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Sex'alatath edition

>Official WoW News


>September Trading Post

>20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview

>NA /wowg/ guild
GLOBOFOMO - Moon Guard
>EU /wowg/ guild
Nerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent dawn

Previous >>495922962
i want to see f1nn5ters butthole
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How do I get away with not going to work anymore bros I just wanna play warcraft
Elves are owned by Void ascended AMANI BVLLS
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Post goblins
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Race/class/spec for this feel?
Just play Horde Alliancesissy
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>Capped Valorstones
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There's something fucked up about how when you roll on an RP server and look at the player profiles, you see a lot of profiles who advocate LGBT and BLM stuff, just shamelessly burning down any hope of escapism.

But then at the same time, in these same profiles, you see characters who are black (usually female humans with darker skin) and they're all futas. Even outside of Goldshire, out where "normal RP" exists, the ratio is still like 8:1 for any dark skin female character.

They will just gladly inform you in their public profile that their character is weirdly muscular and how big their cock is. Just right there next to the LGBTQ+ friendly BLM Bluesky Punch Nazis shit. God help you if one of these freaks walks up and you have to figure out how to reject their ERP advances as politely as possible, either with a character interaction or a non-character whisper, without getting hounded by their friends. They weaponize automated reports if you refuse to have pretend sex with their demented racist caricature of black women. I've seen them discuss doing it in public chat. You are forced into silence like you live under bolshevik regime.

These weirdos invariably support all the things they are told to support politically by corporations (including Blizzard) yet their idea of a black woman is this one, uniform, diseased, offensive concept of an ultra-butch woman-destroying dick-having fetish bull giga nigga. This even extends to "other" rarer races people play like orcs and trolls too, so the insanity and ignorance transforms that "other" into their idea of black people. They worship so hard at this altar they now get off to it, and they paint the most grotesque picture possible because, like a drug, they need more intense doses to get off. And we're being held hostage by them.

>may no longer AFK in Stormwind on my pink-haired gnome because of these freaks
>nobody discusses the problem because "lol rp is dead who cares"
>reporting does nothing anymore
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kill urself blizzard
this is so fucking cool
imagine sitting down with Karl Urban and Viggo to put together minis and game
>Release Comp Stomp so alliance can actually win bgs
>It's a super limited time event
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my gobbo from the other day
KEK this one takes the cake
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literally me after healing 5 keys back to back for my tank bull and dps watchers
Any good r34 of that slut yet?
i always seem to lose on horde. feels like a 50/50 split from what i've read online.
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>watching metro join four keys in a row
>each one disbands in less than 10 minutes
its so over for puggers dude
blizzard is crashing this ship with no survivors
>kriegsval's rest
>dread pit
which one's easier? particularly the last boss? I'm pretty undergeared but did the mycomancer one and the underwater niffen one without much issue blind
i encountered three players RPing in the wild a few days ago
it was pretty kino and i wish we had more stuff like that happening everywhere
MMORPGs need more RP in their G
is preservation good bros
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yes (its all AI)
just did kriegvals and had to reset once due to pug brains even tho 2 of us vastly carried
I have no idea what any of the delves are called but they're all piss easy even when undergeared
>fuck off freak
never fails
From what I have seen on Moon Guard profiles just put "Will not ERP" on yours and they have to respect it. If they don't then tell them you're a rape survivor and what they are doing is essentially rape.
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>ad eu, day four
first time I see anybody talking in chat, and they actually seem to be RPing? I guess
kinda neat
dead silence outside of this and some random nonsense in ringing deeps during a wq
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Also cant publicly shame them because the sort of person who does this cant comprehend shame (or just gets off to it)
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>See black human in Stormwind
>Thug, dock worker, criminal, vale/jungleborn, pit fighter
>LGBT+ Players make their own lore like ''Half-elf orc born in dalaran, was a cozy baker''
Theres a new meta going on with RPers where they have ''voice references'.
>had to reset once due to pug brains even tho 2 of us vastly carried
Why are you doing delves with a party?
So good in raids but can't make it work in delves for some reason
>for some reason
the reason is that healers are hot garbage in delves, bran does fuck all damage as dps and doesn't have tank spec and mobs barely have any less hp than on dps specs
>See black human in Stormwind
>Thug, dock worker, criminal, vale/jungleborn, pit fighter
This. It's never just a character idea and they are incidentally black. These people are more racist than anybody.
Is destro warlock still fun?
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Can Blizzard fix the blitz pre-made exploit already
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>spiders eat their mothers
i hate this earth
I wanted a 2h staff. At 636 the mats themselves were over 140k.
I'll do without
how do they even do it
Truly The goldsink Within
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What is the erp mod that lets me see these?
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i like, its the same as it has always been with a few new long cooldown abilities to choose from like opening demonic portals or a fire-themed chaos bolt copy. the hero talents are very fun too, summoning demons that crit for 2mil+. i only play it in pvp, rp, and open world content though so idk whats it like in Maze+.
kys faggot
There's no real thinking going on, they're just just to recreate whatever porn clips are most popular on their spanktube site of choice.
What race do I pick for healslutmaxxing
femhumie holy priest
lol rp is dead who cares
Finally unsubbed from this guy. Tired of seeing random double-chinned no-bodies on my feed with ''DEI... DESTROYED!? :OOOOOO''.
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Do I just have to suck it up and learn to DPS as Evoker?
human they are always the sluts of fantasy
Femhuman if alliance
Fembelf if horde
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Can do!
It really took you this long to get sick of watching dysgenic retards run their mouth in front of a camera as though their opinion matters?
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Everything while DEIMongoloid being DEI ximself
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I remember being outraged that the 3* DF stats enchant was like 800g week 2
>t.ranny assmad that xhe is seeing people call out xir cult and celebrating its downfall
Concord lost btw
That's a nice can-do attitude
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>small nose
fucking gnome ally transplant shits
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Why don't they release the mythic raid for NA / EU / Asia all at the same time? It would make the "race" legitimate...
FFXIV does it just fine
you'll always be a tourist until you learn every spec of your class
>anime pic
Post favoured
i dont buy consumes i dont enchant my gear
fuck you all
this desu
I'll stay a tourist then because Dev is boring and Aug is gay
But enough about og
i've been trying to buy a token since they were 178k earlier this morning and every single time "There are currently no WoW tokens for sale. Please check back later."

this is not a surprise in any way - who would sell a token for 178k when they were 290 yesterday? - but it is an interesting insight into the way the token market probably works mechanically
>cloak of shadows removes the debuff REQUIRED to see the world q objectives
>i press it TWICE
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I don't care about DEI inclusions my guys, fuck concord. I'm just tired of all this mudslinging bullshit. I could turn off the monitor and it doesn't mean anything to me, I'm trying to curate my internet experience
I'm tired bros. Chuds and troons, don't care for it anymore. I just want to play games.
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When it comes to doing, goblins can and will.

