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WoW Pre-alpha Edition

>Official WoW News

https://youtu.be/o03STclgxSc [Open]
>Threads of Destiny - New Cinematic
https://youtu.be/brOSi_rpGj4 [Open]

>September Trading Post

>20th Anniversary In-Game Event Preview
https://youtu.be/MNeQdGV5_2U?si=GTerY-rZZSnTPzP2 [Open]

>NA /wowg/ guild
GLOBO FOMO - Moon Guard
>EU /wowg/ guild
Nerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent dawn

>WoWg community for NA

Previously on /wowg/: >>495922962
i want to see f1nn5ters butthole
>Previously on /wowg/:
why would i do tier 9 delves?
achievements, rank up brann faster, who knows.
all halfbreeds are honorary alliance
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He worked with Jaina
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the numbers are in:
The game sucks
make sure you open the support tab in game, leave a suggestion, and tell the devs to kill themselves
that concludes this message, thanks and goodbye!
I previously shared that opinion but I'll concede that torghast can actually be fun when you're overleveled and just blasting through it for fun, and there are a couple of decent mogs in SLands
everything else can piss off, the whole setting
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Me? Female Night Elf Blood Death Knight
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>Yfw class colors are actually team colors from the WC3 engine.
They could still add many more classes to the game.
What should I do first at 80?
god i wish i were my dracthyr
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>get hc boe
>sell it for the median price
>10 jews suddenly jump out the woodworks to undercut by 60k less
What is the best looking tier set for each class?
why are all frog posters so toxic?
*Gulp* Don't look at the trolls, dude...
The Horde should have stayed evil. Such a retarded decision that ruined WoW...
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Please refrain from posting in these threads, unless you already reached 620+ ilevel and got full rank 3 enchants.
The poor do not deserve a voice.
whats toxic about that, sounds pretty based to me, no?
you need to sell it NOW or the price will drop even lower
i bet you cried like a little girl when they announced zandalari paladins
Good look darkfallen fren
>Thrall, Vol'jin, Cairne Bloodhoof, Sylvanas Windrunner
"I know those guys"
>Tyrande Whisperwind
"I know that one girl"
>Magni Bronzebeard, Gelbin Mekkatorque, Bolvar Fordragon
"Literally who?"
Pretty much why I chose Horde over Alliance.
warrior = elite pvp onslaught
ignore the green shit from the mythic set
no they arent
Agreed. Although it was rather weird having Tauren, the most peaceful race in the world, be in the evil faction.
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>he unironically bought a funnel
liquids raiders arent even that high retard
One of the complaints going all the way back to the start of the CHAMPION thing was always that the individual concept of the player character has never mattered ever and it's built in to the way the game is designed to be picked up at any point in time. There are obviously examples of Khadgar going "thank you champion" but there's zero consistency to that and at no point in any expansion has a character explicitly treated you as an individual with very specific accomplishments in relation to fighting alongside them. The closest we have ever gotten to that was the leader of the order hall stuff which is promptly forgotten as characters who were your direct subordinates tell you to go do random shit for them. Khadgar and Alleria do not stop their conversation to go "and of course who could forget dear ratboy". Characters do not remember you by and large.
>higher than most mythical raiders
wtf is this nigga doing?
i'm only 590 ;w;
I hope they buff shadow void weaver, entropic rift and dark Ascension are fun.
Void eruption is fucking gay
>Let's turn your long cool down button into a rotational button
Fuck you
Cows are evil, dude
Horde stopped being evil in WC3.
dark ascension is the most boring cooldown in the entire game
Was Fordragon ever important?
>The Horde should have stayed evi
but Thrall is a good guy...
I genuinely forgot that I enjoyed pet battles in this game. I did the Timeless Isle tournament stuff when it was current, and just did the Deadmines dungeon. Are there any other things or stuff they added to it?
She needs an Orc to duo with
Same, they had more familiar characters, also I helped to build Orgrimmar, don't remember Stormwind in WC3.
yeah but logs?
green, like cash money.
There's a whole wod Garrison building for pet battling you can play with if you haven't
crafting concentration needs to be buffed
The spider zone music is just perfect
They gave up on pet battle content after the dungeon series
gnomeregan dungeon wailin cavern dungeon blackrock mountain dungeon
>tfw im soulless monster and used the addon that just bots pet battles for you
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i just sent the boe to a different realm
thank god for warbands
tarren mill is full of niggers and jews
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can you get a bunch of people to overload an irradiated herb and then create many copies that everyone can gather?
I got a log for ya
*spreads ass and shits in your mouth*
Sweet, thanks.

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>already out of meaningful stuff to do
damn that was fast
go to mg and whore yourself (use a chatbot to construct replies) for lots of gold
orange and pink healing logs are not a flex, sorry your group is dog shit and takes so much damage.
>look at me I do lots of healing as shaman becuse everyone in my raid hard sits 10% hp
is shadowlands legacy loot yet
Hey Horde guys, you know how you look at quillboar and see a retarded race that barely functions and is never a real threat because they're idiots? That's how the alliance sees you.
war within is top 5 expansions, maybe even top 3
yes but theres no personal loot, rolling only

most alliance players view the horde as a way to exercise their bbc cuckold fetish
>healing logs
How? I have too much to do
>t.male nelf gritting his teeth
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I was asked to post them so I did, unfortunately I do play healer. ofc the poors are moving their goalpost to cope with their low itemlevel
it's a soulless df reskin
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What the fuck happened to MY Horde????
go away man, i just felt my iq going down by reading your shitty post
>already dont feel like logging in to fill out my vault

ERM... RUH ROH ION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
should i take the resto shaman pill?
druid is fucked
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its her!
I'm looking at the heroic talents and wondering if the healers are supposed to DPS too now?
you're wrong, metzen came back to dewoke the franchise
don't reply to the creature
yes in battlegrounds/arena
yes in m+
rarely in raids
rsham is god tier in M+ right now
they always have been
I wish demo would get a stylistic redesign so it wouldn't be imp spam. Feels very cringe
>log out in molten core before reset
>infinite loading screen
>alt+f4, try to log back in again
>"a character with that name already exists"
>buying gear funnel to parse higher on healing

excuse me
>buys a funnel to get the highest resto shaman ilv in the world
>can't even gold parse
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>join pug raid
>we wipe once
>everyone leaves
>editor notes: he was not right about wow
true. guarenteed the resto shamans in some or all of the RWF guilds are only about 620-622 ilvl
cute and based
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>Was Fordragon ever important?
Not really
>Archbishop Benedictus staged a temporary coup, and has taken the title of NPC leader of Stormwind City from Highlord Bolvar! Horde seeking to take out the leader of Stormwind should focus their efforts on Archbishop Benedictus for the duration. These changes will remain until the next content patch, when Highlord Bolvar reclaims his rightful throne
He was even replaced with another guy
I miss bfa
ok guys ret pala isnt a fotm spec anymore
you can reroll now
Ah, the Siege of Stormwind...
I hate elves and elf players
what is now
i miss wod ret
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be real with me lads
do i have a shot of getting 2500 this week
>t. 610
i just want to get ksh before october so i can spend all of that month playing horror games
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quick swap frost!
oh i'm a tank btw
why the fuck am i going oom on prot pala
>thought you meant mage
>got excited
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That cocksucking Bloodbound Horror didn't drop what I wanted so I guess I'll go play Pikmin 2 or something until next week.
why would you play other games sis, the season just started.
thanks i'm learning to tank :3
>Not really
Well at least Blizzard's consistent about making and keeping him not important
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Paladin is always fotm
>he posted his gear in a bg again
o no
im more than that which means you bottom for me
I'm sick of running delves frens
kinoest bearform appearance?
Kul tiran
Sure sure, dracthyr can be other classes soon.
but what other races should be allowed to be evokers?
Kt, only way I can stand druid
>nerf warrior AGAIN
>no nerf to frost DK
>barely any nerf to arcane mage
>ret paladins untouched

