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Funny leviathan edition

>I have a question about Monster Hunter!

>MH Wilds
Wilds Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/wilds/en-us/
Steam page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2246340/Monster_Hunter_Wilds/
New weapon trailers: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7z-ZXbhfoKEO9jJv7a-bG7UcHGTCX5uH
Release Date trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0dJpKRWYNkE

>MH Rise
Sunbreak TU Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/rise-sunbreak/update/en-us/
Hunter Connect: https://pastebin.com/Tp9t570y
Armor Set Search: https://mhrise.wiki-db.com/sim/?hl=en
Monster Weakness Database: https://robomeche.github.io/MHRise-Database/

>MH World
Iceborne Info: https://www.monsterhunter.com/world-iceborne/
World is now Steam Deck verified! https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/582010/view/3738609511464820653
General Info: https://pastebin.com/uCazCZBf

>Older Game Emulation and Multiplayer/Frontier


>Where does /vg/ play?
Post the game, platform, room code, and password (7243/rage)

>/mhg/ OP pastebin (use this when making new threads)

Previous thread: >>495947252
I love huntresses
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They took this away from you for a boring brown sandy desert
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what ubisoft game is this
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>brown and sandy desert
Should feel right at home poomar
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>take a quick look at a Twitchcon video of streamers playing the Wilds demo
>they spend like half the time looking at the chat and responding to people

God I fucking hate Capcom.
These streamer cunts get to access to the demo but players like me who love the franchise and will treat any 30 minutes I get to play Wilds' demo as if it was the most important 30 minutes of my life won't get to play it.
Assassin Creed: Poo In the Loo
Thinking about making a huntress for Wilds.
I'm sure you will love it rajeesh
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On my way to find the choco.
waifu or self insert?
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My fellow hunters, those of you who once played as male characters have a duty. The NPCs in this game are ugly trolls, and as such the playerbase must rise to the occasion to provide ample slutty waifus for the community. We must all make the hottest, must scantily clad bodacious babes we can muster. If not for yourself, do it for your fellow man.
No idea
hunter better be named slickback
Tranny self insert it is!
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>le everything in Wildz environment is le brown!!!!!!
This shitty talking point doesn't work anymore little bingbro. Try something else.
rise bad
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me on the right when thingken bout choco huntresses
But I- ack!
capcom wants to take this away from you
boycott wilds
learn how 4chan works reddit bro and take this 4chan gold upvote as a prize for being new
4U When am I supposed to do those dlc episode quests you get from the cat inside the house?
im not reading anything from someone who still cant figure out how to install his titty mods.
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>capcom wants to take this away from you
they will try
Okay /mhg/
Handler or Blacksmith
rise just makes me physically sick
do you think they..?
a lot of people are scared of heights, it's nothing to be ashamed of
it's very brave of you to come out and share your irrational fears with us
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every night
it's more the dogshit re engine switch graphics
>gravios key quest
>in volcanic hollow

holy double whammy of absolute garbage
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>those textures
Your Morsel Bowfish?
So you aren't going to buy Wilds because it's using the same engine?
yeah exactly re engine is dogshit
was world really as well received as the community states
no we fucking hate it
Yeah we fucking love it.
Yeah, just look at the player numbers
Yes because it wasn't made to run on a PS2 unlike rice
World good
Iceborne on the other hand, really bad
You are not allowed to give advice
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my wife
Your Poise?
World is pretty cool but then Banbaro gets teleported across the sea to the Ancient Forest so it can spam that fucking tree charge for Iceborne
With what kind of huntress?
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Choco meat is back on the menu!
uhh it's actually because umm shara's earthquakes caused ancient caves and tunnels to open up, releasing banbaro from their earthen prisons
It's annoying that I can't just call Raging Brachy a nigger anymore because someone will come out and say he's actually fair. I DON'T CARE ABOUT WORLD. HE'S A FILTHY FUCKING NIGGER IN 4U.
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I'm so fucking druk wilds is gonna be amazing bros
skill issue
I wish for all gooners to die of autoerotic asphyxiation
Post your proofs right fucking now you stupid faggot
Does wilds have mounted combat yet? I just want to rush a diablos with a lance on birdback.

And I mean, I only want the lance to be able to do it.
Needs the finger pointing for the meme to be good
you can attack while mounted but it just seems like a cool hey you can do this thing and is not viable long term thing
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as long as you're the one administering the asphixiating daddy
video? And is it a joust attack?
why is she fat
why are you posting tumbloid libtard fatfag art
uh watch any of the footage from the past 6 months and I dunno about lance but most weapons have been doing it
stick to elden ring if you want mounted combat I guess
are you high?
you are mr gay
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first mod i am going to make for PC is
>block crossplay with PS5
that is all
uh oh
looks like I've pissed off the international union of architects
>wilds trailer and news
>mhg still just erp
Made me chuckle
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I'd appreciate if people would add buff icons.
you will never be a woman
why would I ever want to be something as disgusting as a woman
perhaps you're projecting a wee bit
Finally gonna pick up MHW while its on sale. Is the Iceborne edition any good? It has mixed reviews on steam
yep I hit the nail on the head
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nigger that is textbook hourglass literal catwalk models from the 90s are built like that. There's no universe where that can be called fat unless the only woman you've ever seen in your life is Betty Boop.
see >>496033935
w*men should all be put to death, especially the disgusting fat pigs like that
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Is there no decent SnS gameplay yet?
I like club SnS
oh xhe mad
/pol/ or 4kids might be more your speed we hunt yian kut-kus around here
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I love him so much.
how the fuck do I fight the god damn snake? he fucking 2 taps me each time and I have no idea where to hit except for his shitty claws and back spike
definitely my most hunted monster
the perfect punching bag
also that 100 wyvern requirement
basic gravios?
take bombs
Black gravios?
Make a Lao set
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The simple fact of the matter is that Men are beautiful while women are not.
Especially not fat cows
I'm not gay though

speaking of fire monsters I can't wait for Gravios to return
you will never fit in
>perfect teacher
>perfect practice monster
He is peak Monster Hunter.
*wildly pecks the ground you were at five seconds ago*
I still can't believe iceborne brought back garuga and nobody cared even though he was on steroids
Surely we will get kut-ku in wilds
garuga got his gimmick powerscaled out
he used to be a stupid faggot asshole with instacharges and retarded wind pressure but fifth gen is too easy mode and takes all the life out of him
fighting dalamadur btw
Yeah I guess but he still kicked my ass in the arena when I was farming for those faggot coins
Bloodbath gear is so cool. A shame that all Bloodbath weapons and armor are shit.
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It is fucking over
I feel like there isn't enough bombs you can take for gravios. I have barrel bomb, bomb +, bounce bomb, bounce +, time bomb and i can hit every single one of those and it doesn't even break its stomach
>my hunter no longer nods his head silently in cutscenes
>my cat doesn't meow anymore, he speaks in plain English
it's really over bros
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Think he's pretty well liked in general for IB but like other anon said, he's pretty much scaled out well before you actually encounter the guy in the game and the tempered version being Scarred as a variant now also meant you're not likely to see much of either one. I still love the guy anyway but he definitely feels a bit like a fanservice inclusion for IB.
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>he isn't a solo hunter
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reminder, Wilds LOST
idk try mounting twice
First time i just focusing the tail during the first half, when you do enough damage and it starts doing weird stuff you run to the other side of the arena, climb to its claw or head then go back to the tail when you get kicked off

second half when it starts glowing, idk what to say just dodge and try to hit its neck any small opportunity you get
bug people are retarded manchilds
mount him and break his back and then mount him again and you'll be on his stomach and can break it instead
why all main characters are woman?
where's the pokemon collab
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I should probably try mounting, I have not tried to mount a monster or even tried to do jump attacks since I switched to Swaxe which was at like HR 5. Getting jump attacks is only reliable when sheathed and i don't want to be sheathed
you can roll off a cliff to get one unsheathed
I think after the first back break, he rolls onto his belly and you stab that
roll over a ledge
switch to aerial
Why are you linking to that faggot Kogath's account instead of the official Bandai trailer?
Or is that you Kogath? You're an insufferabl faggot, you know that, right?
does switch axe have aerial hunter arts?
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Good hunts! Lumu is 3/16.