Incidentally, the floppy paladin wing shoulders are hilarious.
Dev has like 5 damage buttons, anon. There isn't much to learn to beat a delve.
Beyond busted in raids
Great in dungeons but eternally suffers from relying on ranged DPS to play around your short range (they won't) unless you run with full melee mongo bongo comps. Honestly you're better off playing rsham if you care more about keys than raid.
If you're not against DEI then you're for it. That's it. It's binary, like how gender is binary. You standing by and letting it happen is the reason it keeps happening and by the time you realize that it'll be too late. They will have subverted all of media.
>cloak of shadows just arbitrarily doesnt remove some dots in PVP anymore
I made my warlock a blood elf man because everyone assumes that they are subhuman iq retards so it allows me to win 3v1 matches in pvp
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You guys do understand that this is a comedy class, right?
>I could turn off the monitor and it doesn't mean anything to me
t. Springfield resident who hasn't noticed the sudden 20,000 black neighbors who do not speak any English
Of course this shit affects you. You're just tired of having to fight to maintain a quality of life so you've decided to be yet another retarded drone who will endure any fucking in his ass so long as there's a single, small, lone crumb of enjoyment left by his new lords.
XIV content can also be completed in your sleep
Blizzard does this to artificially drum up press and to give themselves time to properly balance "content"
and then everyone clapped
World of Warcraft
No it was really underwhelming. I think the hunters were undergeared
Someone, somewhere in the world have to work overtime/night to ensure global raid release and bli$$ don't want to pay the extra hours. Also when something in their ancient code inevitably breaks on NA maint they can figure it out and fix it instead of simultaneously trying to solve and fix it across 3 separate regions.
>you lose rating when you stop moving at spawn instead of running at the opposite pre-made at 1480 points and keeping getting raped in the ass
>"Y-you c-c-crazies!"
Thats why
Glad you're showing your true colors
Concord still lost btw
RoF still makes that loud ass sound, chaos bolt still feels chunky
Yeah it feels good
no way, did timewalking end already??
Then stop coming here
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Is there any fight in Heroic Nerub-Ar Palace that you feel is blatantly unfun, even the slightest bit?
Is it possible to reach the level cap quickly whilst not interacting with any of the new world content? I'm not interested in the quests / lore of this game at all anymore
The trash.
it always lasts a week anon
dw, next one is wotlk and is on the 8th/9th october :3
Uldie-Wuldies! :33
ranked is broken
some random pleb on reddit got like 2.7k rating through the win streak system
Its ok
Got tamn!!!! I love goblins!!!!
Whats the exploit?
Because any effort to make the race "fair" will never work.
NA gets extended maintenance that EU doesn't get, the china realms are controlled by NetEase and they get to do their own thing. Someone is going to have to be raiding in the middle of the night if they all start at the same time which absolutely does fuck your brain up over long periods of time.
No matter what you do someone is going to cry that it isn't fair and one entire section of the playerbase is going to have to be inconvenienced just to cater to 3 whole guilds so there's no point in bothering.
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>get tier set legs
>they have my worst stats
xiv WISHES it had an actual race that people would watch
>out doing world quests
>see a mob i need to kill
>follow it as it runs into 10 other horde players mostly orcs
>they all target me and walk towards me
>"Woah i didnt mean to wander into nothin"
>one walks forwards
>"leave before we deal with you and your demons, warlock"
>panic and run
Woah actual horde RP does exist
its ez, queue at the same time in pairs. decline queue if yours didnt pop at the same time as everyone elses. have you never noticed the sheer amount of BG blitz queues that get declined by 1 or 2 people?
I hope next tier has a mathematically impossible boss on Mythic that they won't patch until two months in.
It's just you dude. I don't use any addons and I made a Draenei friend to RP with on the regular. No weird shit, just actual honest to goodness RP between a Paladin and a Mage.
>6 hour "race"
I afk in stormwind on my gnome hoping specifically to attract the attention of people like this
never ever. blizzard has publicly stated they want the rwf to last 1.5 weeks. they have teams of GMs watching this shit 24/7 to immediately hotfix any slight bug or exploit and nerf bosses so none take longer than a couple days
and then everyone clapped
Are you the black gnome without clothes that openly talks in say about your genitals to random people
>Best secondary stats for me are haste/mastery
>Head is vers/haste
>Shoulders are crit/mastery
>Chest is crit/haste
>Hands are crit/mastery
>Legs are the only thing that provide both haste and mastery

I wonder if Blizzard plays their own game. I am genuinely curious about the secondary stats on some of this tier gear and what the intention was. I'm not stressing out that much about secondary stats, but it's questionable when there's an obvious preference for stats depending on specs but Blizzard just throws darts at a board to decide what random shit should be on the gear.
And that's gay. Make these people waste an entire summer and skip holidays
Get your head out of the sand and fix my problems for me you fucking sheeple.
That's so dumb. That's a marathon then
no, I'm a pale gnome with a normal rp profile
i agree its retarded, it prevents any other guild except the corporate raid guilds from having any hope of competing. but blizzard is a dogshit company obsessed with esports so it is what it is
Imagine if blizzard actually playtested their raids themselves instead of getting ptr to do it
Oh wait that would require them to pay people
how do i get delver's dirgible
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>follow the Nerub-ar palace race on stream
>half the background models and NPCs are Makrura/lobster people
Am I missing something lore related or did they never bother updating the temporary models for the live release?
this but im the tank and theres nothing the DPSissies can do about it
what are you going to do about it, kick me? i made the group, bitch.
>people are actually using the arachnophobia thing
the crab models are allegedly easier to see mechanics around. there is so much visual garbage in WoW you need any help you can get
They do 1 hour of testing per boss and don't test the final boss at all on PTR
What is it with "crafters" asking for exorbitant fees for pressing a button? No, faggot, I'm not paying you 20k for clicking a button. I'm not "gonna haggle" depending on the item because I'm providing every single mat. I don't give a fuck how much you spent either because now that you maxed a profession you have an infinite gold printing machine. Just say you're cahrging 5k for it, because it's not a "tip" if it's mandatory, fucking cunt.
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Wow, this is pretty neat. Why aren't there more underwater zones? I'm trying to get through all the old zones and quests because I'm a Dragonflight baby and want to get to know the universe better.
I usually tip 5000 gold so my orders get prioritized lol
god did i fucking hate questin here and the slow swimming mount
you'd be going to a ton of effort for something that benefits a ludirously tiny minority while being a nuisance for the average player because it'd mean server maintenance in the middle of peak hours instead of overnight
Under water combat is aids
People whine about underwater controls
>Max isn't even raid leading anymore
3d movement filtered people extremely hard.
Endless complaints about vashj'ir during cata launch and most people ended up doing hyjal instead.
I loved it. Great scenery and you were gradually going deeper and deeper into the unknown as you progressed through the zone's story.
Yeah, see I have no problem with that. 5k is reasonable for a fucking button press that they can do all fucking day and just rake it in. But I've gotten mfs asking for 15-20k. The most ridiculous one was a dude wanting 40k for a waist that I provided everything for. Fucking nigger.
It was cool but at the time under water movement and combat was really buggy and the movement options were slow as fuck, so even though the issues with it have been largely solved people remember it very negatively
no one cares
You're not paying for the button press, you're paying for the weeks of grinding it took to be able to press that button
underwater combat is still completely fucked to this day
I -charge- 10k. I will negotiate down to 5k, but I say 10k first.
If it's just a button press, push the button yourself, what's that, you can't? You have any idea how much it costs to level a profession and get knowledge points from patron orders? 10k is reasonable. The 20+k retards are spastics, though.
Water zones are always highly controversial largely because WoW's swimming and underwater traversal systems are not nearly as developed or polished as ground or flying.
People tend to either love or REALLY hate the water zones, everyone they make theres a solid chance 50% of the players *hate* it, thats why there are so few. Even Vashj'ir there was completely skippable in cataclysm, being a parallel zone to mount hyjal level wise.
Personally I hope they apply the more "physics based" movement scheme to both ground mount movement and swimming. with momentum and speed boosts.
Unironically my favorite zone
That music just fucking oozed sovl
People on my server often tip way less lol. Like 100s at most.
I don't give a fuck. You're not entitled to 20k a button press for the next 2 years because of a week of grinding. Faggots. You can have all the material for a job but you're paying the guy to do it because that takes SKILL and TIME. Pressing a fucking button requires neither.

And forf the record, I never pay that much. I find it for free or for 5k or less. Fuck you niggers.
underwater combat is shit if your class has circles
>the one tier piece I got in the vault was precisely the same slot as I had picked last week
if it was so easy, why dont you push the button?
Even method is catching up to echo despite being almost half a day behind.
Washed up losers should disband after this embarrassment of a race holy shit they can't even reclear.
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H-hewwo...*raises paw* can I heal you today? <3
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Beward if you're playing Spellsinger
My splinters are literally pulling shit own their own
Apparently some hotfix because of the world first race
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Because I don't want to. Because I have faggots like YOU to do it for me. Dance for me, monkey. I fucking own you.
10k or i'm not doing it
*infernal strike*
*infernal strike*
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This took me 10 years
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If you wanna, sure.
I'll do some gentle, loving gf rp with you. I'll ask about your day and your feelings and not judge.
Great name. Any ideas for good pera names?
>Play night elf guardian druid
>Play this on repeat https://youtu.be/BBRUN4iS5xE?si=OeSAfYLm6Q8Tj9TM
We took the Alliance for granted. We should have let them wipe these shits out
10k and I will redeem the order sarr
Sup scoopydoo
literal "human music" tier
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Can you guess who the key holder was for this +4 city of threads that we timed by 1 second?
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smaller nose means the talls (or biggers, as you will) trust you easier
Nah, you're just old and probably play melee
delve tuning feels fucking weird
up to tier 6 it's easymode
at tier 8 sometimes things just fucking oneshot you
a lot of that is just the value of concentration. much more than 20k is going to be rmt players playing the wealth gap
like there's no reason to play the auction house pricing things "fairly" for people who've never had more than 100k. that's not making much gold and there's no volume to make up in markets past the first few weeks of almost anything being available.

