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Goats edition
>NA /wowg/ guild
GLOBO FOMO - Moon Guard
>EU /wowg/ guild
Nerub Silkweaving Forum - Argent dawn

>WoWg community for NA

Previously on /wowg/: >>496034515
Reminder to have fun and not take the internet too seriously.
NERUB chads we are winning
>interrupts out the ass for casters
>melee pulls you in constantly so you get broken casts

yeah keep crying about moving while you can still dps
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>flatchested draenei
World of Warcraft with Metzen, but without Afrasiabi... is like the Horde with Thrall, but without Garrosh.
Bring the Warchief back. Bring the Dadrockman back.
Save - the World of Warcraft.
>previous thread
>9 hours ago
Where's the hype?
imagine if method gets WF kek
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Never forget what they took from you.
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>flatchested draenei
what's the point of a conquest cap?
I want my pvp gear
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>be frost mage
>completely btfoing the arcane mages everytime
fotm retards
Flat Draenei are patrician's choice and objectively good and correct.
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digusting creatures, should be purged
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>20 years
>still no hair under hoods
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>echo - 66.6% 100 pulls
>method - 65.5% 5 pulls
Echo sissies... not like this
my draenei (male)

>watch a m+ run and they do some big pull and healer is able to keep up with the pull
>i do it in my shitty pug and we wipe because the healer struggles to press buttons
I want to use my Spark of Omens, but that's at least like 50k just for mediocre weapon wtf
use your crest thing to make it 616
What happened?
Isn't it weird how Hordefags had to quest together with an actual raid boss for 3 expansions?
Like why doesn't Jaina ever go
>Hey, I remember you, you're that orcnigger that stabbed me in the ass!
would be such a moment
>really want to be undead dk or warrior
>weapons change size so atrociously that I don't play undead at all
Feels bad
This unironically. I play Arcane, but it's crazy just how this "S+ tier" spec is doing just OK damage, and Frost is somehow more useful in most cases. I fucking hate people who make these unrealistic tier lists
>it's beyond the capabilities of the engine sweaty it's literally impossible to implement
horde is basically non-canon in the post bfa story anyway
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>Play Healer in shuffle
>Go 0/6 because every other healer does more damage and healing than I do and DPS keep breaking LoS
The Earth needs the might of the atom to be cleansed
>the earth should perish because im a shitter
whew lad
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Not to sound like a shitter but is it only me who struggles not to look at their action bar while DPSing? So much RNG and procs happening I'm stare at my bars more often than not.
>t.Shaman and rogue
move it higher close to action
Canon cuntboy, he has an flist.
today i will play SoD
I've been reading Tides of War and just realised what they should do with Anduin's character. They should have him return as the King of Stormwind, but step down as High King of the Alliance because that role is not only completely unnecessary now, but is a carryover from the Varian era when the Alliance was led by a Warrior King.
The Alliance from its conception as the Alliance of Lordaeron wasn't meant to be headed by any of the nation kings - especially not Terenas, its official founder - because it would be a conflict of interest and Terenas, much like Anduin, wasn't a warrior type guy. Instead it was helmed by Lothar, a warrior who was definitely NOT the king of Stormwind. But in a time without faction war, such a role is not necessary.
So in order to return the Alliance back to its roots and give it parity with the Horde, it should also be run as a council. This will free up Anduin from a responsibility that was endemic to his father and isn't his to bear, it would place him in a more reasonable role and not invite as many false comparisons to his big hairy sweaty asshole father, and it would make sense as a conclusion to his character arc.
Metzen should hire me as a writer. I happen to have two balls and a dick so I would bring some much needed diversity to the writer's room.
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Spec / race for picrel?
>Tides of War
Tides of Darkness*
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>BiS helmet is from Mists
Dude I genuinely don't think I can continue farming this dungeon for this fucking helmet. Some of the dungeons this season just fucking go on and on and have some of the worst pacing possible.
I just want combat rogues back....fuck this gay pirate shit.
Kul'Tiran human, cause Dr. Evil is a bit chubby, and make sure you have a Gnome buddy dressing the same way for MiniMe.
Get a healer bud
This made me think, why are the offspring of alliance leaders so shit?
>Anduin is a whiny fag
>Velens kid became eredar and jobbed
>Magni's daughter fucked his greatest enemy, he grandson is a nerd
Did Blizzard add glyphs to make paladin abilities moon-themed or loa-themed yet?
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what would sex with her be like haha
That buy is alright.
I will cave your overly tall head in
yeah compared to all the horde and their kids
>thrall's kid: mulatto, written out of the plot
>vol'jin's kid: lol
>cairne's kid: bottom bitch for human king
>sylvanas's kid: lol
>blood elf guy's kid: lol
>gallywix's kid: lol
>garrosh's kid: lol
Why do the Horde leaders not have any offspring at all?
Besides Cairne's son Baine the Useless and Thrall's son the Absent, that is.
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Reproduction is for gay pussy ass bitches, real men go to war with other men and wrestle while covered in grime, sweat, hair and other excretions. Sometimes you even have to take off your loincloths to avoid ripping them apart before the match. Women would never understand this.
what they should do is fuck off and stop writing the story to be all about their superhero character team (mostly faction leaders)
an mmo's "story" should be more of a background setting for player's personal exploits, the current narrative where the player character is basically just an intangible camera watching the writers' pet npcs do cool things while you do all the busywork and get 0 recognition despite theoretically being one of the strongest beings in the world by now is dumb as fuck
all these failed writers weren't good enough to get their fanfiction published so now they cope by turning games that used to be about the world and the players into their personal novellas
Thrall has a daughter does he not?
Vol'jin's got a number of yet to be seen children. Because Trolls are insatiable fuck gods.
Possibly from Bwemba, or at least she's the most likely candidate, but that's up in the air.
Which dungeons are the fastest to complete? I want to do the archives disk quests
Where do you even put it in?
>sylvanas died a virgin
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>Join princess
>Check defensives used
>People have used 0 defensives, 0 health pots, 0 healthstones
>Mages using 0 defensives, not even using barrier
She canonly fucked Nathanos many many times.
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Pretty sure she fucked nathanos a lot
I'm not wasting money on health potions in a pug raid lmao
undeads don't have sex you moron coomers
Hard disagree. WoW is a warcraft game first and an MMO a distant third. The story and characters in WoW give players a purpose to engage with the content, which is why the reception for WotLK, Legion, the first half of Battle for Azeroth and TWW was much better than Shadowlands and Dragonflight.
Vanilla WoW belongs in classic and represents a time when WoW was barely a fucking Warcraft game. Unironically the first moment WoW was faithful to Warcraft was Wrathgate, up until then it was a stupid MMO for dumb normalfag secondaries who never even knew about the RTS games.
There's a small vent near the middle of the thorax for the benin to go in.
she fucked Nathanos before they were dead, he literally, canonically dicked his way into being the first human Silvermoon Ranger
>jaina will die childless
you're not getting my jew gold
>jaina will die
You can't tell me Arthas has didn't put it in before
Isn't one of his sons killable because he's a dirty traitor?
Lorthemar fucks.
this is just headcanon. Until the texts state that they had an intimate relationship. Sylvanas died a virgin.
Dude she's got a FAT ASS! and she knows it too.
I miss being the hero of the day for some bumfuck quest hub way out in nowhere.
I miss when I wasn't personally requested by every major character to help them, they don't have to personally interact with me, just some representative character, those tend to be a lot more interesting, like the various Alliance and Horde army characters in Cata and MoP.
Also what's even the point of any of the "good guy" characters in TWW? None of them do anything, none of their actions matter, Alleria is just acting out like an edgy teenage girl, Anduin is trying to cure his depression and... that's it.
As much as I hated Legion mechanically, at least the characters there felt like they were working towards a goal and not messing around for silly reasons
no there isnt?
we need a tank that has BL or any other heroism effect
>fragnance benched
wtf bwos
demon hunter players, is the most popular build still the retarded movement one or can i actually play something where i won't be siezing every 20s
you're almost forced to play momentum or inertia, not picking either of them is a huge damage loss
>Alleria is just acting out like an edgy teenage girl, Anduin is trying to cure his depression and... that's it.
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Only by mind control, he's in Stranglethorn and Zanzil's up in his brain.
Spirit gets put in a soul gem and delivered to Vol'jin later and then we never fucking hear a thing about it again.
You'd kinda think you'd learn more about Vol'jin's youngest kid, or any of the others, but no apparently.
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>join silkweavers
>its a very cute clique as usual
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what happened to underhold under ogrimmar?
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>tranny specs in profile
Farmed a shit ton of Darkmoon firewater before xpac launch, price went up to 3.2k yesterday. Sold 100 of them. Ez gold.
Yes, there is. That's how spider sex works.
At least, that's how it is for widows. Her thorax is shaped like a widow's, so it's the most similar.
By all means, tell me what I missed
Anduin is depressed and it's clear from the fact that he tries to get himself killed in the same way as his dad as a form of punishment for being controlled in Shadowlands and never feels worthy as his father's successor.
whats a fucking thorax you retard
pvp races when
when are we doing a /wowg/ full heroic clear
guild is full of troons spamming gay sex shit
join nerub and you might get a full hc clear in 3 months
you really think anons can handle that?
many such cases
5/8 at the minimum is very easy
speedgamer take
Anduin's not trying to punish himself, he's trying to cope with the fact that you gay niggers can't let him be Anduin and demand Human Garrosh every expansion. It's metaludokino.
it needs Americans who are willing to dominate all the EUsissies
i cleared yesterday 4/8hc with just pugs
so yes we can do the 5th one with nerub this week
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Hop on <Nerub Silkweaver Forum> girlypop!
We have men to pretending to girls and they/thems!
You want to carry his dude and his wife's son?Come on over!
You want to play with gamers who don't know how to turn their character? Jump on in!
Interested in playing with a clique? Too bad! The GM and his friends only play together and only look for other gamers if one of them is missing! And, they happen to be the only players actually trying!
Give us a look!
>You can only wear one (1) transmog at a time
>You can only ride one (1) mount at a time
>You can only have one (1) vanity pet out at a time
Stop gaming with time for shit you will never ever use. Just get the one thing you need for your mog and play the game.
gambling* with time
but i want new ones from time to time. so i gotta get them so i have them when i want them.
Her big fat ass-like body structure.
Judging by her raid model's size, it's probably about five to six feet back from her spinnerets, on the underside.
so true sis
I change up my outfit all the time
I'm an Americhad sorry
>>By all means, tell me what I missed
you omitted/missed the part where Alleria realises she was acting like a retard and literally tells you and the main characters she was wrong and will stop it
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>look at raider.io
>every group has a dk dps