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>you need aiming now
>with melee weapons
Do I have to switch to a keyboard and mouse now?
you don't

Unfortunately, the version of digimon they're selling is only available in japan for whatever reason. The color ones.

I know this because an unhealthy impulse buy a few months ago.
I already know you're a shitter why do you need me to prove it?
Yeah its just awkward, I always whiff even with big body gravios
I'm too retarded to switch styles, if they didn't change the moves and combos available to you I would switch styles more
The only weapon that actually need precise aim is Bow, but no one plays that here
>no one plays bow here
challenge mcfucking accepted
>Stiggy and brute tigrex arena
>I can do this
>they spawn at the same time
>oh I'll put up the wall
>no prompt
>I'll wait for the wall...
>15 mins pass
>no wall
I don't think I can solo this
recommend me a weapon to play in GU that's not a sword
I was talking about wilds(seemed obvious). The game literally tells you to go into aim mode and aim for wounds.
dual blades
I played bow on controller it's not that bad
4th gen bow though....
hammer my beloved
What's the problem with 4th gen bow
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Great Mace
feels clunkier for some reason, power shots were harder to land
you will press 1 button to go into focus mode for about 2 seconds to do a focus attack on a wound like twice a hunt
you don't need mouse precision for that
>2nd gen maps
Oh no they took away complete garbage
valor, adept or striker
that's two swords
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>Guild K***ht preorder bonus
I warned you
I hate the guild
I hate the guild
I hate the guild
>valor, adept or striker
go play gu right now you stupid fivoid
>valor, adept, striker
None of those
you should have already been adjusting your camera mid-animation since you can't do anything else anyway, nothing changes
I'm not playing aerial
does guild just have a move that is core for hammer or something
All you need are 3P and SP/Uppercut so yes
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I wish Maplestory didn't sour me on daggers.

I'm gonna try Dual Blades, but if I don't like it... I'm gonna stop!
cats can't hold swords
can you opposite hand weapons?
I suppose the tonfa is kind of like that, so yeah.
No idea what a tonfa is.

Can I sheath and wield my longsword with a mirrored stance?
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Is this based?
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>spent 10 minutes hunting rajang
>about to win
>power cuts off
noooooooooooooooooo fuck off
did you not see how they added homing arrows?
Yea. Three of those and you've met your health boost minimum while getting halfway through agi.
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heh nothin personel kid
Wait, does Fatty's set automatically gove me Health Boost 3?
I think it gets sideslap, which is the fastest path to golfswing
Alchemy Hammer is basically the same but you get 3 arts plus the silly barrel
Wilds Bow gets auto-tracking arrows so not even then
Rangedfags. What's the verdict Fun/effective/forgiving? Bow/HBG/LBG? Lifelong meleechad. Want to branch before wilds.
he electrocuted your power lines
>Three of those and you've met your health boost minimum
>health boost 3
you mean hes maxed out
No, I mean health boost 3 is minimum for deco's in general. Except for unique cases and speedruns, vitiality gives you the most bang for your buck by far on any deco.
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>have to use a macro for perfect rush because my hands are too slow

Depends on the game but LBG is the easiest to use out of the three. HBG is slower but usually does the most DPS out of the three. Bow in the newer games are pretty decent but it drains stamina super quick like DB so you to make a special gear for it.
bow is not a ranged weapon
lbg is gay
hbg is the only manly and fun actual ranged weapon
but you cant go over 3
Use gun with highest raw and lots of Normal 2, aim for those weakspots
No, but you shouldn't be putting other decos in unless you have max vitality. That's my point. It's the minimum entry once you're using materia.
SHANT be watching this
this is so fucking bad
rice was a warning to us
girls do get it done!
>IGN is almost 30 years old and it still can't figure out that it needs to hire journalists who actually know how to play videogames
>marvelslop voice quips
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I love huntresses
>what is critical distance
>gets like 1 fade slash out the whole video the rest just y combos
>Where is the setting to change it to "journalist mode difficulty?"
>What do you mean you can't change the difficulty setting
oh wow, it's actually gonna run like shit
>wilds announced to have cross play between PC/PS/Xbox
>People here upset they can't run the game on their PC

Just how bad is your PC? Sounds like it's time to get a PlayStation lmao
>the same generic trumpets as in morloborne
>wilds announced to have cross play between PC/PS/Xbox
when was this announced?

also pic: can't wait for grounding pods to work 1 time per quest, capcom trynna give me hope we can get raths to stop fucking flying
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Console cost more than PC thoughbeit
>forgets pic
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You're cat, stop playing mh and go eat a mouse, stupid
just hit your flash bombs lol!
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>Hit mons
>Numbers come out
>No blood or effect or anything
>Fucking 30 fps gameplay

It is actually fucking over
>cross-play can be enabled/disabled in the in-game options
my money's on this not working and innocent pc players being forced to interact with console peasants
>Doesn't know most people gloating about being apart of the "pc master race" are rocking 8 year old hardware.
Pretty sure the most popular gpu on steam is a fucking rtx 3060. Most people have PC that can barely outpace a ps5.
>cheat platform
Femboy Hunters
Tomboy Huntresses
It just hope it doesnt work like Elden ring
>We have two servers
>The servers are Japan and the rest of the world
I can run it, it's just going to have to be at 30 FPS like consoles.
God I hope not.
>be me
>45 year old video game journalist
>never played monster hunter but layoffs hit hard so reviewing on ps5pro
>call for backup
>rank 1 hunter joins
>naked with tits juggling out from mods he secretly installed on your system through packet injection
>stunlocks the poor bullfango that carted me twice with khezu wobbly black dragon dildo hammer
>my hunter starts reciting chadwardenn wiimote rant as he disconnects from the game without carving
>hands shaking I turn cross play off
>it happens again
>mfw it doesn't work and I'm forced to play with pcheaters with tranny mods and chinks with 999,999 damage weapons
mr captures should unlock hr/lr arenas and there should be a fucking way to check which arenas you havent completed yet this is fucking ass
it gives you health boost 6 and stamina boost 6
is alchemy even that fun to learn
PS5 is sub 30fps low 20s, what the fuck are you talking about? Maybe the PS5 pro will be able to handle it at a decent framerate but you might as well get a new GPU
>could farm shagaru easily with even weaker gear
>go back after hunting other elders
>triple cart
I am not getting a console that is gonna be obsolete in like 5 years with no game released ever again. PC is the future, only tards buy play stations
They're easier but that doesn't mean they don't kill you in two hits.
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>cross play
>gonna join console lobbies with 1 hit mods and carry complete shitters to endgame and leave them for others to enjoy hunting with :^)
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>There are people here who did not beat village alatreon and earn the guild sweethearts love before the release of Wilds.
if you're not the best at the game, Alchemy can add some spice to quests
I like to go as long as I can without using any items not made from the barrel. the immunizer will keep you healed up as long as you don't get hit too much and you can upgrade your SP state so that it heals you over time and adds other effects
prioritize making alchemy boost and keeping it up so your barrel will almost contstantly be primed and ready to make shit. Make Alchemy slicks to multiply your earplugs, immunizers, whetstones, etc. Feels good to end a quest and only have used like two mega potions
>guild thought that part of the world to be uninhabited
>in a world where building sized monsters can live inside lava or change the environment around them
Why don't they just go with some grimdark plot and be more serious? Fucking MH Stories starts with whole village getting killed.
for some weapons it's fun
for some (GS) it deliberately gimps your moveset for a silly gimmick (you also get a wide slash combo, the origin of Surge Slash's horizontal Slash combo, but doing the entire combo is STILL weaker than just doing a normal charged slash)
heard it's great on Swaxe tho.
take it as you will.
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I just want goofy monhun to be back. I don't need all of these faggotry "revenge for muh village" or "to preserve the balance of the world" bullshit