cute owl
US politics in trade chat needs to be a 12 day chat ban
why the fuck can't you just queue into pvp with your pve shit and just have it convert over or whatever the fuck?
but honestly anything thats not the gorilla bear
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>wasting all that gold on a healer
do you enjoy fag enabling dps shitters? is it a fetish?
PvP needs its own maze or people won't play it
Because then PVP gear would retain its ilevel of 630-ish in PVE content
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Hello Gnomes hi any gnomes around? Haha I am not on a quest to get a gnome heart from a gnome player in Ashran haha nooo I am not a crack addict blood elf warlock that will cut your heat out trust me bro haha where the gnhoes at?
>copy top maze+ prot paladin's build
>spec is suddenly playable
mazegods i kneel
>champion, leader of my order, greatest paladin to ever live, inheritor of fordrings legacy, possibly the true incarnation of the light
>I could make us some sick ass boar ribs if you kill ten boars and bring me their ribs.
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Why does every dungeon suck ass this season.
glowy red bear
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professional shit eaters love the challenge of nonstop mechanics for 30min.
im 588
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group loot is a fair and balanced loot system
what's the seasonal achieve called that they deleted for the conquest weapon quest for?
get good you fucking retard
just finished the raid in nm; oneshotted the entire shit
>0 loot
is this acceptable? what a shit game
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roll better
yeah i'm thinking kino
im tired of seeing paladins
is guardian really that boring?
you telling me all those dudes running keys accept playing the supposedly most boring spec in the entire game just to "be meta"
that's way better than the troll doll
>you telling me all those dudes running keys accept playing the supposedly most boring spec in the entire game just to "be meta"
Blizzard's new favorite pet class. Please understand.
yeah. its basically prot warrior without all the things that make prot warrior fun
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can priests have a shadowlands covenant spell like every other class does in the game now, please?
whiners that said they were too easy
These look like a broken shaman
believe it or not
i miss bfa
>not gonna be able to get my 4th tier set piece for another two weeks until the catalyst gains a charge
so fucking lame spending half of this whole patch in 3/4 pieces. is there really no other way to get tier pieces than abysmal drop rates in raid?
i still havent found a delve map on my main account
I love everything about Alliance
The only thing that is missing are playable high elves and it will be perfect
Guardian is boring and somehow people have gotten worse at playing it. The biggest blackpill is playing a healer and noting the tank being shit, playing tank and noting the healer being shit and playing dps and noting that both tank and healer are playing like shit
I thought disc had mind games
should be illegal to complain about m+ being too easy when it scales infinitely
I did a dungeon, finished dailies, and logged off. That's all I feel like doing. That's just where I'm at with it.
mind games was moved to pvp talents for all specs
died in grim batol 4 because I havent cut my nails in 6 weeks and went inside an aoe
literally no one is complaining about m+ being too easy
Lorthemar is a dictator who brainwashes his own people
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>rasha'nan body type 2
Immersion ruined
false i'm a gamer
Umbric is chill and wholesome guy
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>Someone can upload a log without your consent
yes, currently
they were though during season 3 and 4 of DF and now we are where we are
Offer and demand when you got the only offer:
Offer and demand when competition
>N-n-no! Why don't we form a cartel by default? Why are you lowering prices, securing your sales?? No!!!!!

Guess what bucko, if it's worth more, why not buy those and sell higher?

But yeah it does suck to get less cash from a boe
Will the BRD raid be fun and challenging or will it be a snoozefest like BT / Ulduar?
Worgen druid but holy fuck that posture is stupid. Please fucking fix that shit the clothes look ass
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>2k main
It's to grind the anniversary event so don't expect a challenge
any hurricanebros itt?
it has a heroic mode so hopefully
Texas bro here.
I got rained on today during my run but that's all. Not even strong winds.
>wait 2 weeks
>everyone is 10 ilvls more geared than now and has run each dungeon a dozen times each
>2k io is literally free
I finally got one and only because zekvir indaded
the barrel roll is useless
frost DK has gotten nerfed twice already retardo
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hi Im a keystone master now
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I liked boon of the ascended it was a nice spell with cool visuals. Didn't play priest in any serious content though so i'm not sure if it was good or balanced
had some retard whisper me ksh dfs1 for my ten last week
i laughed out loud
I can't for the life of mine believe im uttering these words but dawnbreaker is actually nice
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There are drops in vault, secured tokens from queen, the raid itself as well as a secured token for killing queen in hc AND for reaching 2k m+ rating

>you now remember that the horde used to exist
crazy right? there was an entire second faction in this game
In a real RPG they'd let you side with him and wipe every filthy p*nkskin from the planet
self-destruction ritual
corporate mandates are vicious
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world after garrosh's victory
holy fuck. really makes you realize how far the game has fallen. nuwow is pure disneyslop.
>be ret chad
>plate sissies wont invite me because they know i'll dab on them
Priest buffs doko?
its a terrible, awful, shitty fucking dungeon
but up against the rest of the pool?
ya its a breath of fresh air
imagine designing trash so bad that one is a high point
this company is going down in flames
and they fucking deserve it
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Date a Dracthyr man.
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Have any of you Anons read this yet? Really interesting look at the inside of Blizzard during BFA - Shadowlands.

>But when Blizzard cancelled a buzzy project in 2013 (Titan), it gave Bobby Kotick, the infamous CEO of corporate parent Activision, the excuse he needed to start cracking down on Blizzard's proud autonomy. Activision began invading Blizzard from the inside. Glitchy products, PR disasters, mass layoffs, and a staggering lawsuit marred the company's reputation and led to its ultimate reckoning.
>literally no reason for me to do anything below +4
>people wont invite me because i have no rating for the dungeon
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>wondering if this embellished craft is any good
>try to go find some information
>no wowhead comments
>no icyveins page
>thread on the wow forums asking if anyone knows about it has 0 replies
truly these are uncharted waters...
why does blizzard push lilian voss so hard
ugly as sin
>nightcore music on
>thighhighs on
>rotation guide on the side monitor
it's dungeon time
When was the last time we had an orc zone? We are in dire need of a new one
>long time ago
>neet, fully mazed, join top 20 US raiding guild
>tell me that they only raid 20 hours a week during progression
>absolutely nothing going on in my life, complete loser, fine with this
>I'm on the bench for mythic progression
>These fags are raiding 6 hours a day 7 days a week and getting absolutely no where in the raid
>forced to reevaluate my life while staring deep into the soul of people even more pathetic than me
Choose to live anon. choose to grow and to be more.
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Why are retoilets so aggressively antisocial?
mental illness is a central pillar in MMORPGs. Hawk Tuah.
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But it wasn't always like that.
toilets cant talk
A lot of things weren't like that, man. But we're in 2024 and shit's wild and unstable. I mean they had to drag Metzen back to fix the mess they made in Shadowlands. That's fucking insane when you think about it.
>Stronk female lead
I wonder why.
>they had to drag Metzen back to fix the mess they made in Shadowlands.
well did it work?
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It's too early imo. Ask again during Midnight.
They don't, she just shows up and kind of exists.
work in progress
zereth mortis is already non-canon
all of shadowlands - soon
where are the earthen's keepers?
Going to be honest bros, I don't think I'm going to do more Mythic+. Delves get me to 619 and that's good enough.
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He says, never posting his own character. You're mad.
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It's been a long journey, but I have every single OG mage tower skin now. God bless solo RBGs

I'd like to thank murlok.io, Jesus, my mom and Max who is about to win the world first race
pls grats

Best classes in general: Priest, Monk, Warrior, Paladin, Death Knight, Warlock
Worst classes in general: Demon Hunter, Rogue, Druid, also Warlock
Good. Making mythic ++++++ the end gane was a mistake. Casual chads win
how are you unlocking those after they removed them
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>its a terrible, awful, shitty fucking dungeon
That gets 99% fixed by swapping to old flying.

Then you can engage with packs in any way you want come the second boss and it actually allows for creative pulls that way. There isn't much trash, bosses are pretty damn fair and can be run quite quickly.
There are occasional bugs here and there, yeah, but in general? The dungeon is just good
earned them back in the day
What's the best spec for rogue?
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>I have every single OG mage tower skin now.
That's one way to lie.
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They don't know she exists. Pull the other one
>Jason Schreirer
On the one hand there might be interesting info, on the other the guy is turborwtarded and I don't know if I can trust him, not out of malice but out of sheer incompetence
I want playable naga so bad
Lmao Max has been on this boss all day and they’ve barely progged from echo. LMFAO.

