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Previous: >>495861464
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Roll on the homo
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wtf I love yahoo now
Jiyan Mortefi Yohou is CANON
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Kuro Games listening or not, that is the question
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Understandably Kuro got completely shitted upon by their own fans
Don't look at the last thread...
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remember wuwas a [-] a day keeps dendys away.
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Elf love
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Ankobwos, DO IT!!!
its wover bwo
What is this retarded looking thing?
EOS imminent
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Our collective wife Jinny.
I hope they have to kneel for hours on a stream like they did when the PGR release bombed.
Ah yes funny symbols of rage.
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>Thread suddenly fast
>Zoo shilling and doompost rampant
I honestly think they might be doing it on purpose, then they'll throw in an extra 10 roll as well and people will love them.
>Youhou on homo banner
this can't be real
i just want my yahoo without the risk of green homo bwo
They swarm in upon every single notion of negativity that appears
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>Gets free 10 roll for something that never mattered to me in the first place
Go on, I'm listening.
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this is the guy spamming eos btw
Yahoo's a 4 star. You can just not roll on green homo if you simply don't want to be spooked by homo. She'll be there to spook you in later banners anyways
naked dogeza yapyap
I just checked and I have R10 Yangyang and R9 Sanhua.

I guess that gave me some coral I can use to buy Chixia dupes later? I only have 354 coral though just shy of enough for a 5*
Wait what?
but i want her asap
Or they will give her out for free during some event, since they are following the Mihomo route so closely... For now I will only the Shorekeeper.
I'm like 87% sure they're going to do this because it would bring the roll total to a similar level to 1.1, which would imply that it's planned all along.
ehhhh why though
just wait for a banner, 4* will come to you anyway
>wake up
>Yahoo got moved to the Jiyan banner
I have zero evidence but women are to blame for this
Lolibros , we'll get our win. I'm not too worried.
> People rolls on green homo
> Homo sale went up
> Homo banners only in 2.0
> Players Leave

What is this strategy called?
Because I WANT R6 Chixia but only have R1.......
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"the genshin special"
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How about you listen to THIS. PLAP PLAP PLAP PLAP
EoS? No, the peace of death is too good for you. You will live, in a Hell where reruns get the shiny new 4* lolis
DEVS LISTENED (to fujos)
>where reruns get the shiny new 4* lolis
>When you can just get it as a spook from other banners
Nah. Now go back to your zzzoo.
Breasts are too big.
actually is a fate worse than death
Does the food buff for more materials dropped work for ascension items from bosses, say like the Sound-Keeping Tacet Core, or is it always a fixed amount based on union level?
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To get to that you have to get through this.
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wuwon so big that even the 4* characters get this amount of feedback
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wtf I didn't know about the stubs thing, I can't even see the [+] now. this is too good, I feel bad for phone posters who still see hoyocucks.
It's fixed amount.
wtf I didn't know either, this general is about to get even more comfier for me
It would have been smarter for Kuro to introduce that kind of rerun banner with a new 4* nobody cared about.
now post Youhu's 12 year old butthole
Do you guys think Kuro will backpedal?
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Now that your witnessing the collapse in real time, please play |/z.z.z/| instead
probably not
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>The faggot actually shows that the filter works and they are malding
You do know zkek that you need to use a new word EVERY.SINGLE.TIME. because your old one will be just added to the list, right?
As a Jiyan roller I will actually get annoyed by pulling Youhu instead of Mortefi, thanks Kuro
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I will do a 10 pulls and get the brat
It's that easy
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9enshln lmpact > WuWa
>loli taken away from us
>this means hebe in cammy run will be gone too
I love Kuro but trying to force me to pull for a Male just to increase male banner money is lame, everyone knows they don't sell, Kuro should just treat them as skip banners to give people more time to recover pulls.
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Just in time for shorekeeper.
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If its true that she is not on Shorekeeper's banner they will, the only thing that is in question is whether or not they would do this on purpose for the marketing.
It's just a tactic so pedorollers look like homos instead. Kuro is protecting you, bros.
as long as they fix this mess I will just pretend nothing ever happened
Kuro is king of backpedaling
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>s-stop shitting on our males! wuwa males are BASED, it's only genshin males that have anal worms!
I hate ALL males
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You know how this goes. You won't get the desired 4star ,but the 5* after a ton of rolls. The summon algorithm will determine that you won to many 50/50 and will make you lose the next one.
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I love male (me)
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You're a paranoid schizophrenic and a retard who doesn't comprehend the concept of "rate up". Kuro should put Yohou on both banners since she has synergy with both Mortefi and Zhezhi. Pulling her alongside Shorekeeper would be ideal, but that's less likely now due to her not being rate-up on the banner. "Just get lucky" isn't a valid defense of an objectively scummy or at least thoughtless move by Kuro, stop sucking Kuro's metaphorical cock for free, you're exactly the same type of retard as the more fanatic hoyoshills
skipCHADS and "never pull on 1.x" bros won it all. I fear what 4* Jinhsi's rerun will get, bwos who maxed her on release might rope if it's another good loli
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While you're at it put Yapyap on Shorekeeper's banner, thank you Solon really cool
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Its such a common complaint for mihomo games that it makes it more likely that they are doing it on purpose, but on the other hand Kuro is so bad at marketing that it makes you wonder if would pull this kind of 5head marketing strategy.
I was told homos are pedos themselves so apparently it's not doing anything.
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hiding stubs is genuinely a game changer, sometimes i'd get curious and press [+] but I can't now even if I tried
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It doesn't even matters what character it is. I already have all the characters, I don't want to pull reruns. Would rather roll for weapons
I tried rolling for Danjin on Jiyan's banner and I got to 70 rolls without getting her. I had to wait until Jinhsi's banner to roll again.
I'm not gonna butter it up folks, mighty disappointed on the yohoo news. Ashkenazi jewish decisions should be called out as needed.
but super stoked on the anko 4chanX guide, thanks kind citizen
On phone you can use kurobaEX, don't know if you can import filters from 4chanX (I imagine you can)
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What next? You going to tell me that I'm as bad as Rexlent like the troons that were hounding him for his comment on Youhu?
Who gives a fuck, roll if you want her that badly.
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Where's the character trailer bros???
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soon bwo
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>They don't backpedal
Ok, nothing much will change. People can always get the 4 star later if they dont want to get spooked by green homo. And if green homo's already getting rerun means that the next few reruns are gonna be yinlin, jinny and changli then zhezhe and lee afterwards.
>They do backpedal
If they gives us compensation or smth, more bonus for us
if they don't life goes on as normal and people can get yahoo early like they wanted
Tell me more and I add it to the 4chanX image tomorrow for mobile users.
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But wouldn't you rather roll on a meta male banner than keep rolling on a healer banner, where you realistically only want one copy of?
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Don't forget about Zhezhi or else.
tomorrow sis
it's always 3 days before the patch
Funny thing is, on HSR the new 4 star is always on the first banner of the patch, usually the one people want. So they only fuck people over in genshin.
(nobody cares about that 4*) classic online lolicons thinking they are not a small single digit %
Snorekeeper will singlehandedly kill the game.
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Im 100% sure the doro fag is a hoyoshill instigator
New girls will get rerun with new 4star homos. You rike?
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Please report the doro fag
>Lumi, the 4* I like more, will run with Yinlin who I missed the first time.
Yes I rike.
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>read alloy smelt challenge conditions
>go do something real quick
>start challenge
>realize I forgot the conditions
I still got a decent at least.
On a side note, I'm a Changlet. Why does she sometimes have a mask that burns in her ult?
From a business perspective it would be retarded to put new 4* with new 5* and leave the rerun banner bare.
In this case it's an absolute nothingburger since both characters are healers and you should already have Verina unless you're retarded. How many fucking healers do you need?
She is into S&M.
I'm not a lolicon, but I was interested in her new ultimate mechanic. But I'm sure having to make a selection every time, will get annoying pretty fast.
>bootlicking gachagames
hope solon sees this bro
She gains a stack each time you use her skill or do an intro attack, at 4 stacks she gains the mask.
You shouldn't be doing her ult with full stacks though, because her ult grants 4 stacks. It's best to do her forte and then ult, so you never see the mask ult version in practice.
I need someone to heal my cock after it's done with the first 2.
>pretends to be part of the community
>is pulling the strings from behind
The perfect ruse.
I'm not your boyfriend you retarded faggot. Kill yourself and drag your corpse back to pol, a hoyo general, twitter, or whatever other hellhole you crawled into MY thread from, you trash.
>who gives a fuck
Me because Yohou isn't rate up on Shorekeeper's banner you DUMB mother fucker. And you for aggressively sucking Kuro cock despite them pulling a Hoyo. Slave mentality little faggot.
>roll for who you like
I like Yohou, so her not being rate up on Shorekeeper's banner is suboptimal. You moron. Again, kill yourself genuinely and unironically
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what's disappointing is that if they do decide to continue with this, they're leaving their player-friendly policies from PGR behind in favor of mihomo games' jewish penny-pinching, money-grifting ways just right after telling the world that they got more money than they projected (meaning they're well financially) and his priority is loving his players, his team, and his games. (implying that they'll be taking player-friendly policies with the way they market their products)
Does not bode well for the future if that is the trend that Solon's willing to take and kind folks shouldn't be afraid of calling out anti-player policies when they see it, we're not sheep and shills that just bark when told and spend when urged to do so.
love the seethe that I bring to the hoyofags and shills, fucking faggots just can't stand it. stay malding
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>Immediate seethe as soon as he arrives
how is he so powerful? its like spraying Raid on cockroaches
What happens when you go over 6 copies for a character
Works for me.