"That mon looks kind of cunty, i bet it would make a nice hat" is enough for me
gonna mod all the snoy huntresses
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>there are people whose first mh was 4 ultimate
>there are people that will pay for and play wilds
>they probably payed for and played World
I beat that fucker when I was 12 or something and didn't understand the concept of armor skills (I was retarded)
you sound jeet and poor and smelly
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>started with mhf1
>still shit at the game
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>started with 3U
>solo'd my way through 3U, GU, Iceborne, and Sunbreak
>still fucking job to Tobi
kushala and teostra have appeared too often lately, they're the jobbers of the elder dragons
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Hunter needs less talking more grunting
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I am pretty sure they are gonna make Nami one of the elder because they could just port shit directly from world this time

The other elders are just too problematic
>Lao shan lung, Darmadurr
>Too huge, beside nobody fucking like siege / raid
>Tsukami, Narkarkos
>New model, unlikely
>Amatsu, Shagaru, Valstrax
>Not for baby's first elder

So the basic five elders and Nami, i guess. Maybe they will shake it up and add Luna instead of Teostra this time
Then wtf is Rathalos and Diablos? The flagship jobbers?
Bitch get a grip, monster are there to be hunted.
>I just want BING
No, I a glad Capcom is going with a more dark approach with the A team. You can get BING with IchiBingnose.
What I love about Wilds is it exposed the turd worlders which surprisingly enough are running 10 year old toasters
I can't wait for the playable monster in Gen 6 portable
>"That mon looks kind of cunty, i bet it would make a nice hat"
This was never EVER a main plot point in monhun, it was always unrelated quests
In fact, it still is. They never stopped making quests with goofy descriptions.
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thanks for the hunts everyone, see you next time!
>get +3 hard armor spheres
>I only need heavy not hard
>oh I'll use it on the ONE (1) relic CB I found
>upgrade once using advance
>it jumps to heavy
>try safi using unagumented LBG and shitty unagumented armor
>don't even have an +2 attack gem from the set builder
>play like ass
>don't even use mantels that well
>get both bolder drops in area 1
>second area gets a S. star to drop before time out
wow this is easy
I have fun
Does anything else matter?
meaningless buzzword
How do I know which mods are just visual adjustments and not trying to pump cheat values?

I want more visible shineys.
What Monster is your nemesis?
Not your favorite, your eternal enemy
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This game is filled with ugly pajeets, it makes World look good.
Jhen. Fuck that guy. Fuck him and his fat flabby mouth.
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>What Monster is your nemesis?
>Not your favorite, your eternal enemy
>he believes there will be a portable
This is a personal attack against me and I hate you for it.
Damn I hope we can hunt this monster.
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Kill every whale fucking shit.
>La creatura negra retardado
>all these people salty at more female NPCs
>browsing nexus mods
>the first 5 pages of popular all time are slutty apparel and huge tits mods for females
They know exactly what they're doing by making every NPC female.
>Suddenly shilling Stories again

But why?

Funny enough, i was gonna get this to play on phone. Is the world moving according to my will?
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*obliterates your fucking ship*
Itchynose is probably working on MH6 Portable right now as we speak. And he's likely up to no good as usual, such as finding yet another way to sneak in heat gauge to Gunlance for the third time, or figuring out how he can nerf guard skills even further.
You look at what files the mod has. Weapon stat modification in in the wp_dat files located in the common/equip folder. I don't quite remember but other stuff also goes here, such as skill data and crafting info. Monster data is in the em folder. If the mod doesn't modify any of those, then it's safe to assume that it doesn't "pump cheat values"
why is tigrex such a motherfucker
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Funny enough, the pajeets are the only good looking ones in that cutscene
I love huntresses
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>mh modders are terminally horny
any pictures?
Yes, but a ton of people here were shitting on it as soon as it was announced(or even rumored for that matter). Just console war cancer.
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Even my shitter ass can pull it off consistently from any angle, it is just tap guard - release and press back+circle at the same time - triangle.
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>capcom characters look good in one frame, but then look like absolute shit in the next frame etc.
It keeps happening.
post 50
See what ends up happening is that I end up doing the charge slash instead sometimes because I press Y either too late or slightly too early
Real people also look goofy under the wrong angle. That's how faces and 3d objects in general work.
Just tap triangle as soon as you jump backwards, this will always make you perfect rush
Sure, but it is very blatant in the newer capcom games, compared to other video games.
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>poojeet region
>everyone looks like a fugly nigger
I mean, Tri and 3U had the same of gayfish people. Yes, I know it is once again a pozzed woke turdskin quota fulfillment by shadow kike overlord mandate, but all I give a single shit about is cool GS and Hammer models to swing and beat monsters up with.
Also, I wonder why is the focus on the diarrhea creatures when most media goes for ugly niggers in their jew mandate.
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>World is 51.21GB
>Rise is 34.36GB
>Wilds will be 140GB (just for the base game, not even including however many GBs they'll add for the G-Rank/MR expansion).
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>The game is 140 GB because they added all of World's mon models in
>The game is 140 GB because Capcom is full of fucking retards and the game gets interrupted every 3 minutes to play a high definition cutscene

Which way now? But i think you already knew
The game is 140GB because 4K textures come installed by default even though most players will need DLSS/FSR to even run it in 1080p.
Also sound files bloat, imagine all the player and palico voicelines (for every voice preset, in every language).
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I'm guessing it's in part because each map is going to be the size of 3 World maps.
...What 4k texture?
>But i think you already knew
I know what I'm smelling. It's the fumes from seething bingshits like (you) desperately trying to figure out any possible angle you can use to shit on Wilds.
Having map that huge sounds retarded. Especially given the rail road nature of the game where you MUST find a singular fucking mon to advance the story
The ones that made World go from 50GB to 100GB even though most of the terrain still looked blurry.
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when is the nintentroon mass suicide livestream? their posts are getting predictable and stale
>13 is a huge empty barren asshole the size of every single other zones combined

Reddit LOVES Wilds
Twitter LOVES Wilds
Youtube LOVES Wilds
Resetera LOVES Wilds
Rllmuk LOVES Wilds
But 4chan sub boards HATE Wilds apparently
What is wrong with yall? Just being contrarian because Monster Hunter is popular now and fits in with the cool games like Horizon and Ubisoft games instead of clunky & tryhard esoteric japanese games?
*shoves you into the nearest locker*
demo when?
december at earliest
Gunlance is not very fun...
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Should I reinstall Iceborne and continue where I left off because thah game turned into a fucking slog OR try other some the other titles that are on PC?