He looking stress
Ok I only need 8 wins.
>group has a mage, mage or mage in it
3 signs you should leave a group immediately
Bring back the crazy haired elemental fem orcs
Good.if you consider delves engaging enough to do as anything but a punishment I don't want you in my mythics anyway
Don't worry they got turned into a glyph for those with taste
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mages dont press their buttons
i also hate women so much
Is this game good for a new player in 2024 or is it the kind of mmos who only care about old players?
hop in, raid starts at 7
Don't worry anon. It doesn't care about it's players
It's a struggle for new players and even returning players. WoW is a behemoth of a game with 20 years of content. I would make sure that you have short term and long term goals that you can work on while you learn this game.
If you don't rush to the endgame you'll have A LOT of fun playing through the expansions for almost no money if you calculate money per hours of entertainment.
On the other hand if you rush to the endgame not knowing what the fuck to do, you'll be a burden to everyone - including yourself - and you'll burn out and lose interest quickly.
>spamming the same boring dungeons with trivial difficulty over and over and over is GOOD
>spamming the same boring delves with trivial difficulty over and over is BAD
Can you explain your logic?
are there any abominations in restored brill? do the forsaken still make them?
So how do I make my action bars always visible in ElvUI? I don't want them to fadeaway or be in mouseover mode
queue up for direbrew niggers
I just started playing again afyer 13 years and my only gripe is the overabundance of content. I'm at lvl 70 long, long before i have had the chance to explore all the zones
Why on earth would I do that?
I don't think they do but surviving abominations gained will as you can see in game.
The seethe is palpable
because ive been waiting for 10 minutes
are 610 shoulders 1/6 hero good for a catalyst usage?
I have no clue about this catalyst thing and all the hero champion etc upgrade thingies

alternatively, I am apparently limited with the upgrade currrency, did they implement some kind of bricking mechanic or can I upgrade my shit safely?
But like, why are YOU queued for it even?
The seethe is plappable
this expansion was insanely rushed
is this going to be the norm from forward?
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bumping this talent up to rank 2 has helped me so much with survivability it's insane
15 years without the brewfest ram
i do have the kodo tho
i dont like it
i do like that they gave tbc flying a 150% buff inside of the dungeon, nice touch
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hero is fine for turning into set. you won't replace it for a long while.
You should cater what pieces you turn into set based on what your class uses.
go to wowhead, go to your class/spec, and look at what 4 pieces it recommends for set.
like as a rshaman the legs have bad stats for me so we don't turn legs into set.
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No, but seriously.. The grind was a pain in the ass. I farmed on 38 chars.
>Liquid hasn't made any progress on Ansurek
Remember when Max said this was a 1 week raid?
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>Fails to produce anything with Titan for years
>Project gets canned
>WoW team is forced to bail his team out to turn Titan into OW, which is why WoD had so little content
>This resulted in Bobby getting a foot into Blizzard
>Years later, Bobby's killing shit off like Heroes of the Storm because it's Esports scene isn't as good as OW League
>Bobby then wants a sequel, which Tigole agrees on the caveat he gets to add PVE campaign
>Announces updates for OW1 will cease while they work on making OW 2
>Proceeds to quit the company after to join another blizzard ex staff studio that's produced nothing to this day.
>Overwatch 2 launches in a terrible state because Tigole it's project lead abandoned it mid development and they had to figure out what to do
>Blizzard scandal hits two months after he leaves the company
>Microsoft begins trying to buy ABK half a year later
>We get the OW2 we have today, with PVE being cancelled and the state of Blizzard today, directly thanks to Jeff's inability to make a second MMO

Tigole's legacy on this company surely will be something to be remembered
Are you implying that if Kotick were still in power that OW2 PVE would have actually happened?
No it'd be worse
is this a no or yes?
I had fun with XIV but xiv content ran out super quick
No, I'm implying the promises that ol' Tigole makes to his bosses, then his inability to actually fulfil them lead to the state we're currently in.
based retard
Metzen's magnum opus... I want to believe...
Shouldn’t liqshart be “progressing”, they’ve been stuck at 60% the whole day
if youre coming from og, just dont be like all the other shitlords who cant adjust to how much faster wow is
any autists or nerds here. Is it finesse or perception that allows us to get null stones
I'm sure the shit is bugged and it's finesse
I mean if you actually commit to going through everything from cata to tww then you got a solid six month to a year if you aren't a neet
WoW is infinitely better than XIV. it's not even a contest. player movement alone takes a huge shit on XIV
retgods won
they fucking won
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Rate my logs wowg.
I'm having so much fun in Silkweavers
>try some ethnic food on the way home
>currently stuck on the toilet pissing shit out my ass
>can't play wow because glued to toilet from dried splashback
I always knew being intolerant to other cultures was the way to go. Now they've gone to far.
>stay up until 3am playing wow again
my sleep is perma fucked
>Can you explain your logic?
If you have the degree of mental retardation to think that the complexity of ANY dungeon is comparable to the absolute joke delves are, then I can explain but you won't be able to understand anyway.
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The only thing left is to delete Activision games from battle.net and WoW is truly be back
same but 6am lol
null stone drops were silently nerfed, whether intentionally or not, this week. likely due to the mining weekly quest requiring them. your profession equipment is more important than the skill tree despite the stat numbers
Delves are obviously much easier than M+. What's your point?
ascension + armor banding is bis for everyone
nta buy you look like a fucking retard if someone asks you to explain your logic and you go off on a tangent, do better retardkun
WoW is back
Metzen's kino
holy fuck what a gamer
>dog in
>think about doing M+
>remember that I'd rather peel my skin off with a toothpick than run any dungeon in this season other than Ara-Kara
>dog out
Gundergaz is such a terrible name for a town, it sounds like foreign slang for someone cumming
>Eem poondin me frau zo haard I maade her Gundergaz
I mean i've played this game for over 15 years and played content at the highest level and i literally don't see a difference between dungeons and delves, so.
Yeah i think you're the retard here.
I went from ARR to DT in less than 6 months and leveled all classes
should be easy
>Raidfaggots and PvP poopsockers got their binky from Daddy Blizzard and now the evil bad terrible no-good Glide is righteously nerfed on non-Evoker Dracthy
trying to get a cool pet on hunter is fucking cancer
half of them are locked behind shitty rep farms or a quest chain that doesnt work anymore
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>american hours
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This man's European, lmao
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ok what next
is goldshire still good for gooning?
They killed theirs according to the play event
It's basically lowest common denominator. F-Chat is where you go if you want quality walls of text.
To add to what the other anon said, yes the upgrade currency is capped, the cap increases each week.
GENERALLY you only really care about runed and gilded crests now, if you do some m+ or raiding you will outgrow the rest. Now, about those crests that do matter: what ilvl are you aiming for? If it's hero then it's always worth it to upgrade it to max, if it's myth (which, frankly, it's probably not, that's OK) then you might have to be more conservative
Understandable, I will say that on one hand its iffy to have flying and treat it that way, but on the other, fuck onaran plains or whatever that shit was.
I mean if you intend to clear the content in each expansion you might as well write your will when you suscribe for when your family finds your corpse.
If you only care about current content, that's still gonna be a while since you have to learn to fucking play and all that.
What a right click fucking God
nah i mean for jerkbaiting and stuff not RPing. ooc stuff.
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why woul those retards do that, making us spend 20k gold for a miserable +3 knowledge point stats
should have hoarded mine then, I sold 11 for 6k5 each
>If you only care about current content, that's still gonna be a while since you have to learn to fucking play and all that.
is wow that hard ?
Professions are so fucked
>tfw i'll never have fun like this ret god
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>just need to win 1 BG
>7 losses in a row
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i am.... a bm hunter....
thats from something you ate 2-3 days ago
>paladin and mage are blizzard pet classes
>paladin and mage never get nerfed
>paladin and mage players often seethe about "brownbars" (warriors) for seemingly no reason
>warrior keeps getting unwarranted nerfs
I just realized that the few devs who plays the game are all mages and paladins.
alliance grindset
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>dog in
>kill zekvir 8 times for vault
>dog out
i'm done for the week
Have you tried playing properly instead of being a fucking burden on everyone?
>my dh got his chaos brand go from 5 to 3
I feel bad, I wish I was a druid main
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not sure what you're on about
Do you get brann xp doing sneedvir?
it's only 15k, relax. the price for them went up because people bought them all up for the weekly quest. i was bullshitting about the silent nerf though but it feels like the drop rate is lower. no idea why they made such a rare reagent for the weekly though. it would have been cool if they changed it to 10 points or something this time to compensate
Druid also got their 5% buff to 3%. Most classes did. Chaos Brand was actually one of the last ones to have that happen.
i got the raid mount from lfr. is it rare? looks like garbage
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warriors are the struggler class. true warriors are used to adversity because true warriors never give up
the dregs of the world (of warcraft) congregate there so yes
i have a few personal cock milkers myself
all elves ofc because i am man with good taste
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>enter M+ groupéééé
>healer is a druid
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>when the Chaos Bolt Soul Fire Chaos Bolt Shadowburn Shadowburn lands just right
uhm sorry sweety odyn and bladestorm did way too much damage before m+ launched and things died fast enough that their dps didnt start to go down after blowing their loads
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>More and more non-rpers are playing on my full-RP server
nah, it does give decent flightstones for like a 2-3min fight
My point is that getting to optimize content for time is engaging and that while dungeons aren't the most complex content ever, they are complex enough to be fun to engage with. It's a great feel to have a coordinated team smash through a dungeon and it feels really rewarding.
On the other hand delves are obscenely simple scenarios filled with damage sponges with the occasional oneshot mechanic that is alone in posing danger to the player. They are poorly designed (as any solo content will be) and the only reason anyone gives a fuck about them is the free gear that is evidently overtuned. We KNOW THIS because nobody gave a fuck about them before dropping said gear.