Ah okay thanks. I'll try to remember this whenever her rerun happens and hopefully pull her. I won't because I forgot the challenge conditions within minutes.
Does the mask version do any extra damage at least?
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Damn, you really are like this "guy" who seethed at Rexlent huh?
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I don't know what's your obsession spoonfeeding newfags that can find that info with a simple google search, but anyways:
Download and install this. I imagine anyone using 4chan knows how to use github and how to enable installing 3rd party apps on android:


Then go the settings and set up the filters the same way. If you are using iphone take their cock out of your mouth first, get an open source phone, and then install kurobaEX.
lmao. Go play a real competitive game, faggot.
You get extra corals instead.
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Bros... Can I get spooked by Yahoo in Semenkeeper's rateup?
Don't cockroaches become quickly resistant to that stuff so they have to keep developing new formulas? In that case we need to develop a new sheriff.
It mostly just looks cooler and wastes your 4 stacks, which is a shame.
Nigger you literally can't read how fucking dumb are you KILL YOURSELF. You genuine schizophrenic idiot, I hope you get hit by a car and struck by lightning so your wretched retard existence may end, amen
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What if Solon is just having to take orders from Tencent?
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Not this time sis, i'm just gonna wait for her in another banner since 4* pool is small as fuck anyway
>actually seething this hard
you're on 4chan retard, get thicker skin. you're actually typing like a woman right now.
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Redeem! Redeem! Redeem!
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nta but the ones who didn't download it already are the same lazy low-iq faggots who reply to bait. so spoon-feeding them is a must to improve the overall health of /wuwa/
it's still working though
>It mostly just looks cooler
Yeah that is a shame. Might be a future feedback comment on at least making it do extra damage or something.
I'm not actually seething, you fell for one of my ruses, me wanting unpaid shills kill themselves is a standpoint I reached after calm self reflection and contemplating the Dao. I will save Solon Kuro from making the grave mistake of not making Yohou rate-up on Shorekeeper's banner
you'd want 3 copies of her if you're a true metafag
Sorry but it's time for a new sheriff in town! YapYap.
doro a shit
I'm a filthy lurker, but big thanks for this anon
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Had the time before the wagecage so updated it with phone guides
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>take orders from Tencent?
I honestly don't think that's the case but if it's so, then massively disappointed but unsurprised that corporate suits only care about revenue (SOULLESS REVENUE FAGGOTS) and not the playerbase and community dynamics.
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I wonder how wuwa compares
>muh filtering
Go back to pleddit you subhuman.
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>Shorekeeper mogged by Jiyan's S3
BRICK Keeper will be outperformed by Jiyan's rerun...
>rolling homo dupes
he flopped sis
The filter, it scares them! Thanks bwo ~ <3
Is the thread being infested with Indians better or worse than it being infested with Brazilians
I'm not very up to date with my racism
Jiyan reruns will continue until morale improves
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I guess I'll roll for homo
You've won this time, Solon
I wouldn't doubt it because it's corpos being corpos. They really only wanna see bigger returns, so of course they won't care how the playerbase feels if the numbers get bigger. For all they know the playerbase is happy. And I've heard Chinese corpos are mega Jewish.
Then again Tencent has a lot of money already so they may not care as long as some sort of profit is being made.
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We love Brasil
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Alright /wuwa/ time to settle this
>Rexlent doesn't give a shit and will roll anyway
>I don't give a shit and will roll anyway
Glad to know the /wuwa/ approved streamer thinks the same way I do.
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>b-but muh culture
I dunno, ankobwos seem to be happy with knowing basic shit. If you want to be a gatekeeper faggot good luck, I myself like to have a better general quality, good luck talking with the furryfaggots and genkeks, since you don't use the filter anyway, right?
The squiggles Mason, what do they mean?!
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Thanks bwo, i guess they stopped supporting clover for android.
Shills are like 20% Indian, 70% Indonesians and 10% others.
no idea
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>>495934608 (me)
It's just the names of the games in Chinese
I recognize 原神 (Genshin)
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Well I already have Jiyan and his S1 sucks, so I guess i'm going to have to S3+ him with corals and spooks. Well played SOLON you bastard
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Elf sex
Male vs Female rates of players. Really suprised that LADS has that many guys playing it.
>5-2 for Cam
Not right before her banner... Camellya GODS, please have mercy on Rover's old Roomba...
Gays exist, you know. Would be interesting to know how many of those male players are actually active ones, without the male players who downloaded it to try out and realized that hey this is for woman.
>Really suprised that LADS has that many guys playing it.
>playing it
Damn is this what sloppy handwriting in funny Asian symbols looks like? And I thought sloppy handwriting in English was bad.

No I got that part down well enough, with the help of the male/female symbols, it was the red squiggles which the other anon says is Chinese.
That is surprising though. Probably mostly homos self inserting, or trannies(homos self-inserting irl).
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Why is this sub so racist toward Indians? As a computer science graduate, fully employed in a major telecommunications company in my country, I owe a great deal of my success to Indian educators. Most of what I learned came from watching tutorials on YouTube by Indians
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>need to roll on the homo banner JUST to get the new 4* character
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We aren't racist towards indians though? Amir from Ahmedabad is literally straight up going to win the 3rd Wuwon Cup.
On that note, vote: https://poal.me/5e0keb
I'm not really feeling it for Shorekeeper. Maybe her story will change my mind.
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Thanks for the bump unpaid interns!
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This is the time that I hope the chinese playerbase makes a massive chimp out everywhere so Solon reverts yahoo back to Shorekeeper's banner. I really don't wanna risk "building pity" on the homo general's banner.
Faggots are less than 1% of the population, it's 100% fujos lying about their gender in hopes of homo pandering.
>this sub
>computer science graduate
>sucking off the country stealing jobs of your major your country
>Indian Educators
>YouTube videos
I am now dead from laughing.
>the prize being death
That's not a good thing, sir...
Yohou should be on both banners to set a precedent, bully Solon using the feedback feature.
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>he hasn't seen russian handwriting
I doubt these are anywhere near accurate. Like most people don't even disclose their gender to the devs.
They are absolutely losing their shit.
The update notice has 19k comments on it. For comparison, the 1.3 livestream 5 days ago has 6.5k.
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Is the raid over? Comfy time now?
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>Yohou should be on both banners to set a precedent
A very good alternative, so homolovers dont miss out on the msgk.
>update notice has 19k comments on it. For comparison, the 1.3 livestream 5 days ago has 6.5k.
chinks should start posting pipebomb memes right about now, so Solon knows we mean business
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Fucking nice.
Wow they might actually backpedal and get a devs listened moment then. Maybe it was all calculated.
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What role does Yohou play? Ice dps? We already have sanhua. If she is not coming home with blackswan do I really need her?
Don't learn Russian because it will be impossible to read any native Russian's handwriting, got it.
I kinda wanna see the shitshow on the chink forums and such, can anyone link any of it?
>win jinhsi 50/50
>get her weapon in 10 rolls
>get zhezhi in 40 rolls (won 50/50)
>play another gacha with 1.2% SSR odds
>get 3 SSRs in 4 10 pulls
>get caesar in zzz in 20 pulls
Yep, I am getting fucked on shorekeeper's banner
if anyone has ANY autistic ritual to reset luck, I am willing to try it out
fuck you solon
Also what does that word mean?
You should really see Tolkien's handwriting when sketching plot outlines, not even his son (Christopher, the one that drew the maps and help do clear copies) and an army of scholars could decipher some of them.
there's hope corpo dickriders get the rope
where can we leave feedback
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I love my wife and son.
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What does yahoo do for the team?
I mean, it's the ONLY game that does that much pandering, you can get cucked on hoyo games, get told that you are the most important person and nothing more here, or get some actual pandering like getting their clothes off and wishing you goodnight. There was the Illya game that had that too (with Chloe and Miyu too), but it was static images. Yes, I bought all the voicelines in that one.
this nigger solon better rethink his decisions, my monthly's gonna expire in 2 days
I have a feeling Tolkien couldn't decipher his own handwriting at that point.
t. made notes very quickly via cursive in the past to comeback to them and wonder what the hell I wrote
coordinated attack buff on outro, I also heard she can heal but I don't know how much
So she is the new bis for jinshi? Or is zhezhi still better?
she doesn't give coordinated attacks but gives a damage boost to coordinated attacks
Verina is out of a job...
So she is probably ment to play as a healer/buffer in mortefi jiyan team, that's why she is there.
>get caesar in zzz in 20 pulls
Got her in 30, so I expect the same. Except my rolls for wuwa haven't been as blessed yet so maybe I'll be surprised this time. If I pull her early I might just use the rest of my rolls to try and dupe her.
Approaching 20k now. For forums you can maybe check from wherever that one tracking spreadsheet takes from.
Yeah, some of the names changed slightly when he wrote on ink over pencil and he made a mistake, then erased the pencil. Christopher realized decades later when he examined the pencil marks while researching for the history of middle earth books. He also realized some mistakes on the printed editions like errors on maps and some passages (like an older version of Bilbo's Earendil poem was sent to printing instead of the final version), but he never corrected them since he thought he didn't had the authority. God bless his soul.
bwos does shorekeeper have coordinated attacks? I'm slightly confused
She can also turn Zezhi and Yinlin into main dps, she gives a 100% coordinated attack buff, pretty sure that is the biggest buff in the game now.
Does she need C6 for it to buff that much?
Her boost is way lower that what Verina gives overall, also the healing is very tiny. Is just a cope 4 star option for the fags that roll on the green general banner.
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I doubt she'll be better than Sanhua for Zhezhi.
oohhh I thought her butterfly thingies are coordinated attacks... i'm pretty stupid
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If you support this type of behavior get out of my community, sincerely. Unsub, block me on Twitter, get the fuck away from me.
Oh. Welp. Sorry yahoo
No, all her Resonance Chain is for her own damage
You can just use both and eliminate any buff downtime, hell, now that you mention Zezhi, Sanhua and Youhu is probably the team with the biggest amount of synergy.
Ehhh she will come home on another banner
лишишь "deprive", 2nd person singular
Are you excited for NTE /tofg/bwos? I know you here bitches...
You are an evil person
>Yinlin into main dps
that's my goal since I don't want to use any homos in electro shill towers
>just a cope 4 star option for the fags that roll on the green general

Who gives a fuck about about that brick, verina youhu mortefi is the way to go.
Not ToF player, but from what I tried out when global released, no, I'm not that interested. I can already see the monetization hell from a GTA gacha from miles away, even if they just put in half of what is in GTA Online beside character gacha it will be an abyss.
Not everyone gets a son like Christopher, but thankfully Tolkien did.
Also wuwa and I want Youhu.