Can dk dps grip mobs? What's the reason for mage, evoker and dk meta?
>favorite more than one mount and then use the "random favorite mount" button
yup, I'm thinkin we're back
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>filling out the second vault was a boring slog
>can barely bring myself to giving a shit about the third
See you in November I guess.
They still use it for stuff. During BfA you rescued Baine from it as you escaped Sylvanas' secret police BUT SHE WILL NOT BE GARROSH 2.0 says the devs. I'd really like to see a massive overhaul in a .5 patch for Stormwind and Orgrimmar with the new Earthen as an excuse. Add more verticality to Orgrimmar with the underhold being revamped.
They need to make WoW appeal to a younger audience I don't want to play with sleepy boomers and obnoxious 40 y/o neckbeards
i wouldnt say he's depressed, more he's terrified of losing control again and failing everyone

there's this disconnect where it's difficult to say if he's unable to use the light or just unwilling
i could be reading into it on that part though
There are a lot of mobs that won't move, or move very slowly. Grip is very handy for these, especially if there's nowhere to LOS.
Also they do great damage.
When Anduin reached the nerubian zone it was like a switch was flipped, he was in his element again, just like in MoP. The man is a negotiator and diplomat, it's how he was able to win in BfA by setting Saurfang on the path to expose Sylvanas.
Anduin's story in TWW is built on the weak foundation of Shadowlands but it isn't about what happened in Shadowlands, it's about returning to his peak performance - which is something we all want from World of Warcraft after the Danuser shitshow.
Is there an addon that both changes the player/target frame to class colors and also let's me edit the dimensions more, like make the bars longer but also not as tall? Or even addons that change the bars but give them interesting shapes? I've looked at elvui and suf but they just make the frames into plain rectangles which I really don't like the look of
why'd you choose to play in a retirement home if you don't want to interact with old farts?
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>take out ten years to fill a necrotic wake +7
>start thinking the game is dead
>get +9 ara kara
>ten gazillion sign ups the second I put it in lfg
Wow, what an offer! Because nothing says ‘epic gaming’ like a bunch of guys pretending to be fem forgetting how to turn their characters. And I can’t wait to join a guild that only invites when they’re one short for their ‘elite’ circle. Sounds like a real thrill ride!
>There are a lot of mobs that won't move, or move very slowly. Grip is very handy for these, especially if there's nowhere to LOS
Yea, I was thinking about.
Was dps DK always able to grip mobs like the tank DK? Welp never going to make groups without a DK now. Grip is the most busted spell in this game.
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haha... y-yeah... mounts and transmogs...
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MMOs will never be popular with kids again. Maybe there could be a revival once VR becomes a standard household item but I wouldn't hold my breath on that
I'm still using the mythic tomb of sargeras set I got from when it was the current tier.
Somewhat seethe about the fact any shitter can get it while the elite pvp sets are locked away forever.
They're both doing good and are very tanky. Grip is incredibly useful and ranged melee kick is pretty good too. A big thing is the highest damage this season is almost all magical and that gives massive value to AMS, AMZ, and the new AMS buddy talent (which does not provide a massive shield but the 50% magic effect length is busted.
>go hard as hell when a new expac or season starts
>quit a month in because I get tired of running on the treadmill.

Honestly what is blizzard solution to this because it seems this is how most people play the game. I suppose it isn’t an issue.
>Was dps DK always able to grip mobs like the tank DK?
Yes, but in the very early days it used to taunt as well as pull the mob. The taunt got removed at some point.
>the weak foundation of Shadowlands but it isn't about what happened in Shadowlands
I really like his trauma is supposed to be a core aspect of his arc but they just never address what it really is because even they know the specifics of him telling someone "Satan mind controlled me to kill 20 furries" is stupid. Not a complaint they're working with what they have it's just very funny.
>MMOs will never be popular with kids again
good, imagine wanting to play with the covid generation who's entire life revolves around the digital world.
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Maze rats having a meltie because their mini game is ass.
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>once VR becomes a standard household item
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>>its a very cute clique as usual
what does this mean?
sorry, only got my alt in the guild and I have been to depressed to play this week because my oshi is retiring.
Anduin is a weak coward who needs to learn inner strength to support his people
Anduin is a weak coward who needs to learn inner strength to support his people
Anduin is a weak coward who needs to learn inner strength to support his people
Anduin is a weak coward who needs to learn inner strength to support his people
Anduin is a weak coward who needs to learn inner strength to support his people
when will it fucking end
Oh hey it's queue anon!
>I suppose it isn’t an issue.
People act like playing a game for a month, getting bored, then stopping until new patch content comes out is a huge flaw but who cares. In the past where the vague concept of server culture meant a playerbase of the same people constantly playing provided value in of itself maybe but WoW has not been that for a while so what does it matter if you only play WoW for a few months a year as opposed to every waking hour of your life.
wow needs a vulpera lich king
when he stops being a weak coward
very cute was an old wowg guild and very cliquey
Frost dk is busted and any braindead mongo retard can play it. Aug is Aug, it'll be in high keys forever unless they delete the spec. Mage always has one spec that performs very well and will almost always be taken forever due to aug+vdh buff. Together those three dps have breath of eons bubble, mass barrier, group ams and a lot of group stops making them really fucking good for living through bullshit while shitting out a lot of damage
>VR becomes a standard household item
Yeah that's never going to happen, unless it's like a pair of glasses that comes with the latest phone or whatever. PC's aren't really a standard household item these days.
Anduin is just not built for aggressively taking charge or lecturing someone like Tyrande Whisperwind about the necessity of Human Knight Rush, or whatever it is Varian was doing that pissed of the nelffags. Even in his argument when Alleria did the retard thing he wanted to talk shit out.
It doesn't make sense to put him into action sequences or frontline missions like TWW is doing because it's grating as fuck, but he should be played to his strengths and not expected to have the responsibility of executive leadership over an entire assembly of different nations, especially when it isn't necessary whatsoever.
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Make the game more meaningful outside M+ and raids like they used to be. Blizzard has perfected their formula on how they WANT you to play, AKA; The Maze. Break the formula, make your own fun
first time seeing a fotm spec?
>Aug is Aug
> it'll be in high keys forever unless they delete the spec
is aug just giga busted?
>aug+vdh buff
can you explain that
and the core of this new guild is a clique closed off to any new members?
I'd give it another 20ish years to break out of the meme peripheral purgatory
Anduin is a weak coward who needs to learn inner strength to support his people
What the fuck, Anduin did literally nothing wrong in MoP and even got his legs broken denying Garrosh the Divine Bell. And he didn't need a wheelchair after either. How the fuck are you suddenly complaining about Anduin in MoP?
Also in BfA he did everything right, Sylvanas just had too many superpowers and too much plot armor.
>play skirm in lidl character as a retard
>get matched with glads
The plot of MoP was Anduin goes on a journey of self discovery in Pandaland but I wouldn't call it requiring he finds "inner strength for his people". He's never a coward. He spends the entire expansion being defiant to those who would see him fucked and the narrative presents him as correct for wanting peace.

Anduin from Legion to BfA was expressly not that. Anduin sat in his big chair wearing his retarded armor and went "yeah I guess we can do some war" but the story does not go NO ANDUIN DO MORE WAR NOT MANLY ENOUGH nor does it go NO ANDUIN WAR IS NOT YOU. Even SL is just "Anduin is fucking mind controlled" and they make vague implications at the end that he kind of liked it and he's sad about that. Only TWW even has an attempt at an arc since MoP and that's more literal "Anduin has depression". Anduin might as well have not existed as a character between MoP to TWW and nothing would change beyond "in that 15 year period he got depression".
What classes get invited to pugs?
Tanks, Healers, Augs?
Classes that can lust.
No, it contains members of Very Cute who are familiar with each other and I've never seen them decline to play with others, when people want to play, they tend to just ask in the guild chat
When the deciding factor behind timing a high key (I mean really high, above title range) becomes 'can we survive this bullshit 1 shot ability' then Aug is taken. If it becomes 'can we pump out enough damage before the timer runs out' then groups tend to ditch Aug. Also Aug can line up their breath with mage cooldowns while vdh chaos brand increases magic damage taken by anyone the dh hits so it encourages bringing casters
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And I'm back to ground zero
I don't know what I want to main anymore
>Used to main warrior / lock during Legion BfA & SL
>Mained Aug during DF
>Suddenly lock feels REALLY slow due to it's lack of "blink"
>Don't really fuck with warrior anymore
I'm not sure which spec I should waltz towards
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Found this old CINEMA Machinima again.
Underwater delves are a strong contender for the worst content ever added into this game.
At least I can spend 75 gold to fix it.
Roll undead lil bro
How is it that Anduin's and Saurfang's interactions in BfA are actually too nuanced for you? Like it's not Dostoevsky, it's pretty clear what the struggle was there.
You should decide soon anon because this is probably the last real week you have in order to get gear and groups for the entry content.
Next reset we're all going to be heavily filtering on ilvl and io score. If you're not full 610 and like 1500 io minimum you're probably not getting invited.
is there a wowg NA guild?
Underwater delves are much better than the ones where you have to hold a candle / device and have to move as little as possible.
What you don't like:
>mobs swimming above you out of melee range
>mobs swimming up chunks of coral and resetting
>mobs going under the floor because floors and walls are a concept only for the player
>zekvir spawning under the map
But it's so fun!
>If you're not full 610 and like 1500 io minimum you're probably not getting invited.
I doubt it matters that much as people already filter based on what spec is played
The Saurfang side content is irrelevant to the actual story because everyone acts retarded in BfA. Anduin, despite whatever he may say, signs off on all the dumb shit during BfA and nobody (least of all Anduin) really cares. He has two interactions with Saurfang where he goes "I don't like war either" and then everyone continues to do war. Laughable to call it an internal struggle when it's just inconsistent character writing that does not matter because BfA was that ad.
you don't need io if you just do your own keys
>And I can’t wait to join a guild that only invites when they’re one short for their ‘elite’ circle.
it's open to any thread user, take your meds
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This loser needs to breathe underwater.
Just roll Undead or Warlock bro.
>invite mage
>he doesnt lust
>even when people scream in chat for him to
I am once again mesmerized by the fact there's people as dumb as you who can't understand that part of the story in BfA and would need a several hour long text dump in order to grasp what most people could understand from just the four interactions in the game. You're the reason people like Danuser and Druckmann find work.
theyre not even that bad. the only shitty part is how unresponsive the air bubbles can feel, but theyre rather straight forward
who are very cute?
I mean yeah, just because the class can do the thing you want, doesn't mean they will.
Point is you still invited him for it.
uhhh echobros?
Do they really?
I really enjoy Arcane mage and fire mage, hell I wanted to main both for TWW, but realized I wouldn't be able to get in groups and ditched
>boy I love pugging in the macaroni trenches because I can't carry 4 other people in low keys because all of the semi competent players already have KSM and have literally zero reason to join keys below a 10 as that's the myth upgrade track
bubbles floating above the ground is beyond retarded
it's not that bad
t. did it in bfa and sl
I just tell mages timewarp because I've hard so many encounters where they don't know what the fuck i am talking about. Same with saying interrupt instead of kick.
yeah, its my fault for ever trusting a mage to not be a drooling subhuman retard. this isnt sarcasm either. i should have known better
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Most groups tend to prefer having someone that can lust than not, so yes, a mage would have better chances than most other dps.
Still competing with Hunters, Shamans and Evokers primarily though.
what am i looking at
>lil stepbro hasn't experienced the keystone squish
you're in for an exquisite treat when you try your first +2
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is this real
Kick elves from your guilds. Don't invite elves to m+. If we ignore them they will change to a non faggot race.
lol xerwo noob
Practice tools are a really old thing though, right? Granted they're more sophisticated now, but even during TBC's original release there was a program people used to practice Teron Gorefiend's ghost debuff.
Still a better plot and writing than everything following MoP, especially Legion.
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good more elves for me
+6s weren't that hard
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Elf players are the most skilled players of any WoWo race.
People seriously glaze Legion. I remember having so many discussions with the lore nerds in my old guild at the time for all the retcons it did with chronicles (which were only about a year old at the time).
He has a point that the ending of MoP was the low point of the expansion.
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>play frost dk
>too retarded to pump with it

