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Another soulless generic Resident Evil monster edition

>I have a question about Monster Hunter!

>MH Wilds
Wilds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/
New weapon trailers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7z-ZXbhfoKEO9jJv7a-bG7UcHGTCX5uH
Release Date trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dJpKRWYNkE [Embed]

>MH Rise
Sunbreak TU Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/update/en-us/
Hunter Connect: https://pastebin.com/Tp9t570y
Armor Set Search: https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en
Monster Weakness Database: https://robomeche.github.io/MHRise-Database/

>MH World
Iceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653
General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf

>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier


>Where does /vg/ play?
Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage)

>/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)

Previous thread: >>495855463
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I don't know what parts to buy or even how to install them.
I love choco huntresses
There's already an existing thread.
So realistically how long until the next portable? Maybe 2028? That's not so bad
Tsuk with Sexkino
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poorfags on suicide watch edition
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>minimum system requirements
Mr. Beast collab in wilds with molestable children and piles of money????
>Another soulless generic Resident Evil monster
so far it's my second favorite next to raydau among new mons
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petition to remove rise from the OP and replace it with mhnow
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mogged. maybe shouldn't have shown us nothing but an ugly desert for months
>cat with pink hair and eyelashes
Shan't be buying Milds
post them
>MHNOW has magnamalo
It's OVER! DO NOT put NOW in the OP!!
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The very first Wilds choco, courtesy of Capcom
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If you want 99% white characters and no DEI propaganda you have to play Chinese or Korean games today
cant believe there is porn of the new monster already how the fuck did they get the 3d model?!
2027 if they don't want to overlap between mainline and portable.
brainrot, some people are just that mentally ill.
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zamn korean mmos look like THAT
K-shit might really save the industry.
I miss when Monster Hunter had colors, it's all dark, swampy and brown now
If I knew you in real life Rajeesh I would fart really hard in your face.
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>diversity cast of stronk women, troons and nafris
>main antagonist is literally called "the white" something and attacks you with chains
Capcom be swimming in ESG bucks after this game and all their remasters that remove everything "controversial"
you do not have the spleen diameter to do such an act
I've been drinking a lot lately, you would not stand a chance. I also had lasagna the last 3 nights.
>not [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed] [Embed]
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Asians can only copy
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10/10 in bongland
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What does /mhg/ think about the flagship?
It's ok
Doragyurosu is in but still no sign of hyujikiki or pariapuria
what the fuck are they doing
>Doragyurosu is in
No they are lazily rehashing it and aspects of older monsters to make idiots believe they're hunting completely new monsters. That's insincere money making and not the same as actually putting the old monsters in the game, anon.
Boring. Hoped for a new skeleton or something completely out there
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>Ancient Forest 2
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Post yfw can't play Wilds
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>thread still shit
see ya tomorrow I guess
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I can't play Wilds because it doesn't meet my minimum requirements
there really is no excuse for wilds to run bad on any hardware newer than 2018
I can! :) [/spoiler]at 30 frames
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>he isn't a soles hunter
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bros which do i buy
>we get wilds release date before mgs delta
cruel world
Hype status?
Dead see >>495872542
High enough to have tendie freaks working overtime to post FUD
>Another soulless generic Resident Evil monster edition
Any new monster that 1) doesn't mimic ideas from old monster and 2) is based on an animal we haven't done yet? Capcom made it look so easy and natural with 4th gen, even Gen flagships alone
>a fox
>a dragonfly
>an elephant
>new gimmicks like the soap and the monster sliding across the zone or the monster using its tail like a sword
I know there aren't that many animals and gimmicks left but I don't understand Capcom forcing themselves to make new games and new monsters anyway. We're on the verge of reaching Pokemon level derivative

I liked what Rise and Sunbreak did with yokai and folklore monsters. I have no idea what Wilds' approach is, though. Feels like AI generated mashups of old animals and gimmicks
about 30 frames of hype
>there aren't that many animals and gimmicks left
the fuck world you live in
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best monster coming through
Over 50% of the monsters are just dragon-type
>uses less owl features than fucking seregios despite being a blue owl
Waste of a design.
It really baffles me that sharks of all fucking things only have a single large monster representing them
One where Wilds aggressively rehashes old ideas. List 10 animals they haven't done yet that are monster worthy if it's so easy though. And a few gimmicks. And maybe email it Capcom as they clearly need some help
>yet another flying wyvern flagship
Post specs. I need to see who's actually concerned about Wilds and who's just too poor to buy anything and wants to shitpost to compensate.
the exact same specs as dd2
MH monsters aren't supposed to be "animal but X"
rtx 3060
I made half the pro-Wilds posts itt
So no big fancy special/collector/premium physical edition announced? Just a steelbook? How am I supposed to CONSOOOOM!?
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World, Rise and Wilds are the only good monster hunter games.
The other games are too old and clunky.
my white fluffy walrus snow leopard wyvern gf
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owls aren't chickens. owls are associates with sorcery and illusion, making malfestio full magician was kino. should rotate his head upside down when your controls are reversed tho
i wanted to play wilds on my rog ally
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Not hyped even though I knew they would release the date today. I need to see the actual monster in a fight to analyze if it's good or not. Also the monster roster should be bigger than world since they can reuse the older monsters. I will wait for the demo like any sane person before making a decision.
This but only World (without Iceborne)
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They cucked themselves out of that by giving at least 10 monsters digging moves.
>Also the monster roster should be bigger than world since they can reuse the older monsters.
Except they can't because muh ecology, plus they'd need to revamp their movesets to make up for all the buffs hunters got
it looks retarded. half the monsters they make ever since 5th gen just feel like graphics demos
>let's give it big flappy meat curtains so we can animate it in a fancy way for the trailer
Kulve + Namielle
gg ez
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I fell for the intel CPU meme but I have a 4080
the trailer at the state of play literally showed it running at 20 fps on ps5
Legendary Reploid?
It's a Ludroth reskin, not a Jagras one.
>Except they can't because muh ecology,
So they can unless they choose to prioritize nonsense over content and gameplay
>plus they'd need to revamp their movesets to make up for all the buffs hunters got
Shouldn't be that hard for a billion dollar company and not like World went out of its way to do that
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>selects performance mode
well, i guess im playing frontier instead after finishing the main series
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I play and enjoy every generation of Monster Hunter.
how much futanari porn do you make?
it's so over 3070bros...
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Check your RAM bro. Looks like you've mounted them in a single-chanel configuration instead of dual-channel, they're probably in the wrong slots.
R5 5600X + 3060 12GB

enough but barely
Japan has fallen
Anyone here actually good with bow?
when i have them in dual channel slots my pc doesnt boot
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Just wasted over two hours looking for Nergigante footprints. I'm so fucking done with this game. This is the most retarded MH I've ever played. I can never forgive this shit.
So your hype is strong. I get it now
remember when the ps5 demo kept crashing due to overheating? https://www.twitch.tv/monsterhunter/clip/ArbitraryPopularFlyAMPEnergyCherry-TmbU-f4p_nxhF9aC
Half the new monsters are just random shit
>2 hours
Massive skill issue
bro just follow the bugs lmao
>*textures switch to 256x256*
>*shadows turn blurry*
>*game finally runs at 30fps (upscaled from 720p)*
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Bruh, your snoybugs?
I hope my vtuber girlfriend usada pekora plays this game so I can watch her while gooning to her getting creampied by men who aren't me lol!
omg this this this this!!!1
>Hype Status: The Place of Oath
I don't get it
so true! I love monster hunter world btw!
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I will do the needful and redeem the gpu when the 5000 series is out, sir.
>big new trailer/info comes out about Wilds
>bings crawl out of the woodwork in rage
I guess I should have expected a vandalized OP.
Get palico rider they will find it for you
I wish. I do work on 3D stuff but not for character anim so can't have my secret patreon.
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>almost 3 more months of unrelenting shitposting until demo lands
I'm being 100% honest and this isn't shitposting, but I think that we won't get a public demo.
At least it's coming out much, much sooner than pretty much everyone expected it would come out. Nobody here thought it would come out in early 2025.
every monster hunter has gotten a demo
it'll be out this Christmas season so people can hype themselves up over it, beg
Ah, but my rig can run the game and will work day one, althoughbeitly.
I know that, however I think they'll not release it in order to try and not reveal the extent of potential performance issues.
I was still banking on January copium. I can live with February. Maybe.