I will now write many cursive U's when I want to say deprived in my writing, whether it's 1st, 2nd, or 3rd person. Thank you.
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>NGNL profile picture
>Yuu Kamiya is a huge lolicon
>Bitch about loli
>Attack rex when he's in japan for TGS
>And just after twitchcon
>His baldfriend also made a video
Yeah fucking hypocrites.
>no youhu
Its over...
She better be in Camellya's banner then.
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>tfw prefarmed for yoohoo
>my stupid ass even rolled for the 5* gauntlet
bros I hope they LISTEN this time because this shit is the biggest hype killer for me
Would rather be an evil person than a mindless pajeet who can't even consider others because of how low his IQ is kek!
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>mfw I already have S6 Sanhua
>mfw I already have S6 Chixia
>mfw they moved yahoo to homo banner
Is getting S6 yapyap the only thing I can look forward to together with getting Shorekeeper next patch?
i'm glad i don't care about youhu
Just wait until you get her from the standard pool when they add her there in 1.4. Is not like you are never going to get her, in a year you'll have rolled her half a dozen times even in off banner.
Im literally on the same spot, i rolled for the gauntlet specifically to give it to her
i'm more disappointed with the fact that they went with a mihomo jewish tactic more than anything. Kuro games should be diverting away from, instead of opting into, using mihomo's shitty gacha practices.
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People act like she's a 4 star that is only available in rerun banners.
It's the most high quality gigapandering husbando game in chinkland, there isn't a single gacha otome that has the same amount of effort and for (you) pandering in it on the market. I'm not surprised that actual homos play it since they don't have any options despite the fact the game only gives you a female mc. Most joseimuke you can still get kek'd because sometimes the writers are fujocucks and ship the guys together, yumes hate that shit so they jump ship. LaDs doesn't do that hence the monopoly on yumes with money.
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Alright, what are our plans? What are our wunder waffen?
>People act like she's a 4 star that is only available in rerun banners.
The lolis look cute so I'll play it.
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It's alright Indian bwos, as long as you denounce the Talmud and curse the Jewish race, you're alright.
I think they are trying out how much they can get away with mihomo tactics with their own community. They do a mihomo like thing and if it backfires enough, they back down on it. If not, then they maybe won some pocket money.
I regret rolling for Zhezhi Lawrence
Jiyan is about to become lingyang levels of hated for holding Youhu hostage
Tell me which part says "Yahoo can only be obtained through jiyan's banner and will not be obtainable in any future banners"
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We have our alliance too anon
We barely have any 4 stats anyway. Yoohoo probably rerun in Chun’s banner
Anyways bwos. Is Storekeepers S1 worth it? I got enough currency to buy it from the shop
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Of course I will. Home is wherever Hotta hasn't start powercreeping yet.
>Get hated by chinese for being the Deserter General
>Geshu Lin liked for never falling back
>Chinese learn that Jinzhou is our city and Geshu Lin sends OUR people into death
>Jiyan earns good favor from chinese fans while Geshu Lin gets hate
>Jiyan Rerun makes the ice loli a hostage
>Chinese hate the general again
This is pure comedy
I just saw Solon eating a bagel and wearing a Kippah. It's over
Clearly the dead festival patch didn't backfire enough so look forward to more of that.
Not really but S2 is.
/1999/ over in britain just being gay and shit.
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>our allies are the italian, bulgarians, romanians, and hungarians
kill me now
Extra coral, enough to buy 1x roll from the shop for 4-star characters. Dunno how much coral you get for 5-stars
No. Tof was so bad, I will skip this entirely. Also who needs driving if you can't run people over.
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They want to test if more people roll for a 4* loli or free 5* male
The first part. :^)
I misread and thought you meant she be part of the permanent pool which is unlikely to happen. Yeah she'll pop up on future banners, but I don't want to have to wait longer for her.
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It's alright. We can start the counter-offense once Steiner has gathered enough troop
Honestly I don't care. I don't want to play the game religiously, so this 6-8~ hours worth of content every 6 weeks is perfectly fine for me. The 1.2 festival was generally liked here too, since the event story was good, Zhezhi was cute and free fistfighter I take any day, be a guy or not.
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>only female banners in her patch
Lumibros we won
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It's you guys fault if we have Youhu on the greenman banner.
You should have use more money on the game.
Solon had to do that so people would roll twice to make some money.
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Wait what did I miss
Why do people think that Youhu is only on Jiyan's rerun
Altera is an alien in fate lore.
But I already have Yinlin and don't want her S1
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It...It's just feign-submission to keep his company. Solon is our guy as long as he does not kiss the wall, right?
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Solon won't need money in the afterlife
Damn, I didn't know she was based like that. Will pull
Sorry bro, we hunbros always choose the losing side in any war, we jinxed it. It's just in our genes, I can't do anything against it.
Read the fucking thread
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How the turn have table
Now everyone HATE Solon
Death to Kuro muahahahaha
Unironically, this is just average gacha company stuff. And at the end of the day Kuro is a company trying to make money, if people here think this shit is predatory then they've never played an actual predatory gacha.
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I don't care about Youho being put on the second part of the patch, i was not going to built her anyways
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what makes people regret getting yinlin?
why do people not regret getting zhezhi?
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As-salamu alaykum wuwer
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More people pulled for yinlin, less people pulled for nerd. Simple as.
Yep, that's a butthole.
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Wa alaykum assalam anon
Anon who talked about KurobaEX, thank you. This app is pretty fucking comfy on phone than the browser.
for reproduce. baby-making anal sex
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Yinlin ruled Wuwa stupid bitch
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next question
If we E6 a 4 star character do I get more refund currency when I roll them?
Sorry I am dumb and cannot read
I think you get 15
you get more of the refund currency after e6
I don't know who this is, but I love seeing this type of shit
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yes cutie
Where is zhezhi sanhua?
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>Put yahoo in greenhomo banner
>secretly increase the homo rate without telling just to trollspook yahoo puller
you rike?
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here's 1171 Zhezhi regret points just to cement her as the WORST girl in history.
Isn't better than to roll on a banner with 3 E6 4 stars?
W-why is Jinny looking at me like that?
I bet she's super sweaty considering her resonator abilities
you will E6 all 4* 1 year in anyway so it doesn't matter much
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I was so ready to roll youhu in 4 days now they do this!? damn she really is a brat!
Getting spooked by the general is not the end of the world. I didn't care for him until I found out you can keep leftclick pressed and he'll automatically attack on his own. He's great for lazy shitters and I always use him for illusive realm slop.
Just replace his model with a cute girl mod if you hate males.
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Wtf is a Crescent Slash?
You will roll the homo
You will play the homo
You will like the homo
not really. He could rant about censorship or gay stuff in gacha games or even go after actual pdfs, but he chooses to be dumb fuck on the interwebs.
which wuwa is so fuckind dumb that she's useless for everything and only good as a breeding sow?
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Convincing gacha babies that "story" is content, was the biggest hoax Mihoyo pulled off, bravo Dawei, you created an entire demographic of players begging to be fed shit.
Now let's delete gameplay content altogether and we might reinvent a JPEG collector.
Fuck off zoomer
Chixia is canonically dumber than Anko anon.
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skins when
>1 4star in 10 pulls
1600 astrites per 4 star
>11 4stars
1600*11 astrites per character
>17600*6 to S6
105600 astrites or 660 pulls
huh, not that bad actually, if my retard-tier math is even remotely reliable
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But I already have him and I've been using him since launch? Maybe I should just get dupes of him since I don't know if he'll rerun again.
no thanks, hes braindead
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PV tomorrow, the wait will be over soon
I mean, what do you want then? We get gameplay content too, the story is there to fit the game into a core frame. And if not for wuwa having story, people would still shit on Zhezhi for being a tranny Harry Potter, Changli being an NTR bait and so on. Just because Dawei can't do an okay story doesn't mean Solon can't either.
zhezhi sex
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Guys it's R6, it's Resonance Chain.
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I don't think CN bwos liked it either
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Where are we right now /wuwa/?
nope, I saw some youtubers using that word to avoid filters and happen to think its funny.
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im here
im tired bros
I love fat retarded jinny
>Grasshopper is yours?
Shit, chinks are going bellow the belt with these remarks...
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Hmmmmm C6?
I skipped Jiyan because lol homo and I wanted Jinhsi, but he's kinda cool and I wouldn't be mad if I got spooked by him.

I'd be pissed if I got spooked by the lion or elf.
>It's hard to hide tears from the fire today

What does that mean though?
Not rolling for Yinlin
Not rolling for Zhezhi
Not rolling for Yahoo
>you can't hate pedophile dog whistles because your avatar is from No Game No Life
Nigger what? That's like saying nobody can appreciate Hitler's paintings. God these indog seaniggers are a plague
he's asking if the grasshopper is solon's...
just last minute running events is it worth it to co-op the tower defense one? or does it scale and it's still better to solo?
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but "C"hain
so C is valid too
Co-op is easier since you can cover multiple gates at once, unless your teammates are worthless.
co-op is faster i feel
When hitler(solon) gets his shit together and listens to his players
>co-op this late
Jesas, imagine the queue time
It's R0-6, my Chixia is R1 because I've gotten 1 waveband for her.

Her Static Mist is S0 because it has been Syntonized 0 times, I've only gotten it the once.

