shit. Just as worse as being an abusive boyfriend and a Andrew Tate wannabe.
this looks like a kemono friends general but wormed
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I dunno man. I started as a Lucyfag but now I'd marry Piper instead easy.
What would be a way of making non dps ults worth using without nerfing dps ults or how often you can use them?
>move 3 squares
>ai yap
>game tutorial
>move 3 squares
>ai yap
>game tutorial
>move 3 squares
>ai yap
>game tutorial
>move 3 squares
>ai yap
>game tutorial
>combat trash fight
>move 3 squares
>ai yap
>game tutorial
>move 3 squares
>ai yap
>game tutorial
>move 3 squares
>ai yap
>game tutorial
>combat trash fight
>move 3 squares
>ai yap
>game tutorial
>move 3 squares
>ai yap
>game tutorial
>move 3 squares
>ai yap
>game tutorial
>trash boss fight you've fought twelve dozen times over in all the other garbage TV sections
wow....soul...really gonna miss this...
I think throwing caesar in will at least be easier to play than 3 anomaly, we're too far off from actually being able to do triple anomaly with a good setup for me to feel confident in leaning either way about it
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>tried Genshin
>quit because of open world gacha slop
>try ZZZ
>stick with it because of no open world
>tried Wuwa
>quit because of open world gacha slop
>try PGR
>stick with it because of no open world
Gacha's inherently suck for open world, similar to how turn based gacha games inherently have some of the worst powercreep out of any gacha genre.
I'd rather have a corridor game like this, with or without TV's over any other option out right now
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it's too late, history is repeating before our very eyes...
>no because anyone with half a brain can already burst every 10 to 15 seconds
I'm Christian and I detected no anti Christian stuff at all so you're safe brother
>replying to the baiting Janefaggot
This, probably the same fucking Janecoper too
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No, they're not. My Zhu does about 50% of a bosses HP with her ult in SD and her discs are mid and I'm coping with starlight on her. Someone with great discs and sig could probably do even more than 70%. I can easily see every boss in the game just instantly folding to a burst DPS + support ult.
what is that 50 year old fat aunt body. I know she's a hag but god damn that's hideous and repulsive
Yeah, no I'll take the TV over /gig/slop
maybe if you'd learn how to do basic puzzles, you wouldn't need tutorials
>if you don't want one extreme that means you want the other
God, it must be horrible to have so much melanin in your body. Kill yourself, faggot.
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Rate my white van (used for kidnapping)
Lucy needs to chill the fuck out a bit. Piper is much cuter and comfier.
I agree with this. In every survey I've complained about TOO MANY FUCKING TUTORIALS and too much talking. I just want to play the game, not read a billion lines about obvious shit.
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Rolling for Miyabi no matter what.
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>(like Hoshimi Miyabi)
so did peter parker and scarlett johannson fuck?
Section 6 but they're the ZZZ equivalent of Team Rocket.
>way more
they both barely have any art at all compared to most of the cast.
We'll see how they turn out after 1.2
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>I have 60 Pulls and right on the verge of soft pity for a 50/50.
>I want Ceaser, her Weapon and Burnice. I'm willing to get 1 big pack.
>Hag fag, Ceaser main, no good f2p options
Do I go for her W-engine?
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Why did they make her wear shorts instead of giving her a tiny microskirt like they did with Anby?
Why are you ban evading?
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imagine rolling for ugly agents (like Hoshimi Miyabi)
could not be me
This game suffers from a severe case of only 1.0 characters having great design and the rest looking like total shit
So how strong are non-attackers? Like if you wanted to use Caesar or Lighter as the main dps is that viable?
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Please anon I NEED THIS
11 hours...
like 80% of the issue with tvs was them holding shit up with unnecessary and intrusive tutorials or bit bringing things to a halt for no fucking reason ("unfortunately, this door isn't smart tech"), it could all be resolved in like a week of dev time if they were smart enough to see what the issue is and act on it instead of seeing people bitching and wetting their pants
look at jane's tail and tell me it's not demonic symbolism
Then I guess there's no choice. Enemies will be given shields and bigger HP. I just don't see how they're gonna remake the ult decibel system, are they gonna decrease ult damage numbers or what? What are they planning to do?
