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New flagship edition

>I have a question about Monster Hunter!

>MH Wilds
Wilds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/
New weapon trailers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7z-ZXbhfoKEO9jJv7a-bG7UcHGTCX5uH
Release Date trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dJpKRWYNkE

>MH Rise
Sunbreak TU Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/update/en-us/
Hunter Connect: https://pastebin.com/Tp9t570y
Armor Set Search: https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en
Monster Weakness Database: https://robomeche.github.io/MHRise-Database/

>MH World
Iceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653
General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf

>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier


>Where does /vg/ play?
Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage)

>/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)

Previous thread: >>495789110
MH is saved
MH is doomed
I love huntresses
>105 kangaroo koins
I hate spending money
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Prove you are not poor to play Wilds
same, especially the cute tanned ones
I wonder why it's so white. It's clearly not an Ice type so how did he come to be.
>Oh my god hunter, you can't just ask someone why they're white.
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Remember to watch the real trailer
Ugly little abominations. Kill them all
can’t wait for the porn
literal frontier monster (and that's a good thing)
I love the mushroom cats
The duality of man
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Do I jew it? Canadian dollarydoos btw
Rise is not invited. Goodbye. We never knew ye
why are capcom games so expensive?
dd2 is also 100 dollarydoos while elden ring, lies of P, baldurs gate, space marine are all $90
Build your own dumb nigga
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This should meet the min recs right?
Literally just buy a PlayStation 5
>Whining about voiceovers for trailers
Are from a gacha general or something, no one gives a single shit
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3000 series bros are not gonna make it
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>minimum requirements aren't expected to hit 60 fps under lowest graphics
poorbros...... it's joever.....
do it do it
ngl i really hate when the palico talks in real worlds instead of funny meows
They're massive jewwy jews
I hate when anything talks in-game, I used to play with a dude that kept the hunter voices on in Rise, absolute insanity.
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>game needs framegen to hit 60FPS on PC
>game can't even run on ps5
Why has capcom decided to burn their top franchise down?
I refuse to spend over $1k for a PC and that's how it'll be if I try to build one with these parts
>buying a new PC so you can barely run a game at medium settings
Modern gaming sure is something.
Denuvo is going to tank the performance anyway, I'm ready for it to run like shit
Looks 100x better than marshmallow or nergsue
There is no trailer with meows, no trailer with monhun speak either
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>Uth Duna looks like a Wroggi fucked a Namielle and got it pregnant
Good for him. He scored.
The year is 2025 and videogames are still rendering at 720p resolution
lol lmao
my 3060ti gets 80-90fps in dd2 not worried monhun running worse
at 720p too
building your own is better in the long run
gonna be real him and the spider are the only cool looking monsters
the white and blue looks very cool
Namielle is a whore. A WHORE!
1080p @ 60 fps confirmed on PS5. Based.
I personally thought he looked like alcoholic Amatsu
gotta cash in on the casual movie-watching audience
>an,other fishface
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Check out that hammer in the back.
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Any word on the hub size, still likely 4?
How many flaps does this big boy have?
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>all I have a is a fucking laptop
>saving money to buy a house first and foremost
I have to kill myself

I'm actually warming up to the cats talking, but WHERE ARE MY CAT PUNS?
Which CPU you're running?
i got a 3070 am i in the clear?
It's water Akantor, after frontier did sand and sound Akantors
16 confirmed long ago. No source look it up
>shitmon that is just annoyingly big
Reminds me of Parasite Eve for some reason
damn legiana got SMASHED and SLAMMED
that mfer is apart of the pyramid skeem
Monster designs look like shit
Also looks like the Lala Barina lance
I love huntresses
and what is a good monster design, nigger?
Not big enough to be Aka. If it can't fit a whole monster in it's mouth, then it doesn't count.
If you dont play on monhun language get the fuck out of my face
>re engine
Prepare for this garbage to run even worse than DD2
You mean 16?
if it was full of those awful catpuns they always had for the palico i might like it more, but thankfully they have the setting to just make them meow again.
Bros, the 5090 will be out before then, right? I don't want to play with my 2080ti.
>weather system makes the game look like washed out monotone dogshit half the time
fucking why...
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...and dual blades.
I hope you have a 2000W PSU lol.
It's 4
Fucked Dylan's dad again.
not this faggotry wild hearts lookalike shit
all of the ricebreak designs were great visually and thematically meanwhile those looks like generic fantasy trash
>start of the trailer shows the forest village
>it's just a cave with some shitty camps in it

There better be a fucking incredible gathering hub because this is NOT comfy
r5 5600x
>All of the
And there he goes
capcom were one of the first japanese companies to realize that console no longer matters.
Nah, 4090 was already pretty efficient. But I will need to buy a new PSU regardless, I only have like 750w or 800w.
Oh yeah sooo unimmersive, Every time there's a storm outside it's all sunshine and rainbow throughout the whole duration
opinion invalidated, begone shitter
why yes, I will be playing this on the used XBOX Series S that I got for 50 bucks
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It's funny how ALL of the elements that make this game so perfomance destroying are things completely unrelated to the fun part of it, fighting the monster. In fact, I'm probably upgrading my PC for shit I'll fucking hate and never want to see in another monhun game again but I'll be forced to go though because I want to get to the part where I actually fucking hunt the monster and have fun swinging my weapon

I'm not even poor, but this hits morally, this feels like that shit, findom? It's some masochistic cuck shit, but alas, I want to hunt monsters
haggle, but yea
They'd have to be utterly retarded to have 4 player hubs
Please stop posting facts in the general, thanks!
It's modern day Capcom
Heh I'm running the same setup, hopefully the game runs fine even with denuvo
*looks at last game in the series*
Wilds will let us romance Guild Knights.

anon this is the company that spent a whole year on zorrah magderos
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but I want to romance the monsters
I guess AMD FG is in if they're recommending it on non-FG card, unless they added it into RE engine themselves, like they had interlaced rendering.
No way they'd go back to 4
I could believe that maybe it would without Denuvo fps tax, but that kills all my hope
World crawled so Wilds can run
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>he isn't a solo hunter
what did rise do?
Which was retarded
>Wilds can run
We doubt that
Did you really not expect it to be that price? You can still get it from key sites for cheaper too
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>he is a soles hunter
I really hope they launch a demo so we can test the settings, don't fuck this up for me Capcom.
Be a good game
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Rathalos GS in the distance, I think?
your opinion is actually worthless. and now you've proven it. don't forget it
Dumb thing to have in a MH game
>i9 9900ks
>rtx 3090
Surely that will be enough, r-right
Who won?
Who lost?
What resolution?
i love the way this big soggy bastard flops around like a whale breaching. looks like its gonna be a fun fight
Weren't you able to kinda "flirt" in a sense with the Wyverian lady in MH1?
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The 4U sequel energy just keeps getting stronger
We just need the Ace guild knight squad to return
>Gender is defeated
>main story enemy is the White Devil who oppresses the melenated
Demo when? How early before the release date do they usually do it?
poor, brown, yellow toothed pchuds lost
World Pub Lass also spaghettis around you the further you get
For a second I thought it was a Khezu GS
He even has the whip
Rise was a return to 3rd/4th gen designs. Retards hate the game mechanics so much they'll say the designs were bad just to be contrarian.
how's /v/ doing? i haven't checked
This game is going to be too easy because it's just going to be new monsters who have no instilled an instinctual fear into it's players.
Almost sure that's Rath. Khezu was too smooth of a greatsword to have spikes. I mean Rath being there is kinda obvious.
everyone lost
i wasnt really digging the new desert biome, the dust made everything look washed out and almost like textures weren't loading during the dust storms, but the new forest river biome looks great.
>close range hammer charging, somehow behind a long range retard about to get hit somehow so close to the monster
>LStard pokin or just did a foresight DING
Actually accurate hunt kek
It's kind of crazy that things have gotten so bad you're even asking that. 1080ti was good for 1440p until like 2 years ago.
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Going to cope that at least it comes with the battle pass for 2 seasons worth of cosmetics...
Wilds is going to feature a boss fight against another hunter
i can't hear you i'm too busy riding my malzeno to the new world.
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I mean...
rice designs are tokudienshit
>signature move is a big blue cross shaped fire aoe
Poorfags lost
Wagefags won
mhw had okay design for its new monsters and the returning one looked very good to in the art style of the game
this new entry is trying way too hard to make new monsters that'd fit in a new jurrassic park movie I hate it
hell compared namielle to this new one and you can instantly tell at a glance the difference in colors and how they're represented
*have not
>every monster has super move and special areas to do them in
>literally every monster is going to be like raging brachy