honestly how many times have you don't this same routine here? this thread is like watching a classic tv channel.
such soft lips..
>leech off of a person's key
>time said key
you people are clowns
Take the tank pill
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My goblin and gnome are friends
>leech off of a person's key
stopped reading there, you don't even play this game.
Shut the fuck up faggot, no one asked you. Go back to your gay crafter mafia and goon over your Jaina taking GREEN ORC COCK
mythic plus isnt enjoyable in the slightest anymore
this is the most bullshit faggot ass season ive ever played since legion
just outright worthless and the people in charge deserve to be in the streets
how do people do so little dps unless you just arent doing your rotation?
Im done wasting consumes for these fucking scrubs after yesterday good god
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You will never be world top 50
press 1 defensive or utility ability
mad cus bad
I play the "weak tank" (ppal) and things are fine
post io
i bet mines higher
>leech off a person's key
This season is piss easy THOUGH
i'm enjoying it. just hit 2000 rio before reset. whats the problem lilbro?
*presses purge*
did nothing. thanks for nothing retard.
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Are you?
i do press them
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Now a proud mommy to a spirit baby!
I got her at level 26 too. So we can adventure together!
press astral shift then you spastic
press cavedweller's delight
press algari healing potion
>at tier 8 sometimes things just fucking oneshot you
every single one "oneshot" I've ever experienced at +8, and that's with squishy 560 caster, has been by greeding telegraphed stuff like the mushrooms in underwater niffens or frontal cone in candle delve
you've lost your mind
the 15 second penalty is far too punishing imo, if you have like 5 deaths in the first 10 minutes people just leave because you literally will not time it, even last week on 10 keys
thats not even mentioning that some of the encounters are poorly tuned
All you femgob posters are making me think I should make one of my gobbos a female. I have two, Rogue and Mage, just need to decide who looks better in leather/cloth.
anything particular to reroll guardian over learning vdh?
shit looks tankier but slower (and boring af rotation)
how do you find loque so easy, chromie time?
cute nelf :3
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>Unholy is literally immune to CC and magic damage and has massive burst damage that you cannot stop because hes CC immune, impossible to kite as well
>MM Hunter is tankier than a Warrior with the best burst in the game, 50 yrd range, beats every caster and melee
>Disc and Pres Evoker are unkillable and do massive damage
This has to be the worst balance PvP has ever seen.
How do I get over tankanxiety bros
unironically...just do it
>log in
>check what bountifuls are up today
if you're going for skimpy go cloth. femgobs also have great casting motions
Leather and cloth both look great on goblins imo
>anything particular to reroll guardian over learning vdh?
yea it's braindead so you can watch pandaren pornography on the second screen while doing content
Primarily >>495968993, but what's got you freaked out about it?
but true, minigames would be more fun if you weren't forced to be a fotm to be able to real pump and/or ignore everything
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Chromie time northrend. I actually tamed her twice! I will get more spirit beasts later.
It is, unironically, the easiet job. Do the dungeon once on heroic or just do it on a non tank and then you basically know everything you need to know. As long as you actually press ignore pain/deathstrike/whatever, you will be completely fine.
Why is m+ so unrewarding now? +3 is only 600 and yet they are way harder than the raid on normal.
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quite literally every patch since the dawn of this game has the same SHITTERS complaining about the same SHIT and i am sick of it
warriors were literally unkillable in vanilla
feral druids were boinkers broken in legion and had to remove entire abilities and FORMS out of their rotation to balance it
enough is enough
Is there any reason to not take the abomination over regular Army of the Dead for DKs? Someone in our guild wants to keep using the non-abom version because he likes seeing lots of ghouls but I'm worried it's going to fuck up our raid group
I want to get raped by her. Is that bad?
>retards plummeting the price of 3star mats by undercutting 20s a time
as a 587 rogue things regularly melee me for 40-50% of my health
Messing up and looking like an idiot...
they want you to buy tokens for carries/funnels
Raids are difficult logisticly and have lockouts.
I'll take a look at making my Mage a femgob when I get home if their casting animations are good. I really like the male gob's underhand baseball throw animation, but I'm too attached to my male goblin rogue as a character to make him a girl methinks.
Mute your pugs immediately
Let him do what he wants. Min maxers have poisoned gaming
What do you need the gear for
is this the way to farm time lost? :3
guardian isnt really stronger than vdh, just keep your current class
it has more mitigation but less healing and CC/mobility
>PvP gear doesn't raise your ilvl for world PvP
Whats the point
and my fucking RETARDED NIGGER FAGGOT brann, as expected, dies to standing in aoe
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How the hell is echo so close despite NA having a 18 hour headstart? This is gonna be Jailor all over again…
brann is litereally invincible you're just retarded and put the relic on that makes him lose his HP over time
i just pretend like i know every dungeon perfectly
i never mention if its my first time
"whoops forgot that mechanic was there!"
if they start talking mad shit then i hearth out and leave group, i can find another group in 2 min whereas a dpskek takes 2 hours
because that's the game?
tell them you are the rape man
>brann is litereally invincible
nah, he's easy to blow up in the fungal delves if you use the wandering explodeys to blow up enemies
they want you to do delves, then raid, and buy tokens for enchants/crafts. they're doing the thing where they're unhappy that players like xyz content so they make xyz increasingly as annoying as possible until people gradually quit so they can say 'see?! nobody likes it!!!' so they can pour less resources into it and eventually sunset it in lieu for more low effort stuff that doesn't require constant fine tuning and attention, like plunderstorm or remix.
Man I do not get this, it seemed like M+ was going to be the endgame up until this patch.
They should add playable cat race
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Dogs > Cats
>NA 18 hour headstart
NA has long maintenances where they couldn't raid where EU didn't. and EU got to copy all of the NA strats for easier kills.
Cause maze was so fun previously
There's 10,000+ number go up dopamine farm games out there that don't cost $80 plus tip.
>all paladin specs are on the rise in m+
>token around 190k before maintenance
>hits 290k during maintenance
How do i increase my chances of getting into +7 keys, do people give a shit about rating or just ilvl?
I want plunderstorm back soon.
by doing
t. clueless clown playing vdh and getting oneshotted from time to time
what are they gonna do, cry?
its currently going up. went up 10k in the last hour
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>first pull
>tank instantly blows up
>healer leaves
just stop doing it
save yourself the headache
its designed for people in well established guilds
pugs are unironically dead
no cap
not bussin
likely a good decision.
>can't even get past the first boss in a +2 siege anymore
Why are pugs so braindead?
I do this, I just leave if it's obvious the run is gonna be pulling teeth.
It was
does the tank need to blow up the bombs?
>start run
>we do mechanics
>the key gets timed
very difficult
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you saved me
I'm the tank. Anyone who got fixated had no idea what to do.
you kite the boss through the bombs when he fixates
yes but does the tank have to blow them up if they are about to go off by themselves?
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And they love you (and or your money).
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Everyone should be forced dismounted in Dornogal like they did with Dalaran
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Welcome to the future, grandpa.
Need to breed this gnome
>How do I get over tankanxiety bros
realize that healers might not be women in body, but they're women in spirit, and women should be shouted at whenever there's something wrong going on because they're too stupid to realize it themselves
i had 920k plunder...i was 80k from the 1mil achievement :(
While that is a logical thing to request, I'll explain why that will never happen.
The city hubs are basically a storefront for Blizzard's bullshit pets, mounts and transmogs. If you're not able to see what the other guy is wearing or using, you won't be enticed to get it yourself.
Blizzard know this and will shove as much shit into your face as possible in the hopes that you spend more.
This is the same shit riot came out that people only buy skins to show them to other people.
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I am the Glubgogabgalab
They key to anything anxiety related is to remember this: No matter how dumb, retarded, and autistic you may be, the average person is worse.