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>long animations
they really don't need the lost signal animation every time you go into battle
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I watched a twitch streamer called Farfa play Zenless Zone Zero and I kid you not, he spent twenty minutes trying to put he 3 boxes on to the 3 switches in the train level to stop the train. His entire chat was screaming at him. Shit was insane.
Anyway the point is that all those tutorial exists precisely for normalfags who play this game.
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Ben might be too big to fit through a doorway, but he can still fit into me. I love Ben Bigger.
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Archie is a demon. Demonic occultist game confirmed
why are you a schizo that assumes everyone disagreeing with you is the same person?
There are Anby and Noel Shiyu solo's out there, thats how low the bar is when you build a unit well. If you want them as a dps then simply build a team around that and you'll be fine. They're most likely going to want some sub dps alongside them here and there, for example Ben with Caesar in the long run
She's private atm, I might upload her later on here:
You cant last 30 seconds
So uh, what's the point of LEGENDARY HACKER PHAETHON in the main story if there's no tv section anymore? Like what the fuck are we (the protagonists) gonna be doing.
>So what happens if you can use 2 stupidly powerful ultimates all other things being equal? You one tap everything and the game balance collapses.
>New meta is stun, dps, dps because non stun supports just do not provide enough value to lose out on the 2nd ultimate.
What kind of take is this, from a "metaGOD"?
Ult multipliers are high across the board, hell Lucy's ultimate multiplier is close to Ellen
What kind of retarded """""metaGOD""""" would bring stun+dps+dps, when you cannot have two on-field dps? One would be a dead weight until you filled their db gauge for a single ult in a fight.
What you really would do as a """"metaGOD""" would be building up your support for DPS, so they can provide buffs for the on-field dps or debuffs for the enemy plus a huge chunk of damage with their ultimate while still keeping their value as supports.
Triple ultimates benefit the classical comp of stunner-dps-support the most.
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TV sections constantly hand hold and stop you from playing, I get why people hate them. It's a shame the game is made for five year olds with downs syndrome, instead of scaling back the nuisance they'll just scrap the whole idea and have npcs in generic corridors stop you every five seconds to explain the simple box pushing puzzle in front of you instead
Yes it is far superior to running corridors and fighting paradropping enemies
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It was funny but I have to give them props for admitting she didn't look good and would be changed. Very few mobage are willing to do that.
I think they all look good so far jane aside, hoping yanagi is like grace where a fun personality saves a kind of middling design
assuming farfa has average inteligence was your first mistake
Who fuckin knows anon... 1.2 is shaping up to be following Caesar around instead too.
Nicole*... I hate phone posting
Miyabi is the only reason I even started this game, she is beautiful and stylish, why her? Why couldn't they Ayakaify Caesar or burnice instead, both genuinely ugly besides the big tits
>schizo projecting
uh-oh, here we go again -> >>495795854
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I for one simply CANNOT WAIT to be walking through the same Ballet Twins location for every subsequent comission and quest that happens there. Until EOS. I'm genuinely THRILLED
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You are wrong.
Yeah itā€™s possible. People have been clearing with all kinds of teams.
Begone shills
Post Zhu. Mine barely deals around 30% maybe.
Rat is the only reason I started this game
larping as a fuckdoll obviously
>Enemies will be given shields and bigger HP
The most likely outcome unfortunately, because otherwise things will die way too fast and you'll spend half the fight in ult cutscenes.
>are they gonna decrease ult damage numbers or what
Definitely not, Chinese players would riot over nerfs.
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qingyi can very reasonably solo a sizable amount of the game (especially with C1), so I think there's a good amount of room for non-dps to perform competently solo
As opposed to clicking through the same tvs over and over again. Yeah, I'm thinking Mihoyo knows what they're doing.