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Looks like shit
>meanwhile MH with a velociraptor in it
the shader they use to coat your hunter in dust looks horrible
it's like some shitty mate unreal 3 plastic texture
I honestly thought this pc would last me far longer for at least high/very high settings at around 100 fps. Why can't these niggers just optimize games ? I'm not going to be able to get a new pc for one more year
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>can run world at 60 frames without too much compromise
>can only run wilds at 30 frames with lowest graphics and upscaling
man wtf
That's not a hammer. That's a FLAT IRON
It looks like they cut off the front half of a Tobi
Neat. Didn't realize there was a trailer today. So they're just continuing to ape frontier ideas with that chain whip wyvern which is to be expected. Looks like they're making an effort to bring under water back but not for hunters I guess? The designs are a little bland which is just typical of the new world games and kind of disappointing. Overall nothing that really changes my mind about wilds. Wilds is once again proven to just be world but slightly less boring which is often course a step in the right direction but sort of a let down. I've already decided to skip wilds because of performance issues but at least it's moving in the right direction for the most part. Can't wait to see what ichinose does with these ideas in the next portable game
I like the phat tail.
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it's so over for me
This is the only design that actually looks like wild hearts
sponge glavenus
So when did we have the demo for Rise? It should be around the same time
>A neon blue and yellow and red velociraptor with six fingers and a bird beak.
yeah you can see it here >>495857653
it literally looks like the texture maps didnt load on the hunter and their weapon.

glad the rest of the game isnt going to be like that and its just 1 level
Fuck you. Cock mon looks cool.
Likely November/December
I really need to put my new PC together. Bought the parts in March and haven't done shit with them since then.
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how do you see that?
I hope the monster fight isn't like gaismagorm and it's just big and moves around like a retard. I hate those giga huge monster
lol im fucked
The cpu seems a bit rough but it is around the recommended cpu. It'd hard to know how hard it'll be on the cpu and how the settings scale between resolutions in that regard. If it's mostly scaled on the gpu, you should be ok, but if not, then you might have a shit experience.
can i get a quick rundown on today's reveals
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This is probably gonna give me a cinematic 24 fps 4k experience. I really don't wanna throw more money at nvidia.
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he thinks we can't see him
You think you can just waltz in here and post facts that dispel pointless doomposts like that?
Looks better than Anjanath at least
wilds comes out at the end of february and we seen 3 new mons + a new area
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More likely Ace Lancer
Rise walked 360
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>games from 2025 has higher requirements than game from 2018
I like the big ugly chicken
i do not like the look of this creature
you're fine.
Much, much higher reqs and it really doesn't look that good.
my 6700k and gtx 1080 has lasted me nearly a decade and still runs everything i want to play at 1080p with at least 60fps with mixed settings. i have no reason to upgrade other than wilds which probably wont run but dropping almost $2000 to play one new game at 1080p AI 60fps medium doesn't feel worth it in the slightest.
rise sissies are literally in hiding right now. probably crying in their discord safe space
thanks babe
it looks leagues better than world though
>I hate this so fucking much god I hate it
>Anyway still paying full price plus DLC plus tip plus sucking tokuda off
Do you even hear yourself lol you battered wife. If you don't like don't buy but you're a brand slave so you have to lol
It looks worse than rise.
eating good rn actually.
Rise died so Wilds can live
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What >>495858836 said and if that's the case then we know all the names of the Ace Hunters.
>Ace Gunner - Nadia (revealed in the Legends of the Guilds movie)
>Ace Commander - Julius
>Ace Lancer - Fabius
>Ace Cadet - Aiden
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>whips your cracker ass with built in chains
so, what are your thoughts on our new flagship /mhg/?
I think the majority of pc players will have a shit experience because of inexistant optimization
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Should be fine for 1440p90.
>still no collection of the old games
so we get megaman, street fighter and resident evil collections basically every year but 0 monhun ones? even though its their most profitable series? wtf?
so overdesigned
wilds will run at 2 fps
Frontier did it better.
nintendo contract
Kecha Wacha
Tigerstripe Zamtrios
Vaal hazak
Seltas & Queen
finna perfect rush dodge them
holy shit why the FUCK are the new monsters so damn ugly
>Rise and World has 300$+ of microtransactions each
Gee I wonder why
>yfw there will be no portable and ichinose is banished to remastering the old games
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>This rare species was said to be extinct
>First thing the hunter do is kill it

How does this make any sense storywise?
Eh, not really. It even has the same graphical issues right down to awful dithering.
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>mfw in the final quest of the game vs autaismagora he shows up with his lance and blocks the omega double nigger death beam about to kill you
+ full of poorfags with trash systems
Honestly will just settle for the 30 frames. Don't feel like spending more cash just to play wilds.
it's obliterating villages and killing people
4 more years for portable 6 ultimate
save me ichinose
doomposting and concern trolling, as usual
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>Something is trying to kill you
>No please, PETA will be on our ass
Are you seriously expecting that it won't be attacking the base or something?
>They really listened to Reddit and added a tribal group that wants "colonizers" out of their land
Americans were a mistake
That's the program speccy. Hwinfo64 is a lot better and more accurate.
So fucking cringe. Story was a mistake.
the guild pays good money for rare monster parts, the more they're hunted the more rare the part so it's an infinite money glitch
>Ichinose saves the series again
How the fuck does he do it ?
the absolute state of snoyboys lmao
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here's your new flagship bro
if you're too poor for this hobby then maybe you should either get a better job or get another hobby. i'm sick of low wage blue collar losers crying because they can't play a game. hello? make better financial choices you stupid NOGGER
it's called turd polishing
>Brown and jew NPCs everywhere
>Nigger protagonist
>Le gender is fixed
>PS5 event exclusive trailer
>We want to appeal to a western audience
Trash systems are their demographic
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>why did the chicken cross the road?
>to get hammered at the club!
The trailer makes it look as if the annoying kid is the protag. I bet we'll have another handler situation with him
>base wilds is 140 gigs
how much is it gonna be after the expansion? holy
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eh ancient forest 2.0
From the video it look like the hunters are actively going to it's territory. It doesn't look like it was seeking out human settlement and attacking them.