Anyone who would rather get into that, I don't want in my fucking keys because the main component for this stance is being godawful at the fucking game, to such a degree that you misunderstand it to this extreme.
Case in point.
As a disenchanter? Nothing. If you're serious about disenchanting, the shattering for the stat bonuses from snorting dust, sorry, I mean essences
>want to do the 4 wins weekly on two characters
>come home and lose for 5 hours straight until i have to go to bed
>sometimes get 1 win in
not enough time in the week for me to get this quest done
This is true but... I'm tired boss...
Years of living dehydrated in a desert living off drops of water while seeing others drink and lounge in sprints and waterfalls. How much can a man take?
>300% buff
How did they think it was OK to ship BM this weak?
dh are still bussin
whats this meme?
your bloodline is weak and you will not survive the winter
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Multi Shot is a stupid ability for BM that really shouldn't exist
why are druids so schizo?
i always say in an uwu text how im poor and cant afford to tip
worked 3/3 times so far
Pay me to transfer five characters off and I'll remake all my alts
Its quite a bit, I farm for gametime, even if I can farm 15k quite rapidly
I can pay that much for profession items phials etc because it will pay for itself after a farming sessions or 2, but for 3 knowledge points, yeahhhhh idk
Im not even that close to a finished node. I just completed my bismuth full after the mounted gathering one
>Everyone thinks Bobby K is invading and micromanaging Blizzard and making dumbass decisions
>we now get proof
i mean we all already knew Activision was driving Blizzard into the dirt but its nice to have proof non-fans can see
Asmongold's EU character is on Argent Dawn
he was right about wow though he doesnt play
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Based beyond reckoning. The essence of the warrior fantasy is never giving in, no matter how shit our class is we will always fight on.
please change your name to TND
multishot hits for like 9k, it's only used to activate beast cleave
the big change is basilisk collar getting nuked
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Here's DK!
I'd trust my aunt to reach max level, actually doing well in groups etc is a developed skill.
Its a fucking videogame anon, you'll be ok.
Theyll still do them in droves because there are barely any public orders and those give enchanting levels until quite high level.
By setting no reward, you are actually filtering away the goblins and letting people level up enchanting without shelling thousands for the expensive mats.
Im sorry if you were trying to be a cunt anon, because you are failing, you are being quite nice to people
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If my raid guild ever dies I'll transfer to moon guard as my retirement home and never RP.
>sire denathrius was one of the few good things to come from sneedolands
>blizz only used him in hearthstone since then
what gives
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you have like 17 different class alts
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>trying to learn tanking by spamming heroics
>often times the dps are impatient and spam stuff like gogogogogo in chat
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Tier set so good it got cummed on in the development process
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Here's Paladin!
Dragging this worg to goonshire and the spanking pillory.
paladin holy tier 1? Nice
you can always play with the followers :)
you guys joke but if I saw this nigga healing me in molten core I'd know I was in good hands
remember to save coffer keys
for next weeks delve event week
faggot nigger kike i literally just used my 4th one
I've had enough of Troon Guard, bros.
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Is it worth throwing vault for it?
Why does this
have less polygons than this
and this?
kino campaign
Because the hair contained all the polygons
>decline offer
horde and alliance?
>finishing normal in week 3
It's over.
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low res image you dumb BITCH
blind bastard
no :c
not sure why you don't feel like you're fitting in, memetard
depends if it gives a lot of gear
not sure first week we are having it
No I haven't. I've exclusively played warrior (99% of the time fury) for the entirety of my 18 years playing this game. I will never abandon this class, I will never give up the fight!
Idk this still look like WoD at best
is sayn layn unholy good now after buffs?
or still meme tier?
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>bestowed with the anger, hate and cruelty of the lich king himself
>a herald of darkness and death

>make it a cute goblin with big floppy ears
ACK! Right in the class fantasy
I realized after I posted I can save my keys while still getting the delve track at t8. So no need to throw my vault
yeah just don't open chests
Last you were on here you said you couldn't get those looks anymore due to Legion somethingsomething. Maybe you were a different Anon, but I doubt it since you have the cringe pass badge.
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I, for one, actually liked the troll doll hair
Leave it to reddit to change anything remotely cool to something more lame
If it's a public work order I just won't do it.. If it's a personal one and I don't have to use concentration I don't give a fuck and just do it for whatever.
what happens if you do legion as evoker, does that whole expansion even work without artifacts and order halls?
My newbie friend had to go to dalaran to be able to teleport to some old quest thing the other day. so he took the portal to dalaran but couldn't find what he was looking for, then I saw on my friends list he was in Dalaran northrend not dalaran broken isles which is where it moved to in legion but dalaran got blown up in war within so there's no portal so he had to take the portal to stormshield azsuna then fly himself manually to the non blown up dalaran from legion
The best way I could explain it was "sorry you're in the wrong multiverse version of the city"
You get a generic intro quest and that's about it. Since Evokers start at a level that's above Legion content, so you just get all the questing, dungeons, raids, etc etc. Without the artefact and order hall part.
they are bringing a glyph if you want that form tho
Happened to me and my friend too
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My FPS is insane right now.. wtf is going on?
Zamn, what a pumper
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>they are bringing a glyph if you want that form tho
they better
staring at the ceiling heats the processor of the brain
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Not quite. Just the only (un)living person in this fucking area lol..
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void elves and nelves
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For you and others of taste
Panda players being completely subhuman as usual.
how convenience
For me? It's the energetic glyph
Kicking any shamans out of my mythic+ groups that don't use it
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Better like this?
thank god, i thought they forgot about glyphs completely
get rid of elvui and it youll get probably 10 frames
The fact that word of glory costs mana on top of holy power is beyond dumb.
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Wrong again.
Amazes me that Dragonflight started off as the Shaman expansion, only for them to basically get nothing while Druids got all the love.
It's Legion and Warlock all over again with getting the stuff hey should've had at the expansion built around their lore, way too late
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And globalization. A lot of PVPers are being invited and cross realm guilds are under their names when RP servers are supposed to be unphased from this bullshit.
dude im old if i change 1 keybind i lose my shit, imagine having to redo my entire UI again
>FPS counter conveniently not in the shot
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my life for the maw
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Oh for fucks sake dude.
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lets go boys!
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>parses harder than you
>inside a building
Yeah, we're not playing this game anymore, kid. You either believe it or you don't. I don't give a shit anymore.
>i was good 10 years ago!
youve peaked grandpa
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>Elements are backing the Primalists all expansion
>Elemental infused giga-dragons are actively trying to destroy everything
>Shaman's somehow don't realize it's Smolderon that's been leading this assault behind the scenes all expansion, despite being the ones who put him in charge of the Firelands.
>Shaman's basically have 0 lore involving this major problem the entire expansion while we get Druids of the Flames, Druids and the plight of Night Elves again
>Smolderon proceeds to fucking die like a bitch in the raid, so Fryakk can slurp up his Firelord Juice and Shamans decide not to comment on this at all.
yeah you have a good computer i'm not sure what you expected anyone to say
Why don't DPS players kick? Is every single DPS player retarded?
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I'll peak again in MoP classic
Mark my words....
I like to imagine the dev who made that shit had a breakdown over everyone hating the dumb hair. Sobbing uncontrollably as another dev consoles them looking up at their team lead
>look claire worked really hard on this okay?????
>do you really have to delete her effort because those of those bigot players????? can nothing be done?????
>"uhh well uhh maybe we can put it as an option or something? maybe a glyph thing?"
I have 200 fps or so in the new city. What I was reacting to was the insane difference in these abandoned areas.
That's all.
>rank 9 is literally 70% percentile
impressive mental flex to post logs from hour 1 of the raid being open
not enough incentive to. they dont lose dps by not kicking so they dont care
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i can cherry pick too nice crop
There should be a haste buff for interrupting for 6 seconds?
There should be a haste buff for interrupting and damage dealers should take a damage loss for not avoiding avoidables.
they tried that in cata for warrior and nobody picked the talent even though it was a literal dps gain over other options
i want to know what the fuck the original story for shadowlands was
before they cut an entire patch
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>increases your dps by 0.8%
that'll be one talent point sir thank you very much
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it's an impressive amount of frames... for Base Game Quality 5
It should apply to every interrupt and come as standard is what I mean
I just did what the chink in this video told me to.
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guess you could say he was malfurious
then they'll just interrupt some random shit
you can't force people to care
just avoid them
I am SICK and TIRED of people saying that the harronir are lame
I'd rather them kick something than nothing
yea probably i can agree with that
iirc demon hunter generates meter when they interrupt because that faggot class gets everything for free