Such is life.
that would be a huge red flag
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the mice lost
I played the world demo and that shit was atrocious performance wise they don't care.
if 60fps medium on 6700xt / 4060 is their target with frame gen the game must run like absolute shit at present.
I've got a 7800x3d so hopefully it runs a little better or I can pull some higher settings. The game will probably be gorgeous.
7800xt isn't too expensive right now, will have to wait for the demo.
I don't get how they think this is going to run on PS5.
>weather and seasons are in
>wilds turns your machine into a radiator during winter
holy KINO
>I don't get how they think this is going to run on PS5.
Probably the same way a lot of AAA games are "running" on PS5. With ridiculously reduced resolutions or dynamic resolution.
I also played the world demo as well as Iceborne. But it's pretty obvious that's the reason there was no DD2 demo despite a DD1 demo existing. People care more about it now than they used to.

yeah I know
Goliath Beetle
Frilled Lizard

some of these have probably already have monsters but it's 2am and my brain isn't working
>solo hunting in generations on my 2ds in bed
Wow classic mh is trash how did you guys play this slop
This doesn't look as greyed out and ugly as base world does, that's a huge relief.
Reshade is mandatory for world imo
lots of dynamic resolution
sad thing is most people won't think it's too bad because of the massive amounts of motion blur on default
>I don't get how they think this is going to run on PS5
it doesnt >>495907164
No matter the temporary technical difficulties the game will have I will always find solace knowing rise is shit.
post reeks of fiverbab
never killed an arzuros or any of the lava lizard lines huh
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Hey guys.
Wilds will save us from tendies and the ERP indonesians running the game on 7 year old family computer
>People care more about it now than they used to
I completely disagree. Graphics whoring and nitpicking has been a thing forever.
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Almost all the popular monsters draw inspiration from existing animals if not fantasy themes and elements or feelings that universally resonate and tap into collective imagination. If there aren't any clear associations like that, it's probably a random shitmon that should be in a WRPG and not in MH

Even Diablos has that Andalusian vibe, the name translating to devil in Spanish, the aggressive nature of a charging bull. Mixed with the insectoid features like the segmented body, the digging and the kabuto horns
holy cancer but also me on top
this doesn't look as impressive as you think and it will be even uglier 50% the time
It was always a thing, but it's worse in recent years because people are getting tired of being burnt.
>the least transexual iceborne player
4k texture packs and reshade enb on dragons dogma 1.... kinosovl
Oh damn arzuros is kind of a badger huh. I always just thought of him as a bear.
>lava lizard
Uroktor? Alligator I guess?
Just looks like a yellow Barioth with extra shit attached to it and shooting laser beams is stolen from Astalos. We can already declare this the most overrated monster in the series.
urok is alligator, tetsucabra is a frog but someone else pointed that out
hell even nargacuga and to a lesser extent tigrex look like bag hybrids
1 years worth of average (not median) savings to play this game at 30 fps on medium settings
remember when people made good games below the megabyte? with amazing gameplay and graphics to boot?
I can sort of give a pass to most of the flying wyvern spam in the mainline games but the gimmick infringement here is way too much. It's a lightning element flying wyvern that charges up its wings and tail and attacks by slamming its wings into the ground. It's not even like the thing it's copying is some old obscure MHO shitmon, Astalos was literally just in the last game, it was even used as the Sunbreak demo monster. Absolutely mind bogglingly redundant monster
bring back valstrax and I might consider it
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>all that glorious flatness so you can actually play the game and tactical engagement doesn't suffer from having to climb ledges and monsters glitching along walls
>barely any areas as cramped and stuffy as World areas
Rise won
It's not capcom's fault you live in a third world yurt village
>save 50 bucks a month
>can easily afford hardware upgrade every 4years
yeah I'm kind of a genius
>running on PS5
I'm not really worried about that so much as the first month or so this general turning into pajeet tech support on PC. The game will run on consoles, they always nake sure of that first and foremost.

When designing monsters they always go over how the creature might gave evolved and adapted to their environment. Elder dragons are probably some of the biggest stretches but that's because instead of adapting to a environment they can change it to suit them like lunastra causing heatwaves and kushala creating storms.
i live in one of the most well-renowned first world countries, retarded paypig amerilard
>remember when people made good games below the megabyte?
They still do. In the world of indie games.
And now you're gonna say
>indie games
Or some variation of that to make it sound like indie games aren't games or that they don't count somehow.
Uh sister can you stop with the 4Uphobic dogwhistles?
in reality the empty fields with nothing in them are there purely so you can waste more time walking from place to place while the monsters actively seek out cramped little alcoves to fight in
yeah, and now you get cinematic 30fps across the board because the areas are so big
wilds is the drake of monster hunter games
>called out Dragon's Dogma 2 running like shit in advanced based on requirements
>warn that it'll be the feature for other 9th gen Capcom games
>get called tech illiterate retard, because of retards coping with their Ryzen 5600
>"b-b-but RE4make!!!" (a PS4 game)

Haha, get fucked, this is the future you chose.
I remember you faggots saying that all the competent people work on Monster Hunter, so that it'll be fine.

Now call me a discordfag
>And now you're gonna say
no, i am not going to say that
ive played a lot of indie games, some of which are part of the best games ever made
i mainly emulate old games these days though like freedom unite
Too colorful for Wilds
Asstalos isn't even that good, Boltreaver is where things get fun.
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Why do you see an empowered black queen and instantly think about jewish pedophiles?
How comparable will it be to RE4, performance-wise?
RE4 ran surprisingly well in my 1660ti. Hope they announce a demo soon.
MH team sucks. Expect the worst honestly
>ive played a lot of indie games, some of which are part of the best games ever made
name some of them
>Nice vibrate colors
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So we can agree there is no place for nintentroons in our thread anymore, right? I mean, there hasn't been a MH game for Nintendo in more than 10 years now.
Remember, you need a GPU and CPU combo that's 4x more powerful than what we had for MHW, just to barely run a game that's like 20% better graphically.

This is the future, you can thank goyvidia for this. Thank you RE Engine, DLSS, framegen, raytracing, and Japanese devs for the incredible effort you put to bring us to this bleak desolate wasteland we are in.
Super Lesbian RPG
>glazes sexxy
>never watched her music videos
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Thoughts on the white male representation?
I live in russia and im trans so I cant afford to buy a new pc :/
>Wilds maps has flat plains
>therefore Rise won
Is this supposed to be one of those falsefags where the person pretends to be retarded so that he can get BTFO'd easily and get (you)s?
Because Wilds still has tons of slopey garbage, like that desert area that looks like Area 2 of the Dunes map in MH4U with the steep hills.
It's gonna be no different from World maps, with Ancient Forest having some flat areas to the south and cancerous slopes and ledges to the north.
the deviants are all improved versions of the original except for maybe rustrazor
The funniest thing about this whole thing is that nintendorks were hoping that switch 2 gets announced and a surprise Wilds release then their hopes and dreams came crashing down when a playstation 5 can barely run the game

best timeline to be frank. fuck nintendo palworld rules!
Just canceled my W*lds preorder
>he boughtered scamworld
I repelled a Kushala but he rotated out of the hub, does that count as a key quest done?
>le it's not ackshually a pokeball: the game
I play rise on PC though
Whether you're a snoy or a pchad you should be concerned, and frankly fed up with this shit. People also aren't drawing enough attention to the minimum specs for PC, where they mention they'll be upscaling TO 1080 from 720, in order to hit 30fps. This shit is out of control. The industry needs to crash.
Damn nigga just buy a PS5 at this point, nobody cares you are poor.
You won't be laughing when Nintendo announces the Swiitch next year and I have to rebuy Monster Hunter Wilds again for no reason and it still can't run World let alone Wilds

Let's GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO doods I love caping for corporations!
Doesn't even look like Monster Hunter
If you really knew how brown things really are.
MHNow for the switch 2!
Yeah like your skin rajesh
When was the last time a flagship monster actually had a good armor set
The latest Wilds trailer made all the tendies seethe so hard they burst blood vessels in their brains and they're currently feeling the short-term effects. Forgive them for sounding a little delusional
Why would I be concerned that these threads will improve massively because thirdies can't run the game and the BBC scat ERP spam that dominated /mhg/ during Iceborne can't repeat?
I remember when I called out DD2 being ass because of the engine like a year before release and capcunts were like nooo its going to be great. RE Engine can't handle open environments. Shit was built around corridors and limited interiors.