This make more sense although it still feel weird that we encourage extinction of a rare species instead of breeding it.
they really should've committed to a beak instead of that weird scaly pseudo beak it has.
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Aiden is a jobber why is he called Ace
>From the video it look like the hunters are actively going to it's territory. It doesn't look like it was seeking out human settlement and attacking them.
yo retard, have you considered the story outside of whats shown in the video?
That sort of dithering has hardly any correlation to it being much higher fidelity. Then again, I don't think people know what they want. If it looked the same as World and ran well, people would complain it looks bad. If it looks better but runs heavier, people make up shit about it looking the same but running worse. People say that Wukong game looks fantastic, but it looks like any other recent game, the textures even look like ass up close and it doesn't run the best. Still runs better than Wilds probably, but it looks worse.
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>bringing a whip to a railgun fight
sorry, my money is on rey dau
>wilds is literally set in india
man this timeline is wild
this looks more like misty peak's canopy section desu
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Environmental storytelling kino
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>lance that looks like a furry flower bulb
what the shit is this
This isn't your story. It's his.
He was too shit to cut it in the old world. By new world standards he's competent.
can't wait for retards with no spatial awareness to get lost again
I want to skin it and make armour of it.
>Still not used to stupid weapon designs
I'm still mad that I have to wield a flower as a hammer for water damage.
spider monster
>meet every min-spec except CPU
Well, I've 5 months to upgrade to a 3600.
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kys newfag
Pretty much most monster hunter story revolves going to actively hunt the monster. Is it rare for a monster to actually try to destroy the village and even if it did they rarely show it. Even in other games they just show up for a few mintues then die afterwards
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>announcing dlc before it's even released
>fell for the meta meme
>now I'm stuck with dereliction and bloodlust sets until I unlock Valstrax and hunt the stronger Malzeno
Never played a more uncomfortable set. I'm not making the same mistake in Wilds
that's just a flower
that's not a FURRY looking flower nor does it look anything like what the one in the trailer does
>Suddenly concerned with Cosmetic DLC
Is this how it is in /v/?
I mean, the specs are not too different from Wukong, and that game sold 20m instantly, half on PC

>spider monster with a rose on his back
>lance has a rose
>wondering what is that
Really nigga?
>You know hunter killing that rathalos taught me something. Whites truly do hold a privileged position in the guild and it's about time we introduce some much needed diversity into this organization
Do you just not read what npc's say or quest details? If so then why the fuck are you so concerned about the story, stick to hunting and turn your brain off.
anime stickers
I'm getting wilds on PC
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Is Wilds going to have a battlepass? I've not been paying much attention and I'm a bit worried.
>Really nigga?
yes because the monster is BRIGHT FUCKING RED and this weapon is a dull purple
i don't think that lance is the lala barina weapon at all
the battlepasses are right there
>Why are you concerned about the story
Because it's unskippable and you are force to help a pajeet hunter
It'd be an easy way to monetize TUs they were already going to add.
>cosmetics galore
>the white wraith.... an extinct species
a little bit on the nose there capcom
Are we finally getting a Rajang subspecies that turns it white?
>Kill me or release me, hunter. But do not waste my time with bombs
Just fucking buy buy buy you paying!
>30 fps on PC
>MH is for schoolchildren
>latest game will require $3000 PC
Shitposterbros... I don't feel so good...
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looks cooler irl
why modern video games make good looking fog i will never know
Yes, monthly battlepass to work through but you can buy skips.
>Because it's unskippable
That isnt true in this game you stupid fuck
I'm 99% sure the game won't have a public demo.
It's during the storm, there's barely any color
>american namielle
>bootleg morudomunto
>anjanath forma de chicken (spicy hot)
wow nice monsters you got there wilds
It is in World. Why do you think Wilds won't do the same thing?
Cute wife.
Fog is never good looking don't kid yourself.
You whites had your time with monsters hunter gens 1 - 4. Its time for black people monhun
I'm poor but not that poor
I'll stick to 5600X
What's the recommended GPU? Currently using RX7800, might get RTX4080S if this shit is nvdia biased
Holy fuck MonHun stop with the brown people propaganda. I just want to play video games.
events are gonna be stickers and emotes again isn't it?
Most games do a network test nowadays, so I think they definitely wiill. Won't be on Steam though
Yeah, its great. I'm so fucking thrilled that they've done nothing but show off a wide range of new monsters and few returning.
One of my biggest fears was another game of 30 Gen1-2 shitmons and 5 newbies to the roster.
everything is nvidia biased. DLSS is just so much better than FSR it not even remotely close
I dont know if your trolling or if you're genuinely retarded, Im not thinking its not unskippable, its been confirmed. And no i will not spoonfeed you retard.
Even though the specs are there, I think they won't to obfuscate performance issues if it runs bad, like DD2.
Because skippables cutscenes have been confirmed by the devs during Gamescom.
what new gay acronyms are you going to come up with next
fuck you and fuck your bullshit, i shan't ever be playing with FAKE frames
>source: trust me
concession accepted
Running out of things to complain about are we? Why don't you join those other schizos?
i cant believe its genuinely the end for monster hunter holy shit this is such a mess
you must CONSOOM
also don't look at the spec requirements, teehee
>Layered armor Guild Knight Set
>its just one variant now
I told you guys, this "genderless" armor is just a excuse to deliver less content, Monster Hunter is slowing dying, next game they will probably kill the Palico armor and give just a "few" selected armor.
>toaster laptop-fags seething and vague-posting
Clockwork, I wonder what's their main console means of gaming..
it looks the same as world with a worse direction
we could run a 2015 game using a 2004 engine on a hand held from 2005 (PSP)

someone has nearly finished translating the monster hunter language, PDF should be out soon apparently
that's pretty cool
Rise is the last true monster hunter. I know you trannies don't want to hear it but someone has to wake you monstrosities up
Okay if that's true then good but I still hate that they are pandering to (((India)))
>goss harag or at least a new world counterpart which has an uglier face is in
how is this nigga going to get his icesword tho? there's no ice here
Sadly, majority of people use these technologies, which allows it to be used as a crutch and people let it slide if it runs at xxfps x resolution (fake) if it has them. Places like digital foundry pushing it has made it basically an accepted norm.
It remains to be seen. We still have the next portable game to look forward to but yeah if they mess that up it's over. Which is fine monhun had an amazing run
to be fair i wouldn't go that far. Wilds honestly looks perfectly fine...
as it's own game.
If it wasn't called Monster Hunter I'd have 0 problem with it.
So I'm just waiting patiently for the next MH game. I got plenty of games to scratch that itch while waiting.
you're blind in terms of fidelity.
The flagship looks like a real elder dragon, in the sense that it looks like a really old dragon.
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all the ideas we talked about with seasons flooding the forest for underwater...
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>New monsters look like shit
Meanwhile rise:
What about this then? >>495857164
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It's over.
>wake up
>bad monster designs
>go back to sleep
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God he looks so fucking good I love him
>posts one of the worst looking monsters they ever made
based samurai cat
also why is dashing to shit on rise always the defensive tactic?
>At least it's not rise
that's not good enough.
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>arkveld has brand new whiptech :tm:
>meaning other whip monsters can take advantage of it
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>Anjanath at home
>Namielle and Amatsu had a baby and it has Downs syndrome
>Literally just a Frontier flagship
this gens monsters ain't doin much for me
I only really like lala brina so far
Anyone complaining about Wilds is very likely to be a rice eater.
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That's me, I feel lost already
>mfw there's a nonzero chance he shows up because of evil whitey
wtf I love wilds now
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>i cant believe its genuinely the end for monster hunter holy shit this is such a mess