If you are DPS, the tank sucks. If you tank, the DPS sucks. It's a fact of life. Try it a few times and realize that as dumb as you are, you are practically genius incarnate compared to the common clay of the earth.
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>Best item is either a wrist or a ring
Fuck this game
>go to group finder to run some keys
>close game
When did brown people take over every game?
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The game is more or less a lobby to dickswing your mounts and mogs now.
play on EU, just avoid Sanguino's and Russians
I hate elves.
Is area 52 brown as well? I need to know
browns have also been infiltrating EU servers
"german" turks
"french" nafris
"british" pakistanis
"swedish" somalis
they literally don't have the IQ to enjoy this game.
Area 52 is east coast US
I play on area 52 and it seems fine.
i hate Somalis
They still turn it on thobeit.
theres 2 area 52s. one is south americans and one is EU somewhere.
i have never met a pakistani or indian on this game despite there being millions of them in the UK
its a harbor realm for ragnaros and associated realms "refugee" transfers
this is a fact
half the time i see someone from that realms weakauras lighting up its in fucking spanish
ill stick to the west coast with chang and the boys as an east coaster myself
Good nighty sillies
PSA, stop wasting your consumes on mythic plus if you're dps. Chances are the group will disband within the first 10 mins and you wont get another group before your buffs run out
now with boots off
>hes so poor that it matters
are you serious?
I saw a video of them outhealing the healer, probably during incarn tho, but still
less cc for sure but they have on demand healing contrary to vdh
but I dont know much about it
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Its time to waste my time.
Nah it takes about 2 minutes to get the money back, but its the principle, fuck these scrublords
I'm just going to ask him to swap. He was one of our best dps in DF so we're not kicking him either way, but I just wanted to know if he had a reason to play sub optimal other than "I want to see more ghouls".
Why does this dog always look like she's about to cry....
Never ran into the silithid hatchling
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What's the point of ironclaw and aqirite when only the most useful things are made with bismuth?
you should kill yourself
Blizzard has a few special needs devs on the team
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see alot of shitters baiting
yet none are posting io
and only one other besides myself posted proof of completing this week
im on to you faggots
charged and ironclaw alloys
that's it
You should get good at the game or answer my question
season 2
>open vault
>don't get an upgrade / item has garbage stats
>content isn't fun anyway so no point in gear
yea... call me when the anniversary event comes so I can get those transmogs
What's happening in season 2 with Ironclaw and Aqirite?
alchemy mogs the fuck out of blacksmithing/engi
trust the plan bro
Just trust us bwo, you'll wanna stock up :^)
i will buy out the entire auction house if you promise me good returns
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so i didn't level up a job since cataclysm? Can i get a quick rundown of how the new system works? i got this plan on the raid, how can i make gold out of it if it "binds when picked up"?
Trust us
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i bought.
if you're a crafter you have basically signed up to be a customer service agent, you have to walk through half your customers through a basic process and then they get offended when you ask for reasonable compensation for a craft
stop bothering and just do gathering professions anon
>taking it seriously
Well I do hope you get some return on it now
>t. m+lobby "gamer"

talking about shit you dont understand is brainlet core.
>he bought?
>doomp it
>it seemed like M+ was going to be the endgame
remember ion is game director now. he loves raids, he was a raid dev guy, and before then he was gm of elitist jerks which was THE big raid theorycrafting guild back in the day. for m+ to overtake raid in popularity was probably a massive hit to his ego. especially when players realized they could just log on and do some dungeons on their own time and get geared then do other stuff instead of committing to a part time job schedule of 6-12+ hours a week raiding where wow is the only thing going on in their free time in life.
so yeah don't expect anything like DF S2 to happen ever again. everyone who isn't a neet in a hof guild gets punished because he can't figure out how to make raiding more fun and appealing for the masses (hint: refuses to remove all the archaic boomer factors and 'hardcore' esportsification of endbosses making mythic raid dying game mode when the appeal of wow and what made it a cultural phenomena in the 2000's was how easily accessible and casual-friendly it was)
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What are the most sweaty&fedora acitvities in the game?

Mythic raiding? 2vs2 Arena? 25+ Keys?
>timers much more relaxed
>easy to get to mythic gear keys
>can have 15 deaths and still time
>end of dung gear is almost mythic ilvl after upgrading
>m+ design getting to absurd levels where pugs are straight up single pulling
>interrupt changes, stops lost most value
>have to compete for vault with babymode, zero logistics delves
>+10s are like +23 in df
>healers kinda weak
>end of dungeon gear fucking sucks
>gear difficult to upgrade
I anticipate lowest m+ participation ever and yuge uproar after people realize they’re capped on heroic ilvl in a month with no perspectives to ever get a mythic piece
sweaty as in hard? stupid high keys and arena.
sweaty as in greasy? raiding.
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>doing siege +7
>healer didnt use a single defensive
what the sigma
me while erping
It's so sad that the r34 scene is completely dead
we can't even get a single xally animation, meanwhile animators think we need a millionth animation of dva
AI is all we have now...
what fir? he can just heal himself
>straight up single pulling
this is a good thing
If packs are so trivial as to be multi-pulled then they are not challenging enough
please leave your name and number and we'll get back to you.
Seems like all you retards died to avoidable things save that single wipe at the start there which I'm going to assume was you fucking up the puddle movement on the first boss.
it's fun and you can ignore the bullshit mostly. raiding is still great
you lose 96% post effectiveness by cutting out what you're actually tracking and what your comp is.
+10 grim batol no leaver will leave grease stains
There should be a designated paypigpen in a corner somewhere for people to afk on their store mounts and glad/ce boost mounts and then the rest of us can traverse about the main hub in peace
first you spend 3 weeks and 100k gold putting all of your points into the 3 different skill trees that make you better at crafting that type of weapon, then you hope someone else who knows how the crafting system works will come along and pay you 3k gold to make the weapon for them with their mats.
so i need to wait to a fat fuck to order THAT recipe, and hoping that he paid decently?
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>>end of dungeon gear fucking sucks
>gear difficult to upgrade
>I anticipate lowest m+ participation ever
yep, I was actually having fun with the gameplay and dungeons in TWW but the gearing is nonexistent for m+. worst I think it's ever felt. I got my cheevo and unsubbed.
Hey guys I kinda need your help. Not sure if 4chan is the place to ask but I can't get a solution. Is there any way for me to remove myself from someone else's friends list? The only way I know is to character transfer to a different realm and transfer back, but I'd rather not spend hundreds of dollars on that. The issue is that I have someone I used to talk to a lot and they have my characters added but I kinda ghosted them. Feeling like I want to resub but want to avoid them.

Any solutions? Pic for attention I guess.
sweaty is high arena and super high keys like the other anon said. fedora is 100% hall of fame raiding where people play multiple of the same class for splits to gear up then raid 15 hours a week so they can say they were the 37th guild to killed the boss in a blurb on wowprogress
>pandaren pornography
any content to share?
all the goldmaking is waiting to see someone LF crafter in trade chat or spamming your macro hoping someone whispers you
just dont bother
Have you tried not being severely autistic?
my parses on the bosses i've done until now in hc are finally blue and purple
Delete and undelete with a new name maybe
does the friend's list not work like a regular friends list? when you remove them it should be done, no?
You're a fag though. You should never ghost anyone again. Own up to your actions in the future.
They should've just made personal crafting orders like guild crafting orders. Needing a personal crier macro is aids
can I play both SL and DF stories to level 10-70 on a new character?
You're going to be blue and purple when I'm done with you chump
>Pic for attention
I've seen her fuck dogs and get pregnant
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that shit was 40K on the AH, all i wanted was jsut a smithing job for my war tank forged shield.
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Newfag here
Already did the weekly raid (on normal)
Used all the coffer keys on tier 8 delves
Did all the mythic dungeons (on m0 and i'm not getting upgrades anymore)
What now?
Can I start doing higher mythic keystones? Will I get accepted?
Is altoholic broken for anyone else?
Sure, but you'll be level 70 way before you complete both of them. as far as I know doing just DF main story is already enough for 10-70
it astounds me there's still no felhunter lora for sloppa.
Gobby goonin in Kezan
The only discomfort you are feeling is from your own head. If you don't want to talk to them, either ignore them, or /ignore them.