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My thoughts? Well, I think racebaiting /pol/fags need to leave this general.
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off-topic but binding of isaac, undertale, hollow knight
i dont remember every game i play though
on-topic, is mh1/mhg worth playing when mhf1 exists? the latter is a lot easier to set up and controls better, ive heard theres also a patch that fixes the input drops
You don't get it. I can afford to upgrade but I am sick of this lazy industry
I'm literally beggin' ya to play more games
is everyone in here just using a PC from 2018 or something? The specs aren't even that crazy lol
good armor sets are for monsters people don't mind getting sick of farming, either icons like rathalos or some gutter trash like deviljhos or Luna/teo(yes I play blademaster only)
flagships are fun fights you farm for their weapons
>uhm there is also that old white guy whose time is up, owned
barkley gaiden
Me because you are poor and your ass is blasted
fags got lulled in a sense of security because their shit tier mid-range gpus from 2018 was enough to run most sloppas that comes out
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>The specs aren't even that crazy lol
They are shamelessly crazy for what the game looks like. World already ran way worse than fucking RDR2. Capcom needs to pull the head out of their ass but people like you defend everything they do so not going to happen.
Portable Version waiting room. Rise is better than World, objectively.
70 euros to play at 1080pmedium framegen at barely 60fps
No more (you)s for you.
>eric is in wilds
roboquest is rad
no politics, just pure unfiltered going fast and shooting stuff
could use a few more bosses but whatever
>now he posts the literal tranny insert with a female voice actress and thinks he has a point
>what are fitgirl repacks
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THIS 100% This General was heaven before August 2018 when the Piss Sea release brought in the Indonesians, Pajeets, Sri Lankans, Russians and Germans.

I really hope Wilds run awful so that I don't have to suffer some third world jobber that only makes two dollars an hour in my rooms. I hate poor people so much.

You know that Wilds release date REALLY got the tendies shook if they're resorting to going nuts about the little boy from the first trailers
ecology is what gives the monsters character and what makes them stick in your head over some fantasy garbage
this a cop out, it's just a fucking desert and the flooded forest from tri except made even bigger. The Desert is already looking way too full but you could still fit something else in there like Tigerstripe Zamtrios or the usual invaders for Bazel, Deviljho, Rajang etc
In the forest, you could add almost everything found in the primal forest and steppe; Gypceros, Yian Garuga, Najarala, Nerscylla, Seltas & Queen, Kecha Wacha, Congalala, Qurupeco and all the other sub species, variants, & co + the 6 fucking Raths
if you gonna shitpost, can you at least do it right?
I think we can all agree that no matter how bad Wilds will be Rise will always be shit
>uses 300$ gpu
>calls people poor
this is your brain on tranime
Rise is fun desu
+ €2700 pc
paypigs are unironically paying almost €3k for this game
that's not aira. everyone knows she can't turn on a computer.
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Seems like old lumu was kill?
I can't stand the obvious influx of /v/-tards, i'm creating a PC lumu. I'm down to hunt anything
Rise didn't have 50,000 roars and having to tard wrangle the monster 10 times to stop it escaping, so no, it's not shit compared to World. It also has more build diversity.
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>this a cop out, it's just a fucking desert and the flooded forest from tri except made even bigger
Scarlet Forest seems to be a composite of features from most of the other Forest/Jungle zones from earlier titles. Judging from that trailer it has ancient ruins like the Dos Jungle, sprawling treetop canopies like the Ancient Forest, waist high wading water like the Flooded Forest and (during the inclement season) low visibility, similar to the MH1 Jungle.
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>"DD2 was a sacrificial tech demo lamb for Wilds to launch in a better state"
>it was actually a warning
Why haven't they shown any returning monsters yet?
typical, trannies can't turn on anything
Rathalos was in the first trailer
holy fiverbab, just deco in earplugs lmfao
I don't think anyone actually wants denuvo. But it comes as zero surprise it has it, like with every other capcom game in the last like 8 years and then most of the time the performance impact is negligible. The forced online check in and pc reinstall limitation is more of an issue than the "performance impacts".
and they can get away with it. this is why MH needs competition
those are total cancers to fight when not using broken OP styles
>talking about graphics cards
MH World and Rise have always relied way, way more on the CPU than the graphics card and Wilds will be no different. You can get a 12400 for like 100 these days brand new and it'll last you 10 years at this point.
>this a cop out, it's just a fucking desert and the flooded forest from tri except made even bigger.
The problem is that every monster they add somehow has to feel adapted to those areas, need to have their own "lairs" where they can interact with the environment, they need turf wars, potentially herd mechanics...
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Lmao that actually made me laugh. 10/10. Trannies deserve death.
lmao just waste slots to prevent some dumbfuck mechanic that's not even fun or interesting
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>he unironically tries to shill intel
Meanwhile in rise
>monster limping away slowly
>suddenly shoots down a corridor like a slip n slide to the next zone
It'll be cracked within a week
I feel like the double weapon gimmick isn't going to work. If I'm playing lance there is no scenario where a second weapon to bring along makes sense as anything other than another lance. If I bring a hammer for instance, half my armor skills won't matter? I'll have guard for a weapon that can't guard. Makes no sense.
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Brother I blame thee. You should have given me more budget to beta test harder. Now we will both die.
Why did World give monsters 0 frame startup roars that do nothing other than prevent you from playing the game for several seconds
Not digging the arbitrary fantasy edifices and structures everywhere since MHW, like those octagonal pillars in Elder's Recess or whatever's going on in the background here. MH used to be a fairly grounded prehistoric fantasy world. I feel nothing looking at this. And the blue fog is stupid.
>wah my aerial charge blade gets me kicked from hubs
literally a core mechanic of the game series
>he is unironically recommendingcpu that runs at 25-40w completely idle
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>Not digging the arbitrary fantasy edifices and structures everywhere since MHW, like those octagonal pillars in Elder's Recess
That's called basalt rock, nintenfriend
>And the blue fog is stupid.
capcom is obsessed with fugly fog and filters for some reason, i bet it even costs 30 frames again
They said they're moving a lot of damage skills to the weapons instead which is even worse, now for a weapon to be good it needs to have high raw, good sharpness AND good skills
Almost as if it's a giant middle finger to 3rd worlders :)
just flash em before it runs away. Like you do every other mh game with a flying wyvern
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>All the white female NPCs are square jawed with dyke hair cut

Some faggots are too obsessed with Brie Larson 0me think
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Remember nintebros. Hope is a powerful thing.
So you can waste slots preventing a mechanic that does nothing but preventing you from playing the game
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I havn't played in forever, kinda considering making a new character to refamiliarize myself with everything

bad idea....?
Don't care, I'm not giving a single cent to D*n*vo directly or indirectly.
Wahoo status: in?
>wilds already struggling to even breathe during bullshots
>add online features
>add denuvo
>add anti cheat
>add unfiltered turbomaxxed super HD RGBTXDHD gwafx
>add actual gameplay
>add GRank
i dont want my personalcomputer to turn into a bomb bros...
have they shown switch 2 specs yet?
i mean, there's no way a glorified tablet can run this at all
you miss out on content without multiplayer
more like 1200-1400 you can get 7800X3D plus 6700XT or 7800XT should run anything maxxed unless the devs are retarded
Just wallbang them for a chunk of hp and prevent them from leav-
Oh right
Hows your idle power usage bro? Going to say it's not a big deal bro? Going to cope bro?
Lol she looks like a guy now. Last time I've seen her is Scott Pilgrim and that abduction drama with Willem Dafoe.
nothing you can do on a new character that you can't do on the one you have
can I see your huntress?
>pc reinstall limitation
the what?
Does that mean World is a bingbingwahoo game since you can spiderman grapple onto yellow beetles in the environment to traverse through parts of the map?
the monster should stand perfectly still at times and get knocked down every time I hit it and it deals no damage and I stunlock it to death in 5 minutes and also it gives me 3 guaranteed gems every time I fight it and also everyone who picks any weapon except hammer automatically gets account banned from steam
not a bad idea
take a look at ICE mod for a new game
>since MHW
Maps have been theme park nonsense since MH4.
the forced story shit is so fucking annoying to go through a second time.
I tried remaking to learn gunner but wound up just making an hr gunner set on my current character since you're basically hunting the same monsters again to get the materials.
if you don't remember the story or didn't mind it then why not it could be nostalgic
>you miss out on content without multiplayer
You don't miss out on 109 bucks of premium deluxe edition content.
>unless the devs are retarded
>the monster should stand perfectly still at times and get knocked down every time I hit it and it deals no damage and I stunlock it to death in 5 minutes and also it gives me 3 guaranteed gems every time I fight it
I agree, World is kino
>they leave their pcs on when not using them
rofl even
>launch title for Switch 2
This has to be a shitpost. No way anyone can believe that a game that can barely run on PS5 will be able to run on fisher price 2.0.
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>gen 3 CPU is now the minimum
I am glad this new shit is all slop cause I really dont feel like upgrading from my ryzen 5 2600x
And here I thought my Plesioth dream was copium.
At least Wilds has skippable cutscenes but all the cinematic setpiece shit during story quests is still going to get old
Funny that you say that because the way they're shaped in World they look like those Mario mountains. Looks like you are the bigger nintenfriend.
Your reduction to absurdity fallacy has been noted, retard.
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is it the 13th and 14th gen with the issue? i'm getting around 5w idle
this but its also forced to change areas every stunlock (kulve taroth bros know what I'm talking about)
rathalos, azurelos, nargacuga, lagiacrus, valstrax, nergigante, velkhana, magnamalo, malzeno all have good sets
so i guess malzeno
You've never met a nintendrone. They have the same iq as a cocomelon fan.
You're on AM4, literally the best case scenario for an easy and affordable upgrade.
I love huntresses
Idle usage is an AMD problem, not an Intel problem. Intel has a "full load" power problem (which barely anyone even hits, especially not MH players), but that's because people don't undervolt even though you lose like 5% perf at most for a massive reduction in power.
I don't play multiplayer, and I never said I did.
Prove me wrong that they aren't cancers to fight with your guild style proofs? I'll even let you use hunter arts and pick the level. Only gear rule is that the deviant has to be a higher level than whatever deviant gear you are using
inb4 speedrun link
>I should be able to RNG craft my perfect set so I can always have my bingbingwahoo bug moves and frontier anime skills that turn my hunter into a walking jpeg effect generator up the entire fight
here's the catch, I have this long time habit of playing the new character and deleting the old one because I can't stand having multiple characters, it's like once I play a character, I have to commit to it
I'm honestly not sure about modding, I already have forgotten so much about vanilla...
the story is actually one of the reasons I wanna restart but I know I'm strange, I'm the kind of person that makes a new character to go through the entirety of FFXIV's story instead of continuing
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kek world is a tendie game
>Monster Hunter Wilds
>Monster Hunter Wilds Deluxe Edition
>Monster Hunter Wilds Premium Deluxe Edition