>to be fair i wouldn't go that far. Wilds honestly looks perfectly fine...
as it's own game.
If it wasn't called Monster Hunter I'd have 0 problem with it.
So I'm just waiting patiently for the next MH game. I got plenty of games to scratch that itch while waiting.

>It remains to be seen. We still have the next portable game to look forward to but yeah if they mess that up it's over. Which is fine monhun had an amazing run
Woah woah cool it with the antisemitism. Rabbi tokuda worked hard on those designs
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>anyone that hates Wilds loves rise
i highly doubt that.
There are anons that love world that think Wilds looks like straight garbage.
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The apex thunder dragon, Rey, looks the best so far. The other new monsters looks a bit ugly in comparison.
>Took 15 minutes figuring out how to get on top of Ancient Fores
>Somehow found the topmost camp but never realised it leads directly to the Rathalos nest
Not me... no...
every monster hunter game involves hunters overhunting a region until it creates a cascading disaster that is resolved the same way it started, by hunting every monster in the region. In less than a year the new region will become a wasteland as dozens of monsters from other games wander into disaster region and cause more chaos.
Every single new wilds monster looks better than most of the rice roster
Stop being antisemitic what the fuck is your problem?
guys my pc can't run it i don't have money to spare for upgrading i can hardly pay my rent and groceries
How is that being antisemitic?
i certainly agree he looks cool as shit. About the only monster that does so far
>frog monster
he looks silly, but he's cool too.
it's a byproduct at best.
>Make the game hard to run; that means other people won't have room to run other games thus giving you more advertising for DLC/new game
>save money by not optimizing game, aka you can pay for lower quality work because
>get to spill bullshit to shareholders about how they are using the latest PC specs to their fullest
gatekeeps pirates too
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>New Flagship is a flying (pseudo)shitvern
Alright, you got me this time Crapcom
>2070 super
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i love monster hunter :D
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Because the squad was called Aces and he was one in training. Besides he regrets his past jobbing.
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>its only blademaster
>no gunner variant
>the helmet was different on the female
Yes, continue eating your ESG DEI slop and saying that somehow is better than the original
oink for me
Wilds is for the top 1% only don't even fucking think about getting it if you aren't ballin
I hate him too fuck off /v/, you are just as brown as the brat in the trailer
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There's no gunner variant. You don't even play these games do you? Unless you're clamoring for the Blue one.
okay but this is with retarded japanese pc port shitcode
I don't doubt there will be mods and whatnot to optimize things afterwards
because took a direct blast of Fatalis Fire and got slightly tired.
Be a fool NOT to call him an Ace by then.
they both are trash
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>there's no gunner variant
>5 new monsters in just the desert area
Are they really going to do an Apex + 4 new others? That's would be pretty insane without even adding the returning ones yet.
>recommended specs is RTX 4060 for 1080p 60 FPS WITH frame generation enabled
Fucking grim. Get ready for Dragon's Dogma 3
looks like he came straight from Wild Hears
>literally only ONE person in /mhg/ has bought wilds
man i thought you guys liked monster hunter???
we like brown
Gunner armor beggars never even played gunner to no one's surprise
we buy Monster Hunter to PLAY it, not watch a movie
>turn off motion blur
>turn off depth of field
>turn off volumetric lighting / fog
>turn off frame gen
there's your 60 real fps