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New Zhu mod dropped
ultimates do less damage if you have multiple of the same role on a team
prevents both dumb double/triple dps burst spam and soulless double support hypercarry. also barely affects anomaly because you care about the gauge buildup, not the damage.
>shit taste
it all makes sense now
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Slut feet
I still don't have an ice bonus disk5. Am I supposed to use that red tuning thing?
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I bet she's hiding her horns
and are actually just cow thirens
Seems to me that there should just be a toggle for tutorials. Would resolve a good 80% of my issues with the TV modes.
looks worse than the original
The TV sections are different for each quest though? The general idea is good, it just needs more refining
heres an unoptimized example
its very easy when you understand how decibels are generated which is why these ultimate changes are comically retarded
Qingyi is best though. Cute feet too
>schizo projecting
They were talking specifically about my complaint that she didn't have a tail

Fluffy fox tail bros we're so fucking back
>people complain about TV's and quit
>people that stay either skip past most the story anyway, deal with it, or genuinely think it's creative
>fuck everyone tv is cancelled we are listening to the people who quit
>now it's just a game about fighting the same 5 enemies in the same 5 areas
>people who quit don't even care and won't be coming back

Welp. Game was good while it lasted. The combat is not engaging enough to bother playing.
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I like Miyabi myself but shut the fuck up you cunt. By shitting on other characters, which don't have anything wrong with them, you look like a sore loser.
I hecking love corridor slop and genshit minigames like taking photos, cooking and racing
>go from point a to point b
Yeah, real different.
>jane grace
>middling design
shit taste indeed
looks like a botched BBL
You TVcucks go trough amazing mental gymnastics to cope.
do you use mods?
I use jannies haha
If you look at >>495802237 you can see very clearly that all it takes is fighting a bunch of trash mobs that die relatively easily. A foolproof strategy that can't be used in the content where you'd want to use your ultimate because it's one big nigga.
yes I'd rather do at least somewhat novel gameplay that's fast to move through outside of easily removed tutorial shit than walk though the same hallway interacting with shit without any animations 10000 times
>fitting through doors
What kind of store do we even have that the door isn't a loading screen? You don't need to make the character smaller, just loading screen them inside and go "don't think too hard about it"
Hell, we already have Ben inside the store
>For real, who the fuck liked the TV sections?
I did, I mean that with 100% and 1000%
Hereā€™s how exactly it will
>would you like to turn off tutorials
>heheh who do you think I am? I donā€™t need no tutorials. Iā€™m a gamer! *toggles off*
20 minutes later
>chat I actually donā€™t get it. Iā€™m trying to move this one box onto the 3 switches but nothingā€™s happening. see, chat, Itā€™s like stuck to the switch. I actually donā€™t get what Iā€™m supposed to do.
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Why doesn't Nicole ever closes her legs when she sits?
>that's fast to move through
About anomaly, you do care about the anomaly prof of the person building the gauge. Thats why they nerfed seths anomaly build up, its a straight up nerf to have a weaker character build it. I like the idea of it applying like a debuff instead or a buff for the team. Lucy's ult could buff the squad while nicole could just be a large debuff
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The real blackpill is the real world is worse, there is nothing out there to be gained honestly, you must fight for everything bitterly and this place is more sane.
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TV section was soulful and unique
Only Genshitters and SRtrannies hate it
Cool, now fuck off already.
damn, this anon's been cooming over nicole for hours now
I always assumed cunning hares were just made up of characters from existing factions anyway
Billy was obviously connected to sons of calydon, anby to the solider 11 faction, etc
Wouldn't surprise me if nicole/neko are somehow connected to section 6 and that's how nicole got experimental briefcase ether tech or something
>good design == big boob
That's why you hide that shit in the options menu where normies won't find it
>also barely affects anomaly because you care about the gauge buildup, not the damage
Everything in that post is true though. Perhaps the comparisons between ZZZ and Wuwa are more apt then previously thought as the ZZZ dev team also shows a tremendous lack of spine when it comes to sticking to their guns. I pray they won't fuck up like the HI3 team did and alienate everyone as a result
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Fixed Miyabi.