>once I play a character, I have to commit to it
so commit to it.
deepest lore
>I'm honestly not sure about modding, I already have forgotten so much about vanilla...
you can just read the changes over their github
its just quality of life and removal of bullshit mechanics, buffing some weapons, gunlance rework
if you dont want to mod i would not create a new character
> story is actually one of the reasons I wanna restart
Then do it
they probably where thinking about overlapping weapons like CB to GL, Lance to HBG, LS to switch axe etc and just gave you freedom to pick very poor pairs like say a Hammer with a non-sticky LBG
when I got mine the default settings were to allow 400w until thermal throttle
I nope'd out of that and set power limits to 125w and put a decent undervolt on it
the race for performance in gpu/cpu is getting out of hands when manufacturer design them to draw as much power as possible and thinks 100C is a totally valid operating range
dont forget the $3k pc too
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name the components that add up to 3k
I forgot to mention I'm trans
I literally blame youtube niggers with their "muh benchmarks" for this. Now everything is OCed by default. .
so you don't fight them in hallways
ALSO they aren't 0 frame and you can counter them on the spot for free damage
BAAHAHAHHA it's just dragon's dogshit all over again.
Not many games go THAT low on PC.
What is it, 9 patches now? and characters are still appearing out of nowhere and the framerate goes to 10 for no reason in great hardware?

Can't wait to see this fail.
it goes away when I quit playing a game for a while and come back to it completely lost, it's like the character isn't 'mine' anymore, if that makes sense
I know, I'm being difficult, sorry
I guess I will!

thanks for the advice, guys
Just because basalt formations are at hing doesn't mean you can't hyperbolize it to comical extremes. I could've just as well pointed out the giant Final Fantasy crystals.
>I don't play multiplayer
>arbitrary rules
if you're soloing high level deviants at all you have an equivalent set from non deviant monsters. most deviant sets arent even meta.
inb4 I accept your concession, you're the one adding arbitrary restrictions to yourself and then complaining
The fuck are they doing new with Wilds that they can't 60fps it? Oh wait these are the same devs that released the busted-as-fuck PC port that made us unrealize how fucking garbage their engine was with CPU thread scheduling.
what worlds settings do you use
i disabled volemetric fog for example
It's an online game with hundreds of roaming NPCs with complex AI loaded in at any given point in its runtime
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What the fuck is wrong with developers. Why can't they stop focusing on GRAFFIX and not just have a decent looking game with a shitload of features that runs flawlessly. Why does everything have to be gimped to hell and then run like shit in order to make pre-release screenshots and video sell preorders. I'm fucking done with this shit. FUCK.
motion blur always off
fog is eh
ignore small monsters lock on
maybe change lock on style
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>4060 with frame generation to reach 60 fps in MEDIUM setting

It is fucking over
Okay wise guy, how about you show me the proofs without deviant gear. Just use guild style
Honestly I considered challenging you fight level 2 redhelm using low rank gear but I decided not to
You'll buy it anyway.
>why can't they just make hideous slop so me and my mate Banyu from down the road can play it?
Don't worry, they made mice with you in mind
See you tomorrow.
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This is actually embarrassing. Capcom constantly shitting the bed on optimization.

What the fuck is this game even doing that needs a 4060 for 60 fps on MEDIUM?
convincing plebs that motion blur looks good on anything is the biggest mystery the gaming industry ever pulled
The people in charge (probably share holders) are stupid morons chasing realism, which shifts the window of acceptable so you fucks are gobbling it up by making 60 fps "muh standard"
Or these ugly things everywhere. Doesn't make it better if you post a picture of a termite mound. It's not very interesting or nice to look at and the game doesn't do anything with it.
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Probably because the "gameplay first" part of their consumerbase is actually a minority and to secure sales they need to make every game look like a nvidia physics demonstration to make their advertising look good
Sure the reviews will end up looking shit, but who really cares most of them don't refund
and taa, and upscaling and other cope technique like rendering hair/fur at lower resolution hoping that taa blur filters will fix your image
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its over
the huge wall behind it is uglier. why would we want to look at a wall?
>more arbitrary restrictions
since we're goalpost moving just try the hr4 hyper quests at hr4 solo
that's more cancer than any of the deviants I assure you.
Anybody who still supports Capcom with their hard earned money deserves to burn in hell desu
Oh shut the fuck up and stop making excuses for capcom
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>Doesn't make it better if you post a picture of a termite mound.
nigga thought he was slick with that one
>already coping and the game isn't out yet
What other boring shit do PC players talk about? See it's always funny to me the discussion of even being able to play the game at all is a thing
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>That's called basalt rock
It's called an ugly trend
Except it's 30fps that's the standard these days
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>All these faggots complaining about their subpar CPU
>they can reuse the older monsters
why do you retards keep repeating this? World and Wilds are not even on the same engine.
Portable 6th will dig deeper
Gen 8 will be built on cheap content reuse like Gen 4 to compensate for RE running out of good games to remake
Gen 9 will start the second Capcom renaissance
>Doesn't know you can transfer 3d models and refactor the code if you aren't retarded
Nigger I LOWERED the number a restrictions
and that is it
>hr4 hyper
nigger what? do you think I don't play the game? Hyper's start at HR5 you retard
Wilds just exposed PC players for being a bunch of low wage renters. You love to see it.
you tell me
Wat? I think it's supposed to be giant termite mounds and your argument was that things can't be fantasy if they're based on reality.
My 5700G will be enough.
What am I even looking for?
you appear to be taking issue with real world geological formations as examples of the games becoming too fantasy-like, which is a very bizarre hill to die on
damn you need the calm down bro it's just a game lmfao
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>pc is aiming for 30fps uncapped