I hope this helps those of you confused and using genshin terms.
Okay Nazi
Solon just shot himself in the Jinhsibunker
Oh yeah I got that. I don't know who the grasshopper part is suppose to mean... Wait do they mean Jiyan?
is the game that dead? there's usually people doing stuff last minute in other gacha
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Its not too late to come back bros
game about to burry itself 10 feet under
Anon are you stupid? its gayshit impact.
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my friend........
time to cuck my playerbase again
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Skip Shorekeeper.
Gonna skip the game entirely
If Yahoo and Chixia are on her banner I might be forced to roll for them, sorry. I like Chixia and Yahoo more than I like Cammy, I'll use my savings.
>gayshit impact
Never played it and barely pay attention to anything related to it. But thanks for pointing it out to me.
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>you can't have your cake and eat it too
It was never explicitly said in any marketing materials that youhu and the storekeeper are on the same banner. Who's setting the wrong expectation here?
nta, I also thought Jiyan was the grasshopper lol.
>decide to do some pulls for dupes since I have quite a bit to get shorekeeper, but still feel like building a pity
>pull calcharo in 20 pulls
Uh, this is based right?
>you can't have your cake and eat it too
I duped the cake and ate one of them. What now?
Don't care Solon will listen or I'll move on to anime Warframe
>anime Warframe

Imagine not having Jinhsi
>Warframe is ass
>TFD is ass
Warframe on itself is a failed concept
My man, you're walking from a fetch quest to a fetch quest to read some chinkslop writing, there hasn't been any gameplay content for months (no, genshit mini game events are not gameplay).
If you're genuinely satisfied with this being the main thing you do, the open world is an actual hindrance and you're unironically better off playing FGO or some shit.
Aforementioned story slop clashing horribly with the open-world BotW gameplay is the reason Genshit started dying, and why WuWa never took off.
Don't believe me? Take a listen to every normalfaggot's favorite game reviewer say the same thing:

It's not about the story being good or not because it's guaranteed to be terrible either way, it's about forcing people to spend actual hours of playtime on things only the sloppiest gacha sloppers find enjoyment in.
You're actively killing the game by tolerating this.
he is probably talking about Duet night abyss
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>Don't roll on 5-star release banner
>Roll on 5-star rerun banner with new 4-stars
I think I got it now
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nta but
are you fucking serious
this is the most retarded take you can say for ANY game
>youtube video
>see little cartoon fedora hat man
>wait is that?
>open video
>hear the first syllable
Didn't know Yahtzee was still around.
Looks cool, but if it really has Warframe progression i don't care
>watch trailer
Yeah that's definitely anime Warframe. Mildly interested except I don't really care for another fantasy setting gacha at this point.
>wanting everyone's sloppy seconds
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>What is Illusive Realm
>What is red aura mobs
>What is Holograms
>What is the echoid event
>What is the new coop fighting event
>What is wuxiakino
I wouldn't watch your shit video, if you don't enjoy the game with the content it has, then leave because it wouldn't get better for (you). You don't have to play everything, there is millions of free entertainment content in the world and YOU choose to do the one you don't even like...?
I am 100% serious and there's nothing retarded about saying
>I don't enjoy following quest markers to sit there like a cuck and listen to some yapping
because nobody fucking does. I tried shilling this game to 2 of my friends when it came out and neither of them survived the 1.0 story dumping.
People just wanted to play BotW man, that's why Genshit 1.0 blew up then subsequently fell back into obscurity: because hoyo started delivering less and less BotW, and more "character story" slop.
When I dropped Genshin I had 100% exploration in all the areas and 20+ story quests unfinished. I'm about to do the same thing here lol

Braindead slop eating newfag
Some ""leaker"" said so.
uninstall and go play minecraft
My condolences Calchudbro... I got him in standard banner too.
The most popular game in the world btw
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Anon, there is literally a skip button. Mald elsewhere.
Lol lmao this isn't 2016 anymore gramps
Warframe is great if you have a friend who gives you a general guide on what to do (ignore guns and rush story quests until you get the BROKEN War), and you stop playing after War Within (purest Kino in gayming). I hate the New War and the Natah stuff like you wouldn't believe.
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yeah, plus it really suits you more than being here
Surely he has some use at least. Right?
what does she keep?
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>why does an anime rpg have story
I'm not even going to bother engaging.
My semen.
Click the skip button then retard
Yeah, sitting at Lvl1 at the bottom of my character list with Xiangli Yao like the two swore brothers they are.
she keeps you from pulling her cause they put the new loli 4-star on a rerun banner featuring a homo
>oh wow this anime action RPG looks so cool can't wait to play it
>spends 90% of the time reading "story"
"Story" is literary lowest common denominator slop: everything from Arknights to FGO has story, how is this more of a "real" game than those again?
>it has gameplay
Does it really?
>War Within (purest Kino in gayming)
I don't know if finding out you were a little potato the whole time is the purest of kino, but it was a fun moment.
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>PGR is getting changloli npc in the upcoming patch
BASED, now put Youhu in Shorekeeper's banner Solon.
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Excuse me saar
What is your nationality?
>follow the quest marker, press skip, then follow the next quest marker
>your content is done now, no more playing for you
Congrats, you just discovered why Mihoyo never added a skip button.
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>dragon wife
>bird wife
>hamster wife soon
When are we getting fox wife and snake wife?
Then dont fucking use it and read the story?
>Why mihoyo never did
Spaghetti code prevents them from doing it
Ukrainian, I hear air raid sirens dozens of times every day, what about it? I play gacha slops during downtime in flight sims if you're curious.
Are new 4* on the same banner as new 5* in PGR?
I started at launch and I still don't have aalto, keep in mind that this game doesn't have a way to guarantee a 4* character
And reading the story isn't as fun as exploring the open world, that's the entire point and we're going in circles
>Spaghetti code prevents them from doing it
This dude never wrote a line of code in his life
the hag fox hsi
or at least a cute foxgirl that groomed by hsi
trust the plan
Who is winning? Ukr or rus?
The Jews
>I dont wanna read the story
>I dont wanna skip the story
Kill yourself already.
If only you knew how shit they are.
New 4*s are released as a standalone update in pgr.
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I'm using stamina cubesto get my Chixia skills all to 10 today.
Asked because the people usually shitting up the thread are either Indonesian or Indian
We also had this Turkish guy one time
Anyways stay in one piece Ukranon
I can see it...
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4* stars go into the standard banner, you can select the 4* that you want to guarantee in that 10 pull and it has 100% rate up if they are new and 80% if not, you also get 1 copy of every 4* for free. They also get the entire patch for themselves, so the order is pull patch > free patch > pull patch and so on which makes every character in the game free from the point where you start playing if you don't pull for weapons or pets.
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nyooo save them for shorekeeper
Is this chinese leaker reliable?
It was Hakush.in. https://t.me/hakush_in/147
I guess that maybe in the beta they put Youhu with Shorekeeper on the first banner so that people can quickly get them and test them.
If that's the case it's pointless to refer to beta banners for what will be in the banners of the actual release.
lol PGR is like an angel in the gachaslop market compared to even wuwa shame kuro cucked us royally over
TOTAL Ma Xiaofang because you've grown so close to her she lets you use her real name LOVE
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I'm skipping shorekeeper.
I don't have a problem with you Ukranon, but you are playing Game A while actually want Game A to be Game B instead because you actually like Game B and not A. If you like BotW that much, go play BotW. You could also try Death Stranding, since that's the game Kuro took inspiration from, might be in your ballpark as an explorationslop enjoyer.
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SOLON is setting up another devs listened moment, trust the plan
>spoiler gone
Fuck you, gookmoot.
Ngl if you are not a Jinhsi enjoyer then the entire story all the way up to 1.1 is hella boring. Changli's story quest was decent at least.
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NYOOOOO curse your knowledge 3 decision making
Exactly, I don't want story, I want gameplay. Instead they're giving me a subpar product that I could get anywhere else.
If I wanted BotW my only options so far
>BotW (old and busted)
>Genshin (devolved into ugly PG-3 shit for kids)
>this thing (extremely low gameplay content)
That's it, nothing else on the market

If I wanted story I'd have
>literally fucking everything that ever existed (and all of it is worse than Mafia 1 or a mid movie from 20 years ago)

Wuthering Waves is cheapening itself in the eyes of the consumer by adding more and more "story" instead of what actually matters. You have already scared off the mass normalfag audience, and are in the process of killing the game anon. Going to where you know Kuro is listening and bitching about this would unironically be your best course of action. I wrote it in every survey and I don't believe it's helping, I plan to jump ship for the next big gachaslop if you're curious
Giving the 4 star is generous but aren't you just kind of getting the same amount of new 5 stars here in the end? 1 every 2 patches guaranteed? or possibly more?