>buying a prebuilt 2nd hand

god there are some fucking morons in here. just stay on console you fucking mouthbreather we don't need you low IQ types in the PC rooms.
Wilds looks better than world but it's still headed in the wrong direction. I'll wait for ichinose
>pre-ordering games
I love the franchise and have like twenty thousand hours but I'm not a retarded, I will wait for some performance, if its complete garbage on PC I will bite the bullet and take the dust away from my PS5 just to get a better experience.
What? I showed mine off last thread. Got the premium slop edition for the elf ears
There's only one monster on the left that's fun to hint
I'm getting dragon's dogma 2 & mh world traumatic flashbacks. surely capcom will optimize wilds right?
People play MH on laptops?
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>5 more months
how do i make time go faster
why are linking to resetera you dumb fucking faggot?
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Poogie, I'm so sorry...
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>Purposely selecting the shitmons from World but not Rise
I hate you nintenniggers so much. Go back to your shitty kiddie games.
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>relying on mods to run a game properly
the absolute state of modern gaming....
look it has denuvo, i know it's going to run like ass so even if i have to play on medium or whatever the fuck who cares cuz they'll optimise that shit within the month
Not with this time frame before launch. It'll run like shit on launch
honestly maybe focusing on graphical fidelity and making the world fuckhuge was a mistake
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he's from /v/ and it's terminal
>Hopefully it’s a launch title for switch 2
>People agree with him
What the fuck are they stupid
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>Hopefully this means it is a launch title for switch 2
Always, LMAO
Denuvo has a negligible performance impact on any modern(ish) CPU.
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I don't have a console, I just have my shitty PC I built in 2018 which was already using 3-4 year old parts at that time so I'm using something ancient
Everything in some of these second hand PCs is better than building your own because I'm saving at least $500
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go back
god I want to fucking kill him more than any nigmon
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I'm sorry monhun bros... I didn't beta test hard enough.
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can we have a lumu now?
Why does it looks like it could be a boy or a girl?
There's zero chance of that after seeing the PS5's performance and the minimum specs on PC. Even if it does turn out to be stronger than a base PS4 and has DLSS that's cranked to ultra performance with the settings at a custom mix below lowest it's doubtful it'd even get a solid 20 FPS.
>people in minegard were able to stay fat and white despite living in a desolate place
>people in wild's people living in a desolate place are all brown and thin
Stop begging and make one
I'm not racist but that is kinda funny
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if your guild card does not have the exclusive premium preorder style thene, you are being blacklisted
sorry, i'm not playing with poorfags
How expensive would it be to get wilds running smooth on PC?
No dude that's definitely a wom-
>look it up on official website
>it's a boy
What the FUCK
>7800x3d and 2080ti
>got like 80-90fps in the wild
>on release city was like 50-60fps
>now city has been improved
>unironically runs better than wilds
and people thought wilds would run better
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>Will become 20$ in a year like all Capcom games
>Will get a year of title updates
>Full extent of microtransaction jewery won't be revealed until after launch
>Bug fixes and optimization won't be out for months, especially for PC
>decensor and de-brown mods will take time to get started
There's absolutely zero reason to buy at launch. I still need to beat Frontier as well.
that's the unfortunate state of things
developers are both retarded and forced to release unfinished shit by even more retarded execs and salesniggers
I hope you will collect enough good boy points to upgrade from your quad-core CPU, my dude guy.
>There's absolutely zero reason to buy at launch.
the reason is i want to hunt new monsters at launch
You still have both kidneys? I might be able to work out a deal for you
as expensive as a lexus
yes but it will be a 4U citra room
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>100 dollars for a shitty story mode with denuvo and 30 fps with a 4090
I don't know man, I will probably wait for the Wilds Ultimate or mods to skip all this waste of money in cutscenes, the fact that they are trying to pull drama in MH story is so disapointing, just make a story about discovering shit and let the drama for the final encounter in the "Ultimate" edition, just like they did with 4U with the white hair guy vs the Kushala or baiting us that Fatalis would kill our favorite Sperg.
I know this is shit posting, but a 4060 isn't a very strong card.
Denuvo is garbage that shouldn't exist but you don't really help the case against it by spreading dumb misinformation. Even on earlier versions with weaker CPUs 5+ years ago it topped out at a 1-3 FPS drop unless you were using some ancient CPU that already wasn't capable of getting stable frames. It shouldn't be there but it doesn't actually make your PC catch on fire and summon an anal rape demon to your house.
That's clearly a boy, are your eyes that bad?
>introduced in MHGU despite being based on gendered armor from 2nd gen
really not helping your case
denuvo is literally eating 20 frames, minimum at all times, this is a canon fact
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The fuck? The latest installment is RISE
How tight is your asshole? I have money
Guys guys I know the trailer is a bit disappointing but don't you think RISE is shit? Right let's just focus on the things that matters here. RISE BEING SHIT.
There's no real point engaging with these people. I don't think anyone actually wants denuvo. But it comes as zero surprise it has it, like with every other capcom game in the last like 8 years and then most of the time the performance impact is negligible. The forced online check in and pc reinstall limitation is more of an issue than the "performance impacts".
RE games were optimized, they can't be retarded enough to not have wilds be unoptimized
mainrine team neva prayed riso preasu understando
Guess my monster hunter journey ends here.
Every good running RE engine game was not a large open space with a lot going on.
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>monster hunter becomes capcom's biggest success
>at the cost of (you) not being able to play it
Let's say you get the RTX 4070 instead.
>90 FPS at 1080p on medium with frame generation turned on
Grim. That's basically back down to 60-70 FPS at 1440p, the resolution you're actually playing at with an RTX 4070.
nta but the lips and eyes look feminine, the ears are flared out like how girls with piercings wear them and poo's look naturally effeminate
>anons saying it's so damn expensive it's not even worth
shit man. I probably could afford it, but if yoy feel so strongly about this...
i guess I'll just wait for the next MH game.
Well, thanks for the help bros.
I'm a virgin and I can shit under 3 min
Wilds is technically an open world, shit's fucked
Even DD2 is optimized, Capcom is different from other Ubislops Open World where they use elevation and montains to hide low res shit.
Then why use if it's fundamentally unsuited for the task?
at least $3k
The system requirements for this are fucked, I'm pretty worried after DD2.
get ready to have the same exact issues that plagued world's release and worse
volumetric fog, laggy shaders, probably terrain issues, the works
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>make money online fast canada
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I really feel bad for those who can't play it. I really do. I hope you can scrounge enough money before release.
That sounds right. 70 class is higher than 60 1080p and targeted 60 1440p. 80 class is 120+ 1080p, above 60 1440p and gimped 4k
ti/90 is highest 1080p fps, 120+ 1440p and 4k 60 (prob).
>Comparing massive open world title with hundreds of effects going off and tons of behind the scenes calculations taking plays for environmental shit to a fucking corridor shooter
Are you high
>They listened to Reddit
They listened to DEI consultant groups, actually.
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I really hope they bring back the Ruiner Nergi set.
anon this will barely run it and absolutely not smoothly.
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but i can play it though???
>4k 900fps or whatever the fuck
no i don't care
i have a 1080p 240hz monitor
i'm fine with 60fps, more is nice true but if i can get that at the minimum i'm chill
Damn niggas gotta wait for the 6th gen monster hunter rise equivalent to play more monster hunter.
because it saves money! Think of the profits! Who cares if it burns the future when we have the now!
Doesn't matter. My PC is for work not gaming. I'm playing it on PS5.
>Not a poor fag
Nice joke
>a 4060
I know this isn’t actually Aira because she’s literally too stupid to turn on a computer
>the PS5
>not the PS5 Pro
>No disc drive
>playing it on PS5.
If Capcom isn't retarded we should be getting more than 60 FPS, especially with only medium settings. That said, the other anons are right. Let's see what the performance is after turning off volumetric fog and reducing shadows from ultra to low/medium.
>scrounge enough money before release
Lmao I can afford it and I'm still not buying. Wilds is a step in the wrong direction and I won't support it
>My PC is for work
>4060 is overkill for office work and garbage for actual work like CAD
It's me.
Man MH is main franchise I care about but I'm definitely not in the right tax bracket to be playing this and stuff like DD2. Very deflating news, I might unironically become a full time Switch gamer.
not that guy but i could have bought a 4090, i had the money for it, i just didn't because i didn't want an exploding graphics card in my pc
Either you sell some Sasquatch kidneys or just settle for low specs and 30 fps.
>physical disc
>insert disc
>please download 100gb update from the store anyway to play fuck you lmao

yes the disc drive is utterly irrelevant in current year
>"bro this shit will barely run"
>"a-a-actually I'm going to play this on PS5"
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Give me 5 monsters that HAVE to be in Wilds
Anon when I asked the PC builder to make one I just told him get me something around X price point. I didn't tell him what I'll do with it.

I'd play Sims 4 on it but it's mtx hell.
you need to design your pc around the 4090 though
a fuckhuge case, high end motherboard, 1200w+ power supply and great airflow as well
you can't just dump 1600 randomly and shove it in your current case
at least I couldn't and I had to settle for a 4080
Up to your old tricks again.