WHAT? IS THIS REAL OR AM I GETTING TROLLED? I was asleep during the announcement but this is a joke right?
I built my pc 4 years ago, DURING the gpu shortage and scalping era. Cost around 1800, saved around $1000 (saved even more if you include the amount i saved on the gpu considering the average gpu value at the time)
Im chilling and can play all of my games on ultra. No idea why so many other pc players are aping out. Do you all just not build your own or has it been 8 years years since you built your pc
>thread ebins
Never fails
uh oh melty
man fuck you, probably a latinx anyways
uh oh, 40-bmi amerilard paypigs are going to call you poor watch out
The world just isn't ready for Tokuda's vision (ecosystem slop at 25FPS (framegenned))
its 4am
sirs please stop be calling me poor i work very hard to bring you the monster hunter wild
PS5 player here but what's framegen? I keep reading it on threads. Is it like a bad thing?
damn I missed it
in all seriousness I'll try the redhelm thing sometime just cause I think you're blowing it out of proportion
Dragon's Dogma died so Wilds can crawl
nope, its real, and on the most expensive specs only (and medium settings)
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>uh oh, 40-bmi amerilard paypigs are going to call you poor watch out
>those requirements
I had plenty of fun with world but I think I'm gonna skip this one
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Haha the cool kids weapon
Honestly, even the event Gog isn't that hard, he is just very tanky and you can't afford neither completely untimely carts nor stalling both from you and from Gog. I never did the mount spam abuse even on IG, because I fucking timed out on IG of all things when I tried it.
Wild Hearts slept so MHWilds: Hearts can awaken
I couldn't find the text anywhere. Not the website or trailer, so I think that might be fake, but it does align with what the PS5 would be targeting.
All proof posting aside. Please tell me what "but I decided not to" means? Am I having a CAPD (communication disorder) moment?
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can sns solo lao in f1 and fu?
yeah why couldn't it? grab a fire weapon and tickle its belly like every other weapons
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Thats for minimum specs, hence the minimum
recommended specs is 60fps
means you thought that would be the best description of the cancer you thought deviants were? that's it.
It is decent by yourself, sns is actually the best melee in f1
Not by itself, SnS is the worst melee in the game next to HH, so make a bomb set, get the best dragon sns and bomb his fat ass.
because its damage was kinda ass before 3rd gen (except in f1), idk about fu gaoren either
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Things can be perceived as too fantasy even if they have an irl foundation and no one is dying on any hill except maybe you denying MH maps are way more random and fantasy than they used to be.
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>SSD required
>This game is expected to run at 30 fps lowest setting
It's an attempt by the GPU to create more frames by interpolating existing ones, used as a cope to run unoptimized slop at high framerates
It lowers responsiveness, looks awful at (real) 30FPS and doesn't do anything if the game is already GPU bound
you still get 12% damage buff in FU and jumping slash > tri > tri > circle still does a ton of MV in a very short time
He's referring to a snippet of text posted on /v/ that said something like PS5 pro and PC is targetting uncapped 30fps.
Nigga if you dont have an ssd by now then its on you ngl
>30 fps lowest setting
No? Its 30 fps if you have the shittiest possible hardware.
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5800x non 3D
RTX 3070
1TB m.2 pcie4 + 2TB m.2 @sata3 speed
1440p 144hz monitor
What are you talking about, it's still up
.... Granted I'm alone here so just practicing through SoS
>MH used to be a fairly grounded prehistoric fantasy world
this is a reason the classic games will always feel special
What I don't like is how fucking big it is for a jobber Mon.
>screen filling big
>still fast moving despite all the mass
>pierce gunner field day
>parts break
>140 gb
well this sucks, gonna have to buy another hard drive at this rate
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Reminds me of Xenoblade X. 9 years old on the Wii U hardware.
God you are a faggot bottom bitch I would fucking pulverize and drill your ass until you internally bleed and burst from semen
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>Capcom can't optimize for their lives
>thus entire general is Indians shilling hardware parts for the next few months
Oh idk what thats about then

Im chillin
CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5900X
MB: ASUS TUF Gaming X570-PRO (WI-FI)
RAM: (2x16GB) Crucial Ballistix DDR4-3600
GPU: EVGA GeForce RTX 3070ti FTW3 Ultra
>hard drive
read the note
Kirin girls are hags
Wait this shit is 140 Gb big? LOL wtf are those Japs doing?
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I actually read it again and it's 100% fake. The text has WIlds in it. Shazamtrannies working overtime.
/v/ is full of shit so im not surprised
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Do they no longer even use a male player model for the trailers? All I see is dumb bitches and some mulatto boy
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Zinogre girls are hairy
Have funny video
>make a bomb set
is this even viable? with alchemy guide and bomber skill people only knock off around what, 5-6k hp on white fatty for the armour mode? lao has more than 3x as much hp as that...
jumping slash is essentially unusable against lao because of positioning, i believe the best combo would be R1+Tri > Tri > Tri > Circle which is only a total of 62 MV

i feel like you might just require the white blos set gemmed for adrenaline+2, s+1 and ra+1 for both lao and gaoren, although the latter is far riskier with adrenaline
I do fully expect it to be 30fps on the ps5 though, and the pro has the same cpu that can boost I think 10% higher, so it's probably not far off in that regard.
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>this water
>that lod
>this retarded looking monster
>20 frames if you have no super computer and 150gb file size
this game is a cattle test, if you pay a cent for it you pass
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I'm so horny and lonely bros
>super computer
Crazy cope
this. true veteran monster hunter fans will #returntorise on nintendo switch as a form of protest
cattle spotted
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If you're bitching about these specs you first need to lower your tone and second are definitely brown
what's with the heterophobia?
post your pc specs because im genuinely curious what you think a super computer is
or you could do anything else with your neckbeard life that doesn't include destroying video games for everyone by giving shit tier developers money so you can play a mediocre game. they probably even do it on purpose to sell gpus

THE HYPE IS DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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People keep complaining about the 140gb size being too big but that's actually not big at all since you can just delete older games. I'm guessing people internet speeds are slow or they are from Australia.

Post your internet speed!
Just checked specs and I think I'm good.
See you bros in 5 months.
>mountain jew
post discarded
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>just delete things bro :)
kek this general is a shill hotspot for indians and retards from now on. enjoy your garbage game for casuals. mh is long dead and the people workingon this game are millennial nobodies
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I'm white
what's why I dont fall for jewish schemes like upgrading my PC every 4 years to keep up with bad optimization
>finally finish customizing my character
>now begin customizing your palico!
g o d
>what's why
good morning sir
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morlo seethe
I just blame RE fags for this scenario desu. I'll make it my mission to shit on every RE thread and blame them for Wilds.
Or just buy an ssd if you actually have a job.
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Straya here. Bit suck but at this point one should be used to it because every damn game is a massive file size. Capcom games always release at 10am for me but they never do preloads so guess I'm just gonna be downloading till dinner time.
I'm upgrading to a 4070 soon so I think I'm in the clear, however.
Bruh, is this textures? 4k was a mistake.
Oi mate fancy a lil bit of petrol sniffin? crikey
>just buy thing sirs, i'm not a shill
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>mfw 93 Mb/s
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Im about to blow your mind
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>enjoy your garbage game for casuals
The whole talk about specs is just distraction from the game shaping up to be the most """accessible""" MH ever and the most pozzed MH ever
meanwhile KAMI 6 runs like a dream.

It's clear where capcom puts all their talent and passion in
I'm Australian and that'd take me like an hour and a half maybe.
>N64 memory cards
>two games take up a whole thing
One of the scammiest scams in gaming.
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AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor

Probably gonna have to upgrade my graphic card, but it is still running just fine. I have difficulties letting go of things that are perfectly good even though they are abit obsolete

I fucking hate capitalism. Why can't shit fucking last for 10+ years anymore?
>the most """accessible""" MH ever
>and the most pozzed MH ever
Honestly I could live with one of these but both is a bit much bros.
It's like watching claymation
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Best bush, the kind that peeks out of panties
Apologize to rise
I'm sorry, I should have shit on it harder.
only playstation going to get demo
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>wirebug counters on every weapon with more i-frames than soulslop
It's a uphill battle for sure
me when someone criticize world and wilds
I apologize...I should've respected the decision to not have it run at 20FPS
wow, to see this general to be dooming when a new game is announced... I wish I could say I'm surprised but seems like every general I've been to hates their own games
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>implying even for a moment that any of the complaining amounts to anything at ALL
Wilds is going to release in whatever state and there is nothing you or I can do about it. Be it about the content itself, or the game's size/optimization/performance/requirements etc
So.... how about we just boot up the games we already have and play?
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Don't be disingenuous, you know it's the tourist brigade bombing the thread.
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It's either gooning or turd worlders screeching 100%
Holy fuck I actually like that proportion too
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SnS our weapon and shield.
>developers still can't animate a fist and it still looks like jerking off ghost dicks
Australians run /mhg/
huntresses with bushes that peek out of their denim shorts
NTA but how old is your pc, genuine question
oh really? I guess that might be the case but given past experiences with different generals I'm still a little doubtful
eh, I just got here so you know better than I do, I'll just shut up and play the game
A lot of games do that well, Wilds is just lazy shit
>can't get excited for mhp3rd at all
Sorry jar I'm too addicted to World right now I don't think I'll have any content anytime soon...
irrelevant, expensive technology should not be regarded as "outdated" nearly as fast as it does
>Sorry jar I'm too addicted to World
World's gameplay loop is way too bad to get addicted to it
incoming seethe
I would agree if Wilds was also on PS4 but it isn't.
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it doesnt even run on ps5 kek https://www.twitch.tv/monsterhunter/clip/ArbitraryPopularFlyAMPEnergyCherry-TmbU-f4p_nxhF9aC
I never said the words "outdated"
And im asking what your specs are. Pretty sure thats relevant to what my question is. I want to see what kind of rigs people have that arent able to play wilds
Why would Australians play monster hunter when they can just go outside for the real thing? Doubt.
I am, playing 4U right now
Screw Kushala and Teo is just punishing me for being lazy and wearing level 6 armor when it could be around 10
You need to post proofs to pass the written test before you can ride the palaroo.
I repelled both after breaking all of their parts btw
>demo showfloor beta build
I don't care, I am playing this on PC anyway.
Worlds combat is pure perfection and with the right parameters keeps me entertained forever. World could have a 10 monsters total roster and I'd probably still play it this much
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First time i saw "needed frame gen to reach 60 fps on medium setting" in a game