It is of supreme indifference to the world if you ignore this person or not. The only one who cares is you.
I've only done a few dungeons so far and it seems stupid as fuck. In one of them I could barely do anything to the boss.. it was just drop a debuff off in a corner, then dodge a thing, then dodge another thing, then drop something off again, then dps a little bit, then more hoop jumping and plate spinning. then on some other boss I spent 90% of the time running across the room from one corner to another corner that the tank pinged because 99% of the open arena area was apparently unsafe 99% of the time from lava or a hammer or whatever the fuck. Feels less like wow and more like some discount action game.
so do I just skip shadowlands? is the story any good?
>Stonevault is C tier
>Siege is B tier
>+2 SV key
>brick every Siege key no matter what level it is
>will I get accepted
Who knows
I'm a casual that doesn't raid and I've done up to +6 keys in a similar ilvl, just go group up.
if they need a lust you probably have a chance to slip into something
Yes, I'd suggest doing each key on +2 to get a feel for which mechanics each boss has. Theres a lot of room for errors.
You're geared enough for mid keys (4-7) but you wont get invites because your rating is 0.
Go do M+. Clear all the dungeons at 2, and then start climbing. Try to actually learn the mechanics because you can't ignore them later.
Know where your defensive buttons and cleanses are.
Bring 10g cavedweller potions when you start doing keys higher than 2.
>No tier set
You're better off waiting for catching up gear and start next season again
uh I don't want to give my number to a blizz cocksucker like you though?
SL's overarching story is not good. Neither are the zone stories, they're just okay. So yeah feel free to skip SL
Crafting orders should be reversed. I put what I want crafted and make the crafters bid for my craft and commission
Are we talking like completely new the game or just haven't played in forever? If you stick with it you'll most likely be making a 2nd character at some point, do dragonflight on one of em and shadowlands on the other.
the dungeons are horrible every single one has some stupid gimmick
IIm brickiing myself so hard by playing vengeance holy shit
I refuse to play dk tho, its too slow
you can try bitch
well in that case i'll just unlock shiny goat race and reroll to do dragonflight -> current content
last time i played retail was in legion, i just did all bfa story on a new character and it wasn't bad (the first part at least)
Got the Smelly title from Dragonflight. Skipped the expansion entirely, and that was very easy to get.

Anything else fun/not too grindy to get from DF?
when are they giving warrior bloodlust
BfA and SL are the worst the game's story ever got and on a meta narrative level SL is ten times worse
>play dps
>declined for m+ every time
>"just make your own group"
>nobody joins
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I'm very late to answer a question I only saw in passing in a former thread, but the female troll's weapon is just the heritage sword you seem to get.
Wouldn't be the first time this response was made.
>playing dps
BFA at least had solid zone story lines, it was only the big picture and anything involving sylvannas that was really really retarded. SLs was retarded from the ground up
just play tank its more fun anyway
Shadowlands' story is so bad it actively ruins previous, good stories via splash damage
they already have bloodthirst
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what is the best way here to get to 2k?
which spec
does this gnome like men from the horde
>splash damage
Not really splash damage when they very intentionally retconned a lot of shit
Not that anon, but I wish I had a long term RP orc, troll, or tauren to bully my gnome priest BAD.
I barely played SL at launch, didn't sub for even a month. I just watched on youtube when the jailer dies, and the whole "cannot survive what is to come' is so fucking retarded, gay, and stupid that even if SL was good it would be ruined with that dumb hook.
>tank zekvir near cocoon
>he fears
>tank zekvir away from cocoon
>he casts the interrupt thing
You had to admire blizzards dedication to pure dps classes despite them having the same amount of utility, damage, and mobility as any other type of class.
>no mage time healer
>no warlock tank or aug ripoff
>rogue outlaw not reworked into a bruiser tank
i don't know what they could really do with hunter though.
I guess it depends on the Horde men.
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>aoe a bunch of those exploding skardyn
>zekvir spawns under them them
>drops to 50% instantly
i'm gonna start my own group, as a healer, and decline you
Whats the good tank this expansion? Relatedly, it's never prot war anymore, but is prot war at least fun?
Could do a healer with hunter that branches from BM with spirit beasts
Funnily enough the only groups I get invited to are the ones with only one healer and no DPS/tank
but it is prot warr
is the queen mythic too hard? whats going on i was promised a kill today
they're not even 100 pulls deep and making good progress
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Heroic Queen is also too hard, so that means Mythic Queen is ultra mega destruction hard and requires actual perfect TAS bots to beat.
source on that mercy pic?
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Is this good healer balancing?
So were the ERPs hanging out now? Goldshire is empty.
bully how

tall, green, and monstrous
>need to watch 1 more hour of echo esports to get the ghostly charger
I'm not gonna make it bros...
had some guy in trade spamming for 30 minutes looking for uncommon tailoring tool and when i logged over to my engineer he was still looking so i told him id r5 for 15, pretty cheap from my perspective given its more than double a full bar of concentration
he didnt respond lmao
hps is hardly a measure of which healer is "best". utility also plays a big part. it just happens that pres also has the best utility.
They're really pushing this weird looking dragon race. They look stupid and I refuse to play them
Goldshire and Silvermoon. If Goldshire is empty empty, make sure you're not Warmode enabled or Chromie Timed.

If it's just deadish, it's just the time of day.
>trying to hurry up these shitass delves, pull an entire room with my felguard
>zekvir decides to spawn and rape my felguard to death

I sure do love Delves!
every time a healer tier list is posted its always wildly different
This got me to 2k, didn't time the stonevault or city of threads
healers are fucking stupid so it doesnt surprise me none of them know how to play
cant you just have it on in the background and mute the tab in chrome
or better yet is the family guy stream still online in the wow section? i got my last drop by just meltin my brain watching family guy for 4 hours
dunno why people dont turn on normal flying for dawnbreaker
makes it 100% easier
Do a 7 dawnbreaker, mists, and ara-kara, arguably the 3 easiest dungeons of the season

After that, just start doing what you can to push the others up, especially your 4 stonevault
Porn of this sultry scarlet-haired shortstack when?
But this isnt some faggy streamers "tier list". This is just data taken from wowprogress and put into a list. Is everybody as good as the top percentile? No, but its the closesed we will get to an objective tier list.
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what's a simple addon for combatedtext? I get 3-7 instances of AOE going and I literally can't even see where the mobs are through all the numbers
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also save your TW badges for the anniversary event
it's in about 3 weeks
yeah I guess I'll skip it
the only thing I remember from shadowlands launch is that there was a writer self inserting as sylvanas bf or something
yep. danuser took nathanos and basically turned him into the top sylvanas simp
By making me heal them, calling me mean names, and making me get a horde tattoo, the standard.
>also save your TW badges for the anniversary event
I feel weird. It's actually more fun to just read semi-trash warcraft novels than it is to play video games now. Am I become old?
On the other hand the Last Guardian wasn't even a bad story.
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ok i'll do stone vault on 5 first and then try doing a 7/8 mists or dealbreaker
that's so based when you think about it
he self inserted as the guy fucking the hot girl while people cried about it on youtube
He still didn't drop a map and you know it
have you read Beyond the Dark Portal?
that one was my favourite warcraft novel
to answer your question some of the books are actually decent so it's not surprising reading them is quite enjoyable desu
prot warrior is so fuckin boring to play

at least with dk you have the little death strike mini game
I did a m+2 and got 30 gold
mod name PLEASE
I felt the same this season until I tried colossus prot.
Welcome to wow enjoy stay
i would say she'd be a nice healslave (but you can't enslave the willing)
most mentally stable healer
>tie a roll with someone on a curio
>get the loot and the other guy gets nothing

lol owned
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I read it twice and last time was a week ago. Gonna reread Tides of Darkness now cause why not, time is an hourglass.
what the FUCK happened with enchanting and jewelcrafting where all the prices are absurdly expensive in this expansion???
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any guesses as to what the success vs fail/disband rate is for m+ rn?
ive run three sieges on 9 today
failed every single one
I have arrived. I am here to deplete your key.
Unconventional, but actually pretty clean and nondistracting; Drag the combat chat window to the side of your screen, then disable scrolling combat text
nelf or tauren for druid
I plan to do m+ as guardian, pugging but I have a rsham friend
and gather shit to pay for my sub
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best feature of the expansion
can silverdragon notify me when it sees a bismuth seam?
>warcraft elf ears are enormous because you had to be able to see them from the sky in warcraft 2
deepest lore
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Got my mage alt to 80, got his ilvl to 580 and it feels like complete dogshit in both arcane and frost. I'm just going to stick with my plate classes.
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This was before the nerfs and across all key levels. Siege got nerfed super hard.
Enchanting anything good requires profane tinder boxes which are like 5-8k gold
I don't think addons are allowed to interact with resource nodes
I really cannot stand this new character screen. You can't even search by realm
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this expansion is pretty boring so far do you know what it needs to be more exciting?
more importantly you got score and knowledge of the dungeon.
If the Burning Legion came back today they would succesfully kill 0 characters, which is objectively fewer characters than they managed to kill last time.
>Siege got nerfed super hard.
it didnt get nerfed super hard
it got "nerfed"
i two chested this piece of shit last week, this graph is saying im very unlucky then?
obviously this doesnt track disbands either
Based, stay strong brother
Sure but <contrived porn reference>
when can i make a scalynigger with a normal class
will night elves ever be their own people ever ever never forever?
20th anniversary
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New lock.