I suspect it's more CPU than gpu-related. They're doing so much with the "living" world, and RE engine seems to have bad time with dealing with a whole bunch of shit going on at different times and constantly tracking it. The settings in DD2 made pretty little difference in fps for the most part, I suspect it's probably similar here.
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I'm gonna have to buy a new laptop for wilds orz
It's painful to actually recommend a PS5, but just get one if you can't afford a PC while GPU prices remain terrible.
sometimes, i wonder what's the point of high res and more volumetric shit if most people can't even run all of that and just settle for medium settings despite having mid to higher(but not highest) pcs
Azure rathalos
Silver rathalos
Pink rathain
Gold rathian
Rainbow hyper apex raths
>World reveal shat on by Nintendo players
>Rise reveal shat on by World players
>Wilds trailers universally hated by both
Is the industry healing?
I really cannot justify a PS5 for 1 game. Nothing else I even remotely care about on it.
been working just fine for the past 8 years broski
>4060 runs Cyberpunk with path tracing @1080p 60fps with DLSS and FG
>Wilds will run as heavy as path traced Cyberpunk judging by the spec requirements
its joever
>literally any rebuttal to criticism against wilds is "bro you are just mad"
maybe it is healing unironically.
Fucking retard
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They sucked all hype out of this game by showing us nothing but a boring desert for months. And the monsters still look Resident Evilfied. Also not keen on the diversity slash feminism trip Capcom is on nowadays.
Silky smooth 15 fps
you're all trashing a 4060 while sporting a 7600 or 3060. shame on you shame!
>5 monsters that HAVE to be in Wilds
rey dau
lala barina
uth duna
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jap preorder come with a foldable bike
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GU ran at 30 fps even on the switch, why is it a problem now?
polish devs > jap devs

...but why
what a weird way to boost PS5 sales
Constant 30 FPS on console feels much better than inconsistent FPS on PC. And we can emulate GU
The bike for those who can't play wilds
I have a 4070
This is making me think of pawning it off on my younger brother and getting a 4080
I'm trashing a 4060 while having a 2080ti actually :)
I really love that song.
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I’m not touching a REN game until I get my demo.
GU is a port of a 3DS game.
audible kek
Just skip wilds then. World and wilds are explicitly made in the new world so you can ignore them if you're a veteran hunter. They're basically their own continuity. That's why they use that specifical font and logo style while every other game (yes including rise) uses the old style they've used since mh1
AND I'LL....
I have a Radeon RX 5700 be honest to me. Can I run it?
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I thought this monster looks ugly but now that I see it from the side profile it actually looks okay.

What do you think the chains are for? Is someone keeping it in their basement to rape it?
T-they will lower the requirements after taking feedback r-right?
you guys do know that aira is just doj's girlfriend right? that's probably doj's pc or something. more you know.
no lol
Yes, 1080p medium unstable 60 FPS since you can't stabilize it with fake frames. RX 5700 is basically an RTX 2070 Super, which is what they have in their recommended specs.
because it wasn't over 100 GB despite having 10 times the roster, these things need a balance
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It looks very generic. But that's MH now.
this is going to sell like shit compared to world and even rise.
>lots of people got their fill of the franchise with world
>if they didn't, possibly with rise
>playstation is deader than dead in japan
>pc is upcoming in japan, but this requires an extraordinarily expensive build in an incredibly shit economy
>people in the west also can't afford to play this on pc
>more gaas than ever to compete with
>grifters are going to shit on the game for being woke 24/7
yes I am
>a shit down of brown people
>looks like jeets
>monsters got chains now
so this is the flagship
kinda disappointing next to raydau
the fish is cool tho
the chains are going to be the theme of the g rank dlc monster - an enslaver of the past who is keeping arkveld (an extinct species) in priso
this is clearly a metaphor for capcom holding their other dead monster games like explore and frontier in prison and never re releasing their monsters in other games (well we had espinas but he's basically a rathian anyway so it's whatever)
what are the odds of modders somehow bullshitting the game into a poorfag-friendly state
How many fps you think?
$80 for online btw
>the flagship is the white race bound in chains
what did capcom mean by this
There probably will be potato mode mod but it'll look like absolute shit and you'd be better off with a ps5
>>people in the west also can't afford to play this on pc
i live in bongistan off of Universal Credit (welfare) that is £800 a month and i just bought the £90 premium version of the game though
doesn't break my bank, i'm still good
60 fps with frame gen feels really, really bad by the way. It introduces a ton of input lag, these reqs are not promising at all and it's going to be a shitshow. They're trying to sneak this in before the fiscal year ends.
it's face scream frontiermon, i hate it
They did it for Witcher 3 when that came out and made it look like runescape, so maybe.
Aside from rey dau and the frog, I do not like the new monster designs
>PS5 chads will be playing and having the intended experience while PCucks will be wailing and gnashing their teeth for months until mods fix the broken port
It's going to be delicious.
I said unstable 60 FPS, so probably 45-60 FPS if you're extremely lucky. If you're not lucky, then good luck bro.
Frontier monsters actually look good.
I really really hate puke pukei he looks like runescape trash and a pink trex? Seriously?!
fuck this, man
Modders will make it look like Rise so it will run better for poorfags.
Well at least we all know the rooms will be free of brazilians like Next Exy.
Thank you, Capcom for keeping the rooms safe.
re:engine games run on toasters as long as they are dd2 you have nothing to worry about.
enjoy your 30 fps dude. i couldnt possibly live with myself playing a game in my favorite franchise in that state
most of them don't if you ask me
Don't they understand this sort of shit, especially after the fiasco that was DD2 is going to end up tanking their reputation
>Wilds flagship is the ugliest thing ever made and looks like an MHO reject
unstable 45-60 fps for the first week before it gets patched and fixed > 30 fps forever
AMD will actually run the game the best but Nvidia sissies aren’t ready for that conversation.
>780$+subscription get decent frames
You're in the shit with us Sony fag.
crossplay lol you can't escape the console poorfags
>the intended experience of 720p upscaled and stretched to 1440p displayed on a 4k TV with an unstable FPS starting at 30 and dropping to the low teens during heavy effects
Some modern console games can't even reach 30 frames.
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Ok thanks at least it's above 30 FPS I guess my choice is set. I'll save more buying a PS5.
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>hardware requirements spam
What are you people even talking about? Wilds looks like shit, why would it require a super computer? I know Capcom is bad ad optimizing games but c'mon.
You've never played Pre-G MHF
It's possible they just don't know better and that the engine isn't suited for open world/large area games.
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Tell 'em, king!
I don't even care lol with world I actively disliked a lot about the game but I was still engaging with it. With wilds I just genuinely do not care. Total apathy
PS5 costs too much for what it is.
like the switch lmao
re engine fucking sucks
It's undervalued actually, that's why the controller prices just increased $10 across the board
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Indian Capcom marketers trying to make Wilds look prestigious and shilling GPUs while at it
Wilds graphics get mogged even by low budget Korean shit
These reqs are so bad I could possibly see them change it. Using frame gen to GET to 60 fps in the first place is really bad. Support documentation for developers for frame generation from both AMD and Nvidia advise against that. It feels incredibly bad to play.
Insane how 3DS games looked better
>you can't escape the console poorfags
>wilds nexus
>disable crossplay mod
done, easy
the ps5 demo kept crashing because of overheating at already meh performance
thank god i bought a 4070
There's gonna be a simple toggle in the settings, retardbro.
Rise was incredibly well optimized at looked great. Perhaps graphixfagging and openworld slop is the issue.
I have PTSD from Dragon's Dogma 2. I'm expecting the same experience unless proven otherwise.
good luck doing that with easy anti cheat
enjoy playing offline by yourself I guess
I'm more surprised it requires twice the power of world and rise while not looking SIGNIFICANTLY better
Like what the fuck?
Thank God I didn't pre-order Wilds
Keep shilling, pajeet
Not being a new GPU for an ugly garbage game
I'm getting my blacklist ready for all the PC fags. You aren't welcome and 90% of you are probably running cheat engines.
>PC is too weak to handle Gemma
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Just bought Wilds. Brain happy.
yeah a lot of this is because fucking graphic whores just cant get enough. if the game had the EXACT same fidelity as world i'd be completely fine with it.
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See? This is the price of following the graphic fidelity, yeah, Rise/Sunbreak is sinful and has a lot of problems, but at least is generous for any toaster, anyone can have fun with the game, thats how game should be.
>enjoy playing offline by yourself I guess
uh yes i will
>getting carried by other people in multiplayer
no thanks, i want to hunt the monster myself
funniest post in this thread
Fun is a racist dog whistle
Rise toaster graphics at 120 will be better than Wilds at 30
>Not being a new GPU
>calling anyone else a pajeet with english like this
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I just bought the Premium Deluxe Edition, Hunters.
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RE:Engine and its consequences have been a disaster for the MH franchise.
Maybe I'm blind but outside of better texture resolution it really doesn't look all that much better than World.
New worlder here, should I creat my own lobby and solo or join other lobbies
a fucking leaf? ultra mega blacklisted
cool have fun bro
there's probably a bunch of retarded fidelity things no one gives a fuck about like moving hair or particles or monster ballsacks swinging.
World ran like shit too but okay.
create your own
solo, otherwise youll stay shit at the game and be a heavy burden later on unable to play on your own
I'm waiting until Vinny streams it before I pull the trigger on buying it.
Wait this dude is still alive? How many years later is this supposed to take place in?
>inb4 lore in MH
You should try and solo the monsters first. You'll find people playing multiplayer at all levels but you don't really need to linger in low rank too long.
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No games should always aim for higher and higher graphical fidelity and more computing power so that we can establish an elitist gaming culture and create an apartheid that divides the rich from the poor. I hate playing with poor people and I don't care about your cries. Bring gaming back to the 90s and 80s where the blacks are delegated to watching their white friends play video games.
>whitoids are oppressing us mudskins
>you're a hunter and you do nothing???
Lighting, particle effects, volumetric brapgas, etc.
Even my 3080 is going to cry over this game it seems.
Oh well. Preordered like a good goy anyway. What if they run out of digital copies? Gotta be sure.
>buying new hardware for ugly shit casual game like low impulse control brown people
>calls others pajeet
i remember rotten vale in world literally running at like 5 fps on PC until nvidia released a driver update to fix it
not if you turn off volumetric fog (which also makes the game look way better)
Ace Cadet is in World and he's not that much older. I'd assume it's maybe like 10-20 years after 4.
Who the fuck is Vinny?
>reading comprehension
monster hunter wilds will be the next concord isn't it?
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Solo it, I can't speak for everyone else, but every monster is more painful to fight in multi except dedicated raid mons like kulve and safi
>b-but alatreon
Doable on solo without optimized fatty set actually, takes longer but doable, also less pain and more predictable because again, solo
But that's just me
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>Nergigante is the irish drunk bar fighter
>Velkhana is the french femboy fencing expert
>Magnamalo was the souless Jap salary man pretending to have honor
>Malzeno is the proud eurocuck
>Arkveld is the white man unshackling against the tyranny of a bigger thread
So... Wilds Ultimate will be a Ahtal-Ka 2.0 where he is full of tricks and greedy?
Yes I will stay at the hub and eat meal and purposely not fight any elder dragons. Problem white "rath"?
so who is right?
i doubt the graphicsfag that he is is gonna have anything really good to say about it.
first 2 streams would be him constantly bitching about it
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>Indian Capcom marketers trying to make Wilds look prestigious
mostly playstation shills, both capcom and sony have shills and bots everywhere
What's with the doomposting?
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>monsters get underwater combat before hunters do
>monsters get whip weapon before hunters do
me when I see a big booba choco walk into the lobby
wow that armor from mhfu, sovl
Game looks like shit and rubs women, blacks and trannies in our face in every trailer
Vinesauce, grandpa
Like 75% of the general just got priced out of playing the game. You basically have to be an upper middle class white collar worker to be able to afford Wilds.
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what about it?
4060 runs the game at 30 fps on medium
that's all 4chan is anymore
The flagship is boring and conslefags are just now realizing that they'll be playing at 720p30 with dips.
>You basically have to be an upper middle class white collar worker to be able to afford Wilds.
>launch world
>no lumu
>close world
>no ero images in thread
>probably cant play wilds
not looking good for me
>The game pander to pajeet
>But most pajeet cannot afford to buy the game to play it