Do they top worlds OST or story though: https://youtu.be/po_t8I9FC2Y
I love when things I enjoy start catering to the lowest common denominator.
isn't this how they work? at the start of the game the maps are huge like ancient forest (and the one in 4u i forgot) and they they just get smaller and smaller
Location for the Jhen pod mechanic. The big siege will be spearing not just the men, but the women and children too. Death to sand whale shits.
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Check out this 6.
Wilds is MH6.
World is MH5.
>>there are people whose first mh was 4 ultimate
world is my first mh game, wilds will be my second
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I don't mind the size... as long as the game actually runs well. Even if it requires SSD storage
Unfortunately, it's not looking like it will be properly optimized

I genuinely hope they prove me wrong, and it runs like a dream
Especially because it seems like this is their most ambitious MonHun yet
... Worst case scenario, the game gradually gets updates and stabilizes like World does years later, I guess
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>HBG, Hammer and LS are featured on the cover art
>no GS
GSbros, we lost our main character status.
every title is on pc except now
>LS at the back trying to cut the tail
Deeply unrealistic splash.
I played bow before rice AMA
The GS player is flying from the mon's chain attack
Brainlet here.
What causes a monster to move to another area?
Is it after its rage or is there a timer to it?
It is either because you
A. Got its HP to a certain threshold
B. It has a set time limit to stay in one zone

Both apply
You know that one guy you hunt with that doesn't shower very often? Monster can smell it too.
/v/ keeps saying the wilds will be the dragons dogma 2 of monster hunter


what does that mean exactly?
I means you can't play Wilds unless you have a good PC with 4070 or higher GPU to play at minimum 60fps without stuttering.
*on medium
*with frame generation
I haven't kept up with the news but do we know the drawbacks to focus mode?
>play like a retard after getting all augments for LBG
>still get a double limb break
The skill True Razor Sharp/Spare Shot has activated.
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No best feeling
But which one should I try? Rise?
I hope the wilds locations have plenty of secret paths and shortcuts. Always enjoyed that part of monhun.
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Any game with facial animation is like that, actually.
In the older games the faces barely moved or had expression so they looked the same no matter what.
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It's his turn
>Artillery shells you from across the map
I get you, but it does seem like Capcom has a hard time doing good looking facial expressions in cutscenes in their newer games. World and Rise has this problem.
Every day I wake up thinking about Wilds
It's become a prawnblem (purple crab minster reveal WHEN)
so story is going to be about finding arkveld kidnapped babies and jeet-kun parents had it coming, right?
Fucking Akira slide.
It's got a lot of advantages built-in right? Are there any downsides or can you just use that if you want?
The downside is you'd spend the entire game claw gripping
Also you literally don't need to focus that often. If you're already smacking the head what does it do for you?
I guess that you have to "tenderize" it first and can only pop each wounds once? They count?
>Also you literally don't need to focus that often.
I want to focus as often as possible cause it looks cool, I'm planning to run GS for the first time in Wilds because of it.
>actual open world
I'm hype. Do you guys think there will be a feature like in MGS5 when Snake stays out there for too long and is all stinky and showers at the base?
I didn't really feel it in Rise, probably 'cuz the models are just generally simpler and more anime.

SF6 Cammy and Juri are the hottest characters Capcom ever made and you can still pause and get a funny looking still.
That's just how faces work.

Well you get different attacks out of Focus Mode is what I'm led to understand.
So it's not really an adv/disadv thing, it's just different attacks
only for huntresses and wyverians
I'd say GS and the g*nners are the ones that will Focus Mode very often. HH as well during recitals, seems like you can turn very fast while performing with it
God I need the fucking demo. I'll take 3 days off and play nothing but.
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I went to both capcom stores in Osaka, really fun.
I look like this
t. filtered shitter
>seamless transition from character creation into cinematic
1 hour long video:
You're genuinely fucking retarded. Niggers are smarter than you. A nigger baby could run laps around you in an IQ test.
Hinoa isn't going to fuck you bro
don't click
chinese data hoarding botnet
I'm hoping they do another FF14 crossover, fuck you
very cool
wtf it's 4U all over again
Clip it, peons
>Wow, this is basically 4U
>Damn, NPCs look really goo-
>That fucking mutt on the Seikret
Jesus H Christ I closed the tab instantly
lmaoing @ chink itoddlers
>>seamless transition from character creation into cinematic
This pretty much mean a demo will not contain just the CC.
>All replies on 4chin are phone posters 1,2 minutes apart

Yeah don't think i am gonna click that. Come back here with a youtube link or something
>Ear color doesn't mach skin color
You can't be serious Anon.
Cleaner link for schizos.
Holy shit that pale huntress is working up my dick
Can't wait for the coom mods
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i do not play as girls because im a guy
sorry, autocorrect.
>Decent video quality requires an account
Thanks for cleaning up the link I guess.
Player is ass anyway and we'll probably be flooded with HQ videos after the TGS stream.
https://www.youtube.com/live/A54N0fB3R88?feature=shared 3 hours to capcom livestream
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>graphics fags going to get wilds delayed
But who is the big bad monster chaining him down?
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If only Gigginox could come back. Enough of that Khezu shitter.
Mental illness post
If it's not a giant rat with a big nose then I'm refunding
It's literally the same garbage but shits poison from its ass. It roar spams just as much.
wyvernians, whom I should remind you, are our greatest ally
When's TGS?
True great sword?
Total Gooning Session?
Thigh bros where we at
MonHun will never forsake their love for thigh-gap/ZR
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didn’t the ff14 director tease bahamut for wilds?
i play as a huntress because it affirms my gender dysphoria
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>Wild just has that permanent Mexico filter on
>The sky is filled with muggy sands all time everytime
>"Muh dessert"

Meh. Why are they so fucking obsessed with making shit blurry anyway? What is wrong with clear, vibrant enviroment?
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Right here, I don't even play a huntress for the fear of being too distracted
I don't want more DPS checks and instakill noves, bros
>Why are they so fucking obsessed with making shit blurry anyway?
It's cheaper work with """modern""" temporal rendering techniques. Less work.
Not a single hot brown woman was showed, maybe I treated rise to harshly
It's amazing how despite the massive growth of bilibili as a brand and platform, their video player is still a half broken rip-off of niconico's already half broken video player from the 2000s. Free HK, Taiwan is a country, free Uigyurs.
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>carts entire squad with zettaflare
Is Sunbreak worth buying?
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>ywn experience a lap pillow on a huntress' bulging thighs while she flexes them, switching between soft and hard thighs
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Quality settings are locked behind making an account and I think you need to pay premium to get over 1080p 30fps. The site is laggy as shit because it doesn't have CDNs around the world as well and why would they since it's 99% for a mainland chinese audience.
>it doesn't have CDNs around the world as well and why would they since it's 99% for a mainland chinese audience.
I know, and understandable.
>Quality settings are locked behind making an account and I think you need to pay premium to get over 1080p 30fps
And look where that got niconico
>Monster Hunter × Digimon vpet announced
>Half-refresh rate fishing in foreground
It's already gross in the distance, but at least understandable. See ya in February.
huntress toes
I see, I just hate deserts then. There's not a single good one

>100% damage uptime
>100% counter availability
>100% roll out availability
>a million stagger options just so you can keep doing press R to cool
any pictures?
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I despise the storm visuals so much, and the first shot gaining so much color only hammers it home for me. Why must this shit be so monochromatic, the game just randomly killing all saturation is going to be so ass
I hope we haven't lost a comfy day/night cycle in exchange for this shitty weather change instead
Shan't be playing Longsword. Have fun.
I'm MR4 in sunbreak and I've got no counter for SA
Do a few more keys. It's just before fighting astalos I believe
The general is always so bad for like a full week after a dripfeed. I wish /v/ would stay on /v/
sexo NPC spotted
That new move after the helmbreaker is just utterly retarded, it's hitting the wound on the left arm at 15:35 when the sword can barely reach the right arm. The fuck were they thinking
>Have to wait until Wilds G before LS gets nerfed like it was in Sunbreak
Not that I care or anything, obviously
It absolutely is and we've been seeing it since gamescom. From these videos it "feels" like it will hit as long as your helmbreaker hit and you press R to connect, regardless of where you press the button.
Behemoth sucks but I actually loved the Witcher collab
Admittedly, I have not fought Ancient Leshen, but playing as Geralt, exploring the forest, talking with the NPCs and taking down the normal Leshen was fun