I might have too many goblins. I even have male ones.
Do you forget how insufferable night elves are when their the focus? They can stay as minor characters
Eyyy it's Snookie
Let's be honest, that's all femgobs.
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>first reset day and im almost already at max
>people starting to realize the token price increase has nothing to do with current state of WoW
>but that too many people were getting the D4 expansion for "free"
>half of my gear is lower ilvl
>vault gives me slots I already have
they are doing this intentionally aren't they?
if i'm an ilvl 594 paladin can i do m0 as ret or am i forced into holy/prot?
you do you nona
say what you will but i love that dago joisey girl accent
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I have no understanding as to why this feature is in the game outside of making me sub longer. It feels like such a scumbag thing to do to cap this, I genuinely can't understand the gameplay reason for it.
just do it as prot anyway and enjoy instant groups and complete power over everyone
Yeah they honestly should have made keys only drop one crest
when is 20th anniversary
Are they trying to make the city of threads Suramar 2 - Spiders?
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Ashal Theradas!
I can wait no longer.
Illidan is out there somewhere.
My blade thirsts.
The land and I are one.
Prepare to be moonstruck!
keeping you mazed longer IS the gameplay reason
the sets have their own currency bwo...
It's literally there to prevent you from gearing faster to achieve your goals. Overwhelming majority of people stop doing keys/raid after:

>getting some level of tier set
>getting KSM
>getting KSH
>getting Normal clear/AOTC

After these points there are literally only the giga mazed rats who do 15 keys per day and are hardstuck and the mythic raiders who just raidlog. I'll purposely exclude pvp junkies because they are subhuman. You can easily reach those goals in 1 week - 1 month without much effort.
Anyone else feel like the content is really lazy?

Half the dungeons are just earthern hall ways, and the other half with the exception of ara kara are open world areas full of mobs.
>roll protection warrior
>try a T8 delve at 570 item level with a few beers in
>clear it in 40 minutes and get a delver's bounty
>go for another
>more beers
>fucking ZEKVIR shows up and drops ANOTHER bounty
>run around the final boss for fifteen minutes laughing my ass off as Brann screams at me

blessed game blessed character blessed general
thank anon but i'm a pussy

i'll try my hand at prot then i just don't wanna instamelt the moment i pull packs
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The only true good humanoids in WoW are the Draenei
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That took forever, but my transmog set is finally complete
No one at blizzard cared about the dwarf expansion. All the effort is being put into Fagnight elves
Put on some pants, skank.
>you fight other players in the worlo wacca?
>you must be a suubhuuumaaaaan
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still wip by chinamen
I want those lips on my tip
You and me both buddy
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Out of my head! Get out of my head
I got to the cutscene with Xal talking to Alleria... they should have kissed.
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Great look anon, lovely gobbo
elf lips on elf lip action suction caution motion lotion
work on arcane, frost just doesn't feel worth playing anywhere but pvp in comparison. after a few dungeons you'll stop ooming and blast easily
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what a choice
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For the horde!
Frost is good if you're smooth brain like me
theres a 3rd choice: press the x in the top right, do a 360, walk away.
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>timegated craft
>loses you money
Defend this, Blizzard semen slurpers. DEFEND THIS!
oh and fuck everyone who said "hurr just invest in tailoring/alch for daily crafts, its good money!" i hope they die of cancer
frost is substantially more difficult than arcane in st though, solely because of splinterstorm being random as fuck even with WA
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>My blade thirsts.
>The land and I are one.
will we ever get voiceacting as soulful as this again? I dare not hope anymore
multicraft and resourcefullness is to blame for this
Frost DKs get too warm
Thanks, man
I'm retarded so I use frostfire
yea if you take the advice we gave everyone 35 days ago you're probably not going to find success, looking forward to you malding about refining next
It literally has not been profitable ever since Blizzard stealth nerfed cloth drops ~1 week into the xpac. Dead profession ever since. No way to respec either.
>get hc boe
>sell it for the avg price
>come back 1 hour later
>undercut for 40k less by 10 dudes
what the FUCK is their problem
yea being able to cast glacial spike while in cooldowns would be fucking nice not gonna lie
how is it blizzard's fault that the people crafting it are selling it for too little?
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>hurr just invest in tailoring/alch for daily crafts
its not my fault you were to lazy to do youre own market research
its not my fault that the drop rate on dawn/duskcloth got nerfed after the the supply was sky high
and its not my fault that you're not smart enough to run the calculations on whether or not a commodity is profitable to craft
IMAGINE being so retarded you're not making a windfall of gold every tuesday by hawking rank 3 spell threads/alchemical chaos when the price shoots up 30%
t. one of the people who told you to do it
fuck you, cunt
I still make decent money doing concentration spellthread crafts
>tfw 5x multicraft
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>monkey not know good price
>doesnt list
>monkey see price monkey like, monkey undercut by a shitton to sell fast
it's not just those professions, everything is inflated massively and seems to have been done since DF and the retarded morons who consist of the "community" of this game didn't even call out this silent p2w shit that seeped into the game trying to be overly positive about DF
fem nelf rogue
Should I drop inscription and herbalism for mining anf jewelcrafting? Warlock btw
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>do 3rd boss hc as 2/2/6
>tier doesnt drop
the supa rare neck did though the fuck
mining can make you big bucks with rank 3 bismuth and null stones
A real man would only have the mining profession and NOTHING ELSE
>did you know that these millionaire youtube influencers work with talent agencies
whoah.... noticers are on to something....
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When does the new Zelda game gets released?it's almost 26 of September here and it's still locked
>mfw there are channels that already posted entire walkthroughs and let's play on youtube
vault or delves
So the scourge were actually summoning their buildings from MALDRAXXUS, RETARD LORE OF THE NECROLORD LEGION?
its literally just to make the game easier
I swear you guys just dont like this game
Is mining used for anything other than blacksmith?
enchants, item enhancements, and gems were DIRT FUCKING CHEAP in dragonflight, rank 3 consumables and runes were high as gas tho
the bis ring/weapon enchants are expensive because of tinderboxes and the scarcity of dust for the first month, the dust thing is the same reason why bismuth is pinned above 40g
all in all i still think its cheaper than shadowlands, not the crafting system specifically but legendary vessels cost 100k a pop on the lower end could be even higher on a specific slot or at the start of the patch
do delves really drop it? i can do 8s and i have 4 coffer keys
pretty much all professions
wow aug is just straight up not fun to play at all
what I don't understand is why are there a single undead left after the sneedolands expansions.
nope, ive yet to see any proof
dont need it for alch/inscription/tailoring/leatherworking or enchanting
its just jc/engi/bs
JC comes to mind
I don't understand why we allow anything other than Good People to live.
sauce on this
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>oooourghhh... put your BHC in here... blooorp yes do it now stupid boy... buuurp
>roll 98 on the omnitoken
>lose to the 99 roll of the fotm subhuman nigger arcane mage doing less than 300k dps with 607 average ilvl
damn if only we could figure out why raid participation is so low
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havent played this game in like 6+ months, is the new xpac good? i used to do m+ grinding a lot but lost interest in doing that again. is the story good? any good sexo? anything this xpac has to offer?
i fucking hate this place
ive noticed something strange - when ever i die on a boss fight and we end up killing it i always get loot
copped a grey parse on h ovinaxx first week and a 616 trinket for the trouble
>not interested in M+
unless you're interested in pvp, this xpac has nothing for you. I say this as someone who is enjoying this expac as a M+ rat.
>is the story good? any good sexo?
post more funny xalatath
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>i fucking hate this place
Is Xalatath the best villain or is that still Alt Guldan?
No Im not counting Arthas/LK because of course he wins. It's not fair.
It's ok. It's more of the same of dragonflight but kinda lazy. Nothing really hugely noteworth.
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>I say this as someone who is enjoying this expac as a M+ rat.
what tank specs :make your runs comfier?
I wanna tank
ye I tried sabotaging my own performance to test that out already, doesn't seem to work
its garrosh
I find her really generic and boring
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are you a feetgod perchance

Thunderous Roar now deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets (was 8).
Warbringer now deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. The tooltip will be updated in a future update.
Odyn’s Fury now deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets (was 8).