What was Capcom thinking????
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>polack open world looks 5 times better and cleaner and more professional
>will run much better
nips have become a joke
I don't know about any of your daffy pals mate.
>The flagship is boring
weakest bait in this entire thread and that's saying something, have a pity (you)
Ok? What's your hardware.
Big game in popular series got a release date. It's a miracle you can even read some posts.
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Wait, they showed the flagship?
it looks bad, none of these monsters are designed by the same team
the game ran badly last time we saw it mid stage
the story looks obnoxious
it's not my monster
The one in the OP image.
Are you dumb? It literally looks like Basarios with those Frontier monster whips attached to it. Even the ugly railgun monster is more interesting
He looks like a shitmon wyvern. Even Rey Dau and the Frontier version look more impressive.
>nips have become a joke
Become? Optimization has ALWAYS been their weakpoint, especially on PC.
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They really didn't think it through
RE was made for corridor shooting, not open world
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>Gore suffering through aging
>Arkveld suffering through being chained up (?)
Wonder what the monster classification for them is going to be called since once we know Arkveld's, Gore will also fall into the same class
>Hunter it's the white wraith! It's causing all the trouble in the Monster Hunter: Wilds!
why did they do this
oh I thought that was just another generic mid tier monster
niggergante was much cooler
>No games should always aim for higher and higher graphical fidelity and more computing power
>Bring gaming back to the 90s and 80s
if you're gonna be edgy and contrarian at least be consistent
Fucking FFXV looks better than Wilds, a 10 year old game. For sure in terms of lighting
>people can't even tell that's the flagship because it looks so generic
mhg is shitbox user neets
>wilds flagship mon has chains
they couldn't be more upfront with this DEI horseshit
chains while having jeets, really?
It's not doomposting wilds just looks like slightly less boring world which was already one of the most boring games in the series and you need a super computer to run wilds. Why should anyone give a fuck unless they're totally owned mind body and soul by Capcom?
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binoculars reveal crown size
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Sweet Baby is one of the consulting firms they're using
lets be honest literally everyone shat on nergigante when it was revealed. that wasnt a popular monster initially
post big booba chocos
luminous engine was actually amazing shame the devs using it fucking sucked
what a shame
Is that supposed to be reassuring?
his fight unironically saved him
i wonder if the chainjeetmon would be the same
Good change unironically. Even with world letting you exist in the same zone before instant aggro
Just pre-ordered the premium deluxe version on PS5, see you in February niggas.
This reminds me of something, metal gear maybe?
They probably switched to UE after realizing porting is going to be hell on earth lmao
Idgi what’s the significance

More choco please
Do you think Lynian pussies are compatible with hunter cocks? They should be, I mean they take such a beating from monsters and bounce back like nothing.
truly the shadow the hedgehog of monster hunter
I am going to rape all choco huntresses
Does anyone here like Monster Hunter?
Do not have sex with cats
Because it's current year and you aren't allowed to enjoy video games without being subjected to political faggotry anymore.
Yeah and KH3 looks like absolute dogshit because of it. Plastic bullshit. At least it works for the toy story world.
Stories 2 confirms it. Wyverians and Lynians are Monsters so do what you'd like with that info.
>looked like a goofy motherfucker
>fight was a big old bruiser
>extremely satisfying to break his bigass horns
People like the straight fights.