Amazing. What kinda fucking monster rig do you need to play it at high setting?
I simply have no fucks for your unwashed asshole because PC gaming is for the master race and if you cannot afford to keep up you will be left behind like the the shit in your streets
Is it denuvo
IT won't have denuvo right?
quick prefix for the indian spammers, i am as "aryan" as you can get. light skin, blond hair, blue eyes and tall, and i live in a highly developed first-world country and save around 2x as much money as the average person here
1060, i5 and 8gb ram, ive never needed more and i have no plans on upgrading anytime soon, its a giant waste of money and resources
graphical fidelity and open world ruined gaming
What Capcom game doesn't release with denuvo nowadays?
Does 4U not have repel part 2 quests? I know gen had them
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It'll be just fine... hopefully.
I can run Dragon's Dogma 2 with pretty good graphics and 50-60fps for most of the game. I had around 30 fps in the city, which bumped to 45 since last update.
I do expect some hiccups at launch but we'll see.
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guess the game
Didnt ask how white you were, nigger, i asked what your specs were
Tried out a Safi set for the first time and was surprised to find out that players can actually die from health drain. Dereliction sets in Rise at least had safeguards so that you can't get killed by Dereliction's health drain, but with Safi you actually have to be careful.
i specified that it wasnt aimed at you, and i did tell you my specs. are you retarded or baiting?
just don't use GS and hit the monster
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>World's gameplay loop is way too bad to get addicted to it
The most hilarious takes always come out after a new Wilds trailer.
So you decided to fill your response to me with shit that wasnt a response to me. Aight, weird and annoying but aight
When did you buy/build this pc
early 2018
Is Lance Clutch Counter too OP
Oh yours was outdated even then. huh. what do you even play on it
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>doing SoS
>Dawn's Triumph
>got the elemental knock
>I had to push myself to beak the horn BECAUSE THE RETARDS HAVE NO CLUE WHAT THEY ARE DOING
>>none of them heal during/after the nova
I don't think I've ever thought of the phrase "clown world" until now
I even ate for Safeguard for this exact scenario but the host had already carted once as they are facing the monster for the first time
I understand why people spam Dust of Life and Heal Booster in the lumu now
Holy shit, some people really are crayon munching retards

For "content vids" to proc Fortify twice, I believe people use a Safi + gun set to die ASAP?
Well, I've become gay
>doesn't say what country
Not beating the allegations
>2 year old hardware
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I love you too, anon, see you in February
Its op in that its the only good way to clutch claw without it being a giant pain in the ass. Its like playing soccer without a giant splinter in your foot
i mostly emulate old games, but it can run world at a smooth 144 frames per second
my specs have only become an issue these past couple years, and only because of retarded devs and corporate greed
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Buy an escort and have some fun
I hope there is a way to disable the pajeet, just looking at him pisses me off but they chose the most annoying VA too for it.
gotta save to upgrade my pc
>poor fag
>2 years
Bruh it's 2024, not 2020... Did you wake up from a coma?
Alright it wasnt current gen then, and you bought the weakest of the 10 series. Crazy if you think itd last you a decade
>only because of retarded devs and corporate greed
Its been this way since at least the 90s my guy
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It was 2 years old in 2018, now its 8
How the fuck were you two years old in 2018?
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Damn, I wish I had friends like that.
sex with my sister
this is a Dark Souls boss
is there a weapon tier list for frontier?
We resident evil now, not even World was this fucking edgy
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Now that you mention it
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I unironically love this line. Am I okay?
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It is a key reseller, a friend for a price. You pay money, he gifts you a game. Can't be bothered to run a workaround for Steam to make it available for me like it is for human beings. But monhun and Fromslop are the only 2 series I buy. Even then after ER DLC this might be reduced to just MH.
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Everybody loves meat, anon.
re engine is a fucking mistake, retvrn to mt framework
Wilds' final DLC will be ||Oltura|| and it will be fucking awesome
If Gogmazios was in HD he would have also looked kind of like this.
3060ti ryzen 3600
so barely 1080p 60fps(with frame gen) lmaooo
me on the right asking for lumu but never making one
Na it's a good engine with better colors, just upgrade your PC goy
I somehow like every monster but the flagship lmao
But it seems the frontier fags are happy with the chain/whip wing thingy. Might change my mind when I actually fight it but... Magnamalo existing is not boosting my confidence
I actually like the palico talking. Not even being contrarian, I genuinely like it taking part in the cutscenes etc
Wish it also had cat puns though...

In which context do you like the line
In the trailer it's referencing the little rascals being chased around by the Brute Wyvern, right?
Yeah, it's a fun dialogue
Currently have a 3060 but was gonna buy a 4070 in a couple of weeks anyway. I could theoretically buy a rig worth 8k but that doesn't excuse what a disaster the tech industry is and MH being no different is demotivating
What should I upgrade to for Wilds? Still on a 2080
>return to [an engine that ran like crap]
Remember Navirou and his cat puns?
If you think that MT Framework was any better you weren't there for World's launch. It was a fine engine for gen 7 consoles and portable games but when they tried to have it do modern graphics in World it took years to have it not shit the bed while early RE Engine games ran great on every system.
I am going for a 4070, no idea if i should go for a Super or ti or just stay as is
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Wait, isn't this an actual Frontier mon, with whips on his wings?
>>>>>> OP
said no one ever. Clutch counter sacrifices a ton of damage, it's only good for free tendies and fucking up the camera.
5700X w/ a 6600XT
gonna get a 7800XT before the year ends probably
CHADorld runs at 144 fps all temps below 70 and a billion fucking chrome tabs on background, milds won't even do 60 fps without frame gen lmao fuck off re enginme apologists
I want free tendies, what restaurant are you going to?
I got the feeling World is going to be better than this game.
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>the butthurt is real
World looks like a PS3 game but with added fog, it should run way better than it does
World ran like shit for actual years, you're playing after dozens of patches and without denuvo. Also an old game running better than a new one with better graphics, larger maps and better physics is not remotely impressive.
capcom defense force in full action I see
Consider your concession accepted.
series has been shit since iceborne tbqhf
>rig worth 8k
no way youre paying that much for a pc,
Vaal hazak looks so stupid
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How rude.
No reason, but I could if I wanted to. I'm happy with 1080p@60fps but insecure depressed terminally online retard whose entire self worth is identical to the cost of their life support computer don't understand that
Broke nigga
Ok but instead of paying that much for a prebult, just build your own for WAYYYYY cheaper
Is his eyes the yellow or the red?
vaals eyes are the red ones, we dont know what the yellow orbs are
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i never noticed he had lil red eyes till just now
Just talking theoretical and scenario bro
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Plenty of his inspirations have fakeout bits or bioluminescent lures, which admittedly seems a bit pointless for an elder ruling it's environs. But when the disco calls, the disco calls. Or always a bigger fish and all that.
your game runs like shit
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vaal hazak is based on the stoplight loosejaw
And the previous one did too, but you're the one defending it. Makes you wonder who's the shill.
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so fucking cool, i love vaal
and a happy ching chong ping pong to you too
Vaal is a funny lil guy
Fish are cool but weird niggas.
Agnaktor is probably my least favourite apex tier monster
How dare you say this guy is weird.
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He's in
>whiskers with bright red lips
looks like my grandma
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>monsters mocking you in the quest fail screen
You look stupid lmao gottem
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>It hunts and hides under the cover of long-wavelength red, a color that's invisible to most fish.
teo, luna and kushala were in, they shouldve done something with this since chams missing from world
modded quest???
its fart cat and glavenus for me
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I love him.
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Ah, because of your location? Did Steam get fucked over much over there?
Still, Does he gift you the games for cheaper, or for normal market prices?
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That's the default hunter right? She cute, may actually play with her.
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Looks like your random street shitting pajeeta.
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Im gonna need to upgrade my gpu
Which one of these 3 is the best one?
I was looking at 6700xt prices and would go for it.
She's fully voiced. If you can stomach that more power to you, I suppose.
Who's the jp seiyuu
JP voice sounds fine.
the fuck
i have a 5900x which is good
The player hunter is voiced and actually talks now?
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I am not russian or preordering but I want to respond to cute mons. Carry on
Has been since Rise.
it's cool in JP since I don't understand it.
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>Failed the Resurgence Crimson Fatty because I have no idea how to deal with his heatwave nuke
Old Fatty was pretty easy but this shit sucks.
His AI is bonked and he'll constantly spam just one attack (In my case it was the flame spin) on repeat.
Half his heatwave attacks do NOTHING but his other half melt your HP faster than Lunastra