Unga Bungas keep taking Ls
lfrGODS won bigly with delves
otherwise it's just dragonflight
Alt Guldan has killed more people so far.
Erm, razageth? Fyrakk? Ska-whats his name the bannana guy.
Is Befouler's Syringe good on a DK? I got a Hero one so I'm intrigued. The lack of STR is a serious red flag though.
Erm, the niffern? The sniffer tiffer? Beef meef leef geef? Yes no maybe?
I prefer bdk and prot pal in pugs but I'm a mid keylet. Druid works well in good groups but I hate them in most pugs. nobody waits for them to build aggro and they have too much HP.
t. rshaman.
she was okay until she got adhd'd by alleria
Base armor increased by 10%.
Blessed Hammer, Judgment, and Hammer of the Righteous cooldowns reduced by 10%.
Armor from Shield of the Righteous increased by 10%.
Inmost Light cooldown reduction increased to 33% (was 20%).

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Time to gear my hunter.
Xalatath is literally just N'zoth for gooners, I don't get the obsession people have with her
She's both hot and unapologetically evil, mad cackle and all. I love her.
i cant pronounce her name so i hate her
i keep just calling her xalad
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so long!
be sure to send us post card!
nah bismuth is needed for everything
wtf is that
an onion
Is is amazing what a non-story dragonflight was. I think it's worse than shadowlands on that front.
its literally the best expansion ever
I'm hoping she just keeps escaping like Azshara instead of being "redeemed".
nigger ive leveled literally everyone one of them
you're retarded
you could make the claim that bismuth is used for the dust shuffle but thats it and you're still a dumb nigger
so stfu
So here's my headcanon theory:

Khadgar is Xal'atath
The voice we hear in the Radiant Echo (not-hydaelyn) is also Xal'atath
The fleshy part of Azj Kahet is Xala'tath's body, and the black blood is hers
Azeroth waking up is a very bad thing
built for being sleeved and ear scratches
>Basilisk Collar damage bonus reduced to 2/4% (was 5/10%)
60% nerf holy frijoles rest in piss you shalln't be missed if we still take it I'm gonna cry
If I'm crafting something at 619 with heroic crests, when I recraft it with mythic crests at 636, do I have to buy all the mats all over again?
We know who the Radiant echo voice is. They beat us in the face with it, you speed reader
she's jailer tier but people will forgive it because they want to fuck her
some of them, ya
My theory is that Turalyon is also Xal'atath, Anveena is Xal'atath, and you know who else is Xal'atath? Thrall's wife is Xal'atath.
Basically cum.
Is Xal'atath, Xal'atath?
Can a rogue fuck with people in dorn if they have WM on? Does anyone still even play with WM on? I miss my server being a pvp server.
Ironically she is actually Vanessa VanCleef in disguise.
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speaking of fucking close runs
we didn't believe that we actually timed it when we fought the last boss at the end
1 second left, think i have enough for today
the new paladin class tree is so fucking weird

>Dark Iron Dwarf
>Mole Machine exits have been added for zones in Kul Tiras, Zandalar, Dragonflight, and Shadowlands.

Fuck yeah!
Everyone is flying everywhere what the fuck do you think? Wpvp has been dead since vanilla
but is your hunter as spankable as your warrior
The war is over.
We lost.
huh oh meltie!
dont be mad, bismuth own your family my n word
dont think ive been as frustrated with a videogame since i beat my head against a wall with 200 pulls on ornstein and smough as i am with m+ right fucking now
i dont even want to play the game anymore
i have never struggled as much as i have playing worlo in 15 fucking years as much as i have the last week
>they have too much HP.
whats the problem with this, they heal for 250% of their max hp with their self heal
Based fellow frost dk chad carrying the turboscrubs as usual, stay frosty
Don't be so fucking dramatic. It used to be worse.
Maw dailies lmao.
yeah this shit is too close but 6s should be pretty easy still, even more cuz you dont have the 15s deaths affix
>saving face
>on an anonymous image board no less
I remember there being 4 Saturday morning cartoon villains like a fire guy and an ice guy and an air guy, what happened there?
that's the issue
>got memed to play on TM
>real players play on kazzak
earth guy gave a mcguffin to the feet queen and fucked off
Why are Kul Tirans so big?
why is there always one shitter dps
>real players play on kazzak
lol no
only ahmed and ali play on that server
the DEI hires (mostly women) were left alone to create their own WoW content, and that was the best they could come up with
My heals are not based on their max HP and my class has a huge lack of "uh-oh" buttons. Not that they're bad but they're not preferred pug tank.
shaman had internet problems and was almost afk/offline for half of the run, so me and mage were pumping as hard as we could
we also wiped the 1st pull on the last boss because druid got dc-ed, mid-fight
ice girl (chud) turncoats the next patch after being introduced

earth guy fucks off halfway through

fire guy was the last boss
isn't everyone from here on argent dawn?
>>real players play on kazzak
kazzak players are the worst scum possible
turbo shitter autists
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I am my own clone.
Femgob warlocks are built to be spitroasted by a demon hunter and his warlock brother
>only have 2 piece as resto shaman
>the 4 set bonus is something like a 7% overall healing buff in dungeons
wish I could still use classic graphics and animations in this game. the new animations are just soulless
>join a group of frogs
>retards started key before I arrived, and now can't zone in
i wish i could be dedicated to playing a single race, all my alts are different and on opposite factions
arent all the muslims on turkish nether?
Dornogol is a 'Sanctuary' area. the only pvp that happens in those is duels
Yes but no when NA or OCE
also is wow good again?
I guess this character will exist solely to make people upset in BGs.
boomer bros was 2004 really that much better?
Go away Arthas Menethil, and be forgotten you cuck
No we were just younger
The point is to force you to waste your time with the professions. That's why they made them so ugly and retardedly complex
You tell me.
yes because everyone wasn't a faggot minmaxing loot mongrel with adhd and played with other people for fun
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f1nn5ter is fucking ugly
ugly because it's too cartoonish. Look like a lego, 100% plastic and fake. But maybe I'm just a doomer
you guys ever spend 70k gold on mats and then realize you bought the wrong stuff afterwards?