Love me monster hunter simple as.
I hate monster hunter.
>Wyverians and Lynians are Monsters so do what you'd like with that info.
Going to hunt them both (with my cock)
Yeah, not a massive fan of how KH3 looked
Nerg at least had some colors to it. I don't know why they made this new nigga completely monochrome with purple-ish lights.
Love Monster Hunter
Hate Monster Fighter
I went through so much hell soloing arena quests for Guardian Z armor in 4U. I don't even remember what skills.
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>recommended specs
white people owned slaves with chains
white people chained up
bongs (white) ruled jeet land
bongs enslaved jeets
white once thought gone returning -> bong's left poo land are now returning (to the poo's life, who moved into the whiteman's land)
white's wrath at the jeets

I'm playing it solo rn, I just have it PAUSED to type something out
choco odogaron huntress
vanilla kirin huntress
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We only have this guy to blame
>like monster hunter
There is literally not a single game or any facet thereof that everyone or even most people here can agree is actually good. Every part of this series is loathed by at least one poster here. And also every single weapon is gay and/or trans.
For what?
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fully modeled palico pussy takes power
Thinking RE is good for open world slop
For some reason I genuinely hate this faggot. Don't know if it's the smugness combined with how much of a turbo manlet he is or that all of his games are overrated as fuck with some of the worst game design ever and his breakthroughg ame (DMC3) is just him stealing things from DMC1 and 2 and mechanics that were already there and designed by others

Also DD2 was beyond horrible
>Idgi what’s the significance
as the other anon demonstrated, it's just culture war schizophrenia
the 'old warrior in chains' trope is apparently too old for chronically online manbabies to recognize it
I'm glad people finally realized Itsuno is a hack
I hope tsukino is in wilds
choco odogaron huntress fellatio while vanilla kirin huntress rimjob
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Imagine not being a PChad
Imagine being a console owner.
Mr Potential Man just needed more time and budget!
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>fully modeled palico pussy
holy based
Palico pussy could save the franchise
>capcom combining their spinoffs with mainline
they lack the soul
>game has things from another game in the series so it's bad
He also directed 2.
So we just stopped defending Wilds?
Monster Hunter is god tier. Only gens 1-4 though
Man fuck frenzy brachy
wyvern stone does fuck all and too long to use mid hunt vs him
5 phial SAED using damage up with it didn't even do anything
PC has Frontier so I agree
Indians haven't started their shift yet.
>think kirin is generic slut
>still gets my dick rockhard
I wanna be free from the kirin menace
>can easily beat the entire game of DMC2 exclusively using guns
i see.
> And also every single weapon is gay and/or trans.
Very true
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cat sex
sex cat
Capcom doesn't use any other engines (outside of undusting MT framework for some ports), so I don't know what's your point.
I hate brutes
I hate the psudo
I hate the fat fuck
I hate the dog
I hate
I only like the frog and can no longer cope that the rest will look good. They can't even fucking show a returner
>He also directed 2.
He picked it up after the former director left (and it still turned out shit), stop talking about games if you don't know basic shit
>White wriath is borderline frontier with it's whips
If only people still hated frontier, they'd be wetting themselves at this betrayal.
Make a new fucking engine then. RE was purpose built for corridors so forcing it to do open world is retarded.
nah I still like what I see
but I can't exactly upgrade my laptop to match the specs and I have no desire to buy a PS5 for one game
fuck I meant I hate Rey Dau
and the spider & digger are forgettable
You will never become the next Actually it won't sell poster.
They literally had to slap that game together in under 6 months and pull people off teams across the whole company to get it done in time. It's shit but it's actually extremely impressive that it's even in the state it's in.
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fully modeled
arkveld and rey dau are more frontier monster than at least 30% of the actual frontier monsters
>They literally had to slap that game together in under 6 months
2 took 2 years to make and there is nothing impressive about it
Choco Kirin huntress
Well, good thing the game is using REX then.
what is the difference?
>get wilds on PC and use coomer mods
>get wilds on PS5 and enjoy actually good hunts with Japs

What to do??
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do not lewd the cats
Cosmetic shit, stickers. Nothing of note.
Base game
Base game but capcom cut your nuts off
Base game but capcom cut your nuts off and rape you
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hey, I'm not about to knock any of your decisions.
If you plan on getting it, get it.
If not, then that's fine too.
I pretty much already made my decision with the 2nd trailer (the actual trailer and analysis, not the 90s of nothing) and decided then this wasn't the game for me.
I am more than happy to wait for the next MH title, but at the same time, hope the people that decide to buy it don't regret their purchase.
Stay proud hunters.
Scroll down.
We have the actual story about that game. The team making it was horribly mismanaged and barely had any of the attack animations done let alone literally anything else. The game was put together as a rush job in about half a year of active development. It is extremely impressive that they managed to do that and not have it be a complete potato mess.
you know there is crossplay and japs also play on pc, right? I play world with japs all the time by setting my region to tokyo, they cart less
You are going to buy because of fomo
these system requirements ruined my night unironically. hope you guys have fun i'll be here shitposting and wishing i could play it
>we have the itsuno cope about the game!
the guy is too retarded to give dragon's dogma a dedicated evade button and dd2 has literal random attack animations
I'm gonna wait for Demo.
I need to be wowed or else I'll wait for price drop + expansion.
Based. I'll always play monster hunter. Just not wilds. I'll be playing third gen until the next portable
What's your build like friend? You can probably play with shit that's worse than what's there so long as you at least have an SSD.
Wilds has Crossplay confirmed?
Buy new parts anon...
yes this was confirmed months ago
yiff in hell
Unfortunately yes.
If I can get 60 even at console settings I'm fine
worlds runs rough enough with super low settings
Migrate souly other thread is full of shitposting
>/mhg/ has to get a job to buy a new pc to play wilds
it's unironically over, the neets in this thread cant even push carts at walmart
anon i'm in my thirties and make min wage i couldnt afford to do that. i barely get by.
How fucked am I if I'm using a 1660 super?
It's probably a combination of highballing and japs that can't into PCs. Wait for the demo.
That's the card in the minimum requirements. You can get 720p upscaled to 1080p and 30 FPS at lowest settings.
Still not buying a PS5, Sony shill
Finally an actual use for the binoculars
? That would run World perfectly fine at way above "super low settings".Not sure how you're managing that.
as long as you stay on the lowest settings you're fine
DD2 has pretty idiotic requirement sheet and it runs better than the specified 30 fps.
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I'm sorry....
1024 texture quality
low/off for everything unless specified
no limit on LOD
32 bit dynamic range
depth of field on
vignette normal
z prepass on

i get like 55 or so average running around seliana, it jumps to as high has 72 occasionally but frequently goes to 45 and somewhat often down to 30-20

i used to get like super stuttering inconsistently and was forced to lower stuff when it was getting me killed a lot
I am poor and waiting on my check

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