I mean you clearly don't understand how decibels were generated in that clip if you think killing trash mobs was the main variable.
And even if that was the case, the main boss should die immediately after you charge your ultimate. If you can't kill the boss in one rotation then unironically it's a skill issue.
go back to playing nikke or some other japslop
Is Burnice damage? I'll be skipping Caesar since non damage characters are useless
I really need a guide on how to git gud at this combat. Really like the game but this kind of combat-centric games have never been my cut of tea so I'm really out of my depth. Any help?
Yea it'll be like on /a/
>Character does a very obvious thing that no one in the the anime explains
No way I'm giving any information about her to some random /zzz/ fag. Stick to anime or go to instagram or whatever but fuck off already with this
thank you for confirming yourself as a baiting retard
the only thing funnier is seeing you obssess over a random coomer like the mentally ill schizo you are
Hey guys former player here I heard ZZZ is crashing and burning as the devs openly admit story and TV are fucked and will be redone from scratch is this true?
Swiping is not a skill.
isn't this from some video a guy made? sounds very familiar
The only good mod is the billy cock mod
>if you think killing trash mobs was the main variable
That isn't at all what I said, retard. Please read next time.
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nah you can't be serious man, it takes one glance to tell that hi3 combat is liquid dogshit
Someone has to take the Ayaka scapegoat and you know it
i ain't rolling for any of the characters with satanic symbolism
but i give the chinese communists leeway
I mean, individual decibel pools doesn't mean individual decibel generation, the generation can still be shared
retard one of the main complaints about the tv sections is how much of a slog it is to get through them. tvcucks are fucking delsional thank god mihoyo isn't listening to you retards
Subdps for Lighter
my personal hope is that them being pussy enough to remove a core gameplay element over a loud minority bitching at them means they'll back away from the decision when people actually playing the game complain
Are they going to make Wise/Belle a playable combat agent or is their only plot relevance now going to be as an NPC bangboo running around next to your agents?
Fairy is also literally useless now despite being set up to be a massive plot point.
What a retarded fucking change to completely remove the ONLY thing that gives the MCs any feeling of agency or impact on the story.
It's the same shit.
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better fix here
>some anons unironically defending the ult spam in hack and slash gachas.
truly grim times ahead.
It's not crashing and burning but they're doing a naked dogeza akin to every wuwa dev stream and said they'll reduce TV gameplay in future story updates instead of making it feel more enticing. Not knowing people who've dropped the game because of TVs are not coming back and potentially pissing off people who still play the game but hate walking through the same corridors over and over as a result
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Patch day, I finally can get Caesar and Lighter will be playable in the storyā€¦. What a good day to play ZZZ!!!!
>nikke or some other japslop
chinkslop is quite literally the worst out of the 3
Written out
tvs are a slog solely because of the tutorials and unnecessary dialogue, actually moving through them is extremely snappy (especially through corridor meandering) and anyone who isn't a complete fucking retard can see that. I'm going to guess you're new to hoyo stuff and you'll be singing a different tune after suffering through a whole patch of listless hallways
This is a falseflag + sameflag btw
I hope people can tell because the samefag schizo from gig has been here shitting up the thread trying to demoralize everyone as usual
>English, Japanese, and Chinese comments are all against the removal of TVs
I guess TV whiners were just a vocal minority like yourself. Useful idiots to account selling companies
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we'll never reach this amount of soul ever btw
Wuwa had
>An absoluty dogshit launch, with shit not working properly
>A story that, if was released as is would have killed the fucking game on the spot because no one other than cucks would play a gacha with a story of everyone treating the MC like shit, wanting him dead, and constantly trying to say they were a spy from rival nation
There are exactly three people that would quit over a lack of TVs and Abduhl was looking for an excuse.
You heard about that pager incident in the middle east?
ZZZ devs did the same with SEA devices to allow XI to capture Taiwan this year.