might as well take some 12gauge aspirin at this point
I like warlocks but holy fuck they nowdays feel out of place
>Hello Mr. Witherbone the forsaken warlock, please look after these human children who grew up in a light cult
>Welcome to stormwind walking timebomb elf with weord tentacles, we respect you please ignore the space marines that want you dead
>Ah yes the pride of sin'dorei, a warlock still using fel even though we got turned into light worshippers and even banished shadow magic users. Please stay in Murder row fucking your succubus
>Grugdan the orc warlock that took part in the first war! I need your aid to help an alliance elf woman solve her personal life issues! T. Anduin
the secret to getting good with FDK is realizing that it does zdps if you don't have cooldowns popped
BC is easily the worst expansion lore-wise
Legion's one of those narratives if you begin thinking about it for more than 2 minutes, it seriously starts to fall apart.
Most people don't do that unless they're already annoyed with the expansion so they eat up the rule of cool moments that Legion was full of and ignored the serious narrative issues it had.
this BC raped the lore so hard.
Shadow Priest and DK also.
Could be worse.
You could be a DH.
Imagine dk
pvp is so fucking dogshit now holy fuck
>every class has 3 micro cc
>need PERFECT 7 button pve rotations to do damage
>mobility out of the ass (homodragons can INFINITELY KITE someone)
People don't mind those so much because it was used as a foundation to make exciting, engaging and even sometimes epic content for players to experience.
People complain to hell and back about TBC fucking the lore and ruining a lot of characters but at the same time, Draenei are one of the most popular races in the game. People will eat shit if the shit tastes good and doesn't smell too bad either, still better than Shadowlands, Dragonflight or for that matter Cataclysm and WoD as well.
Literal jannies.
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What's so unbelievable about a death knight randomly paying a visit to help with random farm work?
battlegrounds are a lot more fun than arena
salty bags of silk
Legion was just a series of "rule of cool" moments connected by pure retardation.
Antorus is so retarded but then the cool cutscene happens at the end so no one really thinks about how massively it retcons the titans.
god MoP Remix was so SOVLFVLL, we didn't know how good we had it back then bros
you must be doing something wrong
i was pumping dps even in expansions when we were bottom tier
what is your rotation like?
warlocks are basically non-canon as a playert class
same as shadow priests
at least dks and dhs have some justification

there are basically no warlock or shadow priest characters either

as for warlocks, it was basically just guldan, cho'gall and ebonlocke

for shadow priests there is....archbishop benedictus? I can't even think of another remotely important shadow priest character
I had this same thought during emerald dream patch cutscenes with my fucked up jawless undead rogue dripping spittle and poison everywhere standing in the background while night elves talked about how I’m gonna help save the trees or some shit

I’m autistic so it almost made me reroll to like, a regular ass human warrior but I’ve been playing that rogue as my main since vanilla.
Warlocks worked when they were almost exclusively a Horde thing.
Problem is, the plot started expanding their lore to be on both sides and it started to just become awkward.
The Horde could easily justify having a seedy underbelly of Demon summoning powerful dark magic users, but once Alliance races started getting it? Warlock's got turned into full good guys and not just self interested people who'll do small jobs to further their goals.

Warlock Lore could've easily been brought back to this come Legion, but the expansion was too far focused on wanking off DH's to actually try to reign in the hero route that Warlock's were being pushed down over the years.
Isn’t morbin fel or whatever a shadow priest
>undead shadowpriest doing hallowfall
>no one seems to care except for like one "teehee the empire wouldn't like you friend! :)" comment from faerin
These fuckers should be trying to strike me down on sight.
Nothing, just being a good cop.
copy pasted from wowhead, I kjnow they're not the best source, but it's still a 5 button spec.
im 2300 io 620 ilvl
no one invites me to 10s, i have to run my own
you cant get in unless you bought a gear funnel, bought a 3 chest 10 carry for every dungeon, are 2600, or are in a mythic raiding guild
dungeons werent near as punishing then nor did they have the 15 second death penalty
pugs are a nightmare right now, unironically
they're trying to kill the game
Shadowlands was way, way worse
Bro, TBC had the same exact narrative issues Shadowlands did, the only difference is no one paid attention to the story back in TBC.
vr will just be when everyone is on ubi matrix style. big warcraft population then.
of course that sounds dire and depressing but humanity is already obsolete through genetic engineering. we will be lucky if we don't kill ourselves before the machines do.
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nigga i i just need 1 more ara kara on 7/8 to be 2k
and i play a S tier dps class
it's all so tiresome
So you’re telling me all I need to do for ksm is run some 8s and not even tone them?…
you have to adapt
i preferred SL arena but i still enjoy post nutalent arena
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What's Shadowlands?
BC was character assassination and kinda weird retcons because Metzen forgot some stuff.
SL completely fucked the entire universe that I'm impressed they didn't hard retcon it.
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Shadowlands was destroying a walking corpse, TBC had already killed the lore a long time ago
pls summon
good lord this is so fucking kino
>death knightiness
I want to roll a human male death knight as a parallel to my human male paladin right now ngl.
>they're trying to kill the game
they're trying to funnel people into raiding
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You could honestly cut the Nerubians from this expansion and I doubt much would change in the long rung.
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I'm about to have a joker moment healing these +7s
Vol'jin was a shadow priest. A witch docta.
>but once Alliance races started getting it? Warlock's got turned into full good guys and not just self interested people who'll do small jobs to further their goals.
you mean launch wow? Where the human warlock trainers hid in a tavern that was a front for their temple? And a quest involved offing nobles that were poking their noses where they didnt belong?
swap to pres/sham and chill
that's because there was no "main" narrative quest for players to follow, so most people operated on a mix of whatever story they gleaned from doing random quests, as well as their own headcanons + the "vibes" they got from the expac as a whole
people didn't riot about the story back then because what they thought the actual story was could be completely different from what blizzard intended to convey
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Yes, they were cooler back in WC1-2 and 3. The same problem happened to Death Knights as soon as they got given to Humans and revamped in WC3.
Anon that's wrong. Neither faction can justify warlocks in earnest. Warlocks are the black sheep of both factions, the likes of Gul'dan or Medivh.
On the other hand Warlock campaign in Legion was pure kino.
its not going to work because the mythic raiding problem is a problem because of the people mythic raiding
the only things i still need from the raid are sidegrades and ansurek ring ovinaxx ring or the ring from bloodbound but those can be skipped for m+ options, oh and i guess an H ansurek kill but you dont get a mount and the pug groups for her are atrocious so who actually cares
they're going to nerf maze+ anyway
They have to retcon it at some point. You can't just turbofuck the concept of death like that.
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Give me 10 man mythics.
Really REALLY hate what they did with Kael. It should've been him reconciling with Velen at the Sunwell and assuming his place as the BE leader, not becoming a crack addict legion slave.
I could forgive Vashj because there was always an air of suspicion about the naga's true motives.
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I am a shaman, it's still soul crushing. Doesn't matter how meta your class is, there's no healing the retard out of PUGs.

Feel bad for my Druid/Monk bros.
>Pure Kino.
Bro the Warlock campaign didn't even have an actual final boss.
The main villain of the Warlock campaign peaced out so he could be a Dungeon Boss in 7.2 and you got left with controlling the Eredar Twins.
TBC has the excuse of being WoW's first expansion and the game's long life wasn't anything they could've expected.
Shadowlands was created when WoW had existed for over a decade and cemented itself as the biggest MMORPG yet they allowed completely clueless and talentless writers to run rampant with the lore and completely butcher not only the entire Scourge but also the whole lore and story of the franchise since it started.
>BC was character assassination
Don't forget every character they dragged into Shadowlands and completely trashed, Kel'thuzad, Tyrande's pointless story, Uther, fucking Arthas etc.
TBC was dumb lorewise but it wasn't nearly as bad as Shadowlands
You're missing the forest for the trees. The vibe dude.
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>Souls in warcraft are fuel
>expected the afterlife to be nothing but a fuel farming workshop
i like the concept
but the j'lor didnt have to exist to fuck everything up
They had their chance with Chronicles IV, and they didn't.
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Expansion narratives so bad, they had to dedicate an entire lore book just to try and justify all the out of character moments that happened in said expansion. Just so they could use the character again in the future.