People would also kvetch even harder if the only new character in a whole patch was a 4*
there's always a melty going on
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Roll the Homo or no UOH for you
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that's worse than the usual dawei cocksuckers since it sounds so genuine but at the same time super retarded
yea, you do you anon, no amount of arguments can change your mindset
>1 every 2 patches guaranteed
It's too early to say but it's like every 2.5 patches at the worst of luck here, still that doesn't factor in the pulls you need to do for weapons and 4 stars not to mention the entire dupe system. It just doesn't really compare to PGR and WuWa players are giving Kuro too much leeway.
It's literally not though. you'll never go past like 74 rolls we've gotten or calculated 80 on avg every patch at least. So that's a pity and some change
for me I just like the way Zhezhi plays better, I knew during their character trials whether i wanted one or the other. Yinlin was an easy skip I just like Zhezhi's ability to air combo better
Difference is that you don't miss any new character in pgr, since you get 15k+ bc for two patches, and characters are 100%, so you basically just buy every new one for 15k. Also a-ranks (4-stars if you use ww analogue) are farmable to max rank, which would be like r6 in ww. Takes a very long time, but free is free.
she got powercrept right the next patch pretty funny then you have cubeman powercreeping calchuddy into oblivion
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You are missing critical information, in PGR you can get every S rank (5*) to SS for free by just playing the endgame, you also can get every A rank (4*) to SSS+ for free by spending stamina on their stages (though it takes a couple months if you don't pull). They also give a free S rank multiple times a year. So while the "rate" of new characters is the same, the amount pull currency spent is not even close, for example I have 6 signature weapons and 2 limited gacha skins, as a F2P without skipping any female characters and I started like a year and half ago.
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So this is the Proof they use to say Youhu will be in the second banner. Can someone explain to me how could this mean that she will be in the second banner? I'm retarded
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Are SS like the dupes?
Make a rentry instead, easier to click links and copy filter
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I got this reply on every single post yet none of you can formulate a counter argument. Are you sure I'm actually retarded and it's not just a kneejerk reaction? I wouldn't be in your position.
Go on /v/ and see how much people like snoy games, story slop and/or walking simulators. If anything, my take is safe pedestrian shit everyone agrees with.
No uoh for me then.
Bro, the image you posted literally explains it...
"On the night of the bitter cold" is he name of Jiyan banner.
/v/ LOVES png collector gacha games though buddy
Shorekeeper's banner is 'When the Tide Fades'. Youhu will be available on "On the Night of the Bitter Cold" which isn't 'When the Tide Fades'.
Oh, I didn't know that, thanks
I'm actually glad that they removed Yeehaw from SK banner, now at least I can S6 sanhua safely
>The story, why are they doing it. It will kill the game, I tell you!
Except 1.1 main story and Changli companion story was the one bringing back goodwill to the game, Zhezhi character story made the flopgirl likeable to people and some even pulled for her because of it. Shorekeeper will come out, we have a kino story for it and because it will only do 30-40 million like Changli and Yinlin, you will tell yourself somehow that the game is dead I guess. Making 20-30M on mobile while the game is half as expensive to whales than the hoyoshit games means the games actually have around the same spending group and power, just hoyo players are dried harder. In the end, the game will be here and you will go to the next gacha slop for your flight sim, have fun ukranon.
Didn't Jiyan's banner have a different name though or is that just a result of the translation?
I gotta handed to you for voicing your opinion in the heart of a gachatard thread. Most people just drop the game and delete it from their memory the moment they feel unsatisfied.
Fag spotted
60 nice cats in Solon's appartment
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Yes, though the amount of dupes required to rank up increase with every S, SS would be 2 dupes normally, but since you can get to it for free, 2 pulled dupes gets you to SS3 (SS + 1 upgrade node, which makes it the F2P version of SSS)
missing but its probably same category as sanhua anko
I made my potato look like the Joker and chose the coolest options (never Moon). When my Excalibur jumped out of the water to murder the ugly Kuva junkie, it was kino. The Sacrifice was also really good (minus Lotus being a retard), because I enjoyed stabbing Ballas. Too bad he didn't die right there, he's boring and lame as fuck, him dying in The Sacrifice would've been a perfect self-contained story
You're arguing with people who don't really want to play a game, they want to be part of a club and collect things.
You'll find very few players here who share your feelings about content because to many of them content is a downside, if the game releases content they all of a sudden have to do it or feel left out of the club. And they probably want to do anything else except play the game but they also don't want to look like posers or secondaries so they grudgingly force themselves to do the 2 hours of content once a patch so they can keep posting memes.
They bend the knee to PGR complains but if they won't for WuWa complains then it is clear as day that it's Tencent running the show and things will look grim from thereon out.
if you have any opinion about the game post tower and holograms first. Until then you don't actually play the game
>I don't want story
I don't feel this because story is what drives me sometimes, but there's nuances. But I digress, do you really just want to run around a map collecting things or what? Because there's plenty of open world games out there where you do that, but they usually have the survival mechanic to them and I assume you're not into that.
I will make a rentry for a filter list next month after we get hard raided for the revenooo day. I will get lots of filter material then, I don't use much than what on the image right now and it filters out most of the shit nicely already, these retards wouldn't try to use different words for their game every time, the z.z.z faggot already fucked off too after just one try.
why argue if i can't change your mind anyway?
it will just shit up the thread
anyway have fun and good luck while you are here and for your next games bro
Is this a raid or do we have an embarrassing amount of newfags?
filter deez nuts
Power-wise, SS would be like r2 or something like that in ww, it's usually a pretty big upgrade, and SSS would be like midway between r5 and r6, because SSS+, which is max, usually isn't as much of an upgrade as r6 in ww.
The trade-off for "free" SS in pgr though is the fact that most new S-ranks, especially attackers, basically require their signature weapons to function properly in endgame. Those weapons often actually change gameplay somehow, instead of being bigger numbers like ww's weapons. But then again, even as f2p you can get a decent amount of those if you're not retarded with your currency.
tourists and falseflaggers you mean. They flock to any thread as long as it's fast like flies to shit
>Is this a raid or do we have an embarrassing amount of newfags?
Both. A newfag is out here complaining about a jrpg-veined anime gacha game being story focused. I can't even be assed to respond to that.
Thank God for the Skip button
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Interesting. Though ngl if they announced jiyan in 1.0 and yinlin in 1.2 I'm not sure I would be happy with that even if I got a few of their dupes as compensation. It just seems incredibly slow.
>story so bad they added a summary page to every quest
Ultimately WuWa is also a PNG collector gacha when there's no new region out
However (!) PNG collector gachas have better designs, less censorship, more characters, more free pulls and less time investment. They're overall superior and on visuals alone I'd rather play BA than this but 3D gachas dodge the comparison by being actual games
Or rather that's how it was supposed to work, but the hoax is up, now it's obvious hoyo (and now Kuro too) are pulling a bait and switch trying to substitute gameplay for story (essentially PNG slop) because developing is cheaper this way. I really didn't want to admit this for a long time, but /v/ was probably right about PNG gachas.

And this is exactly why /v/ likes shitty PNG collectors: you get the same garbage but the downsides are milder and the club is bigger.
These brainrot discord chatroomers should stop playing 3D open world games and at least go for PGR / ZZZ type of slop if PNG collectors are too much for them. Why even subject yourself to a 3D open world game if you hate 3D open world? But who am I kidding, I already know this is just /pgr/ 2 electric boogaloo from reading the shitshow at the end of last thread.
This is not very convincing from someone who wants to play a gacha game because his flight simulator is so boring he can run it in the background like an idle game...
>story is actually catching eyes so a glossary is now added for people to delve deeper into
Ukranon is right and you hate him because he tells the truth.
If the game was story focused they'd have made a good story from the start instead of desperately having to rewrite it a month before release. It's obviously not their focus otherwise they'd have had competent writers and quality control instead of considering during the last closed beta that the story they should have been working on for at least 3 years since the game was announced, and probably more, is completely awful.
Ukranon's point wasn't that story based games are awful but that chinese gacha game stories are awful which is true and you keep misrepresenting his point.
>was mostly going to roll SK's banner for youhi since i had a guaranteed pity
>can't do that since they apparently moved her to jiyan's banner
guess i'll just skip and wait for cammy
It's not, it just has downtime. Hosting on fightcade is also extremely dense in terms of fun but has downtime.
Both brings long term gratification too.
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The story is so important that when beta testers were doing it the main complaint was the story, so they redid all the quests and voicelines despite it being rushed and took the chance on the new one being good instead of shipping out one they knew people didn't like.
Main complaints of 1.0 at launch? Story.
Main praises of 1.1? Story

Last (you) for you. Go get torn apart by shrapnel thanks. post tower and holograms before you go
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>the retard multiplies
nice thread WuWaKeKs
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Just datamine the game and get free PNGs lmao
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Just for you, I will.
I get you, and yeah, pgr is a very, very slow game, so it's not for everyone. But, again, there's a trade-off that your characters you invested a lot into don't become irrelevant in a few months. Some characters stayed in meta for 3 or even 4 years. And by "meta", I mean not just "usable", but actually best in their role.
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>Commandant/Rover grooming Changloli is gonna become a canon event
Extremely based.
>he story is so important that when beta testers were doing it the main complaint
nta but the story at the moment boils down to MC getting dicksucked from beginning to end by even the baddies like the scar homo that you posted it's clear as day that the dickless chinks couldn't settle on a middle ground but instead doubled down maybe things will change by 2.0 when the homo breaks out but atm it's predictable and mid as hell
Gary deserves our girls honestly, He has had a hard life.
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Mouth made for rimjobs
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This. Everyone in my netcafe said they would come back to the game if the mc did less and there was some content of him getting cucked by boys in shorts
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Personally I am a believer of the theory that Rover is just future Gary.
He has plenty of girls as it is quite frankly, if He can cuck us out of our girls then we deserve Hanying and Bianca in return.
Beta testers complained the story is awful because it's the thing you have to do for hours before you unlock all features of the game. There were dozens of complaints during 1.0 mainly the godawful targetting which took ages to get fixed in a game that was supposed to be about good combat.
I've seen just as much if not more praise for the exploration in 1.1 and the story was praised because you certainly couldn't praise the gameplay that added one whole hologram and the horrible dogshit weekly boss that is Jue.
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We'll be seeing our waifu next patch too right?
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Is he still listening?
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PGR Changloli & her face sprites:
Bonus new Nanami & her face sprites:
Solon where the fuck is PGR Jianxin? We already have the original Danjin (Empress)
Right now in its current state judging by western literary standards, it doesn't even qualify as a story.
>some dude is a literal god who lost his memory and now has to go somewhere and do something to regain it. There are gorillion different factions and every single one of them wants him to do it
Just do it then, there is literally no conflict, it's closer to
>tree fell in the woods
>Alice killed Bob
than a real story