Better get rid of your PC if you're in that area.
>Everything in that post is true though
According to what?
Seems like you're just upset and think most people are just like you with nothing to back it up.
press switch or dodge when flash, you win!
least disingenuous TV-shit eater post
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tvs are a visual and gameplay representation of phaeton working as a proxy. removing them from the story makes belle and wise feel less important and more like cameracucks in other mihoyo games
they're also a simple way to show small events. you guys already got annoyed at how golden week's conclusion was white text on a black screen and now the story's going to be filled with those, again like other mihoyo games
>cry more tvcuck you lost
She needs to put shoes one
no it's just a popular opinion you personally disagree with actually
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I wish our models could be as beautiful as wuwa's...
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It was a joke I'm sorry anon
Corridor enjoyers will say you can replicate this in a corridor
How are defenders in a team comp for clearing shiyu fast? I'm planning on going caesar, lucy and piper because my only built stunner, Qingyi is for the ether team
They're always been bangboocucks though
It is kinda wild how our protagonists are functionally ineffectual in spite of being told they're godsends and great. The TV system was abstract in how it presented their skillset, but at least it showed them doing something.
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I can't believe fags are now defending the TV garbage. On launch 90% of people agreed it was dogshit and an absolute pain to get through due to how slow and shit it felt, I guess only the 10% are still playing the game and majority of people just quit
Trust the plan. We will be able to customize Eous with various abilities, gadgets and passives as a new layer of power progression.
>dps agents have 3000%+ multiplier ultimates
Lucy's is 1100%*3
Nico's is 1300%+1700%
Soukaku's is 4000%
Rina's is 4200%

All level 12
Don't care. I don't play this game for Belle and Wise.
Defenders are just supports that also have the benefit of better parrying.
the amount of falseflagging is insane today good god
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That's the worst part, I still get hit...
>removing them from the story makes belle and wise feel less important
Good, I don't care about them anyway
only Gencucks hate it
false. It was always a vocal minority of poorfags complaining because it took them longer to reroll their account
Man, this was such a slog, fuck you for reminded me about it.
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You still love her right?
mihoyo fanbase LOVES to watch.
Yeah but they had the TV sections as gameplay meant to be Phaethon and Fairy actively doing things. Now that is being ripped out with nothing to replace it.
Missions are just going to be running around the same 2-3 maps now.
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i asked for faster animations and less redundant text. they implemented that... then removed them from the story anyways
>you will talk to ze npc 40 times and then fade to black
>you will walk up and down samey hallways to progress ze mission
>the protag will watch as an ineffectual voyeur for hundreds of hours

Hoyo sloppa children claim another scalp
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Actually chortled out loud.
This was boring and took too long to get through.
In the OBOL Squad story weā€™ll hijack a combat mech with our Bangboo-possession powers and thatā€™ll become the Phaethon playable character.
if only they had more than 3 good character designs to make that model quality worthwhile
Did we play the same game?
Because even in TV mode Fairy and the agents did al the work.
Can't name a single instance where the siblings contributed to hollow exploration after they found Fairy.
Please name few.
never loved the down syndrome rat
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Can someone explain the assist/dodge system to me? Sometimes I do the dodge/assist and it legit seems my agents are completely invincible to all the follow-up up flailing the enemies do, and sometimes I dodge/assist the hit and the second hit just hits me for half HP.
I'll beat up anyone calling Miyabi ugly
so it's still essential to have a stunner? no point having caesar and lucy in the same team?
You are a minority. You lost.
Nah, she killed this general.
TV mode represented the siblings directing the agents you dope.
irrelevant now, current meta will be ult spam.
t. TV cuck
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The siblings forgot to tidy up after they had sex...
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Does anyone remember that space invader TV one one with the cannons and waves of ethereals. Letā€™s see you replicate that in a corridor
we stopped Zhu and Qingyi from getting murderraped by hollow raiders
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Didn't Augustus take care of that posthumously?