Had a few neat ideas but he's objectively worse than base Fatty
No, in rise he talks gibberish when doing super combo specials.
Not in cutscenes with the npcs
Mitsubishi Toyota
what are the chance wilds will run on deck with 720p, low setting, potato graphic mod, fsr 3.0 on, and forced framegen mod?
Rise hunter talked during hunt, instead of just grunts.
I'm not reading that until you repost it with a less troony image attached
It will "run"
He was asking about cutscenes
Trash ass tranny DEI game
Does it run DD2?
It will probably play at ~20fps with lots of 1fps on 1%low
modded graphics at best
guess i'll wait for rise 2...
Judging by the rate at which performance requirements are bloating you will be waiting for the GU remake
Okay then here's a clip from the hunt
>MH maps are way more random and fantasy than they used to be
MH4 says hi.
How hard is it compared to base fatty?
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What a goober. I'll grant them that the way they incorporated the second phase was kino though.
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I need more from this legend hunter
>Did Steam get fucked over much over there?
A lot of companies made their games unavailable in the region
Either normal or slightly higher, they obviously earn money on that. Still, I like MH and I am willing to make a sacrifice on some games
7800x3d 4070ti. As of the latest patch I run DD2 at 120fps at max settings, no dlss, no framegen, I am not concerned.
I've carted on every nuke because I don't know how to avoid it and it does more damage than Eschaton Judgement
The lava map means he can just charge into the lava and spend a minute sniping you and you can't do shit about it
There's no slinger ammo anywhere and no ground equipment like with base/Old
Lava map is also a lot harder to hunt on than Castle Schrade... But maybe I'm just used to the latter.

I think once I figure out how the nuke/heatwaves can be avoided he'd be easier than Base Fatty since his AI is kinda borked.
Did they really improve the performance that much? Does it still dip in cities?
fuck you
Yes but the game is still heavily CPU bound. My friend has a 3700X and didnt see that much improvement, however he is also retarded. If your hardware is more than 2 generations old its still probably going to run like ass.
don't you have enough jackoff material
I'll live.
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why is "old gen event quest" synonymous with "not fun"
fuck you hunter man
>5 new monsters per locale
So we'll get at least 16 new monsters, not counting any variant/species/recolor or new elders.
but I like when the volvidon is small
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Legendary hunter
nothing like commemorating star fox like fighting 14 hyper monsters in a row!
Didn't have that one, nice
Why are rise players...such degenerates?
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is the frost fang barioth chargeblade not good enough for alatreon?
All the frostfang weapons are good for ala
humiliation ritual
Alatreon elemental check isn't hard to reach as long as you keep hitting him and make sure you don't get hit by dragon blight (decos or just don't get hit or berry)
It's breaking his horn between that and EJ that's a bit annoying.
i used beo cb (no augment) with my normal raging brachy artillery build, only i changed some decos to ice attack
hitting the element check was no problem
literally any ice weapon works
hell you can use water if you want
the entire difficulty of alatreon comes from understanding the fight's mechanics and having high enough defence for any mistakes you make, once you've gotten past both of those he's not particularly difficult or anything
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i haven't beaten raging brachy yet so i think i should just man up and try to beat him
More than good enough, just make sure you're hitting him with Power Axe mode active. Also remember that while he takes normal ele phial damage, their contribution to the topple buildup is only 10% of that damage
it doesnt do anything for you against alatreon is my point, you can use any armour with ice decos and beo cb
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fucking ugly
bring back namielle
They're gonna bring back another elder.
They're gonna give him another Escaton Judgement.
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I don't know where your post went, creative-anon, but I drew your flat bug monster
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You really just gonna shitpost and not hunt?
PC Iceborne Room / Lumu
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Fat Somnacath?
not him and it doesn't look bad but why the hell is it skin colored lmfao
khezu levels of phallic
Anyone else brown skinned like me?
>Resident Evil designs
>Resident Evil graphics
>Resident Evil Story Mode
>Resident Evil casual gameplay

what is this franchise called again? I seem to have forgotten
resident evil
kys 'monster hunter' faggot this is our franchise now
theres no longer a reason to burn myself out on the game now that release date has been announced.
I'm going into hibernation and forget all muscle memory so i can play the wilds completely fresh.
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Their concept has them Congalala pink, so I stuck with that
But I get you, I personally would've gone for something like pic related
I love Gemma so fucking much, lads
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I am 35 years old and I Have no idea what this woman is saying.
I also don't think anyone speaks like this in the real world. I have 2 young nephews who are 12 and 15 years old. Neither of them talks like this, which I am assuming is supposed to be Gen Alpha lingo.
yoooo i like this a lot
It's what they call "brainlot" gen A slang. I hear it a lot in games with voice chat where most of the userbase is 12yo kids.
uh it's brainrot
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>Even Diablos has that Andalusian vibe, the name translating to devil in Spanish, the aggressive nature of a charging bull. Mixed with the insectoid features like the segmented body, the digging and the kabuto horns
Diablos is THE Monster Hunter monster, very fitting he's the last flagship before fifth gen and a shame World turned him into a joke
>diversity pushing monoculture slop
>has satanic creature designs
Does this mean Lagiacrus is coming back to the series?
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>Diablos is THE Monster Hunter monste-ACK
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the game he was a 'flagship' in made him into an even bigger joke than world
>gore magala:
>gore magala (Thanos):
Hunting Henks. We're so back. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhbpWdK6yjs
You can't convince me this is not on purpose
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Who is the target audience for Monster Hunter Wilds?
ziggers in charge of not being faggots for 1 day challenge : impossible
go die for papa putin will ya
me and my gf
Hopefully the optimization aint as dogshit as DD2. I'll be fine tho.
They're trying really hard to make the 4U themes clear in wilds. I mean the blood red lala barina area is just the same area in 4U where the floor is all blood. That one field area is also trying really hard to be ancestral steppe but they just aren't pulling it off. We haven't seen as many magnificent vistas as in 4U and the monsters while better than world simply aren't as interesting as they were in 4U. The characters I think remain to be seen but so far the only interesting character is that one cat. They could really reach dos/4U heights if they wanted to but they refuse to
Also, all he needed to post was this:
Why do zoomers always fuck up links? Is it because they didn't use the interweb in the '90s?
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I'm starting to doubt there'll ever be a Bird Wyvern, Piscine Wyvern, or Neopteron flagship
Do you think Wilds will give us a SOULFUL cutscene like this one?

this dude wants a fucking kut ku to be on the box art lmao
reptiles > every other species
um actually I want fucking garuga on the box art
People who play monster hunter
>kut-ku isnt a reptile
retarded ass nigga
Pretty much literally everyone.
Gameplay seems to be tight, smooth and more responsive than any other third person action/rpg on the market.
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are bird wyverns birds that have evolved to mimic wyverns, or wyverns that evolved bird traits?
Then why did they remove everything that made Monster Hunter unique? Wilds looks like a Horizon rip off.
I doubt it but we might get something close. Sunbreak had something nice at the end but I still think it paled in comparison to old games
Those are all newbie monster class. No one is excited for them. They are just stepping stones.
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>Gameplay seems to be tight, smooth and more responsive
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Fr*ck you!
Still looks like a game about hunting monsters to me. This game is for the average monster hunter player, not for the spergs that live on this general ngl
go home chickenlover the real kings of the jungle are talking
longsword has always been the lobotomites choice
I just think it's hilarious that people were jerking off wilds like they'd be playing it at 120 fps and then we get specs and everyone is like "well 30fps is okay there was nothing inherently wrong with rise on switch" hahahahahahahah
Wilds isn't monster hunter. World is the last monster hunter game ever
>Those are all newbie monster class. No one is excited for them. They are just stepping stones.

I can agree on bird and piscine wyverns but nigga have you not played GU? Ahtal-Ka is unironically one of the best monsters in the series.
I could totally see a neopteron flagshit.
If I wanted to play clunky shit. Id play 2nd gen. (I do Dos, on weekends)
You have to keep in mind that the things you may come up with that made "monster hunter unique", are just design decisions for limited dev time/performance/hardware of the time.
Everything else is in there. Monsters, weapons, some weapons flashier than other, upgrading, character creation, ecology shit, food porn stuff, etc etc etc
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>it's yet another Ahtal Ka dickrider

It's 1/4th of a good fight. The 1st phase is just bogstandard attacks like claw swipes. The 1st robot phase you get after that is just popping pimples. The 2nd robot phase you get after that is popping a bigger pimple. Then you get to the final phase, which is actually good and has lots of neat and creative moves.
Thanks for helping me prove my point.
so um
>that made Monster Hunter unique
Such as? It's a bog standard premise, you hunt monsters. Unless you mean the """"sovl"""" stuff like janky hitboxes and wyvern skeleton #12
who mentioned ahtal ka? do you mean the guy who posted >>495942590 ?
>4070 super
I'm safe, right?
>Monsters, weapons, some weapons flashier than other, upgrading, character creation,
all of this could be used to describe elden ring or the average soulslop/rpg slop game

things like the healing flex were not 'limitations of the time' they were conscious design decisions to encourage a slower and smarter style of play
You're safe when the actual full release drops around september with performance fixes and the content they didn't finish in time rather than the shareholder's release.
GU is switchbab's first MH, of course a lot of them are gonna dickride that overrated shitmon