>hunter says "need to sharpen"
>palico says something about the seikret
Please tell me we can turn hint dialogue off or atleast that it's only for the introductory hunt
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yeah, I'm a 999MR hunter, how did you know?
Ban LS shitters. Kick LS shitters. Upswing LS shitters into Fatalis cones.
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For once I agree with this schizo. Total LS user deaths.
LS and Monster Hunter Wilds is just catering towards a new audience becoming more "accesible" aka indians shit players
salty sweetheart toes...
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>No blood
>Hits only kick up dust

But why
>non-LS users seething for not being cool
we've discussed this a thousand times, you can enable blood in settings
He was hitting it with the wind pressure and his Ki
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Could not be me
Good day to be a Long Sword main
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Heh tiny frog ass
>short slim tomgirl is the handler for tall muscle tomboy
You didn't love Alatreon becoming a DPS check? But that was so well received and definitely not retarded mmo slop garbage mechanics
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>give LS more toys, the people love it!
what if like, mid to late wilds is actually hard. How many people here would shit themselves
>mash buttons
Finally, a weapon that investors can play!
i like it hard
Monster hunter hard, or sekiro hard?
>sekiro hard
hahahaha lol
>here would shit themselves
No one here plays MH to play an easy game though, people here happily farmed, mined, grind, expedition for raw mats from slow map-loading days.
I'm reluctant to play LS because Idont have reflexes to use counters...
I want HR Chatacabrass to pound me hard.
What reflex you disingenuous fuck, it's long ass frames means you can do it early and still get the ding.
ricies will piss and shit themselves when they finally realize their shitty easy baby game will get mogged hard by wild
they'll triple cart to the low rank flagship for aeons
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He said the line
Somewhere between monhun hard and hyper demon hard
I hope youre right but theres too much bitching or jew whining imo for that to be true
the only longsword that requires reflexes is valour in GU
wilds hype took a nosedive after recommended specs got shown
Looks like preset blonde bobcut huntress-chan is quite the popular design...
>13 minutes of cutscenes or scripted "gameplay" before the actual game starts
I fucking hate normies so much. If they didn't pretend to like vidya, we wouldn't have to deal with all this cinematic nonsense
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You know, she is kind of a cunt but she is really growing on me
>Play for more than 100 hours+
>Can count on one hand the time i saw a three slots talisman
>Forced to use a talisman that has no fucking thing to do with my shit but it has three slots

He's barely working on XIV as it is, no chance he'll bother with much in Wilds.
True, I first quit World after getting nowhere in 3 hours, then found out years later it was a good game.
Good thing you can skip it so you don't have to deal with it.
Sounds like you've got it wrong a thousand times as well.
The blood effects are already turned on by default, they ONLY appear when hitting wounds on large monsters
erm your Squeenix TGS reveal bro?
erm, the entirety of DT being work on by the C squad bro?
>you can skip it so it's not a problem
If there were no cutscenes we wouldn't need 140GB for a fucking game.
>needing reflex in monster hunter
holy worldsperm. MH has always been knowledge/position based, you can predict nearly everything and preemptively do whatever you want dude
20GB of cutscenes
10GB of monsters
6GB of armor and skins
4GB of quest design
100GB of brown and bloom desert
When does the Capcom panel start?
Please think before typing.
In a little less than an hour I think.
Imagine spoilering every new monster, locale, music, characters like a metamining faggot MMO addict.
>cringe vtuber on TGS
Why did we accept them
Ahh cool, thanks dude.
Don't most people like knowing every single about a game before they actually play the game instead of experiencing and discovering things themselves whilst they play the game
Men pretending to be women are THE CURRENT THING anon
I think they call this Stockholm syndrome
I don't get it either. Worst part is the hysteria for the demos where some dudes will grind the overtuned flagship fight for days to get kills with their weapons.
I just boot it up, check the performance roughly, look at the maps and go kill one rathian before uninstalling. Nothing worse of robing yourself out of early game experience because you already grinded 3 out of the new monster when the roster is most likely gonna be sub 20 again.
women pretending to be anime women is worse
It's harmless
it's hot
stop fucking your aunt and man up
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how does giving safi'jiiva those supple, luscious dick sucking lips benefit gameplay?
but seriously why would i use safi weapons instead of kjarr's? aren't they just worse?
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wtf she's tiny. barely taller than the kid
Why are they all so ugly?
Simp culture has allowed them to prosper
Case in point:
I wish I could fuck my aunt (not related), she's hot tbdesu
Because Capcom are now a western developer
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Worlos... We lost
Making a SRM60 ass sniping build with this
holy kek
pic or gtfo
LS hate
Why is dragonpiercer spam so satisfying?
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we expecting any news from TGS? or just a recap of the PS trailer?
brand new footage plus fat tuna fight
oh my god shut the fuck up already you will get new content when you get new content either talk about the games or go outside you loser
probably a new shitmon.
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>retards will tell you it's the best feature Crapcom ever came up with until now
Okay I want to talk about new content from the upcoming game.
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>what if like, mid to late wilds is actually hard
It's a fucking HR where hunters have more moves/tools than ever to fuck over monsters, while they get fuck all.
This game will be another cakewalk with few super event quest.
you shut up nerd
if you wanna talk about the games then talk about the games, nobody’s stopping you
do something else with your life other than procrastination

no I get mad when other people waste their life away like this
>do something else with your life other than procrastination
No. But I am going to make dinner for the family so smell you later
Weve only seen slow low rank and like maybe a lil high rank
Hammer got that stupid infinite spin charge thing but will it even be useful? LS's spirit release slash getting crazy damage while the hammer is getting underwhelming stuff.
I’m procrastinating at work by posting in /mhg/ about procrastinating my hoonting
and no I will not stop
No, it looks awful. For a large opening it looks like you're better off doing the big bang combo anyway. The 'mighty charge' spin looks absolutely shit
This really feels like they're taking some weird isekai route with the brownoids.
I think it's because World put Monster Hunter in the eyes of the normies so someone in a fucking suit at capcom said (in 100 year old man japanese businessman) "We uh needu to maku more money! No excuses!"
Reminder not to pre-order Wilds after the DD2 launch debaucle. Wait until they fix the game.
Finally, a weapon /v/ and /vg/ can play
You're right, HD cutscenes must be around 16 bytes each.
I will give crapcom the benefit of doubt but I won't get my hope up either.
I already preordered the $110 version though??
This is the correct thing to do
my pc can handle the requirements + denuvo and stream/record gameplay same time.
Cancel it then.
>Wilds is last on the list
your wife is gonna fart at the dinner table