>remove the mound of unnecessary tutorials
>remove shit like "this door isn't smart tech" being repeated ad infinitum
>TVs are now both more engaging and faster to get through than corridorslop at a similar scale
genuinely how was the dev team retarded enough not to understand this
They can just say that hackerman is doing something in the background to open doors or whatever. I don't really care about Gaython
people have said tv shit sucked for ages. They rode it out for this long and people still don't like it. It's time to let go.
I've been using her since launch and I still can't find any situation in which i'd want to use Piper's ult.
outer ring goddamn flopped
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She's the second most popular character after Ellen in the only objective way of measuring things so most will answer yes obviously
The story with Qingyi and Zhu has Wise and Belle directing them to portals to get away from the goons chasing them, allowing them to win the fight. They also helped Lycaons group actually progress through the tower and hooked them up with Billy to make sure the blimp didn't fuck off into the big hollow.
Can be used to refresh power stacks if you're out of energy
I always hated her
Those people already quit and the people who stayed are the TV enjoyers.
What % of people claiming to hate TVs are seanigs in internet cafes who are mad because theyre burning their monthly allowance kek
>make an ethereal walk in a corridor
>activate a terminal
>ethereal is dead
Too much art but he flopped
You helped billy and lycaon prevent the blimp from crashing
Nah, Augustus is technically still the first roman emperor. He did give Caesar a bunch of honors and exonerated him, but not the title of emperor. (Of course Caesar's name became a title later on so it's understandable that people would think that he was the first.)
Unlike others, never hated sex rat
They will unironically do this for the 80IQ whiners and I will seethe
You didn't play the Wuwa beta and only watched streamer react grifters on YouTube. Rover was only treated harshly in the beginning because they were in the middle of a war and suddenly a random godlike super soldier shows up out of nowhere seeking asylum. Everyone would be suspicious. They get over it quickly and apologize to you anyways.

But chinks are fragile bug people who cannot stand being criticized in any way die to the century of humiliation so any story that isn't sucking them off as a superpower/godlike immediately gets firebombed.
The gif that BROKE /zzz/...
>my main dps can shred 70% of boss health with 1 ultimate then I just need to build my support as dps and shred the remaining 30% to one tap
And why is this a bad thing? If I have the tools and the stats to be able to do this, why should I be forces to wet noodle a fight I already know I can win?
>kill all team building flexibility
If anything it improves it because now you can adds ultimates as a factor for your team building
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4th place btw
TV mode had some okay moments when it was being clever like the space invader thing. If they bring it out for that stuff then I, and others I think, will be fine with it.
Parry cost resource that is generated by chain attacks.
You have two types of parry based on agent - block and dodge.
Some attacks can be only parry dodged.
When you have the resource and the right parry agent ready the flash is yellow.
When you're out of the the resource or the attack can be only parry dodged and you have no such agent off-field the flash is red and pressing the parry button will just result in dodge swap - the switched off agent will most likely suffer damage.
>People who play the game: TV puzzles, neurons activate!
>People who literally don't play the game: THINKING BAD, THOUGHTCRIMES KILL, AIEE SAVE ME BANK-SAMA
Augustus wasn't formally the emperor either during his lifetime. He was first citizen.
wtf they are actually removing tv? the fuck lol???
Theyā€™ve literally said thatā€™s what theyā€™re doing. Story missions will have less TV gameplay, but side quests will still use it.
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>Mine barely deals around 30% maybe.
Are you using chaotic metal?
the original story for wuwa was infinitely better, basically every character has no personality outside of wanking the mc now
Chinks were right: no one wants another gfl2/early snowbreak. Only Westoid cucks like that
heh, grim.
Isn't this skewed since people will have a lot more free currency at launch
Every character released after will have even less since majority will have quit the game after the initial hype
how fucking long till Cesar's banner
>camera pans up
>row of canons laid out
>waves of etherals shuffle or run up
>activate the right canons to launch a round and delete ethereals
It doesn't take much to do that. 3D games have had minigames like that for decades.