i second the other anon that said damage downs should be more common too
stuns/fears was supposed to be that but usually letting a big howl of terror go off in a dungeon just means an instant wipe
i was just screwing around. not watching your dumb video fuck off
the harronir are lame
If this was a 5% haste buff it would become a go to pick. The problem is it's an optional out of the way pick and only gives you a buff to 1 specific target which is usually not your main target or the target dies too fast for it to be relevant.

Like with everything else in this game it's just all indicators devs don't play the game themselves. If they did they would see and understand how dumb shit like this is literally useless and why nobody ever picks them.
They're lame Nelfcel. Stop forcing your cringe Elf lore expansions on Troll lore.
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*would link a .ogg here that says "BEHOLD" but am too lazy*
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Right. Force troll lore on elf lore
*kicks you in the balls*
How's that for a kick?
Oh wait. I've got another one
*kicks you from the team*
Nelfs are LITERALLY trolls
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>putting down healing rain totem is super heckin hard
Didn't even occur to me that i'd have recent logs until just now
harronir are FAT and they are stinky ugly troll NIGGE
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today i went to the store to buy some trolli candy for the wow promotion (https://www.wowhead.com/news/world-of-warcraft-x-trolli-promotion-how-to-claim-the-gummi-battle-pet-in-the-346512)
the guy stocking the shelves asked me if i needed help finding anything. i told him what i was looking for, and we began to have a conversation about that sort of candy. he asked if it was like sour patch kids. i said kind of. he said he never had sour patch kids. i said i was buying these over sour patch kids for the world of warcraft pet and i pointed to thrall on the bag.
when i did that, he looked at me like i sprouted a second head.
is the funnel fag still bragging about his healing parses lol??
"yea Warcraft is doing a promotion so here i am"
thats all i said to the qt goth gas station clerk
Rule of life bro.
Always claim you're just buying your kid, or kid sibling some sweets
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reset was 24h ago and I already did 4 m+ keys :3
do i want to learn Grim Batol or do i want to goon and eat mcdonalds
Oh my god. Someone on the barrens chat just called the harronir "harron*ggers"

That's enough barrens chat for me today. People are so cruel and racist and blizzard will never release cool races if people just keep shitting on them for no reason
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WW monk is very unpopular in 10 man
which is why I'll be the best WW monk
You're alright, man. You can fuck my sister.
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For me? It's jungle furries
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"yea these are all going up my asshole so here i am"
thats all i said to the qt steampunk cosplay gas station clerk
>yo could i get a summon
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yes I remember MoP, very well, and if I recall WW was unpopular generally because it fucking sucked and felt like ass to play.
I tanked a +7 GB today as bear and fucking hell the magic damage at the end is real hard. like the trash mobs before the last boss.
the bosses are kinda easy this week but I hate being a bear in this dungeon

also you can do both. gooning and then playing wow
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Was the Aiding the Accord weekly removed with patch 11.0? I just did the whole DF campaign so I could get that quest and the dragonspawn that's supposed to give it isn't doing jack shit
its taking me ten fucking minutes to get into a fucking NINE at 220 ilvl 2250 io
i got insta invites in dragonlands
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>Liquid has made zero progress the entire day
Not going good max bwos...
Is she hot, SINGLE and looking for action near me?
Nah, she's pushing 40 and is what we refer to as a "cool wine aunt". She lives alone with her cat. I wish I was kidding. I kinda feel bad for her.
their phase 1 is getting super clean. the intermission is a shitfest of trying to dodge lines on small platforms while the boss force pulls you and theres also void zones and you got a dps check on adds up there while all thats happening
class n spec?
>plays MoP once
>becomes literally obsessed with pandaren
>do nothing but post about pandaren for the next 12 years
>brag about how much you loved MoP and how you did raids and dungeons in MoP for the next 12 years
>play on MoP private servers for the next 12 years
>reply to people talking about current retail and post your logs from MoP 12 years ago or logs from your MoP private server
How many furry levels do you have to gain to achieve this kind of power and autism?
ret paladin
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Hi /wowg/! Only ever played classic but I'm thinking about picking up retail. I have a few questions:

Is the NA guild in the OP active? I don't have strong opinions about faction/server, so if its active then I'll just roll there.

Should I level from 1 or use a boost? I enjoy doing group content like dungeons, are leveling dungeons populated or is it deserted until max level?

I'm interested in playing a healer, but idk how viable that is to quest and solo level with. Undecided on class, so if anyone has any suggestions those would be welcome.

If there's anything else I should know before I start, let me know. Thanks!
MoP classic soon brother
yeah uhm you see you have to be META
>posts on 4chan once
>becomes literally obsessed with shitposting for the next 12 years
>does nothing but shitpost about others who are passionate about the game
>brags about how much you shitpost and how mush you shitpost on 4chan
>shitpost on 4chan for the next 12 years
>shitpost in response to anyone talking about the game and shitpost even more when you see someone having fun
If you know how to play your class, use a boost. If you're clueless and starting with a new class, just level normally and get a feel for it via dungeons.
starting pug life H queen prog
what am i in for
it might take a few minutes to queue, but leveling dungeons area always populated enough
>I'm interested in playing a healer, but idk how viable that is to quest and solo level with
iirc early game content and leveling dungeons are scaled so that healers do way fucking more damage than they're supposed to at max level
there should be an affix where every interrupted spell gives you a 10% dmg buff for 10 seconds
then you'd see motherfuckers fight each other to interrupt
uh oh melty
>level from 1 or boost
1-70 is like a 3-4 hour endeavor, just level.
>are leveling dungeons populated
not immensely but as long as you stick to main timeline (leveling through DF) you'll get consistent dungeon pops as a healer.
>Can I level and quest as a healer?
Sure, its more viable at lower levels, 10-40 you shouldn't have any problem. might want to just pop over to a dps spec for 40-70 questing though
uh oh melty
New shaman ascendance looks like iridikron
people unable to correctly time the poison jump then dumping webs fucking everywhere.
Dragonflight was a paladin expansion from the start. that's why you still see so many of them now
Any of y'all enjoying the mythic plus season so far?
I'm pretty mazed under most circumstances but my healer friend and I got our 2.5k cheevo and are now que'ing 2s and rated bgblitz instead of running keys. I averaged something like 1.6k keys a season in dragonflight, but I can't bring myself to find much fun in this pool of dungeons.
Does tank DH not have anything considered a "cooldown" or did I have the worst tank of all time?
Anon you say this with every expansion
I'd give you my opinion but you said y'all.
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oops, pic.
I've basically checked out of everything but raidlogging already because I literally cannot imagine running any dungeon in the mythic pool other than Ara-Kara
3 of the last 4 druids I've had in M+ were all so squishy you'd think they were in cat form
>bear pulls adds
>hp drops to 0 in 2 seconds
>Havoc DH gets aggro after
>Doesn't die immediately
>is easier to heal than the bear
mists/necrotic/dawn don't bother me. The rest of the dungeons have me thinking the playerbase will quit before they attempt to figure it out. I really dislike the cc changes so only kicks stop casting.
What is the point of these xal atath affixes if everything just has more hp to compensate
unpopular opinion: the current S1 m+ pool is better than any season of DF
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i've only ever played a paladin once and i didn't even reach level cap. pallys were buffed for dragonflight and that's a fact. whatever state they're in now i have no idea.
pvp chad
yea I feel so squishy is bear even tho people said he is gonna be the goat tank this season.