Many eastern things suffer from this, because those tards never invented a 3 act story structure and instead have whatever the fuck this is. China in particular has almost no long-form literary tradition making it even worse
Isn't this from the absolute shitshow that was PSO2 EP5?
>Hanying and Bianca
Excellent taste
>if He can cuck us out of our girls
Don't be dumb anon, both MCs are (You), can you cuck yourself?
>been thinking of picking up PGR
>except already got hands full atm
>this happens
>except I'd have to go through the whole damn story first which will probably take months
Stop this, Solon! Stop!
Jiyan is based and fun to play as. I hope the UOHHHHHH enjoyers get him and have fun.
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Expys doesn't count as cuckoldry
A Hanying and Bianca expy won't be the same character therefore not cuck. The same way Elf Vera is not Vera.
stopped playing around there
>Alice killed Bob
I take it your in Cybersecurity?
yes lol
why does whether it's good or not matter if the only that matters is the combat?
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Despite not liking that the game even has story in it,, you guys are quite invested in hate talking about it.
Damn is that a datamined New frame for Nanami? That makes me pretty happy, although I will miss zooming around on Power.
>the 1.0 complaints were MAINLY the targetting
yeah it's bait
Same, but EP4 already put a foot in the grave for me. That was just the last straw. At least Alma was cute I guess
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You can skip anything you don't want to read then read what you skipped faster here:
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Whats up with PGR Danjin? She's not on global yet, all I know is that she is a member of Nanami's church iirc.
Oh hey, you are still here, PSO anon?
Yeah, and It looks incredible. PGRbros better be grateful for all the Wuwa money they can use now.
If every echo has crit rate and crit dmg, do the other status matter really? Or is just the crit ones good enough to 30/30
WW only exists to funnel money into PGR
You might need some ER breakpoints on characters like jiyan otherwise nah
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Empress is the business minded member of the Church.
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okay anons, same question as a few days ago: how do I obtain the fag?
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i dont event remember the main plot of that ep anymore besides its scifi fantasy dark falz but with isekai tower defense

yea, no other free games can satisfy my longing pso2 like wuwers
If your Crit Rate reached 70% at least and have a decent amount of ATK, your goal is to have as much Crit DMG as possible, everything else is extra and good to have.
can it schizo, real people are talking here
get to 6k popularity and just claim him from the events page
is it achievable in 1 day?
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We also have this Nanami
The update will goes live tomorrow
She's been out in CN Beta for a couple of weeks now, there's plenty of videos of her gameplay already. They also revealed a skin for her already
comfy when?
yes. you get preparation credits from doing the festival quests so should be easy.
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can you stop shilling on /v/?
Knew it. Never seen so many "Alice and Bob" allegories, or any really, until I took some cybersecurity courses. I should probably get some certs seeing as programming is dead now.
When the game gits gud
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Nanami gamer skin
If I do that I'll never do it. And thanks for reminding me I can't get any Automata characters anymore.
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>never saw those pics here
Sorry bros. ZZZ used to be on the chopping block if I wanted to try a new gacha but I'm pretty sure Wuwa is now.
This guy made sure wuwa became the laughing stock of /v/
Is Jiyan really that good?
Who is Shin? Why does he use the tripcode?
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Empress: The last business at Constellia didn't bring us enough money.
Cervantes: You don't care about arts, you just want to make money!
Empress: I'm a businesswoman, Cervantes. Your art doesn't mean anything if it can't profit. The Sage said it herself, she needs money to build our spaceship and for her collection. We need money to run this Church, you need to contribute more money, Cervantes.
Cervantes: Would your Kowloong job with Schultz even bring us any money?
Empress: What's with all these doubts? Schultz has some business there, Hanying and I will make sure we get those Kowloong money.
Cervantes: With an army of machines?
Empress: I have a plan! Just one last score, and we will be out in space mining minerals! Have some sagedamn faith, Cervantes.
Good to still have you here. I am enjoying wuwa myself very much, it's just the right amount of 6-8 hours of monthly gametime to not think about touching my xbox but still game something and not consume all my time away from my LN, manga reading and anime watching. I really should start AC Odyssey finally, but I so don't feel like doing it...
Pretty sure it's the ass blasted dude who made the filtering guide. WuWa's #1 shill and he does it for free.
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>playing since launch
>genocide wolves and herons for a month after changli release
>do all double tacet event on fusion
>use all selectors on fusion
>end up with only 1 double crit 1 star fusion with min rolls
My jewess....
It's starting to look that way
>literally off cooldown
It would sound and rhyme better as
What level is good enough for subsidiary characters like Sanhua or Yapyap.
Is 80/80 good enough or do I want to do the last awakening and get them to like 81/90? Or is even 80 overkill?
Does Shorekeeper have an actual name?
I'm worried about this game
When genshit came out I played that shit 24/7
And after 3 years I grew to hate it because they never added any meaningful content
sure wuwa has better combat and better graphics and holograms but to be honest aside from that I don't see that much of a difference between the two
Abyss/tower are the same with the same shitty rewards, same shitty stamina system and same non-existent endgame
I still dont mind logging in every day but I dont know if I will last until 2.0
The events are mostly the same braindead garbage as genshin (besidey illusive kino)
Admittedly, we havent reached flash game level of crapiness yet but I'm noticing a trend
They really should carve out their own niche and stop copying anything from genshin because everything about that game sucks ass
It's a shame too because all their original ideas are amazing, especially the echoes but fuck them for time gating substat rolls i feel like it's really unnecessary
Why can't they copy stuff from their own game PGR instead? It has lots of fun game modes that would fit right in wuwa
Genshin truly is the root of all evil
It set up a trashy open world RPG system that sucks on so many levels but is extremely profitable
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I'm gonna need to make a very hard decision in a few months... I have no idea which of these to drop
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>RNG gear
god do I wish Genshit never added it so most gachas wouldn't hop of also doing it. getting a decent piece is already such a pain in the ass, now you have to level up their kit, mats for levels and deal with bullshit RNG on top of it. I think that's why I dropped most games to be honest, I can't be bothered to get shitty subs with a good main or vice versa
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What are tripcode?
That retard ruined WW threads on /v/ and probably any chance for anyone to make their own WW thread
>AC Odyssey
Please don't do that to yourself, anon
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>network error, please try again
Uuuuh Roverbro ????
God I wish LC wasn't such a shitty gacha to maintain. The game is actually good but fuck the repetitive bs. Maybe I should try Library of Ruina.
>Mahjong Soul
Isn't that literally just mahjong but now you got pretty girls to look at? Do you really need to pay attention to it until you want to play mahjong again?
welcome to echo hell
>t. only 1 ER rejuvenation 3 slot echo
Snowbreak until they revamp the actual gameplay in it to semi-open world from a corridor shooter. I understand it's a mobile game but wtf were they thinking, making a gun based game the same corridor arena fighter like every other mobile shit. As much as I would enjoy the eroslop, I can't push myself through dogshit gameplay for it.
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I got a decent fusion and spectro set barely trying but I can't get some decent havoc 3 costs despite trying way harder.
My wife cammy isn't gonna be happy with this
Snowbreak is pure shit, do yourself a favor and get rid of it.
not him but the only reason I still log into snowbreak every day is because it takes 1-2 minutes
It has events and stuff still, if someone is heavy into FOMO they are still fucked.
how? I already have a full set of double crits for each element besides glacio and I only buy monthly
I would get rid of the gay games like Limbus and arknights. Dunno about Mahjong soul.
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I'm here to laugh at the motherfuckers who called me retarded for saying something based on the official information we had at the time. Where are you now faggots? Show yourselves and call me a retard now you pieces of shit
Huh? It's basically just the weekly MHD which is like what 45 minutes? LoR is fun as fuck though doubly so with mods definitely play it.
Yeah it's just Mahjong. The gacha is giga stingy though and you gotta play multiple hours a day for 5 rolls a month. I don't really do that and just play with friends from time to time but it's a gacha so it goes in the gacha folder.
>What are tripcode?
Newfag bro...
It's the random characters after the name. You use one or two hashes after the name with some more characters to get the tripcode. Take a look at the 4chan FAQ.
Should've complained more about it during the betas, pgr's system is much better, since rng is far less relevant and is easily fixable with selectors.
Yep, and it's also home to the people who raid Wuwa everyday just like they raid every other general.
I have to. The old ones are short enough with their 10 hours to burst through it in a few days, but I hated the slog of Origins, they stretched a 10 hours long story to 40 for no reason. Though if I don't play the main story, I just put in a podcast and brain off grind up the needed level on sidequests, so it's not THAT bad, it's just meaningless and wouldn't do it without my podcast.
>smells like phrololo's poop
tbqh explains why they withhold all the info about the rerun and yahoo until now they wanted to postpone the shitstorm for as long as possible
It's still in production so they must have found enough people to FOMO.

>it's a gacha so it goes in the gacha folder.
Fair, but you probably don't have to drop it at least.
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You did this! I'm blaming you for all this!
both crits you are pretty much done, add an atk% or er roll on top and its pretty much an irreplaceable piece without massive resource sink
some characters absolutely need ER rolls though, like changli not having at least 2 ER rolls is an actual dps loss without yapyap glued on to her

both crits are the biggest boost
atk%,er is the best of the fluff
the rest is whatever
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I don't exactly mind the RNG substat, but the RNG to obtain an echo and then RNG to get the main stat that sucks