In both of these cases Fairy did the heavy lifting.
Siblings themself have just access to Euos and rely on the help of Fairy.
If the main defense for the argue is that
>sure TV is just as repetitive as corridor slop, but at least it's fast and doesn't waste my time!
Then I think the problem is not the TV or corridor
>click the tag
now you know she flopped despite having more art
Bro, I think 220 CD is doing all the work here.
>TV puzzles, neurons activate!
Most reddit post I've ever seen.
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I'm going to celebrate the dead of the tv slop
Do janecopers really
>secondary fan artists dont play zzz
more news at 11.
lmao pathetic
>Original story good
>When it was written by the faggot who killed gfl2 and snowbreak
fairy is a super ai that basically does their bidding, why wouldn't they let it handle the tedious shit? cmon dude
11 hours
nta but chaotic metal is useless on zhu despite what cc shills try to say
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>struggle for 5 minutes with my s11/grace team against a fucking robot because i have nothing better
>el rata rapes the other guy in a minute alone
Can i like have two ratas?
if only 25% of people didn't uninstall during flopyi's banner, then jane would have done 130% instead of 99%. instead jane needs her entire banner to finish and the players to updatw before she wins
Yes, this is far superior to clicking from point a to point b getting interrupted by unskippable dialog along the way.
this is just the game going on a downwards trend, every character banner has been going down since ellen kek
I honestly would not mind losing a 50/50. I have won it for every limited banner so far and the only standard character I have is the kot (the standard only has given me their balls so far)
>I cannot enjoy a story without every single named character sucking my micropenis 24/7
Shiptroon banner flopped, nothing new.
New thread
>Rover was only treated harshly in the beginning because they were in the middle of a war and suddenly a random godlike super soldier shows up out of nowhere seeking asylum.
We crowned Crownless who was in the middle of pushing their shit in and then had them immediately pretend like we were an obvious enemy and that they could do anything to us. We didn't ask for shit at that point. It was pretty weird.
t.genshin/hi3 cameraman
First of all, you are a disingenuous lying nigger. Second, you know nothing about software development.
For them to kill TV-slop they had to see negative feedback and then check data logs, which means both feedback and data are heavily against tv-slop since it's now reserved for side activities only. Crying in jewtube comment section is nothing. For things to move forward they had to see a pattern in surveys, check it, then plan how to fix it. Unfortunately they can't fix this trash with what they can spare.
That is the point of gacha, yes. 2020 zoomers wouldn't understand
>space invader
>pokemon battles
>rhythm hacking
I will make the FuHua incident look like a fucking joke if they replace cool ideas with black screens (because I know Dawei isn't going to increase the game's budget to at least give us more comic book and/or animated cutscenes).
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Maybe piper to left team to focus to disorder and random support or stunner to right
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wrong, I fucking love lucy and think lighter is cool and wanted to use both of them with caesar for my calydon team
New thread, MOVE:
I recommend try other games outside the dick sucking simulators then
Iā€™d rather have actual characters be into me than a roster of nothing but interchangeable cocksuckers personally
Imagine an entire patch cycle of saving up for Wide and Idols
Could be me!
rat-seth doesn't need a third member

switch piper to your first team and do the disorder thingy, if you don't have lucy then use nicole. nicoles job is to ult for energy(to give to piper) and to press ex at the start of a stun window
That makes sense honestly
Ave, true to Caesar!
not posting in your vandalized thread
if soul means going through a tedious slog for a pitiful reward then I'm good without it
Non-vandalized thread:
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Shirokami brown elf sex, when do we get more?
This was the pokemon battle yes? Jesus that one was a slog, fucking ass, even prophecy was better
NTA How's that build btw? Does it perform better than Chaotic Metal?
You mean, one of the oldest mechanics in videogames where enemies come running and you press F to shoot a cannon to kill them?
Gee I wonder if anyone can make something this complex
That is how nature works
>literal retard who thinks devs don't just listen to the loudest whiner despite it being observable for the past 20 years

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