I dont even know why. you have so many cooldowns but still monsters hit for so fucking hard.
I swear something must be fucked up right now
Back to r*ddit
whats the point of anything. theres a fixed dps goal and anytime you see a talent or tier set bonus that says "do 10% more" you were nerfed 10% ahead of time to compensate for that. Oh wow nice this ability now leaves a DoT that deals 50% of the initial damage dealt over the next 6 seconds? too bad base damage was nerfed 33% to compensate for that.
What drives a man to play PvP in the current year?
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Is there a valorstone dump anywhere? i dont have any gear to upgrade, combined my sparks and im sitting at 2k now just overcapping. feels bad
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I'm 90% sure my DH was the worst player to ever play tank or actively trying to sabotage the run.

you can't ever let ironfur drop. It's a kick in the dick.
Is it too late to get into crafting professions? Specifically Jewelcrafting.
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>Lush Luredrop
>Finesse proc
>11 gold
It was unironically too late if you started after the first day of early access
nice adventure gear you have there
Sweetie that's the Legion PvP set
It feels like they should've been a vendor currency, like for keys certain crests, and blizzard forgot about it.
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>change mog
>ilv goes up by 1
never happened
I don't play PvP (at all), so I wouldn't know. It resembles the Legion set from Tomb of Sargeras (the green one).
My question still stands.. Why bother with PvP? What's the hook?
nice boobies ma'am
I'm in nearly full hero and some champion pieces the fuck u talkin bout?
also facing this problem anon, I feel like I have played a lot and am constantly capping out on valorstones. Only option is to start doing quests/weeklies on an alt to funnel them elsewhere
Holy fucking shit this. The entire fun and soul of the game has been sucked out of everything, everything feels so empty and meaningless now. Power increases don't feel like power increases because exactly as you said, they're already tuning the content based on the power increase so when you gain the power increase you're not just playing at the new standard level. It's not an increase at all, it's an illusion. They're fucking with us.
It's actually retarded this is how the game is made.

This all started with legion and how they introduced mob scaling with your ilvl cause they just didn't like that players could blow stuff up after getting geared.
Its fun
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>More and more people are waking up from their MAZED M+ dungeons and raids and knowing what the game has become
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what do you guys think of my warband
>all men
you gay
Waking up to what? The game being good for once? Yeah.
I've never made a woman character in 19 years, why would I?
You want to oust that usurper and fake Magni
they didnt put in a stone -> rep exchange?
That is an unpopular opinion, personally I enjoyed all 4 seasons of DF dungeons, minus a dungeon or two each patch. Ruby/Noku, Vortex, Everbloom, Atal. I don't hate the dungeons this season but I just don't have any that I outright enjoy like Freehold, Waycrest, Halls.
It's okay anons I'm from the Appalachians and y'all are welcome to suck my dick.
I don't raid beyond pugging aotc out eventually each patch, but I'm in the same boat a far as each key I just felt wanted to get it over with rather then being excited for.
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why is this game such a visual mess? i started playing with my friend and i am enjoying the beegees but christ it's a nightmare to look at unlike, say, ff14. i mean look at this shit i've done everything i can
>350k for an ansurek carry
just bought two tokens!
WoWs UI is one of the least cluttered UIs in MMOs and I've played them all. You just have a skill issue clearly.
Combat can be a visual mess, your ui management is just shit.
What compels a man to do this? At that point just don't play the game.
Why are your quests center left of your screen or even open during pvp?
Also unless you are removing buffs off enemies then fix your name plates to defensives and things you are actually going to tranq.
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i'm getting bored
3 weeks
4 characters
0 world boss drops
hell yeah
1 word
Hmm. My item level is 634 in battlegrounds and arenas, the only content I care about. It seems that I've made the cut.
Listen anon, people on the forum are just now getting into Hallowfall. They have kids, wives, mistresses even.
The sex havers that fund this game don't care about us chuds that speed run the story mode, haven't touched a single side quest that wasn't relevant to player power.
Games not made for us anymore.
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gamer god alert
>be a part of the reason Slum shark price goes up by 100%

sorry not sorry
>temple of hotmogu
please god can i just win this retarded shit once?
>chuds that speed run the story mode
I was just trying to get the earthen race for the transmogs
apparently its right behind fdk but the 'tubers fudded the shit out of it so no invites
i just got a heroic 1h from a dawnbreaker tho so ill just play prot for my vault ig
every video ive seen of bear in high keys shows them almost spamming the fuck out of iron fur.
and they should be popping CDs on pull, no point saving them for "just in case". Just pop barkskin on pull, spam iron fur (its off the GCD for a reason) and hit frenzied.
i mean, if you're really lazy you could almost macro iron fur into your rage generators. I've seen people recommend binding it to mousewheel up/down for that reason.

10 of the top 40 keys are guardian druids and there might have been more if Dorki wasn't autistically spamming his warrior. But guardian is very well represented in the top keys
doing echos gives a decent amount but that requires radiants which only drop from bountiful chests which require fucking keys
nice lfr parses
thinking of going back to the beginning and doing all the story quests all the way until Dragonflight
valdrakken > dornogal
kek what did you do? I was selling these for like 800 gold earlier today
One word
How are Horde men supposed to resist this?
Would it be worth me, or can I omen craft a 616-619 head to round out my 4 set if I've already got 3 hero pieces? I haven't been able to get a good head to drop and still have sparks left. My existing head is still the renown reward so it'd be a huge upgrade.
literally wrong. dornogal is top tier
>do heroic dungeons to fill out missing gear slots on fresh alt
>half the dungeons in the queue are from another expansion
I'm playing War Within not Faggot Lands. These dungeons suck
dorgonal has better aesthetic but valdrakken had the perfect location for everything
She loses to worgen on purpose
Oribos still hasn't been topped.
bunch of peanutbrains that cannot into verticality LOL
I wish a girl (XX) would top me.
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I just found out one of my favorite games is getting shut down... Will WoW ever shut down?
>everything is scattered all over the place like a retard designed the city (because a retard did design the city)
>all the useful stuff is centralized like a normal person designed the city
think you might just be the aforementioned retard
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best addon
What game anon?
>>everything is scattered all over the place like a retard designed the city (because a retard did design the city)
I think you may be the retard........
is melee hunter in sod still viable?
goddamn bud what's your estrogen dosage at!
Yes wow will shutdown in official capacity someday. It's likely we're closer to that day than the release of wow right now.
They aren't. Neither do alliance women
it's a total trash mode has has been for years unfun and gamebreaking in all regards but blizzard won't update it take it out of the rotation or anything until some faggot on reddit makes a 900+ upvote thread about it
So is Alliance dominating PvP because of racials, or because of Deus Vult culture?
Because alliance attracts whites and asians while horde attracts the rest
Yes, everything sells at a loss now. The only hope in Jewelcrafting would be selling rank 5 rings/ammies but you are a month behind and no one would care by the time you could max your prof out.
they were like 500 last week, been chopping low cutters and drove to price to 1500
it used to be that small BGS belonged to the horde and large BGS belonged to alliance. Is it no longer this way?
so the sissy races?
good to know
>sitting up on higher elevation that's a pain in the ass to fly up to if you're coming from waking shores or plains
>multiple levels
>everything is spread out all over the city
>some areas of the city are barren
>filled to the brim with pointless NPCs cluttering screen on top of the players standing around
Its shit fuck you
horde has all the fucking south american retards
I play horde but only for the goblins
this but for female orcs
You the kind of goofy ahh that will defend the uldaman portal just being in some random building instead of next to all the other dungeon portals
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rate my elf
Tauren sleeve/10
In my experience Alliance dominates every small BG except for Kotmogu. Epic BGs are a coinflip but I find I lose Ashran most of the time as Ally.