where do you get the luck from? Out of my 3 carries: Changli, Hsi and Xiangli Yao. I have a grand total of 4 double crit echos.
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>i dont event remember the main plot of that ep anymore besides its scifi fantasy dark falz but with isekai tower defense
fellow pso2 player here, basically episode 5 >was initially supposed to be a nostalgia episode for the overall phantasy star IP and have all the characters from the classic series instead of just alys and lutz/rutsu
>however due to the release of hero (the new successor/scion class type) powercreeping every class except for like 2 or 3 (fighter, gunner, and summoner), everything about the episode was scrapped
>as a result of the class balance shitshow, lots of people fucked up from the game en masse because every peice of content was catered to hero
>hero had a shitton of QoL that the other classes didnt have; double jump (bouncer had that first but lmao), faster/fluid movement, auto JAs, etc.
>they pretty much spent the majority of the episode emergency buffing all the other classes and making *14 (the highest rarity at the time) easier to obtain because people kept bitching about the rates
>as a consquence there was barely anything new apart from scrapped bosses from episode 3 (proper dark falz apprentice fight), everything else rehashing tower/mine defense and stuff like a palette swap dark falz luther
>during ep5 where the playerbase bitched about hero, the director of the episode and former series director (sakai) basically told them to git gud and play hero
>to no one's surprise sakai got nothing but death threats so him and the ep5 director stopped showing to game streams
>this carried on into episode 6 where sega literally said this was the episode where they would overbuff every non successor class and win back playerbase's good will
mind you this was happening back when the game was initially JP only. have no clue about global pso2 apart from the tranny cms they hired from /vg/
>the reason why ngs is shit is because they rehired the ep 5 director and now sega made him the new series director
Can the CN backlash fix the banners?
>GF2 Soonâ„¢
I'll most likely end up dropping GF1, its pretty much a dead game walking at this point and the amount of attention needed to not miss on anything makes a tamagotchi look like a joke.
Normally I hate CN's bitching but I'm actually rooting for them this time.
Are you even upgrading them right? Should have way more 4 double crit echoes total.
Just take it to 2-3 then if one crit go to 4-5
Never give up
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you can have my anko spare changlibwo
Chances are pretty slim when patch is mere days away probably done on purpose so it won't get fixed and instead thrown under the table in the hopes it gets forgotten. Pretty scummy move by Kuro.
isn't arknights a waifu game?
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I can confirm that I don't even know who the fuck is that Shin faggot and I am the one who made the filter guide. I am also the one who makes the Wuwon polls and I am the spreadsheetfag who maintains the timeline and rewards sheet too. Just because I want some order into the general even if I have to spoonfeed wuwapags the filter let's not compare me to some braindead autist shitting elsewhere, I don't even use /v/ because it's shit. You can go to any hoyo general if you want to talk to deranged idiots, why would anyone want this place to be the same? Thank you for your attention. I will stay here, lurking.
I level to 15, if there's one crit and decent stats I take it to 25. If no double crit I sac it for the next echo. If no crit sac again, if crit go 25 and repeat.
I only played for a year after launch and the most op unit was a male furry called silver ass
>where do you get the luck from?
I am very picky
If I dont get atk or crit first roll I trash the echo immediately
make sure you go into your inventory to trash the echoes instead of using them to upgrade another echo directly
I can agree with all of this except maybe illussive because I don't think it's that great at least not doing it the third time around.
I also loved genshin at release and expected it to go places and got progressively more disappointed when I realized reinvesting the profit into the game itself is the last thing on their mind.
With wuwa I expected they'd try to one up genshin in various ways and strive to make it more of a game but it seems they're just content to be the pepsi to mihoyo's cola.
Luckily I don't think it's going to be profitable much longer since genshin is faltering and wuwa is digging into the planetary core. If wuwa learns something from this and pivots i'd be happy but I lost most of my goodwill for it so I won't be crying if it dies. Maybe promilia will be the one to get it right.
Mahjong Soul survives on not giving you characters for free. Playing mahjong is free, so they give you some basic character and for everyone else,.you have to pay to pull. And then they just do collab after collab to pull in different audiences to try the game and generally it's very easy go pick up after a bit. That's their general strategy, giving the players nothing because playing mahjong is free and then putting tilesets, sound effects for stone pulls, characters and others into the gacha that's paid.
3 days till the banner, no chance other than this backlash somehow making Youhu be in Camellya's banner and Lumi being on both Camellya and Yinlin
Sorry I mistook (You) for your boyfriend, shill on.
Limbus Company is soulful. Has a good story and good characters and a great world but the actual game itself is ASS. I dropped it last season.

Dropped Arknights after 1 year. I really liked it but was getting sick of the lack of QoL updates.

Idk about Mahjong Soul or Snowbreak.

Just ask yourself which of these games bring you the most joy (present).
They changed it back in 1.0, it literally doesn't matter now.
What is the reason to do that shit? Namefagging?
>I hated the slog of Origins
Bro if you're already hate that, ACOd are 10 times worse, especially with levelgated missions and requires you to grind for even more hours. Love yourself. I just stopped after AC Syndicate.
I think Kuro should overhaul the parkour in WW with AC parkour. We can't even side eject or back eject in WW, only drop with no grab.
Yeah I guessed as much because I have a friend who's into mahjong and he's told me about some other mahjong program that is widely used. Yet it pretty basic and doesn't have the pretty UI, anime girls, or sound effects.
Don't care still playin the nyagger
I will still give a chance to Odyssey, because a friend absolutely hated Origins to the point he never even finished it but 100% Odyssey saying it's just better. It's free on GamePass for me, so I don't really have anything to lose in trying out.
Personally I level to 10 and trash them if I don't get one crit.
Yeah i remember having to whale kinda hard to get the prisma illya sluts
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>rewrites that drag down the narrative
>Chinawank for 1 year, no idea on what the next year is going to be
>grinding is a pain in the ass
the one thing I would def has over Genshin is combat and the ability to get Artifacts outside of the usual nodes but there isn't a lot that differentiate the 2 outside of the coat of paint on Wuwa. maybe 2.0 brings something new desu but I'm also not expecting them to have a 180 and go back to their original vision.
How so? You won't have control of whether you take a new echo to 5 vs 20 then
>What is the reason to do that shit? Namefagging?
More or less. It has it's uses. Say you're Solon and want to make posts on /wuwa/, but you don't want someone impersonating you because all you put in the name field is "Solon Lee" in which anyone can put in. Tripcodes can be used in this way, or any other way to help identity posters who might actually need it.
MD was fucking awful on launch and MHD is still pretty shit. The game would've done a lot better if they didn't make people go through that crap every week.
He's that easy to play and get value out of.
I am a haglover nyaggerbro, though I don't actively play it. I just play one game whenever feel like it every few months, get angry and have a pulse of 400 playing the game before putting it down realizing that I'm happy this isn't real gambling because I would be dead with a heart attack by then. Mahjong Soul is my guilty pleasure game because I get too invested. Fuck mahjong btw, too addictive.
never been more Rover
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I understand now, thanks bro
cbt niggers are truly insufferable. wuwa fundamentally the same game as it was back then but with a different UI and the grey filter removed
if you don't put Youhu on Shorekeeper's banner I will give my 5 bucks/month to your direct competitor instead until further notice
you have been warned.
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At least you know now, I will fuck him in an alley one day because of his sins.
for real though substat reroller doko?
when genshit does it kek
I mean, in that sense sure, but why would you upgrade to 5 only? Are you mentally challenged enough to trash echoes with one hp/def roll?
Actually, nevermind, I forgot where I am. You apes genuinely believe you need perfect stats on your echoes to play the game.
Shit just realized I forgot to remove the damn test name
Depends on your dps, if you have a good dps like encore for sanhua, then 70 would be a good spot for qol but you already get their full value on lower levels with their outro, monlit and heron. Same goes with yapyap.
Grey filter might have looked cooler ironically. At least the cbt screenshots I've seen seem to have a more distinct unified style, even if the style is
>I'm 14 and I love EDGE
That's a stronger identity than whatever we have now
He and Jinny are the go to characters for shitters, aka the majority of the players (me included).
>wuwa threads never hit bump limit and at worst get insta deleted
>meanwhile every other gachaslop thread hits multiple bump limits every day wihout a sign of stopping
>finally get one with the right element substat
>first 2 rolls are HP and DEF to immediately crush my soul
Its so tiresome
Scar will save wuwa
You have to remember that it's not Kuro that randomly decided to make the UI nearly 1:1 Genshit, it's the CBT players who complained about the UI being confusing after Genshit and they don't want to get used to new layouts. Personally I liked the old CBT look, it was more PGR-like but I can also understand why they caved.
God I hope they listen this time
I take all mine to at least 81 even if its overkill (like verina).
But I'm an autist and I thoroughly believe if I'm not willing to invest in a cute female character to (basically) her maximum potential, I'm not deservingly to use her at all.
>EN faggots are actually defending Kuro's decision to only include Yahoo in Jiyan banner
Couldn't Kuro just copy having the same 4*'s on both banners when reruns happen? They copied everything else.
It's just a meme, always was
Male banners have to make money some how.
genshin did the same shit before double banners were a thing
another abysmal shitty thing kuro copied from genshin for no reason
>EN faggots are actually defending Kuro's decision to only include Yahoo in Jiyan banner
mostly westoid fags who want to see us lolibros get dunked on at the expense of the entire game they're easy to spot
UI was the right call, when ZZZ came out its UI was one of the more common complaints, hoyo could have dodged the entire issue by simply copying the same UI everywhere, but they didn't and alienated some retards
Filter should have stayed though
All little girls belong to [Him]
>expense of the entire game
aright calm down that's a 4* unit and lolifags are just as much of a minority s the yumes or whatever the fuck simps for the male banners
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but the grey shit is still there in lots of places? By "unified" style it sounds like you just want every place on the map to look exactly the same which is what beta testers felt after actually playing the game for extended periods instead of just watching a 10 minute youtube video
>aright calm down
no fuck you nigger and remember this decision will carry on to every other banner
Just stop being poor bro. It's that easy.
Grey places look like shit now because the colors aren't muted and some toxic shit in the background always pops too much.
You posted a perfect example of this.
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>it's real
alright then, I'm buying my first zenless monthly
fuck you kuro for becoming a jew
I'm rich now because I'm skipping BRICK keeper
I personally don't care about Youhu, but I will make sure to complain about it in every future survey for the sake of other wwbros. And for the sake of future 4-stars not being fucked like that.
ZZZ has better and more fun events/endgame modes anyways.
red rover red rover, I call female Rover over
>No (You) pandering
>Unironic Furries
>Worst Roguelite in gacha history
Shoo, shoo ZZZoo Animal.
I think everything looked very grey overall in beta because the correct lighting wasn't implemented yet. In the retail game, every area can look very different up to fog density and how the dynamic lighting is at that very moment, making a location either grey or more colorful.
You pandering is bad, Lingyang, Illusive Realm.
CBT looked completely dogshit. Constant grey everywhere that would just get tiring
>Complains about illusive realm
>no jump button
>lgbtq propaganda
>ugly ui
>ugly/lazy gacha balls
>ugly/lazy equipment
>mihomo devs
>terrible fanbase
>instanced slop
>toddler gameplay
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wasn't the
>You pandering is bad
that sounded the alarm bells? I mean look at this shit the zoo really plays and enjoys this
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I don't fucking care anymore. Whoever implements artifact/echo load-out first shall earn the title of the kamige that is worth playing from now on.