>same trailer
I'll preorder if the demo runs fine after I get a new GPU. I'd buy it day one anyway.
It's literally just a recap of information that's already out on a bunch of games that are already out
What a waste of time
>Gemma gets sweaty when forging for you
Good lord.
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this is a BOY?
gemma big tits
>people in chat surprised palicos can talk
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this is such tokudaslop
no I will not pronounce it like that
They're seriously revealing too much about this game. I don't want to know the intricate details of every map, every monster that's in it, special interactions and details about the monster
I don't want 1 hour extended gameplay from the devs so I already know how to fight every monster before I've even had a chance to buy the game leave some mystery for people to find in your game for fuck sake
>just don't watch the trailers
I'm not but it's impossible to not still have this information shoved in your face from other sources
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Timothée Chalamet in blackface
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Cute retard birds
seikret really is just wirefall 2
it's the same voice as world's handler
new trailer
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>SOS Flare only
Wait, no Hub? No room?
wait this is just the old trailer why did he say new
Didn't they confirm 16 player rooms?
yes but I found it less difficult to get Safi gear than the kjarr RNG
no more lumus
if something is not shown in the trailers means it's not in the game
good, fuck cliques and fuck discordtranis
>pay close attention at the end
I’ve already SEEN it Ryozo
This >>496078184 I still can't believe they removed Rathalos, such a weird change.
YIAN KUT KU!??!?!??
4 player play is standard, pretty sure 16 player hub was confirmed.
if they do Rise SoS it'll be a flop. If they do world SoS it can work.
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>ashkenazi gene thief
>but cute
This will be testing
Kut ku sucks though
>domesticated Kut-Kus
Can't wait to fight Stone Gore Magala.
So we can pretty much assume Yan Garuga is in?
this shitmon will be fucking over so many hunters, it'll be glorious
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>the big reveal is kut ku
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>Scarlet forest
>It is green
Yeah I'm sure they will just drag and drop it into wilds from FU, you dumbass
You shouldn't reward game devs for not knowing how to optimize games
the water is red, retard
>pretty sure 16 player hub was confirmed.
Fucking where? It literally has not be confirmed.
>red water in the screenshot
Anon....please check your eyes...
Oh i am sorry, didn't know we were visiting the Scarlet River
>no future demo announcements
Sad noises.
It was in some gamescom interview iirc
It's not happening. A demo would hurt sales too much.
Are the investors finally happy? Are they going to stop forcing capcom to spoil everything?
In a dev interview
you shouldn't tell people what to do, rajeesh
lmao what is this
>world is capcoms best selling title
>had a demo
They're not gonna release a demo because the playable demos are the big draw to their booth at conventions
When the convention marketing cycle is over we'll likely get a demo so don't expect one anytime soon
here's your monster hunter guitar crossover you wanted instead of a remastered collection bro
That game sucks moderately less.
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I just kicked 6 people from joining my master hunter of the new world quest because they wouldn't change from using LS to a proper weapon even after I made it clear to them that I wanted to get my golden name without cheating. Some people just can't let go of that ezpz mode weapon it's so pathetic.
Rathalos prime...kino...
>Just some poorly made mass produced guitar with basic design stamped on

I can probably make something like this myself
Didnt realize you played the game early
>apex monsters are all heavily tied to their locale’s weather effect
so they’ll never return in later games?
Must suck not being German.
Megatron transforms into HBG
MonHun Now is so fucking cringe oh my god
No, but they will only present in one map
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Oh shit it is fucking Rad-alos
If it's an actual made in Japan Fender Tele then it's a very nice guitar
But I don't know if there's a market to justify that and not having one of their cheap SEA or America factories do it and even still the design is uninspired and boring
I'm not Indian, just a ps5 pleb. I don't play games enough to justify a pc.
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>pokes you to death
>everyone asks for ports for 20th anniversary
>here's your rathalos prime oc donut steel robot
>here's your guitar
>here's your ARslop
god you retards are so out of touch
but that was monster hunter BRIDGE
what is weirdest is the low settings used on this video
also check the clipping on the cutscene
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I think this shit is what the japanese wagecucks want and us westfags just have to deal with it :/
>the chat is SEETHING at more and more MonHun being shown
I get it now
I finally understand why you guys shitpost
Holy shit, this seethe is genuinely great to see. It's euphoric
So, who's comiting sudoku when the game has shit reception, runs like dd2 and doesn't meet sales expectations? All they had to do was target 60fps on the ps5 and all of this would've been avoided. But no, they had to rape the CPU so it scales like shit to every else.
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>tfw no rajang vs. anjananth quest
>All they had to do was target 60fps on the ps5
console cuck spotted
I hope wildz flops and they have to remaster FU&4U
No, it's literally not. Which one of the 6 main ones is it then?
>MonHun falls for the open world meme and suffers because of it
on the one hand deserved
on the other hand :(
>have to remaster
I dont think thats how it works but whatever helps you bud
I know right
4channel MH community are literal subhumans at this point
it's genuinely entertaining to watch
>people expecting a demo announcement
>when we are 5 months away from the release
>and they always release at best 2 months before release
Dunno why the fuck would people expect a demo so early
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Upgrading GPU to 5080 or 5090 when that is out. It's going to run at like 60-80fps with this cpu, probably with shit frametimes. If you can't see this is exactly like DD2's cpu limitations I don't know what to tell you.
Ichinose is a faggot
probably wouldnt break 100k sales. you are in a very niche group of retards with poor taste
gen zoomers and gen alpha have no patience grandpa
People are retarded. Earliest it would be announced is at TGA in December. More than likely no public demo.
>6 main ones
i think it was some youtube bozo but i dont remember who. Ill look back at the gamescom stuff but i DO remember player rooms being mentioned/confrimed at some point
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am i supposed to get excited for this?
It's not just because of that but because of the density of the monsters/endemic life, etc. It's probably an engine issue.
Yeah but them remaking resident evil for the xth time is making them millions
concord crossover?
they have no object permanence either, dunno what's the point of hard pushing a game 5 months ahead of time when public memory is 5 weeks at best
God damn you guys are shit at lying. You can skim through countless shill channels, posts, and everything and not a single mention of lobbies or game size.
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None of the main ones it was with some content creator I can't find it in the archive right now but it's been posted
Capcom probably doesn't want to release a demo this early either since most peoples PCs won't even be able to run it lol
It literally is what the fuck are you talking about?
The RE Remasters are the biggest sellers Capcom have had in a long time they sell like crazy
I wonder how a demo will work in a fully open world game anyway
does a Rathalos swoop down and one-shot you if you try to leave the Plains?
>water is red during pre-storm state and downpour
>red flowers in the forest area during the post-storm/inclemency state
not hard
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>Crossover with Transformer
>Crossover with Digimon

It's a fucking anniversary right guy ?
That's the neat thing, it doesn't.
More like i cant be assed to autistically remember which interview had the relevant info when i watched dozens of interviews when gamescom happened
Could i be wrong? Sure, maybe lobbies werent confirmed. But i do at least know that lobbies werent disconfirmed
Ill go through gamescom interviews and let you know if i find it. No idea why youre so adamant im going out of my way to LIE about something i couldnt care about
it won't be open world it'll be zones like how world is
No, World fans are supposed to get excited for the new anime moves and cinematic moments. This is for Monster Hunter fans.
>So, who's comiting sudoku when the game has shit reception, runs like dd2 and doesn't meet sales expectations?
What killed DD2 were the retarded design choices and the ridicolous lack of content, plsu the mtx fiasco
They improved performance quite a bit since launch and people still don't give a fuck
If Wilds is a great game with a good amount of content, then people will still play it, like they played World 24fps on console
all the new monsters for wilds look like shit though besides the spider and fire chicken also the specs to run it will make your PC hot as fuck
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Layered sets soon.
Thunder element ftw!
i've never understood resident evil... i know they're supposed to be good, and i like horror games, but these are so goofy and game-y.
>8 new mons
>Yian Kut-Ku
>Congalala (soft confirm)