It's funny it's happened twice.
They're only fuel to fel magic. The fel wouldn't be as certifiably despised if it was the normal state of things for your soul to be turned into fuel in the afterlife. The actual faiths of Azerothians should've been acknowledged and respected.
>can't carry
do you like winterspring
Oh Jesus don't remind me. I'm a WC3 fag and I was doing Sanctum of Domination the other week with a friend and I just about fucking died when I heard him go
I don't actually care about the story. I spend 99% of the game playing as MY character. I don't care when a bunch of literal who's pop-up on-screen and suddenly I'm expected to live vicariously through their heckin' awesomeness.
>"Hero! A great evil has arisen! We need your help!"
>slog through an entire expansion
>i'm the one busting ass through the whole thing
>culminates in defeating BBEG in the final raid
>right at the end get sidelined by the 'main cast'
>watch them all jack each other off in a cutscene
>player character doesn't even appear because it's all pre-rendered, pre-determined bullshit
>everyone starts glazing you like you weren't JUST cucked out of your great victory
>"Hero! You defeated the great evil! Ahh you're so great! I love you! What would we do without you hero and your heroic hero power?!"
>*queue next expansion*
>"Hero! A great evil has arisen! - But it's even WORSE this time!!! We need your help!"
XIV at least gives you the reach-around of having your WoL appear in the absolute assfucking of cutscenes but you're still just as impotent. The whole meta sense of powercreep, both on a mechanical and story-driven level, is completely fucked. You're constantly getting screwed over in the narrative.
No, I love Winterspring.
Relax, it's obviously not canon.
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>remove the most kino race in the game
yea you made the expansion worse
look at this big duude
he looks like he has big sweaty hairy balls if he was a human or orc
so much test
holy shit
>spammed ara kara m+ for days on end
>only 1 dogshit drop
>open fault
>all dogshit
What the fuck were they thinking with this dogshit system?
>Be questing deep in a valley on classic
>Chest spawns and its between you and one mob
>No one else around to steal it
>Pure dopamine
>play on my dps alt for fun
>waiting in group finder for 15 minutes for a tank
yeah i definitely can't be a dps main in this game ever again
so much wasted time just to play the game
you're joking about the 15 minute wait right?
no. i know it's a comparitively small time to wait, but that's time couldve been spent actually playing the game
You can do stuff while you're queued
i'm a prot pally myself only doing heroics for now but it sounds absurd that you have to wait that long for a tank to join
kek, it's funny when you put it like that
Only plate wearers should tank, but plate wearers should always tank.
Imagine being a guy in plate and being like nah I'm going to avoid getting hit, I'm not a tank
Like stop being gay, take some damage with your armor you bitch
>1 silver, 21 copper
>2 pieces of light leather
>one malachite
>a grey item you can't use
yup, I'm thinking it's kino
I liked his little cameo this expansion, where he was basically backstabbed by the nerubian queen and may have been actually able to win the war of the spider with her help
Fagadins are too pussy to tank.
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What's the least spammy tank? Or is that every tank now? I've tried blood, and both prots and they're extremely annoying to play.
Sorry sweety, deterministic loot aquisition is only for the last season of the expansion.
>list key
>a thousand dps instantly apply
it is what it is
Tbh goblin woman warlocks are art hoe witch types so there is a reason why some locks like blood elves or humans would not go clean with such company
it's even funnier when they assign the raid boss kills in the story to one of the "main cast" npcs so in the end you busted your ass for nothing because in canon the raid wasn't even actually done by player characters
>Money to buy abilities
>Grey item is an armor upgrade
>Food to keep you alive
>Light leather and malachite to use for your professions
Good shit.
get filtered.
get a new reaction image.
>fags still complaining about the price of gear when nearly every possible pick in the profession specs makes money
I stopped being mad at weapon cost when I realised that I am probably going to be using it all expansion, and just recrafting it for cheap each patch.
I dropped like 700k on enchanting and havent made any profit at all
nta but I've seen it way worse in the past
>profession specs makes money
im baking pretty good gold with mining
don't care about BS honestly
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>Green 1h axe of agi dropped on my orc hunter
this is the one bois
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Anyone else really like male Worgens?
>Simc myself
>Realise that I have the exact theorical DPS
>I'm a fire mage
>No way in hell am I getting invited anywhere
Such is the way...
I assumed weapon trees were gonna be dead in the water due to lower ilvl but gearing right now being CBT and them making the strongest embellishments weapon only actually made it worth it, my scribe is selling staves for 10k a pop
I like playing them
are zekvir's heralds worth engaging? I hear they're harder than zekvir himself
>DH is the tank I have the most fun with
>have to be a gay elf
Feels bad
I would play one of the posture and clothing as a result did not look like total worg shit
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Second bag drop
engaged a pair in a 3 man group, wasnt all that hard.
be a lesbian elf instead
You can make them bald to emulate hair loss caused by high test
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>Demon Hunter is the hero I have the most fun with
>have to play as gay Night Elves
Feels oldman
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>Really REALLY hate what they did with Kael. It should've been him reconciling with Velen at the Sunwell and assuming his place as the BE leader, not becoming a crack addict legion slave.
>I could forgive Vashj because there was always an air of suspicion about the naga's true motives.

I have a theory that Blizzard decided to villianbat then kill Kael'thas off because they decided to have the blood elves join the Horde and didn't know how to write a convincing story of him leading the Blood Elves into the Horde.

It was easier narratively to have Kael'thas be...LE BAD and invent Who'themar as a selfess leader caught between a rock and a hard place to take his place instead.

Not only did he live in Dalaran and was a part of their ruling council, Kael'thas absolutely despised the Horde, particularly the Orcs. In a discussion with Jaina and Antonidas, he thought the Orcs as less than animals and was in favour of killing them all off instead of wasting the Alliance's money keeping them in camps. He also still loved Jaina, even after Arthas cucked him.

I'm hoping he returns in Midnight as the true leader of the united Thalassian Elves but I know I'm just setting myself up for disappointment.
if i want to start doing gathering for money do i have to level it up from vanilla or dragonflight or something or does it start from scratch in war within?
Not like they drop anything. Kill em if they're in the way otherwise just ignore them who cares.
>I'm hoping he returns in Midnigh
let's just never acknowledge SL ok?
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>true leader of the united Thalassian Elves
Yeah and I hope that Garrosh returns somehow and even though he's unapologetically still shilling for total Alliance Death and Orc Supremacy, everyone else just agrees he's paid for his sins and lets him roam free being based for the Horde and him and Thrall finally overcome their differences in a rematch fistfight and then they wrestle completely naked with their big hairy sweaty ball slapping but we know that's never ever.
new shaman healer here how come the dps priest was outhealing me in this dungeon I just did
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>I don't care when a bunch of literal who's pop-up on-screen
i always ignore them
you're right
that's probably the reason
still funny after so many years
spriest self healing is pretty retarded but that shouldn't be the reason why you're healing less than him. Are you still leveling? was he 80 + geared?
>purple crazy eyes
That's Xal'atath in disguise!!
kys retard
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Shadow orbs on Princess is probably the most confusing mechanic for me
Am I supposed to stand all the way out, if I do that I'm out of range of healers and will probably get dragged into orbs
Also I get unlucky with the point placement of the orb shoot out so I now have to reposition myself so it doesnt shoot through the middle
i reposition myself but another player orbs is already there
i just dont get it
>Ranger General
>Hero of the Second War
not all that terrible of a choice.
>people STILL getting filtered at arakara's last boss
good lord
>null stone from a patron order bag
all skill btw
and it's official art that hasn't been used anywhere except for the joke shorts on youtube....
you're onto something....
they accidentally revealed it....
Wish they could retcon Kael'thas's death to him being purified with the Sunwell, change the Magisters Terrace to a random magister or Rommath maybe
>What did Kael'thas do all these years?
Stay behind and rebuild Silvermoon as King
>but world events
Traumatized from leaving his people, he'll never do it again
There's a theory that Xala'thath is actually Alleria in the future.
Isn't going to happen. Shadowlands was setting up Lor'themar seeking approval from Kael to become the true leader of the Blood Elves and not just Regent. But like all Horde story in SLs, it got either delayed to later expansions or happened off screen.
I think you're overlooking the fact that Blood elves joined "officially" many expansions later, Sylvanas and forsaken were theor neighbours and sent a diplomatic envoy to help in recovery from extinction. The original plan was to use the horde (mainky the forsaken neighbours) to get done with the exodus and leave until they realized that Kael had peddled them bullshit. Northrend was Sylvanas blackmailing the blood elf leadership into working wirh the horde in the assault and the "true" political schism happened when Jaina lost her shit and the devs had to retcon the same event twice because people were uncomfortable doing an ethnic cleansing quest
so the token definitely finna drop during the anniversary event, right?
i used abomination limb by mistake at 1st boss and pulled the spiders to the boss kek
insta wipe
She'll jump into the Sunwell and it will be renewed containing Arcane, Light and Void
A new race called the Great Thalassians will emerge and create a new faction made up of only elves
It's not going to drop any lower for a while anon
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What about flat chested elves?
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>and it's official art that hasn't been used anywhere except for the joke shorts on youtube....
>you're onto something....
>they accidentally revealed it....
It's literally from TWW's collector's edition art book
ok then
nice blanket btw
no him, but honestly still disappointing.
cute boy
Nice headcanon belffag but the Belves were officially hordeshits as far back as Wrath. Jaina didn't lose her shit, she put a bunch of fucking enemy nationals in detention and returned Dalaran to its rightful position as an Alliance nation.
>hero of the void elves
>not hero of silvermoon/alliance/second war
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>t8 delves + bounties + great vault forcing you immediately into high keys or heroic raiding from the get go for better gear
>delves just cycle through 3-4 scenarios, all scenarios share 3-4 gimmicks
>crafted items are cheaper than raw mats in the ah
>achievement mounts ugly beyond belief (except fishing derby but I mean it's fucking fishing)
>pugs are a retard lottery