I wouldn't be so sure. Metzen did say that the Worldsoul Saga would lead the game into the next 20 years of development.
She looks like she likes it when human females lick her belly
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is it over for me
If a rare NPC spawns and no player is around to hear it, does it still make a sound?
who was in the wrong here?
If there isn't another popular MMO in the next 20 years, I will be taking my own life
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Don't say that. What the fuck is wrong with you? What's wrong with playing WoW for the next 20 years?
expect more of the same. the major games are going to be the same stuff till a third gen of social novelty comes around. probably immersive VR ala The World in .hack

which took place almost 20 years ago
one day for sure but checking all the other mmos still around and classic being a literal money printer, it might take a long time for a real death
Dude I wanted to get carried, not be a part of a hecking wholesome progress group.
all the boomers that carried horde are either no longer playing or in classic/private servers
One word
nobody was in the wrong
whichever one is you
and if it's neither still you
it's true. i know people that still have valdrakken as their hearthstone because it's way more convenient to craft there. mailbox is right outside of the auction house too instead of oddly placed 2 seconds out the door. even if that distance might be the same due to the large size of the valdrakken auction house, it's uncomfortable and ugly. Dornogol auction house is cramped.
pvp racials
anyone who actually cares about pvp switched to alliance

imagine you're doing blitz like EotS and you converge to fight in the middle. In the middle of the fight, one team can immediately cleanse all poisons, bleeds, curse and magic effects with the push of a button, or can remove all snares/slows. The other team can not.
All else being equal, who do you think wins that fight? Now imagine that the same team can do it every.single.fight.
For fun :)!
Horde has something like a 30% win rate if you look at the actual REFlex data. anyone who says its 50/50 or "just your experience" is clueless and ignorant
Only way we see anything new is if a major world event happens in the next 10 years and populations are decreased. Society needs to be reset because the only next step is as you said full VR
>Because alliance attracts whites
So it's racial. Got it.
the toxic fucking retarded jaded 20 year old that is the reason I avoid grouping in online games these days like the plague?
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>tune into liquid
>they all die at 60%
>hit an ad
>very cool
>tune into echo
>ad immediately
>brute force through the ad
>re-run stream
>very cool
>tune into method
>re-run stream
>ad plays after 6 seconds
perfection. elves are meant to be in light clothing
how are you guys making gold?
That's the secret anon. I'm not
>ally wins a bit more
>hardcore pvpers go to ally for that small advantage
>the devide grows massive
Simple as
The WoW Token, obviously
twitch-friendly adblockers have existed for years at this point, this one is on you
Once VR is advanced enough to be cheap and playable and not a complete gimmick then there will no need for MMOs
concentrating spellthreads/alchemicalchaos/temperedpotion/culminating blasphemite witih r2 materials
making roughly 200k on tuesday with a mid week 50-100k sprinkled in depending on rng from multicrafts
its a bitch because im burning 30 flasks a week and i dont have a whetstone crafter either
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BMbros...this was supposed to be our xpac...
>light clothing
But, sir. She is clearly wearing dark clothing
nice parody post, made me laugh
>liquidshit at 110 pulls
>still haven't gotten below 60%
turning rank 1 mats into rank 3 enchants

i also have 4 characters with 6 gathering professions among them
lmao looks like I found one, you think that's really cute acting like a faggot in chat everywhere you go but you're just killing everything enjoyable in life slowly you spineless reject
>1 hour in the dick flattening factory will net 270k gold
I'm never farming gold in game
I work (play wow on work laptop) for 20 minutes which rewards me nearly 300k gold. I make roughly 1m/hr give or take
post avatar
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Are Liquid hard stuck?
Maybe your fun wouldn't be ruined if you weren't such a thin skinned bitch?
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nobody fucking cares. what is this bullshit anyways? is this supposed to be a race of retards? raids have been out for weeks
I haven't watched RWF since SL
Is it still Limit v Echo only and everyone else priced out?
mythic difficulty opened last week broski
you are the thin skinned one, someone acts pleasant in chat and you can't deal with it because your life is shit, I know exactly what you are, it's the same as high school
There's 2 intermissions where you do 0 damage to the boss in a row
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>want to tank
>don't want to learn routes or pulls
how to get around this? Is there a spastics addon that has an arrow that literally holds my hand and points at shit for me to aggro?
delves are boring 2bh(twobh)
>max progs 3 phases in a single day
>echo still shows them on "p1" because they are salty about wiping to farm for 5 hours yesterday
I just don't get it, Elder Poa
The harder one fights for memorable victories the less often one occurs
so it's been an entire week? shouldn't korean chinamen have done it on the first day?
im in the diapercord if u wanna dm me
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>NA /wowg/ guild
>GLOBO FOMO - Moon Guard

How do I join? Is there someone who can invite me?
>you are the thin skinned one
>no u!!!!
Brilliant retort. I don't go around being shitty, but your post was just seriously pathetic and icked me the fuck out. You can't change random people, but you can do something about the fact that you are a thin skinned snowflake eunuch bitch. Grow the fuck up
this isn't FFslop piss easy raiding, sweety
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Anons what's a good horde server in NA?
>inb4 playing horde
shush, I just wanna play an orc and do some casual raiding+dungeons. Maybe clear a heroic raid if I get around to it.
you apply via world of warcraft
Emerald Dream if you're central time
Hook a sister up?
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deer god..
What isn't cross faction yet? Open world content and queued stuff right?
How do I do that? I saw there was the guild search interface, but I couldn't find any guild by that name.

Sorry if this is a stupid question please bear with me I am kind of retarded
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>liquid about to go to sleep
>100+ pulls but still the same % as echo
>echo is about to wake up

uh no max sissies..... another loss on the horizon.
Is this a dead by daylight reference?
Any advice for a new player?
All the gear stuff now that I'm in TWW is a bit confusing. I got pvp sets, how do I get good pve armor? I'm talking 600+.

My only profession I actually utilize is skinning, I vendor or auction most items. I'm now in TWW but still not done with it. I got to do the Illidan raid and got some gear out of that but it was too long for me to enjoy it more than once.

Any advice?
it will be in a few weeks. remember when they nerfed a boss by 1% and it caused an apology from the devs?
I love Ansurek.
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Why is felo melorne the same height as a blood elf?
i watched the guild leader sit around on his gryphon mount for 30 minutes in Hallowfall some time ago. he moved to another spot a few yards ahead and stayed there for at least 15 minutes. i would have reported him for being a desperate attentionfag but i don't report
Twitch went through a fit within the last five years and tried to get around the ad blockers. So now it's a grab bag of stuff not working or just being auto-muters unless you got a working example
it isn't clever to act retarded
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hello max
get to 80 first if you haven't. then your first goal is to hit 567 so you can access LFR, a puggable raid mode. do world events to get caches, like the play, the machine speaker gauntlet thing, finding 10 wax things in the overworld, etc. find the big world boss. he's in ahj kahet this week

get everything you can from that. then start on delves. get as high as you can, rank 8 being your goal
>stare at character select screen for 20 minutes
>log out
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>stare at character select screen for 20 >cum
I don't think details counts fel devastation and I have no idea if it counts fiery brand. If it doesn't then the only thing it would count is meta and depending on key level he might not have felt the need to press meta ever which is possible unless he was dying and a retard. Also he would need to be aldrachi reaver for this not to be baseline stupid because felscarred makes meta a dps cd.
I'm actually impressed twitch managed to get through ublock but youtube hasn't. I'm scared of the day they get through too.
most dungeons are a straight line and you have to clear everything except 4-5 packs for completion % anyways. the only dungeon you actually have to learn a route for is Dawnbreaker. and if you dont know your own capabilities then just pull 1 pack at a time.
gb2 TikTok I fucking new you were a dumbass twenty something
you are nothing more than a subhuman piece of cultural entropy, you will never rise above it, you will be shit to people everywhere you go never take responsibility or rise above it instead losing everywhere you go because that's your true nature as a low iq subhuman
the internet used to be a fun pleasant place until you poor hick trailer trash and brownoids got a hold of it and now online games are full of pissed of wagies like you
Yeah, pretty much.
GLOBO FOMO guild leader is a lazy shitposting attentionwhore
>gets triggered by people being mean
>explodes in a fit of boomer retard rage at the slightest provocation
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'least it was 'fore I fucked everythang up.
>Ele sham

What the hell are my buttons supposed to be while levelling? Spam lightning bolt? Do you just not do anything outside of cooldowns?