How many more should we expect?
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>tendies still lying
can't wait for their mass suicide
depends on how many we get ported from world
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I don't think we're going to fight Kut-Ku.
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Why does Wilds look so blurry? Is it going to have forced TAA?
ps4 had a much larger install base. Because of the shitty PS4 spec, it also translated much better to PC, so PC also had a much larger install base that could play the game. The targeting of 30fps on PS5 translates to a substantial chunk of PC being left out, which means there's going to be less sales. If you add in the Increase price and MTX (it's irrelevant bullshit but so was DD2), it's virtually going to be a repeated launch. It'll still sell millions in a few days, probably even be the "largest launch" but I suspect that momentum is going to fall off pretty quickly, which is going to cause it to fall short of projections. Sure, DD2 has improved like "20%" since launch, but that translates to like 10fps on average on what's probably a bout the average PC spec, netting like 40fps in troublesome areas over 30. The big question is, how frequent are the performance issues and where.
>Kut-Ku armor will be a low rank staple of another game
pvre vnfiltered lvdo
Maybe you won't, but I will
I will make it look like a fucking slaughter house
There's no way they'd rig up the skeleton and model it and not have you fight it at all, especially when they can just be lazy and give it the bog standard bird attacks and just put that on every bird mon.
Probably upscaled sub 1080p TAA and DLSS/FSR/Console upscalling is all blurry as shit.
>fight it
anon you're gonna fight them all
>you can tame a yian kut-ku
>it becomes part of your "pack"
>it helps you fight monsters like turf wars
>spoiled on kutku
thanks capcom marketing team
thanks worst fanbase of any game imaginable (worse than gacha tards somehow even they are capable of not spoiling off cooldown)
time to kill all monster hunter outlets and social media until wilds release so maybe I can have one or two surprises left when the game releases
They haven't uploaded a render and description to the Wilds website which, for reference, they did nigh-immediately for Arkveld/Uth Duna/Quematrice after that trailer dropped. The usual MH info accounts haven't posted a render for it either. I will check later to see if this has changed.
>showcase directly stated you can seamlessly move between locales without loading screens
No, I was talking about the YT chat of the TGS stream over at the IGN channel
People were flinging shit in genuine seethe at how they wanted Resident Evil, DMC or Dino Crisis, that towards the end I found it funny that they were denied it all

This general is better for sure, but it did make me realize that you lot are probably just instigating others for reactions
>pretending to be retarded
You will fuck the kut ku, it is a love interest
>"Weapon could do with a bit of sharpening"
>"Your health is low hero, watch that."
>"Stamina low. I could go for a bite to eat"
I fucking hate this shit!
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Bros I finally solo hunted AT Velkhana!
That downpour section in scarlet forest looks like absolute shit, it's basically just fucking grey.
Also, I haven't seen a single video/screenshot showing night time yet, have they removed day/night cycles and replaced it with just a weather change?
>Fighting a herd of Kut-Ku's, all of them going apeshit and shooting fireballs around
Kino of the highest order
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not surprised you can get a spec pc for less than a ps5 pro
Nigga you do know the only reason they showed kutku was for oldfags who played the original monster hunter on ps2 and psp FU right? This nigga probably a worldsperm.
good job snookums
>All they had to do was target 60fps on the ps5
The last time MH had steady framerate on its original release platform was on the fucking WiiU and that was an upscaled 3DS game (wii game)
It's like living in fucking Britain
I've done it like twice
Once on my own, second time because everyone else DCs midhunt because of Capcom's servers
Never again
The cat objectively makes this fight intolerably hard
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She was harder than Fatty
>no monitor
>before taxes and shipping fees
>br*t*sh pounds

irrelevant, this same build would be $1200 after taxes in Canada
>All they had to do was target 60fps on the ps5 and all of this would've been avoided
Game would need to run at like native 240p on PS5 to hit 60 and at that point not even the gorillion fake upscaling and stretching methods the PS5 uses to hit "4k" will look good enough for snoys.
Oops meant for >>496081949
funny you say that because I'm a FUboomer
>no monitor
Do you not already have one?
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I didn't bring my palico either, it was definitely better that way. Having a distraction is nice, but having a predictable monster for my GS was even better.
Don't care unless I can throw konchus too.
>You can tame a Yian Kut-Ku
>Swap Seikret for Yian Kut-Ku
Would you?
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World PC Room
looks like the Inclemency is the day/night cycle
>Plenty = morning/midday
>Fallow = afternoon/dusk
>Inclemency = night
It could be! You can have flowers lighting up as a guide for pollinators, plants curing in to brace against the storm, vibrant mineral deposits getting exposed and mixing into the waters, all sorts of shit.
I am praying it's just for the introductory hunt4
Or that you can turn it off in options
>no monitor
I forgot that the PS5 includes a TV
>before taxes and shipping fees
taxes are always included in britland
does every PS5 retailer ship for free?
I would genuinely love 720p 60fps as a ps5 fag. I don't even own a high res TV so all of this 4k shit is wasted on me. I wish we could actually select resolutions and advanced graphical settings, there's no reason we shouldn't be able to in CURRENT YEAR + 8
Yes, the devs have mostly always targeted 30fps. But there's a lot of backlash to be had around it right now. The recommended/min spec CPUs are ps5 tier, which is why it's 30fps and 30-40fps (framegen to 60) with the CPU bottleneck. It's still not going to scale up well, so as a result it's going to receive less sales than it otherwise would've. Or have you missed like every major game with performance issues having poor reception?

The issue is the CPU though. They'd likely just need to fuck off the heard bullshit or it make it heavily scripted and ease up on the density of all monsters/endemic life and not render too much at once. Basically, they'd need to completely compromise their vision to target that framerate. It would've made it scale much better on PC though, so the reception would've been better than it likely will be.
It's currently a torrential downpour where I live and outside my house the grass is still green, the flowers still have color and the house opposite is still a disgusting yellow.
You could turn the hunter voices down or off in Rise so hopefully
Someone post a webm of sweaty smithy
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Wilds status?
>CPU issue
this literally isn't a thing, CPUs have been godly for the last dozen years. Slow programs are purely a skill issue on the programmer
>there's a lot of backlash
If consolefags gave a shit they wouldn't be console fags
World sold a gorillion copies and it ran like ass on PS4 too
the RE engine was one huge mistake not a single good thing has come from it
>People that played the game said the first hunt is even easier than Great Jagras in World
Holy shit kek
>I didn't bring my palico either
Nono, what I'm saying is: I DID bring my shit eating cat to the fight
It genuinely made it harder
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You don't mean that. You love bringing your palico with you...
The game has been a joke since Generations, is anybody surprised?
There's something off regarding the smithy's face
She looks like the retarded fag from Meet the Millers who goes
>"you guys are getting paid?"
Yeah, and there was barely an ounce of the big stink about performance back then that there is in recent year.