why do anything? is pvp the way?
>People think War Within isn't going to end with Alleria succumbing to he Void and being the one to corrupt the Sunwell in 11.0
>create a new faction made up of only elves
So its going to just take 80% of the population from both factions?
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None of that shit happened.
They were not in wrath willingly bro. They were blackmailed into staying in the horde. My point is that they never had a reason to stay but were held hostage so horde would have a pretty race instead of alliance being given aryan elves we deserved. Kill yourself
ilvl 571, where to now? Heroic dungeons seem like a lame choice and I won't get accepted into t8 delves
>bad ending into immediate continuation
huh, that's a good thing.
also it's 12.0
what's so funny xal'atath
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Vol'jin shall return in Midnight as da Loa of Kings, bringing back Sylvanas with him from the Shadowlands to save the Trolls and Elves of Quel'thalas.
Trust the plan, mon.
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>all members of a race have the same exact views on every matter
There are probably blood elves who liked the Horde, who preferred Dalaran, who empathized with the Forsaken, who wanted to go hang with Kael'thas as a demon, or who don't like any of this and are being held hostage. The one thing we can all agree on however is that adding the blood elves to the Alliance would have been retarded from both a story and practical standpoint.
idk, last week when gearing up an alt I got 5 pieces from BT + timewalking caches. it really sucks that you're at the awkward ilvl during the shit week where they aren't handing out gear like candy
pls respond
>They were not in wrath willingly bro
belffag dindu shitter retardation
use some of your restored coffer keys to do t8 delves and then into m0s or +2+3 if you're tank/healer
Vol'jin was a cool guy but he doesn't deserve such title even though blizzard so unfairly killed him to made sylvanas a warchief
You can just start scratch with dragonflight, but you'll also need to level the others one from their respective trainers if you wanna unlock it all
any tips tricks and guides calling all gamers
Nah you can start directly from War Within. You can actually level to 80 completely via gathering shit. You still need to complete the campaign for obvious reasons.
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Can't wait for Da Loa of Kangz to bring back the saviour of the Amani people.
t. hasn't even finished the fucking leveling campaign
Shit take hordie. They were stolen and everyone knows it. Void elves were a move to mock an entire faction because the devs are hordelets
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She got kicked out for a reason bro. The set up's been here since Legion, which was what Metzen worked on.
It'll happen
>helves are race traitors
>always have been
No wonder the alliancebabs fellate them
no yeah i mean i'm level 80 in war within and doing mythics but i've literally never done any profession stuff in wow before so i don't know how it works or how you start it lol
finish leveling your first character then do the max level campaign
I did the max level campaign bro, just because a character claims they're fine currently, doesn't mean they'll be fine by the end of the expansion. Lmao
>race traitors
that's the troll loving shart'dorei though
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I miss him bros
he had a good story
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rofl even
LMAO perhaps
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>only 5% more crit until I'm crit capped as frost
yeah because blizzard has really been one for nuance in their story telling
they are forcing alleria way too hard as the LE GOOD void character to shitcan it
The seething from alliance pallies and high elf wanters would be too much it'd cause a blowout. Make it happen Blizzard especially if darkspear can get paladins
I won't
What's crit cap? 33% or something?
Bro, the fact they're doubling down on Alleria being le good, is exactly why they'll have her be corrupted and needing rescued in Midnight. Especially since Legion and BFA both heavily set her up falling to the void and killing Turalyon.
The only traitors are the ones making friends with their mortal enemies and hanging out with rapists and forest burners. If quel'dorei were never going alliance then just kill the race off instead of giving it to the horde to be bastardized and retconned into what it never was meant to be
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My prediction?
Xal'atath will take Turalyon hostage and pretend to kill him so that she can make Alleria become the Primal Void Queen and attack her. However Turalyon turns out to be alive and Alleria joins with the other Sons of Lothar to rescue him. After being rescued Turalyon is like what have you done, she says what she had to, he always believed in her and then Turalyon slashes over her head with his sword but breaks up with her. Afterwards when attacking Xal'atath in her palace, Xal'atath will reveal that she has an insurance policy, the Dark Heart which starts zapping Alleria of her powers. But then Turalyon shows up and says Change Of Plans and breaks the Dark Heart then tosses Xal'atath away Alleria gets up and says Xal'atath turned them all into monsters then blows her up. Thereafter Alleria flies away with the other void forces but not before thanking Turalyon for everything and he says my pleasure darling.
Screencap this post.
the audacity to leave the group when you do 784k total dps while me and the other dps have more than 1.3m dps on +7 nw
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You forgot the part of Turalyon's noble but forgettable sacrifice. Something an elite like him would do
>EZ-mine ironclaw
>EZ-mine ironclaw
>EZ-mine ironclaw
>EZ-mine ironclaw
I can't fucking take it anymore bros
they nerfed the bismuth spawnrate
source : my 285 iq
>BFA horrific visions
next you're going to start pointing at il'gynoth whispers
i don't understand why party leaders don't make m+ groups with someone without bloodlust
I don't play as elves but helffags are making me support belffags out of spite and nothing else because of how annoying this shit is getting. Play a human or a troll like a normal person fucking hell
anyone explain in layman terms why is it suddenly so easy to make gold as a worker drone? in DF I was doing weeklies for 1-3% rolls on a 12k gold satchel. now I can loot nullstones from bismuth veins that go for 6k.
Turalyon was Raynor this whole time?
Holy deepest lore
judge me as a person based on what I play
>unholy dk
>protection warrior
>fistweaver monk
Nullstones are needed in a majority of serious crafts. Also probably something about china bots being distracted currently giving us a moment to breathe without them flooding the AH
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Reasons why Alleria going evil at some point makes sense.
>Silvermoon needs to be tricked into letting the Void get near the Sunwell, resulting in in it being corrupted.
>All Void Elves but Alleria are currently banned from Quel'thalas and even then, Alleria is only allowed to be there to visit her son while on constant watch.
>Writers need an excuse to bring Sylvanas back into the plot for Midnight and having Alleria fall or be turned fully to Void Corruption and needing saving is an easy write in for Sylvanas' next redemption arc.
>Turaylon's basically being allowed near 0 screen time with Alleria and already has a deathflag involving dying to Alleria back in BFA. Typically you keep lovers apart if you wanna make the death, or downfall of one more tragic.
>Xal'atath for some reason has an almost autistic obsession with her, despite not sharing any screen time at all until War Within
>Locus Walker is a sussy baka
>Metzen loves his corruption arcs.

It's over Alleriafags, you're getting the villain bat no matter how hard you try to deny her destiny.
theyre inexperienced or theyre like me and only invite evokers or shamans if they can find them since hunter and mage are usually too retarded to use bl
gay homosexual
too late
Explain how Sylvanas coming back, while not undead, would help the situation? The void hated her cause she was undead and they have problems with it.
You like things that have a nice flow to them.
>only invite evokers or shamans
i did a +7 where the leader didn't invite even a shaman or evoker
boggles the mind
>prot war
50/50 rat or honest man
honest man

i think it balances out, you're a normal man.
Helffags ARE belffags you cretin. Everyone who wanted a thalassian alliance elf gf for their human male paladin already made a void elf with the original void elf appearances and sexy smoky voice in BfA.
fag who thinks hes cool but everyone thinks is a fag
either neutral or insufferable, no in between
autistic tranny with a humiliation fetish (as opposed to gay guy who became a tranny as an extension of being gay)
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>invite mage
>doesnt use time warp
>doesnt use defensives
>just dpses
>While not Undead.
Bro, Sylvanas is staying Undead, she's still Undead.
Just cause you spend prolonged time in the shadowlands as a zombie then pop out, doesn't take away your Undeath status.
DK's do it all the time.
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>raging german with shit dps and no interrupts leaves the group once again
>Helffags are belffags
They wish they were but they aren't. They readily cop to it cause they're pussies that threw a fit for the lack of velf customization options
>>invite mage
Just don't.
I dont believe in mental illnesses. All of them are same to me other than the colour of flag they have and people who like elves of any sort are really fucking gay
Metzen doesn't want to make more good characters into villains, he's done with that phase of his life forever. It's all about resisting corruption now, see Kerrigan.
Okay good cause I fully expect Blizzard to do some stupid shit where she comes back in the living flesh cause the 'good' part of her soul is just that special
There's no good WoW porn anymore, it's all AI or 3D models.
WoW porn peaked using the in-game models using photoshop.
what's the lowest ilvl people ahve done ?? zekvir at ? I have to be on top of the spider spawn immediately or I risk failing the dps check at 608 with my ret
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Uh yeah, I'm thinking Hordekek cope
Bow to your new Queen of Silvermoon orcboi
>queuing solo shuffle as healer
>30sec into game 1 I know I'm going to go 3w/3l, get 0 mmr and waste 20 min of my life because 1 of the DPS is considerably weaker/worse than the other 3

...and people wonder why they have 30min queues and no one wants to heal anymore
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this. belves are a disgusting race of cucks.
alliance won.
Casters have an easier time with him. So start knocking off 10 ilevel for ranged dps
>Says all this.
>Ditches Turalyon anyway to go face Xal'atath with Faerin and Anduin a few quests later.
Well that didn't last long.
>prot war
>50/50 rat or honest man
What makes a prot warrior a rat?
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she had to take out danuser's void macguffin
She didn't want him to get a booboo, a nasty little ouchie on his pretty face.
It's completely normal you wouldn't put your girlfriend in danger right?
they should add stat templates to pve
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5k gold for this
does that make a huge diff?
50% of them are pussies in my anecdotal experience.
kys danuser
>Put your girlfriend in danger.
See, I'd get that. If she didn't leave him behind the battle the over-whelming swarm of bugs. Thrall and Jaina could've easily controlled the armies while Turalyon moved up to deal with the main void issue, especially when Anduin doesn't have access to the light in that moment.