Be it Jenshin, HRT, wawu or even Zzzoo
IR was fun at first but it's boring now. Doesn't make sense to make people run it multiple times just to clear out the shop when you're damn near invulnerable and one shot everything.
(You) aren't the main character, (You) won't have a harem, (You) are just a moderately strong cog in the machines. The Fatherland doesn't need retards with hero syndrome, it needs citizen who know their place and do their jobs. Heil Solon and long live the CCP
Try different builds and characters then faggot.
>Muh invulnerable
Stop picking turtle then
What's the op echo to speedfarm this crappy coop event?
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It's so funny. Genshits come here whenever they have a cuck meltdown and zkeks come here whenever they have a new patch because they somehow finish everything off in a day. Meanwhile HSRbros and the Sporkle are just lurking and chilling around, not even really showing that they are here unless you mention HSR for some reason.
Man I sure do love out of context screenshots. Really hope no one does this with wuwa.
>Transform echoes all boring
>Rider spam buttons
>Turtle spam buttons
>Dreamless spam buttons
Play a real game that's not an autowin.
turtle if you want to be brainded during co-op
>pick a bad build and die at the end
Then it goes from a 3hr waste of time to God knows how many hours.
No thanks
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cursed to never roll double crits on 4*
>Not an auto win
Show scores without turtle and said echoes then.
Different characters too
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>start Zhezi companion quest
>she pets a cat for a couple of minutes
>then we walk into a building and suddenly we're in the middle of a court case
What the hell did I miss? I literally just started the quest. It literally said "companion quest unlocked" ten seconds ago.
Accidentally posted this on the /vmg/ thread and was a bit surprised when I saw the reply before mine was over a day old, I know it's a slow general but not that slow.
It doesnt even take 1 hr to finish the hardest levels
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Nothing, it will be explained by flashbacks.
Also you already met Zhezhi story-wise during the festival
its a flashback type story
just continue and you'll understand everything
For solo? 3 ice balls, or 3 wind suckers, ice ball is better for bosses and elites and wind sucker is better for anything that can get sucked. You just switch between your 3 characters and spam your echos off cooldown, that gets you at least 4k per run on last stage.
sar, your memes?
I do wish we could replay missions like this just so I could exhaust dialogue options. I never got this one and I forgot what you had to do to get it.
I just pick the most low effort character (Jiyan), reroll for the turtle and pick the most low effort room.
Easy rewards.
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>unironically rolling for a 4* support
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>The anti-selfinsert retard is back
>Mihomo devs
>terrible fanbase
>instanced slop
bwo, these apply to our thread... and I do prefer W-Engines over signature weapons not going to lie. not having to roll for a weapon just so your character looks good in the overworld is retarded and shouldn't exist in the first place
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Yapyap WLLL die so she can get her tummy exposed SSR version
Trust the plan
I meant clearing the entire shop. I'd be more willing to experiment if this was the first time I'm doing it, but it's not
Most new character kits suck too, except Danjin that one is fantastic but it's also the only one I really liked after 3 whole IR iterations
This spawned several NTR commisions so I am pretty happy.
No one that's rolling on jiyan's banner is gonna be happy about getting youhou which is kind of funny. All the femcels are just gonna whine about muh lolis
If I remember right, you can go into the archives where you have the plain text version of the main story acts and you can choose the different options there to see the answer to those too.
>abhorrent post
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Tits too big
>yapyap: eye of the storm awakening
>res lib summons literal hurricane on the battlefield
Can't wait!
Imagine unironically using mephis and waste time trying to get his buff instead of just leaving flautist fweeeing on swap-out for free damage and concerto.
i need schizofied yapyap with bigger tits and more skin exposure
with white hair and twintails
What would you do if Youhu butt-punched you?
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>went from best patch to worst patch in one single day
It's Wuwover...
Get hard, loose my pants and boxer and penetrate her. All of it in less than a millisecond
Sounds like you thinking of someone oddly specific here, anon.
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No one would complain if youhu was on a female banner instead of jiyan's
>Kuro learning hoyo's jewish tricks
it's over
>#FFFFFF hair
>probably with red highlights
my wife doesn't deserve such a basic bitch color scheme. Cameltoe is already what you described.
>Most characters
>Only tried 4
Uh huh
>decimate the hype with super early Camellya announcement
>completely annihilate it with the Yohou fiasco
Kuro overestimates that 10% crit chance 20% CD a lot, she will flop and Kuro will just assume the game peaked with Jinhsi/Changli. Sad
you tell me....
but i said BIG BADONGKAS
cammy is anything but that
>10% crit chance 20% CD
Nice try shitposter
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>camellya announced same time before the patch as shorekeeper/youhu was before 1.2
>10%/20% when it's 12.5/25%
dendy I thought we briefed you about the details before deployment. Return to netcafe hq immediately
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I have to win a 50/50 that my dick either slips into her nicely or gets broken in half. But I already won 4 50/50 in a row, I put myself into the hands of the gods again and try my luck!
Ah so that's where it comes from.
>Scar kept being a pussy
He just really wanted you to know how black( of a sheep) you are.

Is that so? I'll have to look into this now. Thanks for sharing this info.
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only fiasco was your birth
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>she can get her tummy
Word wrap made this look awkward.
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Still doing the main quest. Finally met a character that truly fits my tastes
Someone make a GIF please...
Help an Anko bro. Also make it next OP.
I need Taoqi's tits around my dick ASAP.
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The chink are NOT happy and they are very VOCAL about it. Kuso games will definitely pull another 'dev listened' meme out of this, trust.
bro it's already a gif just google a twitter downloader
Rexlent says the chinks are pretty angry about, let's hope they change it.
On better news my twitter feed is getting slowly populated by japs liking shorekeeper
My duuuuude
thats a heckin flashing lights!!
its super le heckin dangerous!!!!
>you tell me....
No I was hoping you would tell me if I baited you like that.
>they're not aware of the pre-release nerf
Poor souls...
Sorry I forgot the extra 2.5% cr and 5% cd they gave her, and the 40% atk on S2. Maybe you'll even get a Yohou if you go that far lol
I'll make your death a fiasco
Didn't we only hear of his banner through "leakers"? The people who make shit up?
>it's real
Ain't no way...
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Yeah there was literally nothing indicating they would be on the same banner other than wishful thinking
I can only imagine who's getting NTR'd in these events.
It's Yangyang, isn't it?
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its basically luna but yapyap after getting thrown into the frequency purgatory
but mature body and bigger tits
and clingy af
30k comments, it actually gained a whole 10k since I lasted checked damn
but it fell apart the moment scar is super thirsty for (you)r seed
Yes but the news of Yohou is coming from the maint page of 1.3 in China so there shouldn't be tricks there.
Now we have to see if in the new days before the patch is out they will fix it.
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paste url into your youtube-dlp for retards
They better fix or I will have wuthered my last waves
Just wait for youho to appear on a banner you like? She'll likely appear in the shop too.

Dunno why people are treating her like a 5*, she's still 1 of three 4* on a banner and you're unlikely to just S6 her off the bat anyways unless you roll extremely hot.
>first spoiler
I assume this is the PGR girl so I can see where you're going with this.
can those chinks complain harder already
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wait a minute
you're not a crow james employee are you?
you better credit this thread for design inspiration lmao
>you're unlikely to just S6 her off the bat anyways
Would have been the case if shorekeeper's S2 wasn't a thing.
People clear the DPS check Adversity with 4star characters, the star doesn't matter. Neither does it matter if it's 1/3 chance to get her in 80-160 pulls on Shorekeeper banner. If someone doesn't want a rerun character either because it's a male or because they already have it, why are you doing disservice for your playerbase? Because of money, but killing your goodwill with stuff like this is not a good idea.
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>Dunno why people are treating her like a 5*
she's a 5* in my heart
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It's 3am in the night over in chinkland, give them a day anon
what kind of retarded optimist truly believed they would put both new units on the same banner
The people complaining about it are just poorfags, even if they ragequit nothing of value is lost.
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bro they complained super hard compared to /wuwa/ that only lasts for 1 singular thread
thechinks complained at 10.000 posts per hours
They are.
I'm out of the loop. The new 4 star little girl is on a male banner? What's stopping them from running her on both banners? Or do we know who's on other banner too?
Wu wu
wa Wa!
Magnificent taste anon.
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is kuro even awake then
even more
>The new 4 star little girl is on a male banner?
>What's stopping them from running her on both banners?
>Or do we know who's on other banner too?
it does seem a little retarded now that I think about it
My indomitable optimist will vs Solon's darkness
Anon, I'm not a poorfag, if I need to, I will spend money to get Camellya and the 2.0 gothic lolita too, but if they put Youhu on the Jiyan banner, they wouldn't see money out of me because I don't want Jiyan. I will get Youhu next time by random chance or when she is on a female banner I want. I can still complain for that to happen faster now instead of months later. Putting the 4star everyone wants on a banner 90% of the playerbase wants to skip is retarded, hence the outcry.
Because most gacha does it? Even fucking FGO does it.
This trend of new 4 star on rerun banners started with hoyoshit.
if they get away with this they will get away with something much worse in the future
just another reminder that we're playing a genshin clone then
Any bakers or should I?
>not a good idea
Your entire post reads like a bad falseflag imao.

Just wait for her to be on a new banner. If you actually cared for the game's well being, then you'd realize why the 4* should be on the male rerun banner. Why the fuck would they have the 2nd half of a patch have zero new characters.

>b-b-b-but the goodwill
CN complains about literally everything. It's nothing new. Telling me that this is the straw that breaks the camel's back after 4 months, when we have guaranteed weapon pick banners, guaranteed limited weapons, two purchasable dupes of any 5*, is hilarious.
Even hoyo didn't ALWAYS do it, there was at least 1 case of new female 4* and 5* both being on the same banner in genshit.
It's not a given even in hoyoshit, assuming they have to be on different banners is some kind of turbo cuckoldry
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Baker, do me a Verina thread next. She deserves it!
new bread
>Putting the 4star everyone wants on a banner 90% of the playerbase wants to skip is retarded
Why? That's their only hope for earning some money off Jiyan's banner which would be 100% skipped if Youhu wasn't on there.
>>495969856 (me)
I already said it there that I will do just that if they don't change it. It wouldn't change the fact that it's not the brightest idea they ever had. They want money because they are a company, they test how far they can go with it. If people let it get through, they will try the next thing to make more money out of people because the playerbase was lenient with them. Gacha companies like to push the borders of shamelessness since that's how you make money. But that doesn't mean you should let them.
Most gacha put the new 4 star alongside the new 5 star, this is hoyoshit jew strat
You type too much like a retarded gacha revenue poster. Your phd in gacha revenue isn't real and you should stop pretending like you play the game too.
>most gacha
most 2d gacha

3d gacha this is pretty much standard.
Wrong, outerplane didnt do it.
That's a genshin tactic, other hoyo games like HSR don't do that.
Kuroshills real quiet right now.

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