The game is CPU bound. It's obvious to anyone with a brain. It's literally the exact same thing as DD2. You can argue semantics about optimization, but I think the reality is that the engine is partly to blame. It's obviously doing things that it wasn't really meant to do, or can do efficiently. But the devs are the ones that are pushing to do this shit with it. Either way, they're not going to be able to pull an extra 100% performance improvement out of their ass without significantly murdering their vision of the game.
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Stop posting cats in sexy gear.
Great Maccao is the least easy first fight in the series though.
don’t worry bro there’ll be one (1) Arkveld fight where it does 500% damage that people can pretend is the baseline difficulty of the game
It was perfectly suitable for much simpler games.
Build this anywhere other than the UK and the prices are entirely different
I don't even get a price for the case because its not available but even without that counting towards the total, I get close to $1k before taxes and shipping
... ok, I do like the cats
They still make At Velkh and Fatty harder tbqhwyfamdesu
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Hey why does that cat only wear clothes on the upper part of her body...
They gave her Br*tish slag face
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*chills in /mhg/*
It's good for what it was supposed to be used, Resident Evil, but Capcum wants to use it on everything now.
Holy fuck, literally why would you build to target the recommended spec of 1080p """60""" fps (30)? I swear these people are actually fucking retarded. The hardware is immediately outdated.
>walking around the shitlands in my new favorite game wilds
>palico suddenly chimes in
>Myaster there's a nyagger over there watch out!
>quickly walk across the street to avoid having my all new hunter-bike stolen
thank you, talking palicos
Not with the tools they give you (Adept Style)
Adept Style was the death knell for any sense of difficulty the games had
Going to be playing the better game.
>Worldborne on sale for $20 again
why don’t they permanently discount it
this shit is on sale more than it isn’t
Freedom Wars was janky weightless garbage, the setting is cool but the gameplay sucked. MH is built on well designed movesets, both the player's and the bosses's, and none of the "MH likes" have ever been remotely decent in that regard.
Because they only email everyone with it on their wishlist when it gets discounted I think 20% off or more. So if they made it 20 bucks permanently, they wouldn't' get bait hits on it unless they discounted it even further.
Because the discount percentage is an incentive in itself, and puts it on more lists on the steam main page
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My man, 90% of people don't even know how computers work. When the requirements were released, people in here were noticing first the 140GB needed for the game, only after a while I saw posts talking about the 1080p60fps (With FrameGen) and 720p30fps.
Please don't be retarded enough to build that. You can do a lot better for less.
What the other guy said plus having waves of new players instead of a constant stream lets them enjoy MP better since they're more likely to run into other new players.
>1080p60fps (With FrameGen) and 720p30fps.
It's funny because these specs appear different at first glance, but they're realistically the same. It's 720p30fps and then with beefier gpus it's 1080p 30-40fps. The 5-10% better cpu makes the difference here, but people still somehow think the game is super gpu intensive. You're right people have fucking no idea what they're talking about.
They have their audience. A friend of mine played the heck out of God Eater since the PSP days. When GE3 launched he spent hundred of hours into that game.
Tried getting him into Monster Hunter and he said the combat is like playing on slowmo lmao
The reality is that Capcom didn't even bother to optimize even a bit of the game. They should be ashamed.
sounds like he'd be more into rice
GE is such trash tho
They can squeeze out maybe an extra 10 frames on the min/recommended specs. It won't get much better without a significant overhaul to either the game itself or the engine.
Can't wait to see how the game looks on the shittier Xbone
>mhg will try to tell you this does not look cool
Maybe the anime aesthetic is a factor. He does play a lot of anime games.
Alisa is sex.
aaaand skip
>Trying to farm Black Veil for Pandemonium hammer
>Annoying but at least it's a 1v1
>Suddenly Savage Deviljho
>Hunt takes 10 minutes longer because it keeps chasing us where we go
Maybe I should bring Dung Pods. Also, fuck these smoke attacks, you never really know when it's safe or not to walk through them.
it'll be about same as ps5/xbox but prob 540p-720p upscaled because the cpu is about the same as xbox I think it was just lower clocked or something like that
Why does wilds look so washed out?
because its not on a nintendo console thus no need for bright colors to retain children's attention
tummy sex
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What the fuck man, the spider sense is that huge? What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck? This is fucking retarded, this reminds me of that World shitpost where it has all kind of unnecessary hand holding shit pasted all over it, what the fuck man?
just turn it off?
lol what the fuck is that shit
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blunt bangs Hammer wife detected

Also I don't like how the SOS thing makes it so random hunters will come to help. Why can't I pick who? Why not give them unique and fun gameplay and personalities?
I'd bet you can remove it
It's just training wheels for the newbies anyway
Desaturated and hazy is the new brown and bloom.
this >>496086374
>Also I don't like how the SOS thing makes it so random hunters will come to help. Why can't I pick who? Why not give them unique and fun gameplay and personalities?
What if it's a psuedo-relationship system, the NPC you bond more with turns up more until it's for certain, if you do more of their story-character quests?
>When GE3 launched he spent hundred of hours into that game
It's the worst of the three tho'. The second one was made too big for its own good, and they scaled the whole sequel down as a result. I'll still have decent memories of Burst on PSP, the scenario's a bit generic but well written. Speeding up the gameplay was a mistake considering how the camera and the lock behaves (which is, not at all).
I can count the polys
Noobs will still keep dying like the retards they are.
wouldn't matter, they're all ugly and annoying anyway.
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How dare you post my wife out of nowhere.
Where's my negro Gypceros?
yo kut ku is in?! we fucking won so fucking hard bros
cant wait to kill him 100 more times
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>that gear making animation
Holy shit I am gonna craft every single piece of gear present in the game just so I can stare at Gemma.
It's pure sex.
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you end up with this
Would be funny if Kut ku is just endemic life
>Two Kut Kus together
Cute! Though I imagine they're nerfed to Velocidrome levels if you can fight both at the same time.
To be fair, it was retarded in DD1 because if everyone is maxed out, it picked the last person you spoke to and you needed to do a out of they way quest if you want to lock it in.
>every time Kut Ku is in, the game becomes the new undisputed king of the franchise
We are so fucking back.
This shit was funny tho
DD1 was peak, it deserved better
Unable to refute.
Finally got my fatalis set. First thing I'm gonna do is ruin low rank SOS's
Yeah there are dating sim tag in steam page
It'd probably be like Doshguma where only one is the actual "boss" and the others have Rhenoplos tier HP
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We Persona now.
So like an alpha then, what would it be? Doubt Garuga would be it.
I missed this bastards like you wouldn't believe.
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>Still no Qurupeco
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Oh god, i didn't notice it before but these fuckers are back. No i don't want to do Zonas siege, no, no
>Hype up Yian Kut-ku coming back
>"With a vengeance"
Something tells me that Yian Garuga/Scarred is also back and the first quest involves you capturing one to be the alpha of the flock then you're free to hunt them in the wild
Where'd you see that
Nah just one KutKu would be the actual hunt target and the rest are shitters that you have to kill or scare off with a shit nuke
Seems like thats how the pack monsters are gonna work in general
Base DD1 was mid desu
I liked DD2 a lot more, like way way more.
DA was super good though
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>volcanic locale inclemency is just a Zorah showing up and wandering around
>have to drive it off (siege quest) to go back to normal
>Cute! Though I imagine they're nerfed to Velocidrome levels if you can fight both at the same time.
Probably just given the Doshaguma treatment.
Would be neat if they brought in HC Kut Ku as the alpha.
soon brother
You can pay 4.99 to skip story siege quest, a feature made to welcome newcomers, what a bargain! So tasty!
would be cute if you can craft a Konchu doll and toss it to make the lesser Kut-ku run off to chase it
those fuckers are also used for fast travel tho
You use wing drakes for fast travel in general in World its probably just that again
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Make the OP image of the next thread underaged
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Sex with sweaty Gemma
>Kut Ku is back
Oh no. Oh god no.
Like, I am happy he is back, but what if him coming back means fucking Konchu are also back??
ew gross haha
I hope they bring Blue Kut Ku's absolute fucking nonsense 4th gen moveset back for High/G Rank Kut Ku
>oh suzuki puts big booba smith oh very smarteru we need to copy!!
>people see this and still get mad
The Discord hates Gemma so watch for them shitposting her in a bit like clockwork
No Japanese woman sexu no buy!
because no one has faith with mainline team to make good designs
when you play bingshit from ichinose you know it's pure eye candy and there's no other thought behind it
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But the design exists
Its right there
What kind of mental illness is this?
Gonna mod her to wear a micro bikini
right next to the pajeeta handler and all the other undesirables
go fuck yourself
>being mad that a cute Handler exists
Go back to /pol/.
gonna mod her to have giant jewish milkers
Move faggot
gonna mod her to be mute and invisible
Unironically i think it need to be that big and obnoxious for newer players because they wont notice it otherwise
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>How frequent
Vernworth fields is a zionist plot to explode my CPU and kill me
DD1 was 7/10, DA brought it to 9/10
DD2 is 6/10 for failing to be unique or have engaging dungeons and monsters. It was a side grade in terms of gameplay and a downgrade in world design
Please kill yourself for the good of humanity
Verification not required
So, how high are the chances of Wilds requiring a PSN account if you want to crossplay with snoys?
Zero. It'll require a capcom account like DD2.

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