Woman looks like a dumbass.
is there a 10 world quest weekly this week?
No, just the titan disc thing.
mages are the new paladins, prove me wrong
>doesnt even drop ports at the end
stop inviting them, they are useless
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i drop portals
then immediately leave the group HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! IM FUCKED UP
It feels like the writers don't want to use Turalyon at all, but are essentially forced to have him around in some capacity due to him being Alleria's husband.
Would not surprise me if he wasn't even going to be a part of this expansion at all until Metzen returned.
Same deal with Thrall.
i regret buying this expansion
the only good thing about it was the zekvir delve
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Belfkeks were so fucking mad when those customizations were announced
>behind the battle the over-whelming swarm of bugs
He had a bunker and a siege tank he was gonna be fine.
No, the weekly quest rotates between.
>Pick your poison and do your activity weekly quest
>Get a bit of Titan lore after collecting 100 discs
Normal weekly quest will be back next week, then we'll get another Titan lore quest week after
Why do you play an elf
Why are you playing the race designed around sucking dick?
Sucks horde cock
Sucks alliance cock
Suck alliance cock
>magic nelf
Sucks horde cock

Are you seriously obsessing over a race designed for cock suckers? Why do you play one? To suck cock more?
I sometimes dash in the complete opposite direction i meant to dash as evoker and die
My void elf gf is an alt, but I have to level and gear her so that she is good enough to be my gf. Obviously. You wouldn't let your cock get sucked by a level 10 bitch would you?
no we weren't
they still turn purple
they still can't be paladins
How do I get over my anxiety about making my own groups?
I want to do keys and raids but I get perma declined... but I don't know if I could actually lead a raid or m+ without experience.
any other mazed tank players here?
are majority healers complete dogshit this expansion or am i a bad tank? as soon as there is any pack that causes group wide damage every healers starts to shit the bed
Even in +10s, most mages and rogues are absolute dogshit. I'd rather take a hunter. I also don't think it's worth ever inviting aug evokers in pugs.
quit and play ethical games such as minetest or nethack
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>The year is 2024.
>17 years since Blood Elves got added to the Horde
>The country of Quel'thalas has been associated with the Horde for far longer than it has with the Alliance now.
>High Elf fans are still seething to this day demanding their Warcraft 2 nostalgia faction becomes more relevant than the Red Elves
valorstone starvation while being crest capped has to be the worst shit ever
>thinks this much about cock
maybe you should play one
kael'thas never joined the horde nigger
Do you go through that many? It's also valorstone week since I can't go a single step without tripping over three valorstone wqs
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this is me but im to scared to go to the corner store for food because a teenager called me fat tits and his friends laughed
ive gotten malnourished droped 60 lbs, my hair is thinning and a couple of my teeth fell out
idk how to cook but I try to buy baked beans and non perishables when I see them walk through the vacant lot across the way.
my helper said tuna is good for protein to stop my hair falling out and cheese strings for calcium
>Couldn't even directly reply.
Absolute state of Helfers
Humans and high elves lived together in Dalaran for literally thousands of years dumbass
>trader's post class sets class restriction removed
I hope it's the same for the T2 remakes
I don't think either of those games are ethical desu
And then one human went ballistic pushing them out. Damn so much for the thousand years
midnight gonna be pure kino when the helves and velves get more screen time than belf traitors
The Alliance?
Human male footmens
Elven male archers
Human male knights
Dwarven male demomen
Gnomish male pilots
Human male mages
Dwarven male gryphon riders
Pure masculine kino
Have you done fishing in TWW?
ok bro but I'm kind of tired of doing shitty little chores just to be able to upgrade my gear
also this season's M+ rotation is all 30+ minute long dungeons, fuck it all
I look forward to the meltdown from the file.png seething hordenigger in particular desu
wait i need a receipt for this Trolli WoW shit? fuck dawg i just swiped this from the wawa down the skreet
I fucking love cock
>Bluecel is the guy who seethes about people using 4chanX
Oh no no no no
try speaking like a human, nigger
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Um retardbro? I think the alliance elves were still in Dalaran even then...
politely demanding more flatties
actual retard
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kys who ever approved this limit shit
if Khaz Algar is right between southern Kalimdor and Pandaria, why are there nerubians instead of Qiraji or mantid
actual braindead retard
i fucking always die on the last boss of ara kara
hate this shit so much
this is unironically good. Imagine all the NEETs poopsocketing the entire game because not everyone can hyperfarm maze+
Qiraji would be too close to old golds and mantids wouldn't listen to Xal'atath due to groupthink
Because Alliance writers don't really apply logic to their expansions.
Same reason why the Alliance somehow manages to deploy more forces to Khaz Algar, despite the Horde being closer with Kalimdor.
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sorry but your post content, style and images are very noticeable
Naguura please suck my dick
>Tumblr general
kill yourself
what the FUCK do I buy with key or whatever the name of the spider web is
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>scan thread
>no maye posts
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>No broomstick mount

Why does this shit get worse every month?

We shouldn't talk about ourselves like this, it'll scare away the other anons
Bunch of recipes and profession knowledge
Broomstick mount was the reward last year
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>every month
Blizzzard hasn't existed since Wrath of the Lich King. That was 16 years ago. You are a fucking idiot like everyone else in these Tumblr generals.
Not surprised the TP is rather boring this halloween. All the focus is on the anniversary event instead, so they're holding shit back
Who the fuck asks for knock-off warden gear?
>Broomstick mount was the reward last year

Yeah and shit is supposed to rotate back. Where is the blood troll armor? And why is every monthly reward just a shitty reskin / recolor now?
Counter point: Having no limit will lead these obsessed poopsockers to waste away and literally die, which will be a much more effective deterrent to the wider WoWdience and make people not even want to test the limits of the game and what is humanly possible anymore to achieve the highest possible character power. And all those who still do it will also just die.
The only people left will be rot streamers who have to let ubereats deliveries be handed to them while they're on stream, on the computer, pants down shitting into a bowl. And they will be robbed or killed in a robbery sooner than later.
The great purge awaits, Blizzard - Open the fucking limits.
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Trying to do ?? zekvir seems pretty impossible
Don't have the burst for the eggs
So you be telling me that Finesse > Perception?
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bro, like 5 blood elf faggots dying because they couldn't stop being niggers and doing elfcrimes isn't a genocide
Why u mad tho?
damn... allychads are so lucky...
>Only one more tendie reward and I have the Wardenmog
>Only the Halloween event and I have the Purple Proto Drake
Soon, I will have it all... and then I can kill myself!
they look like they fuck human men
What do you mean?
it should be gear scaled
pretty insane it isn't so
the spread of bimbo'dorei continues. Azshara was so wise to plant the seeds
Only way to do it currently is abusing a bug that makes it so the eggs don't continue to spawn.
harvest golem sets looks cool
The Alliance just has more forces. The Horde are cuck.
>another episode of the key holder in M+ being the most dogshit player to have ever played the game
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“These pests are known for their cantankerous attitudes and affinity for nesting in the smokestacks of Undermine., much to the locals’ dismay.”
worgen men*
wawi won...BIGLY
Is there no multiple colors of the set this time? Like usually we get an ensemble and then another color being sold as separate pieces
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TCG bros.. They keep taking our mounts..
>join key
>keyholder is like 20 ilvls below everyone else
I came to WoW from XIV largely with this hope and expectation that my character would not be some person on a pedestal but unfortunately the situation is almost 1:1 the exact same experience. You're the great champion, might as well be called the Warrior of Light, who all the big heroes know by name and rely upon. I hoped to escape this but it can't be done. I just want to be an adventurer who makes a name for himself by playing with other players and, maybe with renown in a faction, earn reputation with /some/ NPCs.

I like that none of the retards replying to you understand that she "died" in WC3.
swift zhevra is coming back. that's a RAF mount, buy it then refund it and you'll get it for free a few hours later.
11.1 will be a deepgrove + undermine double zone patch like 8.1 with nazjatar and mechagon
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that was yesterday in a +4 city of threads
>Keyholder frost DK is doing shit damage
>ret paladin starts to roast him about it
>inspect him halfway through the run
>at least 2 or 3 pieces of green gear including his offhand weapon
>time the key by 1 second
Ha! I say we string 'em up by the lot
play classic era bro, vanilla and BC are when WoW did what you actually want
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How do I complete the Big Dig from dragonflight?
Guys this npc called me champion instead of peasant i'm so offended and now my immersion is broken waaaah
worlo moment for this feel?
You just go where the quest is in the azure span and do it. Maybe you have to unlock it by talking to some npc in valdrakken
worlo is such a trashy term
i just do casual battlegrounds and BG blitz on my half-dozen lvl 80s now to keep it fresh
delves are done in 2 hours, my crafting profession with 150+ knowledge invested doesnt make money, and i usually enjoy doing mid-range keys but they are impossible with pugs atm and dont give me a gear upgrade
this is probably the worst expansion since Shadowlands, I don't think I will renew my sub. if i hated PvP i dont even know what i would do.
That's a shame. I'm a newfag both in general and in game and don't want to end up suffering classic MMO things like bad drop rates on quest items. I enjoy the gameplay a lot I just didn't know I was getting to be a Scion of the Seventh Dawn again. The other thing I wish there was more of is faction war. I feel like the average player would sooner fuck the other side than fuck up the other side.
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HE comes back for the Goblin Raid next patch...
hes already coming back for anniversary deadmines
we are going home....
>effortlessly time 5 +9s in a row yesterday
>deplete 5 +9s in a row in the first 10 minutes today
really activates my almonds
>frost mage one of worse performers in raid
>getting nerfed in 11.0.5
uh ok
Be real with me. How long do I have to enjoy my magic rooster before it's on the trading post?
>don't want to end up suffering classic MMO things like bad drop rates on quest items
massively overhyped in classic outside of quests that literally tell you "this will take a long time" Install classic era and play it or hardcore or even SoD, you'll have more fun
Imagine we get a goblin called chuck instead
People who say shit like this are unironically all basement dwellers with nothing going for them in life or miserable middle aged dudes stuck in dead end shit jobs so they feel the overwhelming need to be a hero in a fictional setting to compensate.
Normies don't give a fuck about that. They want to see stories about fictional characters and root for them or hate them.
played through Afrisabis garrosh in WOTLK.