1 4 0
>he thinks tigrex or fucking nargacuga are more fun fights than atal ka
>if it's faster, it's dumber
It doesn't have to be like Rise, I have faith.
But knowing that every new MH game gets the "no true MonHun game" treatment, you can always make the conscious decision of standing still while consuming an item.
Nah that was just the recommended setting for MEDIUM. You are gonna need to break into Nasa if you wanna play Wild
Mon hun has a different combat loop than darksouls. The progression is still with armor/weapon crafting as opposed to other rpg games that use skills/stats.
I think this video says it well. and it still applies to wilds
I am okay with 140 GB game, i am not okay with fucking 4060 for sub 60 fps on medium setting

And the fact that the game is gonna be out in like 5 months means they won't be able to optimize it for shit
The one above me who wrote "Ahtal-Ka is unironically one of the best monsters in the series."
world is monster fighter, dos is the last monster hunter game
ahtal ka is boring snoy climbing sequences for like 50% of it, of course literally any other monster (except zorah snoydoros) is better
>encourage a slower and smarter style of play
>Get hit
>Drink Mega Potion
>It doesn't really matter if I get hit again because I get all the healing a second in and usually the trade is more than enough
If anything it's peak unga.
Those system requirements made me unironically sad. Man I wish I was a rich, white collar kind of person that can afford things.
>It doesn't really matter if I get hit again because I get all the healing a second in and usually the trade is more than enough
Fucking idiot
>mega potion
*max potion. Healing is pretty much instant and if a monster isn't 1-shotting then you can comfortably heal mid battle.
piscine wyverns are the most creatively bankrupt family in the series, why would they ever get a flagship
you know a monster family is a lost cause when the closest thing to a genuinely good fight it has is a fucking frontier duo fight
>Got Premium Deluxe on GMG for $85
God I love that site
So you did not play the older games.
>G rank deals more damage
Then learn which attacks you can trade with. It's a shitter strat but it works because healing is just that easy.
You have FIVE MONTHS to earn at least $1870
1800 for the pc
70 for the game
I just find it hilarious what people will let companies string them along for. I mean it would be one thing if wilds was this amazing groundbreaking one in a generation thing but it's not lmao. It's literally just taking a bunch of shit from other games. Mechanics and monster designs from frontier, aesthetics from 4U, 90% of shit from world and rise, environmental shit from dos. I mean there are barely any new ideas here. Rise unironically had more ideas. So seeing people spend thousands to upgrade for wilds is nuts when you know the next monhun is like 3 years away and you very likely haven't 100% even the last few games. Some people really just let brand loyalty and fomo run their lives and that's crazy to me. I guess it just takes some people longer to realize what's important
kulve taroth, fuck even zeno jiva, gammoth, are all fucking snoozefests
woops, I missed that, fair
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I wanna bust inside a Zinogre huntress...
MR kulve is great
i'll give you non-AT Xeno and Gammoth though
>sequel takes aspects from previous games in series
even master rank KT is grappling hook slingshot slop
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With all the insane biology in the ocean, you'd think capcom could come up with more than "dragon-shaped mackerel", "coelacanth", "coelacanth again"
Octopus would likely be a mess to code/animate/fight/create.
Whales with legs isn't going to be any different.
They already did sharks and anglerfishes though.
Really, you can say that marine life is pretty unique but most of them do basically the same thing.
Would be a solid counter argument if wilds brought anything new to the table but it hasn't. Herds are a nothing burger you disperse them with 2 dung bombs
>nintenbrazilians still seething at the requirements
They already did an octopus, twice. Counting Yama and Nakarkos is one too
why is it so hazy? the soulless fog is real
Can 3rdys seriously not buy a pc using half a months wages?
So what would you even need to get 60+ fps at 1080p on high?
you can get a top of the line RGB bells and whistle's PC for half a month's rent, lmao
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Stay asleep FUCKER
I take it back MR KT seems alright I mistook it for HR
To me it looks like world but less clunky and actual monster variety. Also i think wounds are cool. Focus mode seems a lot better thought out than underwater combat, clutch claw, or weeb bugs
even if we ignore the obvious shift to the gameplay loop brought about by the open zones and seamless quests, sequels that polish and expand on previous features instead of slapping a few new gimmicks and calling it a day are as old as the industry itself
adding bucketloads of '''new''' shit just for the sake of it has killed more series than it's saved
That just look like a super average "beach" but with blurry fog. I don't know if "it is not washed out like World and its colour is blue" is a huge winning point
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>he isn't a solo hunter
new bread:
Is it just me, or do Alma and the hunter look better in this trailer than previous ones?
the problem is that a lot of the more interesting potential inspirations could just be slapped onto another family without anyone batting an eye. in fact, that's exactly what they've done, considering a lot of the animals on this image actually have monsters already
Yeah I'll give you focus mode but wounds are really just a more broken expansion on the stagger system. I don't know if I'd say focus mode is big enough to buy a new game for though especially since we know that's coming back next game guaranteed. Better to wait
So you got nothing cool
>it has to be... le-cool!!!!!!
it's polishing what people liked about the previous games, why does it need fix what isn't broken?
>broken expansion on the stagger system.
Eh it seems like you really get flinches instead of knockdowns
Powerclashes are cool as fuck
Seikrets seem like dogs but more interesting
maps are way bigger
Also a more seamless gameplay loop
These new changes seem to be decent so far but thats just me imho
The old system did include flinches and topples. Power clashes are just another qte like pins and mounts. Seikrets are just dogs with a few more things. Nobody cares about maps being bigger. I guess things do seem more seamless though but not everyone would say that's a good thing
If it doesn't need to fix what isn't broken why the fuck should anyone buy when world works on old machines?
I mean you could do much worse as sequels go. wilds to me looks like the game world should have been.
Exactly it's just stepping into the exact same role as world so realistically unless you're dying for more world to the point where you're willing to spend like $1k to upgrade for one game then it's just not worth paying attention to
because it's more expanded and polished than world?
unless modders can miraculously backport everything new into world, there's not much point in sticking to the same game and fighting the same monsters on the same maps

under your logic, might as well argue that people that like monster hunter shouldn't buy ever buy any of the expansions since it's still the same game without flashy new gamechanging gimmicks.
except that's not how it works, because the entire point of people buying them is to have new content to play around with
Nope polish is not worth that much money
my specs wont concern you
ok iceborne is worth just as much as world so is iceborne not worth it?
Iceborne was $20 cheaper than world
Wilds is $10 more than world
>paying more than half the game for half a game's worth of new content is worth it
>paying for a new game for a new game's worth of content is not
It's more like
>Paying $40 for more of something you know you enjoy is worth it
>Paying $70 for basically the same thing again isn't
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>imagine missing so hard the obvious idea behind Diabolos design
Realismlfags are too fucking retarded
Ok so you know you enjoy world so why is world+ an issue
>Bird Wyvern, Piscine Wyvern
We just got another flying shitvern flagship why are you asking more of this shit?
>Neopteron flagship
Not "expressive" enough, the closest you will ever have is Astalos.
Wyverns are related to dinosaurs in this setting, you can easily draw your own conclusion from here.
Because it requires an upgrade and costs $70
Ok so
1. Its world but with 2x the content.
Since iceborne was 40, lets say that the amount of content is equal the price
2. The upgrade is more the nature of gaming and needing to upgrade for pc games has been a thing since pcs have had games on them.
Also, you should aim to build a pc thats around 1800, and it should last you 6-8 years at minimum
We already have a whale with legs.
No it's not the nature of gaming because the next portable game will run on the switch. It's the devs biting off more than they can chew simple as
>next mobile game will run on switch
In 4 years when the switch 2 is out, the next monhun will be on that.

You cant play rise on a 3ds, dumbass

Its the same shit for portable, same shit for consoles, same shit for pc. If you want to play the newest games, you need to upgrade. Difference for pc is that its at your own timescale/the timescale of what games youre interested in. Instead of consoles where devs jump to the new hardware when it comes out.
It's much cheaper to upgrade to a new console than it is to upgrade a PC.
>the computer thats specifically designed to need less hardware than a fully functional computer is cheaper than a real fully functional computer.
No shit sherlock
and not what we were debating at all but go off on your on tangent my guy
I'm not buying wilds anon
Good! you dont have to! But you dont need to be a whining jew about it if you dont want to buy something. If you dont like it, dont support it. hell, pirate it and see if you like it. If you do, pay for it, if you dont, uninstall
Nope not pirating either. Just don't care about it
ok, so why are you posting about it then

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