What is this spec
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>types like this
>1 pack at a time
then everyone will yell at me for being slow and call me dumb (or worse)
>attempting to simplify everything until it has no meaning
>unable to see the bigger picture
literal shit for brains critical thinking skills
Great thanks. It looks like I'm on track. What is LFR? I've mostly just been doing Battlegrounds and timewalk. Am also still doing the Main Campaign.

Also, advice for gearing up an alt? I hit level 60 way too fast and now he's fucked and I can't afford the gear for lv70
late reply but another use for valorstones - upgrade all LFR gear to 597 to unlock the normal transmog version as well. you can do this for everything your armor class
>removed human rep racial
>replace it with 2 HS charges
>using a HS toy consumes both charges of your hearthstone
Holy fuck they can't do anything right
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I think he was griefing me. See his damage prevented.
peak ele shaman gameplay was spamming lightning bolt with lightning capacitor hoping to see an overload proc at the exact same time lightning cap proc'd at the same time another lightning bolt was fired resulting in blob of 3 lightning bolts all hitting at the same time. It was beautiful and we didnt need anything else.
neat. maybe ill actually start running LFR
Go look at his demon spike uptime
they really wont, you can time any key in the game doing that except really sweaty lv 10+ keys
that shit only happens in Heroics
I'll peek it tomorrow. What should it have been? like near 100% like ironfur/sotr and shit?
Damn you got all of that from my posts? Retarded AND a mentally ill delusional sperg. There is something deeply cringy about an impotent boomer TV drone sperging out at the younguns on the internet
>want to tank
>don't want to do 1 of the 2 things tanks have to do
Stay out of my keys nigger
nobody watched cutscenes and it took nearly 3 weeks for people to even know 'xalatath feet'. nobody reads quests. nobody fucking cares about this character.
no space, was namechanged
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I think she's cool
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wtf is blizzard doing?
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Race/class for this feel?
ive ready every quest text in TWW including side quests. I also <stayed a while and listened> to it all. and all cutscenes of course

I'm also ilvl 612 with a M+ score of 1900 currently and T11/?? Zekvir done.

Rope is cheaper then a WoW sub.
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Is kek useful for anything good other than just toys and pokemon?
Bunch of recipes from city of threads vendors
do the campaign quests. you should have a full set of TWW leveling gear by the time you hit ringing deeps
How realistic is it to get to 1200 PvP rating solely through solo queuing if I've been playing for six-ish years but have never liked PvP or practiced it?
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>Have to do 8 delves per character
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what am I doing wrong here
i haven't cared about anything that happened in wow's story since the lich king

i just wanna blast the horde, nahmeen?
searching for a guild that has trans rights flags in its discord, which picked a name that lost a poll on community name choice
Just farm Zekvir
1200 in BG blitz is pretty easy even if you're bad. the speed depends a lot on your spec though, unholy dk/mm hunter/disc/preservation/feral/affliction/mistweaver/fury war are ez mode whereas fire mage is ultra nightmare mode
They fucked up femBelf's weapon scaling in Legion. I forget which patch, but I have the screenshots of when it happened.
I really despised it, god I did. They were the only race with decently sized weapons in the game, and now it's dead.
your insults are empty and make no sense anymore, please continue getting your brain melted by TikTok, it's funny
Isn't Anduin a priest/paladin? Seems like a perfect thing for a starving lion.
>whereas fire mage is ultra nightmare mode
Fuck me, how did you know?
well, is there another guild I should be joining?
donr kare niggar
>and make no sense anymore
Getting slow with old age. Tell me, what would your grand children think if they saw you getting destroyed on the internet like this?
is this nigga going to be fine?
just swap to frost, the pain isn't worth it
are you alliance? idk if guilds are cross faction
>resorts to claiming he's winning now by the council of me and I
concession accepted
or just farm two
yeah, my character is alliance. Was I supposed to roll horde?
Human warrior.

A proud and noble lion, reduced to a moving carcass, neglected and barely given scraps.
obviously they would be my keys, my group and you were never invited anyway
>hunting animals is cruuuuell
>meanwhile in nature
Pipe down
Take the L
And be humble

You just got dabbed on big time
so are upgraded gathering tools a good investment of artisan acuity?
Youtube did a test run of the same ad system twitch uses and they stopped it as quickly as they started it because it just caused people to click off. Even if you don't watch ads, they can still collect data on you and what your interests are and sell it, so keeping your ass on-site is still value for them.
Twitch doesn't get that kind of value from you leaving asmongold's stream open for 8 hours so they would much rather spam you with ads to try and annoy you into paying for a sub or just chasing you off so their server costs go down.
you're both retarded spastics
shut the fuck up and have sex
GM didnt readd guild to Guild Finder since name change, i could do it or i can just inv u
>hunting all the savannah deer to starve the lions to death
The most based hunting strategy
only real poster in this entire general
Either works for me. My character's name is Elswyss
what is this weakaura trying to tell me? weekly dungeon quest 0/1. but i did it it was for the city of threads.
shit addon kill yourself
you didnt beat the game
Can you please wash my back while i commune with the machine?
have they said anything about making raid skips account wide?
roll tank since ours ragequit lol
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suck my dick
one of the devs that worked on servers said something vague about realms a few weeks back but he might've just been talking about tww launch
wouldnt surprise me if they kill a bunch of realms or do something drastic
Is it the stone of the hearth? I know it is bugged and can be used as a second hearthstome for anyone if you don't use it first. I doesn't share a cooldown with other hearthstone unless you use it
unironically me in the game now
>too old, reactions too slow to keep up with the game
>subsisting on delves, normal raids, +2s and random bgs
>7 level 80s, all between 595 and 605 ilvl from picking at the scraps of content
it's over
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i dont understand how blizzard fucked this season up so bad for mythic plus
i KNOW that im in the top 1% for ilvl but i literally have to pretend im 600 ilvl and people are taking pity on me when i get invited
i just dont understand it
99% of humanity shouldnt exist
theyre worthless and should literally fucking die
I miss BFA
what I really mean is I miss the setting and 8.3 the greatest WoW patch of all time
>Fury getting nerfed again
Good. Get this fotm rerollers out of my spec.
i did my opener because i didnt think the tank would pull more mobs and he scolded me for it; so i decided to just not do any more mechanics and made it their problem
are weekly quests per character or per warband? also are coffer keys warbound or per character?
you shouldve told him he was a shitter
the amount of tanks that are just complete fucking shit this season is insane
like ive died to melee more than actual fucking mechanics
and lost more timers because of shitty routes than ever before
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I do not know what a Warband is and im too scared to ask.
it's not age, it's laziness
it's 'bind on account' but with makeup
Every tank is overpulling every dungeon...
Whenever you want, I didn't wanna forget
if they dont, the DPS just gets bored and runs ahead and starts pulling more mobs anyways or you get the healer yelling GOOOOO

if it were up to tanks we would pull 1 pack a time like god intended
I felt the same at fist, but slowly, I'm crawling through the mud and now I'm doing 4s and 5s with randoms, and 1600 rating in soloQ RBG.
Especially the RBGs are surprisingly fun, queues are shorter, people are playing to win, and you are guaranteed to enter a fresh match, so all literally the opposite of what random BGs are.
I don't want to redo them on my alt. Is that the only choice?
maybe its bugged dud
they had toothpicks same with fem draenei
meanwhile fem humies had weapons fit for a tauren
based and true
you just have to do t8 delves for vault. they don't have to be bountiful.
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>telogrus rift
>(alliance territory)
its the only way aside from crafting it yourself or buying it
what does farming zekvir get you?
Lootwise? Nothing. The shortest delve, that counts as a t8, if you can clear him in a reasonable time however

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