What's with all the hitler and nazi do whistles in his writing? He did the same shit in Cataclysm and BFA to a lesser extent. He's persian does he think hes aryan?
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I miss that dude.
You're talking with the local resident tranilla NEET.
Ignore him. Also tranilla stops being "le humble adventurer" when you start beating the shit out of the lord of fire, an old god, onyxia, nefarian, kel'thuzad and a fucking old god.
>you can't make story about people being evil, that means you are supporting them
Are you retarded?
had to leave a +5 and some dude told me he reported my ass
what are the odds of me gettign banned
i'm still fucking miserable over how hard i got owned in pvp
Don't listen to the midwits DFC is peak
literally 0
all thats going to happen is he has blacklisted you but there are thousands of keys
0 unless he got his guild to mass report you
from his writing in WOTLK you can tell he hates women, he thinks races have differences, He thinks hitler was a good guy and he thinks the undead = jews.
zero. when my subscription is up for expiry I spend the day queuing for high level keys and bricking them by playing like a retard
useless cuck
get pissed on little alliance baby
hello josh
I haven't played classic for longer than an hour in over a year, if someone quit FF14 because they're sneeding about being le chosen one, then they would factually rather be playing classic than any expansion post-MoP
does he have more fanart
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>sit in 10gb group for 30 minutes
>aug is log checking invites
>kicks 2 different tanks cuz no map
>last guy has a map
>aug doesnt like that
>links his map
>group doing fine until after the first boss
>double pull
>eat shit once
>aug dies second time and tank up and leaves
pog season so good
well done blizzard
dont listen to the cry babies on the forums, you could make it harder even
there are people that unironically believe and say shit like this on the forums
His writing in WotLK and legion are better than anything we've seen in the last 3 expansions.
I only play Alliance and still miss Garrosh, he was genuinely a cool character
The races are genuinely different in Warcraft unlike humans. It's justified to think racist things when you're of a totally different species.
life is more than you trying to paint racism onto everything you experience lil homie
Afrasiabi was based and him being written out of WoW history is a fucking shame. I wish this happened after the Amber Heard trial so this MeToo bullshit didn't have as much steam. I trust his word over the words of soiboys and rainbow haired women
if he gets his entire guild to report you it might work

hey that's me <3
guys what do i do if prot paladin is kind of fun
>your racism is gay and retarded
>my racism is objectively correct and valid
Based, I use this argument about all sorts of things
I want to make sexy AI art too how do I get this
Damn it Basedrix now I'm aroused.
Cancel your subscription
Sanest High Elf fanbase
On the genetic level humans belong to the same species. Orcs by contrast are not the same as humans. Neither are elves. The races are radically different biologically. Humans have different phenotypes but ultimately the same species.
i still don't know how to do damage as rogue in pvp btw
falt draenei are literally built for bimbo'dorei
Chairs looking kind of rough.
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follow your heart >>>/h/hdg
Err sweaty you better cool it with the racism okay??? Or else I will report you chuddy! BLM!
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we are reaching delusion levels previously thought unimaginable
and i thought i was having a rough go of it
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We found out who was leaking our messages. She will be dealt with.
Forget anything ever happened.
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>Plants on the ground block swirly animations in Fungal Folly

Nice game wowkeks.
>Try to send personal crafting order to crafter
>It says they dont have correct profession

Wtf? Is it because I say minimum quality r5?
>male sweat stain patterns
they can never escape the truth
what does that even mean i don't understand the text properly
Holy fuck. She could feed an entire tribe of Orcs with those.
Are you sure you are sending it to the right person? I don't think it's because of the quality because i got a random r5 request when the expansion started
nerubtroon sisters!! emergency meeting!!
Whoa, that escalated quickly! Leaks in the ranks? I can’t believe it! Guess we’ll just pretend everything’s fine and hope for the best.
you pay 50k to the key holder
after completing the key you will get your 50k back
if you leave you do not get your 50k back
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are people really that desperate lmao
I wish someone would personally teach me this stuff. I have a hard time learning without being shown once or twice with instruction.
I'd be willing to pay almost that much desu, just for the mythic vault slot and and IO boost
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WoW is an ARPG thanks to the diablo team joining the WoW team years back.
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we did it
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>keep getting sharted on in pvp
>realize I never spent my conquest
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New to wow, first time playing tank, trying to level in dungeons. my party kicks me out without saying anything at all, when I told one of them that was rude, he just makes fun of me. after some back and forth I finally get some sort of constructive criticism.

This isn't how you should treat new players, this is toxic pure and simple. they never once offered any advice on what I was doing wrong, we made it through maybe 3 boss pulls before I died to some random mob pull, and kicked from the group. They can see I was trying my best, I was using demo shout, I was using challenging should when it was off the 2 minute cooldown. I tried to taunt whenever I noticed something lose threat or change target, and if it got away from me i chucked my weapon at it until it came back to me.

I dont understand why thunderclap is so important, it doesn't say that it generates any threat, only does some aoe dmg and generates 5 rage... it's not something intuitive for a new player to just "know".

TL;DR: just don't be rude to "bad" players, offer them constructive criticism, Not everybody goes out and watches or reads guides just to sit, relax and play a video game.
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<Sneedtuber resharts>
Nope. I have skipped and filtered.
They still need to fix the crafting system and raid looting system
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m+ is just overtuned, if your healer is pumping out over a million HPS and you still wipe then its a sign your group isnt doing mechanics (which is very common in pugs)
its so fcking over
That dude is a retard and the fact they cleared without you proves it. I wouldn't suggest being a tank as your first job though. I started with mage and monk then rogue.
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yeah the threat generated by an ability doesnt matter as much these days from wrath to mists of pandaria tanks got like 400% increased threat so any damage helps you hold aggro
hope this takes off so blizzard can be absolutely swamped with tickets from party leader scamming everyone and getting his weekly +10s done
damn the mounts are sick
getting both of them
i think so
i have something close to a 50% disband rate on NINES
ive done four 10s, i only finished one of them, half the listings in lfg for 10s/11s have COMPLETION NO LEAVERS in the title
its actually reasonable but its the principal of the situation, i imagine a 10 key probably runs well over a million gold currently but i dont buy carries, its just a guess
Whats this about Max and resting his voice? How hard is to sit and talk? It's not like he's yelling. People work at call centres for 12 hours a day.
Is he trying to pretend raid leading is bad for his health or something?
I miss this silly lizard
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Resto druids are so shit
Stop playing them.
probably got told to shut the fuck up and let them play the game
kek they blamed mental health issues couple expansion ago when they got raped by echo lul
*rejuvs u*
This ping system is so fucking annoying, hate everyone pinging every little thing.
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why is this noble dragon aspect so promiscuous?
This post here
why do you think you get 50k back?
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>mad at a good feature
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she does it so the red dragonflight can thrive
She rides ebyssian's tauren cock every single day for hours on end
what melee dps should i play
dk, war, rogue or enh sham
problem easily solved if they just revert the vault changes and let you get your myth track from 8 or 9
its really stupid and people are losing their shit, clearly as evidenced by my last 10 gb
bwoooooo thats dark :(
>be retarded
>waste peoples time being retarded
the game is fucking 20 years old
method overtakes echo
That's an advert and is reportable btw
why do you think i didnt apply and instead chose to share it with you lot?
I was explaining it for our esl friends
i was just doing that, its actually dogshit
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She was never the same after the Dragonmaw Orcs...
Does quality matters when prospecting ore for gems and glass?
neither are ranked so it shouldnt but dont quote me on that
This video is so retarded, wow was always a toxic piece of shit
I would argue that classic is way worse
this why I abandoned queues long ago. queuecucks are near-vegetative. I'll bet he was excited to see a newfag making such basic errors cause the other 98% of this game's flow is far beyond his cooked brain.
No they didn't
ww monk
war gets nerfed constantly, rogue is designed like shit, enh shaman is overcomplicated for minimal rewards
Fyr'alath > shadowmourne
>healer dies in solo shuffle
>spam "?" in chat while pinging his body
its literally the best features added in the game ever
i find it really cringy when the arathi use ashes as a slur
>enh shaman is overcomplicated
>press 3 buttons in sequence
>too complicated
Your brain on WoW
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niggas be ashy
Show those healcucks their PLACE
This is your Worgen wife for tonight. Please say something nice to her.
I died retardedly in one of my 1.8k decider matches a couple seasons ago and the monk on my team had me on speed dial, he whispered "gj" before my guy finished collapsing. now being spam pinged is one thing but I will always notice small plays like that.
god I hate furfags
new noname jaina kino
it's unironically one of the best features because 90% of the players are basically dogs
you NEED to spam that shit constantly because dogs are FUCKING STUPID and will eat their own shit if you look away for two seconds
Its time to get compressed.
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it's really not that hard and i'm sure there are step-by-step videos on doing it
>furry is...le bad!
>ai xal' feetslop is...le good!
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He didnt say that you fag
I hate footfags too but no where near as pathetic as furfags, nice projection
this but unironically
This is the kind of skill expression Blizzard is killing after introducing the ping system. Now its too easy to bm your teammates
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I tried it a few months ago to make MegaMan legends stuff. I unironically have an easier time just drawing than setting it up.
so he spent at least one gcd typing instead of trying to win? no wonder no one heals in pvp lmao
people keep saying enh is complicated. I just don't get it. especially don't get the primordial wave complaining.
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She's mine from now on
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>ai xal' feetslop is...le good!
enough of being declined
can I roll any tank or will those subhuman niggers only invite guardian
i cant do more dps than 735k at 603 ilv is it over for me?
any tank except prot pally (but people might still invite a prot pally if theyre desperate)
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>earned 20k so I can buy the mammoth mount with the vendors
has he done anything with xal yet
paladin tier looks like some magical girl shit, why the fuck do the wings flop around?
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Why is her cleavage fleshy instead of fuzzy bro
post her getting plapped I beg you
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furfags get the rope
no that worthless retard just recycles the same 3 models over and over again
AI doesn't know what dog tits looks like, put human tits on a dog
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anon... this is a blue board
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i fucked my raider io profile up by staying in these dumpster fire +7's haven't i...
>no worgen
>no tauren
he doesnt even use the good jaina model with messy hair
ive only seen that model used twice with orcs
what's your most wanted race/class combo not in yet?
Gonna need a source Xal devotee
the only person looking at your r.io profile is you
>New to wow, first time playing tank
fun fact:
if you play as tank as your first character you will regret it if you ever try tanking when leveling - because 95% of the playerbase knows every ancient dungeon from 15 years ago so 5 minute long runs are expected. once you get to endgame, tanking is... reasonably chill, actually
otoh if you play a healer as a new player - leveling is neat, since dungeons are easy and you just follow the group, but then you get to endgame and you need to spend like 8 weeks learning all dungeons that exist, what each mob and boss in them does, install and customize about 12 different addons and then still get shat on by people for not healing when they themselves ate shit on avoidable mechanics
tl;dr just play dps
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Let's see compared to Elden Ring
>World of Warcraft has better lore?
Absolutely. Fromshartware throwed the entire IP to the window with the disaster of the DLC. We're talking about damage even beyond than what Shadowlands did. Completely fucked up beyond repair.
>World of Warcraft has better gameplay?
also true, L2den slop is a self-explained joke, to this day this hasn't been addressed despite there being weird shit patches from time to time, which are another joke on their own.
>World of Warcraft better balance?
Unironically ridiculously better, Elden Slop balance is retarded bc fromslop doesn't know how to tune shit.
Also going back to L2den Slop, every ranged move literally makes every similar spell/incantation (which there are a lot, ehem reusedassets software) useless.
>World of Warcraft has better worldbuilding?
Also true but unfair point, WoW has a ton of years on it's back but then again Elden Slop has copypastes of Limgrave in different colours and only a few actually good unique zones in between the slop areas. Leyndell, Elphael and Stormveil are kino though.
>WoW has better gameplay?
True, Elden Ring was made so even the most retarded monkey can beat it with closed eyes. Even WoW minigames are 20 times more serious and skill-based than whiff punish ER pvp slop is.
>WoW has better tracks?
First point where they are on par i'd say.
>WoW has better characters?
True as well.
Almost every important and used-to-be-good character was completely raped by the DLC, ER has almost no good characters left. Maybe just Morgott.