i just did that
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>RP server
>blonde void elf
>Look inside profile
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i think i got my dragthyr picked out and ready for when they unlock the classes
I don't get it, how is it easier?
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>fucking ugly
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the hottest yeah
fem nelf of fem belf?
plethora of ore or specialize in aquirite/iron claw for null stones?
lready have bismuth maxxed
still would
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yes he's ugly
dragonflight but 10 times better
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fuck off stupid
Dracthyr Visage form are incredibly kino and comfy, maybe the most pro fantasy race in game, even more than the Blood Elves.
>godcomp is literally rsham+bear
the problem is you're shit, nothing to do with bears lmao
fem human
imagine the milkers. milkers made from titanic boobs covered in the curse of flesh, the fleshy boobs of human milk kindness, succulent juicy tits boobies of human tits...
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>PvPChads play for fun
>PvEsissies only play to make ilvl go up
Really makes you think.
wdym both are fun
give me one name of a "chad" that plays wow pvp
Illl wait
xe identifies as he/xe/them
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P-please respond.
i want to cum inside that bussy
>Druid works well in good groups but I hate them in most pugs
damn if only you could read.
is the weekly spark seriously from winning 4 bgs, jesus christ
looks like it would work great on a druid. not sure about dk
try to sim it
is this dude an homosexual faggot or is it just dressing as a chick to get money from big retards
has xhe let peach hit it on camera yet
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Liquid are really struggling to pull away from Echo
Wait did Dragonflight only last for 1 year? The last raid of Shadowlands was 2 years ago.
Come on man she's not Jailer tier. that's insulting
>have problems healing defacto best tank in game as best healer in game
stop talking to me retard
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Dracthyr Racial Updates
Dracthyr who have strayed away from Evoker magic have a reduced movement boost when pressing Glide.
suck it, halfbreeds
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new ascendance forms for shammies
>can't read
>gets called out on it
many such cases.
where my finessechads at
No. Very 1 dimensional writing. Le ebil void girl rawr!!! No depth
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Why is blizzard so obsessed with making alternate currencies? I just hit max level and I got about 10 new kinds of token thrown at me along with a bunch of quests all at once.
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holy shit he's so fucking ugly
the crafting sparks? you can get those from other things including caches and the last boss of dungeons. maybe even from delves as well. sparks have never been tied to weekly quests i'm not sure where you've getting that from
I'm gonna run some M+ as healer to see if it's that hard or if healers are just bad and sissies
glad the old model is staying as a glyph desu
yea these ones are actually kino
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spot the difference
The bong curse
It's the busiest job and the most difficult from a push buttons perspective. the better your group the easier it is to heal though.
I am once more reminded that blizzard authenicator is absolute ass. Love not logging in
Night elf is the comfy option, shadowmeld is just too handy, especially as a casual player.
Doing a quest and need to leave to do something right quick? Shadowmeld to aggro drop, then either use flight form to find someplace out of the way to go afk, or use Prowl and find a quiet corner to go afk.

Tauren are neat, don't get me wrong, but they just aren't as convenient. Also their transmog options are weaker.
he is on HRT and dating a further advance mtf trans
would sex him so up
you got raped lilbro
i own your family dumb n word
you convinced me, I'm gathering with my nelf dh and meld is just too good

what fucking server should I choose tho, I play on Tarren Mill alliance side and all I see are hordies (as expected)
this is a tranny?
just wait for your vault gear and until the dungeons get nerfed to make it easier, im just chilling in delves and leveling alts right now
Would the game be better if all the main characters just forgot who you are every expansion?
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fem nelf
>how is getting free ilvl making the game easier?
are you retarded?
Wow (exlamation not world of warcraft) alliance sucks at pvp
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DKbros, is Unholy still dogshit?
>Shadowmeld to hide while questing
Seasoned NE player that also is a fan of this. But, if he's playing druid, he gets a stealth option from cat form for this purpose anyway
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The tree mount that changes depending on what time of year you use it made me wonder how much better would WoW be with actual seasons. A complete visual overhaul could include the addition of seasons, lengthened day/night cycle in the summer, shorter days and longer nights in the winter, appropriate weather depending on the area, all that good stuff.
no, DK is the best its ever been, with both dps specs being god tier, unholy being god tier in pvp, and blood being great
are you ready for protection to be the meta tank again?
cat form does not have vanish. read the whole post you replied to.
shadowmeld is also great when playing with a tank that has shitty aggro consistency. usually happens with a large ilvl difference when i just want to run some normal dungeons
how do i find a guild? ally moon guard by the way
They do
Alliance has been THE pvp faction since WotLK.
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Its time to leave the maze of M+ and ilvl Anon. It's time. To come home.
Go to Goldshire and sell your body for an Officer spot
>DK is the best its ever been
This nigga wasn't here when they were brand new
we might see that sometime, they can already change the environment you're in seamlessly
if you enjoy any SL dungeons you should honestly go fuck yourself with a rake
where's all the horde erp at
imagine actually playing during SL
is it worth installing the rp profile addon on argent dawn to see what people write on it or do people not do that
rdruids do extremely well in all areas of the game. the problem is the class is a bit too complicated for retards that don't want to press damage buttons in m+.
theres no point
if you miss mythic vault its a waste of time to keep playing
the season is ruined
the game sucks shit
its really that simple
>every class has at least one (1) good spec that’s performing well in the rankings, so even if your favorite spec is “bad,” you can still respec
>but not priest
>all priest specs are underperforming and considered low tier in all forms of content
>yet the new PTR patch had ZERO (0) changes for ANY priest spec
Defend this.
Defend this.
Defend this.
Defend this.
Defend this.
Defend this.
the mists iq test is kino
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who's that pokemon
True, but the aggro drop of shadowmeld lets you just bail out of a fight, helpful if you've got family needing relatively urgent attention, or have a cat needing rescue from the window blinds again.

The fact that druids in general get access to stealth is very handy, though. One of the reasons they are my go-to recommendation for anyone who wants to play the game and doesn't have any idea what class to play. It's not always the best, but it is very convenient and flavorful.
wait this looks so fucking good
this should be a fucking set...
This season sucks balls for casters too, everything leaves puddles forcing you to stop casting and move all the time and everything knocks back/up
it is right now, though
yes but it had nothing to do with wow
>solved by an addon
>IQ test
stick to manual labour m8
It's a problem
I have a friend that is genuinely good at everything we play, and I consider him to be one of the smartest in my group of friends, and dude has shit uptime, and refuses to dps just to be ready to heal
Priests are supposed to suck
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>rdruids do extremely well in all areas of the game
>all priest specs are underperforming and considered low tier in all forms of content
low tier bait
Bullshit. Legion was the peak of DK.
i know about the weakaura i used it in sl
No? Not at all in fact?
>anime poster
>is cute
Love to see it
currently 2000 rio, ask me anything lil sis :)
yeah its lazy gameplay. not to mention boring. what the fuck do these people do with all the free gcds between refreshing hots?
WoW devs love their affixes, change it to a full year in-game being a month. One week per season, with different buffs and debuffs depending on season. Like say in Winter you slide a bit more when you move, you don't stop immediately and maybe you have a slight chance of slipping on ice, but you maybe get some sort of Christmas spirit type bonus where drop and loot rates increase by a small percentage or some other nonsense.
They could figure it out, but it would be a fun addition.
Oh wait maybe if you're Horde
i don't know wtf to play
>if you enjoyed SL you should honestly go fuck yourself with a rake
why would i do tier 9 delves?
>They could figure it out,
Too much effort when they are trying to lower the amount of content in every expansion by dragging out rotations as long as possible.
halls of atonement on sanguine
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>Raiding too hard
>M+ too hard
>Devles are boring

What do I do?
>it's real
Max and the poddy C casts have all the Shadowlands dungeons as A tiers or S on their tier lists
stop turning shamans into these weird things, i doesn't fit most races
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Come relax.
play darktide
>currently 2000 rio, ask me anything lil sis :)

2000 rio can be all 8s bricked...
>actually played SL
looks like you failed that IQ test m8
I just plan on getting my heroic raid vault and delve vault from now on. I got ksm and it just wasn't fun at all.
old content transmog farming with the boys
guaranteed at least 1 in raids due to fort
disc top tier in maze+

This is probably one of the weakest states priest has ever been in and they're still Useable. Pretty fortunate class tbqh
wtf is this piece of shit game
that would require you actually getting into an 8, 8 times sis. and completing it. i'm starting to get the feeling you're not playing rdru correctly sissy.
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>way less offensive than before
>still bad
I don't understand why they can't just turn us into elementals.
pvp with the girls
this was never good
i have adhd btw
you must be shit at the game when you cant even beat normal raid or m+2s
it's truly never been more over for prot paladins
because it would look like shit
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because people want chaos brand
>3 underground zones
>they all feel great
>exploring is better than ever
It's pretty wild they were able to make it work
I only said I wanted NPCs to stop treating me like a god.
I never told them to FORGET I'm a god
>it works
KEEEEK ty anon
WTF I clicked on my Tuskarr Spear in my bag and then it just vanished. Darn it Blizzard.
Anduin's gotta learn that lesson for the fourth time
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Why are Horde never around for War Supply crates?
>1shot princess
People finally git gud

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