Do i really need to keep going. Fromsoftware has fallen.
ogre tinker
*malleates wax*
Azerite is azerite. Gangue or not
>no finish
the kobold darkness shit is cool in theory but kinda lame in practice.
Sehtrak Dragoon/Hoplite
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post it in /hdg/ please...
usually a lot of it is just skill too
arcane is harder to play than frost
an inexperienced/weaker player will do better on frost than arcane
most people are pretty bad at the game and only the elite will actually do good numbers with arcane
most people are not elite.
it was better in Hearthstone
probably undead druid
high elf
Google demimond23 xal'atath.
It's a sad story actually, she was born with mass-titty-itus and mocked relentlessly for her big titties throughout her life.
When the worgen began rampaging across Gilneas she sought to flee, but the weight of her titanic bosom stayed her feet and she was left behind.
Now her original affliction manifests itself in her new form as mammaries so massive her fur can ill cover them. A sort of female pattern baldness of the boob, of which she's very self-conscious.
undead paladin. not sure about non-player races, it's been a while.
grats cute nooby :)
some of cataclysm's lore was cool
the endgame story was dogshit, but I really liked the resurgence of conflict between the Alliance and the Horde in places like the Barrens, Ashenvale etc
it fell flat in many other places though
dunno about complicated but enh is definitely hectic
it would be better without the discount stitch voice acting thank god that dungeon isnt on rotation
milk truck just arrive
if you're getting outdps'd by a frost mage as arcane anywhere but sustained AOE then you are straight up shit at arcane. even with a 20 ilvl gap this doesn't happen, the problem is objectively (You). rewatch manathers video and pay attention when he tells you to get the st rotation down 100 times throughout the video this time
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>power nap
>wake up
>power nap
>wake up
>power nap
>wake up
>arcane is harder to play than frost

Worgen Demon Hunter
Devil Dog, man.
That explains why it looked familar
the only way to make money with professions is by spending concentration every 100 hours
doing anything else is just a loss
regionwide AH killed professions
letting multiple people tag skin mobs killed skinning
we need Blood of Sargeras/other BoP materials back to even have a chance in hell of making professions worthwhile again, Legion was the best for this reason.
I love the dungeon, it's literally a map of vermintide 2
>the average tank in current +2 is roughly as knowledgeable about the dungeon as a tank from +2 in DF
>except +2 in TWW is +12 in DF
I picked a really bad time to try out healing
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Worgen paladins
it only takes this enchant to give you one extra null stone to be break even, then it's pure profit
>except +2 in TWW is +12 in DF
oh man you actually believe this don't you?
Echo just took the lead
high arakkoa DH
low arakkoa priest
two-headed ogre where the second head is protected entirely from harm I would play shaman and listen to podcasts with in-game chat disabled
if we cared we'd be one of 5,000 WORLDWIDE watching right now
its more like old +10 is the new +4
I don't get undead paladin lovers. That literally wpuld not work. Holy priest ONLY works because of gameplay, in lore they are shadow priests and those who aren't are actively hurting themselves with the Light. Priests use Light AND Shadow, a Paladin's connection with the Light is stronger. Do you know what would happen to a forsaken if you made it a paladin? It would explode. Do you just want to steal all of Lordaeron's identity? Aren't you happy enough that you have the ruins? But sure play your Forsaken paladin that just keeps hurting itself whenever it casts a spell. That would be great for tanking +8s I'm sure
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Uh oh
Also why is preach even there?
But they'll soon go to sleep, just in time for Liquid to test out strats /ourguy/s will be able to steal in the morning
needs money for his hair plug maintenance
are they BoE? that is, can i convert my spiderbux to gold?
every day I run siege again and every day splinterstorm still yolopulls the first and second boss
Forsaken cucks are the most spoiled playerbase in this game. Everything that was once Alliance is theirs now and they're still not happy. They were right about there being no factions all of the Alliance belongs to the Horde via the Forsaken
i'm finessemaxxing on herbing and perceptionmaxxing on mining (for null stones)
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ya kinda maybe
you're better off just flipping blizzard the bird and unsubbing
i got invited to a gb earlier because i had good logs and didnt leave the 10 gb from last week so it really depends on whos making the group but on average people would rather not play/invite if they're not going to time
lfg is just going to die off this season
and its sad honestly but thats what happens when you promote retards to the top of the stack in a corpo
Yeah Lordaeron? That's stormwind clay, the alliance just couldn't man up and take it until after it was fucked
Reminder that the Forsaken are hecckin valid blorbos who can do no wrong and the Alliance are the criminals actually. And also they should have paladins for reasons
normally i hate this kind of shit with a passion and would never advocate adding races to paladin
if i could get a catgirl race with paladin im on board
needs to basically just be a belf with catgirl hairstyles and a tail tho, with like some whisker style face tats like finaltroon
The hell is wrong with you undead people? How would they even work?
Any other DH race other than elves. Yes I realize the irony of what I typed out in the sentence above this one
That's because Blizzard wants the Forsaken to exist no matter what and had to make humanity stupid since the start of WoW. They had to get rid of Varian and put Onyxia in and start the Defias be ause they would have taken Lordaeron otherwise but no gotta have our heccin cute zombies who do olno war crimes.
Undead druid would fulfill the decay part of nature Blizzard doesn't wanna acknowledge. It'll never happen cause they'd need zombie feral forms and blizzard refuses to make completely new druid stuff
yeah vairan only showing up in wrath was fucking retarded
god yes, more, for the love of god, post more
Only way it will work is if every time a Forsaken paladin uses a spell they take 20% of their hp as damage. Then your character gets deleted
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Pick you're side
>Also why is preach even there?
you can't ignore his girth
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Let's address the actual issue: Stormwind is rightful Lordaeron clay and the Forsaken should have that city. Alliance humans can get shoved into Ironforge so that people will remember it exists
>humanity's stupid
Yeah huh, maybe they should've helped Lordaeron at the start instead of letting it get fucked.
>liquid has been stuck at barely making it to p3 for 100 pulls now
If WoW were a good game the Alliance would have Lordaeron and Forsaken would be deleted as a playable race.
we gaming
I click the folder for more options
>This recipe is on cooldown
>turn a thousand 1 quiality items into five 3 stars ones
>artisan's acuity
Crafting is so fucking awful
uh sis? i've been personally facing down the biggest bads in the setting and BEATING them into submission WEEKLY for twenty (20) years

they call me champion out of raw, primal FEAR. i beat jaina proudmoore's ass into submission once, and she knows all too well i can do it again.
At the very least they should have united instead of a good population of them becoming bandits
It's why I never understood people who say Vancleed had good motivations or was sympathetic
He went against humanity in a time when humanity was suffering from the Scourge
There was a big undead army ravaging lands up north but no, gotta have a civil war for reasons
Current blood dk and pres evoker would have survived this
alleria on my face
xalathath (?) on my dick
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>preach psychically fucking this twink and pozzing his neghole
>he feels every stroke beating his boy prostate
You can hear it in their voices. Liquid knows they lost already. They know that they have never won a final boss where Echo pulled ahead of them. Get ready for months of coping about "muh 3 hour maintenance" and "muh sore throat" from max
how increase my dps?
i laugh because not only was this entirely your fault as the healer...
...but you keep posting this as if it wasn't entirely your fault

i kind of want to message that DH just to let him know how mind-broken you are over this
Install rotation scripts
why are echo playing a prot pala??
using hekili will easily let you parse 95%+ on a melee spec and 85%+ on a ranged spec
just time the keys you didn't and that's it
you are clueless.
nobody is surviving those wolves leaping and the tyrannical wolf aoeing everyone
sorry sis you arent knowledgeable enough.
even the dps know it was the tanks fault at the end.
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max sisters... it's not looking good for us
>all that fucking work for a couple of flask of alchemical chaos
Yeah maybe, at this point Im just selling high quality mats
time for liquit to pack it up.
all that busywork is just spreadsheeting the AH like a kike, you can just gather raw materials instead you know
on the bright side, pvp seems to be quite good right now

i did a couple m0s last week and remembered what dungeons and raids are about. you have two paths: either the kafkaesque horrors of group finder or guilds and their concomitant discordtrannyism
liquid is improving p2 and p3 they could easily push into p4
echo is days behind
idk sister Alexstraza the priest there sat at 77% hp for like five GCDs

i guess this is one of those fights where everybody has to be topped all the time
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something tells me they would not be too happy about purple alien women sex on there so do this https://jigex.com/KSSqj
Fucking disgusting

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